The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, December 29, 1853, Image 2
- isit Sgstadrors , 1 ' 'On Monday, the 12th, the British pub "c. was Startled' from its propriety 14 y a '. el*apliicsleapatch published in tke Loft tn. iCit; - .. stating that a Ruisian squad de tne'of' "six "taillef-theline had foreed the , -rbor et Sinepn and huni&l,?unk, Cop " f" , inred-and'&atioYed everisbip,vith one I lite-v-orien: i;f i 'Turkish squadron offour viten saif bad taken Plisoner the l itirkish ' c ii :. Adittiral. tartan Pasha , carried of his .•#i,"ltagibritr 4 nk - ander ilia gi - uns of the j shere atillUtteries; and were towing It to Setait6- 111 P 1 , when it, sunk, and with it a siipply of l i timoney for payieg'the Tulkish fleet. t * This disastrous intelligence caused the se greatest' eieitement, and - Anther itnelli- Vas anxiously looked for. ' -- Additional !amounts =come: at len g th ' ' t onlyto con fi rm the ptiviebs hewtl„.- Idlis , - 5 • the 29th , of - November the „Russian - f' iral Nachirnoff-other accounts spell 4 name Machinoli—with six ships of the , e appeared off the Roads . of Sinope, and t 4 hwlll proceeded to attack the Terk- D ig lab force that Ale, found there. After an ..4 alinement of one - hour's duration he had l E , destroyed sereu Turkish frigates, two corvettes, one steamer and three trans ports. The larger vessels : destroyed had :Such 600 soldiers besides artillerymen on 1 bard, and a,large -s um .of money, being ) bound for the east. coast ofthe Black Sea. The Turkish Admiral's frigate; was towed tit by. the Russians, but burnt at sea. ;1, Osman Pasha and\ his Suite were taken , ' n botird -the Russain Admiral's ship.— Or Turkish 7cissei .managed escape heyeadamaged,„ being the only survivor•of le,Ae 14. , The battle, says the dispatch, I, begun an hour's distance from Sinope. -- ' 1 Vhe Russian flagship was so much injur ed' that it could with ditEcultkreach Se -- vastopig. .Ptimailklenchikaffiremediate- Iy . latOrlesmilar St. Petersburg to corn ' multiage tbe ;victory to the EmPernr ' .V'te 44re:illy knew that. Osman Pasha 1, *at charged with the conveyance ef troops and stores to Battm: Accounts - 'aid 4 " clurrged,wit h a few steam-frigates, 4 ., with th e escort of six or seven trans- Te ns of troops," The battle is stated t e i bare commenced at.;' in hour's distal,* tfrom Sinope, ' ' -There _is, therefore, every probability 1 . that on. :liaiing the harbor of Sinope he , 11 in . with the Russian squadron, and ei- 1 tier accepted battle on unequal tetras, or 1 at'tempted to regain theprotettioe of the land • bitieries - but was cut to' pieces be- Awe reaching. 'The latter is the more hijillity ag.,.one ship is reported to have ea, reaped undamaged, baring, no doubt,suc-* 2 -4 “ceeled in gaining shelter under the shore E' , , 'The -41licd Reefs: , ~. ' While' this _;:calamity is befalling the,. t i urk.ish ships, the _English:lA Vrencb , itet 4r teets :arc Vilig idle in. the Ba_sPhcrus•-- ' er Nkrl,r wore extraordinary ,sti ll,. the main'; ,qiivisiOn of the Turkish fleet is lying there „ g vaidh t tee 1 ; ' :A4miral Slade, the English-, I I hei m , :t who commands it, bas just returned_ ill e rop3 ,l a pleampt. cruise in the Black Seas. ninth Nievi9g- been tuAble to find. an enernY, Al t 'Vs though teerebultmen report having seen:, t ra'A'severatAtPanf - war Prowling about- ,-:- s"' Trivate leters Treat Parts atatet tint& '' the ,uevia, 04 ,1 0; disaltter. to Alst TRrkisit ;;Iril' Beet_ was;mivekw: 442 4/0 4 11.4 4 M ae at 6So Stritouisime n! Rua igriPE : - ; .. . . iat The prwror I.!* stst3ed to have been twetwheYnq?by- the intelligence. Ex - ' - - 'ti el _ dema nded wh , pl„Tuatiou, tabo o ,. -c; Y . 1r " N a consitterile, pert of the Turkish naval f o yc,e waverlFllted to be annihilated X141W.:414t fitt .. 4 4 44 a distauee r ef Where the. ' 731°a4 1 f: Piul' l g rl 13 and Fr , enni fleets were *-riuiloribus ease. 00 1 liegeglishtnan Slag° rePnll irr(aybefiil diater he i ,', kb ass imiilkitlicad, ?aur,eriewr - --.. - - -...._ ill A ttlit ~ ” TERY LATEST. tfcsa ria -Ago** relegroP 4 in LineriOnl• ago 4 S ' _Av er ,,,,l4 - , rece ived news ,from - Couteenti,, . 311 t , - 1101 4*, Vienna, Atm/rite tbe ad inst. t- I ' Thdienom-of the disaster ofSinepe is 0f.....t .... EW . . Y- 1 . confirmed. and has. ust-reached r 11 61PActrtC. i a Anntthe receipt _of this information. mrrece iwinitish and French Embassadorah4.l fc,;f l 7,, .. e ftiaiiately dispel abed two steam frig emus " ikneettbsteembinedsquadrousto&- 4 tine,tarti. other- iteazi frigates to • relm;vantk,Ak . .4l.e. purpose of procuring pre , er * " ---- - - - - Upon tbe return 4111 -. -gisort was thought probable that -ibined fleets would receive orders tierilielftir Safi, to prevent if pos. `any . . , , furthimierillision between the 4-an&lllol4ditb - tutval forces. -ensii had -.neared %ear against Tor- The Post'a 'leading article says that, TO ' Can hardly exist a doubt that the (winds had by' this tithe entered, and eaw in fail command fire Black , 'a '4ol4V . nriiny.ol‘is the natural . rieaty ` re and - ,de= leoren" Persia =and R6iin can- itiOths age 3; - • I . 