The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, January 26, 1854, Image 4

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#t*li . ':
. .
TheCoMmotkSehool System of Pi 1111.;
SylValda• . •
[A.mmged fai gurDagy
z lVeliaVe before- usntlie -twentiet annual
report of the superintendent of the, common
schools of this State.' • We - extract front it .
the'fothiwing statistics :andremirki upon the
present"state aid prospects' of the syetem s
our commonwealth. We itarnfrom the ta
bles that thersirholesnutiVel - of-schoOl districts
reOrted;'exclusiVe of the:City 'and ' , County,
of Phifadelphia, was -' 1531 ;- in. - addition ' . to .
which ! enehundred have - been reported ranee_
the arrangement of the tables:;;; The nuin 7
berofichools in these _districts _is given at
nine thOusand . five hundred and seven;
rimnber yet regniied, six hundred 'and sev
erity-One ;`'the average minriber months
taught, five; total number of teathera em
pleied eleven_thouSand .two, undred dz , thir.
ty„, of Whom seven thousand,
,five hundred
and.ninety are males, whose average salaries -
nineteen'dollars and twenty five tents ; three
thousand sixlnndred and forty fenxtles; at
an average salary of twielVe - dollars and three
cents; total nuraber, of scholars, four hundred
and Sevent y --tour thousand five • hurdred and
fifty-Ave, of whom,- two fiundred and sixty
thouSatid two hundred and. sixty-nine, are
males, and two hundred and fourteen tious
and two hundred-and eighty Tax femaleArna4.
king an average of forty-tvioicholars to, 4ach
schbel, each scholar being taught at„ an aver
age forty:three cents' per mouti4--
- There has been raised for school purposes' by
taxesle, for the - year ending J - une 30th,
1858KuiTtnillion twentpente thousand three
liiindked and thirty-seven , dollars,' being by
State appropriations one'hundred . and .fifty
three thousand and eighty-two dollars, ex
clusive of thirty-one thousand three hundred
and seven:dollats for the City and County
Philadelphia, andfrem - Cnllectors ofithool
tax seven hundred and forty-seven thousand
one hundred and ninet,Ove dollars: The
expenses of the .system dOing the
.same perit
od,again excluding Philadelphia- City and
Connty, ampinited, ;or tuition, fuel and Other
c onti tigenciis, eight hundred and fitteen' thou
sand nine hundred aid one dollars ;forschool
houses, one hundred and forty-seven thous
and five hundred and• sixteen dollars'; the
latter Rein showitez a marked decrease elver .
the Previous year. - •
A proper.exhibit of the progr ess of Linea
tion in PennsylVanashOuld include the sta
. tistics of the . City' and County — of Philadel
From the thirty-fifth annual report of the
controllers! of the publizsehoelsiof the first
school distrite of Pennsylvania, comprising
, city and county of Philadelphia, for the year
ending Jima 30th; e'Oteen 'hundred ..and
fifty-three ; it app erf that the sum of four
hundred and eleven thous And three, ndrcd
and . three dollar's and:eighty-five Cents -was
expendetrduring the year, for the purpose of
education ; and of this amount, _-more' than
one half, to wit; two hundred and twenty
three- tuousand three hundred and five .
his and twenty-six cents, *as paid for the
item ofteaching The remainder - of
- this expenditure for rents, school houses
books, and other necessary ex
-. p
ring the same period there were two hun
dred and eighty-six schools in operation,
'including one high, one. Normal, and - fifty-.
five gmtetnar schools. The number ef schol
ars in attendance,was twenty-five - thopsand,'
eight hundred and thirty-six mal*andt wen
ty- four thousand two hundred and forty-nine
females, making a total - of fifty thousand
and eighty-five. • ,
• It will thus be seen thit more, than 'half a
millkmOf pupils have sh red the benefits of
near a million and a half of dollars, contrib
uted voluntirily by the people 'of die State
during the last school- year. - The _report
States that our 'common , iebool system- is
now acknowledged to be the .most complete
in the Union, although , it must lie acltnowl
edged to have many defects cornpaiison
drawn between the progres of educations with
us andthe-mOst favored nations of
would be most flattering. to . Our pride as
Americans and Republicans. The
. •
- From states containing tmirelthan two.- ' '
thirds , of the entire, population of the Union,
returns have been received which exhibit, the
remarkable\ fact, that of - three Million seven
4 r.
hundred and fifty-six children of an. ea,
tional age, two million nine hundr • and
seventy-six thousand and Seventy-on were
in 1850, in attendance at-public schools.; that
in these States /the sum of seven Million
and' eighty-six . thousand six. 'hundred and
ninety-three defiers were:expended ' hi • that.
year for common . school purposes ; and
could access be had to the spitistics c all the
States, these items would doubtless large
ly i nc used. , - ' - •'1 - '
I stated th at the complaints in referenCe
to e Operation of the - system whieh :have
been laid , before the Department spring alto
from its management., few .if any
springing from the-organization of the sys
tem. The most important of; these com
plaints is without_doubt thafof the emploY:-
Merit of persons ai• teachers who are lacking
in the nesessary qUalifications—moral and
-,iittellectual---fctr so impnrutut a post.. . The -
-fault is however,here to be traced 'to thecare
'lessuess and teglect of the peopie 4 who 'too of-.
'ten "allow" improper or ineotnpetent , persons
tobe chosen as SchOol ,Directers. It, is _a
s° necessary in.order -- to proeure competent
persons as teachers, .that they, should be
treated as members of an honorable and in-- .
dependent, profession, and as ""such receive ,
proper treatment and adequate compensa-
tion. - The most ordinary mechanical- buSin-
ess yields to the 'flat:ranee!! operative ihirty
or forty dollars a month; and the salaries of
elerkein store§ aid:offices stillmore liber
‘al ' but it will "be :seen that the average pay- .
of Mate teacheks, during.hc past 'year, is less
thanAlrenty dollars a einnth o Drid that of- for
MaYestesethan thirteen..
,) , 'So long Direetors'and,parente put up
the of ice; of teacher, to the lowest bidder; and
are indignant if a canipetent - teacher asks - a
faiiremuneratiortforhisaahor, thiiiiilotust
It isitomitainitt - thic in . ManT4ristriets the
~ schoolhOusesais badly loeatOd and construc
ted without retard to the convenience; and
coMfortoftheechoh4- - Asa mile* to this
it is etwsted:.iiihare- - D i -set--or !dabs and
diawino for sehOonimisiveitablisWlo
aa4;t4 . :=...y - illi;State"* . iikracing- 11 0rere!*
fredeioi eritseta4iietiolba4lPgi*Setker,
in DnOpen lot or - adjoitiiig (40. buildings, l
whether;of bripklrpl4.ol-,stOm4 pt . * single.
stoni .6r for - lignee:l44nrivom,iiiiea Dum
ber Ofielinel*meiD-Otto , k4ildint.",..:Aiis,
plan, it ia beloved; Vida,malie asavint - ill
ttioasioeto , . • ' .41 3 .*
stiffSter4 - 4' 2- '3 t '
' tl i t
.tkoiiitAila . : 4 ' id i '
It le;liSitiabbllnik: t.lie_.
tirin4l4 ; 'ii!libt.:iiithe
shquid,be ,difined bi., lire.
nal, iade'iendent of pool
er-thatliftotOthe arbitrary,
d..—. 1 -4- 4 -a lb
..„ '1 l'„!- -, 4 .,,,,i- i • -.5', 1.....:
The 14digierkt, Olio
the ed ' lien: Of tieriOnal
of teachiiii,", is inenticined .
awl 'ne. - iirly in order to .
faith - tot *then for,'otir z fcli
•PaVoilibie‘otentioliis,: ':.
tiokud ykeitings,and teacbe. - ,
in variou f pans Of - the . 14a .
icitingdiienisions and the s
for thitti ptOfetnetit'oob.
kficatiaai r teiiic6ii, aliA ,
educed; generally, bah
in ethli griblio a.t*ntr
of the su4ecii:' .The di !i r .,lte
and vractiele lintehige . '
perli, dimunleats and pe - rio.
thee:l4o7o( 4 noationaNyr
of iminpuce service. The
Journal' and :other - pofdi..
