The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, December 01, 1853, Image 1

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VOLUM 287--liiiIBER
ifi:.potpi.,.:::-,forit#:":-..:-- . ...1 . 1
As the pMikon sat; at Lip books oneclay., ••• '
A rap at hi. dnin. heard he; •
'The Parish bollecler had called •
,The , Eewiety's quarter fee. • ••
' -
hundred dollars, tind:fiftyccaore,..: •
.Were counted
„the. pnrson duet .
_ "ilpough small sum this; for half W•ecere -
To victual,•chithe, and shoe.
But the day had conic, And foi youthful sport •
be parsonage mu er displayed' ‘, • . •
- A'thly like that, when.hisscant'!Upport • ,
,Was-abcmt to .be promptly posit - • _ -
The children danced, and giggled, and grinned, ".•
'And wriggled like.eels in oil,. ~ -
'And smiles brae frwth.4.4, the
,viage thinned
By fasting, and 'tears, and
- .
• ._ . .
'The: Parish Collector Uzi sat
And ont.of,his picket took ••
The tithes lied.gathered about-the town;
Crammed.into his pocket book: I
It was not of a cram, at that; -
Though honey and milk indeed. • •
Not milk' enotigh for a starring
Nor honey enough fur. need. -•
But such as if was, Without much risk,
The exilleetor poured it out • •
lie spreid tx round. an the parson's desk, ,
And scatter ed , about: •-• .
But little of filming gold was there,
And less from'the silver mine,
And laink bilis-4hey were exceeding rue:
ALUI fur the poor divide,
First came a note for , a little sum. ,
• Which the poor num late hid given .
To a rich parishioner, imix his hotrie,
- Whom he norim to meet in Mayen..
TCn dollars was alt—ii l ot much; I know;
But an order followed the note, • .
With iitelier's bill, and abill or so' '.
• For butter arathreild, to boot.
The doctor bad drawn for his Small amount,
• The grocer bad filed his Claim, • • '
And all intended "their hills should Count
Whenever his pay-flay cam. ' .
The.gtood Collector reckoned them up; •
The 'mister stood aghast; - -
Twas a bitter drufi in his brimming cup,
'To thing he had fast • .
- knows what pain the. parson endured,
As the, good man hands the& o'er,
And saytywith a hem,. " . m.e are yours,
And they 'should have been paid szroac ;
For a scandal it is to religion, sw,
• -•
Which the world can never forget,
When a man of
. e.ase, like a mint' ster,
Is unable to pay a debt. •
•'And ban, besides, is 11,1ot of gib,
Three fires and a linty ten: '
Tour daughters now in satins may dash,
And your boys dress up like men;
But allow me to say. good Parson Gay,
You'd .better just- lay aside ;
A little , of this for a - ramy day,-
By a tt - alk instead of a ride.
"Far wormy is ( searri, an d the' Limes are hard
And you, sir, are getting-gray„. • '
And .you may. not fire as-you ante lave aired_ ,
. Should the people turn you away,
We've given touhere a large support; • •
And the farmers all complain .
,the crops this year will be. dreadful: short.
If we don't soon lave Smite-rain. •
"We can't long,-pay such enormous sums
As we have to pay you now, • '
For you kw* that the pay-day often comes,.
Aud the 'Squire has lost a cow ;
And one of old Goodwin's.sheep is dead;
And us feels Nor this year." ;•' -
The•tender shepherd here furnedllais head, / ,
To drop—for the sheep—a tear S _
Of this the collector no note took
z ;
He gubbled_his story through',
_Theu slowly foldid his poelet-bool,z,
And looked as if he knew. •
He took his bat with a *mail smile,
Rejoiced in u.duty,ll6ne. . • •
'-Then rode away,M.ksitome, a wile,-
At set of riteetlibers, 'Fun. , •
, - • 2-
The lArsnp rroge, - aa be left'lle-rcout,. - -
And bcnved with. a - smile of:grace, •
But bit beart reaembled a ruined tomb, --
'. In spite sbf his. saiiling face. , • • •••••
He claqed the doCr, and regnmedhis chair,
Till, amid hia grief and feirs,,
He eetnirsl haltcholied for it breath of air,
Tben•birit in a flood of tears.
He'thou g ht 93 his children's needyleet,
it Hit* barrel of meal was zone ;.
And the question anise, "What shall - be, ea
W hat raimet - shaltwe pit on r
He lbonght._of the - ravens, how they - re
s ted,
• .119 w the lilies' garments grew,, -
Bu, whenwas a ravens lacer Immo,
Or, a Lly Aer2Asso for scow I
With tende r t emotions all astir
In the, parson'a heaving breast. _
Ha children a mother—lie thought of het'
Bow she; whit had done her bolt,
needed a hOod, and cloth. and thread,
A dress, and' a thieker
Till, tweeted in spirit, he knelt - andprayed
'•To the glorious Lord of la: ,
The evening:came, an 3 be meting wife,
And his blooming children nine,
Yet - naught h tbe - y saw of the inward Strife
That harassed the sad divine.
Re sat serve. Jodie central seat, _
And his wite sexed near
-I:retiildtentOvered about las fecli • " •
.And he *aim cheerful tried.' -•
Bet when be went4a 13 4404 i bed : -
' To sleep till the Waltiog-toorn,
He kit as ht'pillowed blanching head;
That lie'w d be hidite'et.'beelt bids.
And alt thaenkilit wws his pills:red:n*4w
_ With the tare no eye could _see, < -
But . His; who mode for the thankless grog
AucLbled niben Oslvaryle &tn..: • ' '
, __
CAPTAIN, biGRAIIA It : IDI /1)0111001Y ' k
correspondent. at Tlioluteellole - een , r.
the following: t ' • ' l '
. .
t Capt. ,Peter.Daggett,..wee :a coast. ! illt.
Of the adegreselligate - ..b1-1813, a _
" g
the late, wariviith, erreat.Biitabi. - :. ay .
had on Co ngreu . . ;
a Welton leent.of ege. - - _.tOseilaV,
.• , -
lit segli•the7 sac a ship *, whieirthety s i
wards** and 'made a plena. - ,r b
the ship *sedlicorered :: in the 4I ...
Captain Daggett-and; thei•litdo..,l4 , ; , - .'
- were ; ,on t the - ' , EPt* - 3iaad - ;`t - r 0 0 P- - - 1 : 4 4 : 2
had a gleee throne: *ilia :heloOli i 'l let t
tbO.4hip. -. The -- ytnnigazoidellipala , - .,ia-'
tairkalt - ' Whet" doyotc.indietie kin . ll',-
Capt.:DeAnti:o4 the i) 4 4 iiiiaeiv ifin.
and radnur,!•ni.l:O'ilia.ofOie' s yiiik ,
'illeionlajjet - ibetieil`riew''ortlaii":fi ' 1..
1 alttotabti,bo;,. B l : l46 'Ale 'f 4,
a frigete,`and .tior;we - siiell have : ' a fa: - -.
AO; end - that iiiiiile t nfir:nittrin
Iles idtrettl'Tbeu:. - -X ifialf*'alPt4:6;., fit !
will 66 tag - * liii)Ogjilte,;'4 W I
I,.stre.! ' 'lltiorif4ioiftur ~, ;iip,..4 1 ,-,-; , : ..
