The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, December 29, 1853, Image 1
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':',..;,. - ;.; ~ . -., .-'.._-_.• t 5.... -1 ' Illians . , at ret.. titattiP o o l- o: o l4o . 4l.o.;eighty•;-..-•!.. *--;--.„'''. ;:.„-•• 01-.. ,-NVe rend .. •Is 6. lit. •,‘• ' pie,-' ()I the 7t. -,4 tiiih . _ unten.z-i3uktuirth 7 „. • -1it0t..:44,-.**.,,-: -.. Stittt' - 46 - 6aiial 3 : ; .- ' .. t -int b‘.. the Joufaal des [henit. -& -eiciatited:al :' ,. .:.' 7 , -. ''.t' ls .,q . ' i'.';'," - :_.•f`' '.---,-- - 4 - -la ling._ - , i 7- - ' - •::', ~.• - ...,.....,: -.-- ..,: to."' ~ c ' m0 ;47 4 , , ', -, .' ... - Aaiiiatriceiri: I :-•: • '4, - .....: qiii,A..„ ...,.e.. , .._),. _....„ .; ,...:.- . - • rtt ' ,•,; .:12,.:;:.: - .; , f , ... , , ,, ,...r. , ,, 7 - ;rtg , ... - 7....-. - A, ; sfutg - c: , :tom . • - ':•• 11 ?-,1 1 f.• I PP. II . g' , t',.;:....;-' -...F• •:-!j - ' -'' . •• 5 .? ; '.1?'•••70.„.• • .qiit.i . ' i TtiqihilOiliiallitili• - ::' r .'„ I . .‘4 .. 1 4 - ~ .::,' ••1. • " . 4 .Tar(ka 1 ;:.;affairar.itiotrielaMal __ - . ,... -., ~,,,i ... `Atm. ...4.".-. 4...i iiiti i iitii i iii - 012 4 4 , .-..... 5, ... 0: -.. :::.: ; ,...." 4 . 7 ,,,.. # . , f,... 1 .,. : :.... ,. ~.........1 IA ~, 4 -bite ~. h yliittaitioiliiitkitkiitry , r.• , . - - - - - ~.. -. . - ..... %1 14 i . .ittlYiti _ _... , - • .., .-.-- .2 ,- ...< 44 ' '- ''''tis.' -..%-,...5.."''''.' 'AfKr: i! , he. I 19 ~ „n!011tctir,.........,!M-_1..,--..-.,----..-1,-..f...,- Filitki..-",z,..-,s,i'''.'--.-t-'4,' . .r . • , ~,tl‘iaijj3okftt.4..,baetttr-- - . - ::_ .„ 71 ~. -.• _ l ,,`:, ' - . -,_ i It ,Wii.. ~..r- " ~,t . .- ....- "-..- 4 '''...* , --j14,... ~. 'l'"?.t,'•"•;.4, ..?: .-••I'' l'ol -- m . t.. -, fie4 - twetteitew.“7l , --- - '!_'..:!_:._. ' .•' • '• -;...1 II ' * 4 t liflf: - -t, ',..,'"''' • .etturdOle • ~:, ; ~ .• 1 .• _. ''' 4 . 'ff , i': q ft akin' :l3 -eirthedeerease 4 ;.•an.. - , ,i, , • ... f a,...„,„ ...-- -r, ----,,,,-;• ..-2 . :--5...,4 ; . : ; - '.L,' - •';'''.." 34 '-krr Hier , '*07154 i c fir . -41 7 1 r - tr." -- ,'w - 4, 1 1•7_;.„A .1 4.4,4,.. "° : 4c .•: -4 ...! -7- - 1 ..,r, , ..-: (4-4 7'i..1 , : : :. - ..7,1••.1!:: - :'' W- ''i;,: ' ' ' ''''' ' -' 41.-- '‘ - ,•' - -I„,iT . . '7=,,', n (11111t1- - .{ 4. t isil -az Qs. , ~ - . 40 . 10,4•Tx0 , -- •. - -...„.._•.• f i ~.. ~..; cf, , .. •pqgl.„. Aqui , -•.,,., ...,„.... ...,, .....-,, : 4 .„ - - -;,,, , ,,,,,.,,,, , ,x, ' : 1! , ,,kr,. EUt.cifs 5, e. 11 -... .. .-7..,,,ki., 1 / i i . iriaifliiii(Pft I, f•Aq i P.'.-.'..i.Nk.,.;,:-,..•* --:,-;,'.-.: 110:13r611 71.. ti. li• . ' 2 1 :(V„ it k .-f o re i t „- infir '-.lentr... ...,...-.1• L. -, ..., ..A• s: i.,".i..), - 1 1 ) 4 ' ( 14 : ) ' l. '• ii ~Vii iii . 1 1:7::: . 7 ?• ;:: : •k:1 -. ': . ' 4 .':• : :3i" - .. 1 :, -r'f ,,A .141 ''':ll%.ft: wg9t-foilAt.".',„. -. 1 .! A.'•,',l: , L 4,1 4.k,.,„ai1,/,',44%'.. N I 1 ,!..... It R U Z.If.i . .. Sqi 1 !1' . , - , A, .i, , , ‘,,,- ,• I, ~ .t ; as, - .....414 , ' , ,')‘ ..:0 i ~l i, - ‘ 11 , 74 4- ...t. c'. tiefly ' Weff.-441),.:‘ AP* B, el - e*q•TOr CV' - '' 4, 1• - 2 .f..4""....::.-1., -- ""11- . P . - ,t or -1 . - r.- -.?,...../ -.... - , se- ....• ".,- ~.- • , 4 '..- A.-.- .• 1 ...,......(;',-, PI olit fi the int 70,..., iiiiii.--I - it '" '-lit.l...tvq...ktioil,:-. .R.vtiztottf.F.t.,,:•y,,„t..,.--,., . • • ~:. ~.,...,,,.7_ :4 1 4.. Aa re VialroUSatititil: ' ~i •i \• " 4 "112 ...77 r, : eFT i d Ipif at the ; ht . it gi v, .. , , , ,,,-. 4 t` -,,u.: van -,- ;0r,,. ~. i5 a.,,,,,,.... rer ....,,„...„ , ..,_ ...,- .. : ,..„,.....,..-.,.. j 0 i ..,,... 4 „, 9 ~:.• -,, ... ..1-, , .-. ,-, I tbietli d Vi'Wlitd . ~ . '-' ..-41 - i i ....-. , .... an t. 11. 2.,., ..,. iii At iti. 4 cl arch; ..•flinn n... - .. , -... Igi.littt, t. ~ , , : i •I, •• • . .ei_ / 'l'eit'nalliildisl4 ii i iii s ii,.:'•' ''', i'..adt . _.. . , dr.oll4bottiNt; Attup . i,.4 t. v , ti.,.-44 4 : '',... .1!.... ••••1, '1•1' _ •i.- . ~,-,,,,4 ;rt . , • A - ••.1 - • • -1* ', - - .., • _._„ta,a s imo i su . , beTrif !:bott it ppm ...4...-- -,- •,, eiltt , ~,, , ..,,44 , ..,_.„-..., --,•-,..: „1.-4 - '',: '''' c ' 4- , o t, 1 rli me.4 . l , . .4144 %Slit -,r 01.vit t . w01ui..... _-,.,, f... pi , , ~,-, ......-..-,.....,, .f < ?',. i ' 3 t-Og . 1 ;' :'-kji*.i-:t :.1 - iurt 4 ausa '•, ti. 1. a ,;_ii, ' " ",'"2:„. , ',• '- .ck•' -....-...... 1 .,,....„..., a 16 liffitg 7.' • .'4,t."-. v . i?' - ''' - ' ,-. t • , it..,,,a,/ 7` • .- -• . ; , ig ,...i1.1;k1 3 ,k r -i•- i • ,',-.4"14", FV:POE:if; lisl',..!!t: :-.4', ' ',"" - ' 4P4'.! • '*. 4,--L.,-.- . ,'!' ~..,..3 1 . ia _- . .. - .•;, - .,,•..-'.17141:1.!' ;:-.;;.-... _ ~, . -.:,... r -*' ..• ': . ,„. 1p:(,C...t,,.....'47::,,,,-.4.4 4-) 4 .. ,4 1 3 ' • • '''' '.• ••4 •:•, 1..", •. . .11 ;•••q •1•'•' - 'a,..7.,..t7. - ) 1t44/174f ;.- Ari. 3) ... 10 , 7 Otiti:_'i. , :. 1 ., .* . t... - ; '' ,` t.-; , ., :-.- L. * :' '' *'":?; .' r ' l7 " A :'•.-- ''''''''' - .'''''? - "i''''''-'.., - .3, id , '4t;:; ii - ' 4 ''''X . -1 I.' 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' '-.:". l ttol t;'- r;;•;''' - iiiiii - t* --:',- 'Ai .Wikt....:::',l i.7...; , ,. , _ - , - ' , z7:,4 ~e ,- 4 ..q.,14 c ;.„,,',.i.:; , ,g 1-., ft 4 ...! . !'U,, •-' •1'.. 0 % , 3 `7, . •"./... - • i ' .. - ,-,- - .- .-` it 4 ' 4'-''' ' ''. "494' .. x ..'''''. 411 i' F.i ;' i l- ' ' ' ,- ilTrtl.;.,l, '•-- ...-' fr-( 1,.. ~ ..: , ; .-r l ,„ I - na.:, , -- ~ -_-. - ...•:. 9 .-: - 41 . -,- , r.. , i• . ~. . -.- .. 1 v : 1 -5.4 ~ ;.; . ,'t ' i15k.'....,, r--i.,)---,.-,rk:•,...,:=.-•....?t,.4...,,,.. ~- fritiditi - I'Vlit.e -! .. , t , 1 .,. .. - i2 - 10, -,..-.., ..7 , --ii5 4 p, , vi,'.. , ..1.i':-,e , .. 1 .4''"' -,,,i. , - F -, ,,,.-.; ;... ': -- it ~. ~,f 1" ' ''''''''''', P4'4ni, -'lC•e ~1 .....,, • 4.',..1.1F - - M'l ' . z ~: -• .., . ....,• ~.• , • - , '' ,Et ' ' ' •, • - ' ' ' V U: , -:•- , ' /1.4-it;!--r--...•-•.:.! • , - ''''''' -P: •''. 4.7. .7 ;. "' 14 "rii l `' '' LL ''' i : 4 . '- , -...',..i . -' , ': , . , , , ..... ,- ..l':L-.:,..T.,1- ;?f. , .7. , •! -'. ~_ . :A.. ~.;.. ~ - .•,-,-- •-•-.. ,•.,,.... ...,- ,g . ,• •,' . 4 '•. ,1 .4.! - ."