The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, February 09, 1854, Image 1

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A Child's Prayet:
Sweater tban theiongs of thiuilles;
jaw the winds are low ; •
nghter than the springtime blushes,
Iteddening out of snow,
Were tlie.voidertuid cheek so fair,. •-•
Of the, little - girl at prayer.
• r
Like a-white of the meadow,
Cliinbiu g through ;
Like a priestess in the shadow: .
.Of the timple , bright,- - •
Seemed she, saying, !" Holy on*. \
, rlline;and not my will be dude t"
Woods in Winter.
. .
:linen Winter windaare:piercing chill, ' •• '
And.througb - the hawthorn blows - the gale,
Witli,soletnn feet I tread the hi 11,... •
- That overlooks the lonely vale.
O'er the bare upland, and away -: • • •
~. Through the Itang-reach of desert woods, •
The embracing sunbearni cluistely play,
And gladden -thae deep solitudes. 1
=Where, twisted round - the barren oak; : -.,
••.; The summer vine in beauty clung;
And sunimer Winds the stillness broke,
The - crystal - icicle iahurtr,. . • '
. . • _
Where; f m their frozeri-tirus mute springs • t
, . Pour-ou the river's gradual tide, , • •
? Shrilly th l skater's iron rings, '• .
1 . 'And voices .fill the woialland side:: . ..
Alai! how changed from the fair scene; •
, I,When birtlS sting out their mellow lay; • .
And, Winds were ist4c, and wood s were green,
And 'the'srmg ceased -not with the day:
BC1( still wild Music is abroad, • • -
Pale, desert woods! wittitkyonr crow-d,
And gathering winds, in liisaree . uceord,
Amid the vocal reeds pipe loud.
Chill airs and Wintry winds ',lliy
• Iles•grawlifamiliar.with your song; it in the.dpeiting . year,-4.•
1 listen, and\ it cheers me long,
;:: "31..iti1lti.n1:iinii-::frlO.lioi'
From the Model Ameriamlnez.
For "Ever and Ever e? or the. VII
- -loot Anthem.
• pT cAueunc.Ltz, utyrz
. - . What is that bell ridging for r asked
Villeneuve of the waiter who was leai-ing•
theTenni.- "' - "• :' • • •
' . F.Or .church,' was tile. rePly..'...-
;:I 1)4 church. Oh Lis it Sunday.? i. ha:a
'forgotten it I did net think theee.,wa.s a.
',church . hi -this little - *Plage.'
Yes indeed !''answered the boy,. 'his
village *pride taking, the alarm, and 'a very
handsome one too. Just - lookout' at the
.Windevi- sir. • Do: you' see that . tall, White,
steeple, ' behind those big trees there 1 .. --.:
That .ts, thetehurch.. and :..I know there,il
'iiiii a .I;etter preacherin the whole
. world.
:than Parson' plapdfo . ra..-pe was never:
pastered. for .ii . word yet; and . voice
makes one feel so warm and tinder abPui
the. heart, it does' one geed to, heir him.' .
' . Villeneuve cast a languid . glance•thro',
:he windolk. fi oin - .the sofa on : WhiCh - he :
was „reclining,. -•thinting. that , Parson
Blandford was. vet& • probably :some . Ohl
hum-druni, puritanical. pri • Chet,,. whose.
' nasal tw,ang was Considered &odious' by:
e n
. the . .Vtilgar ears , Which We l. accustomed
to listen to him.., Dull as . . his - pres.ent pa
' siticizi was, he-was' resolved : to' keep'it,
.rather•than inflict upon • himself anal,- an
jut lerable . bore.-k The' b.,y,. who bad
In nted his bobby ; continued, rsgardless
Cit t
f i
he• Unfit oPitions countenance of his
.auditar. -.. •.. ....1 •.: I . .-, .-• • - •
. Then. there . is Miss "Grace Blandford,
his - daughter,-.plays :so beautifully on the
organ I • You neyer heard suck - music in
your life.- ;When '4}esits behind the red.
curtains •and roil can't enytbing . but
the .edge -Of her white 'skirt belorr, t: •
help thinking there's an .angel bid there:.:
and when'she comes down and takes\ her
father's arreito walk out: of Church, she
ltioks•like an-angel, sure enough:
• Villeneuve's - countenance , brightened.
Allowing. for all the. hyperbole I\ or igpo- ,
ranee there Were "two postmle thing
which werea gTeeable b e nisei Ves-:-113
a young-maiden. HO arose frohi
thesofa, threw; aside his dressing gown, j
called for. his. Coat and hat,end command
ed the *delighted. boy to direet him to the
church the tiearest.‘..w.ay. ,
proud of - usheringsuch - handsome
and `alistearatic Junk - 114' stranger, con-.
duetedium it one bfthe most ..conspictf
ous *eats in -.the broad aisle; in. full:view.
of the -ptilpit. and. nrchestra, and ITillen-_
• esire's; first glance - -was towards. the cur- .
tiiiii;viiriCh' were- , drawn so;
:ranted to close, _met
even : i:giiin•Pie of - White
the beholder. 'Very. likelY.tios 4 4 .0 44.
the village boy was a• greati red-faced; '
hard-h./aided"; ecnintry gitt "Ala:bad - been;
tiug4:4l2ol;fectlY't9 thrum the ktys;
an instrument,_ and Conseguently:Arani !.
foraied by. rustic tamp
of superior Order: Ne Matter,. any kind.;
Hof els:it:erne was better than -the: ennui,
troni, which er bad - been aroused.....
sweet, tremblin g prelude stole on the ear
`Surely,' - thought, 4 ,316. yu) EPOrs:
" press tho s e lieysat is the • key note cif
true harmony! : • e listened.Ohesound'
Swelled, deepened,_ and t rough
.- thearch of the building; -- and 4ank ' again
• _with =su ch! a melting cadence 1114.1, ,the.
,tears in voluntarily sprang
Ashamed - of : his emotions he leaned.:
• .head - .tali hand; •aud... yielded unseen
tu'an influence, whiCh, .comineover kiln'_
•.. So uneipectedlY; hti4 . the
,force - ;of
i#unatmetit: The notes died . airnir,A9 l : l '
againin '
Fe , emu accompaniment
. .-W i rl!_:o9 ,o P99 l og,byto \ n. The byxnu cloy
meludtous . vibration ).lin:,
i l ontl!Pient , intlfor a few moments. there
was ti - L•rnollpritift ! und silence.: .
: . Lord is_ in his holy temi•len
t.til the:earth :keep silence liefue4i
uttered", doepiiiolernn
Villeneuve-raised hill'bead,e;id
pun 'speak*. -He was i•itian rub:
pist l„"0 - e!nyerid inn of , re; but wearin g
41 _
, .
- ~.. t
~ -..
unmarred ,the no , lest Attributes ' man
hood: ' His brol , * ll Si'. t en. w o4l 4 ; his
: piercing eye uudiin . tiled. ; and his - all fig
ure iliajestic ;and imboirea.. The !un In: ,
dined from thti :zeokb. Yut-the ligliti:the
warmt K• - t h e ,l e pendor. iemaitiett i n -"
their power:ol'o4 .
the - hettris oft- thy '''
_radiated. tbAt light 'warm --
intenso - OP l iv perta4ed ti' .
btreind tiil .Opetiin ':I
-ei• seethed reali
infidel ; he' -
Chid; '
r; I , ifflan
, - whole -Itlem
,, ords 'of the-p • sell=
. .
