The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, December 22, 1853, Image 1

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OLu . o' . ::i. : ,'-2.,0,',.. - 11:1f.i0s, Iii.::0
etroten:.. -
The EdiemN , Ad* Isers.
Says pue,your subjects srs, too grade ,
Toil much monthly you ' •
Too muth Azad. religk:ori;
Give me some vital of wizard tales,
With slip.' shUidaiwriih . •
, Or leathers like a
I love to read, another. cries, - • '
Tb96e monstrous fashionable' lies _
In other words those novels.,
Composed of kllga„ - and.queeni ind lords,
Of border -oars and eithie hordes, • ; •
usect to live in hUvels. '
No, rm.; cries one we ' ve a enough
°lsm*, cis:Sounded love-sick stn
_!; • .
To erase the fair creation ; ' - •
.Gire m some recent foreign news, .
• Of kussian; Turk, the Greeks and dein it
Or say other nation. , . •A'
. ,
Aoother•cries I want more fuo, •
witty asX;)t lot! or pia;
A rebus au a riddle
Sonie long for tnissioiserznewi,
And some, of worldly, carnal views,
Would ,to:bear a fidlle.
Another dies, I went' to , see
Arjuiabled up variety— •
Variety in all things—
A miseelhuieous,hodge-potlge prin
Composed only lo give that hint,;
Oimutlitariona small things.
.I want some marriage news, says las,
• It coniiitutes rny highest bliss •
Tto - hear of *eddinv plenty; .
Forma time of, general Min,
None suffers from'a drought. 'tit,' plam;
At least not one in twenty. .
Iliaot tohet4: of dealt, sayi Gee, '
Of peoplitotally undOtte,
By lases fire' or fever
Abotber attwers, full as vise,
'l'4l rattler hate the All and rite -
.0f tam* at skins 0'i:opa ► l!".
Some signify a secret 'wish
Form' and then a savory dish
Of polities, to suit thitn::
But here we rest with perfect ease, • '
Fat should they swear the micron was che'ese,
We nisei Would dispute them. - .1
Or grave, or humorous, wild or tame, "
'Lofty or lOwois all the same,,
.- To haughty or t4tutehle..
Andeseryglitorial = '-I -
Has naught to 40 but what is right,
Ind let the grirmblers' gnuntle. '
nliertllturous 15rItrtia
The Letracy. ' •
- A TALE ac.ti. Ltrz. •
wotdd not have been easy—we conk! .
ali3ost:. say havei iota
anywhere's more contented or a happier
family than that of David Hunter, at the
period when-we first took.up,their
`Ty. Yet. the /Linters were in bati humble
circumstances. :The father :.,and three
sons being - but - -humble :Workmen • iti a'
large bleae . hitig manufactory, at very mod- .
orate wagei.. But what 'of'llia? They
were contented and thia Wits enough.
. •
' Davul - Hunteir the head of the • family,_
was -'re . spectable- - man for hii•tits ,
lion in life—kits:et, - honest.tind it-,
tOigepi His suns were uot behind him
in any of these 'particulars. They, too,
Were qu i -welt-behaved lads: The fain
ily consisted, - altogether... of a wife;, the
three sons just alltided to; and-twe "'laugh
tem—the latter the rest of,the
family, being remarkable. for their inui
trions-habits and the general propriet•• of
their. conduct.
But it was the love that the , se, :real .
members -of. thil• horsy family- /Jur., to
eitell other that-fin : toed themost rem rk
able feature of their Communion, and
which must partkulally attracted. t.hi no
tice and excited the adndrationefall win)
inid an nipOrtunity of marking it., Aitd
such vportunity bad the whole prish
its Ishich. they resided ; furls - goin.
• chuich, they invariably all went - tOgether.
Mother and tiger, linked arm in ' artni
And . all Aalking so kindly, and looking JO
ftitully in each - Otters faCes-4t was de
- ,Pgtilizi to lee them. -- -.' t ,
In Church. too, it ','/61115 a petty Aieli. to
see hosr-attentive the ..,: in: Others , were_ A*
their`inether,ind sisters in .. - titiout
ibe text and the' .p itom.
fling twitters, ing - " .
censtrointliaw 11 -grea
ilcatie. - totOt Wag e q ua
the Hunters of an evetti
- - .
:errand tboyounginen hi._ nye ret ~fr
~ in
their:work-0e lime* clean 1. . ~' es.;
the. daughters busily engaged in-sew 4.
tie ‘ab*-*iir diitcharging*th ' - °l 4
auti4ribilithoa:: o ) l : lire in
his gneetjete4leys lare'gli4 *
rt, 444 !-I 4 OP
feasted auxiend hint;, engaged's'? +erre'
- 40a1 litetizieivennatient -Great, indeed.
thoeghlatiehlei, wil y the haptinese of iho
. :.-:t
Thaiii ~ _ n4isiiiiii.airlitfatifitiezi
- for DavideTad-hisfinvity, ~waLitt the,hab
ikone#:l9ll4 ittiott t b eiu inesi , af;
tai i' - 410 - iles, - wiriiii making
rounds to sesliza; r eg.was righalliiiii[the
Id& '-en slatosiloccsaiirshei - ld
Tafrain4rtitu emus* tuienetiOng soegsstu
,laun'iONteria, if 4 itr - esittitothtrt ,
Aleedra:ia' - iireolii*.:6ol4.! _ iftYie
thikine;Z::Aoo4. Aviiniimid: ,l lkiddl*:'
tie-felliriifthillinornitai fr - but erery
Ow tOf - at•W#iit*fachhim - turAWAiril i l
~th al , fi rs il t h/ : : : : ::1:1-
.. : 1 -.1":-:;: .,
-!4ll7 i i irraiWiWiti f igiS4 l4 o4fo,
liaid, ea oee-eftbeseroessefee4 . l9l :,, ',-,-
' l e 1 14 1 ';" - thiv'AuWeasse- 41 4 .
:-,. *
~„,,,..,.,, Umintei4l.4l -, ...a
--imvst e --', :• - - 4 0-0 ~+:- 4; ,
~+,,. .41,r ..,,..,4, ~. ~,..?.. :i.,,
fR - 4,6. 141 0 111 *. VII . 11 **10 4
ter.ili 1 4 9f . , t'li
--.• , :. , >1, ,- L' ~ ? -'.`1, 7 ',"...i'''':4 , 1;7:-:':.'i..'?='. ' , ; , : ' [ : ,, ''' ''' ''' '
_• , i7 .''',:
. .
