The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, January 05, 1854, Image 4
Office&e .40fiter, SnOt.iecentl 's to, onr'isiiirtnierit o 4i)B .Trttg Several rieW Sid beautiful fonts Pew t'FIE. '.:BO.R.:DERS, PP4174-IfENTS,* we prepared tci,eseente e.vers.l4pliof • LETTERPRES - & - • . 11.11 e alw P-41444:arTS; ' - oiRettLARS;---' , • -CARDS, eirk_eKsi, in. grill stile;-at fah...prices:add with detpatel3.-= Raving the; advantage of new Materials , throngh-: out, we eats confidently promise to give: . othotie faeorlng-rts With iheir pat.riatiage. farSpeasal-Blariks,Sehtiol Tirets, BHP:reads nte., wilrbe:pfinted on short notice; on good paper *. Alikindleof.Blanka , nsuilly called for, eon Unity on hand for sate. • • - rirThose Who - ItreJobPrinting to do wilt:find it to theltinterest to calla! the REGISTER OF FICE.-- ' • .,ittt,,q4(.:entt.q. : - \; iffiLLER:, - FOWLER., ittorneT aciutisellors aC Linv : ane Office No : 44 Clarke iwtrat. 'Joiz7 mium, 4&.1., 9 • lines it lieinolds mAILORS, Shop, in ihe room dyer G. liahLw ley's Store, mear the Frankiin Hotel. ~ . _ PACEPIO. HOTEL. _ - --- CIFEtSWICH STILEET,(near 13roadvrity)..Wew k.! ~ : York • .A. F. Salisbury (4. J. D. Wheeler, Pro, prietont. ',lli ihe vicinity of , thel?ripcipal -Steam; boat Ltunlings. .- ~ .. ~. ' :, _;- - JO4 • • ROMMLL:wrintit& 'cO.; ATANt,IPAOTURERS. and: Dealers_ in: Straw IY-1., Goods, Hata, Cepa. Furs; Urabrellas;Pa.ra to/s,-.11-ibbona: 4e. 4te., '2O Court/al:jilt street; NEar . -Yoaa ~jup stairs.l-: BILOdiriM.L. a Hot-,,tun: THOMAS INGSTRUM I DitiIer-ii Goods, Groeeiies, Clokhing, Crockori, Boots and S . hoek*:,•4:tisgozkosros Ripot,.ra• • . - BENTLEY. FiTell Attorneys at- MOntrcise, Pa. A. ;al.:. Bit 4 M111; * Manufacturers of lia . ruesses, Thinks, . On Turnpike St, ;Idontrose. . 1 . " . SM,ITII . a CO - . Cabinet 11111.6: "TheY keep consttmtlr on hand 'a kobil aseortinent of all kinds - of veabinet Fnmiture.=- - Shop and Ware rooms at the foot of Main st. .WN..JESSUP...&%WN. gSSUP' Attorneyis'at Lavi.Llfontrose, Pa. - • Irractice'in - Sunuehanna,. I . l.radforcl, Wayne, Wyoming told Luzern° Counties. . . JOlti GROVES, Fashionable Tapir, Shop 'under Searle's F v fotel Main Street( ‘M, nt rose, Pa. C. N. - Slllllloo, l ' Root & Shoe Ma kei, over A. Baldwin's Harness shop, Turnp ike - ALBERT CRAMBERLIN,' AttarneY at • Law, and Justice - of the Peace—over LL. Pot 'Store. _ ' • . . CAM WEEKS, Saddle, Hatless & Trunt . Manufaetnier—sbop at his dwelling. aleir -rods south of', the tillage, on Main street,ldont L. HINDS, Attorney at Law; .Sas qtiehoznin,l'a. Mee Niain.sti,ebt,: one door east of Lei:tholes: B. I.ITONS-A, CO. 'Wholesale — & Retail „Dealeri in ,Drf. 'Goode, 'Gioceries, Picini-. and, Harthi,sre,"Linesboa. Pa.. . *. F. ;$...-CHANDLEK, Dialer hr Dry ttanda, Ready *ade selothing, aioceries, Books 4.stationery, ete. Public Avenue, Montrwe, Pa H. FRIZIER, Attorney at Law.' Offiee.over Bentley...4k , Store; foot of "pltac Afenue,3,iontrose, ra: ).. G. Z. DINOCH M.. D• ,=--0111ce - siild Owego.,, ,- • _ - POSTA .00.• Dealers Dry 4ede;:fineerVes,.Critekerjs, Heidware,Leather, etc . Corner of Toropikle:strgef endßublic . & 'SON • DeitleTs'. in: D clixods.Thints, ProCkpris:Tiewire,"GrOce Boalti;fete.; 141:0;:carri on 66 BOOK BINDI business; Public AieuueNontrciiie, Pa. BENTLEY & REID Dealers la - doose r Drags, Mtidicines, riaints, Oils, ie f i t , X, F dirarp; Onelery; iron, 'Clocks,- Willies,' jiwtromi r er Spoons , Perfumery ; Ate , — rot I . C. D. Butteen Deed;_ - = fee is .oild'Tellow's HAL . Ctie 'Arid streets;" , Montrose,. Ps. -- P ;dose with.,thei beat material,and iu tiiirass Ittaiiey And COiIIiSSIONER OF DAEDi for the Statemtlfecr vita attend to jall &Hi ' antra, - Riad is) bita - with.Tirotnivtness and fi dice on vfilair,Pgyare,verATled by Son. !gm UdgENWOOD'' 'nth - Man - - AVI I 4T li2 —.Also keeps : constontV on • land - Seiiiiirgint Chairi. and Oabingt Furniturn; at thaVlair and ware Shnli; , a-felltdi naTh otSmnones 4 3,4yrf. Harford,Ta. - 7- - It EßKll y s e- - • ritiiraildlietilersig all kinds of Onst rinpleinenti, etc- of i fice 4. TCirn ? s7 -- tire r ttl ublk.A., yenu che e-7140 ,0ree titio- t toq v.gleleoundry 1 7 %4 of 111 Montrose; risZIT iIiftCMUIELI4-Diegeilil ' , tar" ModigiriO - Isi4jhotr&ala, .Pethds, oils; • Diteetuffs, Gramle!, Dry OeodiLliardware, Staxieinue, GlaiinonHice; dacha, -Watches, Jewelry., Silver SPoraur;l 3 Pectir-lae ,, Murical rusinito4Pts.TrUSs. es , Surgical' ilartriirmitai Liquors, ream:eery, Maws, Brualm*Shuca*Taukacli-°", - . - • BUsITELS- OF= COT 'wanted= kx , Z1E5.1717111.1%75, • - rtMteittiiii - 440...t0t040.1 - 63i , :iiiii*:' I ~. .-: -'.' ,. : - .: 04 5 -iii* . ll.:****liirilfikisiip: -4 ... , , -..,;;;.- .ik,, , :.! .. - ,'.'' . .p . :7,-77. - -., , !:';..-.'::', : ..- .':.';',4,-:. LI 0476' .1; SO ' . . . . .. . .. . . .1 : I.' -: ' --, -.-. .: - -, - , 4., -e-' ; i' ' , a ,..: • - ,',..,, 4 ' D:lt: 11 1 i '6 o, 44 t 11 0 • .t ~ . 4.41 ? t a. .."'": 4 71': BE-now : . rlig'Pelaree'sok sort 42 if . ' - '' ' - .. ; 1 ,-; :i .-7- 1 4,: t: -: -; 4 7 -,,= : -.. 4- cut iiiiiritirigiiiir'*• ich, irl 4 4 ,11 . -40Alit,iotiiiee:Ailn T y -offer as' on *ft:tins:tug •*.- . ...01., ~ hi of goods Pf[P, If-ufniOn Oft-4 - 6=1i31 t!.. i I :. that willlnot &sal 4 4 „ a nit464e,', .1 30 . , ds that •„,..„ i . ~., . :T,, ,s t ,•,-, • •. • ,LADI S': ORESSI, D Bittek,GrO3 ' e5,- , fancy.sil I' if -' •Tbilie 'cl lis tr •all Wool . nee; :. i ' ' 6 !M:ed do„ . k . Ii Alpaca* su?(I':. l i ~ &slime ~, • - '.' ''' - ;•-".: - c-L01;11 . .§ -1 - ',j ...:' - _'i - -'- ''• BtOadilo ,o all grades - MO colors , b, ck doe -in cassi res. a .large, amortment, • an y_ .s. t ain cassi era! -tweedet satiricsi.sbe.e kraYsi 1 entucky ti,iati ?hearer cloths, p ilot clot . ; satin• il a d k silkymOtigichearly,estings,.ailorstri . wings. -- SII I, EtIPING'S 'AT - ALL 'PRI i ES: - - ShirtinALbrown• and til i.1%11 te . , of very„kind,reotton7yarn, blitti;-brtraiiatul . leached otton!flinA`eli, 3 :'rea'tandcallite - alt . -Wool-, i ittele,'l . "nfey!, tickingu iind'atiipa.s . i:iiiiiiiffesalvii_ carpet l. -.., ga.