The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, January 05, 1854, Image 2
itapkaini Afgmer/ Epyrqn. - - • - - ' ‘=. • 1853 i Thursday Morning Jo 6. = • _ i y `•&.. • cash Ada" 1 .. - OtierDellaietl4le cent 'l'P nlun „ . - • - illitLmattrlg."., "Via within thp•Tear• ; ••• soil - iifir cents if - ape Dovil , , ; , orthe , 7ear. : • 116 , •" ' iree Irate pinata-tonal 111-1 Meirstioul4Rel %Ili • :e with AalMaisiM•g ° l l " •••-' • - • • r- ‘ . * ADvriTlatiqa; s.V^ - . ••• $0,60 Obtrpere., one wee - t, • -:•• • — est& siibeeqaent week; 0..5 _ _ &ants, Otitis Oerattunimovith: paper.s 3,0 b - Ar'iTherat dPicountlukde,tivearly.a4v:ertirr.a: Fir Owing tot the illness -of one _ o; t of - the . printers and partly ! ' perhaps to the holiday°'selion;'.the''Register has been behitartime" foie week or.t.wo past, and so again this week. ,Welhave not hoW eihes, omitted- a': week's issue,c! s it. account_ .oldie ketklaya, like many deur cotem- - poraries. We -e Fat er Time, and keep °Vert with or a Rule:444, hereafter? has beau elif.tea sptak er4,:tbetli9use 10 t The>Philadelphia.Peily : Niles calls this "a "StifV,Shalt 44ministration triumph.r: I,Nr*eitisi4l4 Call it utritiniph of another - We defer conituent o'n thia - neiv exemplification or' the; saying. ‘ that " prophet is not without- honotybaCept. own count ." • • Ta;;Ctizia' SiecisTtox.---:.A.' meeting' of Teachers'fott c be porpruse of forming a Teachete istien ler , Seiguaanna county, was at the Court House in Montrose, Satuidayalit: -We under-. . ,• . - - stand a that large - outber , ' Of Teachers. ‘4itzi;:in attendance, an m ucli'diatitz.sidsm was:, manifested for_ cauSe 'of Edur,a; tion: %,The Secretary .hatliet yet.futnish- : report of.the iiroceedings,,but‘we shall. probably enabled topublisb - thein next Th.r.Penrisyli;anici Farm - Joitinat far . the current month, commences the fourth , yelutae..- It -is ably Wited,!cOntains bite amount'-of.:useful. matter,. and is ot a, i f fy increasing izi circulation through - out. the:State. aim - Of, thei ter to give the,Juurnal a praCtical char r acter; and-to present this readets for their insiruction.: Each number -of the coming;iolume ill contain a' list of the - new pateiits the litteleteticitl'ef our own and fo . reigu markets, prospects . of crops, Pricf3 gni-wand c, attle at ,the cipalscaptirte„ okez,.& : C. Published by . Meredith &Co. West.: Chester,' Pt. •• -Teton "(in advance ' siugle , copy sl; ' ' copies 14 /ocies .900 P; 50 ; 20* copies;, - • ' aft ilutiimic The` Legislature of. emu varna reitid 'at Ilarrisburg, and ;that of New 174.iik at ;Albany. on Tuesday last. —Size, the yerthcati poet; speaking of the imperfections of our female poets, says. 'lt seen* impossible for Pagasus,yr trot hand-, iotnely under a side, saddler , —A Cleveland - lady recently' sent to a bookatorefbri copy of the 13eardies of Hood ; srodthe waggishclerk retinue:A her an eugri irimers:Tigolette. The lady.'lane ber brows, tolored,', and declared lre•rself worsted: • -It is estimated thiit whtn.tbe. new levy oriteirdi • s!'is completed;,theTurks' have, : their allies this eff eafre force of 510,000 men n arms : against , •- - . ~ ' , :•° - --' , Wer lf.arn that 13a,rard Taylor arrired , it .his Vault iesidaa.:; pear Bennet Square on SAurdayieieniit sifir-spent:thristrois it - the '4d homestead . Great *ere the ie joicingiof lir:relatives end friends at his safe • return in their midst,,aftes a long and adren . turtersjmuney.: ' ' • ,' ' • --- ...A. , • . .-- , . . I .---Itis Supposed that the attempts ,tea k: ilig in -15., en- York to organize .tompapies of furttneraistensibli -,to enlist in the rurkish wince' really - nteadea. A; 'fiwb ' tase r ,;1 03 y. l : . r 1 m; 9,c , :: Ilia - AdMiniritratior is, said ,tO „&ite &leeks:Kt to' . ,t,ite. etst careful ,4v : at teat age, Distriii.eatomie. -'- -' _ . 4--, Themost striking featufe in the.history . ofteniusi is its iteurage.. - Talent, on tlie eat thllltAillistingtrichect - eliiiib , by its caution, The one goes firth, totally regardless of its . 4x4nrrei under-the impulse of glorious: pies- , voge.i. The other never suffers itself to be seen outilithas made ita ' toilet. :under - the .gui, , dance of a becoming taste.4—frsinuns.. 1 7.:::.Senta Anna. on the .17th - ult., iSsu , , ts'n*llife:4 4 -fo tlilidican i)&ifile;bult - 1 iiseitiiiiiiit'thilliiii: -- ' ire' Wig ftimiat Il i 1y accepted the Act tof Pwidalajaii.'sible , . .-coiferli-o* Uri 'perpeival Peirce,' anti:knit: 0 1 ,14014 sneeesior, and the . title of Most Mlniess.'. There 'appears `no 'obitric , - — 65 liill' - oiiiii - liii.o l 4 l Y - ElnPero It - 'the-Mitneei'or Sonloilgun and- Boolutpaitsit t . But neither idOodihed nor , peljiiry" seeia requisite in'iiidetohis iveariug - thehuit. . , 'AZ jterple;'wilitiin - bi - Liss thwitdiludamt • over bothins *Lite and hisWeek'aimpier."l __,...;-wit issaldAit,,Washingten Inini and, - . Tater,Parlef 6103 inade large, fortunes tyi lathorrhip, has lilr. Mite:bpi' by , " his ..teheol hooks. , ,,RrofisinorAnclion,forhis series,:o f alamierktas reeeiyed 860,000. . _Miss ~-WiA r . , nurse beokahrireikkletl 4). a profit of from , 090 tosiii,*), ( ,44..lleadley ' has realized . -frotaihis Yicatss4oo o ; . Doi Marsel; taoi -14100 ;, , ,,26A0.1.nolia t tl.2,9014.Pr.itar 0;430, • 40°C ) ;. = "Pl.u.r7Te;Parfranf..9n, .so4llbook,,m • AEz ta1aiti.m34,9094-4ndg . ilii9,loo _,W4O :Age"; f4..kiBX4fi 414)9,0,9rAti 4 \ ..iithomifitelatOtes.: ;So Aat:it aill'i. ,i. j - . lila gist American_iitttip -44- wit 'O , Ntr:ivin::orice" tuagjiVlD ' . , , , - - ,.li r , 'at . - .Statfr of -41"? 7 , ...,1-.- ' °-- ,-.. .. ffinmi li e ,:fit *(ek-- ir i lse fkopth, .if . collcti nog.) ,Thip : r.:41, An: ~- . -01. .! . •-• . TJ:. fi 4 wisig mel.lia ' *lino tilt C9P51.t 4 1 ioii Of . flie r'? h . .: Seiltik‘.. .. , pmpkie/. itifiziegisi .11 .. .6. -- i t the se intl Stiitia yl bidimhen_ tificsai By the egialatures 1 { VqFte4buriiiii of the Stec . , 'nhall be 1 yaliki io all ii , fent sad : pin . :, km P!trt. Of thelCeniti utio i '' / - ,"- '' ." I Thit hereafter the President:and Vice President. of ' the. gnited State.s shall be .i.lioien bi , e people ' of the 'United Stat es in the --1 au icr following : Each State Ilitlllyez, ici _ed br the:Rokslaturo theae-„ . Pf itittid - , i: eti:eqiiel' `au eeiiiheliiiiitiO - " • - - ; Whele( . ref Senatansintilt4presen-- tetires t w lid, such :State Ina , he .enti= I tied. int 8 ' , ingress attic UnitediStates ; theisid • otaiu be ceinpesed of con- , "tiglicx lB I t t0r7,10 to contain% ' near: by eat m e , , 'an equal number :- persons entitledt ' • reptpsented Under e' Con-, stitution.'