The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, March 09, 1854, Image 3
--- v.- ....,...-4- ,-, .-16.irtminiii5. 4 1: - A - A ,--- A r lie toriaftillUiprnatt to ncite - '.. brasia "ill. _,--, -, . .. - Senator Denglai has, reeently. written a letter - tit a New .Ha m h ire 44 . 09 r 4e. nouncing him in qua_ _!llkOa! l,rrosfor _ inlinAnnihatthicajeetsfasia_t -r bill is , to legislate 81nitiirk,tyriZ. - torr. ' !rile W a lk in g". M. -% qiiire't irepeats,a tt i c y " a f t er Jay, iircliiiiltrafr risanraffeerhat the onliobjee.eof-the,,N11,14,,tp iineuretri_ the lie Ole of - 0 49-!rerrilt9Trto, l r*14; 11) a'clinit or exciudei lave. ~tts t bieY sec fit. Awl ,t.hi! : accomplices ot SniiiitOr &w oo; tn vinous, flectiont lat he *Min try, are echoinehil diclargithilf]ilial - tilx . - - ~ T er y vill lint,,go . - to,lsiehrfisk*:„. beOnise t h e soitand climate ;;are notikdaiitea.tolt.• While puhlie,attention- data fasten:- ed uton .34in;INeb,r441',billpilid :discus sions are bad 'askoits 'effect on Slavery in Oettl 67 7TAFtittir.V4Vo.o.t # 46* Tcaleti t s are going ontln-titthilikr qu , 1.0 desigileA ttc , :to follow - ni:thiSTAlViiir . n' otter,firhio vbali apstre. Ilie,establishmen , of Slovelly . throughoutiNitiritska: - It will We-Amine trilnind'that toine'days since all ihe - 'prO-. sisintut, and aflpreliriatio4 in iltlN,rehris - liaVili,reiniing to the Indiana weie),n,riell on•outin the Senate—in opler to .enal)le `the ;bill , to be passed' in . the Noose, with- Obt going tcifhe 'certithittee'oftlie Whole, :under_ the , operation of tbe . o-evioueilues:' lion ; anal hat Senatoi• Douglas asseatAcl le Ilto amendment; beenuse,:he saidi the • qotrit tee on Indian affairs, knit it .13 ill in, prepiration ' whieh , woutd.,c(A•er thilpoul- : ; - 1 . • ' :-. —- r . -:-.bir, .0r i . 0f,•_,5.:C.., .i..-Cliairrnalt of. the House liCtnrinliiteo •:611 tailiiittalfaira;: , -'ailti• .. - 4ebill. which lite bai ' Tireti . ar ed . - Ints l jtritt ' . been printed: , entitled I', a:hill defining \ the terms. on I:ii-hic.lllx eatiei shall. hereaf ter be made with eeriaiir,tribes .of:-Indi ans and ..j;ir-:-.:*ikty,'liiirposiro.! : . ..Thiii bill : ., :protides t liaCeiteh - family . of eirery - :tribo. or naiiint,Ofindians may loente'tvhorne7 :.'stead On thefollciiiiitig terrns . i.- - .. • ..,`'. • ~_ .. . , • ... . . . Each . glib gl e - . -person over : lilt' years , old 'is -. en- . - titled to 80 - acres; each Emily:4 two persons.l6,o, 'wrest. each tardily of three ttnittlot over tivArB2o xe.rvii.;: eaclt.feinijy of , nix . and . - not • exceeding •ten, ' 4E40 Ames fur -*yen? :flit = members -and to families, Who Cwn SLAVE , • iraddition\lo thO fOregt?iwg,' ' there „Rhea be allowed Thai than ten statics, one ire:. ;ion (820#eres); Tien and eta exceeding fiftren ,1... section t 640 acres.) an tifor evertytenabaye that num ber, one-hay section 040: ~‘,.-3-r y '' ..- - ' . - . ThiA. -mil I ! :.jnieptded-asSan inpentlitc:l . O. i 111 e N'eltriska. hill of Sena! *-1),/ligi,s,--„. : The -latter repeals the protibition,whieh' - -.:..- now tests ppm) ,Sl.- very: iti Nebraska, anti ;:the other is intended to recognize and -tai : legali4 its e x istence, and to pa , Az; bottn -Aty. outi Of ',the Treasury of the . United: • . I Statesior theintro ' duction-•of slaves ; ac __-... . . • _ toy :clink to llaeir number: This is. co- - . k tainl) - ' 4 most .extraordinary. mOvetitcrir;. --anti: shows .the.: ItollOwnsa,4'n4 and byp ocrisy of it be pretext that this bill is in tended t the:. subject Slaver,y entirely' bityo rid theact action•oftlite Federal Gove i rument.,-iy, I Tines. - • • . Tiii C c . iigio4s is tr . x.!i . .-,-*.ck have re - 1 - • ceived lately files i .pa pers - and : private . .I'.letters from W ester!. Te4asi,,,i,e4,),dici.. ope a soniewhst impo tans, Torment in . pro4ress. ' It is well -lciat.wrilhattheGer 7 . . mans .bave been tetifog .in „Considerable: - -numbers, of . late 'yt ars, towards the fer- 1 tire. plit , ea_u ' lands -, f . West erli teittiS 7 .--, ' . ihe.genial climate and the iilinlied fruits ..- Aztf the li!orthe,ru anti Southern . Zoneina:-., ''•• trirally : Aempt such a people thither,- - e'-The cOiintry is easy . of, access: from the quif," arid; above all;.to the .9 ermi n---th. 6 . . ftieemdtt need not . ..mule : aide by side;With - - •.. the:ilave. - TO A hese fertilafields slavery , . has not: yet penetrated in fcirce: - . Our cOr- . • - respondent informs US that- in, 'tire town wliere,lie is visiting, San Apt - unit). de Bex:. Ar" ar,thereare thousands of Germans doing. • .. all ;the :Mechanical . work, and even :the .: Pigritatinii. labor of the country around.. - A • -' - thousinilbales:Of cniton'-have- been - raiie - d • and picked in'. one little district -by the. ~. ..Gerina ns alone f: ...German:label- is .found .",•0 be cheaper, and Of • course." far 'more. Ashorougla, thin' slave labor... Everything Mndtcates.he states,.'a prosperousohrtvlng ci►mmun t* Schonl4 and churchei are -tiring built; the rowdy - idle habitant Eas - tern-Texas are - unt, comparatively, visi- . .ble,-and a spirited Anti-Slat-dry; press is sustained. In other:words, a : settlement :\)f freedoth is growintr . ..•-up almost .in the heart of a slave state:- The Gertuan pa pers which our inforMent.seiols, -bear out! The same account: . T4ey'arelarge, baulk printed-svireli sheets, essentially Tree. . Soil', in tone, containing in these•.nu tuber s several extracts on the duty of;foteimmrs in oar country towards slavery l ,_,-;Who knows, s4taOur. cnrrespnedent, t hit ti free ?tizta state may not in a few yeaii, spring. up in Weitern Texas I Tithe friends of free ;labor at thegorth, suclinews as this , in I the pres!Ant . aspect_ of affairs; .eotnts like.a voice of env) - , Daily , . Igr Charles SuMmer; the ellsquen t Senator - - from Massachusetts. in - his late speech in the Senate of the United'States against the Nebraska Bill, ,employed the' . following rhetorical - figure t- Itisnne'nf the:melancholy tokenr of the power of : Sitive7, under our :_political , system, s avint especiaPy br9tigh :the ope r ations of the National Gliverntuent, that itloosetts and . .destrOys the ~character Northern men, 'even at IC - clislonte--iike the hl i ack magnetic:, mounteh:tie the Ara •‘ bian stoty,.under irresistible tracti;Sn.thelrOn bolts,.Whielfheld tOtetb, er the strOng': timbers of, - , - 11itatel$ , ship, were"drawn out, till the Whole_fell apart, and beiame a disjointed wreck. '1 Bose principles, which constitute 'the individu ality of - - the- - No4evn.character, - which - .render it staunch. Oiling, and seaworthy, which. 