'tiara ss not rroiii 'l4e*phin';olmunclies in rite aiosk:' 'O - ether - tint* pf Ale Turk:4li ancj" . • • '.a Beliinl'aidyi had taken .ra=: 11:3.100ettiliaithey I #7 6l o: : W 46ll zar. al t ; s 44 • ` rkii* **#P oo # 2 * l44Bclc4, 14 0-44 4 :• 4 ii 001441'i and the - cititd,etiariau 101' (-fat •-t WV , ix- Atk • morn- tOt. - ftinguro=ta Ittgis*. reTer to Its Is ins to tent or Thursday:Morel* Dec. 29, 1853. :2~~ One ~ ? oUas p - . 04 abrit#t cosh t,r. EIMMI nOonpe: • . • , paid'anthin'ille'l'eikr. -1- ' • `TWO"Dolliirs and fifey cents if. -mot until - it Aer the: expirationof lite year., •„ • • :14:zgarlipsorittkm t 9 Ps T urpettlmil longeTt an tirci. years. - • all arreitageliare •, • • - OATES OF, ADVinTISINGt - . .c Ongi sqiikre; . one - • sAi • J 4 11006,6, 61221 0 3 VWntVe..:t -Of filminess usnis i pet annum. lkitlk taper, A libetal 4iscounfamile toyoa!lynatlvietilsers.l . , .• , , _ , ''. O ur 'bat a - cite ue• to: al. 0. . I. ... I — ~ ,1 -, 141 ...-„. ii . • .. . .; Gro*:ilii.rublie Docum.Cnti, : • , i - . tte?s . +•feil • , • •; , -column. tittle -has ;been "_dnnee_in: c# : grass TO; nor h?lidays., _..Congressmen mast enjtly their dhristrnas . and New Year's xecreatipa' as otherfOlk‘. After these ire trrir they, will probably ioZier 4owtt; atsa,_gQ t!?. work bravely as thAyought. tt,tneimetw time;'ve _ . trust that they, as 'all one readeri,- - isiew :tear. ' SI:EQ - OEIVINNA"I4, term of this Institution eloied 4 riitii•44 slay evening, of last r ,;!ieek. were distributed for Composition and,Peelnunt-, tion;lntnicure understand tliatlaility of the St`ililikti botk die nisei veS , yery credit ebb.. .2WO, belier the Teachers. are Ore ind trust the.Aesdetray will niect sunix?it„,' ' Fla Cent ei.iiit.ll7c " 1711ij iratett-1 Vol: Sip.. .' ; .11) eiy 11 : nstrited.hee 1, :NewDe Witt bvenport.+ ' 1 1 4 voiili 3 e colni: 94 4^4PFoi - c I IOIAYO I ,I-: to laid the capseofteloperaidlel• Though not' anno)niced•as a lempeiance woi°l iii: The I:"ublisberti, tii.ventnie the asseffien , thatitS . .reti4Os 'find the :nairal.fre;.. some pf,thp strongest airunentse.yer put, forth'in _favor - of :Maine .Liew:!: -The: stay: of- Mit; mdaced Rum fmni aVoeneo to beggary; ayrogr;intbe street; tis 4akda from their baniting i1y.F,9149g, to-4-74cu . ... ed... ircittt: -,- a 'fat a. worse time death, by one: who, bad 'reformed`-,from:tbe•-verEllettreir 4eirit4etic;if iti:=ll - leyi'i..:truitiioitiqi. l l vie '. - tiedueca,; i Ai*;el:64'iiiO4Fais; .1 4).P.i* - ,Kli' i d.:Pptllo. :., 4 7 in4:4 *:;:riipr4 I be .iioii-- . ziefclit . um: , iiirticed, - eirr i yiet it i i, victim- ftoi-tbe higbesrte . 0e taoy ii ? iyz, , eit;'rStiike:l4*.bi.iiiiiAi . . eiik:Olee r, '9ll ! al* is .kiiia . ' ; bilt be kolaoi ' Of4'l'l iiiieliet*: 614:V the-pcxit'Jittie,= Plot , Got Girl, !, . • .ribigsvp .00:ifir4 iaitractealle:4uilicir ;,,- 1:.- - i i . '"ii*i":*ll;tiiiipiii.;:.: , fiefilf•iitiiiicititei - 46:: 414 '-eise;!...*;- e-fite'eiit,:::ti;;ei'ctiti;a ::4i - 4 --6iii;4i-A4 l ;. f pii:aktiA*Oi4;;liii i . ii);e:,:tliii;4., -z -, T , table, Rots ; . ; tit4;•-;.bialitrigh.ltlaitglitp4 . ' eitilt;l:ibietzi*.ielt,- - lieptbs;eeoisery;:iis: triakes" the:- bleM erifdie-iS•bile iit , e'ii•ii.cT ~410'' r44i;.p:A4o:yre. Atilt )4) . put. tkfipiistrfa,: 1 biot _ out .'ibis'4wful scpete;fri447g•- us. Without' beini.-- awsie that wo are been reading ,isecit74 :work , the tio::iiiiiiii '0; 7 . : . vi - * ',.00;,0 4 - . *) - Oitigoli - aliiii;4 ii. . -- ',' . .t4e. Je,iSt. , : eiKe ; : --: . Ir s : *lib .. tbis unique : vintittim.--..77--xv -,. • • - !e . ; teOti ,- , iii*eictiti' . be . iiplie:n tit interiii, ecl!b7. - •-tbe.44ooiis.e,teitii.4iiixic'p;,:e..4 . hk .. 1t d ea rs eiio4o_,_ _‘.4 4 :.:*ini.*-EIFF4a)...4.'N .Icp RA;4:, so.iiiii47.*'.:: which :.the' - :: ember litsib-:.: aeguizintl and iris writtett.Sibble+6eibi Sie'; . ' for: - .its'-' - e,ief4.•:iii - i*4l'",bonC. ‘ iiittiO4 - ii 4" ., liio-0 - - ' :1' i4l.raiiii . 'i - cW'.' 7 , extremely tiscittetieg, itt4*erreiliektko : ;, i,, alit ,rdirizr, will /be :18463 7itiOsiire)y;•; ietabyiiiit*lA4 deelieidiiiriiiikke,ii - i)':eoif.o,: ;4 o'4;*ti:4i4ii.4 4 l/:-4.i•:04:1 übhilta 0a44:.1 1 4.-; *74 -PTe-T; 1 4#1;1; Or ....::: ..„.. int' tbe-.-Eligiii3h.,ltt,ngtiaget.-;-; ~ 171 its" 114-;teilt Fong, essertiiiit;'4re:itio -itiikre,'llier;iof:':ifit -peis &o;y'!.eiiiii:Ao.4 .. istit - 007 - : - 41oteiiiiide = . iii'ii;4i,,iriiii l =,"rii;*4 - 4ild l 4l4,4*,i4jaiiiVitii, r ± 44e, *.iiibgt44iaus4hatirPr9l9iii 43 fie' should be made as much - Nippjk Ai l ikot, .. -- ;tei c :l*' - .'it;: - 4iiriy'it*. : *l:4iiii'.* 4 '' ' '5; .. 4 'o l '*e, 9‘1,4 0 ntri**! . 4:13, 41 . t#o.. *t b - 06Tria -f'-i r ilioi * ./..-1 ..; ..:::::::: - . - -4 - :. :?, ,'• F.:.E.i 411 . a0 t *.,- . : ''4 1 ° 2 4 1 .0": 'j ilivY ' ' - nuniie,tijioFiatie:neeir,liaiit,ii:l,l',hitir i ti4;iar e04114:ye1 . , 4: , ' 1 . *0:7.#41:iii*44 - j ; i4it,itifit. 04 : €: , .#4..1444:0ttiiii*44 - 44 . ' :'-ii, 4:i1iF:0 ., ::4F::.k0 - 37044 - ii:e47,,01f*'wm . 4404 ,- sl4 , 4itioTct - ,34 - 44i034 , , , m0it, ,: :,., -.......-.„ -..... -01 1 100Cti44* - 14*tti - S*i'l . ).*V . 00_. -. , ii ~ ; i, ~4 . t ::4, 4 ~:* , *;4..0 ~ : u i: . 