-:.oils, tolit ;aid table 'Cletbi t iiise tail eti orse blinkfiti. t • '•' - ; "-- ' '''• . "-: F ' 4 • : ' ' SHAWLS, 3:c - . -. . - ' • Black - • si_ . -'troche •-iind,Bay State Am. s, cm orteri, w* er gloves, boilers of all d ‘• *ptions„- all style ; 'ilk , hats,.batstind cans , to S. t• every , i t, 1 - ' ' ' ' 'l te Miami ' ii, • up pernne, boots ; ad . licens,a'cotrip . c , .ute i • ni tsol#lmi her, imlves.kin:o r shoes, buffs. lo ' sliugh•• lsoimbrellas. • , 1 - 1 SII bEI'LAN 1.7 . l' 1 . .. •; ,, t . A 1 1- a .. ltrixe3s4r4ils, tubs, wash, lx:orils„ • baikets, r; in .A 3 / 4 ,...i5h otallkinds; itc.'tte. -' ' -'. . . •• ,GRMERIS, HARDW R E, & - C. - Sniari4 a llds and' at altpri . a lot. More of. thosu i teas ; sugar house:F.3 . ri, i ' , , • groceries 411 kinds; coarse and &ne lt,-paFking, picking... elii, nails,' iroc.of all kON window g•la! of . 4 sizes, 'lcreiCkery and gl, -. wain, the `nm , t ateemtment ever,Offered in Ilia - Arose: ' , - - arAll )hese things, arid Wgrea4. man:y - 11)mi; we w • •--0 at the . sees /roles, pritkeel Plmse call b wiig - i Ine, as we car. and - will Sell goods as , i• as ey can bonght to any !plasm' p•-,- P uce i, ,,,,. i :*in4s taken: hal lachange for goods at cash pri - • • 1_ tff - We'sti 1 cr i timie , to'foriraril 'Niter, Ponl- .tiy, and Proddixt allkiuds to XeW Tors. All you 'farmers vho l Want'. bi g • pricce arid 'gni& re: turns Call ugh I - •!'l .- D. R. LATHROP 4t. CO. 0 .. , . r‘ , 'R st.ksorttn tt• now pmprises nimpst every ntlieloyini et!. and SLIM!. Iwo tear. Ithnt Ant 'suit 11 - . .pirixr., Whi lave will volt cf...ifs/. tad - smite at-tides for ki ti an: rot on that stune'nc.cotmt. , • . - r ' ' ":t '' -..' . • U...BUrrOtes 4- Co. a Gibs, ii n, Octobqr . 26, 1E3.1., ,I' • / fINE hundred .11 7 604 en Long Skald; all quail 'Ctrs and t•ftutiiiiillatterns. ai. erimrtely lor pricer. r .; - I.r. BURROWS AL: CO.'. aihsbyl; %Maher 1.6.1 • • • WTSTON. .- - . FINE "FRENCH: . . , 1 % rooiLo4Sherir k at f4,25.' 1 .''. - wi 'T Y [Gibon, Oct. lte.. - 1 L' l ! U. BURROW '. & Co.' - • • DROSS ly SS GOODS: -. ,A LARGE itii.. i', desirabfe ti.s.X, ' t Mali of -ri. Dirac Gouda; ` eery cheap. '• • * • • . Ott : 26 2 '.- . ' . , :U. BURRO . S & Co.' 1 EMIEM -:..,: CHEAP_.- DELAINS: ..- ' . , ' A , LARGE lot o handsome. !' 9,4 a. Ric/411,7 iIL Afftachtter_De.braneKatlBtemitsFeryard Gil ; Oct: '26] -O. BURRW OS4 CO. --4 ....- . • :" BUFFALO•ROBES.. - - -A -riiiiio Fiat, mane of than. choice Ade rolos,_, it i - xery small idrance on cost . . . .. G itxsori, Oct, 26. • - U., BU RAO WS. d ; co . H - 7 1N1)0 9 r - SH ADES: '-- ~. A - LARGE lot Of tridsome,'painterl shade:at' 10w l- " .U. BURROWS .i. CO. Oi,.Ott.G. "- -. . 1101 ° - -New • Goods.: . 1 ,, . :. ~ , , Tr . JUR is now receiving another:get:ler- - -11. Istria 'fi Fall and winter gash, by which his, ~ ent will be. fully repleniihed •In ieyery .depart eat and tutusualli inviting . iuiA complete,, part* - larlv.innew styleraf Ladies Dregs Goods, aTtra Rich .l rid Fancy DeLaines 'and Cashmeres, Pat-ante:tits, French 31 Orin°, Deßages,}llohair Los.. 'trey,- EMbrp a ed, Robes; bilks, . Rckmets;., Rich Bonnet Rib 9, large and new ;":14...vrtment of .:‘ , Nr inter Sh a, ls,iLadies For tuffs, rlctorines -and Ittuff.S, Ladies Rubber . . BOots, Slippe . rs.'and• Orer Shoes, Ck4ss of elegant aid new ,styl e s, and it new ' assortment of Parlour and Cooking Stores, with a grcafrarietY of other , Fancy an. taple '.Gooch, Much - will kesold On. the most re : tile terms to, stash and•time,hniers.. - 1 ; " • ' " New: Atilfr)kii, Glove; ing Ci Mere, 1 AU t)1 drisn M SL‘Qt.TEHiNN I , 1 4 COUTY I z , -. N • Stsvp anti Tin -Ware , AI L. l a T BST R &.: CO. 1 . X 17013113 lly form the. ITI:of V V Sulinelianna connty and 'vicinitythey i e. have operiol •an establish:El of, the a re - nct in 31ontroik at the old sta of Sayre /b Web, er, one door ilia:li of. tile Montrose .1. - 4ntotrixt Where they 'intend to!beep Imnstantly 'oil btu:. a large alsorttnent of ptiaves, Tin, Coppir, c and Skuseipiron,Wst;e. All of ,which.they_ , sell- as k/e- as the safe- article ; can be isingbt this county, Or. in Northern Pennsitrania. Ault the asaorttnenilof StoVes can be founil the , foll ing,beOdes Otbeo 'too numerous to ..' tion: - 14: Y. & Erie Air t •tight,-for wood., . : Mohawk:Elevated Oren ', ?.1 ! . ' Forest. tin , t , ~,, I Keystone ..t P fur woodor coal., Ray -Stalk, for wood - - - , i t it Easteen 1r X% Itch, improved, for wood- Flat, Top rerninfit. - , -a,. _ - '.-'Also, ratio ..Office,and Shop Stories, idot.air furnaces t for ing "riblk buildings, charches„ hotels, pr: rate luiuses,'"doc. Stove,triunuings, Tin :ware and store-pipe hirnished at alcdesale as low as they ran be I:nxistit the Bast. ' ~ AM tends deenstoni work done:on short notice and the inost 'reasonable term/1./All . kinds ocpnu duet. taken in exclunti for :ware& L • - :- - if you- wish -to are inonti„y, be :Fre and a4:11 cs: us beforeliirchasing *lservbere. - ••• I '7 - T.'` - , • A. L. - Mbster 4 . co. 1 Montrose.. SepteinbFi 15„•1553 . . --• ' 1-410y1 ' . . • .. .. rot tiLLE:,-;.. ~ •• L 44 r 2.1 i, t1ki*.g' 75 . 44 74+ in P ...,.. . xx:Aawils - p.l-: 2A, :d improslikAg 4 0%-r. Hous6' - - I ' 4,6ll' , olllered. / . 1 -.. The r. 6lOl .0614 on reaiionabie tertas by te 'nlol int,:soalethirig 1,01 payszieotilimn.' For'. f particularsenTu otr la w T.6upg na tlie m. ari- Isc's, or or Withliiii. C4 l lol** l sl . o l randk.F ' 4 4 111 ' • I Jrnething enTalr r uf I #llltarn e - „ • . • C i 1 , 4 7 14:1114165Ai11 , 4 (1031S_TANTL• ion jhand and for :Oct) , niter nt.* . ontinee Depot. - July IS 18 $" • POST e RX E. 10 ) T_AW_ ,Z „ bare ueen - 4 r . .. ra in Areidnine - netT • ) plln - tieinirtnid all 133144 W il l In*lVO.,s .4lll s • - Xoutnne,lCor.. 1,1 lEM Itotqp;*r, 78S •vil 'of Ne : S resh . .Gdads: -I._ . - AY - A .:: . ... : .• u_IJ r":i: 11114; Tll l eftilltfi till : (14(i , illy:111f *tita a pair, It4ady . Made loth '! to '4l Ca t Tarn. Detains, Deßege; Cash i F ch; Enoi;liatat'Saiony . Merin - Ac..„ rAdcb . Are 4111 sell ai.cliimp fifnot r eaper e eteipem imlßeady . Pay. '••. - • - . . troae. Noy. tO: 11.0. ' • - - . • . NOTI Xbatille tieCutoriat)te will Aniiiste`of , trailt,•" AeCto-'saidt - rinurieinmsed" mums !-- Rested.' fitVERY. 111 RatIlia z , . r Nif ,i..,..„..,...... :„......:„..... .....1.... „,..1. i ' , - .• - . . ,c. •: , _ _, . .....1... 1 ..,:i.4-....N.—=,..—.pk, .