'bind it together as iron, are drawn ont; e ne try Op,.like_the. 1 4ta of - the ig-ratea mt.:v.:ilia - tit* the misers=' ble loosen ed fragments formed that human anoMiily—a Noriherst slats with, Setrthern - Such/ men cannot speak for the North. . . = z . • The Homeitead pastwidi tie 3EbniLse bY Among the -Nays are: . (nun New t •iiampabire; which Wetild seem to threaten- a Presidential 'veto; . but we a c i ,, 124„147;'•11)uilgb General xierce's personal .tei 'logs are danbtlesi averse to the,: measurec— the real danger is in the Senate; itnaYeiT 111!rf:e.' t tle hive that a body , that .could p a ss atrocious an act as the Nebrialialpigiii.! ty will,be likely to follow 14cilie eq. beneficent as that whiCh; proffers te .. eyerY landless citizen a .Free Home" finm S'the Public Domain.. The ...mighti4ialitiences of . Railroad Jobbing,' Land : Warrant Speculation .and all „ the gainful arts *hereby tie fee/ - amass at:the-ex pense cothe many, rou it r I be g/ Lea sgainst.this: bill in: Om Senate, - .and : we kelletid *l ` ill there Neverthe ries; !pi! is Something thatit has triumph. iiitriiii r tiffa Bomes &".' ly 1 ; file' e lan ago. In9st.ciu gokiklious. l . , frier/dada/Id ilki ali4!Niii4X4n#l., 14' ',lt Vliniti f- '"i f-i‘''c • ce/.4' /4, f•;'1;-i 'lil * 3i ' ^' . I + . era:P , t;N-<: , ‘1 s lhe -Sallie' to : . #lotei • C.. - : WatimuOixoX,ltcradir 4' 6;' , 785. Doreicipiiiii,ts . i iiay, i do _ ` t :fact,' : s trict 11116 lilt 6bl/a lbw do lit t . a: . , that the me 4't on of the , net le: volved In the , i'e 14 bill, is btit i.the l inatty 1 1 51 step l'' ii , Itheexeention a One, , the bold -I:ew c est : tad t tittipendens - eofill iro.l ever hear& 0: - . i rnOPufihei, •ii -o 'Lisa, n' isle iv 1 .3 .. meat than the.forlible seize _tit. lice, • Central Arneii' i said' Cuba , d ring t , .- ..primdhing St+ i sr, l o{ in' - !in/ , Anci, then. conyerslon into s avi t t6 e`fel:/St heti the',.key to the ' utioti t O thit.4ostin _ rjitkl ble,political :0 na 40 t, he tit/tell; - 0'11 1 : Abe .motives lath .` - ho 1 Ala,beenin*instrit; 'melital - in - *Kin '''tiii tin Aifirtedthia titiestion in.the nt •-. It' A:4l/1/10sh:.,Orne of i the first nie o he Ro Arblie will he linpli eated mid y',ll aittte ionthern leaders. I R (v. ' 1 RUSSIA` Ya.' ROTES 0rr4.9010 1. 11c ,IP: of ;he 'Newt w two. years . a resident .in :0 As.'Bo4l - aittsßuk‘ii has 1 * iwerit . teli.i('itt Turkey. • Chuichi'alli Jhose . I Mts.. ~..seried na ditiserof ;Scot-- to. 1 I were •driveß the ' tick Seitdinnt.-t a Years. 'II hatettii`iticteni - 'Tor ei his bakbeqntk'g and . s)- I las- fin' snipe y . ,He as drediof thousa d o f lc, ' h rs; iii i:44 pm:- R "ssila ,, s ghee t mint of 1 t 'yea 'at - bay net ; ri‘iri a cl i ias Il i hout- resis n *n 1. • his 14 an 'SU US , 0 . 14 not is pti oils. I- Th_ . id iii eviti ellt4 a n, eridin 11 4 - k ,and Is giving - <l.Of .t -Tlic t .'' - 5 Z T 4 4iTISSi. , : 4,, Y4lrk Them •Edrppe; aays . galned) , the 1 or. r thene, sion i aries i, "11: land, Were,. 14v ~ 1 - shore ot the, v [ rig h:' They . or Greeee, messii ess Of Me ~ eonvetted . .hu 4, erans toil of ,s 1 re: ciled, b The piiint ef, be . co,uld 4 Iti Greeli Chtir. cocifefrinto - • i . crease fir; - view kif CI 1` ) .1 Aimenian CI th 4 .tauu• urche4 in. I tgcra['' -' - -1.-...•..- cc0 , ;(1.,4::.5s . s . ,Ar.i.—N - e j Congres4 ova in §essiOn c At". .5 o'ehi . ti Sato a), ter sitting. al ntilit t 'the bi ~. ihe Tet:ritori iof i'Nl.pra '',k arid.. finallY. passe the, 'ena••.b i i Oe'fo o‘f l ing votes :-,... - 1' • 'fos-S.--M •a.,!• .5r.44.-Adams, . tch Mu, FL d ger, Bard, ? 4n,jprifin;llio head, h' it, 'Butler. piiss; Olar, Dawshn, Dixon, Di / ' las, lihdge, ihf„ ovra.) .'Ev us'y Fitz 'it rick; IGriit , l'G: in, 11Unt 'i- . . 3ohtf:Ol ithoe“of , vva„),, Jioes, (o Teno.l I soh, ..,111 thou' loiTis, -Pettit PKatt,•ll `i . §.l4;As Oh S . , 1043 1 80(10 ; iitirt ; Tilt! 'l, 1,,, son ! ,(t . Y..I Trii ! iinps, - ini (,f IC.1 1 ,) 0 - We ler . :;pd-INViiiianis.- 1 -, 37. ' , fr . ' gi ::: 2% ossijs,. :Bell, - ,CPo_se:' , Do • gt, i W .i ) 1' 'seliden, Fisli,i',Fuot, I,H in li4 111 h.' ton 4 - arn'os, seirSrcl,Sioith,Silni-, We' e . a il. Walker-4i. - -. ''.lci.. - 111 1 !- srii. ,13,rigili, -- Tiiiiiihs itrl'a. lk)ii are; eV !. ;but alt vvoUld ha.•O,',.vo for iie bi 1—.3: ..- '.• A. 14 '*' °IV RI. '''''rge4STS. ,Phelps; Pearce, ipey,Eielc'tt,f - Ciytotiaod Wright: 7 - . 6. Ulettlof ‘ 4.,.L, Pbelti of Yernihnt, )pe r.l of. _pa.; 1 and ,E verett of: Mass., tld b 're vOted against-th .bill if they bee'iire l ent . . = ; - (. of 'Cr fILEATT day greninv repsirr that 'a ed with Mexic iks tuft be 17th , .. . "be ,tts - ', had t vim gnsnliiti rig with, - the i f " Corti iSSiene s appolnteti b §anta Anna to .1 at wit 'him - . awl- bait! concluded nnthi k. . T ere is,guod reaioin te belie‘lt that e has :o ureti . tilargdsum - of 'money 14,r,S ira. hihnahua and. t f .., ' nu nwer tqli fursii' . , Santa. Anna _ would , glad -to ..seia the m'oney,:hut he re to that the k ectisit n of so-large a territortr might cost i i hitt 4ie throne wh,tch he is bout to as . . bY a retent,larriial- fre l ,tti Europe .2r inkrm4,l;" . tint, the= Emperor of kyral sick -- ; dWO '`:3l4 - • bed; seen: I people ffir me time.. Weibrie , *it stateo by some whhtlaim to kliots. :hing of , h is viajeitylie liabita s ; that ' ii:prtlia aiiknefans ofthe Czar s'vere , limes,eMpilyedi to tiorer 'his sujden mpl,'emettis from the "pita] inng. t 0 sonie z.,,, mote or tees emote . f a rt of his empire; to enjoy an Fapp !lenity - I'of personal np,.fpec lion of men • ml things, unteeknown.tb the parties inte ieiL- I . .- '-'- i ~ we Ru by ,k bea sorn tbel PO Me pa, ' list ma, a p'.or_matisuff! he t r rt tires of hydrophi.bia. dra' glits of vinegar, given Itifinste4d of an 'ot her f[nor lante el Padua gat ititelli ' nee' andt tied tlio :tame re ad) , iat the { to, petal, ' ad . inis.: d of iinegarlit the me ping oon, and a third at skt , , set, was speedily and, perfectly tlr Attrd ering under' 1 1,1 it s ca r ed I) N.. hz hyr*it ti . A phys of 'bit event ti m_i piti: le ng a pi) , .a '' a t . iheina . Iticauxual; Esq. of appointed Y: Sr—E. It, .;'Claits. :Ong , rPAinet : l l . , - .2 D. 4 bits ,bee ot t the' - t ER41..1) I. ~ 1 I Notice , . ~ _ . ... 