.. idto be laid 'ofrfor_ le. first%. i l l. - time no - - :les peasible afterth '.' tifica-. i tion' Of title; inendinent, , by. thei ..egiida ture ofie.ieli reaPectivOly, and a ' , rwards 1 tby-thed , Legislattire 4 reckSt ie ,next L aucceeditigteackappointment of .fßepra-,'.1 sentati/es by the "Congdress vf th '.United-i States. : : The citiiens'Of each Stito whd:J pate* ' the - qcialificiltons requibito :fur 1 ti t electOrt • iit th tuna /Ilitlit3TOUg • Ifranch of the S t et © Le 'ldatare Italian Dies to their i t dent di r t tints ana , vote for Presi- il dent arid - Vicd .PresidciPt of the' United State3,4l, ne wham who aX least, tint . *ii . ittltnbitaut -of- the same •Stilto`.ivith themselves v , end the pertpin receiving the iireatest_tiumber of .s es fur President,: illio anti* this" =person rerceVeg -the greatest, windier: . tir votes fur 'ie ke Presidenf,- in each dia rice shall, be iteld , to have .vetaiv tti d lbe C 63 a that'irts riet, which 'fiiet shall ',.toniediatel,f qpi 'fled to the GPI.- - ernor < , theState;theac , of the•SenutOrX -in Con •ess, l and to t.te - 'resident of the Senate - Thitt'Presidiftw`Of the Senate shay i , the presence ;I,l,the , Senate "Lind 1 1 ;?4• 50, f,.4oPreifental,* 3, -9Pen all ./ . i . e eirti r fi Les "aatiyeturtilioil. the.electo 4, T iites- . t the - ,listi lets - alialt then be . count-, ed ;•,,:l.n e d the, person , Nitving _the gleatLa. t numhcT,o(' district, N, , b,tes • fay Presidpia flail , bg Presj.dent, if ,-'; ch . niimber b,q, a mai ciiitS iiii!le wheleip mkt ofdistricts ; , and if pp person4,are,S 4 niajoriti,-thea - thq, :President . Shill be chosen ... by the . , House"Pf-,Representaf • s, as alreadypro - vided , tiy' the CAS:;ristir, ii n in such . eases;' and„ - tlia person kern, , he greatest num hereof Astriet. rotes ' u ' Vice President Alan he Vice Presid ent it such' 'number, ' be: ainii4cnity (Atha, eili le inimber.ofdis tricts ;I: and if noper , I I) lave sue 11 male, - ity, then ; the; Vice Pres cut shall, be cho-- ECU , b3lhe Sena!e4;l l4 / 4 1 CirlY - Prsr 6 ViaPd by the Constitution in si c cases. • I „lar:-.ln the'Vnelish' oral ' diStricts the practice of foting b rjaiCluhs” Llyery ;nrevalent, au it frequ.. tly happens that a..iiithi or *Oman joins, .ay s A few weeks i r subScription, , nd then , nideitsacliildfori i the sake nf: th few po Os' appr opriated. toWards•funer 1 -expens - a 'hylthe kociitty. In refe'rence t *the gre,t Inc tease in -the number of th o murd— rs' ,- the -'Orand - Jti: : . :4, af . the fist Liverpo( 1 - ,a.S.4es made a preseitiment # f which he folicwiniii . an i i abstract': ....-: - - --, -.:' 1 _. .. 1 . i , • The Qrati I - Jury era of ivinion that { the interfere,' ii of the legislature is inl 7 l piraiiicly ca,,edior to Tar 4 lit op ,to'-tire PiPscl4,BYstO of :_money payments lb': burial'societV , '...""From tbec*ses brought z s before theca fit. the .present i , assizes, as iyelt" i iasii'om, ast ekporience, the 'Grath] Jury hasp nc: cmht. that thc iyitein.. • opi-r- .. ater as a dir . tincentice to inu.r4tr,' arid that.many:of f heir,reilew-beings are year .4 ter - yearito , ed/into ;eternity by cb,4e most closely, nited to thern, by the ties nature-on O'fblood. if not of,affeCtiOn,, .1' r - the - the - Minds t 4 which - 1 i the riiles, film' Societies, asntpresent nstitufed,'t le surSivors are entitled 4 ' • _.f Tho Mi : ! :e,l,,:in of ;.hese, fluids, and t le t alirrain,increase in erimes ,cii . Op : I_ lice; aacOrn aniea by the barharpus use il l e knife; ace forcibly impre4sed UP-, _ . the 'rniud :of, the Grand Jury _*the ith , iectopce Of ` tending 'the :mean* of iM 7 \ , aoinieduc i ation to all clasies.of die cotn . . a is their , gutty ; fo . 11 .. unanimous opinion t at ilo solid ouudation:fer any ""abiding • id l ealUterY):Change in..the habits and -• I u it ii .of -ell - poorer 14 : p ed : Fur ies s u e: i :, ,,s :i in . : this suc 1 pii .on try_ 4: . . , .ha ge is ipou-the 'educatiOn and aii ing o ,iing: , ,- I Fiti-Nai . - ended a _. _ . at ii" - dinner, girdn 'a vv' ii! 1Y one of the rich'Trani'- le of PI Aden 'forks and' spoons' . , Iver iised, - .ne - itirns. of ihi'farnilY : ili enamel diein,' *bile the plates' and 'distill le" same . metal 'hail Ahe arn:is set ;to centre; ip a mosaic of precious stonesf ; .. . . . A letter trona ATiipiah •statesthat: the irly4tericinsa'llair of Casper Hanser,:which Created such an excitement rnariy '}cars t ) akci t '4,akain 11$in n . gt. hefore ''he public, il- urh4cePei ng ; declared that :he iiirdied tali. ;flake ine 'revelations ''Con'=.. !Cltning the ninid .of - thai unfortunate 'itiiiividualitrinise reiftruvs and Zito e.t: - T 'ai6ystcOiliiy'eno interest::_ ;;An inecidefit'lin `lately' happens to the Emperor :*bil,'liiiiitinglat _ 'Ponta:in= Mein. Theyipeis,isiaied,thit ! his horse Ml'.l,iithbini ; 'loille'refitiris' - '4hiarkertlin liiiiiteed i rpieireate hill '''*hicli- prAs In tended•foifthe h. art the rideri- and in deed that - 'rtherider ldiri self;was 'slightly wonnifeitheugh no:fyio'petiple :agreed as' tf.:ithe:Part which'isits hit. - ' ' ..„ . • pitstar Coix.ioa.,-;-tteeent appearances, indicate that the New Yoik'sessay office will he able , to gr) . " , into :=operation. by the lit April nett,land , the= branch; mint - of . 'California on Atte lsirtiseliroal,-.'rAi soon as the/Na*Toilt, istablishaseitt *intim ',der way; - the .inint al Philadelphia wit! be -set at woric , Cidally aeon -eilrerkeoin;hy direction of Nte Guthrie; who; desires .to fttrniali;if - possible, a supply 'of 'silver attf l 1 m i n SciaiittfOr the . - tutry purpose ,r , of bast nesS. Llt is bel ie ved that ;. there :war . but lile-dif6,ol.ty in getting -thoMeti 1 for - co iii ' Air. .Gutttrie:haa'-stiread pnreb Sad tt7,1100.000 of- ttiliar *lnca h , went uto - the.Treasuegtieparinsentpa - ;,Wa I ca afford to offer aufkicient:inducei: I me _ , • to 04,cure ' ; Ats front - ildexicoah,t , 4 am '. t thaelorig Can desire.;- Wits4iitstoti; -v i a ~ ~.,i...'..i- ' .. -, ,-: •\ r. I: 12 , ; , - , 1 1 , - ~l , 7 '4l ' , _: .., ~ - 4.,3 '..' _. L - t' ' ' iVaoluogion lattcr:attys:--; 4 -Ther *a 01 is,g - 00 g9ju,g inhere -4P' regal' She oust Vell l oa:Mpitly.; ' , 'Shalt. th .' :KTll#o 4l _&o 3ll . o fVlrglant,own 4 - Vis,,,, .point 44: 4 0*piiiii; .Tim , :ieit.