The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, March 09, 1854, Image 2
(lie Week -rope, Laterf; Arrival Czal thaei • ~4%r e ir° 1 , 22, "side t . , evinarig, , _. _ • 1 friii..4*44aiypok whe_ , l4.l l : l : l o l !ite nootiv - 4iii- - o!*a'cJiiatT !lig -11 ! - orillOig•:- - - - .. ~'•• ~ . .,•fr• •I , '• - - -- •.•, -, ,',: . ~' . : . - - e • itMrd screw at.ciiMlit'Altie,. with `.11472 ,1 :6 - rdfftormfkl's ,- . 11-. _ , - -Itt-43610-111r -11421:11"i:':- tri( CII F I I T 14 4 ,-- • orsiti - , :. . lot/ -1 • ...,1 . 'theiroitiletirionotncesiberthe ear's hietWOututStrf. atflP! l . l ._lF.:i - 11 "--t "tliolto4-*Kofge , b , ra l lg.l !Ifra4.tint . t 36 Nnigetoilliefoliti iliAhlia*,ept t e T orcptiltiltftifift*tetiiinitErhiclt'likt4 - 1 - i iltitt4"-tiilittlil it',•; ,l ',A,E-p , ~-i' \ Thfliottititer ticlastrAThist rotfly le 0-, \iiiillittifiedf* l l 4 e l66-41 Ptatiot i m i;---,-. • -;- i , ,T rpopiivere embatiiingimioo.4qyt -11;i.el --• • Aktiiitielikiled4roti,;Tiireipotili;Onlilim trtatitt t I'llittorttoi4 otol ship - ,etc.:.fitti4, iethttetlpittgitlify it tilly.thoporM: , fori tlierllettie 'flittet f -/l& ~.-1,, ,, -1.- 3 , , ti, 1- , 0-II,: I , : , ii, 1 1 , 1 - - 'ilrfelit4kra4l2to• were. vmhtirstig - - fr9Arl; , ' '' --y ,- • -1--• , - , , . 4.:-. ,;.,.. '_ 7 1' iiiiiiii'Ttwitey ,3- • ' • ~ - - ' - 1 , ii ! 7 Tteri ibtibtbiiiimewfrontthaD 4 !" l 4ii ''-'h'Plslowie etreo , gtiriio&btl_ * hit f - 1 r iiifitilKtafat:iry,:t.;ll,,c4,,,,t,,,t> ~ , oittfildei=retatit43tOwe.teidvancitii.l o witiiddiit inU Oitett4 tea, Wed l•the:lsannt I ctc Slititichirtiettiipen , iWoliett_uTi: ,,, Ili I: i. 6 ,1 r t'!; At. Constontinoyle fortifteatious wet* golftiviinvlllitilefilthfof the(Turkiebial - -- O t ramilleetlmnis;e*eellookitt!l . 2. ,,, - , ...1 , 1.i*tf ISii , thoofited men and tireniy;:four l ships left' Cliyiiistaittinriiile , OO the ?Lk Yehioarie, Millei liti Ceiba,. -of ,e , l4:Orlitti pritieltir ' art tv s ti it hergi;l-.3-, IP. -V-i. 7!1;,1; :::1 is ' ll-td f - , , , - "li/WllitirepOittilhlit . t ikga tlio.k l ,_ c , riy e‘ h • sitid!Ettigsh -I rciors,elioida•irilve-iw, ii, kiiia=-irresistme — - will be:lirop 05e41.,-131 I, , ,tbe . 13iiittio"-tithelDivan to give.tlie Cfririti4kof -• itill<Motlitits;equnEriOte; -. Tlie _runlet.. is lorikivetiiioubtfoli , %. ' . r. ~ , . 1 .. i /., • ,: ; , 1 ... 3 ? , :flaritritiortantdehata m the jE ngl a &Pa.,- Itaiitiottfilied.:, taken plait; on'jho 1 uThish, aation, and ilia :army' and naie lie s' 4 halve been :• - t.edc. .....;I: ;-:,--.-; 1 , t.l - s . ) i "1 Vhfugu : -hedfissued,n-prr4lmatiein IhAidding 4; ea:•iii - port atio! BOO,: Agp Isnitlitiiniland: inaritie:.elikiuei;;.pr.t,parta theterbe:,,On an4iaplanatiooin-P#liamrit , ; ilie Government. stated...that .iturchineryl. win be - alloy - ltd.:to hi s'4lrttl to all, friendly, Alitionkl •-.'- - 't 2 ' 4, ' , ::3 :'`!. 7-- s Ty . , A dreadful villiery explosion "hafi_taken Vats at riticahaii -0 neari Wigan. -Pao lhuk- \ •- rid' men"*erekilled;.:; - '' .:;v- ,--.,- .-. ), , 'Pi ' ' :. ' . 7 . .. 1 The Lord Charnberia,in*bmknotiflies): 2 4". "Mk:hamar that be:it:nay appear at court 'ln -may costume, , he . hkes._ : -. 1 .:.',-;.', ~. .(- 4 - - Thit ,liiigtifiNiiipliis:Nirsti iitt:gimptlnit4 o, ''-foiiii , asenerat jt,allan leag u e..., ~., i: -. ;;;;:,- . h , ;•i:i.Wiii , , :.11.0 8 4 1 . 1 1 - -. , :1 - ,1- ?.-cr4TunipliSturges,apti-Ahe:rest.ortbe: c#o!.. . -,derisutattnu --- we re .' still . :St : gitters *if. but bad 'not seen the Czar. - . ~ ~. , ' • . es ;.- 7 .-eili f, ',,einbailF.4. ;vim; a t , nlitymiTaiel , on ..-,1.1* 22d, _!.•and lbe:i-04 1 P4rla 141PlcallOtapiirA ati , ,the 2:5; ,1 .;F-9 13, :- -. ;: -I ~,.I.Tira:,/..oudaii,Money., n ylrat..e. - t , bad been Abletably.buogint. - ,iiuririg- - tbia , * .i- - ;. and ' xsoilsota cloaca : chi:: F..liclnv, at. 9 1 '.-'1,.',: , l; -!--. 1 -,..:The general- /te,flui,rjf . 141 . ii 4 ~ pagt:4*l fiodv6fEwcilit.,..-140tabie...-...-:Ni/iie tr1!.,..1.40 f ~;,alotoi3 O ft t ba,,ilreA,.**4,fir6l an ti /4Pl'+_., at. :tire full rates .curruilt ; ut .zl.!i, sailing; Abe .. :,,auslana'ott.tinaclith.-,,,' - .RIOur i 0.4 . 1 .'99 ',it! 1-nfitirrAnnitall-r4liring,r'Olu..:*ok, . cl u ing '''lit`eiai .4 ii:sitt 4190uu : decline on ct.i.e ., Y ..4. .. ril *fit tniCorn. was.-uncliauged . .aiug9o6 .' it F- 4 °t 9 f 4419 -NisbV,lll6.oll the 3:44.?" - :t. .de l a . ..zsclinCollioe..,*i.k , 6oog - week '4ii .-flingtflieripiirter 43fASQ.A*1. 4 ',1-„ --4 . :1:" .:.-::: iisi ftPoniliaarktXnuilz : P:%a - irPcri,', l 4 . 4ta 1* ' qlferi' ,- .Vverpont. , ?Kas-fpi.cked....p.9n ,!,- - .97 .. .- - .4lAnfiAbn°_..SoutbW* . --,i-aPar.;- - 4 4 --:, i .45yretter4000+.46,crevirlaNitig-bc u*ild a i . out foolk.l water fot,t*PiP At! 4: :Xi ..'A4.ofi , -4ikii,.. - ,,ificludiii.g.„ the ip3 1,1 . i 4fiestr.otitiaiviii.ipa,- : :,T)44 pi !pa 444 i. 0V! . :.'s , Vf the - , COw were landed !at..., ffliao l. 9l. - =ll4 bark - agia).aud';. l . 4 kW.: accounts * 43 titiainglrctll:,; , ... ::; , :l': E. i, :- :::.:;:: ,:. :: ''! :-.'"ti ti tUi‘iini.,-Batiiratly;:Foi.i..lB:-,', t .... cittfif:!stiiin 0 - eaiirki lich" - last 'tfi''`lti'; nil *fin& ditiiate::' "136 4etaile..atie i' . e! • . - ,gi g i i t . 0..7 6 -iicr . , ,-. ::-_,-' 1. .. •., -1:- --;; :.; . -,......• ~ :::,; ,-,, ' 1;•• , : . ". . -,. .:: ~.,.:, t • ". I Tlie '.l.ett .. ei • iir NNtiolOn:*ibt" ili ``''Vebii : prints . Ail .11* - ',foiiii‘ of ~s ' - 1 ri t'!iiia:tubl;iliti‘iiilihebn.riie -;. . - i .r . .- ''':iiii4 tirnfniel.y4' tiliiiiiiiate'.at:tbri?ligil,' !it all • ' '',.:lliikCiliniiinnoa jiii the' -Depnit iteYit 0; ::L'it '.' "iiiiitan't!nOnal in large 1 - 4:ihn 7'`'iniiiiii:4 - ‘01 : y *reds in Vsiti!';'l ''-!''i..... rtetfiia''riithf:si.;PetiOintiiii state ' that: . - inifitarfpreparatlonsArevungirn mitiw - I _ifr-cii,.'' til'imO'keii. se'''' state, ‘ .: l ' alai_ viikb be - . -;tr l iii!ii4 - oti .; v:ity..' , .z-'!-- - '',..: - -1: i` . "-' , P . ...,], 7: ' l'K l itioe6l . **icnivnd in..Pnri6Ffrnin.ttpi!,l '7iiiAitittsili;it the tieapiig exasperatiofl •:..... 