. , f.. -Villeneuve- wati- an
~00ked plin :the - tights of
ity'as- the - at 'cal machinciyoee
.ark,'..perhaps;tos. rds c arrying on' the
areat drama of life • tiil when the' qpiings •
were ::well , adjiitte l and - oiled.: and the
pulleys , worked
• Wi but: tetifusion,:iand
every appearance'...O i Iv was kepeiti the'
back ground; he:wa4villing to sit and l
ten, as he vias tnalineictor,-.wben Ire4i- .
ting'. the ' imßassiono language- of .the .
stagei . Thisivvin is a fine actor,' .was
his first thonght, . he knows his.pari well.:
It is 'astonishing; boweyer;, that beis wil
ling to reniain , in inch a-lithited\sphere- 2 -
with such an eye and voice--:subli: flow
i ing language' and
. gracefttl i elOtution;, he
might makelits foriune in any , city. I(is
1 ncoropreheielde that he is, content. to
linger in obsCizrity' ' bus :•Villeneuve
speculate 4 fill:lila ii,rli le: attention
came absorl+d : : in the e'rtnon, which, as
a literary iiroduetioii; 1 . • s exactly.sUited
to liisfastidiOnsly refine taste. -Thelan;
rginige Was• simple, th •-sentiments . sub=
tinge. Ti 4-speaker did nut bring himself
.downio the capaities fliis ..auditclis,ke
lifted them- 1 1.0 his; he , levated thern. he
spir t itualised thernl .H was deeply .read
intile myiteries f the human he rt, and
he knew that liowo7r ignorant i 'might
he of the trial sof science , . and .t - laws
of metaphysi it contained ` ;Tian ~a di
vine spark Avl ich only required elicit
ing tench to indle. :He-looked 'w , in
to the eyes it turned. to him- in,b; atbless
ititerst, and , elead in Al em t e .. same
l i
yearnings .aftei :. immortality,' t!
re'verence for the Infinite:Majest
I:Tniverse, 'which moved and Sol
-his f/WII soul:; His. manner-was:'
al. calm and yet thk
onoments :: when he awept • the ch
1 human passion with a 'Master's ha
.Vhectic fitish :of his cheek toll
6re burping Within. ~.... -
.He is -a scholar, a
. metaphysician, a
philosopher, and a gentleman,' •s rid' Vit.:
lepueve to himself, it. the cloSe of his die-.
course. ..If he is an actor ho is_the best
one T *ever saw. I He. IA probably an en
thusiast, who, it ie had 'lh ed in ancient.
-days, would have!worn 'the blazing'crown
of martyrdom.- ' to , see his
daughier: S' .' : :• ,: ~ • • •'..•
The low notes-of the. orgao again.rose, '
'as if in responie.ito his heart's desire,
This time there, war an accompaniment,
of a new female voice. The congrega
tion ruse as the wo: ds . Of the 'anthem he
It was a kitid of ,dexoTogy, the c1ic.....
rus.terminating *ith the solemn expres
siOn, • for - ever and'eV r.' . The ;hand of,
the organtlt no longer ' trembled. It
swept over the keya a if the enpusi - asm
of , an 'exalt 'ed, spiri .. cemmittlicated
to every*pulse andlsinew. The ndulat,
. ing :.strains, rolled land reverber . ted till
the whole house was filled with the waves'
_or harmony. But. hikh,. andel' r, and
sweet, above- those Waves of armOny
and the 'mingling veiees Oldie c ow, rose
that single'female melee, utterie the'bur
den of the anthem: 'fur ever a d, ever.''
Villeneuve elosed-s_eyes. Hei-was* op
pressed;by the nos Ity of his sensations.
Where was. hal .: *ln \ a simple village
church, , listeninto th n'tniustrelsy o ,
La simple village maiden :: and he.had' ft- •
(viewed .111 ma nifiCee cathedral of :NO ' '
ire Dame, veersfamiliar. there, with tit' r
4 :3
splendid. ritual, fl. the. national rer on;
1 and . heard its sd lime thantings fro the
finest choir in he' universe. Wit did
those few ,monotonous-'words so thrill
through ev ry nerve ef his being 7 , That.
etertnty•Which he helievediwits the ream
.of fanatieism, seerndd for a ntome(it:an
awful ;reality,. as the last notes ' the
pwon echoed on his' ear..
- , *'When the .Benedict ion • fras give , and
,the congregation. was leang the ;web
-he Watched impatiently f rl'jhe . f.dings
il l
of the red cut seine to and hid, heart
palpitated, when he saw( tii white-robed
tigureglide through the b eningand• im
mediately disnppear. • Tit . next. Minute'
she was seen at the entrance of the:Church:
:evidently' sWaiting . the ' ariprciach :)f-• her
•futher, , Wh4, par rounded. ; by has. people,
_ .
presstng on each other 'to eta <a 'kindly.
greeting. klyvaya .
,:t•\,diftCult . to
make his ; egress.: As sh . 'stood i. against
a Columtilwhich i supporte. the entrance,
Villeneuve , had a Most fav
. rable . ' ppoitti
nity of
i Scarr4ing her - figur., whit. he did
. with. a• practised and scru initin glance.
He-. 'Was :::accustomed- to Ppristati and
English ',beauty, a„nd .c. pltrin once
- Blandfor. ib the high-bo i and 'hgh-.bred
-heauties of the old wor : 'she 4ertainly
lost in the cornpartson. She. Was very
simPly diessed, her eyes ere down-cast,.
-and her featties Were . ip •oiriplet e rieppse.
Stillibere'was' a. nnliet - I rice about-her'
that pleased ' 'l,iim—..ii. ' bleu inn A
.gimplieicy a nd;:. "erfect _ tnemenr•that
was extraordin - .. 1 - ~ . : -,. ' , -
.:: 7 Mi.. - 13.1aildfAird aimed. 13 down'
the aisle: ! ' - 13 . eili dsnotic 'the -31 ung and
interest inglloeking strartger„wba i t listened
with such devout .iattention to'-elk tliti.ex- -
- ercises.:*-:-.ll.e'lmd heard, forliatjeountry
village sueir things a re : rapidly mintini- .
t, there, .14 , 3 a I,k:3'w - eller at the
iim,=: a , fereigner .0,4 d \au inva1' . ,11....- , two,
cli. l6 itM tYPP:aikrflnd'•/FiDaP .. - :'r.rhe
pallid. alatplexteti_opthe young -was
a sufficient;iiidiontion `of • the let r.: null'
tbei air; or - bi*J.,-i,,:h:rOding •:witic.b :dila in-:
guiithed - Atihkw-48 - skitti to it lOte iii.kke
ofinneadatioti:litr..ltialliettig, .: II 'minis
ter- "
aecosied i hiay.ivitb 444 - Ixi iguity
and. ;
dinvited •;ti Ootritiwo -11
liar , 4 . borne.-
a If
•-• You. Are - ist ingeo',!- laid • 1:40 - , fiLuti I
lit deritind an in . aiiiV - ;Pei*liei,kcy:iiiiiiii II
lind , !tite*iiiit'atAiwitr4tottitithaltt - ta4reedo-:,
liiitd"lhall!, l 4 l 4-iifiaittba dWilt -
*, ,-,. .1,
.--- t illersgielbeftiablis4loliglaidlacceisit
' --.-. •::',... ' . .... , ,,-..1 , ee ~,-..,... -, -
• 7 l'i 'i. r" . r - - - r - ' - 1 Ij' .'
