The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, December 15, 1853, Image 2
r_ . . . -hit% 'better than constant strife,- the sus 7 f-r l -1 11 -ISMtfitatie..4* v ..ffir enlet P rimst ,'ltbe exciting, ; of . . vain: hopes, - mitt .the dis 7 appointment Of cherished ex . pLegtatingl. -.. in V xreatusit rteppro nut 0 c)ade by the last .Ctlgtatir,' seven ;cages linte l atiien - in relatton3o I,Workifir Ple 'iiit-- 1 '..proiertient' oe. : lii*ri, va r ,h-- ko voit , questiot.‘'4s,tol„he*li, of =shill and ii., - 1 - ifictiem,_aind hiVe:tkreatetteci.emtilict be- T . twcen tbegtuth,,euty44,the at?l,trand G .. 1 en. (.: eral Governments. The 1 ight to con- 1 1 struct a brenkWitcr,ietly, or (lain, virouh.l V r , iiirr - lifie - ceiPY, fo carry' 4.-itli it the ''4. power to protect and preserve Fitch con-' struction. " .This-eau ;only be effectually ''',.-. - -jitrisdiction over the soil: t l, llot,:tto, clause of ~t lie Constitution is found Li 'oft Wilk+ to iebviiioilairti of tllell'iii!ed Mates to exercise jurisdiction over the 1 4 494C..4 , A1-40.4: 2 4,4c:c44;,.0 1 -1144faff-frettAY , , - ct the eigtith seetton of tlie , fifst'article of F';. ihe Cotiititutidn;2'll:is, then; s',Ultrtiitied,- . L iiimthiiiin alt, eases whereconstredtions 'l-- - are to be 'erected. b} the GetieiiiCr`ot*- :1 ''',4,-ei'tt"tneitt;the right 'Of soil sboUldlifit first !" be Cbtitined„ Mia_legi'slative provision be I '4 iiiide to CoVei all such cages. •-' r , the'' p -. 1 l'V 7„, ~i; : Tr ~, r r .,,,g ress mat tl ,Irt tie onstruc- I 4 ltintf-'nf - visas wit bin ' thihnrlitories. „as . :Printideci fOrlir. i I:fe ;:iptirtipli ations of; thu it litif Centres's,' 'I refer - iron to the Reptitt uf'-Of - theSeeretary Of 14' 7 ar.* , ' :` There is one - subject of a 4omestic Ili itife; which, &Om its intritisiaimPoilioice 0.:: : -i - y.,l4.oern*l g intere'sting nitestiOns'Offn it. tiire--Olicy which it itivolvOs; cannot. fail i to 1c &ice y;itti early attention: . I 'nllo4. 114 io,tini means ofcerninunicatiOn, by which ri : • diffe'rent' piiii - Of ' wide expanse. - of' our q... - S CriltqT t \ are to be placed in closerentinec-, tion,' - for tliCipur . plises - both or defense Mid'-e;Oniniercialr intercOurse, and miner . ft, ' - e - sp i c i a ll - snc b . ns -apertain to..the,corn- L 4- iinittliati y tin oftbese;gy p eatilivisioli, of the ut' ,. . Union, wh'ich lie on the opposite sides .of ''t: '-'the Iteafy Nanntoins., - t- , : :That the Government his not. been un -..tniudful,of this . heretofore; is apparent - ' from the „ B ia it , li. - ,3 a frarded, through ap „. . pr opriations.for.mail iacilities and other purpo . 'ses. But the general . subject will 1 ltovr present ittelf under aspects more lin posiag and more purely.nationol, by rrea, son of_ the surA:eys,ofdered by COngress, -.., and'now in the preeess,of completion. foi , - .-cominunication by 'railway across the con iinent, A O wholly . within the limits of the •Utiitetl States:- 5 -7- I: -The, pewe' r r - to declare war, to raise and . support. armies, to pr,tvide and maintain 1 r''.i..:•- •es• • -•--- ---- ;-' P.,,',.. si. navy, call forth the militia toes ; - ens were sere PulOuslY re'Pect ed. -, il ecttte the laws, suppiess' insurrections, statestrien,pcii f.' - kth the narrow views 4 f and repe l ri n y as i r , us; was con far, re d u dasuisti to lu : silly interference tind . ..igit' . iid upon ,• , • s • ti n, but the _setrt_of_cumitaci ivasr red . 4?•ongres.e,' as -a means to-provide for the common defence, and to protect a territo- Z' tiled as f.ani - e , t - i i ni the eYe (lf b°""r;l iii l l ry'arel a population now wide spread.anti ; l t-l diS P. ens ' thle I " tht2 .-•gi at ex P erimen !' 4 fl vastly multiplied.. .is incideueal to and i'el' v ti ith,e_rtYe'whicit enclrrated . witil 111 , 1 / ,". I ,- indispensible -for the exercise of pOwer. it Must eemetinies be necessary to 1 tonstruct militarv'roads and protect bar. 1 . 'SU 1 this' riet ditticuhies, was, yet' - borne fur- 1 it in apparent weakness by a powe i r 1 perior t 11 obstacles. . Theic is no ll tie . =bars • of-refuge. To a ppropi intions be - eu . ntletn . n a t - nt which the VuiCe e 6 f r t "e(r 4 (" 11 [ l 4 I t- -- rilongreis for such nbieets. no crotincl (de, k i ll l'"t Pl "'me° ul''" es if we Piece ' , , jection can be raised. Happily for our , . . . t faithless to our trusi. Willi'.7 mea itilialed f t hi P 1 i h .'country, its peaceful rolicv and repidly i il i n g 'Wet eat PartA 0 _ g re, c., ; i : ;,... increasirtg population imp;se upon us to, : s, -,- Ir.:urgent necessity for prenaration,and leave it nogg can ter mare be eepecied to le'ild thei i same °pi:delis, or entectuitrti c saute seri- • , -- - butfew trackless deserts-hetkeen assalla- ; l imeu t t' , that' every variety 41 . climate - or, 1 1 41 !tie points anti's patriotic I' - r , e ,,, p e , e‘ut . rea _ i t stiil . cau be expected - to fu ruisa the -same , et. 'dry - and generAlv relate, tc, protect them.-- ; agnctil'urai pi °ducts, they can, a CI These - necoseary liiikv. the enterprise avid . c 4 .untrt ( te."ltice t .4 r 6 "italn c'•!ntltn t n l Pr.irt - ' .. i . rr energy of tier people are steadily sad, I r l Pl es essewilii to the rnailneettn"°, fitt4 ' - -boldly straggling to. • All experience of - "h.luct-• The gallant menof the ;North( - firrifs that wherever private enterprise 1 and the Semi' could- stand, ittet l3 7,r du - , will 'avail, it is tyr•tst wise - for the general ; ring the struggle in,',l,he Tteveltitien; theY, - Cloiterement trilitaverio that.and individu- 1 n'•n thi stan d t ugn ilt g r in the w ire n Y il 'i ji waiehfultiess th..„ ,„„ it ,L. a . thut • and ea , enn . ; ptni.x.l time seccereileci the • -lance- - fil _lion of; Taus; of corn rn a tii eel i on. ' - Ia rm - t• ../ .! ..L 3 1 hew" ttniteh • fa' fie eirrievOaefe re alio-ilea t - o i were Ila g e t e r. te u A l h a e ll fi t e r t i at 5 7, f th th e i e r u ca „ A -- , i k , - ea vie,. o ~e mist reaction- 4 . d h , . Pa Me and etotiomical . rearte tor ar it ,.. , , nroad i pro,,e equal lt) I 0 glea_er,l tilt!' Aini'llii - Mississip - pito the Pacifir6ceal;. l' u !r g r' ttP " h u - a t (-I ; eP e l d hr ' l2ll ` a 14 - „;t lo 4iirili s tee ter ir e t 1 2 ,0_,11,,'A., , s .14,‘ - ii_,,e, 1- t t` Plis. v !.;. c -1 5 e,i.'','P l e t 0 1 11 V . ..._ f w ere pi eetious examinations . - 1 ' I. e e : to - hai3;:tiet-Sepplie_d sufficient data, and - where 1, i e 1.., ! 