* ~t. 41" tit; fhb', iftwli.xlviii pii'cia. Ali: l 4 . ,.iiii" , .:(41= r: of the - apirolitore." s 't --. • i I. , A., Part4tin: COrres!. Aci-' I A:- ; i0 1 „, *, as 3d act &act -,--.40.4* _. • r,• - -+foevs44 , 7 , -Ple, ,rt , ..K,C1P.1.4?.4::,,..5.1,4!T --11111 " - Delegation in &ingress:. ' I*_ , higjitiembers, although r'stn 1 iii limn; - jirts alreiolY loOked to*rittlattt , fide • -:. the conien•ative.polio: cifour citi ..." . 14 - ,,...Their talent, . expo .10 laud" i s, itartie- are rolled upon.l ; b4he iota . , toit4ryf ?Ai macbitathetippointiotittbga to (17: , ,:, atheir - aavico in tilbstfength of thiAr .";: 'ority, they still arOlg t h'iill -- - tinifici accardingly. - • , - - 'lt is faCt universally admitted tlieWh &Delegation is found greater ti Part Of be. talent and ability:of the : pres-,., eat' COnkress. ' Tit the Senate, Eier'ett, ' :Clayten'Sewraid Bell, dimes, P roe,'and 7 .Others Nie 'cOuld'uarne,. are''. an rnansent to thecountry, and a credit . 7,t0 t e !wino,- ples they iepresent .i u the Hoti " , Chin : dieT-aud.lii.l. as4 o ..cigteA 9.4. CITY:a Ps-iXiPtl 9.- which ivfeninibeinitly prong: Their , itifltnittee salutary in restraining the the spirit, a extravagltuto and-radicalisra - which characterizes:'tho preSent Icongresi. If th4,ctitinot effect the' passageof whole some laws, they can by drimhinition with hottest. `Dernocrats,:privent l 1 the passtiO ofziceltlessand - injuriteti onei.' .The . gi , gatitte-schemq before , iho' Present .Con -tress for robbing tint Treasdryunder the .garb of ytornpaniet; -Ike.; ',will meet- with unrelenting, opposition 'trine the' Whig delegation. - 'Their Object will not :'lie to lead; but restrain. They have: hilt tho_ power to' lead, but Must - submit to become the citilservators•of Congress. That, they will diScharge. this . antiy prop erly, is curtail) from their past history.— Th?y can render :-as_ efficient service to then. Count fly - by faitlituilyebserving_this poliCy, as if t hey'had ' the power - to lead. I Pennsvlcania - ,Tdrgraih.,' TIM ,Del OF AF.19., AM APOLOGIST TO bin, Navit, .r.:Sout.t.,-:—NVe_ gather from. M.'GraitlOrdet"i lettesc'ef. th Istt instant itriesterdays Jo frier des Eiais..Unfs, king -14, Duke '''OT Alba.. telfe brother -in-law of. ther;Frencli .-Empress); has made the wilestde IfOstorahle to 'Mr., Neville , Soule, the'son o our : minister 0.. pain, for the ill - considerate remgrh's of which he MIS reeenqguilt . ,y at eiiiitili4 ball , in Madrid., Tart . iius_aceountS,havo' been _given of the aith.ter'rereried -lb: but, M; Galliardet's is • probably . the correct enc. • appears _fret* , his,-statemeat th.itthODuke of pp Al-‘ ba,toA it ill because Madame Soule were it:high-necked areSs; while all the ladies ef i he' Court Of Spa ti . ivera dresses more -or leSs,dekolleftier,'ClOw in. the neck,) and that he 'fiirther t rem i tirked,' 4 _ See.! There goes . Margeeetcif: Bergandy VI ; Just , at r this moment yOung,NevilloSeele - .passed by; and happening to overbear the.slight I ing, allusion ;to his . 'nether, immediately retorted,by j calling - ,tbe .-Spanisn.:grandea. I ablaelcguard (relliritn.) - In a- moment] there was i a great„ disturbance... Mr. Soule, the elder, iinniediately' carried off I his soh; bat the latter _sent next; lay Jiro friend 4 and eye flie - Duke.Of• - ' 'Alba ; with tinstrtictious to acing:tut_ satii : - . faction either by_ mcanS.of r ormy or by a written . apology : - At first the Duke . re fused to corisent to,:give redressin either way,-epoutlhe plausible preteit .thaf . his : adversary Was in reality urging, on a pi)- 'ideal _quarrel. But the Istory is now . that •plibliel opinion: havini declared' it ;self imaniineusly regainst him,'. as is not . asicniishing in 'a -cbuilt ry {renowned. for the claivatiOus respect which it.has always paid to twenty, the Duke of Allra has sex- I Elect the : matter by"gracefelly apolOgiSing% for the offence complained of. Fur d - ing this he deserves credi. .. .-. A Stufair • DREAMING TO 'WINE PPR- PoSE.—The Highland Eagle, Westches; York, I 'ew relates - the - • Pd lowing curl us story I . --' t - A.few da a since, Mr. - Geo. F. Sher i man; of Co d Spring. 'while on his :way home from is place of business,l;inisied his'poeket • oak containing aboufs372 ;in i r bank bills, ,nd'aninriber of drafts. 'limes, I and- valuabl -. papers. - Whether :it.- was Idropped . fro his pocket accidentally 'or I feloniously; tbstracted . therefrom; Mr. S. 1- wainot ahl- to determine. wan communica eat to Daniel, Dep uty Sheriff , f-Putnani county; He dream- • ed that' n'ig _ t that the: money:was in pos-' seasion..ef e eorge; 'MeNar,?,r, a clerk in the I hardware s ore. of Messrs. -. 11.. Sr. E. Pel ton, that a part'of it was fastened in the \inner lining of his vest, and a part, in the crown of !i4 cat.; and that among the bills was a: ten dollar note On the Putnam county bank: - Mr.-Dykernan eommuuica-' led:this singular dream to Mr. Sherman, and to , gratify theirsuspicion excited•by this•dreititi, ithey 'kept tio;eye.-Upon, 'Mc- Nary, 'and 'on - Saturday: night last,' as be ; -.l =ras PWltis;way:Cto theears, with 'the in-_ [Apulian of leaving the‘place; he was sir- It On searching him-the money "ta" :the 4uninint;i:of $323 was found as.indicated `ln .D,ykemaresi •'lriam, - and the $lO note !Aims especiallv ld. recognized " ! , .- MeNary 'e.onfessed thatibe found-the - pocket book oc ilp his emphiyers store while making . a t Pre early on the Morning of the 21st -ult =that be slipped Mit' . the .packagesof bills land flunerrthe' Wallet *kb vrhatever it con -1 tamed F- i ntoe . t, , a - the st ,a; an it was consum- I ed . by the fla '... 1 Having' disbursed a u l es [part-Of the "loci eyi be promised theSher •,t; , - .• • _ lilf that he would' re Store the balance:if ! they, would to 14tn tti a relation of his jam. -.tti `Orange tenni .. 'He was corweyed te theplaie pain t' 4. out, and was•premit tea' to enter the ause,-. - ufaicatimpaiiied by' the ofrieer,'ili ugh which. he' escaped and4ii.s - nett . perceived Until. over half a mile in the distargle. , Dykeman - . pursued' him about - six rail'. ; when Alarktiess cdtn ixieiin, the felon'. binged . ' intO _a `swamp. and was hid froth " m et v: .Iti his iralise . was rail'_ foUnd - .-taltighj t 'potent ; ; spring trunk le'ck,sindiiOnie ar- things taken .from tiro Bard stiff ; Ware'Messrs. H. & E. Peltoi... - - - '` '- . '-' . :' - -- - ~ ,_ . . 