The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, January 12, 1854, Image 1

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    ' Vraitatgia lo6l4o24 oll os lo
lif ''
; " V" ' '''' il - ' 1; "
Aar 2 .151 ,l'it, • -•-- =_,-77_, . -,,,. ~..-,. f Ar
',lp-1 o ''' ' .'" -.,' • ,-. ~ i p --- .'- , . 1, , , '. O :-, I
~„ , -' • t - 1 - 1a•4.0% -- - , 311, I `, . 4 6. ' - , '''• l *Tr
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6, 4
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k j er IR 4 ' .. .1
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_,....''' t ' ''''', cr '' - ', 1 •:,,
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.I,w-,-..,- ta;,t lt , :. d '
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..!•,.).,,, 4 -- t.t!ri;:lftyl-s?, • 11.:!7. #.',11 . li t:1 `1: , I ,1 1 7:..i.b1P. , t , ': '''
. , ,di • „ , ~. - , • .. - . ... i ,- _ • • •
ftra .-tialt .1.410-r,,n,r.,'
.11,14. -iv - .4., cr i : ~.i i4 e1 .,, 5 ,:. ! ., . , I n? s..i f i .. •
,f me rel 'IT' -, 1 ' ' eA11, ... 41 t : ffit g :"'rg em
t he ' , .
, e,,,. O,PO ertOregeolativeso ,
-,., • - .1,,,„ ~..,..-.,••• ~, ~, ._,,.. -:.,-• • ::.,
af ' Illfnligy.: - ~ f
...- •tal, • •,.., .• •z....•-•.....,,_ •ht :• •• t : „,„ • _ 4 :
-` - Gm. isiiit'::—A 6 o9A4e/tt,Prov+slsn m ee,
luttfarctred..the,..kople„ir jitii:Clitivrsin
iAtitlit gi:Ea k bigtitriiiiiip"„i?f, lio a )th'4 l.l 4
rpm Trovcl9
~.,., !itipg ,
.p,,,y,. just
ciiie4 - ; 'll-Pil- , 'N i kh , • M9t,'/. 9.0 61 ' . . .i?usrsPf
iTe4Alr; - 9cr -- o;a•tkuO!.. l ,...Ouliibli . 'AlCC., ,
ISn'iile(lging - ilieSo 'l;lel_llg,i,l Jet e `ui.'4 ,l '
His•s i llin e ! Oil'eosl l , ill. ibo \diselia4b, of
Ott l eial'ohlikaitotfs, ,
„, , .', \ -1: : :' • , ,
'lt.illt,ills niciiiialfected`deliOu to vier;
come ,I lie-r0PK01e..1,1,V111%,',e4, o f ihe • POPleia
the'seat•orgoKerimeilt, and rely, - for . ; a '
ciiiit..iiponthe altiif their combin ed wii- .
1 61 P . 190v ...744m1p!sfriOni of T01)lic, of ,
6h - s ; as:tiis,ilso a grateful, task to - pet',-,
form" !his, con - sticiilltmal - iniUtietiiM ,that •
te,g - Uires;tbe'
.'eFf. Cu' fiZ•e - to vim Inudicate Co 1
the qfreileral Asaembly infOrniation: of the
State.::OTtbe._pentmorolieayb;" aiiir'inake
lluktilillgge s tiiili4?o4tfe'cullnOliiLlitfon's'4g:
the weliare, of ibei pe"Opreend'the.exigen.
del nftlie times may Iseein 'to demand;
i1Pd,...t.9 ;lip.ali4. arge Of this "obligation ion .I
licrc•' tiioeied. : , •2; •
, 7
The receipts at the treasury fok 'the
year-18.53; exeltisife:,ef:loaits, anti -includ
ing the:actual balance in the ireasurYoti
tbifirSt day . Of: Deceinher,',,l9 . s2, (being
$:671.0337 7 : 2,):anlQuilted to•'the .11trt ',of
$5,952,474-• 47. ' "
, .
. The PnYtrients for the settle period,exciu - - .
-Five of loans 'and other extraordinary ex"-
peffiditniies,, make a total% sum of $4,134.;=
04,8!4*.;heing: 84,818,326 10 loss than t
,9.4 . 6.•Th - ',8'505,057 -55 'Was
paid to the. Commissioners;of the Sinking
FUild, and
. .4589;000.=,' towards The fijt
giteptkor old - d,tVe. construction
o f work on - the fleti.h,Prarialtcaital"
i n `dPiit.age railroad, ..hing, - ,Part` Of the
tetnrsrirYloini , o 64 ,;ii*ed 1 4-0M 6 40f
t he, nineteenth - of 4pril, Jaw
goiter with the
,h,elance,itr the. `tteasiiry,
appliCable to the rideiriPtiiinj of onts4iiiii
ing,,loaus, reduces the actual balance :; o[
41e`first day of D6ceinberlast, - tO
tilOnt six hundred - and twenty-five
thousand &Atari, to he . Used in' the pay=.'
merit' of the . February. interest.
The roceipts:fot the year 1854, includ 7 -
iligThe balanee In - the treasury on the firstr
of December, 185.3,, may, in my
beinfelk estimated at 85,846,417
eXpenditareszfor 'the sanie period,
including #240 000 'for- the 'payment of
old dehts - 4.n.thepublic works, and $3OO.-
ob. for tho should not, and
ifO• pro eare he taken,'will not;. - exceed.
the sum of84;500.000; leiving a , balinee
irothe troisiiry cm.t first'Of December,
1654,:0f:81;440,417 34- . Deducting : ft*
this 5625,000„t01ip; amount tlmt shouldi
main in the treasury due February. ' I._
. .
1855, and. - have a suiPlus revenue - of
over 8700,000. ,
- .
-It thus made : apparent to .my mind,
that the.treasiiry', will have -'the' ..ability,
`during the
,cothing Year, to redeeto the'
.eptire amount of the fernpor riloans noW
outstandinz, and pay the de I.s tti which
I have'alrea dy rcferred.lßU ' no . additicia4
'at -drafts ahould he Made Up n it- Without,
precision being_first made fur thezi:. "pay
- .• . ,
At tbe,time - of my induction mtonffice,
-fhetiabilities o f the State were tlisTulinws,
to- ..
Six, per cent. bonds, $2,3L4,023 51
Fiie , - do do: 36,704,45 S 03
Four and one...half per cent.
.4 0 n4). •
ReliernoteS, per act of May
4, - 1811, s • • - 650,163 _
Certificates for - unpaid tri
terest en the 'public, debt,.
for the years .1.43,
and '!4•5, with their accii
xnu!ated interest.,
Pe/west:ie. credit-ors'
. , .
Toutl).tajtilitiei,ljorx..i'd"i,S . 4 0,154,-157 r.
k•f.,Fspffitii.,n„ 4 4
X kißranch
, 41 004 45;7.48
-1 7 1 , 44 . which , take -the , f4/IkAvving. pay
_ • . _
ments •
To the sih)tittg fund,S6Bl;4 69 83
Inigr \ tikt i)utstand
.Total debt; _
at this time - - $40 ,2 72,2 1 35 01
To meet this apparent increase of $1,17,-
- 7 7 Z. 43- -0 1444 1 # 1 ic4ebF7 it shOuld be. ot=
Gerro,4l7**lot : i . 4. .e7angeliatiOn ,of six "
.P e r cent. . boos, ;tie hare a save. 4 Of ,120,- •
00e •tinniially . to WO' ireaiury, whiCh is
• eqpivalettit,,to ayjrtuaj l peymet4 of $460,- .
0 00'. 'Orate; Ale Per 60 1 : 1?n - iyiii: "„ •The a
mottit:kblis 64 1- Y.O. Will . be !', Pg': 1 1 1 ,
P.C. - 1
source, t vgittoilt i niting an,e* - ictitit_kri9ll - ,
the peo ple, atitt!!tonstixtite,4l../toStayiti;lb ;
1 additton COilie t sinking Afit4. -3 . 11 . ic . l4 ke
f!virtuat reaiieo o .4 of tite*l)-ti l 4' ' 1 1.4c 1- 9 1
tbe aniiiiiet 4, 2,222'47; ''' -':— .-
Thefts - 30;414 ities and mirrerit, - e
wands upon ,the 'Yr tiry, "it the. period
1 . have Ind iested,:wpo Its:Agloyo I
tracts, and forlabOi 164
.on.:the _put/Jill °
inrka, :prior .:to January;,: , ,_,
; ...18, O .
a ;since ' aid, 4t ,'-'
Impala-a 'on the .btiek 4 ' , '
the Auditor General; ' - :. , 43611,7 - 6215,
Teigporsq loans; :' . - . ~-' 9 ' , , ,;ir A 1.0.-., D P:
Vapid apprefiriafiees, , " 41,33,8 00
. 4
°Va , 11,401,0101p'
!I`, 41! , :betig liabilities of - ''' '' i
the riSinmotiwealth, - & cui.:,...
•,tvot.4l,ema_l,l4 . 34pon the tree.;
iiiiy.iit ibis 4igte, are: - -' ' '' '
)141 itiatr/VOn*ilehts,a27,l4oo . ` ';=, t'?"1-.1
liaripaeiiilii&ai,'-' ,-. 690.4 to eo . ~.. 1,4 i z - . 4.r. •
Unpaid appropriatioas. 305,695 00 .
' i
,l' - '& ,- 7177 — ", L 223.429 00
- - " .'
‘,.• - - 7" --- --r---;—*
bi fferince - ' I ) eiviii ilikw? 04c44177.66115'
- it, Will iltte,, appe a r i hat 'the 414 thig
riabilitiet.ir4*.• 5 4 ,661-161eSs than iitheii
1 ueumettlifidutlia of m fire* . tat
T n a.'
_ _ • •
198,200 00
204,680 20
82,932 74
-:. - ',rS S O , OQOOO,
.5,0',752:: 91
4;3: :i
.. ~ ,
......4 i.:Z....77. - ,.......-
„. 1 :77P4P -----
~- littrirj ."'..