3) , se a l ' Iliti ‘ •!. 13 t4it • There'r-, . - , the . ,preesioa a fteth sttong Trtir , „.- - was gee ht-gt reazon ce epee op- 1 ~ i' • _ e - ~ ' A . rata'si 1 ject 11011ga /3.- , igialla futra a. , ,et. meats, i to saptuat t h eir sous, w e- teeth., .min il . i natinie bein b .„ . 1.,i ~. .... . . led so often upon the same: field Jur' int _ , g - tnt,ea, it ; is unt to oc war f ~, •1; • I be expected that all *he a.c .. ••e k 11 ; dolt, ln u irn i e B i l O 4r trlu nd m;l i a lli t! " fl e ag a 4 4 r ;f e sr ( • jr 'edge desired will - tiow be olitainid, but it ; .. - Le 4 is' hoped that much, and important infur- ; e"lantrY • upon a ftweion st'ili set_ k neve id' station wilt 'be 'added to the stock pre- it permit. alienation' ef feeling-to eake i •••,- _viouslypossessed, and that partial if not ri the l''''''g r °I-their united e4l 'r 4- * • nnc i - - tt.. lut repOrt3Crth4 sumeys ordered will be I Cenral d 4 ' seet '` lues le paralyze- the gre t. 'receiVeh, in time fur transtnision to the arm .of freed'e' uplifted for the eindica - ' tvre't4euses of Congress, on yr befoiethe lieu ef self.g " verere9et: ". ' - first 'Monday in February= next,' . ~ , .. r. as requir- . i I I have thus briefly -preseutei . l' r ki edl3y.the act of appropriation. The mag- sug'gestions as seem ao me especial reer s , nitade tif the enterprise cemnte plat ed li i s thv of your consideration. in-pre fFts-4 amused; find, will a, )nhtle34 er,?,:it blue' to fur, the preseet, you . can hardly : a tf i•i!eite. a ierY, generalintere,t ihrntighOut avail ourselves "f t h e li g ht wh i r igs ,. "-The c o u nt ry .. fi t i ts p a t i na ) , i ts nummer _ experience ofthtepael. casts upon ile7iiis - 'ilni, audits "military bearingii, it b a , 3 vii.: tare. -' ' - 'rr - ''' • r; .. 41 asilitl . _ :`rind, gtetti,.itidincreasing claims to cote , - The growth of otir pnprilatioti gs.v . sadeeation„ ,The heavy expense the great. ; brought, us, lathe deice 4 s- career ' aka Ail* . tnia. a t timeit, - 'fatality' attending 1 •1 national history, to a poi ot, it Ac ---,----: ... I r# ls l ;;`by` either of tbe istimnis retries, well . behooves us'to-exp e,rl init.' vision i titaie aemonstrated the advantage, which Over the/east perspective f, 1 i 5 , would , r es u lt es I fr om l utercean - c com m' uni- The successive decennial mite ~ of the view : ..cation catsup by such.sare a nd rapid means as a census since the ado in ptu of the one-title; 0, - railroad would supply. ' - . ' ti o u have revealed. a law Of steaC y pro.; Wig; ( •.- These sliiE tilt' . '' l' hav e been' • a 1 .- ' - • ,-, ~ , c .es, Irate,' - , gresstse r. eveopement, !able:llmi 13pAn. , vd , i: _ , CPIII!IS3 in,a period of peace,•wogid h e ' ted, in general terms, as a•dOlilicailen i 'i su r, :ton, .i.fied and still further r iticreased in e_cer,Y=soartercenturY, , arrri thrstar ~ C 'ed . a ,ilv e ri , i ,iit' p-,,.oi`viir,. But while the embarrasi-, tromitne pctioi aireadY_readied , for - only --thready encountered, arid othersa short period of time as applicable - Luthe] - - Vider:estr -contingencies to be anticipa- existeuee 14 a nation. 4W,1 of progreis,i, ; ;it.4i-ixtay serve strikingly to - exhibit the if unclieked; this willlrwin ai t.. 1 si-nn•ltit cred- 1-1 , ; imParlauce ofsuch a work. neither 'these ible rerbu!ts: 4 large allo'o'int; i 1 ' - '1" 'dint- t nor, all consideratto - u-- c';,,mbined,'C'3ll have luislied proietrt . i.eill"effect of em'ig 'lien i „any appreciable value, when welehed I would twit sang m aerial reduce rt. ei'e j i. _ , 7 .esannst the obligation st r i c tly- to zu l h ere ; cialate. while the increased avett e ills ,,te4lie_Coustitetion, and• f a i t hf u lly to ex : 1 ration ;of human-life known to have alrea-1 . aietPte the Pnwer:,it confees. Within it.: Idy resulted fcont 'the scientific allt,itYgio - ' -".. ~... limit. end to the extent of tire interee of r i Ilk iMProce_lteets of the past• flit Y,- ye:krt.) :Abe...government invoiced, it would seen] i will tend'tekeep up through the next . iii:' ~.. both'eipedient and proper, if an econom- 1 ty, or perhaps one hendred, the slime ratio itud, and practicable route shall i.e'found, 1 of growthswhich has been thus' revealed ' ; 10-at ,--1130-aii constitutionalmenus In the lin our past progress • eta .i the influence eolignaction of &road which will unite by 1 of these causes may he added the influx 1 1)0a4 transit. the' jupohttions lathe' ;Va. i oftbehibotine masseifroM eastere” Asia : Atl antic, S tates. i. o gear .to the ac c side 4 nir posseAstoto, to v4itenstmisvmeeption,•it. alti;ithe ' re. I gather with the probable accession of the ~_marked_ that, although the power to con- Populations already existing in tither parts ' 1 4 =-Irme t , , or aid iit the construction of, a road ..of . ntlr -hc*l*tfte..whielt. withiu the pel '', - - rgrentortlie limits of a territori is -not ein- • Jiall iii ul a estion, will feel. with' yieirly 111- ' a lArring,EXl'llir that question of jut isdictiou ' creetlegl4oce. , the .nattiral ittraction: of h wettfd ' ayisre within the limitaof a ,A.4o:vaat PowerfalAa - aill'a.o° r ‘"t ii a e : Yi/f , e-d i . - '.i:Stitte,--:it - 7 , 3a nevertheless held lt be of oration of aelt . govero l ng ral l un lie "' r unn :; , . -power, an more tbati doubtful leithifill ' ' - a ' ' seek the,pracitege ofTbetpgacltnitted wit - Truly-lel. even within thee limitsuf ater-- in its saf es.ralth baP b woel , trausrerillg t ",for the geleral government te titi- with them*eli 3 si LI a PeaPeful end heil ei'derlatia.ta administer the Alin of-a T 1 thy process of inCorporattoii itpaei , .irir.- - --, - .4. , .., 4,canti ,--or,ot simile coon,- gums xif vargin and exit nt ail wue 11* 7 r ithotteforo` `*lhat its colthection traik3bf thier vitlituattr siiunid be . . rati2ertittin primirry , itwilaiiiad, t .reter*iih.:3_,Thifir.Di,tesci. verkit 4)1 • - • - . ...„..,..ii,42„.- ;Na i l id -fraciffic • r: , 7. 17.411utt AO . :±.WAl...iiigr‘j: -;;F!". ''', ...:. t5...,,' . '.'' .... I.' ...iirebOOtif i t Or et# l l l .. Pl , :' . : : : ..., ... : . ..:, : c:_ ..:. ‘ - ' . ‘ ,:,:ri ..... ? „ 4 . - ' ,lOt .a.- .- ji i i . 4*.. !. .... r 4" , ..' Z- -; .7 ' ',. .:•; .... 1:7 ; ' , . ''''. ...!.lina : ' •.: '"!"'" , ,t0484._114-,:! 2 , M.P i r..._ s '.''' • f' ''' t. -'' . ii:Kri Vilgr '-..:..-..: . • -,';'...! . .." -- 1; t: • :111.441 .: •.• • • . ~. .- -.4-ef•O'-'!