The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, March 02, 1854, Image 1

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VOLVIE 19 ~;i.LNUISEIt i 9 -.44r.k:,l_ i itp-A,11.,, , -- „ ,-.1- , , , w•
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:;,', ,::::( , t`i 111.'41 1;4 : VI:I 'eft ,;::::fi,e;,:l;',:::. - 1;410 . fie late:(l ' ;':A. i• - . '' ''' ' . 7!: . . 1, '''.”' : ''.v.AV-,4-':!,;';:'-..,--tE,P,7"
!I , i
•SX Tlif.,*Or oss o laawaaas..yomos i• - •
• -
17In liife'ikdeliOtfotraanni.t
Filen roii4 ll 4:AuttOTerAlaaii.;' ,
to.tby i dwelb ikt.b.f o tpos44l ll 4 K,SFEI L-•
rby snida'Alveteitme„entl4l` r •
kstin6kinfiii• • -
Ands it artirititer Mocaredifnevi the awe:.
rad _zonoW. _
And the stor my winds Idexiloud, •
I reeked not =; al.l my _ sun o shine -win! 0 _cope;
~I . laratsiatiticadtOn'oriky,
La the path strum*, faitia to„tby lunnel •
Ole Suring vtitikits,4o m
416 ta
=' 'Bath
And Sutntsier,t4othen the leafy ,hoods ties
But LoYl'a i s* ,4 ? l suite , 4 ki4A = i.l
gape i Icrikht I . •
maths• zentorii
To:sone less loved abode—
BY 45,g4.1 1 ‘' ,iirre-Aire#r,tiosAkrr E • • ,
'Fite Yet., Mai lead m.Y... 1 .4 2 P4;i4i14°.Ti! to i°° 2 °-;-
Buttleti*blitli'elaid 'gay,• -
•-era - altv-ittang ilia "
AS. in -the path that lid Jae 4o 114 home 1 '
Wlteicaliall,the - deedlind ll> beautifutsleepl* -- -;
111-,the,Tale where theNlikw,tual - eyries - veep
Where the wind of the West, breathes its softest
Where the:silvery stream- ist
• And ther:pureAlear drop a•Of thecrism,4 stways, - -
like Ome in the, bright Atoun's rai'r
Where the , sun's warnkpuile may. ,neyer - divel .„1 •
Steil -Licari o'er the form we ;loved se; Well--
In the vale where the' Pi/n*llll 4 Wnteri flOw ;'
W,heie thelfairest earliest vtoretattiow -. • ,
the-eaTtiOar.. softly ••fair, •-•
.13ury, her,there,z;huiv her there
Where the dead. hnd the,l36antituf Slee
lirhere,w .I.lluont:in the
.va r tley. de e p 4,
Where the sweet robe; of. spring . mv, anftty,rest .
In phrity.:6"er the breat
Where 11$01 yorce Of the sinlesir" love, •
Where no column proud in the.stnimatgicint.,-
To mock the Leayt fhAt`O . estihkr.below:. - , - .1-
Wher-e pure hearts are. sfe4tpirg,,l; A ree,er ! 4 1 e it' ;
Wheie Vic wandering'. t4iri;St •
Where th- sky- and the artif sold+ fait,
fluty her there 4., buiy heir t3tere:
0f...:*1.0r..444 -;:o4i3Otiii.4','
. \ Delivered in tlie is S. Senate ' •
. February rith,lBs4.
„ „ , ,
- - Jur:: iIIESiDENT : The 1..1 nit eu States,
atthe close :of:- the Revolution, rested
southward.on the Si-. Mary's,' arid ivest- ; .,
ward on .tbe•llississippi, and possessed a
broad; unoccupied domain, cieetturibed I
by those iivers,:the Alice:luny Mounts"
and the great northern lakes.", The :ernl
stitution anticipated : „the di Vision of this de
main into States, to be admitted uneni-` .
hers of the ! Union, but it neither rovided ,
for-no r anticipated an y 'eel argem, 'nt. Of ibe
tuitional: boundaries. -.. ,The people,' en=
gaged in reorganizing their gov.prameats,
improving the spcial systems,: and `eiteb T .
lishing:rOations : of commerce and .friend-':
ship with ether nations, remainPd- many
' years content within ..their ampAp limits.,
But it was alrea d y
"foreseen th e
: soon
of the Mississippi ; would. soon
become an urgent :public want. ' -„ - 1_
: - Frauce,.although slie had,iest - Canada,
l,in chivalrous battle, On the Iteiihriof
Abraham, in 175 P, nevertheless; still re=
tained her ancient -territories ori the. Wei=
tern, bank of the Mississippi,. ,- Shell - ad al
.so, just before 'the :;breaking out of 'her
own fearfid revolulion; re-acquired; 'by 'a
secret treaty, the pessessions 01/ the; Gulf
of Meijer), which,' in a recent war, -had
-been'.wrested 'from , her Eby Spain: 0 . ei
Firsteensril, among 'those -brilliant ach
ievements which proved him . :the first
statesman as well is thp • first rapt ain .Of
Europe, - sagaciously, sold ..the. wholdef:
these possessions to the :United Stares, for
a liberal sum,:and thus replenished liis.
treasury,, while he, saved from his sae-' , mjes, and transferred - to afriendly power',
distant And _vast regions, which, for want
of adepiate-naval'force,.l4, iv'astinable to
This _ purchase of ' Lptilsiatia . 'ffern
rmnce,Xy.the 'Unity” States, iii,volv'ed: a.
,rai-edrApute ioneernitio 4 The4Pitern lim-
Ifs of that province • anthills Coritiover;•
ay, baring remained: :open until .1819 was
then aijusteil by a ireaty,'id_ which they
relinquished Texas to "-Strain, end', acieri-'
red acession of the early-diseaverdd ind•
long-inhabited pf*lnces of Eait Florida;
and Weit Florida. ' The -United-' Stites
stipulated, in each of these cases; :to' ad='
tett the enuntries - thus ennexiiiinto' 'the
.. Fedeial Union.:. -1 • ' ',.:- ,
- The-sequieririOria.4brexon, by discoi
ety:and occupation,-of Texas,_ by her:vol.
unterYsitrottationi ..atoThof New . Merrier
and California,:: including .:,„,what is
called Pah; by „wer,,complptcd t h at rapid
course of enlargement, , T at „the close ofj
which our
_frontier bas. bieh. 444 near the
\ center of> what, ;Spain, ion t he
_ , r, ,` '
,\ Atlantic side rot the crintinent,..i,tofppir.oo :
' • the west, as , on - the,east, only ocean
separalea us from the nationi'of ,tite
.Xt is not in nay' way iii_si . tilate
on the question, how 104 we ere to,rest
on these advanced posil ions: .‘ , , .r . ',' I
'Slavery, before the lievolution, - iiiated:.
in all the , thirteeli v eOlOnies,'ss it ;did also '
in nearly- t-. ..a1l the eilier' - rgninyean plisnia- 1
-ti Ons in Kmerica. - But it fild'iieen for ced d"
by British authority; 'for '''. political and
commerical ends, on 'ibe - Areericitif pea- ,
ple, against their own savicioiii''ittititicti '
of, policy, and their - stronger feeliniii'a
justice.and humanity._.• ---''': ,
They. had protested and remonstrated
against the system, earnestly;:_ forlotty
yeira, and,they ceased to protest and
impetrate against it Only, when theyfinitl
ly oinnmitted'their entitle. cause of =com
. plaint to the arbitrament of arms.' :An
earnest spirit of emancipationfeta abroad
in lbsifi.x4Ortice at the C 10•443 of. the Revco
lath", and . all of them, except. perhaps,
&mtkpasohna and , . outimpo .
• desired. onot designed an : early removal
of the aptt l asu ;from the ~ c. o ttutry. - Tito
111 2,PPrOl*Pti. 4 !fl. MOM/. ,AloYe 44;
7ulch,jr*, 1441!
ikr7 tO tbs sant AteOuriii i acotiWit-47
.out fi tplel2',.;re7l - , 7;11` ' 4') ii ... n . ._ ' ': . ... ,, t 1•1
While there :04ii`no - national pow lc
SI?O r
anytifieto:W compel involuntary - the n
cipailoseirt the Stater - Where araf t ery; -:
iated, there' `'Wit's'ne 7 tlietiltrhis u tithea v• ter
general ilesireAto
, A L'suer. --, I))) r*o tit)
prevent hi ..11fifbanetVont t ' " - dew OM
reli-4ef,tiftir f *re, ~t rr
31 ,.,
tates yet to he - eatalt Is e.! . r. - eel
son proposed, at . ieetlylitii4, to eii liiile
s i
4 •Jfr9 l3 l , 4l4linallOnnt:4 ol na4kNkjn4ils gpla
be constituted by cessions fromthe itea
to the "United Sklat . 1: - kleYeeorimie ded
iinci'tirgeilkherriio ','. V.iis i nneffliktalile k
t tk t h e . i: P4 l *P . .‘tt. 4 z 4r.: ) ,.. 141 :0'''
t i on.