Charagthr, huVe been ntOst
flea ;," a 4we Cannot estrum
irnpar nfl ee .of - proporly a
roil, 1 riodicals de TO l4O,
cause tki ‘d9Oti°a' - L 1.
COLSTEPI;deaIet:In Stoves,: til l
oopir Sheet'. iroil*are, 1;3(1011 , 111e, no:if
Orel Beytd Depot... Dog.) 14; 11353:
,kAILLOR:aIowLER - ittornei•ff sod
Counacilora'at Law: aultsolicators in cluitiocry,
Office N0:44 Chutisq Chicago, 111. '
C43lu.LEa,:. . CiusLss.d;Fo a.
1.. 1 iiiiii.a litinolds; -' - '
jrrAl'aßS' Shop in Ihisr.oom . oyer il.R.Hair 7
lera Store, near thisiPranklm Hotel.
1 :„.; FA:oxrza Azo.pErm. • :: .. _.
1 REiNWICII - STltt#T, neaillroaderay).4l`eio
i :, . rork. -A. F. Sal isbnty .1. D.. W . heeler,' Pro:
prietorte.. In the. viemity Of . the pFincipal Steam Landings.- - . ,-.-... . 8)1
. 4
ACTURER.T rind . Deafers in Straw
L. t &xis ; Hats, siFurs, Umbrellas, ,Para
frail; R bbons, - NO 20 :Courtiandt. street,
fisvi . (up stair , ) r .
n Ba. KWELL. . HOWARD. W wrsto:r.l
ItlJM,Dealer In Dry
totting, Crockery; Banta and
anka Depot, Pa. - • •..
Gotxts, Groceries, I
SYOeS, tt. -Siuque
ntrose, P
; - 11anufacturers
f Saddles, Ilantesies,lrrunks, Wbips , &c.. - . On
tirilpie Sk, Monirose:, ' • =•
WILLIAM Wi SMITH . & Cft,, Cabine.t
.Ihtkera. They: keep eonstantlr on haitd,a good
assortment of - all kipds;lof Cabinet Furniture,
Shopf t.thefootof 31ain st.
Wil.l.i."J SSUP & . -W.M. N. 'JESSUP ;
AttOrne aat 1.-,kw, liciiitfose, Pit.. Pritetico in
• Susritieh nna, Brailfora, Ways Wyoming and
Luzerne Counties. .i' • • . -
_ • ...____
• Nii bl%
JOHN GIitIVES, Fishionaille
Shn~i under Sarle's Mita:Akin Street, Mont-
pvek A.
' street.`: I
,ONS, I.
La 'and-Justice of . thb Peace—over Ii
ct, Stare.'
CALEB WEEKS, Sikildle,,, - ,Harness
Trinik lishufacturer— bop at lijOlwellipg fev,
rotWionitz yillitte, 9:1 3Jain street,
Pa. ;
L. ' RINDS,. ittotn
q ue ens, Psi. . Office On
`CO,_LYONS. Wholesale
Dr -1 - - -
• • t .Ikotlejr
• venue, Mont
OM- •
o.• 4; Owegolir
ST & *CO. eaters in Dry
oceries", Cror.iie • , Elaniware,Leither;
corner 'of Ttirniiike street and Pub c
- • , ;11_-
Ges4l, e
Plot*, e
S '4l So34,lDealers In.
- otxxis, divaie, Crockery, Tinware. , Gruceri
Boole, et ' Abu, carrytih the BOOK BIND'S
• 'hushiesss, Public Avenee,*outrosei
_ . .
A' LPY R 0 . Dealersl4. In D •
B DrugS Medicines, Paints, Oils Groce rj f
ies, Hardwire, Crockery; Iron; elneke,Witchell,
' Jewelry, Silver Spoons-Perfiruery, etc.--Folst
of Pfiblic Avenue. 1 , • _
C. Dirllt
flee - lir Odd , Fellow's: Hall, cornet:Of
.Oheetti t
and [Turnpike stzeeti; Montrose, P' —Pia e
work done with the bet material, and in. t e
most stopttnied . style, Charges low.
_ .
jug.- . SUP,
*Witty at Lawi
-S t of New; York; win - attendito all businer
.en •-ed to him with -ipkOmptneei and fidelit •
0), on ' oldie S.lgtour, occupied by Ilon.
JF ''P; ' --; '
L , ":- R 1: ENWOOD, 'fbair'ilani
F A .U. AI R:--AiSo . k constantly ..
! anc arsira,'and ' abinet Fanntn ,'
at " air iind Ware Sho ' a fey rods nor h
of, ythour's }Store, Thirfor ,"Pa. Val. 22, i lt2
, .
Aar ; of Tat 419Lient. in all kinds of Qu it
i. oyes, i . ral 7,inplecaptaa, etc. d l f
Sayre' Store, IlublicAvenue—litinuf dry ;
at the Eagle Foun, ll:eare d Cherry atr t
, • ;Pit4 ., } , I . ,
4 .
I ,
• Moo,
1L,`1.-Deilei. in Drill
• Paint*, Olin, Dyeast
Goods; , Ilsidwire., Stone ,
mks, Watebesi 4eireirY , /Witt
es, Naiad loidrtuneots i
alto, Liquois,'.Perfamiriri,
• . IkrishetShoes, YsakeeNl:
, Gr
'Ware, (J
Wl4-- I , likret.atabist the,Torks .
ci l ium,
IF yen" hav bea 'd s ' “ isrefetn.'ln: shed "tht
.--, Midis°
~ ' ,M4llllll - 410.11SAT •10r;
headed , les 0 bearilleus boys, Atmalcnkar
tedd :jilt 1 7 any and.all: 'Who' reoithre the Services
4 - a : be .00111barmdireiser, "v4ll'
,fl:illuiev , - be
that - -:
-r - , :_:.. og . - LEsLiiiLMAN,....._. k ,
Oottiktoo to isitioolito• tirtat the,cdd stand, la
the basement f sew* Betel,llontrose. 'where
he iiiii *.ir jii lafiit toll*. flu! Wee Of ol d .
ind new . ''. '
. , , , „ , : . . -..
1 14 ./. 1 7 4147 ,-__ - - 1 -_.-.
for • - Pelts*
.0 di CO I r
- • -
. •
I- ORO: saniOlis,
ar Schools foi.
, - r ...
the' -Ptifeitnon
l ure
capable and
Are'of'tilt ,414 i
tm:matt.= e
p, , which, by.el.
Ibmission errant.
I syStems,tha gnat:.
Se protnOticii of
ren, vety-effiatclit
r o theimportance
inatiOn„ of' iiautal
[by means of pa. ,-
teals, devoted to; .
Irestyhave been
!Common School'
i r ins of :similar
aluable. mania=
e.:too-highly ,the"
staining, papers :
lnsively, to the
'.1 1 l11;ktto - rneys at
t & , Shoe
• = shop, Turnpike
i ey at
L. ros,t
.y at Law,:'Sass :
in•street, one 000
H •
~ AS 'rime' hand one of thelargest stock:of
Goods in this market He offers to'his pizot
tourers; and the public genemlly, a greatvariety of
Wool; Silk, Cotten Wool Plaids , Merinos; De
blines Gingbams, Printsand De-Bages, '
Broad Cloth, and Cassimeres, a very durable . lot
Satinetts, art: Jeans and Tweed goods, Booti and
Shoes, every! Pattren og Rubber
.Shoes, Carpet
Bags, Coinfoiters, Trunk . Sheeting, Tarn and Hat-
HOntrose, Pa; I . I
able Ace
e, Montrose, Pit
ey a t L
Store,. foot tisf
01$e) t
_ ittment of
Irrk .E :several new and bianlifut font*
nen' IarLAYS t ,43O,RDBR I S, - ORYAXENTAta
*0 are now prepared to akeetite ererylrind of
, RIATING, ' ' **
- PAM:P./ILE TS,' -`:-. `: . :' ..
~ ' ::...',-....
'• ent - CULAR,S; 1 . :., -..
