The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, December 08, 1853, Image 1

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"ruff tuner."
, .
Lyra: - A Lament.
'Maidens. Whose trL.ises shine ,
-Crowned with ilaSodirand eglan tine. -
Or, from their 'strived buds of,brief roses,
Bright as the tentien c.loiee. . • '
Of April twilight after lehling
Fall dowri-irenppled Skeins.
' And golden tangles low • t,—
' . about your bosoms; dainty as new snow, •
While the warni shadows blow in softest gales
Fair hawthorn Soirers and cherry blessoms white
'Against your kirtl&Q, like- thetrotli from pails; .
1 0'er brimming, with milk at , night ;
When lowing heifers burs their sleek tanks
-In wiwowa'of street bay or clever bauks;—•
Come near and hearil pray, • I ' •
' •
My plaine d roundelay. • 1
. •
\Wherecreeping vines - Werrun.tlie smmy . leas. ,; ,
dly, Sweet souls, I watch yourtkinitig bank
wish stained hands ' • •
Your leafy cups with lush, red strawberries,.....
Or deep in murmurous glooins, ' • . •
,Itiyellow mosses full of starry blooms,':
Sunken at eitse--eacli - busied as she likes,
Or stripping from the . grais the beaded dews;
:Or picking jagged leaves from the'slini spikes
Of tinder . pinks—with warbled interfuse
• .. .
Of poesy* &rine, , • • • * '
That Haply long V° • ''
Some *retched borderer of the realm of
\Wrought toA . nlcet •
If in your lovely,years .
There be'a sorrow that reap, touch with team • I,
The eyelids piteously, they crest biz shed.
. Foa LYRA, DEAD. • - ,
• The'ntantlb of the May.
Was .blown almost •witkin theEummees reach,
And all the 'orchard trees, . . • •
Apple, pear, and peach, - • -" -
Yilt ere full of yellow bees, ;
Flown from emit hives away. '
.• -
The cello* dove upon the dusty beam , .•
-Flutteted its little wings in streaks of light. -
And the gray swallow - twitiered full in sight;
; Harmless the unveked•lcaut • • •
Brovra'd from tile building elms, and - thrilling lays
.Made musical prophecies of brighter days;
And allwent jocundly.. 1 could but say, •
Ah I well-a-day !—• ** •
What time-spring thawsihe_wold,
And in the dead leaves come tip sproutsmf gold,
And green and ribby blue, that after hours
'Encrown w . ith flowers; *
my heart. •
Froth all delights apart, • • •. , •
`Even as an echo hungry foithe wind, ••; • .•
When fail tie silver-kiasitqwavies to-unbind
The music bedded in the drowsy strings
Of the sees golden • .
Thet,aometimes, with their honeyed murmuring s.
- Fill all its underswell4= - . •
-For o'er the sunshine fell si - shadcra Wide .
lYben'LTra died: ' : • •
When sober Autumn, with his mist-bound brows,
Sits* drearily
.beneath the fading Ixtughs;
• And the rain, chilly cold,.' l ' x
Wrings from hiebeard of gnlo.; • - .- `••••
And as aome,cOmfort for his lonely boars, •
Hidei in his b.Wcont stalk of withered. doweri. • '
I think about what leaves are &roping:round -..
A itaxmat' ly - shapen m o und; . - • ,
'And if.he wild wind cries \ . -
Sweetshepherds softly blow ~ . • .
Ditties most sad and low . — - - ~ • ,
Piping on hollow reeds to yeti pent - sheep—
Cilm my Lynes sleep, .. . i
.11nvesed with.dream of the rough briers that pull
Frotti his stray&l bunbs the croon .
Oh, star, that trembles "dim : . '
1".1Pon the welkin's run, -•-.
.Send with thy milky sitadowslrOm above
.rsdinge about InT, lone;.
-that some ens-tons ware
.-. .• .
Made his untimely -grave, 1 .
Or if, so softeni ti half my . wild regrets,
Some coverlid of bluest mitts _.
.` Was - softly put aside; _
What • ha. died!. . '
Nay, come not, piteous maid+,
Out of the intuln rutty Shades, • •-. i
Biditeep yrour-tr - crowned as you may'
With eglantine : a daffotlillie•••• gay.
And w th.the tiess of myrtles - sash 'your che e ks, When limy streaks, ~- -
Uprunn*g the - gray orient, tell of tnOrn-;-
- tl'hile I forkirn; 0.. ~ . • • - ' •
Pour all my 'heart to it
tears - anti plains, :latest',
Fon Laza; DUD-
Erllt naus rltftiUUL
' 'From the oincirinati Gazette.
What the French Wear
AND 41011' THEY WEATtiT.
. ,
The French regard tbe.Arnerica.n pee
ple in much be same light as theydo the
barba ria ais"of the far-Off islantb
of the sea for they assert that they -filid
au equally good market *it !leach foribe_
Sale of rich and gatudy :articles of manu
facture. Thus a larepol:i,iti 'of the silk
looms of Lyons are constantly employed
in the manufacture of gaudy.tissues. for
the :Nlortb Anierican market while the
Sneak and most costly styles of the 'cloth's
and icassimeres Elbauf and Sedan find
',no l bere so ready a customer as,the - Lni-.
ted States, The mrn
Patis - erchant'soe-•
titaele .a complains when - ailed ' far a fine
pia* 'goods, in which his stock is 4e- , '
ficiel, that all , those- styles are carried - nil'
.at hi her pricea than hecan - offinA,
• ye; by the Americana im p orting agents.