There seems to. ua e,,hpaßiatti,i,a 4 ,,,4 r7. „
deep jeitlOnsyshe etithti....erna cipating
Ild the nen.;;emii , cipnting--Stat -1 , 0,1-.
the policfef';thltni l tttng - s , imiv,s tos was
• ,
nut disturbed' by,.qtt 4i!ineetonee'' i4410,-
i'eri. '' Verintnit,a. ilion-iiiiveli'Old ag Sh u te
was. , ladtni4n.4l..iu - 1- 1 -70,,,....Nikni- tivi; . 7ii
tramonianeslaveholding c.ornmu ity,hav,
ing been tietacheil from Virginizkwas ad
rnitted4ttlietii,iblrineiiiiestioned, abOut
the same time.- Su;iaJsO, Tennessee,which
was a sirnilar corrimanity separated .frmit
Nardi . Catellaa, was: e admitted:. in 1796,
with ‘..a. . stipulation; that . the
,which - Mr, . Jell raon , had-first proposed,
and, wbich ba - ci i , the meat!, 'time beet!
adopted for die territory ',northwest
the, hio;: shun! ,:.not,' hl,' held •to ni! - ply
withiaher.linfits ' ' vle, seine course was
adoptedju Area, i c aing territorial govern
ments ''. - gitltlisii iiijit and A.tabaniaslitVe
liolding.corminiti S which. s liad -been ',de,
taChed froni
.SO.ti h'Thrriillina and Gin
All these-Statsa rid Territorieswerp-sit
uat ed' s's"Ontlitires ' nrtlie. Ohio' 'lifer, all
were. t ri ore Or ess already poop ed-by
- slai-eholders twi li'. their slevs ; nd to
have ekclitild si vertivithin, their 'hats
woad 'have - beeii a' national act;.iitit - O
6„ 1
preventitiz' the, int r4iluetion 'of - slaveY:
lint Ofabolishing `slave ry. • la.' shott"; e
reginu southwest Of 1 the''Ohio
w river L.
seed a field n Which the peliey br p -
venting the itit-rodtietinn of wi .Slavery- s
impi-actiCablel lOarforefathers,never t-.
e whit
.waiiinpracticablo: . .
:. But:the2case - 44s othertiisin that- f i t
and -broad regionivhichltretched
a w y
from the - banks ofr the 0 licr,' northward
to tholakei; and the Itliisiss
ippi.: it wait, yi I practically free
from the press , slaves, : and , was
nearly uninhabir gnu,* unoccupied.
There was. tacit, imre u .and. Ohio
railroad, iii?..BrA. 1,-,no New York
Central railroad. .Ou and Ogdeni
burgrailroad;„,th'ere vies no ,rail riuy t hr t .V.
Canada; Inir i iindeed, ( any road around or
across:the mountains;T no thopeiial Erie
canal, co Wcilaiuf cfnal, lan
of; the
around the .rapids and alie fall's of , tha §,..,.
larireace,-'t he Aohawk, and 'the :Niaga
ra tivers, and no steam tiavig tion on the
lakeS, 7 or - on the:Hudson, or u the Dii.s.- . .,
issippi. , There, in thati:ent t o and se
cludedyegion, the pret • talon f the, intr.
auction of 'slavery
,w,a, pO Bible; an
there oar forefathers, vlio left no pnssi
ble national good unat , erupt d, -did „pre:.
vent it; 'lt -makes one = heart bound with.
joy and 'gratitude, and lift itsielf. up with
mingled pride and. van ration, to read the
history of - tbat great ransation; • Dig- .
carding ' the'li ite and., ontmen. • forms of'
expres4ing•the'national will-, they did not
merely vote, or result ~ or. enact, as on
other occasions, hat .4. ley • i ordained,' 'in il
language; marked it -0 e,witb precision, ,
am plification, solemni v, and-emphasis,
that t here : ' shall he- - either'alavery_ nor
involuntary ' seryitu,de it the. aidTerti
tory, other than lb 1, be
~p nishrn.ent
of crinie;ivhereoli - the party half have
been duly couvieted,' -It'd th y fUttlier
ak •d a i a adand , d4la4ed.,that this aty should
be, consitlifted a xtnil att. en the n r -..
minal 4tates and tle people-au States of
said_ Territory, an n ever )4.. ain unal
terable, unl&.shy o aniu - coailent.- The
ordinance Was: -Ai;
‘.,. to:
, l iinatiimously.
Virginia, in reaffirtni g her cession of the
territory:, rat.ified - .ii, and' the._ fi rst. Con
g-reas Lela -.. water. Ithe, Constitution sol
emnly renewed andlenufirtried it. =. • '-
, 'ln pursuance of Ibis ordinance, the sev-'
eral territorial gOVertimentS successively
established:-in the-- ;; Istoy-thWest . Territory,
*era. ori3anized.with a prohibition Of the
intreduction4lf slatery, and is duel line;
though ai sueeesisiYl iieriods Ohio*, Itidi-..
anti; , Illinois, -; Alialigan;.. an d Wis consin;,
Btates-erected within that Terri ry,have
g t
-into the' UniilM with consti miens in
their, hands- forever - probibitin Slavery .
andinvoluntary setvitude,'exCep 'for the
-punisbinent-efL.orne.:- They -art,-.yet
young i'lint, noverOteless; who has .ever
seen elseWhire meth States-:as they ate I
Thera are gat lo ' red the young, the vig r
ous, the active - thit enlightened 'Isola; of
every Stit - ' 1 , U -4lower and choicef
every:State in Ala broad Union; a a
lcthere, tite;etni: rant, for ~ cone/epee- aa e,
aoclfoijifnitedo , . 's alike, from every land in
Enrol*, from prOad and ad r conquering
Britain, from Ii arc,•broken ,Ireland, front
ou:4 . 4 -Italy; f , in,heatitiful France, frOm
:tipirituarir.t o arty;:from Chivalrouillun
garYt iiiidlru".; honest a,n 46 rinlini4. - Sn, 4- ,
den and Mit at: . . Thence.arer. already.
owning aPf/Pla UptiriANL4tOrn and wheat _
and_ wine. for ‘r bnis manuf acturers tif _hate
East, f u t the ` . sut r as . „the tropic', and
even_ fur - tho
~ iaaos,
Europe . ; and flail& i will ~'cootinuck. ,to
.. - • • • , . hale
cotne•in long- ccesaun4, as they al
ready began
.. conieskitcamenaiidleg
islators fog thisfeontiensitti. , i '...0 '''l -;-' ~ -
'''•frhuir•ii.aiitintkililift.-Tresitient;4hat it
wati thelpolici - or our hal* •in ...regard
i.O A litt:.*Figinni , , annillin 4: 114 ; stilited
-blVesk,4o-i. prevent : , :the r incroductiao: of.
slave", -..• , ,wherevet, it *as practicable
This" peiiey, encountered gfeeter.;tilitculT
ties whpii-.*31Z8 . under 1 Onikinintion
with .e . v ew tn. - its , astablishment in
glensif inad . diafisithht ; liiireiiiinal l 'ao-.
abuliated eltiadyilby . iiiia*virrtbe!taiiitt
eipatiPhatisai 'ativeil or 4 Atieto : o 4 ft
WM; k r Oar - COWOriitrili ' flitlatiVii ValUO : f of
the proofuetioniiaf easeiii'b
of into, the' - el se,' ` , 6 1 04-eminCipatiog
._„,.., .
~., ,--,,-.--$
4 ) • 1
• . _ ._ ...
- .--- -
. , . ~.., r 5.. 51 4 -• , A. - ... .
