The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, February 02, 1854, Image 1

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j • -' ; ' .kf TIFE:
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• i'... '. . i". - ~,.
to• ft
'rang the Lackawanna Herald
he fiallig ortieSe*icin.
;Sons. Of. the
. ,
• With Xpide,, and shore! And t t l !!! 4 3 " •
- And door and inlenni pace ; .
The sexton huildetli theilarrowhOnse,
For mans list resting plane; :
And as the-viethifell, ~...e.. -
And the funeral moved , along,
fie rang - sad tones front the niulfied
Mid sang thtiSextcin's Song,. . '
toil toll !
Tteas m softmooplight beam!,
Troia the lime ulgrinl. th - e freed - soul
• Fie!the'tanJ dreamer ;- Tettder the mounter t,f0e5,....
And life',; 4;4;1 - mutter sleeps,
Like tired traveller wlerse repose,
gome guardian angel . . .
. Toll ! toll : toll .• •
. I Sad is the•song I sing ; -•
1i0y„.144-asiw.edt a
As the first rose of. spring '
• Death's boir-string,, twanging, flew;
Ands )he gold-tipped atiowscOne, • .
. grelife's long mountain walks he knew,
Or the cupse-elad paths of Fame:
- Toll T. toll":.toll !.. • •
For the beautiful Must. die I
The blUe-veined,rmt..qe;"l=nnk to rest....
And soft shades closed her eye
Oh I for some merry coice r -..
To mingle in the - " •• -
Of the • yirlioke•mellO3r• utterance,
Could charm . the couch of. Death.
1 Toll toll: toll' ' •>'
For the man o ate Math slept! .•
lie hatfi toiled with human cares;
And, alternate, laughed•and : wept;
Weary became hisstep 1 / 4 „,
The mind and the eykgreir
• The{ sunshine and the Stwni of
SleMbei alike with MM.
Tell! 101 l :, toll I . , -,•
Stilt 'tis st_siiver tope; - ,,
pit , mimic . ;tittniii4,'‘...elped forth, ,
rrom some far epirit-zone .-
gotiegitig eternal Isourx • ;. •
Ovey'tbe Spirit's - ' . .
A's, it ware
.eiyetal sunbmanaa up,
Beyond Ilea . douds.of earth: . -
To 1! toll Z toll t
'And with vietrlOs'tread,
Echo the dirges °Ter hill and, dale:
llequirans fur the dead., ~
I lore urine the chimes - , -
For . -trayer--tytd the yelper
But I 'shall toll the 'march of death,
AMA-loci: the. 'lumberer's
Yet I hare walked at night •
4 0 . 1 1 r here Sextiin's ghosti-did. dare •
:ITU ding erotical ree'! rape's ot
f - And ehalie their .• bell 3 of..air
Quietly,„fetl the
Vittlettingiach' tinih
Hurriedly past . f4atatep3 go. • •
- And the village' lights grew an:
Toll,! toll: toll!"
Stich was ,dream :
And the poor Seatuiis:Weary
,"- Were strethd Upen - thq
Here tilts spread the pall, • '
,Aral toll! toll: 4%411 • -
'Solemn, and sad myrieiglitiors•all
• Prayed fur, the Sexton s
So toll: toll:
. toll! •
.11s a part that must bekplayed, •
Gems from the starry zenith
• - Arid Sunset titt a g Eidit
So will the living_
• Of man's imprisonedmind,
Fade from Its mystic
• • -And Wander unvaifined:' • •
'flue with , Fhorel aed •
And blow and suletnn pace, -
The Sexton Built the narrow%house., - ---.
.. For mails rezzling place;
:And as the yietina fell,.
' And the funeral moved hung.
ile,rang tonal front the mull:tea bell,
• sang theSextte,. Song. •
,3lisreburourt,_" . letrtiaus._
•-" -‘ 3.. 1 . ,
kropti Author st - Gazelle_
The. Refonnet Couple.
• _ • .
• .
11Y 'LLIVPA . ' 1:17.1V06D.
city TElt ,
begin mr: bylkfleser.ibing . the
possessions of Itel,principl4
: In -nue. a11ia..5010.11et.,a,..50400
• ty f0u5e.`1411 . 7 144.1.4jeia, yi
uf.the treft;; beautiful
- - arid *various . kiniis'of-±shrtibtferk
1.11 !lie
j , ards the p trot nd, are
neat t9g..aus of . ; ser%nis. ',each
with t Ai;
its :. rear :.- , 11To dilapidated fence, no,
=fields ~ib~errun with briars; kris.:l4l tie seem,
--Ri ni i assled - Corn is _ rustling in t
• simatoOr..:lnvezc,_;_cot.Pii4'
ton Of red ai4k)*k1ier:74 19 2 , 541:3, - . gives
proinisvqr a15 1. #44044 : , yield-a.well
\,l?e!), in . ..t) 6 1 i
- :of ',A 1 8 1 1 , 7 4 . 0 0Yir, *VjiO/1. O°CP . ;
0 10 4,, -sleek; aictle!aretcoutientialy gt az-,
run,_ jnynnsly :
whit "6141
Henry. Wentworth is-proprietor. : e
this lovely and well ',eUltiva,ted ''faCni; itlit,l,
.It. is his _guiding Mind: tliat lieeps'eiel : Y .
thing in such, -4,0 (YrileAT LI Ho 'las .tie_"
!for,three.years a l inifiried man—.44,*ile
is young:and burinifrii.L.i-theillave.-Llr;ve9
ry babe who has begini:' In einileiiii" , : bis
parenti; and is tii delig:lif?,ot:,9* faMili ,
wh'iCh hus also aninlier . entelii4o:;the fek
"and gentle Maxio u Weloyordwilje,ooly:
biter of --the. huslyand, . whom - atte: loves 1
A. with all the "'warmth of it sisterq, l :i.4l, l l,,:'
He ''o4 hill iii,fe';' with theik t. 111 )4;:1:0. 4 ii air
.theii4;iliri4 I,i'aini.iks.thaviinipareitA,nre
gone from T'eoAli, and she has. no,.:othek,
near relatiies. - '-41ie* . t,051 Fenny Witeis:
(now h er brother's wifey bad ' lova 44r
other rw! ) thildbik.4. fitinil ll 4 ef,Pfrianc
i 4 0 0 .4*; 1 ./ , :ladi 41: L.he 12 1 9 ../74_FAi±
ail *inerrancy: motive :easnied Ibie?yinin,
- eniiple 4 to - ':untel-.tfieir'de•ki n i es i and 4f
• •:si iik(t1 1 4 1 0 11 :11AkV can be trOtItiq:0::: ;
_preyrit s4444o;yingal =eh iiiiiipaiu*
1 ever fills to the lot of humanity ; bpi.
:. - ihiii it ojt.o*,; eim .- . : -.?' ,-_ , ,,,.r . ,... . ,
~,,-: 4:' :
..Plail4tefit r y , Wentwortlilieen 8$ tare
fa ti,kiasop is well bidered`nsind as ; a neat '
• 4 ' 1 01141e
been as atlthillSSillt4. art
•gri filissign; - ' rckyt iiin'" lie ' it.,:o's,"' n de . ..ktjoy
evil weeds iii.niii imilniq 'l, e pla ts,'lieitee
world: now - dwelliagl ..hig li Onit,'.and
reiiding o l ire - bi s ..*luseh 14-..• Instead of
ruling .his o 11)161, he lndulge d :le ;. a
fretfuli-fai4 _ idlng:Or ilion• ' His. all'.
go t : soimciinie - rOse sebi, toilet limitind,
siy - e , rt 11l ngtin e 'wai ilia . ,:. II is s e ivihis -
-were hniveve ' sp . ace ed tottais, the:
it threw not ;0 er their , dountenaliees the
glooin of disc went.' ~ ~ ..; ' . , i
- 14 DOlitt. &C : bid if Ana ter Henry. Jeer
. scold: - Mighly and someti es,' wid; they
to the .: servo t& Fanny brought' here.
lie's just I i e Old. mast r., sun or child
ish, bet jo.e. us takeea e toiniii him:
ur hell - send -,you:-ofr;" o _ neirer keeps.
fidks about.'. • tri. &baud() 11 ; do i their`best
'to Pletwo him ,He fisii.: ;gilt golid. rnas . -,
tbr in .some.! ings.,...iJie
,gives - us. good
victuals_ and lotlies.tiik
.. miglity goosl
care of us tvh n wearesi 14 . and gives us
plenty of ti eto iiiteik is fur - Durso!.
miserable, lor
wherein 1116?