- c' • - - ci ,,-- -- -- -4 4 ,:nir.:ArL.70... lißr — iill-et ?t,AOO4s, this=jio74o - #j l 4ico - 14 - .-04';40 , ?t:iVeir::: 44 - frikidik;:-‘• ',1, - .:, -,:-....: : - o'ltiliami.ii.tt4ir 4141i - 0A : - 01 diatar:=iii - Tinter Goods, they have '4iltled 'largely tiii 'Weir . .: Clothin . u - Rqartment 'l'd .- „kith is now ‘equal to sny in th*Pintitiirj: - ',' :-. 7, - ' Grocerect good flock , —./) ress f ifoodafritiViii- 1 iir•E:BoolitaildS7. ll fitra;rairria'aa..T•iili Biealo Rolvs-:--116iu BfritLYpr-;-Blapeli. Brilkr,, Sciktch. vigil * BON St•lte. .1' -- 5 ' -' ' • ! '"'. ' • t Graitt--WvelSoclF4- 7 Wopl.Miktiitpaid-PuV ,ter. alwalts s ieitittee- '''- . i ''---- '”. 1 - • .-' • '-'-- -- 1 . • -- Our trilial vanietv - ntth egi o lo* , prices ' rely be laid ill our Bat:it'll:l' StC ItE, 'Bimini:lse Dtiot, including Liine, - :Solf„ ati4.Pluteri - lii)luantiti , ihintrote,Nui: iO, 1553. ''. .. _ - . , , I lei an ! ! . leeted ftri toUly baa • ~1 ABEL"TUR ' REL S, now reetirin l ;tits -s„ .a-a eaa, - . t ter : l L iit - ::,' * • ' '• l' -.- - .1111T1111W.,. 711 ,LiiiV . -; 41MICIM0:30,112.1 . consisting of • nearly every thing wanted in. this ittirket;Arbich. willbe sold at vices that cannot.. -.tail to please.: 'The Public . are tnvited to call and examine them. •. - i .. , •• • --` - • • -• 1 • • Draws; .Iklediciaes..asql. OhensicialseA - ' • first assortment... Physicians bills neatly and, ' expeditiously put up at redeem' .pricel. and. 'pre scriptions carefully compouuded.,, The best quali; - tv.of strikes intim depariment will be found at " the Drug:mid variety store Of Altai. TvititiLi...-: -., • raixts, Oils, and Thje-stufs.--A-full as sortment, and of the I:Keit-quality it isciiizi.t.'s. . Grivvries.=A*general. assort tnpt, and Abe be. t the market affords. at -,. • nr * Goods.—A.iiriall bet.cheice selec; ; tion* of be most staple artielv, of Dry Goods, which ' wilt he. sold at prices that will make it for tbe in-. 1 terest of call at ill?* store of •Auxtr TcnitELL -. . _ - •.1 ." •'• : - OarcltivcSi and' Ciitleu-...icnbracing:,i o:ld.sisortmept _of. those .celebrated Waterbury : Pocket Kuirmi. Stone Ware &c. at TI:IICELi& , `'Druggists': 'Glass inpe—A large 11. S• Element at Ter.tirsx's.r. • • ! '..' - .• * , . iLiptOrs.A choke v;nriety of - ignore Tor medicinall:arises; at Ttlancta.s.. • t .. ' Iliittficiii xstrnineits- f--Violins, Bows, -a it ? ril all of ' necminyy fixtures. Acconleotis, Mire*, Fifes, Clarinetts,-Tiiniti Forksiilnstrue tion 'Banks, r no Music, &C., at TURRELCS: - _ gerrcliy.A ne;ovsuptily ;of FashiottaPle :,lewelry. laitlica and l =l . emen, please - call, at • the fancy stbreof A. Tt,. . . ..• - . -: • Pee fui4er.o. 7 --A. general assortment "of cboicefeerfumery at Tritait.t.'s. ' ' • ..* - , Fqncy Good s ; Yankc4 .lotions, -. v.—A large . and Srstrateamorttnerit. -The best place to , buy notions is at the store of A. Triaxix. -.. _ Patent Aled . leines.—A grat variety,.an4 _ erOlateing tieirly all of: the most rateable liitals,c at.Tratieu!s: • . '• • 7 Campitene Candla.*and,a gootl variety of .Lamp Oils; the., at Trans:yes.% • • Shoes,Unibitelicts.:Urisips.,lliiirors. Walt . Paper; Stationery,. Fluiil and _Oil,l,..ampl!, Brushes, Wrilutow Putty, Nails, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder traces; .:a - good assorAment of Specta cle% _Thimbles_Pens; Pencils, Spoons, and Butter Koiret, too numerous , to tricutio i p. selling low at . •• ' - ' TuIIRI.L'S: • • Mtiritznse; 1853. • Onice and cheap Pas New York People'sl '...tqW 4S11111 . :119:Paill• l ls cakefully adapted to the w; 1 . . . - •- Circle.: Its • - *• ' °RIG INA L Tel , ,are of the highest order of merit' al, frem awl: writers as Miss M S. Arthur, .Mrs.- Denison, - Mrs. others. ' Its - illiscellaneotit,iLfulia',,Virt A's ani I ..Edite n . - .Depart . - - - . . are under the :post . careful su rvision , and - the stead.x aim of itSconductor is t 'furnish. a pa* • for: the fiuniiy, which, while- it ' motes."-refused ~, ,a vety ind who) seme.cheerful ,', shall nisi en-, lighten ilie nimd and enlarge the heart.' The or gan is the adrocate nf • alr theeatAnterests of ..irr humanity, a friend to =tidos' ,ogress,•and pro- emits upon the principle that, e Family is' the true nursery of national, virtue,: eafnea and glo - ty. The temperance cause, as ' eof thiniost km, 1 4r rn portent and most needed of e rn reforms, co • mends the turdialadrocacy of T c Oaca:c. and all important - movemeuts tl ,usrietit the country, in this behalf, are, noted.. - -. • In short, Tay ..Or a variety of brilliant minds to adorn its various departments, and aiming .constantlr to promote the enjoyirient and high'v4t interests of the *Family, has extensive- ' ly iecured for itsellocordinl welcome in intailivanth boOgehoWs, as :exactly the kind •of paper :needed:: in ;the Dorntic Circle. Fiery•man 'who Would gratify his wife and Children; and have an effirierst Et in training 'up his faindy in /rif, , tit principl!mi, 1 sb 'yid subscribe for the New Yprk Family. Organ. I TO' enable all ,to snbscribe„we offer to mail it at , t.below price Of fl per annum, it. advance: The present is just the time to suls - vribe, as we are, al out to:hring Out some of, the best tales we Base set pUblisheil. ' - '.- ; - - . i Club Trans of the Peopte'a - Oriran. _ . . . .. ~.. The:Organ is pub l ished in-a,large and beautiful ,quarto Term, and mallai, every Thursday, in strong - wrappers, to - all Parts 41' the Unjted States, at 'the folloWing, extraonlinary low' Plicei : . e copy one year ' ' * AI oci ...ix copjes,. t ..;.. -..:.. ...... ...... •'.' 5 00 Thirteen copies,..' .. .. . ...'..: . . •:1 000 Twenty-eight copies; ... . . ... :.- 4. - ..... 4 . 3 .0 po ; To secure ut _ in Organ nt th abes:e rates, the full' ainount' paid - ads nta. It - may be-en dosed i aletter,,with nam address; poStofflce, y-and State, to • • .'ooyEll. & CO: 13 ' -- ' .118 Nr us street, New York ••••• • • • • • • tit ab,;' v nee •" iOTI7I N-E W; s 6. 