1 -riii42,ii.i.i4iiCittAf,`:Oie:liiilti.Ciy.:orSr i Fetiir: :!!liiii*. - oi l - tliiiiiitiif Napoleon's inil; !;.''' liiiitalA '4pTlif*.dtiiiely . ;!liiii minpfore, '-eiiiitifa:','lteiiiiits, - *fil c be . :'taken `by the .'rniTitli'Giiik - eiliini , iiiici tran s port troops. • I.krzlK - -1-2-TaT,Eir'°P;lY.One s-da Y — T hr P etii 'q!' s-- :silsi troops F 144. 1 10 . 1. fi . !itn:•l 4 c 6 ri' 6° l; tf". 44- -":. _:;,•:' , . , - ~ '. • ''" `,. : L : --..' The, 4feei insurrection baA: gain : pi -sfniiil44file,4eacr-virii-=p,606 men be 4 1 tipileF,- arise )in ..--Eii?rus;lificediinie i - "- Thcssaly. , ..-. '. ' .--- . . ,r it . b 1 atatea that ,if Austria due, a t a - ..:'"-eltite.,l3efselg:Prance viill:fortn an. 'arrity/ 7 - .) 0 1',10,000 teen' Onthe . ItOiati • fiirtlei ,4 -i ll ' ‘ .l, e same DTI e, - ;C10ic.5 . 1, In :operate; ~in Italy. ' is & r ite. 1 iiiient' a believed to ,be authentic - -1.; , . ;-- ' ' :ti: tOegs :6 l o l l i,c :aii1x40. 16 1 61 ; bile:- the: -Ituisiaare-boinbirding rtnta ilk I ' ! The i 4 ii'a Nert AinibtfUl'repil:t co -nt bit h ` 11 - flare token ' Tiiik . :!.t , ..,t A. US S U MS _, , MkTen/ . -' .. : 141,shiet-i?l' yirar.- . -' . -.1 • • -- ' 'Gieat_intbusiasta in * farorof ' war •vvlii :srislipg in'so*,- ; .i *:i irj.; . - :.,, . ~, ... _ `:"... 77 - 7. • • ' .1,., - , .;04 3 4 6 ii.*.i*,.,. ... . . : ,- • '4l eqinPliiince ( f*itli o,.. l . 3 enk. , :frinp. 'th - ' : ,..i....: French; _And ,Englllo Paveili!taciO4,.iii, „, i iewr.,.paAt _.ct, the illiedffiie4 will rPT .B i ,il,l9Ti4b, Pirsel/c - I 2 ',Akiii - -.. 8P0 01 . 3 %,. _.i,, e p ; -1..,i71411:41gM. will l'e 4 0 i.t,Fc., 1 141„?.. .'f r , l4 Di iruti -7 --341 i., vMelktjiri*n :.lifiesFq . APO- 6 nlr , • 3A4 1 / 11 ;rAk,Y- 111 1 ;e kFP P 4 #4! 11 4p '. $ ' „ ..-, :,- • - ' . -.. 1 . ii• ~i'L ,I`.l,i):_r-44.hei-PP!*ooirol,44,ilaketif liif 1 Isk Abe Pitiiibe but, tiiiy' Riissiiii a toe • `fi- 64,430 1 _144 ;'..*42 1 -daill. Pect r, ,- 4 0...49 4. -.4 -I Pwli at ri son o tq 3 0 .0.0„144 4 . , !pm!r o gii## .ss_ lie! .. evltibrOpli ~ 4 ~,,..,,, ,„,.,iiibung.,;,;(d. i . 11105 4! :: ~, -lbw . lull - .'' lti AMY al -116 ' 61/ 1 ": 1 - 130 4 . 1 kit 11 4;PY 1 ',,-0 1 .t4 8 1:v. 11 0, 1 P!1. IlanCe all .. " 1, 9 4 ' - = ; .:-. - „ , ,1. A! , , ~....: ... ,T,rie l i vot 4igu lf B4i TA r Y. )*al - *inki' ,- i asp;ll(istile, ,liat:ilie 142'5141m doldie ".:itro` ~e,,, 4 01 41 4 * ,!P Ikk.9off.A4A*l4 l i. _ , ,ii '., , •1,7.,,, h...itr . VS "I• "t-... ...:...,. ar9q ! •Vs - 7 1 . -7 1",..`, - 7. 7 7" - --Tf, ..-.,.-_:..- ----- : --- b '40441e,vi rart o tro-Ips trom ts . c . 4liti(rifi l i ' *of -I .66o'll.disTili te Illiir a'11.1,7,, "„ssait bef,onnelin April. •''''-:; 1 1'.' ' •• A A • ;4 71,,,UT k-it: •,“ 1.4.1,,i'' 7fr:4, l '- '•-••:;. 0:4•-. .B%r--''. • ‘,, . 1 I` . .... ' Tired !4t, „ A'velTantinl St at .. 441, ,weer iiiiiikillilo #_ellisekv.bilr , B o , 1,.... p, or 9 : I V 4 " ' , ~:: I, l ' , :“ ''' • I kAt , . tk . , ). tis ot. I : 1.1 C4l "41L ‘ MAUiliAbeeralik.iopeiliik iii' ' ' • : 1( ( EirVi li P li gA SP"ti?qi;lll. Albania: : -. FYi ;iekt i i ,it'is'''sitiii i i e're lillt4l:iii Art , ir .j, 4 a a *rif4l/ 4 , !kr . kokl ui.rkkilit .-" ,1•;,1 'lto lh orttaon w .pesteeu... , S4rc ,111 , ,, 1,.... .4 .. -,' ~' C:', • f;- 1 . Ti, . 1 . !-4 ; , i,il . )-....i/XF , P 1: . ,.; :4 , 511 1 4i -., .., ! _i.,, Aclire-ItaTM,l4 ls P r iflnini- i :P Prg:t.' at-IcAtisic ( cfif*-1-...:c,i,..-.),: , ,, , ,;:-.!_. „.....], .i, i . :• , : - -: , --1 ,-,:i -, : - - 14 1 tereti.• :los- - ';---• . ~' • • . '•TilP;it. 1f• 9 • 1 44 1 .11ka-113;., 'lll"(lii i P s ‘r l d 'r6 :- it t. 1 1 4 1 x!VSYl e : g9ft; of-4 - tief, elill with !!!e1n ,4,t,w6, t49,71i4 i f: .i. hil‘i:h§ilt'ff, citilY: itit.Pfirtptiut:ME - qtl il3 #ll:C r6ja. ' t i l, t tigatlers-.. , j' . ' ',, . :. ' ' ,'- a ' 'i , ... ~, :I: 1-ii , Pl9,pplikt *. A 4 1 1Pn ,t-,,,tt..i - ataCkf' l .'ir? i, 14 Ilbe.icce.qt , 1 041c 1) niMl ,heY'f l-1 1t,.. h Pa.iillf t t. --, irfo ll Itl:C! ! 7.4 tr. 1.1 ii -', .: -4.,... ...:`•.' • ;.,, , , 1 ~ 1 . -• '•I 1 , r "Ilf eetre!pandeacti of the iior ,Auketrais: .., 1 ''i'',VirAsti'isn.r - Win-it h'. & ; ,„''lBo'4. •. t n p: • q•.- , -,- ? ,,.1, , , t, - ..t, . • L.,:l -'• •4 . t ;Vilteitittla4N.,kli 4 , t: ll. llww 3 '"-irpeO i 0 ialtha)HilabP,Nci-, - ..e4P-: , fl's-ew it". 6 . f .,.. ini-, imated-that be d ired t aniendli ) I ' rling B' , .•OblPse.: clwilitireg.tiLiriii o c udte tp s aula efoti-. II OI.COPP uf O'r.l' as - t° TC Y.: I 'Cile**lll L141 8 4°4' 1 Pr T4Pec!iitg # 4ay .. ?' AliPaluactileP4 . . 8 1.) 3 eP SClkral l i•c• ' 2 dflattpul by v the py luv,i,a7lmeiutl'er4 w,( fleclaceo- -it : le: • 1 * qtril. , IF9 l: SP tha t / ' t i Wilmot Al 1.°; 4 0 4 ' t t t *Ole& this ,a 4 lc ametelcOctlt Pa_sllrt p ose ailo:, /tr. J:Sagi?•T of bit?, tilt ilr,ein 3 P , 1 w4,1 1 d•'1 31 4 W' !I' idut'opOS iPti- • It ' 3 Vr,.. 1 , 1 ,gp Viikt„i‘rrt p: ; whim, 4 ,xtlig is ifuiii „ty,peiv, supii p *different(;, cePiiim ;14',1ipn origiaalieg . 1 , 11 411rereatq asters . ,-. , , 1 - • , , .Friday: a.e, tef- an d; Pro b)nge.k-c9nte# OI ' Faida Yi ni "."5•Ille occ a sion: Pr. IT iiN la:shaßk e counter tof_ i wlts.,hetweeti lit i ifrieigli..-a d,,- oppOiventtnf thc,,,,bill. Ii t4cFe <ila,sp ~ge.!3 of N .9rd4 -no one - ,w ei er. baps mo 6,VIlfuT 40. mote - liin in ph •pl i kali 'S'etia or " 1 ii," . .41e',:0f. Ohirl:,, - . .4.,eu1,b,' 0 1 ,1, ,L. ,propout i ced:upOn 'slavery. .I\l't .13 dfer. of pitit Catolitia, alsd l af,etli i o the' alfeitiOsi /I,i"Ch' i,sisfed,, -1 4 t‘ , 1 3-.lTl bi nl nt: .ll ; . l !t ti fi d e) C l pin g li i° lllllll 64 l - l il b l E b i ° r ver -5 iiiiki be; exclUdil finAi,Nebrag : . - 1 :!; : i s g;i1:11‘; ‘ ):It 'il • a tai;lr t i l il':el ; t i. id'cir . j il i fri : ilte. % ii ir eblc i :) t :e h :TSrlv l iY i e'6 T e'u nl ittlal::fh t i°li o tl.rlPek N irrnare e °e. b r::4 s e a ''''.°T.iMf k (a'lh a 'k.:7: : l46ll: 7 , is f . n, .Pfi_f. : . 