- 114t7 - • Vilik..lll#•- : . ,' S' itt' i ''''. , ' , . ° 4411 M).'ti .4 : 7 .' 1 5 _.• . - :le , ' ,•,..... 41,4161., • li ..,.... . ... 4 4, ;"! • -.. ~.!..tiat .•. • • - ,.....,1 ' •:. -7,....r77-17- , : . 7 . 4- -,-.... -'-. , ::,,,;..;,.-. .;., ~,•-:. sit • :,-,.- - ~..,.......-ii ....,,,,. ... •:, , ~" .;_...,.. .. • . _,..,. ~..•,.. I,l ' -.2." i ~i..;.. N. ' . '-- • ' . s: . • iir% il I • I.WA ~ K.•,..... •,• -..-:. ••• ..,/....7 •4, -.. • . - - .1 C.. ', lt, .. KJ ': i''.. . • g... '''. 1 1 . 460014 - `. 4- ''' ', .. •''' 15f ...• ora , • 1 . - ;:,: - ....., ...- 1 f .''-'''': '• ''' -i- ''''' --.Z :N . ,.;;; 47 ;;;; -‘.5 .. 7- 5 '42 :* . .. -. . ,, ,'.4 g-:'. ,: • : . i'.i.i-...-:.i'-'..'.!9;:'ii.''':?,, I trust;•° not necessary sa :45:ILLUILMIXI., 1111 - aim a...... 1 , . urgent indueetient promising popular fa yer will lead me tji disrepriiklinseli hts. 1 or to p • tis'eonftliitt pt, hich 1121• enc `,..- -. rßvett.i be eta , . • is :tow rAilitielit 1143614110 i r4t . * pi'Ot et t fati4git'irwitetriostittiti ' I iwu . We ain , ufforil 14 ti sit, liiitSio canuot ford ti, ('ri;rliink Owe' •N,, , 4 - A .. w „,' relef it s een' It is L l , wpurt ory pit to f _prominence to any subject, which may pi. , perlY be. regarded as- set:at rest by - the_ delikerati? judgment of the people.' Bet' while , the prese'fit litAilightl'iqith•P*Oftit4e.', and the future full of demaud antLinde-ce ment for the exercise of active In elli cence. the past can never be without use- ftil le.ssons of \ adminiitiohand ins( ruction. If its . dangers serve not as 'beacons, ..I.6tiygisirill.evisleilpfail,_lo..futol.4,29loo -, la 'eiiise de, - Lsigo,.. -; Whim the srive - skill - ;Ifi're ciacaloV6ii.zial wiiii ate nowiii4av *it-Mg' ill - Meit'iliri;l;ligat. idli'of,diiiy:llie 18 • * l'l4' le- 'ato - :. ' it'a year' 50 %%11. ,re ire 119 a pei (:i.. filled with,atixii'Ms apiiheUsioii. ', Asi ~ ,c -"Ce 'i'rti'i•h ad ssful . jUst . termielted.''' Pace: biotieht with it; a, just ungineuttdiciii 'ef t , , territory::'; pistirrlung questiUpS:' arose;" 1 ftearitig:upOn tile diiinestieinstitptiimil iif; one par; 0 , le e•as e lerac3. au, Mt cati lg ' - I. tt I '' r , li -i the cott.stit id iiiiiiil Jiglits of the Btateli-1 :13irt,„nOt‘Villistatidhig:41freilipteiii,f Opin-i ,ion Mitt S'ent,ireeliil . whi'ollll6ll eistddiii , l relatiOti io - details,aud'Af;;•.tii . fierrof , ,lsicing,f the acquies,ense <at diski:l4.ll , slied citizens whosederqtiohlo ih tliti ,, .:i Oil nut l ? tl., aouta4ii,ilis giv e n reilewe. .:igAle tO ; 9Ur, institutions; 4fid reoo . - :iFeofrepiise - and security :to the ii,ii'li c ,nand iliiliiigh: out the confederacy. • That'll - As fepl;Seis.l to su ff er no shock clurittiiiy , idlicial term,l 1 if I have the p?wer to avert. l it,thi4, who i r placed Me here 'May be , assured. Tho'l I wisdom of meri vlic knew whatiuepen;! ' deni.e cost,—wheliad put allut stake, up on the 1,,410 or 1110 'Levi il laic in!iry struggle —disposed of the subject to which I refer, in the -only way c0n5.,14•••:p.; with the titiiiin of: them: Stares,arid '. v. i::. the mat ch of power and prosperit y !which has made us what Ave are. It is'it- sig fifficiint • ka et , oat. from the ailop4Oti of tlie onstii iition until the of and sol diers f the Revolution had passed to), their '-g ves, or through the infirmi ries of age and Avouuds Inc ceased to pal tiei , ~.T pate actively in public affairs, there was.' not nic:My - atf a cquiesence in, - bill., prompt viiidiealion of the constituti" ll .l .itzlits of.the Stat, The reserved Tuil. : . .f 40 -- • arise( ispn - ioilig fj0i1ez . ,..:"9 0 7: log /14.041i1i , ot t .i t . - d in a - di au x.;: Insure race. .• te,lfirT , it • liwoota a v thit eal of *trnoiderat4 l. we Pk : sl!° , •- wR Vwltlte 3 .. getify the presuccrption,o44...t*. ... very - fedi 11:10A;$1.W ri t i or i di o nTat h ove ate, , vrill , 7 A i" Cl:Wilirli all i Min iffhth is i tivf.; t hroe feast the next half.: centst3r3 jui 14 ilea's:lds of perscgo 4ybo fire. Orelk , fi . eitillet4tniatesityritna AistieMOK '. l * -11 4-.4-A4L-. . , ofirrrit,, ~;..., !bs, Liitifitit'. *ltosaillitifik9f.l l , ~, ~',., '1 - ,•A ' 4o o 4daotr l oo/0 11 4 -4 11 P, .1 - :-•'' ..7 . -.. ",, . ' J i..-of : .' , • -, -:' -, ; —-- L, ' . -1, , ,,-...! 0 ..,,,,z.- . -.--., • -0 •,. 1: :'-• w t ... ~' . s - .:.-:-.= 1e.i..-Ifferf?l-:-.:..7.... .... ..-. ..,: ................i., REM esent - the:oe view, for 8111=1 tiearings i port all ittiipolit.ith 1 II , ti on to .are' ca t. .0 perform. pir'.— . • , our at of governs:nen lit ' mature. scale, in livi iluveloptneat, % T et % thuOas 6, within a futur ,iititi, ii.s . cercely to be bey I 1 , el • + • .. : ent 6/.. t (FOS t 1 ng generat ' 3 'ewe nt that a co vast and so varied, both' in in territorial extent, in hab teresiti, could only bet kept 11004 iIY be Viaest. Ada . , ciples of the constitution, , iby those who have adlievb lre , tricted conztxuctioo n by to tt 614 • !gtanted . , t ... _ple. Interpreted tend applied . .. 9 14 0 3iffftf&fitP. ... . '.: -. . :itself tiiiiii:l, - cilltb.l - C,lse is ,tiiT,liiiiilityiqf eetetkilni) . %lit tem - 4 ' i fetibi'aitve seiV . .. - Yvhich It is tiik-` glOrioui tin -tittlrttil l t eltari6r.r-; 446 t its',' I -doubted _ vigitanie,'"l*' ' _againsl. yieidingicillible. 'exercile 4 dtiutit fn "1:01 - tk s 'the' it iiiii,i;ftlie • twitit -tempo l. cW , 3tlie:ll( I '" The tititi , iintii4i,'ol 4 l;:cife T ‘' 1 '',.)' p - Al;li%Vjtg the Mita tic} al tint and efficient' -tat 'it 4 with the rest Of th 'tiffs rtl the-,rtle‘arid menin tit •• of our 'littie'rs'utttlet s-es bf the, Citititutrobil - de LI; vdee th ihe soverikn ' e if.ri .State. iatife -0- siiliiirdiniite 1 th cial relation to the rerii.e. till 'oni,.ctre, ro pot+ers -temporal icietl trait frinti tht of osor'coicst it itett jTi n provit thara, specti 3z; fitlebe In I riehsa t he . :. ft . ty' , -fbecOttie . . ir r let• ll :sti unger • and csear,r ,upon -us, as citiT:e s of, hosever id, St O es.'-to Cullivate a • titer . I and al -1 fecttot ate spirit., langua,g , as conduct,' in it Init° other States anti 'n:relation .tit - the varied interest 4, tirtat (loos and hahits.of . sentintentatitl , opinion ; Which' inSy r .- - Peetively r chat l iict rize i heM. - .1‘14- tun] ft rbnailince,, sespeci • anammielei•-„. 1 fearen ~n!uf.O..irlpeissonala4ion as citizens, and,at eitlarj,-e f l.eici:filse,f .the .. racist lib-1 - crar p igip,:insof. : , comity,. in - the :- Public 1 4raliti:sff stsa.teloll)l State, ' sti el, i -legisla i tjin or in. the ~,n.xectit jai,- .pi..14mr.4, , ~,,,.., t14,4i.p...,..t0......6,_....1 . 