When Americin, on entering arailor 7 :,
ing'imatablistment in Perla, announces,'in
reply - to, the polite interrogatory Which is,
sometimes put to, him, the name' - of
country, lie is very apt,to be saluted with!
a bniader'stoile and -a greater convexity'
of the spitie than 'the citizens - tit' 'other ! .
countries, followed, by the remark, .sThea
. yon Wait to - see - the best goods
got." The moral conveyed by these Ciotti
should wit he forgotten. The fact it, wei, ,
are a nation of enirions; money-making
spendthrifts, and in tbe abience of titles,!_
and those_ Clew 'distinctions. Universally,
iecognizegtiO. Europe,, endeavor, - by gau
dy die ourselves in! adtance
,'nfeeo bail:is the*pild'e - eptifeciliti*
Our curious anomaly
of . galore aristocrats, and' atthe
same` time - more republic s; thail
Pith:m . ln - einistanii.- It he -ArlitoCraj
cy of brohd-elpiihibio*n freestone - f otos?
end •'• -
Fi;otto the
reactbat Amalie* dem 14'
fashion front Pei*One iatoralitit
, _
theherewith ideU that he' %ail
once InAhn 'streets of, Ole eitf-lhe st
- 1 043 if t peOplebithe warhE : ''ille 18-quite
asiOniaheir tti'' find bow fai *di been
deceived:l - ITO - teilkintich,4eyrottch i leas:
of tne die ; ` particulatrl 'dig.
-- the inetWitlit he OtiatOr - vatioty
estpoKsitoliuidays.: - ana
stYln) - iir[tiiiidined4o? - 11-y**lo4l . -
C?tritiiho4 %nth*
population, and low in compariso
number of persons who confur..
chantes of fa#bion in ihe large
'America. ' Olitditle of that limit
ber mitt( could tult decide what
reigni g style; they are so . dive
One ause ofl this diversity is,
per)pl pay soimu h attention to c
of person as-the reach ; while
very powerful of e is, that mone
equally distribute than with us,
er perisons ' can a era to confui
frequqnt ichanOts : of fashion.
quent I chiagesimust take place in
tt is
. a ,n' titinal - characteristic,
groupd , deep into a - Fren:chrn
_istenc, T lit ita influence runs thr
eriitio 1 of pis life, to be arres
at: 114eliginni and 'even to-that
not . t tOnaernsly: So that, .i
inevi i re tit doimpensa e for the
chaule ‘ flick ',is : requ red, the.
haVe r c - uired . the - habit of w .
coebid' Olen that which ihe , i l .l
factors s l enoo-our country. .
perot i of France Wears -every day I
cloth' : ban nine-tenths of the 'doW
'e'er of the American cities.'
In! •aris, however, every one
work an i eniaged at his, work
- neat. lan ittclindd to believe t
this, enetlal ilea appearance wl
induid oeri nations. to ; born))
fih i liasts,"-I,'
,m . Paris. dertaiplv; i
fiance{-an : appropriateness ,. the 1
styles . do , Ot-fiqual the , English till
ica,n moth cation . lit- is easy t'
nize t. Ne -York- of London 'ma
streets of arts by his back. -.Th
fans elk nothing mote thin to see
back i.e knowi whether he- is k .
Ainerican, provided Ihe be, a fres
and eirris, with him the -colors w
brought vim home., .' .
'• - Ant th4C. reason 'why:We endetwor to
follow . the Frehc style is, the t thelFrench
poopl cirrylh ir clothes with . stitch infi
. • • . . .
inte g ace, git n to the 'most unnatural
and opt.-of-taste styles- ; -an easy= .4-twee
'bat bur retitle - wkward . people, cannot
appro ch in t i n ' style . Which tl'ey may
. 3 .
to •adlip ~ .1t is rare t see a
Franc -"fop,. lb is, what tie nn erstend
by a Op., , The I re Plenty_ of ea who
pay as much; t tioulto'their cl thes 'lib
With US but - t e'r manner, when arrying
them, den't a y u se their thou ts. It
isamus ngto o It at our very
when they ge o th eir first Pari4. outfit;
e f
a thing which s n takes place, linfortu
i. it
ostelfp.i. hiettt, for the • lringer la ire h.
stars here, lir . . ore simply he dresses.'
I - ,do . think theirn _t - ludierotta sigi, , a man
can see in`rafis,is a freshl:i arri ed boy
aiistoCrat tvilig to begrac ftil i one of
t .
Ditsantoy's' Itst out fits—fo our ermine.
- -.blood" wpn il go• to a she •
that- is not
patronized. by !Ito Ernpero . IC Ameri
thers would give thei sent, whom
Jhe3i , !send.; here, one or iVt ' gopd suits,
and then lititill the •ameutit f
o sticiplic . ta ail
i!my"bankdrs,? omit throng the medium"
Of•• their . -eyesj they had -le a, ned i a littlel
good sense, they- would Confer a favor on i
the boy and tbeir purse 'at the seine tinie.i
Altliengli I,have - ii
. y4ar, and •
have! grown. perfectly aectistom to the
iiieta a well-inade American suit' (Amev
ican • •Matle [clothes are alwayS edified
'froiiithe'FriiiCh,) whenever I e counter
it, - stioll siri 4-me as the most . autiful,
the no At ye tnable ; and the rhos taste.
fel ;* Mid the bits no rea - in:whyt lie Amer
ican iieoPle, Who lead in so matif things,
and a r e dest ied to lead in so many more,
'Should not -i . ent a dress of t.bea7o own,
whidli, by t **great" traveling propensi=-
ties, 'Would Sohn : becopm :universal . It is
time'4haat thelAmericanpeorili , c6ased to
run' 'zy aftqr Eur op ean fashi da. It-is
isell o k i remerliber,-too, that,feW' French
frai re in* well;` it is all a rage for a
riellpeasonftr a style and tiotfor'"--
At, the .p:seseit - tnothent, if the skirts - of a
Coat." 'scarcely cover. the hips,' and the
sleeVesbaVe it Clean f?ot of openitig-tor
the I , nnits, it h; sufficient, no matter what
. i he , ,lit may •be otherwise.' =lt •is 'a, . k rot.
.ab -. is rility fe - ir•- it: se 'sible people te'endeav
or i 1 1f.,,110w. site!) ashions a.S these, with ,
ihe .: Incerity 'and levity wh ich ouiloc ,
'pie 1 ).- . - • - , ' • ; •
T iiratueis of iris dress with much
" taste, ''• 1 ' . the •nieti.
