The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, November 10, 1853, Image 1

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.., For Me Reegeiter. . -
Legend 'og3ltuale Lake, ' _ - •
'.. SUSQUICIOOL - NTT, ea.':
. It is ,saitl - that Musical sounds - aree seinet tiles
heard, at. night, on the shores of it small Lake pear
the Tunkhantiock Hillis or Elk Mountain, in Sus-,
• ,•queluintia county. • Hence i is SOmetitnei 'called 1
;'llusic Lake." The following Version_ is by an
- amateur him-twain: , : " _ .-
The autumnal breeze had•snek to rest;
)1. 4 ,, , The dark blue lake Was still, 1 • . .
•The pale• Moon sinking-in the west,"
Illumed Tunkhatanock's,hdi - -
' On couch of hemlock bouglikl lay; ' • 2„-,
-c": - - • ..-- „:'
: • ' 3.fy dogs to keep the woltat hay,. -t l--:?;;: 7 2, 1 ;,
Were watching round*); bed.: •;' - .
The niAit fire'burtlad with flickering rett, -. 5
. . -
• ii t tunes %would glare araund,..' ' i
Then flash across thb -waters bright -.
. • Or strianinlong, the ground. _ '• , _
I thou o nit.of-times then long gone by, . :
- „ ,
' ' W hertschieffains in their pride, ..• ' - ' , 1,-iIW
Ilad ihouted.higb the warrior's cr i
.. .
And stemtn'il, the battle's tide:' -. L-",,k.5.r' , - - '`.. " - --
' Of hire, whose rows Lantanna Won -7-,
'Twas there. he 'met the.foe—• . , .
• l'wei . there his-youthful course Was run- , -
. He sank beneath the blow: - ..
Of her who there - .in silence beard' . ''' -
• The:. fate her warrior met; . . : -. .
o 'sighs she 'gave, nor_uttered word, ' ... •
t ,' Not e'en her eye was wet. • . •
- 1
" • • But ou•that shore;near Where Illaid e :
Is seen a rising mound ; ' • -
`ln it Was. placed a lifeless mild ;• i
- , Dark hemlocks waved 'around:. .` .. _
. _
' . ' IV !Ale musing thus, my .dogsrushed past, i' 1 1 ,
As though the wolf was near, . ' • •-
. - Then baCkward shrunk; with looks - so-bast'
- And tr•embling. cronel'd from fear.
- ..J2i; sonna was heard from neighhoring height,i
The tones were tedd and clear; '. .. .-.
They broke the silence of the nigitt•
. .
• As wafted through the air.
'Tmas music floating iier..the lake, • I. •
,Re-echo d from the 101; • - -,. . 1 1 '
A wild deer bounding in-the brake, -
- • stood listening to its thrill.
'' * Then Um: that dark, drear hemlock stiFlti,
- -Two forins.u-ere seen to .vlide - • '
A - Wealth; zliief in irnis itrraye(l; ' ,
. • . A pallid Jove- worn Indian ‘ maid,•, ' • '
Morel mournful side by side. • .- ",
.3 S2S. . • - - ---- ' " - .1 - . W. SL 4
- alib - rtlioursts ....rirrtions;••
•Fepnt CAcaribirt . Edinbuisk .Journal:
The- Lucky Dower, -
,When .M Mr. Ahbotson,.,:of Abbotson ; Oi
. ..., •
Park, married to please himielf; - it s was, al
not without reason that: his relations
.-and ti
friends . Were'displeased, for he only waii-: -W
ed . -till . ho.became legally : his-own. waster, .hi
to espouse a young wemamof low degiee, :II
WhOse blitnelesi claracter:.and. amiable . a
diSpesitien did not.:conipensito - fur..the i e
Niant of these Other : essentials .he ought -
to have sought tor. in
,a wife. But Mr.
binal?,on 'was more •distinguished for la
. kind beart and a yielding temper, _thin.
for strenoth of intellect or fine percep
tions ; and bethought it particularly hard.
that be could not marry as,he liked, with
out the interference of other people..:-.A
-short season of domeitic happiness and ' - ' 1:
seclusion ended in the death of Mrs. Ah- -
-botson whoa the little. daughter •she had
presented to her husband was' but a few
weeks old. lie mourned the loss- of his
wife with sincerity, and-.for," a long time
refused to be consoled, seeking and find
- Mg comfort only in caressing the - moth-.
• erless baby, named Anna, after 'its de
ceased parent., Mr. Abbotson'.s. only Bis- I
ter, Mrs. Chin-ton, a lady some years A
senior, and. weddedto a wealthy landed
proprietor in the adjacent county, vainly_
offered either,. to becOrne a visitor at Ab
bOtson Park,orto - talte charge of the ponr
-baby ; both overtures were rejected by:
. 'the bereaved husband. But Mrs. Churton.
a sensible and shrewd .woman did lint,
despair. She stetted and saidesomethini
about time and patitice. • :And . Mrs:,
Churton was, right ; .fOr\by the time An
; nulled
. coMpleted her second year, Mr...
Abbotson acrain -eriterged- from. the sell;
Ode, and by . degrees ..renewed . his ac
qoUintance with the,- world and with his .
- tbriner associates.
lieincr of a-temperament very likely to
.run-into extremes, it so o n- be r came - aPPa'
-'rent that he not-only determined to See
matrimonial happiness a Second time, but
that be resolved to seek it inn very air" '
fermi sphere from that in - which he had I
-first chosen a bride,A,. Mrs. Chnrtonwho - 1
' . bad been the only one of , her
. brothers:;
ki n dred who had countenanced or shown
. 4
' kindness' to the first:l4lrs...4bhotsonnot7 •
.withstauding„,sbe had usfid -,inf l 47
mice to dissuade hinitrein the ittarriage , --
_now exerted tbat influence in I n.
deaVois to iietstiaile ii `that something
„.. more than` mere- erniiii:-rank ivintild be=,'',
desirable, But r i- i ‘noi • .11.r.:Abtrtion's elder: :
Lion was already ';.4le-theuetilliftwi'. l6 '
ter of a Scotch nobleman vi.fie - inane up.'.
1 pride what -,B ''. - lacked -in silver—he!
. coming his second bride. - His . estates
were strictly •entailed'in - the - Male 'iine,%
• and he ardently &ilia* birth ' . *:11 11; 0n,
there being indied;but slender - piovision
I °r a ut - -- -$ - fice - timutaloii
• aug ors, PAtt.4.lC,- P.4ku, ~ __ ... ~...,,,..
of • pecuniary .entbarressinetita;‘ Gielkt;
• , therefore Was the':iliatippolatineii- of him
_ self and' Lady .Jautiewhencoticdange*
wide their appearance,;'4404 6 44'901,1> 7 46.,,
uric arrive to tn erit - t te -pri it. 4lenti=
Preserve the'n,aine: - .,Yi. - ..00 :*
****l o- f°' - '
m encement ofibitintittriage, :Ledy - 14, et
• .liad -evinced , coldnesailiad l L- 00131 -emP,
the step,trattg4ter;*hiii‘iliater"laucP*;
try shaeal,iyaysifiting44.6' 2 4ith4: - scrnti,g,
abhotverice, thitV4ititi4hel . . 4 .lle.iiitativi
from respectable - Scanty -. instead lir r
• -
.....;_z1................_ -. ...... • : • - ': .--
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:11S- werkers; - she' c uld i Pot
:hate -I.
been , . are: virulent in - preindiee . .ana,- in
vetti* -...' -- And : not only: 44.. she" cherish
Iliel -ling-herself, :but slin - :took y ever
• .- '.
paiti. to instil ,it -in the rbosomi of .-lier
.d a Ugh t ere, fiyint tcm readity:inheeted ,the ;
lessOP tati gh tlii Weir , met Ve r. • - a ily in -
.isiults daily slights,'A.nnabid beet needs
torl2e.t o• from •infancy, . heaped. ti . relent-.
ingly upon her .young .defenceles :: head,
hylVe cear4e -pitudfcl, unfeeling- voinan i :
wlio f.uled -With Iron sway over-lir. weak.
minded husband:: - torn taunts and:bi
. . . ..., . . , . .