1:wrp . t1.,...0_- _ . t Ii nt . "(mg- :i fleece :add fraternity, the, decay. of 'Which •' a mete political timon,. pus() vast. „a settle, 'I could mit long survive. ~ ~ , , . ~ , „ In stik] p another pOint of view, is-an int; I portautractioal ditty suggested by 144 Coltsithsratifin of magnitude fOditnensifitis', - 1 to whicli-our political. system, with its cur - , re:ronakig. machinery of -government, iS 1 •SO rapidly ::expanding. With in - creased - 1 vigilanci: does it require us to cultivate ; - the ci t t dinal -virtue,' of: public 'frugality_ and official ititegriy and purity. Public ' 3 4 tlirs ought . to.b' •so :conducted-that a • settklnd convielion ihnithl pervade the en eiireflinton that no lung short oldie high- ;'ear standoff] , of 1 oldie's:morality marks 1 ieve ry 1 , 3 r t, of the dminist rat ion and leg-`I islet ion . of . the (General Government. l'lr 'll-the federal item,. whatever 111 e,ic •ogress , may give ''i t ,, , o-deeply rooted I of the 'p .fiple.l licit ii as . re-. I . front. corrupt gtmce-- that sin-',I good, which. will. ... to -arabovise , ii.t.L.— )rolects of private Ilie pretexts'' ! --- :ration, which, iii , . .. t f iguarus against. stns : incident - to' ~,in = the Bxenti teepittg.,watehful: , of all!.national :pC fill a . .. gance—While they are admitted elementa ry poiiticsit ditties, mail trail: be 'dimmed as ''ProPerly ad- I verted to and-urged, in view' of the more impressive: sense' cif That necessity ~,' which. is., - directly suggested by the consideration now presented.. 'II . ' . ..• -• -:, - . - . - - - Since thendio rtnnent of qmgress,t te -Vico Pi6sident o the 'United, States lias - p:igseti,tori - e i:l,ii , 2s - , ;: , ..'11es `of:eaitb, without bavioebUtei-ed 4 u ,si thedittiei of the Sta iiiiii, tp . wiiiCll 'h iyia- liee - ti -- cillea :by - ttie I? -voice of Gi'S - 'nkryirieit.'' - Havingoccn pif. f ], almost conti,JOoll4 Y, - for more than tidily years. a s se e in . one or - the ether. of the,tivo . houses - CO iiii . . isi; ' 'l6 d'ilaiini; by his . - sit4nlar Ir, -- uritte and; 'wisdmitise cured,ittfhinin44cotifidence'. :and uiiiver-. 'sal reipent,i)itigilitigliettlth was 'Watch. .e(113" the":' tiotilrith painful plicilude, it His loss it; ilia Count rv, under all'itt,i a i-, ... . . , , cu rn - 4t ati ces. liasi)en t justly ' regarild - a 4 rreparable. . 1 • • - -• •:. .. F...•, lu coniPtiancevivith the act orCongress la March 2,1853. :be. oath - 0f Olace.Yvits ~ ,_ . . gt f • ••• • •• 414 ipiUirb/ Fred .t.o : bi - m, ou, „2 - 4th - or ;bat -emTib; 1!_44140. ' 1 1 ,041i, P,Pai'.Nailum-rts - in the Islaud.,fte :Ctilatt ': Ain't.- - bis Strength gradually, f ineined. ancr,Wags 11 4r4TY Affifi u .tent. t weztai-delinl, to ietiiru to ,hi . a.l,Ume - rill •44.1 b, m," where, on the eighteenth. flay 1 .4 April its the most, 1 calm afid'. peaceful .way, his ; lung and nmitient3y us4ttl...circei . as tomtit:sit:J. 1 Entertaining ',unlimited .cetifidenceip • I our intelligent sci Patriotic devotienltO 'the publicintern , and beitig.,couseioun I.of no !attire's on niy- par& which are not• I,inie, parable fro the honor and ad*auee nit - -thent of thy cow try, ,I, bops' it • . Isny- R il liege to est' ri-e aud,,- secure, not , .1 4 , f dy.y ar cordial - cOoperation ''iti great 11-public eastires, but alas thoo relations lof putt f . tufiilerice anf regaril *Wel') it l ai - i s a i w - "6 Ai) "desirable .t - cultivate be tween. menibcia.of cAiordi.. .:brar!* - 4.if the overnment.,:-, --. -:3 .• - ' ''' • '': . 1 1.:-.., • • ',..- - : FRANK-lAN PIER ... II wittoion's D. C.,' Det44, 1853:„. ; -. , y wor viding fail tu cit the Ithe 'as now . of riar . Web it .. ; c e - t t ,: tdo ic lue • w ha s • :i433 alma Wilt • A ce e.-•,:Lio -.1.:4 1r : hdue 1:46Wi1ei5.7;42.4704:i7AAmi .C.Telilii ki ia: ..r.l l -,;-,a. e ri i i iti l:i i 1 , .. .W.WP 61 ,, A 1*!..1 ill v..: tik • :0 fot.T.::010 :it tiiiit; ye' bilk. , t - - W6r ' - ti raVitaisfivbeittihao t. -•-• . ' ri t . • ..-%>, I , ...: 7„ ..1.g 41. -71 ...; 1 ii ,t , tor ig . . ' 4 ' . . -.-- 5.n.,•.` 44'"'.... , , , , ~(,, , , f. i ,- •-th,.. •.' i e.! or •". ~,, „ .i t ',.. t, . , , be! Of ii i,. .• ~- _ ,-- ,''' ' -',;, • 1-: , , 1 ;if . r . g . 1....v . . -::.--; .. - !.1'.. :.,.. 4- ,• : •,:::::::: .i _. ll' ,' , -- ...- ,;: d ' .:-.'n ' s . ' ill - 4 'll '. -.,. : 17 ~." : I S ifli;. ' '. 1 :.. 4.:::Wept-f1..,';<:.".2.2- ..-..,....' , .. , , ' . • :',' numbers and ts.A; l 4::-InjP7. - ttitiot - titt "co-_ IL ,o= a`rititi: -to -the most ROMS 4 t eAk4.OlO lactor ing to pikti z iaai d lrennin tii tiihtiiiVg '(.-)1' • tklist.' pto rot' !if the i 0 , S brioiieidea Hl, - *A• 11:1 4111 ;al verarnern,; • etio,is in our; r genendelati- spint ,f at tight ansl: dis-po • Stateivf: into it • i else - OribUt re- Ceited -generous con • , • n perpet uatuin:a )I)6ll . 9l,V:ind g -, to (loci: ke trcuperoas. a cr ie . cnnditi~iii , iif the atia‘t t rike • nal-lona] 19ture,a0 t considers- 1 . dutior:we Heretofore b • rk MUS •ar a lia . keg .',ll r - 1 4 unaerstoo • - MONTROSE, PENN'A. Mitscithig,iletvilp; 18534 • ..,&-.•:isseesv . ' One:Dollar and SRr cents pet-annum tail *ctn. - alto &dunes. ; twoahfs.if paid within.oll3.year., . - Y- . lWo"pollara,stui fifty Totopot, 0- fprAte,ezoiiiticn or the year. ° 1 ,!• • . brig%) sittigcfpfion`'w I p biPertiOtted-to rontant' longettUa'tow years: • ; A)iaeolgimulticeir optional with thiputiliOte!,.till atl arrestsges are ! • , . • • , - • 0-MT" Or ivpi74wris 4 ; sl P - _ §pf.ol l3 a! ?de wee 4 • . o te,3o each iut lent Busmen Dolls ppranown, with paper; -ifs: it,oo -° liberall , tande , toyearly adtreftisel* "... r CO.lttrig ~.Pu! fitt le, has .yet .s ,teeii a<iue con gcess# besides pq,anizing the two .1-toOs ' l liithe:Senate; on . ' 'Ronda3r . last; Mr. Se,A s va,l.l,,itie no'ficeiiir bill ' to aid 'the ''.,..iittief New ,Ycirk l ' constructing "a -Ship, Canal around the Fulls . of Niagara. Stiveraf petitionepir -cheep postage were 'presented. ' •Ikir. Cass, • offered...a resole= tion, calling upon the l!re'Sident t 6 trattaz mit to the Senate the cor,resPonen ce relative to certain treaties:ntade at Wash , , liigt tin between the :British Groverument - 1 1. thc'linited States, which SCi3 amen. A;(1 by Mr. cia S to n and „adoptiid. tills wet°. introduced , ( or, grunting lauds, to rn Irittisiana, Cilifo tt, - .aml lowa, in aid of 'railroads in those States . t l i'iti;Llouse Of, Representatives, - Mr. .Gertlit Smith iirescu;cd a petiticnt . from Ale New rorkftemperaate Alliance, a-,-k- 1 tug Ciingress -to take action for the sup )I4i,ionof intoxicating drinks:in the Dis- L I trict i of C.,',”tutiibia--.lald ire.r._ , 11ti;,C)1?b introduced the-Ilomestead 13i11--refer24d to eel-it-mitt ce - Ott r ut,u,..