Mor gene a l ly, than. ..
The studY, OM 'sts more, and . 1 1 : 1 4,, , 6. ..
stab_ t-that .part p the art of 'dressing bet
ter; erhaps,{,tba any other, people.-,
The , tweed. to hel the ,slaves • Only to the
style(iof isimnott—sn:article .in Which the
FretiOr certai "ly exeel. • . Their- bonnets
are, ittlwayS asty and :piquant. The
Fre4h.ivorne ': dei,Pot . put eh-Ouch tnon
'ey on their be - is Mther.A.taeriCati or :
:English. ,Om ti, but they arrange . it .. .to
better a ran t ge.•,,Tbey are' rather too
f ' ,
fond 'of,
~ Tire trimmings and leivelrY ;
but: ethe . ;sa l the dress admirably , and .
mite -ni ` reasonably than , the ine n‘ ......
Twci st y! ~bowever, now worn
,by the.
Viiri' ain rartii,l,think Will find little fa-
Tor - 4 er ica. : They are thenianteau..
es, ith : Changeable ! fancifully shaped
i a
St ' • - -rti idol; Around the .. skirt ' in. - ;the
'Op • 'of : Rotinces,"geneially of a ' light.
be dus i - color - oit bliickeilk. The WU
• ,
nets are r On& s'esy sinalLisud•risiAi f or-- - ,
.war .OM tti the iniddleilf. the,head:
,Ocitn . i.. 11 e. '., in; the - roe:on of ' - ieneratiiiu;
Lli :ii,the iiiiit..oe-w,omoil.,,cirriOiein. %
~,so it .c.o.oi.giatthey'Recim not dup . ..
iiii‘of . it - 1 4 :! 1 0 . 4' 3 4 . 6 . 4 104 . 701' ariNsiio; -
7 44
'4o2uitimed ladles i .ut .the wealthier
ley :
ge. : ,must gli ninat ise P et :n 7 d in ze n3l .
trr l y: , .. en ,diffe s i rs i l ial .F .
i ia ten niy l ,o :t .,43 : m in pan g: ili :chim o y iki ti i :r w r gi o il eol ' wn y :- .
. atem-thap it\ieworthritfinention;. - :4 1 41
ails% ladies,. till the ,: - dly. of tbeii,..nispi.,
, jowelry; , , flou or ribbon, ie. 2141 i. Itx-;
13CD :-,*T .he in I..- Ina) , :c.trey.•:iotg,iotini.;,.
!pao teu-tipiei , riluithat. hot .4aUgh- 1.
met e,
firer ' -,Aud . tls'astonistring , t*tlio...
I'o4 - *omen efiVraoce:4o , 4teess.:;-y. One •
'4l' ° I . *TY: li. ~I;itake'itheir 'insa4sti** --
1 - - - raSW - 06,01,44.41/itiraWlVE3i.lailli4'
' .141 i .81 : 1- 1 4 itil*,e 1:4 0 44. 0*ileit!"44' 24 rt ) i
foiiiiiniiii . ''_d_!hi- dielkifaldid;
, .
' ifriVit °rail* 4acefon, or dapitoro.•
...:::_. - , 3 : -,,.\,,,: .1 . 7 . - z,
.-., •::: : • -. . ." . - . ~ ': .•
to the
,• to the
ities of
nor speak oils gentleman without permis
sion, until they are'married ; then custom
allows them to make up forfost time, • and
to far as I bate been able to observe, they
make• it Op with a vengeance.," The
study of that ishions is very apt to bp-
Come at oncie a mauls with them, anikun
less they are gratified to the extent of
.their desires, the husband very often be
cOrnea a stifferer in' more:Ways than one.
A Frenchman, however, cannot resist the.
`fascinations of a:French woman, and gen
erally yields to all her wishes, if he even
sacrifices hie happiness' in other particu
lar& - A more independent, exacting,
diplomatic, showy race of ma ,
..ed women
cannot be found. The young'women are
units in society. '
:.In, physical' characteristics,the women
of thiseountry have been m ch more fa
.vored by nature-than themen. • The per
sons of the men in Faris, are, for the most
part, of middle ',stature, slightly built;
rather. small boned than thin, svith: small
regular features, fine eyes and picturesqe
heads, though not .o the bold masculine
description which longs to the northern
nations. They are enerally sallow, with
dark hair and * —very seldom-fair,
while red hair is reely 'ever seen.
The.faces of the w men resemble much
the men; they have egular feat uresolark
hair, and magnifice t eyes. They carry
their heails,high;lo It- independent, inle
resting, (not - beauti ul,)' are excessively
polite, and make th most agreeable soci.
ety one can And. 1 They are generally'
brunettes,and:have but 'little color furnish
ed by nature, nor art so 'often resorted.
to to supply this,tieficiency as in some
countries. They are of middle stature,
exceedingly. well formed, and ' traceful'in
all their: actions..- Their forms are very
imich better than ;the rnen,"and better
'than the English iii. American women,
but they lack the modest beauty of, face
Which characterizes the.AEO'... 4 -••• --- ..01 2-
- F,pirligilb- J.iliets; - Ibe. French people afl.
Mit the fact themselves, that .America
possesses more beautiful women than any;
other country,. while they. cOmplain of
their. shapes, and cold,. it!served• manners.;
Where an American girl Wins the affec-1
dims of a than by her.silent, modest beau,
ty, a French w oman
‘ does it,with her eyes;
and her tongue.' A blush in Paris is as
rare as a snow storm, and certainly there
is no place where they ought to= occur so.
often. -- ' .- •
j as the
, at no
is less
nd few
to the
ut fre-.