'tellt :, 'he antaml Meeting of Odd' elbiws 11-Aokoeiii "ivill be held it - th eir:hal .01 Abe:' t- MOWS,' f': , A 'I next,,iii c s tiro o'C r. at.;' OA A , end other it Rant iPiftio ...".. '-'' !' D:Bitg.yisTra; ly. •* . . St 1854- .' - ' ,- , - .1 — " -- 7- 1 4 ,_ ... , I or alien-Wanted. -. '1: , fell on - cc-wit ' be,. thim -11 y " ;:received - 1W li '. lc-'), 4 hi; ofpbew P k Dmsolm.;:vrlio • - from Liv ~ , , An 'the eta ' Henry Clay, on -oth vf Novein -, -I last, ~,Rewill fi nd hie' on . . ~ i-in ;II- ,- - .r —iebanna county,- Fes, on tbePin o liew•Yeilf pa- ..,, ~, :].F.',,,,. -.' .7,-..;-.;..;. ' ..'''..."-':-Jtilit-ttil , On : try the f 31446 .o.t tons Dtmodt 'co P VW SLIM! 141 . *' *'' 14:1,- .:j::-..r-1,: ;ems .ttliere, on = iCiit ~ , al' • incl:::- i tyi)enqi; :caU. the I:l:Yee' - 4fiFiip . Attrof ',-*iocrliiii. ch ay .There , T reit y . 11. Mrci -. ads r ,: cembrr oting: Greek the wards from '4;ni6eikut : an 4 ap t° huid ar : - Gas• :it)f tbe for 1,4. It ps a slii4ach_t" :No powers.''RAM. 11114144rithilialt4. .14.4 °f: s Pa* ir , sbac - 904:. -•••:4:4-Hon; ui Cot .1. I, '.E.lll_ ; 11 ,- 2 s, Erma MOM . . . . i _ • - : • -Id.Bridgeiriter Co.,Saturday thci:.l9th tilt pi 7; 1 iiiikr.r.., 2 : ; : - :191.Aid .. /tde A::,trriti"J.; Will* tinef i * .i„ ....,:fi: ...2 .`4'1; . : . .; - ..5....;: r ;••••;•: :. '•'; • rd.' vocaltealth foe lon e -,- Apr ~ ru p fxo ok i . r ow, •to. ' bee death' . " : itt#' . - .. ..`T . ton' " •' • ,lo.- hail * 4 9 4 /041 1 01 1 ,0 1 **.. . 1 7 1 tried' . .tried , :.:.:,. ,. ..,: 4"":4$ 1 0. 1 t. t-1-2 10 1a4;.: - : , : brie , Ittfj4mtlt . ..,tbielC er rained;' . - trilitial*itti, ' .*Aliartriachslhio7 - • Et* ** . - . r " . i t *****lriVetir :the 'eta - ing,.tice'ti :. :Ifbilfilifiittifidtt-tlie Ittaidet all,. !Prlitc il f n ! ' * l, .*Cirreqlrete ijsrt .4didt..a , *o9l-1, we - ,!111 : 4 1 .. - h O -4 6 k 1 :00 4 " , i t ;',‘4#4 ft: -. 1 4 1.i i t22. mo re nies 1 ittirii t became aat v i i ii e ir : a dfee% I ' i r i . oreiliti'Wiijiii: . -pared ; .iiieet:iliatiOT'Slia k ialmly : :reitlied - ,that iiii, -'.:iiiii...fiscoik Akiatli, bit pai ned : i( ber tIeCP! ly to t *nli 3 Orleavltt.ber ellildreit aberibiWart, (x i..6r, 31 ',.. ; Bat el*•tsifiled.the eherisfaCiaisolation * Witti_be ,:dicfliroptise.Of a ..kiiiil.frieil.who'dientrii , - • 10.1liat ..tditiortiat*liiiiN, kiiill'ildratnist . er t 4 bili . .' ''' ' fort . ?•!--43evide reade r ;` pause is tocarieat. WA' ' 4 . 'lliit' fialiag, to ter rieir, what avoid *rids 're been to her' lii eielaoko for that :FRn. 3 , . ^. ' ise I i' - '." be:has left. tiva iaterelitmg -ceiiiiren;--,a daugliW ' tad 19itortiv,tsell-OKW large sitanbef dr n t nd relatiria , Tree to saourritir eary,Viit. , Her; futieral b !'plaie. tberlditliatiiizoii Tra.atity: thiillst! .4;. *thin' . ;lii it hage . .:;iitanbeecit. *e l di* . antl *Srery-J - iiressire 'diaconal" was deliver... 1 iid by t - Rev-De. tt‘c.•Bylitibjr' -.,. • -'• _. " Voir, -!- ....., • ....• •:,.; .. • • ..... • ... ..••• “.,.. :, : figt.:;.•..(iitttiMiOrfiti:.:::i.-..?:[>. likiltnise, P ‘ , .ROWE, , ;WCODRUFit, R; VbplosOet Grotiers-anii-Otimi*sAion cireceiretriuta cot tale loir • lEL.)!IURR !Celt , 1554: , • TIMOTHY..SEED.' . Fpli side: at J. 3t06 • • • SPNIROSE DEPOtt.. • . XTOTiCEAAteriibt g iien absciihei .L 1 Wig applied to the Court of COmnnon•Plea4 uf §oFiuelLsonot Cotintit-,f(*ibe penefit tbli edlfent [weft of thiliCoininontreltltlf arid , tbel.fiti ! l eonrt.htre.appOinteil Alonaay - 17th tl:tY of April :next for a - bearing. upon t facia- conta,ined in biepkiti9r l or NT!icAtion• Ma:relt,tl; . ll3s4---tw - • 'Alla? Bin. .1: - Clerk Wsititfed. • -.1 LlNCl•inan,.qualifteil by experience, wh o -Leeeto I; .. sass . iti • can :: - prodace , good , and ilatisfactnry i•!%•-•-. rnendai,ions •froin the..person or: persons. by siilann '' last tin ploy ed,• for -bvite:Aty, temperanecy anilllo4i .- • .I*.ap.iinalificatioutz, may Obtain on ream) ie ferms,, fituation - as. Cleik in the 'Drug - and vai ety Stoto iMbeeriber. - .. -: , ABEL 'IV It ELL"; irose;ta4 Itareb.:9, 1851_ . i , i , tv et E. , ), . . . . . .'-.- , 4 7 s ,000 WANTED.-: • ropotals we be received at the: CorinissiOn • ..L - ,ers'ufftee at M, • rose for taking's loan of Ten ..t ancesend dollars' antltia% ed., by act_of assembly to - , Letrie , sweel by.the Can. vof :Statqualannet, for tl e purpose nf uilding it ne • Court House and P bile. offices for•said County,. • tiro the whole atitoutit - of said loan shall-hawa been ken, • .---, The said. loan will : ' lei: taken-. :for • "e"whole: amount.ear intimater smre, aintaY , anit those •-ish• lng to invest money therein, and ,for.such times - may suit the lender at the rote of six per cent per annum, for'Which county . Bonds- will be issued in honf4enity,with the act - of. aiieMbly.., „ .A. ttest.. • ' , , J't II ANCOCK., ?, .A.IVI IX I A 313,.• s • - : - ' A. OARPENI',ER. •?'" Wll.-A.CROSSNIA.N. Clerk. _ :.. -- • Climmir;okaiens otrite, Montrose, 3larch 8,1854. • o Orphani&Coart Sile; ' • x - ToTicE is hereby given . that . in. 'put-smote of .1 1 1 ,an order- of FArc, ist-ucd: from the OrPhans Court of Susquehanna County. the following des cribed property, - ,the•estate of - Witham Bakee. late of Aratnt • - township. - in said count y. deceased Will be sold Fitt public sale by visidtre, un Satur day the eight lay- of April next, at one o'clock P. 111;,--sittratein said township of Antrat, Wended isfollowicto wit: 13eginnin , a at a. maple tree the north west oorncrhereof. w a d the north -.east cor ner of land of -Horace Hathaway, thence north 46 degrees eaatitif perches tole pan; thence south 44 degrees east 90 7-10 perchf to a post. thence south, 48- degrees east 944 perches to a stone tanner ! thence north 44 degreetrtiest 93 7.10 perchesi to ' ttie' of beginning, Cont . :doing . 66 acres or there abbots, mostly improved-and on which, there in a Mimed 'dtrelliog — hote‘e.„ barn, °filmed Az.- - Sale .to be. held upon the prttnises, and -terms made Imoirn on the day of sale. 111 A NICHOLS; Atter. 1615 w 6 Feb: 47, 1854.` ' • ;i: ': Arillisisaittrittoe s Sale.' _NTOTIVE is hereby Oren that in pursuarrearof Ili tan order. of I gile MR ued, from the,',, Orphan* . Court ; of. Suequehanrut County, the folloa,mg, des, elite Property, late the:eitate of Pliny .Birehard i ,in Wino& Township in mid county, deerased,pill .be Offered at public sale by- .vendue,- ou Saturday the of April next, at,pne, o'clock, Pi.,,,)1-: situate in the township _of Jesinp and County afore ertid,l bounded' on the north by lands of, Wakeriurn , a. Hendrick, on the east by lauds of 'lsaac I;:.4f4trup: I /oath by- :ands of A. B..Lithriip .: and I. E...Bireit-; ard, and on , the ivest by laireli - of Frede.rick, ; it; ton : Containing 32 aanT / or thereabouts, witl - Ste 1 Lia appetrtenances,mostlY/Improsed , rte. : Sale be held upon the preanSes, and terrn# made* known I oi tbe day of sal 7 • -- i -f . : i i ••• -, ' L. W. BiItdEARD,I Ad;-*rs. • 1 ~ .