0 D;.S. FOR LL AND ing opened by 1-, 7 J. LiONTS At SON. I anise. Oct. .26,1833, I Ijus.t 31 I P'SLPS.E de lainet and Cashineret, ne* . patterns, Oala'Plaide, Parmettas; 1114; long and square Shawls,, plain and :LID LYONS a RON Linen. Ow l: Xi& and in Okrves.,foi: inen,,mannoi wd 4rifdnai. .b 484... A few -pails of 'Wilke French Xrid Gloves at Ilse . niptoninliink lu>o price of. St cents per pair: Calf and examine. them. • - - • • 7 .7: • ` • J;LYONS SON,' 111cl:rider Shirts, a very comfortable r article 0 'for Cold weather, sold br • -J LTa.V.S•I: Mob tMe,•(,)Ct• ibte,rlBM DISSOLUTION rrIME ruin' ofiS. Mulford b.. San hail been dis to-takiCffeet from en d sifter the ;Oth day . or Apse: AU those baa ingapaettled . accounts are requested tactile:4 aqatwe l ibe seiner by'note cc otherwise; S: MULFORD, 1 4,r.J:. MULFORD . -- tone,Apin - -.1, 18 . 51. . • After ibi3 , l4 . .dapo r t- May the "biittlesi earned on by the subscribers, =lei the - 4nm A nt V 41.'et SAfildulfoid. who win e . ndinirorby attention. to bus i ness, and will*'ood; at email profits,. merit th eir share . of tbe,pablia Wroa age. - - WILLIAM .2.111/LFO. RD. • •STLYESTEILIELMULFORD. outrose, • . War Declared agal M the Turks.-- r ion Wive, 641,46, -^`Pieior° to 13 * # l'4la Tura or etigitianotorrnonklk k akeng;tli Jew% , d betidL 4444, or. -hisiXdloOli bitid-petiOc - eor owl all' loh.O.,:re9o!tor the wile; 1.11414 , Vri please beat: ill JlTtinZ that -= , CHARLES TiLLMAN continue, to e> =hipart t the old ettgod;;, the hoeiereied-of &ides Hotel, Montrose. wpm.: he loPprte Isoe thefacez° , l and neef_eueces; Jett T 4 dt4-sl ler e... / ' 4 Ol ..13ae L. ;pi troad way ; Th.. A.. as, . _ . . . Sant'l ..a. suuthrnay, , 377 West str e et ;: - Albert L. Conk _litl, .810 "p* Crich ,street ; James -A: Crosby, 113- inroad - Way; - ot's.Lent. Ku' igslirl • , N.Y; i ? ell, ?!.mrt a 'laic '60,19. I. Binh r tiolibie, Rich dtm 'ester.N.A'.... 7 ifliatnivr: Leland; -Je'w Yin* ; . Pe '-ter R. itoich - 138 Btrukstreit'; Staate4 S. Belt, ''.corner-West nd Lnigbt streets : : John LI Deen,7B Water street D. Van Wart; 118313rvioiWay;' Ho ' ratio N.' Gall p, corner - W*lV and; Barrow streets; Pefer 1.1.•F0s r; Om. GatiSevnat. aid • - West; Ben- Len Rose: Jr. ; 48 Yighth A.ienue ;i `Ste t:limn Cron' :t-: well, Caratieit, N. Y -,.. Albia Wadleigli,,.Philadel , . phia ; ~. Dextar II: Bri(nut. 49. Water Street; Sarif ue! Siii'clair.Vrilaine Bniklings ; Samuel B. Shair,, Cleteland, Otdo. ' . ' • - r - ; " ; 1. - ' '. t nova. on.tinitatme, Pre s ident..: ~, ~,..... c ,_...... CttAILL'M ~:‘,.a..ticKlC, ocuretary.,t, I • . ' ' ' Cli AltttS L. - BROWN.' Agent, 314trate, Ps Ladies,: Rea d mlas Ftßit . itit6t t ‘:. g!' Montrose' a .; ~,t . truination of # ; ond-Friney Ci .. r 0; Satin.'S . Cidtats, Slee - chiefs.; and bruideries, Bonnet. Trimmings., riots other articles usually.kel Montrose, Nar. 10; 1653: : • . Rooms' under Odd. Fellows. 'Summer. Arra gement. -Delaware,"Lackawannc, and Western RAILROiD, ON anal after Monday., 0 , 1 3d, 1833, the Mail • Passenger Train tittle -9 Set-talkie ex 10.15 ': . 1 .. Arrived' at Great Bend at .1 d, rr.3l. i - ' ... •• Connecting .witli'llie day •xpress trains East ' nna We:st on tbe N.. Y.& E: ' ,- j ' •,• Return, will leave Great ' 4nd On the arriial o • - the Day Express from New ''Y 'rk•and Diinkirk,and arrive at Scranton at .6.15 i.: . 1 . ' A Freight Train with Pits enget Car attached, Will leave Scranton at 5.45 It. sr.., - Arrive at Great tieod at ti.sOA se.„.oooneeti -- with the-Mairrass: ' enger Trahr.east 4 an west on the . N. -- F.: and R. It. ItoatL • •; -°!. - 1 , . I -- lteturning, will 1, ve Grea Bend atrl.2o r. x. , ;and arrive at Seran n 6. r. 't•ae•senger taking this train will =iv in Ne • York - earli in the. - evening. ,•• • : •'. i• .- . r-,•;• ' Stages Will be in t -, king . , the arrival of pass:- enger trains: at Se . ton, to ..nvey pst.-4crg, ,, ers'. to Carbondale, Pittston. 'Wilke Barre, Philadelphia via, the Reading Railroad; lisstop, and kll . other j intermetlitite plticum • ' 1 j..'• - . The trains we connect with arrive and depart . fromNew - York and Dunkirlii asifollowa -..- • , Day Express arrives at New ',York at. 10.56 r. .31:: • and departs from ild ; at 6 A.ix. .:. - 4 .. Same train arrives ail Dunk* 104:5 v. at, ind - departs from , Ga_ m. • i - -'. • •- ' '. Mail Passenger train thrives at New:York 7.53 i.3i.,*and departs at 8.15 a. at.- . _ Same train arrives at Dnalik 6.57; _de parts:4(mi do. 8".5.. sr.. • . f . 1 L . . -D. U. DOTTERER, Saperintendent. • ‘ Scranton, October 1, 1853 1- . - 19 .. --.MONEY,! MONEY!..: if. DIETCAN 'I3E - SAVED 14 PuraMing o(, ' i I,:s l pptniai* Co.` at Bitutlugntoni 19in ken. e.. the.' largest assortmentw bet'STEl2 New and; pinciunatti-of Diims, Meilleines,J,l'aints 015..Dy.e..! istuffs, YarniAtes,ziuo, Brushes,' Clienf ls, Pat-: 1 put Medicine Perfuinery, Faney . Goods c. -- 1 Also, Window , Glass of 'ill- dues, fro "• 7 by .0 o 28. by net, rutty..raint Brnsho, Graini .Brush-; es, Gla_as Wareoind . other . thing's f s eici nu runs to i ' mention in this notice., • • , I •'.. . .• '! Aof j we' pledge' ourselves Co sell an as, good terms as,they can be boUght• in . ' the ,city of New York, i r •lewli- l• 1 - • , sere. -We fl are prepared to supply ilialers; as well as • consunitirs, at the.aw4t, market rates.' I' - ',• . LAMPMAN 4EIOI l i Teimpkinralock.'.Binghamton: Ita -• Paper.. Organ. • LevEr..7 • • • of the Home 'ES^ , literary and mar- Falk?, T. - lao3l2liS, and , .e to Tett 'By "Speci t al Appog4thent. • Tz: - NOW . I . EAiL MEN. that'we,thepotler - simi: ed;Jaen Pierre, Charles Dupiette, Theopho las Schmidt and . Eicrui Fritz:, lof - thej Cantons of Berne_ and Neuf Chafe!, Watch Manufacturers, DO , by these presents' duly - authorize and appoint Prtife....or J. A. SINGLETON. Watchinaker, of MontioSe, and - WM. suGurrox, or the afore, said place, to be our Sole Age4ts , for be state, of: Pennsylvania, and this sari appointment to extend South and - West." , the - .s to these 1 l'Alreto We the parties to these preseints : do agree to pay alULasr costs 'lnstituted by any- Infringement on thiS our appointment, and 'to this vi , e twt.ourres peetive n.imes and seals in the presenee Or Carl Pi4rre, Li Dural,• P. Heughnue. Dated in Siritz erlad this, first da y or Janatiii, in the year dour Lord one tbOusand eight hundred and fi.... .JAEN PIERRE, '[ B LS: " . (BART ;S D.DPI R, ' Lal • THEDI SCILWIDT. [ S:]" - HENRI IMITZ,' [LS.] - 1 Nest 11;trug' and GiOttery . nooTokt, E.