---I..f.litls. •111 r. Wentworth 'and '!A r. Wrasliburit;uf 1111- ,bois._ offered- resillutio:l.l_, affir ruing ihe power of Congress to construct ruilruos through . the territories of the United_ States for - facilitating transportation of troops &c., Mr. Jones of Tenn., moved [to lay, the resolutions on the . table, pen !. ding which the House adjourned. - .0n Thursday evening . 'of last week, in Eric Railroaa.e.mie'rant irain_iiiingiivest' and au express, train :going Epst„ we a driven into each `other at a curve abo t three milei f roM;JertherCity: The :Flit , ; I,rineers seeing the ipmpleticech tine era it, jumped ono .sersor4 and escaped unb rt r} 3 bur t howconductiar of the , expresi t . in was io-mewhat injured, a brakeman h d u. ; 341 his nkle ent •off, and bas si ee di i ;• v . e. f the passengers wer e so: ' riouSly ,tej . "tba,t llicit - reFtfrerr • 23 : ' e i 1 and wovtlier persoes were bur ; :but not 1. dart ei 4 eiraly'. - The viole nce of theshock , _ hat the leComutiveg wer e bre- Atis t l ld. ct ~ . ~ kenllfia tlie ferviraill ears fercediato each other and crushed to . piecel. ~ -. The accident Ircises froin the reckless nelia of Me. Ilreer„ the Canidueter of the _emigrant ,i,rein f ttothe, after being delayed, ventured when t le express ,train was due. 4_ r • F The Late. Colli4iou. lOW Publicadousi- . . . . ' Arkliiiiiitii i ikeirPriscip4s and :Appli catieins.'"' ttliied by OL 13 IVER vast .=The L.. ~ . . prograsA 9(3.l.9chtlical,,nrti in dirs . : IWn- - :try , aflate,yirrs,:bas; attaitwil , a ,tiegre.p of perfection - e.w/ vrtieticatt applwattpb, IT~3iCfl-,~TCi)dl crymath as' colliiig, ry ko4 Prictical , istP I P44T have becat th;viork .ikilltill;4l- ,y ,,... sicelsnd , ::::Mbentettcal vitiation,: may remedy 0 1 , 3 - 41 V-fict- ' : ; . :. -i t : . !1i& bee*: will enable the wortiliAman . - M i dtbOnieptivedortheatievelidgadtagea. .10 't!citiiii:d:ol ininelfilei iif Meebanis; and; linW tP,dfiT!Y theilar'9 Prlkaic4l'l'44*!'' even wilt 11 mi - glarlOA Eng l4 4_educi4k in, To ibis end; tbe ~ Publiihems have induced " tbe'eelebiatid9liver BY the ' , wile, in I d ditipn to :tle 'ropittpifien acqdirea. ity, En -.;4;ief by i4,Aii,l4 4414. 4:4:.4, 17011 ad th e .production Or numerous ; and :eietglited • Mitbeinetii*und'iinehanimd.werki; has, ' alsO . ;'in ti 4 eidntil,;beionte Widely known by I* great liii!iling;,' ,iil3 !tlie Diglotiavj''' of Mullions. Meohinia, gue•*c!ric,; and - -- Engineeiing;;sidd ilia 'Pocket ICompanion, ferlticblointiNentino*Onafaginea n h' tOlvi-iii4bd Aleitig / Mitie; - ifi' , tie.4•ill ;;.intillafti: iiiir . -'ll - filitW`'itilel ) The: -w .. k is tieti‘ifoili4 lip,,ois:geOd Orier, lien .f. ,Iyiviuted ;1444,g 01 4 1 5i0s 440er? - iidsiildti' Was; - Pricela.eintn— , -Mew .'Y'4irk;E, pi. . t rat I:o4v4iitket); , 4oliancr tigi• - •g i ii i ,,,,k:, = ~.(,-, •• - • : :... 1.4,t , ...,. 7 47 7 , ' 7• .. i , .; : 4 ',.: 7.,. ', t -ZA t V. 't 4 ', :,. • 7, , 1: t L ' (Inde,4*.iii4l4 :-, '.', ' : : • ` l4° Y. lOll - 4 9 ', 1 , iiiii!iithLf.lbeitittOort '. :0 1 eri , . • ' c '.- i i i iiii4 i filit xvottio; and , et Wit : 0t0 , , ,, sql;V*l4l4iii*# ::‘.,-:•. E. ''nietter. is alkeihii44lntimt. fXS : ..,,i -. 4 ). ' ittiriatvor. beanqui 1, , , a. 4 4 4 - Ifitili * 144 - 4tifidikip , s' , , iit• . they . '''''-• • - • * ' -4 ;-.4},-.;',...l`Ntiv-In7VW:-A4..:7; t_ ii -kg ;; 4 1 4. .° 't f i lVE*W It 4" ) lu NY,- 7 11 ~M *OWlle,l‘ ' 1 ' .10 31 11414 M PWOMA S P ..4 4 .l A r ti . t irttAiiiitit; l 4 ,o*(ei i iWt l 4 .4olll 4T l S :4 VI ;? - ;_):11".:. .ii'..111. 1 4-.5%.!5,-.:-T.i --- 3-ipkzit- - 4 -.:: -f, - ;,.-_,., t ... - .:, , . k„i5, , ; , ...- -,.,-,-,., EZEMEI . B k, and one Jo of the Register,ono . ti•rintt(f. 1:-.w*t!At'7-7At's--t-'Pra • rhe La / dies' WI-ea/h.:foe December, on rserrertely c ep re • and itm 'me rWi t piatilePtte4 e teiga--; . 00 - AI B' pr4-;&' *lei i a ill r l ;u 10 - T ito ,j 101• ' uce Newiletki ; t . : il . ; t 4. -:: , 1 ii s i 11 ."• t Eiti' ihe j'iough,- Ike ? 'aug/he ApviL .: , w... ,, .. ~ , t . .4 , .1 . _..., A . 011 be plCatuaret wt, t 'ltfttpmh we greeted the '.-appearance Of this, exCelliantbly ma ur table, we can Only account for on I 4 . 4 . s , . ositioul,t hat 4'• s ' • L 4 la 4, . •J,../ ., , Ji .. . - . '','l' *--- , r i -; 4 AbSents sur friends become more dear,' 'And prize. !Ire highly than when near;' • •Tiiett - wo- long in' nibs we bed watched fur I- .- 1 ' - - its.corning,,in Tat . . The December num , ber,,pte4e9ts.t!B l l. , ,t/Pnel t f4cB:aof., old atiaqui!.e disarms u. of our suspicitins .S: '' . i i --- •' 4 - ib' ' 0 wilful ueg c, in uci •• r . li ef that thelion-reoeipt. of ,the t, ctober t -alla Niiieruber, onnibers wits ace. ental.-,-;• Should the Mi4iing numbers '; yet me to - band 'Weabali restore OP' vkirli toit'fn?- , mer.bigh plac _in our .regrads. Ter s per. gib num. 0 1 a copy 634-i,wo cripivr 3 s44. five eopies..slol.i . ten -,copiesi - 'as: , Myrna i Finds, Piiblishor,lS'O. 9; Spruee. Si; Ntvir' 1 I, i i. k ; r l t - . •- • - . I. __ .. ,-. , ... ..- •,!...". , , 1 i 1 -.. liidekerboeker .illagazinc.,--Tire mini - I •bet tor Janipity, 1..i:)4, begins the Corti/ . I third, volume Of tids`rieleetable 11Ingaiiite• lbcprice 9f the h. - ilickerbooker.has 'been lowereiltfibuil, ixit3,-. and stze...),#- .. O axe -creased. by tli a 1 . 101141 C pagesineaeh ':iiM - nber, wliii its 'quality. -tit :leaSt suffers . i iodteriarati ti. •:.k).riew t.nry. by - tlie rioting of tbe`Attorney, , commences,` fit Jim Decembe nurnher_ .1 , itz dreee,A - I,_l- I lick, 'Rev. F.i I& .•..Sbelton, Ik Marvel, a d ti host of celebrities' beside.i; will continne to adorn its pages With their. prodUctions. IThe , ilor S I a I r ,mites to e ru. :„, ' 'E rt - 'IT Id cant: b ll l- did obtindantly supplied . .S 4 a year, t I,„ I - copies _fors .. five copies and upwar9s, i 2, each. iarnueL ;--......... l Hi - lesion, Publisher, • 1',39 NT Nassau Si' ...v York? : ' i 1. • —lt is Ti for ta. ' 1. I - ; - J , , 'G,eneral Armspvng, ' - of I tli,-.1 Wash fkn g told Union, lifts ben elected .'pritaterlo' the lialike qf Represetitatives. , - ... • I I ..' -i !. —ltle Cincintmti ITU npart-u, .14., ‘..Wltv ii the PeneteOliary like ttle.liii.gloin u! 11:',...ti cent - ii4cat6e C.:w . 