IEW7 ..f -
we*'4o,ij -
tortilontono filertiono,
• . .
. . . A Tarapike aa -,a - Ditorce.
A ceri aid Captain - M==, a tale go
;hem ;rel mon, beloVed by 101 l who "kn*
him, a certain rand a Dr: s---+,' one of t i le
handlionielit men alive, aud i gentleman
all over, meta few'yea s agoin'Trenton. i
It wits 'during the session of the Legis
lature; Which as everybody- • knows, is, -
~When it I(iippetis,- egreat feature in Tren
ton life, and a pregnant item in the histo
ry Of NoW Jetsey. ' . i. .
.1. Beth the' Captain , snd - -Doctor
biters-i-Tbby Members—not for the ben
efit Oftheit °sin pockets—but for the pub-'
lic, comprised Within' the Mathis of Cam
deri,L: winch, as you 'knoir, is a great city,
located near the retired. hamlet of Phila ; .
delP la'". the
a captain • was 'boring' for
Catede as the seat 4 Oevernmenticourt
hoube a d jail; for the'county . of Camden.
Thetlector, was txtring for Lopg-a-Com
ing, being a large city l'lcomp,knied of a
- blacksmith shop and , two:. framed 'houses,
,and lOc ted a tneivhere between the ex.:
treme. mite ( Camden county and the
Atlanti *ea . -.-. .
i t
~ Jo a ord, illegte'' of
.a county -court
house,. w . a disputed question — the. citi
zens of a - Mden , flung; tar in _Camden,
the vote s' of '
,"C mama county, just to
spite the Collide - pe o ple, wanted it in
Lting-a-Coming. '.. * • .
• li W.ell, tiie caps in with his hearty v hen
est face, tied the Doctor with hie honest,
very handaome face, catne to Trenton air
lob - hers; to p the 'respective
merits o f, amden - and Long-a-Coming.
upon theno tice -of th ." Legislature of
\liew Jers . y r A week, tw4 weeks, three
Weeks, a oa th passed, tend yet the Leg
islature t . ti no •action, .and Camden
cputitY wa still_witheut a seat of goveril l .
meat, co o , hotise 'or'jail; .'• . :
The - Victor .1 grew quite inspertknix ;
meeting the Captaiti one day, in one of
te_ passiges of the. singularly ' peculiar .
capitol of New Jersey, hesaid to his
frte a : - . • - ' 1
• ' ou are here for Camden, 4 for
-a-Comingand here we have 'been .
fur a month. Allow me to ask iti the
me st - iielica,te manner, why in the -'
l in 6, t !
In the;
on th
aad '
to tit/
him "m(
T 1
gr en
.s a
gr at ..,,,,ey .-,,,cw J ersey Is a great
st 'e, a New Jersey Legislature-the tall
'kiout_of 'ail I' ' - • '
'he doctor Confe-Ssed that he . Was
l i
aware of some of thsoie points, but dark
as to othersi he'buriOme conception, - of
how. the _‘lothyosaufas'; a • big
• with hard [name,. known to - geologists'
which had 'the hole world to itselfa few
roi inns Ofyea s before Adam -; how the
let yrisiturai 1 oked' when he was about,
bu Jerisey Legislation was an - animal - he
ha'd looked it on alb sides, but could • nUt
- -1 •
understand,' 1 , - • . .
• ' The, a ptaiti ook 'the Doctor -.
Doctor-good hu
'pored') by the arni, and led him'into a
. f
refired : !nee, Where A lighted Candle
'shrine u on !the countenance of a Mottle
of.chani agiie l made in Ne*ark; but la
belled, Prance:, . - .
Over this birdie the Captain prOceded
t give ;the Idoctor some idea,of !Jersey
gestation ; 1 if you could ,have seen then
fine maul:featnies of •the Doctor, and
41 ' ' face of the Capiain, a lithe rud
dp a topped i bY I the hairnrhich was
peril 'graY. you •would-have much enjoy
eNl li startling , narrative which fell from,.
big` -1
A baoy is, a great place,' so the . Cap- 1
aide' began . ; ! Harrisburg is another great
plaCe; legialatorscan be had ' in- great,
quantities a reasonable Prices, but Tren.
ton is the p ace,- .;:. t - . 1-
; Exponnd: - said' the Doctor. I Upon
Which the. Captain illustrated his teat by
thefollOwiug narrative: - . 1- • _
One Winter thereeame to Trenton two
men named Smith 'and, ;Jones, Who had
both of them, designs upon- the -Legisla
ture. -.j6pegikad a'bad\ wife, and was-in
lore with II pretty - woman . ; _heti wished.tO
be diverced.from - the bad wife,lsothat he
might marry iii . eiiretty . woman; who. by
the b - y, was a - widow, with black , eyes.-
and, such A lids ! . Therefore Jones cone
t i
toTrenton . for diviiree. . - *".-,
.: • ,
`Smith bad a geod 'wife; plump as a rob
in, good as-an angel, and the mother of
ten children; aid :Smith did-not' Want ' tO°
,be diverced;lnkt did, want to getia chart
er'. ler a turnpike; ' : ior . plank road; to ex
tend froni Pigs Ran to Terrapin : Hot
, ,
, .
II ,
i f t
• these different errands,
. ; and addreeied ilia WI..
, - itith' the - usual ergu-
Well. they
came to• Trent
ileisibied *lad
[ 1:
;er,, , viAtu
:2d. Liquors
motive at tug
and *iiith . 4lo
11 ' 4 '0 :100 1 ,
444: ,
3iii*OitY 7, I
aiuily commie& of pyis
bckir,:k gotind of steak and
in: -great . plenty-from'Jer
wit', Iv is a kind of 16Co=
a ~ . . re4ticettin Liquid
I' " taitiagne.., '' * .
plai_iirelei . Janas .•the-di;•'•
,a- . 411Liziprigi3e • 84104
"'firnitipitteTtriatii; followed
ganFbinakfailf' , undtir!the
' ay:o"Which, th& Walla
ainsell initlithe,dirielap - d
, Jonel Sinith,
I I bitt'Wriinintitiktalitithtiir
,#joinjhg - baihertet_let,inilis
gi '. ttibtilation'=of
, . .., fkit
~ ci - jit '_'tit
14iii i
!.• 'Nip” 4111 *OW- tiatilawa'
l'i li ~n o y. wife heside'iiiii'i
1:" '4'4' . l &,k1?04 1- fivii'nfiber;
'''-': 7l '''
studyini teic lessons .ift. corner of .the
room, be A!as indticed - to expatiate upon
the good result of his mission to Trenton.
4 A turnpike, my. dear. I am one of
the directors, and Will be „president ; it, -
will set us up, love; we. caw send the chil-
Areti to boarding school, and live style
out of the toll.. Here , is the Charter,
'Let me see it,' said' the7pretty wife, .
:who was One of the nicest wives, with
plumpness and goodnei dimpling all over
her face, 4 let' me see it, and - shie leaned
over Smith's shoulaer, pressing !ber arm
upon his own, as tie looked at the parcb.: -
" But all, at- once Smith's. visage
,grew long . • ; Smith's wifes visage grew
black:* Smith was not profane,- but, now,
he ripped out an awful - oath. •
D—n lt,wife, these infernal scenn7
drels at Trenton have divorced .us.' •
t i e
It was too true. The parchment
was a bill of divorce, in • which
'th, name of and Smith's wife up-,
peered in frightfully lerible letters.