11 '0 14a1,.1 let-tile""°tkil cept at ate -C1221 sell hi.r &lei ,te got ~ ' i-l tlti ilidge `'ivith :all ' llis : t; adines 'i s-at: '''' . r re ,e; was quite non-p t 1n, , 5e4 1 a LAI us reply, bad lif 'ly - susbsided into his seat. , Infiri l ber m a p , Mr. Wtideilit!peech, ~_ - f ig!'a ved tha ''stares were tier l'ennStitu il 'tio 4 na . ,yl,.l)roP ty. , A man, hesaid, might '' -ei•iJ . , hiklioise'ilrhigesitle frosn'it alai-c -o) ' Slit 'intb"'e'Vretate, and he would still ___ •.re ai litsrePerf i y-in'these liiiiinali; hut ,a, if / he ained liii- Slive'into a. free Sta t e, l i . 11101 Iv' df thai S'titte,ntad&hi; flee.'Mr 'lljiti ii,ot'Sotitli Carolina, -: re re m arked that t e "is aces "wouldn't stay--at 'the North, - I)4t ' • wild be sure to chrne b&tle to their , ) - - niitit ill. .." Yes,7iaid l Mr. Wade)'.. they 'lds'se • oti io 'well that you have tos'lnt' ice , alfp,*tive slave law to,', , catch them.""t ! • r- ,- ~Ti ....,._ ~... __.:, - •3 . 1 . 4 • ma ide n . speeph - ot Mr. ' r • essenden ! 8 ,. o, 3 Opp, was an kiblqatel powerful•ar ,, ,i i iml flit, and:fplit t sii;stpiitiled the" 'repute:- , lion iliat' 0.. 1 .4 1 eini4q/asit !lou'ud laicYj'-' a ,i 'k . , .f a te ) ,44ll.l4,..NebraSka' . l?ill in t.' i lle. i ff at e t;tirot hi v v i o i (le B i l l e e ne l : y qit nonti : Ili ib,c,lietti f t: e l l: Ol t :it : bile : 71er !) .. d p i iii g nu :t uts:l i: : e aci h ouj i iiip : tip 0 : it r id:a. : 1 l';' " uft ~.I. , :fi' ac iden:r e (; vc fl i .8 70::::- 1 :5 1 ,75 e 0 -: ‘. tep i lil fro lv ta bi :. jl : ,:.. 4 ' rt ni li: st T -6 : g e a6 op tt p us on m e:p e ts w , ' ines rti bit!. bat w,hel the 'vote is , :ken b - n if, the will leave the - Ad/in-1 ration to 'torte and: falr 111./de i r `the', eight this bill tani inclAnedifo the L f piiiindk (o t vrpver, t- I ttat a 'e -ull ihepro-' fattenor Tiniiirrn 'ed iga i st the el ill, tho of them' Who coniider , them- - Ives ad by ihe obligations il party supp'" it iciit. mituninbei the e Who 1 ) re.true n their iipPn3ition,and - s thernl iciatii - will again -prevail over ' rthern i f3iiticti tits of if-glit: 1 ,•J ' -• .. . n -1 .1 1 Itiii.; .be, to tatted .that to ach a J y• as eir r 'S Senito'ibetell ina-uel io, en,fW o _ have not "'enough :''o f ignitil a lit them 'fo iri intaliPat :least 6 inaq - 41 enrun s l ut-hug night session. It was id, nt ;to li 100 er-on, at the s , - on of, s c.t a lYv u ir-..h e le i li te, i'd4 :rt tah t S ri. ; T t ge h aii e l y ePraiu m s a 'i d °nC e n t ut h i e t s estn e e l: l : t ii il l a ni 'Wlizh ridieu otiiihy cmitinual inter: " 1 re,Plitait le 9)eoteri , with such eniarki.-1 ,as vioull'llave more propei fy • e - whited Iretntlie ill. Of a theatre, or so ns other' place ye ere rowdies most do'con regate: . Sam - 11'e Seim was ititertupred in -orne of 1 fila l temi Its by ' an, ejtiireasion' ade by ii Mr-,x' is, of New Ilampshir l p. . `The' General called in,a - command'ng tong..,ilp.•'' 014 thefSergtalit-at -Arms tei eels (oder at vlordo"or; ivioili sivinfiduod he Senator twig.eW'lliAnipshi re that is ientu4il 1 - 4,0) minis sallies of wisdom .4) wit i xviiileVl { the Gefteral was isl:loalihig'; '., : :I , ' I 1 i ' -l' ' 4---- . 74 ro--- . ; .4, iI: ' Vlarliee•Eirtfira ' (14 - ertker Pa )5 it MAY . eGt: 1 1 ..,... i .•''' ' ) A toed ' tha t It' ,oegeherall vun e t $ e greatest ,pakelator 4.igaisrae. Statit'' ,now„,in the i Pnited,Statesiiresin onr own irreoiii)risxmi 1 ' We:eopy-ibelnikt i wi g '- ti Yates Co .tt , from iel :wi l iiii . i., .:1 . .. • :- . ' , , , l ir 4 ~, .. -( 4 -. 4 ; . --...; ~ Dundee, t i e r, Sans. M . , Wrlght, et nit now the `irk, i fateAt:-;itaitlitiiile iTI9IS4W, din Xiti*ea: f A r hotti< *1 rt 47 - millions ,f likAlmsnaes - :nri Pubrfsfied,_ ik."; the present Nine: in : th e 1391,: * t te„(lfStil* ;9an,. _.,a'ila;.&:' ' 1. 41 0 Is't eltiiiiii in ' 1 • S's lii.e : 1 4,0 114 .01 in the Ili ) ; ' Ali n i tu ic;! Hiirsee, Greiiif,,il) I'Bo ' 'Foie {hi . 'eai: 1 ,0 . 4 .. iYik I ):4 .l TrfirP I, ji l b .44 'itiViliitianvot ilt:it,%4ll.ri,;(lfitT,llC;Ayniiri religions no; 1:143:131,1144!.1**tt-iiiiip...ili ;litante#d all, '' l aer - # 0 : ,464111441i41.frPti5: '''oiktiiii to' thii ~ in iritt.,+Tl . -' s - I") zqit- I 'A lt ucteu; A - . : • - ,-- A le --; , -.: -.). el, sis, . . -• I i • of the - El - • 1Mi114.944131i5e1E7 • stt•lescolli swipicio!lisf et „ -- • • ally* ' - • i n i at i on Telit*ilT;.`, n losqutlitunittillgiottr. MONTROSE!, PISINN'A... k 9 T-ursibiy , .8 One Dollarlijul asix.g.,te per an cash nein all,7 in adviuice., ii Paid% all ke r jea . 1 4 1 2 4:1 ng itiatfiTl%o°4ll•4lpaiLli 4n, Ma c% th e gtvoTat im pf I . II P year.- .... . &rid suttkciiiituitimeht lie fithinitUd to ftnatun OripetuB 10114'0 Alum twil idiars.l II r. 1 1 -il •:, z . i ., IyDiiicaltinunuces,loptiOnikhtithfficuPla ke io i4 ill arrcWagetAlT-Pfl'in«ti... , • : ti t 1 . , i - z.v.:l .t . 44:1'. # l ol9`l l l l r* ,, i; 't • ' One nu34h011e:wf51c,..„.......... ~..._...,..:0*.5es L , eniiiiiitoseqtitiit'dieig.q: i ....1 .25 liiiiiiieAl Siifir:Stli innuni;tivitisrper, -. . ,. Ikep '.A libel - 111 discount , made lo y -Urly Albert' O, . . . .. . ,', rio.blittievi-nienr4; In moiltro4.i '' - - - V . iefgr4 t il4iii!kiiedyig'tiie - 0.00 -. & o3 ti 'fii* . 764ei, , ; : 44" ',fey.i..tiii ., :ii!iv:ll'.4 fal i)e,ritekeila 4 l;oy i kiAcii; : er .: igeille'iliVW their Shlipt-renie'n : 'th'e OFT, ahisily, ; liirlf pe'fo6le , ifyti;llie seri i ts of 01-* * ; t i t .t l ii i V i rii f , :. --' , - ' - ' ' ''l . ' : i i, p.,,, m ,cortpo of t!! fii:clr,l;!:lifn.Vi)l.oo - le n tii,iie*t weeir,;litg , liarenitlYtiiiiiit iiiw k:.!‘10 . - i !A*Tc•S e .., .4 } orllt.'l , Y KOiftilo3.ii rd _ 119,P1'1001,1YLibi1 I t_i,.s.7::9'.'..,*.yilifni.-o•Ae:ii.fot',- 1 en 4.rt00tn04.4-m? 1;t, i?.?:xerfr!'n'.doet)l4 - . : 1 pressive.of the, feelings pf . the i mPle of . thi l e l corifl- •ty on-the questio n ;, and .tbSreloquent and stirring - Apee-clig's'llPF:,l4!.4°,lll!el*Pf ViTg.i!..!ni!,.siaii'd '. by lii-0•4 1 4 3 Y0t.