- 1 . ;
se ytposst epu ,--r.
fiver been the.slightest.ditTe'r
st ius yet, 1- 'trust *there:
that I
ardi 1
8.8 11;
The sane and elaugbt!
r ha
empletyer's.remark by ram
ie,' aud:gianciva at-bim with
I said as platuly as'smile
zing the
a smilei
can ittit3t, l'
any hing: .A - difference be.tween
us!, NO, no ...such a neier .be.
n lore etatt 1 other too-well and too sin
'S. ielyfoi atilt: - :. ' - , . • • . •..
.',' Thus bitted Matte ;theft, with - - Parid
. outer and his farni , and thtTs.they re
. bled' toi- sereral y ars, lvvith little or no
- align; ' only that Uri& land: his' levifta
is re - getting'a little oldet,,,and their sons
and' daughters fu r t het; oit , tu life.: But in
3.bleir happinei.s and a r ttachrneut to , each-
other- , there: was ao-change; unless an` ill
ierna e of Such happiness and attachinent
can cso ailed. -1 . '' _ - .. '
i .p rid , Macy indtis roily . were sur
ti , 'one evening by a visit ' frotn the
limit. -car if er„ . ~ H.e bad it t been at" their
hon fo " tio years lief° ,a ; and: then it
wt is i Arertiriinitivel lookingnpistle, -
rn st ab' Minably Abided, sealed with -a bit
of in '1 nstead of wax, and superscribed
ve h a v el hieroglyphical sort Of direc ,
ti n. It Was from a .very honesi, decent
in 11, howe+er,ahrother,of Davidliunteri
4: 1 1,44
who; was i'...wearer in ` "Bridgeton, near
GinsgOw. ikto !cuter lad ' they- . .• -
frOm any. qtiarter since then until now.
I.3ut tbe,letqcr 'that
.nude 113
now was . 4a -Very -different description, .
being pfpekly, folded, carefulli sealed,:
and alto t Her businesilike. Op its be
ing' hand in, David slowly:pia this hand
g i i
tnto his ca ificioni ;waistcoat :r ocket;' in
ilearCh of 'Lis spectacles. ' These found
larufdniwn forth; !in deliberate!), i opened
. .lient, au(' with equal, deliberation placed
ithem on his', nese. ' I kb these preparatory
toceeding4 gime through with dee sot
. amity, DaVid - at length opened the mys
erious letter, .and, surrounded, by \ his
Wondering and aexious, but profourialy
i lent . &icily, read as follows: ,
! . .
,1140:VD011; :'---,- -...
Sir: We have m uch pleasure in introm- .
log you that yea ' , are named in the will of
the la i John Pitt, Esq., - W
of oodvale,
Jamaica, for a giecY of 4spoo.
, Nye in the nieantirim„ merely advise
you of the 'Fir unastancel; bat shall in a
day or two `address , youl - again, with in
structions as to proceedingi necessary for
puttit g yon , in posse-40n . i 4 f said legacy,
also 4s - to time anti iii,m4 T r of payur,int.• -
%Ve Are,. sir,: i y our obedient servant d, - :
i riGatssxr & Ciiii , :usO;;; Solicitors,. '
t 't i presumed : tube unnecessary to de
sc 13 -the' grect- 1 4i# - el#4.9,EdiPasl cilld •
to lutiox ecied cummuniCation bad up
of David uin:er and hii family. The
i t ,
re, der t Will himself' fur ' a sufficiently
Oly kilea, of, it, without' : oni troubling
him iv th-a description. The legacy had
be l en , w oily unlo.4li.e& Vir; the testator.
being ' ver , 'distant, relation, and a per
son with wh ro .Darld had never had any
curresponde c ue; trileed of l whose . exis-
he. Was hard y aware-, . 2 : '
The news of theillunters' legAcy, not
:wltikstalsdig.' the precautions taken, by
the mly io',keep the matter quiet for a
little time, 'soon spread, -amongst :'' the
nighbors,', who sa d tha - David's family,
ha ipy bellYre; Winild, now be ten imes
hatpier. - ift was reasonable - to-thin . so;
to , if they were - ,content !nd happy, with
, ' - liill'ited,Means, they ould eel-risibly - ,
b ' m uch , more content, an happy -iyberi
th re, mea fi r,beeame: : s nb idant.- : Ii was
re - Sena le that ; it: should iss so—thht on
b" - Oiiiiii ricteTiVey'iliZillalieeiliffiliCp:
1 ;
pi r... • Did the y
yil fi - Weiliall see,
n the c 01,164 Of. a few days, David
bfrom rii again the London solicitors,
_K o now wrote r ifially'oti the -Subject, ,of
if legacy, and ; gave him -such iustruc
ti tin as put hiqiu Possession of the mou
e in less than three ,Ittonths_ after. ' Fur
ao ~- N e v.,_bstp_ ut, .to .titis,eyeat,_ =
'ckaug 'was of, ob servable in' the iiiiii i ty7 :
Neith r pride 'or 4314111.atiult followed
their iod fortun.' On the third or.fourth
Sunda , however, the neighbors And oth=
ers w knew u nud had . obierved their
affect' 'l.lBttit
'deal r towards eacli other,
Were g'64- surprised * , i4e unu
suet o r in- wilich they: came to church
'Form rly . , as aiready noticed , -
they ,used.
10 CO en' the' mciit 10144 manner; arm
in. a =together; now:they come in a
string all separate and wide ' - - asunder.
There r wis obsorrattle, inorcioxero or
fei ti of angry and discoutsnted,exprea-,
siOul 011 the couutenancel'of all of...them, 1
whi, b, contrasting so very strikingly : as - it '
i v
di ith their-formar cheerful inoltfOvas
f y
v • : conspicuous Sad attracted the notice
o the'more,sikret.tqli.ObscrYAr4,-, COming
to church it, thicinituntec:Alkeiotr.nurse.
enteral t heir. pew.. in 4 'straggling, way,
sue - after,the ) uatet At. .cOnaidcrahlcittier
t-illseiOd.nui U er.
ietl tilifirringlY±:onStbr .
ler . citnumattutSe,jiihtlicßi-i 1 10. 4 0f... -Anne . -
I,chtiois tof.fsplktigi',.wfticY ilitkPo.i:lnltcaPe
the noti c e of tte -- ;CA. iiiIMP I : I 94 I ;:4)o.t,Xf
port Of A ixei r . atidden„tiO l uit4o9o,oryyclitt
hAvii4 reu4iredillico l - 4 4,ects. , :a special
ittetatios for a time.; Ne !her did•a total
' clik .. i ff43 4 ' - f I VISP4 *, r , OM t rmer `'
1 tppplee olu40:1 14 1 1 i, ' n.;. it ,401106 .