- Mra..Smith wiped ,i er eye with the
corner of her apron.. -
' Here's . a turnpike,' she said,' and with
the whole ten - 'of our children staring - me
in die face ; I aint your wife.'
• ..1)-n the pike and the legislature,
and;--and— , ,
Well, the fact is, that - Sthitli reduced
to. single blesticcluesa, and ' enacted' in
to. a stranger. to his own wife, swore
-terribly. -,
Althugh the nigh'
Idesizen. - -
_ .
---Y r
of--or—niud children r
Ten,' said Mrs. Smith; who was cry.
in.- !Here's a turnpike . •
Well, the good -minister seeing the
stateof the case, (the Trenton parchment
was dtily produced from the pocket , of
the lugubrious Smith) married them aver.
•straightly,and Weald not take as feo ; the
fact is, grave . as•kewas, he was dying to
be al-one .so tht he could give vent to a
suppressedlaughii-which was shaking him
all. over; and Sthith and . Smith's wife
went joyfully he,mej, and kissed every one
of their tea
_children. The little Smiths
Uerer knew that their father and mother
. ~
Ili a d beeh made strangers 19 each other by -
.ilegislative enactment.
~ -
DivOrce is . the, wOrd,' cried Jones,
playfully patting her duble chin.- . The
fact is .
Eliza,-I'rid o tbat cursed ivo-•
man, and -you cd I'll Uvula get married
to=nightl. Ikn w how ,to manage those
scoundri t els at Trenton. A champagne
- o
supper r breakfast—did the business for
them. ' ll
iut on your bonnet, and, let us
go to the:preacher at once, dearest.' .
- The widow (who was among widows
-as, peaci,es are among apples,) put on her,
bonnet and took his .arm. ".
Jus look how - handsome it is put on
parchmeut cried Jones pulling...the doc
ument from his pocket, aud withimuch
miffing spreading
spreadino• ihe document - ou t be
h4 • •
liCr l p3 is - the law which says that Ja
cap •loties ;KA his wife Anna Carolina
Jmies are two. Look at it,!'
Putting her- gloVed•hand on his sheaf.
dt3r shei did look at it,
• Oh' ear.!'
_d she said with,,ber rosebud
lips and sank back on the soft'.
1• Oh thunder and blazes cried jones,
and saiik beside her, resting the fatal
Parchment in his hand—' Here's
,lots rot
happiness end champagne gone to ruin:
It was' hard case. Instead of being
divorced' sad at liberty to mariy the wid-
JaeoliJones , was incorporated into it
tarnpike - company, and what made it
Worse,autborized, with hierbrother direc,
tors -. tO construct turnpikefrom
lingten Ito Bristol.
When . yoU reflect that Burlington and
Brisol ire locate d ' just a mile apart, on
opposite Sides of the Delaware river, - you
will perceive'the bepeleisness of enes'
• the fauli of that a--n
- pike nisi who gave 'em ihe champegnii
supper, or was it breakfastM cried Jones
agony.- .';lf they'd et chartered me to
a -turnpike from Pig's •Ituti - tO - -Terrapin
Il l olloww= I -might have bortie it but : the
idea of inaking . a turnpike from ,:Burling
- ton' to Bristol absurd." , - ; • -
" And - ion ain't divorced !"- said Eli z 4l
quite tearfully. - H - . - ~•
•-' No I' thundered .Tones ! crushing - his ;
hat between Ida knees,' andWhafsworse,
the legisliture's'adjourned and gone home
drunk,"and wo'&t be back to Trenton till
next year'!' •- - . , : ' ' - ~. •. •
The - taista'kelaoccurred on - the' last
tiny of chi) tiession;'when . k.glislatora ;.
clerks:wire laboring under that. effects of
- citinnnig' e'sapper * TOliowed 'by„ a 4 chan*
here Jon
- ttgne - b hfast,- - Smiles -. lnane*. had
• - . . . , , been
been put
~ es ought to ham e
etas le y we'rsey,'- as thitatin poet has
it, ,: , -,„,-• • :., ,• ~- •-•! . -,.
This'is . in substitute ir , not in words,
. . • .
tbnittain"fintliiy.- - '
.• -'••• - .%; - '', -
-'2 4 tOn•you 'mean lony c that •'that itra
fait l'nsked- tho;;lnctori - Ls ..'. . lung his •
"'Makers and:gazing rnandrt .testa ur
ant 4 liox ;in which they _Were
teittiiiiit the tbnickluittuire.maipty . ihare-,
- fligio.' ,. . - , • , 1 - _ of , ' , u tile , : , 4;001i
-'• TM"' 'ft . saMP e - _,- ~..
._ < J .: : ~-, - ,. ..: .
. it •- ' teidiaii'arigh . ..“ .•
- 4 - d - op
von, re , . - - .4unie=-111 0
ei ' Sir* Tig, ~ ,- . s i t ric'ret
- 7 1411b34411th<11: . ..1
Itt. ..414,dtreeletctillicriOal- . ' id; b r., .*, * ll. 114.1113.,i ..,11,:::1
oala k .„.. 1 &e melt: -yro z.7 - 7 -,- . ~.,
. 1 -4 ' vidocinsdekinstrir
7 7 r -
A blazer 1 . This very ntght i will repos e
i the bosom of 'illy (oddly.. ;The next,
train starts at five% o'clok, and I'll - take
it."i . - - •- , 1.- -•- ;-.
Whether this storris,'true or .not; we
cannot - say, but both this , captain and the
doctor are_Men of truth,) and the' latter;
one bleak autumn night,[whei we Were',
belated•amid the pines, at the: :very Jei , ,-
:seyest of Jersey,tave;4, told the story'
. to - me by,a bright .wo fire, with a sin
cere aid honest face. i ' ' I . )
' . Why he. Sold e
- . il Horse.
lir. Sellurh is' a hirstf-jockey ;, that:iii:
When he is'not more prontahly employed!
Ile_ is not tislia med. he' 4ays, tip • try his
fortune in that very respectable, calling:
He dropped in a 'horse baiaar , a .feiv ,
weeks since, and very. scion after . Sellum
arrived a
.supe rb-tooking - Charge r mount
ed 1 byi graceful rider,' pranced up the
court and entered theaienat'sobl at putk
lic vendee.... • . - • -
' There he is, gents," ;mid., the auction
eer, • there he is, a splendid beast ! LoOlt
at him . and judge for yourselves. There's
an ear; a forearm, a nOstril 1 an eye- far
you. That animal, gentlenten, twits knock
ed down to a gentleman : under \ theham
- mei, less than three months ago for. two
1 hundred .nd eighty . ' dollars., But I am
•autho - ed to-dy to self that le t
him 'ring more or less. i'lie's a beauty:;
fi , - figure,- splendid saddle beast, natural
_ate fourteen miles - to :the hour, trots , tt
mile in. 2,42; and altogether he's a great
horse, which last remark iin -one doubt
ed, .. for he -weighed ;.eTeven -.'-htind rod
poundi. '' How much am L l k for
that beautiful horsel' continued the auc
tioneor. 'Move 'himioundl the ring,
.cohn,.that'S it ; elegant, me -r-' .. -
Here the horse stoppleil abort, _a re.
fused jo --l e r---.T-nlit.9neilit hough J ohn
buried the rowels to the
.:shoulders on
his ribs. r - . • J.!