'ri.lll - tu. , ...4 enter 1..1!.re:•.' —A larve ma) nitv of 'Con 4ress, is un stood, to be distinctly and.rcwititely opf) r to life apprOriation. of_ public money iu at of steam-ship' • '1 . there, is profit. ' b j• who reap; it: . I re.r k l t pnntm g ttq, e wits utitmowal, when titat. idea Wai ted. I • • ' • Aarlq, a turn 46,03 t'n. &,000 lll bOits.nts; S%riiz-a.riatid, the 116.0. es taiits and cathoraz havu but one Church . . - They abare it pe aceablyi words are - like hitilstpnes 'in sum mer. which if melted,' %Timid fer ilize= the ten - &flaunts tb'ey batter ' —Nnw -Albany, Indiana, a fasi -city.-- sixteen.tundr.4.l and forty buildings ;have _bearLereng.4 tl,4e,re,within the past year. t tokao4. ~ r in• iecturem, . recommended to his heaix-rs never to dispute with a women ; net-er challenge a hotel keep- ;1 tis chargesq and never . to,Austrel eith au editta. • ; •--. 'James !nuking; a 'fetir jai the far Welt, probably to 'collect Material for future romances.. It sup•iiosea that list next.."two,horeeme" . will i 0 the . Siouxl,, tribe; "'' --t „ ' eruptioner fire .1t9.4 ihtv,aj froth Monntßarker t one of the vsts;a4o - 4,4nge eiblefintairir in Oregon, took .pli,tco win ter: -Thini .of lisvinv(live',•-ioluiti l 'O - --. - a regular -Vei,uvius'' pro Jug-up out The Newbur estlinatett that the uumberof reng' minded women is`ou the iiiCre 'n Nstori.' Its opiniOn foun ded tip° tiie dozen cases' lately= befori' the 'ourt,wherewives gaetheir.liusbatidi thraShinp:' • . - —The following statistiashow the str DWI _ef the Uriiiensakia denomination - in thel Uni ted States at the 'pi e:Feut titer -40076 - o'- eties; 937 liotises of worshipi 652 . preaebet:, 20, periodits ; 10 acndernies, or schools; 119 soeiethA,.; t college.! • - . 1--rir&ident-Pleree - recmtly . wrote toitolm yal-'l3itrettlot an esidanation Cot the efeut Of-thetefuiin - N.Y ,State.. John repliedj that the defeat was'. attrihittableto the taet: that th 4 hada gova majority of thevotgs. . iJohn is'teothfnl'forOnce. _ • -410 tullowin'g;i4,.ey,plose'cl to • ,hie ..t N ni*,of newspapers Attltrt i& i cal,t 4 _ lll- SOlin; 1 101 t 1, .Nitua44; 30 lei opin' Itti4 :Iyand, 94terfilenkiitqic States, 500 ' Greittißrit-' sitti Watid; -'and 1 ; 800 ill tilt' qiiiotl States. ; ' ..". .. ~ . --4...iratrum has been tried .1R Virginia frii'teectiing,ttregro . illildrin to readil.itt , vio lation ofithe !statute and egainst .. the.peado Of the cOntintontrialtti. , - Sherwaiined •-oue dol lar, - andleintenced to - six Months ,ittipriion-: merit ! Itiii'lloped tha t the :ifotheirof-Pres iel 'Ants tbaConatitatior'' and the IllorionsUni oni are ia:t kafe. . -t;, ... 1 . , • - - -;* , 4t.4 1 , 4 1. irish exiles .. three, 51.iiiix . . Mea gher* 0 pouolitte, and Mitchell—haVit.'tnide . : their Lincl'aie 110 . 7e70) American Sift' ;' 1 4 1 ree re it lif...Visk,.)Xe Rittifii Lind, ''V ‘ is.: ,Wijr; ' ,, LEicuilkiiOll.4tfil'oliti V.lirtid'iliCer.' Ty* 2 - ' . A i rfOhfitifk ,- : chili ripit,MP., Mit;! leilef.4 - fiVeitt na,tirozeiciikiitlf he 411. e . . .*: 016 '1 16 :; ' 00.4'**' :1 10 i;j l i*NrP ( ' yr-g1e.,10F14 to :1 'i fi t`: 1L.... , --= -- : ,, : ,....z r ,A... :4: .,,... . ... -,,, - , „. ~ . ..,.. -:;„-si.e.f*opillatiie ile•tintry;" Omni on!y **PiSfoitollie; at*lbn.t4erOrzto 1 0-,!I 'k:riii thiii mason 44, -*quentis , $44:00: pit ;afrOnt' bliiotildibtdokiiikSm* -s o mA ki st vircluiistano4o - ;ahusi.eisof our 1 theAtOvathttlisit town i:tra - vie:fi iiit Shanghai foirliir and. imithi.,:!--vv,-,1 itmerstana tbstAnlb: ; 1- . -':' . `i . ,l,(;kol4liisr: i 1 Sirh ' eatiP;*whif:ll . w:lieneint4oo44lo l V, 144 :`-' ', bflutnee#l4 ole'ltorinii*r: ', -.,-: ' 3 . Ilit iiik 4 it..., „....14: - sind ..,ogr, ....., -, ~ . ~., ~i- 4 ,.. ,_ . „_:„. _-. t c. / 40 ' ' 11 ' 4 ,14 11. 'ST I LL , '" ', - 4 ,„ 1, ,Ti - , t 11100 ' ' APC l ltt i .rt ',l ;zu s o " 11 . 4 41 4 iiiigi ' tijilk i ' ' - it - 4iell.' I #l - I ,"_ '. ' l , 1 11 1 " *i 'Ote t ' - ditt4.lWrOiliii 'llO. t , :!i;P-=- if-P*, , 4 ,- - ;i: , :-I. 4: 4 %. - - s4 ilk_ , ... , E`t - ''-' , ' - • '.l .", : -I.' •• _ ... ~ -. ~ -IJ --..'...,:', : , 'T. , `- • 4._.;:..,- - ::: : j.,,4 ,.. .':", ...t:4'.+:l its 3,lntioug. 014 (iiive . nor -Foote,l'o Feel to eu,iigratA: to Goal _ _.... - - _,' I ' . Dar. ' . Itisurej.. I ;iiarPer-4 5 cBrli.tV..grft$ 1 , 4 o.o,o0cf 52 00 . 000 : - CoQii)go.& Brother , -100,000 `. lifiii,iiiie = A. Howell,.. 1 ; ~...; _ : 2,090, 2,000 A. Dougherty - - - :12,000 ::•' 12 000 .- 1' Shiiiii -.- -- - --* -..1,50 0 ' • ', - - „ - - 1,500 pet. ..0 jev th e toreigh . l ierrat, 4 ( '-- ,41 6. 2 O - Afi010"1_ 1 , 4 8090 , the 'Council of the . 6,t0t00 of Ticino h 11 , 4- kiitr i Nt .. ltri . " — fjc;, -11.500tritst,o . . irga/. cided by . A majority of 90 to 11, to (rive ou t: WITI, W. Th yer, _ -.--. 6000 I.ltti'reattfeofterafittiPAtfteer,trtitt'FAVV_ ..!.'"'"l,2;OEXt, froth .14.40 , Naggi.0re?,,0 Lu,kgic°P*t'f'....4illl,4i :s r; /C-41 4tikl; 1 .1. , -itryfi t riPo ff i..: 1,500 i F s , quite tile gies)poßtAue.iiue;Fitht4ut ; 94 - _,QNFA-7 J. Mica ,s9e:' - - '-'' --"' ' o ' .. t;uotrx•l' .. 2,000 *Neil/WY-It:- i t.....;:- .1 , .:• 4 2 rt. 4- i 3; i l k li : . I.V. aJ , 1 4,-, l‘) q -` i n d ; 1 Y. % . 3,000 - 3,000 This- tunnel viill_l;a,eil:get Englii.ik /dile& ' l.l..l36 rown; i ' 4 l.''''''' ''""' '-: : s . :"2",600i - AW; .1. i •-,24,9l9otriet:res-t-44,1c:xiilti, iiiii,:i;,..2t4." -2,;:b -No.yland.&- Witliam;;•••'-''''' , l3o9lr -, 1,!.....!-.4 .sipi iililtPd*4'l&l44i4ioi„-!itt-y-'o4"i'..4;:ul;.elo'i-11.Frecle#F.k';"H+itiell-1"- ~-1490(F--;„1-1!, IP , lul ,deFT-1 1 4-zi- . ' yli- !,_, ~-:.,i ~,,,,!:1 , , - 1 . ' 1.14 )3WeW11f . -° 1 134 8- :is - c-C ;fr::;10;0600i. ~ ,,,,T7 ~ - ..Zz-:.......... ..-; :. "Thiil6lllsVille Tiftleilittli cz qifeAtiwi- ~.,,f :. , i ntr il l t.;:_,.. \ ..,..-," :,;, •RA viire!- I sublinutilieliiii. tile , 'lliq'beitiliti:eetiet - ;-:.—N l , :-..r:fr . r ibun -:; ;, ' ;:;!" - 7.,'", - , - , ° !_ r : ) . °l° ,, a . . 31:4° ,!Q -.i•-• • • .., • ... ••• ., 1. , - ..,--:--1 \ftpe wf:B6. 1.; 1 Gt " Il ' s i ' the - 01 13 '''fiverv . iit '' • -,- - ... ••:,.....—.-,.,.... , „ „ . . n w ir - kJ* .... ~ ri • , F .Cr.„, ....., ... V.V.*, ....... .- t" . .