.... .i - 7 ,I: ...., ..,..rr. t i..r. .a
... zratos:d..p . - :, -E r p--y. :34...try-AA... 1
zkytt 5* *.... 5`1,4" , q: , - ....t, ffi4a4ll , ( l 4ln .0 ri'ar - ati " 1 : 34.11. ...r.;):1-1ott'.' T f',lfi, ri .. .. ,- ,i I
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......, • ,
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' r.... - 4 k.' • 7. .%f l itiiii,t 1 „ .4 •.,,tn:.4 . rt.... -le ' , -,rl if_ ii 1i . ,L - t 1 -ot i 0 - (%.!.::"-) .44 .. ;f1. - •';: ', i . tr. i s,r, V ,
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s , lts:itq %zi' 40, J)0‘; . i ' S !if • ‘ •ps '• I D
-ISATIIR-LTAGEZIAIATE:MDTIRCEr ' • i r t - * 'PEct4g Wtlisk 1 7 / 1 .
to I Vl4diihn.T J
... 1 ... 1 , y ,
~...„,.1 : ! . .,,, .,... - . .t... ,... til?. ).411„.4 ; -.),.. I, .i.:' , 4../ . . 33..1,. : 7 4 : ::. 1 , .+ .', 2 11 . 4
... 4 .) afttiil
, t /iflir: c“ . p":1,1 0 , , ..el cl 7.tiL , ... i.1110 . • . SE„rit•rjr:Tilioructial
•:, ,
ki i . ] - . , r . .- ~' i-. ~ : : ,7 111 . - '" 4 : r , A
• ... , ,,,;:,•!..A...t.„.,,.,...„):1 tro: . 111*.5:12 Bti i b1:11:1 •: ' 4 ' - fi.t 153 V - . 40 '; EA; "...,, .1
er. r ell,.:', a . ,
Iri - . .• • • . 1. , ~,t,
s l o4 l :itratlitnii i i l ll4 ) 4,log it) . it‘py 'of
sloles,*aig rilA - i4 - oaiiihia , '.iliVe;
hitililitorir: VA Sa:tis.,4 ! !) - d'ipiii:lll'iitiiiiill
(4 =of . 'illee , iiitei.' ' A riWalrttili whiff
idiltA c iag OlYis'itoolil'a;;Meiliaa:;' al
Fiiiifgo; l 4:64 AiviiCcildiWriiiV:liii - alpfilpiA l
ifi . ii;ky.i , vi '' vied tweiiitieciasii-,), ifivicd
As - iic4 fin- - t ac ti' slacilaiiiitriiilnEiiiiii
trWM'itimilni" We diat'didiiiii ft:if 'ti l tliAifnii
into UN lila n ii the, nuttaber of St/afa r :lli
tifeico f,..,p...i4i vg=ilatii;4l-wiiestotiliiiliy
it;iiiwtir g i4:7 aindfl i tieileititi i Ai rediral
.6 - 1 - 11 - h w its.,l .l- :,1 '4:l il• P) - I 1-*: ,i -1:!! :' : "„.711, ! , :i
'''lliWelitiiiiri 4itieli'liiid'Bidie r aktifel
friiiiiViqWC% s,!`iiiiBtY4,: 6'46'lll:zed 'in
t?ii? ileirif4iii; difii'or'Ata, i'dhidint,
liii'W - Orleaiii ti.riii ,eiliitat'W 4 allied
Oil Ott iiiid.fl4 ipiller',..f haliiie sf. T. is .
flielii'ciitert;iii;i,* - 6: . .'Piiiini4 i 1.4.
itilgl2;3leqtbiriftiry a •allea Ortiati#,iiiiiiai
sfi l/
:aid& tild' - '44ll6W'State,itit'Aer did if - lit/iiif
Ltiiiislitta'`r_kiiiii" beti alit old' - ' 'isltiali:
dip . i - eintlY . 'ikf graactit,'ina o z-e: iirer.:
~,z ‘
tionorsltivar'y within if4'ailldi re'biloa.d"
Siiilideth/:oftilftoliiion.'"At' i ' same time
ihe . Teiraory':6f:-.LauWitii'a; 4 4 i dtillVaritS- .
Of C,Oifiresi4 toktkilie'n'atpe''of.Missiiii
did, in 1819; ilie"TiOrtititf thereof'-vi hid'
now:, constitutes-tbe"-:9taTta of CArkanat' is'.
was detadhed,•:ittid . .'nfti'a'''rerritliry
iind/t; . that''aiiin;.‘ - In -1819; ftfistouil;
whipli 'Wad' t tie4b u= . thi nis , .! peopled; ' dad
Jrad an incenisitt/ leinurnbr''of "slavei;
~ i aptied for ad ssion inxoThe Union, anti
/1 1
lee appliCatio ' brough t the question of
extending t ' p 9 llC:rof the ordinsnee_n!
1797, to tat 'State, and to: Ilther t tiew
States- in 'id re ion acquired froni'Louis
iann,to2a 'dire/ • lote:. • The' Floitse' of
Refitrepint atiiei in4tsted• on 4' prohibitioa
ag-at st -the further introduction of 'slave...
ry - 'i the!Statil as ' a conditionloilier: ad-:
tri-•sion.. - .The Senate disagreed with the
muse in Oat detnaad.‘/ ',"l"lie mid-slave:
ifolditit StaifFS sustaihed'the House, an d .
1 ho'ildrieholtlint Sfcit 6$ susthihM ibeSen ,
ntp.. Tlie differ/nee wasradieal; and tend=
ed ;tOwaidt'iti4rlution. •'; - , -, -'..
One: party tnnintiwittetl 'llia the Condi
tion "demaided -ivas'-''constitutional,-;the
other o.'-that. it.- was unconstituiinnal.—
The.publiarnind bedanveini.eitsely excited
mid piinflilipprelienslotis Ofdisrinion and
'ph, l'‘vitr" begatitO: .preVailsin; the 'cairn
tr ...., .• .. 1 -•:, ... • :. .-
.''.' it this eiirris,iriajavity of both Houses
. .,og eed iquiri _a plan for...the adjustment 'of
th cOntroiersy: ' By•tftis plan,'-Maine;•• a
no -sraveltelding. State` wa's •tci; be ad mitl
„ted ; 'lliiisouri - was to be admitted With;
- eat Submit ting'to the condition ;before
'mentioned ; and in all that. paii, of the 1
territery. acquired:llo4ot Francis, - which
svas nottliof-he line ,- tif..34 deg. 30 min
utes ec•nortb latitnde: slavery-:was to'
forever prohibited Lnutsiaria,. which
eras h part of that teritory, had been ad,-
mitted as 'a slave Stateeight"years before;
and now, notonlY. was Missouri ad-.
muted - as a' slaVe :State, bu' Arkansas,
which -%Vas south also
- that line, by - string'
implication, was - also to be admitted is. a
1 slav - eholdrno State. .- ' , • .-• -'-
.• I - need 'not indicate What - were.the
equivalents which thee respectiVe.riarties
- were t."; receive: ! , in' this - arrangement, , /wrier than to tra y tharthe .slaveholding
• States practicallyi were to reeeivislave
holding' Ste t es,- the free States .t n ' receive
a deset;.iiiielitille, in , wbieh they. Might
if they could;" plaiti the . 'germs cif, . future
free States.' " Thilt measure Was - adopted:
It was - ,i' AStiontil • fransaction-the
first of a class ft ransacuons which have
since coine to . thoroughly defined.arid
well understood;Under the;name of coin; ''
promises...; My oWri-•opinions:renneerning
then) are. (well;.: known, and:, ire - riot• in
gnesiion here. , • According to the getter
.al understanding. they 'are = marked by
peculiar -eircumstandes.ind &attires', viz:-
' First, - there is a divisiOn of Oilinionnp-•
en somivital national question .'between
the 'two 1-tintses,:of Congress,: which, di
vision is irreconcilable, except:by mittt ttl.
concess i ons .of., interests, and - tpiriiopi:
which the . - Housas deem tonstitutional
sl id j u s ... : " ." -• ,
..; ' . .
Sec dig., they aravendered treceisary
by imp' nding--calamitieS;- to: result from .
the lall re of keslation, - and to „bikni)
other w se averted than: by inch :, mutual
minces ons, or'inicri fi ces. .• -, -.' - - • • .. 1
- Tlstr IY, such concessions - Aire mut iag
aid equil, Orare - . accepted .nisech, and .
so-become conditioni of .thit . mutual it= '
tangeirwent.,ll . . 0. - ;,, - ...• •..1- „
- -Fottithly„ by thistemititill excbangivf
fl 2
conditions, the transaction -takes . on , he
natureindwindition of-is contract k co .-.
pact, ortntity.betWeen the ptirtietirtiOre!
sente •''.arid so;-accoiding to weltiettted ,
t printi les oaf morality.., and . public, liw:
the s ute . which 'embodies ais unpAi....
stood by thole who. uphold this .systeul
of le lation, to be irrevocablisuid - irr . e4
peals e, except by. the mutual consent
of bob, Or. of- all '• the .parties 'concerned.
Not3-indeed,lhapkt - is absolutely irrepialk
tut:tbat it eannet be repealed :With.,
iiidatieu.of,honur. justice, rani, gixid
witichl it is presuined ;will not:,be
itted. I . - •. 1 . ~_ - , ,
net tt
tr. *a.., the ei3mp'romise • of _.1820.
ur i rah: l ,o.4lw the 'Union immediate?
ehiveholding ; State, and Arkaitsan
in a elltvefbcildintt State, without ob.
h., eik s ht years • afterwstrd. , Nehru
fie .ih hit 'of the Te'rtitory reient
ly as
al inieloifively for..: free - • Territories and
free Stitt*. has .retti,eit!ed a ivilliensins
ever istnett. , 4tid now it , is pioposed here .
to• abrogate. It9t,-indeexi, the whole:com
prem but. only - that part .of, :it , whieh
sav Nebraska, as afree. territory,lo be
s af ti irds. ,4bic a b iv i l i d uj ed uld iet ,b l„ , e d o in tps it 4ro i tz t )4l o lig
Unit) . .'fiAttit , this is tprop?eettc . optwitlit
Sian ng•isn-ueiseritil itequiesceecehie t,be
tent rietsisfki by Wit, rtlice. riot' thirty
.3i - r -,lnd.irs CPoiftiOtOntciter antrever
ef* ' ''l)ll°7s4tivarthYStanlll.l' grfg7MlibiltCl6":tiheVe.,B)4)llo:7
bald: ;.. S StOClNOY:ienjorthi•
eve: '''itee ik4 wee. ma& vial. Aiteir,,
liiztOi-,....iwifiltso: owing to,-;.elrieaugancee
ithieyvralteerffieltax solOarithe, 9,4lm 4 iiive7
- 'Owes? bytts..3tot i FiletkAlit CIP . '
V 109,0f11$000igliergOaaffi9:tbsak.... ,
l .
v is `ol* , viistioti,,wto•Eterons the
~• , • .