I ranee
11 MA is
n's ex
le holds
'French .
ring a
ho g
Icon rser
.ut _the
at it is
ich has
• their
fin' Ole-
in the
a man's
fish or
ich he
The - Emperor and Empress, whenever
they-appear in public, unless - it be ou
state - occasions, are always drwsed plain
•-ot la hourg: eois ; and the people like it:
An extravagantly dressed man at the Ern
peror's ball is sure to.belidiculed. One
is snrprised, just now, to`meet so many
plain-looking persons in coronetted car
riages inihe streets of-P aris. It is to be
hoped thai - the etample of the Emperor,,
whom all acknowledge to be the perfec
tion' of a gentleman in his manner and his
dress, will exert a good influence in` ea
ting•the unlimited extravagances of Pa
risian artists in cloth. The Custiim of
modifying 'afler -tbe London style, has
been growing considerably- ateln and - it
is not at all unconimodto see 'a fashihni
tile Frenchman carrying a long-waisted
paletot. - .
Letter_frem kiteliaway Lunatic.
‘ We find the folloiving in the Augusta
:,, •
Age.. The runaway seetns to have noitt
den:let in his madness:.. -
Race , COMMPONDENCE.—An inmate of
the l, Hospital in this city, named
Smite W. Whelpley, but who calls biol.
self gar Maurice; made his -escape a
few da. since, obtained a horse :and wag
on of r. Sawyer of the CusbnocHouse, .
on the representrtion ;that. he 11+•anted it
to pursue a crazy man who h jist -es
caped from the hospital ; (he ied
being , the
very' man,) and thus .einipped left town.
1 .
The only clue to his whereab nits- is de-'
rived from the following lette , since re
ceived.from-bint by Dr. Harlo v. Alperin
tendent of the hospital. - who bad taken
special pains to, securer` lock' inn up the
night previous to his escape: The let ter .
is one of the coolest imagintibl ..- Here it
Is, verbatim et litertqns: ': • ' ' :
4 , 5 o'clock .am am soinewli t in a bur
-71 so-:you Meat excuse. any informalities
in address, Sm. '-I • find that swimming a
river in- Ndireinber , in this Climate, is no
envious job. • Thank you, dear-doctor. for
the remarkable care with which-you hid
me se cared last night. I,vrase really afraid
tienietbing might'have happened to me if
I bad not been so - snugly enscon#ed. , If
you happen lo See or hear anything con
cerning that key,. please-inform me by re
tuln mail. I , got one this morning: that well. - I ant - writing in a fel;
low's shop, and be is so surly and I am so
completely chilled that 'I must close. - To
all admiring friends please quote those
admirable lines from Harper ' s Magazine
. - It 'is nobody's; , busicti.
- • : What =Other's busiSse is." ' -- •
- '"'lf you wish . to..knoW - Concerning my
resins, I have net time to write the par !
ticulars, but can 84 with warlike Rich
mond—,- Thus fiirinto the bowels of the
tand have •we marched , without itnpedi
nent.' . . . - -
!'God bless you and yours, doctor,- id
fertsVelo ' '• 1
great .
pprovement bas been. - made upon tbErcana
den and AmboY.-railroad 'hue, by pill
coating all around the rats, - which pre
vents the dust 'front rising -and i anicyytt%
the'lnkrongers: may now-travel in
those cars - in your beet Sunday go-to.
tneeting-elothes. • Yrencbtnan taitvel
ing in - the, othei-line: by, way of -, Brtins
wick, whiCh is ‘Uncle'Sam's line, asked
the eonductor--- -
. . .
. . .
.ii-Wlis' fat yoi.iiii , 'sivi'ilti . petttCoat on
Otis , litre - V , :- -- - : ::,...,-:',,.?..'.., '•:_ ...,-, --, . ... v',::,.-:::. "..
41 :0Ittet, anwered. - hei. `Thiiii a
' aid a !Ilse
•;ilePA : '*e:e..)?ii* -- ei„oris:
iiiUl . otigiaiUdlini*aeLtteryxiw.--,, _-
I- , ,
Berntill's 'Elton'.
The following heautiful story was or
igMally written bythelter"..Dr. Bethune,
frit Putuim'S Magazikie, thence 'copied
into Elias Cook's Journal; from which it
was transferred intot, Harper's - Magazine
fl i Septeribeir. It lin travelled , tar and
de 'ithted, malty, but t wit( -presume that a
Isle proportion of iritea4ers, will,with.
us, think that : it dem* a still wider cir
culation.] .1 ' • I " I ,.j' ;-- • •
• Oh, Uncle Bernard; cried altogether
a ,granp - of little people; i tell us a story !",,
Uncle Bermwd, a White-haired old man
whose.elfair bad been drawn to a warm
curlier—for 7 the Win t e r ' was howling
against the ,w ndowst-lOoked,up from his
large-prineßible, smiled fondly on:their
rosy faces : -' A . story! a'stery t let me
read you-one obt nr-i i bis good book.?'
' Oh,, no r says, bold llittle Bob, as be
caught the oh man round the neck, • we
know. all.thelßibleSteries; tell us zeta'.
ry tale I! - "1
_j_. , ••-
l'Yes, yes, Miele Betnard !' chirruped
the rest, ' a feiry tale, a fairytale, a fairy
tale.! you hale never tolclns a fairytale:
' No, deary, 1 hive . •never told you a
fairy tale. pairy :tales'-are lies, and
young - folks like-you! should not hive to
heir lies, 'nor: should!old folks like me
tell lies.' - - 1' l',' . , -...' -.
4 Oh; but Ucle Bernard, we knov; that
fairy tales ai n't true, but iris such fun to
bear them,' \ It. ~- - ' 1 ''
' a
ell, inylittle - dears; Pll tryanil tell
you story that sounds like a fa irytale.
and is all;true . _ : ,,l§it down - an dlisteo:
. ' O nce. upon a time, a great whi le ago, l
the lived, ini a wide wood a wild, man,
and his name was .Wenos. Ms father
and mother kad been, keepers of a lovely
gar en, where they dwelt in peace'with
our Go d ; But he,Veryearly hi his child
he had - waiele...- 1 1--f ••• - •"' - ' 3 '`." - t
am fi g the shadows or the forest, where
he non forgot all'the little that he knew.
