The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, December 29, 1853, Image 3
I='M',MEI=IEM=MS jlt,at.%.***oti -- - Notice 101 he HavlNG,leistrOt &hi- New foik visit t o call the attention'''of naf;Act engainers; IVEYI7_,S27OOII - OF GOODS, Rh' roihiat tlie;lotrat oe s,iitd sifit4ng"t4 ll e4Priz!iiediy:*'the-Bamer I will offer tpanafAtgreatlf • calico Prii4;:lialranted hat ea*, for ',only 8 cents a yard. Good row Sugar;lB *taxis fur one dollar. Bnitiglan: . Naili, acknOWledged!!Van. to be the besl../trati use, *SAO- ; Mate and Caps, Bootkaitt 4hocs..Paskt:itabeg gait pr i ce ,„ , 0441 , mune.; Dress Velvet,SilfOrelvet, .M o dai n D e 1 per,,,yird; s aliwb otu wsi Bream Shawls ,- d0., 1" a tti n g at inconceivitt4i , sirteen,, qui' istflig, warrant. pertecOmetauitiatt'-tikaitlialoni.*lll me oral u to t t ,bore,Derember T2;3453.5! CLOCKS.—good' timekeepers , nnlp . nine =ddl~ 13:41.1.Y0N5. taniAarn,December 22.153. - A p : - • - ricrANTED7-10 0 0 'll4',Vigh esrprice inne.borq; Drivirilic+-.411:1,.., UNTRY tqw.D . ,U laketyin exchangefur G00t1.4 at my gore:" • esbon; Dec.l-Inbki2tt"s3. Orphans Court - *de. . • IVOTICB is' hireby- given that - inliaisuiaCe .1.1 ' nn Order=of Sale' issued from - the Prphaitis' Court of Susciiiebaini co - laity ohene will be - -ez - .posed to sale - at public liendue.,•an Sattirday the 31:4 day or Jatiuttry. one block • the followmg. descnltad'Aot, pareel:rif /and, late the estate of John. ttl Cham , eteas. - •-• • . rise A. certain inessuage. fartu,AC4-lifott j the . township ,at gew-'ldilrotd; and :invaded aitol- i '• lows, viz: Beginning,at a corner. by the rttatrolt the line of Charles Foul's land ; - --Ilteace - hy the; ; ?samet - Otttlt - 21 degrees t S OasOkterar_Sets to a stiiite; t!heite - 4 thence south 87-2- A:egrets 'kit; at : limbic `to a--stcina; benp near ee"4i.t e o ti o Croilufi lot south 2i4 - etit perchOt r o is pOit and stools ekrnnAnee l'ar z e i : „voutzl perches to l lisle; thence by tbe.nsibimprilr 89 degreei,viiit perches; thence south 1 - degree west, to a stone heap; thence nfiiitb 89 degreowltvt• 91 and S-10ths perches to -a _past on the highway.;:— thence - by the same riorth,l degree west 32 perch:- es to a corner; thenee•:porth • 88;,,,degrees perches to a corner;. thence 2, degree west perchoi . to it-chestnut stump ; thence south B'll de ..grets pertdmi 'to a stone heap; - "thence north one degree-Wiest partly in the to a cop: far thereog, about 86 - lerches; thende, north SS, .detnees :list 119 perches to the place of begiuniag,l contatnin,g 1(,9 acres. art..} 10 p9rches strict inetteo are, be the saris noire or less. • 7. . Sate to he Gehl at the Court Housein lfontr,w,, and terms of payment :mute 'knowst on the:clay'nf. tale. 'W , St, J.TUR.1121.4 L A , I ,,,,i sie , ~. Pee. 26, 1 5:3: D. D.ActillUlt; i' - ""' . .. Ch risi tie a eizsuing !. pOOK,S. Toys, and Fang thx4s, fur tha Hot. Li days juPt. being ti r eeired'_ it a wia--A neir -jwriipened ' and selling at yecsawed prices by 4.;Thiosn-* Sox. .. • RuSbeiGalters, Buskins and (1%-4.14,50et= at . LyaNs • - . . Oji Bap, ..Wll - Dirner . BasVets, Pak Broonis4filitei: • Lid:es...l:lld Slamp.,•clOthes acw . imoittcaetivat the tle.eap More of .1 7 LOll4 it,,Sers, • 4c , rahani raekers—A tre4l lot of Ova ham, Sortaond A:Ater ,Cntekers at LYONS It SON'S. Natal.-ome lot at -6d a•yard..:—: itiw-As ten cents and dliter gold 4 t r illYCheap tz.uld by - d. LYONS SON. YAtmee, De:c.2l, tx3'. • - - • . • ') Ilo[Kays! • 111RISTMASnnd NEW TEAR'S are eoraiag, an•l i. a.' lnrge. woriets of faley. °ran rnentril and beautiful goods coming from N.. Yol.k, uhiclt AVe expect to •have, as baud - season,;so . tht old and rimer, little folks and bid folkt"...triay be ...applied . irith Faney-BooLa:Annaaia;Port Vox, Port Xoniot, (ati,a.lZulArr -and Tin- .2hys: Oarces, fine Stationery.- awl EuvelopeP" _ kirriPs, Vmes, Shaiies, Bitkrhes. . 11.;r11 and :Beezzaiftii , Erni, rr it{r ilandkerchids, Collars, Band`, Cuffs. •Slecu,ef, Edgings an& In=eitims. Stamped Collars and iit great sirietr. A lame additilm "to Inv stock of Dry. Gooda.stitta -hie to the,sisitioni ',Paid -Silk; Wool and•Deltiit*' iv-!a•l: Shawls. a- splendid :'stock •and cheapi+` Broadcloths, arri atAiniiieres, a large assortme4;.' Ladies - Cloak Cloth, Satin and Fancy Testitle, alliticm to my stick :of - Clothing as rill make it to the advantage of those wanting. toll Rn,l examine. A great t ancti'of other good:, all of which wi ll be 'sold 'tit the Am:At raterfar ready' a ply. • ' - L • ', - -F.B. CIIANDLEff. )T.Outro, pee. P.O, 11153.,\ • • • -... ~...,—..: — .L....... 44.....;:-....L.::1--......_....1..:_ ancultural Notice .:l.: . - . Those intendineto-compete "for.premiums lon gr speci Ain n o l f ens wh.i .of te:Lr i: ki r t e l papi. ,areli c ereb ,,el, v nati64 „...... T to 1' vo Fonts of Momr,Ose, t oe et'. befirer the thiidWtsi‘" nezday of January zest ; at il-titiciek, (noeni) a ter which time none will be admitted itwoompetit They will also give itatisties of.their \ er4ps in -: i t . tiu4,statipgthe number-of bushels Imil the wei lit per bushel, with tbe miificatet•f thole who et ed in meumming the ground and ernp; also •tlie , k pa of ground, 'whether sod - or Otherwise, the qttanttv of ti i4Tre or plaster, /cc; used , And bra app, toiefher with the awe el treatment of the soil nd crop.' Each p:"oprietoranit Pim. sign his ettilem ,nt, but will-leave , ins name , with Mr.,Fuller in co - 2 .- dence, only fOe imoirn by the judgei after y fi . Lave made theh:664oti. , . . . - The JudgeS. S A. icewlaii, P.Nyelts, and • S - 1. .Tab art , Will meet '•%t' Mr, Falter a store _ ttie ,third. Wednesday - of •hinitary - nixt, at 12 toilOck; to kx ' amine the :-•peeimensof grain and male their e vision. - - Datssea, .., • . T , . „, . L. 1.., ~ : . . laAtuti,. 