1 gliVatia :10.vri-Tt.itiT or Biwa Noias.-L. The State Pank•Ori l ndiana recently ad diOssedeircultini ii " he various banks ..of the'ionnt?f;tci iumetiti, isi itearai"pos- - . . . .. sible, the-gaiti, le, _ Banks of: issue, by the i toss` it CiFculatiti_g tsl6; through -a aeries orylitis. ' lsre'-t• 4 - !.sitiifaetory , returns wets - inade;=: bn ;in itiVo - instttneei they, elicited the fidicr i wing , facts: Tice Pat-, iiiiiii . Panic; - inthi y years, with ` 'an aver - 'ege t eireidatineli - $200;000, - gained ~ t1.5;-. 1 000,‘asthrs anion t has:not been rettirn, - 4'in ten'yeiii; i . 06 . marilkiinth twe ,- o,r , • = f_, ~y-tven' 'yea6, With'ia. 'rifenlation ran pg ; '' &ern' $300,000 'to. sl6o6;6oo:`..avelini L., ... - - bo li t $428 i 006 ; -, Bills ci 'iiitlo''b,t iioiiii - i is 4a'ralloo and 1839. - ' k f i liAtl`ii!iii . .but . el ~ ; . i g offail laiiini of-`at. ** -1 0 "Yiiii i :,,' ' Ro; Valli 'nOiniiiiii i l itFeal.t, .4 . :, -- '' - !` 1 2 9' .- 'UT& '-itiOrge , ' riiiii*ret, litii: 611(4144bn ',oar 'atone ti,:,;' of $ 1 4:60 0 . ni;ii i3 tel; -- : 'Weli A riiiiiiiie .*lil*es:iis Onill4blik ' 1 4 th r o Iniiiiiiiii-c. !ixiiiioilt Ind W„fi. 03 . 4r.t*Iiiii ``..•*vaidiiiii ---tirilie siimcw'ilit;lArgei.v:.--itclrig.,.;-, ) 1 c t e O 1 4 I . r 1111 M a n I. , Mr: Sew rd's bill prolog 'g a Mode of coastrectin ' -_, he. Paci fi c ' dtlie the. R i liat i ,fii*deciide , .ti` oil: hern se: me bat has belittirase . 40Iieententid4e4i route ea f iuti t-, # It ' ii,V4.O Pity- 'l*i*otila .:* oUtrar:the, 'it#,eititertninus*ibe , tiorth i;if .-Misitottri; f4r although the north iliac t!if that: §tate ; iSabolit ilarty-iiiiles ii.b4ve 'lke `' fortieth : pandit,: yeTiliervill no Cliiiitsider': able town in that part of `the state at which it is desirable that it Should - begin or end:,;., Malin:ltni in town ,, and Quin-. cy, - in Illinois, itie nearer :te..tbefortietli cl parallel than any other 04 or impor . t nee: Mr.'Seward's plan pf Construe t on - is the bestiyeistresented ! 'S - ..The glov/.! e _ :intent .'-had - better atitily' lta Credit fer'' c it means to the buddin of 'the road, .t iin= . it - s' - prep - i3rty. - : That -- ii• — iiliiaxint .‘ hichoutght rarely into d parted front.- i The Pacific Itnilroad is re :tired rather , . Cr the purpose of the , . gov vntnent .than ftr private commerce. 'Th ' trade and. tfavelevtir thorned Would= ," rebably not jay its running expenses ;* but the work • 14 'needed to cement., the uiti!?noftlte At- lantic and -Pacific States;„ to Carry the T 44% and to.transport armies. and . . muni-, tions of war for the defence Of the Veit.- l'hese are objects which niat only, settle • the question Ofeenstittitionid, poWer, but also are concluilve asst to the( expediency rif the measures:` 1. The dost-rilay lxt:a-bun dred, millions otdollars'; _tor the'cost of which, fer.t he want of-this, facil— ity of defenceiwe.might loSe pe Pacific chest, ; forever, might - bet a. thews and,mil-. I tins 'Cif dollars.. " , ..A humlred millionsiet sii i re percent;percent;govern mentStOck, issued for, cl: a peril:me as. i this, n I quantities as. wanted, 'say five -or ten irniltions' a year, lould be-greedily taken at ;ten per cent, t .; retnium.. , :%.4.11 saleable. lands - - within ten oiles of the „track, would be entered at least: as fast as the ; road .; . Would be. built. Thus thts Constinetion ,of the road, the sale of the lands, end the tedemption of thestock /Would' go oti.: sitaultaneously ; -So that, by_retaining the management of its own property invite hands,:as:Govein- Or Sewardproposo.s, the road Would be built .practiolly:forfiothing. - , • At-:t he same. time, it mast be:cenfes-, and t4at Gov;Seward's •. eche:net is:but one Ora hundred-that have 'diem: tind will be presented: • -. The plan finally.- adopted will bo a collection uf thelost points iu each: .. - - ' :,\ • 11fonnextsir.— Mormenufni is said to he,. in . creasing.veryrapidly,„ingligland.,", Sex-: eral societies , London, andthous- ands - efeonveits haie beenlo4oo ; in • Wales A -corespendent -of the:N . .. r.-! Curler: . says. thUt.. a .rnen States iced South Wales West.r of Eq. land dutifig. the - _sernmerr,l*ha represent s • - • himielf as Baring. been a petsenal, aegaia- Linea of joa,,Smith's. - ~. 'took admi rably, and ,hist*eetings m•,•`F . . ..lai*bly• at He was, , tine.r, ! propeesessing fellow; •and spolie with . .fluency, and, : zeal. Isis converts multiplied ti? such ..,exteut a's • to attract *lie attention •Of? l aipa•rish.clergy- Man, mr.lio -ftaring:the • blottnats'i.powers went. in: person to,lenetf -Meetings . : where: be headed a 'ineb•- lend:, drove Joe . • Smith's . -disciple out Oftbo not beim e the Seed .he had. _sown, bid , ken r o ot , • At fi rst this 'mit rage. iyas rnended,;bui• comm. end fl i ou . soon turned . to denunciation; and the reaction increas . - ; eat o Mermonistil-surprisingly. .NWr is, the ,tnovemen,. e.c3fined I to thojignculint. ; ;trod ' and poor. • The •dalt . bytolera bly,, . intelligent are i»g ever. to. the neiy.: church;-and* Fier grea-i,tininber -of Con,: vents, .133,113 y of ,the .people. of sUbstance.;,.l are. preparing, to cave. 1 - - : D.z.vrtt OF Vtc Anstittst: Dscass.--- , ,,,_ The , ,death is au minced -' in England of, James Itiaar4 _D. crei, Vice ,Admiral of' :: the.Recl, AVose t anie is connected With: au ereniin _Our n: viii histtiry which gave ; 11w first , bhitv to t te,nivalLsuprCrnacy - of; Great Britapr. A tniral'Dacres coalman- ', deli the British frigate Gtierriere,": which. 1 Captain Hu 1, tocik' with:,the "American fcigatc - Con citaci4n„ in tl)9'first naval en gagement , a 11,2,,. The' English biog rapherS nos assert that the. Guerrieral ..‘ was "an of , .worn out , frigate, unfit 'for` serrice whe she went into action.' "Yet i ': snconfident was her comMancler at that-, . time of her ' excellent fight in "ctind ition,! ,i that he rut, A up to his:lnast4Madthe-.arrO gent declaiatton that. his f ,vessel,wai the . Guerrieri, arid bot the Little Belt: ,The; action lasted just one half . ef,"art,, 'hour', when the auerriere struck her flag: . The' biographerlofPacres Saisi it continued an hou4aq three quarters. 1 Pacrci . Was . a, , lirae man,l bin he.relied with ,' ; too great confidenet! aeon, the cOrmrion ; :helief; at thattime,in English' naval invincibility; Sri arnaied was England 'Whcathe intel-c . liaerica of Decree defeat reached that, 42,111 11. I i tit . 