. :Marion was
bent hk -
r nec
st, •.fffi whom.
gtb, that every ,
r; ~But tinny.
id with all the
etiou, - co ld not
ith-:uhk ti dtiess
rntid to 1 ust in,
len depr ved -4
'oath liad a
Might love a
not tinlia.tipy,.
she ;;,received
hur;leri was
having loveil
wa'rmtli of
.he bnpptw,h - :
by him. Sit,
Goa, and suet
. -Henry W
horfror ' of . - :
Since his.oza
OP an 'actinai
where she pl
of. he 'consid,
solved , not .t
fore; the wor
resolution," s
stances toot
relate. - 1
Fanny : wts
the 'Nerd." -
because they
'Marion and
pen:ratted' to
joy4teir . f
ingly end - , 03,
tm the f•x)hit
of ;losin+g :1114
!Ishiill no
-- f -This incid ,nt i vit.ll Many others; ,us
ed - Mis.r.'W to , firth tn . draw a ip• iitful :
:contrast ~.- be . w h
e n , her h usband .an her
parents; - i wb ; iler she arriie4 .-- at =ears
:.if discret ton' de ied her nn, requeSi;': vitli-'
rmt making I er , m.lerstand that to grant .
It \ wnii I& be I 1..' viper. 1 j,What-d •pity thst .
. , .
. man ahn — ildi • enyltis Wife - ' . :cheap and
. •'gr fill a . thmsp tnerely.. to show..
the :tretigtli,'
~r is.will! -1- • - .- ' :
.:. . I
At` r firsts , ; - 1 lie .;,liely' ly'entii,rp' Ali.. bp,
gantftpealt, ha lily' t,. i his. wife,.;Consci
cape ! repro '• hint i-lint.i . :,utifln:tatiately•-
lie.hactread . 'at y. c - ' itys'4l":the :duties id
tin hint
Wiret.i . -and-'- 'car ey) tiy:. ,rid advice for
• htishatids: • .'-, he -..1.41 la • , .i.l Op .be- cheer- -
loi, lliongitt)le, a id
.wel'ciime -me - with'
gladness in . er; c ninterince. - :Ellis -she
generally of ; Wh . tilok l ettenT,4o . .v:itiffun ~.;
41) . 944 tip . V ;
.1 b.
,tr.,..vvhen . she saw..'that
frOrn,sorne . . •us 1e vas ,ili I: an ill' humor,:
s 10; Teared::ileC nteottencesi.ll",sr lie, viCis : ..
cei' . .taiu .to fit 11::Olt, the: h4u
. 45 . 1y4 4 -in a i 5 ....
'order, the bt A.:4;iilt halio,47c;,' ;F.sir 'a
.1O40•,t ime's I 1. e_ re rt C 4.1 I;er:se if !II pleat: el/4 ; - 4.4t" "'Y',t 4liet ler IS - he 444 :Cacti . ,
.or note 074 i,. an A,' siwiug' 114 Ins Mpod3.,
and todO . lii . :.e, edit; ! ) V - %Yl , i - ,,l*riial)liair.
qii - 4:. 1 im s u . 'in 4_l' 1eii. 4 . 1 4-, .I.Cmiter:,;-Injt ilAi.
top.i, - , , e'ii:#ltil . ifi'-iiiii4ve -- ....1ie has AA c:t...,r,
hiM,,i;egan!tt.Ld Mine. find t
- 17'relitition, Or
iti, - ,.cio:wi4il ke ihe'fiii ( ~ )*1n,•:%,..; ~ .: • "..-
- '' . 9ne ..-- M - sriiii) . .2 . :.: 4416.: . 2 - 4 "41,:gliis_c -e; •
he 'looked,' tit 1 - 1 r anvil) , say ng, . Vi , h o
'm*!.4:ci fVe r s.
..,,.. -,. . : •
..1 „ ,-, , ,1..,
'\" --, §he...a.rts,vpere .• that:. ; Sh had: ; it.
'e- .w -. '4:11t •- tik - th . e _ call theta;
-. 1-4, E t", - wii .: :ilM - ; , !fee Pot'' ' and inini - Ctflt.'
. „Sre4ing
~• +I. As . :._- „ not 0 ..101e.,:ssjudi . ,w,
FannY - bnrst.rti 9 I art
,a 9 'left the :vont.
~ l ii,vi, .yr4i : .p..-goil 3 s: . ?•W4Yi!-° 1 ) - 9 9!i'
, . ..
Avg.s.:his,.;unft*li ) e . rgrfaric- 1 : - .
'.Oh - rut ter , ow , can
-• .-': , ;-, -,,,,
MaTiQii.:.. \i• ••"40 ill k41„.1
r t - .lll.teatli..ll Ad Mak ,
Said'iie,. i f . .411.1: i : c " roc,- as - s
aliiiil , 94. v.lO t Atiie.,. rterc
rnent,ofrey[, : wl - .;: . v:'- . 4
' • ',
• .- • 1 (ink awl titierly did' t
..weep ;but.atl Igty.,ree9
child might ime 'her Eaten!
3 lier tears ,_and returned .
, rO - 412,. -- . .. - :gitijicA;'l4: . - Cle
.1 hilo, but i , :fragr4tit .- ci;
iti t he_ pot,•-.2:0 warm,ct
:a . o.e4"::vilij te, elritit..- - I . Y,
! :111:arion ism - lip, saying,:,,,
1 ' nor - - - • - 1 . -- , -
• t- :1 4 - I
LL OF .•
. PEOPI4*. - .35,. THE
, - " - ...7. ...: 3, ..". , . •:. ''...',,, , g:'•,l ~..,' ir- `
'` - '',' ', . 1 .- -- .- :.:-. ' ' ' ,,C •'^ -7,. ,;.... - . 7":,•17,-. -..-
_ :J; -:. •-:, ::. : 4 .: 1., C ' 1 ....c::::-...,,:. -:...,'.' •
1 'I
s were.. no
eire) ,
d be.lov
for sbe "b d
Ike ot- C r
;such I- af
ight ;for.
her bua a`
utbful. a '
n treated . : •
had tint
's, - tipt: to b-
time a
lit wqrth .hi ,-. a rem ultabl -.
in4,..,gotert . ..d - i liy . . ,yvifJ,
i ciate, he: ha I . heard it said
1440,e:tha i
t ts- wife c,d him
- aie - c . 1.,:; ;- !tii'lu:t thus -spit:en
i i ii
e 4 'ar deep.' isgkiee - „. and re- -
1 bear : . '&491 a : char a cter he-
d. - . ~; 1n . ...ep . .. - quetaca of this:
vetrai., ..diia r'eeableeireum,
.lace;. prie: f itlicii. - vrd.will-,
elli -.40 Ilav4, :rose-pushes: in .1
eniy..aid he diAlike&theni 1
is 1e
er so lbOlii telaiiriiad. : 1
noti'.. - .portnkt T.lll,s„:stirl she ; 1
1 %ill be, , -ha'ppieelf - i*e. - are
lo4c.ion . , the -rises, aud.en-,;
geli:nec.%',..A.:hinit-: , you. can
s srintioCent: a,• . pleasnre. - ':
.... , ~
• - 't bwihe. booked ST plead -
letlise-iyvect ly, that.: - iiil . .was •
f Ylcidint : :.hut' r a, foolish fear'
anthority - trevniled,- and,: he
permit i!)emtp graiviir the
~ou, Ai) so 1' said
!kelt ei-gofree,'
Le young Arita.
i‘in, z sbe.dried
o bienidast,
rea. aWay:
kt, wrapped, in
aniir therfire:
~1784 at
!tin's ;Itfoi4
7 -fi*,. she
qr For r, p,tii4b62
wocidi f
ktie - virtliaCiplui woo
. of lOod . : by.
h-i ! ft. all*O sop.,
.tie *hick loy!
. ,
.„ • . VVlten . Han ry"carne hn 'c id dinner . that
ditir, he- praised'.:the , p "tiding; - and ;'the"
racist; and .made hin":isef -iisagreaable as -,1
p . th1e,...-.Fanuy. also, a pouted:Cheerful,
anO, .. began to believe' m:ieelly`did re-,
firer his; harPhness".' ad he' only s4id,
• ,, lirievg-iliarl 'pained you,'. she - would 1
h W
le :been; certain of this, and all would
: -.1) ye • Beenßeen
,ell. - ', .IWitY l PhoUld -tint lids- . i !
bapds and . WiVesi act thus . towards , eitelt:'
eglier t-, 11e, 'Who' knoss i ts . ..wbat beit can',
heitl the'bitter . waters -Of strife,.bas said
thdt; 'the, wronged "'.one ''' must.-receive an
: . - ekiyiessierc of:-.repentaiiee...and . in that
mient s ,:forgtvetteis\raust:, not be - withheld.
(Lend Lukeivii. 3, N 1,y . : : ' --• :..-' - . :• ' ' - '
• ' l 4fter'a calm. „f. some day,,. Iris.