li t
0,011,4_41im....1;t1;iA.t.;,;,: : 2
1 ••• - :-.., i i,,Cf,
- IROPI I3, Wer 1 14. 1 01 1 : ' ' '...,' 'l4lflA l 4:
i= eras
al id et nittitywiti . l4) = ,' - ' , 111;001rIVIatid
M 49. ".gi1ie4 .- ,00 It c :4 6 :: , iiiittiptcitte:
Isgacy -404 .1 4 LhaTe..Pitlig4g-444.0:--* l 4*•-
• _ , -y-alaid it--ivrbit' , fitsinagis.itoigood
_due, could 401110 - 4Whiclt tad4sattise ,
.01 1' .44w'11 0. ci'.: ' 14 1 141 71 .
t . .- -- . 11 44;101"40/_ - 'o.n. ~.,
, - ,,,r4ii ii it ,
init.•alimilii le-afeik4Ategff 4A . v . ': -m:
41 , 11 , iiadttttinf is fitiavaiiii*asisratit
- - - . l •
'- - ,•
'.: :..- " .. - •'' .- 'l' .-. . 7-. - 1 ...-. ' '''." MONTROSE . 11' - T•IIIJRSDia I HD,EOaB.P . :
2-- . .'''. 1
- 8 '
.7 • ',....:.- • •,. - -..--• - ~,,, =•,,....,,,,,,..,.,:,
' - 2 15' ------
.. ...
, • .1 ~ , . • , -• ' . ~ .-. , :„:.,.,,....•,,,,.,...,..-.....
Wished to inform them of certain arriinge
ingsmits regarding the distribution , of 'the
Icgacy amongst them (including a flrovis
idu for hiruself and:' wife,) on which • lie
hitd.. determined. l He tbenproceeded to
Nuns ‘.19 his' sons„ the r,espective sums
which he.intended giving: them. to ; begin
bsisiness with, and ; to :his daughters the
aim' ho .i rite nd ed giving Abenk pa ,dowry
in the, event - of their marriage. , Having
concluded. David looked aroutid fur the
approbation' which lie felt conscious_ he
descried: - But - what was his - surprise
and. mortification when he perceived, in
eery criuntenance the .most unequivocal
signs Of disappointment and - discontent
There ' w4 - not one o
...his Chiliiren, sons
or daughiers, pleased with the portions
allotted them.
. Poor David endeaVored . to Meet - their
views by altering, ;.modifying. and: even
offering • tki increase the - , different suns
!:;13 , -, reducing' the moderate . proportion:le
intended retaining fy.r.himself;- but to no
purpose: -. No • arrangement . or disiribu ,
tion he could. propose criinggeSt. would
Satisfy . the - expectations or vishesr of . his
children, They diclUet, indeed, complain,
Openly,.mpch less by.sitherloud'Or angry'
Axpressions;; but there was glaoni on eve
.broisullenuets'atid. disCofiteiit on,
every countenance.: •
- Frain' this: moment there wag no lopgrer
'arly.4topiness ia,DaVid Hunter's" filthily.
A 'feeling ofjealh4s:y and dislike was now
engendered, which Could never again be
.eradicated: Poor David saw and bitter
ly change, and wished a thousand
times that the legacy .lio gone
.- ta the
bo!toni - of .the sgaiasteadi of coming-to
him; Ss lid . dee l tned it but a ploor substitute
for -the,domeitie felicity. tie had ,
Here will be "ound a sufficient explana- .
tion of that direrence of deportment which
had,ittracted the notice of their neigh-
bons: , 7_
• David Hun er, seeing . -that the was
no-hor• o.ofre4pring "harmony amongst. his
children,. who were now snapping. -sad
snarling at each tab& morning:noon, and'
niffht ileterinined, however painful to his
• 0
feelings it might be, to' break up hisfarn- •
ily: - In pursdunce of this . resolution, he
recommended -of his :. sons. to
take lodgings I . ol Itis owe,- mud to • start
in the world on his own account. • To en-••
- able them to do so, he said he. would in- .
stantly pay thetadovin e• 4qt:rent : sums
.he, hutl: determined on . gividg• thertr-res- i ,
-pectiv:el:y-.- His sons; though far_from sat-'
islied. sulkily acquicked in the groposed_
arratigentent ;. and, io.,,a•few days •u4er,,
left their - f athers house, but. in, such .stilled
Motidotat'they Would not tell him .where
t tidy. were going -or , What they intended
to do., • . •
They never held. any :correspondence
again. • Each brother titinting the others
had: got More than they- ought to' . have •
done, and of course he hi ms - elf I ess,neVer
Went; near each.othet but - ou the contra'-'
ry,,contiaued to i the ud of their lives to
entertain a feeling of. he - most. bitter hos
.to one another. Nt i nther did any
of them 'ever again visit their father,whum
they:All agreed in aceusin,l: of unjastrdeal
hag. tOwardiihent... *. _-r :*
Such was • the consequence of the ,leg r
-any i anti_4 may be takeo - as another ev-:
idence of the, Well known truth—that an
aeoeision'Of• Wealth is "not necessarily,. by.
any; meant, aid accession of happinesS. - -
' `leambere 31i:cellar:v. • • • ;
, ';Conic, Ady and ;Jane, it's time you
were in bed,' said Mrs: Freeman-to- her
two liulq. daughters, about nine o'clock
one "eveultig.l tidy -.nine years old
And Jane was a year and a half younger.
The two-children had been sitting at the
work table !with their mother, one of
them studying her lesson, and - the other
engaged on a piece of fancy neeille work.
4 Pepa hasn'i come home yet, answer
ed Ady, ' • -
,• ' , Nu, dear ;, but it's getting late, and it
is ihne you, were in bed.' , . lie may not be
At. hemp 'Pr au . hour.' : . ; !
, : . :::Ady laid aside her work 'and left - the'
table,..and Jane closed her . books, and put
t hem away , in, her school satchelt ~• .
[ f Ybu.,cawlight the-lampiofthe mantel
.piece,' said Mrs. Freeman, after a few-rno
intents* and looking .around-aa She spoke,
lithe saw the children had both put - on their
(bonnets, and Were tying their ware) capes
;close about their necks. - She understood
swell the meaning of this, and therefbre
4did not ask a question, although the tears
icame to her .eye . s. and her . voice i, trent
bled as2,thesaia,.‘ lt,
is very W l 4 X 4 u.ight
,children.'. .. '--,. -. ,
.- ':- :1- -, .* ._
iv-. 4:But
. ..We:don't:ftel it, motherl' replie;.l
Aa y -.- t : E:weell's run, along : yam qn kg kly.t . - _
, :i.Aua they- two little ones. went eut,be.