- -.. ..n.?..:: --" t..,,. le l t tiii ''' 'ik ft thii'''ciniyr:tilitiutiilated t,-, sums; THE GA**9.: 1 1'4014•=4,114 gt P,10! Were table - yet laud: tliti'NeAvi - Orlearis 6i.titAitteLy, 4itie‘ta, prernitwq..pqaAtian ,and' gliio 7 ntici'Newl 0.j.1 atur difil'iSt. Utils 1 in l the,Stot !. :. INeNviutl,, k ,•,., rxmommul . lities, 'have nOw new ealgeiViiecil,SW 00 Ton - ' ll .4tg:o n 'no " 91. 4 1e 4Pk iti*-V4h*b bet • nevtee and 4:Thios, , ,itt-,iPailutalf,' lificr 4 !)fitoSs . 1 / 4 ;114'0114 rinn(tiencidaYPYlA 4 0" - figeefn. ' i liie:Mississipiii, at/ e3fthe Girrir4eienchn4 Mei.: 14;.fi)f.g44. 'UnTellennYfigl l 3t o ;guit* l 4 1 iritniti,'eiglitoeift7.4lealioNfi-OtL toUis;;-beside.4 1 afteriiprAY p5•44.-=.f-riqncl*AP: ' l ogliAlt* - ' i -i . eiekii - 1 - • ' i = - AU' erf.tkmint ixt-111iff,01 kJ-- Tit rlb , 1- moil . 4 ! fur t Ot 4009joeats... VanimfflOgg arc imprOtonetrtertri4l3lalktidlo4d in ' ,uilon-1114,in 3t.,41i . 0,,n,: t t1ie,-:Aib', gni*, s _ crossing thadit:ltifsti :Arnie; 1401110 111.7,reatly 1 - ciltitaias 7 .0 . p, Axcelleni-,:rateark#,,,,ifiyra _ -faeilitaie the tranWiiet'Sinti4l n i l ., :and 1 Avbieli wAii*•troct.:What,fn!ltMitri ;‘ , '',l-1 .prevont interruption: , ::c* ' .. • !.., : . , , t- ~ -1,. .:13y.-ir t z* 110(0 . 1 . ,.perverstor.o, bump na• ..- '- :' -,---" ~j -" •• -•r , - - l i fi- ' t turgi..thuTa bler:Rf etits.aFf .4 1 1"-,a0 ...e,. s . -- II arn 6 turs' i 5 gr°7 1 Pa*,..,Y ( 7.)." . ri t t',.! :4'. , _., i f„,..4 0 ,-.+l,nr n „... ; „thcsr.gazipot <tie collecteit ilka and if it''Oritlnues to'inefeas in Pf,pulotion 1:. .K”-''.._ i .- "... --- i` ;--' -- ' f ,,; . ' 'n: tu - ' - • • •• .. ,-.- ..J. -, .., -- , t. ,,: . • ; t1 LeouTG- 0/,-ItevY;%*(4llll-ere FP - , ..-4gambler fov reais)onmer it, Win, 'll tIPP.Ps 43 cc?" 9 ` E - ' - ' . 41; 41 ,itton - - `..1 P 't . ... .. q '' •1 — I :i t : fe4lsbitplegjamtnrA..) , frun Mk Ray . .. With 11OarlinLi auil_Laitim4ter (Jr t ,I *-* • nv'e t IT . ' l l ;',. a 1, , ,-Jud • F h - .41 nuritbe'rAfb,lual'iita . :;i4: lt li4-' l l - 6`ir;it ,' is s p ai4f. 1 r 4.1- - a . v i' - ' , ' -u-,- -9u - t- - 6 :.-'. -4.134-1- ' IIIM-- • 4' • P 11" 4 ' ' " ." .' ' Jan: ' i 000 - - tia ii all the se JO It , ' he‘:•o4 ) P ,418'4,111f4.M4r-g -a.porulatipti of iliore; 1, Y Y - ;3 l :_i'' ~11- nit as a fru .tkuil:itio, Avpiktatio*Att-.. 11 51111 nntr, the last suinnier :tiii full: tur li o., - , '7 .. ite-..,a, - t ' 1 1d • %-t" r! 1 - '4 ' Vo:rily, tilis-jis / It `Xydritl :of .oeausj4enc.Te.i. ~out two Jun( ro su , :fp, la , • we..iinz::•er ! ..c.- „ ' . , , -., . ~ , .-, ))14 ,--. 1 L i .` :" ' `'i.. -,, v . er e. t _ ].11tc.ce100rateu.u.e.%:.0, , ...5an.:,..p ye Tit - te. d there:' 'Sony.. gen itucti ar,.. i9,...-.., ', fui . 11,i. he. „,,-, vlnunt; , l , l f a O TA all, , ; :a 44 l , 4 w it ills a 1 41 -,q, matattlifitory foi rtlhrof@,ear;s, t. , t - T., - ~ - C•i. • --) ... - •••• : 7' ' t -1.....: i , 1 dent; beeatti.-43;00qtre,.4 , , -a' t ..I,e, h onor. - 104 4 ' tily,pace , i.l. •k.h-ta ro.vout. vr..4114 ,ert.c 3 .-. - • , . . . , ,_ , ~...., ..L . • ~ , Z •, -• • : - 1 ''' laito nog waitron: l 4Y clic?. T: 4 • 10 •P.u.. ' , tug'. 3 1 • - - •1- , f: •:' ' 4 . t.-botit, .Injuitice.-041- rgerl'..'eq.ctibreaell,_ ' -I : si. • - - '. ; ' ',._.•• i . ; ~ lof trust, aru , nll-- e. mitt In --. ! - iiiiiiiii!iii.Caa lin gr iti0n: , ,,,, - ., !./- 4 , t ,,,i,L t . ecfhi , d .t - .I-. -. 0 •a , r • WS NI gambitun- he At-1 o'clock-in-the :alteration - ...tito.eity '• ''• •••'' ' •- - e l • •• 1;1. 11411un i d:other liell4 thronahoet the Cr . 1 t)r. ' E"e'fr°lz."e4"4 game ''i*e"*"4ll-' . . 0, - PY s' • the' mind Mani' s - kit ,of '—'• ' raThi.',forth an s alarni 'furl lia seventh'l:l '\ • • • 9 ' 1) ' •• A'81111)437 ' *1111-•• "' 4 ` .., b . - Is - i- tucr , -reaseirjattel itcticrinet i•' cl'' . • ' - tiro and - in a-few iniements. titer ear; ee :a. ' ' '-' 1." . .- `'. P 1 ' 'l3ll-11. C .945CF. t datis , o tri . nkel iliight , ,have . ,,heew;e . en ,rhaii , ,, , i ence, ,to rile .rer-whentalffortnue. - ..4lint ihel citi t.rt ii ii iTua d nib i in d k,, , himseltastfe-at:the , ,ganyi of ' 1 ttp. frorn the .eastern scale/fiver - . 1 appareml,:t mear thil.tiVeti f 'bOtitite - 4•6 1.1. e. .ek - t Eu . tz t a i l i t . ,' ; 11 T i r_ u u ' it sl', 4l4l ,_ l " 4 - 61 PoY'LL a g ne man and: Frarckfeit Eta.. Wicti; 'the fit';:. - 2-r i ' l " - 914 , 3 "*± ,-1 ., !!'aol-a• 4[.a —' ......„... n a o f-ibo A b 'II ...t_,_ ~... .•• : • . }.,miner'- .. ::: 7.,r: , %1. - 1-,.; •,•-,. !,-, afsi ~ ~,,.• •, I .. , LAT , ~ Liu . air '14910.- et amen vero. ' ...- .i - _ ~..-=-= , .....2 .. -- ; .. • on tlia'nter, anci . :ll6 curieUs - toinpCitiea. .. M w itbi; • l"-Iliiiia4piii . a it,;•z.ii;fiiic''atf . •lit•-: '',vitilthitgr"a" pliant iitS; , Bo •- pearect. , ..iiF e v el: ci •. 4de •• • - •••••• ' '''' ' -7 - ''''' t• '-' 1 the,,, ;City,,.. na. Y ' - Pk- '..- n;‘ , l)sVer ,, ltAs Cl4sg 4 a s-r l3 l l x 4l = •• °f street in_ the lower nart . of •Prasieent . ilktree'A Acirakistration, .A 3 fail ' • ving• i.,lpidi-Y to%'vaid tbel:ieene"Of .. " 4 1 •- . , - ,grarton, io'tue ex."tensive , pohlkation . es- qs It- bas gfme•: ..• -; - . ~ ' -;‘,. a . ta WI shment Ofiiii•per & -Braileti-friaca.. • . Ttiii& C ; tr4te :Ka riiiiiiit-raiic;er; r .1) r iii ai ed in-dill' slid' kearl-sta. - tianti-FatT.l:ilt. 41ii'l l Vergef t - wiii - dti.' heicnriviths:' a f pi-orn-, J'he ttevira fiprea"ct _With: litlliSlil t - It. piunir • i's.e t - diti',!).:lliiiii,Aia?•6•-en'tinCiiiiirt thrOtic;hotit-tliet'ify t 1 at •IF ' ' . • ' - - ~fled I 2 iitire -" qiit,il '' ' ' '''. "- ' . . 'an' i • it. cl . . . I. • d rperti- - - pub- ~.,.;,- , . : , ~.. ~q- 41 ,, ,isu:rgst an ,tt a s tithing. kutisa as en ' , fire; calling. cifTeth.l,,,,M..On' 4/X k.6 _... pi'lYed ' litAinki:-54:41)ie high _fir : al Most. inifatitaiteetmlY . iin • , ..'inttirense fr 1 ,-teisco; 1 • 4 1 ( ifoili,iO*,:ii•Ot s ' l 'iaS been lit- -', erov.-dpf ekcite.rl people: Cliffist froru ' -c°4'Plish . ei l ; ' • Sri i iii 4 'ffiitiiltis' 69 'beea 1, ral:ktbet at. ion the north to - Ileelciri:tii - on t sca.nealensq neglected,-. -•encl! tbe. R to9 i. , The gisutb. 41)1 Frenklitv-sqUare,-.We'rei fi)i- I 'dP.Ot. • a t zt(l 'Cob?. henti-liaN L ei• nt . ' thitii , wiloli, • , c7(l motli the titiost compact tnasel et -..xcsi- 1 th indf. tlit•h6 ti.4 : (•°f 'ILI - : Pillqx - "frie e 'a r id 1 t eck ma, swayhtg!pectators,-;efer- caltec....