Give a bid gentlemen; if you pleasei
that horse must be ' -
• . Twenty dollars,' was heard ' from one
corner of the room , - I • --'-,
Twisty dollars .' screamed the auc
tione'er, with a seemingly irnnical laugh.
'.l'm offered the at a peedou-suin of i wen
ty dollars, atlemen; I.fur that animal.
Are there . n sausige-mikers in this
coegregatim 1 Pm offered - only twenty.
dollars I—B 4 - gentlemen, as .1 said tip
fore; thia hn s ets'here to be sold,- so I
shill a4ept he bid. .
Twiinty °fiats ! I'm offered twenty
dollars` ty dollars,--twenty , dollars.
Give Me thirty ! Twenty'dollars. .Gi ve
mefireli Twenty dollars--did'` l .:.h ear
five 7--.7iTwenty-4ivF,.ixo and . a half/
Twenty dollars—sny one '!--Sintli - I , have
twentvone.? If that's gentle
bid, : gentle
en, diwn be must go / Twenty' did
larsz—g ing
,I. - Twenty dollars, only t Won
ty—Wbois the fortunate buyer 1' --' : -
, Seilum—John Slluirt," said . our
friend. . • -
'John . Seltum, twenty,' said the auctisin
eer ; .3,/ou baie got .a horse at is a kale.'
And the fortunate John bore 44 wag- .
nificent charger away! in triumph. A
few dais subsequent ly.{ an ota acquaint
anCe inet John in the y cars, and inquired
aboutliis purchase. ' •
Got that horse yet I.lohnr •
, 4-No(1 sold him.
800 n T What (Orr
Well, nothin' ',tail didn't
fancy the critter, all things :considered.'
He was sound, wasn't her
reckon.' he Wasn't iii;st is to
say calculate lie wainiil Shoed very
good pluck till Ignt hi m down into. Wash
ington 'street; after I left the;haznart but
just opposite the garden he fell.down -on
the pavement: I : i-
' Pshaw You . don!'t say:So
Ya-as. - Blind --staggertua kind
But I didn't, mind thei, so I took him
born , and nusit ; him up's little. rut him
in the gig the next clay; but he • wouldn't
std a peg ! Qoaxed him, :dra wed him;
run. hot wire through his I ear; wollop
ped and so forth; anti.finally built a Fire
under, him !--Alll nn use; :cunning cuss !
sot right down Mt , the pile oflahavings and
. put it out!' - it 1 1 - .
Here his' friend- sMiled. ',. .
' That wasn't nothin, though,' Neat to
get inta,the.wagen and he.,started 'fore
I gathered, up the ribbons. Went about
three rod-fotiad, and stopped again qnick
r'n. light', ing.) - Throwed .me out over
his bead inter the horse trotigh-4.icked
himself out of the shafts, and run 'a Mile
afore we ' k etched 'im.'.43rought him_
back and put him in the stall low sta b le
—got out of lint re eh, tiMI ,DeSan,to ;
whale 'int. 'Thep, be. kicked , tip again
noCked tbe.flootin',a I thievish overh ead
stove his shoes off, broke his. halter; nu d .
then' run back inter the stable flor, ~ raP
'door happened ' to`" be open. and d ove
went his hind lega'elose to the hips. There
I had . hint' foul. ~.. ..L i - • .' ~. • i'., -- .
Xes yon, did' . Opli r his. Mend. -l'
'I get a piece e'pl h az!'" laintued !dm
for -about ten min a es, =when- .1'11:I:be
banged if he didn't .gi mail 1 and..higked
himself out o'.- the hole. „Neat motiiin'
found hith.ssielled up 1 big as four ling**.
beads. Robbed: spercets n' turpentineall 'over Itn, an; the. Origreatfal ‘7lnecal
kept tryin'io kick me-'for it. .Give 'iris
rintbin to eat for eiBinidays,! and the swel
lin*,went-dewn4- ewe 1 ' TotAltu , , :out _ :of
the stable, and Anna 'am lame behind.'
, .
'Very - 1 1E4li: r . - 1
_, . : ..
14114 Mif - clitier .eximiutiiiii, .ikil lie
-Was-intim for'ard L one halaneedl' - other;
so In '
couldn't limp .;_: Oiie, eye. iiiid been
knocked velitcibe far but .148,44..
stall: itiyAred . that,. i miiiertitt,„ *41160
'im devia'keeifeilyoko4 rn4:oi . tl.te ;. I #l,!iy
haruesa,—Led r im 'aorn the .ritieit, -- 1 and
met an old gentlemii4liu Search of a Spit.-
iced.. beast. Asked: treat 11 , wanted- it
~ , ~.,7 ' . . I,
2 / . S, go -sit; i- aes.V..-. .-],- ~4-, .;.; = ' -
What'll' :$ 7 611 * -Pllke Or 1111$rilel hi. :,' l•
-,-_, A ,libeiligh stvupg, :.,I.lwfis-1!,„1.z.. 1% , - , .: , .. : 1 , -- 4 ~ :-
hr; 4 lllOilniliterkkill6g 4 V i.-'14401.11ti -4100 d
it „,14£
11ti t tilti: 1 14)Sinile:naggi t ' :t r7. ;'-': ?,^', ;-,4l'i 1. , :
ill ill' sez bo. , NVlmit l.
~ J
I never warrants h o rse:
you'*iintlet just is be is=
of horses, no doubt Irc-
I atn,''sez he. - •
'Very well t - then' ,
;lyna nmy.
for two hundred dollaW see
The old gent. peeked 4 in 4) his rn6ufh,
stroked neck, hiok - d
and replied—, : 1.
give - youl'll abundred "IV
,g give you a..eunogc.. ! ,
, 's''Tilit the difference,' sez L
,''Done,, see he.
The hiss is YoUrn,' - sez I.
4 Ile gave Me the inoney,. t ‘ l
imal, and that's 'the last I'ye hi
or that.hoss." '.- -
Possible I' exclaimed his fr
a Yii-as. • Under ell the t :elre
I thought it wasn't best to keel
you see, so Net 'im go' 1 I
, Where are y'ou going new'
Lis friend. 4 ... I .