•tctnper again -b l rnke lOrtb.. 'Fanny.. at
length; ' . becaine so' tittich .alienated froth"
blip, that instead oriv'eepingshe received
hi 4. reproaches Willi - sullen looks. i ' I.:Avi I l . love one whfi'caiim 114tbing for me,"
sal ,she to herself:- Xot. l ung afte-r:She
.., .. .
.lotined . this resolution, she , began to give
the . :angryretiirt,,.:land;POthetitims'asSitiled
h . : with biiter WOrda.`ivithont jUst . causit...
Sit . .,also 'otherwiso.entinyed him. ----" :. '
e Was in'tb habit - of throwing' out'
or , ours • Wha t
tev r heaind . on; is bed , on.
, •
' 'ref ring to rest. One night he.threw.out
-a garment' on . w ich She - was sewing,. and
hid thou . elass3 - left there:" She iinme-: -
Lliiltely- went to he wardrobe,' took sonic
.„. . . ... ,
.arlicle Os his c . I . • . mg, and 'tossed tt . ofit
Alluair r et,.enseed,' and. his got
fife' benefit-of the dew Ma l i - nig t ht.,. - , - .• .
: ellhe 'fourth yearof their, marriage foinid .
the y, uur , couple very: unhappy:" . Fanny.
OW loVe7l - her husband less than she (lid -
hi'4 - gentle, sister, atidSehlornexerted-ber.
4eOf to pleas6lArd; therel'ote he had .real
ctfu:se fur coniptaint... The fit •
4 - 041, - Which had .kept his - mother in the.
pith ~of' Atity l , were . waking- in his wife;- .
1-ti.l,.however,.bceu eonsOoni.Of 'b e ...,.
ingl beloved:by her • hit:ill:and,. ilur- -- wouldl
- I4ve been a goad; affectionate . wife. • --
.+ ly, Leve r and love wi isthe' L.4n of. lore,
. ..
~ .....
.. . . .: -..
iohe sentitnent...rif . a distinct ished:*poet,;
iv:.beospeakin , " Of friendship.:_ :It is ecival
lyjltrite of 'that affectiot:which -is- felt in
tlie - enojngal relation.... LOvirwith Fanny .
fi . it tad,- no , rettiro,- and it., no - longer -wont
.f, 4-th. to " - her ' - hits - bitid.-:- , .11..e-cousidereci
'"himself i9:o4af. unfortunate. ritan.:t.Oftely,
When he :wished . to:converse - cheerfully,
- .ldfe-ivsisinAll burner, afuLehu scaircely.eir.;
- - .
:cc; <rave - . him the
.- soft answer :which turn=
eth -, asVay.: wrath..., Her; maul,_ who-had:
g1"7 : *9% . V1R up with.her, : and otniethnitht no
dy• as good: and-yeetry as - .. - het - i - young
Mistress:said 0ne.4.14-y. to,.bei-.Mother---*-.: .
..'i I netiiilid think .Faenv- - eoitld ,-be so
. . . .
1 , , Tim -yettly-was-=',-- S.
' -fr - .' 1 - alwaya - .ktiew: site Wouid :net.' hive - -
:atyin-tdy Aha t.didit't , liket . ber..:::: *he!! she: -
wail -a'thild-o,if .she.:did anything naughty ,
ti. tne i i: Nrtuld:ltay, -, -, , '.A:iiii.-Fattay, - ynu,
iittoiv aunt ,Sila-)ovOiyatt,i.ntl:ynti•mike
, lie,. ;inti-v.-• Then she...w.puld &tine and
. - ptit my '.iteek •,...,:tutt4y.,: / ‘ 11o!e;tyou,'.tou,
` ,, miid wpn'tdi.t- t - - .." a',..?..titi." . ''"' ,
il Matiiitt l'W fityttort h': -.- :i4it Iv' deep 'grief
-..sari.tlii4. - grate et(thing-s:7-'7Sliivitit'H-theria
.li:ivili;:dfiti .. ':lii: tine.tifelt- tifidt'ir:iit,',,,(l' the
7 - iiiip--'oc.-:-it - ;'-oi'ster'..itt , ..-laiy's 'Unittniablii
t: Wiper :; -.Sitestil!iinfteci ilia . her:biiithei.
• :IA •tU wi n haeit'.hi. - wire''s. si=iii,e;.•:-:`' 4 P.o:oi .
• ..4-ifii plantedi litoinic-' in:- - liii . '.26'vti 'path,
%illicit ! iiir:i)ieicii hiat - . - daily' - . - . One:tlity,
tie iipi.itinf':ht:ir 'Bible' itte4e . irlii4l.4 - inet
,t -.: ,- - '7% -..- .' ' - - • '
tiflr eyei: 4 11 'any , i ir .yini:'itzeic-iii4ditnt,
let 'lain ask,4ll"-Or'inic.tliat - ttilill - inVii
niter:ally .atillitti . brai.deili -nrit;lind'it-ibill
.I.lo::giien h . iiii?.. arientit-a,.,r . ied . ,* 846: iir4yed
gptit inuallyilit that' ivisdtini . ..tchiet ought
eitaitle'...ll64-f 63 : ler,i ' I finse '.d eat- ' ()lies - lb
- OaCe and happiness. - " .',' •••• - - • -.-.
, ,
by- - mtirrnng., ¥ bpring...llo4.
Wentlworth and on
4 r orra'dt
ten I)rniles &cirri
.sterteci mrly,se in time
:An. lie; 'blotto i
'iart, tae - 011111 •
rel;r . f c r).
litim'at4 f&wamug $ ;tat ifei.wood
inntl;riugin4•tli the :sen , 4 er,birds...and
t 4 ...ey..ecnerge: Wlo
here: etil fieltlo;; ; - grexcr,ineiitlowss
bles;inming . nrehar4ti f : are steiling in
glistening with' dew..
r ori
These . aft - hulk:teas:to the
Oeaceftil art, j .filleiffieeqi.Wit &Ida ess;:
for he , fell r
rag 4?etw 'tci his = eivi),;feeliags and.: the
xpeatt of n tire. (wain any'
aWas .a v .ry unhappy: meedsia tt refale4
;fa aces.atip witheat
j ving hint aa,y7ieasea: ehvOsitik: b re,
342:1 BAT. chi tklo:
-• . •
ever het spier, e,1 . -;.4t , ,! al a ife; . ,...4 hroagkij
pr 1 140 PEN3II) 4Jateiyquslled, , llo4,..,neare4.4.
,0-74;fia4lod - •.- j . , ,:a4e . 4.latrib: 7 4ta4fta,Of.l4heir,
; farceur* 4e.4 J irlistio ali.lsetitnr ISinklY
spasselitilio s quie*aboikq ,
110,11e4di; f,th e
IBinifrin.hmkattak; h.edikrithof
j r,sirta4i,‘ -**
t4lieetett,xt a4iscliji j
,tears.-cAti j
4 .1 f ail 'mew were likereaenient it*
1461 Witt
ow. 1 1 re
rpr*fini9 , 4) Ws* kuliotioritiis9 : 4sfeiitAit
19 ettsfm
ii difktab l jeics4l4l‘,
#04 , 100.-Abc e.14011k40044***40
1 i
11.fiiiiitiC401:6:iJ*0600crou iap j
,EksiiO4 - p,
• :She -' f:e.iti44ol; -
:.v. 7
f it
124 . _
/ 1 1 5. ,1
A L V . r .
EGITWATE:§OURCI4,.;:tiisIpAiti :
..., 1 • -
, TR o sE ..:.::.
t, iiow d:
tiriniC;of feellot t ',
p - she this inOthery
and ,
ett chilted. ' }tad:,
r as at
;tio.iiitik' int() the
"arrows are_ cruel
'hat . she 'did mit
was a cliris t
l d •iolate-the
excellent qua
and, admire. .
• .
gbAY /
.. . .
_,. 1
:t9RI him' hiitliglit. _ . is )y, a
•viiidiiitt . "itir:ttineit'its . POSSible ' . bat: wou ld:
giFeliirri. pain, terninding him (inris haiiii. ,
'less: t 9 - his ..voile,":tellitig, hint lb i* skier::hast
wept in: her kirtii;!and said, lifr she - could •
onl y 1.• it . b elieve t hat rtie:'Crai • grieved Avitir
.. - ••.
1 , hitusel f fur.treat lug, • her L thns.i. she ..coulii.
10 - ve.itirtilai.well,:us.e,ver. -. She had.. Seen.
ither,eltertitins.te,plesisethint, and marked
, •.sidness . when -jibe . failed;. until the
tendltr. plant .9f . loyi' t „ : ntiblet ' with' , the
- de* . 4f )006 - 64, r . had; withered-ind ' ilreil..l.