- iiii,f4i) brtbethtliel = ' yes hiiPAninii
jai! _ 4.1 ' , -'l.ilo-:..i., , :"'
.serf ft , ;t- .t ~ - lit ,n‘z.- t,i
Itlb/tette atiell ; ' - tit ilicetitiebt itniieil
tiitice,', l 7haprovi- .- iltiliO,Naloitielhlti4w
gitell hi NehraJ OZ ' gh-cordinenceß 4 ef .
Ann ccintiiietitiiit '''.'eft 17877:'0Ofte&
dairoiee., a tie .4.tilitear thextiatiiitittlAiij
tinfinotetini ' ' • IblaO ololo4l *OOt'OOtilit
triune:. , - 1 - ortinild*to ' ble - .4)y , ite
aiiiitiaity Ireii !liatioefli itieriiiitilif
that c - gross, whial, inverrenderbm:iiii
ituals itiftei'estati44lllllriltbiorditilace,
enje ed . ' ii'u non jaiit . ifittythliivityii t/roltrei
fr i
tn,...,einber:tlitit -I thel4auSe4tfit.be4Velteta
Sfifreii was . th eesititiodfititimatfnaitire. 4 4
be qu l eationievelabirantiisite , ofittublie
faiths - land: mointittfolatallty )aniVltonor2+
It: will' heft ling di# 'tit :thicßepublie;
*heti SttOl - 1 1 questkvratialtiberdtterned
ntivvottbyzof gi.avo;ii atid , linemie
interest. ' Even if LU•werte.leertain ithat
the inhibitiotr. , ef.e)eilety ii t h e - reg i on
cxxi veined' I was) Auntecessatri'ind iftiliti_
qtiestiok was thus: s'etlaced:ttra mere ab-1
straetion;'yeteven tibtit abstraction wool('
involi , el the =testiisanympf . the A/tilted
Stateitan: the expediancy;':iVisdotn,..vla
*dee Of the spite mi of. , nein= ' &ends ge;
vetch iivitic,b this arid other portiiins of the
world , have been e&-ling. afflittlad-; :and:
it wilt be a ntelanersq day for theßei
putilic and for .manicinti f When her cleCi44
ton on even inch an abOtraction shall:emn=
wand no respect, and inspire to hppeie
the hearts of ;the oppressed.:- 'But it is
no such abstractiute,-.At was no ' nen n e .
essary dispute, no mere= enntest•of U n a ,
passim. 'that brewed.; that compromise
into being. Slovenian(' :Free/lore were
active antagonists, then seeking Tor as
c.endeney in' this-•-Union., Both- are
more vigorous,-active .-- and lelf-nggran
dieing :now; than they.- _were- then, or
ever were before or since that neiioil.:.- - -
The contest between them bastion (ally
protratted, not , decided. It-is: ii. great
feature in. our national hereafter. ; So the
question of adheriegte or abrogating this;
compromise iano - utirneaning . issue;- and
, no contest Of tnere blind paswsn novV. 7r
- , To -adhere - is to secure- the Oecupatiotil.
by freemen; with freelabor, of a: region
in the very centre of the continent, 'taper
hie - of sttstaining..and •int that c:-event des
tined, though is notly be only after afar
distaut-perio sustain ; tea, twenty-.
thirty, forty Millie:tsar peopleoind their
successivageneratioftefittever I. :
- No abrogateis to ?align all that: vest
region to chances .whith• moital vision
cannot fully,foresee; perliaps fo_the suv
ereignty. . of such tamteg - eobcrnannities
as Ithose_ of , winch Mexico nd South
An k erica, and :the .-I, 7 ,. , istit ..indla Islands
present • us; with examples ; Irhaps to
avert that region into the sc ne of long •
ins desulat big coililictsbetween not mere
ly races, but castes, to eud like asimilui
conflict itt Egypt, in a coiwulsie exodus
of the oppressed people, :'despoiling their
superiors•; perhaps like one met dissimi.
tar_ in Spain v in the forcible expulsion of
the inferior race, exhausting ',the State
by : the sudden and' complete siippression
of a - great resourCe of national wealth
and :labor 3, perhaps in the dtsaittroes ei
pulsion, even of the superitir race itself,
by a people toesuddenly nuseiHromsla
very to liberty, as in St t Domingo. To
adhere is to secure foriver tile presence
here, after some lapse of time, of two;
four, ten,_tvrenty, or more Senators, and
of Representatives in larger,proportions,
to uphOld tis. policy and interests of the'
Aoft-slayeltokling States, and_balance that
ever-iucreasing representation -of slave:
bolding States, which past .• experience ;
and the decay, of the Spanish American
States, adaionigi us has only just begun;
to save.what the non-slaveholding Stntw ,
have in mints, oiivy-yaids. the Military
Academy and, furtificatious. , to balance.
against -lie capital, and federel institutions:
in-the slaveholding States; to save against
any danger from 'adverse or hostile poll
c,y, the - culture, the manufic.tures, and the
' 1 ' t i e •
~as will!' as. t ie. jus tiflu nee
and weight id Atli national principles and; ;
sentiments , of the Oaveliolding States. To ,
adhere, is to sere) to the non-alaveholding
States, as ;.well ,
a s to the slaveholding
States, always, , a d irk every eVent, a right.
of way, and fie communication :across
the.continen, d witit the States on
I tn
tin:ll'B6lin .cuss , and-=with the jilting
States on the isl, nds , in tbe. South
.. Sea,
and with all the eastern nations en-the
vast continent of Asia ..
To abrogate, oithe contrary is teem
mit , all-these • pretious interests to the_
chances and hazards of embarnumnent
/ and injury by legislation, under the influ
ence of !mitt' ellitical,-and commercial :
jealousy and rivalry : and in, the event
of the secession *eche slavebeidin* States.
vsideh is .':so often threatened ;to their
name, but I thank God-withouetheir au
therity, to give tii a servile population ti•
La Vendee at the- very sinirees - of the
Misissippi, and in the very recesses of
the Rocky Mountains,. . .
t Nor is this last a:contingency against
efbich a statesni n, when.eligag tu giv
ing.a constitution for 'tech.& territory, so
+wiled* must veil his eyes. It is &states'.
man's preVince and duty - to look before
psl well as Brief.' I hew. : indeed,-the,
resent loyalty of the American people,
:North` and, -South. East and West. L.
linen , thatzit is a sentiment integer than
nny sectio 1 interest Qt scibal a• +and
stronger, tbaa even tbe bive of equality in,
the non•slavebolding States; and almng:
ger, Idoulftliot;than the love of elaVer.Y
tn the s islaiebobling Statmi. But Ido not
ktovi, and DO mortal sagacity does kniisr
the seduclitunt -- nf interest nod ambition.
and the influences of passion.. which, are
yer.te be 1 , cm:tuned , ,in , emy ' fallow ~,.1
,knorltbia,, -however 1., that; the. Maine A that lt Will:b 0 "-olifolto long
acimpartial political 4qiiiiity shall., Ohl
tinu4.l.lo3 ,liesis of sectii4y. till it: bai hntittl
tofore - done. in even halfof ilieso Statmic.l
and they .shall thus Maintain a just equie.„l
tiloi t on against theslasteholiling SLAW!
But I atn±welli assured. As% oli tballnlS9r
hand, that,iover that iliyeliolding Statet
ebell, multiply.. tbosieetvel• and. : 0.'1,41
their. sphere, 40 that chop could* lynAtouti
.1111 t ;4-ntr'-'. 9 - ~ - 1. irricri:ln 91 r9l, -'- •Vtlfr- ;;."-ir Irtii.Riiiti.;!,l4filgT rie , ,
ti ,j . „ . Ip. 7;-',1•.4:3,-111-4;-:,cli!; 4 ,;i 5,10. - 4.!,i ,tir.,ttiAitei -', ,* . i. „ lti , ' - 'fir , ;•C4l• l ' t'..ii•F
1 +t): '' I t 4::..; . w - ILU . -,fl. 7‘..4.f. I . 4 i'J -`.4',. . -. ~; rt f;. ; . l4
_ x
1 fr
4 . ., - - . 1 c , z, 2,341!)-10 ozl'il 4 r'a' 1 --. ly :4 . -
'lO l n • it_llll Gil 149 irigt.: .....v 1 l'-' it. 4.. , al
eii, e .1 '(4' l l•l;t l iffk.: - -- 174:ii ,i . I i , rt: ' • - , 1 ,. B. ti ' '
. r ,i. Ot. - . v. 1 • k..Z.Tir::l.l. 1 . , 41`f--4:9• 1 4 t) - lf; ix aro," ~'
#. • ,s..f rto ..“.• 9 4
„..ti f, . S
, • 7t • • •4t p.