.sinuattons. respoting , her plebeiti origin.
on the:Maternal : aide, Were so 'ha titually.
listetied ;to in.,ailence .•63r the ; .po r girl',
that at. length,. Alna
: became ub lutely
101 asbarned . f.:l erself, .and- • - Ce Sad to
otidgir whet
. er she -
was:really' s.plain
;ma psi vulgar 4 - lady Janet. on e - dry oc 7
„casitOid4 ; 4lare ,her tobe. Mrs. C ilirteu.i.
- Pow alel!Idle widow, ivitiicise , •'t in - si-
Immo tpueb.4,ii't iii - crnet injustice,. lit she
bad•.a , diilikii, a interference in - f 'mines.
Slie . .lineW,ltia y Janet. ta,- be -a- ielent,
woman; and s e was - Veil aniare tbat. Mr.
-Ahtiotspn 1 4 na.. o,lopger atiy4trilli Of lii,s
nwn; .ipshOrt; hatbenTecked:gentlernan
Was 4 1 oefirme invalid, and seldom lull- '
the •• ' recincts of 'his library.. The - rintY
Mean by' which - Mrs, ; Churton
„iodized:: it
iiir)ssi 6 y consistent . \ with her p rip ci Ples . „. t o
Wiilite 'A Pies- unhappy :position, was
ontetimes t -ask herOn A -visit : to Chpr?
. on 4. 3 lace a Companied .>;y.- one or - .more
£lier:youp , •sister,lj r ;.4 - request:, not al-.
ways acceil i •‘1 - to by. Lady • Jauet,.. - who -
grudged . . th loss: of 1 ; Anna's , seriice, and
who:also e‘. need a jealousy; ill concealed,:
of the not icb. besto,wed. by
,Mis: Churton,
on the - eidett - Mi,4 , s Abbotson, -a notice
whieh l - Anna - repaid .hy the warMestuffec
tioa and gratitude; , secretly clinging - to
'Mi S. . Churton - - and - dearest
friend' an d 1; r i -
one ac rms. But it did not_
Sufit . 14 id v, Janet iiii - ..\•quarrel wit h > . .Tri..
. - . .
Chart on, r ybo"was :a : 14eeti eccentric chi .
lady and who tlictigh pct, - ,•fectl- courte
ous and 'affable to t born all, had • a-cer .ain
nise.hici-iMativinkle in her keen grey eye,
....scnievous i.• ~__ _ .
whichi.troulded andpuzzled Lady :fillet.' detected; the. eutSide. 'presenting_
,a fair
on_ more occasions. than -one. • : Thet4
. at :aril fashionable aspect.... Anna passed so
Cherton .. - 1 Place they .were - syrp...-of miter- inany_ of the days .of her lifein..'solitude,
ing pleasant so ni -jay; for Mrs ; Citut•tourWas. that Sho v ilial: plenty of.time•fer
. self, •ex
itcitreely po nhir, :and-a • -universal fave , amination col . sea-wait hitright ; 'she had
rite :With the: gay sung :‘ '- bachelors of the lezirnedihe lesson • - of • tiniv . ersal charity,
.neigliliorhood, yvhii delighted in her good- and made :many - allowances for * her step
natured •,,• cheerful_ - conversation, and per- mother ;• - eUdeavering . .bv • -gentieness and
maps also relished she-unique wines with I.forbei4ance:to soften that .obdorate, self=
whichti 'e late Mr, Churton._.had •stocked tish heart.- But, alas! .it -. was too stony
. iitif. earl 1”13,s:ellap 3 . • ••
.., .••-• •- . ~.• - Air any!) process:and Lady-janet al- .
. . ProiLd •,aiiiiiitioltititi Ilk . . their - mother, ? ways regarded her siep-daugliter with a
..-pine4 : ',:i3 . ll:...isleestregaril .d her . . with:tal- J jealous and Sul iici - ous• eye es a - natUral .
..niost.eip 1., dislike ; ill 14: iid'it- net : been
_1 cnetuy,to.. the it wrests of:herself and .four
for Mrs.. liOrton's kindness,-,Annh's warm. flilli4ifinng.... Sue 1' a rankling jealoirli.was
and-sens tiye heart would wave - beti hOpe-1 \ festered towards poor Anna, that • many:
.1 4sly crushed. There Was •anoiher indi- la time When sit • Might:hire cheered and;
t . ..,
% nal .a - • hurtnn . whose smile - - of 1 comforted be.r , c iSappointedifather—soUr
-13 - •''ji • c
welcorne..and affection had Made a deeper redin d brolieri in health as Mr..
II • inOre -.dangerous. impression. - ThiA . l4hholsOn was=--slie was witheld from the
V's net - • ltaget•her•unubserVed by Mrs.. I - attempt •by the
,suri•eilona placed ever
, 'atom, • who however, :conceived that :her. actions,' and the 'domestic • tumults
1 3 . • lied •med her duty in. spe'aking very . t Which • ensued: . . Nevertheless, although
I enty , : Charles Churion's- prospects, {be did -not fully • know the worth- . and
.33 of ire *•lateiloisbandrs will, in ; .- connec Isweetmess of his eldest born; , Mr. Abbot
iii' With hislrieribew.'SlactiOni.' - By this. I•son saw and knew - enough -to know, that
ill .Cam . les ..vv i as to •inherit'bis uncle7s - • 'Anna had not fair play.;* bUt he could not .
ar e - ifikriune [oh firs.' Churtotes. decease, Venture tq•contradict Lady J anet,- , or to
Oi i'.eajOyed.l i a life interest - only ;. but, ,feason orltoexpostuli - to with. his -weman-_
ia It here Av s a proviso which prevent•-•
_kind. fl'hoy were ten much for his nerves.
d be yourigl nan from; -.suitint , hinigelf -So he. let them settle matters their own
Arith a• wife. •••'..Had .it ' , not been, fur t hat • way; and - battle it Out among theirfielveS ;
-prof 0, - it is - mare than likely . that Anna :only thinking seeretly,.that Anna was in
l a
'Abbe son .1 Ovid . soot have hceareMoved. respects -far more refined /hall any
. of
tii . a Ir ppieir home; Ps pharlel Churton's -- .them - ;
. earl's'dangliter and. grand. datigl-•
:bride; but Unfortunately, ho Irail been ters :thilugh they were: And so thong ;
- brougl . t( up to no profession, and he could MN. Chortou also; and she quite agreed
not thi ilt•- of.:dpoming her to 'inevitable • with Charles - when' that. young :-gentle--
novel': .i* . , . ' -.--,...- '•-. • - ; . i , • man prOnonneed Anna Abbotsen's smiles
It is more' than, likely : too,:- that .LadY very bewitching, and • her more, frequent
t 1
Janet- nd. lierbandScitn, girls, hard pensive moods - very touching. ,-- ..
treat him, iiitli a little more considers- - ' , At •Churion•Place, .Anna-warbled like
..i -.... .., , .
~ fatal_
-non h d it not beep fur hat proviso • a nighthigale,:and Sketched. like an 'art 1;.
which- i udered their case llopeless-'-,,..a. nrd. Churton, who *reigned in her li taSe..
•I ;• -
-fact wine 1 caused both aunt and nephew with.despotie.way; insisting on brill iug
-to eX i eka ge malty *sly ankles,' when wit- . her accomplishments into , requisition al
!leasing. tlie-i"p*rfect; iinnehr.laisee with though by-no means disparaging thos of.
Which th ce ladies reworded. him,. though the four
. beauties. • Lady: Janet had no
Charles •as gocid ItipkingLand - agreeable • just grounds
.for.coMplaiet, although ; she:
enough t endanger the peace of lesimer- secretly bated Mrs. Churtour,a fact that
cebary.d rnsials - than the four prudently,. observant •da me_ Was 'perfectly aware of,
• brought.PrMisses 4 6 ,hbot.son. lie was a - -though appearing innocently unconscious.
o•eherous 'warm-hearted felhiw, too, one:.•Viiursister's lynx eyes are everywhete,'•
iii whose hinds:the happinesi of -a- gentle-;exclaimed Liid),Janet.o her• passive hhs • .,
woman c : uld'safelybeentrUsted: Row; band ;- 4 and she can marns well as make.
eV4r, Ch rlea• Was not .•wtirth wasting- a a Match, 1' heliti•ve as• well as
. most . troub.-
th, ght about, • fiir • LadY -.Janet had but lesonae Old:ladies. - so for the sake of your'
en' vine& its: life--4 he
.seenring - rich :or four poorgirls,'l6,.Alihoisey, ..naitst - be--
su able matches for the*portionlessbeau , ' ware Of Offending -heti, or.l'd tellher.a bit-,
ti'' , •; . and. Charles •Chtarton .w . a • a• prohibit- of ray in,intl . pretty plainly."' j t : _
eta{ hy. his_whirrisinal - uncle's Will-frail* any .