. - . -
TILE griona
IT.L :0
lance of Ehis
grastiea t
ter with
eected'inii'tatian: -. He
fl',e!letl* hand of the : minis,:
or f ufarrutlithan he was aware
follow e d liiin to the , doer where
see yet sto _ with ' develicast . eyes. •
j -- MY . dan' liter,''iliaidlli.,'
_lilandford ,
drawing her hied through -hissarriii• This 1
simple intre, nation ' well befitted - the
plate where ' t was made,. and ;; was ac
y her .with - "a' gentle bending
of the heads dii liftink- of. the i
they walkediksilenceiruni the : Portals 'of
the church:. ii What,` a - - change had the
mere uPliftii ' of those veiled. lids made
iii her - countel
ance I - .Two lineS of a no
ble bard flash d:acrosshis memory. 7 i
.. - , The light of lobe, :the .purity- of grace, . •
• . The mini, the mimic boa the fretatter face:
. - Then anottier,fine -- i• •.3 4 ,
ceeded— l' ' --
' - And olathat eye to in itself& soul? '
: - •
There ivas,' no thing.which disappoint
ed, hmi.; Heillid net notice a single blush
flitivg ever her faiti...cheek. He feared -
she was defiulent - in - sensibility.; It was
so nteraVto latish at astrangerls v -.ett
ing.l He didlnet understand thobattire
of hitr feeling He could not - know. that •
one ko recent y engaged in 'sublime Niror-•
*shrauf the.s•eator , must: be lined above
fearllor contu iou in the presence" of the
creature. 17 4 11enetive bud .Seen mach, of
the.'' world, nil 'UnderstOod • the - "art of
'adapted:less, 11 the best sense of the word:
He :could co orm to the circumstance in
Which he tai , Cho placed grace and
ease;and thigh he wits too sincere to
ez(pressienti enti be did "
iiiit feel, lie felt
justified in co pealing those .he., did feel,
.when ho kne , their avowal Would cause,
pain or disple
* sure. 1. It * was a-Very siti , :
ga i n .- way tbr him to pass the Sabbath.—
The guest
1 , village pastor, 'breat,hing
an attnospher redolent of i the sWeets :of
piety: spiritu ity. and ha y- -love. The
language of le . it y and flattery, so curren t
in society; WO ld be considered preTana
don here; an conviction deeply Mord:.
of the
o Were
'rds of
d. and
of the
. _
foreeditself . uppti him,
that all' thiise . liiccompliihritetits for 81 . i.hi'c'h
lie had .beenll;ao admired,:ld
.gain . him Ito 'fivoi with-1 the rninister - . and.
his daughter: !Ho . .c:oula not forbear . ex
pre.t.-4-titi. his surprise at-thalecation' Mr.
Blaadarti - bac( chose . n. ' . •
.... 8 1 wUeld it i . t insult 'yeti by, flattery,'
said I, 7 ,illeneu ',pie bigettiousiy, B.but : l. am
astonished ye
.` do nut seek_awidersphere
of usefuleess: i - it .ii - impossible that .the . l
people here. Sheuld : appreciate ;your ,tal-
• tit; or- .estiMate'llic sacrifices yieu make
enlighten Jed exalt...them.' - • , _ • •
Ily„llaiulf4rd smiled as be answerel
Yt t thku t: ier6.t° : -8 7Ll ie-I
trCielctthVegttifei:i:A:y I:
11 .4
have'as' sumek . if I have. the talents:
.%yhieli you kindly ascribe to Me, I find.
liere.ati simple : field fur their • .exitrcise*.
'There are• hundreds of minda•arOund. me
.that : mingle *their aspirations: with* mine,-
_even :assist •me in the bea;mitward.
joartiey. ina)arger,moicairilhatit:cirele;
I might- ' perhipS . gain a -trio'ye aoending
name and ex. raise aWideriallusinCei -hat
that influ e nc would pot be half, as deep. *
and heartfel .*
.I was . bortrarid -bred in a
city*, and'ktio v the advantages srli a life
can ;.h t I •woahlaotaxti ange the _
i ranquillityo this:rural resideece, the -se
re y of tliis pastoral life,_"tbe t paternal
10 ti I' wield over this .seeltitled-
iiiege; an he i hive •an "revere4e of its
p •right. and (pure-minded lull-01i4ms,- for
ri l
t e aplendidi sinecure Of the....S.telibisbops
o 4.Mr motherland. ' - -. .' ! '''.
• ** • '
• .Viih 4 neuv.
.was'asfopished to see' a,
au so acibly endowed, entirely destitute
of the- principle 7 i.lf; I ambition.' . He
'wanted .too. ask -him hew' he - had • thus
titiMpled_ uedethis . feet • the honor and
*distinetioO-athe ichild: ..8 - You Consider
ambition a ' , rite, then 1' said he.... :* • ..-.: ‘.
• 8 Yea'are mistaken; replied*Mr..Bland
ferd, 'if' you believe medestitute*of am-.
.bitiun. 'lam (mm . of the most
men in the-
_world; -. -Bat.
.1... aspire: after
hunota that can' resist.. _the. mutations of
:time ? . and partake ..of-the imperishability
nitheir Great Be ' - • ; :• 1 _*. •
Tere Was a se of Moments, dur
ing which Mr. 1.51441T0rd100k0 upward, -
und - the dyes of . Gttace , followed her fath
er's with kindling ray. - . • . -
' But your daughter,' continued Ville
nenve,,i• "eau: she find contentment. in a
'Situation for - which nature and education
have so evidently unfitted,lier 'l' - -
.Let Grace i:answer -for. herself, -said
Mr. Blanferd, mildly;, .1 have consulted .
her happiness as. - well as My own, in - the
choice 1 have made. - ' - •
Villeneuve wait delighted to• see a
bright blush suffuse the modest cheek of
„Grace--Unt it Was the 'blush of feeling,
not of she e::M -= , 1
I love the t:tuntry -rather. than 'tit i
town,' said she, ' for 1 - prefer nature t
art, meditation to action, and the wor
.of God to the works of - man; and in the
constant companit;uship 'of My Xather I
find more than Contentment. , - . -I find hap
piness, joy' -- .l : • 1 , -.
Vill en euve .B ighed—=lie felt s : the isola= .
tion Of his"own destiny. . The last of his
family, a traveller in a - strange- land. in"
pursuit: of health;' Which had heen vainly
sacrificed in the too.eager pursuit orthe -
pleasures.of this world, without onehope
to link lieth another. Affluent and un
conirolled? yet - snted and desponding, he
envied the , •nficOirttpted_taite of the ntie-'
•ittter's daughter." 'He would,bave barter- .
ed, alfhii.w*tlffor the enthusiasm thati
warmed this heart of er lather. That
night; he. _was awaliMN 11 a singular
dream:. flethightihe was In the horror
•of thick : darlinesi,; , :k seemed that - he Was
in.thamidat ..iif infinite, and yet chained
to' one dark alioti'ani immovable:speck in
thelmiundlessocisan: Of-space, ,o.Mest it
~.. ..
.vemaiii here liireierl l . : -he criel m agony;
- -suchL'as -is only:;koawn in drotiMs, when
!the sitirlol3.nerves• l are 'oil ~ _unSheatbed.
" For ever and:aver,'. _answered a Swact
serstbie'voice,--'high aliove:hitt hoad,-,and
likoki!!tsip4te.boheld , Grace, reclining on
siiverejsessicii4-4eite.diiptal4iihe ai ) "
: -oareidilike is,,s=tbe r lital en,, yet' ev
_ ' erriini. VidefsoldK ,-,'Am- I
Ac:,I.TH;IJ4SP...Air.;,I - ..-TERRiT.
then.:-'pared frriin thee ev ert' ex
, . for: ,
claimed be, endeavorieg to stretchput his
aims toward the luntituniti pant: ' g For
ever and ever,' responded he same beau-:
enly accenti, mourn* il ly echoing till they
died away, and the ision fled. - He was,
not superstitious; bu did not' like' theim - i
pression of his dream. '.. lie rose &Verlill- I
and unrefreshed and( .felt, himself. unable
to,cont i inue his jourpey, - Mr;:. Blandford '
came tit see him. ..Hesrits.ileeply biter
es-ted in the young stranger; and oilierienced the pleasure which etery.sensitive
and intelligent,intellectual being,;_feels . in
meeting with kindred seusibilitY.inntl in-'
tellect. The intimacy 'thus' continence();
continued to - increastS,:- and -Week - eft er
week passed nay wad Ar.illenenve..stilli
lingered near the,minister apd-hii dough,.
ter.. His health yrasil'pvigorated,,llWspir—
its-excitd by_ the novel yet powerffil in-
fluences . that surrounded" lem. l i -j:was
impossible, in the"course of this
deepenig intim - Re y , that the real septi;
-remain: of Villeneuve'should -remain con.'