• , 1•• ....... •
4.l:"....'Pqfi'3' 4..9e
4 •Tkirti , ) ; ma:l9. ....i•aAlli , .. ti, #'3oo • lg. : • ••• w'
, I 1, • , t ' '
••` ~..,• I
-2,1'4:Q12:4.f 1.-;1: ..b-IP 7 ,,' . HI!: 1• j 1 , 3 i'7,l`.. ;X.:Ai i... *...; V `.- ' t
.!•%4 . f ‘ ,
• ti .g- 111 9 ! 1 ,, , i . 1
I.:ali Ir titli3t •
a . 0 -44
1 1,t
r !ri!al
_Pa ..t r., f; zttriti)
.1 . 1: , "
r.. 1. .',rie ii.,. 'l.'4::
atm* as • • - •;; Avithl qtliet;-•; *rib 44 ii;tiols old i trgl
. /taresl .' . - ituttir.alktKentsithiii4 ' ta:c;ntitz
morelsl pip blic, froni..thai - flag Abel*
rlle4iriattOit. l7 B'stiiiitriittOigireialitiind
li4stictite - '' , .•••;•efbililtr-iiiiiinseirk
iiiliiisseat i rdil ti wli . Astrid rfutd3lie'entriw
sile‘'eliiildin'i 3 Sitteiti ' .-Istitit ii indtliWir
pride enitlitmbliimr',,t an -si". thOt *irk • .
giiiWirAornsettetnd 4sr • ." staryltitliy et.
rhaeltaiiitsos; tsiilitemstett.- ritirkett,-.1.1a ei
fol'ai,hilcia , therthtiforinibars/ ..-411 r . t.ii svi...
1 :
-Oe.ThilslitaishoidieeStaitersh* :dy *4'
.4esilfiehinetitire , er Uri/ -Idistissi . . g4titid
theisn' dstriiriry lietichewo Cure; non ~ 'f ' l d
siiitiglitt ha iiksiSp.n.; nhe4hissittrlthri `II !Jo?
and! on the other, even-to ihe condemn
cif thd ;Milk:lurk ,I ;The? atm tiv their 41.i
-thidient-trovrfreitKihe., hanks -, ail ifiaDtlial
*.are, • qiiitniiiroundN hay,.. liesidhiud!si nil
ps : helontirryilfol:the•Rio Grandeo ; They
tiniirgiot istrqij aillanigh f r.hey: him - think
the may; - •oti..tite . tin trunk 43fi th t e , Sierra
Nertucia r.trayi - thaielaresedisiOnettrisisili
alreadye itr•Seinonioandf,theineye.i. orelii.
4ady) flaiedi iserertthtlwrakort of& on ash
Lilaini of Do be,ihe Queen rif. the -AW llest
ligtelaCtbeijnOti:ilisaels , sidiugl-Stitittstsurt
rennet? tri. the•mt slow ithlgeasteint lOpril: cif
tdiY :inohlistains, , and i. dm:sparer/a
Of the, Miatissivisi;mhat teniiarniaill be
a t ecti re, what territory: tail isei it:Wired
hereafter, for; the creation'. auk4kwganita
if' free States I withini ti
stun I . .... , n r-toceart.
bound ..'.,: dotruiiii ? ; • What... territories !pis
tisisf continent -viill...rernairi;:tmappropria•
s i edind •istmccti pied. for: tit tip caunrix.l-,
)ilhat. territories, eireh 31...iwe ore Able in
buy or conquer them from areat . Bilurin
r r.
Russia,will life `siavehoiding stales
40; much less Ith:1; e. 4 • sir: annex :to. re.
ntere . thikeilitlibriutrt - w‘icireby this tun.
ec'essary raeit.sur4 we , him solthviisely,
Ito hurriedly so' .4auscidallyfsulivet-ted - 1 ~I s r
' gar ern Itit d `hal told 1 lititz , :ni;tra-levi
slaves will wit er.intn-thii : tast region. -64
aie stavehoWeriii et' new ; Serritoryliai(h
access to the Executire ear. at Washingi
ion; . • exercise s more political ' influence
thee fire im tidied" free rneint -,`. It netrieetii
essary that all olr a iiviimity 416-•citi:: .
ii.s" , . of -a. state abet I ' be elitveltiiidetli;vtb'
constitute ' a slai4huldi4o- Stttel'•';Diiia.:
ware haaenly I tnwo on .rand slivegiagoiist
iii!ety-titteL , thuush . nd , fieenien'trand . 'yet
elaware•ii a .slare.holdil'g• 'St dte. - :The
proptirlinti ig not.. gutist ant hilly ; t4fFerent'
nt!Al-arylaint a Ild -. in .1 4 ilissneli ; *1;i1 , : Yet.
hey anislaveholding States. , 7, ',' T hese;.ror;
re the: makes in thig legistatifre ttne l 'ln
hich I' lament ' t4 t ) ''see, that.; w ile.-the
representntives of t he slaveltoldirkStat 0:4
re. unaohnohsly' 'ail , ' eai y mittlYll!PhiYirict
n win, Sti niankof the iepresentntives'•ot,
ise tinn-itairbbegiistis -St at insi.tii. "frit 4 *woo
fester . zeal. and ' diligence :playing - to
o r s e,. - . ' : . .: 1 . ~ , -. t.
Mi- President;- Aim .c.pmrait*,l:vhn
av:e . recn ITI 171 ended:l:hese" twin 11)111A-Iiii
he 'organization nf :the ' Territories- .of
ebraska: anti- Kanzas hold the Affirmative
the nergtiment upon'their passage.
What is .the - .Case they- prt..sent to *the
Senate and' the =country f -
I They -have - stibraittediiw report ;-.f-hut
that.- repinit,' brought; in before-they had
introthiced, .41r. even conceived this bold,
end -daring ineasure of abrogatiag:.tiie
itliieOeri compromise; directtr.all
gammas against
The : corn wit tee ithy,:itttheir ; plrt ,
'Seclibeing the character Orthe cotitEoVetiy,lri
respect - to die 'territory acquired 'froin-::'Nexito, , a
tituilar question has arisen in;., regard to the-,right
o hold . atayes thepopos4l,Tesyjtory:cit preliras=,
ka,"*hen the. Indian laws.oltalkbe.withdrannt, and
ate 'wintry thrown open to emigre - thin arid `seitle.
By the eighth'sectiiiii 'ait'actititliiii2.
ix* the apex 9'erittoryt4ti form
f4.eereastetioo and State,Gosernment; and Toro the:
slmis...4oa of such stat.ilicc;ch . e. quit= .4, - -44e 9t at
footing with the original res. and Pit/11140.
slavery Terriforie;, ) approied
it' was *Nisi - dud . -.`•llliCsle. that ...-Territory
ceded by France to' the 'United Tikatee quake the"
a' l ' 3 Pr 4 1 . 11 44.4 11 054irh heOn;irtlt 0(40 *vim!.
mintitee north lititu;le, nut included -.withal the.
limits of the State contemplated:
leery and involuntary settaniii;othersilie ,had in
ptirsiith meat of .c runes . * hereof-the parting'
have heen duly convicted; *kW be. is hetehy:
ioreyer Prior dcf afisa l ert,tTliat Any:
iperson c..4chician'
r - into the'saiite,.froat :whom fa •
or setvied is li*fully.,Clainii.d, in any State 'or
ritory of tlia United States, stick- fugitive
lawfully reclitiaJed, and :con voiyied , to ` the person ‘•
oeiurOg_hissar.b , r alrKice, us' afureisaig:
!tratier, this set tion,as in .tbe case Ofithe
can law- n Mexico' and Midi. it is a diiputed
point *belief slavery'4l prohibited ja;the Nebil4 2
eausitr . by tit enactment.. The. detitioarcif
this question involver : the eatistitallonal power.of.