. 4 _ Welt, role dears,! said Lady . 'Janet to
la' y-whoie drover Was -lath than x 10,006 her.datireiters, . I wonder what.- is in the
amarriage, teo, - which ,avaii to takeplace •'‘vinil now .. with that tiresome -old aunt
AOhiq a giveriperiud.74lo - limit of.iit•hich Churton of . yours!? ' - It, is mouths Since.We ,
l i rt.
.I•3lS...Churtint began- to think was rather -;received an invitation'to Churt on • Ttote,
st.' linglY near, Failing these conditions,: thoireh to be sure; the - ,ht soul has been
Charlea,forfeiteirall'claim tq the fol•tune;•• absent frem•hor. e with her hopeful - Tie - ph- .
which then . . would be dispersed arming .; ew, -Mr. Charles, hunting: about .
. for a''
various charities. - :.- -: ‘. ,_ : -•. :. -,. .. , wifo•with the required dower, T . suppose.
w . . _- .. ..
; ; it'. wad titsefor the busy i cild,lady . tolie....: She writes .00 high spiritsAnd - ae full
stir her Ifi.for Charles* seemed wooder._. of 'fun, that -1. - den't doubt she has ' stic
ifhily z s,':, 'hetic
~ in
. 'the matter. •: Mrs.':. ceeded- -
..- and she* asks:tyre of. you
.IClhOrton a kind. heart -felt : Torppor . 'Anna, girls, and Miss AnnanfCourk.- -. (fie. denial
.fitr;-•viith - iquicic:.iierecOlon, she had read, for- her, says madam)* to: accompany --me
- that :Charles .Was. nit ..JpdifiZlreAt tii.this on a visit to meet some particular friends
. dolt lieice,.thenghhe itraS:LoolinSrablo - of hers: - - --. ••• ••-•.-.• • ' .• . •'• '• ••
-. '
... .
. .
f . .•; breathe, • 'word of bia . pandop ; iii : the- .. Sliii• • ••mentrohs also that yiiu•itg)tr; p• . 1
. 6,ci.orroiii: i hose
,c ily,truAls were) - ..: • singbanil is' - eXpected.: '.. .4e'i 4 friend ci.
' ,•• re. , - But. harles had speaking Eiyes-, - . Mr. Charlets . '-Churtini!s,...girlii- inid• -. an
- SI a '46' -11.'• sp enk.lrut 14, AeOito:... 4 ~eligilk t o;''ie;:tho: ; .best- . .teeifel ' ot the word I
. l , oat :prude Hal.; resolves 7 -- . ...liiit _ thei. case: =-young, - rich, handsome-and' ntiMarried. i
aa hop4eli
._,.fot.,A.rialt.had:'nqticatit,ool/-.: So we•triust go,- of course, and take that;
• •
..I#: • Clittrt, : .;•laughed,l,44 --said Ii they : -.moping- *mut:With ts,. or Mrs; . ..Churtant'
-- •, _ -. .finilw.. 14i,thrurcuriei;.ladi i1 . .*01 . ' ii,oulti . 4o . ofrefidgtk . ' • She hes,rritiOeci.her;
3i . idiffico .,task; _,lfor. 8 . 41 ries ---, 0,4 ; self Ofe and tithr,',eliough lately,: dail , 'hail
t i • ryiiartie.ti ar-. r yet it; must be akciritir.., been: piuingnfter firerioustunt fhoweierl
p .1;00; ' `L 4Y2litu,et - .,:trcii14: • 914 ,t':.. Mr. ;•' shell:be all - ,the - -:.'.better --,:tbil,for , :You: - . iny .1
. lartf333;for making AO ridiculous 'ill isi)l;. Cltam mud itet:4l;your.brilliant heaity and
I .- • - ' .6
- . ieCharles:6 .': - beet . ; t l'''fi . ..
~ t
i. at, - „ „ :, us mita I!..lcunwre .
.7.con cast
I,shaetrled;, iejiKpiiiii-hilr., , elliniett•Ono,p(7. Yourfpp* is::ifivited-,-r-but ol:-co ise., Ite ,
t ,
I :r. 'darlings:7,, It , Aiever'.enterQ .. Itko,,,the' *eta go-404.-Blinehe'• and .laie ti-; will
' .
.4.:,4 au Of4,4om,•tintt Nizi4a wit4.,the• - stiy . wlo:::bini.-.:4 1 0 - absolutelr1theieinai;
.i . '4-pBe - of: - P4r1,01,C14.ttOqi _Stick it cyptt.- ; : I biu .thaC.Ottlit: should 'lie fenced- , fetviiircLi
4tere-, - : ' .ho:e;,. : beekoo#..':*.iiil,JE , lo; iio bektiliitis4indilidoeiv , ought ~.t.w.fiii4- ~
041i1Eil tf , 4 ginmv..,, pat l ,_,P9o . 4, islpf,,creaturo.o4c--oh e ,nt tuu4 40 *to
wiiip..lwr ;young sisters 06,“0‘.1 . ,,bunibiti: , irpt...-foi:: , iniOrtionntlyi
a hotseli ''i - ;.14.1 4 -.40 /4!iii444 1 -, lid' self.' '`,.: '-•eil4lnfl. -soft-volt
.04 32 itlo.:VYe.'
40**0 4 ' ''
ii/A - Steel - fin . .,. i - - - k L:, cat hike .- .- • - •:' i
-'l4 e. • ~—.-''-..,.- .-..-. A f, 1 3 91' - 1 4 1 AP...C.4, - . 1 114 .,- ....r. - wv B-74.1=4..,
-. iil, - ..ii-..oft: blue-t
,I* , au; r. , - -- ..- - ,• -•-, ' -- ' ' l ••'.'
i).-T-' with r 0r.,,....000t,. - i ....po - :. :.44,y,jimet Tansed, - for; - bretilvf,
;$.O ille-tiairto lior..e - 1101i .,. :11'ciree0i',: tic hate_ ittliio ~:.•iibii!ier
finny. wrongs' ' Aim:os. graces of person
and mind. -Were . ail . iinubtrush-e; as for -
Mrs. - Churt on,- . she 'deerned . An ua' . A bbot,-
son_ peerless, - and theiverthy:daine sigh,
act - deeply when- the : lbenght :of. !wising -
such-'a wife for Charles. . : '• • •• :
--. When away- ficon • the atmosphere of
Abbotson Park, Anna became quite a air; 'creature,: and it did 411r5:. - :Churton's
heart good to' hear'. her. merry musical .
hiugh and to behold her sparkling ways ;'. •
She appeared like '4'tender'llowret revi
sing to a pure and more genial - climate; .
after having bowed doivii beneath an*un- ..
-lienithy4nd Crushing power,'''At home,
-She . was . never aSked to sing, ancraltliough
she possessed - 46Lnc voice; and her four
sisters Weredeficieut in vuealaceornplish-
ment, confining their display-to brilliant
itistrumental . ..perfOrm:ince; . lienee Addy
.always niade 4 ..point . Of' declaring
that Oie did not care for ..squalling,
_ex- .
colt at the Opera—she' . preferred eon
certed,pitclies for the' harp and piano.-,-
nna'sketched",beatitifully' in water -cOl-
cir - S,----Vicw§ tram nature; sweet little bits
of rural Scenery ; her. sisters excelled, as'
caricaturists—abbrnorons but :dangerous
1 talent: .. Lady* Janit. 'detesfed . wishy
, ‘Vashy: -- drai,vings, with blue skies and
1. green - trees-'—she could, Itiok = at nothing
but life lilse;' skbtching, where each
vidual afield be it : 6 nie.diat eh recognized, -
;and she might hare adde'd,latighed.ut.--.