•pAilucrs - INT°yid, pentfullY inform:his numerous old .:a: 1 1f tried friends hO g Sh itt and out of de i'refessiOn and the pablic_ " eneralAthat he has: list ember - bed in the 'above;ned lolushlesl, and, has uow on hand, and dill receiving a full and erell. avec:: amortznent of everything m the lineef . Drugs, iledieinel, ,Crocirieg, l i )f6, Paints, &e. all of Which` he will sell for .Cash or Harter upon, tie-Che:Test andidost ittivalitngeous iertits,lo th e -puraiaier. In reference to his Drugs'and - Medicines„ , he. Would siroply.stite. that they wet+ seleeteti hineiril from . . the.establishment of Shiffelin 'Haines & Co; one of die most.reliablek: the City of New Yekr-ilid toi'puritli and- excelleneele, „believes were. Oeini -, c_fceiledai if eqOaled bY anYI Stock eier.befoie ink:Stisquehana Coturtv. . His Stock of Groeeries is lulls* well bought, and consequently eart 'bn 'o4hl. ebeiT. _lie but also a. 'few Choke Liquors 'ler p urposes; which be can afford-us low as a moreinfertur 'article baa geuseraliv bee:3 bought. for. Pl l ease beforepur .ehasing 'elsewil re - , it the old .14and of.lritts & Wer ner in the bu4iiipi formerly Imowit is the StUrer opposite theil`,l:44uierriiti dike.” , • 'dm:Art:We ,Pebruary• 185; _ . ; STOCK Wool, Soiikis • tic:- T--UE lrerZ Witt est , rnarkal irkes s sill be pal,d ; fisr.Gnpn bf sll kW:floras Apples; White Beaus: fie.,eitirr du at or in'excage for Girds . at - catut,ralcas. - • ,7 • - } lllllor . BITITRITT- noW iee;viit; , nett and fist dre7tiAi or; and short. Stores;` fort rood 'or Coat sind'connection with 'Lis. - " retinue' stnereiiiili-maltait salad - and coni. pieta' assoittneitt of the most . Ur! and imprctv d I:lndsnfrAiritight,ll:lert ,ore n ; p rem i um and Pllo,Btoifes; ea do t' Pr" ihiet Iron. .Zi* stop' tuba, Ai; wlncb he will - sell it the lowest' "tt for cask or appwind etnfit. , Sept.,l9:* New Stove!, 1,7 - 4CARIE ) IBNTERS 4 TOOLS. ` :.: • - 3T roftiteed; iristo# lot lof Carpeofirs i Tools Antiprisisgmani tie , * icoßrOvvuentit, toy sales fp for ask; t - 7 • SILV SOYTH feir of. kitlieri left, and. vi;C be 0 1 4 low. • D SAYRE:I Berta: t rind ' 05. EVIL:SaIe aE - .D. It..14.111114)P, 44;0 s. rIVE . _ , , iftiftt- I ~ T eneeP r iwies. , ( l 9 l eF besii.isi 'it* tiii: estWe rateA , -- --, i: -'- ; . -1..,' . ,,,,.-. 4, ~ ,s -.-- taii , Metstal at - irarriibsits , :•' ,-; -IN , ' ,-, ; - Carl!tli eat4r/ 4 00: - '1 CasA 2diettial,fit`Ha,itrif t . -: :-. i r ' ',---'.."!.- 1 f .. , , ' I , .- 1 :.. _- r e0Pttif; , i 2 4.0. 0 , 6 , 6 ; iron j e Iltsurance, iVrii :York Grit*, :,, ..,._,)„.. - 'r. I , Capital; $500,090. _ - DIRECTORS: "- Simeon - Jasper Mellionee, Skliard tjea. BlisS,:.Krnos trio, Otiver . B.VOal, - , vi Moil Ely,..laines;LOW, B. liuttbinson, Win: G. launtairt, ley,- Leiris Atterburi,jtt., Levi M0rpx1 4 ,c:::,&64, T. pte:ieit;;Johri Own, Cha's 0* C. Otilli ns, Geo r . - -1) Margit% Lue i en. D. DoYriiiii; T. Meseeiger, David Sanford;. cephas H. Norton, E Elyi' Stephen Paul; B. ,N. Bull; AlfredS ; lThirtieti . ; Roe LOckwood, Lucian Hopkins, Lynn* •Gookei J. A. Dwight,), L IL . Frothiogliant, : Awirt4' CurtiS-Noble„; Ward A.. Work, 'Nathan M. Stock - well; 'lathes Murphey, win . : T. mx;kee,t, .Danford N. Barney Moiner•Morgaii,GeOrpi-Pearo. '." F. B. CHANDLER: -- ;;;. STOVES !, STOVES V - - .-31r . .13iv . •:1& . 1 -- - -- -"'- .I. $6,11111E sere And yellow leaf, relund us : of the approachof the - enn frostit of Old' grey Winter. when one of thrse unsurpassnßle and. highly approved Stoves- from the j 2 klet ez t et isi ft manufactortes in the. Union, Ments. Shear ° l Pack,. not become InditSpensable .to , ever faini)y.• • We , : would respectfully announee to the. lirens.ofStrs-'. queharuut and adjomingfebunties th we ltArejust received and are receiving. the large - t and best as sortment.of Stoves ever introdu :into •-?..asteru, Pennssivatila which will best:4)l4l'ot e-r i ery low- cwt Cash. ftgure. Thos*utho are in xantofStnyes , will find it to their interrst to call .w..*ineetir. variety-t t efore. pun:basing e 1... 3c where they.Ounpriste in Part. as follows ". - , , • '.4 .. • .. United States;:i i I '•i Orienta : Parlor., . : .., Eistent (lucent. 0. i. • , Venet rt,,.t.,.,_, .. .1... • - Fite; Clipper E. O. j_ • . Fancy , 4 4 -t- ...,..- National Air tight p. 0.- livin; ' ~ r 4. ....., ~, . . Morning Star ' , . • Cottager .f . ,,. 1_ , ~,.... i.,... .- Farmers Air tight. d.c... -. 1 The abore S tor tu-4.toei well known ...ti f r retieire anY inititde deseription eingithe thost popular and approved Stores in mit-ker.-, All'who may choose favor us with a call. gill be shown , thrixugh'elir assortment with : pleasure, , recollect the number,•. "Eaton's. far faruel Oat" price Storer •. i. i• Hailord, 5ept..13531. ••-' • • ; •- . I`, .e:',. -t ' .New iliani e remen . i. - 1 . , . • - 331Nets.a.ratos .5T0192 • I.ODERSITILILAII 'PA.'. . . STONER & THOMAc• WOULD respietfu lvirmnounce to tit; inhabit ants of Loderss lie, Greati3cmd....ano vir.ini-: ty. that they are now ecciving . a new, their already large st ' k.!of Goods,.in -their . near store recently' erected David Thomas. The as stirtnumt is - extensive, e tbracing eviryarti'clensu ,. ally called for, and will i positively be sold erizirsis rott, %sr( than ever bef re offered in this:section of Count Y; consisting of r - I .' '- I ;-: ' 4 .1• : -Dry- 'oars, G'roeeries t , rodei..ry.Tron, St . .., ..ier•.lFair . ~sl, 1 -. . Boot. and Shoe; lone Fish :and 4111 '-' • ' added to ten thousand °lions not enumerated. - ' The: •su - kiribers .w . h „it generally understoOd that' Cistt is. Whit ithef most want ; and for ,pisja, I will "sell (not its cheap.lbot) cheaper than any oilier ' establishtnent west or pew Tort:— •-• ..; . I: -. ' ~ Plertse remember thit What we tell •you is, no, • fiction, but "stubborn facts,' which '.We viii and ivil demonstrate upon exidnination of our : stock; an prices. - I. • - f - ' • I . All those iwbo hate ,heen in' the habit. of .going lo Binghamton to purchase geods,vill tad it, - tit their advantage total) ' upon •'. , -•,1 ! • • ' S - TOWERS & TH..M.IA - . before •geing, further, ;for . we hai-e' w I t yon-all - want. . ' ... / .'' : • - •:.- :•• -. , 3far This. iS-rjespectfully,tolic . on of the Ladies of =lndy, to an ex. s. 