, -
cealed, 'for
,hypocrisy formed n? part of.
his: - character; Mr. •Bland ford, relying ; - ,
the reverence and affection 'Villeneuve
evidently felt for him, believed :it .would
beinn easy task to - . interest Itim' in tilt,
trUths of religion. ,And it was an easy .
task to interest him, p,articulatly when
diet father's arguments were backed by
the daughter's persuasiw eloquence, but .
it wasp most di ffi cult one to convince.—
The-prejudices of' edecat ion, the powef
'of habit, the' influence of a wot Idly life,
presented an apparepily :impenetrable
Shield to-the
. arrovis ofMivine truth. •
1 respect, rreCere tho truths 'of, sour.
rnligite—Villen+o.• *mild say at the
close of their lOng and interesting cnever
sat icips.—oxl.W.ould willingly endure t
pangs of death- 7 ,10, the.agonies - of war
ty rdom,:fUr
_the •possessiou of a faith like
yours: But his a•-gift.•denied to me. 'I
cannot furee my belief, nor eve-a cold as.:
"Sent h*my- lips to.what 'my reasOkand
conseiwino belie. .-:-* • .*
. ,
-:.111i. .13.1andf(ird • ceased' not his efforts,',
notwithstanding : the 'Unexpected resistan , :
ce ho' encountered, - 'but Grace gradually
ietired-from the:confliCt, and.' l VillenetiVe I
found to .his . sorrow .and • mortification
that'she tiii liniker,appeared-to rejoice 1411
:his . sociery.. .Thele..,wai a reserve in . .her-,
manners which.. Would have - acquired his
resentment, -bad.-not - the saiLiesi of. fterl
countenance touched his • heait..- Some
times tVhe • he met heieye,ithad an earn=
eft, reptea brut; .pityitig ettpreSsian„that
thrilled to : is bout. •-• Ono eveolinglie , :carne
to the pars a nage at later hour • than Am
- ual. ''.Hew 'breasted and pale:._ - .
. I . haitir Ceiyed letters.Of import atteel,'l
said lief c:1-itinSt leave - .you immediately:
Lditl - not knew. that all my happiness .wa 1
centred • in , the -iuteteourse thave bee
holding \ with your ., "till this sum
Mons came.' -.: •-' .: - ••• • • . . '• . 'l]
Grace, una ble to conceal her emtitiona•
rose and left .the apartment. Vipenitvo't
eyes firllowed • bar. ;with an expressiot
which made her,fathe tt;emble.. He at
ticipated the scene which followed. .
. 1i..: 13!andford,' centinued Villeneuve,
-1 love your.daughter. Icannot live with•
out her-1 cannot depart without ian as.
surince of her .love aqd yourapproba
',teen.'. • . 4 • '
-Mr. 13la qdford -Was tad- intichagitatet:
to -reply—the blood rushed to his ten3plet
then' retreating as sudd nly, left his brow
and, cheek as colorless marble. -- -
I should have fOrese ti this,' at lengti
aaid.... flt would, h ve - spared us al
rch misery. ; . • - • . .
-. • Misery 1' replied Villeneuve, is a Star;
tling tone. -.-.. • . - , . •
4 Yes,' replied ' Mr. Blandford, I bait
'myareatly to blamd--1 have s I
y fee lings to triumph over myjtidtment.
Villeneuve, I have never - met a, youni
man who won upon my affections as yet
have done. The - ingeniousness, ardor
and generosity of your character, impel.
led me 'to. love you.. I still - )ove you.
but I pity • you still more. *l:ean novel
trust- my - daughters - happiness ,in you
liands.--Tbere is a:crulf between.yon—i
. wall ;of •
separation--high as , the - heavere
held deeper than: . the- foundations of all
dartle • ..- • .- . . '
He paused, and bowed his= face :u
his bands. The possibility that his dattY i
tter's happiness might b e no longer in be
own keoptog, completely overpowed 111
Villeqeuve listened-in astonishment mi l
disarray. lie,.iu all the pride-of aftluenc
and rank (fur noble blood ;ran-in lin I
. .
streams through his veins; )` to 'be-rep , -
4d by ap obscure village pasto r,; fret
inure religioui scruples. _ It wa incred -
61e—one moment his eye flasbed baugh -
ily on the bending figure bcforehini ; th
next it watered; in the apprahension th t
Grace:might yieldher father's - deci -
. •
ton,. an d
seal their - final sepiration.; ,
‘ll.l.r.l3lxadford,' . cried he, passional -
ly, 4 I :can my. rejection only fro
your daughter-Ihave never, sought 11 r
lute unssuctioned by your approbatin
I—l have 'corned the guise of a byPecrit -,
and Mai. a. right to claim this from, y d
Yeti may istroy my happitiesit isu
your power- r but tremble ,
lest you sic -
fice a daughter!! peace:: - -
Mr. Blandford. .recovered his self-cd ;
tnand, the passions . of the , r
burst their bounds. He summoned Grave
into his 'presence. -- , ryield your bit
petuous deSirel said he..but Iwould j o
Heaven you htaipared,me s uchit see t e
as this.: Painful as it is; I must.renia n
to be a_witaesa toit. -, - ; ; . , .
He took litsdaughter's hand at shoe -
toted, and drew her
~teviards'bitif.• e
,watChedber Ootuttellan4e .while tbe fit t
-.vows of, - -love te.'wbich 5443,-Cer. listen d
,were ~bre athed lute bei mar With 'an el -
rrittence, and ferypt 'wilick:accip)ed, irresi -
ible; by - the moist handSOme,eqgaging r;.
,aop,• a nit he trepnbled till. he 4axed. r
48 . 04 tindled; i her Oye - ;* lighted* np f tv li
rapturts;bar - he*rt ;panted with eq.ce#3, a
emotion..', She etned on ~her father's ii
ithablitt& 'swiett ; but 'looked up - ll*, 'a
'faCti..-.:Witit ati-xpreisiert that spolcii• 91
' --- -, 9u 1 ' 0: - '13idri = theuirGrae - , ' mid. let
;,teen . . 'i MIY. . 4 .0h.l n; Getil forgive t4O,
i fully, e blihdness, the madness of which to
1. 1
t 'o
;IL hav f
een guilty;' i --. .4 - - '-. .. :
j . Grit e started'ea it viiikentug frem 'ti s
.dreani Her father's - vvords recalled. heir •t
;to lie ' If=one brief - mrimeef edsfacy. '
It ad:be n her's— ! ter be followed,sheltnew . •
. y boUrs of - claritneis and - sorrow.-
warm glow fiolefreiri,.hiir cheek, and,,
i thie% . ' .g. - her arms " PrOttitallier: : father*
neck e Wept isniciiirained.L'l" , -."-
'S Anves ine,':eidaimett Villeneuve, ;..
‘yo yourself witness. her enietions---yeti
will, o suffer a '',ettuel fanaticism to des-.'
troy i - hoth i' ' I " ..' .. .)....'' '' • .'''' ''.
GC ce,' 'said Mr. - Blaudford,' in 'a Arm";
voice! look up:-.: Let•not.tbe.feelings of a : ,.. c
mime ti bat the principles orlife decide, l 4
Willy hi hatard, tor the -enjOYineut Of a,
feW -fi etingyears ; the unutterable inter=: - o
ests o - eternity t •• Will . .yod torifilvilbe! . A
Maste he abjures tor the hosOm of a Siren-, 't
ger 1,. In- one .vviwd, -my. dMghter,
:Will d
you wd an Infidel:l' - . • d
Grace liftod her head and dia4Ping , ber
.. tl
bands ogeth r, looked fin-Venthy upward.' n
. TI u art nswered,' cried Mr. Bland=: t• 1
ford,; ith . a repealing motion - towards.. tVille!!uve.
Ville!! uve. 'The . Gocl.she i vokes t will . • ••
give h r stretigthto resist tein tation4 Go .