Sore their inqther. whose
_feelings. 'were
`choking berizctuuld ,airy a_ werd.; •.4s
iilosed, Abe : door - After:them,. Arntleft .. her'
ilkint 1: 'Abe raised', herOyes : upward: and
irtsursouretilVtild bleu •An 4; reviat'd 4hci
dear:children. l- • -- ~,..... :. ::.-.-... :. , 4ndc-- illiSer.. .!ti g ht i ,a.,- - , the
AO,ildrentures sioNsed .. iotn : the
ilies' Wind iiript fie. 1x#143 0 7 ; 59441,41m00t
Aprap,thenk la
iknok ,1 11 4.11.... 4 -' , 4gt-09/.
- nansght: oicii 04
.other,4,:b .I.ficikai - ,,
About E,OndingAbeir-iiulo .foons,..:: ., innO
Ibe. pressure, hurried , fo/4* , ,fratii they
were _going , a 5.44,
_no' •Atieir little feet
51,W JPPYC•:jbe 141: e Pt i ; WA , * 00 . k -a -P4 -
Ileir-rtj,,,iint the chilaren,weiannf itfratth .
19FAA. 1 104 .t*trinko* r nti , Tefi.. no. tc,dia .
**4 . ::: i 4liiarfliti ii( 4 ,ll o! tik: A - r o to' tn
,R4Fll..442* , 934:thiqoupt_a)ppiki , ',4e ,
!ofAisinoth 'r - ; , .e5 1 ,914 9 0? 1 ,# 4 3 4 19 4 ' 0 .
t 4,
t.41. - i84.41. . ) 6 0 6 4A i:liq'Ar ,' ,)o4l l . ' ffi i
44( 1FP4.7 .4 #;o.::"ollotc.lottitivo‘-.
Ai:LkftitiMP , , kV. ?i:fr . 91,1'. 1 .4 1 ,140, 111-
, . $ ...* * f r 4 P!'f. 411 L :-/ r ti!' - A t- Pt7 l ?'
~.040.rel ! 1 , 1 , itiffrA 4l .s 1,1P3 1° P
.,:" $ 1 6004-0 „TIT V;tl l .,gi .;,—. - ,, - , • #i.,,,,#4. 1 k
' , 4i a 64 TFatilito!V . 0 01 :1 1"1.--,P 6 4 .
0.17"- 14, Itr i rik
,_ ,,. e ,...,1 1 0 4 to pno lint - iiy
0 -' ' f PPertl.3 - -, _4-4
fil - ' , .. is man Who witilhotnt
. .._
.._ ... . t. . ....,,......,... .. .) c",, ,i k„.,5- ,
Ireif.s.-OENT., - Nr.-.e.. .... I,m,
A - , , ' „4-4 - .„1 , 44 , ...-,-- 5 ,.. . 1.,:1 , -p.. . -:-.74.- ,, ,i,. . -- . -. L
,P C). W.. it
• 11 4 -
' fig"-
t he
The . Good Angels'.
`j `r:.~~ .w ~ . .... I .
My and the • oor
and looking af2iaitd.....theritios4l": but ! of
seeing t,he nbject- of . Omit ttey
want to the-bar, and t
man wtio, stood behind it, pouring_ lie
into glasses. ' Has ,pa pa:;
,been here to
r "
night • R j
'fbe man leaned uyer- the bar till I„his
'face was close to the-finldren, 404 sells
iu an angry way s !I don't know anything
about .vour father. A n n ul
. you
come ftere any more: call_
eny.:big dog out of theluri.fairdMake him
"bite you. - 1# •
andlune felt #ightened - as well
by the harsh irianner . Nß,he angry , wools
of the an, and th ey, turned .. back from
him, and were - walkin: .
toward the door
with sad faces, when:the pers on • who had •
first remarked their ettFrance,. called loud
enough for, them to.'ear' liim • ' COtue
here, my little girls:: c ;
h children : stopped ' and !!nuked at'
hi • when. he beckened • them to
.! ap
prci ch, inetheY did'ito., l, - • •
• 4 re you looking r your 61.11er 3'; he
ask d. . - •; . ,. • ' - '
S .
'Yes, sir; replied. Sy. , 1 .' I .
' What did the mautat, 'th e _ bPr sat to
you 7 ' ' ' -, r • 1. I 1 •
' r
He sa' that papa *as not here ; ' end
tf we ca p here any More lie . Would : set
his big . dg on us.' ..; • ;-.
4 He A d?'. 'r . ' i
'Yes, r". , ' ' • '' ', ' i ' ' - - f il '
The . m n 'knit hisbrow fa' an instent;
then he saidJ ', Who. sent yeti' here - 'll
Nobody,l answered Ady. 1i 1.
4. Don't your- mother know yeti have
come 2' i
4 Yes sir. :I She — toldf us to go to bed.;
we,couldn't go till paria was hoe. And
. m
so we came or bin' fi rst. , , i _
'He is he p.' . - -. ' i .
Is . he l' d the el4ldren'S faces brigh
tened. ' ' ----•-•• - \--,/
i Yes he's l
at the otherside of the rZoom
ill wake him for yon,'. -
v , 1
Half-intoxicated =a sotind asleep, it
was with some difficulty that\ Mr. Free
man could be artiused.Assoiin,hovrever,as
his eyes wernfairly,oppned;aulkhe lqund
44 and Jane had such
_ , gres . r4 nap of
his bands; he rose iipi7iind f.itelditigpas
sively to their direction, suffered them
to lead him sway: j .' '. i 7 -i' --. ' l ,
' 0 dear.!' exclainiell a iman who lhad
looked on withwutidergudAePto inteiest,
' that's a temperance lecture I can't etitml.
God bless the little ones,' he added, 1‘ -it ii
emotiou.4;and givo - thent a Sober Eithpr.' '
' I guess you neveFri , saw' theni beihre,'
Said one Of the bar-keeper's, lightly.
o ; and I never livishio du - so amain*
—at least iu .tbii - ,/gate. Who 'is - the
Freeman, the lawyer'
~Isl.ll the oafs who, a few-years-ago,''con
ducted with so much- ability ths4ease
against the Marine , Jusu sue° CoMpa•
ay; 1 1 • 1.
The same' .
• Is it puisible V . : i
A . little group n ow formed round the
man, and a good deal was. said - about
Free an acid !di fall from sobriety.':And
one * ho had several' ' imesseeu Ady and
Janecome in and lei ;hirn:honte, aSthey
had just' dun e,. spoke Of them with much
feeling, and argued I.that.; it,was a most
touching scene.. 1 : .