.. i ~. _ ,
i,"-i,„... A .- tiliJ #, ha 4 ,itsters:*.fr tosgttrtsvvp - etalt li4-Itts...iii I . vv. at . , toritkatet,, 'tf.i..'3Att 3 5t111,1410,0,t5r 1 •
4; ,k. kt 1.4 . f. - -t it , ' - ~... . 4
~., k , .. . i N . , . . . -
4.1 - IT r ‘ l :
, w• w +.
..'i4= ,
,I ;.-) !-I, , 44..';.' I :a;
-ifi! '' i' 4 4 0 4 - fi'-'l3:
14. .;' , ...' . :-.. " ti t r
-• ':' , ..... f ~ ,, ..i : , . .1 , ,i
_ r, • -.,
~..,,,„.„ '
... I li: ~••• . - .t., , , a -ne
~../., • , iv ,
l k . l .1 V.,...7,; . , a t 4„...; 1.-- , _. . l•'' .. r isri, ..v . 'ol. a•* '
, i e. , :441 t Y.
..7, - ,..?,. ~.. , - .-...-4 - ... .., ~,.. c• ' ti.... •
.7 .:1 .. i sz ::::‘..i . ..
?$ "-,- '' - • a `..: cl: ' O. l- ...
'• .- '
,:4 - ','''/".• '1 WI `44"4 ' .) ,.,
..74.1- .. •', • 1 Fs.l VI : ' :!ri l ~ 04 ._,
...>i , 1” Alt ' '''',
. :'- i
7 . •,..:1..:...' .. I :`' , :•4'f.,.410
1 5 ,-. ..n.• -It." , V.• 0.2 , - ", i.q . , 4- -I, 0
' • - j r . :ll;rnelr l' 4 3 " ; %/1 1 . .. - T rltw - I'
~., ~•,,, ..1,. 1 r... ~- ~--,,--. iiiosz.o.4,-- ':' Ai '''"'"'''''' • ''' - ~- . ._. '. • , ‘,2: - ' . l. 4,! ..; ~ . !.,_ ;' ,
- ::... 0 if, , ;, , ' •-• , -
r, "1 - !. 11" k.r. 3 i' , : ,,,,, t , '=-7 tj' 1 , .:'
• . , LEGITIMA,TE , SOWICA- - iIiVIN -44 4 2TiasTESS OR,
W1LL:",..., .. , 1 . ;..; 1... :;- - :-..,;f• .!-,-, N :-,,% ~ .4....=• , E:. :-!..4 IL'l'? ~,A, ' :•1 c r i- ,. 1 .6 " I t.,; - - • ...-- 1 :_•4*r. :' ;•,. i' - :
. 1,:: 41 ,T1TS OF, HE. TEOP El . -
...:,--,r7,.", ....f„,l 1, . -
-ft ...,..{ . . - ..- , .—. ~ .
i .., „.. j -,,;,,.. t ,I• :;-, ' .- I, t. i._, , . 4 sl:i„F - 1t;.., ,, cAn . I; t '...
'- " ; • -;
*• ' ..--' . '''' ' ' :'. -.
I, .-
.. r , ; ...
.... , ,
~ . ' :. . . .:.
,_ •
.:1. e....,* ... µ:. _ A'', ismilx.4l-,lf %'.,-.' .. 1•7.1, - rilP.' 1:
' - „t..„1.;v.,.:1L.*- - " r_te,c. , -..21: ~ , 17t1.-.. - ~• 11 ,
_:' ,..- Illiffitt
, - -........;,___,--. .... ,_ f. ' , - , :i, ' ( if 2 '-‘.•_ : ..:; 'ONTIIOSE T
..,,1..„,, :: ~..., : ..._, ~,,,,,..... .„.117,..„=,. . .
.2-., . - . -..- ....„,...-.' -::-1 1 • 7 '-. - - . .L.,-'--- , .'
- • .= . -- -- .=- - . -.--•-•= l .-- =.- .• -...- • 1 .0 t.f•F''..','• l ,:ilVlJß::;.-711, F . ri3` , 4d t.'-':, - p.i.l / ; 1 ''''
• : i
.:4 • ;
,t 1
,tinfi.'.. , -.1.1.;
_lic44 l 4g A
thing. , l'
or less deg;
exibited .ir
PaltrziliFro '
at present
' Dur.iot - - r --,. -- J 53 the
fo i),. oil 1,1 g
..tippromations, awkzpayornts
iinve.,•eou tyloAiwe..t:p.rasili4,ccidstruCtiuki
ofileiv iihrovenienis r'l - , 4- ''• -'" 1 ' q ‘ ihtly•titit-th l - )1 , 1 - q-,..
- titrek':''of Altio.,:columNa. ,-. , 1'''..1 ~, •.1 .!
-, - „7.- -
. railroad, ;4 ; i - .1„ :: --',8355,509, pct
Fifr the e4inruct l of on a ' .-. —• - :
new roi'd st
.(4i - a'vt id the ik , -.:* - f :' -"
-... Clineil . pliiiMS di f iheiil= , •:' , Al- .
............ • :-
leghan y' mountttifis, --- !.- 6. '656,034 90
For , the completion of tho : , .
West cm reagrynir,'l r ~,,t,- ;, ...5;,390 41
ll i tO
-For Brunch paii - 4; *0,000 . 00
Foribe new -locks on :the -.... • . .- - -'
, Delaware Diyi - sjoti• :....,: ... , ..„.80,909 00
... ~ .
' • ''''''' - - 1
. ~ . ;1.44,915 -1
F .- 6 tl 6.1. re . iiiig, 'figeres it' li -
i in i ; p
. apps=
rent that the operations''-of the treasury '
hard exceeded onemostsan g uia I 'cipet
tations, yieldingeyera,,mill' 0 . 0 doltira
annually abOe.the ordinary cha ges anti,
expenses; and Sheiving';'.tha if be.' new;
improvemenis hid been, itirifitog s, 'two_
thillions; at- least; of the 'pub c de it could
have heen-Paid. durio* plc.' st twe years:
le addition', to these .' l 4l:Eti7terdinaryi ex
penditures,: there. Vras , i piti ,iini.. - i of the
treasuryduring said pe iod, ti persuanee
of laws 'pasSed ' prier ti 1 52': for -the
State Lunatic' Asyluin $7O ,00;• for 'the
pujelicatiott-of the Pen 'sylv nia Archives
end Colonial,
,Records; .01 5.: . ?. ;for the,
improement. of the
...S ' te P plentiaries,
835,000;,. f'or the, publi l. tl 'Of priifesior
Rogers' . ge s it i Togiial Sti e,y; $.l ;00'0 - ~'fur
ithe -p "reparation' of - " Or 'A' it - books,
itt , ..44,3019 ; to the ... Oil` Valley ;',and
Dee r. thvek Ti F rp i4o le, mpany. , $,f3,000.
li will readily be pet' ivell, therefor
that should the
,ppprop:i Oons herea ft e!.
be Confined st ri ctly to tt e Ordinary 'ex
pensespf-gevernment, W shall have' an
annual • surfiltis revenule l exceeding. one
million of dollar. 4, appliable - tt, Ahe . iiiy:.
'nent of. the funded obi. .-,That such,
should be the pOlicy.of lielState after the'-
completion of the work now in progress
will 'lint tie doubted.-*. be irne'OrtanCe -Of
such econotn i y -in view c f the great end to
be obtained—the liquidation of the:public
debt = and consequent relief of-the L people
from taxation for 'State p rpose,i,l4tO
argument: for - arguent. Entertaining
-these views. f'extuldinotiri e.tnyi assent o
any new schemes of inapt . cement hy 1 e
f it
State. , i 1 .. ' ['.
The Operations en the publlcwork.s4)r
the year just closed do not present a very
"tiering picture, so far as relates to nett
revenue. The aggregate amount of busi
ness was -larger by t euty per
,cent. than
that of any former y ar, and . the gross
receipts amounted too the sum-Of ,$1,932,- 1
495 01, being an ex t. si of hut .$35,68,91
over the recetpts of' :52.: This iiicrtise
of tonnage, wktheat''-, torrespodidi'in
crease of receipts,is the coniequenceiof a .
very great fe4uction in the rate, 4f tells,
a measure, inj the of inion Of the
. Ctinal
Oommissionei i *,' dem • • nded by . Pu'JliC . poli
cy;'' and it ma,y be s. id that: whater has
been lOst to the trea .nry
,Was giv eto ex - -
lend commerce and trata... --Thi eipen-
ditures for the yeari ace rding to ,the re
por,t ofthe Canal Cn mi s toners, amount -,
ed Ito the Sum :Of $ ,17 ,742'75, leaving
a! tt balance iifs7s ,75 58; but as tbis
BU . 'doei not--inclad a . , pertion .ef the
cost of . new. locom il ve. engipos apd the
erection . -of new far bridges, 'be deduc-.
tint: of. the properpropbriiol
'of these
will'leave the 'En rn .o .
- $704,752 1 58 'as the,
-actual itetfbilance. '
.:. Thereceipts and' .:44ienditilrtsond; gen-.
erat-nperatilo#Oni -- e Coloinh a ; railroad :
exhibit an. encourS tik .state .0 i affairs,: nA .
thny'alsri.dO 'Crithe ISOrth . l3 .- ! ih'Canal
1 1
' '-'.: -: d' n' on ''ili ' other :d . ' •
dj'i4 _Del.4 vv,lr . yvya .t
,i - .. 1 7 . :
visinni Yyf..-the - - cane, .t bey. ore; tolerahlol. :
hat' tin'the: • AlleghetY2.oorts,, -Railroad.'
a l Ocirndition ofalf.nrs,is. i entir Ty onsatia,
factori., . ll'he :system.- Elf'. -:,_tri nagernent;
Iyeretil+forts piOcticgil:qO diet inpliCate.d
and 'difr/Cult mork, -- vytould seein ii demand
ii. - iiito . r .;. ' . tiod , radia.l!:Chigicif , Blit the :
';.Eiceintire,lntideri 'the.laws .as they ;11'13.1
Are,.:.4aving.lii)- control . or . direction o er,
- ..the'- it . is right . 'd , - pro er.
t i t
thatHf : fahinild..learelhe'explunalinn - ott ii
...dOtOiLs-Of their vicainisand,iiii iietia tyt; , ,
11) . .th'e peofyleOaratsoyhii - hay
of t - hgiv** g4l l if-t:- '.".--: ! .: 1 . --.- , 1::'' 1.. - '
.1- am, ho Oyler,. still:,en i!oli sting 0
, that,' with necessary ; ngo -
.in t
.. .of ~ .anageg/ent,, 4 - .... f i14te, i,
prOrernetyta catt : be made t . ' lola : a:,:co
~ba4dsoni..c.- ~rei.o64- , to ~th ,i eisiiry";., :
'-; ; 444,;eYten
. for.:;!ihO : laSt..yetir .liiiii..ibe:
I. PPP*.mii. l .4*iinf - itir4,'iliFtsiar.l . .** 3 . l * . ct
- ..find
: .to a rettiOnahliy.":ainn '
the, nett . i'.o,
' fif - : w44 l a . i4ai , :9 l reiteliell - 40.1t.- 0 4.P.
ilipp Of dollars . ._ it OpeitOd fro ,' . f . t . hoiti.