Congress to pass prescribing
Territories, the domestic institutions _ of the various Territerips,
()r the Ilium Ih the Opinion Of 'thosn'eraitieiit
statesmea."-who...hald that Cohgrisi "?if Itirestlif
with _no- rightful authority to. legislate:: upon "Abe
subject of slavery
: in the ,Territoriekthe section-of
'the act preparatory to the adujitien,of Wpm*
is null and void ; whiYethe prev ailing , sentiment ik
portions of the Iltiloo,'"Utt1111&:thei diktrititi•
that the'•Oortstitutioti of dif United' Stela- Secures'
to ;every eitiatnaituntlienatile right to moveinta,
say of the Territories with his prtiper tY,ml erhitn:
ever hied and descriPlion,
.and: to ..holtt and e.thiy )
die Saari' under Satietkiii Of' tint lair;''' - „Your,
ctitmisitten ilia net feel.themselres"called:lerase'',tol
eater into ;the;discussion „uf--,the#B7rsiotrovelteti.
They, ihreire 'the.itune o.9tre issues
skiiidt produced the agitation. the sectional strife..
and the - fearful striiggle 'of 1830; Al — CopTe4s,
deemed - it wise Aid prudent to refiaiu frian &Oil;
tog the matters in'ctietaitiersylthen;iiitheihy
finning, or repealing the Mexican loar4 - hr. by wt.
act declaratory lor• Ole true Ole cuut 4 44u•
lion, end the. extent of, the protection by .;
it to, slain property :hi the Territories,' ski your
.eotnatittee are not prep:U..44,oli 'to-Yeeditt;cienif it!
departure from the - course parisued uo that meow,'
rahlevecitshat, either Iti_t Artilittittir r 9 Pr uli 4 thi i
eighth section . f ;6* Xtesetri eqlProU ll * o
•kay eh act dichiratorilef . the theimitg of the o.Oti;
• istitutkes fiipeet to. ate points in
SOitnifip 0701 - q.c!Omii!ee tilt
misei'rigl so ‘da .#'11;111-1*t0E
• 114 ilY11:i!t repjeal
compromise i-,93,4.*001rAut . .014§
eOPT.O III ° 4 0!K i . 1 4. '--_ - 11 , 4, 1itt
be aptciikked. „
we bbitrlfiiktillecominj4At s ql,': !Foi l
tyro_ similar; 'end
. 4,t;F.. 1 4,jir ;s4r-k l , l l .I;PRIPF4g,On
whi fit r*W4fk. # l l 3 Y4:fitO , i0 1 44A;
o ug ht - i)t i.Xik b
,outtool:',4l47 . ifoip t .p:htEryqqa, yy4s
I. 4 t ,„
'-,r. , .
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t cl;Tflifo;fjij4:bffiinela teri , iii4
1 41 , 411 4 1 1 0W41 . 1 , 1464 4 7thiftPV 1 00 '`Ctitii•
. 4i444 bitehlViiistii 1 At eft "t it t - IW'
&Hutt , Pk* , e ei I,
lier9Akik explaosiieepiOaklikso4 -. . 4
biltkivibtriguilig IN:IA*4I;O4W' ' '' 1-
,44 higniiii*.Witis :abeWlireitinnlA A
Qileit alititetipt jibiligeteNtifieliiiiimit It
044Ititt di6rievtAiielipriiin' ;
tieltaibtolereoebreemeeet k eteettOir /jll ',
' . lose
, I -; ' i ll ' i • - ',- ' lay t. - IT .- I •
41.1hAottle.iii'l4gOIStion; tWiii3 s tk:oneifaiii
t k. l d. r ar d r . .plii ~ . 'f,-....,:t.1,1...,, v ,-..y,:.jr;., i.,,:v.1!...7"f„. ? ? , :.1 ,
I; ~... -1,7 . .:-.-
'V;!1 : al f',...'01,p-,:!pkrit.; - .,•?; ille,,slit,l n cl: (irAii . ,
oT?i'll'oovf 4 ':4e` t q l i'L L l!!'7 . ‘:,-.4* - e - P .. ,iPi,
0 r0 9 of ) 4 8. z :: 1 -93 1 40.-1;141 iic)l , :ai:::t.. ' ,
Y.ii ti,
- ? - PilnPrm.sel i 'fi..T= •-, ''' o .-,- 1 " , ,, t' ab Vt . V ,
Stllf!4 ;4 :-liiikitlt'if .6 1: 1 ,;(.. 1 i 6 k i t‘( 1 0- . 4.„,.. • :
.'.7F4! 1 501.:5.1"91?,t,: , T. 1 ..,4e. - ti.!l§g l itto, !k.i 4 .tt.i.*
e,it ent- not a eor prtinitse at. aill, l _lini:ti, ;113.. 1
kiqt:l l l 4, AP ll o4i . a 94; W-SYI I 4„ :: .. r t"N._., i'or'",'
in, : ,,:i) . X1 .1. n r. t 4:the:Kilter; orl 'o .* OirifM.
; 41
qpitent.noritifif., 447 7 1.00 tl(4kit,pint**
• O :F : 0 .‘'. 0 l P ' ll ii .F. - I iI*1 1, t1 )2 -I PS ' C-Ci!.#..itik4
eniSe, i ;t) , ( ISO : i.:
Tlkii: f Ei4l„ ~tlll- , : l ea4pp .'.
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u 4 ,'4? , t-i It lartg.l.-373g , 1 -9,,,...,TPA‘41a oie 49
ii-j.4Olff,CP"lO - Fithi49..or,'4§44jw!l4.
kiTuus ,4A :13.. 0 !1'44). lF9!Pii-rPfnt., 4
l i g.., ~-. . : ..',,;,:- ~. . ,. ',,-- 1 . ,:-... ... ~. ..:,- ~.
. 4
Mr. PlVOidctliti'*4774 t t his 'reason PR.
og o .4.oc7,o*,c{b**9l'
iiAstlAf 1 5gfiii.5..,,iig.1!q...41.i 11 00; 4 4, 1 4Pi*A1 ',44-1
4; -.6.- ' ,O "9 O ::CPWiIYii; 41 7 4/PiAVAg4 11 ?e . 44.4.- 4 --
MusAUPdal•ti'lltiPt!. o .t4Pgw Att-wkig i t ,
urq. a
thlPnao4t ll l l tOeff• ,F40: 1 Pt744 44 f,.
li t
- iiitegok,4*...krAikli;en , iitifoWitr.ikii. - mf.424 . :9..i.
iti -1 45 - ,ti-5,9!=.K 4 i...1 . - .71 , ...4ttv...0. tti , ..ri -- : - . l i,:t ~ .t'r-%
OW IP i.c :!! 1 :4 1 $0, Of I ruP.- , .fr , :it - --It* kiioOp..-k - -_IK
atiltit-eat in tt/ text( - .;i . tile 'lOO . . kif •liU ,
ie • - ..
~-.7(4 egi. , sl ll . l .ive.. ..eiottiki , ).
iumi.:l. -. ; 4 . is;:iiP4.s9 ll .,. 4_ . i,s, utiplifiliitnio :;,
caTY- ; : ... ..T. ite . ,...jigu age r uf,' 4 44- ~.•!4.yg0.. i v . i..,
r!)!th9r.:o;#:*),,VYl. , Yigt! 1 - - - 4 0 1 4( 4 44;ic , :irt-i"
otililkcaN tkty i ti4potte. ;is; all the ty,ttite.:`-- ; It.
.6- minclatoky;int lieyat iv.e. _„ ifiigit IT.giy; ,
Or explainsa.t.t 6l ', , i9.4444l* the r:. .- vfm ,
• Cur is the tcastis - ,i4,otai,it,ii. r iti4 s o,,
-i'o (
... 11
4..afcleo; fici 0e9., i I,t,Vtilii4t tfie ic,,IAIIOI , .:
;anise p 1'...12.0,. . Dues . ii - plea - ;:l at .7 Cu.
:-... .:.
11 its .6 PJOR44 4 1. ,4.*1 at 04cimi#,,,- --
fiisq.o.) B o.-4pAwn- Vi 46 ,941tvr - h4nt
et",t4 Amer9ujak444•-::4k*,01 1
lii!Ve4 .Y,Pt ll * - , 4Y O F: :$1,,,, 11 ,'(1.14*444 ri
..iltitlililil,-;*11.09. i.: 1 , 1 . r---4 , 994 ' l 4 -14 K q*,..,;
i x
0 6 %Y . T.0.110 11 ":: rst.: N0'r44.4, 4: l i,-.Al4l .'l .-
tv po9gluvii..oli . . PLic.ati!..iii §0P4,9 10 4. 11- ,. ft
of,the..'4llesii ' Qounitotui-iu. -- Intok , ',lt
1 . 413 r ,9_;4Fi.. 1 -0!' 'OF!: ".91!tt,rtl:§y-LAltt, c 1 ;,,._, i
to t!,, , Tlmi _1....r.riC!it:i..c.5..,---A4o4k .- ac:Apy '”.l. ki
ilr,bill.ll447;:iisi ' voizi-caleudir:—..igkaintir'
t!.l;tlwlawocity,:iy ,l 4**44o,!:o - .Pq4k;,...;i . -:1 - .) , ,z
.you fint)--liity,Tone :-bill or ••44itiite:.- - ..iiirijO s ,
ever icz.O.P4: - -0 ;
ing... sti'? 4 4o
m midi . ;," ,L V r!