: - •.POS.TERS, , , ' - - -- --
:.., . - 1 . _CARDS; . • -' ~,
.1 . -•• _ PLANKS, --
- • • , . "'. '•
CHECKS, '4c., ,‘
in goco-style .at.fair prires, and with ` despatch.—,
Hating the•!drantir,e of;riew Materials thyOugh
ean c
r nfiden
out, wetlypropni4 to give
a il
Etite -, ‘Satisfac Satisfaction .
faro othose faro ing us 'With' their pat ronuge.
ar Spec! Illanks,'SchoolTickets,:Billileads
etC.; will be rinted On short notice, on.k ood paper
_ - * * * ds of Blanks:. usually called for, con
tautly on ha d for sale. - • - . . -, .
inifThoie who have lahPrinting to do wilt .find
4 t.o their interest to callat the REGISTER. Oft
im-v7 , ..gm8 - 13s
Ckplt aislerinierit now comprises - almost every,
v"rtislitlete t wanted:-and ,some, we fear, that Asx
vor wixsz t . Whidi. we will sell ,at cost. and some
artitles forirss than coat on dug sameaccou4
U. Bgn'oics 4. Co.
Gibson, October 26, 1853. • • . .
O -
. .114AWL,Se - -
op,hundre4'wo.m , zo,si.gßfiawri.
. hes' and beautiful patient... at cdrentety low
pieta. U. BURROWS II: CO.
October 26: • .
*• . . FINE - FRENCH: •,.-
Ttrootittni o shaid. at e 4,25.
I i[Oibsott, Oct. 26.] U. BVRROTS & Cco..
ALARGE awl very desirOle - awrfnient "of
press• Goods , Orr ,y cheap.,
Oct. 4G.i E.I3URROWS Jr Co.-
A LARGE fat of apdtemc Gold ..Ueda, :7
iMapclterter, De inet, at ISt eepti per ,yaid
• GR:64, Oct. .26.] U. BURROWS k CO.
8UFF',%.110 . 12.011F.5. 1 . •-•-. •
t • -
A LARGE . Iot,. many-bf them choke whole robes,
.1 - 1.. •at a" very sinull advance on ciwt. - -
Ottk4on, OCLI.A.. • • U. BURROWS & :CO: .\
A. -.LARGE ,lot of handsome, painted -shades at
.L 1 ow Patois; . U. BURROWS ek . CO.
Gib.e•on, Oct: 26. , ,
NE TV • -G 0 - 0 D
jut being (ppened by • . "J. LYONS
Montrose,- • I. 26.1453.
OtTSLI, t 'de lames : and' Cash 44 643, net's!.
111. init!erekiLi Gala Plaids. Alpaceas, Parpettas,
and Sills , roit• and siruke . Shaarls,- 13lain,and fan
-ey. at LYONS ar. SON.
OILK, Lin ii, -12,11niere, Lisle thread, Rid sn't.l
. Berlin Gloves for men. woown and children.
11:- A few' pnira of Ladies _French Rid
Gloves 'at the Astonishing low. price of 31 .cents
per, pair. • COI and examine them. ' '
• • J: LYONS a SON.
ilk Under Shirts, a very, comfortable :article
S .
for cold weather, sold by •
, - • J. LY . O...VSS:
. Artxdrot,e, Oct., 28,1853, - .
New FFail'and= Winter Goods.
well sclectCil stock.• Colts:fry= e's,
! ice ice of .grOceries. Hard scare
a large and
to $.25,00.
way . eand Stoves.
Ciockety, Ti
. .
• - - FANCY GOODS. - - - •
Clocks. Port montas, -Rubber Combs, Rattles and
Gom•bitters. Bons. China goods,`Nail,,Tooth and.
HairAnitsliO, (1.. c.,, fie: .'. .. I -
A huge addition ;to my Mock of Boot and
tionery; Almanacks and- Diary's for 1 , Fancy
'cards. and 14tIvelopeti, Wax. .WiTers, 1 tic...—
Please call' and see, and if you can't ge a t much
for your mon l et tut akany other shop, d 1 blur. ,
• Oct. sth 1088. . -' - " •
a nd H i p ct OLE, Upper and Lestlie
0 and Salt? Calf Ski n s, . and Sprout
sale cbeap . I F. 8., CAN
W. . _
EE subkribers will act as agents for buying_
JL ind 'selling Real Estate-Farms, Houses and
Lots--locatelt N.. d 'Susquehanna county'. Pa.;•or in
Broome cou nt Y., and ,also Nrirpn is Land
Warrants. .41 whOwish to offer thew propertt
for - sale: can; give a minute description of their
Farms or Lois as, follows :- Number of acres; boil'
Many improred, and how watered I builciimp; or
chard,grafted or common . fruif; other fruit trees,
and shade trees ; bow far. from Great Bend, and
.y. ' lt ne t are it strin p t nce to,
• All Who wish ta to bend atrr D"L or sk sl W L P : a- Rea ll 4Esta ta'n d
Wi l receive i pmmpt attention by calling on or ad
dr 'rig either of us at Great Bend, Susquehan
na county, pia. .. \ . , • i _ •
• . Cobveyance from Orest i t
Rend to the prem
bins free v oictaige , -
EirOffice on Maw street. n the 4welling house
of S. B. Chaat.latelY oocupi by N. V. Ca n•.
i d
ter. -
.- - 1...1 :- . • - X'ETER. DECKER.
L /I. CHASE. - "I
,3.. ‘ ''ll4sxl
a, l Octobei 4,1
ore,:.MNew G oo d s .
EIJARII7 is now rece i, ano th er gener-
IIEE• ml.e
. al stock of Fall. and winter pcd ,by which r
is auortment will be fully r epl enished , in e,e!Y
department and unnenallY M Y, t311 11491 1 e°ll3
„P ie l e :
illatlY new.
stYleg ili jA"l aDliCash uc ra2 res, l
.Plaid entl Fancy De nes
panurieti l ie, VI oriels Merino, DeEellek MohairLus
tre., Embroidered."til
it ad ß r ili w assortm Aauoeb
ent a
Bonnet Ribbon% a lar ge c n-t y id ' net an d
Winter t3haWls. Ladies-Fur 1 . 1. or
and _
ig e s s Robber Boot*, bPPere . =
of elegant and . styles, sad a
418110d1124911 011 Parlour en& mg`
. 3 ......,tee1n 1 4: 1 01 46.
Shoo ;
great variety of Other Fang is =tame to
lo ja
which will be sold on the 1 7
cash end thee V= 1
New Irui—l , 114p11.
, ... •
',• cil*imwrint*TooLs. , _
T UST- rei44,' , it seket lot eirpeatereteas
U ... eau otft many, new int mments, tor ask'!. csish., Air, -
4, fevrotpti, apt out isawsha.isa‘U
be told law. , : Si ifakriAlSTltg. '
411it0'';' 475,
Capital in Cash ApprovetSecurities
1 • _ .
FA:dm atiaumg Lou or DaiAagi ,
£ - Q. Stebbins,.llB Broad etreet; Teter: C. Ba
lker.- 1 Spruce street.p.taimril,Bancler, 118 ,Broad
!way;. mamas Andretrs. rais ICOir street; Sam'l
!G. Suutlitnaid,',B7l West street; Albeit L:',Oonk
lin; 810 Greenwich - treet Jtues*A. Crnsbir; 113"
Ihoadiniy; Cluiti Lent,' rustabridge:s:l`..• 'Lam
bert C. Hall, ,Chicago, Ill.; I. Smith llotkie,- Roch
ester, N. Y.; William NT: Lelipuk Now Tint t. Pe
/ter R . Roach,
.188 'Bank street ; Staates S. Bell,
!comer West anal Lnight _streets; Joluf Deen.lB
Wateretreet ; D. ran Wart, ,118Broadwo;
jratio Oillup, corner'West road; BanniestreCti; (
Peter H.-Foster, car. Gareeropt mid West; .Reil-•
beis Mee. .Ir., 48 - Eighth 'Arouse ; . "Slepheneriam:
well Camden, W. Y; ' Albiz!-Wadlele,„ll,
; ,Dexter B. Britton. 4OlWater Street; Sam
!net Sinelair. Tribune Buildings ; Samuel a Shaiv;
Cleveland, Ohio.. i c ' •, President. •
V - CnAILES C. CiAllitE.SeCreifitV.