1" d . - 'L ' c0...-,.5.: / t a . e; ea mg i paper -in, onl dorOntirmiled that he, ott i ght , , to be pun.! ished for - !Striking • liii; flag to ‘.an.enenty l uneocusicithed to such triumpha ' '- 1 ' . • • ,'T• '-- - -_4-=-. -- Con; Si Ilit I - - • I I E.NiS.=Wil. are infortned by:Mr: Ne dham, coal • Operator in this place, the the. entire. shipments - of - ala i , from ihr basin comprisinithe Whole., of th e A nthracite region of Pennsylvaniii are in theeighbOrbok 0f.5 - ,000,000 tons, forthe pas eason. ' Thiienornious'ainl is a e distribu emnng the ieveral batins a* it follows... rom flat Selni t ylkill 'region, 2, 500,000 itt . 's'; fronirthel l yietning region including :_portion of i 116 -Lehigh, nearljt i 2,000,000 aril' from tlie - lar.ka:wanni, something' over half a milli - Uri.:, The-:airt r ount nun at tins place is abort .100,000 tons: W had ruf interestiug , cenv eil versat inn (volt . Mr. ' NetahatiOvho ii an experienced geolOgist,' in-'regard • tet the coal fortnation of this and the adjoining regions,- and we were tiqpitsed to discover. our* ignorance Upon _thiatintereating and important: subj e ct. '!There is la - general lack ofinfOrritation,inthis Parttculer, Ord %talent - In' our einnrnunity .; end yte, a futuresday,shall'endeavor to ; some,- ~,, pr., :cure for.pubhcation in our colemns`sorn Interesting facts Inia:ingi iipOnlhiS. qUe tiini. Me. N. evinces it;thoreugh knpw_ edge or the'iubjebt: in al! its parts, and h 'apprised us for the first liii3e; of yiailyi - Ltoresting truths connectbd - Wittronifattir 1 interests'or'-Lackatvainal rier'-n4l. 1... , '• . l I ! :C. I ''FiLtztverzes:=l-it is the of ma that Il eictenstve aAd .*erfeitarty f ere making iirekratititia '. to - - ii4e! :invade Curia. Vrfietlier ' s'- gri3utid fOr -movement or not e we aile UnalAii - The New 0 &Ada pixie deny anir`ktp:)*l.: ed& of ibe fact:or any lin&un yvemegtß Isf tha t - C ity thatti:it of Adventurers! are irk dist] dit'r.t. With the tneaaia t4o.lnited-Stiitesbave seeerintlitid, itAvaufabearstitinitAiiiaii our Gaveinment if Anyl:*itcliespedttiutilibenkttie to sad' from these shore% .4„...,„: „ ....--- - gt - ts..-2.--..-__.-,_ -I- •' - - --- nireignaless. 1 -- , i Tho'Canida,l - bringing ti• we k''' ' later A " strived - -,y*stOdariiklial t. , ..,. : 8 c rkisliltiottrilowitnOi r iglis oc Amen tfivitigh the4iplomOjitob . ? iitiil , iO, c'' , - fell ttate -I, A - blandy eitga&iient Oafs . ken, tilueo 4itilefitt esi_tlittiPaitubol Jot ma dm Turti,:.'e else& ill& Rusiediti-AVlth ,giOot. td.l%, ' ', eii , ..boty side t . - 1 m•! Asia thlieTs d iiiiiirit'fithg , N IS reported t at 'A y G eorgtak ds ai d sin d, ivalcorna the drawl rti s Titrks.jybol l atate,„ l . Meut thatP: raialitta desa ve d againsti-hal cletteiS cefiftireed i :the .Sl,,b la it - 5 - ftir; • I - 1. - d tlt sita s k) `;to: h -1 ipili 30,000 deers <.., 0,, u ,,,,,-, tri e Other blind t e Rusefint provinces - I, q t ih e ' rimes and hiiimi:Ore said to -be,,a eitafe of peti I liesnereetion. ',Tie) M0 . .9 , 4 I import,ant re ett • is, bowever, tbat il ! eal.,, la Ilea'ffetts h rd - entered ' iliciAll4Mii: tiailing, , -na it liitaid, in -, ' the 241ire4tion*,-,‘ Sebastopol. ' 'l' his metuture,? thoughjeitt , iquivatentl ton declaration , of - Weri 1 .4 0 5 inure: like '4 iluitl • any step - preyldusly -,,, t l ken bY.Frirndel: and r.England. ... 1 4,4111ps Still • talksi ..- vVarlike., , , ol 4444' , iemainti ~ vacant - though 1 Offered - to,- Sip, deorge prey, Sir Charles - :Ntreatl,,Lord?; i'atnnur94-Sir. Jamed .0 ettkult,...ahll:, 0 4 4 e" i e l f that sort of politicians. - A.-:Textnesk toi ``resume i bas evenbeeti- - -made,tal I Lord I'almerston tt* hilf;---blit' : 119 '4 ill' i, 1 Sensiblel=lV. Y. Tribune, Jun. 514:- , :11 _:. -- -. 4 1 i - I ;__..... -- C'-;- • II ll t SIIE ET:a:mosa Tll.,,CRocticcrr.:,— L A *aryl ' musing. incident, oecurred 4,-. 4 .,4, 1 faur days] Since in Cineinnati„„,illusirdttve ',-, al thcl, natural ;instinct at , ,ttne:sheep t to follow' - small ar -mi. '' another. ' A eve. was t... trig up, the-street; dud when they ; ., arches) , „., Niii 5 1-'1 site the Gitisim gouse, , the forem ost made a ~rush- , to - goint.ll . an fillell b;4 ai 1 ”' Cl' l I 1 coring : - IP I i 1 su ..e t.y - n out. t : u.toew.!ut l , l frightened tlie . sbeip, - .Rad .it.,.,:deviated,"l `slightly the true course, daititiginto. ; ,* lamp store, fitliovved by t ha-slttli,ole,fiOc,k , l ( l IThe crowd, anxious to'*itnes.l:, ; .the..stioN, instaiiLlYll:4;kid.,e(l ..tba • •-doOr,• : - so,.fhpt' i tbete was, na,modeof egress For 04', 'ceremonious , visitors,end as' •saliklUirty store was too emit - meted .to,,sit , ,,,tlietr, pe - J,„ 'condi not ieus, and wishing toegaiutheni, 'liberty. as speedily as, possible,-theY saw, t , ina other rlieans of, ;through : the.; window. qu o of them made al break, aerie) !leaped through •1 ha slio . :v .. window .upo l , i , ne pavement,. cleuudishing i nt ' , its progre4, glass : were, - china, 'i&..r.. - .-althnn talac,,rit.ll It ruly praisewurtity, l ,EThe,l c rowd- idiately fell,-back from-the ,r door, , and al.- lowetl a free- pasiage t , but eyery slieeti , ju .- ' mped throngh_ that. hole, iu , tlni,WindowVi 1 .. '. - • ~ nip.EseArg or Sstrre'ol3,aitet.:- . 7 ..The iFriCeman's Jour - preciived from. theed L. -, itor of the Limerick Reporter, the - followi. , -, ing I:tighly- interesting • iec pe or intelltL'l 1 F 1 -gente v. , , ~ •-•, 'i" . ,- -' - 4 ' Reporter and ,Vind icaior Office, Lien , .; ' , erick.- . •--- 1 , ,; ~ ri ~•-'- '- , r ... •., - - ec: 14,1853.'7 o'cldek : : P. M - : . r 1 , -, We b vejust : ,, been-.-handed I. nlet ter from a highly7e:able Irishinan resi . dent-in 111.elbourn ,;" iving ; full details- 4f the escape of . Sniitli - O'_liriert ..from_ thit, penal exile- to whicti.the .13ritiSlr Govere. meat d i nned : him, and from wlich trohat.. been released : by die eonraga and ttilfilli-_ , ty. of . a few Itisli- friends: -in ilzi.:colotiy, and • the Sympat Itiiing aid .of Ihe mender - lot' att _tan i a erican tradidg i,:esseil.-.: which was in the tiffieg to;take,him way.; to the free shores Of Columbia.jr There ;, is .qua lotibt what vier of thefuet ;} and 4 ; need not slate that i w,e - feel - enusidarabi,e' pleasure iin .being the ; first ,reedinin Or antwaneitig it. late writer cif this letter i was one oftltose who , - assisted Smith ON Brien- in laity escdpe. -We may ;add thet Smith - O'Brien lti4 no, piroleV . \`' I PITtSTON , AFF,%I -7= ,RB. l / 1 the l r st.few- I days Ive we. -have !ward alt 'sorts of sulk ries •relative to difficulties,,nt Pitts9n o!it 1 Satuyday'..and Sundaylast.