Opg-47!ti1"0193 "It ..!, 010In4/I..qqr
fi f r:it A ieleiii;ii l a,_,"p;t Wit:4,l:4oa I'm in!)•.:, fi
4.14 . ' '. l i - t'' 'dltilie,re - si tittle; will: of '- • 1 " ) !#- t r g! , ~ • ~-• • • b > ,• l •,- 'J: . .;.... .
AnW4io.o.lQUeßiii...li4 I*. 4.P.PlttPlkiffeo: .
this 614 4. tiik it.9l l ji l i!l s.,ll‘Urar:,9PLl):::llektliYft
. 1 I#AI,4III(LIUWI I ,4!fiO..*IRP.T.P; - :lT4.!k-0.40;
k!,1*,1#9, Wi..tu 4#Pr,trth-," . -P!/.44q'lL4k%Citiql;
,o.rx,iectitßitl . *.t. 1111. - - ,•ifPII I 4I-ffil.V.,,,i*O"*!v!
d 0..1e*, - .:Et,ti. :f)iiirill4PP T E.-!..!0 ic44o4!di
1 0* . PF! 1 1' 11 il. 1i5r;:1" . .1En1i 1 A. 1 :41 ) .. 4 / 1 , 044:•j4,f0i
ktc-.MriPW4 . ~,' 49!,4;444",..4c; 1 •4 0 ,Y*.c-iitl";t:
--1 , 00 - 1 4; 1-J,1,!9,g.cP3u-ettt,•44.17.1.gP.1.10;
4 0 P , - '.,1.V1S -P ,, , --:APlacqt , -)7 7 -,±Se_F-10/
'. ll q. :AI Octaii;e "'..( iiiio , ' 4 P° l f ) gYi :41 , A 1 *-1
I;ll, tuia' sAitt th - e-Ogh** l .PFii3Oi.
clili - c.lls9ku#l ier, act , TEI§2O 'WO, aßliart
:Cik.)?YALP%-itr RciiilPi , 3o , iA4,) cufaPT97 , ,
mine 4v 1 1 1 14 11 . 3 9 - tlalt I. l #Y.o ll el.4a,ery
r..hearA•ar 1, perr y eta, c'f.'..<4(lPpii.',l*
avishi the ' tier principles of another,.
cal law enact " tbe au artugether'lliff r
6 *4*, 4% 1 1'," 1 .4 fi kri Y.e,t,i's , i l ,
.fte g rilY!rd*--;t ,ff 1
' E ‘tr in f r TV .ws l ‘.wgrc',Y.i. l (42 l ,, , Y, - eoo,f,
li m g”" f , t ' h° , Tt it A i i, Ihul:Ani•ciT?Pk . °-,9li'S'
)f,leiti vitis.thio superogii4itiy„ th ipituili;
' P!' ii i tlis 4 l F l :l: ,l 4 fliklbht:*!, I!;.• s iikii..,`, l .4l r- 4
coutkisient W itt it —us ii.ii lucid. eut wh:
was ikeptaiAle , wait Hoski,,,,to, ho4khrei -
i c a
te p CIF:Rs...A .Was 1Fcg.9 4 , 0 rt) ` l l. l. Al
P4 , C9FCRt ,`*llf l ?*... al w#E l . l .4 1 .44 i PRAM
1411 k c i.; 11"14"1 "e .4 A b il i rc e i! 'r ac iv m it c t; !rti'i l iii .1eg,t ! i196 .: 31 1. 4.4. " ,
tka ibira4ey the timitaipg,itf therecitaf
%fa, filrjlh'ir d . - ; ` 1 I,fina Pi ellic-ilm s e.d ,tlp • , iii .
1 'tPel'a, Pi, Pil!tot llich,4FchAre4i.4 l 4v i1iq,441,1
1-IrrYl)9l4l), l !i , l.ct -:prote*iwis,Pigtwaq A)
frau? §faY.ll _ cia au* dacjareAlltj .., re.
alive v,O l , , "-,becauskit was ilAtia• It-:
tent *lib . 1 he prtsuni- tutiposeot"---p u.,
guess=. t" .. Cg!f.", a Jlerloat.f - All ye.
I 1 701ilail_ _,,. 0 x .Prvict,ippiiu - - e1g.404 ) , 4
~::„- ,1-,,,1
I , f . B4iialculll . . 1 , 1 P9 16 Rill * ll ol,ovOltre
Litio il*iia.P.cO,K. 4,l CAsjilli-iPgic.t.
' IB A_P-?l'l lf :Pr..9. - -,5.:- , .. :‘,.':'Xl ,1 , -„,,.5i a :',w
r 11 0.14%*1 0 111829 , SCClniNti frVeii 9 ' . ...p
Jifftlijlt,the igiOs,actlaicedfrear,Fia cv ,
liqill l3 4,ktil a •WiFe:AistaTrudent t i
's,i4liv„oCitlidi,cfpngre,siiili; 'Alit! e, ni 'e .
IStatis.. Th e. lakiNefilllsov;•,:pii-Ab - ss j
-trarY. , ;coxara ta.L kliaighoic'C-' , W I
'fatteplind- AiPi iiistitAtipstainiffenorc/41 lei '
pfsl 8 44VtU,t41 1 , TerripititiViccittireaifiNiat
hi# l l o aalloti ` , llO'Y earn: Y afte r id '
't4itititel*t 'ilPtilitY;aeliiP ....: , ii s
tho4'l l , *dial' Da accititintavilic - 11...ii0 -.,40 ,
'Free, iwititu !Atm anarAimik4nitifist nior
an , grilpiht* tisiilkellote4gMlidit ;ill,
,tlwlntritaiiCit:taiiser:laibiteir.Pillio 1114,
j 0 01 1" l il l ititir L iaf e r tr ab -V OIVW
i ' if ".i' . 1. , ' , .. - rIA ~ -., t , : tialfi, ' r ' ji
1' s' 1 f,+ Circ 24 ol. , 1 , rz". . 1-1 , a, ::, t 1:-..t.
.1 /4 1 /410 L° 491. 413"ri
16.11 1 -
• I;Pl.S4i''
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- 1e4.5
i rk ir
4,,,,,,, i.1 7 .r, VIBI a . _
-er spyatn. , „ A. . , , o r " _,..p r - _,
7;q. •I''' !pp-, - n . 1.5,,V+ 4 1 : 1 ' I .P I f -4 1'
.114 Tit:nig:4:T
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440:14i0 ai3OfkiitiAlVii4V: ; " - l' 7/00- ,- ..-',':
' ieiitlyiiiil , lo: -- ii46.1geic,J034, , ,_ I -,:,
saiftim#4l l, :c*rotomit;bo' ~ W
. ..: .: ..;„ •.•:.,.--..-:,
' , .fier.os ,- 11 - c**(oo.lvotti4o - JAE .-
bidLytii 41.. i. • itintil,**lti`&o4 - 1. , %;.:, t, 1.
thi ll siff 6 4 4 ii , ,- - I#,OW,O L
iTeki.- - kth vP*.i . ...44.4`3801400:40404.1*i:-, ',
ale,, ....**-Pl#l44* ' 4 **-',.. * ,:"J
liohtiL.= ii Si - kill 6 .4if04 1 4 6 0k . '...-'.:- '''''
144;5 A---0 44 1H' - - A, 1 4 . " XI4 l'ifmtoV4',.:-.:0170 . . - ,
' 4 ' 44 ' 6130 A - ' 01t7•.;:&'::
hi n iiktkefoie_i
,* ...,: , 1. 0.,, , , AI
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'etilittai,k.-stil r,t'lli'.,ol - I#* t;ii 4 -9 1 11 , 4 4 -4 5 :::-7
40 **it ; 0 01 ) k-P , :.ill*liA404,**„ 2 -- -:'- ri,
- 4.i.ittii,s tiXfii kli.kg_tgo.44.) A.rt.t** - A74M-!°:
4P 4 '''' "kkeii - -Ilociiii44. . ifii . - - tuiniree4Al44, --, -
.C9"--- . . . ,.- - i. -.-. ...,,---, ••••,- -:---'.
q - . ,-g - f-0 1, 43,Wii .. 9, 1 14 W--,
* ;404. : 404i4t.i.4- ihirh4ittl, , iikii*itiy - :
ain . 4. . .=. tiii ' 440 1 '' - ,A944**440-46--:;--
iiiiti, n ':, p',,Fii-'' 4 , ,,, , p=1 it.i.j . ," - . 4*- - . li lir f9,4-4. , " - i r it4 : 1;..-‘,,:,"
I %TiTer:iiiit *v4ooll 1 1 4„.. _,, t -.:--,:_.!
1 0-46 1 :-'-'•! . 4 14 •
••''- -
1104' 4 ' 31i4; , -O Q4
' - "Fall'AsVA .li 4 W)* - 4 .1 41 -
'ef Okisfiroiii -11 - : 114-10•14,giatiejerthitAlial%- - ::-..