'lo, — iSr_,, 02,g4e. 4 -iiiild
~,4'),, ,
~t. . ,lict- c ini. r'il 01*
the . I ,P, :;04aio?'-iti . PPTlcalifli%itiy , it
t[4s ir
'.:!ti!idcya.l :i 411k4,4 t it „ - yOail
,O' t ii , it : _
pr0f1i...,,, 4i11:t.p.,3110 in, 7 roa . st, :On , .iirenty4 ,0 . ..
- - 1 14P.1iq01 3 PT. , : - * .debt.'..,,:1:7:- : :.
-i.2.'ollier..wirliii:n ", ; '.: - ilP:bad ~. :**c. l ,4l ll lf!
4646.044.04. , 9'41 i . -.4 1 .4ieg, PHY4i.lc4u).:-
:tsiini,'; liiiiii.ifor!. ::,.. --.:': - !,..I.Esi.'4riip ly.i as
11114 - !..beeti. - a*ici , . ,:, -,, ` IL is -.9 'AiO4,
o•l7•,;be'e:iiii.... :;..: -•yer;, - akwilk piiaai
roil .-"refeireoo447 . ~..1:01- - .iport,i; ., ,that,, , ,.
.41,11:41 .•
.the.tiicexiititrinini4.-,*,ii,Tori,ititlY,l. *04.1ii .-,
~-.4.4ke - eatirpiino*o4l4* 000* ". ..iiiii..
! , 0 6 0161ef4initig ,-- 10.1ir; --, : 1 .'i'.r,hit-gca_ . .4i, ""'tfOr.
'40014( 1 1114,_ ok.iofini4lkea*ith 06; . kcee,
. t ion 4 - .)f-':1 - i)ititiliilei , apd,1 tlx6:c4:4i ;,-.00 i.
3A 4 C 44 4 P 444 - . , ' „114.00,t.' ,
iksyLogrAcoilkfria Ai., : 1 .'' - 1-,icast r ' ' ti t 4 - ',
Has sizini .. r 0,4,, ~., lic ' . .tmotiod:douvi6 -,
ill; 14144 . - 404 1 10' 1.l i:1 1 ; 1 4 - t-04 . ;tift'kli
, 741kiii...**Ig0 - 4006,0:;. - -1-., ....., ...4?*..apnitipti..
tc l p
13 Y.iotc;_ . _,. - - al cora ,-) il i:wFik,______H . t4,,io#olo4k,
Htlictia oPI: .:o', ' • '' 'ol* - B.P . i
4i - 0.,001410;090t .
44 . .lkiiiilt0 . :'-fii; .,. ' Ink** 81 4 . : :T .
irAtif l o44.. 14: , ,
,111 0. 1 00 1 *t ;1 1, 00i ; , ,!_klici. tri4 - ii04...L
Aspibursif , i...ii,h4i,.. !:• - bii - Ar*Ol44 , ,jik ' .; , ,i
• igkaut-00t : iuridr: , '116001.41,4161.1404.01
_ , . , . 6 _
: 4 ,•71. ~ 0 . 4 ', . -..4.4.4-1- ~,,.:: +. l ; ....., ~,1,....., ike
Alvan toe
.Ketinsyti:iini. tintroaa, lox_ a 1 ,41 4 4 .. a . nt . e t i., : , f .:l ~ ~...,. ~ 1 -74% fre.l ...",-,•:, . r.
: 7 triiiiig: in' ecti:Ti'lliiiiif,'Tit ''*i'ifi': - .14
nonfesse r diliiii Ade; it 46:0h.' of 't:hepiitilib'
iitraiiker4iiii,ao . *h4fiiisifiralteina- .
Tl'„pto,inli itiiiiileit ii:.itriliiii
4# 4 iiiiii will _ invoice tiiii '' ' 0 1 ;0' 1 111'1'4
"itie . ' ; 4tip)tif-' liiiii`the'.Btiis can eiirrt-'
niiilit itittkoilt" resorting . 6 l'irt iri,elltiii2
riliy,loani - ;• i4i)st; .oti'M'e'' ' r baud.
iii'e." - iirinte6itiCe' ) orttle! -.- Mart ad', -- it ti
Clit. - of fOurhundrie and ' fiff `thousand'
410 lara .. ii - afin iitn, is :lnifre'• out 'atihii
. s. ex ails ing .. er'
nan i on
the iieaktry _must:, ea' speedily: Ohclated;
and' Ili! tir - patt; I i•Cin, 'see:- .iii?' - mod'e,af
doing this eiceeo, ' Sy . •ti: -e-eitipletieirof
the new - 1"44.;.. - ' ' ..'...-'.' - ''''''•.=
' 4 Wq
f un
xis :at
A!'"e . A4ile,T 4:ssum - 61 . .the:dntlei of ray .
present statiOn; X: fOLL is ..
vierli:i a '.Pro,
&en OfionitriictiOn ;"the' western slope up*theJaiupit having
. .' - p laced Mi:: :
der - contract•dUrinitheatinititer. 'ef*:l*s.l'..':
On referritigieth*reporti : of - the' Canal'
OotnritiSsionero'tied . , the engineer,' the - only
data Which. l'eMildpri,iperly 'Crinsuit."ria c tkr
the'pOliey'of 'the,. - fiejisure, I - :tintid that'.
thet4il;COSt::of a single: track': Viii'estii '
'mated at.:''sl,oifi;6oo;;!' ; :.7l l lie ' ir r iaferiati'on..
the..old • road ; .. were - :7 - allied:at '. *24:*.660Z.
.Which, together iVitb! the :apprOpriatieits
previously Made, - red end: tl earnolitit: to
Po provldetk4) complete the ;work to tho,
1 11
meagre slim' Tef:1.5.91. - mtet:•:::Wiiiitfie . se
calculations ' tiefOrn me, And ::'eVeti:„ ion t
a ilarker amount : fey . - .:erreo';in - ibeeiti,
rnato,„aii4 the Oberlin**, expenditures; of
t IL n: O
d'.'read in :-lill..:yiei,.
',l' CA& not
donht the etpedieneyAnd econnnofthe
Ineastre. -- Bt tbe'uusual advan ce
.iree . . of labo r, . ' ' mite ' an a "substance,
added, tl the. Obviina
.' erfOri'in''. t he e:stil
mates; has changsd the I,entire'isPect of
this ,en(erprise.: :.:The,- sum u€'s6so,ooo2'' •
has :heLin:aPrrefiria tel . :Since:: i Lit - iime
and..oier:!3,lX . hundred : thousand dollars
Still reckuired, 'with - the 'value - 'of the old
road,. to bring 'the line ,Inte:' , USe. '-' ' ' ' -'.' -
. The estimated . cost of ,completing the
Nortb i sroeb - the .pertod already
'named, :w - as ,*172,90G..... 940 inilfied of
do4ar.v6 , since: been :Paid, _and i'autti :
exteedin nue—hundred .and 2 . fifty. thniii- •
. u.
and du l l s 'still required *pay for : . its :
completi'i n .,,": i + t i V ut it b ii s. r o c c i t, , n y 7f i c it c h tt ;i d' , , t e . ,
mands 4..,
Short-Spa of two years; it • . ;vim R . nbtrPe
'unreason4Ply, to. epect an:increase 'ef.t he
liabilities 'of! the State State . ;, but -It. ii alike
gratifyin i and astonishing to`.,
this Lap,rl . A . .pccurred. :. *- if ... ,• ±
:• i The'S coon naj, r e..7ziendinglinnitiri.
New 'ITu - ritlinat.O . P4mirit 114 be ready
for basin f ;. - ,duri er the.. preserk.inOtith,
and the Sa to work - ,frent Pittston .to the
dam .at.At.tens, - -a.,istaitce of ninety -three
! MIAs has been Contpleted. ' Tho-only tin
finis nd•P&rt Of _ the.: work
. ; lies ; between
.Athens and the State..lme, a :space.. of
alto t, twit and a half • miles. th e con:LTrun-,
Lion of which wa4 delayed . effort 'of
.. anal r. _ . . and , ~„
- or, under as act . of Assembly;, to nege.
' 14 with. the Junction: canal - company,
or . .i compietion., - But - . even this sect jolt ,
I a Ussured,,Wilt be ready in . ample tiro!
I s
rur.tPe-spriugt ade. '. . : :. •.-, - -
j These, works ivilteomplete the last liik'
;u . Anent' nnot ,t wuter communication .bn
t‘Veen the Chesapeake bay and the'north,
ern lakes. :, The. struggle :for this achieve
metal has been long and ardueuS, covering 1
nearly a .Linerter_of ,a-century: '. But :the
triumph isstill a brilliant One,, and must
be a cause of gratification to '.„the..peepler
of the entire_ State, - . : .:-. - :. - ;.. :. - 1
- 1.1. Wt.: auspicious_ a n dpi.6,,iii n 't s it for
the entirprisme : inhabitants :of Not Otero .
Pennsylvania, to :iv;hooe, untiring Worts:
its final : consummation may _he ma inly at,.