*1°-'O9 I O-C-2 Af i .eNri ee l l Pf !'lOge -Wlialflt ougi#44 o i4e,. TOlisi!oflef and vo PPM •to giient least ; as likeieli - lif.4 , *ne Of, Its points. }a. .tir itiTted l't?i"-limo Of.ll*Lacititig :' '• ::: -; ', • if:the Strong Feeling' against the -Nelireiha, bill; .1 which we' are .7teld - :perrgeles-ii* Noah lie any thing like - -the ‘iltp4;eitted . indignation 'land sense ' : sistrivreagAhafilm'eitisnmi of.-SU . fguelninni. county ' !exhibit;' Thee - le:eviery, Northern Ilerelice• pause' before: , voting 'for 1 'this, infaminis !Measure, and, eon , '., rider-it : hat •will iiesids.reetiation , among his c0n ,..4 sti!ilencYl*lter awls sa.-;:. - -- - i. , :. We see little cause, ; that, Jar, to be proud of a! ; Anse who: represent t;el34.A.AcAnisy„ in COiagress . .-:-' Of. ourtwe;:Seritofs. ; 11:ichard BroMibeu“Den:4 if spoke ; in Siqa! u .qics,bl and 7/Med . : for, it, and . y, jaws POper; INV hig,) 4ilthough - reported • , ..t. - 0, be e -opposed twit,' Nr.a.alocait fralo his post when the • a: ; final 'Vote wastaken. ••, „V I root . 31r..G row 4a . other '-;-- -PeansylriMisr ITISICObcrs city.lie . v,lTOW.,'lSTl leak for 1 • -better things. --The Itepreientative. of ilic t !q%ii- 'f mot; Distrietl. hits ..but, niwycourse,to. pursue.: ~We ;think bis intlinatinn will lead him ,to adapt .that ' entirseAnt if nit, his interest ibcrala....; ; Vie, expect Seen' to hilirfroin Air. Otow,-on.; this-9iiestien..wid we- teil-hiin 7thitt•his - •biest4uentl'win t Witch hii . 'enurse'now-Inteve closely - and wstb ihrirelinxietY - Wan i , iet'befoie: . 'i r• - - :- . ':; •• • : : • .. i.• ' • -' ''Tli4ltndi=l tieninerals*.Who're.presenrus in the 1 --stitre'VeseiZatime,'-setre :to hare , middenlihecome very mild. uid &fitieryativi,iti:view of this ianceticiti. It' Was 51r. F:iatt whe 'Mewed in •the Senate :to' lay over the I'o6lk - ions ikriiiiiit "tht :NebriSkii bill till March Ibtb; eiiebeitite'aiet mi . che,e have teia &el:7 , for;eitee ihe'ar i estebtwbed ' Denincmtie e:p „ . • aikirthe or The - *lt IA int•truction. Their . iinsbe in their own beads:. I . _' . - ' .:•• ._ • • -,': - u p ° ',- - • . .. ; The' Illdeathzei. .ru.knarni....itoritATA:—avin4: alieadyeXhansted ,... r ,r r v,,.„,,,,,,,,iiper *WO: ir - speaking , of 'the . excelienebg; of. chic Nagaziiietwe 06 chili say t of the:Merck dauber: thOt.:' it, is no Whit litrersir- Is its "illustrlouqietlecoseOrs,r which-We take tO be L 1 4 41 praise - pd . -e4litiori, enc•vmh„_ it were., *tor, perhaps, not to tantalise suai it our: reel-, era: , as do.:Pst MO- KiliPal';', by sf4 - Fii!s',. t i el-' ' 're • ;heron ; %mere, ' , table , oi ,: eontents,"Which , like: lostfs isaSt, !my, make #,Ps# 0 4. 1 11 ;:pbt4 'Pt!ic e St mud; trod 40 alittY4siFliPPetite *.e',/'!}ve'lllte for, copied t! l'Pn 94r nutßilge, a:brief.chapte r ont of ,an,article, -the - preStmirt, .gn -I.ber,,whiclore,present te oar: readers east- sort , of -I .. sto%P.l%britk7 frottOsitich _tb e ustErc!rta ISPIe • of:gnessthe quality or the ;whole. -: , : 'i. : ..,, , ',. ' • r . -.Gratien'sliagasise Ord Giidey's Laery'4ook. If :: iii. remember aright,-theme : was:atires when the 4Philadelphia: Ma b -atines" were almost .entire ly tilled-With ientimental,p‘etry and-1060 tales, so that senkible , taimmexscrupled : about periniteni iliiiirjperiedied visits to the - 9y ladies, asldi *Ceti 'tending to-the 'ultimate cataitrophe •of a 'tope ladder' and :an elopement.' .' But . not' vine alone in4or ei with iage—Of the "truth of • which' tiPoitheita'Grahain'4tlageXine 7 and GodeY's Lady's 'Book are' the most '! , trikiniillustmtiOns that -.lint `sea; occur te'ti.s. - 'Graham' his'. developed . into ti: ' arcing, Manly, weltproportioned personage; with a (husk of romatici Stiil:but regulated - and cnn tvoliedl4 ieas ont 'And reflection; while Mil,' Go 4eY*a. "darli n g":- ' .-i i .-'eS 'th'e" kistoe;',VeatitY,ltnd. 11 elegance . Which' of ight and nature p ertain to:the gentle set. n liese Who 6oa it do:acute to arrive at, -oar exact meanni in th e ebove7intendettto-be-ve -, ' : 4-Corntiiendeici, fwtic e, Cati'llave' the:Orivilep : op examining teldieV, of:4mi: Makazines,by'ealling at_ this Office:- ,• Or if that shObid be inconrenieitt, the ,amallwam of, three dollini nod y. cents .Kent to us, will procure of theirs with the Ite gister fur one sear: The Knickerbeair :Map a zineJor "idercti, com pres,sest between its two cotters a go4l eatietv of readable articles, i4 prose and verse, :iihereef the continuation of the'story of "JOhn Brigq3," ,y the ,author of the 'Attorney, and • LiWahl elorwieter of :William...Pitt; by A. F. Berry, strike el./minnow* i, the most note wOrthy,' Louis Gaylord: Clark, the talented B n ditorol i the gniekerhocker, has tlhahati Ri. f e l q:4 i,o 4 l ngig!r4ifers asit w e re person aft acquainted. with hun.; and we doubt _ net that thOnsiturs whet have never spenbinkaiad lutmunly knowp,Xiai !tappet, *pages bf his Marine will iti the hope that be will live long to prepare eit°9o:.sPicy- dishes Of -- iialnitgun4l winch Or Many. years been -the , delight of jn *0: preciatiorpnblic. •• . , . • , ,", _.. - , ;1 :-.14r1Fe ske,e little hehind_tio•i&Witli thei An. week, alf we w ere , last." Re*"n , a': gie4; nu'll Ske • wililt• : Mr.le of : Vur,: l 4adei i3 '..fl 1 1 43 R IE4 t i 4 ? lkid' Lought -,to cowl/Idr the great 1ien 3 010 043 tha I ,at •i b t's f' f relfh , 4" _ 'e s ':i :peel:illy-who stool lot : Any. thing .09: - 44 - 1 0 q;. ..ibotilii b.:it-AO tuinil 4t, -, :ww,hore to. ', , pie ow int 'limey . xothoW X, , Ix I PITIfYi ihPn. , 7: 0 , , '.. 4.- ,ho '4,40( 1 10 Ole; go • 'betareihtPoOrettiliisi ere' hief : weighteOnvietedier '' ;.etideentet!till to'hits rs '!niteiktiiiy;thii,i(xlieitt k li'efter:bii'W‘s . foil iidAsed' . . tar Dr. Gartliaei. Yi3of. iriif'artftet* iirfllleiliiii - olaiiii,' ItiiSt in leliiiVai'Orte , wtl w Ith p4eoptaenk ins ila: 1 it 4 la allioaiL I Sheo • - z iaig Cell; iiitoii iidi f 4,-.;,- - •1.,--- 1-:- , - 1- - - " 1 -; 4:: 1‘. . 1 ‘ ... , eilNiNtf . tatiati . 44.., e , 'll l4 nki' r ehll , =glad/ sin i 4 1 Ail: stillyettlieweat -0' tha.4*ataty.'.;Coanniniaaefil e far:prop:ads for AT 01110,300 kr: • buildri st. viiii:C*iiii - I _ •r , -‘l , - - , '" - : I . --t •- i ;2 ,, ~ ;It i• ~-. i.