CHAILLES L.ltgowx, liieht; Montrose,' I": 1
- Summer Arrangement.
, . ••
I Delaware Lackaainia; and:Western
and after MondaY:, Oct. ad, 1853,- the Mail
Passengir Train will leave ScritOrt at 10.15
Arrived at Great: Bend at 1.10 r. -
.oonnecting with the day-expresa -trains Emit
land West-nn the N. Y. d: Er R. . ' •
' Return:will leave aunt Bend on the arrival of
the Day Express from New York and Dunkirkand
arrive . at .Scranton at 6.15' r. u.. . , . • `,
A. Freight - Train with Passeriger Car tittachicl,
will leave Scranton at 5.45 A..M. Arrive at Oretri
Bend at .9.50 a, x.,-connecting with the Mail,Pass- .
Niger Train east awl wed. on - the N. Y. and'E.
Road. • - •
Iteturaing, will leave Great Bend' at 1.20
lad arrivet at. Scranton 6 F. X. Passenger taking
this tra will arrive in New York earlfin the
evening. • •
- -Stages will be in waiting on the arrival of pass.-
' enker tralins at Scranton,.to corivey passengers to
Carbondale, Pittston, Wilkbsbarre, Philadelphia
-via. the
. Reading Itailroad„Easton,,and other
intermediate places.. , • •
-The trains We connect with. arrive and depart.
from New 'York and Dunkirk as follows-. .
Day Eiprtss arrives at New Yailt, r.
and departs from &kelt A. it. •
Sametmur arrives, at Dunkirk . 10.25 r. x, and
departs from do. at 6 . •
Mail :Passenger train arrives at.New.York 7.53
.r. x., and de parts ' from do. at, .15 A. it.,
Same !nun arrives at Dun irk 6.57 p.m.; de
parts from do. 8 A. •
D. U. Di/TITRE , Superintendent.
Scranton;October 1; 1853• - 19.
- - - MONEYJ DT NEV.! • •
fON EY CAN BE SAVED, by. purchasing 'of-
Lirnprcum c to., at 'Binghamton, Who keep.
the, largest ciriortment between New York and
Cincinhatti;of Dings. Medicines, Paints, Oils„ Dye
stuffs, Varnishes, Glues,-Brushes, Cliemicals„ . , Pat ;
ent Medicines, Perfumery „Fancy. Goods,
Also Window Glass of 'all sizes, froth 7 by 9
to 28 by - 36.Thutty, Paint Brushes, training Brush- :
es, Glass 'Ware, and other things to)'nunaerous to
tnention in this notice. • . . •
ER &
& SON.
Alt: of wh
ich'we pledge ourselves to sell on to
good terms as 'they ean be bought in the city.
New York;:o! ehiewhefe. •
.We :are ' supply tlealers, as well us
consumers, at the luirest market rates. . •
Tompkla4Bluel4 IBinmhamton.
. .
, , ~ . .- [A Taue taorr.i „ , '
By Special . Appointm ent. •
I. T N.O WYE ALL MEN , that ire; the undersign.
- ed, iien Pierre, Charles Dupierre, Theopho
las Scimidt and Henri • Fritz, of the Cantons of
Be ne . and Neuf Cliatel,. Watch Manufacturers,
D by these presents duly. authorize and appoint
Pr fossor 4. A. SINGLETQN, . Watchmaker, of
Mt trose,.and WTI. SINGVETON, of the afort - ..-
sai I place . . to be bur Sole Agents tn. the State 'of
Pe nsylvania, , aud this sajiappointntent to extend
%., th an -We-ot. '.
- • - . - '-' ' ' , .
. We the partiesto these Presents. do agree to pay
an Law wits instituted by :any infrifigemcnt on
this ocir.apixiintraent,_suld to this we set our res
pective names and seals in the .presence Of: .Carl
Pierre, M. Duval,. P. Ifeugbmni. - Dated in Saitz
erlaoil this first . day of January, in the year of our
Lord oim thousand eight hundred-and Eft -two. .
i s
• - e • JAEN PIERRE.' I , LS.
-, , . 1 . • .11 EN,RI PRIM. [-LS.T_
' New. *rug and Groupe ry Store.
. • ' - 4304:31 1 08 B. AMICK
X‘TotildlrespOtfully . info his numerous old'
V., and well tried friend s thin and out of the
Profession,landlhe public. i general that fie has
est'emlnirked in the above tuned' business,: and
has now on hand, and is sill riceiving a full and
well chosen assortment of ev ry thing in the line of,
Drugs, Medicines , Groceries Dyes, - Paints, &c. &c-. 1,
all .of which he will eell for 'ash .or Barter upon
tlit Cheapest and most adva ta,geous 'terms to the
purchaser iln reference to hi Drugs and MedicineFt,
he would simply statc that hey were selected by
hindsclf froth the establish le nt of P. Shiffelin
Baines & Co. one 'of the in t reliable in the 'City .
of New York:--and for purity and excellence he
believes were never excelled, if equaled bj'any
stock ever before brought into,SusquehancCounty.
His Stock of Groceries is full and well bought, and
consequently can be sold cheap... He has oho a 1
few Choice Liquors for medicinal ritilposes, which
he can afford as low is a more inferior article hap
generally beembought for. Please call befiirepqr.'s,
chasing elliewlire, at tlie old stand-of Pitta 4 - War-
Der in the building fOrraerly knOwn as the' Bar
• mere Store," - opposite the " D emocrat office?' -
• • MOritrose February 1, 185 . 3. ..- •
d, Flour
logs, for
11111E/firm of S. g. Wilford k. SOU this teen dis
solved, to take effect from and after the 30th
day - or April All those haring unsettled t s
arerequested to call and arrange the. note
or otherwiie.N "-' MULFOIID,'
- 'W. J. MULfORH
-Montrose, April 25,1863. .. '• •'.
After the Ist day of - Map the. kusiness will be
carried on by the subscribers, under _the firm of
dc S. H. Mulford. who viii endoavor by elbse
attention to business, and selling goods at small
profiti, to merit their share of the lititroti z
age. \ WILLIAM" .1: MULFORD. "
No:mirage, April es, 1853. •
• Wool . Seeks, Dried Apples drs^(,' s
ne- t.BE very highest market prime pai4
..IL fix Grain of ell kind*, socks, DrieitApples,
White* Beans, eke, either - on:account or in exchange
for Goods at-casn PRICES.
Sept. 19.
NOW StOIrell•
BURRITY is noir receiving a new and fel
1.1.• assortment Of Cooking,. Parhir. Ind . shop
Stoves ; for wood 01..064 and iti connection with
his PreTiOUI Atadr, select r . com
plete assortment of ftlisost pcjular ,iinp!ov
ea kinds oi Elevat Oven; ium
and Plate. Stoves, stove Pipe
_sheet Iron, Zinc
stovii at the Inwest
Prices fortes)* cifilipreeid Credit.
-New MitfOrd.,Bepti 18a.
_ • „
••• si.
500? ;JOH% OF OrN jow l ! .i n:ex :
'„,_ J
-,iiku!Buri r i l l, August 2t
11k4iBULL !stack- , ot iSkROCERIES,' liketi list
ipteacttamell . xxxisaw. faierall; '
J 5.3 , 1,. , ; - , T. LYONS a BON -
J. II Sutphin..
• '••§TovEsi
- -
'4 /V ILE sere . and:, ellow ills _of the.:
s„ fast appteatch the keen-frosts.:-41,0til
grey ,inter; when one of ttrtsenthsurpastatble and -
highly approved Stove; frOsitthe.hit Otetisive
manufactories irk the Utiinu,', gems. laillear*l.Ptekt
tird become indispensable, to • every fantily.:':Yre
would - respectfully the citizensc , of Sus-.