-then,.. enhappy. yet beloved young ',I
man you_havechoSen Your" destiny land . f
1 the hit'or chosen . obri.- -Yeti INe for ime. . 1
IWe; fir eternity. i AO said ' fOre,t ere :, .
lis lintbetween ; us. i 'eekto ..
, '5
i i‘
I .
did g I er do,wn NO . the iabyss ;into Whichl
you would madly tidunge.
- . :'My soul :hat li i
wrestled with yours, and yotrhave nistedi
I thongi 1 fought with weapons drawn from
. 1 3
's own armory.. Farewell, -our'
prayers and our -tears will-foll°w. you: •
He extendedlis hand to: griisp"Villen.l
°nye' for the last time,. bin; "Villeneuve, ,I
. with • very passion : excited ;beyond con,,
trot, r jetted the motion,-and Sillatcliing
i the hand of Grace, :which 1- lidtigiPower-I
• less over bet' father's shoulder, drew her
toWahlshim:• , -•:
soi,lesn;exouim 2L ,.iti i i
. will vever - resigi her ; I swear
it by the
PoW r yoe so - illy worshiy.".. Perish
• the r -ligion that eulj crush s he dearest
.1 met . feelie of the hair au heart !,
Pens the faith ill tit exults. in the radicle°
of ii tutu and. of oVti !' .! i .
: ...yr liene powerful aririllirl Blan laic'
sopa 4t ea -his daughter' froni the ern rac
(Ow .lover and bolding him back -wi 1 tl .
ot ie commanded him tO depart. II w
- ligi - iti ed ; the veins of his temPlei4di ri
mit I keeords, and his eyes; Ilashed w
-pr soiled fire4--Arillenetive .wr t'
11,r a moment t in his utirelaiing " r
thpn eeling bark ward sunk back'
snfa.He.tufre4kallY 7 4lenl'
his .
i fa erciief•tohisfaee. :_
h;herlyou - lave"killed _.
. elar:e)rilgil:tobis6ij4,.
; h
efitiinse4sibi .4
lust Heavenll.spare me this curse Ir
Mr.- Blau a ford:' '-!preat • God-1 I
have killed them .both V . 1
They did indeed look like two murder.
ed y' lims,' , for the blood which ' .-.oozed.
from the yotiry , man's lips Opt only dyed
his; o ' n handkerchief and ' fieckcioth, bat
reddened the white dresS of ' Graie and .
• stiffened on her-fair leeks', as •he bead
~.droo ed unconsciously onliis breast. All
Washorror and, confusiotvia the lions°.
hold The . physician -was . i .: , iricripdiately
min oiled, wile declared ; thatblood-.
N OSS I was rupfured and that tree
lift; of
the 'Ming maw. Was ;in Most imminent
dap er.—Grace was borne to her ,own
apartment and' consiginti.l to:the care of
some-kind neighbors, but 'Mr. Blaudford
remained.tbe whole night by.Villeneuve's
side,i holding his hand • in - his, with-his
eyes! fixed on hid pallid`countenance,treni:
tiling lest every breath bis_last:
Abort daybreak hoopened;his eyes, and,
seeing whoa was watching so tenderly
,over •
him) pressed his hand and attempted to'
speik, but the doctor coinreandedperfeet
Bile re, assuring him that the "Slightest
exe 'Lion would-be: at:the ':.liazard of . .his.
life. -For two or 'three days-. lie hovered
on. t le brink Of -the grava, du ring Which
- timellfr.Blandford'seariely left - his side,
;and Gracelinffered near the thresh Old of
.. the doey; ptile•and . 'sleepleis, thti imageef
despair' j One night, when he. seemed-io
6,d - in ihirep sleep, Mr.-I3landfoill knelt •LY
`,liis.#oticli,. and in a low.':yoie, r breathyl .
'out :his . soul' in prayer; ' 'His=
been one b:Mg prayer;'but . he. r felt he must
find vent in language forth° . depth and
strength -aids dhotiions.- • 110
. prayed it?
age ly for the life of - the :young ,roan; fer
his out's fife.. He pleaded, he sapplica.;:- .
tech 'till, langnage failing,?ighS and tears
.ale elbore witness to the
i l
.-sPii, tr-- 4, ' IL - et ndt. my Wilk eli,God I . ' ejac
ulatied be again, ' lint-Thineige done; ..-... ;
!Amen !' uttered a faint!voice, The
iniiiister started; as . if •he bad heard -.'a:
voiee-from the dead. It Was Viliene4 4 ,e
Who spoke, and. wheSe eyes- 'fixed 'Open
him, had .a: intense and' thrilling, ek.
prelision.- '17014 , prayer itiheatd,&contin-:
.uecll he: ' ' I feel that God', is. ntercifel.- 7 - ,
A.titycif Divine, light illunies my parting:
hoiir. Let me see G race before't d ie,th at
our souls.. may mingle once on mirth,. in
earest :oi . Omit..union. berseaßer.' -;-."-:-;,
"he minister . _led :his . a inght erAll
con i ch-of Villeneuve. .
r . lfeloined her hand?
in . is:--i My daughter,' cried he; - ' Kejoii,e-
I ked hitn 7 for life: . God.giveth nnte htni
len ' )itu ; .yes lifisfor evekiniare: l -.1 - i . .-111
'race boivelA ,lier -bead ' . 'on illatipayi
had that i clasped - her own, - andleven , i.
th awful" moment attn./mit ofjoi,-gus 1. d,
int her s oul.' '' ;It:was a foteteste 4C7e r-,
L i
wedlock, and ',death secreted{; intle CI
llowed • up in victorft:Mr.'l3landf.o,.4',
li-by--hise.lcieelingdaue)kei . , liiltrylai i ix
tne.during_khe night
_they . itiought: tloiy
- 00. spirit-of Aril leneuvo - ,094t littAita.
upward, Oigljt ;- , knt- - bo ;Au nkr, ;lit *WV!
a4cintleAumbOri incl-When - ,:lthis 44, i
1 ,
:again law,himr. he lircOAVed - a fliv_o.
e ichenge.. , ,ip ~his,pubser,sed.- , iol4:_Mr,
sinlf4d, t heo...was; :a filo,:iiiipli, 'his:
Invet.yi.:,.• Witlvro
- and
,--?•;.-7 - :,7. - 4-d'.?::...':::.::',!..ii,v, , ,c_4 , .: :
le 'nursingf. Bald 1e,'".1 ookiniv.-meaningly
- .• . . I - 4. - , e' • .: i ~_,
it` rice, he may yet possibly: ye-s veo.,‘-
: he. prediCo o 4, ef ;the j -Wa ll a t lifiY.; 4;
sic air reF..indeed 44 . fippil.:100iff'): 4tia4l
tor; e weeks Villeneuve, thetighitil t*
- 'd
an i - lancrut .wasla e - o a is- ' .. •
i. family. ' 111 '''El df 'd' -.
h' - ' -
n he ,r, , ___an _or_ saw t , joy
tit', i the faith -' .. *liich hi - had einb - Cedrlti,
wi at hoJbelteved his. dying hour., as not'`.
he qthintd ,iviit returning healih .: He ,
r ls
iha ;- atyikys relied. on.tpexeckit.,ll4l .of hisV
ip . nci6les, j undo*. , whenveligiint. anOti; 7 ,
, tin & l an
'hi , duty . '‘. tO sanction hislutfion- Waif' hil;:
da 'ghtar j- ;Nti4biisinesiliOnlrini iiittn-;
m i fled . b 'woo 1. neipeitcdV fo . his native,'
ca ntry..,. , till .. .re nasiondunsettled,,
_as :l
it ~ -phy i'man , ill.T.,otardaii.desr , a,,,yyaiiii4i i
'i4 ilater`hkreo;Ved '-.tii trS , dip VeOtaiiiiir
)r rane.e..!`vvStl ne , light-sucri fi ce..forl
q ..!:BtazidfiwcifitO .giites - up.his; As gittera
is - sole . treasury of-,,-Ids affections, and:
lo tiri'hltnself to a 561 i t ary , boiiie ; hut tie
fi 1i 457itliciut nitillm` uritig, - ., iince helli4Pect,
blessing I heaven unild'halloVvrthii
ni ' kits."... -VillOeuve return.