- 5 0,T i -:. -,.-- •r: '1:51,.. - 1' , .. - - - ',... ": • . - :.--A-,.... , • .rt.-, "....,..,...---, 44q7 , . , , , p,z , .-i ~ z - - ..-,,,-----,--f, se*,'.. :‘ L ki t.' I,‘l. , 4 1' , ".. '., • :...,.....-• .r.:4i.... .1.... : .4. 4 .1 4 ''': :.-:'''i;,ii4 r.--1., ,, !,t41 , i , ,5, , ,.., , .- , 11-" 1 ,1" C• 1 4 , :;,:•.,..i i -.''.' ' li' , :.4/,,*r..4"4-:",: 7 9- 11 " . ..: - C•';'.-1.• t.' -• . ' .; ...---4:1..i1i : - '• : •,' ,-", , X1,t1414i.1,•;1;'-'3.!itkifi ' :- . 4 W1 1 ;"1T,1 i •ii"? , :.:,. 4 ..,1-:(rfi': . ; 4... ',-; 1•1' . .1:"' ,1 171 V; : i ',.• ' 41:.?1,47:= ..===V l ii- .'i:';:' ''. l s,:tilierV44* - • 1 %i , =1444:;•:-V7 g= '''' . ''' l ' ':-.. • '' . . 1 4e'. ..- '"'' • ' •''' . .r- i 0"i7:1 V.= . .;.. , t .v . ~' ' : c 1,.... , = t . • =,..:,.. : .„. ti• ..,, .. .... ~14t.,,, ~. -- .44+ . ot .' ...4:k ) ..• '''.' , ' ;t-•.., .... -';'' • ---.•_ • . -; ~..,....,-; ~ : .i:•4 „ =•, - ,-4.;:, t - - , . •12, - ', . .-, ; - . - z..V,: --- 2..,..&.‘5vi.kv,i , ..4. n -;.• ~..,,,.,-.-: -- - - 1 , 41420-' , „-._. -..- -- 7 ;1 2.-- • --;:.... ..• . ' ' -:'.......1.' ' '7.- 3f&', ' ::.- - ..'A' - ''''t `.,4*--.7.,',1--r.A. r:11 - - VO '7.`:lli 'ls ~-.: ..;1:•.;47. 1 .A , t. - ; - .•''.. ,, r 0.=,.i ) . -, , ..'-• • z.e>, - ........• .....1 * 1 , 61 ,4..,,i , .1t,.., ~.i. -,'441.u(44.,--• The ligat - / - ~ • , • „. • - 4.-° • • . Of ,the seas' c"tbehs, ri!lting - • Baal' totightlitia fir ti the • Forth!, light irhidieriryirherii - - • • j • Censers fall of: flowerrinibers awing about: • • There fe.4Reeiaetsl ttlitTOPPreseeSs: As atOr. P!tr011. xr g-kgestes,' l''eWsofteneavio of , fietii3tjr,,, - 'Astoe wreathing pu9'; - There are nieloiliaa-thaUseetri. , 4 Wearing past into one inild-dretue,'..i 'l i n bet' Cegiett - fhi,yeer, Titik!Weel*. anthorlal4' ; • Butt her tiv:to it; - z . ' the:trees:have • torches yt,; Matt r . •rett tin itiarki shine. the - wW l land'ihro%l. the " : 2 ":1) their -golden Flickering burn *thiek . btethef With the-oak and ivAltitzt nielhm; t .144 dies, stadia -Mourned enle,andilioninirtir;:thitilitiiiiiniti'sitir.*F . , Throtagli..the trees ' • Tolli the breeze, • • \Tolls, then ring tnerry peal, thertioll4iZaitei ..• Dead leavks4baken•by tlii! sound:, drop around ;--,•-• sfera9ry mean, illotiglitsbf pain. bi;ad . lc . ares lie upon .earth's bosom, , tridi•inany , a GentitiAs. friliged with pv.ure On.; • - .Sky *l'm droppNl .tbp inedthivOikostyl . • Asters,- thit.k rind bright-a's sjiitrks' .'• Stoic* angel.oarsuxe4i , fFouv thir!stttuTy -Mat to:die AVlien the. sky - - - - Smiles beldnd-the.judian summer's, - Thus to glorify decay . , , in life's bv” • • Vnto c riiiii - yhere'ditith is-a forgotten -- fallin:suiriaiv-tethettfrift l• 5 t veuly hopes arelpringing- war it =: • . Hart a happywild- a cep, - Singin with invv,anT,el vidces, - cli autnnii d s arse done; . Theresi Geovin hind tlri rays;•ls setting; Sun.! 314 s t -dinar i;tltditturi. 'lsla 'i m ' ~, , : g t.. Tliciellai 'been •-). di i , ble cwsite.iu :Madrid, bet • Jr., of ` ' the American Lek , Du 6 Ur ilha;- which gas t. dipirititith - iitae'eTfexetterne. Paris cortespondenioftheliendai . isle, writing W.On' the 2 7 ih ult., gives - folloici!.goaroc-idt;ra': - ._ - PAVale •!.Stfer . f t v° l ' M udrid s Pt an affuirlitielii:t4iOluTiluri; j 13 1 11 :ai - c 1 ust - the fete day of ,S.t - Etrir,aneq and, knss.!n* , t - spited '. in. . air*: ue .b -u InE-7 --, Sat Willitir ‘v4Ct:b4iPg the 41*(f.4Y , fst4l r41.1ur,77,t5,',11ut u9t,oft - C4 lie4r4 l _ 'bttiii. 1 Louth N'apoteen - Chose to girp 2: 4 r ia, l l num' -by creating , an. gm press' f the il =Me - italnii-the ilarinis;lde Turg ', the Piiinetic-Ifitib'issadUr "41t 3fidriti,- gave; 'al bid), which attended by all that= isl i bti Wit t r iiit it o-- - - -441. 0 Eat i A respit 21 -.:- ii r -tte6E. shape of nobility ov,diplomacv. Among the riests was ,thii:thike of Elba, the brother-iti-law of •:the 'Empress of the French, "and Mr. SOule, :the, son of the neatly appointed Minister iif the - :United States. ' in' tb6 course of the eliening, Mr, Sintle t - le.; while vialking•thiough the ball room viith.Mrs... Perti,-- the 'wife of the United - States - Becs.utary , oftef,gatitia; overheat 41- .4-... , Tilikofof 7,1ba1 - who' has re : CA . NAV 'been iii. Ptru l / 2 : and'Tut -too,-;:..,.-.... judge J or lattdieit-livisarinalte inuneirconl i teinpunius'iemiuic); ob : theti yle of tres s' adopted bY; iheiqwif& lif Ile jtuierican[r Minister,i (mothenW• young : li i i appears that: the lady _bad •,adopted - a toe', turtle whirls:Wits , sint; . *ite-ciia tictiode fie. Madrid, irialfar!tbai it =coveted terpe4. , son ttp to the Ihreat4 - z whervis,.the:grt 411 1 aPPFq OI 441 116 1 1111 .,K.mg1* 1 4thill .. .. a*-4:K°A;il44. ,as noon e cA e g 95 . coitreireir tipd!:i ilcgi t Py. iljauyo:iii_, ca n t, within .the f *liindsTcof ''dieeiki. T.fie iet•-, mark' of the Du k e was, l'•Tbere,loe Ma t' ry of SurgundyP- - Mr.-Soule, on hearing the contemptuous' c ikintisAioe, ',left the 'Lai dy rith iiiiionihe:wlii.waliting, and 'goi - ng r up Ti t o:, the gu'il bil#4o . Prc#o l ,W 0411: true Caii4itte,:ailteCcompanied.Xhis ittignY tagaioulvith-a—.push.::,pnokexcitementa ensued, and Mir Sou le's father, having in- - teAiid, iiiok' away the` Young ntaih, wh'o' subicitiently„-adilresseit. -ia , „ chAtiengis to lbw Lkuk4*litckhas:not,,,ANqa2,4s4-cp7 - tig;4* - 44,e./ 3 aviriffitind;ii , c,otavenictiit tozepreseta the , tiludik4ilbsir ~ t ur.politiet&J ---whithlt tertaitilris; if the artiw'uftilie- Ailiiti klini*i:**is„:iylifiiv:air . ii - ot)00 peno 4 46llllu iffy4l4, 4. -- it, - ,*#,. . 1 1•,..4*0.140. \1 04 1 : ng - iha 4 -, ; taken place;; - ' ben , Abeflas.L despatther4o. c, l ;litit3;the 4 "r wati - litel topte of conversitWeircUrp, and tyi feelint :fO,-iy,it*:,l4loluxes`POsitio.i:*4,l Pi .llB . fire-4***:4..; ll !if (4110.,,uittiko„ 5... i, • HOW TO-TIE When, tail - lyre was askedWiela gVitilew point out . Whitt- -Zoitrite , Cif thirighi.*#est` xo"make" bath s man he 4v lA 4'4 # 4 1 0:04 - afleristic,*".# 4 -• ; 4 , i f It 4# ll A4;414404 . 