-I'he 'facts, so far as %vs are able to - 'quote, arethese : on ; Saturday night; an Irishman by thcosamo of Patrick Walsh, kille f i his by cut-il firm an artery in • her leg : arre;•• zed and iS, now in jail. The' same- niett; a %Velshrnatt by the name of. Davis, struk his wife with an axe, inflicting.. it tit f ,sup posed fat , fled,,amf i lrad not been aerested at the last. accouYits. 4 ,Ou Sunday rnoining, an Irisklad, foilnerly resilientof Carbondale 'watt dend, upon the! itnilrlontl of the Cl 4 Pa, I . Coni, pany at.first it wa s Supposeit IM had been murden6q, but the prqbabilitjes ;pre,'that:' being intoxicated ,' he ;ha& - t rr?pt •been :runiover bithe card We h4e,; One .of our, sister, ,towns many itnve.tu, deplore a :train , CasualtiO, sytgfrnm . the :too' :free: indlnl e genee l in bkluid aethronitts fga,sonind conVerts, 'rneu 'crgateil . initto their ernd, into ~, denten3l-:=COrbirm4ln2i, Pransciipt. ' . ' t; ir" i .` i • ' ' AQI:IiSC:F.N ' pE.:---` , :2liielCiliCe /6' the ‘vntd of 'thd..l4. - .Pi,esi4etitß"ieree A‘ ziel iesces', itithg ,Coln l proini se;hn Van Buren - ' acqnieScesr in it, air' .Te.ffersen - , Davis \kquiesi:ee.' foe '; - the •Free'B6 i ii; a ers 1 itcquiefce, r l -- and the . Seeessionists,iC- Aniesce ;r se, n, the cl i ivai r y: ; 89 ' 0 0 i our rabid Loenfoetis getterilli: The'ether 4.4 i, .MrDobbin sent-ni hi's Is t aial itecu;rt,.,. ands a correspondent of - a nnrtherti paper.;siiid it was - a eapital.repnrt. -' ' '',. ~ , ~. J , . 31 , It'ir 11 elaim universal attention and "t , --,t 11. ' , -L "'.,-4 1 a, 4 9 1 L 1 - 1 . ',er Sa e'. , , -1 , =,.‘ • . 1 _ Did Oa ever hi -1- yonixre • "see'ineli .8 submissive set' of fellow's *l--TVilnifin,g on .lipicilet:i , , '- -•, -' ' ~, -.1 • ~ ~- . , , .. ' -.., ,--• .::.-1.Z•1,1'-.. :Iterrr i f the-House Of Itepreketiiiii% , i; on .Satu rday; quite' a 'Spliited„ 00h.dtvArte produced 'bir the prelentat bin' 6f the lito. ceeilin s` id illekn6iiak Of 4; nneting:,lield at Indianapolis, • • Indiana, •with`, tegaidtio the' difficulties : , at' grie, tiers frOrri‘the State 'contendeittliaiit - wits totally 'Unnecessary for\ Govrtimitni 4 move in the: Matter; iitiocy:ll .)o point ; or take the whole iliattVe and adopt such measures. as shall. prOte, to be -right and proper"; ' - : 4'‘• 4 or Tug qpirEiNott'or .1 ) E. -- tilcitiN l 4. — afvOrp:triliglpr v i.PxsSigP : , '1 received. takes ildsi favor of controlling Railroad m4lters 1.4 0, ` as ,to prettifoto , the , interest:Vl 'PenvilYl.: rania.- • • „, • • . ~ ,-- ^: . 4 .--,.t . „,„ 1 1 Ill.scusses thorProgesefl!Vike-gt public werkS,:anasitt4s that - lie a#y*nllgnffielll,7 ,b 3 gaicleat),Yl,!p3 - 6 10. ; t hat, uii.tyneill, AirA.tli: ,props ininagernent, lirofila T conld be ' lande ,equal qt ( 0 Int4:9 3 t ( "i 620 : 1 9 0000, ,e/aka 1 • AP 13 44. 10 6 % 4 1's Oa( t il'e 'fiiii4o.=.4o*-1.104 f? .. i`Oi 92664ii!i oat46'o94tiPe'4” i ° - iltilly..lV4ukeed ali4A4 O 9APOiP l O4:;Vfi;h4 5114 tit'g , ruli 4, T1 4 fel*Cfl i 9 4 :).P.P* 4 : 4 * - ilia s pecia l le.)P 4l l!'‘l94A, a n Iliitt-',loi..slill sign n 'bills , wilaro the; general lir. vitt 'reach lie Case; 'affil, '4ehialt .03 r t . —Cr?,_ • the L iielature "t#" stlott :speclA!4),Tl. -- i - ' e g es .• '' ' : ''. : ' ",' • ' - i, ' . - • ' - t -;1, feiosa4vatassei,,,volosavon g e.*„Ars tesw .-- -, .__ 8 ' Tan yin , sat a ,, seeilyigentienstel, - , i i k ~rtts with •: PAied nose;and a eruwaless hat id Ott" - ,.. larg#, *tin it , ough ay even t*" be leave to ktvin,,o4l_,, "bst one of. ithe` , ', ;in ITloadm l Y, 'nail %A R' is call s zhatitothunA I' don" 't ,, t:To iderilt any Isteotib4 o 4, 4lo 9t: ' Itcl, , w„ ryy • twetl for Pefusitls , Prefetwa'lttlea to drink •Mirfinue- I *Jr ' i l n ves a tiitlEttiprid . trinim us tfor dinner, to go' for Tliaakagtha' • ; marl' ballet got no tut ey, eel. Thanksgirml A call gammon, Is 1 1...d0. 'Lection's the ittstit huzi,what suits ma.. *gra, ia-rouud *Vice ea times,—eggs 1.6 is e gg s , reeple is clove them times and a indepeudontowotar can ea as well es drink, lon somebody: else's account 4 How tie do r 1 says a candidate to a iit ependedt,voter; ti i how 'de do, and how's e folks!' ' 'All sNl ti t: , : a sit d/ aala /, and ri °Y,ba i li s t gat a° : 4 itii - for'briatitst,ll4 poiltiVfiji,3ib ner. 1, sTe[Cdon't aaY So i t, ALVA he.` , 4 'real. A 10, , r 81k -,,,k. . Atli, hire's; adollar,' -says, he l and he ::d'ipes right down will the shi ners. 1 W e i l wb , t I call a institoosliun air pays. i ,' he mttinuedsitddt:eisiing the tree in a elanfidential t,0....., : Who gives fellow a 'lunar or 4 drink °I Thallia‘glrin' I Wild givo him a I•arkeY. f-w i l"ives him hat or a pair 0(1030 0,°! k 'n e w .4 o kC,Who \ tells tbe grocer to' let hrm haveliqberm. b low fur a week 1" Just istep herots'the;Way tar 'terwitsqbaniarevin: end you're Eiride pendent wotes and see if they'll come dow , with 'liquor 1 Zoe a Lit ark. Sheiv-re the dimes. and the drinks if l / 4 _ready ;.' i bu Thaukiiititil 1 61'444;i: ea._ It.„<litet Arelp _ fellow to his drink at all. t Well, said' he ggood i niglit, 01.1-k4lovg's time It *IP. G night. Folks is- waititei‘ for 'us at hensel L Good i ;light.' Andl liewent through" the cer-1 motif of shaldng hands with the tree, and i started with a bare! , up the sire* - ',Well l'm Wowed: paid he, ash° brought up:against a laniffrpost.. l -,'l.'m'blowed if the street ain't on a bust, gust)' : round _and:round like a horizontal wheel. The. houses is al! out= on . the side-walks \akin' the'air, and the l am p-pasts r n n int' agi n 'a feller on tl i e co iners.' - 4 Hallo". be continued ' 4 htre's a gth i , \ .here's 1 alt sit I :calls 'a extraordinary eireumstance. Ile, here's -the Dunlop House an the other side oi l the street, and the gas 'lights is dancia in porcission „around , it, Werrygoe i d 1 werrlv good indeed: Thies what Ivitilk an item for the public press, ! do.' , , And on h e went again, occupying Guilt sides'of the side walk, bowng. to 'the trees as they pwsed bylhim, and. shaking Lauds with the iron'iltiliog on /, the Stoops as he went aledg. g N s ty l ey ,''lief exclaimed as he mode to the eeroir of orn bu-street, and looked down towards th riy ' er. I' My eye '.. Here's the it!nnie. up 11 1 State-street, cri'ght at the Capital.,.' be a smash up. Retell be `a ruiiiiite o :the -I track- -;', Well, raillog4.l,l4s.ti.iststi.tution. 