'-•'V'ut-ip - OkiiOf
,Moth4r;! said :she. . It:,,
'. htit lin' trust in - God ; Whielf f . gate' her'.
strength to bear : her tiiiilS: - 'BW 'was al,'
tin cr - devined-Christian; Mid ..--fel t . .that she
„was t,i.quir.ed to late'. and - .reverence. iibi ,
-hushilit4 , notwithstandi4 tiis . harOt treat
ment. Funny makes :4O - . preti.tisjons to
'e.njoy..the' faith .. of the rid; of ..G.Od ; bu t
. if yonti
Ca . win . back....lie lov e, she will ". he
to you
,everythiitg .y9u . an .wiSli!,_ . -,
••DOes.ilie Seem JO I - re . you as . well :its
. e v er 7' so:hi:Hen rk.-1 . -• . '.. •..':. - . ,
She nines; and t 91..
of her refusingto ge.‘
'she earnestly - objected!
gove tor Likusure to s:
believe,!. said Het
imbibed . erronedits i le
faiber - say,-tbat-_the
mother yield hei. - wish:
that- I iniagit'itti ktis
to lice - suern.• flied : e •
were. dtity bounttt
•suggest,. but f4ait fity,.ll
trigiunaly violent* . lips
strengt h by. inclulgit
powerre4son.': =
. . , .
'Tiny fir stretigilt. Cattier,' said:llfar
iOn, pray earneittly4ii+ iii . fail h,' and the
victory will he yourk; Seek and ;ye sit ill
fiud,'._is a promise on , !!. fif tttul yonr
!faith. ;God: Will:net , :tfefuse us anything
which will -.Rieke ts!-befteri when we seek ;
ltiwtwitii;allthe heart: . .-; --- .- • •'_
:-- D'iirins the day'diseviees they heard - a
seta-inn-In' which the
s i tcaker - diVelt much
Foil the. advantages meek ties's. ,- !The
aleck. Shall ! ittherit,thU. arth,'l.saitl:be; 'ris .-
hiroVed by obsii,y
Only njuy rvatikin
,tal.every day's e;s !
perielice. ; The full y its bles--
sings,;4, for to those of . .jui opposite Charac
ter, th e' pu rest JoyS'allaite' . antr,ft Lend aid p
are - einbittered • atid-ttfteti destroyed' by
attar"l paisiotia, - Meek: ;gas, proves a shield -
agairllip6tilivealninri; nttel tidictile,! 'But •
We. needejot.folloiOlie Speaker any fur- 1;
titer.-,it II IA 0F:t1,12. O say,::that ;:.befaie--1
„spr%'7 . ..,tioseff, - ,, evict:Wentworth:
• had, fps cal..ta beco cr !a , het ter ,ttian, !
r i i
- . !VV:ben• - 144.,arrived
.t,',iroute, AiicyfouiAd
liftie._tciwy:..i4i-little ...- ill;
! --...Fatiny-bad.'
sent for,a ! ' physician,. ItO - paint:. inpix of
t o'iheir retii rti. :„ - At-; 'Mr. ritl - I‘lii.'Welit
Worth 4'..arriest '.:reqt •t: he -- :r qoatbed -
ivitis tile*: all niglit; . ;.nd - aftetiratil.4ivisit:.;
ed.. thetti, daily: -- 131 i! 'Tin '
could t the grog ess ot ihe„ dtsease.'
Iti- a feW :clays their It
. arte..! was: Tattikiifitr
'llerwho - hpl . been t he i h eliffht r of all..lie3tts,
(incinding;the . .servans)swas!'a in
'sleeping -
i s
;, ,
:the silent . grave. -i. 1.
- • ! -!... - • „ . -.., • c 2 ,-.
. On " .fol one diallie . light of sorrow. set
tie With , elicit :Week ne ~AA on ; .t he yop,p l ;
;trietitei!!:. Sinai; she cit . tlietl ! thetlieught,
that lier:hi:Lbandlov her, poi, ..abe. had:
.I...feit.f;lA -'— r heatticul 4i •ii f - recti . ii.4' :I,:
common even ! l r.a.. iter ,itoi, . -Ite n,as
'tei;;tl7"ii btitin '
Tits iiikiie'Ss _she' ~
could scarcely-he _per tkatletit_o-,lk rest •
"i - -iiihd;''Sii4 whe' ;-.' ivr' : ltimfliica*liii.l :
L 'his - laie,islie fell'. taint iitT:tei!! - ..the."fliine.. r ;- .
.Hilill-e; elepsedjbeforeisheWaa,'reatilt,ed to ,
anidegree,'Of iorkei.Onsittia.2',s,‘Krittil:iTe='.
litinin Siteceeiled,UpW6iletan . "Wia.k4 tilf,'
,-.whiipro'liiitriica thatfalie' ;vii4S . ' itilterltig
:-with:llr.ain - feiceiitAfteroltisigliink hitt -fire t
ciotts..elsild IA):1. he t o iiiii-ffili..Weittwotift.
,• I Olskiiis station by tii el bedside of hii wife,
and did eieti , ilti tf; i lle:etitildi -tit; alleviate
lieraufferings„ , : The ". tof thelitnis - eh E :-
lay in a kind of stop r, , sometitriei talk.'
itq. . Dr.dp:apiptizit 00 ; 1 , 4 ; lie4rt. when
ite,heira bet say ..:°.,;,,- ~-,., -. .: :-
. They Lave taken atitay my child— ;I.
hare. J19 ; ,9r.10. :ci--,lovii me : . .notY,- ; -..Lie.lity .
, loves•ruelipthe-ye . p.;,:r ! did itiveine. l ,-.- --,...
Tins 'Wa..4l. wire than he could hoar, He.
liaStily left. her; in the Ica:* ufl%lation.,and;
;sought a . plaCe ! Whetlie thlght. - riiis el''
'..giTeient t&hiifeelit gal' --- lie there pray, ,
qd - -'flir bia'•Usen fo'tgi 'eneSS-- - "for. ° bet , 're; 7
-.6 ! ), t e'ry. - ail vii•U•eil t at if w
het' life ,were
pared. he Wituadecfleate the remainder':
~f hi& Heit . )'ttle'perft'ittnanectOf every ilt - i-`
-ty-reivited.ttfititn - 14,bisr• 1-14ii!ily• 'lfo
ther,-tewardsithatittiw,st.tieken one—to. ,
;wards every creature 'which Rebid made,'.
And . oiwards-hia; God , :..- : ..„-_,!..
• 0 After weeks ;olin tiring, .the feiCe and .
*delitiurn-h4a:ifubsidea, but she . .retjitiitied.o
It * f e t,le - a& a i i i niiini,: iv limo s ] ifr is! only ,
- neinbefeti: by :days.- =.f Thew At* • site per-) untiring' vas • her, husband - An
211L1 at t ettLiotts„.: -. ..1t..i., as-:-;140, W,lllo, i ,ofteeest .
chafed', het' ;Cold pen 3,- aUskitpplied-tUltir :
liiii thelife prestArVit g - iiiiinulatit. - : :!_.t Waa,
- he.‘VW lifK4 li9F•so, elde:ily . ,tm illtitlter- :
couch, tiers ,iii - 4 . .' tie i irt4de . „.rporn,
:cornfii i rt Ale: :;;:4,......W . a
~,..he,,;wlin. , ,,.Wit shod'.
:hey fliehlty. - linise,sti,, , tiniatattily,-.lest , the
lfliekeiitig.ilatiie ' - '4' . .. tfe,:AAetilit s" pcl4oiii . :
:,,go Outi(whicii is Sr i etifilei the
.Ctil.n in
._ l lliiidi# P eilk.;',tiftbi• tI - '•feyr - letire th'et'fla
' tielitj)':':'Alitt feeble s'etitittiiese;4itorioii.'
44:km00i - tent bet - eput'han'tlikiiiifelitie:'
',band vviib-ii kilid , o wirbdeiV ' Xirer.. - 44Y.:.
after • filet': -it'll.. ity.': wit h" 1 " - bei;!- - leyesi.
ebitied;Te risotnetitit. i,--tiliii'beizikt:SitrietiV
lievik:ilOW'viiit '!. f:- i • ! -;--
,i- 1- 5. -.'!: - !.1t;. 1,- 1c
TiftW; . 4.* 7 ittittyslee :,"-lei . niii'Oitioil.);illi'
J .
(n-itilie - '4otnitti•eoe --.,, 7... i , , .. -- :-7.! . ..,2:_ .;,:t, --e!,),
she is pot-iee'
trr4 i. i A50•i1,7444
: I M9I#4I4 I OIPPRitkA,
k l l9fiwttlO ui
spik wit vek her,.