40 , 1041 W ortibool Aka/ is 'akin: , * 44y ipy;. ao , ;sl.soirs igA 4l o4.itogort - :**iii , ... d0w134 yotirafgolust - 4 ,, pitir - awl& - iss , wahrimuf.fil dr , deroui ' ';' trif l Y ' atioss . .ha v 4 , 4* • .; CtUlt 'GP usiotht Ira sense iieottietv''..' biiiderfro • 0 1 1606 0 1.. 41 5 11 / 1 1 ,4` sir WitiliolooteiMit#: igriokyrifoi**, V•ek 14. * 1 11 • 11' • - k e 1 g, AI,. ; Y. a IC . L. 11. t.'t t. • iLgT watt'. '...f. • . 1 ., ~,,r , , ' tY•ft47 - !..1 . f •,-- • 7 rend AS net Into iittiiie" ._, - 1 -, ..,:-. Te ma h ..e... - ' fl8i ; '''*- hii "Ili" 'e.t.a _pruig=6 , -...-.,, We a eft .Co '!be' P‘iitilqihiVfeiiit'ilaYsiti,alietiiitlfUlini lleaditleofint:r:t i‘ , o6 iht - TetitiiPittitii.'','lt was ' court-week, and ; to ' relieve us fiii'm the-, - sbinewhafi'6eacitolietre iheidelits' of village life, twa;:. - stePpallate. the: tooth wherethe court bad -convened. , Among:,":_theti?itillitiefi in -the , liiii; vci *%klikil of builftider ..years,- whim.. (1-' i: d r p ensive -ctiapterance,causedhim .co look :mark eat of place actioUgthe hard p; 'e ' . imiaildhy ',lNhtiiitt fievies tkithilai4edir i g c o te ' s b t y ,l :. n t t l e te ra itti . k l ;:;:li th u il if ii iiii roc in e i e fe . a t i ti gi tig; ita ilu t. t e ",a t.. still' - wountO,;-* ll 9*o au.X* fi, gilt en! 1: , rp,.., the :Judge ii "ip. the.. boyi - i t left : us. no ~i.. Dir k to-doubt Ulf. it. Was hist mo th ec f•_:-: 1 -,‘ d i .turned #i%)l sadness frpm the seeue, - 1 4 ' ' - ffe .of ,thee " ' _, ',' immre,,leo eel' o, t, opium:her, dlriertmd4 ,Ire , tras accused of stealing ; . ' :40 4 -f.SW,I .7: 4 9lPC l L l :g n 4 ll 49nCedr'aii : _by .44. • ~ Natikrestg4 :bit o.4l,ln.tie ,sir,p,w4;:we ,- out :,44,4pur•beart Tras pet: ,thil , ' - only- tt pti 1 : ",,VtlelaAynpathyfor..t be . fintleA. l 4te 4 L:`Pit. l o flint!, ;The' I)rigkt; s i raii bga#R.t.3444 fromAiis fa - cc, 4 1 nlidi .no w,. it' til P r AP..xitrerissed tbe.'inFea ef, thi,laged, .• is Taaar Isiste-a, • bright it.velf ' " 3 / 4 -I,`;* ad -gal 'ed dmissiou to-his „side. '-,tsugl e bered r htta. ith the whisper--i iUgs, of have; . 'But4l/p.t. a). eel Yuiee.,-Avtieh 4 before caused lds,- liearti to'... , botkad . with . 41appiness, added. -Apip,iy..0..,, t ,h0 grief kis .ohame bud brought ,p,ori bitn. ; ,-.% . ;-:. :- _Tiie, progress,of,the-si se acquaAkteil'lta .. ' withitiM cireurusta•nees-4 the loss,,th I ex- i tent 4whie .h was tut _a" rote—sib m re ; . , it .....Thit i ltd"semployer, a call hy ,to Fly 'I and unprincipled - menu& term., had made 1 tiseiottit,Ter the piirpoti ref what be Gall i.. t&olug the - bpy"st loinesty."- .It: as I ikluced,t'#herelfroin its ;very potitionthe ld lad .wou ;efrenest, See it, atulle:la. us -1 Rect. .the.trap.h.A.., day :passed, _and the master, o his mortification not ple. re; 1 ec fuutidtl out eointuntouched. .. Another lay ns ifir . passed, yet-his object ' was gal ed.: 'This emitieueAl temptation was too c+cli for the :tad's resiStauce. The dime vas i taken. .4. simple itteient.l fur. that li l ltle sister; Was purchased with l i t. These,cii, cumstalices were, sustaiue by several of I his: employer's wlerktneu, T ilt ? , were aisti partied_ to the, plot.: 'Au •9itorney urged :upOti ,the Jury tli,,e .uecessitypf snaking the "..little:rogue? ae examplp to.others, 1 bi punislorieut. , His 7,ailclOtess,)iad great effect - Upue., alt%ihe hear,d;il,. , „ 13et0re,..1, •Cotild.seemaity:tears,ofslif ! pithy f.)r, the 1 'Tja, his'widOwed mother,..aull his Ciithfpl „..tiiSter„ , But theii' eYes were all .40- npy,, -;id 5,‘,60-1-PokW us if. they cared 'for o r 3ted, imialtt. else but, a conviction.— accuser .f .at ,iti , a Pz;sPla jeuu). 3 -.Plaeet --- -as ,ii";l l".. .eed'iilei‘eiali"- lie n °F er , •y be ktui .14ougia: upon that , 1109 r,> . , 'hapiiy fiio. -. : ''. . .' •:- ;.. -: .!; that 111ere'was.but little. hope . AiKtihe phi, hfui, appiara nee, /114-had rolunteer.echbLs . encouragement -as we theyoltugmantszttaid-. 'Tess.:, He appeatecti .readlied tom desk.' he. teek the. Bible, 'knnnize the-tea-.; was receiveiL . taunting 're - -, -I- a' fellow i 3. but,..... ' ' LiAi r for 41 l ai . j-pie l4 uelence.. gave; .. Ileum eil that;itlt\ leaplea-f-his.:firia). greatlFleonfaselt, *tar hiat,„frota l ?tv-li thot;s-hed been::usect t It'ileity.'... 1 abitt;. raovetc. 'with . general laughter imarksimong -‘ichich we , i cl Se.hy:Als say, Tlitfifni•fiets l if .'T sittkitig to-takei ; bold of so; a 4 ; ii t.T 4 9 l Lc.:heiro 1/4e ..1 4 2, it.n : t ' ey 4 A s i. h ju W i),:, it l i nli n s.4 fr iri ill a liOric .l4 6l 4 .. -1: 11 i.c . 01:77.7 . • •IthCtlr -A-. Or-,'lito pistoke, saying, : 1 . ., ! ,,,N4. ‘. waft i 3 uO.-o.tliti •i100k.7-.:-;11i5. , -..viOfWttW was. gotiefla 04 tihst aptly- he was fts*W4as: 11 . 1A... 1 44 ,1 0.r.,..iTudge ea .the.thfren,ch;s ,-; - .4'' , .;i'.- _,r, , ,i - , !Ate.. Bible ;was _ oiwooo3i and:'ev,"l - A,Ye , . '-‘' , 0% 1 P'llLhiiii.; a 'ller — kluicilTaita: llo serelY , ttlreed,O,thesie4i.eo , :: - :-li.tniatit..a : liraWi r .104. ddepde;•beireallt.toitba'Jury-:i4l6.sen--. toped.;.'.::*-:--,,-g. 4. 1':.; . --.,,-.;-:.!_ ': : 7 : -. ; 1,'•.::..-..-- ! ,..-- • ! -, --!-' : 64- , Lepiiti nai inktiintitittia4 . - We felveuriteart throb at the Oititia . :4; t1i0.46 words. The turdiedie' . l.66l;z&FitY 'ea Ch o . ther iv4irtiespakiuginit ihelti;.') rytnerh.ii#ltely.;ieithenged, 11,1atideiii - ei the: ..alieroptlate.ituittatian. carried ititadial , tol their ~.. heactlid , 4 - 'Thee 'foll.w.ed. air iitldresit "4/liose IA - - . iiieit .111gemagie..1: .We s siiv 4104a - if Yl, a . tiker.litaveVitrin4iiiiti of tiers ' al-vi lerice;'- The. pristieet,tookoH ttetcy - 0- h c i t iti..: - ,,*th'eni erailutt-aialie-•.j. 4 aadi be, re. its eonelusiim i there wa not • in . oiikiii Abe , C...eurt, i tiau. was: nett::eatiettf*-- "lie'6l)egtellectiO# to AbatdiegiltaA l ttich.„ . ii i i ii st ai i t 6 - ara ;l *A s 11,6 $ piro . itipellibop odic , .... -.'q!rtie - Stile tittier:thtiti:wiiaiee‘stat lto .. tritailthrallitifeief.Abie - everiliet : . irfilie dry; rhutat -,b4:,ieiirneilj., # l !tv..tlitii l " 3- 0 4. 'eat' lut*" . i::.*ltil i-filipje,thoie.'