4 14 -. , - -v .4t ,. . --- , wA- t : - . telitiesl„epiionvee stet !ppA t . ‘r r 4"/4 41 1?d - a 1 * 4 0 6 , , t - '' - : . 'i* . *i .- 04 \;,0,t4 . , , ,,i:”. ,iiiii#:.;,#*ll,l: r . ~-;,,;;*:- ' , "*46•:, ;. , ;itii4feiiii-literitiiiiii; : -- .:z,0,e 1 41 4 i„." ,: -- 4 if fol lea --- :',0 0 . 14 4P;i 4 4* - #*•; . •/#9 . 0 -04ert:, .-,_ 4 .itittetilie.Ok:o4: • i s gaitisiileo r 440 4 . „ : „. 4nar . 4.2 : 044 ,-., ;: .:,,.:4,, e ,--,4.4- tittiai , rom p tf , w i r a 2 4l -ii: :: wiore. ,i , il 4 ,-.4 , 4' .. .-4!_il!rM" , -.1,...44.14.- ~-..0, .' -77,, ,. ..:17-,tlVl,l4l o :ltP.Pmetif.. ~4 1 ,491 , ,MM- ., 416414: . ;11354 ; , iiiiiittliailiattio.ittite 1.41-,',r- - 7 - ; - , : s jii ,- - - w ., '• ;' , ." 1 - 4 4 . t , e ! Mf.!rf;17 . 1 . , Zi,, •-. , ..-,:t5i.7. , :::1t 7.4* - X. ,- *W - e i t - i 77 4 4a ii ii i r•Mtft:ry r . ',Of.: t, 1r.....,i.,„1., , ,,` ~,,,4 7. ;',':.,;.,,..... , „,,., ~,,., ~,.„ ~,,,, ~..:„..,.; . . . ~ 4,111,05,F • - 001*..klift#IVfl.:**0 0 -0 1 1.) 1 010 .10 . 0 0 7 10 : „• 4 ' ,- ' l ''.' c :. , , !f-;. .'f - ~-..,.' ' ; '•, -7 . .f -,:, r: ::: : ;:•:; . :"' .; ;tlr : ::`,, i '::',l- . ..4 1 41'7=:2:4'' . ; . -;. 4 . i''':, --,,, '''...1 . °.;: ., 4:-;.:-,j,i; '! - , , ,l .E. : ;. 'ax'i-A:- . Ati.::7, • ~.-:•5,.... - i i. 7, 7, : : : i '::,,,.„. .- ',' 4: 4 •.':' . i''',.4.: -4 7 51 ; ,• 4 :At '.' ! -,,t•-.4.1' , . ~.-,. - .o- , ‘, 1 T I VYOI3IS I . '43 11 44 00k `:" :ir~. ; ii~:j.? 77: 7 71 MONT 05E 1 Pk.wA -2 ' IV - . ".. litiiii ' • titand the cuthe - • ' , contuini;' ' t to . do so woidd imeairY ftoo much of 4;6: vtdueuble apactl ,- ; and b!li ai441 7--- tilt! 1 l be unneeeseary . . prahspi vibil i it his magazine to 'O t oijie ytkr I r ;511;' or we will fu to he mu ii 3 atgu 1001 the Register, = .44lies Keepiake. 7 i,js li t a; s iret7.. :pretty Mutably, whtiso..cAuttintalevinie much car 4 its theiiprepat atiti.- Eveey . • 1..4i4 that,ol ) .. .4!1Tc!,1 St POr.r4cit)4 , ; 4olo ll lKe oi)ttielatielhfiltitiimlli air 611:1 bictuded; fticles a ' yet the a re asually l of a very 'pleatingapd attypetiy, chttr,tister l 44,, l a : year: ' P u blialiede. tiy John S.e Taylor/A:hoe'. York •_ H ' - . I I Thr - tititeteeParmer.--, - re- jual ',received, , tbe . January No. of thla e*cel• kilt egrietaltural periodical. I I it is filled • '•-• • with mittirititektitieg ti:finuers.' The ".pil'iis'c4,il6(4'eeiitsa'yea4:. riibliih ed at R4hester i - N. Y. by Dante .Leo . ~ q ..,..„,,,-?,., 1. , i • ,t ,- ..: , ~. • , -'l.l .; 11 : . . ;O.' .11,, e , ! • *Pi, d§ 1 -;4 pal 17, 0) ' it .. t ...‘ :t . ti r-..e. gillic . , qaii at 1 " ~ . .1 T f . - y.. , eir r au otil t it ~ ift.• 1 a CO I ' l 4 , .."1 . 1:1 1 ,, ,311 ' rl.o ... -4.-. • . , 14 t i et4 11 i:: •. v• - .c•ii,i,i .. . . .., ~ . 1 ... ,•. ~ . , ..... - m _.., I , •' CI - ' ) rnpan l y Ivy At ur ,111,ieral: tewnsman i ,i ; i ` ~•,4 4 •.• --*, ~ • F : s 4 , -.• • 4. . ; .: . • ..; , i..,61-. ' Lin, keilis, Latbente, ginsiqh arid. . ... . 1 , i,:: 1 1 .:. A - •De • ovexcosts;:&c., and:thenled , the, way :to the 'MOVifittiL-„a - l't"nc i r n 7 " L 'we're two -large tables "arise lioti!nifitiTy laden s l illi7t ll ,a- I te4,ool;(4 ' n9d - 4 11 4-' Forei,nane 4 4 .44Ar4J° 41 k i,his' place at the-hied. artal theiiteprainitig seats were Semiti c ec4 . Atlewlnivitit 'been in'o*- . irtliioo;rfx.' , ' iiiberti4 the conrPqnypnd iiil4-iipispi., Ilbe page army, of Turicy i 143 - 411 . 41 it hlrA Erraspcorks, , in battle sirrayAltenke, ....and barricaded :on ~ e iliy - side Witli;rirf" . .,,i4 of i4l l e - -:—#x*tlii4o e ;lb& iiiid ion, pionel4 ' ' Aili;;crai al ; small, !.1111f;14 the. ' ist - Prifi :.. p l y ~.; t;._ they :were •A b_d -. urrou :„ " led :Coital -a nd , deomed t" -d :". -:', .1; rze steam tad beerr rlbnig taindly-lt! ,, wal i „l:geu!iiibighet acidbigbe l i• Till aig• l 1:p v .0;4 given;TeIAbo,OI3OO4IOtCOMMCIIC• { ed4"--:?Twereoseloss to attempt a minute description'. Broac.bide after broadside i 1- , ged—sherp, • . - 4 were c •reek- 1 wa,s*schar jokes; 1 ed indshoweisOf "iiit' and iegartee 4:11 . 'lSW:it an d, lu s t . ; . I, -' . 1 •• • .‘ -IThe how.libg Of: 3he wind laud the rat-, tlini of: the-snow outiride _were= entirely dri tied by the uproarious. T nierrinient 'Or thp•.9lo l . and Ready koirs willtin- The ri t 410031 our , apartment ... were thrown npehra d.thiti r rows of heads, one 'above' allot,told: , that the'ont4iders- were in i jf jilyinithe ' lie•though they a! , 1,,.9 1 1, 1 prit.. ti . C*te.' 'A , ' last loud 'calls - ire made for the'Fore who arose and 'ih a short {{ 'speech returned the hearty thmks < Of the company to I Mr. Searle for 'the 'glorious banquet he his given us, and wbuid up by prmiosing ~lt lie toast . ' , 1 t i • •J ~ Our , Rao ait wl artersi.l . • rich, was, ' mo. l ---: ------1 : 1 7i 3-4ra in a goblet of pure water. i '7i)it Assistant rathrep wait lied up , • b utt .4 - I ... 21 • - 1.31:2' I on leperted altogettre,r t 'fell for utttirpace2! ~. -1 - ' .. 1,-, _, , ~,, , --Second Attkiittuie-FirSter4tta sbmcietoti!L ii'dfiFAilie'P 44 17 n1eb!: ''4 l *4'o ll 4 f 6 r 'i 114 4 44 , 1 1 ° - -;*,inritleagi!ai :6 !"? . . 41 a ' .