• 44. Oftrmidet4,
4 3 4:440',14.4
tioilstrensiiti' at
EwJA4 . ,T,-,..-;_, - liag,
me that the cause
to be unwell. I
hey,:but to - 1116
eayitig it.alway§
e'rxte Happy. •
I have
, ; , I. Often heard
IV:of wives' was nn
+, and - always saw
~ t ia him so tvadk
and.4,had aright
1 jug,' :t'nd.: .;iininyn
submit_. without a
to . do • what
. you .
'self. My kin per,
!c - q . ' nited l a giant's
r e, fan& i may co . 's ! ' -ei•--.
vp - friol- 4 , s•ri? ,
11,* tie7:.l l
. 9 414. 04 4 ,040,
fOr-t4 l O 1511 4' 1714 7 , 1
VF - 109, ilkirgbrOF*l:ll
MY. GI /tit
.ngth, retarded suffiv
ciently, tu . , enuble , her -tp,. sit; rot easy
'` -
One-day -, Henry was:sitting by her side.;
Be tooleher-pale-hand luta praised it to;
. .3 1 . •
-.4h fervently thank Grod that'll you are-
spared to bless . - - •
Dear Hearyl,itlid she, 4.1 once thou4ht
you did not love me, and ofien canied you
'paitt by my mtreasonable conduct. Can
yon lorgive me I' 7 -- - , -
- - .F,,rgire you?' saidl Henry. I
who should ask your gorgiveness.:
• fie then related: the 'coniersation be-'
tween himself ands Marion during their
set-Mon-which so deeply
presSed.him--Itis firm resolution, to re- -
fiwm, and his distress: when-she seemed .
so near death - . - _ , ,
- '.l trust,' said 'Fanny, wit h : tears: of icy:
therenre.yet:many good dayk - for.ns,.fer.:
which *e- should feet : largely indebted: to ..
..She is our geed
'She is, indited,and all the retvard. she
seems to•:desire is out- happirieSs,':Said
'.AecOrdipg to Nariotirs pkdictien; Pan .
ny heceme eteryi tang - her husband could `
wish.. He became truly religious 4 1 she .
also walked-.with him the narrow: Way of
life Their good examplealso hct
Utary effect "Upon.their i• - ervauts,- some, of
wheni also. chose the; pleasant
.. .ivays of
wisdom.- .. .. •
A .
Years hare passed -the'.'de th. •
little Eddy.
.: I TWo more lovely Children
enliven their home, wherepeace and coin=
tentineni now dwell. , :Marton has found
another home, and attOtherheart, which
- heats in.unisen- with her -"own. But She
Mill loves, -- as warmly atiever, hei brother
and shier, who : hare considered
her their angel of'deliceraece.
Grace - Greenwood.
. .
-'The gifted writer who hat won
_such ~ a
wide ail. beautiful ' reputation. arouiid - the: f
(hearthstones,', of this . country,: under - the,
mune of Gatcr.iGtteviiroon was: born -in
Pompey; . a quiet agriculturattawn in ()pen t
daga county, N.. 'Y., Her family . name... Wei
Sara G. - Clatke, which her,inarriage with
Mr.leandei K. Lippipcntt, of Philadelphia.
iuDetobe.r iaSt; is again ,chaneed; but the
.appellationAtyiwhleh site will, be b&-t.litaWn
in the history qf Americau literatufe s is tear ;
under which 4te made' her earliest appear
ance in,the fed df mithorship, and itttracted
a tntdtittide ' f appreciative and adtniring
readers. . - - , -
The 'first years of he r'eltil Lilt nod were spent
with-her - parents, Pna a large family of broth
ers and sisters, In nphlasitut ' rurat -hone fa
.her native place: Here she acquired . that
'face-tofiee fannliaritywiih.nature, that wifd
passien Tor - oat-door 'spirt‘ - and' ciertlAi...
whichfinade her a sort Of _Die' Vermin:at iR .
.early_ age,'4irul . which,. if 'iip - may , jtidgi from
her Writingstlic'expsetienea of Mall rer. life:
has nerer - quite -taken out of her heart. - Ntr
one but a . gennine Country-giri,ivith eye and
soot alive to all iheenc.hantinntn's of Woefis i
and .Waters, and Verdant fieldg,'.iould. flare!,
'giVen the • living description pr Beauty-wliielY•
`we find one - of her published letters.l
•• Beatity,"•gays the jocund-Gs:n*ls no frag!i,,
ili.;.l4,ll,ind,, : fifiq4
.1,.40,ed ' balt.4eorn belle';'
hut-a- wild, -bloontiii,l, - -, !vigorous nymph - of
,the titotiittains;. a 'bounding: Sparlding- : Thi- ;
;dine, amid green d«lig - and daihttio• , • water:4
falls." - , H er eye dishes ifot back ' the e &Mitt;
brilliancy of the gay saleosi, but was rnislloH
shine and clear starlight'; •,itid - her %nen' iiki
nut-tuned to the ,luop - and , guitar, but; singiii
,with the wild lard antyaughs With c the ri r u-1
let. Illebe hentelf: Was.. lin-ingutions Yeti.?
-dent of a "marble palace, with itilkeu :couches?
l aud freiVet carpet:s.-but,-reelined.beneatla,thei.
- shades and flitucied- amid tin': dews, and.iniw
-iiv•isplencicirs of the - sacred mountain of the
(.11.41. -The - Muses - and, Graces were all
youuir, ladies of rural,. propensities au r a wok..
~.reti„ed babit,-4 , -,..! , ; - ...,..,„.„.: ..:':, -
A little incident of , iliert:childlieocteisislit;,
-fed In -one of -her. juvenile vr9rks;lj-whidie
ghows the precocious'_ development of that
spirit-Of enterprise And rorieince*hith meta
sto-be,infirained in -her:natural temperament:
-On'a Cetlainloceasioll , '..,•ap s-A
pearshat E., the,l
young madcap had atlied.: forth the displea-!-
sure of her atfectionattifnother,by, itidalging,
in a wild equestrian, perforinake- which -had'
nearly,euded in :: broken bones. •It happen- -
ed,' bays Grace ) ,,that„l..had on that 4 day rt'
nice net dres.s,,wliich A bad . sadly soiled: by
my fall',frotti, the pony; se thatwhen I readi-,
edloine, my mother 'wttigreaq , d ispleased.
1 suppose I made a very odd appearance.—
`I was.swinging ink bOtineti in my , hanif,. for t
had a nut urai • dislike to any §ort-, Of etering.".+
for theitead.-
, - 111 y thick , dark hair,,ha4_l- s7 .s
Come thibittided and was bleWing over my:
eyes. I was MiVer - very fair in - celnipielion,*
:and my face, .neelt-tind'artni find' become
'eottipletrti brut,,11 , 4 lithat su!nrOer 4 expo
sure. 'My mother took -the ty - 114shotthlet,
set mddown in ' a etiatr i r not tvell , iAilf. au
looked :a t nie with : a real frown 'her sweet
face:: She told me - -iti plain tenni - - kil - was
ntridltdettrel4s child 1 •• l'ilpi 70:: - fijik e i. in -
one eritner 'of skiirlitotith,'find - s'vtti ',:, vil f o nt!
,back and :forth. •- She hittliVr_,:.'ti, 'a 'great:
ronp i r I ponted.tiYAipantidrivr-- - doti:11 . riye-brews. ; ;;Sbo2.44 'q s-
like 41 6 14. Y0:uP0 1 . 54 1, 0 „ w, P4l-Jiti, t _kt ligfd., l i
No* 'this' was to peen -,lff : was n at/tat co
‘tivitt l ifit 'fition'tactsl.'iii - d . it ' i h till's:it'
time' -that 'the - 2, delicakeicinestleti-oii in Y4t.din.
,ple;igniord Welt -touOitd opotOwithtmt duo
,regard•foyiny feeliams ~.1.,0,•us not in; Usnie
TOr being dirli.l cha.not makninySelf,--I
;kali:st e p , 6 4 1 : , vi?lnlik4l4ul Rriniu4Aftl 3 -
i tel l4. l 4Pil , k slitl :*lGT4 i Avi# l 9r.P4m utire
JebN,Okva., k e i1! 6 44.; 4,4.%,.‘114, - ,,,i4,4 , ,,at,...t,:
to#kliktiomktßilPq.s . 4 .9 1 ,444 4- 0,91 0 ,44.nikt brood,.
r icd ,`.yRI:, l i er Y 9o4 4E c lil i fi th 84 4 1 1 4119 rk
Ai ' ,4 tWirlorz OA: VPur, AY.:„P*45,4,040w
'so 8 ailktk %I ~ ! . 4 4 10.4 4111 , t vi 4 " o * ,
ti p
' 4, 9 git4l l l4. ' 1 * ' WttVittßftzlz l4 4v.k,
.. 1. " 1 4 . 01tA t. t 4 7 4.L.,,.... 0 4 4 4# 4 141k4tir ottirsC4
4. K.Fo'fq , 1 0,5 Were4i.evint 4 4%.4illt 'PR 1119. tip
itti f4] OM: rain* . tel.rik.thaO4oo4,,
'4i11 , 4415
tli liAtiflL.-111-4144 PO'
i gi'llf P iw - 'l , Mllk^c#,S 4.! i t i 1 r 54 , 1:4 04 4i
parties of. thim i - iitot it„,40)04,10,4.1)"41,y,
and mitts to sift. , ...A.-.l:4uptrq,of live or six
!arridolMolothoc 44;11.44 .thfoiNeimnipi . '
iit our-rl sr:abut half drkunt.