-i ,, 1313t I wheat :tbi , l m 4311 i '.. -g-vonliuttilti.okomiced;:lino Jl4l!:,4l . l ; orriSi o.l•l44l"l,,,Apeiyirie; p i enu $ El - o ffttine4 . 11 1 4-liass o 4_ -Nke witta OiettOtyofretalirt tipt . ,i.i- - ..: . ?, <.? , -,:.-,,,. . -41;e. ytiogittwye - firee t pl pit faqi r :a kAtikiiir , ooo: - --.fleivra..sixanfr,afikorl4 4s , ..,iitil ' to re liiiittiMirit it 4: ' - I;etlinicottiokaid . - 1, - ;;11b• lid has tu r ea " . *i . 4 : ' •li '...g . r . a iifel: literahritrieeri:l ivikt- 'it . l4 frecitt* ' herein lilt f ile 41i1' , '"•% 4 Iiii: eitlibedi .beteefteti 0:•ib I ''.::- inV4l 4 l: : -OSite# ierthe. 'eafi ''. ,' ''''.' ' 1. ;. -- a'cif.., 0 4 . ,": 0 1 N 14 41i. ttlig 44 , ki; - '',:'; - ,V . ' . i . t.T.,4 : . 1 - 44: 1' ~ ...) 0 :::-/-'1,z i tl.,. 1 -1 1; LI . :ittityveti - dinthuiroi4byt, - ; .- .: - .1 11 1 ';., coa' - - 140m1.-. • • ittir.444iiiitiii - ioi*iiire*tii . * Yeathrat 00.1, - 7itlitiod‘di,**teri% i,#uchl4,lirillitint.d - - :;' , '4ifes'Oalus: C. iaiii4i7o,t4:a4hi:Clitsithit44 sno, tetleAt . ' ' ifik: ' 4lo** ( litiitj'atatt IS*** . 7iiti riiiiii**ien44 , Dik. 1 ~cojool4 epeOdev:, — *iiieli:lef tbil*kb ~ 'll f:" l44*t4 : . 06::**$1t-,04. *lll *iiFir .s' . f: ~ . .1 -- ..-iifW*d!:: ~ .#47nit,i4fieiti. 1 ?6*Aiiiii iiilipeikieliiii'llAtloq-R •44:kril.ii5t-i*: - :.! -- z-44 1 :';f4 --0- *ii :p.l .:. ,- , • T-•:*a', - ,.. - 4itikr L lit 44.640 314. - w. . Ai '. 'AL . ' ' -....4 -oit.-'i .• • -.-:. • • • A' t iiiiiiti4 ~,...,-,-, -,, , ,-;-„ 1 ,•-: :.,- -:.•,.,:, `•.ffiii.; ...--.•'. • , :- , ' , Atiiiir f :-+F.-4-1-:;.-.7.,. ~ , v ,,, , ;- - :- , - ,...ii.'-m..:,,.. • • -•,. •••- -•-• - Thac-day shall be . a hapts .F l,- .4 their a- brow o tievargazad more lieatring tbhave setwEariszta._ wife." hp added,' laughinklyfrom;fro• . l iti.qk 9PP t.uly fa;r l Y, date ikvp2cWane. .. 9,Pciearfrce,fa ‘P . to` 81 ""v• you-asine, altaiise - aud hitrid e ‘tii'nnir`4l.llei in this fair etniii6T? !'A•kGetlAiillitig 1 4 : • . 7 !;- Vrattk.A.tley ternedlurned withAt s 'qf • Itia,prinui-. head, dud beat-his gastrin eyshe, , pale speak nr., - • iiiiwilii-nelte*exatithed wi th an gTriinphttsis-,-':':•fk•afitv.nd God. rt Thertiwiii 'a look. of airanst niorinl an goisk.owthat wuite face,:as the younger brother, turned froin • the little gtonp.-- 7 - lie heard _not Vra.tikla impious Wager *lib Offrieltid,.that'irtiefaited to appear •on4;tlits very , niihir: desigttated;--in high : health, and with tis yeting Pariiituf ,41e - rtaa,p , ftnieit fifty thousand clollat rj Al as l.potl Atley the titodel ttf - erery 7 , thfni tit man, generous, heroin and had .retntited from his Eui-afteap eat man atheist' [i • 7- . ,`..... --- - - - • f , . ' 4 l 4.7.0 ti no l God 1!: ; ,' P ' ~ ;; .; .-;-. ..,. ; ; Night . . aft pr ; nigh - . .4,%v0ke u p. wit h that tightfuf sentence 'ying,ing in my ears. 7,4 The :Meer . s that." . ilarkeneil Atley's:bairci atnualiMe With the'steirny hat'o'of a fienth," seeming to ..float • palpably-before mein: thedarkness, -!,.•-. . - , •- • :- ; -.- `., . . it; • * -- .. *.: ' ii'• ' s. ' ti - " a A note-of luititatiou 141. Frank Alley's bridalt - - shirrgat' - - • - ' -- -Yariceln - redi . -light • bltried :a ., lang the . avenue &eluting - the princely tnatisiem, and • t.i . l rpugli, t h a eld, trues . , . w h ose branches the slct,sout I% .wind.stirred not, rap. strains of ennChahtig tneli;dY:. ''. ' - • '' f, '.. r- - °-' -- . _ l : , .V.iio . l:',"1-idriAtti; . crtunic,Invely than .. Frank At ley haiiiiictitred her... -- Hcr•robes- Vivre almeSt.' royal in ;their „shining 'and .efistly 1 beauty. A licit veil fell half way from her, tresses of gold.. The,nrangewreathe_ braided :with jewpls;•gave . "-# bea to iiiil lus t re - f - ; • her white IMpriy . 'l;ro'lr."' f i =43tit klhen she ihmketl ppin such . cliildish - znufitlenet:, in .hose deep invine::eyei--,-I..rnisthig.sfi wholly, in: the .man. wficr.. 4413tei no," pill 'l' heror'fiTri lithoail my Veins i'-''• .'•••:' . '• ' i ,irl;n:': My. Wagers : ekclalined . ' il!rpnt; It exhitingly...whenthc.luCinlvero Ideport ing:,: Yu%iiinight-as well trOaiLt-lighilling . as tie my ,mpy.l .dutrilo.t,hwpAt nrfha. , 4 9,g,..,R9;j9. U#A. , -14 5. .ira—.ciu' , :iec..l4 P014....tt1y Isouse-yonder is me "Ore; . :my 'trill, vt nu Id. 11 ave, siyi„nda :I.: s till you,,t here is no.: thid'stig - ii.-ill.. - Ciitric.:iiipi:SaitiLlielp. Mill drink . my' 'first.liOttle'lti a . social Way: , \ .Bring Aary; . and ~ ,m rc'll comigtio.brhlck, Eng' 1 :1:111 :ind ' , French hmtuties7.nre:.quim 4.l.3sicz?,!er,, :i79u, k4owi7'l!ti:4:l.4chking)iis ri i g uA : gpiid'jj: ; ,:e.. ; .Pkaiik:v4iiisilea...,'' . ......„..... • ' I heard his iiiirrY laugh, . as't'rectinibiz' filing With the silvery ' strains of-Vii Au -I%er's•lvaliii ~!. •:.:". ' ~".o f -Vii :,' ---;‘.; -: : •--- r • ... . -To a; a bout r etiring when the "turtling shout of 4. fire !" " fire !" broke the'-itili ness of the night: .. .. ~. -- - - -- .4,,mralig.,to - .oe - win.40,w.t. , , The , whole heavens were,liludlcj;o.fintnes., , On, on. tolled there il light, until every ohject 'seemed ilyeit In blood--fii!iwhile it hing 'with 'qui verini glii*,,.isi if its Seated Wi nine, .Were ,fireil•:--ilittefailedenii 'Sunk in fitful tlitsbetiititollooro•ng-ain." ' -.-- . '.' . lii 't he tnin iiing a 1 inost. , be.rore s Anylight ! I 'received - .the fearful: intelligenee;that , Fr iik Atley's •new, maciston, was a , leap Of Aniriiin cr':ciiiilers ; 'and . Intire''.tliti till, lea4l4ll;iliiiialktit'd . in the ilanl44, and No consiihition fir t'he lierfilivetilitts- - apil—eo peuiteut* fiir'his•a*ful-bosit.- \ altar land he . .; :w) star of mercy td lead, onl- a 11)e 0044. •'..