'lei ne - Filitillineiy' S,comprisuigYeL 1k end - Straw Hats, -es,' Ufider-bandker r riuusiki lids of etu resslCaris and wi lt ili Auley !ehoris,. i lilwirwe, Sept., 14, 1855, califor*, Or any pciFe on the Globe, casino prcseit,t " .- - d reater in . - (tucementa than ' 41; St ~ . . -. Reeler odd'ai 'ls: -.: . BOOT' AND-SHOE ST RR • • . _ . .. virlliciE is now ~filled with' a new 'eaten= VT- siVe assortment of \articles in-jheir line, embracing - a - general variety of' new a 4 ; d elegaet" styles of Ladies iancl Gentlemen's ..NV among which . are Ladies French, Silk lastin and Pte .4,„ Italie Gaiters, jZid and Enanieletl,Poili.Xiii Fat; eat leather. and,branzed Jenny Linds, Bt r ;liiiii end Ti es; ' gentlemen's - French and Philidel 'llia oak :tanned calf skin and 'kip :Pants; Congress! & button Gaiters. Monterey - and Waslongtan BOts;:- tnilet Slipi, Itloroeco, calf. and 'Cowhideillromins, de l — Boys kip, calf and- coiehithi,Booti. antil. prw4ni; all kinds of Misses - and Childresii wear.? •Alttn, a, general assortment of Findings, Which Ist i sist; rin Hatt of lasts, pct srarables, Huila smil-S„ tacks,. thread,. wax, : - thistles' sh ,:laitilng,- sf,:iels rasps, sandstones, slsoe.tnim‘, tte Arse, oak"'*nd hemlock tinned calf u per and . _ leleather,„ got; rocco skins and linings. , il l - ' -'• Y ~, "Work made to, order-. ntl repaiiMgmeatlydone. " ; KEELER it- STODDARD; one, Ilay-A5, iSS-3." - " " 1 1": - 1,-, .If, VALUABLE`-LAN S •.: .! OR. IS -AL - - . li. p /F. VOR S ALE IN ONE about '43 acria \ " 12 of Land on this -waters . of-Spring• It,:: a: branch' /the Lackawanna river, ,in lane - coan- - , ty; P en 'a, about:midway betWeelte-l&B " I ' ll l4 towns f. Scranton and:Pittston. , I,Tlstgte. covere ,with valuable timber, and being s tsstuated -in the ~ t extensive mineral region -1n ?e nnityl-' .vania WWII to Outlast iron ore, and. behtrved. to ; ' &hound in coal, and being,also in tha!itntn . ediate vicinity of several railroads, =We - said now m pro= =greatoffer to the , capitalist an ohioirttniityi fa,. the inv ittment of money that seldom nem* '. Fc further „ j w. information apply to li..P. Il isine,'Este- Isrn.-11 all street, New -Yerk, or to the itt6ber . at g - triee; Stanirlutrartcotmrt, Pa l :the- itti. ney int acof the Owners: . • -;-" ,' 1. --- - 1. . 1 ' ' .• : -! -*HENRY stillfThrlik.ll.'-i'-, ; • •. Mont AT THE CO tO'STAND-AGAIIt'I rune srtbscribers, - having relight:led - the above... 1 named business under the , m anageme nt 61 -1 ••,. Mr. Alfred Sayre; respectfully.iplict fr om their old customers in that line fa returrt'Oftheii- patronage., Mr. S; is atr experiemied and- =skillful %workman; having:-learned his bag:less:and for Min y-YearW worked, in some of the beer shopti in-Rine York ii.• •ty, is competent to do'any hind of work that - May be" entrustedto hint.. Promptnessongerste ihar-, "yes, and the gwarantyof all-gboa Watches, we-trust will secure a full sha re'of patronage.' . 1. • 1: , , i'l - - -- . Gold Rings made to OHO, sod alliont of Jetr: dry ' rnpOred. ~ -- - ..•' • -. .. ••. , i ..' ;;:-s '. - ..,.. -- -- - - - :•_''':, BENTLEY & Ttrai); , .-, Mentraii,,Nov.l2,lBsl-:-: ';,.--'- - - - 1 '•-''..;,- 1 .,- -'''. • . ... .tA: - Prociataisition.. , 1 - r •'?,' - -., HEAR , y..e4- , .HEAR__YEtr i - -,-- fiErt eAA C. D. Lathrop& S.A.:-WoodrUft: V V have- formed a copMtner,shipt . tinder," the ria#e and firm, ef 9.D. Lathrop tkpi.,lB . dcalci sits ,S 1•." -. . T0471.13,.71.?T'1rA1et,4 ~; -' ~ l' , anl, whereas, it is _desirable_ iltal4o: fai ' 'abauld. ,be made 'known 'to the public, f ' • the piddiegood". la as well as. (Air own •-.-- . • .- : - "7 t's- • _ . ••• 'titian is thetiforekerehy give AU the geed I Peol • p or M ontro se 'and' the region - ' tin 'about,!that; w May still he found laboring :; tour vocation; at if c. .t ' alcrstatitr:t , ti MarriStreet i it ' a ithrill' he hnppp y to- see our' friends; Mut tcts4o)their to,fier beat 'of oar ability:';'-' P: Ii - 7.1111 , 0! * -;''' .- • Moats* e Feb:lt:till; ;•-- -. "_•13....Af• . Dircipp,' Notice ,tetAtl'aii4ttatnt - ot . 0 966 1 :704**# •Oattand esi hiae, then V"`.l! ' 18.1 • 711 ' want f 4:17 .01J1ifor 44414fi1t.5064k r July Is 9 22. *l - .: ....! p "117 ... , -,,.•\ . : rl, .1.: , e-!.A. 4 .-t:!.. -,... .. • 7 4. .rtoke l es_i l uciatiotwolga z ..„ rs'• , ---41 - -.:-.w... • , •4: t... - ad, , ' 44 . „.., „.. • . 1,. 1 • 10 .1 4 d• .."" .. .".. t 4 l ,..*ll.g#lNukfott i tilkel "ii • • . orAwaskteir l 44. *.-...._.....*,- ••• .f.i.t • - -""------ .. • •••-... t.:,_,6,:„.„, • :airtkiiii ciis tiop - ii*Tifteurn(oir* ~- in t - - siftwi !.`,.. A si t , , • 7 -,.... finis : : . 4.2*ii, -- ea•Aiiir , --: ; .: •, ..."!t; •! , :. ' 1' . ..-::°0 - - Yis•ni-:..-•.', XlO 1 ;' ,ii 4 tt1ii,,.... if • , . ~.:•;••• 'de . '"50" 1 •-rAi. ,:r - 1, ~, ...'.Et•- -, -- do'" -„ t p , 4 ,,, -43 .., - ve . ...i.i- '4 6 ' • no 4. Iforrdio 66' ' ' 4.:..- : : i; '''. flow. l'' .9 ; 3 "*•''' L uo 5. ..10 , 1. ! ".:11ci 40 '• . '-' s do - . ]. - . 4 4 - • no *6; - " 35" ',: I • ,.' 4i.,_ 4e... ii-•:-.- no", 4i!mtiOrol'Nririii'dnA !id r c ,1V;f 7 t,40..0_ 1 1. . • I Dn . . Bi , fragleres'l Ville - -- eit. .•r'ai11.4,4 '. no 014.1f 4 -4.d- ••84f-lnim ••-• • • m r aii-4.. Do 10. 4'' itoddl - o - e ralla., :spo 11: I botitiotonalotlii'7 ''.7` . '- 4. :''''.. - 4 -","' T- 4 : , .. ie. too acre 'its '!"iii.: ": 1 4ird:ii, ' !and b ar ii', -1 1t43. 840 'dol SOO :im ' ' t'f l" .. ii' 4 3.Vdi3* *lra:, 4,54 do '6O - im liot*A. ....''t l Y.z"ilo* - 1 pir` 1)571.4 8 - (113 ' 60ziin ' '-'do f'.'ll.,..ertid o w :no 16. 120% 4 1 0 -6,6-1110 t ' - 14 : 14 .1"' no 17. 100 1.1"6 7o im d o •• rr-?• - •" d o o , po 13 213 do .:".‘innii:: , do x do' 'no 19 800 do': 191f.0 . 4in . I do ' ' . ..;!, - .r..:,:i , .0 0 '‘,•, -- r. do • 20...146 40; .. - 19k51,1 ; ~.......d o ,.. fpi,3p-- dc ,.. ..., ...:. no 21 j9O dc.:;:i . v...o.En, ..•:410 " : - / - 4:;. 3 :!•d o -- ';' l 7 •no et itot do 45: .45 - fig. .. -- ""d?, • .:,%,-. 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',no .46.: 10.. do: )60 im G ri st '1 F stio:•l7% ;,:do 160 improved ! -- - 00.48 14.1dd ' • 80 iwproced 110.49: f88.:..d0i',;:-:.,4s'iniFirored- B 4 1101.60 83 ...d0::•:43 im ,t `,xi 61. r iga %do, .., so im 1 - 'do .32 s:le - -do 65 imPrnred fn0 4 68 200- do-350 - do oo:.54:140•-do 1,00 - do =:.::; 3.. :PO 66..160 ,do 40 do. ..,.,.