No only his! head and face, but also his
Wii le body, Was covered with long i shag- ,
gy air ;- his nails Were like craws :; and
hecould climb the trees, or swim in 'the
water as easily as walk on the' ground.
Gigantic in height,- his shoulderai:w.ere
broad, and his limbs sturdy.: He could
Outrun the swiftest deer; hit with a ;stone
the flying bir l d, and
.1111 with his knotty
club the,. fiercest heasts
, ':He
"ate only
what he W
- oe in the, chase, with Isom.:
pleasant herbs, or frptts,-or honey Which
he found in the bollew.trunki and in the .
rocks ; and he drank onlythewater'from
the springs, or the ;deep' river Which
.flowed through the alley. He slept in
caves, or in t.liii err ehes of trees, lest the
_catch hini, una
wares. ret; savage as he , was, he hid a
certain nobleness and rough grace of
mien which !distinguished Min from the
brtues tiriimid him, land Made- them ac,
knowledge him as ,their--10r4._ Thus -lie
lived, lonely `and H appy,; and, - notwith
standing his strength, full: of fears.
''One day as he W as pushing through.
the thicket to reach the river, he hoard- ,
singing sweeter that ' - any he had ever
heard.' He thought at rst if Was a bird.
Biit'be knew the soagi f All birds, and
that thii Was not like an y or . them. He
dashed on;and saw reel fling on the bank
of the river a creature ! o' lovely thai.he
stood 'still in, 'wonder...trembling with e
new feeling that shot like . fire through
his heart and joi nts:'-; Her forzolhis wood
man's eye Srn
saw at nnee that the deli Cate
proportion were those' of a female was
somethinglike hie-OWii, but. fair ' and de
gent, whit hiawas I brown- and aliagg.y.
Around he was cast a lonse white robe,
and about er shoulders- floated a scarf
blue as the sky. I,While she A'ang 'she
looked upward as theugh- some one was.
hearing heO, whom St henos court,' not see .
and thensit• listened, as if to a Voice Ire
cou ld no t 4 ar '! B,q u ' l turning her :eve;
upon him she smiled With ravishing ..weet
nese, and b eckoned. `him , nearer. ' Awe
struck, but (drawn iii i resistibly on, he fell
at her feet,l gazing on her beautiful face.
She now. .4poke Ini accents of his early
speech, which itneteame back-to his un
derstanding', and . said : .! 4St henos, our
good God, diPliom you have's° long for
gotton, hasl not forgotten you ; , but pity
your loneliness and misery...lin sent
me, to live With - you! . and be your, kiend.
Already I Ipve you, ' and r pm
. triitst take
me to your heart, and give me your hive.
. 'Aa she iipeke. She bent doWn and Wip
ed his forehead, from which she had part
ted his matted leeks, - looking with her:
clear blue eyes into his,..tititil 'his. whale.
being seemed drew & oat' to "tier, and" he
laid her .bead, with its ; bright golden
curies, on his broadibreast, and, felt atiLit
sticyPfinexpressib,e happiness.
• And now that Ifam to dwell with you'
dear Sthenos. lead 'me to your home,
(Monte I' teplietthe, '1 knownot what
you mem!' . ' :1 '1 ,' ' • -
- .' , Where do rest after the chase, or
amid darkn i *here do you eat yndr
toed, and here do t you most delight to
„Iv /
be I T .. t. is.hnino.' ,
7 7
-'.14 ve no fu me.. All places in the
fo - are like t me . _ Where weariness
o night -comes upou me, - there 1 . -lie
own:; when 11 killed the'deer, then
I eat. I hive ne verthought of a home.'
' Come, then,' said, 'she : sweetly, " let us
seek a spot where ri will niske e . ..tiOme
for ourselves ,' :, and _Tatting . .her, slender
hand ins his . shele4 :m until they.caine,
. , ~ ,
in :.a fountain gushin out' from u nder - a
high rock,-before ; which a suuny, meadow ,
spreadifself,out towards the sputhwest
hlootaing . with hare-bells; and daisy 7 cupa,
lad pansueip p and man y Mora':wiia flow
era.` l o it , notOitptimgli•pald she, `-. the
spring shall 'give us water, and.'the rock
. guard us from o# l. -erce Pctrlf;, vi.n4; and
.we eau,look - itrion i naaanyliht.apdthe
s hadows, n
they'll at- to'griber,.,gyer the e _
afaen Wasl.aa4 o.l( ll4 .wfolcchq, spring:
A .1 11 mugh .0 3 !kvirgalF0:: ; -. :- ' -
,' tgalllloll . 4lM ilia # ja4, 006 kacould:
At _. -;. 40 41 0. 1 40 41 .-Wr llliinliNTA..l l 9 . fah. a.'
giar*gNita. - IbiX -, 44 , -.Pemr:befoTe
. Noir. she said, f the: . iii;it.r,4l4ii h: 't
light be phint„ looks d . o . too hotly
as ; •an Wbenthe wet' ernes', the
dews will rot ifia winds 1 chill us: Go,',
break off- boughs from the trees, awl
strip the broad bark 'from! -.'the decayed
branches.'' !This was an . easy • - task • for
the vigorous Man - and in,, :tbeteetatiine
Übe bad gathered heaps ef dry wises
and tbe Spicy alloas from the hemlocks; :
- and spread . deeply over' thicatcoVered
grOund. Thee; leaning the. thick boughs
against eacheiher, led 114 1 4406 y , her di
rections, the curvedbat*, overlapping its
suenessive audcontinaous lagers, upon
them, Sthewis saw, as' his work, a rude,
but safe- hut, endsaid, , 4, This shall be
ktur -l home, 11. go fur our evening Meal ;.