-..i ; •7t *tholso' ''*. ‘'•--.:' ',. Te '. 4 k•Odtfe , prPrts -a - 1 4 01444' .- ' '.. ' . oi f iiliimilioilto , --, ...--.::•-0-.,!m4,1- .. = Ev J. • r. No' "South St. .IC-L . liai got t ittetw.,37.ll'lL'Ai creit, ;--To most:men ixpetieino is 11 . liklibf offs ibitc-s!hidsillitmliis oat .Wrtla myli - subsciibid 141 f si ittillion. 9f oz:= . . . ---.=443elttititit iliildclAafe.eft is ttielonly , iiiitrithing , thait eottid tninifetirtdzilivo - tO beitven.! , •:i.7 ~,,, z 1. j . i . ,) .., : o 1 4,..„,, , ....!,i 1 i 5 .i.: ~ , ,ipk t ,i • •• •••!7 - 4 : II - f l S i gn i I F all °A tne., !.... 1 . 1' ~1 _ eq i j s„(irtA.J.7l . - iik,. 4 114'00:tosr - § .y,. , t in.',l.4 F OiVtiritsLl,44,;.4 - fl, Oir,P44 '‘ . .,, 1 0' . f .i f d, -,,:.: t :„,-. :': ,1, ,, -*Atxuliying -r iai-P i gal l i k 8: 1 471.4"? bearing tha(figtrre, taken lg .. - ' tepids ni t'? ttie'EfiFt , t.4%);-k 3 lleYt4atke..:the l q • i .. i.lie.Pan l ? l e jsig.t.,:4o-4.0 , -rtet, W 0 tlicP l%nre-t. .: , ~ '''; L—The'State Veidogbit, - of Cali, einia , 'Pas a teebrd" of .ttp!iardS' thirty': arthquikes ,1 *hick- have oi.enroll in' that ` Ste dyriog the bist:tvrerve timnths: , ...j . . 1 .: . :if ': . :,Z 7 ‘ l 5 44:ii041iniii natned34oA eirata: into the 'inte`Oiti:•of ' ihe kiiiiid Set;kial' inirbTo'ballspr , 'drean3t•o f by . the)ißohernii Oi t] • .;44:41n , .131 1 : - of Tentleseeom against. the Nebrishalill. Ile • Senator from Abe Soutb;.wio : 6 POS +3 AJAC - MeaSilller : -:-•. '- t• - ,. i ‘-;:--Dougiasii •ierroiti sags;' mother Eve/created a necessity) theveTut.cinutnent talled l .ll sons lof Adam, therofi;•4 • kit rii `4:llters to wash or 41em.*-- llig ~:., ' *.—i-Th4T - Alliany..K4lait4 ,Go Iri ll not only 41-0 1 - ifOrs; liquor li* as soon iiifit - is s that the message containing • is a trendy stritien: • „ , -r—ACccird tpflie Almath i , 2Gth 11ray:iiptt orAitutry_ ecljjild stin— l but . the oldest inflabltanfs.barol it: # - 4 11)6 31T* tQ 'IX, great. • . . . --The M k iinn. "!lonse of ti , prernt.atave, , on Saturday, passed, n early, Is ti ni mo'n sly: the resolves iustructiug Senators tik otpose the, Nebrittla bill its it eonierrqd.i es' the ..abie 'gatton of the MissOri - conipro ise. ; „ ~ -; i • • . . I - .:-:-.A. Depatelt, from. Mil nujtea to the . glittalo; itatei that 'OM liodse of !Assembly' of - Wi+nsiti; chi- ' Friday; ' passed ittionri, resolitionilaemitiititotigla.s's Nebras li bill by iiiiSte tjf .56'• to' 19.. 1 . '' r''' I ..-4Appording„tcOt . news ,rni purchase(' in 'that !Icity,:its •e' Mies in length in!a-,straiglit ,terminna. of. thel g1a4.13,v0i7 .1.1 East India Naz.A sndiafe-bi* Fro m tti Nei' Calle :'"ifarkel CaritberirelL Tiie .I.3oiton. Pilo/,thy • •i . Rerartnatton,w,luch c.otncnenc er, t4e; gr'pat: Ptotaitant last throes ofrhich .wein siij r This be AiOvi to this: rCgiori. Senator Dongfas CyrnYßayton , Cot*ortl. ngainstcpriain-..itriCtnre.s Reporter. calls that nkt.astrol zreat measure th, 1 lire°, yeors',ttesertion rota;' a vi icU q :: final 1 . dint it'wl,ll : na:tci ty; - iltopia . be 7 1. ed'gone 'a little . : 'friithe si. make. A div gr° 1 : 1 " moral tiot I reris correspopde, maw:4l6re th}it Ur. of Mtn- -iiete , almost complete - lotion, u.... , in' Madrid: The c]%racier' that bad lobefore him,.witli his c allenge•tO ...fur are created.:, feeling. gaigst. him chat rig can overcomei,and !which mikes his' len alilie:ba!Piliat4, _ad Pai.4fule - ing gi t eco h6 r 6 di i n ai ,ict i o d , n l . h o e f 1 M: 4 : in to: o il .sh w o it. w z. •: . mint! ; that goyim - flint ha. a snples as IVO: as th tof the Upited'Stat in prOpOrtion - to; pop,' stiett. ',They are tbe- only two Govern men of the World With a surplus their tr - - uries." 'What's lesSO 'upon; the phitos -op of goveruinent this - f t teaeLM !• . 41' . e „Dostmastei. eenera !ate anal subscrilw to - a, A resident wiihin .tbo • count is printed -au d' published, • Such - met- free of ' _pos il l an adprung;couuty l iiroiri the. one at w high. he usual! nicationsby . mail.' .-.. 1 . , Quebee,fereirro)nt orders have been ' receive Iteirati, the acting gore turn to Englend, and anno erell, as . s "suceessor ; -a Eight - in ers'are ordered • l to go.ov l r land to Halifa. thence to So - utharripton b Cr.. " .!..`• I • ' ' - • - :,The =iitole number recent election in ".New tw • . - .front'. 246,001 f, nearly tw' - her given at . the' general Of, tiles° rove'r 1.',000 a Ainetulanent,Of the Cons the Canals,: 'lad about''. ,showing a, Majority of .12' :- -='-nr; .4: "Ruitiell; ,' vented aladdle,•tbe geat ,-on elastieppringlwenitbli '' L tide with - O s 'mush 1 . seated tiOn a ‘ofa:.- MTh ,e4l - lif - Inipti ruhber;su springs.- It. can•bci ma 'and carring:Cs eiitiilly as I • 7 ''ltis;iiitimilt;at; the i has inStrUcted_lf t ,;4ti l . , ';.9r4,C1ar0 11 49n foi, exli, exArlfctrdillivY inniMnce ,44 Lords tbatile,,pritis • 1 4 1 01imPorillo.t ea?.fe_o l ' ! ea, and thae:the two - PO -li-anted iPAhelx!lia.l% attainment of !fume Obj , '''' '--='-tutustru - ..006b17.0 cubit, for! 0 0 0m0.4 - legeiiind ilireinew's - AeCoiditigtitiheifebito `OflB,ols;Aliertiariz 2`,o' teniVemil, isief-4rtitei; 'retison:: I NV'o. :tittle' mety,' come gQt; .1 - ------- - and if the census returns are co - r+t we - are not • siirp ; isell .- . 1?... :it :. IL3el,:oolte luste rs :' '177' , : : , . A --.---- _. sle s Ju l e t tlst ~: ~.. , !"-,-. ' .... tn t-tri - ;. - Ocifsoni ' ;IS. :4,14 1 - ~. , q : a 31 1 ;;.rind' • - .), spew:,, ,!; 4. wr . j. 1 d pis . tit: :. i' - ' .R ST !, tir 13 s :vi - i rj_ Ills 11 1 3 . -- Pi for. the;efl.ine. . _ .' , , * "-Thir.* ll3 :s_tioulit bd, earnedlitiif Africa. ;:teo ol Crrl';'-'..tllieNril'Y' fi* l o ll fr t'''' l l**lt± - 10:1701+ r kirlw: g en: you are !yi g -, , tyres! ~ over .. 6, toSes with ...:Y01fr.14011704:,..i.0110414--,24it .wilp, 0 - u 10411 79 4 . t 9 ,-- 'Okry,,mse t a . int o .. thd you Irig 111 ( 0 01•Oli lifttOlbitte - sarong. li. " . :11. er'yettr,troppa .to atis.t, f ac e . 