. . ',......i ; 7 %. !. .....:1 1. .y . ...i .
,: n c ;:i'.. ,
...ttrftnt ". 4.:44 l . ;11' 4 t t .l i i. tg :. .... q ' ,.... 1: 4t:!,
p41,1)1%f6 f
.I,' ;ft
' • - . • -.
- • ?
... ,
• - -
• 7:: i
: 1114114 itnewyiry,,we fl: 14, 1 g1.4.51 . .,itti.1.1 1 r - -
ing-)iii 164;• . rie.% er thiiildieothiufetifilid:;,
;•tif them, as .t a 9 alire•sesatedultiiiioPo
iialitiable:t • - , 4 - -- /t
•:‘•-•1•., .4: , -1.14-4.l;r:T:i
To t em trePtiked to F" in toy `Yfiii)4'•
. 1
le. T ey Wfiiiti teach me to WeAi;s. litit•
.ktits, t fisbjtedirildnint _With the bow, a lid
arrow. They 'would -mot ma44l , Ar,lne
stud noo.weselionnetivianki they!'Tint
.thiept find fault with milditry.' i : .
iiiii:..*l"tetntenitili4th thiedaVlitlyt , scifilii
sn,afrstlipw ;ince, nor looked rouffdvbgt
ran swift ly till-;1 reaclid-tl39ltiniOda! I
'did; not, kujoir Which 'way'tio 'to re "fpid • the,
encampmen, lint WittiderOnliout, in th e
,gatheringi dirkness, 'tali: U . low- ii . Jlight
Alitntriering through -Hie i trees tit.f,soor
distance: . 1 .titade .MY,` W . dy,;thrni!,o . • tare.:
hulhm and brainkles, and i Wel% a iliile -
came 'upon itii Nth a n frit:AA:l : In - ' u
very ..**l t y 'plum e -down in a lir;ll6W,. they ,
hadibuilt them some wigwams with li9m•-1.
lockji,iegits, ) . B .Thnen ISV.ire in ';iiittl i tAMPi
• tw o I.#ole,tis, two squaws ; and a bi 411 1) I Mt
ftiiiiiien:yearilold. But I ,iiiiat: not . .foi r N .
ilfrthe i batil vier:alter. ixtPiro r....v0i("* . 51:
lying in te'stirt
.nf cradle, made 41 iiirge„.
1)011104 piece of hitric...whiehAras bung fi•Umi
the..brattsbil et :a tl'egl:•bir...;l.qo .of he,
wild grapevine.:: The ; ye lint i l ea w, , its ;
met her, was 'swinging it: back', at4ibit 11;.
noiii fer.iiitncilie clarlrelia4W 4 i4, the pine' : . •
a nd!lieta ir
loik; notnivinto this tirtoii firi!'ly
lighi,iitidehimiling i Ftirthe:cdilld it .ild•int;
alai) lullaby. The-m stit i lfin ;n • -en ,'.1M44
smoking gi a vely and ,- silent ly.1 ; w iifop "the:
- boy lay, on the g!otiintilityini hiziiinrith'
aRI eat4Alow, lititind; which - hiOlted n
lea . •
"andistaireed;*lik9 nit- , Intliew s .d . - The'
old,squase• . was.•:coolting theisupper in a•
large iron pot, °Ter a fire built amoug a
pile of stoties. .t. . =
For some Awe, I did l u st dare to go
forward,' but itt: laitri.sient . ,up to the old
squaw and tolikiitt up into her good rl . a l" '
tul ed face, liiio l ;I - tlil3-.0 '<t 0 tiver*ithl:
you• and- leartr,to:Make4 - els. .ir. r.diiiet,' l ,
ti f
like my boi ri e.' ;; She tii key.anyttiing J
me:.' i' I -.. ' '' I
to me.. wt m ane foutrift,.o c,aulatmo i n. ler
i otti ' Iti9ghlgiir. and - the - otlerv.,dskineli
frordist , e t.iiiiiitl.' ' . ' Th e : 'bil,'liiiiilTell - ri
~shcink [mos by 'the- Wild, ;nsitl said I was a
•liitive „girl ; but the " old.: Inahm grinned
hoiribly and laid bis hatid:.&t..fure' l
kead saying - ,, . What a pretty. WA to
scalp" I scieamcd and hid m 'face in
ttie.yongitillaw'i blue cloth sk rt. She
spoke soothingly, and ttild Me fit / to be_
afiglasTOVl)aboilY •w9u l .4l.bint - 1 e 4, :She
then ipOk t gie,.. tits i her ,Wigtrint,-(Wheret I
vat: down and 'tiried:*te. mike' -myaillt -' ii
h0f994: .... 1 §11; stimi-boti. l Aitliet , ..fB B .TliiP .
coraftfri4b4c:tAtber a4ilitle.the . lihr"Kuji.iii.
tolikl4fthe'• 64.t;v6a - e.iiiitty tis'il')!Wpiii\-' l l
thirivosiiiiccoigh, , thai - htei'dtati:q-ciiiii
atia-beaiiii; Coykod 'witlir salt **Et, ,%tiNi
all tlenA9 l l.iitg V! qtna.-v tistPr he A.*
',x11 . e 1 4., 0 9 1 .10, 7 irient• skonden•%;lNits:,,yor Li .
iii4 , :Fiivin spoons„which - . :r iust?ifoii_ta2l4:7
'-ratlini:tenostrpi?g'sit tjaiiiipe f 1301 aw
:not•st:lyiaiiiienlirliii 'iiietitisiliti.iii(lit'll:
great deal-mom:than 7t,k* . atifeili. spittlite;, -
• waded' iti ielgiii.3t;: ilit'-reit i l46l‘ .! ( *dug .;iii.4,,eo„. % l l l , iviitilthiatizeiiii!ltadi
- 04111 1 4. 1 */*LAII4a!TAId9I.4. I * 004:10,k
( pelfter:44 hi 4 1 .eAtrii qp.,1,114 4 4 . ,,1p5t pl.
pet-feed); pc;titc - lai,a • . 'ollfeet Oiiii!l.'',l::,
.* a s a little ehiielea. i titAiii%*4 4 4.!inetV:
cidat diiritni the miltilt'Whiltlrt the young
muaw'wai helping her !-fittilipnd "fiir i he;
'Will • or tryilryfitesti 11114 1. ,Y ;
jdt )!Etl ) -0; 4 40 4.119t : 11120 0.2.Wi 11 gtikh '- r - Mliti ;
'4?,grPiVied: iitee4-:litNiro,,rifihrifiti,ji t ti,
ittres4 (jvlitcp - iio i . ii f kle gs tl - c 4 14;
Alikt:Aht4oo o -rvst Orgialitb ru i
lor yin fpg4ll4l 3 4iend,,titt4 4:. . t Me t ra . y r i
. 111 61hY l g'; • •:,I Il i t t 4 R a t i : a .4. l . : AS,C, l q i .ft e t i Nfi
i ii # vi II & ;I ; Th -i l l 1 l'iiiiiiiiit.7li; . ll : A 4 . I.o* , tic;
) . i :: 1V, 61 : 11 -S l i.4, 1 0,P. 6 iMa•V.04)% 6 14,Sa#1%
41 .4 4 ) . ** * AVVY:f441a0 . 4)1 11 etTIO.
r 4 . 11 A4 . 4 13 .4 1 1 iiiiM .4 4 APAlk'054* , :littikg
. filPi 00: 4 419 1 P Pt"4lWilliAillet'Plit*l l4 tYttgo
31411*.AplipAa wip* , RI) I.llolEigivt9;:it!Ailf
Kitt w u44*- 3 CiisP4lcta l 4loll(
lk : knew As. *)941;:4 . -49 4_ ~00490
s! ' A.iTtv 44 3 4WA9,11 1 95 1 0 4 s iilol l o-4ortid
aws, toliarApartneigtat antl MARK
a. P.Mtgt,TAP.ooll.4lPlalgi tileXikkint.viif:
..a 414 onti;,•alratisit-spsiile4 lkJiiring•lip.