-ill*-fectieg, i - iilinkor,two • of his be lit where ie di e „ „ a ate I he -71) ' ru 'ct sh- n e4 re __Pi o f , , Mar -41: 1 16 • 4El' family + a 1**•,,1 he ladies in ettJ IllesTOß;i thert 4r - , Itlibri of .. - 71 - • the ' l o ' 4 'clu4ed 1 L- i:MaYthe . aaj . -a lii *W . 1 retain )ieed, .:qiiei:pMilial . . tit: it t i Abotati i that - I,voiriele u liwoai .- li,ugh taw! di l iz on „the present oe- ~~;_-~: - ality lie feasts companyOa Vie cheers na on. Long life to him and his. . .. . —, - pThes ptaaaatitlY - pilaf:fest , the, time ii a'. .' , ~-,. In earlihtMi after veiling.' to pitiiih7 , Ti COU -; e roc 1 ,:, an 4 , - 1 - O tii or : tit ; F`l' et'id'his' d *- .lV :.: ' three i iri a ~,' ' ~ ... ' n - 1: 1, r • ~ !g: ttertenpins amen ..or our -ileilt, nislY bust wed n1)404914 the P 1114: A 001 411 14, lied .txtlieptey,.e4lOttni4 .- -ra . highly delighted with the enthivialitiet ot" the evening. . . 'O,l PAIEND TUAztzu--Enclosed please find To? ecoU I d the Rtgis — teto• iommencei-*ith your next, bumber.' • The Opening of the nmel'on. D. L S: W: Railßona eetir]betelli ie,co;ell ()(gFc#2 St ears, butiropecityy. te;:the .Con tpkW4oremetk andlabore4'lll , ltere )oes 'time "tOiled thii li 'bt-In 0"-,11i9-44*(1611kct idy" Roir • • To Ted to merino* twelve feet in depth of thikreek, We went at thisime 1440 feet from the 'tunuel'S mouth and conld hear withgreat distinctness, - every blow struck- by -the workmen in . the !opposite side. Itis :imPossible for `one, for the first iiilm to enter seek a-oavern in the bowels of the eel thwhere all. is utter darkueset, without Peculiar -' sensat ions: • My first feeling,:-watii hat' of fear; that I the mimn tele aboveinn hi fail 'iu tied entomb ea 31 1 . - -rbgt-..wbge I:iheught that man can build ati arch of stone , that . seams secure, I realized 'how .much more safe must this be, cui in tbd,soliareick;splaCed here ages ago` bithe ire4tliirchtteci ,, 7f , e'' - ho irep - ", verse:, -Xeelinga of awe bowed niO . ,in view of the Might ypnwer-mf l'en who bad planted all: the` mountains of, the earth, whereVer it Iniiiiseilmed him good:' lieW f insignificant does man appeal:la vionil.f. , these winks ft,iild yet there -is , • : sednet. of their* so . great that his.ettriosity . .#4ow, it ,3 - does - tine.4iialitu:ik) . 'itxpiare:' gjto 'r(l ii,, . _ . z .- . .., , - :„. nil; irr . v atifiti t iii fri Pr PfeP°9s,l‘lrt'P • ' ,I, 01.4i4andrender-ill to his , _Own ule..-;' If a great tlieironghfarejs 'elesl awed, the roCky eiMntnin'tiOjetnier'nfferil, itrinTerli niefit4il - . year ( ! r iiii - a ['oil and .; -,-,- with o . ..4t 4 ,•• ••.•• "Y.' the Steam Car-its t rain train pa,sses.' ritim onciFAlleY.lii# 6 4Abgr; on ilfi airlinet• through the nionritnin.4 - a. After it aheirtleitey itt the; peaajil we; • left Mr." Pew. and his lien in'fine 'iapiVi ti;: and confident that in lit few .days ttiey woold meet their comradesupon. -. .**l . -. - - --' posite kitie: -• :t; :*,.... • 4 • 1„; 4 ' • Last V4eek,, T-uetday Montirg, Dec. 20, at 6 o'cl4k and 17 minutes,, a hole" 4,1 drill h 's - 'Made .. " . through =the'ylFle, -064,rii -. whie c h the men on each side 'were enabled. forthefirst time to converse., With eager haate the Workmen toiled, .Aill - in.-a: feW I hours a hole was made largeenough' flit Maii . to tat - :thitingh. .iiii4-,;igi.. rovl t ,the .1 F Oreinan iPas the . first ta' Ili it n :It -' 1 - .-P . -` ,44 i J 0 0.-• or which hiclaieried and all the,men cheer- i fully accorded to him. Whedthat mighty cavern rang -again with such joyous as its walla never heard before. . the day . folloWing I' passed through - s .the tunnel,. and found Mr. Pew _ . se . lt s _ dsmr ed amop u critdair ing ia - retruiving_the' ri 4 ck. - '.l never hefore save aBT who has - i 1 . , tss over AL, rillY OfJr!tiliteen.., ) ',,liecaut trake their- do. ' , anything he iranty . ssid tilt)! 11 ~ 1 ! highly. r .., 'him: 'ln turerrof Ob unit t- . iteet. fin iri geoll'itit4thicibe hed Oremised their npublic shipper , its-Scian - aaeouvinieet„ after< the cempletion,of; the bending. - Accord ingly last Saturday- evening , he . bronght his 'whet party'Tenediting 'of abont fifty men !ex ! , ceeper'S - fieW 114telet ttmk- ' s hitO l 4 l flP79P 4 ..•o l eto 6l i 41 3: PrOfni4o ,to theta- :They started frOui the Tunnel soon Ifter'daiitceneb tellwarraiedin:ltia best appirer vitif:liiil'ainp: lighted. '.Daring arm ed,ber e at e ot'S, - the.,PiOCe ss i 0 performed, divers evolut ions, and .•,,,eitcure grations.aronnd the Sign Post; and then coining into line lit *Ant of the house each: - itithi 'lei - `di;a4 116'1 !ill; iaa-iie.,Ceeited to i sxe • •-:;;.f ta . . 111 1 . ; 43 - A:l z . I f.. , h .. .: the r- m w a.• w h o, c ose .re galeel thernaelvas,rltfi it , drink -and _a ci gar, buriheref waii . noise GO not in utiiiiilWord: was . ' ken. "`tbence all in 16 ; ifl '; t0i , 'Pri" .. ,e4 !P-C99l'°F ' zi:lv-liere, ci f ' aftervarions inure: . . , es the" "company drew tip in :fr i ont of,the Motel where a large assembly- was pres-, ent in wt titeiatitOiitiiii.val: t4ree hearty 'cheers were glien' foe t4Turioail; to '-urbich Mr. Pint ski* his. tion lreaponded. Jil'itiltit tor -c r ioPer!il . 11441' ; Sild -4Kink Ifitataelf Dep ot tiiiiiii;44fk,,i t boil Mali eifF V.; . iii ..