Atinaii,' sketc'lles-z were -kept in ' the' back.
gr(iiiiid, and'Antitessoice was silent. - . A
nna's "temper was. prOtiounced bad 'and,.
unsociable; and in short• the- poor girl,
•• with .a fund of native refinenient 40a elo
gance, • li,thici,i
. La'ily Jtmet 11ild her (laugh
rteri. were incapable of appreciating, was
1 regarded by. most Of' the: visitors at lb
-134494 Park, as a : bashful, • Uneducated;•
disa.greeable young woman,• fir - inferior
t o her. four handsum e,:amial4-.-- .-I?..l;alatr,;
. . ..
-'-*' • • ' '.• - .. *
i B !si i:rs...- •• . • , - -
1 - .The crowd in Vanity Fair are prone
I to such judgments; a little veneer, a lit
-1 tie French polish, and the ilinisy ground
.Work of ihe. art icie i's 'never t Crutiniied: tit
. , I• , - • . • _ •
. .
very p!Tsenee . causes self upbraulangii , ar '
"Mrs;.- hurt"Onikindlf wlien:they were!
LS in Itself fik !l
self a silent repreofT"
_• .
_II - 7. . I A w, t,.., 0
„o ne a t i ra o . l o w jfi 1
--. Who can the *friendi•be aunt - Chartan.. Wei 'therefore, trti 'dear girl;lbefere:.
•aliludesi to 1' S aid Henrietta, the eldeatef . 'yo.o t lifri.Harrismith I Want 'y . 'oul to
the - four sisters. - ....i 1 hope
~ they .are !pee- little less pile, end miserabl.e.'4l''
pia of_fishionand consequence. _ I . shouid• • ' :` h, Atint *- Cinirton, Whit 00-• you
think sa, as. you ere' shed,'matrima.' ll* to le* d• me:to Mrs.:llarriireithllt4he
'. •‘ Veal tthr dear; fr om the way : thtilet- !care' bent, !me,' Wien My-Intaienle.
-.. ~ .
ter is *tweets, It. str ikes -me that. year sistersarcher:O, 4sitiesileit know lie
• aunt; pairtitularly Wishes . that •we • should:_ - " - : -- r ' -', .I-'-' '.-- - ... •!-•..-. ".•M •.
be introduced to them; .aud - although;she. - _'H e , , Anna stoppedsl4oo:4o*as
is a.very. odd. persciptig:e, yOur aputChut , to :titter more, itithOgh'7ith.:44e.4. 6 •7
torts es:rago(U to appeeico7lPestd...
• ttin, my deartr, yet shells a :lady and has a..
i l
.nice 'set of l acynaintaeces. I Im.ust say,!:. re- . .. Cher on regarded her Witii - 4icr4tituzi
plied • Lady Janet, a kissing Henrietta as nestn.4,•and 'at iaagtira!'paitiii ..rinic;k- :
she added ; `She •melt, feel - .nride in lien -the 01 l ady's face - as• She said.'4fith' *'
neicesit - i.S . impossible she can .11ell'.i.t ; • •••-• ': • ..• • , .- - T-.. --.-•,: •r. 1- , :li i.l.i •
and I'M sure j . pity. 'prior. Charles: Chug •'. ": W ell*-.nty•dear,What
ofi - Mt . Ha r ris
~ _ • niece '• - I assure you she is aIIIcOUI
ton. from iny.•Soul.' .i • 1 -
• Hoveyer;4lM see, Mr.: - Passinghatia .is for - a via for Charle4 - ; forici.l4 yea. ii 1
to be t here, se oleo:nail - I shall. accept for •secret though li4Ween ourielies,J, a
Henrietta;,.ea.roline,--rayseir and And:6_ . : sure i at Charles • would be-.w.-.w .
no fear oi lier Provingl a.tiral, I
.thinkVL.-. fur. tel ing.yoti, he is devote* I.ettaCh
And Lady - Janet...laughed other own kon, • MN:: arrislutat's niece. - ' - , 11 . :' .- I •,'
ceit, and the_ Misses Abbotsen laugheo in .
.- P,
.t. Anna l'. ,*Prideettitie to her iti
chorus. - 2 ' : "'!".. J: ~..• . - 1 --. 1,1!. • she m rnatireasorileibingretherunintel ii
~.....- Anna . felt strangely -•nerlions- 'as l'slte. - , abent "being glad to hear if,' askirigin
once more 4proaclied :Cliurto'n Pltice,' er . .voi e; if ihe . yotleglady, retnreed: lis
. .
and pale:audit:silent, stic..sitimulc 1 from lely- eetief'4'•
scrVation -:- while tier I three * companions: , V'es:, I think She does;' responded '1
_were • mor e :talkativc and :amiable tliau . Chertbe.
.`..-1.. fondly. hape eltd4oes; b t
usnal, not noticing --. or : even 'see Ming to .is not' one to be won
.insoughti;`'and .a
be avrarc . ot - her presenCe. ..,Mri. Chur. .tlua . nlaiden reserve:she.haseottefaled
ton tecciVed..llr - itpas6 = with even :mere section .;bet.there 'is no time for any*. re
titan - usual urban ity, end her ronna•face • serVe' or nenseusei 'and as' •MrSj. -.l.litiri:iii
beamed with . serileg,i,es she. welcomed ' dowers* her nobly; and fully:akroves II: 0: ti
't hem' cacti
. in turn. Qa • Ambit :silo gr A ed: anceoll we have te cir., is to ilta'reen i 4 on *
a moment with scrut We ng 'attention, hud ship,-and so keCp_ within .the - s*iftedl* tin
then embracing her; to mid" to
.IJa- .But . eattio - I introduCeyen to-.Mt
net,'saYleg---= .. • ~- . ' - . . ..: -- • LlarriSmith,-- before". '14,1k . . -- iiiitet re urn
:iI am co glad :you . lb ye 'Caine, -'Lady James Passinglietrt and ,chnr4s ,will 'he
..Tanct, fur lveare-snch ' delightful party them tensed ler. albite ;' ,-, , , ie. innit;:hav . yo
here,- that I a 4
. 4 . 4i.te -* 1..4....-r...;ia,14: --` . ........i l . ty4;mhozi.o-for . i . i':%%1:1 1 -4s, 8.14:b - li - 0 . 1
.ill 11• U.., ' '72701/' know James Paisinghatn ? 'Yed4i ig . ... ,- ' - • ':. : ••i .. -... I• :. "L •.'' ":••••••
—he's bere, and Charles is. qui;'a - a efiool - - . P* r Anna T ;She,. dashed.l4 tar away
boy when be gets _ with Passingliani„tifid and tryierr to force • a smite= -?reclika' eeible
my particular friends ate - very -,charriting I,moonl get smile -s he fellevredikrs.pli iqm,
fOlkS, quite - unlque I.aSSure 'you. l' i l • % . 1101:01deriy erilbraced.her; mfalmilio t; flietl
Mrs. Cburtoti .looked quite radiant,and herself in'a co . ndition -bet : Weer, llMighi 'rend
Lady Janet felt convinced - the . flowered • I *ell'ill, as; en t ering ; an aPPri.. lll .t. ;Iv) mu'
lady was found to the perfect satidocion fit old gentleman - NYits 1 7ezIaillg'!1 . 4iid',$i • i'eld
of all : parties: 'She - dared* - not: ask !the . . 14 4 . ivtri Cilgaged on carpe t ‘tc!, l "k, 4 1,1 . with
cidestion but with a little mincingand ta i - i s Pei:L" lls ` ll:4 !- U P SC I. 'S * P U : SI -0.11. 4 * . :4 '.- ' e14 1 ..1"
filing she sift ly inqitired if she might 'ask' I ferwerJ saY•lng'7 , ':.' - i.; • .*-.-`-'.'!• i:. . i - ..
4 ' he' '-` ill •friendS erlqrS..l - • '- 11 , are -, 44u Is, alo B9 ' l ' tl: lll Alie , SPr ,- .Of 4-
society she was about to
enirry - .' - .. ~ ',- _-! •-.• • .'...,..-- .;-• '- : :
. s NVho are the'y ?' replied Mils. Churion,
,' smiting iilea - sant ty ; s Vidlythoy - area dealt
-I.old couple named IlartiSmith.:- Mr. 1-fiar-- .
risrnith is a millionairei - and:Mrs._ HaOis
-1 Milli!' is :still' in-mo Urning for an ;only
t daughtet; Arhoite ~losilneurly- .bradlhe,
i heart " 7 61 - . 11411i . .,.e . 4re.:1-114 vi.!ever they
have 4 sweet'nekce;.but she - too;:i,villl/be
I :disposed of in marriage,- •• -
." '• •-- : ';- - -
'Oh, oh !' thought Lady Janet ;'.so the
!. cat's out 'cif .t la,. ' hag. I've no doubt 'the:
i nuke - cif-Mr. llarrisinitli, the millionatre,
is 'Charles' Churion!s intendeil hride4 , , 1
liope - !we..are to hags the pleasure 0f..645,16g
i. introd - uced. to the young lady F. - said Lady..