. . ~..
tithuted. ..-Through. this .. channel, in ithe,
early pert of
.next Seasoil,_ And .during
each succeeding year,: PetinsylVania. will
send greeting; to the •people of.Lt neigh,
boring State-the. evidence-
,:of i fraternal
.affection.-the'assuratice.of,politieal - Odel,
ity,: and :the PleSiing,4.:of an 'ex . o . ;lnded nein- -
Ineree, in the shape Of inland vessels
freighted.: with. Ler richests....rpinert4 and
.reCeiVe in ,i4inrii, as she certainly. be
offered,•fretit Ithevast Valleys:of the. Etil 7
pire. e, no w, ;eeming: \ with wealt in .
all its - -variety', assttratiCes of IVO recittrec
1 ity,_in affectton, fidelity and . commerce.
And in, due time - the.dofferaof .the Stutc,
. I am confident,
: will: receive an ample re.
I ward from I'L -.- new: relations . of trade,
Indeed, on thi , point, ihelarge inerca. :
of profits on th old line, or the yea r:'t
closed, furnish; s -the most reliable ip, t -
tion of wbiit '‘ii - iiiiy - unticipate 'from L.
new.'The co, stautly locreasinidema
:for coal,. intro ssing,us - st has. 'done fii
years past,- she Means of supply, juitifiei,
if it 'does,nitit 1 . rce upon us, ' the cohclus
ion, that so siin '• as boats cats he con
structed;; and *pi oper biiiiness Onneitions
formed, ;Mil ca l . will be: patronized ;up
to its, full cape ity, _ A glance -*tulle vast,
rich and popul i i s section of country viii ,
it will calledcalled tipon-to 'supply' wit coal,
forerej ?. .
*lna • nahle purpose; domestic
mechap etstund manufacturing and" at . th :
facilitie4 offere lsyr . t.h New Fork Canal - -
and theptikets,
.to reackall pOints of ilia
cOuntry r must satisfy the most sceptical -
to, the-value and
.; 1 in I:mit 116 c e of, this im
- - .. .
[ provenent.' _ -
~ .-
1 .. I congratulate inn,:
consummation of 'an enteriiiliz which
;will)* thus profitable to the._ S a te, and
beneficial to the, people: ' " . '' . .
.. . .
.' The iiiiadieecinf - "selling t e . iiy . blic
works itai been it, -, s tkpient disc men in -
be piess:oflbel:,State ter l'Ont l e'inentle.
1 4
,Fi „t„.itid,..iiithoutlindiC.atinta-- pnlicy:fer
1 e Getiiiil AsisOn . .6lY; bt: intending the
iljgiti,l4,-_,ajsaliiii*Y e 0 - ,04,.. : x'ePplq's
_a pets 0,..*1 40 .1.0:41i.e , inA,440: 1 Piti/L; 44: this
,4 iiiikottyitilic l' , .aflOrft '..4*# L.P4.4,' F` , .i*-
40#3,,f.441 , t0, iiii.
.. ii,:iiii# 441. 1 p,44031dititr04 .keo9 - Filt
4: 04 sr9ti:lg Mit..,( l l i_.;.-Pi' , 9isllo'?9,- ,
. 4 iiitieeta.*.s:vg4if:b.k - iprqtys4ool9 - *0
.*;f4APigeq;:a(43 - 401r9,sir RqMiie
tfti9ifir4uWim.hAt#44**TAl o -:,htriffinKtr ,
IN-ukritivii.t-YOOPP!1 - 1 1 94 2 , 0 - 44P,40 1 4k01i
41* . thiAii..„ P:4I:4O,4iMAINOros I,4pc#4/if
xlmil,afAityr.,!... z . 4,-;1----,-.%.,, ,
It !s - fetr to ro j
taAlime t ibosis, :176
. - • . •,. 1 . ... 1,. ' i ~., ,
, .
- -, - . - ....4 •,•34 ...1 • • , - .• ' - , • •
f -------- -
.015 • 5 • tf.:-. 3 ft • _ '7,A . > .. ' . -
' e 4 V* 44 ; t .ta 7 Ttr" " IV 11111 7. 111 / 7 -141 !TI• r t " ° ,t:t 3-ir..,?,t...
.. :, LI '•• -F•iatte* Igyiel ' •Igq - tfof *.il? - 13 ,tetu - mi Vt-a* I. 4 4titil VP , OW:litilV 4..i.:•:wilattb..,.
- .'''..4- 1p,,z1.. -.! t -- t-rultz*b * . . -Ittol , . - .41'0 .t t. "A -- / : . 1 ••• -4 - 4 , , II ~.
, wr .t 4 - . . ;, , 4' . - .lz:',T - -tr,.. , Wi r ! '•5 - ta r , ,'
,i . i Rf 4 ,:,- . 1 11 4
tdv- 1 sLit .. ma ,t ,- ,..4 , , t,ittn•X tq. Et • A th ~..- i'a ,„ , , icv , .. . . a.^N. „.,,,4t.
ilitil -I f
.Irs t oetil ...sni irt 4 4.. ry3r . t
0- * Ar.%, „. ht..•.*
.4.,:tv: -
.) j ~f 4,...
: g 1 . . • t. . '
• ' I : 2 ' ; , ttf27 : :::l:.'ril .- 1 4. ''.
t.i 4 .1f4.))4 - 4 , f - -04 1 -'ltt t. A
' ' . , _ ' •
. ° : .?
S f ;} ' i! j ...;.1-,„, - 4 pl 4 -. , ... 74 . 4 1, - ,,'
__ 1
~ 7t:t!,,,,, i'"....:".- • ,•••••21-4`ll P . t ',1.. / •', 5 4 t• ‘:t ~" ''' .. ... " :7 " ''.-- ' -
4 01 ' bg 1 i ~:::1) ."` 1...., :4 1--" - i:•, :- .. Z 1 , F.• ' 2 '•7-h,
7,4; '
I* l ....• . ...;.., .1. • • i:. ' ... 47 : ;.C . 'IIIX 1 ,,, ; el • .. ...r - :,.f , j!..: lit ft, C 1.1 S r - .1.`" 1 4 . 1. , 'VX . f. ', ' ''.. ...P r , '•' . 4"
i4l. +g ' ....• • ."..':T. rte.
£"1" '...::.:::.if5.'• ' • : ' ' . l • tkiit - .: „ :". r . '4511; al t. 1 .1•:11.3 i r ,.f ru f f f .* c ..- 1411 p.d,}e•icy'!4 b•.5 , z•-i',' , , -
1 ''', • :I.
~ ...
ridiiimite.' the- ... *" - I .4tilviitAlititiet
ideas atrttilsibit" "- , Ptieectibhitid:be'; - -Itna
that, tifirai Mit ..." . :, . 7- I dlititiiil cili - te l'foi
kliie4(thif • .'":'; : . 3 titzegfeiltti''selt .4*---r•- ,
-The' ii
fiiiif - ih..:*(;:ilterefiiiitti'A-Avhy
ihtfillcitlltMitil , , ,• -11'01131st Thirlanewer
itititilly giidivii, . ~ • .::-Illelifettiuie.'ls beg
eitsiiirrtf) redo_, it ttiti4eht";:::andlitit; . .' :fi l tilithili; IL TlieSti
are' rde,t' Obi. " irliA:ileo,: , itict t, '.shonld,liti
I have nci i 'd 7 aubt l iWyNiill,"teteive'yOull
ettinest!'enttsiiiefitihriliheifiv . itliatetion;
hoWeier;nest A4fienti ' itiainly"-urin '. the
prietfobtened.T 7 lJ ..."-''..- • - - - L''•l • :; • -,..,-',
- - Should i'ol intefilfit on ' the:publidebt:
1 1 1
liquidated yihifsiiiiSi*e'letit than tiftt nett
profits ariking friat Ate works, then' it:
would be ise'ee*onty‘ tot,i'ell.',- , ltt that
case the I n tsars :li;n6vitelotte of re;
lief t:o the - eople, ' r;fillist . PeCeisarity
increase_ t he ir yea. '-litirttiena. • ' '
A..iiiiv fe k t, .reit t elfri iii.ther6. to `auppOso
that more - an IxiTelkiiineat Vilpiteiitits,
it iiill-he -I ,ofieedelt;'iilien Weighing the
fteOttari 'Or aTurcbit.seotill *nate the nett;
pritfillii - lhetr tniirestiPents'lhe hailitiref
alllbtli'ehictllatiok:' They will-Stoic:et 1
'ilitic 3 ttlt opeOttiols :-t - of- these' We kit, in ''
coletiintu'iiiiivitietbXrliteipt.e.tasin . 'be ful ' 1
tttre4..e. hreftilly = . rat ' . 'eye :fatt'
r i r
and . .circutitita -, 'nglen. tfufir 'tett!!
no ft
'value .. f' and-itii: . - y necessary to-1141
mark, will only hit' When' tieffe . 6ll).satiii/ ii
find 'Vat - they-NT the - betti:OrliThe'-'bar- ;
gain. -Li. ' atteroptlnttO f' det er.r .. nin e' the
questtien; T ef value,..ita'Wilf!bez"-pkirceived
t hereft 're; that the ttiri ries; exa mitt atietia II
and motives .of b . - , i anal:seller; mink)
necessarily beide ietil:''''''-'-' , ' ' l ' -."-- ' , i''..-g
! - _lt is pparerita:t ' ",tltatitlied.: effect of!
coinpention on the?* 'ltieofilrele°4c4Seits-i c
the inroads which
~ ' be n;ideli4t , e'cienei
and inkbanic efts --every dettariptiini.l
- transportation- ! *tilting. new" 'in 'ekitf ,
E lea
isience f the caseilli 'rthat' , May result I
to the - in fribiii . ito'?eitit*entg - 1 =ft) sii*t, the [i
mutability' orliumiin;ittittchtfe§;:end :the 11
propiletyef eitriplittling the *fillies orgat4 i ,
erontept on usr co hut Cf&neinly,4. he een-1
sicleraticitis in faVo ' , of ti iteparaiion ibe-p.
tiecen the'State a n
ef . iitiptdvententtW' r;
- On the - other
~h 'wt eiresent i
&lei hopes; of ilitti
, lins inp'4 s )ii i - ti. - in'eir'c' l 6j
- ell p
- ell - to ihUif asp, . y4iedicated :il.:l4;:r'
on _the
.' rapid' gro4kl4: - of - thii .