"quehanna and, adjoining counties - that _we: havejtist;
received and stre:rcetripg the. lar;*es,„ t andibetst .14-1
sorttnerit of Stores .ever intrOdorecL Easterri,Y
Pennsylvania - which will be.• the„ verylow-,'
est Cash. rtgure. Illase- who are in ian"t of Stoves•
will find it to their interest to
. calland exnthine our
variety before purchasingAseivbeie they comprise
in part as
United States, ; • Orientai,S Parlor. -.‘•
Eastern Queen E. Q. Venetian •'
Fire. Clipper RO. • Fancy- •• • "‘
I`atiaeal Air tight E. 0. Irving "' •
MontingStar • • Cottage
• ,Fartners,Air „tight. Ad, •
The above Stoves are too -well known - to'require
anyminnte description being the moat Ovular:and°,
approved StoVes in . market.- All who may choose
to favor us with a call will be - shown "through fur
assortutent • witli s . .plealiar, recollect the nun r,_
" Eaton'ti far. famed One price Store."
, • ,
llarford, sept7::B:637
New Arrangemeo.
' AT • -
015. - ED respectfully annOuneeliollie
V V • ants of *Lotlersville, Great Dena ants:vreint
tv, that they .are mkt! receiving lufply to
thieir already large stock of. Goods; in their: new
store rocently erected by Divitl,Thtimas. Thdai
sortme.nt is-e4ensire. embracing e4ry:article tom
ally { filled toe ;and -will positively be sold CHEAPER
FOR. CiSit than ever bepre offered in this section of
country, cousistiug •
Dry 041 s, Groceries, ,Crockery, 45" tee ~Nails;
• :B o ni.. and sfiocs,'Flour, Fisk and. • ' t,- \
added to ten thousand; notions noisenuite ted.
The subscribers generally- . un eistood
that Cast; is what they most want,and
will s.elt(nat as cheap, but) rheaper tban any other
establishment west of:New York. •1 .
Please remember that what-witelt you . is no
fiction . ; but "stubtiOm facts : which' We eitn and will
demonstrate uponexlimioation:6l:Our stock suit
prices. I ' . `
. .
All those rho have been iii tbahabit of; goiug
to Binghamton to purehaie goods, .will'find it to
theii advantage to call Upon •- •
, STONER§ &. -11-107%1A5, -
berore Being further;r or wallas° vlitxt _Tpu
Rant: . • . . . • , Z6tl
:' ' i instrielial California,
o..aazy.: zalcii4 .0 obe, caunzt pi:sc.:en .
. , greatet a ucements Itkais
... ' - lie ell er Stod,da'rdls• •
, WHICH is no* Bed - with a eiv and ellen
" sive - ris..torttrie t of artic: . In their line,.
ombracing a.genend Ivariety of ii .w` mid'elegant
styles of Ladies - and Gentlemen t A weiti..liniong
Which are:Ladies - Freriel, Silk Lasting “and - Pre ,
nitlie Gaiters, Kid and Enarbeled Polkatcricl Pat.:
ent leather and tnimirid Aim);Ili; Buskins and Ties; gentlemen7arencli 'anit ladelphii oak
tanned calf kip ß.ii4l;• ' titt,r:eits-tV,bruttrin
'oaiters, Monterey ' arid Washington 'Binits 'toilet
Slips, lforpccri, calf; and (.143Whiiie Br4rti„.,, nik, &a:—
Boys kip, calf and Cowl Boot mi
alit:lnds of Misses and Children ' wain.., Also ; a
general assortment of „Findings glib 'consist; in
Plat of 'ado.. Pfirc Ellrofil0: ongitrion . nano.;
midis, thread, wax . , 1 , Bristle* ihOe binding; awls
rasps, sandstones , s hoe liniyes, &e • 'Also, oak and
hemlock tanned calf iip' r. and"
iplelesitber; Mor
rocco skins and linings.,
W ..; - . -,.. ' • ~.
' ork made 'to - order An d repairing nelitlir done.
, toe
MOntrolin,;' May_ 25, 1853. —, '.:l - ,: 1 '', .s.,- , ]
• 'F
OR. -S
"-VOR SALE IN ONE BODY, about' #s6o,steres
.of Land on the Waters 'of Sprin* - .Brqok, a
branch of the Litchavianna river. in Lnxerrie rood,
ty, n's
Pen, about midway _between Abe -thriving
towns:of Scranton - mid Pittston: .Theselands are
covered with valuablb timber; aid being - , tittpate
in 'the most extensive mineral -regions in .Perinsyl:-
vania—knoWn to contain iron ore, and; believed to
aboundin coal. and being also. in thil !immediate
vicinity of seveml . railroachymitle rat d Dow in'pr.
greys—offer to. the -iiipitalist tur -,
mortunity, , for
theitivesttnent of =alley that seldom cieentlC Tor
:briber information 'apply-to
- No.ll Wall street, NOw YOrk.Or to dui iiulichbe;
at MoniroSe; &mg itiliannit count", Pa.; : the atter ! :
ney fact of the owners. ' i
rirtHe subscriber, laving resumed i the attire
named . bitsinesl under like' management el
My:Alfred Sayre, respectfully solid !ram their old
customers in that kihei a return of their'. pairoangs.:
Mr. S. is an experienced and • skiilful , w
,basin s learned his business and for :Min _yea rs
worked in some of the best shops in New orb - el-•
ty; is do amyl kind of itoricthat may
be 'entrnshalto_hini.. fPromptifs*. Milder.. igi i_Aar:
gr.; and t he guaranlyiif all good Watcnes,wetrusi
will secu r e a full share ofpatronage. •:-, ..
Gold. Rings made to order, and all kinds, Ofmr
s elry repaired ... : - 1 1 --i . .
' ...,
.. . '- - BENTL I" ii'llE . / 12,...1851. ,
:. Prociasiaittiois: , _,:.. -,,,. : ,,i..
HEARIYI! 'ltrAlt, frElv.
AXTHEREAS 0: D. latthntip,it'S. A. iroed
1 V , have• formed it- copartnership, wider
name and firm
_of o:4l.athrop & 00., aldtioilii .
'• ' tiTOIVES, 'Pik ,W.,4 R.Cl.6i ,'1
`and whereas - it is . idesirable that] the, same. it _ ,
be made - known . 'to Itheiniblie,.for the piablii
as welt as our own *--,,, :, - - _t -•
..:_, it.; .„ ~,
itrotice is therefore herebY gbienit,o thiroa,likw_. -
ple qf Montroie-' and the region =rOund llAnnutiinat
we may L•stiliiie found laboring at oar iiticathinitist,-
the old stand 'On - *II Street, •tr,heie ire : ehi4the
happy to see our friends ; end to supOlytbeiiteratifr
to the best' of tier ability.;.l , 'eel?. LATnRor. ,
Itiontroi-i Febtitke. 'IL -S- 4 4'- VO9DRPRPi:
... .
L WILSON,! sweet 4.ltent AS tie
-13.1Lw - eratamorttneptwt.Gobda;
disposed to have: thens .dhnribitted :tW.I - ;theee
want. Call itteless#ue *elk. -L;
" z
kii sale a
' July. 22 1411•8011"41iCare.
,• , :_z , . l - I • . tti* -•- '` ' -- 1 4- P- -- 2'l
. ..... - -i• - t.t "4 1 ; 1 . 1 r- , v--, • x.. - 1. ia," (Or ~;..1 .Z 7. " 7- 7 . r : Y li 3 'tit%
: k -, 3l , i;f ia g s- k -, -,- ,elflVA•k:i-,2 , t'1l
i.. ,**sub°7o4ll*lialico,
_Oi . ,Itht Oi'F,
-'' f ilik. sale Reg- ' 41raMiri and7 4
'l 6 O-' 441 h 16 -' l °ltiir" *7" 7:":411I tre=
;el l .6 ll ` , TircaPtituemL ''''.i l 6#,ilinseing.
j*atctlo o ‘trOilkeSuiPliii .l *.i`:' - t i nie
Wu* Aar,Pe.:4l4 lotit'arit-70*40ereilAic
iiiet!, ~- i i : • ' --k-
,:r• -7 „-g x ,',.. - '''
I NOil.'",t4o iiiiii . e . 416 ' iiii.' 4, *miiit
Set do '*lso 4 '" • ' l :' l,- r ' s 44fio :1 5 1. - -ki,'Ar.-- , :' '
i,...'Js do ;1.'1' 4 . '',:•:-..;: 1 ''\ .:.T -r.:l=4
',,t x ! .;,, 4., , 100; do •• A - ,,,c - ri l s:4 -, ,,lat l PL'''' ^:;', A i `_..
n0 2, - 45. :i fro:';ikp : '-. 40 •
,' , ' . t . A - - dOilIE; '-- . .t..