• - .'' • /1. E. BIROHARD • • ' - - • March, 1,/li.t. - ..- ', ;-,.._ i'.. '' -- • :' : , Guardian's ale. TICE is hertby "wren that in purse:the!, of 11, isit Order ,or sale issued froth the Orsbelbt\ 'tetirt'ef Stiscineloinna County, there • will 1)e ex- Poseil to file at public sendite, at the Court Hosi on sattmlity" the 25tli day Of February, 113/54,-'at The-undirided4ift part eft it certain tree / tof wild sittd'ithseated land situate in the Winship ()Mack: - son; Ili said Coubtyiin the - Warrantee name of Pe -ter Indlei; contaimnifOur htthdred acres of there. about:B,-6A* the interest of theminor childretrof -Jtunes 0, .1%-klle, late-of Moninew; in county,' deed., in said, lentil. . • SILLY D..itIDDLE, Guardian. ' Montrose, Feb. 2 1854: N. B. The above adjourned one vreek, " ' = . .'• i t flush irapply - for fifty-cents. t s Also 18 pounds of good Jnigar for - one: dollar. 'Thintble - Loser'for one oiltwo lorse .Wagono"-. 1 few-Shires bund,selling tit cost :to clear them ,out., by j B. CHANDLER. liontrose.76,2, • " : Foi of Axes jupt openedA and ill;lia Bold' at ,the,ola Ftee; Otte, dtialli,l7ol3 dOWP.i F B. • . 'TA:TONS it" SON. I fret. or tbirMore• I ' B °! 1,3:0118 A T T NN Exchrige fiir Leth;"Lizneintl Phtsfei tteriat• Ltt S r i2friNT:ttroP • 11445, Coin,t.)ati and Wheat, at the 111411. near* : The italaseeyill4he paid Caol*, . - , 1. ISAAC "L:POST 4E CO. 16061:011i, ' • - - . kitE aellinco ff their . stociipf,Clupds 1-1.. than aver, a order to make iro9m jar thew Storing - call and fee Pr yitti‘ibres, 140 s only tor. ta: ','" c Arnaty 161' V, FL LATIIVLOrkars. 310 AY Stiite Shawls (Peeper Oise everitt.2., (Jul, D. a:LATHROP St ozE rapt* .of that bd t r u st=Self i4t . 0 Jan. .; 11 1 14T1111 1 :kr., , 4 ries: *.• . • ' - a , x '.;. i• F j s~E! t: .Itting, tft tin. ,tiotik4 v ' e.-- 4 54umnffi" .41, 4). —l3n eaktyWitliW • • OckY-' efts, •DA ritte; all _to make room GOYS Matih }• lag ti►; ~N~ Ampply,44 . •Dr..D. 4spf,. pek,t,te4„ F iy MOdieliresj' - secll; =tler thii4hange' abte - climate .* *', 1 ,94 21 1Y , MAde#,. co* .010X1triP compare with Dr. Taynie,i ExlmFrokiltt a coub6. ~ ;:Trry~ it. BEihrfLEY a IgitE nothing t in ieniovi, lond jtot itnd tor: rale 1 -4. . ~. • , . • . • WeiTe l ir k ; - -BENTLEY REILD•tr'!„. , y the blind or sack for ; . ~.iAL' A' : t , ... C.:OVER - kiar itimotttiiint :el the e *Sii it - ISAAC Motitroee, Feb. 15, 1864. T . ... .....Fii6.l- , Fi el :-.-‘ - 1 fri.NrQ tremendous fires Itie °kin out at - th - .)Ils Scetunpl3ll,,,wh4e thifyi Slietiy;iipl then ' ' in* mitre-than t'il'e! i lieelt i'. n • , 01*e cf l ief 'forts madc, by the .d - town town company to ei . . . tinz uisli fr pr impede their progr ; t he hare plied their' thaeliine *hit_ 11 their an. skill, the greater the- effort ma e to stop the fir the more rapidly .they . Writ, all we havoult th leisal Aoubt,-,,that tn.. spite sof al .pppositicia ,-tb - fires will continue to burn forlyearthlieitirigl and' stel tti - ftirge all kinds of edge 4014. oil horse stMes, carriage irona,.antl..job watit'or 'ever ' lietciiption... And •the , proprietor of - Aimee fire would further inform she Public: thasifm.the Pia year, ending the: liit .of-Februitiy,• he. has d'ona. t • ' 'edge toot work 'in Hawley'S Shop ou Alain stree ; He now keeps a first rate . stuck of all, kinds, ttei. 'pledges, minor to ii.4e -no other: 'lnd.:f6r: a corks p .instead. 'of - .the. rattan', Ai:aerie:in issteel'jn 1' Sra‘Ced'i' iron, -.bellies the best iti• German a English 11l i.iter : and' clot -Steel:: . 'Mc' ceriniin .. - iii English tlister etits lif antfeasiitteel 2.2 . ets:Plr pound. and Americtm steel only • cents ; yet li , charges no mare for shoeing tit those: rho ut the American steel and gweed's mit , ton Corks.' Ail wort wilt be doue with neatn ;to order, an warranted. Now, if you wish to ye 20 Icier een . call on i , r i, 'l'D H. HlCKOK .llentruse,:febreary - gt,, 15 : 54. - i .. .: . 8w Publli . Sale i :11.1.1,00 sold, at-pilltlio sal • . - idenie of Jam Scottnti, -Be;:hip„oni - Nedner-cisty, Mustli liext, l at one .o'clock r. x; fic,r#e d propertl; late themtate §. cot,li:p,. ilec - d: ' . '.. ' The - rent 4.... state tomtits . - of I levsiiituate - tl_ln the; town of 0 loin a "county, PAO" , Mires 'fro lion a rill:tee:in' sighl. Of - the.: i RailroaA, 4uljoitting !pints of Nii llohnm:../sinillittivere: • Tie int of 60 IltX,ll- eleared,.ditidett •in ell watered by brio.; stpritr"A cos 'sting -If apple. plum trtief, dwells .2. house, .barn,:,&.c. • ' - , 'Also, a the rautebtime an' ]pl •ed fu gale; "¢' /Cows, 'I Heifers, I wsigon. I cutter, atia other - thi to mention. • , - Tin3rs pi, sups.: cash crown all 'over; mouths C. SCO, . . ' 011.1 S; :;Great rehruary "P , A%T EU SUMMER§VILM, WE 1114% . ,r prepared to:supply . i'ss 3 Aul.'/ArtPf 1. • God -Plastei • at all limes and in any quantities: -4 . p l t the fanners of SunOollarmsi . ty. sift eons It their Ow n interests and addt ti vane and produetivenesi of their farnia - by li this ealuabie fertilizer Inorelreeij thivrthey • heretofore done, we take pleasure hi efferin4 t ern . increased facilities for obtaining it, and ea, ful ly aek them•to sustain ns by their pationaie: ',_ . • i,- • ' . DAYFD SUllifth. Sum niersville, , Fclittinry 20;186f. -. • '''. :.- 1 iri • • Laitesber,o*Sath or A.CTORIL. • , tbe , • of ;nirell Itrotheiw,'Doors.S,sb, and B 1 ride: TaminF•onliancl ihd furnished to order.. Lu her unsurpassed by any in thii- cOunivi. Otdcrr wftlresse,At to me wi re ceive prompt:: attention. Goixt pine tumbe and cotintry.producetakettitt ex.ehap,ge for theta. •ve: Terms, reatry - pai. • S. .A...L104. S. Limestietwii FafAntry "- • - , rritE-Sabieriber i !cent for the klanirFrio • th L Pasiirritiam Bougie eor REFUGE, is ab, bou siid to receive applicifinns &eke Farrner*M at its ar othera•Whornav-iarish to have: children; eitl er white iw`colored,.indentared to thentits ap lice& The ages-will rail fma t .ieikrta. t fears. fit-tdl ream Where the,. applieant. '• w known, to . the indenturing Conuniitee ot:, the satistactwylreferehaes 16 penrs residing fin ti city, wilt hepiquiii4. - -'";• Jinfi.t.