• To see,'-iiid one, I' yieldihim
self to the little things , when they come
after him, 1 feel sortie times, when I see,
them, almost-weak enough .to shed tears.
, . • They are his geod angels,' ,remarke d
another, ' Rat I'm , afritia t they , are not
strong enough to lead him back -in the .
paths hellos forsaken, .1' I
Ott can think what you please about
it gentlemen,' Spoke up 'thlandlord,
'.but. I can tell you rny, opinion- oethe
subject: I wouldn't give.. much for the
mother, who ;Would let. \ two little things
like them go iv,,andeting about the streets
at this time ognight.' :- . • .
One of them who had expkessed an in
terest in the Children felt : angry at , these
remarks, and be retorted *l'ol , 'some bit
terness. ' And r wc4tld, think' less of a
man ,
yrlio would - make their father diva.'
' Ditto, to that,' TOpond i ed one
.. of the
company' -*-1 \ • - •
And l iere ' i my ha . nd to ' thai,' said an
other. . - . • i
The landlord find* gthat'the 'majority-
of his company, were likely to be against
- hint, :Smothered his i angry feelings and:
kept" silence. ' A ,feri inithiteitk. Afterward
two nfiliree ottlininmates, of .....- the bar
room went away. . - •1 -
, About ten o'ci?OclPn tl4t 'Pen. morning '
while,Mr. Freeman,.who : . as' generally
sober . in the forepae.cif" ili . dity, was in
his office, a stranger, eater ~ nnikafter
sitting 'down Said,:i I: IP Ilit C ai:ii your par
don. beforehfinil foi.rrhet . -I . nr, , going - to
Say. 'Will lon 1 prothise notr te 'be °free -
=..ded'l' .. 4 , .- '-''
- If you ofreotiie en iniulir'it z wilt 're
sent it. said the Jawyer.. . - ' • .- ' -- 1
• • So farfrour,tbati,l,cenie with a desire
40d0 you Wgreat 1 10 1 We.:_. Very :WP ,i.4' sat 113 4: , i ‘:...-- , :q.' t' 'r. , , '
L. `was ;.4t ..: 10 4T4 1) 4jfef4. 1 4.90-; 4i4
night.' ' . -. :
~ •
sa Well 1' '. : ..,. ~, . ~ .
' ...nd:lse* iminethiiitthere that 646,-
eiriny heart.'"ittiil ati - all lase !night
t'*vs only to latilitn-ofikil' raM n-fith
ler,lii-i - .Uhariii':trriflittle4i-Wind 1-hire
them tenderly. 0, " t :i r r I. the thaught'of
Ilieirciainirignatt in cold tirinterin, ;et'
iri - seareli-of4me, iiiiiiinsit l ,i *glided 7Phiait
'` ) :.tea
the, -bloml 40:
feetceld ID _Mr ,141ot:
`•,) ilannexpeetbillgi cOtnplig 4l lP o P..
birt whetiflus',4ne Cempiratilie
1 14 4 u
:4( Kiber F reeman i
"Aar iihti.oool74.V9 Atiirt!PM-4409i1*
itrnifiledAll-ArTc,; _ D*4 l ,AlNgtriftli*
..miptoplatitilit , m) iiiply blt: c0u4 1 04, 14 'lit
a.-" Ma
di, - ..,1 *. ., 1 ' '.
Mr/ Ma, 91" . 1 ...4% 1 1 . .. , -d 13 i.:1; 141,1 4 ,A1 411 7i,. ,•; , :fzr,t tii a.r,/ '!. 4
. • MY deaktfnribM - 4 1 *-019t -- iltrinfri
,vig hairly fallen At le hand 'et the mna=,,
. 4 , 1 0 ,1 *0 111 1 1 1 1 *.' I f
no,4tir Oa: l 'V j i!a** - 0 1 stivi*erb
roll IthoiliiiikP - - y let - -i'ine! A
it(" lir ' t tle itilliiiri t Or die .
. .-, '..., I: •-, - ~-' : - --, , ,,t, ~ ...1.
"At1944. 4 **•.* 7 11 Viksli ' , I tir -8 +*: 0 0,-,
'afire - 144i* i iftwer# -iptiq*), it:'
- •r ..,,,t . --4... .I,t-,..A,-- 1 it , .... ~ Im:-..f-AF-Ai • -
- 1 ..
jure you to rise up,supertor to . this dead-
ty foal - , Rat iird t t heSeAtiernittidien: with
the highest blessing their heis , .;cao de.;.-
sire. . Come - witli intelind;ti '• , th* pledge
r t.
offreetdoin.. - Let use tltqag l llt.,*Vtit 6
'nfielt 4tther, Intitqaihift goo d ''l:Col44'
Half-bewiideted, :thougti, withs w - be
m it
&lye in :bialhaarti . , ,, ; tieem :arose,: and
suffered the man, Who dievicinsarite.With;'
in his to i kid' hiti :aviay: 'effete they
~,i i ilaL .i. trphrated,; . :bp.O . toia,,Aiigiitlho
Fogoge.. -, -:
That eveningt--arterspectldly. .atild,to
the joy of his family, Mr. , .F i eentan was
perfeetlysuber 4 :wbeabee.evae ,lOne.' Af
ter. tee, iiiilet Ady and Jane I Wereman
dingen either side of hiel;as he'tiat..
their mother, - an arm arou nd.lamb ofthem
he said in a low .whisper. • 0 You wilt
neverl have, to cotne'fote me again.'
The children then jilted
,(,their ' , e,Yegt
quickly to Ids face, but half nnderstand- 1
ing what be meant. 41 never will gb
there again,' he added ; 0' I 1/vilt, stay at
home wah y0u. 1 . - 1 - t - II . :.• -..
AdY and Jane, 1 now comprehending
what, their father meant, overcome With .
joy; 4i4 ther laces in ,his bnanwl and . • T'PpL -
for very gladness. t i • - .
Low nail, this had -been, }every word
reached the moil:wettest. ;1 and, vOile her
heartyet stood, trembling between ,hope
and fear. Mr. Freematt- idrevv; ; l paper
from liii peeket and t hrew it-; on: ibe , ta-.
ble by which he was sitting.: She open
ed it hastily, it was.a/pledge] with his
Well-lLnewn bignat uref ,-subscribed tat the
, _
1 With a cry Ofjoyslie sprang to bis side
and his - ertrs encircled his wife as well as.
is . children in fonder embraei than they,
}aye! known for years.-..._.:.1 . t ,
• rihe Children's loe has saved, their fakh . ..
er.—They were ! Indeed his:' loco a11.V1.1.'._
.VI .1 .' . _ ' _,.. t
7 ~r... _
_„.....„, 7 --,..., -.. -.-- --- ; -- -
_. - „
:. A Young ._ Hero: ~.