0 6n , . . Joan 1.1 Deal's , . , . Proclamation'. IXTiiEit,EA:S the ROIL Da-ri&Wilirrint;pren.. T dent of the, Good -Of Oyer and Teri:airier,' and General Jail Delivery; COurt of ilwirter, Sew kiuns at the Tem* and . Court of Common Pleats and o,rphans' Cintrt; in the Thirteen* InificiAl liigtrid„,etnnficreediA the counties .of 840cooban na, Bnolford, and,Sulliran; aial. the.. RO" John Boyle and Divrilia Warw. A ".0 4 'ie 4 ,utiges* Kusquehanna -county, lave loaned *elf ,Ilitves, hewn dee , the eltb Or of Nsrerniber; itt`the, ypr of onr Lord one thotiatind eiglttlandied Ind - tiny thre e , raid to me directed, for boldh4 a.Coiit li Oyet sad •TerutineehodGeneral . Jail Dellynri; in the Borough or Meritrnse, `atuv ty of sus* luebanna, on. dip:IMO *PUY a'AutFary nett, lit being the iDdi dui.), - _ • : - - Nonce IT HEREBY own' tb' the , Coroner; Jus , : i tieft of the Pries and Bite of -said Coup9': of 6niquelotoni, ,thit they be it and ttleil;I0.1 their proper pi t iwom . r„`it two o'clork in - the ef(tri• noun of said dayiirjet*eir 11Peanti. igquieitil and other reaketatatutoi:3ocl dO titosallsiae *ftiefil to their Aimt , sivertatn to be one. And those' i who are boisid-btutecogsizaricii !IgnirOclife Pr 45.1 men , that are or,aball be 111 the Jaitof said cote ty of s laque bi tunsoire , to Aro lima Atild - Qtrlf.", prosecute lot Ono; them 'iss viilfbe just: - ... • • -- : • • • Wad ,st , Jdoottissii: the Itli All -...4 - thi . - kitiA:lt • is the year .of ':iiii•lisr4l one , tbillata 0404, 1 1usii died Rad .. 14ipthres: ~, - ,-- -V J ,;..' - 6fi. ,,- . ; • :. --4,-B:•AHMlk`;llit . _ . D'USLlC:'netieellilbiFfit7 i Siten" coneertieC WA* 'tottitwtotitoet SOW . that the Admilitittiter;l3:ll 'Mors t . lo'.'ir'et - hi* amend- itt --4,4l4istees .6! eounty.offi • tkini thit the w Presented to the "IWO* trtheillptiligW.. • 41 eeenty, in Ifetan3ie,?!) - Vtwdoe*/ the dip of lanuovile4-fortattlis iadt atd lace LOOMS ittiOoe.e*Okt,o9 o o l - 41 . 4 4 P-** 4 - 11 4 [ 0; 41 :4" _ R um; Ea ,bi ' p• ~ 1 " • • ' • *k ee p Ait.1.410,* ‘ , y‘;-;. -, - • gi r M 2 MIMIMI - .. .-&-,.4 : ai i ii i j aFtiaii r. ti c 111::°, 20 7 c1 i 7: 1 : 3 t le s t' , :4 - : 4741 ittni4l . o- 1 , 04 tiriorzoittio rn , ki ki*: pri ( , t i -- A it At- 4 Ati lased to le Ill'posant endue ; a , o,r2day,pel ei ‘ wa. - alty:'ol'44lll4lt,i leek — M . ` *min g 41*.itvt - Itili, 1 .fiii;c;t7pit ,_ , orlbiA ate the erlati -, g Geo', WtAkiiiji t , d ' - ;3 4:: - Twa . i.iittitlii illikei - iiilotiniels oilland, situitteut the township ef Direedf 7 e/ed learlElle 1 44 e. one Ricca thetivf described ifs followa - ,•to wit I %Begat mini at iinist . ,:the northwe • stcmi4 hereocat.the iouthwest comer Of 'Lucy lif.Babal • l.i fam - and m The line of, C. J. Lathrofili•lanai Altars. south 820degretit east, along theiline if, 'Lucy -11. BiLb cociee faitn, lit.perehesoo peat .41 ha Drinker line: thence .by tlie'Prinlteibie South' 2 degtees 'ir#4 l6o iiiid Oglit:t 6 therrehee-te an apple tree canter.; !Melee ;Bard aid south :41111triti*.weitreigit, and:foUcteetUPerel.t# bin . I Pest -end rhea I ..thetteelieitll 82 Ihireivit.. ' and,, - 4.l . othiiiett4ittfe "Post ;;thea:Oatmoh 4 l6 011- , 1704 west 27 ''' CS .X , ... -. ~+, , ,ti ikarelip vest i penclum kiitt poit i ` i - - ":4;:-, : •'Ol .. 'tied 442 perehOirthenee_ sou*• ,west 1 . 0 perches ton i? !et ; amnia north 2# degree . ',west i lt 'Perches to a lost; andtfien k sz, *mil g deamir eastr27 and 61 the perehss to.thoeginmug. gob. -, hithini 25 a ? a ll 40 0 )11 4 trot Ilettee, bare, and orchard the ' . - - ~t ; - . ..The other pi ei-or 064;4110 lixting wo o d land) bounded .- 41 desalt:o "isdlaws: &gin . - iing,it a hem! k 'Corner the tiOrthetpt corner here,' of:standing in t 'tt'srgst'liniii I:4'4lam .11itni's land; theme. -north a :tlegiovi west, 'alnig 'the_ JiPe of I:enii Shelp's triad, 1 0,Piiibes tiikillelm4,llll/P; thence by tuns! WI SalPuql 1,44_, Walk 2 degTem Nest. 20 STIO ' 8 1 4 )1 1 4 . i ). elitk . e 4 fk*POPt ;' ihenee v • - sontlt 'tltedeirese . ileSt . I 08_ pirchep ~,to t pot and ri l Monis earner ; and thenee,north 2 iltwes eq44 0 1.1' and - eight te th!Perches to the betnniug,,conVut inn" 14 aerex - ''- - : .: : - 4. .. *. "'• ale to lv leant the COUrillmie le_SlOntrtra, antii-rms of payment Made, known on the day ,of safe -i, "CHARIXSA.VP,I7,.Aduer., lihintrose, Der. 20;1833. ' •-• h ; , .It6riffis - Sales - BYcl'"' tuit of ' stn .*iidtx . writif 4:tied - but of the 1- butt- art,compilleetui - of - Insquehatma counti;anitlatt'orill ' to pal'ik . Italeat,thet -, * :An*, ..:- ,;, troie, - I:kitutday the,l4tii:4 T tkeiAiii . ..'." 4 ". otie eltielia.iir; - ' all thP('Otaki-0:-:' , " . • • ran - -situate ly ing.4o-*ioftt --'- : , :.ii, 011Satil: SU - xi& hanty, l --, - . _...,. ibed as (Mutts, I°•lvik:ri l i9qolkin: - . T 4.‘‘ .. litt I+fibli a _ highway: on I L the'enstrhyithe-*Cit endittatartni,,,4wd on. the:tooth and-Welit liy,land, timerly,of JOhn Ituker CO taitulig .Une- , half a more or less,:togither frith the appurtenances Mit 'framed , bouve andlittin.--, • Alru, ono other pi e .or purcel , of lan4situatein the toWnaltip and county a aid4baunded *and Aleteribed as follows, to wit- i : ftheatortheast by lands • tif I. litticksbuCker, on -the , sotitliftst ,by • lands o f Chanuecy Decker , cari h o . northwest • by lands or -Drew. rotmgv Al;4 , - cot, - and-lin the muidult-4st by'•,, , l lands of John : allan, 'ecintaining about 50 acre ', m ore oc-less.,tt ther with the i . tp - purtenaf--s, lie barn, and nt tltitly acres ha / Takert„„inx.taiution y it _the it of Johnson and I Chittenden , ,agailk"JOhn Dater, Owen Thatcher, • and S. N. Baker. - r . - - - -- .:.-,.. , .. ~1.. •, 1.„$0, • - ..; • ..... -' All that-certain pie or parcel of land sittnate i tying,' and tiei z in the townships2pf Iltooklyn, 11arford, and Linox, Sikuehanna county ; hound ed and described as follows, to wit: On the north by lauds of, (William . Pectins and Daniel Oakley, ou the east by*lmids of Era* stus•Brewstei„Othen ial,Curpeuter and Obediah Johnson. an thenou*: bk: : . ol xtdtair•llohnlain and Sandie, wright;iia.Joi. the w est by Liolls~of Wise Wright,- e9ntahling about2iB Peres. gm* or less,togetheri with the spitorteminces,- t vio 'framed dwelling housev; one icoodslicill four beirnv,itteo shells, one cider house, - onenrithaid,and about 115 titres improved. . . - . Taken in executiont,iir the snit of - . Niles L. Car penter, to the use of other parties holders-for Tel : .. ue yeceleed, against ;Amos B. Merrill and Joseph _W. Ilulley; - ,-. . - -', . - - -' -1 • ' - ' . A . that certain piece or parcel olf laseeti Wale:, iyiu and Wog in the-to ! - or Lothrip in the' tY . I.t'SQ*4 _tierianna, State of ' Penti.c l L sy hatuia.