I .
and, slashing into the ferest; ' his soon re; ,
turn d with wood pigeons and a:young
fawn, which be killed. casting tbett „at
'the ;feet of' his gentle- wife,' who had al
. ready arranged in leafy cups" the lir..
ries (I. _
- .which she hail gathered freni the
Meadow . ; and Stbenoa beheld wild- floiV
;era, kmingled with long, trailing, delicate
vines, adorning the entrance of their'
red b
'_The, si mple . meal , boon prepa , y
'her skilful hands, he thought more •stivo-.
ry i ban he bad "ever I hail; but, before
she suffered him = to - partake, she-pointed
upward, and, : with . clasped. bands sang
praise, to our' good Gild, the, giver.,,•, An
hciuof delicate friendship stole' away,
as'-h and -in - hand; they looked into each
other's,. eyes thoughts. he ;knew not how,
to speak, - and she needed no words- - to
utter. Then another i hymn to our pea
God,,tTie sleepless, preserver, she warbled
from - her lips of gurglitig aielady, - inci the
pair sunk to - rest. t , • , 1 . \ - -.-
4 Thes sped -en day after day, and
it. after' eight: • Gradually Sthenos
his fierceness, save in the 'struggle
le chase,' She had fashioned for him'
. - gag - gacanalnig. or nrwyr-sants-untreesom---
ers, which be now wore,' less' for need
than to please his skilful friend: His
shaggy hair, was amuiathed -into curling
grace ;the but constantly- _
convenience i r
..a. ornament& .from..' his
strong or her ctieniegl[haed:; and happy
was he, after his toils in thO forest,•to ref
tura hearing a rich honey emelt, or, lead
ing goat with full nddera to; _ his hente..,
n waking , one dewY. mo ar because , hers. ''l - , ,
'•rnini, lie
looked fondly in her lovle4r• fice, - beam-,
'th tender, '
'Yea call \ me Stlienesi, - , bat have never
toldl Me the name by . w hich,. lam to calk
you my My dearest.' - 'l,
. .k oil have just pronounced the name I.
love _beSt; except when you call' me youri
wife and
.your friend. I have had sever
al names inthe land whenne I came to be
near you,.but . .that •14.-vOiCh Apr, good
God wished You to know me is *ifillytnie
And, dear Sthenes, when ever you are in
trouble; in need, or in.,doubt, call- ghtliy
mie. to your side, - and .whitetrer:love met
do I will gladly' perferre.. 'Wit.h..your
strength and my :affectionate zeal, and
the our`good. d i pd,'We'shill be
happy as we - may in ling wild world
wood •, but the- good . Gock ;has 'promised
en you
me,i. that 'Wh shall have= l earned to
. I,
'sing and pray with me, that, our -twobe
ingi shall be blended into '.,- one, .and •we
shall letivithe forests, 'thin and &Well ie
a garden With 'our good!Go.1; -fat-More'
beautiful' -than the -one from • which you
strayed-a long wbileiago.'l, •-, ': .''
' ph, happy home !! replied
. Sthenos ;
I can thinkorno higher bliss than that
your levelineSs - shoeld: be 1 - Mitigled ' With
my strength.- except - that, My strength
she Ibe united ft:rawer : - with'_ my= dear
. 'av ,•---
, . • .
'Say not so, Sthenosi 'answered she; l
looking .up with a holy smile; like 'mor
ning light S'parktitii ,tu Ifhe 'det4; - ''our; '
highesi joy will I)6•il'a Well. With - our
God.' , . : - •• . - .-
•i • -
IFrom that moment fithepos. earnest -1
ly. wieavored• to ;barn the. hymns and
prayers - of Ent !untie' - Theylive4 10n::.,T in
titer forest. and Children, were born ii,
themilhree sons like their :Caber.' vigor- r
OUS ; :three daughteis, like .their mother
graful, I.But,ene fair anirOi iv, ihe fat 0-
er , nd mother came not frem their chain
ber (for the little but had i giren iiinee'to
a i .
*de dwelling;) their child ren went atie-; .
ion ly in 4( i.them;-but • they round,
• them not ~StbenOs- a nd, gtithyrnia were'
go' e to the.gardtn of;one, goodpod:,
The children ;were mute in , wonder
an sadness:. when • soddenly the - cham
be was filled. With ravishing light and de
lici us
oders,. and three radiant "angels
ho eyed over the bed ; and the children
'co Id-see far *into the sky, and.-savr-,a
glo ines i being' under - , the Tree ,of Lif ey r
before the throne of God ; and :in - "thei
stalling countemince'of the glorious lie,-
ingl they recognized, strangely htit'svieet-i
ly-Mingled;.the lov e, of . • both &..fatherend -
: mother. -Andin,ne alibi , angels. --said .(60,
wail the tallma of three,)::!.l pointed out,
Hie way to' then); and encouraged ' them,
to :strive to reach the garden.i ''' ' '- - .
' ' second , • whose . ha-i
- . 4
Avid li',said the on
1 ; •..
loin shone a- gem - like a-1 golden anchorit
*bore them, up on Tny. wings-', - -:: - 2 .: '
'.And I - .'..j..4fu11y e, claimed the, thirdi.
who bail - eyes like th ArSt spring Violeta
' ashed: with Ta'w,.ha e madel oin - bo th
tine - forever: : '.. .' -- . 4 - -
-Thest•turutog. to, r siiter qkotrela, , abli,
'Bald ; -.., Your tasks or, 1 / them' are over
but I go to fill _ Oink', - napd bOog4l:„wi t la
irninertal happiness l l .,' :I; '.,;
Ah, Uncle Bertiaid.': - `cried . Oetirtitle,
titt is - better therre fairy-tale; ;Mit 'what,
. qu eer ifinios--sthino6, , iiid No hytilia.---
iv6t.:. do tho mean k" l i:= --. -,,, !i - -- f• '. r
.• 't , I thade -the* . out i nt ""tile' - ;'im r .
sviiiriiii.he Old nuio:and kit Othe - 'Tian .