_ .
Ili !the Madison (Ind.). DailyArrguti,.
.Dec. l l; we find the fellowing ,acchunti of
1 the Martyrdom of: au Ametican boy—a
youth of whom , our nation may be proud
—who died because he -would not tell a
lie :.,1
A. ,-
case of moral. - heroi sm- exceeding
that; imputed to . - !liund:ltiviTs . dr); -. /.oour- . ,
red iit Marquette etitintY, in "thia' Staie, - a . ..
little_ over a year' ngo, the facts - of which
isiereleiltablished: by ju - diehil4nviesligatiocr
an - ill:Were related to us by.Joii, Larabee,
who Erescided at'the. tri al:. •, h :'
.. . .. ..
• A., eautifut.fair-haired, blne-,eyedhoy,
about nine :year& of ago,; was 'Aiken - Troth
thesolletihin . Asylum • in '. ' Milwaokiii,. and
adoptd - 'by -- ti•-• .:re;sPeettiohs• : far th er . of .
MPrqo te, a professor: -of sr liiien .an 4 zi.
temper of the ;. - 13 - aptist : -. - pe rsuasion :. A
„ i
girl i „la little" than the.• - .hey, irakalsO•
adopted into the' fithily„ - ' S 4m after these
children Were installed in their* l W:horne.
the boy 4iscoveic4;crimioall 'c9o4 uct- , Pfi
!.116:.irart:of'laisnew,.... Mpther, ,- ;;;.Whieli,he.
mentioned to - t he - little gir),:„ilud. it t'h - re =
by' earrie't O' the. cars o the' *iinie n ;.She
hidignatitlY - denied 'the ktaryl y tiithesitis: ,
filetiOn.of her:hush an :::d l ;tnsfste d -that.
the.boy..shonlit'be whi
.ped ,runtil he'con'-
fe‘eid - the falsehood.;:, : .-i , .. '•—' -
Thet,trian—poor weil., ! , Jgot---impul
led by a . sense of religitins ditty,'?toeeed
ed ici the task - tistiigita,- biro; by procur
ingii bundle of rods, sixipping the child
,naked, end. suspending s him by 2 :-it cord to
the, rafters of the house e and,;whipping
ilith at iOtervals rot 'over tiri — hOiits; till'
the blood ran throngli the'ffoiii:,' - nialtitig
a pciol'utio& the floor• heliiw.4l_ attiptling.
only,ti Test• and iuterrogar thef lio3l:,And
getting no.nther reply
,flisp 9.l>a, I,told
the, truth — l.. cannot tell 4 lief' thei.wo
Man 'all the time urging tif . '' tifi:geo his: ilti
ty! The poorlittle 'herO, , t length i'6.-.
leased from- his,torterei th evi- hitrarms
around the neck of his tor e tor s , iiisied,
ri k
him , ,,and Said, ?.Pa, 1 am ...Ssi „gold," apdi
died, , It appeared iti evidetic , upon the.
trial 'or this manand iii ii mti
'Or tiler,-
. „ wol . , .
thifthe child did tell the'fre ii:- Buil: iu,f',
feted death by slow -torturei
,Ir,ather I tlian:
tell,a - lie.. . The. age or, T:oista 4.0 c
martyrdom iyilinot hardpassed,ti , ll: oth-
ers cease to instill holy -precepts til t %lye.,
minds Of tlieirferant offspring. '.'"l`lie Man',
and woman , who murdered '-.thil" tigel
child *re - nori:in;the peniteritiery a t. Wa-:
pun, to wldch they were SeUtenced r . r 10 :'
, r4P' An aged'-fty c tr.e
few` days -since 1.10,1 in youth:: refived al
Anirciege-nfr6r fionfjebdA e Adumic. It
will ibe rec.,O4l,letett
map, Adorns resided~ !mein:
.I•riivvidiryfioo, - imd 'keit tAtimik'iteCtiftiih.i
tidy ilia t
ed tivone!ofthe'mnsto fashiciaabbi arid reA
lipectalAct }families. in:!) 1 0.1Plac0;:an4 ptq - 4
11.q04 , 1 0 t!+ 1 1
e ". ll :b e -c-bil•witlk- S !' e •lk e Pl i - n; i
edhis ;Suer and ''het 'ff‘stiiiy . 4•ltk
one[ayearpplished as a schela‘,lind
tinnitotheriliie; - , sail: tistpiliz*the
,•:: -. 1 . 1 : .' '.'-i,":`.': - ..,;. f...:-
iNisifflNTYport,. : 4l,lid
itl f ;,tbet.
,1 wh h
• , .7,- -,-,. i ,. ; , --,. -" •"'-rk. ,7,7, .. r ,...„,_.,.. _
been' 'iliery
,Vcitir` kii6l.--liTitir 's 'erg=,
litiieil - ' 1 : , .. - --' - " ' '-'''' ':;:' 4 '•P'' ( 4 ''''''''t-'7'it4 t
'Onthis the Bost or?'l64 4 4fPienialika 1 :4
Irwas'i)figeiblfg Atilt) 'WCfiiiney A(l4 - ,
atm!, niighttinever,h ave I 11 4* %die t .,
`1,10"4 tug 4P . Payriva3il ~,... YAkt4ZINPF7'n
1: 1 11 7 p ?t: t.' ..W4d.. icto la i a- it .:wail
eat the ieffeee,ce - or just - Etc a 'wigaa,
WI Adainsrlrfiliese4.. , l4 fi Cell,. )4kiil ° 4-1
0;e: )iiiiiiiinitieeliVtireh'b el amid l'', - .-ri
' trail' forinife'tbieltecied tiVelnl'illiiiit be ,
:10,10 etieimii othe r 'fair." niti'iligarls h_ 6
estimable, add - acamirdiol . ' - ', - warOlint h,
Piltirie.4N 6 2,Ti.eit 4 11 Fft-l - : 4 1 Xiii.94 11,1 6 %
[ AblSFPYtt i io - 9 :( 1 "0 11 0 1 -1' , .:CW,PFf
:tiiiiike in 19 'liiiiih4..o b*lta tr_tual .
-ofiiirMier.'"-- It 2•4'. '"
PlMq.l . r fm • ' 4 • '
t411141T-F04.4.9;AA.4.,..1, 11 Arki"5i11 .