•.''oP'lll;"'"mi4lllg,-.'iociil `cat, tee : -, Nor;t6n, ' W tett t first ~- .-iee Urlietrthia -6 'Willietise, for Tio soon- " The fi re h was a first cliscovßiect, .on,, the t'T.J.'' 11i"4 566 •,_ 11 0 - dtbabi.iria .., Thaatedieu , Cia-st. , iigrt . 0u.,0i . , the , estgblisiinieut. - account of t he-;-ileistandsj `of ' The origiu,of,th.e fire ,ita5,:.. 4 19 - ..,, lii ki e ' 4 , t,, o f ,'ibeae liarty .iiiClA,.`tif.t.. - ticit'llicliaimt t a an ; nnimuut numbe r , -pf ramor4 i i iticlutliw; I il a tt • Will- A o6 l r; ' l iia t tir 4i6 A ti f i rt 446 , -' - - ' , I jj e .. s 'that'tbey -iityn - ackiiiiiviticladthinitelysit, I the Oxplosion j orone of the_ et eam : hoilers ; , -, - used - in the. • abliShment..but"i -ttat, the sbives OffactiOWtmil-ciliity .- - lir vAti urit3•of t.ho p. prOtors nfthe,,.t,eoneern ,to ' ll i . git - s I s iTer Yi, will ' flue te'!he'perinnuabcts e f '''' h 4 1 92 4 . 2 fi h.V. CalliPlA"M;er... - i , ,J.,i. : .11.'..egtinti'i_iatiotitdtitito-oteff, ti-ioneas It. seems_ at ti a, phkepeF.4w4".,yras,_,ai any • •pplitical,ditid'Ory teinaitts-!'foritten tArPrk in the I mtp,r pawqg,4p 4uilfiitli, pi_ 1 - ,n do.- the:pcijnieg',geni4f reonvots_ l i*, rangii*49., 0... ,wa . tar,,,,,pipedi ji g h te d a t *ill - rure'd , ro..-tiiiir , filificei:itlie butOness- - pice,,ol-ptipOr;•,for the,porpose,.. or ii g h t . 1 'oeyllive - . , i6fa , eetifidect . impnitantlivo-- - i :tug his ; ciga r, pc, pipe. whicli ; liaving i 0 cfpg, jeet a. lie elnici befiiiiit' 1 ti . 4 . -: -, ivilieli* Will-4144 he:earelessly..threW: tato burning?, parkezill: .bide.the titre Of these__ eitOttia . ersteiflets • to a vessel euntaioing-9mphene„. the man 'Who AveakiSr . giti;f4E-tTietliiyik.c'b 'le? supposingit wasilvAei; . 111•41 a jesiani the : . '' ''.. '''-- liquid was ilia ,Illizv,:i -. ! tl 4 e. fl ames cfnn mu . -' ' . ..A.` S. ilkaomnr.i•RicEtrr,--Tbe Tanis- ttioated,lto a, Ibitt pargtiOn E burniklg . dirt'' mg' frol.O.' t hie, Germantown . .TelegrisPh , into a-srnall ipartmet,whoro,Vitas. , k.ept , - a , may b e,'"','7 .k "'" - t . ''''" ''...: •'• ' '''' ''. ' . g. :- • -considerable quitniSis. ,:nt,-ClLEllithellei, ttii '-,,,.lt4,ll.(lnnf,t'',.r.liaril:. -Una. lof• - • die , beat;eleatting the . •rollet4 'of --tl"26.4e4tjetilliq•itie •citunty':zifFhthi forinting,prises. ~;..3.4 414hi-i.14 - itt2tis,....,rniitri .... ,,. 41; 1 1 i hia • * ,., t1461CIDIP A .." ~,_;-. i t, 21413 ..- r ip 1 / ' a " the ''' 64- vi . ras - ,insta , l4l . loove l y , i 4• / .. 4 .., :a. mi z 41.,.. au d,i4e , stow trig •I eciviror . vonuerang , • lathwhich flames! we're carried b Abee t t r ottiArmoiii ‘ .444l°b( O ile -- * .(sl i - C-h.lirl estnit,ivil,whi c h through - thu- 1 / 2 !iirA -2- st :mut lipeninaor : i ldsk.S . .....'ruP;i t r 'irullort 2 iiP 'advrilitagf 2 i • the- liambwail.fitlM . ja 9 civgry-sicity.9ahe . fic P e '' t t'. ° ' •.‘1 11112. - 121 _ . I nlae."-:- . It is sh2P l ./ e -le -building., !Pie 14111., ltursA. klittough,tbe' '1)14 in...ilerltitilei:, heti* -. the Jard—so a partitiors with:gmfd,tuayilid:swept is Plnt6^4.l.Yetn2thrrithia°rY •4shesi-IG a all.direetionif i tbe moi re, "..f- b • l if - "Vriiriltaiiiibiri•ertatitiiNteneralli; holding T--f.%,. 1- . T. , , T- to buildinVlnitil aYq ofrtheill,r ";NPFP..e4I - eny:ehiped :in •ftlineiLi 1. TAD-, 5pr,4144 of the fire thus, starved L in,ao, :l eettah)4llr fi Meta ljoit withAsuchgoinhinatihlo:mateiiii al, as no 9 y. i .r. .. :II iio ~1,1 ;.: .., s t lit Won 1 ilutc I' 1 ii, 4 b9o4c‘ aimmense qatinkhieilliihe,dtiling-0 1 9!pit nd binderieor:mtty:.4***l4l: itrmgriPe4 than deseribqr . t abare:ilitAO: al pro iinni• her oferriOpyees : eitiovilo*,Alig-got Aisiinieqt,„ialutling,tkingt„ APixtrga females pm ploypi - P!: 4WlegjiM§i,lit'44 . -, ,iiies, 'Sic:, ; , " 11 1 6. 14nig , IPPP fi gOlgt ia lst g3i. ' clues.-.WasJerrillh',catke.9Cn!auY - , of them roantAbni-,priso974ousp „et flame..., I woul4.l.witti#o4l,, t i kaltu. 4 ,,.l?efiuiimpossi , ; I ble: , 1 ;' •- - '=,4silf,.-', , i7,,,;!.-;, , , ~..;I:r ':'-44 - '4l , - - , "- :;., ,- 1: • Tile`EriSP a n d' re* , t iraciarfaut work 'done-was she rescuing oft be akeiletanelfq-„ male'operaiivtietlythki‘limilyaiiillika4iler„ COmpauiek,assiited by th e ir ITLither7firc men; Policemintlicitizens,.---w,„ , p3 -, , Thi 1614 . 'laililcislviereiluiekfr lugs!, tii the'trieoLWS 4) Iln thothisfreettiVido(l. l careful inntiOtlipipui '41134114,41130441 vastnumbtii(4*kit-cOaiiiiy4ttlithidikil , f eiritei Aitillitill*ittriitielptiC6 6 .4lMitill iifei Wein kii - etrftelihd?:cefuttu beoustfii - Souniledc , bift(silfejl[iieltnlfierenii 'if' girls iv . e iiirbilititict;4 l iiiiff:' mriiii4" `srPiOi l tir the' : , itid*ipwittlitoetnee , m , - (itliers;'two Oiltitile*r thiiii tithedi 'Were' .14;eedilyilrestisiiiiteitllev , A , J' store-iii:'the'ittitheiliii*::itieinity.ith ...!.. `tn . : iiitli4 6-1; 4444 6- '. l tiali' 4ll6- t } iiiiiiiii l VgaVgivotiiibil iimiitiet*. was es 'fiiiipdriliiatil Itiiii4h*eribiataelli' 'ivrein AikAil • . itro - ilk - vnirttt'geititi. - 4. •iejireii . "'inffi `.'' - 're minioNiubilditiiiidoi tit thebiqemOsi- , ' t i 4 iiiilniti . eie t • itkilioi*erblijorz = ` i liii4nethifilifiitiwatici;attligrei4 'spite4 - -- A,4 d i - 1114 - 11,1 of ft :r - 4.13.1 ainirgri . - iutitiliiiieliv,4o heiaiiighirafiiittlidert4t , 1 W iiirttiitiOkilibit 7 *** iittrpiiivri4o l _ tr• .sieciaiiViiililli titifilioil4firCiii- iiiii -. truction 'of many bloeliti Of bnildinga in ihar i l, ' A c' -in in ab liti e r io l i l l it !vrild - we i!,ig• f N ra - p _ , tunes anti la poal of were; ' lett into - Bee an end t her, sireeta, -" I thick' and" aillion liter , . sof b itmipg„,iecl , 1 1 1. the" s lif r.I . . ;bled a" ' era: *3B -' ARTRAIikp. ' - 1B s t 79 i 1 IPartaitil 1.3 I • :f,3 lfie ititvantages.ailikrate; that the lard keep lop Or - .1114 117)41046 Vurtiiid for save ral ris r ezt t, 0 1 ; .Behtmewqhis.;slF-y thirir years . 03 Perattnis:of I.IIC 'ElniteiLAtafes;,,apypfn is.o.4:fmtnAhe!,-preg;rc.if `Appletouter. , Co, abot4,tlicfl 1 iiex* lifictfAiwk compje;eli,gi twcr.,vOlunteiloi:rovo.-00.CCiageti:eack. • ,-,•!;;-1,7i:-:-; : •1 , # - ••••:;•1;•:' , -,.„t",••••,i i i•_,v.,:, , ,.. • - Efil=al ' t - - - o nce:iiiiial! \'' '.- - i t ricu . , ~,,,,„,.,- f n - i nnl ~ on . . ...,:.-, .. . ;: , . - -iii , , VritiVe '1.04' i - fi g t o wave T.: !'tiiiiiie h . a - e - .dint ict-,4601.*b0i I.4..iiii--, .k 104 Alia( ot N. rk , 'TY2 4 ;%il t i m i ta tl a t vO.• the It 7 ited