• and buumied and, 'bed as fulktwa, to ,wit:- On bin the north .by d ft William uiretyl un the east byland belonging , tb the oK John 'Dopey incl.:utivibe south andlwest by l s of Daniel Searle, containing 50 acres, with an allow-1, Awe of 'sit per call. for roads,,tOgetherotrith the .1 ‘,npritarte4umeeic one frained house.. one* friaiod bani,`.l and about 25 acres improved, IWe - 0,1,e - estate cif 'Eli:4m L. 4 -Litthrop. -, . .' t • •-,*-- -' , - • - ,?•• - j i • Taken iit'exceuac c it t.tbe ilia of. Ilinierfearlir; against 41614 L;', * bk.' „ - -- ...r. - -" *••• i: : * ,- ] • . 4 , , .. - 1 . , * -; -- • Pk, • $4 - war - l iciwalPt; boti,ll. Mg. ,- '''. ;•ti '-. • ~ .- - 1 4. i ±iki .StriquOattrea awns ' is: L ".. - -: `,.;-.. ;-, 721_ Nat bati X. &I :.... ..ini: - PaiifatiSiti L nicia Otis . ~,, . vt. , ,:.,,,_; Jar county,-,14 - . 4 Arc*: Eliz. betWt.-Dell, Tv 474ilabetk 0.11c14 Whereas a 8 _ -Aof. Di:vo -cc, .i . as tamed ..iiik iltwu•st.• Term 40,511; *hie' h ivai duly retovned 1/4011.elat.inimitaaa'pt7i, thereon. an atitc:Subpimat iris:tail:oi in eaht awe iettatia-. ably to November court. MS ; up!) the! retarn - cif t l be Irbil /.. p r at tvalv made tb said court that the raid EN ' th:C:. B4.tiiilirtii>t be fi )utal.- *it:lly Bain lvte -. . , , • _ . This notil to therefore to require on tostiviar before 16 J difta Of 60E1'01M - 453a h 1.4 6 14 I ff on slay Of - Jaa - • ' next, . to . anawer-sa taramptitiart • - buerurs UM . X J. ' . - ._ l,k ciai . ra tion-i 'Sus thannT Coillit# sir. - —• • •• - ~ ' ' 1 - • .- • ~.,.,,,,•. 4,l4wiin[Ws.-41,.. - - -- ~ ilOt Poort ) . :4; iiter;'sixt'iinielid,llliind C.llops„ . if , MEOW: i . . -l. TR. - 4 - ._ - , - - ' 7 t ' . ' ay 4, ka t , : . , rSarlaki: . D. in% . • 1 eni' 4 ... , To Ato;itero:FA: - W:nr4 - 1:. Where*. IsSiabixens of , 'Divorce vvas.issupd• to Anigait-rin, 411330-furbith -was Anly.returned:4lrin est Inv , Thmt; and thereon tin al/a Sub .per wai Wiled in raid case returns- . ble•to overnber C0urt,18534, opoii iiiiirettiro of whieb, roof we, made to sent Court that thii . said" 4 ''Sa ' -4 1 ; 1 ! .. .4 14 A id - n ot igoip-A „net '..- - • . - 1 . - • ; ' - • ~ ni , npfre i ' s thilieri re tO r etilittlf` e', yortteao pear before tht Judim . t ;of raid Coikt,?oit the third.M.ort day of Januar -- y” nezt;to ittigiretatid.:icirtiplahlant, , tr.- . ~- • ' :10:13FELDRED,SleiC ; -,sheriff's 3iretrasev ~ Dee' 20,1853.1 -IC; 1 eliniati n .. Steslatilleik. I!Coinst y 'Si: • ‘ . p... . 1 .4 D a A. Denins t ; . ..1 'ln the ` Court by hei:et...xt " n4l,llna-.l7,lrfoovew 1 v(Com.% 'leas ''' • ' AV' 'II lfodia c i ~ -- co $9 "... - ! 1 " 2 : 4 . , - ' : 116 2 'Aoll'ult ' ' , • '‘; rifTr l rokAgq.; T o : wi 111 if .1): .0 -0 " ; ;; - .. cke4A..a , S 6P. turd `Div was bilde.s l "' Opel- ierik. 853: which was" ililltliNii l 0 1 ;' :iit: i'Witostioc and tbereimwri arias Sebraetta iroe NOiirin ial4 saw: returnable tolrortionbetOonrt,lo:o - . thd,,., t i nk 4 .: turn of +Aka, proof'-was wao 0 1 ,de tit-s al kiO - irt Unit . the .id Wrian:lo,Xie etrOld notN,..-t a w iii my wrigekl' -_ [1 - . __. ..__- MN' notice is llrefOre toi.reoLuir€' ion t, _°i,pea r - i_L,- .',ALfralli4 s -__ 'Ull__ the. Sid_ p.... ~,_ .. - before the( Jtoil o Ne,, 4,44 Oa uotrA I*._::___A ll r;* . ii Pirrimace 91 "Mge r if ' t h e -43e l leee e lleert Monday 4 rooMI oFwl. lo -*Omer 6 11wLotwP•,... , ,A. t 'Elnstinehanna county, will be esposed,to ant; dm: - - - -'' - G=S:ELDILPAIsu . g. 4N. public tie on. Wedneelay the nth day ,of Da. , , .e ll l Shore* take. 'Mont i*, Dec ; 20 ; - / ''n': . l* lowlket one o'clock P. M. the following 8571)0 proms's% tomato. /yin and being in the:. .Abip of elewon-in,the county aforesaid -, said: risenattsto , ."6 1 eseni.ed as follows.:.- On ' pieigh-einoY - Of Hugh Need; on the east: and, ~ w att al , .of-Anzon:.,Rynearson,,Williun a Awe , Caeriffa ,ni , . mild on. the west 11 land ' sixes of hind c*.a?ntlkininills 77 - and, one third i 101-ft,„; 4 10 0 0.0, tot e e / Oi te,l " 1 . 6 ' 31 jam* more or MO . 1, 1 0 4 , 411 1 e 1 W 0,14 aWO mekmxll4l lacccciii-riato .therpm•AierPt 1104SrmiblVelM ,o,,,ilorses , ItWoor, w* , Tenn k of sale mailii'ltro.-n-t-....: .; 14,:i , li : will take i ii acem olon the elity at _ ; ti f f‘lng, i ll1:64 i . , -- - N I/els". l e -*V ht'Ailinligf . ilititlif a lSbt '''T'''; - 4 ''' • '. ~,.„ I r ,‘ ) . II , .. - - ,cia,3n,Ett izi stsoie-kaa ' -- as. bill } 1 UniliCey , 413‘e ^ 1.1 11 ........ e --- t 7„ No. a Amos Tom, ,vs. - "*"'T J- 1. -3 - 111 Sill'all ii• Ca 414 1 • V -..4444**itili)&-it To riiar.„ ,li•ic L 4 ,./r = - ' T "r 114 ( aids strike ,iplitie omit vw __., - : ; iind *maw 40,s ioot Inm) aul t u lprdst 4111 ' ' F" Jo ofult , ,ctie;= , an 'aiiss, . e' to 7--;; - . - 0 .- rt.shiit, .#41,- •orirtlick M ut ' wrIZW "itkpl bif t ' Mind iii: Y.Am!i!! ^ ort ,toe , itaiitt a a l O4--,-4- . -.4.-, e l,,i rinn3 you., APPSry ' lois •tsury • 0 • tho .. 4)44x . 0 --- virt f un. .., . !, 4 , ef o re I) ilii4A. 1141 1' , ' as id .4 4. , .' 4 ,ILtivary Do="- 4istY 0 7- - , 44,1iti El3Plig 1 8101 '4l c* '' -" - ' - "*..: , t ) P: s • 3 t'.': n. r *,' f 7:4 _ - - M2==:=l WE= MEM 'Oliiiiiis s 4eurt _ ie. of kOTIOE is berebY ere 9 that P an r ul i a l i fs ordei eu $ll l 4. iiimelk frill, 0 10- - ' 4iret - at P ub , b gY - , - ' Y !emir,' . °7l -• • '''t : '.e'ta at / and* . '.411 , - --43111alellannik— -cauld • i l ia irix ii li. ' there- linil lab 'keine cilgaliedliiteile..—ile• late Ifie 4itiOalf4 - -,- d .1e; of , All thefOetliiii4:lllo4o' t"-V,e,,,---I:l"ktif 'Mont iiltiotle siid : beig *,._-' ln the lir"-Al* 40-iit: foser*lndinot ci follo n, vr 15 and tteginno**lll.l on svi , lB ‘se;ff&t thlsom h linlo ra l- sai lbeala t t 'O i r il pl i o t ti thn o uth r e ta d d r l3: s,, % br h : pi t * ii 0,0; and I.) f the. sit, ~ . , _ ribirletisVetitges'weit, e 4 perches t4itil_ 44 eest aw . _. cor ner of lot tinrober,B:!) tlmic!l along Or r ~ of 1 ' ....k 4):wiimlutqcol k imadiAtt. the -cornet of land. 