. 4 To York.' ' • ~1
! When do you return ft . '
4 ; Not at present I' said IV
ly—and I reckon he didn''
I ; -
I Scene 'at the 'a anal -
Madame Rumor tells funny- s .ries Some
times. 'She gives-the followingjaccottnt of
an interview .be.tWeen Prince Joha Vali Ni
vea, on hierecent visit to this cit., and Co
'taxi •ierly- Tucker. the Seotinel of the
Mardi. 'The Scene was at the ' titiorial Ho;
l e
tel, vibe the iprince stopped,. rand where
the gell nt Cdlonel met him,:audithus,ticeost=
ed . him .l . ' \ , 1 1
Why... John, -how pste 2rO`u! , What :the
devil brought you heke 'I 11.ave,tliellards
dnven youput of Glotliam or 'as - Guthrie
called you down . here, to give.lin amount of -
'yourser I 'How's this election .I - - . . • - '
P. J., - -God bless 1 ou, lieV.: w do you
do .I. _ 4 slor tbe.d *a. .. _nfithiost
bless u,
it. tiruthrie rs •
right; go - tn for
the iesoltitions of 'OS 'hold that' lie blood of
The triartyrs is the seed of therchurch,! and
my b;inesa here is to buy eitii.,+r . I_ . 1
T. Buy a.l,
nitger ! kGood grtunou..i, rre,
how you you
-surprise 'me I f 1
.P. JI--es buy a nigger! 1, , consider a
nigger l ithe great panacea, , the rnament, of
the ch thin, the emblem - of fait !)and '.fi,lelity
in the ' itician,- and altogetheti. something
very i portant to ,maitkind generally; Just
seeho Bronson has been pa . ffellioto a-star,
r l n
oflthe hint magnitude by t•alv9lsin,g a short leg:fume to Guthrie upon niggers'-the.y have
_nearly f made a great man out( if DickinsoU
---ovethan half humanized Ch ;ley O'Con,'
nor, and even raised , poor COolei to the pre-
chits •1 of . notoriety. Since la metes have , !
ceased, no such wonders Lave 1 > n performed
before;_and'all by, niggers : ; g i p:tingle Ed- ,
=ands about spirt rappinga-beire to' come
up to it. '1 I tell yOu - Betr. - I tuns, have a,, nig7
pr—my fame ii , .(iuires it, and
'wants demand it : 1 -
_._. I ‘. • ' • -
T.--Noasense, ;John ; tut di' You really
want a nigpr I—ecause if Youtao, you must .
have one. . :.I :.. ba -
P. J.,Why, certainty Iwo. L ;;Evpryo4v
seems to dOubt what I say ahou:MANTers. . 1
tell, you, Bev, I havb.changed 64- ; pima up'
on; that su`ect, , and though I did not think
i 3 o;ondi e , I. n w maid the iWilnOt.' with the
sainUahho . nee that I &AIM hlaine.. law.--
lea sumptuary, merely—a check upon, plea
sureppon piirsonal comfort- 7 40n all the
arts and all the sciences, upon gi•eatneasi op
on chhialry, and therefOrcAtty 4iti that'can't
see this, and'tigot a nigger in. his eye
in the 4 days, is no 'man 'at - all it ;
T.--L, I'Vhy, john; you- talk like 'a saint I
Give, Us '
your NieWs, in the Sentinel, and then
you: w'll be colidered Orthodoi: II They - arkiin
sound . l
as a nut. I thoughtiyeiii Would dtime '
right t kg- - : :1 : -1.. i
P. 1.-mound! ';Why, I sin iks soupl'ou
niggeris as the stump
I candidatO Was On thit
goose gimAtiOn- The only trouhle is to Make.
Ow world believe it. I want - '`crush out'
,; ;:r
unbelief and the Sentinel ism t. rong enough
for. that. . I must have a nigge ' a neat ' hard
niggei, an ordained A ' ainantine, such.a one
as. Diekinson would.
._ elig,ht tol cheose; and
as wold make aAt mpanioii.for Coidef
I tell ou,
c t ,
Bev, that I must get!' ahead of the
who! hatch, and • . , ; 1:- , -;. ;1 ;;a,
-The Ship Panel Jacross.
Dikilee; to connect the vie 4 teeilif .
and Ithe_Pacifiei "
4 4 1 .4.qr , FaTa. kretivs.eit
deep at low iater, sect ni
ty teet The,oBiiitial
wArkks:s7,966,oo6:t.'" Ii {won
diStanei.:XY. freni '
e made 4igle;Si
b Oted
be 0 0e 140 cre• thli-Mgrii
I r t t ge .4 -11),
•N4wers 1 Diggers 1 iii gers rare „the cards -,.
Wherein to catelt, th e 4cienee Of the •Birth:”
Islip , .we agree on the Maine law.- / -
' T.-,---Ah ! Jobn, therein we - o harmonize
perfeOtly; and • •- i f z ilik'' I,fF E. ''.• :'i
',, ''_
collognists the , retired into a ,corner,
i t is lAreWdlY st!' - -Pec I. WI P•Ormso 40 0 4
the printing ,of:, co grais.4Wieliiiigion
Stan - . 1 -.-zr - ::--.: -; ~
We have been
. ilorel *lib some *beer
vati ins made-by Pa _ u ilp Tel Ooir`a Bnlgian.
naturalist and triVeller; -nnie ' *din g in Our .
cite, s howing that nal inverts t change' has
take place about thn ifission;.,_ During,the:
last sweaty mouths , of - I,bek. earth;
t 4 t. Mission, has been - elevatedabOnt.eigh,,T
teen iioctiei l - bii,,thkehange w :ntit 'seem.. -.
puled by any perceptible I .- quake or taibtei.
% b
- -raiiekii 'noise:- :lc* ell known thaVveo ies'';
,markable changes of iakind are Constantly
:going on in South America. - -In the Strains
of 'Magellan; tho - earth basi l beek:rabieethOre
thin:lo-feet-; ThiOnlinnik-.4Chllne i , ,-• 141
Madre d,e Nt!ukve raig.ed, 10fe94Talegi!-
uano, 17 feei;-Yina :12:1;14 - iti:p feani;nn - 4
Coh - ri 5 feet. iti . 2 - years: I' li e : int It hieelilre='
4 4 6 ' 0 Will . 'PereePtlOr r•W *IIIII•-'ivteir
yen" at Panama '.Vinjo and Sa p ilkiee_444 l
Calffornits. -_- . ..',..,1-'
1 , 1
11" m, i - jatil i4O liiVetil
" . !'t '"—e!« • -- ' : beciniiklthey
Peetinisiewile ..A:
„ 4 „ - - A I - = - s;iii, r i
, 4n taitait i t a , ii ecoution,r,vAr7 : ,, ~ ~ rik . ~r l ,---
tj he
in iiittOgeticltelM -, . 1 : 11 / 4 1 :-41 i;'S t om: .
*fiiii:-...lethii bilt.‘ l P., , „.„',., - .-!- t,4,„,
~. ~ tv 4 ,' t tttttt- i OT ".
Atifihtl, 1134 fir,lTS!eg ".
-V 4 Sifillitteolrl-PWIW ,', t0,rm.7..... -
..'-_ ',',... -- ..- . , - :12 ,_; .\..•-.•-.. -
il- .. , .q...-1
'- 1 : . ~ , 1 - ~ 1 ''-.,-; .-`...,. : - ..,.. ti -•,-...... 1
. . -
I -si
z ilEf
a judge
Hire. to;our mind, is the finest iir'xiOdi°O of the
muse'of Bayat4 Taylor lre;naver open his poem
Of Xnerft - wittiaot 'Mid it Ills
been a mattm: Of viooderi . tons; that [ i!:.haleOt z li 4 tr
adapted to music by some of eur`eoth
a grarill and stftriog
11:11TOIL mins& Akeitiucer..
fifty'_ t
Shut, for theripears of. Spain t,
• The Moor o'er the deep, lith , rome,
• And the wild brieze bears again' ••
• • - The sound p f his battle-dinni.-L; .•
• - Pour through our sunny lend - -
The charging trumptirs.peal;
About for the ChrierotO And- • r I
- And the, spearau f *Ol Ces - • r.