- ~ .., -,, 111 , him.. .1 L • • in Ku t• , it is a fearful thing to know ini.Clvdi itranch. S •clpttlE Rti*SSi.t.'k SGILDIE,RS,, "ri';zi 'Nt!er crimp etni§tantinn, • - eitN'etitinl . bne,iniblishod in Debats : • ' ' .P. One -of the ..ussian ‘ prisoners zap ' mid by llieTtlik in -a flirt .oti Ihe front= ier,,iir Asia _Minor, - was: taken the ether day before the Seriskt ~ a nd there :he un derwent, in i prerno ,or. soitero , persims, b''Shert iiiterrintio . y.i,irlis 's.ll . o l iii A we, g.,t' i tile:!i;itnesse4 Of the:seeneinsa ralated PS ' : ne`i77-Al'lct ; ~1 34x iilg,Paresie4 several, ; ; questions t ot tin prise ner ni to the corps to which he helneged, and the tnilitary regi pear Rtissit,in:eireewag-;tnitit t''i him *of poising. ionie;ilart a: Ceniofitineple p - drid•' t fietrzr beingiedt io Prinee-Gertacbaketr inrcoittliti4At that:he, , would erer_':whete bay what he had seen, and that be would_, te11 . ., his% cfmqcs, 4 bei•tfis! . rics,OT w4t, 4.t. - gle 0J,4 6 0a - PP--; . !The soldieF Ofltscd• ' 1 say itii itit:b:o4: ll 4 mit .1c npvi, what Awaited , hitn, r (ln,the t hest :that could triOPu - tO:. 6 . lll ii'r ; giuht 9 4) ; : dout 4 -.4be t 46. 74?l , v AePf iiiio.Jeiliii4tegigkent, : big:oAt , hit'liej, , `enough ut it:, ' 00; 1 'A was said to Mtn ; . you can'ace ' your familiigaith!, My family,!' replied ;the soldier, di, have nilWlliieti - iepiinted frOtif it:lBlealr:tind site . t. the ail - , l'`was takes) froth' tily :tiv , ' 1a,6 1 ,-UhafeAtad nolieitaref, yiy. _fatter; Of`irkither;4r2ternfinY Mt:tilt-es!'TVei- PLO 'l3efbiqikialU'tiei4;' ei:le*tiOti:aipi te&iii•filitt f iiirlir s 'ittitir! the 174#61 41 thtfiti ) lwar 4ways botittle itiotighvel mess i,. 114% '`7:140. litiAlittrttl) , oolcpledtte . Itltery 44 :0 1 0 41 40*.nr0. - ittheAgitikor4cand WI *ilk Malgf t *•g4isbeta;.,44iisaaa of Aboui loir.cktPKeM 4 4tlfe 416 titultstai likehlipti Amerli.4o ll WMAß-NaAp7rs k and tbdioefmit ifiAliostiliro 4 4 lll N, 4941 Y seittddteasith • i pat dm caPtOtgpiab theta on lieard.ibb.4 .steamer charged tlia,ii here ibe tre , ph i t *--?• 1 0ta ; JillKte. . hibited and - au' 7,1 1 -*SS - 01 5 e frii.k Ahey,o • Koit uttlat t. ii p viiifiktuf.oolmitp . - - ' - • ~ . , • , ;6= ,_ z ,i.t.e , A** e5; .. ..1 .- Ata 13 q tt. '"ibi lig - pli .i... 6 j ~ ,:1 1, 1 . . sii ii p, a .4 111 I n •1:1 p.t,, . F ., . ~. 1 ir.. 9 arkeii iiilia i4fes h t yr a #4 ; . - 7‘ : .. , intsitielr'ilf eWe4v:: 1- ,*: : itaii6. ' 30,*.mit3164,01111,, 0 , Av. 0,:5-.Riglmut - . 1 .. .- 14 7#fr., 4 , 41 , ,-):,41 - z , , N... 4 ., - . I. .... , .Irttu r tirrt'4 , 3464:140 Iv j i mpg MI zusl sqliei tit• ti lAtf 38nd I , its inct • Pt'? Oa* t L; i Japan , :antctheiapatesc -..,...k , The "dress of both sexes,'•and of - nll . ,r,anlts, 4.7 1.1414 n, is •YerY , ';',ltileilet ., itt.form; differing,cbielitio.,Coliter, fiumiessentdval uit Of " the .4natetiiila.. ~Ic - . 'coukista „of a niimbei-'ef loose; W wOWnik watiforer , 4 ,,..:4 lir ,se,ttae cif littenz.or ettliees'Lltostokif ~ --,' gh T . rer , -Fitlfk:k.*PPA`lY. 4 414 . 7 - 7,% l 4 l 4;th*lemi" * arfni,',Woreti,oriworked,in't z ic ;the .buck tint hr (Silta eftlinfoiter k ' ihed;tfia all -tiiteit the.:4tittillif)".'-. aleetes 4n c lo d- I ; em7 ractygi , ) seri' e r, po!*et. is. :wade 10 i-iltete:, 4y wse ing , ikp that 'pottiest, •Whii,li , hibiltd*lew,, the, - arm. 1n addition; thehoseind oftlieir; gowns_ and 'their 'girdles; 'Serve :a1.4(3*(4, rkets, where r•.ther •iiihre:itilitabli tir-', ti es` rep carried: .. , '.l'i le `vdapanese nsearit ' hlle ker r ellief, he,t , ettrice;ehetit'Avitfbint; squat: of clean, white, paper, , which are 1 theCitin way offer being.soiled. . • -Gentle Oil weitlitcarroVe4he ilio-uld tN'si'the Jen th o f which Iti'rvgalated•hy. 41}e-weare r, ilkswhich al so - , :regalates -the htv.Wit Li: wbi . -"they greet , each other ; ; ettnyetre req uire g!that, in . hewing, thpl ends'ofthis scarr s ould to uch the k rouud. 'l'4 these,- upon ` n asigris; of fell dritai, thotarberernony- 'at added, which is - a look of peculiar-form. With the cloak - , is' worn a curious iiiEld 9 I!,•99s9Fs•c..alle(f' Aokarm,,-. resembling . ' an, .\icmense full :- plait ed . gw Oor robe, sevied. %i , eel,' tlileis and just - leavingenough open 'at the, ut side to allow ,free- Ine moiilint An; additionid marker intik is. th weer, hag ofsivordi. While thehe,ka, ina ' only worn Yinoccasions cif great 4recroiny, kite swordi,nre tarried all the: timbi the high estorders weating two on 'the sante sicie, One above the other.; the mixt - in ,rank; one ; while the lower orders are prahibi ted from, Wearing arty, with the exceptkllt alltideds to in the mentinn'attutth clir=l, iirsberel:- . ._ - •: I ` • • ': - ' 1- Theirshoes.nre of th e rudest most inconvenient kind : -they ' are Aitte more than soles ; i:if mat ting, -stre iv, .:: or - wool, kept on principally Ihya pin or, button held between the tees:: Or ~.. sciinetimes a iing . .of horn, - The clifficeltfalift ing 'the( foot thus shed, from-the , ground renders ! t heit f itait extremely awkward , and abut . - fiing;,.,, ,ly it doors these sandals ere ta [li 'en - ,;ffoindS socks Put On. pip,,prpun i ), ~ diffeatice bet wecu the appearaneeThf the sexes is in: thO---tricida- -of arranging'itie hair. Thelmen 'shove tho„,whulefront and crownof the head, while the, ,rear Ot the ,h a i r is caret tdly drawn forwardi- and tied into a' tat on the bal d "' spelt. i 13.tu1-bi4.- prieki'aiitt shave PhySiciand '4ll..the 'head; hui'singdims retain:theirhairt and it into a knot ,at the vivid thelteado. The i- womcq, arrange theirs - lobe-form of a ttir han,rand .deCorateit ';:ivitli costly orna-, ,snetits•Of C61615(3 shell • polished' ; to Took . ' ' like gold,' and the - noire her hair is filled 1 wjtiottliese.the better'the lady 'is tensid ered:driSsed. ': - . ,". .1, -: • 1 ' The "face is , painted, rediind- white, the lips :stained, p . urple,..and f in addition, a 3-13 PaakeP marr ied lady blackens ixtte9th anal plucks: - out her eye lirows.,-;Lciiite .wear any oiei:ing _to the head; 'except as a- protection front rain ; , the fin,' Which is the:inseparable Companion, of all,.,,serving to scwen i t hem. front !I lie sun, as well a a t. 9„. 