'mt .:track:llo Albeit Daniels ;Itbence running 'the inin'toorthltt degrees,'. . ,--; 118'pettheag fti a enr- - .ne,r-- . theitisr-elenguAt e "iiimet'north.ls3.`tit'grCas , Wei/ ;40.1i0eiches tit) the line of- leis° Coons• latut4. thence - f-byetheoreatitewerth 38." dam -, neat isercheiiitsitriiiconiaorloit - comract - gw- - 040hn :Picketipg,;- ;lime, by the:same. sauth'lsl , deOetiti east about..9o -perches to the: :Corner ": Of % land coo- inrtaltoMentry E. Shipman ; thence by the same south degs..wost 16 and 3:loths perehecto the corner of a lot of land conveyed to Martin L. Dean ; thence by the statitietteeth 22"degs.. - **:VVirchei to thil:.tornir ipt lend 'conveyed to ;elm "-Stewart; 'thence ‘1i";•" liis Tana ninth 78 &grecs west to his :noribiteat.AT TL ; thence by *AI, Stewart' e 1 , south t43' ar.. m•es *e4t, •60 perilt&; td,thesSidtsi.. : 7 ilikkOatt - 4 and & then eltinglthesald"road:the 40V. era! tonnes thereof:to the ple4of beginulug; con; Joining' St acie4„inere 'or 1 - 4.1,' tt:itls-Atie.." apparta 7. q , ..4.All'ilue6estaitt lot, piece, lir , tstrr'4 6 l"tit• bind sit. 'Oates iti'said4ownship of-lltidglarateivend &Mint ed as hdloWs., tifidt: l l3egliannt :ill the Milfitrd e 0:ie& Turnpike' !lead , at 'the corner of Jesse Coon's farm; _ . thence Al thi snake north 22 ede east •65 - I:erches tog pest in l said Coon's line ; the,nee north 68. degrees - west 21 perches to 'a (.1 stone heap; 'thews south 22 noes west 92 'and seven-tenths perches to the' id •liiinpike road ; thence along the isaattopi.ou 39 de , rees' t , east 19 and Sve,rta fenthe•fierches;.t cote' north 40 de grees east •'I a e ight tenths iserehevand south 52 sl4 , rees 6st" to, t he' place ofirbegirtaing, contain. irg /lures and 109:perches, more - or less.: • ••• . Anq also-all the interest of h e said Joseph . T. ~ - Riebaiil, - ,ile:ceiza, in his life ts Na/id at the tiinc 1 'of his iietve," se, in all, ;bra certam lot, piece, erpir cel ar,l.Trul situati in tbe,Springville, in said: Couqty. of Sys9uelutnutt, - §nown , and 'des-,;. criW on a map of re•stu.vei• IS llenry - Drioker's i •'`Xerloppen tractrias lot $ - (1. 78. containing.lW 'Aim an 180 ',ache* with the appurtenances, •r i Sale to be held at the CourtMints° in Montrose. and terms of payment tnedeltO6int on the day of! Sale. • ..• .' - "LIMIER. H. FiIAZLEII, Adner. • , t • Montrose, Dec., 1853. . 1., •-- • . New Firth 11111.1MR5...J0 - 4FIZSOZif & .411 E AN. having /WU purchased thettitemt or Anson . stout in'the firm of Scott .and Root, take' Ail 'nettled of an tuiunciteo that they maybe , rout at ilia old stand of Mr. &salt in. Sprmgvillo, where they have a large and carefully selected assortment of goods, which will lie sold'cheaper than ever. = Dorassettlifent •consi.lsti of the largest selection. or DrY Goods, Grocerie:s, ete., ever offered in this plaeo.:l, We .are .determitied that those 'who give us I=ll shall •nOttsro away Wanting. , _ Itetorning our thanks. to the public for past lib. ekaf patrona.'e; a'e flatter ourselves that we shall not be forg?tten,,orpaiseil by, now that see can-or fergrwiertridnce inents tan ever to out old frieutlc Give us a call S 171 4 : 3011X80 4A itX). S tingsille; Nov. 18, 1653.: - 6w. - ! • - Butt :Robes.- ,CIiCiICE lot .inst receketl. arid offered low by 13001 - T,JORNSTON & CO; Springville. December 3, 1f53; ' • _ Shawl*: Shairls: • • • A NEW lot Wont Long Shiali, 'vary A .eltrea: by SCOTT, JO4NBIQN4-03: her 8.,_ 7 • d itudftir'OofiCe. I ..4yasiese/iaina . 00:#441. N4E 1 1(01- appointed by 4 ' 74 ' 41114., Oiturroftnio6o of said county, '47•„ rli kp. diiorintiotr.. be , of . *he aweta in gjante. Ore 0, aestgnee.for the n iiitirei*ditorio.:N”: Eiger..-will attend to the du iiesiq~ijipfioili ~*tuntrose• thii -of January, . next - at, ooe o'clock' in the nut *ion, - at winch time and iplacti all persons int " ted, still pre.enttheir t ooti - e ezist- -----, _ - t~ i t ipoiet ent at his thel ll elock tbeit leeea Q ll persing inte,r tea tray , 1,001- roner. itihey K/kLpr. Aud Fit - l/k I NOTITER STOCK cvir 0 talys. -- - - • • FOR. FAIL' AND- -WINTER, - OM, Ina.' ' AA - 01.1SLII§LEAs.,lain e ea- anti: Oasbn3erett,:new patttras. Gaisi Pia*. Alpacraa, yarmetaa, *and Silks, lung and 'quern tittawh. pb h• e:l4 - - , -• • • -iT'ONS a toc)N>-. , QiY.X..Linew,.4,lll2)e*,Listi 'fief tin 11Toifei' far: iiieti. Worded 'iced s- A few - pairs- of, Ladies Rid the istomehitit low prime , ev•iit per. pair. OAU.and erAnunc dies* •" * - J LYONS - a SON. EtOrtiCiiet* *3 kg cold wastber t aold by .= • - x;,065e,&i...24 is6s. r A T ligtlarge".ll4 =ll;l7,i l ra.7l , 64m iiiimporfimmtbrg /her kr fixed sow or; - wiih or witheovittodflhiffesX4l Vfxod Iffnus be e n"4944 11 1 .C "t91 _11,41151 ,C4V,0, 1 7:67m Arlo. *lot , 100 INXit a El c r o A. ' 43t: trtir ;COO, 41.erle • WitC ol l,'N 1 4 .7):11 F 4 ' [ ... 3 %; a I, Dec loair, c 4 RION • Anatol's, hates'. In the Maitei.Of the.tilet•lo die Orphans' Cart tlement of ' , the Estate ..of for "gas4neinkrms. count IllittiThoritpipom lkiceptions` Caleb Carnialt klor; - vat: - The undersigoed hereby:lertitics Abe parties in .terested .itf i the ahoio. matter, that, he tend . .tO:the'heitrink of the sank on .Thatinlak;the sth day Of.Jaimary- nest, at one o'cloCk. Eqi.,_at his Of. , fieo tlontrie•e. ftftEtp, 4tarr. Idontrese, Dee. 1 1833. i . _ 4se .«..., Atilditieti ~Y. nsqnehanna Calmly; se.. 11l NH E ondersjoed, having" been appointed? b 7 ~ ,A., the &pima; Court of mid county, .an herb tor Ulf - distribute the wets belonging to, the estate ofJaptictDakley creed, in thelands oftlilbourne and Jas.. AA-Oakley, adziers.i4lll-attend Ita, the da- Ake nthit - appointWent,. at. is - cat:etc bellontrote, ran•lienday th4:9thilar Of- . annery neat, at ten teelocitin•thi . fo r renonn. -at' - hi& time and'place, • Wlfrersontileter . eifeJ will - nt'thete, claim ia.., lie — lareet.e• hat red. fee catchinlor a Aire asaiti; fund,- - -, - -.1 .F.RAITILIN T /MASER, At:Uhler. bee. 12,'1 - 135a, .. . •-- :i • -i - i . --14er ~ . ,- J': ---- : -- Holid2rOftii.- ':--- - ''": -- .. i, it: . c.F(jllo:olo4haS on lintl it** , ytitol 114 - TA. wiring& io' 0fit,#))44.2,',4 1 4,4 1 :4ro Ili 'aii..ll..Xiie W,lidasif i rtftt 4 o l6 ,4,... 