• ;Te'that haveyprired ot i Yore • -
The might of your dauntlesasotds: 7 ;.4...
Ye who the lance,ne'er_bOrii i '
• Where the tide of 'cOnfliels
Str)ke, tilt the 'streams be dyed •
' 'With the battle's critusen-ridn,i,-.... ,
I With an a•tri of steel.elid heart's of
' • For do& and ;the hills of 'Spain:
k the !au-I.
I - -rn
rtbe beast
ellum sli-
. .. . _
Shall your Weir and p ' ud ti illibe ', ; •
. By the : Moslem's-foot rofittiett.t .r , . ~.
• ; Has the SOW 'of ,your fa .; ..'. : . •
' 'ln their children's- . nts'''weied lt .
'' . With the 6aiii..of : - of: itOtitius4ir" .
Thundef the stirring. Pond ;'''';' l- '.. - ' -. •
i-i - Shout fur your hotnes andAltir• 8re5,.,..-..,
And the speirs:of 'old Custile.-)., :. :
- . , ,. .
From th San Francisco 11 raid.
Strange Rice , - la the Ilearl'at, Call
(orals: I • -
.. - .. , . INTEREOriNG . : .2CAllittAlilrE; . -
, Thrmith_ ther very. centre oft i s Great
Basin runs 'Ai, Itio,,..oelerideOli einitcror
Little 'Rea River, ;, -I(ta ke - 3 . : 'Li 'cr s o jO*lie:
exiountaina ;that 'skirt i4oftigtti:, : ti,iiii. , .9f.t4e.:
'Mi. Grancie;•;ttimiiialiiiim;•i:4l4i, :is4:.4l')d
-empties - into , the Celoratter,, , ats:ii . iroint: . ..on. :
-.-oc•-amoopeermict.. ea - 14 - ttemeWei
er'a .. Petsru' .: "About 100 milesiib ' iittiris-
and 'reinnint. almost.paredlel . , Wit -
,it;t:3.ilie •
ricer. San Juan. , ::E ach . a.. itiiii " , :stieitio:.
. ,..,.... .. .
.-45 about -!saniiies , Bet, leing.T::,:y, jr.- them ••
stretches "aoinrinenair tikl**--jiatoL-lircplien.:
occasionally by Sierra* of no treat length,,
-which shoot "up above . the:general . ;..
tapn:;..Aboni . .heelf.iway ,between: the
!rivers, =and ;midway the. - ; . trildernese-_.t•ii- - -_.
tween 'the- ColOrider: and.;the Ate ...G-Mile, .
,is - the; Country:: Of ,;„the Alereti43 .. ::,::.„Freim,_
- Midst _of . ;the, plai er - -, ri3es.,, abruptly,-:"eii : all :
ide#, a .BUtte. .of...eonsiderable;elerettien,..
the top of whichja as flat as if some treat ,
power luid sliced off .the summit: .:.Away'
up here the igeritois -.hare built three:tate .
:villages,. wliere they. rest tit' rii alit •iiekect
lir seen re -. ..freed: .thei,- atta.6l4 . Of the fierce
tribes who li ver (1 . - ; . 06: ii Ofthi. , : and" Ot4t.icif
Ilieein. :-.. The eides':'Of - --,thia' table ni,onOtiiin
.. alrirest....perpetreltcular. s •:'clift. , :".e. -- •,a."Ok, th..,c - .,._
.. top can only be, reached 'trieilar;ilight . of.
steps cut in" the- solid reek,-; - ,',Atiratiet.:its
-base " i 3 a , plain. or irablelatd,L)* the'
Marquis .. cui!iiiii : with gOisii:::-!las3id4ity . ,'
**e: they raise .. all hi irds..'t,..trel;:
Ons '. and ..retetable.4, , ,.. They -• hare
cilsO 7 *
number of Orchards: Allea.WitkOonYskindo'
of: fr uit . t rees.. : 7 The.:-1_06.1theY.14146,:
-.COptain . Walker:,eays,.'
are,., particularly.
fine.", They' have.'llirtli,-",flOCki, ••• of • sheep ;
iiiitgodts, but .i ., 6.t tow.:!ii I*;t l i.g-- - bniden' : ,'
or, cattle.: - They'are- a ,harralil3 - 4,,irepffetr. , --;-1
sire ,:ra ce 7 -ltiro: aii . a.. s , 4 (i4l)itibi i,. - ,: t:
Ors; and make vaiy.lit;(6 te..4iti a - 6,.•,*1i,c1i!
a tt acked: - . ". The.. warlike u . i.: . i • 5.,:-. v il u i
&WOE- in the inOuntaini,io...the n: rtheaet,..;,i
of- them,'_ are.:l_•in ::.thi3"-i-"„ habit: 'Ott. sweeping
down ut!on.theier":erery tWOOrithre&years"
and driving Lftrheir . stock,..,:::Aistich.:tierl, e3 : '
' thei gather iitOill-..ihat. le ",....ruoyalileifre*-1
' their : faim. 44d.. - 4. tor reftte :
.:il ei i
mouutair,streu g hold;:lletV'sibeir
-4Ue- •
- relies. darer iiet,-folltiir";'' , ,them :. When; :: ,a,
a trang er . ttiliiitiachee,•,tbey a ppear; 4 . onj .
the top . : of the -ividta - ;inelThOUSS;;Watchrog watching:
his movements,-;.., Ono. Of theiri.Villatca-,'. at "..
Which- PUptato : ,W*lker'AtUYedifor.eocrat.,
ielYaL, is " fi rei or st,-" . huirelreer•Yl6i.4.-
The • houses( are •: generally 4u0 . -, : . cits stone
4tia:-I - Ti6iiii l 4-iOH2, - .. -, of tideAi:4,l . 4 :•Tlieire :
very !iii4e .. - iiyid.'eitiii:fOittilil;'#o - -- . ' , Miniif• -
thern'artt ti,, , iii;iiiii 4 - M . o*three.eterries.highi,„: . .
t beintralritantetii'e'Ciirteideratity:adraiic,.
ed -in sone - exit 'the':lieria; iiiiii , :iiiiinuaeint:i:
eiteellenkivirOle* - 4eibiiig
r blankets, Leath
'', =basket-work"' and . '.tOtteryi," . •• -, • .. A.Tirliko - ,:
04" Of'the ',.lirelinte:‘ ,teibire ief : - .thia::.cOirntry• ~._.
the "Wornen - Weirk
,Withirif•rdosie,:, - the.meri - 1 ,
irerfer idling Tirittlie . .farM" t aba .!.'i -- . 060e14 , .. - ,
.lair. A*:11 - . reeee;'•the:y.itie-,ht! *lire ;COM' ,
t h lin !tbe I :dito*ltlellairaij, eV ll aliforreia.