'l4oe me tivA is cold water fellows; L They'ocueves.o l ,„ on 1143 corners to iiltior: They don't - want turkey for dinner. Veil. appetite;is ripe- ous, they eat cordwood, they do. En.qines I stay out late nights and nobody scolds on. They go 2-nortin' around, blowin' about the streets-rind nobody takes 'em up. -They can boiler about o's nights ; and nobody, takes 'em to The wateh-lrus. They don't up afore , squire Colo laud - get' bixtrdays i the l'eni-, tetitiarylor. brealiin' , -the- public peace, a wilt 1 wa s a ,engt e. No; [we ld'nt h e . 'l. engine neer. T Dy . nes m . u , t 1 eletwent %voters. Ist body what's 'mania' for o flon't shake hand, nitli a engine t 'tecti it _ time. Nobody don't given engines dull , and ask it how its folks is. ' 1 „ - '-Engnies. claret get "their lignar _ to why ?' wo tern? ward th engines,. £'n Yes f 'Yes - ft' siti fonmr4t ki er‘ - ;.iss!rig , I enqiaes. - - when nobady di)retl,ire a feller. l'lti.agrn It :as a intitdoslltin:-'l' pendent woter,l•ani,•find . 'lectiO • ,institoashtin. 'That's ivhht - 'pay lbani Register:: =MMINSM - HARRiintrRG.T 3; . :118242, :Fle . mects es4emble - fl `hour. There wei prey c, , s, fiat , ;to theenite,- , oerar. o tlid- - - elect eci }tan' Chase 9ni the'tiisiriet r 'Sul;iva Wyominiu,ltlere ce °`Neii'her rtection same'o ' iit e'Stii (I, l '.''o'Ll.: . '':-.-:..:' i•-,::-.El'::::::"-i • - ero;T:eid iii , i!iiiiiiltiiii'•• 1' igiliiii!,l:. : ; 9tl4se - ,'* . ii. i , ittiii - siicii:.a4:oi4. , ...e6iiii ilieil..'-- . ' -.- . ' "!..: --, ::::-.';',;:,':_:;.-4,-.-;,,, ously c 131 lts jug the Gunge is- cone, Gtivdruer Bigler will Send In sage -tt •• ®r R `-zit FLONiIkdAiNDER,4I. ,Cirrir:"qtle ' Neti-ar .;(4,..N . ... Jr) .2'Adyertiieticttatps , i . that: some p ; rsons who', were. 'engaged.-;\`-i ti„, gia-: t ding th street.s.etthat city 4511 . '540day:fast' ' while - (irking - , :it the :i mitten nf-ls'esbitt, street, ;- wOen tg a an .- came / . ,bet it tip; nasi - •t upnif tt ,la rile h ele, *ink. :go_ fent.:deep,-t we . feet wi, e se; the ninnith;;all4l.4 seven =at „the 'lttiniC -; :A. stream f wfi e fireieet deep .:rniling:.-iiy - a,.. - :lspytheist,- - :, - ilirgetjiiii, iv - .. 5 kona at tho'bottOtitc:TheAdisceSpry excited,- cotiiiderable iniriiisiti::";in 'the Xi- Ci4ity" --,'.1j,..5.:,•,,' • ;•-•' Dination , Visit' Tl 4 tlic,ndv lteY• tfil - 14Y'iittetu;'ii do natii4tViiiit hI hi:foie:l on Jii 3 r l ; * l2 t1i(1 1 3 54 ;' illerfiooil4 and eyeritng ': -"' .. !.; :!:;1 4 u - , 1 51' 4 - • IjIED •—v: , `" 4 : .-- ' . l :.1t......):. *.- D 4:SCt I, 15.10pringville, con Titurs la i, th ,e 29tici 'tit Debeitabor I.Bs%4rnom.tis CASSEDY," r .d ::: '11 .. i. , i4i t i t .. 1 ,-.,.'•:; - ' , .- i--,:r: . i. - - : .. r..:ltiit.:tee:eeit4il ryas liorn in the Path:. :)Dttfigiiiii l3 Cautifir of . ISO e gal , in li-elifill • ‘4lit"piiiigra_o'ut- 4 America in ,the - . yea ?179j;iiiten:Yik*Ijt11 . y!ar.:; In bis p . ,:: sage. to Ole ce*fitti hp . ittiiiisili,escafte, - ' lamentjrnikri iiiittingbwith* . at' iiidi-i%i,it fi'Vritiice,': tit ifo644 : l llirtitietOettl:'.:Vit-tied by ;iin, i4l' Tiliili. k lit.4:l4s4iiiiikiiii:At.CAirthf F.,i4it ,A 1 ,6 1 1 4- 0 6 :17 1 '''iii itit.ifite"l:l-teiVii: iii i i •41v6i1:t thetfmgli . .,.lli n 4 . 0 ......,z,fi ~.., . A a ••• .. , :i ..- r . ex it r . f l i r. i ti ~t4ViifissilittiOrilsedittl4.l.4#l4-#l,tttl. /434!ivytlit z .-.0 40 1 .'kL.,, 6 1 , ..X0,4k.'-'5 . 9 4 0-4:- J iii... - 04c,* ) ..(6 - 1 4p.wii-iiio,ool,ll4foiork.k - . - 14: 11 # 1 itrii4. 10 ikok*4ortioljr,wk: • 4iii k tietiossiz4e,4eittiiroclqv... - AK .. .ttiajiirics.lakiiikilli . iiiieloy i lit's pi* 'NOttliOtr•Peliiaisfor,oh 0 ' 3 '! l itlY 4 : 4 ) 11 . 1.6 14114:41 1/ t; 0 :-= co -4. • AO fli-ittiP.Mta4,4 4 . PrktiiilA; "A'l4:o 4 4o 4 V : i*Alir: 7 -•'• iiiiiol: l 4#9o l itrlt4 ll o:l 4 o 7 . Vi!g: 11 MIC# i.t,..itiliiifdieta:: - ; I ... - iiiflii4tiri i tilNiXtiV''' , "140 ;01600 li iifiiertiiililiq .- " ;iii . sr44lttrr f iiiiii 7. . attrrli,ioz4,)lPFV.iiOcra Ai* '.4cruti4 ,'. , . • -, ..., ~ • . U . • t 1 . 61 #1 0 P: .''.' I oftleip kt. .t a early 11. • js'ir;str.l tie iu W!ic a i and 'ii . 111 r, ' tp,ll .., iers - teoritti a !pail • < 1 I. ) loiocial:Tuanno .., ' liOsplti4l;l , 3: (riot:2d, -, • 4 : 2611 IntitifUCitliefi.“ 1 411!tint anc.cs' Will • ..iiith hit watthYriiijilyi' ' tiittit..'' ! "3 1. . / . 1.; • 4: :1 - r .....„_,„..,,,..•.....,,,,,,,..„... ,11iiiiirtsU orJumuarm BEKI 3 .........._,.._......,..,,,„,........„-- 4, i •' 6:-. "Cul, Insilalri• Wm!. 1-t; , ,.: , :!•', :..I lII' C*4lle'"4-411P;:'1:!1 , r e W i cßit e .se -0 . , :•.1ftf::-'' :: 744 4 - 40 1 4(it t S• 'IV hAllii) ei , el lan#oo ivntikk,fit: - 4.,, --- .‘, . 140 4 ,, TAiiiiiitostilltaiiii• s t 4 , Triciftlelli:ti. 141 , 11!..*XR.`'. .: •'i Chiiridler 'l,c. Glover',.* i 1• ' Mereditlilis. Strieltland:_ ' •= T-1 - $ ' - th ,- ..-: s -;,.. ,_), er Ys , ' ..:Smyth:.. y - , , --,. = mari 9 tt vs. gariXitt.. -1 - :.:-. . ' :Eldrod vs.'Young, e.t.'_ak, ~ , :''..l Woodruff 4s. Kirli; jr.; 61.: iii..> , ..- ----. , 1 - -81 "'4 4- T..# - • - • me * --. ..t•.--'--,. ,''':.'-,,Vf-.112..--' -., . ; I _, - .4 ' et -:- - .1•„/,-.=.. ,r, .04 1 , 1 1 tir , - . aidw O . '"'''''''-' , '' . , .2 ,1 ' ,1 '. ,- -.1-:,-5-' 3!,' ..-Tiiirritinll is . : 4. (k-it. 7 l:! ! .H:Comp ipity . _. .. . .... 1 41 ffa 'ett.- .: t r : if /, ,,, , , :i4.4 - 5,:;1;, : ....4,-, i ' . Mare} 'vs - - rlill 1 ; :2'l' ' ' ' ' ' ' Richardson iis." ilealoA graliiint.'-:,- Benliei'ti. 136iluiii:.' . 51,c;_: - :,._ -- - Millard l S 1 ' . A *lloVer. , . Carna3lti vsl ge.l'llilty.l ... 4etkdi- vi.j./E . Oed., ._ 1 -'::: Meek, .i.' , \Vest;brosife:7', - ~,; '':.'4 l it;l 3 :' / AViirtM4.3. - • ' l .:',, :-.."...-', ~ ~ ' akisi(i4l )6f ilit);. ' et. 0--;:•' - ' , ''-1:::: i :iwigli am - vs. - wralit: ' '- ' ' k - Otto‘l.iallun 4 Merrill . i'` Tiffat Cl! •.: -'-- - : .'. Mulford vs, Greeir;:i - -11, 4 1 'a 1 ,:; . -rs: Perinn: GelatNa. Chandler; ..;,-- .-:`, ..,..Brundte 'vi:llley.. ,,: . v ,-.! -,. , , :-..-. "Same vs . §anie. - ,-- - . i''''' -.- I , - yi-':: r ,:_,,,-• Cornell v.,-tfi: / , AV: - Itarosal,Cal: ,i . : - :=:_Tj, -. ~ 'Tl,tilinY riThitedlPl4l4.:7-,2i''71:44'0.1j4*- . ,Goo4riCil.,ot. ai, yi:4l4)inip: ,; ( 7..;, Newton;vs': Loornis. .-;,,. i. . -k : Bi*Soll V*. Lord: - :l'' prinker" :s. - Gven: ,_ 1 ' .Cliirk'vs. Brawn: : '', : ';---,' f -,- -M I a ' i Beinsar4 • ---c-overp, et.. ir.: vs. ' - .. .44..siPiat- a. vs Al4:nch.:'•? - 4 -; '.r.,..