-., i , 7 , it l i .M•ri.ri4 t!. 1., lirsail,, /..; ,-4r i 27, whole_ f..par-: ,y,A , m4,4slirythtlr,l pppe "O paltr4,, log -into tbc/1031 , -ageitt aooli , ,,ieate , at: Itherisgnife4init Met .li4l beenfre t :. - pa fiii tilfirik' '4'l4, ilt4i - al' ' l 44in:ti s k, ..-;,; 4 :c.....:4w - ~ , hI.. .r 444 -; • I ~-c. ..„=, - f•-. .• , i• )`,l2' ,', V 2 l O 'P i 14 2. 5 n,2: : r.., yo- ti 4 :.:?„-:1'•,”,•,; -Ki .1; , r 1-. Illhkivittifielk ' .i ) 1t.,' ,.- -MtanY Ainiblr,' 10 4 !oeillamPit'billa - ' 4 bwrili-flife•lirbera IthOte*tif ii ern ,' iir ilvsktimailt , iittie - brtirit . 4 , ; ~,,e; ,- ,tif:,. 1 , 7 ,. - , 4 ;',X tt e t , i ae ll' }. L . . .; :II 47.M.1 . 4 i 4.g:0 4 V 4 l . 4 "4; 4 Fj; * ~4 ' , 1 ::T5. . .T5t471 , 111 APNW' e ll -1 1 4 4 4 S° ! . : tillf , S. - ;10, 11 ;- , .7L f.Bvsnin9baly ,_ ` -o , 4s;,iniiio-sine, liliW4Staiiboil4 AtielOr €l -f.47fk r ,ve 1 , - ' - 41iif , pfil,4!4, 4: 1 ,14' 4 * ~ .., • %. . j orklia ,.. ~ • .ana *le . ; or- 04!)4:reiPcd4- ipok4A(*ne-tinw eireitill.tbe. ; • F , e;2X 1 7 w .. ,- 4'4 •4! se Arm* - , ~!.. irelt 14110,AM177.P4!*r . . ' --._: ' --I, ,::;•.:-'..: 114.:;. iialift r TiliTa " ;,- ,r, • ' .::-: _O . ' 7 iii A ; Jne --th—be. . /1°1 c04." - 1. ' ...;:it ...0....iit4044, ..kimo Rill 4)1.0. ... tinitt-..._L---1-1,-;.":47; v, - ,41 : 1 7 - ..1g., 4 1 1.111,1 - C l r r 'lr 4r ct" ••• •15 , 1 .4#.4 14 t Aii,,444.1. 41-9 ; ti t s* ' .1.7. - 314V-i'.. -, ,0.V ' ., V' ~ . _...,,, tf# NOW • . . , 1011/114:4,1 MEER! By ; order oldie Company. , •. • . i . • •.• . Correspondence . of the Register. It•liciioLsori„WYinnivga t I ,Eieeetaberi 21,1 . 4614eldistinbed- eittthencr fair ;7 4 + a TO r le Intsseil oil' very pleasantly. is front Ithaca, NX is awl-, • , (1. t. int l Alemil4l ll6ll .PerfletireA JIMPO,L, e ", io g °6 o°! 3 r4 n as ha' 16111 Igltur* esintat( lhat t tof Trish"; to an wee. bud* fle is -he tunnel en. &mein - it: 1:41 InomftentV is labors. : Mr. Cooper deserves credit ter the cx- 619;2161 cetlent manner in which, the banquet on "thia 'eacit'sion "'sain initiared. With Mali 'splendid house and extensive barn, he is mow inoparcod_t*aspatniidate the t.-- ingivtd44 i '4 r tiiiid his ow: . -will do, a ll in tiniir4o botnelftiflnsant I am in - hastec k Tri3,l • inegitS. lee • ut the'Erie 1 41 4 1% SULAitteLIASXA 011'110.; -Dee: 22; lard. . 11-1 Ficaztatti--Dezr Ati other ae 'eident:o4cor'md o o tbO Road 'oar tiliallioe; I VtNitefdaY , g4stigri !and Nail ITraii was proceeding down - ihe 'summit, they were stopped by tie Dunkirk AreoM nociatioil train, - . (about one mile east of the Summit) which.*Was backing-on ihe-awiteh tortkeiPolVase of letting. khe gall pis. ; 14 and 'while doing so, and Mail Train standing on the Main tract, the #,C co m odat i on, Eastward bound, came down the Semnut at n fearful yate,, , running into the hittd.:ear-of the Natl'Train,:and •cout-• - ' pletely shivering it to atones. . ' • - When the Train stepped; the forward end of the engine i and the hitid end .of 'the, see- ond :.Were together,. and the, top - of, the:. car laid across the'engine and - tender: - The smoke stack land sotua of; the pipes were knocked off theingine, buts no further , sitstiiined:hy' the Vide ex - cepting the breaking` of the.htiespeni of trite se'nuneber of the' c ' ,1 ' - - • I No lives lost, and no injury swtained by fug pilrson, except. ilie•Enginecr, who aprOti e& his ankle in j‘intiiiist z froni the engine, ' 1 and 4 child, nfhf# face w-is badly scratched by the splinters- Of the brokeniCar. • . The'sMerin ofj danger was given. just time for ifict tlionisetikent tOjnirip frorn - the car. Had Otrlitengei elapsed ere tinit•ldar.nt Res given. swim 29' or 80 . per gibs most hive cOen cOshed to• death in the i llere wasi4uto ti wieddipg party on. their: YenY ; t o tbdeflEd4) . in the ear, at the How hear was their loy 'and hapinesi tutted - into in Wrnitig.- -• 1 ik.:•'..l: •Ca - of the accideNt-r-NeZa'. anc lareiespekti! it the Conduotor of thW lifitiljlitio_tw. ~sending bock . a al-pa! to, Atoo.6wHitiiiittAeocmwmodatiOnTrin,-when no Of eome minutes in their time ' =BM 3intians.-1 r -,Dna' acre' in, twenty is' lot in - fences, in this coiintryi - ' • : • - - , -:-A few cloves added to ink will ,prevent 'ite.becomini mOuldy, and impart, an, agree - I i able'perfume. ; President :%ayir-rt sable:4loh 1 eo respontlent i is; looking • fresh and vigor - - -ona again- - . 2 . 1 • • r : —.Ann Lewis 'died poluinbtis - recently, from - the effects - 4, arienit taken'on account albs drunks . ofberlusband. - " "• 4ateiteis.oerrt: smi th eicites a greet ! aed of VTas nag ton,byapparingtit mer eaturn._ —The medical ;attendants of Macaulay, the English historian, denythat lie indulges in, (TWIT), and declare him in sound mind. - It. James has a _near novel Maw:4in Lmidon asait e et ICOU aro"; Orite'ila — ck Ea • —The-membeia . of the Englith Parliament ate ;jot ppid, yet . the expenaes 'of both llou. , sea amount A°. nearly . a million dollars year: —The people ' f Colche ste r, t. ** n . i705 - '' postponed., t I,!eppointi;cl Any fur :41111010 , 0v-j ing one week , *time.° . a`A'utrliient siaOly- of molasses coukt root b§ . obtiiincil 6.irthe odd"; sign. -- ' - ''' .