L Janet, aloud. . ,-. -- ,• . ; - 1; .
1 ' 0 - yes ; slie'S here,' replied Mrs.•Cliiir--
ton,-c - a;relsly; pretendiug riot to seeS,Ple
meaning glances whinlll ivere iitiereliatig,
ed ".
het ween Lady: .Tanet:..'and - her ..eivo
daughter-. Thesty . . - Vonng . - ladies, -tit- -
! tired jut he height of tiieModn, and 'with
all the airs and grace of 'experietteed - ,
I. flirts, watched with well;concealed it4r ,-- ,
I est, te desultory -and Itatily -mo3lcirients.
lof Ch a t des nu4l - hk friend; who at sotne-
I distance were,enr , gediin what appeared
i- to be 'an into:Nei;amu' i sinz . ctinvers4i4oi
.peals l .of..latigliter reached th .'as- •
i sembled party •on the lawn, *hither they
had fol!owed:their hosti - ess. ' . - 1 '
s Mr;Charles' seeinslnbeistercius spir-:
its,' *mai ked.Miss Caileline; - 4 We should
really .be 9- s lad . to Share his merriment,
I . aed
.19.r.:.Passingliain'i l , , who is - `usually
such* gider,sensibie person.' ' : .. ~. [i -
,- -4 LiSetiSible, I bare Ofieriheard.Jairies .
t.P.assiligliam :'r
.prenouneed,.ini . dear,' e
-1 markdd Mrs..t'hurton; With t, sly smile;i:
1 heefinse. he has not hitherto taken unto.
l' himself a wife to shareiall hi's • ijche.S • And •
.liappilltiSS... }.. 1 ; : .
4 Perhaps. When ilr.;Charles marries;
.siinper d Miss - -Henrietta, s Jariia.s Pas.:
singlia may. lie indtic4d to-follow his ex
ample.' '.. . , .. H , •. ~
...... , , f.
The i he
-must not be long abOut it,! ir - -.•
Vended Mrti.. Chuitoit,L mySterieusly; .;,fOr
1 - Charles' basno : time' to Pose, you know. ;
bet Ween Ourselies, don'tl thiak,JanteS will
[bC long '• . ,
, .
3.1 r. ..
Here was a hint -up
to work- - -upon, . : for :for
~ -
i • Paising, la i n was:44.eidedly a Marryli4 .
1- . rich - eno 0 . 1 44:4 to. ca.rolbtf wealth ; with jiis .1
, bride, 'at d. a Professed adMirer of feritideloye-- .
1 lice-s. 'Lady Janekleoked.coitiplanciitlY at
her dang . hters, ilow.cntild it: be 'pa:446s,
that Mr:- P as sinedmiriiheidd fairfo be riOt• I
ted.‘y 11 1 , : ir.:*ttractions1,—.Surcly his - only - 1
-41ifically, 16. 0 1,1 consist 41 1 :choosing:I : .IC4er, '
- beflire,had they appoire4 - to gteater- tid,4;ati
' tage.; midi t 1",, , a , quite, bide, that Anna's - pale
serious . f a Ce,contrasted",.strengl,t . With the .
blooming !beauties b - widtiPer. lint:tliereWern
many who would -halepieferied,- OM 44,91.7.
,leetual - reptasiof her eon u:tenanco to the mire
dazzling Charms, of radient Oniiles and bright
eyes—the rininded nos' - .Of; her, soniew4td
full forty, to.the tall, stately, uud rather n-
• eubue proportions of her sisters. She had a
soft, voice toO,-,r4ild r ei - etf body 'ku4Ws
that' is an; excellent thing ; in- 4: wOwaue.- . :?:;-:::
: ' She badiistened with Oat interestAtiiike
, preiriousconversatien; aut,L, Dr , 1,41,1 - thy - OW'
heAl .faster as, she: liitined; * , ,-Teor,gitua.ha4l
6 ;no in th 6 e t r o ;nu he. ( l:, % a v il ' il lie e t' (.4'lle 'aire' l li sru i'd n' '' : - 11414'n ' lit ' ( ; iCr:i ' ' ' s : r01:4;:"
Speak:of ti 4.,,. fS*tg..4. niece'of thellnrrismit,h!s -
andf ber approac hin g marriage, desOite
allfof Anne's . eicellent ,resollitions.-41erpi,,
ie: end uratnitc- a iheady t . l lot . overspread her,,
eottutali ane4whieh - form; atelyi::,wasehseOcil ,
by: no one-. , but's.l , Nri;. ; C Idiom - , 'That::' lady:,
seeing Mr. PasSinghairci, - 7 ideithinpproW
i l i': Charlie ::(llintiona - iilii!reFed..: , a:_ - 4*
*O4 in .thelettcirt,ear,,-Atut,_xitheouV.-'46i
fortber eiremony;jed:Att i naoff..7"?,.. l .dr. -- Tir.4
14400 404*
~' ' ditr:4 l 4 11 1pgmle, tire-fat . ..= - .*- 1 ..
tetttiOcciatiiiiiei,y 9filia.!motpit uua her two
•Stailint 4angb" ..' -bright - 46ii; ,
ileirtill,t : oo:*iiii t Aioloy. , :gl4lo3t . .vin;
pontos.; of so tin : tioftabto*g4rslie6il , 4
"v 7j
`l94::* #(4. 1, - t' ailtsl 4 *-: : '4 l ai i . *4,
-..-,. -J
4- , '
18E11-:' 10 I 53'-
scenes an you eaaltelp;• - f 4 . -1 : -
We pass over the' in trod acti on t of La.:
net an . her Ole daughters to -I miliiinii
her co. descending beml,,.- and I;ft-s i
• snub's formal eourtesy —Lady: enet' stil
'lnv - th in throu-rh the inediuni' f -he ri ‘eve
glass; : nilinwardly pronouncing them Nplgar
quizz:.. :' while they for. their i arts,': stead-.
ilygaz..d at her from„beneath-1 wit'. golden
speeta leg; silently deterininingi kat sh 6 Wag
but on inary for, .an earl's . dattglit4r. 13ut
how it ipossiblii _to depict the aStonislime,itt
of • Jattetou beholding'Auttaiteirfal and.
II trembig seated between the teie straagers,
with ether hand , ;oiasped intheir's, and ccv
Bred wth - blu,lies. as - Mrs.ll.laTllsmith . said
I with ednsitlerable :dignity--;•..
i • 'We are indebted •to Mre.ipliption l'orl !
I the great comfort and happineSs of l Aii first,
I introduction to our niece,.-I...k.nna'Atibotsnth,
1 the on - child of my deceaf.edl4iSte.i.' And
it mus - be a great comfort - and `haPpitiess
likewis to yoUr Ladyship; anti no doubt
• will be to Mr. Abbotson, that We• haw it in
l • our power to make her ruture tic; pcor thing,
1 . kappa'ti -in it has hitherto' p ' ved:. : i . -
1 LadyH 1.
' Jaret drew herself upatid-rt - ddened,
i and salld sown:tidal?, itbout the had.duties lof
i a :, - 1 —ti • , ft' le' L ' r‘t -
1 - ti.. ?-mot. ler lo in.r,a ina - I . op
1 daughteri ; - and .finally, 'that - she 'did ' not Lull
derstar d the tna:ter at all, asbei'did not know
any lb tig abont the family ttenneetioris .or mr:
..xi,boupws first wife,' with ,a toi..of fie 'tur
1 baned head. . . 1 -. . • . ~-
t --' Then It's quite.time you did,' my `
'tidy lf
1 exclaimed Mrs. Ilarristuith; her Leap mitre
t iing with - sortie suppressed, eMiitioni, , l'and
I you woukl have het long Lave 4ard of , thep,.