41;110 yarious , .other- putpodeP• - X-TPOn a fan 'vl‘sitclit rteeiie 'dainties.; the liegglir, almt-;'-'tiie• .Tipaties6 4 datidC:plSys - wit b'his ' e Iran as' urs-do- with , a aria' ; the - "school-` Taabt r et-Pse,4:it•.to pit tiish unruly heYa; and. a fatt,: • prelented - tipott 'a, peculia.Y.Ziiiedef -, wilier, indicates to the criminal . or high -rank that his' hourld eente, iiiia.'us ;head is struck Off -is bolows ti this' token of his Ote. .... • : ., .. , i ~:;„ -, , i . , ;„,: .. of more than entire sqty— I :f l ii-, 1 4 an ()n .; constructed of a mixt u re of cla'y and, chop-„ ped Straw, coettid'oti the ontSide With a cement which giveS theta' the - appearance ' of st , Ole. :,,. For glassin the ivitulowd, they, substitute stout ,:patler, Auld Jowirdathe. street make, use ol..Venetian,blipflsi each Vcidse is also encircled' litp: venutcbai. ttixin iihiCh all' the liOuses -- .4iiiiti"'The' better crude( houses have 'a,litrge portico Where -tba, rpalanquius;.,i(Mbrellas: and, eheet (4 ., viei! , er4 are where ;and _hl,ptiket.!: wants and others tra it.,_' ' ::., '.-,-,--,..,, Exery , hcinse - has a garden ',aftiellett ,i laid nut iti• landscape 'r . stile, `lWithfifoilia undminintares,:laites,l /co, , nnd - into ' , Obi t hee back hart` of tbei-bottse witieb.t be 141334 1 ilyiphabit, projects, triangularly „for r the, d benefit Of additional; light and CheerfUll' , neid." - OWing to diErciniibustitiV.riat:Oili .:l of these dwelling*lihe - valuables - lathe - I' himilyare.kept in- a;:- storethoFde ' 4etacht:q ed -froact',t,hci, house ) , at 4 ~built' -fire '1)T9.91.: their temples, alwaya, „located. upop, sites , ~ selected for their picturesque heauty, are, oftt.ln'atttin , til did' by gardens `which are' this habittiit: • esertof , "-pleti4ere' se eltertik and in _w pre to.Lbefeund . pperiniente unconeected:r . with__ relifo.94 ll l ~ ,*rOirpl. which ,ax c lat, tm r, hitPlittetiarrala )B 7. add 'where (die, iti plieli" which - Itve lie' iriiii,Wivilleilitre'iieoltinicidated:4 - -:Bde:' ' o e. Ire a p t s cr ji l t. - ' ' .-,, , / i.cp,i, ~t.'1.,:!. ,--,,' ;„,.: -„-- .•...1 ~ ~':. l -• ~QSl*. itMl'lc: 4A-0 1 :1'1077! ' 1 11 470 - : igli 1 11;140- oni tiitiiki. liiiit.,o-litif?::: 7 Ziiieft - pAciUgig'. - tioirCtiliiity can' you kirblilYotte pillow ''. lioai? 1 • isi3e - lig islotqv 1 . la :id I thisworldAliere4 noili. , . Irsif re. iv_it*al l'Ovit4;'-ix1,116.44 14142 :0i4:,,,i trefillitop - 4 , l fattOelfpli'VM .ii#P" ' 0001 1 : 4 1. 1 -; o.ii . , rf4; 0 scitic'w,nr4*F§tarP,r, 1 . ). tki4riiiieidil4. - ilCiiiichit'etihiliit tOtiq iiii , 1 hiliqititiCiiiitil eighs — ' - kOrtirreiti?.'Vet-ticiii4iit .: 4oriblisoleim itud.lthcofisiglii i 'aitionii3O', bpAnirip,Wii this l .140,4414 - .3_1:1411 , 440.344 1 ' 44 41 1 Titi' v 4 .Aitiviti-.3°'%.44:.4 1 4 1 4 0 .71' itier,:bi 't,s ITuititiadriescai2 ingnibilidi:, got apin, ..hui6110,1410,4 '.liitilifikiiit t " st- , ' . piiiiktie,* ateiVatbf isidAbOriViiiitilin)cihd: 0 011 0t 8 A 44 41rlitaliY*1 14 4 . 4 16 10 4 ecil. 440#4104# 1 W4.0_.. At4to*4.ooosl l * • P ar tol9tl l %' : - I • 14 10 e n hilikf i tt' i net i t !' . k..ntiaotr . * - - 2 . , li --. iltiftoiirklit:Vait#:!:,.o4V,lloftrioit- 47, 1 *tilit(thirsi***Ayyjio44.o4li . Oiikiiiioixitbpit.*****Oftii*4 • PO4. l o.*:'*4 ll loo# l 4oFii% I‘; . - 3034- ,A ;- 1 jitigo l l l r9f#.-9 1 ,1 1 ii - ' ' r -:-- ;:... . 1 :'-'7- ' Or:J VT& ` cowd*:lo . figf 6 f . .q:Aiti 4 ,, iif;ittif -§_ i . _fair int -.50113p -_ , - -t-.. -,:..p.u0ir.-theril MOE • cranial* 'no more rooni-foi- the ugly: -*lids ,of disqo4- 1 Yr!: it . , ra Al*plattlate4,-forgiar grumblieg.devoteek,ofiemm,:self,causadi'; it:Willa:take' thattetla juirt,,of.thei iiorld in 4 - hicit,.yik,i , ifidie f ,ati fair, ititleti;''' . .T: :. A t . ..4.f: 5 1......-- ,---4----; 3.3.. 14, ; -3 ,:ii.:;': ..,-, . -' . Little Nary. - •ti..;'. := ‘! ~, Little M ary las gone hope. Earthi. With al I Vie i : 4,.. `,latidfsiatillAt • and sky:. .I.gllt.?ipl gip ;':::::V i t,. - and' vit4inglivArs was noclbrrir ..:;-,- - -,..,iA0r,be r ,,, 1 The sit gels loved her , it " '' better -,,thap,earthl ly•rovii,:4; , pri:,' 4 - 46 . * . r., , fititliSietl"' he! . antonilivi I . ant': ill* Vlsyc - bithe .0411watertti _ ,t4;:tiriiiii : paquted.''', i. i .',: i, _ 4 l' Her et,,yelL Wm. vary pkirivd„-kwgilair., p -r4l!vety 044. , s.,,tttyp"Trtilpsl moini o p... load, ..,.f4610,26:---gie--4_41 fiti*soL"ios , iii.: 't!iglitTilig t ::theliiffill iiititY,":::.:'-t;l3• p !3' ; # . 7 - ' hflr' iliCia - jl4- 1 1,Said 1 0 3 ' 4 neYgr aiden- - )14 14 • ,-- ;4**'?ih9m!'of c r l itlitt,l ,4 l'heA 4 e o 4.-• t # l 4 4P-9.4 eit.,nds*l :attil'itive‘,.- 7 w,kee i ierY . . earthly :Ittiiitt ifAill thi#lg, 'eotlia!itoi. - ki , i3i,, little' - Writitireahil her native Iteaven.C' ' -- ,- ;! 4 .-;;. .f.l =•. , t? , ,-' . : - 1 :.. ::F.ttrimailell-.'r little ...Mark: nYettict -Chair' , with its 'wee arms% 4itB • in•lts..accustatned co,r,nar,:,,,:ronr, _little slitie u rgt j ~,tqt4 _your pretty friiitit - s, Iral'i'dtia, istiqglia,iylway: 7: And still iha:rinine- sttli,'tcking; itouldi'l(fr the arched-instep. , St tll* 4te ,- '4Vbitelroliot falls full as" it :last. ,-fella Ter' the rarely. I sciaptured. limbs. . Your, books 1 arelat tLeir oaken :shelf - , vv ; and - osoever"a,,,lyai. glauFes that:way, sonie jtetublingyetcti says,l They were little , Mity'S r l A- ,There' is i'priiiture hails 'tigitiii.4itligtittrint:*ili , it is. titile Massy.-=There l' Piny Chi tk . : her that is.seldom opened. save kr/a;ptile . woman wit4,6lu9;e:yeS e l',wl)9 goes there : to - Ween-j . it was little Mary' ~ ,is a - ilk' white ' kittedlr ivialt `gataliols*ltithe.' s' " with s'elerry - ribbtia iln tied her iieekii ;. but\he dintpled fingera::.that.'-latitetted it 4 . '''"''''llwe'l - A . " - ` 2 4i r slar--.:ittl feud the w ide closet-;:it was little ..Alaryls. if ,l„,-, ":Dear eart—how every . thing 4eetris "t"\ \ ble . ttled-s *th tnanieri . ei `of,her! ' "t• Vliorel ever the,sunlight a reheinver'l the - reach 1 1\ of a.lit tie chi 's handittAbbiuldeit hcmii: Na.t.Y's ft4geis . have frYiiirL.-':Wlierfwk!/ . it f 144 woven - tan ils.ofgaltli l tVelugh the! empty_ rooms, \ oVe tlfr 'plc sort gardell;, along the • riVer\bic 1 - Mary 's feet,he e hallowed; every -4ot. Wherever , - it , hita :, let down its goldsina7 ' in , thirold arch- sird to.„melloy i t he ilea,. t.,,..the4PP . !.cp Ilpff griceful - litihs ,blive s*ty.:,ifittaje,av,e.s: l , l ief tialicisg:by , 'W suiteiiici - ;• ~I r id.w.