-11ARRF: - Office of the House of Refuge N. R. Con" Arch and Sevratth Otets,pultidelphist.: . .Feb ----AU 4AN Wedati4y,, Marebasi, tbe.interjli coti3e.eoette//i4:iit oxidic's, the ba ea Isis stock of :floods:' commence' at U. clock Di.; taxi 6:retinue Irmo, day to da3r. up all is sold. l: or Patticuilas. see IpindbUli. ; r- Pirrs—Ata:Ftioneer. ; L.A.Ltr7 . •• 21,186#:• " 7“" Administrater'sNotice.:', calor. is hereby givan t tn i all perms.' • ebt- N - - .tbe estate of XbibtMeer•Cole,, , iste - 0441*--lg l ceito xfline immediately, and all pgangia said eitatp., , wilj - pr . eptikthe,midulyiattestedkcr the' 911,501;m:a :without del4.:j 0.-110111;.jrland , `" :BL'IZABMII,COlf!;/ _ 411‘163,4 -- . IX ,: ~,.- ieentIR I SLISSICita, 17 . A 0 Oetapiii iii.lsiti`O "to i4 tl;ii eitife,d John , &octets": lite Of tieat[ Bind: aced' ai ere-1 li i bit' anti &fit* nitite - iisimetliittO'Oji#l;a those, 'ha** laitniiittloWiliti estate"irilt, , t! 'them d / authenticatedlOt gittlefititit;:" ' ' , ' .. '• '.` " :ELIZABETH ScalTErt; . t r i le. . JOHN SCOTTPN - 1- J ii 7 , , - Gresdpend,Fotuatvl34ll!s4* I '1- i r . 'N. C''TYLER, intt.l . 2-ifli t t Li, ,- : -Alunt„zipporfeeof.•ii - naii • li , iiii. 11 Nub& * 'Cutlery; Cafriago ,T(itaniiorrl!llPriNa N „ 216 road s treet; ' lTew 'ilitalt"Oerallsti, iler cantliejneo4a i lo„tliii liothei cimmttee. an Itindlylticiteci t 'aitcl= liiitis. - iiopits to cal ait'pureluisiV"h ' ' .-,: I , - 4 . 1.4'.. . ' .• • .• - ' . EXECUTOR I NOTit, /L.pweem , indebted #o tVe 'Wats, it Park, c latil of Biidgetratii;deed. hereby , o4444 fo.ouOcinnaediate papientm 11441 4 0 .01'. , YFi1!i Atent thelit dgly itothenticited, iettleme#. - • ; UARLES : ANERT, Ex 1 Xopt roei ire*. 1180:* -- •-• ‘i :ow Esr:tb,d. fof POST 4..00'5.- ,at the-late-J. - moaned, in G t ,*thir,ll,th day, f be; f ollowing. e• pf thit said Ju ut ~, ..• • I 4 , , ' - ' /I twier s notn• at -flew; 9titiq e -tlin Amin in IV itli York:' & t ' aniel Ives. n Ceinenti imne si convenient; ' a vitriety of I ti ti:c--tvutfurta le ce, will. be.o Iltv, b (. toi..itUtu t-$5-. aitct un EN Ex•rx. C°ll‘EN, Ez =!= EMI ' AT • 1 htmdredificisi-• peritiiiiniandLt- 112. , ”•:;,- :- .3 , ..t..1 , -iliaTricir and Oilier fruit tu3d orismso4l:\ at xrestly reduced prices.. - - --- - 1 ',.q3,1 i i got r4takirkilitAid*aik , ri - 1 ~.. ~ . 'hat' ' ' ',. f-: --:Thigiditr;:asiifltiff ' dim. i.,..-.-,..-‘, ,-. _..,...1-.,... lackwanni,Ul ' l Westeni RAILROAD " I` - tiztoiriftiataittipatov;is.l34l.sl4o:l -rismo g er Truk' will leirs.. J Scranton S. ht.' - - 1 1, r Arrived lit tenrolikiid at f5O Connecting with the day ekpress trains 'East and West on the N,,y,‘„l Return. wilt ' leititeareat s end 'Welke arrivsil pf the DIY Eirgirs framN_New York etri Dutikirig o arrive at Scranton at 914„ - • k - Frei s s,44Tiiulbwltliji4tok caingexOsir sattobea, will tpave Sotto atil*r).`ll. — lttilve at Great 1re941 %SO a. ii;, - cotuteaing the kfaillris4 eager Train bound Bast'on the N. Y swill?. ft Rolui: Returning. will leave Great Bend 51;1.00 . r. x. and mire at *rant” 5.40 P. it.- Pasietiger Lek ailtamvilu New' ' intbe evening. stir* *into In waiting on the larrivid Om linger mato it Scranton, to contruy passengers to Carhondale, Titian:lu, Wilkesbarra, via, thc Reading Railroad, Easton, and all , other Intermediate flacps., . 1 , „ ' Ithe axing we. canned:with seri+reina depart fronsliew York and Dunkirk as follows-, Day Express arrives at New York at 9.114 k r. it.. and departs from do. at 7 A. W. • 1 :Sa ool l ll ht . ' artiCgt at Dunhirk tat! depart 4 from do. at 4.45 A. IL Utit Passenger train arrivesist ItawYork7.36 r. and departs from do. at 8.15 A. at. , .fiama' thou./knives at Dalkirk 5.50 a; de partS NAM ' S 0 Vi• n.DteEt f ` flper ntende n t Scranton , , 19 1 il i f dl 'd '-'' 'd li,'I" ;- ld• ' - l''ilioo 3' lien e nds an tit , . would ' bade : yo n , Thatria 'ready. torierVe loiratitoilixon Depot Thive naiti:and tobacco; col' o ' ituttitie, ' : -•• -' ' Salt; alileratiss,ailttietrj ancEsOice:-4-• - • ' ••;'''''' dinier 4441, 1 c44.Ves,esaaixi. et: ttetai OW*4l* 4 .: - . Moves, sissiiiieves, Vesting/4 seleild Pi? dandl i ti I have nutieegs; inolayses; sitiOci and teia; ''.•;'••1, With ribbovis and tippetk the ladle:it& please; i' i . . .. , • Pina,.ni.Oles and fish : hag:s, with ple n ty orsotip,•• b r SliteN'buteheickitivesi ' tees, rattraps: itainpe, Curvy-cotutts, coffee mill %ticking and Nvjek-U'ig, - ..; Cold hods and cracke'rS; vvitli waferri for, sticking; Pepper - sauce . writing ,oks, raisui and ,tinulf--: .„ But perhaPtt; on the' 'whole, we have' aaid:'quile The ball' cf . tn.'t be told, so just' step in and use For yourselves,' at the store of your friend- •. L !:‘ , •,' ..: •.'sl-::••.: . . • '-'. • ;. , : ..1.;-Oir,+E.P-f. ' i 1100 " S. JD'S! retfire4 onothO, S?.l.An FOR TEX to urrmn - , rm.,* in A t Ln*# siOdi gm's. rvarjety of otherßciolu4Poeket Mario - f0c:1854, : , B.Cp"/Pi ' - IYA.01) NS:FOR:4 Alik. Af; HE Delaware „ Lackawanna rlt'Westein Mal l. road Company/Imre perral large '4r/firing, marl, new, ill. ~,Tod order,ltilt, on, the tnottt op - • *cited plinano iii i itie moil siiiiiiinii4 iiiitnner, with iron idles sufOcieuti,y stropg to4=Ttyeight e. tooi;-__Irell 011011:Vol !or ibttilltgatlne.a[4-Willfbe • sold at a blittnia iiy tii3plying Form at' the nittiv of 1 1. , .- - , -, ~- • . ..: i . 1), it ,119T1r4R4.1t, .411p't: - :Sera - ntots ' : :leit's t y lxv: " MOttee to the , Public.-- ll AVlDltYjestraturned front Yew tusk 'Leash '. - , - call the attention .of my oltl . - cusloatent,- ~ a*l - cf-the Public in general, to my ,it • :NEW STOCK OF.GOPDS..:. beieibettettsritlt resit, tlse - it4a pri tea, and selsbing, to sell principally tot: al same, offer them atgreatly reduced pn ; Coeleco Printerwarranted fast colors fi) only 8 suits it yard. (food. Brown Sugar, 16.p0 lids fur 9tlelagglir•L l3ouatur NaP 6 i*ck o 9 44 o.-bY *. ,to. bents i ttcst Araitin 1 5,50 pert': 4'• _Hata . 4 111 : 0 04' 13094 SliceS; Buffalo Itta" or; alt &tic: 4 , All 'rito9l DeLain*Caalurtepeti,iF i a titettas, • Oren Velvet, Silk Velvet Vite: Moodie I '.l...iancs\ I;sitillink.per yd., satin, bonnets and Soles -irkliats, tibia/1k: Double ,Lcioiestia7lisTb betifcr.,: sellitig ta l inconceivably - low :Fins. ,:I ca m- warrant perler:t sitibfactiOnlii all. who' give le 'rfle, A Call: : S. A. NS. • ,Lattesboro' December ss. -- I 117 ' 8 jrtl.osC.KB—good tiouPkeepera, tai. - ' SIX Latiev‘to.Dec'ember ' - VVYSTF.I47,-iviio [ort) I alit pike 'it'll lie paid. LanesbOro..ls_ecefilbpr , i rt i ..puNrx,x , pvgypyggcakviatoxi 00045 at . P rarreili9i*DeetOir.2.l ,'„ ,1 1 44,1;t1 .