!Lite, t 8 4 19L i firgvx; , a alp !liappratigpxy.
tck, ackini*ilateliefitik ltifileat**llte ,
'hi iiiieidii:l l ';
. t_rb iii '' cekitinCLiti, .
t t - 41466 . 04. 44-ciimpakel - vi4Pwiteri(
itmt t400441r Amos* 01,440,,,utt tio
`irmWs44sllc."ArrAko l . , .0 4 M4177 4
'iriiii - enhgrid ku cletti'l 8 oh m o k ma ;
Itlll** - li 16041 , -Ai . Vffifit r is fie
thnerinfaetilkt:r r•kt- 4 .xl ;, . 1 .
-, A i - i 1f.1.W i. -- ';.T . tl , ,Yi• sv : iri . '''''
VE 'iii",i''Oti, , OtiOßlo4sl.l*
• :•_
1 -
t : '.,,,,,. . fir l ie .. in got :,,, I.i'4" =4'.
I ' . i , ' -,! 7," ;•...-- 1 .r::' , t.,...*....!.1111,:, i t 3. 4 flji .: C::: .
I . : : ' 1 t•' '..
irr 411 . ta1i 3 0311 , '..::
R.f! 'T. ~.' .' . -.-. -. %.. •,,, ~`ii.,f I , ' .+,...•.,.ri-ci Pi 'ii. , ';':-"-' l ' 1 ,, .1 4.' , i'- ,- "-
I ,: t -Ti*C!daf k ; ll l 4P r i.4ok,t A 1 .0t4 1 - 1 -Zt.l. - .:t- ,: i.....,
.:;., Sat , where e. ti . TIT iciled • 7 , 0 t.,..: 4 . : , ' , .. - ' ,. ,: i ,,. ..,34- . .
11 -- .. 1 Y - Itikainx 514 1-:brOlte OPt i 'x , ,ICP II O:= I r;:, i c =-: f ° 4 ' :1
And one was
i. ladttiii4:oo!Alpgmflutrt - hi s . ‘Atil
~ .I, . 'l'' ' 1
'.riiiii4 s tio , 4reiithiii4fficifiliw rtiunbrown:
~, ...-,-
forest, • * ::,...i...,- 4 - -.....- .1 9.cefti
..: 1 0* 49 82 4 1115 1 a 1\ 411 F 99 t U P . - , rl 9W94 ;' '':..,'
I t
,BP * II; ,b4 l _ l4l i iii 04341,1r 1 - -, ‘- t.1 . *4. 1 ...,-.*, 14 , *OP ji,
t ;'l Tastrew ilinbisr .i.(r-- ', , 4 1 , *,..- 1 - ',„,.,
. . --- - ~- .....,...--z,... .. -t_'; .
0104 eoftry;feadly; - ; While iii , kiiir: -' ' ', l :' : ',..'
i' ' - ilia ' eieti; that, death' M f e' tteeiti like ileisji`; '-:
• I ' And fold ; hie hintileiii'Sign‘ofriest ''' ='':l,
1 His waxen hand's-'tics ttes lihitast; -- ':: ' • 1 : , ,
. r tV . f• 2 ..• .-,- 1 .: 1 ;17 ,
~..-• d Make hispwre. i wbe ; yioleta bitle.T !.:':',
••., - Whereater flowers , etre* di e;rivulets sides ..;;"".
; I '-':::;
- P . -And blue - birtkia the ; tit - y .'slitkul: - ~,' i-...'
' I. .- .Of cloudless skieill6a.aiuhautiaing: - ..--:' , 1- --:
1 , ~
._. , . r
Place-near ktm as 3e las low, - . ~,,
‘ • - • .'., - -,-- ..
His idle sl!afts his loosened bow, t ;_,...,,,,.
r The silken fillet that arothd,'
. Els:waggish eyes in spa he .bound. • ,
Butt we shall mourn - him long, en .
,tntss . ,
'llia' ready mile ittol't;iddyk4 i '
, . . •- , ... , ;.i.,•,.,..._ :- - 1 ,
l • ' The 'prattle of his - littlmtet..,_ ...... : i. •,, ,
' Sweet frevitisaiia itimiii l 4E4 phinieksweet; .
. And grir;i 4 " t 64- * '',.refile - i - a 1 4igk:'' '-'. '!-,
i - 'Ay light ofjieareit'..itildia y oung ~ 'P- -$:
' i All these - Shallimiint CV' ill the,Zhiart i -- ..'; '...`•_:':.;
Shall ache and ache-an leari-Will'ltiart.*_!_k
Thebote, - the-barid iltadl• 1/30 dost'vti 7 .4- - _
.j . • The shining'arrows , walt with_ rust. '.. .-,!,,.
•i. . And all of love .that east 'Ceti claile,-; -1, - o . l',
1 ,- Be but a memory and a e.-.., ".!` '.;:- - , :,-,-,
, .1. - - •. • : ... i '.....; - ..5.: ~- .?•--- .. , i -f• - •
Not thus- his nobler Tart halt dwell, • :„..,
1 . . A pliFoner in::!kiis na 0 ' .. 11 ",.. :F0;,: -- :,. - -4 1. 4
- Tint he whom; now- iro hi e ii,•)txt nien :
li.the. dark ground shall lire, agakr. ,
\ Shall br•tk theie clod i liin'ileflight,' ..-
i , -'''''
.-:: - With nob ler Mein .:- /Mifiiiir4 alielit;‘“ 3 -. 1 ''.
' Arid lathe eternal ii6isi l sililid; : -,. 7 .:': :, . --`
highest inaltieikiest Giithi'iiiiiit
.. I;aiiii. i ' '.
;- '' '
_ .
, : .:- ,-,.., • •‘ - 1
TheD t h Wid '' •
1 , nc- *Wel" - 1 -
, Mine frow yfas no,he,t.ter as she Ort- to
- be; till shunt;liefgh:e. 151i`0,%.• 4,let''' ,- ill -l i' ';11 - e ' . so go
yonae,ib f irti 9 . hisi,neighbbr.' ':„ ,- I;
Your Wife - was eh amiablOwoinai -and'
you do gi*,etiitjuitice,. to her „ Menio - ry,v'•
said S4 . iirAF. ~ r ....' : :.;I::; - ,, - _ -,1, ' - 1 ,
Vet; Vat, you kn9w, '''Si .intiOli, eblitit;
[,rnine frok lei l:: . " - i;' - ' -. ., , - . '_, '' ..t..
~.':!'l ..
1 -`i VirB:-.116 ihtimateiy 4 4 - ekiiiaint!..'"d I . -*oil
Aer„ but J',eni shro.ilitl i. /ill t :,,li:er,4c4,9iiii 7
I taticeS lovall'her;':', ",,, . -'..__ 1 ..., :.,.[,- '";.