Ina6i:doiii,: . Werriiiiii*re:tble ' , Irly . lfeeir;in, •
consequencer: - '1: - 0 r t...1 - ii;f i- '6 -. ii b . 0 , -;•
,11 _ - t c ,...h -
~,..__,c ~: e x p o ..,
i3e4 , . - :t0',016.. iniri 4 :Arreiengt . 'tle . :7erei'iCiiiitarre::.•
Walker . . saw :'.dices , :pOl - 0 .- qii white; /
,: .mitiii*boii..:46 - 0 . , 5, , , , - 4 - y0., - . .0 .B#* .-
'others' Of Of 1--t he ... saMertri`uel.' . .; iii."t. a Zn 6ii*.:
lutes, ireareitheVer diiitite»l
... • < : ," 7 .irmie - ifi,:
'no doubt Albliiiiefetia , ,:l4,..r . o s4 :o:,:tiO'P'' . r4P-
to -14 itUneitiiiii,liiiiilitii*ii,': , -,.llod*iiiii.
:e.iiiiteriCe':iitiitifeliiiilt*; --, ' , nliiiiiltoiii7j,
.11.0 i - .. ..04. - .`,-4" . .4:fi 1 4f4 4 1 1 :1.#,,.'.." - -
:tin'.o . .:in4 'yell44: '(00:4:,......'-:11-41,1Ptalie
.ii*. 1 .404 ,. .
_; , ,00= - :.-c.. - ':jik:i#:4o'42Viree - si - iiiill
1: 1 0e, -4c ,:*, i4:,..p4'oc2 , l'ihi' : .'k:iiii. .l :T i lliioi. . , *4
iioi!?b9i --...' <itklei..rcia.4 - *!.:::: ~ iiq4tiiikiiii i ;
*,iinin ,/ *1i*::;71 1. 41.00g.,:n7 2 0:70***i , '
Elia .... • !*41,4100 1. 6 - 0 0 0t019T4 . *)4t T *i.jk.
: a' '' ' " 6 0re . - - Ao4!.);'.'•!;'4 l 4, • ::sol l .iii4:!Tiitfiiir'
sir eto . wlthouVAtionotiposztion;, , ,; . But
~,„,,,- . ;,..,....,,,i..!.., o ther -7 i. ;..2:-firA , 4:• - •
l IP, I Fft- , L I/ In OrA -0 "ff1. , ,:.„ AP9'.1.,-PiP' , o, l !!!7l.
Ji.ris"Oo, 6 P3qloPl:!!iiol'.t.,;;„Esq*illo't!-•
'' ' !Y, 1 40,004 e '-:f' . ,o;ii o-01 0S t -f. i . l W. ' iA - 04.4*tii;' ,- ..
i l k
o. , ,t;*tiv? - ;::i40 , 014414 -- .10 6 4:= - L*itl be
Ica' -: 1 0* - iis#At : _0.4 AbOIMI ..: :iisPf-Qiiik
.. .1;:.-.:-.1.: - .'::.: - .:::'' , .:-
. . ......,, t . h.- ~,,.:-.,..3..44.i.: '--,. f•' .. Z. - •,•.krj ' , ...i
\ - :SMing if *lii' .. *c , infc'n Pre . ..lieti.ol.irtillLwlth .
filt* - att 170090407047. -. 4 ,- -. tY:M.
very- 'POI '-' - ,'T4 - 3 4 ..* - 40. 1 :cf* *- #; :J . A:kAtf o T!c.
'o4 o 7 o .o4 4 Rlt o sf' - 0+1 1 ;_ . 31;.0450* - ..
tiire;, , ,=; - ..,,, , ,, ty . , - ..*.04F.",*:0,495kii)
.;iSk -- **4-
bOOO - 4....' , :ifiMy . :.iito:oot..i: ' - 'lo:`,
..."0101c. ''._ .0*.004440000t7 •;-: :, - J'4410Y.,.: -
Iviiiiiiit iCtiiiiiti#4l : 34t-;)* ' ' ' '.' ...ti e t'are'
_range `w th. :- 400 . 4...,..P.5#7:5L : 1,-, ' 7 .00, ,_420 . ,...P,4
the febi .0,1101,,--*P.P.:IFIN': -V.4.',.,;715i-i-l-r,
ter ofd - ing.i4liiii,Ai 4).rffAukti.Jl:t
:Oinik - -)ii . --,. i . ***olo.lo,4iiia Aic i. O.iiii* -4,---- '
i iicti
iis t kii. ‘,.._' 4 1 040* (4 0 4 ir , - 001:41 1 4004.
'.igv-40 - 4)44: - **004047.: :i . 44****.
the bad; - oiiii* - ., - : :WjE' .:: : : :%:*tt*-1
Illikl`' . . - ' 1.00. . ' t6t' . ! : . Ilithit
"' -- tll-s* - i e ' , ..Tl . * ',
-: 4 - 014 : il
,- , - -.: - .:,: . : , -',.. - ,.. ,, ....;,-fi‘.. - . - ,- - , , .. , ,f..:4.1., - ,,,i0::1:::=W',i'3.-: - .;'4U. , , - ; - 1:•';-f R ''-..,1
Y . ' al
• :AdAtiti,c.
be tliirty feet;
idia aid sliz'
id aborie4 Abe
vill s. it bablj
I meikvand
:;'g.i]...1!;:1 ,- -i"4•:!'szl:.
The-Rattle:Slug: l , ,
.",*--......- .:,
.... ..,,, f ,:..,,,.
' .::.!.1,..•,''r.,..---ir-
wito - . 41
women ..
ear . e i ~• ,„ Ali .4, y ....g,
behind: §44. „ritair twrtell .
Luc,. ,", - - rr:, li
The Bronu• :iti. ,i' ' 47.
and retire-1;4.i.- M. in illipiaa%
w ilt . ot. ,weir villitina --1_... {, ;
, a , ii i ft , The . .. :..,,ctu 4,t
by mean s of t'it_. oYArnifitWittea.
of the ; ram _. anialloxis
fails , t o 14"AI'. - Stimettne ..7
" snow Con-th' ' ''''' b '
ter , their crops ' • elaatatfati
they ais4yBl, 1 - tre bad. •..~
vislolis laid ;;,eete-tvil/4) or th;
gether; tlier arrp,' 9fTlii"9Ers
Pleffar, i n "id a re 7 , a int)St.eXtrq,
nes yet 1-,r v"ce of ,any'r
Th fi `yet : "evered. 0 . ) d ig
eY "a neve ' 1 .
tei ...,.
the whites an d r u l d -1.41.0'. i
miginsitdtwi fi 9 t. f amine thOKI
is here fl ir ', A , ! „t“emselles„ •Av-t.
have.rrare agvnntareliti:lita.
terestin r I. listerio,36,ali,Mnlit
afTectedg;t6"" CaPt,iik:Waik7irl.
Basin;;:. 1 ail of histravels ` lert_ii
EL• t , • -
i . , ,
, o r ..!