.1; :ensuing; yenr,sed .irestOjr e.Grace f again
:o her beloved . parsonage:'/4`.
.rbe §undny :before _ their deli
G, 3CC accompanied `her. faller arid , bus. 4.
ha d- to the Village .- Chnrcli.....' . -Tillent iti'le
sa rhe. , boy who iad jaided •..hith:t here
th i first tiniestiii tnzat:the:p . ortal.....-Jle .
re 'lulled • 1 4a F.P . ffie I 'o iaalata.l,Ta. wit ;.a
w roc; grssp of lie rand.- . tlleiteactnir to
th , gate Of j heaVen,t thoug ht-lc.. he shall
nit go tiniewatded,' -c ; 7 : '' ',-- - 1-; ,i,-:-::
• She *ill beloO : proud - to.; play; on , .th
Or 'an aty,,m6re, j ', Said the bOy‘ to lihnse j lt
~. 0
P..;a.v- that she; has married u.,, great inai/ j
a . -.,,fOreignet]
j ; jbut Grace
: ascended j .th 0!
i ,
St S .4 its usual; l'eUd die* the ied:ctirenjlA
cl iely'round Iter. - -=VVhat . the feelings 0f,..
th -musician : - i *ere,"... wit bin that.' seared
sandturtry,, us site pressed the key's, ,prob-:.
11}, y fiir the last time,cOnld onlybojudgek.
frs th utrombling touch ' niltrlttto; 0 9 0 f,
' 4l :the services, when AO sameitibliine
a than, with f .11 1 9f. j i:fer:t ` . k . e.aiicl;
e ~was.sung by the choir ....Ail lenenve :
i l
re figs; ivfed - thei same clear, ad ring ,ac-
cc.)ts j .. -cvliiCh - , - - fi r4t, felt so : thrillinglr ow'
117 4 earj...,=.- .
' tie j riero a.
Cnibereil his drom. - ..ti . .."
n -:. longer.)ofiger fillett:::witli;sui?,Ctiti"....,:
ti j ills, horror, It wascaused by themork
in sof his dark and trouble& iniud,
j -44, •Novie :
e ery.thought I - flOvired:in:a net elinntioll ,
Are we indeed united? sai d liti, while i
1 . 5 soul kunelinjthe e c hoes of ; that , s w ee t
rani;.! : e n: I : ' :l d til aj s 'tl h:'‘ l v h e in be i n o n b i:e m 4:l :4 V;s:l l :
For ever and ever:- returned , the, voice:
'the . worshipper _ ;;and the . AvholoOlioir-c.
rt, inir?g in, in till burs of harrnopy re,
eax.c4-again #ni.l f igaiu , fid. eN'er ip4.:7,i-
SIINDAV 'Tnlav Ltitote ;44iiitiCeisNiiod•
. • rd,.. I,ourery d Itiniiii , hare - ireicently:
*' - a i ' - 1. b - -• -• • --, -- -. f
t ect et utato t..• . e.7. , counterttpunons p
hief 444 1 icii:.: l3 . 'at".iiiiir: s . ll i 6 tieh:X;e‘Fist:,
at frainialinira ) Stinatiyiti....eri;Vniiii*,
i :•Onla‘4l . lil:. -. •he he : ; dectiten, lhatniejrcitt.i.
' 'tains the i . .t . ' relliniiii . i . PriiktiiiPenii:; : "
Opinciiii.t e . ', abhath is nOt .. titil4. l litiiL,i,
. ii, their opini n ; ,:theltisticei taytil 1 ... ".: .: :-:T
‘‘lf• an' itiv,, lid; or a persqfp inirAtire'd l '
"thin the cl4e Tia.l4 4. A eifir,:rotrAiiiilts .
c ride into the country tic' kneene'lnf, re-
r SPgraticiiii- 4 kb• i 3 the;.t. .I.4*.etreig .
„I f
. g; ie tAe 4 0 .4 ir . 144 ( ? .11 4.
ma..!theterit i , oynient:Of...atiliiiveic - t itirsei
t.iid.:•cdiriii . . o n ' : P . indv4iti..acconiOlisli
!I f -. lilquagy,lltiFriial 4s fthe:,iiisl)lov m eat
.• ,149 meet)", :Wed te.the...citUrch .6 f one's
olio, or tO;•isit the . gir,V.:4lll: - the 'hired
" i ' the. iost; - o-piy the trihute of a tear,
.1 d lid , this deftattlentk:iheivn - that he.
:.i titt ~0314oyed fu theiAlpuregsos, and
i.. at,.fee,llro. merely en6ott lu accornp
..l iii . i . igi4ent, Ihe, ought - ti,pr tii - • have , beoU
i siliEketeit. I .l'Bit such ilif:fitit: ' the cases:
. g l. wit'!.rs. %nod - in . exeelatifig.a spee
i . :I " B s l fttiO V for either Of :the4e ieee
nt-ptiipii ;but_ iti . perrirnig _a "con
k act 4y... Op
. opth s fin.:::tbo . rivolg 0 g
701role r odire . iiiice. Th:t 2 . 4*.t.ii. vAich
contract . • was: t.o.fii ; €*g - e:tly the saii36
ii• Sundity. cili otbei'ilay eitheiw!i 4ll :;
I n
onr '...%inuid. tip, doubt,. ttliniit -40n . i,i0ie.
Alio omit us to. side: Ali heilftiziii.
cretigt h,ao _ sit the'corn try,. an .
n. church, trrot.; - only.: au Sendity,„lbut.
Orer..dayi.oc tire week i..but ue wO,-311
ithstapctifkg; a, patnnatos cqiier; 'paystii
9~.~lii't~lti~ur~ - ~(►CCU~fltlptt,- IY~IIC~I_WB6'
'eniiii44leitt "di truly
isci 1., - • -
: ,..;,i t y . ilsi . SCri tOott<Al.Att...--1, ast, N T . edn s
.4y,'o.llriiin, * coil-:
ictui-rnontlily m tl, co:
"Siang a : '. r iti large, Well filled, ( closely
actiodlipary,bags, left the post Office , or,
114millii x ifeir,their Northern destiriatioti-;
,t liese.hags,ro.carried to Menornonee, ir
istancti.uf u +ut Ga. iii,.1.4 ? .3 dow a the, bay;
1 )
ill aieighi.' From Itletukeninee., a t Widely
'ilifrijrenrinioae of.t;444Pcirtiti°9. l llusti 6 4 1
. 41,1npinyed init),rder.feket them in thtifilis
I ant:and , isolated, places to which they
are directed,: and where their sale tirriy•a I
.ranxiously looked for.- , ,, -• : - .'.t.,5;.-71?1 , .: . '
.1 For nearl lwertniaared*Milei;•:tlitongh
tathleskatul 1
ed,wond - 4, 0ve!,40
slid tibitling..iitio -Nitikarkeill:
- -
t r, night . j o s. rf tty,toprOttet.t i ern from
: — .orae.s,'wentlAtier_frosts, Ile se e l:eel-Je n s
1 1
liorree,l- -. o , t0ii.i01444 - 11 .:.:frontier meek
' . P44ollinly litheli . ciiitdri kipost- offices;
rtiAe:Yel.‘ .. l4.Y.? * .sAOlitli -, >9oifts, aTqq* 4 l
het ieO l etle r!!iipiiiis: . txr•,: 44flpp-vAller=3
.: Ilbst‘.!oiti!y. :e ..:llfia:•..:l:tiaggi!' lexd•alliiiiiti;•
Iropigtimek'olii.igoi.o . 6: - - iili j i out re i r.,
• 1,4 i ii-the (Om aee• i 'v4le e otilang- but's
~. el.fier i i'cik ii.liiiiirol - k! 1 ti;? now 1:14 ~k
'., pi.:*.44 .