~,e . , Ai) , is , :, ? . 4 ' '`.;:^°"- .ado=":..-..:r I. l' '.' '''
(2 1
niv.-v: Store, f:Wm*: l 6 lll6l * l oL'r, 4 ' ! l', , t r ' '
''.: $. ib6 itereti3l6 I inif I IrooidOmoicood.boni
.o* - 2;4 2 t , i. do ' . 36thi- - 14illOoile11)01;tanti-,.
nod 10. - , -2 4:4%44- frmoo i lMosetM4taciF.::.--i .
11. house' midi - Ott 4:::
. :::-.--..R1 - , , .• - • '- - ..,: i
',.° ° :\ilZ . 10 11 acres 10 2. one6EoldliOuota and Urn
no D/-840 do_ 860*1.-A*4l6Y!..` '.. ---',.. do* -
` O4 / 4, '-' ,tt...:41(i; • ,60.?,fi110gj10.,434.1'. il'is'dw;
. 09, 1 / 5 .A 68 i .:4;- : ; 60; :.4? 1 ,1'4"-..0.7.'rW.; 1. ,_
,np1,0.,:120,. . 3-,t i ,,j , 11,,,t,_,,,,., -a , -., , ,•,,..1.11.7, - ; :, :i .
nO17:' 100 'do • . ' oat ',;' do ' l , ' ' ~.-,'. -°: ' lc
,lll/4!, , I - T.:.-66.,7:- . 11,...,:•. • :. '...f. , :,-,. 7... ,r , . ,
no .iii SOO id* `= 200 UMW dor : i " 1 : ':- : - .:.i . , - ': (
up 20140 "Ldoi' 100 lasi + ,1 , - 4 0 . , , . .
- ~- -- . • . , --r- - -r -1!... -,.., ...,,
I..nsk 21,A90 Ido - 12 U- ion ...:.` df"C. ,—0 ~
- nO 22 001 .2dO - 45 - tin - 4 - &I ...: -'''‘. , ' '
no : 1 ,8'42 l(lep• .' 80', iii::: l ' 516: '•:' tk: -T'dof "- ';
no 24 .2911;- dko , 3ssl\ine-- , ? .1 40r '' ,K• ''.: ' l , - ..:74 0 . ..z_
no 211 4 .1211-.; dei , 7 101.1\ irk. - , ..1 do ~I-:,!--, ,; - :- ;',, , ,:t. 4,44 , i,,, ,
no vg ilito . „do J 140. ini4‘ 4 t -, 4 6 1‘ - 1 : !,\.. , , ,;.., 46,41•:" . i l
no ,27 86 _do'. ', 45 1ip, 41 .''.1-,,i', .L , ' -- - -- . 4.-....:
ti p ig At
. - goorrstiwAnill* ilwelliiiol .1
no 29; 134' acres 00 iriii.finiiiiiif **
•,; it •'barn if
no 26176 "do • .100 - inilt: . -do ; -: t 4f . ,-, •40 0 . ;
no 81:168:, do', i,9` , 44. •, ;-. AO,'
.J . -
no: 83 _: 1$0'; do, 6 iOk ''' '''
- 410 j::
no 84 150 d'O 1 80 hill , : - 46 ..,
no 86 ; f1t0 \ .do' . - 100 iin V 1 46
n i ,,.210 300 " vki 170 iml s ' ", do
no 8710:: •d0',.140 iirtc.:!. , do 1
no 88 170_ dO'-100,.itni -- do , -;' no
"no 39;175k - do: ,RO ittil--, - .. dat:,
'4O "80 "do '4s ott.l -1 ::' :"": . k,''" -
4I 212 i/ :"
". d-160 hii*';': 7, -. ;‘l'-
42 92 do' • 50 iMc i t' -; dci:, --,
48 ---=, .--41 , -* . - - da --allita Tab :
.o - 44 438 do 65 ita .. ,do "
no 45"500 do 2ooin t-. '' - ‘ ,.Aci',
no 46 110 do 801 Mt "Cris{ Mi.
no' 47 2011 do . 160' improved ~..L
no 48..10.3 - do---'t 80 . improxed , ,i-',__:!•- .i. • , - i ;al +
. 49 ' 88 do - 45 improiredj : HUl:tie : 4l4
n 0,60 B 3. :do .• 63 imi., . -. da.
~ - : ""clii
no 51 :.95 '-cto 6O im I -';`':.‘", ._-,'"-.,-'"- do -- --'•- do
nono 32, 126 -" dog} 6s improred • "'"-- - -4-":' '-',
is" oQ dci,:'-' 160' -', do
-0.154 '' 46 `do;' HO - 1 do;' "
no• 55'60 do , 40 . 4 di.'".
no 56 59 do {" ,do
..., ..,
b i d . 57 230 dc; ' 100 - I do:
,',--- 1 ,- ,'''•: -
nd.sB - 65 do - • 82 : Ido - 1 '."'. = :."
tio's9 - 160 do 140 -itn. " framedJiuse'it.
, %1 1 660 '-: 82- do . 60 - dii - - - - !:`" - ;,:i)O"'"- -. ''Ilo" .
it Pri c e from ten to thirty;dollars' 'per acre.
, ! 'lll IL
. .Pirsorts desiring to pOrclitsianY o f` the
above, by giving'the number eist - U6tain it full dea
,eription'. • 1 • ' ALFRED BALDWIN:,
1 ' ._; •- ' - B. 0 . ..''8 -OIL" - .--
I ilauntrw, Pit;..oitobeil,4Bso,_
N. B. "Thosp marked' hus, (*)' re been sold : , '
U 0
! l am
, ~. ii
, i ,-....
1 1 ..1.14L11ND :OF
filtkiv - oodrie' , ll ii'tilige . ,‘
QYAGES *ill Jeave in kirkAvood
.ke. ,,pasSling through
E... 7 Corbettsve, •Liberty., , einert morningaf
ter the arrival. of the -Vail and.-.llight Express
.iif cal 4, reaching IMOritroSe:, rn at, 0 ,a,-xZ2 Re -•
i bt.
tuiug, leave Montrose Idail l y (Sun Ys.excepted)
at - 4 r., M.; reaching Kiri:Um:id in tierai - •te take the
,*ail trains of cairs,.,botla East and• West; being the
easiest and
_most-feasible, route -ielreach.the Nei ,
York vt, Erie Railread:. 1, ~.... , I.- '`., -1,, •
~ This line. intersicta aitrioreekVinejoiDitri
ock, Springville, - Ttinkhannocli, - , -,
,yeiniog,':,•, and
Willimbarre., which leavOs,/lontipie2'at•lA. - x.:ey-;
ery . Monday. Wednesday and „tridny. l l,r. Also; ',".a
line to'Friendsville,,Lerayaville t tlic.,,,,-;,,•. -'.• , ' ..
Gi4;4l Tearns'fitia 4.orffigable -CaiTivls ire p o;
vided, and thi prOprietors.tilf,spake,!*pa_ins to
ttecoiiiknadate the public:, •-- -.1- 2- 1 I - ' -,-.: ' • - ;• - s!. • .; • '
' 1 ' .W.KAlitoll:. ,- :
_ , ~
MORGAiIf,NE W ..._
. .
Dec" 1852.
Facts for the , Teople , l- - -
' the prediction 'of the;
-LI Kew. Albany Led*. that Frank' p i erefi will.
be: elected President • bccritumthe , '-ProphetAsitialf.;
Says that "the. Lord giveth..poWei to,thaaint,r,
is' universally admitted . that the subicribei.can and
will sell :
611E4 PER,than any 'othershap . in teWrinotevelf -
excepting the genuine boot fkjfhoe itipre down:town
11.—)ly terms are Ca4her • pay;,.; down, and..} .