- -. -' . - .4nd "sometiniiis," - efil's . tartSt , , ur; when, thefAkit,light their - lanipsa ' titties IbtlBiirave 7 ,-stanetitties.,.lsi'. thel •ottiig naoonTtght, when the sJadows.flicke like 1 a spenti3anle, and the hearp ,of .cv ct . tx bittrts":se sbfily that Ala' hirda 'Sleep 'or ~ r , it - sinibeet;4Otnethirtg 'llirightY tin hers 1 tans ttgloe, 'and tigkes7t,i eahapeofii littlel 'child's Ace. _ !net. faceT—!wit 13 .its wp r0y44,e1f.,4 1 wikyelondS of:6oi:et :cures 'rippling. in ; every aVeliiinoticiti,.ivith'ite'iuktlips and glowing,cheeks, its eager Acire-glitni* its, cily bhishei,its 6tfu'llettgh half tihroed, ea JR.eY•r l l.: it# Mute :.0e4741,1*4 brow r i that fnee is littlo_ker,,y;Ah--' ~9yrp - .l:ka.#o.i-, • .., ... N . t , - ''' _2 O L 77 L. -J , t, ._!: -- ' h l i tlE 451-1 •Aiii . r f kill l 3 . ' EA` "J' - flE t; gl§§ls : k=2 - IPlit;-:rrhet - Nts%V%ol4C4iil z ` Witty titic - o.fir tainslawintet;eiting ticeountlofithe.forinse.. :,-1 tint! or.v,h44.fe terwea le taroldliumpTil )oi, the, .Delta e.. 111.0 - MidsissiPlii- • At- 4 . 07( 'pieta interva l s,, small_is p9ds ,cpumpse I. ur'6i4i. c?iiii i . iniividni; mm 6311 1' 44.. Aliiieit,' Juke '-a bciii) - 4teter'ittl':eithei; - tide:' Of it ti" . eheiniei, . jetting:, fin th tfleltittcattik' water Fr -QM: au i ...Prifitie , :ilt tit. ~-OPPkt*ViiikeemfilL mud 1 1.(4c1ue.. This ttotiOti. ? :sonietiinT'„ , continues until .an iijand l ii.fijinied; • riAing:. ; %%etre. or fifteen feet . - -6bOie' titik - Tei4Of' the iwater..\ - '",thatie 1 ;reldliti4s'Oiiever- 04.-- 1 --: : r ....- .? - IP hir tVikieXCeptingti:Air hk*f 1 . 5 I lk g r fi Ms " ? -1 9 n. AP, j a r 4 - • . _cm.A.....-,, . greqt r llisgeq.apttlifrphmity:4, t he Rty)t i s r , an , is4ititl orteii.iptekri #l4lditifir'. under , thelee,i ' iiiihY'theciriei"h6Vti lied& iiir_i.i! gested for the eiplatiation of liseselphili, n4Oe4F?.-44:41.Wr' , 1 1 19111.4 1 0.4111144,04: i ti l ttehtorraneen i eponeetion witilthetArings., of:rnet;i. liirtlier,ii - iXtudes: ' 2. .% .Mr. ~,161 triatiot liti . inlght,'biketittied'iiiilqttiikevAtP ; lieu fir Otieh;fiiitetkd iisottiei ; ae 6 o 6 o .o t'T t 44:34 , ,veget#ble mat tor it:4464*(10e • l , : t. h 0 i 1 110.4. 1 ,4ePit545194 OeaTkißriiA94lo 010;5 . 0110e - pdize:htvet/NrOect;44o hiot4trioMi l iqtniitid'iir WtfettCFar.;': ''Outing' the - ei=net*'tette"'fli 4 = int4'beerti'Ofl eAlfiiifoorii''leslinila' - 1 o•shoi recentineivial!on3ol- ttbe!= . 4dhatmq,i, it,, , iyasfoup4' 4 os l3l 4 l lt4 4 •,l l 4TMte• 11 17 i prli of mud, 044 ne'd!getfit,:i jt.rtses like, a 6iiillitli;doliit',.tte _tiiitonf'Ottgei 3 k* :, pAiiiiiiii* atiliclitAlisiaiii ,) 'chits ftli ctitioent of the - Hier ittittlektindicitinit4sa.:'. l'tet* bevond the Golf- 1 . 2415j0r Beittr4irdi ofI,4CAI - 4 8 •.kqO'Pr, - -,‘. kTieeM* :er ,a; `P 4. P 4 isilFriPft!i-0,;00 1 " .t-RIY, " ct ret u Aii"?.. l, 44 PIaDY,I Wri ' 4PDF*l l 4#' j i kttlie- On t . ?st.. ,Rv- .4: 41'. litlEo ll 4, 7,0 : Ail; -mgt. 014ie -4t4: 41 4) Ak c PPAAtlikaii, f f !14,9 c . tyrpi-, . trlhcirr, ;Al* V.49 13 M9...", et one of ih 1 uhei miff fill the iniftmi . ,,, 'Pc with ;tip oetingioi d lyinzak thti big.: '6;6%11'14A.: ai'lik - fi die: iii'tio iiWtilif, be, drisire tthrenikittlbetie '''eiititlinalliPidltil IwthillAititei' itiltr lisitisi4 filieei 'enotigh and in-ettfficiti 0 1 tiirtgr M 1 1 '7ll9isiand are t i l l i i l'it i47 ;7 l l T .Y i llWr*s WitiEftdcort.ttngr ie_ , , , 1 19 6. t er p io i sr; „ mt . i*PßCl l c 4i tt'l4 - ; ; 'l '. 6 : ll # l t- Artiiik 7 ,itiori?t 3 Ttive lntret.ll.64. titoeiicc4ri:' ,_ T A - ki. : . .h , . , -- ' ---: 4 - ,diannit 'te -- riptel tow,. far At- .c. rrfit ,tstotitird,l.6l4'''' eftl:',t iiinarititifk.viitig i teed' from it; -unless- t - rnightli*liivt 1, 5 10 1 144tr , 904 4 trOits:AVALoiti . gmeatiC. 14;., t ri , 1 1 4,,, lltro i1.61,-- , ' 1 '1 , 44 , 341 P'' n ST•T II NAPDAInuAT,;'N HAr, holhiwip,iii .4 . . :. ;tip fnittl? ivrith - taid•ititi-litteget,`l6iientieieiti tiditici ig 4 o-ilit*t4 Bo : 6 rit ll o. 4 **** l. ** *l 4e4 . , linghiqi;iito*ithoriltilik**l44l4 l '3oll* irl-4itt'AiN. ljd!, * 'i-ki c 1 tlitnos.!ilNl%Rl4pllik-itWr,.:, H -.,A 1.4-161 At* ifflWolttft*t***—b, ,y' . A "N , i..,. l.g t lifiii4ldit O',iifiiffy e l7o4 ll 7hiiiCilfrliiti4 - ':„,l' t. .l ; , - ~ -,_:-:' , i' . -, T ' beI*ISIV t• -. '.l . ' , • • ' , ''4l4,W 7: 14i* e.-'. 14*1 t',0 .....: :—..., 1. 461 4 10401-0 ‘ ... 7 .. .. ..” f - -. . ~ • 5 . ,. , :,-,; K . ..-',' , .'-',::,:i' ,.. z4A.,.:-. 1-' ' 3 ';':'' t'2, .. ~.- ..-1.:.;_1,.. - ._; _ ,-.--,. ~ ~; _ l ~--., ,4;,,,, , ;,.1 :: ,,.: , ~--5c....-1-• • ,-,.., b r.,-.• ;, ra: -ig, s it - -. sr - , inviit a , 4 , r - be attach to 1 -11 1 litd4t -... .. ...Ile ..%.1?-.; 4.i.-W- fVQ/ food, the,ricikLtoma4cfpciit:*#i*lifi;.. i,*“:: 'il.: 11 . 6 ,lti liiilhiSte' q * CW- 15 0 . •4 11 31+1 4 4EitiitiE , baliorelio l iteat , - 1 'ti;.: keZ' .voe trippt,ajiy vamvl. o o . l.,h-o - Te4 111 P4 M, ~ . ..1 1 A-T-.4, it' liq l th say iiiWNOT - ,...;i'...?#t -- .,;*.i , *,.r . 1 - #4l-141,914,4 41 ( ,A, rt wh uNas a 0i•3 . 14,t . ; intent . lil ~ iii#4oti ...,* l-F Ml .9: "ei jk ' 14. Cifej, iiti)ui vWi : irl ":aiii'tpwif, ...,4;o*uPY',. : o,fri 3 OrliPc l ,....., :3,10A 1 caj lig i shin not iitterAttetp;li . t.h4 A 4 1 1 0 'grace - 13 1 „eSrPi` , ' C r 1 4 17 4 1k 1)7 ` . Cvlickshe must . ..prone 13 c 0 •17 , 4 1 itt 4 1ftePilitl'" A. 1 4' ! l i r76 , J! vivo 'soothe: foria!z . _f: : trac*liiiek ' be. I#;L, , .#l4 l.4 r r itt ,gave pothe r i 14A4 1 4,..:41",rik ~5"; -24,..!,f4pit koo. iiiikini;4l.4lif iiiiii:maio Avai A; 10,10,44 - mismtill „ l r .finished' ' eilit than tbeet 4 lier , liiielteribUfg7- 1 .7. Cati r/icA m 9v 4 4l-M - - , Y2'. 4 .A 1 -*.,. - 1.. • --q 7 , - t, P. -- ~ ~.v= liarip; exclaime d, a - B(0141 -9a are Wrong ' •t• : -- ;,i , I cannot- aufreFileiliof i 6 ;iilb,filiiiiikt!'t, ; ,.5„..i...,.--;;;:., '4.. ...„ either lit yoi 1 ` ..7 2tii.404, 6 . 1 .. :: 'Thia. - iiklt, t -ll;f9liewitit s, 1 47T ,- ,Flitih.o - ' 1... 4 11. , -ate 4 , :! , , a 1 .: eari,b1i4 1 1114,4444.11tv leled'voiee l lietblid- , Tdror tit i- gTAdo:" L .l t iia- ppikw e iof vo l , ie- then all three ari4e:toze*pri, eatb”,oia „t4W4O-4014,1iiilf, _kk.olo. l .la Aik(bP -0 74 C:4 1 T,is: r )irf !!