• - ti 6n it:eif- ;
wealth; - her .vast ipit:';'il . e'd 'reioil I:0s ? f ] l
and the inane - tide ci "these alien tran.spqtt r.
. Cation' within. her' itriiiiST . the incrcasi h' . ! .
‘d de uc i s a t il 6 .3
n fo i . ii r r f k a u cil t; i t i ti t ,: t e o l l t rad i sL i, n .n tt ittil he l r p, ti ti t c o; ), ;
and- untintited supfainf heli:giettekteple9 l
of *deal- and itnti t nriheir . - proirnit yto
'ter yie',ll; - at lalp4l.# ty - o'.efoirgea tr,P - [
diicis ofitilinttitre-iii - d the 'iicli‘Va'riet;yl
Of tnanufactures, so raniAly . trnittiplyingt
in . every part of .the State, constituting at.
once -a` home busineis; with ages of dura-1
tion before it,' Which nilhimanagenevll
'cap disturb, and which ttaitst contribute ]
at all times' a'fair income
,to the gin:ern- J
tnent:' In nachdem to these' onsideration:li '
against a sale,'May he,uried the necessi' 7 •l l l
ty whiCh would be , presenred for ibe,cre•l l
talon of a / nunitier of Corporations, hafing t '
a . community of interest . and feeling. with i
similar bodies already iii existence, ands
the danger of thus inducing the organize
thin of a controlling power in the corn-1
monwealth. : • ' -- ' . !
' But it is said' that companies'crin man
age-these .works "with' greater skill and
economy than the Stat, and for tbat rear;
sun; they wouldhe, most aluable• "in the
hatids of the‘fniMer, and that ,the State
can: rea4e t n t s i erepto y,a sale. It]
,rnust he confessed; tliatit is to these- con-1
siderations, and these only, that we can!
look for arguments to sustain :the idea that
the Stale - tan gain 'anything; pecuniarily; i
- by
. the - gale "of her inprliittneotg., , That!
thesdifferent ' in the expenses of the man-1
agment of tie mitirks - would" ainount to a
fiiirper tent. di
ge,in e estimation of el
capitalists, I haire no-Joubt ; but it iinot i
so great as-e timated by4pme." . _ Indeed,l
certain ort ons - iit .cur own works '.are
now well: . m. naged, aid it is- hoped and
believed:that such - thinges tan be model
i in the system of directicin not practised
by the'State, as tolead to general 'skill!
and economy., -' —.. ' • ' -;.• !
, But Ihe main question will be the min..;
-lin= price that shall k fixed on these im-;
iproverticuts ; :and the proper dispositioni
of this it ' must be tesdily seen, will de-I
'maul] 'Much careful mainitiation. Audi
in reference to this print 'the wisest and'.
best 'm'ayhontitly 'chitty., for the iisue be- 1
longs mainly to the.futiire, and an only.
be ntieipated from thii results ofthe past.:
- Td these we Mai lookfor 'a
Moment. . I
.Ferihe, yeni . lBs2 and 1.553 the 'nett!
receiptnmny:be put (limn as equal to the;
aonitalinlerist upon.tlxiut fifteen million&
of the.public debt ;::and I im inclined - toi
believe' that wittnint any increase of trade,
except on - the North .Drarich; - the ;neat;;
profits for:the ensuing year may - he esti- 1
mated at.asuin 'equal . to the interest on'
seventeen Or' eighteen *Millions of :tlie
debt, and that .the completion of the road
Over the imiiintains, or relief in' some Oth. l
tr'Way,. from: .the leeching I demiltida ufl
that: pqrthie of our improVerrietit, will ' s
See the '• nett revenoent• - 174 , M this „ noUrce,l
swotted to a sum equal to the interest up-,
on - %tweilty-twO .- Milliotti of 1 e' - Siatii
bthias- •• - 4 -- . .-.. i. 1.1 • 1 . 1 1
- If it -.he' desirahlersts se)! t 1 1:i . pdblicl
works . we' should nOt uaderiteltheir• kin-1
Eißriall . cei Tur,"4. : if Iti4, id .''ilipi•iigo":lll,el
wisdom of thei:efounderi: We - are ,p rotiSel
to Murmur egaiajt. the ,poliCyl.l4l, dicta-1
ted their - cOristruCtion7 - -teCanse . Of 'the!
debi . .*o h ave ` thiisliiiitiiiii.. l an'd .3 1 0 1 - if
the ilsropiii)iiou - . Wer*Stibnaitted to: cancel
liniiiiityliy theirAckitritetieiioedl - nusel
wi should lieleornimilled 'to:l l ,ei r eet ii.. l-1 1: .1
A ,
~ . .
.: 4.9 1 1:t5r 01 4: of t 411;t!ci°PtMt this P°llll
- rt i l-i*cessikrY:tAlgi,P.rt'PF. , : - Aliew 4 Wcll
lbw 4444honkiii, e 1 20 4/..ftf t .04' , StAYI* 1
to coriv*,r . flerYA*Ft.'9 4 4o l3 9! l 49 v*lfet'l
-aro: all -111 Y ispeauble ' ,to,..43ar„ - Agorpivi ,
EPA, , a1141 4 1 1. 1 -A i t ca -.. I .g. 9P0W ), ,. 1 M. / ..F e J '
1)13.!-fit/4 and ii.E4t ri o . f.Ck (4 0 :fi a t /l i n 17P',1
g ll 4t o .l6T.F . liii-C,t44 10 n tritli*V" 3 o;•4 l ol.
40 1 :1 13
0 .M4 1 1, 10 1 .16Pkifrgr,„*.0, 1 0;1M,, 4 1.
To ift4 or: clog t.C.i4 . ,eln eimerAtAo.-you 01
11 .0 0 4441.
c 0# 2 * 41 4# 1 499 40 44t ric!g,
_ -
bwie• - .: - .: .---2;1
, .
7. 3 I. ' ,l !tli i. ,. u .' , " t,' '' 4 l; 'TN' ..„rah ''';; i ri` , ..' irr , :; - . 0 .•!1 ',, ,,.. 1, .. ,. i ' - ' 4 4: - ;:. 2 . - . .(:-1„ . ” . _'lr t ''' ,';!; ~'':',, ''...'.''''''''.' - .'''''''' 4. `' - !4.:1' - ' ,- .' - '''
' i'''...f,r4. - . '-• ,`'' 0 '
*. . - -kfi l . o 1. 0 • 0 ' A-Moliga.i4RVZl.,, M I : at r ilaCk, : - NIS I* A,.... , , , .
_sk.. , n'T'F..7,, , , , 4,. - 7=o'. .
„..,•• • • . .1 ,•••... 4 , ..,„, ~-, .....- ..,---,--•. •
-••• r - • . . - •'..„ ~„ - - . f. 4 'tqr , I L , :=144. , ra,4p..4ZiLfb.i....- - ,r , }f,_ r.': .'ial ';64 -, i' . :lS 3A, - '4 . ..'''' - "t 'O. j- , r- , '
.4,1-=!0.1 . 11 , ..* t', , ti 2 4 .r.:lf ' , ...n,c •rr c.,r.: --,”- -- 1 %.:, ~,,, -i, ; , - 7.. .- -.. e,, i' ;%-i -- - -: '• , , -';-- -'- -•':', •'' -- ''''' '' '
j i..
y,4;;:tv v i fa i w=i.,i-g-Ti ~'.1,.-, , ,. qc:3 1, f...,...1i i .:'-z• - , , , :,..t- , -,.;;4 Vijtt - , -;- f%,
. •
, ~tf .ii s , ).....- f ~.. gt,..-:-...n .'. r., :4: -,•• .-..1 .. - d. , ...tri‘i-L.;: i ott . t , :- . .: - ...7! t4F :),../11- . •v 1 •
'' - „,., ' fj .'i'lrt rt rif, :.. 1. '<f:!... , ' 5.1.11 - r ~,,, ,4 t - I ng i p e . 4 r t , .1. . t ~, 4 . ., t ; ~..*":...,1p
. . .
-4 ). , . thinit . - ..eenee''teihe til3Stiieilitte4=i
iii4;l . * side, .-say;
, . .
Offaiii . .. "tniciifiritinifl *6 'etiteettifti:,flheA
titiiii. :: -. liliitt ti i•batt*ithiliti•liebliellittirkti
-I:44th '-eritittorio.ii-johiesiocki . - coinPaliYi
uetirlf retitfc4.:li. 4 cPeatidtr4tiiiick4 'ltit .
Witichillee.iidiiiiodiffeidt4U -1 16 feiiiiiti,ill
-144 , 14 , ilitiii:tinidir,zlitiv:` r Iltilelditeeaiii0104
be in. the hands. of indiridUids: :•or ,. . h'e tfiulo
iiitiiiiii, iissecititedi,*itli her hi ', tttwo-,
efatiiP. - •: . I-htriiiiiiIii , a)iiiiiegli rdett•-ihiS7a'sql
.triniie d4ngerniis and: inaidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiure
If tlfe..proptisilinti' to 4ell 6ifserintnity in- ,
reitninitt-pnaif tifizi)k.sent'entiditifinot
the'iiimioyinnoiit; ii‘ould' be' 'tin64l3n
theiiren al l'benii.- I. fide tile i ffiir &Olt cora-t:
p9nsittloti,:in'. exchange fur'-the bcinds - of
the State : and: Utidercianeb!ititht arrreser- I
iitiiini iiid,i'reilteieticiiis'' its=-he -interests.
of thefehplo iiiiiy-7detriiiii .-- .. - -.-. 1---
• ,13iii.iein - ki*dliy many't hat ilie - §i*te'i
System . efitianaging . thepUblic wcirkit'ia
suscipiible''Of !'- . :itilproreinenf--that'tintiCh.
Can. lie iloni - hy)4dicitiiis - tefortnti'.'tolititig4"
)oierit ifte'recetpt a to - the- freasntlyj,ititd.fti
eilliiill'lll6 ': bu Ali ess ;•tif - titutspoilatieti-ii
iiiiiPtii - much':6f thiti iqritein ' feenit4 ffoilr
• iiiiiiiiiiii Invi . ;ie.itinflifit be''',:deeeiiifft?
etolis on-my . part to- inake4iigifestiii` S''Oti
el l
,ftiel o r t i ve .o...