-t; IttAS instreecived his Fall and tinter:. stock :Rely lad 6 ..embracing-..Over.Cents of ft -variety, of,\gratlei, Frock's, --Sacks :sant: .Citta, : Vetsti c , Pantit. .IWoolen Dritler. shirta.and Drawers,' Mal - -White . shirts; Fancy Shirts, Collars, 'Ora Atills;J,Over iehirts. StOcktngs, 01 res. Am, fie.' ;1- -_lltAte°4 filsbionabie '. • • ' I ‘ HATS CAT' I'l and tltOtait'onts and Shoes:- Intliskltahher DoOta; S "a nd 'Ban 3- !jab. ' l . : ' s i l; .'''"2 1 "` tiers supply of Wall. and Cuitniapaxteg i ,Dor- of Books-Aid Qt3333frrili?!llll3g dlagspdtick ate], tte .040, of • Fantl'aftikidli ; "•••,- . • C- , 111;./. , - His freir4 tag' aild 2 gtie "her °ash or of ,Pol44lice; Store opposite ; Searle s ofel ~ ktoottose„ ' . :. .. Chilierlfotice. - i ... ~, VOTTOE is hereby , given that. apptifettiors has, . ..1.1 tu heea.sde to t he. Court of :Pleas of ill 1 Strsquelisnua County . to mot , ti thud er.or irleC i r' f , - porationi to " the ‘. First Presbyterian Church of du 'burn," .'.. 'bu," sienrding. to the,MA of,-Assembly of i-Illth - tit octeher; VIM - - ' . 1": F.A.. WARD , Prot Xfor : 1 : -. netise; Feb, 2,1'854.: ' i . .;' ,r; - ':: .... 1. • i . . Vot.tiosti .1:10fit i.' -„,-.. --W-Ital4tikg.,:lVt : o.o.ll..jiNN' 'NO t 4, lipt. Irtigea 131)115 tilf v the haaent . . of ~ L. i'm 4 - Co.,iittbeldarmoie•%Ocit*uld E n rev ' fidlYinforrn his feitndir. Ilia lkival k eep eon tly nalhand, alba IcoVest. prices; a Fell se.' lee stoikoratioda, 4 ':--; ,Iri :r i % . 3 II , ' •,' )I f ilaik 416100 - Silt ma be bid 6014 tut wet! as 'CiroierieS Dry .: - Joxsis. , Hardasterreiekeryi- Doots;dlioes,l4Tads. Don. de, et:, in exchange! for Drain, and ad kW" Of Vrodum at.th4i*st 'prates; !Mow edid, Imed i..robd iqintal' . 3 r - ' ', lifontroqe-Dniiet.lNlN '2,;,;_14,54. , :, , ~ ,•: I LIV.EIII. and ,TIIIIOII.Y SEZP i fArs ti al (shintr L ase, Pet), 10, Vtl &Lim of vest-men oft remind of • oint'llenceohlitk „find.-departinc, leave I.o4oMkna ipid s o s will tintsion4 "Rieman, which pe:rbarni a 'enothef. - • • • Sailing o'er lire's - stormy main. , 15 4 1 rnet And Intrairn - brt i tberi ,t 18e0g, efin . goktedge . tenne mire .4 • / 1 1 11 *'nixtt* ienro , bb ' a frietOtal4 '0414 !tiik4lo - 0. ! punt, we, i!e out e(fit, hoping that they- will heed the taiii t tica., ilon end *go wicked:Keno more Jost Ak e ,. Our uo u k'oe time, hmiutte,' it'. 1 varied ieiniple~e .- and':we nie :f 6, ,rt! them ill Ocfi!", rAY• - 'for doing: : - • I Ouf Motto itrmgeoa,'4intit and ti plielth” `lll.-•DEL 'Odd. Follows' .11'11, secOpd 1100T' -• • I - if # 4 r ,:lt: - .. 1 ' • -'.* . g. -.1... . &co t ,. ~• - into._ 1 the 4. - ;01 . . .coant7 114 Octwit .-11.4 . Ii ii riiel!iidjeri establishment • ~ : Tli: Al:Mestriell* the old 'tend et • 'ir mt ._ or , :eoiShitevtilikb'Of the'Meal . ,-...- iiezi., , intetid to kieP - • .T tefiii . """. a er .. lt i'veil •at WO* ' '‘`, * Au1t1ink..,.., , ' : -i v: AbuieoupiiVer , ' Op*: -"' 1: -- ''"r"-• '', As laaartaitak lieiiiiiiiiii: - ` :• :' .. , v . i. /N. Y.....&•NifielivtijiliV '. l iiiiii4L.--...- Mohitirk - IliesietiNii - V :,-1-4 : -, '; - , ~, , ; •,,. - -14., -.--, Forest Queen , , ' ' -1 -1-5... -'. it , 7 . . I "*"44'''''', ),,-; Ke t lat ol 4 Sta t e r fur IttoOG cr ogal. - t - ,- „ I.xf -Ai T r i o ; F ~. .!,46! l'' ? liii I. '' '.'l: l Tal ....: Seltaititlo l. ITSOCKI.. - ' ..; ' '' , 1 ', - "4" ,1 .".1 11 __ 1 ,.9 1 ~,,_ 4 ,:: :.• . . 0 . .... I; 'i ;V AII."1"-irun " ite ' ill II PP r "VP" 1 510 1 . - 4i. : •:•'Fisit3ksp Eretniu6. '- .1,—...,. • •::;f::::Itt•:.- ',.41,;:a, • .%411sev i .hrioc. Office, ae4., Slipp.iateekuiii . .,. :ide.. 'ritroacee.*:•beating • - pli#Eiie'r.knitlilligst - X hotel', private:lio*4 &./ 43r.tilniiiiiiile Tins Mend stpre-itipe futiushed.ioefiettsule. t bi o x:. , . ak y bought at tbegastr, s -,'''. .- 1 • ' ••; 1 All kinds of custom wark"durse oti.Riiie ' and the most reasonable terms . : `Alikliiisi i) *P.: , Awe taken in exchange , fArrarei. .--",:. t ~.. : - 'cyan wilkto rave ~ ~ be sure said' lei • 1 11 0 . 6 "-iii rchlishiireati li -- ' -7 '. 1• '' l ....,..':',' .1 4 .. .: • • • •A; 'Z . :Inhaler 4- Co. . • liPtitniie:Seo l . l614 i 14 - - . Naw . Pirm at, ~pt,ixitirville4 igiESSAlo6lll.toti 13 HERSfAN; itiiing t .ITAL pen:boleti dielate of Anson .11get-,i4 the;.. Brut.V.Sesitt . entilleot, la this method:n*oW.; miming that they maybe el at lila !a 141414 MA Scott ; t,Springville, w ere they hitte a lirgel . add carefully selected assortment of gootbs Which, taW he solircheaper, than aver.. . • _0;1-1 . ;..?7: : Our Asertfnent cottsixte gr . the kirtrestieWl* of Pry Goodi, ,Groc:eries. (Le, ever offered iriv,thia'•' 'philei. We saie determined that. those wh+o,.. •oe acall 'ball eetisaaerv i lveeting.ri.,..3 .. : 1::.. •'.- .11,ptatilingfair thaiti&tro#lpublk:PlPat4lVii : : : Oil ibltiiTitzt4o . lfit !lijiiiretvetiihicari:o4ll.; notWI SiFgottesi; or cued by; nowthiiifitiiiiti,ofti tkiitigkvlttO iitilliit:Onitffiliti tali to iiiioldliiititits;', Oki! is a 'CALL. ' "SCOTA4OHNSp*it' CO:: . ; , .- 'M ; . : Ilki,lNny.'li;', .:I : I f ' ;i . f.:!•l, •,.*; ',Gig ; l, ! ' - • Buffalo A - iOICE lot just. & low SOM., TIP.nO.Z 4 ,C ll ` . Sptingv Peceunoes:A; . ..l . • ;Shatlrinit , IA NEW l ot Mat , SCOTTefOIiNiT94,47O; Spripgsillet;)Decittsber $lOOOO. - OFIfEIfGOOJ).i.• . -• _.OREAT•iiVETFIAtoiIIoN!, 1 Greatritik japS't4e :ArritGooii.qt EftitOtit 'tglie:PttlCg .STOREI• .. I ..,..L• • i ....Air :n .. •• • r: o.l' i • HP greatest, • ind 1 --- ' — astock of Fancy •Do i t ' itna • • • I= , • Eta ' - . 'nestle . , „Stip: : "._ rer . brou_ into Susqnehanns; ctitili . y.' . : . ~ ,-. ndred t 7 s. Dry . .. rat i Goode; comprising in ollowi: •:' 't.' , 2 1 ,4 i.• . Rick, chategnble ..Slinie, • ntabionable ailk 441 .stripe . t ...,, ~.. • . . inoma. .p_laud • - • .. French , Plumes, '' . i... :;tx : ":. : ; leinck - "' 200 pieces - Gloom Bonnet •• 1:. ...'„ , , : , •:;'-i.Til.:;( . Ikmnet - Satina ..:.....,:,3 pits. foi!rid. ... .411: Bil All -nroul DeLaineah..4•.l‘:.-3-Ir. rettdr.illiz • link L'uciian . do. ---.-- S Niti.k.Oplito3oßilet.l Plaid de Cossa, • ISO 114,81.5te Shavils,i, i hsi Cltaided tie Berge, C .nletrit - ::, -do -1 . English, blerinoti„ • ~!...3'.........„: do k • Pansmat to's. • Si 14- A ..:- . L.: • • ..... ‘.- de, L Lecnke.o Clothe, • . 0 eei,...ll4ery; etc., 1,; ci,b ur y-,, , Cl ihs,.qtestnee . tees, k.-' Frenrli chnnlle ae. Rcire, VeAtingss • - -•1 s,- .. Embroidered Rubes. , Flpnehr. 1 _..f; Gingham' and .Prints, Wool. Bisuleter„ ;- Scotch Plaids, Linings, , Wtiiie Goods, , . Tickin'Pa. V ..:. *sought Chisqiietts, Datna;l: epres Rik •,: '. •‘ - - COlneei . , • ' Linen doi , : 2 :: : ' -ellit.:)lnslin Wittiilits. Irislx Linens, ' 1 , I ...z. .. an: Cambria I it.; • ...niiitk mustirks, ~, 2 (*.l.hi l ii-:-: do . Etc. etc. I La . • "'• ' .