- ; :?r,, , , ..DO so f t0....d0_ -.. . - do, ..-f,... to; in 2 80 ::dO. 400 du'. ::,;..:: 'lO 58 65 .. do ~ 41, do ' 4 l, "n 0.5 9 ,1607: do, .440 kn. frurnedl 1r. 6 0,1 82 •do ; • 60 •tis Pricy fro-- thirty dollars -- • ---- . , "' I '-7 . " ; •:n. -" 1 :1 5 ~; 2 ,, n 1 74,11'_.•.: SA- o ;_r, - ' - *PATLIR,Y , *,yi... - iTAyiNO - .0 - 4ieWfd:*' - :lN,i;.o:* - cpii i,EA ..i,:t. o I .E . 2,Fouritplcr.; - #o*iy.ttr'ill**OVW#,ll:'•., 4irilei-i''frOiii_Ttbi".t'Fada.; ,410 41 :442ife# !9 1 ' n t i !-NPl i 4 ..• triittekkltainFilliOnoh;;;Tt r iy,ifrill ; g . , 0 7 0RitatiL,-.., ; :: - ly - "firil build' .-• .- ~a, ••-• ~, ..;.':: -. ..",."?,...i. 1:4 7 ".." , cf . i.'0'' ,, n•-• ' r:to. :TT .r ~t (48,4'L;.* . ctid' . l,";' , :: , ,i:. , ~., -. ', .,f L-. ik . .„ , ;4,fre ,- *‘i f e ' •.S T 0 . 17 138 . ii ( 4 :401: 4iiitlii . )--.):; , ..f,;:!...,:j. fiy.4ti:- - Z. ',- :,•- .." - C U Lil l I vpA4i48..9:, 4 -_,,..,, , ,,,,,,_q. r>,,.. ..,,,,,,. :. ,. : •• \ . .t,, :,_.....- sy - - 0 A - • *Tal i ; ~ , f t,...ini.„,\, - ~..,, ' Q. ;: :: ? :!...,- . . .,=1:4. , R . 4 -4 •:: :: • , 3, :i i „' ;, •' - ' '.- - . . , COR:Ar. _ , ~ ~:,. ~ . ~ s , .I , •;;„ 1. - - . ,i' ..*c. invite n il•aqicuttr:"4l . :OatiOll7..t:o - , , zolw;r4;s . : *h i v ,i k..*.. i nia'gge,..ik , m7 44 f,wirtfAStit,MtP:':- for sale: ''•.t"'ln . . - 1:.;'-',";,;.",e. 7 '.)- 7. "-, - ;•-..;,:': , ,"-i-.;,-,. , ‘ . .. ~.,1,,.: • , , ,•-": • ' ... n - Vie' Celd; r a h crttd.l4l 4 i -12**, 7 - • ire:. hiiv,e'iliiCliiiiiid'ltlie'• eielli.s4 l 4:4libinie thOn;:., faelOte ;ad selltbia,,qtiietl4ric_ii_ I . l eoY'iTeleoB, - : : ', and Bradford,": ',-, i' . - - -" . . - ".i7.1:: : , : i ., , , ,' , 1•4'.:• , ''t ; ; , " ~,,,,t f -. , -,,. .• .; .. Rich's :Pilt-4101-iio, ',4t5q,??..f:::-TI??F!4-:,,i-,;ft, its Pion:TA iii 4l iir4te./ 4 ,7l 2 o:q'fi'S,j l c 4 9:o l * t*; 1 `• handl:ea. ' niOiceetoiikid,fly„,i,lAjili;9#l4;.S . 3"e' t Ling - one l ibiii l l4. l Wt l +4!;!; o 4.7l:o7":;qt ; 3.Filile d -Ili: strOOitiiiiiitliloo44 - y is gtft(ier.', , :: -. ; ..:..- i -4;,;_,AtattylifiVEltY7-,;,-4•,•!:',.34..,„-5-12,-,, )ggii , - of all" londonmanofaclor_ed andTopu,r, , _ by_ oxpen--,4 , Nit*, encd mac im ~. '" '' ' ..- -,- ' ; • i r -; ! o ' l.. iil . ' l, ' aSieqiiis;E: 71 * *#i . % qea' : ) 5 ,7!f p. '11 rit : :..-111 ,: 46 , __ " , . ,. .g4 ,,, 1i i i . Z ),,.. 1 , ..'.: 4l:dc4ines - P -- fir,'!,o 2 ,l . lgr •i -,:,,.,- ,‘ :pre •. *- Among 'the 8l0v;QO *holT*er-1e.0114,0t*?!.7"t n ; •-1 . . . in' *--A'ICE,YS TONEY''CoOkilSif?o-14--".- !pt . : . i )- ' :•'_;-1 . 4 .. 0 pi - G8::',4 ,- ...READ.'",r - i- 4 ..-.1 7 ,T,-; . ...;-"'„7:,='17,! ;e th . . e; .- :.-1,--::R_SailOgr;i2l,TtA7.4.;•i,:k&h:O--"tg.-.0"q;4-)7'P.-,. ..-thelg e' ' ".. iii i i rE - _ al io" -.: - .;..z.„,:-,,,, i t - ,, ,,-..,,,, , ,., ,, .;,02.,. re - ' * ' .1 4- ^. -- '....:" .''',,,,,' __ : !.t.,'t..7. -.' ......A : l44)ittir . :kiiitkt, all •ii*-I*A4t,:f. jiiirilint7i4olW , ,j "t ..i_ ~-• -: ,. . , i i i-.; : - ,- 1 ! „ A tka- 1%. ~ .1 ~,..- .:' l '.': , ,. ,4•i'zi ,- i , •:: . ",: . -4,:A:i ~,,,,,, . .4.? ;5:, ;_: ; . :. t &eat ...,.ekly.line.; !)r. .1_ ,-, e°, •• '. ~- ., . . ~.., t. ~- ... -,. :,'".t,i;tig,'..),:t'k.'44:...'Sat'-' ock. _f'f'' ":"' 11l e l. : Iva - • ' k , .....mtvornirig„4liid-: -1 , eigelfl.R .. ,:,. ' ato;' , l-eido - r: sip_ rf . .i.. 1 :‘ , .?,,- - - , k;,i.: , Sprng,Tiltel: Tu.& , .poo . F. ,- -,., ..,- n.n,, :%:,;'. -....... :- •• • I,• t --- :: !:' .-•-, --.- :•-. ---7 :' - . 1; .' . ' ", , 1,7 : '". : ..t , ;..' . . I Wilk4baire,..ll - iii k Ikars ‘ Aoutrolte / 1 .1..*•..‘ 4 4, , ,1.- . .1 . ' ',- ......j, ,,, : oloiii V'' 2 ti, 0 4 . i..:. ,. ... , ~..,,,, 4 - j 1.,..4v, f , ,, , .ory - ',3llOaday, WybieVidayind - kfr41Y...1„...4r.,: a . .. i . ,- siiii - doi! ,,, , :ii5 .,.. ti . 04 , : ,„.., :40:i . : , : , 1:7: „ .. , :474.: ,,, z‘ ,.„, line tcl - rtrieqd'svill , p "...i . ..) - s-iis , ; 4 -.&..:i - -1 :‘ ' ,. : . • — v . 'i;:_ :arid nni-Yatiiiet* o ;i4hei.Plitloi -. Stiiyde;:tinfh4ii_tia ~- eicifi,j.Tionias al coiitj':ettabie:(c47.i#9o-FSpr: __d_____l7.k.tal.44-_ .::„3,Venfnbeeli: ii!..4-.oil:74iditOrtiolia-..:r-7 videdjind._ tbenllipprfet.or,iff!'ilekip4-p , p, panl . Ps . !1: , : t e pri M in pu niing2 7, 4oti3triLiti#liiiiti,,os.lTgribiarse acOoninoxlate ,llul rit!blie-"- - ''' - • - i . : .-.-- '• ''' '. "• ' ' : ''n ; -.- Thfs ; liaaland - -Toia‘m 7 ,-,Skiindai"ift:4s?-"'WOii'darie."il - ." '•' - I ' ;"' .'' '' ~* `-',O - K r , - 1 T A A .,,,..T A 9 /1 .- stn : ". '' ' ''•• a ' liiitrinotice d" - tth I non-a an ~a e. owes , ~,, . .. ' ll g. , "''"-' -.••. 1. ..: - prpilleti'fiA Stoves , ; gridaltnisilliiipleniedits it.-ate .flilielt4d from those lat.lellaili";llartiarikktas •:. 'filltilt : Xeaseijibtei*"V:-.z47 -- 'n ':.l - -- _ 1 , , ,:-.., ; ' , ;.;::, ,:„,-4...,:n: . -' ~ , , : r.-,.•,,5„,1,44. . 5ATRE•i4-..i . • "': ""!, . ":',7-:", -- ..... .: "n. ,; ~-......'"-..:-•:.";11;8,,,051114-11;04.44' •-;:_-: ,n' . .7:•- ~, ' . j ~ ,- I' ;'- " ". •: :5 , :2 --, - - : , i§i 5 T , E4 0 # 1 ,::77 ,-,,,- •-•leforoe' !,'-',llta . Ton 4,:i1852.'n:.,;- : „ ; zi s n, : • i n ,:".,t,.... 4,,,,A,..,,1,1.F.,:..c.,.. DeF—'4.lB#2. fact . -••Or: ' th - OTeoplo t 1 x-rorirtrit l izipaiitt‘: predietio,ri of t e .1.11. _New al iir,edie:retlittizicink etteied Presi ent...,:bennt*Ohe Prophet: ssi says dolt's the Lord gitetli,ticieree to the Atintri univetnallt admitted that theinisertberitm and" gal t~~ell , •• • - BOOTS 4-.S4OES ; CHEAPER than any . othershoginifitesi not even exeerning tbn'gennM kopittEihne . tore dOirti N. Olv-)ty,.ternii - akei•insh*: tlo o, an Is would tiievebre inform thine - 4 ekidebted Iferrilnin4 - Patriek, that•the,y* eaU and. ritY . :Pp or--nuffced. . ' • M tinier; Sept. 1.13, f.'..4: 4pa w. 04. ...• • , . • 1.;:f:•:!:i::,:•.11 ..... . . • I Ve."'i:o 7 •:. .s: •1X,7,, , e. , .. • . •., • • , • •.. • . ..... .. • ... ....• SPIIIN - VT F- ,:'.- •-,...- -,• q , . ~ :,:- . sr , • .",' t i- . ril#Eitiollittilea vi!‘er elite. 6 t,Ow. xt., ..i.. - menddi) in -the ntereantilie . 7 . , ..