..!.-, :::: , •:'..:Tj i
. .:c , ._!
lett ' pe . 641 ii
'iiitiattgict, tothinaniettre4 fi * c
tliii i Geheihr AiSeilibtp; istion'after: . •niihi-:',
diioforic'ifiiii. t'.tifiti.;; - •::.L , advocated th i
•tiilley . 'erinaking'etish Tia:Yineitisttir-labei- ?.
ate' iiiiiiiriali?..itfid - -li he i taterilfet. illif 3 tk•
4iiir ' i ' ll ' iligiiiettiliWiir t iletlt:ty die ii*Ofei .
ti'irila itiliff' iiiitki;?-laii . ae- 'friiid it 1 741 liOiciti
10 Other • radical delceta in the'syeteir6
rrliteh-COUld *ii .l ceif he ..reithed . lirthe '
ertiiiitaibfriEL '‘'...'Tri%ii.iiii-'6f. ih*te - A? 'Wall
- liiii . i:.hrieffyiilliide: -';'''±' ''' .l ''''`'; - .1- "''";!'.
- . ,, 1 rii 'the fitirfilnc'e; le; 'is . iniposeihte:.tii
Saiiiiii, the creation of debteJ . P4hci ii Op - t 0..' -.
RIOS - 08'6e iniiiffiCientritoliiieet - iifilivOld:
able.i expendi't:uresiexpenditures ! '.' The Y.lintil . toSiiL;til
iiiiiiiiki . iiitttion: and" travel '.i•n , the se higip , '
#iiye-tPIiW be 1(44.. ttp:. , *hetheitl4"ii*
.}fie *i.:i , -13 e r , :piiii:...of ~ not.' '';' l l . lieSe eift..iiin;.
thi" -:' 'tstrilrtiLlesiiidtti-s ifJtfie:v:cilie. thi - 4 . -!
;it . ' ini Istiatieti?of.t he.;110, :6P.M9.;- ':' 1.852;
.reittki iiig• r aidiii liay'riie'SisEo4 - picii!itot set' : •
rnt .„
• tlegiexitsr:bk,' the- officers iiii. - theSeNi4ritlis;
inil , liri3hibitint : llie'e - reStiiiifi'elf"debia:==a-
TP4 re'siilt F iiegiiet;::*.tdr::: I .ai . m . isiill - de'iiii•
ireBli dr ite'iiiidktit'ilv.lhi4tlfii*oiNefaitinge ,
i'zi-i'l ! e' systemlS stk likely to begpi% - edqno=
iiii . ;ii . piityjand : :_efficieyisi Brit *lei getietai
di fectiint ; . . 'F'Or the :-., Isitt. 'year*: lifiiv:e, oet
thiilitii,:,*64 0 rittli. tit rilect*tit 3 oW sortie
-iii" the •Ai"ei iiitif,' • and 'it.l•ll4:':lsiiieerely: desii•
ed that ' bereaft ei the . praCtiee '-- may , ,b e
- Ciiernied to . 41.... - --• .- :. •- . ..- 3 ;1'.....,...
''' 3 l'.iiised not liiiciAs -t 1) 01(itisesineneeti at
the 'Ciiiitoin . 'ohne k 1 nfdef,te debts-=on' ;the Oh:.
be Wl:nits: 7 -ns • errero tire'.too palpable ~ .
need 'l-elute:den by , . argilrim - eta -.;• and I
eliali•only repeat what I substantially said .
tn . ; the general! Assembly Oka former oc 7 -.
Caiion, that :..: in ajdit on to-i he - opport.u 7
rail . it afforded
.for . extOrtiott . off theStute, •
if neieaCtual 'fraud tipUn -the I reasu ry: -ttie
idea'-that ; officei-s,•• for . the. time.- being
'stieuld be allowed to ,scatterl litieredit. Of
the.;,Q,OuirnonWealth . broadcast,•to ' bia:' , ol.,
6 -
iered, and :redeemed _at some future pe
riod:, bY their ;iiitecesigars is a monstrosity
•iti.the . ecommiy of public affairs.' .- --:--
Thereieerrra - to'be sorrie - platisibility;' . if
• not incttial truth-:in the • allegation,: that
' ll !ci Sikt..o 4 '.'mantigernent . of these' Work's
Is expensi ve n-pfl ineffiCien t ; and'''.- yet 'it
is not •clear to my -mind, that, -, ireat ed 'as .
ir • -ii*re ' builness . affair; . her superrision .
-*obit he,aa- - cheep' ititd.* - effiekent "as . :flitit::
Of 'enielerations, anal-iiidipid_tials;'' -.:-. ' But "the
instability Of her. ageneies renders' aciit re
'Cy and '-'ecOnOmy . exceedingly' difficeilt..
Her. Tieritidiedi eh - tame OP officers has el- -
'ways depri ved . her of 14 0 2136..ut0t ref :wk. '•
"perietice in' tins work;- and- :thiar - tin. - any ,
bitaineSs; ydu will -a grep4i th MeOiettuti. , -
alent:- . .t0. a lair pi ofit : ; .and •t hat -. it : 14: erei-;
tient ly ,SO:in the repair-and:general super
visiiin•ot itiiirciads - and canals: . - ThiSlShift:
big praCticehair had the - effect of making'
• her: krorkif a species :of Nor trial •shoolefiu-•
'the CdOcation .of engineers and . 89ritlit.:.
adrAlo.take clierge.of other ilia provenients,
This instability: results' from . the l redeg,tii
thin Of - places On the' State we'd :e t *S' pa- .
.lit ;cal Offices itistead'Of'scienti fie and
chaitical,Work-shope ; -it'd .- ihringirig -to '
bear cin'theircontrol 'anti - direetinti'.. our
tiotions•tif 'rotation and shOrt' tentireAn •
. .
:offi4e. --- . These ideas are sound and repub
lican; and sluiii - hl never:-be . disregarded,
in rcference to the
.offiCes appertaining to
our .peilitiCal-orgatiization - - as..- - a . - g verri.:
meat.; :hut it i must ltd: conceded t at - ir i
mere husiness - operation . .to - make nifey,
in_ competition rith the ereatures'o y
crument and the effhrtit of individual Ras.
not'conieniplated as-..iin - ()Mee in .th 1 er'
giiiic- ‘ liiw of the - State; and hence; it iS,
not strange, that .the - principles :proper
for one'donot apply usefully to the other.
Whitt 'I would huluire, would be tlieHce*-.
diii4iii of th‘ Rea - dirig.railitad; iliaPenn':
sylianit , Railroad,
.i and otheWsirmilar
weirks, - were they required tp ciiange their,
engkneerit and su eriutendeuti, atAshort
pi;eitids:' told ..brin ' .strangers 1 itip:i I.heir
employ t: 'The , ans very ' may _hi' readily
disdnvOred inVie State'n:experieikee.
Nol tient: y
e,. evidonc - e-, it 'beerzis tome can.
be furnished toshow that lunch ::Of(this,..
speebd:tegiiiotion is ifcrUkht , aiid - ,isEvniun;.
,anly,beenuse it is spectehthnnis firm i .
iii its own- hi6tory. -.le. will:be- - veniendier
ed by many of you , tbitAuiiing'4he ad-,
ministration of Governor Shunk, hairier.;
ous 'atiplicatinns were' `lmadofor.
seta - to tnentlioraieina tidier+) ring' 'eciinl
. pinies, and that the Governor refused to
giro'-his , - assent to :their •fm!;!M In 1849;
general lawqr, eneourage-manufaathrz
liberal • ' its pnriisions, was adoliteil
and'yon - VF4I lieastonished tha t
of this titfiethere ate nova doacht COnloit.
hies -in .tniiitetiee.'ittideilti":
hind br-,1852 end - 1853itnUck time *as
nth som birthe:ennsidentticinoof special
kite itilMkititenitte:nainingrentitoattiesg. , :i
' ear the 016543 of`tfies:lpt '4leslgorfii
ii),l 3 .ll44 l e'tto
bit einintiea . in' the' `State exc pt sixi.
• ;:‘, 1 4:
'ad li#Oriiblein its iernieiiiheihieiiiti
ac tinltettie:hitt:44l49, ~iprlicatioh has
beetsbl e
,_,. T ., „Tv., .. ~ ~t I. „.., :: . . .:: Ai t , " *it - it, 3
1 1:31:2
t wi t] 4111,43 p ; 1 1.tilkittstaRrexclk110.9*Ve-
1 /54:1 I **oo ll Mo4 l i.ij),ltlfolo44igPrk.,
toaptit*, ..-4w4f emi in 4.4IPifYIE!MT*
ftglOoktiltvizt. it: , b0.01% 9544 1 i1rft., ...i,i•A ~,,,,_
Fare., ailittittaimit , 4l.m?6o3loP,lFlY.:, o EkWl,'
wWfuIWAotO"X , III.O.rR.i3OPP " ,.. 4 O4 ,, ;*PSct,
o, ll olo 4 n4f4igiliects44' OM 14:.4.Pifgr , :44::
cat , * llP.4'tf4. ik , Whirkt. 4bietriztia a Yi e i
d l .t
F, , shoilid 1 upt be extended' t the tuihip,cr-...:PE ,
0 11 9 , stattlt.if* pe9ple- ir # -,t ° l4tßit ;-
' l 4.ol6Jejoe!cill egt. , P .41 ( g 11 .0g5,q4) 0 4R1PA...
w iti t i lllWPl; 4o 4g 4 ; ir'0 1 !904i 11 ;44
tifit. r - :lawi .linz, keceite iIIY#PZIPY,PL:aq.
sqgit'As•ati3 POI.W..iIt.MY sPc'-f41 1 bi1g.,ii. ,( . 1 -t:l4
chriraotpt-v.i.);',2,l2e,..returuesll : y4tho4t' , ,. - hq -
Aecuqv- 43 4Patt'eltOn• -,-tr,-- f , -.- .. .. —1, . ~:'-'..::
'4.t the date' of RI last- annual ! :.
g 0 ,. ;
lir 46 olno4,itercrpendinginthe3Sft - pr me.
edart:'ot ;Pennsylvania;' t 6 teat I 6 ' ht.
nit th!iTratiktim canal t - etnepany,: o ::..non..;
stiller a iaiiiiiad-frimilite'city:;eit rin.,tol
the thio State n lini.,, - The decialoit, of tam
court` was , against•,tho =impel:if loity:the
main Pnintitunl the:, opinion 4.)f f plkief Onat:',.
tic° Black .91)0W8 , :Mrtst:-c•filArfir , 4 -,
canotructipu.':'4-kbeir -road- - wify-r4444 - 4r•
authOritylfif 44"413.S4t*ligar"RlitttiPaTiy4 1 5,
junetioatvitc(l.:_for-.4y ilie, „ .:c olll P:bliti
numerefutCo 04 1 14tiVViuA;XIkatst.4 4 4-_PRPTI
nfotrwaaltikeOldinot,y"upderit,4law t iwei
adcitritlY - for 90stat i 't, Tile Pffec4: 0 .i ., 1k1i? ,, ;44t.-
aisiourmittiktoy plage 1 * - Prirjkg#o. O ill M e lk
by OteficomPiin.rvo: 11 4 1 Ml#,e9notroJ 4411 q,
4giiii,t..;,l,:/n,_ ,ocipittiow . .4.4i#•
tharaiblia , mig*t., ,t 0 ,41)::P.,91. 1 er,ALM-z.