-- .. 4. 1 .t a • i Kiitinitestittaitlim i4o,4 o6 l 4 *aligr.Y± i a u - uu tl - Se ' 2 cl - -t *". , " - let'iaxied;b3ribi;' ith9i tiiiV'ille.altereiti(W:i::6l244l4,o4rfar- lithilfelliaketikta mistiiAliduleiVi'hiitiKroi'7the4 i -t?u l o,. :, # l O, ; - :fiiiii".4l - *Fatiiii; to n0:40 . 004ra- :.- * 1 "-. 110 ;theP Wf rgtt i l t . , ' 41EraW.zeldipati .40bap10 Awl, quarreling , ;i49'-- l'eari-li' ilxitrifi6 . yeaith gron. : :: ; 4 :i1e,1l 6.44i1;34y_t11C stn 4 t . l 4 = Iciainipihitigiiit , itig,kidedf Itie'eed''iciyiai:di7'lbe los% and, - e i - 11 . hitio 6 - , N I , foeiidlliat ti sinti l 'aqh.`a - Dlftelies.. t. ' - ''' '''i ' I lie.;tr'de; a f . i P•Atr.eP s`'' li - .+•., '-' "'Tat CFeasskikCatalt7 '"-- r . - "talli eibildisaiiiir; The noble , ' I Ciircassians WlViibae beati - " aitif, no k.., 'and - i Turkvrifin.4,lo o A4V 3 si 1 01 ) g *et,"lllle lnOitli°, b9 k; 0 . 1 1 4f4 - 0T 44t n gra t, : have, ;iviiitiii a sliorf tiMe;:fkin' ta'keiilif= t - ', 'the"liitkisti..46W - 2V'Xi.4 - aiii4iaiitif thii - i - eniairkilhle., taikalr l .1-iiieri. 2ihi;reto - rel: be;.interestitigl. , ok-tblatiintv atit hey . ure.l. nrcoh4bis to O#,Y. 4,g,0.0/PioPs., part In =OR ItiTAeriP .' 4, Yzur 'bet I, `cee ,-.,:r,tniceY - T1,4 Pt!', 414.‘ 1t,.41 futniaieir - y ti:PruAsiiii ' ' of-- ~Pie'r" 'iiiliir:ieetniS raj* ini. * - itlr them :and i , their , - mode `of werfarpl 4 .•... HO '-Saili4 - the;, ,, .1 ve,ear a painted steel b . lmet, witlr edoot 1 ho' pendant - -f i tx : .i t. A net of Aid_ %YU& /1 , .. tlattgrkXlY/K, , . .f. .erinwi•liart of tholektrier, Tre,tectoji 0 front and taPC.,ctiN *0 , as. eel:, -. i pila' j. 4. ' Toni 41000)00 iinkt! . !tie- itiiii, ,undOn,eiiit ii - Ailarvt'4 Ciit:,in i t t the i'liiili lashiv,ii. 1., , `:,is„:o4fi r in, ;O: - .4pe-... cies .0f ; coat tirtmio; l- 7?tisistiiii Of 4411 - ' brithEritigs - iifsieA' in:: i irbititl - fiii dt:ms, from' the wtiSt. twilie - yv-;,otid.hisiletlty fr*the- front of, th f , shin , :boise-to then' . knee' ere, goold.g4 , K)y, : : t,„J' "i n . p lates, 51.11141,;-, t o He:tdso wears glile,paiit4ls)9ns a .na,taFra limis:' ' - 'l'svWlotiel'iricisliiirsiofs;:iii ii ell' as ..: tif i: ttiii'd; - '''4lo, fat4k_antii-tis I. glitire! - ' He ha•ii` leather litrap,:.with':n itoli t *,:i. like; 4 'AI itican lasAo,:l4itiging. 4 !lila, 14444, :which li. .tkrows''•-Wi,LS , ,gf-cttt , ~/1 1 10 . 414r, - cYer,thei' icod.'offilS enemy, ..,...1, evt-ri44, sabre iiiitlii icing titiklifi'triii:sliet - iire'it cii , ':' liieliiiril ht.4l3abk,•niiiPt.44',iatiliTielii VZ '', j 'cm- , iiireas,iii.t* , ti - repsiit'rThe 4kiT. itiiii whisatith_e.P 'rPamitviiiiiW . All94ls4amilar Fs -e. 1 4 1 Y Ye.i.:?44 1 )01ief,•11 . :146:et5i1.40k,41, 41 - ei?.ft.. them ,T*paitilt.4rii :t'JO piiiee. -4 . : ard lYi u o. en'tliqginti i'uti- h:t. -- tiliippiktf, Htiiiti lOVever - thistiok: , ; lrlief vtili,i)iek{iin a- 'pi - , .- - of metiey.froinfth4tgroutid Anhiliii ,e4VPP; :•,'lY:!Ph4rgq , ' 14 . 4114iug- tY4mte: selves, ro ilil below tili,' , hoi-40s te(li and r lifini- seize, ~ • :,, -i ii- e :pip". _ ,, suddenlXro thw:, the iniaveti - a . fithe'hiiitilhk r, ' ."Thiy.TOrMo tfit; - itioittisi? ,4y of c ii4lty , ili tiaiTtiile iisii sgrvikeli . • - i;iheal*haititt),;,.:theritt4f.. tike: their, oppone ., ta,,v4t%asalice.inaincli 'baud, .mAikcipp...:l.lP. I;relus Iv . eW Mina ithey - vililE. ip: iti l k'oni . ,(itiiVe '4 gad i ;diii3 c ilike'iniii LEiiiii' • i ', 6.a t il3,fi e tir r i t i AIR - 1 i hordes; thetijntitieit( .firadd leis tigaiiii gibeel metal end - - reified A ti': juos;tia3thity , ''ITP-At..ii 41. 1 -ca*Ft • A';.7 - a:F*iiSFfe,cl.7l 1 nlid,rEle.o.:.ll). ,tile -, at - Ac. ~i v o, fp" , -I,T:iiopti c 'ohra''merii..,aila - Ili;d'ix er s eek I 's:iiiVs's;iir ~ ditti&ftliky ,i4he,_:e!: ) -- _! . ‘' . ; . -"i..i•-', l :- , - :lii , 7 - i' , . -- R ~,:ii.- , -........- ; _• - . .1 - t - 54.1: .1 :-ANPTPiii-;P: 0 '94 41 1#, Is." - W- S Y" /,- 1 1 , who 1141:: el ~ eiiiiiplead'the . ..oaivj,f - . ., ilk! . p 'N t Ortheinloii ' . ftai*-il_atiriiket6, ilati 'F*l i - e: ' hlitiitiNaks 0 .14irtutiiintiomailiLi14-It'* .‘-''' ,4 1 A 1 t,V;X r 1 44141/4 PTlloe r it- 1 4tti ,49Ni1,; A 10 aoevpriptice matured q,”v_ep., ti , ""'eliis 4 t*ideiailif' tiiitudiitr f ' - ' 4 4rit:i 4-- .`r - 4 . i'")-,, ,_ , . =)-. .n .country,.. tvind Via 4iiittiNieclivitlitilissiTsitii:Elitirr fiehtefistilis r `tO n O r r* j oir l llM'editiiiwiiiit* I thewgili44o4 4 : l 49x l Orriio,9-[..XuaiiriNt 0 -Y . - - -' r Y''' ll )! tl Si in .tif qlif* i ,440. A. ?„, urj* - ,he.lie# - ,.. luitipe men', AT, iii!ect? ‘EiT3: - cotiresecKe: foie cii IVA iiiro PlititeitiOlee44 tot 'Oti:k, iklititeitil4lo.leti4ih4:4libleeViel4fie 514-14 ' prißatattitend*lligil i llO* l o4 l 4a l S Pixii4 AlgeLlBi , g 2 gtfOtit**4 l l - 4 - 4. 44 - X#4,l l fit , „Mil'aP 4 "; Va . ... 401 :0 1 1k i i ~4- -4 1107. 4 f giS . APA,4o:titW i ii - frit, - .AAVerid:At, Mitioe, toitaiiiiiiitta if/14110'API% Aiiiiiitts.tlnfifitfr eece.t.; title peerlek's lak4Otepliteeei)ll-4pot, h 1 4 1 90P0 31 Pa4a1 3 A44. 11 0 1 0.Y;-4 11 40 1 4•ft0i. hervo:. 4,4,90..,!.5110ka-kprOilite-,Aii leen, Of thi,rßielihrttitie arktiiiiiil `her tius- - - bieid'i'hibt` lii .- Tiii - heAibitit4 4 , `'..ii&iiitici , OW oreetiottioi — rigniktoriv 'loe i ttfie of the= expeaian,Llf,4 . .:T--3!: ..- - ..n.ti . 111;-,,;. .- I„,- 0, i re - PgAl , -41 .11 betWPPte oer mpt)** ll ;l so m9,Pf - tn,-)PgqP2.ti• - • 0 askeir et, Vim - nisi:4 u s . --- ieeCafffieufty- The ni ht, before we li i - 'li 'llifiliii - he saictiao . bilibin±l,-.1 ' . 4.ittta. elk I Walt 14-s_ ' teitirt - 43fineersix 114, ~, • ,. 10 1 0 1. 3 131 1 iSON: 4II , euterrothi% ~ - l i rei e t ia, . o4:7 4 ' v,..aliirfig . 4,lA i;':Stiii-eofii- P inithilint*thil I , iiiltail- o'W . M,llittlaufk- ii ii Ii It ' ' ion _ 0 ti -.. I: lx.4l.9elCtiOß titiethae44:bei 41 1 ..r e _ otaitry t.,414; die - '-tlif c4-4.0,T' itPtiakai rt'' l P!! e r;'•';'47;4 4 14 a * I 4 I SIOI A I I I V I A Vilikdittia _lke* s. arrtwaktrr iiiiklig tsbf*f.' 41' -