;A l 4 tliPtirlo4.o9igliiiirk.44! l )3 l l4.4iiigili •
Ime.iitmlitlifim , °P.Csll:l#49trin*P?:q.P4t.",
fti-04,130i0it.)14.0.--ssOleigtig":!lkk., ,
YAt.l.l) - TheVA:l l l 5 4 , 4 2 VIII i:l3lY4t.4 l .eititti
"eitilV4i:NPHlng t!sitik4l l 4gcltnit J3K 1 1 1 3 :61:7
- 4441 11 PITA t e , like 13 9C4 8 0 1 (!tillignikal
11 4i 1111 900.1 1 0.; .6 u lie 841,i,L,. te,filser.
liii"..mitiVl.lli. s•sk!iik l ..R.l`ol .ii.*
Avtlik.4oWlg7 : i;:titoL.sa4t,"4otl
nii t .49.90-.141 if, .° A*o'; kt,E4T*111140514-iir
'filto.--44111ri!liitc: Ml-atiliktit A49 0 ;4 0 14'1 1 0 i
eitfi,ititV9Mitit Valiii.44o . • • bge1it. 41 , 41 01`'. 4. .'
4 1 . 1 31." Effirairal.. ', l l l °•ifga ' ' ' lßOifigsraik
th9:y9llrir PPM 41 111 4*oft•gielig:to:4Par,
f l Y t
l'ti t i ?74 .4 :iiatittl : itutrb, e 1:
and.3;:west: ni : i401;14144 , 44t-cq
. did,wuPo: a I At klik 1 14g* 1 46%7
:i :
ainiiebo*: . Idia o ll. - ka403i4t400..i.0.'
1?):i mind, `t'l 41i
~t1iC.,01:4, 4;
Iff* , #92Priiii.l4 - 2 is@ ihe4. l o4b) - SSPOT'PI fmcet,
: 0 0 :4 2- 21*; ble:ltuil, ed 'Plhtfte Pillow; 0.
i p, Skit74o - .4.4 rny, blue-ey siaier.inS
:: 1 1 1 tatiet4i0r.110i. qiinft•brotiloir:tkiiiiirVeKy,Tt
r iegliitinsi , lktilA neth)bectiniA.4,4ll , 74alt. lekti9
't• flltmls l 4(i'mt mY fathermaudl . rboltintriii
fite_ hrethipg4ll.64ll;hl4k:oobittii,l4 . y. .'
111 0140MISIMOliAtitYaNtitithAt *JO Ili
airong r, A giii43ol4llighi i*,, - Y . " 11 .. i! '
!isiiHrOY.tiaii'olhlC fabbajlA **Ai .. 1 : 1 0).; '
sithAelviract7 4 4 4 4i lll ,4 llo . . liathe' '
ilit*b_ i!ikilO hOtA,ftaiV)seit:!gii46.*: ,
gitin Alliittitscl 4l t'ilelo l43l. tilOYlis
luta* i
'.; l #rfctre : I !let) , togi.lhtv.3 l ol - 4, lgogipti
..r r? aka MAtAke,oliictc bougktcr9tlcti "
ilnk-candisiihndy , tp,..:inek me . up. - Who -
itt..4.l4l ll 44oe*Winsintireing...titid4 -
1 0$4.1‘ 1 16?.400.4•1119 1 10sbAtill 404 1 1ikkoil
I pk i lii. 4 o l 4 l 2. - W.liistfikl.tfrimkitaitk? :
"hal :
.41VOgilgtciti41* ;-. . ...4
1 1.44tilition ..*Ptifil l I :Eliqiertivsn*
. . .
.. :4 0 , 1 4 4 4 1 M 1 3 04 1 4 1 4111112 ;f )
:,glitteitikt .L . ~• . 400* utioxiA - t. 44,- .2w#4
X'V 11,04411 it the s vilfilia chartittawit
Wine. - f,T .-- 10 41 ,tiirkal .104 1 6 104_fiiic
.:- ii i . ) .4:4: - l iniOrkilki: 6 o6 l 'ky.
t oy
.*. i t 'Z ... 111 . ij0r0r1 7. 1 4 p 1i i ,... ,: ; m: f 0.t.mitvi r4 1 0 0.44 . 4, - itle.rtmto tnk r,ol:eu .: :.., , ' -":
q' - '=;: ., - .1."- : 4 --:,:-. • ' ' Ve.',. ; , r ` : -;'
q.. ~. : *V.11.-..
..- s •
.. :: ,‘ . .1.-141s;::-.1.ip.. 1 . ':,
- ;
i=g1;lirl;111111124121411112"311"1 1
1.1 - 0.11", 04 1 . 1 p4 k.rti11t1l ,::,-`„,.'- - , ..i..... ,,
, < ....i. li . • 14. ..1 . ,-, • '.: - '
71 `r .4, --7,, ,, , • - .2. 1 5 ,, r ...; -
- ' ' ' ' , :t• "t-iq' ~ Ark1, . 5.1 . 4,'• ', 'l , , n-• • , ,- , ., 4- , .•••• ,•,.--..'• 1,- .., ' .
• M
F , , ts• ,-..- ir 14 4... :I * 41 1 i •1. ,
.; ;.1 — -i .. ,-,
\ - ,t
, < = • , ..,i -, - I rizir;;:` , ..” .- - m - ~
. ......
yi 1 1 , 1.-- .. .2- • " — mix 1:- -,,.. L. a,. ..,..4 4 ;.;‘;
, :.A.. • " ri.:l l
. 4..._,__..P.',... , 1 ' a.
''Zi .
: . i' ' .... , *1 .: •.1 1 " .# ' . '''''. : 91A r#. 1 • -
-,.....z.,... ..1,.
........„, .. 44. t ..,1 ur,...x
*.,... : 11.€* , ,—.: . 41,44 V, • ,'- '- -
-`-f ' ''' -I
12- :? , 70 , 3: 11, -7, , :':-T'''., -7 '!'". - ,:'' 1
1 . , •
M ......,-.,-.4;,... , ...-f ri :-;-..: q
-...., - . 1 .,.
l i t . - Nu m Di , .... 4
1-,i,!......,..rttr.p!:r.,0,,,77.1 t o
. 7 4-47,41,„•..4
, rat . * ; ilakia4iptlveti.lNktik. ~ ystrA,rto(4ol_ l s.t.
0.41001 .1-44vrfolcolgis,ws? , ipioppvgfi
- , obi. bai - 4;Ay4ir:fiNtliaiqqactkofayj
; Illii: :4:- . 43YP0i.444.**1401.4 tx#?-10.,..4 -
-4** cinott**C4OtiattiOilmlfmt.zr,
bet' -thti 5h450.*:0r1ii41P09.44,,- - r
i ed,rl tliiit. - •; 1 41:4 4 44 1 .4i*0* 1 0.45fanii kr
i .
'worst tiitiVpiigbi..irit . l l l l - ii . e:!a, l lo„, l / 4 gr.titlk
'Oita.- . ...stliC stray. ..:,li.t.biitiiii*. g Vli„ - . C 5 -
.- ' l 'rn -. if till, tiil 041:1t, tiiiit , i rld.i
Wfoilid .1)%1 :Witlloo64W,aoo :profit* c , ,f
_ -
fur, I dpire4. 14-,,Crpaittu (1,. l'.--;:r.-: - %;-..1.1 1... "-,r.‘
.Butl 640 IP-heard 'a familiars:kind:rim
a-lit II 41E4 - Occ.--it' was,Cariii'o bilik-f....41
Nettre .iti! • hearer it canit);;Afartlieurdt
steps: fii#l i , fakt throitgh - t ati4;:r4iiiiir r
brush liii . :. then little Ca :og rieinv
~f the disr into the fifolig .44. :104frill
iiiiirtil 6;1
. king , Ty itanil4A`
. "(ii! ni, , 1.0:40±
was fi flitsf Iliyi.iiiie_fif my r iO
, Of-lifotheiV -
4 . : 'fil .id . I V er .f .- ' I, To her 10.411 - 40iiiiiii
liiintlil k iti her 'cyctsi. blt.,:h elifilifittictliti• ,
)3fir`h; shan 'sobbing • out, 4 IjiiAititi4llo,i-. 1
eVi' f I:-.tahe - Tireisetlim me •to her .1
find li iifil . wirfiiiiiiiiiOd . ro - fy - :cety.ten-
arli', andl'when slta •lilid.. eti;cl-fett -,' the -
tears on \ her 4ear . '4hßeitit..!l l .:.!-;:- ' . ''"'.,,.-:':.