G l *
i man left in him - Oilf; *hi vivo "l
tk,tner° °Otte; ilia hi'EatkiiWta meao
tooviseia , 0 bilnvy, - (si-gO4d Goa. to.
hiiim4lostto' liw , OPI:0141114,04 pre l p
Pare fo.hearee:. Whoa fl.11:1-. is ,Owislt
reigned : te:4 o fr
,iwiliaelii! - :'inria `uses ;- hive
gitilingth'fo*'whoi f ' eiidi;lhi':tieio4;niiei'f'.*lt
:good - atit;•firad i*lieo ll** p 7 Xii3O„efiioi• - .
, :04i ra iu - ag oi v ;,.. E . : ix. :E:i:. , l,:i : 14 :0;c' 4 iIii - : .. i
. -7 -I . —t 4 P 44yik s Jittle; o ll o i.iiliiail‘ 40*
•,. . *igi,thikanOoriskAlagoi, -, -,,::,:_,',. - li
.. ,-1 -•,. -- - -., - , ... 1 ., --,q1....,..-7,- , :4 , 1 4 , .:0;..1.
~1 . ..„
,-.- i i : ri_ fj - i .;...: ,L
. .
. .
..1 - .. 'f% --
.',.',.... 11 :-':::-. S .':',,: : :1 1 .:ti'•.. • ''''' .'.-
~ .iind.t he tallest angel is Fuitha'adds
RObert; 4 for Faith kiv i es pious people
courage : _
' f l Ainllthe gentle,'llgte- eyed "one; ' mast
`he Love, for Lovelivei f foreier,'-whispers
Gertrude in. Uncle Bernard's ear:::`,l:_ -
-':Bless yen, dear- '4ild,- you look,like
her !' whspera - back,Uncle , a
i Beni id. 2 : ‘
..- - ----,-- 7 ,1,1 , •. ; --.----._
subjoinedSnitnse heal:Leaver to bai'e
' hien solved in thts ammtry'; and it Isis been before'
the public at various lilies since lall - •
Enigma. ..
I =not sail.:! yet;lain:non,
- ; cm nnt_eannr. yet 'I autlaer,
I .
not itonc. - ye!lcSenrk: ' • -
- - cow* Was, 11 1 14 :04 1-00 . '-- -1 -
I eta suite mess; yet t 6 - nlatiziut; ..1
- -
And what must still expite your mender,
: l'-very ser4P3Csi thallSga' Jam - mei& ; ' :::
And, when I talk !H.s in thunder - •
, - Hese is my.thouth, th• isi i WM4 .
Bintiots my manlike a potato, - , -
And though' I have no' foot at-alt, '. 1• • "-,
' I • hire a little andle 'great, t0t....- : 1 ', ,
UGLY as sin, and ar.api. as incuer, - . - S ' . I
I'm ODIOUS as, the stitbborn Aims, -
Yet. viil as are the lodes - oe light, - - 1
And LOvidai IMIIii :Afkmal . .-- ' '' -
- - My jaws are roomy.* ail oven', . - L'l
. Nay, thata kittheaehimneywider,
And when I ope them you iiiight_shave hi'
Alsogshead' full of ale or pider. '' ; , '•-
.., b .:.,.• 1 . _
Six trtitsrmse-Xoextim i ais call me
, And rut the wor i k z el a itzeo. `.
- • Begot in . Am and botiiii'ilitx; - ' '
s j .
And every one of theni,my corm - '
. I march before:a c.
train of i Dixist,' , ~ I . .
• btussue as a amesunai um*: - C r . "..--..
And lead them - ofrttroueh ruts and :Liam,
' - 'Unhurt; like any iiilamsuder. '' -. '
II Fan
-- re is alittle prer printed in San
A .
lDi e California ca led tht_San-' Diego ;
ier Zr z-- airirtaTOnt - gniY 71 3 q1 1 ‘Tflhati
went.into the support of Jelin llllgler for:,
l f Governor, and iliat„vai *l. l suppeet ed of
ever being inelined to:, fun. The editor's
' tiame , ,ill J. Jutri'nf.Snes. a coUntyr.Todge
and a moderafoinari: ,T4iiteliillefore the
election, he took it into his head to :go,
on &tout to-anotherpart' of the- St ate „t o
'electioneer probably for the.. democratic .
Bigler, and entrusted the :Herald:',3 uriiii
big absence , to the char ge .rafjohir Isboe-:
nii, Esq : ., A . - gentlemen] of thittlilNkuloWn
in this vicinity
,by-the awe. of 0 rby.:.. -
.the Judge .liaas, ignite') Itottnittire
i i
into the nature'of Mr; heenikis politicA,
and the first thing lthn 'nevi l editot did
was io change
,- thep6 itiCai eharne . ter of
Herald by runn i ng up the Whig - ilag,
lbearing:the.pameof i ilikare Waldo . , for
1 ,governor. ' The- - Jud e's Coaaternalion
l may bein,nciedi: rtdi mm.edintel.Y%'"ndi
`back a letter to Pho eni x -telliiik him to: , ,
bring , the Heraldlback to its Allegiance ;,,
whereuPon‘PlinerriX'il la - rea• 'lila dein - Fie-,
' . b - ' la * - ll
f'*Flitl ' l' a -
racy --,-t at hrs iiipport o, - a o_wa a
mistake, Lund asks lorgiveireii; avowing
himself t'reedy-.-tA...,teniliracer!emontacY
With ardor, slap hei.,oiktfte baek, and, de-,
dare hiiiiiielf in fayo Of erectuiga statue
of Andrew. l jaiikon onithe plain."
. -; '-'.'-' -.
l l''.' Whatever-is; isl right: 7 Onyi - .Phoe-,
nix.)- as l. the ejd geatlenninAiteet ly ' .re
marked whan - he chopped:off the,, end of
his nose
witb.a raapr,Lin.the endeavor to
kill a fly ; :that - And lit
;thereon' when be .