• '..: 47 .: ' ': , ' EATON - Co: I:. i.. c Riif*.l OctoY r &• • • . , 3 " • Not pun. *zziosind :400: boods 14. days jivt being ricete4.l. • Shziwbe—TX new lut just, ; 44944l:lLial'eliftg, seaticea *ices by J. Utossittox: I •••Litdica Ft aibbce AUerl .71:1Firms and 41vointhoes;at Lt - oxs ct• Sis;;.. Oil Cloth Tracelin 'Bads: Sitieliels.lo..7 low Dinner )3at.k c ts, Tins., tee and S tam ps, Cliithes. ikaapvtlatt at the clieaxsparicit: - 3:;r44141..5gii. • Graham c . fresh kt(ot:GIT, hats., Sala, and /lota. IplEacken at Lyosa&Apkik. - ~Ckillco43s-r,Atiimullsome LA at ad a, pnl.4 161Odaselien DeXaii*iallibw as fen reds, and tt* g°°643uanichiii. LYoNs a ON I." . .Montme, d °NS. .1 Ange Ja r 4=B. i •i• , .'slionie thin. : cal be' d on e as well. .... : . • • . 13. rB . '.. 2.. rflngithOWitibelf biting paribeilial4e'.Crii4r 1 • atansifactory of k.W. Grearmatakklillford, p ig e ttyad to nwinufactureAtit t 00N:if-m', at yrice-3, of gooj toaterttk, anti in a inperior :stili.iilArurlutaasltip.. Anion Cite diffe.roi. kitias; I wa;ffatioi i ,- N,•. • . : '-• .iistitaaa c il f ig " ertv. (istPirrf4;. Y l .4)' ll'ills' •:., 0 :` m 1051,1214 WlP4Bar .. alrfs ', .... , . .18eati,•*treezi 4g9 4r.. et j,.. .- .yr Alll irbilci . "* ted. to 'Ye satisfaction for tire years. • . : l i r _ • 4.' ~ . . y,', *,;.*Sreraantable ace. vs I**iie a iu ex.. 7 chan g e for 'work, but 0 CRED . .1',.,'3 Barford;Dee. 2, -J . -. 4 imp • ; 4r,- n. ' , I licliEgg i _____ll4l.l44.thipag N,Vithfmt.,. , - ":ONE'I I EFFERINCE GROCERY: ATRlETireprie' liws. of the. Timperance Greee7. -,, _Acwillad!allt the attention. °Ethe r Public t t o:dent 1 stock of%Groceries, which ' 4, of iiverything Hots grocery - with- the . on ofi —.- wbk.l4 Flu/ be purcheseki for .' h a litlleibters t. Come sod try for.yocifill 'we- Will Mad with groceries forMs littli .. . - Ris die ,next. lock consists of Sugar,l4 , ' ;Fhb, Gaffes% 8., h, Pepper, S pice.Salentine ""iii;:: - - ,11 ' ;12,1 - F, IL fo' 1 His•• é CO. Ctkiltraktbuy tha 4.17P.t;. oY .r. etets 'or (a i*Lrt fdti e tt*'Ttikev Noliods oje l ii • . . . ; -- 1 7 ' - .• i . p.r51044141i1yi on hand . ....fe ' uenuti!'ul , 4 • -Eg r a ". 4lllllElit F. raln , t . . 4.. .. . 11 1 4t Q and Rose Wood .Pitereo . 411 A , i..e ANlibogany Diliereitißuissuotia-17 ' -4 1 Italian Marble - TopL 'bib Fsfsiiii :0140 :--. iitycm , York prices. : , *- - ''' : : ::Sjpektrose:Diie. l4. - . • — 1 '• : i':- .- --i - p: • • ,ii .. T.:, r_ . :::l l44tv, sr killi F i 1 : 4 8 . 1 : 1i i .. .,'4;•:. ;3... r .i., 1 1 -‘- . .1. attend failhrii all iAinelsa w r it.' 1... .: . # 4 -• 4 : ; 1 " 1 V- ti l :h l itn ;f: in c ti l I L the L i : S Y county ..,,( a t 7 1- 4 E it' fb : tt: FI . ' M n e " k e h i inst. .* ....`" fl - ''• ' Sewing and writing of, all kttnls will' -1: 4 I - : : - 7; - 1 .• Se. 11141ao-attela to the Ttee'Attlithretir.ehOttle :.1: , )4T. -4 •thide-glitd cries' and hoiiiiti-TAT IA t lial: 1-14. .:.416 0..,.. bifaiinte ; 14. . T4 t .li.a ft ettut -'4 4 •4 11:11 •7 1 S1 :Irlifls : l4e74ll":4l' ::r t77 4, 4 Al l:l: V llY:t •• - . • 17 ' llichr '' .l. c A.II:-: ••• ) rdidi2. VN / 1,....i irrj.f:..•t .;,-.;;;;pozir ., ..yonticant..., ..X3± - .•:4::, :.• -7 41 •:.,:•: •:: i....:.1-.-•• FAWI49O tom: •. - -", .DWtoeg iihinitipi: AK* tom: :. ' , *; 1 0* -ibliekw.sitialiot watered: '•;• -;I• -- '... , _ ••abbite.iiilliiirsuld on. rektoasbill terast•by .• '• ' . Oa- ' p#eat &mi. ror wore, es cialig-: '. -L I - . -• .ag ntar I Tie pram plialjit e It Mt sl, ilia 4 - .7671,4041 L, Pa. ;• :tilt, :.,/ • ik - •8: • V ‘' , • 118. ;.• 4. , 1‘ 4 2 '.1.11 • Ili' 70 1 1 ii L 414 :!itlitilitteili l e '* me i lihakiiitll4.ll' , Y. f 5 4 t .:- ., , .. . 0 " ..:;4 tlM Ci"' .l :l : 6 :' : . ' ff..' 4 :1 * !:;i .7,. ...f . ! . .. j• f':....,•:::: , ;::: : : : . : 1 : ; . : ;: i .:;:; i . F. : 1. - k r ;:' , :•l l : . ..; t :A -:;- .:: - .:" 1 . ;: 2: ; , . :-. :k-a.ioiLt. MINE MOM Gift:s Honda' '`r OPEAVISE - szt• twillacke • ' - . •: ,1,, :7 ' - • •:•.:-•,'!'-1 .s. ,:v,_ raiirs, iiik, JIM -4 .414411 4 ., ~ ''' ..;-.--, = „: inf thilidiseue•4o:ol.l4ki!*,ciuNk *:: : 7'S -, :' , ". .!- ", , , - ' 7: .--;. .:; ' L: ~.... 'zir,„ 4. Tc ,4 - g t Pacify .Mi4o4Via t i:;;i4T4.: l 2: +,,i1 ,, A1t'7,.: , , . ~,,„ _„ _ .....:‘ , 4 , t •/,'-'', ±:' ':, 1 ' ''' ' :.. 1 Ins.,itim tti,- 11 14!-.11r_trrit 41 ,4"V".A ct tit., nt _ ::' .... '.: -- -1.--LTL ., -,-..frt , .. , .,• 1 Ali ,. , 1)13 1',6,r.,-.1-4"1",1/15.11;041-!itnk.ftwAl '4 , 04 . 4 . .. - r i '-i'' ' " ' '' ' * '; .!A 1•4413P+041090 tikilti trilit#o, l ll;i44t ; • ~"- 4 ' : ' ' 1 1 -3.1 -,r- -: '•: 41 ,,I Serl/F1414H,-91:**JU1R1!!4—,..9.14:‘95,' T%, T ..,,,....;„ i HipitoinAgoirjp4iffifiiiftAcurialA! - ',,:, -4 i, . ll' , ..:--. 1 1 iitic,l:ilsciidenkby- L u4InCT: , I ';'''' :- 1: ! '.---:, -:::? . 1 4 ,,,.' 4: ~,,ql>f,, . -.,.., - ;-'::.. j s, :-.; :.,: l k..:.4,e;t.,,a 7 reiZt oy"i**:::1* -4 74,LWSittici-4 . , , _ii4•:.1J Preii.l.kk, , - 4 Vc r 69r-9 1 4 0 1P ,), !._ , ' ~P. :. -.' , 1-,..,..,,,. ) - - :-.,; bk_this,ge t eAt - putlflet ot-mAugaim-mg4.l t :- . _,T . T . `::::.. 1 1i1 - "Y ' Teskinvn" B ii fkoni Yfirloa 6 o lo 3l., f•4 .- {-* 1 •4: - .A1 ,otJieEN:cip 4kmvn;Atispeitaiit t g . ftt l iiit iit.: - ,-',.i- , T, . ' lhia'iliafettt:' illililifiiitillt ithil — rtotii'iliili'oli3O • 2 - q , ,--;,;,, : i; , -.. - '• .1)e , thai,e!ateatAaallest fariflktiotith l 4 , o o4l '' .-- ...,:r. 1 ai""a"rsetor nU.-,alfollYstisivskalillAiiititlitif,---,•, I, ...1:,. hlie: ,, ,' . atitillbettle.:,,liiiii. , utPrile: 114treii: -. .f.: ~•-,-.(:- ' ;:- , .4 - gi .- • --- . ; , Dii-Keel' 4 8 - .4sYrip/. 14 ' ;el. o .4fi, - ;44, 4 6;1rA - ‘'ls'-'f': : ' t i n Th e lye a ty and oil . r , of tital& reamed:3dt --:,-`/-, --- ---, f . _. 1 . Venally • gettatter -14 lira_egr z votirtt _ ...„,.. , 7... , „4:.:, 1 !&;- , ,,,-, , osed ' and eN it. A-:- .:' Pth 4 • • AP' --,,._ - 1 , ,, .•- --, -.? [`chitin; ' ' wag c014 , 4,00- 11 1-4 2 1,4 1 3 1 !.:4;d: , -L PlinisY, c.. lnils..a 4 A l 4 9 )ll.Avitille9rlo3f4Vi i iii.o l •• 4 ,- r:Cr.•l 1 0( 1 •4 1 . 1 -0: 4lt rit h#l 9 / 3 4 !it l#C P i ritARVIC - r'.'-''' ,iv.;‘-.1: - ..itii-J,.. - ,t , ';.. -, ': , ) F. it s actionXilite.**l49l: 2 o,_,,, tl) + , lh i T 2 4',,, - ~.2 -' ',.„'::: i,l 1 W.Pgjiß' ' high it!Pal:Pfg.Fl' l ee.lW`Pk. feaOkt --- I ' '' -: • :- :-- -ailpreKier 19 tchnc, r en ;iii . it itirelide - ' . :5i: , _ , •;.4.