1 .1 vii I s sfied liarilly sfiftiffir-letiver:againl
antlerk4k - ,to tnakirat T l i ' 3 OnsincidOgiiiiiiv=
Of rnyijelf - utbei-tilwiiitglad
that 1
i iiit,s i dark enough to liffoite,iiidllT
suilimisiiih • %voila would still bear -boil' - ..
out in her : 'union:" ---,,, .-- -, ,+ - k`k - ',..:
WI, ilei she WM-Still a ach g oi , ijrtihoit--:
phre s removed' to the etty ofiroc)roicer.
litller she ; 1 etsjileii the excelTeriticeafa..4
tii,iltr mit et steactft hat 'place, jiiiilVA. l
•.••!.:1 - h .441 eiepi4l - ex)ier-or tpii- sooireylifift
la -* ics s eisaiiliffinitletV ebtriu4iiiiitti 4
l ini: . titect 0 4 1:-.:31thiting sevenil yeanvard ,
'41;4. inie ' paYt; iii'Oling ,t ri Imre' leo :lb&
100 i'' ry restitriltiti - 6f her early- yelisl'
S.': ''te ster;" illie l iiitys, - ' " wat -'\ fur- seine=
Yof tkiy %%7TH-41ot-ea home ; herd it was
; t:liift :spent my fqiysellool-dayi; 'Tereiv- -2.
eir: trifle, el' Iblir)li' kniirtik age i. rok f
tmie tail -
.4ig..kilikefer maccemse ••tvia.,
~r 0 life.' , i ft- . .. I ttia4thlt ifomafikatEnr
fi rst IT - ,iiiine-ifi;r not as i t i'OrnUilg 7
not .+. este ti- - iitim;lie't as a frofdatiiiiii
itag cd b ~ ta - iiiasSE•i)t easti7C4'D'atlli. 1 .1
i f
sPhe a *ottitP .6 ; and'eare and end
au 'c *ten c tiC tri?ey all rti,toa fiii! " ,;#
l e 5 3 1 C°l f e j iiiir:tind- gr4ii.: 4_, IViii.en.,..
s it•and
osi ml ..paijat realilit " '.:?". l ,Lifftl ..-.6
4as , hus r f "'beim: ome sereierf ba j l l: ' 4`:
Istt• , :on4il,l "feitT;''iii cl;my . doys - eft 'iiiiii 1 1 ,;:: -
n i
kid:"' eO. - iit ciiianil tie,alvzsious are teilt '
c eil p 2-7.;-- '..."FTV tr-;10.. ; ', 4 ....;•P - 1 ' •
IT; 1113 ii4it iiii4l4l4l . -.6iiiii , i
-• • r-- - -.t-,54.-: 'wh er e t. • 4 r•_l. - A F E S
to'.:' p,i,-; 1 rigotobio..-1-*A - 3181,-ip . 1 .!:-.
sal? , 'Fed. it. iiiifitliii• - ieilie iiiiiiii• ..7i1::
.a.itii 'ugh endlui.a...xerT .constaeribAr
.--- • 77'14".. , „•...a . ~. L! 2 , .•., • ......,
. , ,
, e 9! ' *wk.!. tralei r ity.vourvoil.ll* .., i ,
nai l Rai: bd:.:67ll,Rititnettiiiitrei.f-ISW- 7 t.'
itiC Mari
.iiikugiie:l4l;:iithßritAtii'fif , i. wr
.i.►t. "iii A liai'a7 . M.,Eiiklitittidkek ;• 3-
IHo t . 154,': i iatilfiralk . ' 11
1 . aghtt . girlie I •••••• 1 '
i ii r i : ~,tief li s igla i Alittbi , ' FigfilkiriliC , .4‘ . .' .
Vll7° - T e- ' .19.44441.i°1.1„%iii:it.ridir ,u, 4"-k
:alit r,t4i, 'rifts ~ dirMalilte infiftvrtill
-* ' loyi i*:lctpiiirtitiiiiiffiPeraffir: , ii -,
Hi /i) il - 4: id VG - Tal=lraU.
• , - • ... f.,... ,„A .0)--,4, n- r -'-
Ekt;' , - ;lff i aient (o ' ##-lirigliaslv!br oil .r j k-
tel t , vs. -, itiiiiiiinei aiiiViigaVl s -r. 4 1 .. z.
1 .
jiFig • fug : ...45irj ear ctidtijtiu s alfjg "01%
f p
fi'pt'fkiii` : ek,:i to ihai 1;1 !;E:;;Crr4na t ri„..l4(
.. ...... iw ‘:t
c!): . .;)11)5746,1 iifall' word's " or - IE 6 13 ':"..
- -
cpi . sta'Aegient- , Vsi ..or e
.adz, stvArtp 4 - 1;a
~ • -
itt,4o:4lß ti
- , • 'WWI' „.• •
I v
.. 'Ft pSI Oallepic!, fi t '', lier'l4lyitipk4 t r.-.. •
.iittli ii.6&i:(iviiiiiilli4iiioiiiiee 41 n
lai iiiiiitYiiiaNieti'saff.r-OttAriec, tr;.
,:.igt. -Iti,MOVliii.V'etiiiii.Opt,.tiiiiiVV' , 0 1'.
s t
9i? u teri 4 liiplictqi4o . :i,,v , liidilia lo V
.i 21 `-iiiit: i': ) - an, 'if lif i grife.;bl-aruff
A iti IliViEli - 116. - 444k:riCtir Oit t - Tiit.":.
' .1 .. F 7 .I.ty 5_.;,...1ri1v1rt1....13
. vr.. ip.;l9'illic-Mteeki.t.ea
1t etii44;lWmtrgctlk,.,-
..,..,.. 0,. ;,,,...1 .% I ...V 4 rt.: ...... 24. .• 4, - - -1)...—., .1.4
it: :ii9 . e.t.P 4 414 1 41* 1 5104041*. ' 2 : -.-
I ?.
.tra edit ( . 4teatilibitnOtittickai t tati
lm .i.4.0-61:0111,6r tt. :t`1.41 - 1 1111tzlit _itt'''i
Hit toilo - 14):fWevito7, ti.vgyiwilitipo .
'l' O.Pe• . ;sitiOitilllVNElNlP;i2 l *o l .4iliti ,
I i
1 1(.***4.1.: .I)As whiciPK - Ntegtk 4 .)4oP.s, - .. 411 -
119 , #e"iiir 10( 1 - A9:45 331 . litld /i *t r . 4 o ° ;:.=iC GA:
% 11 44*.i..-*L At e i* e 9 lo Y4 ,4 l-4 , P4n r .'i
liCek".#AT.gagktillMaK,'4l4.l*Nttaf-,L s: - ._
..; . ittAttnitctki!ltiticitP.l4l, l 94.ll)* t
1611 iltortiglitWeit-•3fiujitiectitia w i th* •
.., 19Ktirlittil Jr- 1 / 4 ttiffita* tht, I*-A
sl t
41, 0 1. - il 4 gi.;.o.ittk-top '0 . :445 , 3,1.3W a P t -• '
• yto. •nlei, 611111.1 W '.:ItOrsec0,100 1 1-14a c T il a . A
Nita .I.r4),Algtii Vtit iiitat 3 49i , ,-AVai;AC Ilih
fik a- & neta.. , HTAkto , ,l.64k-ivillisi., ..r
a olleopyi 4,4aleopsketillep,' and 10, .
N s
ter' '31144441110-fterziaspi*,ll , lgar
ni tantOttiti,%:l4o.tet:Wiliftt.-ifollitli - If,
Iti c ilya r itkm.Li't3.loo.),i-Plittmuhilili ' • tC>3
i i
. 01 ineatirv? Items: t... 01111. N. .. out gtor_.
f l,
iii?! . ...4 41 /itiwY 4 i44ti ,calitt4llll,4pni,
- , ...11;.te1.,)..4,A1.tf_ . 999-o,4'f wies;#l:-:'..,
T, . 4Afeeii - 4,,.prmfzi4sstitid. - 41*.ittnhoy -1
•:.3. o ft .. ..' , iii1k...4.;-Nlitiiixtvez*Alvot,ktitilliq •
• . 2 _titiio 1‘- . I M4 - br rnYoCikiiihihiftvAl-
I Pleit:hr ' -"-excol(3,t*titkßzlit till, mit ,
: - .40 . 1 )64 'tY4 . l).(forthOtidiWt 1 1 0 .04,101:is , ~.
II k: ' *O a . 11 1:T*iti 4 ifif•tivik Pios) • .':, _a
'it . IV Oki it i t i fill 6 i. :: Atta j. t P
, * ; :eiti. ti tti.'A - $1a 0 : 1 ! 911 *41iiO4:6 .0
0 1 21: . '''.'
,114.,: . fe? t..iitivirotritega4 - 0.411i ;
fijiwriir - - ii,.oo4eitt* •
0b176 t' " tEtivA4i*ShiAiiailicC - ; c . ; 1 ....4gi
-; niiipiiii
' )fik4soratikiiit zseittliit:a,,%- . • i. %,'
ciiiiikrAgi ' -Pliikl , " Itiriv-414:1•44 --. - 'I?
tvilfeior ifiil4-
,rf - itsvh to - '