4.... ~ , t1 attklais haiti . nee'. , "nd tliti. ',1, ) . ,- - pans ceniiii:Oriiiiii .• .'' .: I. :r , I T ;-.ArescrittreirAii/a4u*silfii '.'Pi ,' fJ.;ti" " .-"... - -•- -LTlie Indiana licrAa 0 Pfiletitig , 1 3 1 i . -. 1 4 i .. ,141,341430,16 101 k Teet4J th . ,teo 41 9 5 t oeititig . " agiCAiktirthe : ;floiittled.tior iiiik i llia- i soUtreeiniirtitikisk '.lWrhielOiiiiir,ibelk. ~. bate, one nf- tli,e,tnemr;ltt4tiftfiti)4Pili . : said that rthd nitt4e7 . . l :Steiib:44l,lYptiltia;,Tskpear- in„-fguikVsteiry,4inien'eoli- •tie.i.ani as 'that4 4 lseilediog:4o6la ! ,iiieengt ialdi4liYl),Aii.Othi.ii,'Xi.'Seekt,,ialtail '*u,, 04i4l i e l 'i-. 4 / 1 , kiels + '. l !t, t-'°o 4 of 4 6 ., ea 4--- - 94 1 - 4,011-o; : titif:s6ivito ii*,,hiutriiiild'eyed'tt*:', 1 -Leialutre, siittit''''''' •• •--."-•i - tz i - ,r ,, .•4= i . . , ~ , .! Gene, Duff Grekgti' .44,4 F. .*a1..4 a 40g letter to the Seeretarig_ OP TATtwoy..*iii -the sfibject, Of.itiletoiffs(l-monieaPg9!44. w eanneitiowliith-ilui. propoiek ,4t Peat." 4 i .e 4UtiesAs-rlinenfabriei., , ,ts ,IpAg 01,mtlii Ail* argument; !Which. jeohadlei, sie,.lF.4ll,--Aintei.- tstiht , i4ilistidsfih ' rOiticlo W:09.--tgitell , fit4th• ill'ae.ture . , - Gen t drien-p. fra*ly.;;rntmetx,ll4s' 1 f o rtnerifreeiraS'notions;lSA , ‘,rete , prn - '1 :duct:of bested i-partiztins)* ~nnkinduittyny, pretty clistin6ilr.thal l .7in bis-.ollliOlkitbil'§e4T-`i , . teary should exhibit a . like fy4*.do ns, i frpu I theoriesgollortrtedlio-Parkt r oProiV#Rit . ' - . -', . —A' sin plat, rnamag,e tob it , s- plaee .11e tfekef diva since :iii:lliitlitiiiru; - IC .I'tf*: 'lthik. tkid a i lii'd.fia 'SuitOi3;•te '. each :Offr i!hUm; - slie'tiii-' iaked,lierSelf, appointineviititeach ;the sari*: 'day: for ' the eeresnonr. - ' „Ai, the-time :-ftied,. 1 ' ill the - ')cids - w ere On . f• hand l ,: and , the . inagis-. trite iihetlca' - ' tcilperfUrni the '.terenniny;wia s present:: .Ilie`iniside6-hitiliot'nimie Alp 'her 1 tuind fully- is ' tri'lwilio'-thunid .6*- - :nutd4Y her , i 'happy; lot.'d '%ylien:thd - magiSO.4e Arequestik he - iicaiple, to stand .-Up:' ' A's if driven to ` des persitieit, She liOunded to helyeeet, ,, . Ordiiite -.. of the i•b4o it.." . nndge.Wilh : -11 i fooeVaiirl..'l before, tlie 7. otheia - had . retevered froui .thei r Ustonialitneni ihe , kncit *lii".tied: '; . -,:, :_- i -i4 ~,i •:,...- : ' , , NEB BUY. of e ` il am i a'..!Sf J the stern 1k the trick I ap isi 161 tars to . .n - Ahoughl, tiedil.o..bil 2-::11:4-ii-,:,,i1 te, tins liefi' en . grqu ,hp I=9o known, to ~t ,4 9 3 Ott of wearing hip by the _lit'rfor her . 1' : • eie '.that the ptohib- nthim, but is 61).itttions mai, on. be an e Ara till a s: 'one iritiiesked--- elifoie of 13- , v.f h.+ , ' —An'.ex large . - ,s—.-y, , , which we might helieve if '; W did not •know., that; the wouten of Prolid,en9eare,uniersal: i iy handsome ':: ': A young inanin,rroyideticel (R 14 who had ; a. veri,i';hatolsoine ,wi.k..xe-; -cently bee:aria dissatisfied Withthe : ,att,ention tv oftothers:toailla her; (Withlitf - ta. cans!, of course,) ant i started dr . an ~ trayeted,aorna „two:or three;hundred miles, l tind..risitil,ser; , ['eras 11081)11 1 1.4 - ,fo.r thepurpOrtf4tA=gebitl.gAhe, ! sin ill'pox,-so Oat . 'he might *,,e,iye.,;it:to,liii, wife; thinking if, - ihe l should.,hecome. 4 !pretif well pitted. upon lier ,laPet 4. *0u.14 have- .IJ.i, - tendency: O keep- 10114 y her, lilmirera. , pat the fun of, the joke was . .thar ei,tc4 the ells .ease himself, went home, and ji died, .-,and; thei, young wi t tw, who did'tiet,!.ay it-itt. all,llas Since ma etValiandsoin i e‘,,nan who, is „pot jealous.'.'., :,,... ; f ~ . I 't .i. - . ~, - • 1. •. - Pigatiiitei! the correspondent of, ‘-tile: Baltimote - PatAot, is quite Alervereon :Sena forl..Toombs for - his, castigation of; Messrs: . Sumner -and Seward , ~,. id . ...iameng,. other 1 gs thinsaYS t—' if Mr: * ard and Mr. 6um- ; ner ha 4 retorted tipon .1%1 .:T f iximbs„ that; it 1 ill be liim to« denotince'politicaL Cesali 6 -i. mi-of the NOrth-,?.Whilit he was thecraattirof and the. Senator of a cOnlition himself, and ' ! that: hi:ivould :dolmell"•to settle his titiadins: ted difficulty witht.lefferst. in .11avis, , ithe• bad, 'pnhlished lits hn a falsifi4i,bcfore: he-tinder' i elose took to- brag and Waste . at:NorthertkSemi.'. tom,' ho he might; "-mere 7non-cotril batten thliy Woulclhar received thePland7 ; 1. its of I ererybod3r. i I . Cdngress • andlotttiot Oongresi, and; they-. OW= .. have beck in, no more danker of the. .tis hr . Sr. Tdonths than Mr. Jefferson:Daiis arbein or. row:is:: p.' 1I , ; ~ ..,:! i d. , .-; c'CLIM. I 9T't tent : e'en, lin'e from the ilway, to the ailth tire miles IslingtoO, to racteiizei: Chi :finder Lut rebellion; the, :54, - are it . ritnesf Protestants . in lt.fer to M r . , .11., protesting , i te NebraSka et'v Ilittnlisititie -1 I' .. t . 'I oflllljaS lee tpa F iacifiFaiio : ~ , ion' p Xew:lrtirk . Legislature to legal eittyl for iinotsii, oti _the le pro m oti on' of lad if the peti hfia tilto‘nus Pc 6l 4 o n ln, as to,so- Imtiottant - ItVelatioisi:. -..----- We rens ate e u - wing ar te a rorri,am t ''' l . ' Important I I l ie' rill editorialin Ali o. Ge ' U:Deinoerat ..oF 41, deipida,of Saturday,- I s `I , -,- .-..-N,.‘“ ; 1 -' It. - sititi lickritrim 1 :PCllt` t F .G, OCT' 8i Pittiaitia.s.4-11re are 'enabled ' to I furnish mir''reuders wi't!fthe'followi ' 'incur, - Uattan touching the' e4uipment- in Irian nij- of privateers !p i :the part of R ssia in Ile potted States:.: lt conies to" lAtiffuin, uch 'a source ' !dint' it iii4fini relie4 '.lipon Ili :Ile vostientiyik j' Ideneit.' "7bler Ibis -1 I . n sum iustructlans are f li n ched in the follow ing ternis., - . . . ~ :.:>:, ; - - 1 .12. - sWiftsailiba; vs - S. eli-nret6 be:fitted:Out ` - ',Vri& to be provided - with-all : necessair - nrtielis 'and with more`thaw-thel trclitairr'cOnvenie,n , , -..-, I, i -,,,. , :-..- .•:... 4'• ' 2:. High wages arei-to heirt*tred 4 4 0 - elii!