Would therefore inform' thoee who are , . indebted . te.
Merrimanfk Patrick; t.lnti•iker Mnst „Veil : kid pay
up or--:-i-nuffeed. I;
'Mentinse, Sept; . 2; .
- I r liPaillP 14 1 321 e
~ • - "IN .
HE 'undersigned Unvirig.entered'int,coliOispnit;
~aaership; i n`ttie mercantile : biiiinesi;ii - the old'
stand s:s:GroiC4. L4'oeirigliiefiii Cariied
on under the naive and 'stile of, -Bfafill
respectfully' beg leave to
: GO9P*4!•':'' , " I
of , ' every description will be sold on - ble
-terms for cash or any kind of produce., . It our
sett.ld detetridmition little
cheaper tlati any Uthei4hcmileii the:coin v We
are, determiaed to' keep ‘go9dlrinisort "'en and
hope bY 'striet attention . to'tito36.4l4to
eral shaTe of public pa t ronage:: ,1' .
• •
Springyille, May -12,
Lanesbirroi-Pe tea..
Tlfg itubseribert . pi l l Saab; 81
Doors at their' esiablislr:
and reasonable terms.:l , Painting: ;
if renirect..." . Alio, Planed 'and , te.b .
and Lath.; • WELL :_fto
Jrah"bPrc, ,
AS MYbustnesaTfreqnently. ,
places for anveral."Nieeks'.4titjrn
henefit of - limas of my : friend:l:WO 'iv
town particUlarli, NihO hairti'oftenl Called a
me gone. I Shalt in future so arrange.. it
here without fail through t Or;
which"time it will:be my:pleastii
busineas of in,y
Many thanks: my friends; st fried .
).0.2111..V i
- Oti§t
'Sear e s
• . • , •
ted -at Jart . -
A Tfleis
on h I lunge
kept constantly :
corn mealote-.2)t_tita et wth - ditt ,acct Fl4,
stowc*ora WI" t sad" warran ted. 0 0 ~Broom: =
in all' eases,
bi n d, Apra s_,
New Goods Coasts
I ':Gteat nil, I
pap.subTiOxi U,
fttrienf'of Ira
AIMS, -Eiking*, 4o, off:1;A
for cash' at tho lawn gore
for the reo4y, ,, -
Lanaboto .191,y 24.
J*1 1 . 3
, 1
. 7,. ., , ,. 4
, ~ •- ii-Lfi i - '-'•
;. •I-. r jii: live!
,- - ***'
.. '''''
Itroo l t it
jriVZI eth±be where they will AtiMr
46i De . , P5,7,,„„.a. ' it. Or'',. 77 '..• ' 1 1 ;',.- ~
‘ , -tat deuirau !,7-73,-,i.,' -L.,.,'•.';'-'4 ' 0 0 4
All t*l WiCe'll T05T.,..,,99-1-.t
-, ~,,.,..;„
( Depl . • .itii. ,1„ - -,_1'..4 .-t---,--,,,,' -
' Bliq'l.4.k". . •,,,,,..tils4' .
tii,, , s. "!,
Oviou ~ . i
"VW' '.. '.-
ii i a,,
,leor. 7 ,1 4.4.1 i 0 4
. :. ::-.• ; '' cal 1 tiiitititif
.1. i - i • - ' .- i - : . . - --,- ',.-',
. 2 -4)V_%ffillrA,O...l l Y,o l o l : l lPfk- ' - :'" ' 1404
~,,-!)ti.!!!Zieceili4;:*.;.4-,i4 i4:!-:::.7,4
, ; rr.n4.4,41r --ii . :1, , ..:
~ ..4.9wiAlr it - 1 uv 1:, : - • :... 7,L....- .7.:.- Zs.
. .....
do •
'dcP •
• ' t
I: I.
11 r..
711'0)1. I
:ink, and
' notice
15 done
o -other
, he
out of•
d foymd
as to be
urt, at
nd to all
: .--...,,
4itligip- .. ,id wt.-
iselDeigifil" Ldie*
atfi&r:Ri '., ' , IP, ci*L
if`yaltieli 7 vieij#lxusglit:
aiidAtall . befvold toli:
wits -
DXGE 4:44'
RV , <
P fepored , fromition74.4ll,l* --
2 usßx,.after :flirecOx't 6 f4te,
rhi41616041 dh Ist, J.
ton, U. n., '
This isttratithet,,Mio rotheiry'AWiliAlumany
stomach. Iro art prman ake egrativ**.w.".
ere- f• cot ..) 11 kim PorAleol4 Mittffe'r,4*-r
-drag& It iti,ext:retnely agreeibre r tiAsjaete,?FaC
may tie tak4ri' by the most fekir6i
tAt - eit 'a water inuler j iftiont aelite - Mit'- - -
Bewbge.of. drugged huitatimie;t.repsimkiail
drugr; '
t;Rad 0 , 11
gratis,,giFing:a?viice amount Ofasientiffe ,
from lobig's mew. chonistryl-1-WtiaiWir
PhYaiologY ot dliteitlaricDK - Xeraira - tainootaild
diet ; Dr.Joita,W. Draper2,tvodorisir4
tY;4IroL Dangliaon'a'gb,Thelogit
of Yale College; Dr:ClirPenteeirritillologi
**thee' with reportit of:femurs frem'all'parts'or
the - United States: ' '
•,- •%. ::,,.....,- ~,' :::::- - , :-: , -;•-::...; E.: • i -..7' - .. 1 ?' ,,,,, ': - .1.;1 , .."1;.i. ,-, :1 , 1.%13 . - 1 . .."1. .-: if:: 1 - -ii -, : - j' n • .
.. .„: , 4 *:. .'.;;;., !,' ; -i "" ' i . i. r- ikir . ,'-` ':- •• •
• ~• -.
~ _ : .i r
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,_...:,,,,,,..,.. ii ,; •t i i ii., - -:• . • ; .:
S****,,' , ''o..#l ll , 4 ***j* .. ,
,: 11V1M..,...
~ c '' ,.
Tit4vissa:p.i4thie:ea.c4;,,N)lspii 4L(.1*104-or s 4vt , 7
AA:: O,LE TOUNDltTicire.;:kkikiiiiittif!. , ,ialifilk,..
orders 'frian . the;', trade;' , :iiiiil'dal7*Oriti'tliikr* -- ..
with. skill and.deapatch, !l'lta's , : , *illifrifti*i#lltatit":.:_.
trail hind --. ••• U. \ ;•:. :: ' • ••'',:;---,"•:•!-"'','-', ; •.7";•.' --.,.- -.,--. f• • .
PL o'"'MS' (:4 3 `Otli'irtts;•)(..!"-" ) :-7. - . 1 .'"?-X 1 '"P": 1 -'-'"'. ! ' •
'.'...' ,'S" T 0 V. E
.S (iiit . k : MiliV=‘a'"' 4. ''''-' '-•-• -- y".
• . .:' • " . OUL TIVA: TOR S'-,.-.',:j..4'•? .- ',.;...f.:1- :
- -..-: • -•-.. ': .-- S - TRA - 1 17 Y:CL-Vivkilk',•:rY.•:, -. . - -'"•:'
!' • : . -• . cqpiy , Bll.El;bEßs;2464e, - 71 -
- -We invite.- paiticaliir::.ittiintWAisilWS4l: - .