„ , LiT, 3fack ',Vs. Prigue- 1 '-,, , ',,•.:: '' -i f - dOV \ vi:BlaMstee.,. -,- - - Roberts' vs , Taylor. : Same. vs. Sarne:'-sz • free ,- ; Itm I be,'lts he 9.'m agile 0iik.4.:, - .-.. i*.-i-ibd:4l. ! 'Unit I:he' t wo - -. _ the ; - useiti. awe:- ~ l in;•Detn'o6s:pd."'`e.f '06s:pd . "'`e . f et 4, -- AY'lle' ./£#r P. ; iiibline,- tea til tlie ';itis seri: - . - -:', eg; ripeal eenti, the °f 4 E9 6 bis IBM I`_' - '-- _ ' ro 4 ri i!i. j ll a r), l 74 a -U rY IQ T .l{§. el l ~_: .*,.,,,---, 1 - :: .-- -.F 1, \ - I—j,, - 7,1,--f.,- -, ,; . .--,.. Eiijqh Aus intipolacciii. ... 1 t. _ ,_ ;,.. .:•-,-!, i ' j (. .... 11 ~ ~.., -.- . 0.1 1 ~:' ames .ta lot r, vioson.,. ~, \_. Gibson.,.''- George Co nflit,'' "'l' ' '''''-'''''' ,''' ' Samuel F. 'cher,: Ndar miltura.!' _. Stillman 4 ller; F4nklin: ,'i,-_, `',. -'J''''''' Edwin 'llit,4riagei74l.Vr! ~ '-i . .-- , :il'- '"Ei,,liraiin ii.ollenbacir, Animin. , „ lAnnuel niir'difin, N‘i.);lilfOntl.. '- Jbhia. 'llalstead,.CliZia...' '.- ' ' rgeorge Johnson, Middleto:wrs. • -,' elsou Kelsey ,„ llurntuni-P::':' , r r'-- William •Nlereilith, clitoo ' - :-„, .--,„ - 4 ,,2 - t ..-.7 -, '„ ICathaniel Norili; - .Tak -:Ou'. - ' ' " i Thomas tliellolson - S.'printv-ilie.-, , ' Lora Stone :Jesmsp; '7 - - '‘' -5:-'''''''' '',.' - Deli&pinle-v...llart(n.a: ,- N. IX Suyd;il.-llnslit.: .. 4 ,. - ...., I.lUri-e)- li. - Shermari o tesin i: - '''. J'ainest:S4/net iliddlitown- Syiyan ui- 'Tyler, Runock. ' _,' , F n' 'T ranklieal:M . 3m.y - Brookicn: ' - _,`,.,-_-,- i ;-- •Natlian 'W( A t, Ararat, . , , , James -Whitford, -Rush. .- \ -12°4!) B. Y.) " " P /iubur4-,-,,,: ~- -,- . I-'' - THAVga,SE- , .TINtORS: -- - i" - :. - - - -.'''. - 1 Apqlacon i 'licliaid eolith; ' David Blif; ruin * ViPilliam Grates # - -• ...., : _ -: .l' .lulus.: Nathan Edivdida, . 1 0.ii - Viisi. ; 'Mies` .1..a . 6ev,1e. Zit:rick "iiiiiGa,;:iii,."'`," - F,4itaird„' Da'Aison* - 1. D uglieity:. - - .t. - - I - Bridgezeizter ". Joltn- Austin,Geo.Friak; - -. 1 S. T,- Scott, Saiiiiierpard.. ; , ' - -..„ ~ ~ -, Br9ok/ga: 'lhonias Fish, josapli.l4!ass, Cyrus 0 4 1 - ey, MarvinL. li - lielc,* Atidririv, C.,' .Quick,* ' ' ' '.-,' "-` -- --'.. - C/ifirp7d 1 ,, Adam-:Wells,l,Mil.tOn 'Aclit4- - --. wort 11,*,lieuri lii - venl?ur x ,4*** i LA ti a .,Ste ` .,ll',:a ai i .:- • Dinweli : Georg M. Da nlsott, - .101MF4,, • ter, haae- P. Raker,*- Abel Ctis i tidY-!- - p_mailair: .Ahel - FliPt. l ..' 8 ', ! :, ;Vrea - Tei- 4 -,. `• . - - "Franicliisrlitksea Ilaraunt - 11 - ..P: Whe t .. ton; Join) Weli!h.! ~.1 _ - - ...,-,.. Priendsc,ii/ : Canfigla Dayton, N. Y. ' '"' '': •'. ~ ~ ''.'t. . ' , '..,- • Les,iL.L . ' ~_ 3._ 2 _ , . ,- -- '--.l.4"oiciti..;ak e : J uasoi' Stone, 24. - _.: •_ , Gilson i ill - nry - A - bl, - - Ch4!ter -- Stiti.* '..-: rounit'Arunali - Tiffany - Gordon Bantesit; W,atzter limlPA!!_lacob .f , - -G4 14 1 1 -!' - -'-' dreai./Icnd:t'..3infis gewinin, R. T.Ste-'1" . • ..- ~, ~ ..t., ~..,,,- - ; ,-:, 1`...Y.. .^;::,;.•,..i, :••-• -, 1 -, inen:l l .. • , ~- .. 1 ,--,,-- ' • I - ' ,•,. _ ~. ---- Milord -: Joalluit K. Admit - Nosh-Rid, liettr.v - Spearbaeke,- • 1 - ~i, ~ .!,q- - • .._,..:. ;,, • ,Er.;tiinon.VGorge D yer. .Zi3 ' - t .1: ,- ' . :,..-- -t , -' Herrick -: .John M. Myers, - a btittrn*.. 4 ' Je.iikp: Elkanah 13,3116, John Ilbilijlell,le * Deficit - ilia Sliay.* ' ' ''' .- [ - - ;Jack:ton: _Chaunier E. Ar U . - Greg; -, ilAtbcay : John H. Butts.-- ? hp .e-,-- -, 'Arthur - SoutliOrtlii LainberpStui4i.l!: "..i".- - 1 . -.-, , '-' Lathrop: Edon Brckwa - ,* Daniel WiK4.l% . ' LinOZ? Truman Bell, Stei4liiiiLlii'liiiid, - J o h n ,m are, „ ; ., ,• 0 , .f.. , - , -,: f',- '' - r' .. [Middletoiin : D. S-11 0 4"0; DilvidAikiw- Jobb' Strange, Samuel Taggatly - `kinBaglUe , ::, b e ,* ‘Villia7-..- Goldett, * JuOitPStciii? * -.,--ir -t- . - - ..Alin:treat -: 1 3 . A. I.;aelio,k - Alfia'imoi.. , ' - . ..; i., ~ , —,,,,-- Twiii,* -'''G.Ot- g e W,:.l,i;ans... - ..f - F: !,',,-,- -,.....,.,,_,_ .1 _ _' . llrelif , ..lll 7 / 6 14 1 : - Tilleiii'S 4 BaL. ,r ni k l " /11' 4 ` . ..- --k.. 4: : vilte.-minant.; ,, Thothas,-vana44 iiiithall'-r-- - . . _ , Yvil,er.... .--- ..,..i r .. T. , liiish, : Dglil.)Bake!-. 41 -- - lif .--.: .3: ,- fl''''‘l. - - - hannaiDipot • Oen -,Da.)% Ittl!' _,iusq-ur - 'l , --',-- '' "- 7 ' ' -- r - MCuollum." */- ', ' • , , -.:! , '', - :--,.. SileeeLhie s : - 413cfrili:S1 - "-Philip - -,rDanjel D. Gage,-.Martitp, ogan. ~,;.- .., ''. ir -,S.'pringpiiie: William ,13.11.1Pultiult. , :- , r , T 00 *:Pui.T JP!clu'l-- , !..• i --.•.r.:1•:-- , ....- i ". , , ~, ~. . ..„ • 3 ~...f . , • Jury List aik .:ti .,, ,„1 , :i . :,' ,-.., ?...,......4 itletila . r . 1 rt., 115 ittnitisziof the I P eg l ;tike 'on ilia 43 IV OT P •••• c olkir...b. Amis IA I by o - Mc/Wit- J 3, n• -..- 4 , , 14 b - nunt9 l "' --1- - VadeVlo Iglu ' ' Jr..,.0f, F B. ,.teaq f.. r . 4 ,sr...rxr. Ti l u te o tsuisei to, .9e41 1 44 R y sLAT.7,3, t`4;9l land. , -... 3rt i t i fif., by 11.- - In Ja;ksoll+ o n ` lun -ft% , r of New r ;lim Mr. Xtrr;a. - •-a'nnit" of j a a.. 4 - 71 . 7.72. .., ..., _ 4,31 ' ~....,,,tv . I; iii:d ~... ' .1: .rr. - 1 r g ir. t ilfcitd,i, " andirtitait ‘',.,.: 'YA‘ c ° .. ‘; • 4 y ,F4 q -N, 19 1 P.',141 1 p ber 2 Z Miss il. Gibson a '1 i llATNSliii,til t . S. I 0 ~ Alqi.ll;i 1 4 °*" 0 Jackson, . ..... ....,.., 7A. *' ' ".. 'r ti cern bar. bY um *saw' ! . .oii th °',. mi, b us roviaie esf"inut a - miv , Wal? , .f ~ 1:- HART, Of S6W I MI ' i'd i Pa: ''' `..' ... • ,r9p. ifeem .r,eizrysior 1(44: rs' ; ,Jait,a„ 1854 i- .: ,-.: t, -PO'. - ;7 1 ILL be sold ' of J. P. HI .dity the Lira, day , - ,oisl Alsillolkiwiem '/ liAcalci t s; " .... 6 1/' . t iT ; l4 ' 41° .... . - 31orto Vra 44.11,,,blotir6.iiiiliz/: • ;him .9)e,ighl GP," .1 3, `7 814 ;i dfe i i ii t ia,;„, ,it, 1 3 i 1 A 4 1 111 % 1 ' 11 P: ° -:•:': " . 4-- .01/ 4111 o . l •Frk!t_-th0 1 .." 7111 „,. - 7 .lrn ~,... hi ß itisi-, oneura,. ,00 , 4 sza.__FPl., . ,1, 1 ,-,....-., intesw - adaarriguvarieFunkT-' - '" - '• ---'- ' --- ior c t Lake, Januity4; is at - ; , - V,,....f,, , ‘1Y,',4;.' . ;' , ,' , '.-... , ',:=.1i„ ~.. L - ' _".Z:1.4::::,'11 •g• ,-::.- -, , i. 1 -.- ---i-, - r,A. ; : , ''''' -;:•.F , , , . , e.1.. , F .'''r.i,,AL'zg:;',•'n EMU RINE . : ,i:i.:i . '.;:.'.',. - P - _,'F'f4',!:. 7,:-,-_,:t.-'..-.:,:-.,7,..,•,;',.;:.,,.::,:.- ~,5 , 7 , F , _ -4 , .....,.:. :.,!,.A1,,,..,,,....:.!:!: ff=ia BEMS 'te- .1%." MEM ENE ~. :,_. 5~~t.,. =ffl