„ai l ,
t '' , Vor'tioilik . ir th4y, (el, 1V:.6,iii,.;.1-:.'Stai
be,_, - I - '4 ,
_, ,• .-... • -,, ~
.- - I. ,-- .
~• . •,- -• .; t .4; ... ...'
4 ,1/i1) , Je Weet 1 - , „
~_ '„-..,' ! ~
k 'May be you loved tie tko:frOvi toh.l - '
- ,•- -- - t ,-
i 'WhY4g
,you piiiitiF. ,- - s t tro%l4l:l! ,..
1 ' !VY? v,9,ll_ct.iy; l(fti,g; up,ll:lTalk,:Aliut
'nig Ye l l /P iota ° 0r . " )16 -P;4l44;:t' S iAie'l
mine rimy right I , ef6l;Bffiir4B? 'T -' --
.xviii t yion,i)viieict - iii - tlii , lßni - tq - -1 '
.T o -p elit i e • 1 . ves;!•.<:_k. ' 1 11:t , z1-13?Ii-- .li , l ,:- , .
• , Weil, what did- you do, '1".„1, r .. . ,
~- - . 1 .
...„. ~ ~1
1 4 I kicked him right pOliiiid•hiejiack:
• ' Did he resent its' 4 ' . I .. _
' .1 Yaw , toti3idre-ree, t alathit -It)ok,mg
glass, and, airtnr c i hit -ci a i"."6 er p, c k e r ~ te t ; e
house, 'ce - pt_ii feiit)ler'hoWiliity ihtt4ikni
1 1 0
smasill' •------ ' '..•- - ••,, 4-4,... . .i . . 4
'Whet 'did y udo then :1 4 '''''''
- - . -4- murder ---.:-• I - -_.--ti•-t..i, .
~, ._ 'Then .1 exit: ~I.,Aqiler ,ttlio - j':
i'lle4.l . 4r,,Ce,:sh • if g o; arta tO:ihtiry;Ai4fie
3 .
phi iiie ii;ifiee - ali i`consiablii i iiii;,eoute;iiii'd
.. , ...,-cf--,5,4,,, , , 4•4:.•- ~.••-•,
he rund away, ' . -,. ..- - -., - -1
'- • 4-- "=• ~:m ...' e- rt'
Y (111 Int f '(l. ' o4 C li iki e V liiii, Ivitllla-
1 .,......,. ; :" , •••• -
_!,,, ,- 4 - .... , ~...1 :.'qj - 1 " - i...1 .111:14 , ./
.. 111 !•el ‘' I F II .•. 11111. 11 anßlne!,,lllll„., Vvit4.
t•h' c4toPPliim Ofloor• 1.?0509 1 ,1' . ... - i -•' ': ', I
irtib - tui iiiiii`ite tiOtilli : ;•"1 - t" r te
••.. • .-.•, -..,T , ~- -4- ".c , l• i t 9 e , . 1
co:Oso . . _syg )s tead'alutt)pixt4',>: . ,- ...-,;.
1 , , -‘,..., ... ,-...z.,•,„ -1•;,'.1
-441ookoos:-:‘:f`- -,,,.,-,,..,:\r-,,,,...„... , : --1 i ,,_,..,
-- ,Y(IY ar4ih'•;9l.o'tS"..4•4ltP,:a94.„evqq.l)4(l,i
-, Ifer,e, cg,. 1 4, 4 :‘Y_li44; - ,Y 04 r4. , l'i'jfei
,died.'- - - '7.' ' -, z • -;ii -•:-,:: .; •. ;: -. •
.., - ‘grorYpotlY , Pe 449 1 .4 1 -litar-' . ..:, -„. , .:. •. '
'A. sgiv, no.-"Y.lnpt,thß4, , - sui.lx!w-' , t , ~,:,„
.„ ‘Mefult,moiormsht Ahilt.„_,!e,„ , ,,.t;,
..:cow,lyuk.gigcl,, . 4.„::. , - 1 • , ,-, t ,
, x t - t. ff tf f:.:.: -.. ,':.-7, "±: .: !,
1 .. ". 1 ,, 14 F;
:•••• ,1 1 711 . at c t cqTl )4 , ri: l Q4 S l , ', - - ;r;•-.11'', , !..,:".
.`§lleawatt; a.BFtlt:ko n , 4' . . - -bP1,YY„,,.c1,,i):13&7-21
,1 1 _ ir.'iliei,willes4),4ig alt.:4 . t.,i:lopiif,44ilYit::.44.t,f
'Ws `.x(rills!),. ;1;1'811e.IvPi .04-1131i1T.04/V6
: hundred pounds:' •' - ' - -- -(j - . ' l l 11° 1
, . • . ••, . ! -1 V i:•31 , :';: , t..1 ,
"; ! -14 T k GU t °l4 t iil ., l 9 - '4F: Y9P4 1 0 1 4 e .R . 4 1. 0 11'
!1ii.,..' -1 doubt , if 19,yr.,,, q..3ylol.oqtilf*R.ti
'hY,s4".Y,Tigi,4olcr.,.*,l,l Ln#6 l ll, f0 , .; , 1.4th 1
evetits, you must apoitgiw for wnag it titt,,,
have said '
to me; ..,.*1 .1- . • 'i- ~ -..: ~c
, •Vet-isi)ohitiscati 7i'io - -Y, - ' -- : .• l z i l l ,`;' 4
l'.•-• ".-Y-thimist:kegin' lii i etidtittAn - : iJit;RX,rio
+. . ` ' - iiallm --'' "
' , env a4)rm • cOlc . vdo at. , r 4 ll , 1 tPrs#
-eoinpfainb l igarar yo: l 4iuti;bibiptpitclit-;-,
sToiteth- E ll! , ‘ - ,f'431,:tv,P14.1* :it:P=o'll.4lA - 3" ::
Lilijipe.4ron s iyittenJ).4'. , ? .,il.-. 4 ,,,,z, v , , 11,,,0;.,Z,.!..,•1,,, 1 ti.,.,,'.
'''' , .§,4ir,i'Xot,'h'fitioti.Yr• - - i44;.irt %4' . .A11f,i - i14 , 1 - 1 f 0 t i
,is , S4iryiiiiy I ‘ l 4 , Mikle 4l- i , Y 4 I`X 'ki l `' . i
1 'Y'Mu•juSyrigit're'lei*VZillOr„f4diiti.,4,
what F idt ti/ash - fer,;/411evettiiikt Anlelt 4.
?itiitiwuilstir. ii1ix&;,441.c.... -.. .. , .?: , iitaAiA1i.,1i,,..- -
's :-ii i inut, 13 04' c l ia o4l lo , l l( ntellitit# olo
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' .l fityol , lli . &t4
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o ltned,toian
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