- , ,. tine sCamenc and. tl4 engagement:ts' to 114 made for the kßussian,lniiiiUSOnri,t - .1 I ' ' 3: - To the. more ' intelligent and- rePal4e.. men, who ate likely fit, be of great . utility, hut who ire averse: to enlisting, it lit *ilk: : cintlinimicated 'that ibny : are-sought for pri-,, ' vateiring i)nrrs44'figiiiising:abil,idaloo or, prizi money.' :NO! pains "'nor nintieY•tuusti be 'Spared to:, obtain capable - Mid' - ProPar " - -.t: Wherrall ii ipadit the vesSeisfatt t Prheed directiS to the ,Pacifii -- 9 , al - at the designated Station, in tit - tilt:Rat India ' ATobi - pelaio." - TNew : barti*Tof= refuge -: hp , security', must " be' adailit' . .ton'ilad ever m e ans 14'erlipkifid;t0ipr6eUre'iltith 1 3 . * especially Malay pilUtii -- , i• ...: .L ' 1. ' ''':' :".I . ' l ` 5.i 'As soon ' as intilttieneti . of : The out-. brat Of ihe War Shall a ve,,theiat ‘ iiniand;.,. hie (ricers - 61'e; befati'lin'thingis,flo' home-, diat ly crulta, after - Faiglisk - tri,ding-iihiPsto, 1 "Ant lia:1-,...1- - .... - •=-1.,:-ic , i '1,..g,;, - ,,,c ; ~, . , 6.1 Front tbe'..Priiesitaken, only gold or. Other - easily-,..toirid*portablearticlasiro, to be taken. 4:7he captured. ships are in 0.±.-, ' 'yfidtr , e; to. be - sue* tie . 'brOughtf into t it, _ Asiatic and Arriitrieimbaii-bora of Rtiasi - a- • ,Pouile..ti--A movement:fir. sir_rilOT litiCal pant; has beeti,lll3 dejlt:Fiedrik#4, l ) I'. - , aware.-. it , takes,. ,no.atune g . but ; ;we' i iihc t td t an : : :tiThit=,Libiirty7lo-.Villifundir 411 y. i d The. 4111 4 • Ittnitoki oftlbeiF:.ll4 - rl9 nisnr tiois'•: , , 71= 1 ,- 1 '....A' , lit„ -3 ~J 4.-11,;-,j.q, -: ved.lhat::beliet44 a g r Oi li ti ii6 ri . ty.of, the - votens'oc,,llakAtate%44 - 2,Ptliiw I ,are 'o pose#,,to th4presetitliteavan,4w, well ` , thu,/0-called Mait*Liquoataa! i . that, ev, *Ai i ,ftot:"uptio(t: any park late, n suit, Alectiou:that isio , aut , wat 'ioti o lo ej , with tho Preaeli 401aPail Ackoo:MWTo ' *:, '" 'Rl'olveLdPiTtnitlYl4lo9ll:*,loo#"- ' I fr9illin part -ti Mid' ktan4A l l.9* .. , .I,br at pliittormlorlidep4adiaol . `o4 k tkis'.o3: ,JA 4 41 r t 1 2, 6 41 0 ilOOOTable,7 meant; ..p Ix i•,o*.pAni titi thoi--ikikr.,4c of:o4#o4o..itwhA/um ue, , Libirty-- Itadandateitlike:i?':;i4o44l: l. : i ti's :i ' t. 16, in i:. , tin --- iic.ii4 , ei: . c .,4.!0,1 k iii, .: has4ecided that eekly'ne,wspaper • where the.sante entiiled to receive :at any office in .soch office is receives ca gum' a minor that , refieiriag Gen. Genera! to re; nein Gen Meth o, ihat the -7le,t be in ridinos , and be - conveyed a' Cunard steam- triite4 ia..4t at the "ork, • wits not. flit ,thikti of the num- election lait faTh ror'tbe.proecise tO"'enlarge ;0,000 against it, • ,000 its favor. g the•YotieosO ;to • tiOing -- v0*1) 4.1 ) 4 ' outitift wit 4. ~ st eel S,iife24iry; of, „State - , to ntiky to' ,4oati'ops:or.his ketit aqc. 4 !-; 01, -..ftnerl,l ar!,*Fek:(liiirotigl3,!:l 'for thi 6■gh it 'ln*:avol • - Vim.ctiitte.te4 litiL *visfa'PoindatiO6: adlift - poritimithit; - -- Labout,:?;entrrpinibl thiyyrintersi!irii When teaver ld, and ,Tuptecl a potrral ~.. .:duceri to helpietits-.. t :.. ....**.4. 1 v! 41 tto°.defe,re?*i,t4Vk _.. .:. ne I cry- of, it Trot. - s u ite -` '''' iiiiat I itig r • d a• 1 ; y gmg to e 4 i .de,• .4._. .44.10i1tfir,f....t47.: then of - Ton who Fildatili:Oliiiiire; icipo • partition the , territory ofo pen e corrupt and,cleca fontntl. pat to . retstp.injwttrral ~.v ~ .., loge: a Itittle At. n riiiii9ltitlit.tcii- tv4Aiii i *ail li itlfiV . .E'.l- , :.7...... r. :' .'.').......;•:; - 4 , .,:.. '...:., ...--; .., '.''....,.„ ...: f e r n A t t 4 : ll4l * , ` 4 °13 0 : - 81 0/ 400 - 1 4W tr f ni i - ' 140.0 A1 i k 4145 1" 11. 0 1 0 1. 0•4 1 0 4 ;kle ijr, " 44.111ar y 2,4.- ' 114iii:Ai*Ithioectifi-k :010.0140514.. - • -P 4 *Poimb`:" . 4iia ... ... Mitaiibe 044110:eiriiiiiii' : . iiiiiidib tre riiilifi: iiiiiiiiirahi i ,„it 4.6ll,4"lfilairefriebiiiiitf.- , 41tblie• holt ,ll yarsiotattitactripamown-timaiott_ t h at m i g ht -,b*0.0r , . aiiiiiO4'olltes ef,free gdaileibitik4aiijoiontif.o. ry.. r oi tied -iiiiiiiiiiiociii vjOiliat..finiklii 'l' pro,gy eed 1 , E ii ]Publit ApiiikfingiVillreialf. )4reliC4=7" l - Mere itothelisitigteitth*vilO intrigneriti piust the ,:cpakdi . cass spirt Hof.our . ' oun -try.*rould lineeliiinsteris tbiii-bbtO_ &ILA ' ° ... . . (4 4 Inlet: he hnienni 'rate end .trintersto n - , . . 'driven -trim : try n iiih the ,' • 0. *tile , ef everf.kfe ettet*it. heeii'par lona! in Ix :them? Steiiheti.A.Oniihr i t agraii,r oaf& !httie , fle.ll iiltiiiiiiinaitfeati •- , liiiiiiiii LA.r '""itor ab hor -••• • •• • • - ild to hidalllit - ado Ind rant lands. Mat , Atiiiiaaicips islied for :itel; .5 "ends to -Iset kay, a phi : soniitiry post , . hire:Agiol4l:), ,il Oli - las,t_ioti :Met out for- Id -.ever Ont. want ' ionstAiio iintii.,of free- • d nm , a i m ehise iilatitimrit tihislOackuess of slaver" , ;anii; iiifigit,4titt-itiY#rever into t ha handi . iiniiitorbo dories , is-a whip and 'ottafttit , at*Nliosemottoldifil, Ar crualv.the feeble." :Nichet:e strait *eillia.:. I- fitr hira..ittnarnel , lie-is the begraiik.of; :pelitie:?pj". ". -, L! ' •,-.,,..;,. „ - ...., , ..,:.. 4. g,..q,. 1 : hit not enough that.thirPtiiiiam ' it. 1 . .. ; i • . thairit'as,iia tteadylov:ery Case;•boeiiii fedi =by slavehvilderiVoritibeittdictifion.-that • Om moi<irit Y . cif those Setii , ahreviid . to rep assent tike countriiya k e ..ff - this some iris iric racyontriorid'vrith'rhich Russian me lility 1.14 hatntiner,--:-tialtOiii.federal lawS; or the triiiny,*vyoifir IniVeltioninent of surpl 'tditiidri4iiiiitt4. '';: 6 . all - b een made t 41rei0000hie: - eleitiiiiiefil . e.V4iieM.- i t —tint t ere:iii..,4o6tAti. -, '. ? Nribornaeic4 our iada‘ iihire#3 , ...*ie': - 1,100./1,4.1iii40 the IV(' Ingl 0 . ...0..• . • inidOniztlie4tokk ef ham ii:liiti.tiiiti l it,*:?.o oo: ...liste . Aiio 6 - the ail twin. 20.0iiiri AgeOliklo€ll 0. 1 at' 1 faintin ftagitiveittiiiitlie;enna itiatin; ordaintattiviteldiiiiliberixiiiit - .. *niicifirz ed 'geed revi:tilailiiiiesexe*Ottinn ija t ii t c.' them 4i!PPriSistoNtr*VAissil.t .rep of . the DadaratienWlede*deieisis . iO4:o'# .. i . . 