had we I.4ought our interferanee woi4dlhava
• benefit , t 1 this doors . rl ; but w,i.# have i li i,,a, ai
dear di.uglittir of our owe till I tely,"c„ h'sre-a 1
heavy •-ob broke from the dtithl 6
ft moth
-er'sboscat !,and we wereset At', terhavA, and
did not, think of ethers as 'w ot' , Yht";''anid'‘.7,e
knew that Mr. Abbetsun' as 7ashal4l lof
his marriage with my poor de ; sistet-,1 'and
and that he would be asha e - d 1 to Own ils,,,
i t l
i beeatis , ii my Joitathan--,tlia is, my Nr.illitr-
I risinitl--inade big money i trade and-lby-
I fortunate sPeculations iu tallow s land the like:
But . w 4, wereded of , late to mak some elnliti-
I ries abbut.iny uicee, and_ up* , I' Ope your la-, ,
I d3,•shipiand,her -papa will allow 43 , to r e lieve
you ofisneh au =grateful 1 bu - eft as, this
naul.littY'ebild,' turd to -- .fin i a'nd embra l ,
1 cing hitr warmly : 'her pros*, will ..l Oar .
care—at least, if site Can endunithe tai t ;Of
trade and tallow and our
itllraly do not *non. what' litr:Abbotson
twill'say to this t.9ry extraotilinii t ry i Prot:C.o ,2 '
iib r '
vr cotruneticed Lady Janet' habglitily aO .
"looked at the sathi , Lillie very 'tich'tattier
-1....1 = . -' 't:
, But, I do,' broke in - Mrs. i burton' 4i= for
I have w ritten to my brot4nr : d he' is . eep;•
ly grateful to hare his eldest datiibte'r!sa ten; •
derly cared for, and,nobly_tirovded for,- and
he • des red mato say;-so, withhis bleissingt
ther"- blessing, which Amis.: tbboiscia OF'
tie e di ll vm : : e . : hite vei hu t ir a rtoe s .j : ln v ii. e il l uy l . i : l3 6 .' loh a ow ll i o .ti th :44
: g ., 0 0 ..),T 4 .7: 1 4 i
site_o d i - i.. .
%. q i ii i4 4 -
i ii li e a r ,; ci s" ii: e s a o s it u l c ,.en: neler r:4, ,, 1 0 0_,:'0 1,.. i611... : t,,,
1 . y fr '7 l 9 C t , P la t i : ii i l4o4 : 4 lt ‘ ; ' i d :N w ri tl u i lE i to i lle o: n : 'e :l:. 4 a l t:-11 : p ' lii r4 ::: . ;S::: 111 :1 9 Ii ii lL :a l
t t a t, J.siti;Lady'Janeei-4)11,411411.7-.0iii
1 4 4 i!, 6 0;iteul thai 1 ; 1 1.:Ii0 ky'Zr •ei-i,u,
4: Wl* ecliT: - Anaidi4lll - okihiii,
.1 - c2(' - ',kiiii,
4 d'iilo d: God: mai? . tNiiii cgitiii, 4l :..i#oi'e4:
1 ti.‘ iliiton; - not isq:sbilit, , 'OreiOlietyili
,ter ru ed ladyship liii gaillig 44, re:1: - .WPiiit i ii
Lpleadi 0- loolta.alsn,Aabilig:4ll#; B Pliit 014
lady* - o..nOuld"not fesiit.adding4, 4 44i Zitigi
' ila4 is *liiiiiii 'Phiiiiii I g4itiA-C l 4o l4 i \-
t cv
no tim `...:tolotie;.orfeberlittiiiii itialialp.6 - 0. , -
taue, , 0 4 .4 P ,1n1y-ilittnil; ,bail's ,will,
why.! at,l'Osopq Oat Mai* [ tiartoif:iadf. r
Ilin l ei . i " 00 1 11M ''riV 'rniti# : ei' f ith* : = l : 6l 4e''
;34;4' fd JainitsAF'*l4 ll -egffigea s . ./og, I. -
l a
ode littkilhirt fonityloni‘i :' - 44 -'', '-i)1 41 1
wliat li *_4ter.' 3 :o*4o4 -... '' ;Y l4 O f .: lt
' illi**. : .644*9141,0417:111*fiE .;
' ti ll ' i l l*
i i
R0(01, ili ' .b),,ko3: l l 4 7 ,l— iiiifYi? 1 , . 1: 1:1 ` .-,-
- 1 a . _940: 4 4* . 14E : Iiir- 1 /14t(' ' iii 4
:,1.,., ?in - -‘-,,_, ; 5. 4 - 4 ,(-,...:, i„,,,.. 4 ,- ; ,.. 1 .-...261.,-.,, - _,-4:.-...1,?,e;,..,%. , .!.?:!..., -'9,,,Z4-7: ,, - , ,t_ - ' , 5,4. - 4-.411-.-'2,L -,, , - ..:415.:At4 - - , : -, tii, - ,§.
--'..-1 ?:
.'•' - -'' '-_,..-: '` ' ‘-"-- : 1- 7 -::. .-- -"..:--.i.,.! ;..t L.
' -
.1. ne.
k a
te eff 7.
h me
d;. to
- -,• - f , , --- t ai n t : .....- ,'..‘;.- ;If - -; : , - - •-.4 -:
Janet la a voice,
,ando..neVq-, -x t ire;:
and supported by,.her two
._t a It rs, t e dm-,
iiippointed trio disippereof;pn ', tidy , ailii4
pleadin„,treserioni- - hulispositiOn4 7 her„ n e rvous
system - beini. liable-,. to, derangement ,f rom
any excitement: or sorpriSer,:attor* it :pied'
to Abbotkui Park. 'with helsoPerciY,On der':!
lingi, Who dielined fOr themselves :-'.a1 1., alio:-
for their sisters, the'pari;.;asligned - -..the
1 Mrs. Chniton; of bridesmaids- tel iheii - Ida.l
sisters. And as - to Jaines piiiitillayfrA.ind,
'dear little-Mar -. :SeYmol l r,th4:l ) idto' , Mtlf
for such a taste I Anna rCinai,Ped wit .,her}_
new 'fo:and "relatives ,at:'Clint.torfplaciii i they
wOrthy.,' siMPle-heartedi
sor ?
le - Onli rej.,`?'etted
that as their aelthowledvi,he*,6o: . of twice'.
£ 10 ; 000; she wOuld .tip 'Carried -. tiff .r b = the'
happy CharliWbeforn therhadlearne half
her. , w,Orih.
' T However, it's ju - st:- -. .well, fs4bea
Ilarrisinitli; lot if'the . - ` - was iimefor
1 exce lent creature to tai 'e hersatf aroani
old . ,ond heartqi when - sl'e ilidlleaye.l. a
Sho i id niiss.her.;next tolour own dear di
ter,lvlio is now an anieiiiiiiheni:en.':-141,
we.not„ Jenathan, lay'dear.' .:ii,'
,- ' Yes yes,i my ,lo'r'e rtrepli4.inn
cheerfully : -'dependnpOn It; all is; -fO
best, if we can mahe .np Or. : smina..„lo:,:
so , and the kindest - thinkr; : yre.':, y d
an ,
this iIE-uSed sweet niece of7iuurs is to re
her for all, • her patience : CI
and geodueo:
lowing' he r to m trry tlatiallat4 mood 1
Mr. Charles ; .and :1 woul,illi't - 'Sayi'c i p., if
not feel sure he loved' . .bery.and 1
*149,..14 -
married her, had it, - 'beti! Ipoia#6.- wi
.any dowry at. - ail.:-..._.: 1 r, :
,_ 1 1" , ~. a
.-" ..- The Legendof..: Buchare st..