1: 7 1 '-', ' 1 r—, :pbc - Mahormy 'llT'ea4r; * eati'Atiti,Vloll - mta '-','-' 411; with`,4llho. Milnil47l . *,ii ' Ili: 7441_ie r iliat,.., 141",iitInir Ipyire,a.--; . ' ' 4 - i.-- . i. ji- -'-'-'!` ' - IdplitOL:,bee : U - 1w - ~• --..-. - .'1 4- ;*:.-' - -.7 - ' , .. . ~ ~ . ; T 'oo l :t4o44liol?tt*- ONE.:TEMPEREg 'GEOCEtT••• e , ... BE Pmptietois o thiTi:iniwiliiie ':Gl:licit, .1 " would, citli the itttt titi iCtit the Pt* . to OW' stock . of;Greeerietc-strldcWieensiits or eierytblitg -kept ittitgreeery =with' tile - ti*ceptien of —, which site tit, ptirelissg& fel- negltisi little above, mist. Come an&tiy foi" j ittisettiiit;tre _willioad rotn 'eu with g es fur tts little -t igoney-iis the nest. g lir Stook: con t ats of Butelf) Melte/406;0A, Cogee, Staich,. Pejnie . S pice, 'SATs tei -tee. 4 atc. ; * ..' . ' 'Dec. 12, :1 etVi. • - -F. 14. Ft) lip tt AM ti. CC), Ili d t,'.tiAlCS by .tba lii or bittrel ? -- Oysters irx - the-Am - or quart: 11ut wholesalti. - 44 T . tat .. 140iand .TunXceNo*lns - Of all deAcriptionii. " • '''• F:`& CO., WANTED N exclumge fur goods at the -lowest cub pri `so9' TTrh,eat, • ' • loop "z I?gi, • 1000 36 Cum; 2000 Ota.. • 1000 "h .BstikediCat s 500 64 -Bcaits,l 500 Arzen All Waal Sucks. • • _Det..141.h:185 . ' (1211.. HAWLEY. •• : • REnovAt.- le.ttivess siovel•!l•istoveil: • . , T— substaiher eri,•hes to call the attention of • hisifriends and • the puhlie to his - very large . essartnieS, • • STOVES Atlas new Store Ro o m in' Loderseilie; next to I, S. LeiSheim'estoye i aiol nearthe Meat BeibrleThiPat bas.twadblitiOn to tits - forreer large:: variety of Oookiniand Parlor Stoles/triany Naw Parrots, eunie of Which ' 1. - - 1 PeL:i*ltraridr;liFire a ' Jkigkrn Troy.. 1 og.. preri . aiek,. .1 I Nidalliolt, Which together .with.:his fulttieri stock milt be per hapithe mast *extensile `tad - ear ed'aiiortinent of well, selected Storete-hi the COUntv. :‘ • . Ati . ..not to 'be . forgotten. is :the G'LiYTON STOVE; Of greater weight - and ,better . material',' than those hawked aboutthe CoUntry by un7ireus - • • .*: *Prices fur iatrgeet*siXe.., with large furniture of :best materiaF .... ..... With itielrtrinnibitige as Pedlars furni3lt;' Q4:' Small size well • •-•- • r• • are not nuille - witti old 11 7 on - ais rep- ; -resented *Patlatis; and *te•ne - tlikt 1 . -- hiertr.bett' sold by tile hire fui!ed. • - • ',••• ankles - in his:. line kqeon made' to - order es Usual.: and orders ' flicel7roi)t:,l4l:, _Old stand in:Ortjiletid. -- . • .; ist)mr . At*AW:t': l ?' LotterivilleA Great ilenkl4l;ir..4l4g..r:. Ikke—l—AS dealerinA9l:o7.3 Thlf Copper onagbeet Iron-Ware.:l;naeowille, mar 61 valt lk i a bl i er**Dec•*/ •1853. 'tpailifiiiis cam be dine . well others o9 . - • - rrECE el4scriber; Wring , purchased the Chair rasiniiffaetorxiof S. W. .0 reensrUod; in Ilarford, is' Teemed to trsi)uticiurie air - kinds of: hairs at redaftd prices orguoil ronierial;%andin supt;rior style of it the !Efferent kinds, I wit linention ' ' • ' BasfoNPWAtiv, .(improre style,yall4iyels , of - Fasecy Witsciso.Aairs,-Flag : . Setteri,.. t ar All *Ott warranted Nis" g i ve , • satisfaction fur Ere: yenra,' " • •• 41 . 4 11eirlitintalle ProdUce Will telikeiV iu exj. eluingelor liorli,lrat NO eftEDlTl' .• ' JAS. J.OgNSTON. • 41; 1 frIIE wm; „entice' of : ..resident, ,tens - 1: girtirreatissetrina officers as rnvlSolliecesw - Y i t - OW Company will Louse of ions L. ithonfortk on 7111444: Jiin)e, bah 184. • ILETLERT Soc'y . Aiditoes THE-untie:wiped. an -Alike". airpoiiited :hy the , Court- to distribute the satletain the hands of Atlmintstratura of the eataiti otAitutSitntison 'd will attend to the same it hirer:we - ay Sat. ), the dare( Jangail. peintons :tested tut itivited to appear. or forever lie . di: Tedy. •_• • • • -• lli g_W TON, Auditor.. trate" Dee.lo,-1833. 1. • - (Il' a , int i ba i. : . *— . . - I Going-1141ns 1 Ihnost.Gene lt IrlEbalance of.rni stock oigootda, wRI be sold t witliout ieganl to profit, and. having, been Wugbt • Wi!ell . tokkt 4 were front tea . to fifteen pei• cent - 19*er in New TOrk than ihey.'noii are, I oft fur unusual inducements. to all. ;who wish tn , hug Goode - chimp. ' Call ' .sitxl see ' l ',W youreele awl], yet:iv:ill itud you can 14,-ida+t, sa ,y 4 nw eivri tin .cee. • -1 , - '..,:- ls. 1 1 IT . C . LL'• '' New 31drotd;*eembeil3; - '1333.' ". ' '' '3w i -; • - rroth InIE annual ekctiaa far and HarintaiiiNtriipilli ba,held tho,hous eof dqe Tcreittstip-on the'first Mundt ten o'keek A: St BENIN Vera WO.* grOtwOtT -boot luta SlU)ei miter'', by' the *Ai eriberiat -boo t Mixt Al 4), two 4Oarneynieit Tudors. • • ' = ' • ! - I. N. PAGE:; .."1- -, . 6nintian's Sales : - • ,' BY Atte 'of an o er cif the Orphan `s Court in 'I..A. and for The county of Susittoehanna(the sub set.Alers;= Guardians of Gear IL; Sarah 'L: and 'Charles H.-Will,; toluckehddieti 'of Charlie O. Walla.' deceesed. - Will exile* it, pot& saleit% the Pt ac House of A. Coleman; lin , the borOaill 'of Duhdeff,On Wednitsdel (heath:de, of January neat;'atfiro tielccitils the aftangloir, thaundivid ed thre e -part. of lee half of lathiest two cer-' WO Pleeeser pareatteflaitd end the ipgrartetaW i.wea,, the firstof Which - is athlete Willie: township 01 . , •Harriet itid iciaxisided and • ttestiftiet l i• - lea hillollos' 1 tOrartl7llegfnuingaftheiesiatiotWilliam chmszi Hr. - btxtibeircti)iorth 45 degraiseas4'lo.l 4iefeht4 • ' thence. Booth• 64 perches' to a:14401(d itatieisl' that* ectiottilfrdegritiiiiest 80perebatoi Maki and atones; tierice west '2t,ffierches, la a l ataklV thence north - 45 . 4eireas iris! tlOl pint* to t 1 'Alia or bekinainsAndidigisg*,,a9vime or itte 4 ; With a. Wind! Voirir a r: i -undL a dry . 1 , and iirali hood frelovoir inP4,4e; :,..Teo.L.i And pleas r sitoitar , hr th e -A Js aforesaid; is. 4 ' lionuded and datieribed , awfolhrtra / to wit v 5 -beatiut r Nint at thwearthwastWilledstitasertyob-: l'*ed 17 Otsitiaisy :Woodruff; thence ..soldirti4 r 'floolsamett aft* tbe 'said land 20 perches; thence 441 6:4 3 degraes Nag '1 &Oil - to 4atedte and iiattagierulite dorms east littpaithee' l le sou fucks nesthll-.:drigreas lea fetie)l forks iofi4 the' talik 2 '. l ,o 11 me tailing ava i l to the tataia r ar hatraine OW -name* osi Treat ' a* ;Ise..l';sritly tat tipped*: TertililiiiiditianialrWssel 'lawn, &c, 1 Sititaefilikt ii, _4l 11F sale,. JAM AS IL iijuitll4-3,441t-:;-, 4 G. . I ITAlit LE Y HEAEvOR NAVIO - A I TION DirAs,tifiltiiiiti rigrifiricass. all - 4geor—Deltultei:l4isid - Ds Luggit i -illsill-_pd • eolotied stadteiitilits*BONNZT SA/INSA . 