. 4.0 iht - : :.pai op t 40 ) t ► y
i s
'ryiiiirdei-;qtl,..i . tkiiiijAiek '
.. k...- ' ":),.itr ant._
.4'l‘-.0'.*P..10F161 • ant IRV ; . fit s i:: !tit MI e n
illigVilitt requ 6.44040 Tun . b - ,alt-iiiit )
;II $144A:Ay.44 eal /!gt 1 1 3 44
40f;Kitin.S0 PUC4l6‘iitiligq i''' 01 . the %i)24 1 :
Vtii,ll.4l"plt„ lie f iejirOiWil "tEtili•eind
- -,•:: t-
- 4 1 , 1 4r*1t.:. - Wkills• - lend oI
~ ,....g.tli. _ • elogq4:.ET
. *:elwil.kilk. gi1a.4046
7'0,14.63:. :!:iititg.
00.04: liiiii4o6o.
14 151
1-6 . .-:-
~. : .•,,, , ,... : 5A4.:1 , p;.!,;;;.v.4.::...;i4.,:i.
jam ;
q,:...^:'~"~'~ .~~~"`r-~ti:1F.
" - S
::,'.::-.,..,-; ::: - ...,1;:,.t:i•.: , ,i - , - :; 3 1,
- -i'; - ;1:1!': , : , , i:-',; . .,;.. : 1[.; ,'.-'.,:•;-i„:.:.,
t v
...- ..;..--;',.'..--.. • .:,
gsik r , " ou
':Of thee'ffi',
ish servie '- , , ------- 7 . ,7`.7 -.....31'-,‘i'i..,_.741.1:.
...1 1 • ",- -;* r;
During: ,thex Mame:tulle nuuseacto:',;•'l` ...,
Graod Oa '44* ; , I.qci,, Schahicn TOri t l! -- '''.'
ed witkli 3 ".Yeti • iiiiirii;oix:ikiiria '
dew, a R
. 441 ii , .gr . , dif i litalirtf - c i s , , i i
waskilfcd : 7 1;opf, h l li t illiptliii'ili'' ..- 111111 1-1- "7 - --
vu s
eft, i •ph •)T,re!. test leap ;ev r'iiilipliilil'
XP9:ifs;, . t , i`of the C a A lit - o fiNipii:“
liiiilie#"! !,. e data.; a ' 4
r;wirifv fs k
- :frc.t: * *l4# 4ti . 10 :Aiimiiiiii - 7460'iwiidt"
irsi utiair t.r Ca 11 - r 4 1 4 ''` - ' - iod"'
. . 1 0 - . .„ 1,
„ .4 c ir„ z ik, ,• nun
.ip-! . t 4Li0 .. ., , 11 . , . ro . red,09141-. -- iistaioit l ''' .
.41 -itO- 1 0i 1 :: 4 4 it ( wide , in Vfiii i r i g t iti;
44; . , #4, ro.i. ad Tn4ciot, iielliiii:'iithivt
fu ,2:441' , :t,1 r Fi:ing party, mane iirlua '
OcagrAciA ;.. sole and and (10plii0ftits
'biil9nes (1. . Ili:sailed, in teit:tiiiikitis
- fieW.all ,fl i ree hundred roMaillo,Vial c
....liillitali! kt • - - - •,...., : 4..., 5; 01.0 1: ‹A
".- At It . 1-,.. - ' tht, front -4 . ''' 12' Itiiii'lit'"iii
•armY was ' Pr A ' red from 'at'4l4:-J,itscLikial
only by tree s - ^ ti 4 : 4iish es, elitriftio• my ' s if:
deep ravin e t ''-' '':•i r ti'aiti .. ir u iliit - T.,-..?!.
--•-•-•• •4-1„: •• ...... t ....t..,,),..Ar , .., 0 ...L.,i;•••.;•;-- - , ,
ea " - cavalrY•s tore -Ar.,,V r re Obi - „to-La - ...k , .:4 , .. , :s
mount j .and th t etr horses -4i- tbict.h47-' , - - /'
- • .... • 4 ' , l. Si 'IR -,... s‘.
at. Z--• tI; 1 ...
ef a fire of: t i :ciato*iii ;:sog ;t lhoe•-'
ndvoluskets t ree thOktstgat Ai israiiiilial , •-•:-''
ell.:T4r)Lith.l • ers . dlOodItt; ItAlla', 4 : - . •
l'hYtifiklb'es 'Pllreriililnsao7-iiiiiii
Itap', ti? oet4l • ejzedthe _ a l iiillery;'filhicfi l - - ',..•
't l iqs,a .f t*A l3 . i"i" , S.ii!'ares , sl l. l ll aiiiiiii 4
'ililq . , 1 E5 1 54 1 . r. - - Meces with - .ltheii`itfaket tY%
litiiii* ,, ool3:o' 'Aid . men. , - Vteriiiiillitriat. '
ti e iste ' - 't ' h" t -I
te ' r' jai rl'
s lititA erne that to , ur tab 'saw — I .'
44)k&-:;:ate , r i ed'; to iii l iiii444l"W'd ' I -
e .°" 4 4? . . ,' 'der s',t4 . -:i:u," 41 4 . - 1. 4e ' •
411.40R.t , ?;•Cc''' - - ;tia• 400 ht#4this i;Oaptif. 4 ;
ittriyAte: * ''''-' ' "•' ilitiliiidftifto s;rbeer',. --
- ''•l' . .tc; ''' •- •:- ,
.:sertk . : - _, 0,... i. ,. spring, over evtiryL...
- J 0-=, ~4 ... -
. ) -4',r 4 f i t* fr ! :, 4 0 6 1. - k cii,eY tire,,jittrte - 1 ---.
al . " . or . ~ 1.. *BVort. -13ti1141:#14, irlitgetj::.^.
j#,*ibt: * *, : - &ins; the sad kittb#4iid 3l '-:::
zO:Ti.i.lisifit_ :4 *.l: . he is: . ', '',.fli:ll4'Qi•Y: 3 • - •
:010Yfil:14•4:1 'esVi.t'h a rec . iiiiiiii4i'- :-...
gleifilkoileti) . -il by the tvild - iffrrgek-br
:cur...o:tirriegi t , vi 9 rtussii* litiillui ,',3.:...-, ,
i ee,
ittlholy horse " - rthese dir' .i" , iitri•fe I 'R' 1 : 13:
;AV116;481;43g3: . 8 'CI rel t' '' ''l 4 qt
..,,.,_ ~..., , c ai, and : PPP Mt
ias:Mgca . :sl%•;.- city as' the bit •Irls,\;•s-'•-4a/t.aL
-,. ,•--.-.--':;• - ..1 :WI-- • .•::;.?-4-.l•ll:!lUitklitiE
44 1 Y, i in:...?..-:m. - --•----6 .. --5,.......,-- , ....- -
0 A y ril i
• 7
. ; ( 4,§§ o
oa.Apii ,
v 4 ... t
ts-i - --fs
4,:cp• .V.:.
.. , _ , .... „ 4... , - ii. ..-.. -
~., -....,-.., ~...,,
4_ , ....4 i5ti ;':,, , _-‘,...
....4,-.. 0 ,:•..,.
. ~
Zvi.- t- • .
~, - .
~Sr t . ,i ` V.t.‘ : 4 -4 4 ' " •
C 1- -*
•, ~
v- 1 ; s';:, ~ , ,.I %l ' I
''''' •• , 'gdc . _ ...... '•7h 4, - t
_. S. ! ' '',A,
t 33
Il i 1 l'Et.
.:151 .i ,... : :: . ''','' ....
' 7 .74-4.,rt.tr4:8i....04
,:...._.__„,-. 1
1101 i P'
'- - A 1. , ' . -..?..