Was shaVing:' aia apPli4the `remark to
the election 113 f Bigleiv'tina ands-." If the :
ion ahould,-howeyer-'ind reCtlyeause
San Diego to tiaSUrrie its pro dr position
as the first commercial city a pi!lifornia, -
I'('shall reveren'ee !fie r : Ga Me :4 f John Big: •
lief Airever; - and I will'hesiniv,thnifig - onnr ,-
led !appellation - •upenleijr , yritrOgeAt child:
And have. it engravedl,on, apiece e l f leath
er or other suitable', it aterial; &MI, :sus pe - nded about . that bender • i rant s pfek,
until suchliiiinaS he ;liii,ll tehald divitvils
le learn - nu& I,‘ive the 'virtu - es 'Of, hill:liner
ed gochird..... ,- --„; „ ---
Mr. Phoe n ix in iia -arm chair-w ites ail
eloquent val ictyry on tetiyin l
_ .-
om t e
etlitorship.- - - l hie salts 1-i.4 - ': -;- l-: '
.‘ TIEI Di: - at' liii..s:titni!=-Jildg - .kirks
j d
has - returned . ' ;„ , . .' With tiie - ' - completion ' ol r.l
•thi§ aro icle,* ini laherSare ended . ;:and.ivi:
ping my pea, COat...tail,- , and plat:4o'
it behind 'my sinisteriar with "'agraceful
hew and bland smile fp, -lily ;him. re ad-
'Mit:era, and - iir-' - viinit l er : intense nieining
furi:my imeinies. I shill tibilicate - ‘ith-tiig-,
nity the _kti
.. rui chair:liiilfaverofits lekiti- 1
mate proprietp. i
,-Bktiiii way, tills' lain)
chair' - is but • a pleasant7fietiori - ' f V', Bps
ton's'=--the Only '- Arial I . in 'the 1i i-ald Of- 1
fiee,' being. the-era pi k , hot , keg, _ lhich I` I
have, accutried ' , while iliititing -my l eaders
-uPP! the . 1 4FigeiOgie.n#ar.` ,1 /OX. t
ag. •an
swers,oo Plir.pokU.ollt - table. such
is lire- : , -- Divesiiil 4; is Roeie - liind l l t l i .
manse; the - eider:la...Of- n - uribighe t relini
ration beenanei mere'. ' non -- phi es, like,
-the _ Herald's', , chair; ,and';',teble-i', Many
. ideni:- which . , wei hair learned - tri -love
nnd i'evPre4n-froglr-..t poei l .FX . 34 tinlilllV
nation . al tableiel rieeel el Ott! sugar limes:
on cleat,. inSPeetleirati • tifoiviPsinaien - 4.--,
quaint ance. • - _* l , '---;-, ._=2;:i'l- , .. - -”, , ''
If lie 1 . 1- as j teY o l , 9fre Ail arrY. 46P.- he
is. reedy to raccipi iheir aPologies.... Ile
says— , •
..; , .-....,_ . s. .i.
.... ... . -
l -- .iCominepeincesaii - indepeni l lent jour-,
-. dal; I biriii - g4duallylpitaandithrongli all,
the*lsken - 4i!Saigient'sfiii4gesii!ecid l egr
ciir.mieglatiisnliAigni 64 - - eisealgill4 l Pi: - 4 - tia!'
`din' denOckickarialiiiiiiiialit''iii ;614i - tim.;
in' 1 04*cic8P10 1 -W lo .:*itt i ' Pii4V
liiiiiill4 Y i xmlei;t
i l* ()ikti l tli. .'s card _
fully:l4SieinedliintheinentiOn' fßalle
. a4l;Wlglei,%l:' m;fiteW:iglei',.a if fAytio,..
- tici-:- - never`, - 100:44 - 1 - (pm . I.?* ,
siien,t:moriii4o#l-of - e' f uuP,:":
iut t
, !ei P*Y
.el,.„i -
,i011,...-t-. fc4
,''.•.,'.",. ; '°:
!nfty:'' 7 .-2. i i ;'' ,4
1 ‹ • 0 -.
Vbi j anieripiign2f Xiilftiiat ` o *t or
Jeag'Amea *rise! l !ll l lXnuPt*S-
j*Cglsigl i g,g
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,*iia - ,ltio" -- ti*iirlli#'itirreoiii:i
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iim.. ,. U3ieholi . : , et-Itiiiiei:***E.:
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can re ,reinalpOii.ll : * - '6oAlfiiiiiirtig7_. ,
and' neglectfor - , more AktAlNv*4l
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.....p,9 - i*v.w hoi..viti'.:444,o,:tht „. iiti*
fresh, buildings. t - i,;*l4 . iiikkr:OltiAlT
'O l -ii,*‘ - ` . f.i . t.)j.:".otri4oiiiog*ii4iiiiiPi
..76iiit :tiiiiiiii; - uetit ix-.&ii*iioo* ; *l76
.. p!' . isitoty.,:i!i:tiUitiietjci;,i;' . A:.lvf - iltko l o
A r sitpilit: - .,iriii::6oTrilool44
solid manuscripts, ..,loeitii:47,*
' - 'l4-' - ',l.ll4;:SeVfliiiiiii - Seilii
..,-; - ~ • ~, . 4•=4 , :- ,
: trOci.*dtz*Tip..4loYreciri4 ~..:Yrfani.,
14 . pdArnicitita t n - .13ib1ei544104
immense i?Pildi!***o l ,-,14. „,c4i4
are 00134 1iy.4 1 1:4 4 04e 8 , , 19up1it1e1k 4
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Veidei . ;ViinlAiiiiiC:iiiiiiiidrilzU
. .a. 44;yiiiii:10;:.- :-. :; -, 41 - 414ifiiki*
`veneration;by ,, thb , student. , Out*
the 44iolay, - 3".:aait0*01:14 . 41 , *
• 4419; 4i • tientlil*ie.4 ' ..:4: : **,,K
~ v hiono*4- ,, *44- r iatii4iiiiiy,4l- , ; ,
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, - .Lotuslons' *A FM9 ll l*4O
trick of, glitKidit 4 -mn,
Shriaailitid I ' len '- (1 1 3 7 ) g5.
fo)ar bottrs is `a %, -oit: ll, ,Z-- ,,, ;
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