4o4B;o4l l Weet'lk!rtialf 141Til;;ZIPIIIIt STAI/Silivtl4,- rUINT4r , i l erY: " cliiiPs:S4LANE4 Kid Gloves. - •:: Cloths, Cam, Jesus. Satinetts. Dei 4 n l Mr: VltB - Deetinber,:t• 1853. . BENTLEY 'At - READ 1 : 1 4vr pleasure' of • anOu n ging.. to their ensioaters; and-lhe• in!gebeial t . thsit they are DeVe ; npenini s a Aleiirable sfock . • • ffLinter: oo auldek te their titeurtment rripryreitderstheir ready very_ "•• - P and- tly ry ssAL AniANce f 7 -66114 it -ent* t " l 'lra at! „. a .7,-uhnet'eisitit: to. titan as we arei, liter vinc- Plviik..that* our n i gi • ve r -e" . gir,4l4, L. 0. maker stock of , •N" 3 Y l Ce 2 .,' Viir4ll` Wt " ed 8 4 1 i, TalloiiSir* j. in exchange fur Gut 'ft - the and'cAiii`nut iert 4eJ 1 .7 4.-13ENTLE , ..,. { 1 - rki. 1 ...,1 • ! , ..-._„:,....\,. , ....:,.:, :...,.,,,;. A ,a 2: tow, re,oiongt;o4kol4,**oolt .__- ,_:t l . - itgAZ:o,, oo da,.„,'A - this'll% Ali& ti&in Trite 'tfiTtritt ,-.4.1r mew.. old Trilends;• -.. . . iI . i .•----- .:,. y ar. . 1 ~,',- . • ~.. In sithlitionta theid-tt6tl igtoak 'of Oaths akil . Winter Quetta, they.llave,aditiattaget,V to then: Clotiliniri-Depa , *cut ~..-:-} s which is now equal tp antin the C =try. ~ . (I rwries--a.sOotlAooek,;—Drps &Kt :IP,' inti.., to—Boots 'qufl Shoeir.4.lardmvee—triassusitNeill. Buffalo ,Roti*--, ITei6e thin4l4-±Sjialds, Biattiss- Scolds ami:L'aiiStilt. .--; , - . -. , kkor..., : Grain— svo.l.lucki—Wliftttensata lliit.: ter. always want4st- I'< i -; , , - .e" l / %, ~ - . : Oui toad variety at the , lower prieea tialk,lok, had. at our BRAN - Q 8 STC.IIP., Montrose - .I.llpOit' including Lima, Salt mid:Plaster, in qualit,lti r - ... - Ilantrosia., Nov. IQ, 1853. " , - ..- s : ABEL TURREL: - Is now receiving his Autumn 4l Winter 'sup.. ply of , i,f - , - 41M113.11q10311121.allit; consisting of ' nearly. every'thing . Wanted %,jli ,hrr market; Which will SOld at-pnees that tun - Tee - permte ArelatiTed examine them. - . ',Drags; Afrdtcfnrs, andChenticart:—A . first rate assortment . Physicians: bills ne a tly' and expeditiouily put up at recluml.tirie, and pre scriptions carefully coMpoundeil. • The,bestqtrils ly of •ariiimg in, tins department Will 'l4 . l4tne at. 4the Drug and variey store of Ank4 Tuattatti; c . • : Pain tt. OA and Mjc-sfu.P.—A. full as: sortreent,:ial of the best quality a' l'ultarii. l s„, —,4). Grocerjei, general.4ss rtrnent, and r t, the best.tlakiriatket affeat.lreeart.r:s. . Dry Georift—,.A Small but :hnice =t elec tion of the 6tAtafde article' of Dry Good*, which will biitilitar priees that will make*, for the in tereir-br in:4asprkicocall at thes,Aire of Atm 'Tattier. " ''li . - 'lTaitittril . re:"Jand Catlerni macipg -a . good ASSatl . ''tiliiit- 411" .those celebrated Watetbury Torlet,liril,C4o.;atope Ware tic. at .Ttatatt.r.& - - - "1/Firig arOtrit; TVa : e—A latga tts imtuteptiOcrartia. ... : , Liquor's.---A etipice variety of :Liquuts for trietlicioal puriwes, at Tuaarit's. , -, Musicq Ilistruiwnl3.--Nriolins, Tilsws, and all of the necessary fir tiues -Award - ions, Florea, Fifes, Clarinet t& 'rimier Forkr., Instruc, tion Bookajiann Music,.4kc; itt.Tettamia. Jeteel4,;-.-A neyv supply - pi Fashionable . Jewelry. Ladies and gentlemen; please tall at the fancy stnre of A. Tream.L. , - 11 . Perfrimery.-=-A general assortment of choiCe - Perfumery at Teena Les.. ii . . - Fancy:Goode,. Yankee Notion,, ; I f ,4.c.. , --,A large and first-rate idsortmeni. The beg,: phice:in buy notions . . i 4 id the storeOf A: Ta t ar; t ; ', ' patent Meileine.i.—A great yar! .ty, and i t embracing neatly all of the :nest yalu.3 a lima, at Tl.7lllELeg. _ ' - . - -'• 1 ' , Light. -:--Br - ' PI - 'A, C, - ,, nlir" / tl .?r/d.-Burning itiul, .;amp acne anti Candles, and a good variety of Lamp Oils, ST:, at Shees; Um? W/his. Whipq.,Mirtotly 'Aral Paper. Stationery. Fluid and Oil Lamps,l3ruslieli, Wind. Putts, Nails, Trusses, Supporters, SlMulsler- Xtraces good assorlTent , Knirfr tre,laa 'Zi..f'ttereragooll. loin at , PilgtELL * 4 , - , 161;nitroce. Nov. 2 is - za. '` ogcrtt, or the /A l to: Comp . aay, will Stu: hack Gtbsoil yin Jaauaryl.Bs4 4 tomFoitT, seey. MSM .~:: . . _ ~,:. Winter Stock of Goods , LAST IN MARKET! .. . .. $l.O 000 OF.NEWGOODS'' , -- GREAt A TTR.ACTICi '4\151 • ' ':' • ' Greia nisi,. for the New . Goa a, at Eatent's , • i ONE' PRICE StOkE t - ' ': -• ' ' TDE . greatest - itat iarpst , stock, of- riukcy.lDO:., mestic 'aad,Staple Goods. ever broagbt into. Suscptelamda Comity. i i,_ - Pee ;butufred .cases .Dry" GeFklacOMPTisi!tx its part as"(ollows: ' Itill daagableSilipi,..z. : 'Maio ble silk .t. satin " shire -._ ", -.... . ,-, Liksla " , plavd "-- 11.- " 7 "rl' - c•- - =-.: - ,krefich Prritikes, 4 "4:-.' e . Itt" black '''........r...!'; _-' T. -1...200' ' ' . - Biamet (Massa Bonnet i -!:. . ',.7- , ' --: '-".: '" :I-- ;- ',itionl4:, Bonnet Sntinsi '.; - .I.oe .' Baveltdram-46.'' All wool DeLaiitets,. --; ' .-- -Velve drons-lkdionai 's. Parisian:— (W.- . Tie,* colr;d-Velvettl; /1041. de p.A.4. - . -.- -50 • 13 a ' Stataßhalvls, = --- Clouded de Berge,.. .: , . -Cashm !-.- -i- do'i -': .- i Eoglitililleriness,-. -.- -:Bift r-- -i -- Uo4' 7-- Paramattas. t. - -' .: ~ -,Sillr., , u -S; . - . do -il - ,...c* LyoifeseCtoths,.... ;',.-_- . Glav Dosiery;ete; Cobury',N.:* , . -, . - ClOths. crafacms,-:+', - -'A Frenekebanidedeiteice,:. Y* • . -1 1 , ..; •. . pubreiderci.loobes t ..., -1 'Flan .. r..: ,"':.• -...-: --- .... Gioghatarapd :Prints, j , - Wool-Blankets, -:".- • - J.- - -- Sciotek 1 / 1 aids,. ~ ~. - ' - - liaings,...--. While -Gods, .'. i • ' * -Tickintm,= -., -.-. -.., . - Fictightlelsitaiset 0,•- - Damask opt** , - ,, ,1 -`• . 4 :--_ ..'" ... WINN,. .. '• , Linen ; •-!,-...... 1 d0 . ,1 -, ':. -; do. Mailik.Bduings,- .. .: . IrislLLineuic. -- -1- lia, Cantifk3 -Ai, , ' ....