- - -..lit' . Ao, t*ti.ors: S.: Orayo,„,tiitie coed •i' , : c . ana'.oolad; on der the ; nanieind style , Alai .fr:111.04 Cei4ketfully• ibm .leaee 'tat infinite ,• . iititirrktlist: : ••• ; • . - '- - 4.1;110D/S;' ,. . --; ;:::i;,.',. ?:. **:- !:: - .: l* of every descriptien4ill =top e ".... , . tiamntsionible: terms for cash or any kind:ot *;..., ~ se;":"..- - ,lkiiillit: xettletl determination to self 'ita:%lll - ..;:qcii:ii little' cheaper th an any other house . 7 is4iiiyit:ltei are determined id to keep a '041: ' -..,,.. ~ 'lad. hope by strict attention to busi. ,- .flitiierit 1:1ib::. eral'ehare of public. patronage: ' •.- • '— . i _ - - _ . JAMES •IcIaILLAN , . . • • • A PAltli, jtm. ' .' , ::.= Springville, May 2, 1853.-: '-, i : ' , ..' -. .--..!!•;:iv . . _ . ~...: ~1i.4 SASH BLIND, AN. DOOR. 1 - FACTOR.Ti a 1• Laineaboifoll . o , kryln n 11 . Abl-inthas, ina Doors at their, In estab' lisliine a t 'short notice and h•asonable terms:: tiliiiing,and' g lazing done Also,rikhed and• *Oohed . elooring 4:•_NATTELI , ikkicrr.Rs• Xag0:44.!. 53 .,:"„ I • • t - • . zirt.:PAma niiikess frequently . ...VI to oilier . beno ir 4 t - - , :k: c. sev•ral **As: tri iime, l l . of 'lb. . . t ior ilY!frt' liO w liTe;citi4 at tour &Fa ine . ". I dish in'Ritnr e isrr~age ` it its to lie iwittOultartti , ;i l Bl l .4 6 V4iin:ilrCourt ut' - 'WIC II time it 1911 be my pleitkiuti to attenslYd~.*lf •b,us ;less of my•Proressiot);;:aZ • Zu::ky thanks. my - filet:l(l.<W 7' C. D. I •if. •• • • • ISeario's . Alt ans-, 10c%.45a at.) 4oricts•- 1 4kPf-ir!it lA. kept constantly: on band . a/1 kindk.sir. eea v i corn - ineal,ec, at, thaloweat.cfelkPtiee& - Cindora work' nnli `be 'Ao . (te , with - Aiapitall, pod, in all cases warrprit ed. greuret:ia-Alkookiel •,. • . ;l e luieland,Apr_ls,lB4sl. 16--; 1- ', -- - --,-, : INIEW:-3 GOODS;?,- -i• -1, , _ New giiiiitainta iiiiiiiiiip, g l ' ; '.l* ‘. ve , a -• , • ..e..- , -,..r,z! s , t,. ..„,..., t AN' Ng ' biO'be ii i t s- UW . '4iiiii '- ' " " ' r . . • .'• ~ ..,. Orizionvourtiaikaini - Ovagife s o et . • . - boliaitithiderlinee4eit lad alrtikiliabiti*" - - tioi it, Edgings; 4.03: ea, &Hof which stkre tut;cash at the liriukt figitte,in4 tlialt - ti , ~ for the reedy - ,' ' " -:` -- • ' IS. -81.1 TO ' 3 '''' Iguiesbote:July - 25. . ', , : , ;: t - , ‘ 4 ;: .4 . , --• - • ; ,"' -1 L ?lost* 06• '—' - - 1--- : .. 4 . - , - - 4 - - -...-- , AVE. est 4 * ' irir '.' .-; •': at i • sle opt ••., 'oak. , 1 . ..i..: .- OOgtOlk 7 e ttr X I° the M .. %' .'s.. 4 :„.......: lte34 j i otir a " - tri 15 4 115 Ciatir ; rll64 - Z.We' 1 r - -.-,<,-' -: , • • • , . . ~. .=,:. • ••:. , ••• - .1.,.. ,c- -,-;i:, i , ... , t.- :•Z l .xf• L 'Oil.r4k . o 4 l l :WA i. 11 , - . '', ' ' • -' ' " !Vet ) ......1 ,, ,r,- ,1 .1,..., ~. .0 • 7: 'tel.% K.:} •-• . 11 1 1 .# 11 :0" "b ir th . it • ...Ajw. ilialgilit4;3 -••- -,..4•-•-:•••-. • --,.- . ....-f:;.•'••• •"' I.r. .: . -' 1 :•• .' - - • '4- .1 . ..14 . 01; - 1. '* . Opal attire:. Thitt i liilatatel. -- "ittiiiii t ...'illinetfY. for an , unhettlilla'- stomach. No lit:. Of Mat..‘ll equal ittr . curatiyaritc., ens: It eon 1, Bitter"; #.7./.1.14"."11.10:* drugs. It iiixiitritiiihli*eeable, to fholtagitt4tand:': may be Lligaik*.*:moor fooltie pa tiotti - ' not eat a:;:.abiter:eilteker arithaut. acute Oallinpaa.— 'saw ate: - o. , .iigirgaged,itnitatinns. ;Pepsin itioa a - "0.!..,_ .- -it_th "e. - ttgeah - ittiti get a deseritillikiiimillar, B*a► .4 a large itoonnt of aeigrOie4ol.ttace, -°11 1 *""8 .8 Oherniary ; Dr. Cornhe'd Pbyarolag ,l bUthgedifiii-; PeretritAti 1'094 and - aicki.Dr,: . ,fuhn W.,,,Dr , tiu',, of ,New Nur)k,VT‘Anil-; -! .- t•j'•;' , 'ProE I) l 2 pgliPor‘fikttakl'4i i pocsAhnbui, • of Yale. - • 'u ether artth I v P 9r ts : PrAPreikirim. P. 4 1 ~ the tniie4Astro4. :4Pli!fo!e , laletea.: 4 e .agent- - • ,~~ _~ ~= ,;. ~: :~:,`.. • tint:e iind ,do do , do do 1" 314 &barn .r.:Z.4f . .,.:.1: . i.. ct V • ..,-.: z.... .2.4 ' . . s ': - ; 1 .! , .; .". ..... -- rtt - .11 1 1 lr ..e.". .' VALIJABLW:' Al -..13 .- .. ~i , : :: i R--....,.. .... '. I .";•.'-' ---., -.: H. Sihg.t 1tif. ,, ,-:c4. :=p... -•*-....: 5 ..:..,_ 2'ILL - :dk. t -- - .:eqt.ei.4. -4.15.e.....A.,:- . .... :..:-..: _Q . ...igite i t ' ''oftii6'litlaTiirgi4 l l",.wa 1?1 " 11 ., , ' - ' 4 4V : f '...• : : - .J '.s Hikulfoi iii . 4 : . 2 .r.;t ? ts 40' i1i.....4.3:94.541:4 ~....054,100•:',-::::11' ifoi*Aid'iiliiiio;:,,.4,l4#4: i..;1 i :?,,.,;!: . ... f ...i • . t i!........:..;.- , - . 7'::, ; . •, -.1,. . ... '• A Wi'iliiiihitiiitatiel:?rAt C?....i •. 1 '-! w iiliii iliiiiiiiiiikit iViiiiiefth'iiittßi-hlai:11:4k.": s a id titiltie4diiiiiitifig ? niV* 7 *n:'i"ifiiifls:4l*: - ..:',,-:':'•':•••-•,•:'-..-...'-:'.: .•gi*itiebsitinsitillaitgAskt:F,edii ' '• ''' liit4ii .. .. - , .. . N; . .x.-4 , ,x7iiiiaa'admtaikiitic . .A4 • • -"we... cat; on . ei*,:.94.oCirialt.:neai:2 7 ; : giiiiti . *4**o —, ., stolgo;:s t onoacta:ndthe ' '''7 .. : ' ''' mes a ':':;:: Ofigi . by.itaturoilie ; tooist watering,.... ' ..iii . iibieo?iintiet.'; witio",diti:fjoailikyot:e..xten.sive-:1;‘ , .'. - , #11:01Mi! . ' FitOid:l.*. '..Siulqiiehanna;T". titli' . 4 l kainoarimsr .. .: : l' : ..... bo:24)oo,:iiiiiiitiitisita,.anct:::. but.Al i . : eihii . f . ifiiiiii, ,10:. ; ']... de4tit*d.**iiiiii to , rarige . .i/orvide. .i .. . , tliiii.W . . s .:::', 114ipcOld:p4i0ints towns Op.thik; I s IhOyoug 4144 e: , , ..: •.. -.-- , L. YD'S , PIE4 .U 4 'V l lt ,t.:-. ...;.•;; k' 7i.: . -1. -_. , Offi c e '6l)e, :doOrr- , ' Ogr .. - —... Nn : 43l:::‘;i:i . lisqiciukana;Dipot Nor.:1.01: gi46 . :' e4tiftV*f".:'-':'-'• • lir‘ • \ tki BINGI.I.A.TITON. , x V x Y foVLD I / 4 feiwttkk Wa *4 4, 1 5f• , • 40 it a ‘llaL Corikordelairf;—ii machit*Rmi k i*, altrpeig:ihe boaskilmd Rho 'fit - th?g thTlOll4 4 { same ave.i•tkiatitiakijig daMiiieifeetry, OD aul . .. bei_4l, 7 ada.swpciviiti4 , llittaiv -- shapeo''Geatleni thr' - *ltiaill*‘aii}filltailt: ll4 ‘ l o l:oB 4,... 1 0# , The Swift and :Fill. :raMO, • s flit i he. , 44le:itithfeeti'''earliiit i ft*Abif r tii4O for ibttodficintOi244l4o6 4 ' • A run aseao s isiOro4l AO:" 'qif** a • -- (1131 " 64 : 0:11a4 ; 9 1 1 44 2 6 04041- .2 . .. Un3 1 :411414,*4 a , ! , 44. 4 .R . 1332,24.•!: e4p s r; : iA T s-- .,' ' . -. . ' i;. .1: -. " . i . : .... C511.. ...F 15 . Li i2X..1: ;. " :":. . AI" ~. 40.1 . 1 : f: it? 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