' . Once upon:i'' time the t ,re s ilted inqi cof
tbe seaport towns - ofLEilgarii,an A Mize-_;
-•sievr .:;rerecrisetut--icei.erbriiV i ett fi.,:e, M i .: 4%401101i.,
in lands, houses, brilli . ti f t.'sttill's, and. pre - ,.
einus , stones.; 6Ut. m ( T± gelehraied"-still
for. iheposseisiou of - ath..*iitifill ilayghter..
whose name wa` B .• Gi l 4 l4, k,l l fi±") ' 416-6n t•
the youths and . maidensSllTlF ntat- o the:l
"East.: Her fame; front -Tt very, eiiily age;
spread throughout the ' t .vheleenuntry and
she had, more suitors :11; ; .bincll. hat/.
tenei9Pe of' wore,
, ft is!s A id'efiep• that a
Moslem.princfre'red •:i• abj6felii i:ii
•gion for her sakwf: but ;Its - . she is;sy pos.,'
ed to hive lived 'before the ii[me:ci Ma?:
' honimed,., we mak : ivies ion the .trtt I.* 94
i his lin dit ion: ' -Her fallieti:l3bitlinr,: Tien
talked of marry_ tug herV.tot soma oble
pets , )n of Whom , hetonitli4plNA-e and
was delighted - to cOunt up the' num r. of
times he had been i . ihip en iefikt.:wii -the
world called' advautae - rou f - ir-rs. 14 as .
"refusal Succeeded refusai, 4 . , 1 .0 4 b1ir. - hr
gan to think he had - no' fintnd in settle he
at' all. Howevea,Citlila ';.ie.itig'ilr 4: ce,
mined to chooselor.,heraelfl and one : , t n igh
when the : winds blew pe44be:l - tIt?gs" : 1 1 w'
ed as if there;:wet.e spirits iulthe.air'sb
and young t..% ery4 fledaway into .t
storm:. , -~`-1 . ' ' "
, . , ..
Bonleitr ..grieiett for;hlS.logs [With I I,
hitt erom of. aged griefi andrurtiiug t
himself, heaped i'ePt - e4Clte.s - alO l . -11 m
head ilk his t eelfAtteis.. :Why;; bud .-, I
not detected eirliet;
t\! what,'Wai pas:44;
the mind of hii - gentle Spiiitedfdatightet
Why. had ..he! not untieritoedith'e r lc
that had paled her- vhdele. arid,-,Mad.l . lit
gieye downcast 1, Why., had he
_Mit, esi
t d b et . : the;tiglit. or lure,_ 1!60, won.' rot
hdr i confesston.,by kind!' Wer- Ties
questiens -came •toti
j itter hilt lid 'a' tel
wined what be shnuldlitivaap ee
first. 7 - 7 -namely!„ - endeat.ori:ter , ci*rtake th
'young, ft gitive; and bring yer: hack./ he
!tle-t• - Ili° difficulty vfak!."f -- 1r knob ''-•.i
wh . txt direction the 114.-iled:. '.l.sr4f --- ild ill
hot.' could !give him any infn7oiinn:
1 • - TheAd than tiras'Aiiiiiiiig,tierlin , 6l
a revel ation, %Ylien:a - i Vele),PCa:c .oll .- :ir
the stable- 6 1 Plx. To t , i4_pp.r; J,R . :,04: . vi'a
complaining - - nf.=t he .bliSituce,,nf his: an
ZtirAh.' Tile trutti'lidtf iWailtiap -•
ifes ~•
Guzla `-had takeet\-:..her'-- father's' lei' tit
Mare LO;?bear he t ) eni4terilove-journe -.-
,was quite' p
alrahly n brthis.tiu, .ta
away 'but )3 t.§ \P6c!no,'4e ,stlar
t , e:oil_gentleinen-L' it' WoUldhao,
wiser ! foi• her layei'ncit' ti), hai-6sdo_rite.a,
t ,
i two. paren:!4froirt - tWo . chilelien. - -:' , fh de"-:
sorted-in fait sliallaid;tbe-iingeine 'Of!
I the descried father.' . : j, , -,--' .7-,-.,- l ' .:-.-.
! . Yes, old pitntior waist making-te r ; , ihte
fOP;,,s in Lis own 'ipiiid. iiiia"!,r - eieli6 - iii
, anticipated slaughter: ite -- &alloil hiihead
celfeirtki;•aciii, 4 m ir in s„, li fi te ll d ed t t_ l i il S,p i' U ' rtil i .l ii t a l i telt e la dll e t ll Y t •
i and !minuted a gOnd.horsd - ,mot.tnferi. rt . to,
the- stolen_ Zaralt., ,Thislatities . -he .g ave
orders"to ai*,lie.c'islt . (itt - tirit4•l - ti 16.
Whit-lid expece'il - ciiineli!?'Ti4 j iii -- f Na•i4 .
after ;frisking 'aboati''lwlllttidi -'t&l - I!i:!to
snuff the air- : and pawlhe' ground,: otol ,
' titen , Nab 11asitingiv1,*tid.arsibt'A!Nt3
! b ac k, 0, 1 E4 yevit.pi tthio`f4.ilia:tiutlN
-136uktir was after hirrt'inainindat";'itnd;`,
1 thotiernt-firstrleft ftir-liehtn&SOon'gatried
ground; and came ne..lV4hribeeColtroThielf
SO9EI continued pirtsipt.:,.. .‘ . iii way,,._ tiey.,
t iavilect twe lung iji,s;Oukingliv4itib 1,4,y,
hilted occasialW
nnhein4th:ti*sha (iw,,
Fof --trees on: this -. .-gr tiestglo..`l.,esti , and
1 leep; The colt. teak i ! paaa - geme f•of .
I these ho u rs, 814 lir ;
,itti i lired-Oviiitr: - t,ro-,
I longed. Xitetk9v.ei!.W.l4o ; elititi44 4 1 '-:of
! 1 4 d4CY:Iii.O.i. 0 1 4(Ali iili i i-; 41 , 1,- 0,
e i z
.tiiii'imilr littliiiitniiir i :i , 4oiist,b - liiii4 t CO
! fail.' Lisiead' - 0 g4ll6l"o4kriittin - lie ,
crept iiliWlyi'altirik; pau*iit-iiiiiiiit ,• "* .
latiti #10,4-oj9pkW*o l lbrt - kin - Ole - tgt
I t)
I 61 4 iZion tOihe falC4 of - - ibe aged Bon • r`
,10, nlilie .sittth day itr. 64l 4; B6 acill'i iri . :* l
1 , ,i 0wn:?..,4 - ---z:.- ft...1..1i -,-, •
!nd iitinist- lay ;ettn•fille,.,- E ,. .1, np pi- 7 ,
Ouiliviin6Yrtietli .44 9r::* . iinditV4 l6 4 0
!bll,ltebbWAir is[' , -t - '-gia !! etide_t*.fir ",
;1441EQ : )t-pullh-th'p!4.4):30;1*.44 14 i*, , i - -( •.r:
ale Nient,etlt4le_itpa,rt.:;*floh! v a
1,44' frthir - tf:i:fri*iiiiii 13 4 61 4 1 i51ed , cAi
!filled*iiiii!itli,4ocitiks*katolafj I;
el*, )tt
1,141 *0 we ititeee4ig4 l 4oPg4;lkifi - _ii
dart' . ..j.ilii4iP .404, NoVir44#:** : !
‘4(4t,,q4ZOVo*.i.PAhr - ), - ,101 , !i
4 data.444**44:ll4‘'fan9Pt4lllPtr I n c
:dgtf4birif)ieAAea r riiii'4o:g:i'il_Eet: - ' - '1
titi'F'-')geb.Wiceliiol.444VOnlV r ii 4
t,WhPIOO44-4 1441 ..! # 44.0 4 1044 1/ 3* -04
40:344-11,4'*rlpitgit41P-.1..1.*i 7-1 q
, A•likoc#,,,, A it:Mtgir,grA, h i%
~ /
(iiiii444rocli c om.o l 4.ol::; 3 t .- 9*
ifi=feebi****li#, ..;, 44 .4 1 1
41 4 , , , l istitwiA4*1311=04k.. lit*:
r" •
I r
- we.
ouh l7,
- .7.
` 75 :4i1:7 .- ": - . • -;'‘ - ' _
• -
...1. -.6 ,,1e;PJ,-etlq , • , - 11 , •-' - '.11-- - '
, . : I**oll?lo4l.atirntly:iciOrit_
1 :;4 1 4; 1
...:0 0 0 7 e''. -- 1 1 + 00 n' . : i !1 r - t,r
.' - '•?!ir_.;,t
. i . ii : 34''kfel' l ‘. [, •10i:17i;44 . . .• A ii",,,g7:
jkliiiiit, 'eat ili::t r:l. - '. , : - : 011Vieil60; : 7• :: * ' ' - -' 2 . t .- -4 "
10. 9ukor to.!.iieipii'... :wiifthe ,
Here; hivinkliiiti*e;'' : .k r 'tiailiti
iiiti o- iit r erls bfjliiiiii r ikr,iti;tointi 4.
ning drawing !ieiir . :'tiiii .