1 7 4
dem l 47 thellraTilAr 01 0 1 ).sitit.514rgf 3 .9f;
these.ol4lo4:4lglits, 'Mid aßldri,a 4 .Pullellt ,
lie piadinalile, Arithout thntexereiseg
anillibeotprinciple r .render,,this ; itnpory.
tAlit 4 isla' o f , Of7oro
nicalicolie*tw.c•C i lke, , .i
sea*f the ; eat west zsnltsorylpot.;
to the i bltereetsoC .1 1 1 3 . , ;PeoPIP:.9 1 ;P•CllusY.I'''
val4k , f.f•TOiglihi 1 14 * - 'c0n444i4 134 4:
hot fi nally Allsp.ol! t q • , ':Z.I . , 44+: '' . .,'f'''
'','• In lilay-la-61 . . , leneilreitni - ..totrimunicit, - -
tiptitOtn:the , -.Preiidimrpf:lhelliiMi . tiany.:
' covering the', proceedings of a trieetiiigoE,
the Ward! of:dir rfr,.'-iii,whichtufteietil
liiiiiiin [to thelisctin 'lois theSupremeCourt.
and ihtelLiegiA 4,
atU - 'B l nemberco EpriiEn”"
inlion* - - - -iv.ere.., 'lsnl tlii
itnitled,rin. cati, tig . , Nthz :
w illivi t u es e 14 qii ;(be:...eonspanyclAil%pay
eertniintitte# .ofliiiration -.tor-...thegutire. 7
Strained %inie.4)llthsK road tuntil-ulto,i,r: Abe
coiniiiisitssiOn•Of the. Legislai u'e or nu,-
fif:tlia.V brandluof gavernmentiginithLiter
ii . att4isisibjept,-;!'llelieving.thatil, ad,ucil
right 'JO miltesconditioni , .witir tifeLe76 - -
- put Or even to' receive the.; money ;Which
rheY* 4 #ii'winitiClD.:pay,..l7declined , to
entertain: the proposition:. '1 The' relat ioni
oftho ennpatiyloward- . tbee Seate.j.bere4
' fora. - -havi-undersioneneelitinge , sirtce.ibe
adjournment abbe:bin .Legtslatine,-,-ek-.
eept ..; hat .that the:lttornet. General_ has
recently taken ineasureaqo , obtain n final
1 decree .iwthe plea: for: an injunction and
r by writ , ; of gaol - war/ant° to. revoke. the
fianchise:e&irocid by-the: dompany:
' - Rt4ent - 66carren;es at the cityOf Erie
'' ' ' ' .' ' o f r r 6. ---- • ast"
evince am:: tutensity , : ee to, ainon, ,:.
the pliciple, seldoni equalled 'on'a que4tiOn
oflhi kind,, indicati ng not only, s'thepro--
"PriOt' .bOt 'flepessii . Y, of pimnpt end d'ecia,-
ive l " l egi slative -action as' to the'''‘iights.of
thisc,. nipiiiiy. -7 ' - 7 ..
' . ' ''-:- '
Itni tbp qeir to the impartial observer
that t l T:egis lattire': never_ intended . 'by
t i
'any ;p pylons act, tn; autherize' the, 'eon
'iv ,
ci - pcSi'or-i raill'ofid between ibn city
of Er and ,14111i6 - - linei: rtideeliAtie
bighilt,;:indilial ti lin : nal intlip' : tai6;4',
~opintn, n i:that no midi atitli!-
wits% an iie,14,74 , in
,tlie charter 6f.t be .
- 11 lit0 1 4 1 ..'' oPat-itamPiinSr .;
aot;',. iiiiiiS .
opine n,, 'the' grant sh.inhi hereafter be
Made !on inch' cOtylitipos
1, l. Oniyos - wil ind
-Itt'#(i .14vippe"h . .!liteit:C. 4 .9f O e PO
', PiP Pr , cinl l !ain4,s9• fir - :' togY:llPY
le invelvedn , hn
,00_tct,' I( Ai, - g*
peal qiit. eenzisYlVanta licddi
st 1
i -
this important link Ol*.6rnio beftep
the* an
a - a `iiil 1" rnOst tn
lies . iOineY B aY tld"rili' 6 ‘:ad'iil*iA
of a mity Of comm erce is' to
is thplfik4i and the'Auty : 'Of
the Stale r ' to,
tiireher natural gr& ta- the pro-.
motion' - of th 6 ‘Vietvx - aild .Welfare -oflii;r:
''''" ikt'Ple,', -; .'-;' . i' .. ' ' -! - I.:‘ ':'• -''
...:. -
It b6.3r" be ,4iir...''oit. : . .I : est riCtio6" tiii't
• , ...4 ). .- - b reak.. ' ... .4... "4k.. - '."
wouia require! a ot railroad gauge
fte l I •`• ..: r .-.--- 'ld I; , the
„at t. A la/ poi o . 1, , won , 6 use
ti'f . in Illiberal iirinti le. , The I.:nitoi , „js,
that ' t lie "necessit y'f r' n break"' 'o(gaugb
'b twe,en'theOl*:, - 1 . 'e and the' seaboard
. iit,i3; as `43:' eqnseo `i ce of a-tliffer - 60ea*in
t e ildilks' - Of :the New . 'Verli:' 'inid'Olito
- r, 'ad's « ' ' The only
,4ileStiOn ttiSettle, ther e .
f re - , - 'relates to t. 14
..'point ' at viblai'it
:s 00 :-., -. ii ! .-:- - ,1 bayis been ebletei'dii-
C ,:rer4id're'as4lo„iii'doded 14- p ubic ridii-:
4 (
; Airliy thP breekslieeldbe fixed' at',l3ef
fig(); that.fifi not .`iipply.,Witb - 'equal force
Id fiiiiOr Of Erie. ","-„Ttinntige
_add 'Owen-,
viers, *cap . be' as [miell t IlinSlliplieil' 'at the
lifteriia'ar tb6 formei citY,' . ', '•." ' .---
•,- So far_as concerns dip bpnefits to milt
; c eit , yoiick (pit to-. ; a•.. tato tßaign ~t the. :
i 4 ea is • tinviroriiii 3 Of inotie6,:. , , 34;: tfrqt if:
fec.ts of a break Of iiiige, 4il4,„cciilikquent_
16 .4 . s * Iiiph2iled0VOr'gr.epti
16 ;i 1 0 0 - !fie.' busi--
. fleas 'of . itiiii liiiliOr, inust,bra)Yoiig,-
if . tiiii' flitne; s lt - wcifild 'ilettuillYiegidre.;
Oi 444116 .- iiiiiifiritidci either at CEdieland
di; Ninth.' ''• S?4,r'celii leis 'einliiiiiiiiiiti
would 04 - iiil4-464iiient 'beflipiijii .- it'il'iii
t - recta of the'SuatAry 40(1. Ertd;toutbiori
any eth'er'aiiiio'n that ni4Eiiiitiftii ten,t.
no'cr't i', , Tali - es 'vital' the 'city - ofilibiltidey-;:
. , lil44i . l?eiliiit neighboring. fatei;oo‘4,
...1,4-nital*i.liti'lliittilid. EidvlntaA'fi. world;'
'gfirelbeiii iiiiiVfor.Otirliene;fit,,q4a-4avP
nt)tlaiiii!iblis : Wdiki6vier any Itiq"it,,i Oil:
',Minter s7:oo)iel:l6 . 'luityy IfircW:ii,:pii,cl4 7 i,
'dee ''''f, Warit - iisme:;.puiv - 44tion — kiiiti
~., -...,, ,Oa I ''..*. ~ ,:kt .4 :1. - ~•,• t - r,' .0. Fp'l zIL ..-t,l
. afixtety. - .~ ,
, , -...-, • , ~... I.'_ -
Ttl.:°4ll.repo.*-of oPici!m-oF:-114-
paol i "J lo 4 , aftMiorg, to the A1f84:,
g ethei wok Alip .;a*,.tpixingPrOPFCl''' of
thit - jipptoiewpill, 4 liaaAheelfeit.:l44x ? ,
tenting t6fi,bilhieth4 f. rituittli#litit' bisiiip t ,
Vplift"tioulcibe t Wateltintidil to an f similar
itiffkiiiifig-itiiie, iiiiliiititlislrlPtint*iiiiiti
Ili iiitliZ4ifitili4Ve4Viii - 1114 byiaiWisii
eiiiiii*liiiii,tir 94.'iMlf - irktkie,iiistii
ii*iiitiiiiiilutf Oftkiiiiroiiiiriol - listiicif
f;_. -.out -
a .
~., -, ,- , ‘ -i- , t ..-11.1- t il I; , -I 4 ".
Algid * l 4/ 10.- W-'
t;tf . tl , f;fll 7 );l•
',..t ~:-,......,:.,....t...,rtt,.........1....1,74,,,„..„,p,„..,,...