- ": -.•••-, Black littditt .- "...,•(:. -- d0..14in..w.! ,- do, :• ' . . Etc. etc: -';,- . ,;...- 1 .__ •- . I-1.-..f '••• -- •: ' ELTPN 'at, -Ca.., I! kintw,.oe.tobo, 1.15,63.: f -.. „..,.., i ,.....1,- ' - -I' ; I, ' Franklin Ftaffifti'' L749 - 117111iT & cOuEsimple TLA **, •W ILL attend fai th fully to WI busitioneentrni - cd to hiin in the county id' Stekcinehninut.. Cortveyincing ind'ariting of 'allitinthr*ill.-ba; done neatly. and charges tuod etuto:' - - * -1 110.160 , alsoiiiteraLto the prroecution'of chants 'Of soldierii; their widosfs and heirs, sigainstz:thi. ;United Stitt*, goveruwW i lorßoutly,Land, run .ti . 1 I Ma: be found at t aillumfra at * a Wk.: famparty th10: 4 04, .b.,44 - ' , ? A 4297/ , 4i.x- • ~ ••-.74 c ,- .q . -: 4. %, .sti - '' — i - i ' ::- s. i,,,A., gi.4-4-41.AbilL;„.t, kAtti "wnst , :. 4l, y,l7 - , , , , ,p.i..!:,.,,....,,, ~,,,,-, - ,--„,-..„___".,,,4„,„.„,4.0.,,., „, i ,, ,,, -- ,bßoTosgsbay... .. - -- tilitweollialick ..-sisitirtishtneiitel*nt ItOrt' ott . ~,saihreow,,,,,f.: ! SiliperAtC. : an ..e :. ~.,r i. . 1 4 7...Ariii ..„:„. ..,„ lk,f,...s l itefr4ori --„ 1 . S '7, - . '..---,' ~, ;,- ' .. H. • .--', 421. fekt,..,_,..'.01.4'.1fr ....''-',-qiiiiiii•iiini7tif lit tliti.iiiireilte.tits.ll-r. - s u , . ifrAWsitiO,'.., i lollll4 With 449ftebila14., .-::...4805: '':'4111..'..': :',MantOiti Orel l #s l, - :'' • • ' ' .'- . . . . 'Vs:l 7 4 47if CAlm Moitkrff. •k 7 firuer 6 00 1 t lefluoviikr; ky-L ;kit vaxecit0:k.....,.... Linetbm -Dect4l - .4P SUP#FINEII*FA: ~ ..7,... m . ru . •• • Poetry am s,. . 1 "Lire 4 of groat nuts .-> We can coalurestr life*-2, •- " , And. deputing, lestilmt - itir M . 4 '‘ Pictures idiek win id i t;withe Pi - - ' .Plcniics *Mob ... t i,,,,, zz , ag riops Efairing o'er US) ttormioo,o4- 1 / 4 ; .. 71 Borne forlorn laittjfw ~ ' •• 2 4:••, Seeing, can gtrit.t!lprite ,.. ter r ,7 The ab°Te "I ilea, lA, by il4titiliklitid, being right 1 ° - the point. We gin) out resubcos the benefit of it, hoping thoV 4l 144 ,slll Leed the! wise augges tioo and "go and salmi Pont just like "all , " Our stock of 0401.kiektiliklteys. pins, am, varied and completb;ani -we ire anxious to set theiri.all with 'timbals'', pictutos, and get tke Pitt bor lotto is, "good work and Ur prices. , 71 , 51. -..., [ , W. ILDUNS. Odd Fellows' ,all second Axe; 119ktssmitg•TA: etv Popliilai_ r -11,,u4c jute recetvegi by, Nov 11 -- I! • —` - •. 1. LYONS e.sor, • : Piwt oki• • cti,sic PHICES, Itjt SAM QTll:r 'toil lasedgitiiiiii fur $ sale II ,Vor. I3NS 0$: itiditer's Natiee' . • ...I. rfALLE itutneciietr. ppitintittriirt: aidninde thee .atitets in tion.hinds of Chttritto Tingley, Ad:; nainintrottenftblistsite of Azel Taylor,. decesilitd, aninti , tlineredftign :et the decedent, wit! di .therebovat iie.Milistnoe, on Saturibiyllinl ifithiiikr I'l of **ton / wit:At. four o'clock P.M. I ititeniitod Can attend if - illieyl : • rope; oilto &barrel/ front caning in4l* . r an i, '•:ilieniecatt 00- 11143. . •- • a" . 121 1 47 2 . • i• 111 • , • 1 •1 1 W..•• I f.; - "•S t iC i l tili a - V M Pi.** ll 4 -1 •4 151 0 Pi•.‘". 431 "1 ViAtnile 4 Mia.; 111) ". i • t" • : " 1 .41 • 11. R; LAMS,' Agent • f• • f'a I • 4 • r ur.. 1214 M us , '.....*.- I• • ',O. :1 - ~ . . - Z above rewalvd.wabeMaid.ligr . ...., apest 1 4 ' . . elw 7 1 0 .. „i d coviefian al .the:Petmr. gr-P e wrh ia ._ -:' :fifi t ,to doitt'reabitiviaon , - -P i - ..1. 1 . u -01610ilihtlifSAturd*y thaVii...,.o l :! :.. ;.,... ; p..-,„ , v . . ..1-* • ___J..B.Aue. t.z4 . .I.4.4l.l"rff*te: 1;--c'? ,- .•-i."11110411tirilLtitst ; , .. ,. - - . , : i ! • • - . .ty 7;i11 and? Into Ready- lade - .. o: • lIP - : ' enibracing Over 'Copia of .4 'variety , of -grades rsuloky S ac k a _ an d. 'Dump l ag iatsl.-iirAtil ivr lllNien*". . Woolen Under starts and Drawers" . rine White shirts, Fancy Shirts,' Cullavi. 91rOr . Ails ; .Over, • shirts:Stockings, '3l.9.'?et , :leAte.i ' I . : : •-•„ .. -; - A good assortment er4shioliiil .... - - • HA'rS Si CkP i''',. -.....• . .• ..... ::- *Mien; Misses. Drys and ildrens• And . * ..India 'Lubber Boots, .§Beie old .Bil -. . 4‘14. ' te. ..1 - :.:,: A nett', of Wall and Carta* 'paper. Bor.. der.,dc. ' 'A and Stationery. ' . '.1.., ~_. .., • .: : . -Also. Trunks, 0 ore, Travellint .. 3401tertl. i th o. :Codti-h, Sugars Teas, Coffeeotke.,-; s isorayiety.4 Fancy articles. . - /. •;.••••.;,_ . .. - .. Ifis system is and !nte_piiie,Vittsh 'or protium rff - Store tipposite-Seadeif Roel... t ip- Monti ose, Oct.* 1853.., . . f.. .-: ; •:. ... : , . FALL .G 0 I) -:- •-•- . ' .I.II;AuTP t .-.---- lINVITES a ttentiaitioAlte. u iisttaPy late and, complete assortment of ‘ ' ... ..., -.: • -.' : - 1 NEW GOODS FOR, ALGIALES' he is. now ;noir ing,, :. ,la addilieti• tellikteitikjoep ply of Staple • i, i nvalk.Gieeeriee;74rdiveVe,SteVes 'ie.:, tat offers to thefidies'a iich . 4ailt - of . - 1 • I FALL AND WINTER GOODSi• 1 Satin and Velvet Beatiete.:-Sbilliii4•liiiitamio, end Hosiery. Ladies and ". Millie •line:bocitshlinii slio - es, d.c. (i.e. To thk-gebtlemeo Ito iitreal iiturt. stuck of hest quality ' 21 , 12:70 _• . :.;: 1 ' - READIr MADE.CL*I-141N4i.: ' 1 ingii, Ciodii, :Caseimerss, , Tiedde,i_4l*** . i. 7. *at": .; I Hatt, 'Citpi, 8004 altd . ooo2**At ::.' • ii: .. ;• . - = •••••••:. I • migoek embrassitir'w . Aintre ext -i*4 ll. ll r and : 1 . !led 'jetport went diallieridotoie4iiiilietii.p+ I pared to hold out scriilto!eiint . vet*Tryacxr He; respectfully- solicits -An' eery: ad): teeth idi friehda; and all. &here; desiring thit .are worth the price liked fur dull. • _-, - .:* 2006 PlECEllfjkLiiiß4 .P -- :-.. .1.- 14,11,siiles,*tili'botiiiiirtimetit °i ''' Verealilk#44 . 37.4pit:Oetkist . C.,_.;_ i _..... - ,-.,t I. . : 11-......-.-4—,;vi,,kt.,W,t ‘..<,-14 . ,Iti. " • - • -:,..... •-.....-..-1: , - , 4•,;:•-• , 4i... ~: z:.igeiff. il aitmidOr Goods, 1 m .. . . . ~ . .. _ ... . • ..ii. ••-, .F. BAILIAN.II.I4E R. 13 , ASItnit - - .liiirscryi . nsivf it* hirstmt stotk of. AALtOoran in taiiiimisiietA Re offers :to bia eu4:f. , tOmen, and the ppbbetiornally. a great enriety 4 VOil; Silk, t;rttera-seW Wool' Plaillsros, De %hie" Gingham*, Priittuirni De•Dr,gero:.