I , 4 iogi t ai-eff*. in , , , ' f' , •t , ,::k ,- .',ws,tuereg4nvi , ',=‘'-', , :..-'; , .' -
,: te4.14 - 41, , efthyp . . . n. .: ~ rat lla.vem-_..
- *.i.i..t n 0i4.41 . 10 . 41 1 ~.... c, " ,. i ~O ltaid6p'*ll4o., - ,4.1,- „ ..,:, -,
lettliwire , t)ikii,-, -'» in." :.'", '.1i..-jaigripiiiiiit'n#,Ao4..z - ,, ,-',
,; 13
piek ,l_essos:y , n iid!4;:bp, ~ -n iifoirgi&liiii .. 0i )
, 11,4i:inifrounser r ibiqtivitife,„t6.- - .. , - ,#, - --:..'',,,tii i i,_.4 ~..
-• , .a- c i il 4_ ole , a - ..,,,k irit ia gind -:',;,;,',
rgnttrd4or I aryi, 4 iye n
.., y,,_.,,. ~....., , :i:,
obligatii4-4;thdiOrliiiipttgili4( k ';'' i ' .' :- .'' ' ; ' " 4. :::t;": : 1.:
"n 64160.65 !iiiio - tt;tpe 40 - 4,iiii, - 0142*. , -;;, ) :::::'.
eliided mi s t' i ,biipii*iitt:***•:::'-',.** , -:-;.,T4
iiiiiii - Aurcili iil4_ - „,4ti4rilauji*: , 444**iiiais.n
.ptihiligetiit4l . l3t.f - ,l;4koll**i*iiriiitor,:iiio l ;..:;c.
f4 O- 4 1, wiiiiiii , f4p4itp4 4 eini4liiii***1**; , - - :•2 : ,,
itist ;,. .*.hiaii:***Atidie4o4itiitiiiikiitiOrtar - r: .
_•-!: . :*'i*Ol'l t tiVOi;iitithiiitTiOkl4to::llf-iit iiiiiit,::::...-i
drOiliitflittitAej4iiiii c AlW,iiiiiiii4W-::':,_
4, -,- - 1,' 41 7'4 ,4 P- - /gili:44 - 44 4 .4.1:;4.4i , ''.
01 4 t#4 11- Po ; . ' 1 ‘ 1 0,44-111 1 itki444 4 0 6. if,..**,
Oiitiiie.;-, 4tot'"eit.tl4, - 'ilk : vet_ - lb4hlint_.ltiifii:,:f::::'
i IA
ffie'ltp:ii-iiat flti; - ,iiiii , Agietk4s,. fte'61•10tii*V ; ::::::
liii_rioiAiOakadfigrl.coilitAfitill* . : , :f•; - "1 - :-.
t k . 'j vii i siiii' • W l 4 l iN* ) .iiiiPia*aFglol4tf7:: : :
iiiity=l4iii lxiiiii)P4iil4o flif-ii#o:ooiti:',;;',',,
iiif f ielilii - ko ' . . l ";,,tiiiiiitiA - 44zAhiticaditifOj,.-::,Y. f
ilit4L-'!l'.hii, .f"ti*'4l3,,ttiiii-i,th4ieltiti:i.*4:;:: :
i4'ettliftiiifil c6iiii)AbOtitaxhbov%o'fit itia..;;:- - -4
i;r1:829 thin ill aVif f.1850':',-- - -,--. , -,;rt ! ' 7 , : ~, ,
4 47111-yA:: Viaiiii,liiirietir444l, 4t r dik '' , l4r .
... 4g '. :,7 l 4 T ifd4 r:: I let 4 7 : 1 , ilitiW fi;
.I:lk6iii44ti - !1 . .4 - ; 64111 41;,-::0 4. Y l iililiCiliti-?' -
/,Efieikk, , ,iii . :l?f,.o4?i44e - ofifiiiitoirb#l:4-4w, : :
etitii;i - 044: t epiji4/4:404 - r. litik:
•.I,ll44rtatiiiii 4:..47,itiTkliiii l l- 6 44. . , ' - :tr*' - '-,_ ,.. ' -
:ifiiii`(Yiii:fk 'i;igibaiii4i.'!%4i - iiiv4:tiiiiii wi k eq:::,... - : .. .
t r
,VAtt , _ ,- .: -, . , .:
.yl!iikp.t4o, l - 4 ,iiiii : ti;446 - ,';;ATig.0 . 4,i4011 . 6 .1 :: - ..., - ,
, i - iii . w - i, iii4: - : Jtu 044v.brilio!* - 074iTtitiseCre
4001'2_ 1 . , Ivii •i.ipiviNellilltiz:4l4ll4ll6:, ; :.
4itte:t - 4 - ILiati'`itipliti)iiir ttftEilk.A?ii t. :zi .. ,
i)._;?tfliii..'"o,l6)l6,4*.i.tiNititiiiiiiiiili*lttlite.,,-- 1 -'
isiK'Llifit;dii -.Ntir*li44-o.Vfilite.:th ',' I.;;
: 1 - .'.iii4ri, ilititol . ifiliViif.olol:ol ,: - z,. - - -:-:
04'4; . iiiii";idiji §o"4r TiOctiVifiii : l4*iiii4::',.
leellaArgr.,WVL l sitilX(!.'l4l4fe*fiffri.4 3 l'iale: : : .- :: - ;
4iiii6 Alt *I ijkitt 14 - *oo:4* 7 0i4gitA..t:i.:
iViiii4oi Ail: "'.'.tiqiytifiyi.M44lofiritT- :
‘ .l l6l)eil46ii Itlkaiiiiiliiii4l - :**4* 7 l
Librifli'...44 - :,..'401 , 141iiia:3114Wi1ii01144
MIA , 4 I* 4... iii ' -Alktiii l A4tiiiiiitt aft: - ,•-!,'f . ,;„
;,..'4 iiiii t 31414 rit'4l; - ili-olWititilo.o,ly-:.:;,?. :
I te
f dati'44-L I S 1 iffitiailfstifiktipliiii ..-. ,:,:
tioii l ltiOity: T litilf!ta -1 04`AiOttfiltl,p it.:',-..' - :
I, , :i'-ifitViiiiwiiiiiivirviiism.--tfortniiiiwY::‘ , J,:
.--;,,.,.....i - 1 - :-t.fl',7^.fiLcc;tytt-Itt-,,ca.ullt. , ;_ss.lli*Fp , - vPI4:-,: .:''.
S11 . 01(1.1,11 it 1.1144 vow i proonsit warky.War WO" . :, •-. 11
)•I,itebit •r itipare4„ the - con, prenn4e rl.-;_-:::-. , ,
- ::20:1';:ti • ' '','-r:i. rigim 4
Oa iiiiiiiiiiittord:ittOi. ifelit*Wit_' - :''.
h l yr
:git dii b'' ilirOgikiiiliiifaitiVlNlA
rise;; ' ' 2 ii - ...... ....1 15 . , _-':i.' -. :;:'
*1,i,r 7 #tit00,74 . ;;:U..:,
I Seiit;r2-Ti .N.40 . 4 1 1:44 11 *:100:4Y ',
. ~.k '.-:,-;
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: 1-411 4...*itii704*** 14 :7.'...... - ..
` l ,thitl ,-- auf6o4 , 6ritio:**o - 41 - 5::,,
'-.4 , ;:ilia;.' . ..iiii , *.oii*.ni.Okiii"* -, :-':-
t g i:,**: - - I;q ;z 3 —4 - 134Liolisftirozjikwoui4V:'
ibioli : gi etv i ,41:-Op-isi:ti.t,?fi-TViilt,-SItit,,,-;;;;
k,-:*A . 4,: 4,:i:;=. 1 .4401100i044*0.04; 1. 0: - ., ,. ...:
1 10:Atio: ' kzi l o l.okirgdwifi44•Akekei,4*.. . -„,:;
9- 4ia l o 3, o4oofik****k ;-. ,.-
Arfiiiiik 4. 4i; I jiOiiii ; j:r*i*Wilikk l ! ? ' 2.* 4 i 7.4 '-'..
_T : lt. 4dl i:- . ; , TV- -.• 434 al it ''' '.4. '''' .' k "--. 1 ' , : ,7'.:.
4 1!StA4 te%. 0 ,1444,141904 1 4,4P44,. P k ' -,:-
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oio:i* - •vew - , , ii,/.m.,0 , ,4* -- ;.: - _ , .
, - --, 411 4, , ; i „ ,.1.44iii,1 14 -- ~---- , - . l;_:n
j i l t ior, -
..rillip, „, 0. 1 ,74 11 k. .• - - -' - - 11 :, '''
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li . f,t!"..*.i*.' ,. *ltY, :04:1? , .,ItiAtAiftr.,'", ~4.;::::',
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