T" .„...t..„).,..,..z.„.,:rit.,,,,0e4:.1 . 4t .....A.''V ''''''' '''' ' 4 74 ' . ti; ; t , ' ''''
~..:, 7 " ~
. O E--sC 'k , -- 'II : V 1 1 S ' ' 7, T
' n''''="c' 'i r '"': - - ' 1 1),1 ~, c . ," .. IXIF.AII' a4 - . k.: c t'l' ','-_-.'- - i. , 44.--90iittAtit kilt -
• z- - . 4 .. -
4 T V15.... -:
- 1.1 44,140AR:tiat • It . k ,
4 . 11 4 iiiiiii-P . . s 10
' , 00**49L413::;,. , I
p i
•11 4j4g 4 d i r t, 12 31%
in 7 , r, !MO:: P .....? ..I ' l
• P1R41 5" W ., . - P..
9KOArt tisil--,
:*to ~ iggs*
liii, r iit, :; ci l csfliol - ciik ß (
#l l
-1f4:4411.*14 „I .
:A*'!i*4.„ -- ,:'. , ;'
4144:4* ~
le i
-*iiiiiiitikß4ii:: .4 j . k-*t -t.
*0.t., - .. - ;•1_,,4*10, .:9 , A4191.._ - A
-1e.i0,4 - Tg ,! ; t 9 440 5ii3,,, • .,5V , ,, * ,,1rt92,
647,0:t0.)0 , , - 147 :ii.‘i.ctry4 „9:Vo- , 4,
ibi14:4410:4.k0,0 ti,...R.f - Agt: , 4l!M-.
:*o.9,4:AipFroi - 41 - Arfgtko.
1044R0 , 410- 4 .o4lo,(Apictwoffi*
Hs, ilioktiwill.i. ..f , m.:,lgkliifitt-rir .. -- ' i
ip.01444, vi ar,.tm,
- I hl,4=l* - 4*!tA,R•40:41"
si9o.klo , 4*zykri..
.104. - skigtip..oA, 119rpi
tAl,6#pA 7.A,7.0k:
Inso4PL4,T4lit, 9:44K ,7
ittri* - Whw qm9_, 5".
fliimißiPlus, .-1 ,, - . 4,N.M.1
.004(! OW
ig.**Rt , #. 3 o*4
, pc*PArtEPO=iii),*
ifi*tic - ,T#F.,ioi.9 - ,i - thorry
itrlf'm.4l4! , :k94 ...4*Ahr"
i - 14.14401LY
this s ubject
.*liio. - 32iii
ir citii4ti.r
-.. ~..
_ ,
_ etf.t.,
tbo4 j ribeilae lnerlt c i tlT ,
e iMPAR4
14edi4 4 ,?,Akiel , Pl e Plfte. g -_tA 5414, 1414- -'• -,.
whose- ittleeeB WAg e 34 91 ..t 4 4 . 4 0.' ' L'
Applietklitlie P t ri l e-PC"iII*WAYaL 4I II% ;
not biigt'z' , o 444 -414%coekri4M 1
noAtrfo.*etpe l l- 0 01 3
the pep.ple.).bpr4l,l.os.w
t*roritii:cfstlo ,
p ovellieitiiSinthwhAt4
:1 1
nleliz , b .04,4 Aireik2-4
peiiiimi .-coosaictickk4l`4
i t
rilil,Tkiel, elih'rb.diiin.tigfi
htruOtiew 'Oil . publie t ,--kr
of .i knot h zsectipw.ett*
payment of thin-,interest
'the abtii!,.Bo coistrat.telic
..1 ,
aiiza\.i.tio',; 4.'4, _
. effeetelbPt' the - 205 4 .11-
- 6mteits ..thz4;'have:greWejlegii.n_f T.C.4 1 .t
counties, to which tbe , ,prie_citAo.,ha bee
. —: -.
, exten d e d : . .-1. ; , -- - i 2 ,
, ,*.,4 :. t ..
- ,-t.....- , ....: ... , ,,_".1.i.:• 1 3
'I .; 1 ha re .long .
been of:iipinicoi.o)44 - 4.T*:.
erence.o - all , i he geberaie4t4kpribe rl w
nal Coinmiasionerl. changes' , 749_,al4
by periodical and prefixed ,l 42oo4l4M . -
Made es-denAnti:od *y44 "exiiPacieri.; ..' .
the iitilitiz4rNicel.--ahP .4eATIOgnA., obligations 4 det.Y,1 1 4 11 1 1 4,-,.
,di-missed at,, ocejtuallie ,4 le l Y..V.P* 2 , ' --:
Oft,ontiotted mploynittatzibenl44iMq4A` -. 0 •
i ,
iii - thivantiortoiltyt,otthe.sayieeorteß y
0.-theStati3rAll othellrulesfokLe ~. . ,
'lee' ii,,b , _
,and.d . 6 is_ sel.:ebeel.4!.4o:_eixto., kki!li!
':litefetenire, 1 tbg-gysipni: l z, 7 o9'' -, - ' 4 .
prqiS il
:tigep , ves the State, to tr;&;_,lii . s ,
-.. _
'let: 0141 e: - tiertt-4;_chat incentive i .
-of t ." 1:-.whiell 'civatit.ol then il-V .RA:g , „..-:_..""r,
-eei f f;,:slibsiti ii' :and .eatiAlppeilttifv6l4-
•stakeq ,-Of c phi% ; my, suggegicliwyymk
:eieiteeelteJth' ju l o64,ancP:ofizt4rEißM --,-.
wilt voil*.li erskocia:,l4 tipPiiiNVASI kill :;-
tirsilaginits 43 I tbeAvOtkft.f ;t flit " , :4 1 1 1 4!thget-lir--
"l'equiresj- but little - ..vtrui:etOg.r..thil..4 4 ,4
'eV IleCt- 0 3 - ini it has[.*nd : Al*LYPV.4„ l ,-VF, - '
-4 wire this: :to t'eu.(l4ll.akagelp,OE . „ AO,. 44. 4 n.,..,4
"tith :ceestiectiienAukleff_eir ,9. 1, ,A1tr04 5 4 I '.
unii. , .-amals, , t; fetese4exigenetesizAgiim
itatinonious,direction to -the ciifretls4at
rtitionS-of this 'complioated.44*4 if : - 0, - 1f2.-1.
p i ll
~E,Fsei,ifice:',--, f,I4.BIII44,OPLI4O*MUIRK`.
. wait* the :alt
.} .catkin:Als.. - bitejla.eii.%qtral,,:`,-,
Is tion_micl ponelpies, 4 A AystetttstrbOo ~ks. ' :.
6 MALI sivp4ut—tlie • qAe l ia s 9r: ebeelf:94.4. ..
i i
-and the operations_. be 8 04 1 3 1 4 3 5/i7i?..4.-'ilirf:. - ;
-tl e ~receip ts: and. timieollitAreCeri '-- 4 1 1 . 1 4,k,''
- in entft;'es
_.-_-6 .ietison ., p!*.s#4o tiP:`9F9P.a.„l°l l l
-announped t.i -the, publip,,f-' , - - Et , ,,, I
IConfusio, obseetitg4n4 " ... rediteiliii**:::-'
so I-annual VO time :Or' fa M S-44316 k A11;1 ''
ttl upon I) ate' righ 4ittentetlo44o- --- "`
ation. - or *or, 4;4 cceikStint t4 - ri*lts ,
'anti litiettio ,Ifire ipi'mf , foin*Wid lEgiti- ---
'ma ' freits'of oui4statniiirs 1 034. - -ota: , f
tir lagisliti - r4`z-fndee;iii the:tiuttiorthe.y. : _,
`li 0 itiens i too OelPable:,*o.,adti*:,:dritfl. , .-
111 - l it.''')lt-ii ma'aiNsted"lw , every - ye -'
`e 1P denee; And in*th'i,iilibtt ,l4 kove*:;'
' Iti iiel. efhiseilluiti4 film been'S= 4l, o.- --
e uniilitating:posltioatqbeeemilitli Aiti-.. - '
i a -= atoitbst key own tr,esiturtui. - ;:-Ititp . 4thor !
ti ll i ta b i tt i‘iiitte d ne i t'ii4M io s iii rka r in ,
ero dca fi r t n 1 02 , - 3 ; ,- .. :
3i iirtomesly.--1-t i rlott' ',0:1!)i toreititdOenentl-' , ,---
k'swithliktreaybiii.disiiig; ' . clind:l3l4le4-7 ,, ,
. 0 itiosiagAheaxerattlifivat ***o7,• - _
****, t ,,thii!kri'ofilfilfilnli..,L'
4 mil,etee,M licixt;' - ' ill 7i:ll. l ':4'' l -6i1ef , g 1 11 4 43.-;:,: "'"
.- . • .--,_: -., 1' ..t .;Y - rls - 4
oafsA ! iirbliffOioitoe'eViiltfelliett. 3 '
' I)tititlifisinaiSiti&ioiitithiref ,ta t * jig.
'lF.diginiiiitriti kholi 11` . 'etekilitiligial*i
e'bik .43 l - . 4 o o aClivi : ' nktre*wohi:!,
. eiplitibiii Sistiiii? - -, liiiiiqltll,Wiffit;:, ,
„ ft
ii iettidieficioeiiity liiiiiiitiorioit,.. ---':
iiiP..efle,raihne i ;.4lo l l.oo . lol4o l lltettllr. !!'" O.' ;
4 , l o: (4.6ll ri i iiii'eug 4 P)l 4o„ e'rlefte r : - . :,
mid to iii ., 0141:00 .,... __ __ _ ... ...,„
. - ii " ,iiiitiiiit tbitiril
et.6iiitilii - 1t 4 0 , -I , f - ci
c t/ e
Ji '6iii - tael4iirt:! - -1
iiiiiei . ..vithiciv Atli
`t { :su4ii*istiii 4.- 0
,6 - ,,,
to :state illitil
'l` I rtliiltiMioV
is ittraeig.feii,;lhal
- 41jitiriiiiqiiiiiiiii*
fillik - aiinii*: - . 1 14'
ikiiiiiiiii is: io
ot6i -, iiiid!
`- a *'Nidt f44- `
4.1N0144 iuwr
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1 1 1 - .fff-O-Meg