%:- - - - StaWLS, .GWVEA44. I 4, ..fIibSINT4 - ; . IkUatiViothr, anddisaithiiiiiiri, '.- Aliiegai LI ; SairiePs t Ar.ilut:stOunstilurriiMA . Shi:so4 . PvirtPtiiiltii * a;:e4oibirit. . - . * , •flif t s ~_: _ nakc..„.togi, rM0 1 5,... . '..0,.., -pi: . 1!... - .1.w"..i....ti, .2i 'if , ~ ...ei .iS',l rdsi - iti3:4;;• f . i . .....ItE&DY . IMAIig:66S . a • g." 4 •; . : 44 . ilalie . inCW lielietidt . t s . : . ' '. • '.. • to. SOM.. :. ' . .- 14 44 .... 1 ' . iiii4 lN : Orringrjlllll N . anuilksves..', " • - - r... - ;•••• '.,- ..z I - :„ .• . . LS.. • • • , •:, .. • 1 : ••• • ' OLGOOI .• :I ..:' .41 1 ,as Port • '' .t_: s l 4. 6 anibii.ltiftle i ' il' l4 ,l Outri bitttrs. '''' 't!ChliageOiOttSl,ll;Vaiotli and liiiiiir i .bru,lkea bc, tr- - - ' ''' ' lirlirge addition to'iny stock of BoOktituira4- - ‘.ll4wey; Almankuks,and Diary's - f0rf854.1 1 11111W . , cardik and Itntelop4Nr, Wox, W . afeek..lll •',i Lf ko r Pleauseaß an4siie,..,.iimil if you }Can't for your innoevissit,my otb•w• elitik 't - buy.}. , , Oct. sth 113:5*.,:icF , 1..- ..!•,, - .. - .4•#.4... ••A, -1 IL 8 ; 11 1 1 *T - 44Fri Q r • • et. k 7 and Salt e oaltdkalkelid .for sale theap. " 1 -.)" . A7A DL FAR NISTOitiiBA rri HE subarnlcia - atill isetleLtigetstsifor and selling. rieitißitti r ig47, ffil i kk • Lob—located in Stortiiii4snikahamtfrestOrt!": 'Broom e county. N. Viine 4ll 4M l4l s:l "Warm's: AU" whir** .i 6 • 6111 Y for male caw !dote stir Farms Farms or Lots iiisOmr: 14 9 4 !r* . etiii many improreriliankyi iratettli' chard, grafted titothioti - rito.VAsii - frufi and shade tree* •,,Irivir far friattilliaitikr the rreaiOrt point tii:AVID:'I.OIWaPP. Y. et It - R. li.; WAIL 1 4 will reetiiilamititiatiottioa - bißirgieal dressing eidiitOirisf4l3. i fikm na " lint Y. Pay . ilr " " Ye Y linee ;NT 4 , l f l . l l l i ..F.M ism lime of chatte.: . • on 31Ant 440110. ie I of B. Chase, Lately Ocsoplesl, ter. , • •3' °Teal ' tteri!tgctiker Jul frgr • WORIA)IP 11111 R ' STOR} ,re obi marg. r i #4llk w Forainity Zitagi 41 Nor 17, 18511.-,r4z. - 0,1 z.. ' byj - 7 -4;113420V:i;', „ " ::,.' '' .•.. ; ,; '' ;.1 ..; , Z , ': . :.•i ., ' - ; - '.'=.4.. - 4 .- ,..,=•::. , .%.-;.•,t , ,#;.- .. ,t;4 ;,A,E'.k - at,..'s•`•.:li;AN..."•'. ~~5~ `" i 0:4 .*ist .tio lr4 7. .14 - • ' - • , -act...-tw , boas blankets. ' .'‘:. - , ' -:` - ., fr., , : 5-,...14,.. , ,14.t.....z....a SIIAWLS. 4c. . - - 11 34c 1 5.1 1 i1t iinehe . ma BaY State soliV,litgaigs K •t'l failif.lliisittiteiii*liaik49r,f9f an '. - . ' ...- ' gal - ••. WV sii - 2 , 4041,41,itik.MA-capaitil', 14 L , , =+l line, - bciOtiiiiiit (41001044140P144 . -J. ".. per 'and scil3 leithiil,giakink,e,eat I° raft . f l Oilh b faSi t . l l3' 4 4.4. ' .:'' - ' X i it,,AT:' -,, v,,7.'re'N. • ):..: - N. EU. Pi_ E%lierilfrwait; -r - : :;. - ' ,, ,BromirepulPifiabc _Am" , **l:l'4k° AI ifiz*. {.:GROCERIES. ' StuauWerall,kiads ;4 4 1hi.lekgkind to*OriPie paelwag tpanWl6:tunl glello 4 o.44iikrre tist.asitiortmeat;eiet4 ire will sell at ilie'isr? criEse as they ear be _tarProthice taiaclastetuch prices. • . UM. silt coati awit.Rsitiaee of :7Pg . Sinagis7vir:l l Ma's ai1,4011. ARN . ancatrocrtt O article - *anted. atm traarraicalieh • arlicleis- fir, l'iss Mal Octiker '. t _ -. 1 SW i f i l i k :l 4 4 l llll4 ' 4-s ONL'lmmdred mous hop ..,...,,t „ Ow and, beautifutlintien* ...01000 - oVilir -T,4. „ pr i me ), - _l7.- 1, _t 4 i p, i. k , 5 , 1 Gi4onoNwber tiv.4-4:k • r;d• 5 : . ,_........ 1170 . ir ' ; - T—'lFo,oa-"-i g#l% .o n ° s a sadi-.- t E..r. -g ,a'-.•o i l - ir--1, -, a - s- - t -v - t- *A--1 ~,---I -e., -.....z..-z f v,F.i74"z.7ti*6 4 DRESS GOODS. -tx-- rx- A LARGE and very ihsirabl i / - 18 - 1 " . - .-. , ?-.1% , . •'- iV $:14 : )1 13. DressVoods, • WrA thaw. i. - _ rzc 1 41 .4 .c 4 I C at ? 241 : 11 .. "-' 1 '.. 'i 1 1 j5141 0 1"364S . -Zr ' 1 : asa VOA a ilk It kt."111:441114.1U: ~.. P.V.,.... 5 . 6 t" ..: ' kiletriar I M I4 q• - ,els r... 44 :.'y '% - A /AMIE lot forliiiiLome e " !- 4 644 _ •nt; . 24 # cm_ AnicAesto, DeLeigterl4.l4f~r *1„ • ~,.A./ - " ' tr. BI.MUit s!•- 9itiisin4Oit4. o t.l 'BUFFALO RO B ES : we -AJP ,..- I A : LAILGIS lot roan cof them ehoicerketraiik 1 • at a sal small ;thence wont. --,,,,,,,,,, 1 do. fAt. 2.1. ll SUIPOWS At efik-4 4 :, ..- ,Wifs. DOW SIIAIiES - ~ iitt:LißGEekt of,A4rds.te.pabeea sholts 4 ')1 • ' LOW PRICCii. U. BURROWS th. C:0....—,,, , = 1 ( Ow*, Oct 26 : , si-P , R 443 -, ..4, L * - .' i ' r t .I, . ''' q:k -,. ! I. ore ;liew tit '-? ..... .. 7. -4- , 3 , lIIUBII.ITT is litna frocistng pother gsiter-4 •,. ,J, II al stock of Falland sinter wits& T lus a talent w.ll be fully repleiu,lsed in department and and unusually inviting and winftiete • particularly, in In new styles af Issles OM! 11:,14$411V. Crealuttee Rtc%4 l lald and Fancy Datable* alar ~, s,-,,-.., Paarnettas,lrrench NeritscDelvslifuttair tret, Entlauldered Rtd)es, Silik ,"t ll, Bonnet Ribbons •a 'age and twig, t. Winter Shawlt:Ladiea tut , Co* . _ -1" Ati4k /a6lolol6oolZKtifattilipiOyia rc SiniesAas l o 4 4looMtanit' -4 1‘./e. staihritheit hnisaur giesitmariety of other FA .1114406. 111 bp StOld- al 4hR lijid time Ini 3 ii#:', l "' . rt Ifeir Millorgl, cT. . .• , .• .. • • . 41 , ... . '' ...,, v n i t , ...; i:;:ij .' - a i •• 1 .- w ... A ' ' Iti talikkitiC a - • . ii ier vil :'4111446514.11.8i: 1.. . ievft, ailk b lek •- ' ) gl C ol4ll 4Caliet Y. Ir l l - 43 11 ‘ } ' .giril 0 w • a 4111' kilati'thi r ehaViltbi -- -M u 090;./ 40 v. 10. l' 04 1.1.1r04 47 - S 4! • , S .two l7SQUElifilliNA - COUNTY ' , 1'5 1,, '•4;,' SOve ;10 TiniNgt: ... INC • '. t'..!gu'iAll" - 0 1 0.:ri* NIT , lall=listh' lt " 41"lk W' ' "fii , viiett:o47 laid* 'lB•riie,Avoyynmtoi and' uirw'i , K4l .admv salmi mid cot:lily:At iI . the atsearkusetit oc, lag, bezitles other. N. Y. & k)ii • ,rtaafaki . . trvst q l oot 4 .14 . 7 ' • - .4 44 rn Tk •,......, ....... , ,gye, , •,; tm:***o4o6 . 7:?',.it - r-4f :...- ,i ..,,, .. . ~,4 1, - :::. • ~ _ i eKati 7:.•: - ' r ... 1 : . • ...., 4 ,..... , x.,--,4 rkrig—lbto 1• ,-- -r_s.!".,.. ! . ,, - , , s - • • Tr , AsoiaiiAitliirat: • - 4 , , , :•. ~, : 4 "2 IFAnct ot aitinctigio4 ' - -; e: :: ".- ' -,, •sy6w isbtetv -- 4-- rboulk, ! .. ' , 4364,g, iliiii#44.lilip+.piptiuro 46 4 -..