1 0iiie l df."iikkiae* ifs'ii: fAat..,..! raciiiiiiiiitkiiiiii:ktilivili fiiii *the' . A 0 4 .4441 4 .6.- ti<fe. jlietilukendeiiii! cliielOerltiiii!veryli. I.l . **. eiilieol.o.. i riot- urea tiled . 41.11.i . 0 :11iiiiii - Yilii4vi - tot; • • • laiirallienbri2. 4 l6;ifisk.eeiii: . , ..s. - 1 , • i • 4 •••• 1. • •••• - i• ;,,,,. M si. t be. freedoms .vhiltdity, oftoe ?I_,p. 11 ... uni-iiatisliWiti' . 10: 4 4 1 adi:lideizgAiifii ~. - i. diabittOt.trtlie . 't ectit44d4ifif .':::iriitics i regard to hamanity,;to*ief*titii•e' .. ageitillas, to 'party - - iiiiit*ets; : `Feenain , clecetic.y and butuaiiitYit , - - Already the crime h4t:hi summated. Its perriet,l it attting day tint) ifo - t 4, most unlucky day pf ... ...Eiiii. l if. t : 4 ei .hOur4ifore dalphien, • =the , i ii!ci* 410.1 il l 1 0 13 .4: 1 : 4 .. ~, tweji44onr. ..,The:-tillaitt; A , Ito when . • - .ti . iitytfOor -S _ .. •,~ eone4 0.-txrunny • ~ . .F, ..., :, l e an .i l.l ute,;lhould he °Cc d tioiefi , l` " TAI: daiine‘i l and the shli ' :'; -, ' 00Ititiltitil . let a clo u.i dwell 6 . iiill; . 3ilioblieOli.l,: tlesS'nf the day terrifii*.o4 !lilt ::.4 3- 1:44.1b4 night _he soiitaryl- I:eifiy ! I jfitttriryl.. elm' ieithereinY It wile a- , . i l l 4 g..-,ocoroit. thy such a deed. 'llll . WO •he vline i .eiitt: .gone ; '.the:spectatti f... 013 ... iiitif.. pl:lliad,' 'dirk)4d . :.oflutti?;:fl<. Fiiii i ' : !the,.gliet- ieit i'veie!deiertedr(ho..% , -• -44iir gOn'ii out. or r-bniiied di InliCge IttOko,; - Yritti'll 4 - . . eiteAf step cireuleWilet 7iioLtfie 1 lhatt . n. , , 464tilitina the._ chlitniii4.'k 1 tieks, flu liell. with.brandy . ,-shookife* ii . e . hedtti 'l'4. itt.the r i faces or ite',o*. T l f z niiiit.s. . 'Or' gt ii, 4i t eifiiithit6o , ..ikii4b4.4l. oo , t , :.I. l 7iouto" ..ei ';,' inettliiitia :teisieg ' ' if. , : '-.tjtitc . ' ' #": Of the :iottidofre :111. 1 ZAP or ; • •i• . heltdeliate,:iiiFere- ' . ' 41; 'iet44 .3. reaming lfiii* they , riti4 , 'ikliisoiii: . . O Telias, and from` : to thel3, , 1 . ? Mountains, handed over t. eternel'ill 4ht and moral ; desolation ' ' '' - : I . 1r But,` thank -.Efeavenijit : , is ':411 1 iip. t9 . prf.vent - the 'full•' . ll:cp . iti i p r*:. . -iri crime Tii*i4lire:•..:iii .: of "OeiitiiticWiigi'W l.- ' . k tP l 'cite - theiiiiiinitliWiiciii f , r0:414,.it Niniddefittneidr.Riii . ioiii.:: . o 'fieliioticlhio s ht•FOliefr, i 'refrFir: • ..11 iiiii,.l43le • Venliiina • !Ail ' . 0' Off P li A! litngltii*ei i thie' 1 li:i.f'fit i t i i', 4 b first gitti!,Ul ti.ciiiii Ale:. a. erti* . eiVd* .4ertere itifllileilaikt*di,,:it quern ' c+ gir 'en to: traitors' i -1 the , O V: beware .il iidophia'Reiiit4ii:' : '; l .. ii ':'':' 1 1* il r •r` , i'frzir • 4•: 4 ( •::::' . .i-..?:: . V . f'-.• 1 - -•- . _ ..- 1 ... p..: i -.: L : ...:.. 1 . !i • r SiT" The , . ;,#94::: 11.1. ,regi,.X, 1 1 fropziedihnitiii*lptl . . i to: P9,q4 1 9-1 4 0Pren: soil of . NelittnattOi f *:.:, , ,,Mit i ~.'184. . ~*.i . 514 4 4 market foich.:O.!* . 1 0,3 1 q,'1, 1 ,, "PP Yi ) afltbegi - lhe #o,Psa!k . .4310074:00PCM/IQI thus' ke,lll4l : Ch ki9,045110111 1 54 men': ./ 14 d. .-the. : %tatni *4.4:$11000; been Rn liktgell'. 7-t4e*le age.(,ianitt4ey 1004PY is •Barned? r:frve!nen at , mat*:44ltotie, c 4 *EU ' 1441104 iikikani*° 'is lowN : Aii:ukike.,'lnd i :Ow - OOP P°ll l 4 FloriO4 . l l 44ilki4'Weiroultlieett:; , lll* ',hem . been 461.13104;*.4)r] awarOlirkiip i Vir, i l id / giiiiii, - Nortli t ditOlon:Ketit,uck ' sjudfpAiiPs rienessee. l Slays la6oi is u pro fi iit))le in L pite, ,tiOse;Statnsi but *ecdiskirf:ol !Oki:. .Plis-et" ling th em in; market tike.„ . **. *in • ttl e . is- said ' .4.0 Ray.'; PreVelitgl liiii i i• nifti ', ts from -being •opened, , nwl stop t eicite*-S, to :trade: and.l.l4evil. will wither, die.. li.; erptiew !Territory : opened for Ow* of -:Slavesy,to crawl over , prokii '4 extail et :.I 5 oc:294years. '1 , ,,.. , .,- , --..- :14 ; di:— - - 3 ,,, , - .....&4liViiiiiiington;iotectipoidatt, of : IC " Nerdit t,rle - -11 . '' 1 'hie Rev. E. wituivii iiiiiiiimils* •1 re ~1.i.,,p,,,,,y,,i,,,d,,- b,t,,,,,.,, i,l*tilif f oiiwit. 4,,,‘,,,, ~fisieoliieo t 16,1104 i:l l itir ti in3l4 9 Pr * : ii ViiiiiiskoS: 1 cr.' iskt - ii)ttilii*teWc . . Nig' it , :I *itfit i ttlyipiAl l it:i &WO& I'' , ".. .140bt . 111 - atever tWe ' Oiiikti ii#ll 44l . : alone' iti v 4teeiNt is# l. ifie k F -4 " -': . 'auftic;tii-VO iii • 20:0tE: ".. Ireci4alC 4 4fittii.iir 10.31te livilii,tlti_ ViraliiitifbliirioivisW.,n4g Artrik.4-4g... • - --- '.: .vm, 1. : *•* 4 !..A0- , 4 1 . 5 q0 4 ;* 1 4, J.. 1 .". , ...A;:;.41154 • - 4. d or i ..0 :f.i.fwg , . i i,A 1 .S•P-1:•,-4;:iZ , ..i . ;, 1 1 .0 ) 101 . 1 Y10i0 . . : Stat ' L:. n , ; -- :l 1-*iiiiile AO 'lltit- id& 9*# l I,fiititi .Pliao-.' L i Oolto.)4_ DiO :3 )l o l6 o.oi*Wfitiiiiiii; : kt , )ii4j - ;' - 'gjOFo4:gig.i.i.Ott. ..glitt*Aii,4:: - . '..P r i1,..i#140 , ..1,4.4404 - 441i . ; ::. ' .44.0ii#4,,- - „ -- : . e!Stißr-i_Oiti l -iiii;**Prol4 l Ni&i . '..:!?:! - 44iiiitio - .. - *0... r it,;)•-,,,!; .. I.'' . - 4 * :4 -' "44:4i.. .1 — 'h; ! oxiS• 1 :,!"4: iil.d;o,..*di I . "" O. •u ' Pe4;:r. - .',. ~.': ` l ' 4',::: ,----' '':'. : r i'/ - ',l'..' . ' : . •;..1 - ''' :4-T , . vitt 'fn 1 10r . ? Y tt.i7;; I tiar 1. :,, ': r' 44l K 4: : tiiii;014404,4 a,4:",. , ! i01 . 3t . ii!. -, :: . .:Popitiik -- ,VSol4:thibiktitiOlii 7 l -' , 4 - k*ai , , ,. .Vcl l :44ioJ:PA'oxiuAAO'iiatii4 - J situto - 4'.lo#4o7o4o.o.o4pliOiiiitil'oiiiC s..mitk, - ,..vii**zoirwia:iiiiiiiioTiti:i::',• 81*i0kirp,..).4N . : iAiiittei(eStiii,WOhiii;.:.: :riilT - 44:Ivf.Yr.e9gfitilri.W. - ,' , NlV,Vii6iiity: li.:;s' l :i.4 l .liiiiliti' .,, k4i4 4l * 4 o.o4.iillif.W4iit;:::: *4..*Oi'llo'.4.V.troW‘iololo4iiiii.liiii:i i c - : , : :)4cti - 0060 - 04.?t*LiViif#4 , :-Zmiiiiiiir - , - ti.i9l : ,--: - 4 , FitY4q.4 .,,, ii-1- -, ; -, ii-A-g::- . ti , :..0:_:P: -. ,i_ , ..i., , --,' -A. -i. , -4 , ----.- -- - ----- Ai ii . ~. f: ~ .r: ::. -.-,[l.l.liii:,- ikeni. ppr.p.t. 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