.•'' ". w,/attnia - 01Or - :,t..:::Ye,ii iifil:;•-' *ii* --7Y iitiOi
forsali. - l';
,•••:'::,:`-:• --
, 45'g•-Celbiaiii , - IgiiicTlyPiiii. - '. ,
, '
- e lave pa i : C.haied : ifiii. -e*eias:ve.:rtghte;to:niOrti :. -
6.eturand \self in' thil COtiati;3 l !airtte;")rxifolik*L
;and Bradford; : . 1 ; - .::j--1. - •.• •:---...,',.-:: ', - .',F;F.1 . , , ..•, , :::..''-: ; ' , ':•2- ,: ;•, : f,:.,,V , - . '•.•
./1 .. • kielil.B :,04-tew.r/i...-Reizni'.'P/*/4i:s'l.','-:-"
This rig* is made i4ti4iioikiiO4li4y ii g
.taadtps; It is eiletwatdfor:tigity4trsmghtbe: : :
[ ing,opo4liird ciiiier• than nny!ati#itxt - ' , l*l!**i*
r '-' l . tlg 9 /.•*.:ik o . d u i a l > 44 .Y 4 g!*e!•::) : ;':' ,- ;':•-,':::4LT -- ':'-
" 1-7 t".: , :)itj. - 0-01,: . ~ ,,,! - ..-,,, : , , , , . ..3 ,
of ',all kinds manufacture itad . - ,j 0 . 4 :i .4 ,11,‘- iii mi.-,,.,
enteiliiitiellinei*',\ `'.' 1 .`::,, ..•:.!, :* . A . ..::: - ::-• - - :- ::';.: 4 :: . ; ".-..:,
Stearn_ Eiigile*,,. G ici . 7 7iittor:1011;:aW '
:;:- glijirliohir 4,
• - ,'-."4.6::::4 - :' , '
....4 - inofiglMi- oyes_ which-witawns c ttr•i-ars,
KETSIYONEI:-..-oiiiAixg,..o4:ii:T....f.:l. - -1
: . 2 : - i• IW UGH: 4; READ 1 7 7 , -...dii .- ':f.:i! - , - .l' :!' .-- -
.- -FORESZVIEE;II4I.<..d:',...;:'-'-'---,-
• :;..,.: ~ pit.. g litilvx,..',;.,- :..,„-.1:"t_1 , .•:::..44..; , ,::: 1. :i 4.::. ~„ • • ;
Ana dtberkipda i a P.arraagd:for::buridriitlirefOlat•
coal., Also . :4 . \:' - . - , - -....._.. 4 .0 . :.' , ''-.3' . ::.':' ;-:;:.,,;,,
-.54/7,l?eizilaior:, Pelo.7'..fgtore..-,:,:!
A., - .4ttas - eßarlor.lo
and`a „variety . ;of other i'arjor : both_ wood:
and Coal burnerec , - We; kesep.!x!S iii 4 ,44g0 11 4-. ;
13tonelriininingi,•Dot Churn
and Shovel and;Tongs Standi!",:*4;ta:
to Oider on phoitaotice
tgrOrderi Sir S:tovesiAgr:tetiliititlyiplimee*l
Atc.nre solieitedlrom those,:iO4,F.,:4j44o.oll:llFilibai t.
• '
_' 11-.taireil.EY, : -'-
`-. _. -
_. ,.: - , ..- ,14 PERKINS. r - :
Montrose, Marc 4.,13!02. -- -_::f i.!:!•:,::1;.,..")_ - ,..i.--f
'' REAL- -EFO.,„:IIr'POR-
201"LVILLA ' = ,iiir - ' - t - h--- -idilaiSint -
°Th; sit
' .
, i
eat part' 066 yilhte ef,itiSstiolstina—alsts :,
a I:l6useg and' Lets in ' the n t ot ..4.l,h l, l l !*; . P i r, t °!9 l ll , -,
aforesaid'" village._ ' . .A.1a0, ' -„. J '-, ,- •••• :'" :
„,, 1
-rit "Tarnt'contaisti , I • i ,z, _
- ' ' i,iWniainderleilvily ' *
wit a: small improremen
,the ,
- tintheired, - Aluate 2, ini/eitifrOtaTenid siffbgb...=
.. :
,- -,thr. great Central kelptP talkt,
N. 'y.-4/. P.: -- whvaililiTuue'sithelootof.4.!
o v i , _-,
eit itede'con.thei Toed; neeictSe great
Sterna:a; Clo n.ewicill iiid-thi .94 e c a diC — aid.. viutiii :
'sine, hy , iiittire•the hest witertnitinicein . the
with i the, &entity .or ivensi7fit.lhichigiftl simr.
Founniy;ec,_ .anoqu_ohiinla.:' l 4f l6 l l ol l *!kenit c
-bul 0 0001ohlibitante i: and: bet 4'years . •,ol'- Nlei:,
desfitied4oon-to ra Og e.ak ! h Plak vili r t . - in e . l l! - , _ ~,,
ishinO.entipoinalbusktowes on f i ltairtistbltioirgrear:?,
thoronghfare... -:- •L.Y.-111N,DS.W: .'
, ' Office-One door 'mot of \lto-Ashen ii.
Su sk i ul tal gul l) W l . 2 T4ll l l B i4''-
1 . ... - ,.,.....-L- • f'..,-.' '
Nv:PETLii. rinrOlhat- 4 0,0 1 #4006:tiettieiri
- 1 ;-, of, - Idiritipri!.. that .ther-lirt.liitded*ith...
a “azo ointooientniet iilackuje .lAiritied i c
abi lie' Of' Ilia' bead, and aliOAttitit thi'liletwthfi:::
same •sfiape7chu* makin g it hat Aet - stitiFlioitti4iier
On' - the • held, and alio;priveitiiii-.oiliiiii f ree
being:throwo out of : shapilleptliaiiijOiaki:
' their rdeiitlif,ett9' 111 **34: - .#oiii,'"*:liii.„ ; • *,,,lnet, ~.;ite,, '
will warriiit: to rrrl '2l ' ' - 7- - -'-'5, 7 ; 1 '.... , t'••••,,,4'..
1 . The' SPrinr arid: . Pill 446 4:itilt:liallIkra*be
fin niched several. weehr( 4 o l illietlo_, ': the,: :rolti* .
time.for itittialiting theiTiaMizi*;,G:` 4.A.... , .:,.1-.N. , ..:
A:rull-risertinetit 01::iii ,, thi; I!.A7Voislita
qualities Of nlts,' •,. • ' siel:Yiklligi4k4ikef:
tritib r ottiLite:' . - lie otf,liiiiif W r illiiWlii
e it
'Binghamton, bi 3rs'oBlW.l't , :vrj,i' - i e "'.t.,,•,.'':
1 rir; 'SIIOPA'- -
4 -
resi .,
t NEW I TABLIBII . , 7 . :, -, -
31 A & loiltal t irOidd : arills l fi -;-
- • Public lima they are nuniataitirN Rata;
tey's Coiebnifetkrows. 'llley,:ario kleprositast-
ty on hand, , ; ' .r i = ", ,- 1 P-ttfi J...<'' , 4 1 ,t5,...k-f- ,
Side Hill ; MM. e aNilte.Y; z aid Ileta i tilifs
• ettitirators, Dag.Okariii-SliigiV- ' '
„, 14. o uter shi le i,„„pi oto f, , - -- 4,r.'
1 POillid '' '-'., '''"' ''''' ' - ` 1 - T
I .
varions t pattenn too numerctus brukiiitietw ire'
hope by 8 ict attention to imams.' to - iseeiiitt . nne ,
share or p tile pOtronage. ' lifinnfa!torz D:Post'sl-
L ig
old'st and. founlity,lit.Mott near SWOe's - milt
ur Re ' • I do ne Oil 'Nit libilier,'' 1 ' -
\ mama NOTIV;
-•+ ~.?4 ,t f' '4 . '- - A 4 t,': 'L"- - i''' '''J
.4scaor.Tolovit - tANDisit
HE` eubscti T. ill itttead•
4: =it
-vicinjti,7o o *d ef f irecl • ;111101 .40. 1 0 1 0/ 11 % 11 : 111217
"ibisvplinty . iliould be 2
*' .ikti-ki 4001a likt *god
`'renevelhe eitt l 4o l l lll 4/004 1 101;t4 gel, ,
goat otObliter#64
tina a ; ewes
not tunkii:enlo`::-f PrOtinan
i 166%
prevent future trout:77i ,
Igir'9° 4 N:Yß l 74 ,l f o2 :4Wal Atoliefte4o.y.
IT‘NE - 'iiittie4rittenlNO*V l l4
pitgot Ty4.-if,skkiliastreirk-44?!.
•re**B.-w#lintioirgoom ,:. =
*iliwdliftekths :
e•-•7- 1 -;*-tfOA
f;> .
4N.4 4