• ' • total tonnage .of the United Stateg;' exceeds 3,000,600 tone. New- York...has tied hugest; Boaton: the ,seedil, :and New bvti ford the - , thi rd Jargest.; . . *last j'ett4tObilittlelphia on'hia - ;retuin Vote ,froni . :*,prot4sionar tour, hild.Wsst; io *likk he met with etio cosh - • blur Meltune of Sacrnmento, leas been nominated and confirmed ark :U. :S.. Law' A gent, before ,tbe! Botird of . California . Land: CoMmissionera, vice Voluei, C. I:toward re - • —44fadatne Jenny Lind GOdschmidt. neared in . .* concert at Dresden, on 0e 20th kir'. the 'fiistOnT mint monthi.: One or her piecei the Ornate song of - Tauber, ,Was encored. The eriticlof ibelklational Zeitung snys• thathei has lost Muth, espcciallr in the middle u l ot:is; and is'ne Inn,* Whattt once • • 47 -- Tlio :, most -decided .csse of Dativekm tioro Vara tia . tic:il , ,4 that of a ix*n in Bol ton, littO on bilini asked to attend; lla 1:,1: , Olin - Bill At . llitwo;b. 4 the . 22d. iPst-,reT okl.ithat....llBilrott Pot gPlog.rt. i Pais tit Pt 444. iCelebiiltiQW in • honor .of : IPA arrks 4 .. ,- 1 4 ,,5,1, 7 -..fts the islimd T ptetirlott, stiotwiti -, b hod,7 fed Milt osikilling-ta fOriPtisritor 4 itrikr altiA itini attOcitsa'atioadvra4ribestrit Iliaisitm ofthitrittut iiehtif *Ma ; tt r :day'',' _ lifivfoott , Of illeoe - YONA -o‘l, -' 40'1*:ti 30111 , 4 ' 6* two ixistif 'Ascii videiltu( 4 , ot i iit'l6thFit ,. - 4 ~ - i - -,,- • ..."--, ~_.,- :,-,- lip ..:..., q-: .•:- 1< 1 -•..` 4 ''.: '' , , I • ,c ... t , ~, , , r , - fifr . 0 1 ! _ass; :11) kiTzl i. - ... , ,:t1 = !:, -, ati.'-iretclri a ltii*J 4.-.. . :4 V i iio t e 11.1 , ' e ..111, ...porvatf.,74 :...r p 4 iti - Liiit'%l ii` <y .40 1 100 ev AAja.„ ,-,ti‘ Ttiv,PP#tiottlimi I Pittiost-O , - 1 1 )??0R , -.P*11.. kß4FP'cr)i. 11,44tY.5r4 . e0.#0 , 1Mk iifq RA: ,'. S. . 2 4414 , ,R0 - ** f; 401 , ~s,Ail 4;V i l i r I *lii, 4 44 4 1 71 1 '1, " ...) ifetierffelpiellt II Iliferrtliit4;4 l l)t. , r- - 1-.--,.......; t.: - ' '- , '," ~,--/' ..•-•, •"..j.,?' A gr. er part of its 'con ents, their sin * a ad joining, and-tie!) bu hliags adjacent.4lore entirely consumed. Here, the strenuous eaertiona• of-,the " esez'ofrestect, die' primes'. -. At this some desjOteir, prime •eateied the Upper pert'Uf tedwel. which ha cf,bee deserted:hast i nil act - fire to. some stkaw that :had been i emptied.there; , th s Was soun,ostinguish gd- fri • 7 1 .1 .§ix- horses and a citiantiti, , orhay and grain! wertiolse caromed. - ' 1- Earf.ton. 11,! r dews • not ,sp. pear to have mtidet;tf.v:iii-g - : lin ce.tifity tie.. but in Centre:lC" -. ..i l liii: Witthingion - ~ Ciiri. . , 4 ..,.. t . ii: . iv 44 .... .: . ty ,. respen entp of . , the e o 4 t,ncrteats : un e date of Dec. OM-retttikSo on fii*elicebat i ter, with Gerrit:Smith, as fidlovrti,;•. ,. , -1 , -. i - Strange to'say,' "we , '..hete:ii, revival;of ;the , abolition .war in igorigt vas: - ' Getrit t Smith's harrague of Tuella:lay 'last, WaSra little . Ainark which has -`kindled: ' egreat Ifire. • cifewas tolloived; tip by' ' Mr.' Gra idings;' who Made' . iii'powerfilt •apeeth against paying; for-the Amistad nagroes-; by Mike Walsh; Who consigned abolition is in all its irmito the filthiest :Teeep. lades; and yesterd,ay bpi4lrOL 11 io . .- Wright, of PeOloiylvar l ..&ottitc - Of voice, , tipreterea *Mg. ' Thon gtSet rititratably successful in , poiit ice tlifer,z M r::' Wright' . Idnusi kn'OW that the very' best ivoy to give . Importance toni: - periettiity to the dna.. trttletvof Gerrit! Smith is to - make them the 'subject of elaborate tlentinaitition, as he did on Wetliday'. - i ' Mr. W tifild is a sort of persiin to tear a passion t o tatters. : After beariugthim:l 116 not Wo oder that mr. Fuller beat him . ',twice, in ..ti district which Usuall y givits tine or two , thou4autl • democratic niajority.' '' l- The; enntr;ts-t i be tiseen "Mere sound ', and fary,'llignifiing nothing , and .. concentrated . .thOdght end . , , . . . . . ~ . vigor 'o .exprestuon, was wl shown!. to day. when, Hi _the - - mtdst-of , ,his parr:l:tic rage, he Challenged Gerritt -Smith swer some guestion of'ponstitUtiotial ecin• st ruction: - , The Abolition leader. rose.: and' in a voice'of great{ calmness and melndy, responded to the' muting; aligalatiSto of his catechist liY,:''• statement of'' leer se clear and convinciug as to excite the sit lent admiratiOitufthe whole ttheses .1' - . . - • ' .].—. • ) ' ',.,,.,-.;" -'. , Tnx--WILLIOSISPORT _AND ElArtitA RAIL tioAD is now hi 'active Operation fietWeen this place and Italitnn, and Will_be corn. • eted to Elmira by the first lafJ9ly` next. 