1* - "Catititt
Z11T5 , 7; ; ;i? : ' ,7 :04 - ifk W A I S .
trZfernarFrfrOrp a*Ger ..R ,r' '
- -4, , ,:- ::: ,, a •,,,-4. - 4 ...4
l' a tr il" .MrT°: 41
i 0 1 4 .444.114 40 W..Plit a - r AttiZ .
-".1'"• - \ 74 ' - - = ...., f •Aiklii,:,;;;) ~, -
" 1 1 1 :9x,' , PPExcl.:7-4TItIAPI
i t allijorfm leav° Mkaift,„'"Ato:
', - .dlaren tittetlicvittmAt '
irl•. - 4g..1i/CSAist.9 3 .44P'44t:
i • uwet: . Puira ;:::0i 1 1t4 3 49 4 .
at! $1,16:4 4 1.;5 10 4P.A*,
11 9-*,itltikleTl4o,l4i.:,thr t 7
'l , Lke,44o,oo9tPlacvS #4s k .
iciiiib.4er;olsloiENolex ..-
" ra iplacciAle , ugaiAltitkai Os - ,
1 A4ii,t7imairt49evtgf, ..:,-,
i ti• 0-.511:C944,43111;04 .10
I.! ilFiNiclos!t:zriStlroAr46.- - :'
reo#l l iggi,l44, 0011 l as•'.:
I ° l- irillsii ) nal di,&4 1 104 - Alt. 7 'tc•
• B'i ••i••••
4 Ifiytn
- G .
far in
and. i
deal se
the t •
diktit -
we arenot :lit! .
ast ; OrthellkaligatkOiast4r
the winite:l,4insga”opa
joi.; a • 1
,yenuugtlesao fly lc
ouuter ee n more terribly
Arai. 4 totiisrilie
- '
led - Wt
*i i4 Wr
~ 11R~{ie
Rati r ~.
- ,
~ ,
's.i. r flaudbook of,aon'thl4-
I!),Ale.4l,andl. coutiAntifibinn
Ls respecting *ra it!iceniilif4 -
om,inican preacher- and the. ' 1
Millet of. NSPis.. On Ono
riPOl. Ailit Prcan_lie4iii the
fltol;iiii l l9O, l 4 l 4.4l9.trpitqpr:
liotia . i , *3 *- ' o. .f tikrfts.gVoklip
t his hearers te..Oktir linep t ,
Wrerni 1 4 11 s shnrilit:llso '
Lion,i e ersd 0*4..71.0r all
:innerelY - rePn - P - nt:T.9nrf'!nal ' •
11 l a
1 0 2 ( 18 -' , 1 .),.
© inlmediatelyik4lp o ut
s• ‘,/ - 4 1 .)?' Artilaiiilififiliii-
d , ...,_, 0.: • t4. 0 a , * 1 4:40 1 i , -:
i,iiio ,8 ord stoodeasAtihei
~ .-. e t seat I dt , God, h ew :;j.
4 1 , (I- which ; his heed.raise4 c I:.
!'l, In an instant every )11'1'1.1 L" . .
t?lcoc.c6, of couKse. pourga'
turreut of eloquent invective
z stfis and their dettlit.:, . z .,.
: - :Z t : , .•." . ..:;-.t, , 4 1 :!:iy. , ..i1;,...:!
1 , - . •p- ....--:.,, , ,f1.;.-:.,
According--Accerdini:- to,
*Sans Tieiyune;Nalker; . the
. .,Lower California, is. ;only
gel, , 'ir native fof Tennorsee„ - -
vifie,;Arhere hialither-still
r*, -ex' insuppieLesc!mpany , •,.:
4 . 014 inedicinskin-reris,liw
-iinikAinA - . in'-'lVe..•wintetra:of, - ) - .
sal,f Neirtirleans;-asone of
rsijk.ud:r!itnns- , of:the Cres-, •
enkeiptiFe...,-.4lid ',not .-- prove
Aii .:0))* was sold to other
eill)t-Of:::Oat..- year. and Mr.
iiitifteri followed the tide of
4'4. n F rancisco.: se .• e
San I' ' i o He re
riifiiiiiin there, atiilActitinti
iiiiisali a jouruilisfAta one
es' which grew conikt.lof the
, rticles, he bece9iiiij _ Itiqrl l .l ll ea
tit' Oneruf his cofeinptrl,Mee.
be was wounded 2' • iiieltit
4• 01 i44 6 1,' . LcAigt: ' ClailkiX-
armed ty-e
l i lt
*gbit- inetri-nxied-Wiiki"e r
19 1 tjoinland ,, .
it '' ' -
'-%• 's
• I
curious I ,
splnt ua
Ist p
ist ari
ed. 1
itiole a , eiut
ed_ 80 nahni
'soon 1)14)4
IVitile tii, iey
sig ,
of tieit
of. eu.w 4
1 101 uP.41 43 . .
vast - multitti
b Oth
1 . a
.. .n
thine Ad' m
1 right or,t4 ,
me off eF
t t ropod,ati
' •
) 1 110 NiiWOrl
Piisiak4. -4 .!
B y{
ii„vo; l 4iiii, .!1
341:6 / 1 lie 81
1 14 i 1 6 14 * 1 :8-4:::F T 41 , 9 ; 11 ,
; the p rnOnet
k Cent,. - T6Ol
; profitabl6.
1 -partiCs, hi' el'
r'Mlker ..'-• so
Lentiiiii . ion
8 ,4A 4 *- iif
, of thnchop -
1 .
• innduel wl
.irt which
act ! - ..4-'wror t
.......,. ,
wit. 4
inal.ft, ,
iii its' a :
4; 0 0 1
... ,
...:4 ,, ri
i ,
14 . 9ci0 or kiit,.iiiiotiWiiiideoaiina !.
iiiiVxfii, ie , ' --':, Aii i filiff.:;')V6 dnulifit.4 .
....4.46dir of nillitik!'i . ebre+incistsAid - eouTL
811:6 IS Mr. 2: eg5llT ( - cut 'o .n 5 soma peo-
.pl et iramin • -.7- 4 tatnas.
:. ,-1118 . ,.- i , ,,. ithAingtoo .Corellepli t dot 0f" . 2.. , :i
,tici ;•,2T b • a ._•-.:tlia .'the. , AO gent-
.i . 4
it '1)1 **it 1 ilit i
. .•
Juid ,• •pea- tiering4Dernocrais i,11410:- eon- -; , t
:,cite '
..leidiiticto be only -IT9I ecas - •
1 iluble . but "I'. iiiiikiiaiti tke - c64 - 064iortile
I.illieo . in',: pproving, Douglne-I,44:fialika
VI,: - 554;c:Aing in fuming it 13pin:1241m
kif., : : •- sfliC ! ' Oulgrpse.':•:,...itkhOcii4.„. Iris
re. 1 14:1 1 4 : 7:l iiiiikiAtki e lkt4 i #4 -It i liai '•*;":-
i 01 11 1 .&4 1 :A.' , 14?.?T 1 5 4 104,.. 1 4• CTiluder.i-
ti 01t Mt Pg
c l t
1; .AZ ' Crii i ta t 4.**oo:itirttirthar t , ,
1- •
- Pt . ' 054 1 4.4: 0 4 1 .F 4 *,-*:
• 0 6444 00 .:::;:...." . *44k.P:! , . ‘,......,, ',.' .:.: - ,,,-.?..-1 4
• , ..:. ,. .: .- ::- . - - -1*.;-; , 4; - :.. - .1z14.§:-"Fik?.t . :4 - ," . 1 .. :- '-. *l-:.,,, ii*
:.-,•!..; . :0.01 , 0.:.;:-.f..... , ....,...„4:; , , :;_,, , i; , /,:!-4 , ,,,KaLki...:: 1 0 6 i-,,,..45 , -.i.3.11
„; • ,_• %"1 4 .4. - ,••• ”
' '
111111 -4111.1114 *,? -1;; ;