- - . ; &kit; 'hoti .. - Tiiallige2 _ ,stifittiiiite . ..' l ,rlit";';': "-::.: ' that rhildren will;fiesi ' l it, mid it jtiitt -irnoi_j___ $-...; ,-,- .,.t , ,, -iiiiitini-iiia • AiiiiilieigietiiiitieliteOP:Witai7J - 7, 4 :::: , 7 , ---4' 1.-- ,- :, preprifidliaintkileintilietteetip.s:Sio4744' ,l p , 4,4: - ,..i: • -,-;.-.,- „Yu ~ teetimeidals, teal lienuineoniii, _'neArlf `' : ,,--;,.- .. - ',-,;J. ;".. lare - wad' iilati ,bOithafftattpir-lta - da - eW - 5 Mier: tlt is.% riiiiiitit)ie.t4 , ia, tintiihtitioW.,o ''.!.',' ;":-.--`-',.; thee .-' Paktirealakr ataiit:: l 4, _kcallta-1aa?,.c . " , '• ° ,' , .. - _., ;.' bottl '', '' ''-' - 'sie: -- • - ' 1 : - 1 5- ''';i 7 g - - 4 • 4 . 'il&Arlii - ;/`l,4 4 ;4 l tiik ~- t :'i, ---. . '....' ;'' ~.Dr.' edreai l .gkeeinatiefl;'*' .., P .- -; -::, ' , ,i - '' , Ti;lii Olt . ott l ire ‘• • iiiiiitit*intOpavi,fa. ,L.;. ~, I__._.:: r exellail - ear Mite. *ebe neleut_reme.4l4o -46 °" 14- :,,' \ „ '."-. erect, and - ill be faun no iny'ainakaittor" ,,,,- ,,..„ -, .i i rheurtatis , .iitillnetts cif joints; hiptseir Ititialti4V) '•-,, 7. •:*' - • l i , 7' the I ad, e eitzhaelt.and extreiniom - - -, z'.(' -, - -1 , - , 9 -;*-:"- , ',. =.`. val - blelietliqa9 *- aakibineisi - ibe nms !,P.n,,f';.'.. - , • s , 'Mid ;Vain =l4 4 ' ''noattiek R.YO,,_ io,Pjel l -- `.7' 8. .,*,..,,,•:_- , ,,,-; ?..:! a• 7 , an , AeFt "-RPtl4 - 10; .1 .- :...1.4 4 : -14.4!....F., , ''',' -..-...• - iPene satin irgt 4i Pg. , 4 ,.', 1 d ,1 4' ...: #4,4 3 ,; 6444. -'l -a r'- '47 .,”, ,1 :actin i n 4.o:ttbs#r„t?attCyes,,,,ls;,end.;.:Vii ) Motett ,, : tiealt y secretions ; „.o* - e• 001,-4,01 . 4 1 413*. iiiill7 , :,!!: i'....-.. , i n s ti ,xi f t liort time, --- -11, icimb6lsAiice,vJaufflo:,; ,,, ,-. 1 than any simitatt;rehiedyr bah+ , that:pahlk4 4l 4 :--:, ::,, ; -!. `wilt- leave moa - cnmPlainta:*a sk,:ka;r-iiii*o4:',..'-',.';'' ' any other .iirtiele taming-fromeeltili•-.',,,'-'--c.:t,_.;;'(l.:'., 'l'4 it, ye; arniqed;:ni3d , tbroviAlnity‘!,:n - ',PbP.Ttltelki - ;7- - ; esi: ;It is Sits to reliere;or 14,r ' eroxiti!d.,,-,..,..,, - 1 haLrefanded:' . friCe , nnlrg s - , Pant?;4? e r-fizt -1-:: -`.- . ,'....:„. : l).:r:lfeekrei fiiigr , 44.4?fggbS . 4 14 '4 1 . .., - ,_.i ,;-. ,-'” •Areivnqually.suPpißßtingliklidlAre4P- l uA,Re,ktr `..„-•-, 'twit* Pt Om 0, 1 -4 1 ic , : -. -T,1 3 .91_44RAlti• ' -.FI---___,l___lllll--::',}1?-:-, :_ Pu'aIitiVIIT,Pw O,PP A RI TIV....M Ic #T -' - .Cli PllfYr 4 : , .7 . :- Hdigeitinn; - ,1P0R46;-Ittti; .. llninr-Ki. ''.f/ 1 a nn*%. , -''''' - l am ' aala,)aiailaaia;%l4llliti:lo as 4. l res; iiiii. . • il Ilks - Tr - ''',---- 3 , ';', - 6161ti - wh die loniClaxiitilf pit* tt")t•e - ,:kitA ,L. , -,,_ --.,.. _.,,, ,, i • 'to:chtkagti - diseased action ;.5 ,iL 4. -. 4',:::: , 1 ,7,-, i,. -.-,.\ ~ Eemales:itillenti7ptoreelionit. nien . , • _, ika_ iii --:_t, •:,-: era : vho ' lea4 .. _a -ie4eot.7lZeiMie 04. :.4rAtect" .-- -- - ` - = ,, ,r L with ciinitiiiioon or Indigestion traili! nil I ' ty,?- .;..,-,-•' --_ „ wilt flail thete'fpills We' tito?t , ' Ofleridati ,:, 'OeStP; --...-..:,..'..,-..i -, ant of fauy, liet di , coreted:-AbeiCsie t ti , 4 -iiiiiPeS,- ' •'',.. !-IF i ' in pare'upon . tbeliree,-nich l ing*or#, -r 191 ,111ase - .,..:- ~-' slitnigs--,organ t adaptißg- tg-,E,4ta-eimi .. .4i,shitiii,': ~. healthy ' ( * e `'. --fiT4 4- c,arfrjft - Art 7., .. .'bid.,baj .; .' s `,- ,_-..._ mon._ They vv_el.4itie , - to, ti & ,, filo i Yeßllßßeit;j , ' ,, -.,_ 04 inst cid of WeattiniugrOckaitOtelic: - pit their,rre;,...--- don, hna3l4- iteii- winti4.3 1 4 1 00; 0 1,.7'.1 til- =P •fb ,.., ve r 4. i_ i •._ 2! ' . and secretions leave the lliOW,elafT 'P I 'S - 1 --- .. , .-" -- '‘z their effeata have Paasaitaa'aft . !r.Si' , l A - ::,e,, i ,.... 1 ......infik , . ,,- -•;:: - - , . boi and-as a grnera). Titre, two 'p)lllJcik; -.."';,,r4P , 9y- -,,-.'. --,,- fionl iigetatile eictraet4 1)1E1)1441,9 it no miiierat iiiitiedient. In: their -van '-iton;_.:, -- -„,Fz--",?- 1 , - ,_ ,- , : canntry'rnilrebaros-jind.-Aracierez , wit -: filinYt.Wesio:' , i,,-.2.:- , pins_notlenly, ta' give - 0110013i eatiskioti ~ 'Mt ink, .. : 1 _, ~.-_-: : able throughout all ~seetioas prt* ..,... , ..,,to::,ir - : . :*--,-_. i ,, ,:-'-`.- -,- Aral price 25 ceotf:.Per liOz:-',:.-L,::' .- ,- .:I-It: 1 : .`4:0:;44 t, ' '' . 1 -• - .Dr: - 4cileis:Vortiftti:Citriln OteCiz, -,, t4 -- : -,- .--,-. ' . --rrifer Ne'Plus; Ultra`, or liiiaclieair , " - i- , ;:gefel' siiiik=T - .;','A ~. 'theta - Mt rertairatatt riveedy'reiheait ‘, TAitamali; ~ 4. 1 '1 ( -'e, t lyeeteryi'elialeritiutirbatr,tehuleralti ti' , ' - .i - , ' -.,:- ,- 2 - ,:-„,l's. griping: paitiS 4 - ILittile.ney:aad soff.4 . . t;:,,:' ; ..;,....:[ the, stomach and bowell - at: li / ifigfront iliftit,lo4l. 2 •:-.. : , e z,-.1 . -. !alkalc.- - - , ..--,_", , -, , '..: • „ L:4 • 4 .1 -, ,,,; ; : •,i , , 4..,:' ,o_ ,-': :: . ; ':: l' Words :an d iginu* All' in' to?* '' Rgit f`;:'' - -• 1 0. blesPing lithinti - Ws : vqraidiAWini l of !PnirPkand -h 9* 99 . lia a a 4eeklillizqalh 4: 2 4L - Te Jo ce too, that a remed . - I ,ma bsPnibunileaypeea,. , 4 1 -an I powerful in reiiior' iliterite., ..11: - Rossi taut drives flisesistif hi* 31:" , ia - 3ttsore 'prlptiMi. wallas' thtinVild_ it • dilutor*. l'*.a-F,,,,44 , * \ ;:, , ,i ~ • Or .oi4- 2.4 NaiaVr.o,94.oc,n„fran,_ .. - e,aV K.: 9 out of: rofi4L.seNAuci it 4 girr_a,4oo,,titi,f! 4 , - - " - erfry:l4o easm 'Thidk °l.,' tinatTflti l t,.... ,_ .. - an crit:nd.s.. : •1,'„I 11 ' ,t:;;;:y., - :i , ; i, id t - ;iiii4, s ,[; - Ship ONTRervc* 1 1P-9 9 r,. . nitTA.a.; will Awlt " 0.0: y4thoc-iiitAtiOlr ---.; as ed I . 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'L itc?,*(iiii.tWtrtiiitikrsis4%:'l l4 l* o l) '',- - J. .-:; TCaft's:ii,AliPati .- '''- 11:71;titrOtit, - --Itlkit - .'git , , ilk ..,;,: S:GlPv,el, , ,Sprinly ilet' Gr_Rti*lii - eoWi**; -•.'''' oe , 6n: P e Pt ol " . ` ikSibl! ; Thnif44;=-Daailia*iti , V l- : Bendj IV, .13' . urriiir - ,GiffstniVlt:"'.lt r irAttiaql ' -,:" AM villi• 2...l,llTitaßr' kly .. ii , fyiret*,c_c•bittelalk i t1416 1 4101% . 11 . • Wuitriehitataiiiiiik. l i merchants itivii,; e yith i`...tri ' ,-',.;.: --: .., ,4.:i,:5;:,...-t-,-,.. ....... •,-, ~.. :- • ~ . r .. 7 , ' : 1 S ifteT7,l,2 ... W - M La ' EAria.4'-o-Gi , 34 1 iii;4.:. •;- ' ' fi r" tiiiii6,l,. ivoti o d i r .., , , ;.. ~.,: allitirkri Pg 4 4 ,— , -xi A .,„ E tlyt , t: - f . f - L.;--! -, ?LW , i, i • a•N.. , " '' - - se.,-; . • iiiiii - athin-; - ‘ bis4._ : i 1 t i it. a s k otthk BCtirleD:. ' 0... v-- uw..4 - '- . . - kiviwAiwir Op j ' m: - ; .'`. : -‘- iilictuk. 'V'...,=2;_,.. 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