'he 'activity and ent erpriz 6 ' Sif the'New York capitalists `=' wh'o have. le ha la l the proSeentiofi of: tha Willia'nykft .and El= miira and the Catawisla. and WitliainSpo - ri• railroads' appear tit bave galvanized into` . some kind Of . vitality! • the ' ,Sunbury ? anti the railroad. lietiveetithis place antrlVlii; ton. We ' believe. an aisriangernenti litti been Concluded het wenn the different ; pit?, ties, by which the Willini.spnnenit Eami= ra and - CatawissalVoritpanies - are tc• build and leate thitt .pcfiltion nf , ihe unbuyi'ltd & Erie railroad uecessak i ry t ocomptete - tire' eonnecti•m of tints° 1-wwirriprovernenta; When . link •betWeeti this tiltice':iii ii riaf Milton is suppijaft4idialanccbillte Ximnira god N %. ew fii:k ali 1 tbe - st.iii . er via Williainatort: iod Qatilisifsaia,th F I , a 11 by the ' New_ ' , lY . ork and ' ,- Eiiia- railro ' ; while kite grades williboinfinitely belt r; A very -considerable 'ditiersion of, trai mai in-, con - se/pence be'expected-itti th point. , The whole line is-tobe cetttpl ed by -.tile ISt of Suli;lBs4;—:.: Wiliiti 'port G'ifi-ette: '.t, % : i ' - being - • I DECISION ON me . Peize Poems - Wil itgion December -144 • ci ita mit tee upti.Amodio exeMbie 4he er+lktlL. op t , I 0- met at' the ' Smithsonian', litOtitute'-in ihe , time - ' appointed ; drat; _after organization, t heY dire, ed the names . . of : the '; anthers tri 7 r - be conee4rid .1 • that, , after ' 's deliberate . - ex imioation, they plans to Vie linanirloos cenclusion that, in their judgment, - there is.,zio preiluctiOn among -theiestibmittedr 'of Such a character inits . 4°11'64 - nine - and . execution': as justly . ' to entitle , ' - 'it-to:be . ' considered a 'National ' Puem,.ale; or: Epic ;''and that. they„ 't hitrekie., respect.' fully decline _ them,for,the pri; e. ,- . ' -,-. ~ ., ~ , Charles Sumneri, - .c,TosePh Henry, .1 , !,. Jos.-11. Chandle4: -. , 0,, , 24"..8ut1er,n . Jim.- Vor.:CiEvans,-, .=',R:..11 , : , ,..Gu51ih , t,:-;- , ,.:. Th..J.Saude Diir sai --f. R. IV: Lathard, Esq 4, 'Pn 3 lient:l' s i '-` e ..:-........ , t.Therejected il'oeuts wilt lie published is 'a 'volume -as aeon 'ayarningemmull can.- 'be made tedosoi:43 , , -, , IL: 1 W, .L a tb l i m ; ~... - :Wu° ARS' MIR bollilitilr Smoot. Titimit; i til gee ?:: , ; . -Are (best "deated: , men , and - wit men I_ I :" - : realff' , inastered , the• common - -balm' J.,..!i, cub ~' they', mite' well 1.:',D0 they_ udeieteidleteiness !nai l , tens t . IlUvetbei ..goeiLicomiruntileuwt Are-1114 kind **tea 1::-. Po Ow 10.1r044: teach 1 Are theyin, i office ii 0013,1Pigept, living easy. hot,.; .-/a9,-,g(?o(l,t,;'irl4l, t., Amy , , , , comman d, " t oe . 1 „ . Anfr Aeyurdite, Are they' sop on :-. d eugliiere.;iot Ito eiR,.., .gent;: - refs rearad, ed - r ate dt-:jiareute t. !Yee,. often, 0 elVyttyi - ~. , :: 1 ;:i. ..:-F:- - Apoe you ,setu Vyntirtegeber,Tor ; tisk wiffircer l , A ' good .r.teacilit*iii w+th.,w, abai .of trouble. • - Ittuite:Wileelli i ,,iu,get lr i ling good Cattle: let entrei*TAinna*gpi lf 4ili g s raa tekli# l4 , 'Otift,,i'Whtriert!CenitursC 4 'is wily lost hr. ingk - ,,liiimmiltidti l i: ore willful :t 4,,0 r , it aolk,4l4R* . i „ v - ok at.. 11 cheap rite; , 'l,l' ,you= --: want . , a ibi*p. - ; leachirimlty, ' 't44.'cliii*R .: 44rit il 14.4 wixi ii'ibeopt: , r. , :e.tisOlittleitNi.orthr: 10/4"0r;t4r.....14411eil Earn-it4ltliS(—, -, : asildw , Y: - ....--, fq ,-, 1 , - . ): , : - , wz . t.- - -,..- v,tl_: ,) f - ':;:i• .:,. '-- 7 4'. 4).!.:,4 ,-, 7,4 7- 7 7171 , i--; , 4 , -.31..1.ieug.t.: 4 .y);.3 L 7 = - •.'t437.111nif, - 11. 1 00 141 0.1 1 0i' , I:Aiutt ', At Quetta - sorigiodi4Aitiffia , o. 3 4ukri - 410: itiliiastf . .iteevien44.teertePiikttialitierw , thatta herietair on - 4hiliii ,livt:estifir',ii*Te4li I*tstlrj lieel*Attf 41.0. 4 01 - e , •! . lio l ii.*; lisieillii*Altbeilailet*, , f era Perliit lietualt** 'nuL iii it* it their bit littpiei' fielibi*4 - :::pf 0 4 4 ktli4 4 .‘mf4oil*ip***ll4 * sit- - !coto. - forlaßkok Oil - irCWI• 7 bik ' ij -- ' .' 2l -. ' .+-•-• % .14"4 - .4"4.01 , --'' -1.-- i ~.. _. ~- :. ~ ' , _ •-• _ -„,,,,1. 4 .::: 1..:-..1 • - . ' , . - -,i 3 ,, ..-: .... , .. f.',.=": . :';'... 1:-.,..• .., f ki•S'tv - rs:tVill•-•t;'-' s '-' ~---,•.!....i::::,,:,..:.,•;:,;••;:i,,V.K-,•,::-.::....:,,a•z,K5z.,: .li t , ~.-;_'.... 1 ,.* e; F , i4Giliekt; . 1 - Matra MA, intel*en6d•autoO:o toi - a r!. - .an i tn,, at “F*ltlio Holise!l% co. - 2 - , 'it Anti," 103 0 , jiheire - he iii PITY ' , minimal to : aidcribs . an4-trf:s4 a 1 , 1 ***.innde onhiieinesittoth - - Ainti;; : t i brome, arid rriviti - nr Yotioant, in a ' rhi suciessful inauneri.- air Thn-- i win al- ' so' ive Exatninntions; sinttnipnit, nt Advice, ' in referinee to oi:ovations,' P en s , how.; • to cultivati tbelntOlidictuittand Weal Polreng - l it em and restrain tin) iwopensities 1 1 ast'fffect- ufilliAltn,Olikki fliniPY.: - . l * 4?, , -etT,f541n ..40-idcente#4lt..:_ -Air zaariiiniti: jut iti , oltly t i olifideiital. Oil wiitatited-to 'time. /so N, 1 1 , • Is l3 .P ; of -: !i'illfaL* - 41,1k*,11 iliiioigenn Siindi, iiOnitliOantiary :14,, "1854, at tint Asiptiit ICiiiniit,.* , ,the limner: tality of titit Snui;a4(ineidelliiilll) eiP. l }thi f p - It4 d e l m _tito (so led) - Silitt RaPPlngs '-' on Naturnt-Pci ;nip rgrA4 -0 4kicrS(14. 4 t . 44 Poctor wincom. ..,,, alone& ti'eciuise of Otuivi - nint xperiment, ,sty../rte 1 `by-Vodn'litArp Conti' utions, -, at the Baptist Churett l ,7-MatiOnday: evening,- January 2,1 : „ at• 61 . 0 aka: 17bie 4 . 9 Mares will bti. 'bit, isiti'o3**looi.'