• - .!• '. l
4? - ' ''''''
ilit Wg 4l l# 4 : l ' ',
2 . Wi'' ' CinlelittllBll3 l 44osix , ;l4 '- geiurt),Tio ---
friends : iiliiiitri , deetAiiiiiiiiilitia iti l
is ..called.- the ' Woman's Rightisil
inent.' -WiiMen 2,lla*O'.l.itoinio\ for
. -
1 rights 'lin Sarilinittiqtv . wil y . '--
'the'.followings extraWftviirii
ii, m on -- :.,i c i . 7 Thiiii-s?Oialioir
Europe';'.,".'.. rille 1!„..L.. - !- - :,..,1 -,..p',,,1-:.-.!.'', 41
'Th ' . i , erd twineTiniiii
for a riilway, frotirTuim:t . O'
when - c(lnf4tOt wi!t;t: o4o .*l
Baidini*,,antlAr*ies - pflioniet.
gaged in: miliitiithesel taieiii4
Pann l eYlorPieuiiir'ediisi*u: 4 1 004,
fit the backi:ther:entered4hiviitintic
`.Pne ?side,
. 1 4 1 d 'eril**4- 1 0 6 aii*thitO
er Side. - t hent doOrplikerfiiiKti4aori",,„
they-folloW , each.: otheraikrovi - iot.trAiii. , ;,
ernbankment; w ere e : n ,ed 1, , ,!,:_,:_
there:a:mai, diclw:Aq4 l .#: - : ... 7 ' ,.:**- -::-
TOtrdifiVEout; ' *ifli - the stoni,itittiiii' liiiop
claylell out of the,; - baskitill-- - .;:kank„`o4!):
`ilreds,of womeavrere-firor,.ltiiiiiil*#4l*!
at this.bestial eniployniena4;i ' ' k
li great- number; : linetthe road4,, -- :,, -- A
'Worneit were ciiarryinjt.hettiliv. ' 40*,
„ t it,
, Old'sending: aw - ey theliiiielly,l' ,. .6p±,,'
in* sphere _ of;' *men; seen* .li
been '. ettlargid' &unifier:ol3a
lion' , o of he- - World- . -4hegy 4
o3 , ,i'.''
to , come .in ni :free ~L 'eniiitieoiinki ,
men' ari&dolikeye.r,, Witithei-'tileir
pines 3 in atiomplargedithe ykiwe4
'pay relisonably be cittitio
. ;t,j.:,Ont,
not: employ - - women:- - ,,ai i:: -.risk WI
hauling. dirt`V- Ariii.4tOt . .7..thelititik'i
• egtial'll 'and if it' be: ti4terfe'etV,4l
`end honest -[businessl-zfor:iittio;::,- N i
f o r I wOmen ---, tOr 7- 411v - Tsbetla,:
fli,or6 repugnance , at thes.4l6B4it'
-w.Aen:Sin this;way,,th rt.:4W*
And -no Travenol', :wou it 1iirk... 1 ,..
any -Toringnincir t'ci' SU it ''',. an- z i - itiitki,
of \ Men, . 'mire:ker.- he- mighi'6l.lntik.
WOrthy of the,-. nidcha kat :KO*
.of :Oa age . '- - ean any S'f-.oo**.'
rights', friends'solierA fii-aii,oyeA,
in-a' way that , will - ---nOti.dtispt,..;-..i4iir - 4 ,,,
do6ti i —sat. 'Et;eaßo4,..-,1.=--,:et-F l ;,,j - a;
• - -:- ;, - - - • • -- - i'-' , : ,,, ', 1 1, 4-,-Tt ?A`i;
- ' s, - - l'Good joke•c" -')--;----
_. - 'Tii'e 'OiliOri:r tiii2linitliAllic
tells' ilic I tolliiivi:pi44l:l .. - Wiiii
• of!Ai 4 in a - - If '''' .:
tice, , e uu ~, , e :at
that Prentice eiijO3ii : (lftlie"-k,
being as uoly . sill :" -- "J- 4 ' . "fs'
Our ntghbor•Of th e e: etir9 '
.07,14.. tninrniniinit - niiiiHtiiitt
i e,.t4i, l 74) ; :lioi?fil!qi:lii'Yr.filjiOP
i'vg'-9PeJl: r uLt!'tii. il'ioualVtl3l . 9l l l, A
winit4 '-ingtinc'on:;-`-Anyciin'eligtot...
date him - ,b5T, 3l# wptrnvnfallA-itt ,-.
I for, Mir readers ; t .0 * t slittifitteicki-0
logei*:. for`' WO : a 4 0 iiii;Ottf' . aiigtftW:. , t4
neighbor. , ' 7 : :-='.- p: .- *; -: ) - _ , . ' Atit 4 S, #1
1r "fii*, IleitiViniii; . 1 163.0. retaleviihq
.11-v4 t :itktoit - 4 , dietiii, oo3.3foo*Wii
'We . lity;ii:la 4'140 4 i 6 m tfikiiiiiildifihtli 4 : ,Ai
alts its ' if 'queticiiiii'dnii ..iiiortSitii '
jeCts ~ hut - if -- 7it' . 4 i mail , vii . etP•lli -, . ~,,- 7 ,,,
Chit aniletiiiwitbiiitei ... , 1 - ' - ' , ' - .. : - '''': , 7:',.
whi ,ir c -Zian't.--1ik,4,0 -- t4 ',* • -,,
051 0 4, 11 Y:- -.: S 6 ' lie•l'sarejte4'. ll .-' : !: -- - il' ,
through the iiiediuiiiiiiii: : /' 6", 1 , ;" 1 : : .:, , -;.-A
The , iFilOit' iris i i i;i4C - ,:% ; i1ke., ,- . -- ,, ilietli 7 k;*- ,
1 1
left rov:afiiitijijfijiiici --- ";':.iitittiiiiii*: :5?-; ,1
boi seiia':iit''xiCit •'‘'llAiV6iiiita: tai l
wiTt -- .( ii,iiiiiTji - i _/d. ctlitit-'iiia'ititili''
tAVo' s ftis Yel-Y/ : '- -; ''.:::T- 'Z' - ''''''' - ' . P .) :1 1 7,!"4 -; 4 4 *.iif =
- Pl:ergiii." tlf'ibd,inuittiiiiii+lo - 10Z:f
teiT -. / 44a - , i ' - ,ti - i , = , ' f ,- F ;' .l ? : ,; 4 :Aii : k : At9 944 lt
- AZ: ' '. ."4 ,- ".:';„, , ;;I:7 - ; ,, 1T - 4h-C 147 ?-.4:••;
: • S i? i .q..%r- - R ililt
` - "Tr ' _ !#,, - :!,t,Vipuilt:)=.4,*tir,itiOA Q iiiiki4
_44 6 (/r...*elttoi;iiiii!ti'ilit*tetAt ~ --y.,,ai- l i
~!?,tert34o - ".,-_, -...-'''''. . 1 . 1 ; 1 7 4 4 1' .1,- '11.V:.: -- t ; .,::•!- :; .0k.:,,,v;:,,,,I,1
,4% 2 '
' PrOsiiit,Orefilbllnt)litgit,t 44 4lll , A
I;;l'ittf*ttt - fc4trif iii:#l64ga t ii - :14
tl*l.;Fitiriiii Oila.7 l l‘'. - i..i - :' •n 7 ... -I .lP . .l**l.:iiil
Arlifit • Rli.V! -t"-- .*iilia,.-,. e
cei i
(41:',.'il4i.Viii!iliiii 'lttid:',:iiilhilkii(liV
company To, 1n,,.. ,_..
- - . :.----.1.-I'v-r.:.-f,1t.1-1,17-Ei.,.31;q7.,
` , -7t,tllOfryo4l.
i i °l ' erti
- fled;upoPl-- 1* -
(kr.t a...„
44:413,9,50,T rAiiitttAL
~,t-4147v-,1=?,4 40r--
Irk 41.9i,t,-
I ***
i cvmenl
1 Yr -
) Y.