.fictiiii*ed'irlih .. Human Ititiinst, ; - ink 'Self K goitl4o; found- ed onithe2.Phksicsal`Laws,;s on Evidencetiof Character; ilenitis, Diseak r o, Ihi Prevention and Cure; Illnitratedbf many', Specimens, &c. Ste.', - As;tlo,3 Dnetnr's, t:epu,itym is ea-. I tahlislied;*laxpeeted' lie will itT, a large ' and candid .hearmgand sap" ..-: . 4 0. , ;:-, .1; -, The following .will show::. " , wi'thte Doctor and his'aubjects art !eceived - 1 : ! 4o id in The• Doctor is highly friin ' various sources.—:RecorsiVikg, i friferS. Dr., Gillo,t :is getting' full.hpiiiis, atiiii wirtn strepoit----Pitt,illni -- Gazittc , , , Prof. Gillett- is eretywnere ,r - ceiired with ill'PlaostAtr Her ~.'-•,- %-. -_. .. i 7111. i. "C f iri t t l i3(i t, i . YliAar i e s c" 1 lotions wire]) ' at 7 % - thi' os*i ofa: cootie of Lectures .delivered by . Gil ett At Cape Vipeent N 1 . Fawns Ist` 1.853 • .;' Rekolvid, ,That this* eitienceklire : ttte true• sciences of min.:l - And - rnattr, thattbat they are interesting, irtiPpritint t and useful to all, and fthat .suelf lectures should tiecdelivettA heard an 11's'afii'rrt4ill itl -4 lY(irf till! l ge "d eo nrritinity; , , 1 - . ,i., lees.:slYed*That 'the course of Lectures and • ex eri,mitits,Publiel and Privaie Eiamina tios, of Mr. Gillett, ' hive. been snpporteetv respectable, audiences and highly satisfacto ry t o those who . hive Ttsted )iiin and his Sciences and we recco m med him t;.) the:Pub 1, R*olved, i nt'a ppeof thesUlk.4olutions -1 1 h be presetite to '1dr...,(.141e.ti t .1.114, helpublish , . . , ed in our: county, papers, ' rxd. , iurovtlers Journals. is c' i' '' . 'r` '' Dr. E. 11.'itkititt• S4ei e l Jon 7,. L. ,GonnownEs'ii.Airvelf...% • ~: r'\. • ' "-•,, Notice. ~ - , An adjiiurned meeting; to confer upon the subject of Free MisSions", Providence premit... ting, will- be held., ;',atAbtf • 't7t n eeting ; Lou .e, hoe, on the first r tsiedwisda l in January ars neit, 'Commencing , at , 11 o' - eloch; A. M. All who feeten interest:lton thh subject, are`. 4 United. , torattend.t, ~ . ,"•.., ~..4:-, - !. I J,-; r' Deer- 19 .tit• 1 05 3 -.:_ LW E4e.fulbt, Chair. i•,(- -. 4 In Great Benti:.nii''tilW2Tikult., by' tliif ', 4 ev:-.T. - A: MtCite,aiy;,,tirtNB*As 13. --- .Coft.• 1 ; WIN, pf A w: eircii4 'atid.Miini ZtAinlt. A 4 arirm zip - rif Bn id ge water..-S ' ;c6.,'Pe...4 4 In Jegi 0; bailie g4th -hist":jii tile Reir,. , 1 '.l4u-Dea is; 'Mr: ' Lnittrr Aix aid qiiiit ' liiiitexii/r Arts buiii. 'AI (4 .13tii3041, t6 i, s: . i s i c i- . - c,- . ~ ,i .-..;,- - -1, i- -:. -: F , -- . 1t.-.-- 1 . , 1 , -..,,1 . , -,,- 0n,...,,..", - -. --, •: - t. ~. 4, -.. , 11 ,vacti. 1 lu Q.4 ) .4 011 pl..kt* , . Pit kjcitiaibyTy4.l! 4.. ii, 1 Gar ike tlfer, Mr, jl44ilitetsmiwpf,,atl g rt . EsTi4it .o.4zre,..,iii-qp,iibson. :, .I,:j , t 't 1 . t - . At GYePt • 14V,114 -op,.t.tte _, 1 4 4 ult., YUiissein4l,4-4146 year his age.,:i the;ln doio.h - - sco . ue'N bit f-familY 1 are called id itiounfoverAlie iiris ; °fad 4.31 fcctionate hasband.atainthek.::Tho.Pkeeili btetiat-ChThla ,- w 36l r aP , -r..m r _ee;ilo lost One . - ofL its erumentsifdrathit cennbq i pity. which ho li*ed4 i aluable Diu-fir, inayjt bitiaaid,pf ht4d arl.israatezinklead, - in Wionl gills;" and *ell miry Zion, w hev pillar falW-eNielit):Lord,if4r the - -mall dealothlt, foi among kbe.eltilkeit 41;actry.7 i t.. [ l l icitai. - , t , 4 1 iisioteolige. mad - la JPat Th , •cefvea 1:4 L j :1 GEO!IGIEj ityki* , ... • - .1%1 •"- 4 Caine #llci :$1313 Anrieliclogn ni4lvlth,one , ,,iiliite,:bincl foot 4w16,,,_ Starla kreitti6 t o het , Rdeabid' 44 l 4 9 l - 4 -er! - oet9ivrikit -- *cot, ~ le .„ ) ,, iirtica ;,.:_:. pl ain ' - ' jkl:4-D-1. ''' vimgiiiithe villa , b.f. es ktcilltklktiC' ; -' tt '?'''hotlite;V•i;Wi - - lillittil;iii'!ritigetaiik. l 4 tetAopiuslipicn •sa araiirlex4.4 10# *PO* I 4.i-:4 l iffh4kot; mr! , . ' : f o tioWitre*DikertAZAlßl — i ' - -,ol4qplte it i y94 , WARIAlS , Atilk 3 . 3 PbeiP, 'l . ' oloo 4 lo6(saweiityvioiiii - ottfity;.] a giiiiftilKoats- luif - it*b.i thibuslietiiiiisin: tigra' 3 oll4gaiiitmic9l4 Biallot iiiet ftst , i; 1 41%`thitekhert**11 - W, 4coniNo 4- -firiumillemt:llr* 4 ;We! toCkPlugeS*4 o o l ''...-1,.,- ,-•_- -_` .. , i',. Tiiiisli :=—lf sunliiiilPacri.o;thrVe;l44ll _, ', " 11 'M it; ill darns'kkiie lt - Oit *nil* with, interest and ipprovoilaieuri ;.--• -- , '. 1 " 1 -W31, 7 11e3f11aLAN2,.; - 1 Bridosater e 1 • ... ',lierl7,, '63. '...' • ' '• .-. 1-, -..- ,•.; '- - , i i.:,A .. . 1 ,-.,--'4,th-L'i, , ' *Lae C 44 at anadvit:' 0v:44/10,,,,t,,k, -,: iii'4ll4f -- ~ , 3 ! ;--.Bl.f#!Milfi 1;41:1 r rdititii,if ' q .'' rAiiirtulimonts • itnin Wale° i I '' of . county . -- • 1 '-‘ 1 - The tte....0104 ' lafisid it/Ilk:WW1 of likuiciuguaumpii c l ia".4,...eiti,su . ~,t , resin* , lb*** "‘74-Burt-mtee reP rga • ' tik'-kWit*iiitaressia•MO*.v*:ltala:ll;tariitit' ~,k..mmattanr. ~, 4.k. - thar.'b o xf • .' . , .t.eitt i t i ;;IlitTOn''' WAllNghoakiiiiiia lit i ~ f,4 te-- • i!‘ tieth:•l6lli4Yl):ll.66-,y-•4o4l4lte'rs' '..1::4ii41:46-40wk4'.°40w4 i --,--- • ,04dio U , ' 'i c v o f : ' kr,4l,P*-95,,,1*1 ~.:.3,,. 114 ~..4.- )Zl*- )4404 • ti; Aubitta.-0: -Ai -- 7r.4- ,,,, - , -.- , - 94 , ‘ -- .4t-,,0f1t..., , ' -F. ,,, -',---i .iumr, , (.. .: . 0 &'- ' , 1 I. , E=6l ~_~~'. ~ .,,,,,-;1 , ,,,,: 11-faiJ4 - - . ;---‘..:1:-..±1 ~:, 1,i,', , ,1,,;:,,,:, -.4::„z4 , . 1 r