„.1.4.i1..,e, - '4%. * : .-"L ' 4 " .3 .:1!
ing tlif)J l 4 . ter-:Pf .,l : - tkefi; , was - sta . :/; - .711
4t o r,
sleep alAr4fll*f4tiguis..- - .•••;41 - tber -- ; : i .
when he acyeliktAia trusty steed:*iiiititili : :::.
lir- bitt l ieidef i '4lititf- - -Itebir--7' , un&tithfut - kiriii. - -.1::: .
toir!..:Atia'aiiiii : ektedis .- -...t' • i'•:••-` ,. ' 'f
- ...,...--............:.,P1 ' - , --tiif " - • - ;:ltr::" .-
I:4o.o4o: ; "*Oikt*ed , ; hiti:ltiss of hisitialati ;'-jz.
iiid-:**Olitikiii -.. tfritteriX -11 He-exa
c'o9 4 ittAlkii*ko o Cilia' :Y.gri 124 5: ' '".
:fittito l i.trtit*:4l74loiiikl '414 . y' - .Ui) . ' Tii . 4.
t r o.4rbaf .- kr06=4i 61, 0 16 t --1
6;i Alifti*gl. --- - -
t rn,
tii.l . ?„.pii4shedl* . iieath.•' , , iiij3il;iiigio*4,:::: - ,. - '
iiide. ' The Sirehm ivitSlll7klitit 1(44' , ti 4i;•*
.. Fair...refy the 9F5i 3 01t,e Mud oiiltr ;bitotreai-'; ,--- i:?-.,,'
cried :- Ho* ,erpitliPtic.'COli. - tinifeet2iliict"...iiii'
fittigtte,::e,:gos...tik i eUrrent.
- ,
horeieimia-Ireasti T
Itapeikll.iiWii,;sB;fi)ii;artlf"T-,..-;".-_, - -, , :-- i , ....
the_iiikiiiit . "Ciiiiiir•etiy chance etaiiiiiiiiii:4",. '''.-:-,'•
Vet:::',l:iiii#4as it possiblif:tii.gibinaciiirAdli':::;.
bOtieiif;gain ageing• thp teliiiiitZ4l . liii*t+ ° ',.. - .,::
..NYlij: .: . it:lspetned certain tht6diii« . '" . : 133,',
be:-flitiaktlOifiter.had -
cheatedj li' 1 - -,-
tuis rl
,t;;;; the belief ? that - he - was insieikiigif7 . - ,.....: - . 5 ;.:- . •
dious staiii;:ipf mind ; that thet'' . :. , 4.,, , -.-•
iiHaertuken,fco.iAbit purfroseso ', ihiiii00447,....
4!"..' ,;thiii_..eiPky;,cloe.,waa . .ili f ralcie*-7,iiiiii•-,,'::: -
. ...was._ PY ! ligo4 . o:,:c?.zilesyt that. - ailitii, : te*,47:..,.
ble resolves :4 , 0137;fqi0i&i.,; and iii' ; i7: : - . :-.-
furious.o49 i,os . iinaertiqiea4iiA'ce:nizpiiife f _. - ..
ktit bill.Giiehx•DtillyerteMOßiiiiil4tii: t OW - 7f . :
. ..her : ..ti.ih'teittiiifor liir.tiiiiciii- Sus
I K ,.siato t igi:ire f tibiii)kfiiii**o;hedritto;: ... '
`. ?#o,ii!*tibifiOeiti e il)c . ., ...-,-,„- ,_;': ~: f . .,.....,:':-. 'c i .i.,..--if ,- .,
• • Wite4iii4gife#lo4l,tifleiiiitlieviit' ., ,i' ,
4**itiled :him.:':Thiukoi.:itailrig a. „.. ,104;:k-tt
le. ,44.:1ii,; latoiirk.,-. The fisheitnaiiiiii~4h,
'..l%,..e.#o. l l_,,7•: 4 .,.#.olll,Ay,'•ailyisa , biet:i4:74i * Va t i
. ....!!kii 6 l 4...'.. .- ... . --..,,,:,::•••
,-7:: ; 7 4 ' 7 ... 4 . irik.
..., 3 ,.:4.... 0 ,„„.:., 0 ;,.,iat. migliiiiiiiii; -.. --0
.- .4 . .) . iii:derietiriiiPd ivill'guideiziel. ' -- f ..
-. ,l ,it.).ooiiiii . :: - ...ytet.uttliksB - -1 . i . " -.-. '
! . j i .n,.t.e,144e. - &;iiiptiniciii:'' , ;;i: .. .4',: .l ; . 77 :l
il . i.*# .3 j u--3 *q. a6 *Ts -':-''
I, l t
Apgeihoi,!,44ko-tlie etiiii.44-:y4iiii:
•10i4,1, - C:Wita - :_ii)iieitikii.ili - - fetiif4 i l ,- -`l.' , ; ; -•; j . .
-3... i li - ilil iia''4" ' "we ' - i . il - . ' - -
.mre,:t v. i s a :ye . ey • Ut 3 u ;;;7;.-.. ,- . •
rtefonhabitants shOred illeriaseive.i.. - 2 7 3 1 ...:-:
seemed. as if .they ;tad=, ocovetetLie= .--
world.: Bookor,,went,o admiring, ' -' -.'.
lit c a me -to the' border's of a..nyet:: , ' :;:: ,-...:
4iiterea a pai:,.-4iso : - Of fil' 6tinf4l- nes'i r,..1: ,,
atia \a,iocis: . L - -. -' .- , '-`7 2,- - -, 'T -1 - , M r0..-,y.-7.-.
.. - - ~ .What is. the tiaroe of this rivet .1 1 --: tiorid!i - ''
he:_ . ~ ,i -.--,, . ' .'•;-- -..-',- ,;''...::
, .. , ,;, • _ : : -,--' , : . 1--3 ,- , 1 ,- - 1'57:
; i. . ; , . The Di mb o vi• 1t z a ~' replied the
tna ..,
ttf , , - .i.,,, . _ ••. ••. -.,,-'--• ". .• - ~•,•;, •-J'", - ,(.,:i f 4i'.'.-; . .i.--$:
1+; • . ( . "!.:49 .nrrelint.n44 - pleased ‘vittittetp:f.4 s .,
i*•••ot itie-ylitee;fiiid pripesedthitititiFtftl'''
1 1 11 'stiolik;..r . ese.temr .-- hile; . c'As be apokelheTrairg 4'
-. ..eet‘ei : a littie . hist'fiett4iitithiv,•-titaiiii` 1 iiii e' ' ' : i
,i , • ~,, i
__._.., , :-.._,.. - ..1--...-;.:1
.4 ._ ~. jtz,;. , - ;
1 ,. :11u!! npr pq - Tcuguß49,./ :. 13».7.7-• -;-1
in , qi 2 :: . ti4 - 6 1 064 . R!i4 .1 ir iiitui 4i '61 4 : .' itti6,66 ,
si - : .0 - (7'hina: ,. attbie:ted'ffiiiti'lfigiiiiii - rithr l--- .1
- ' .sitlialt latlith;:folliiWeditylot-atittG , fte, l, : , . , :)....
-F bih,..4 ple,bo unding.towar tlietal '.‘r.' ) -,..4*r
* . ..11r-wO. , eertain:,i3ow.taia - Ii• 4;114
..., A- ._
;W ., 5 f.440 4 *5. 1 1a...49trA15.Pir-. : 4§x ikkOk*r#fs:''. , ) : '
0 : . :111.S . 044:fioeite4;tgz - Ariolis 4iii-11ci; ly.iiii#4: , :ki!
ii.,,;. iliiiit.o#oiiiedithepl..i)tt'lit th e direction , ---isn
lit. 'Nlt.ktek'Al)e:ct)4o/aiiiiiiii‘4Bai' 66 ne 'i lliS : t.
iii.::::dic!..iiiii44.7laittl:l:o4;lo;.Koiiipritt riiikiiii*:‘.•:st:.)
si::: : !1:401 - 4:i hiTselrOide:;;#l,l*4l 6 t,; - ltoithriA
at; 'be1y,.P4 6 56, 33 .:";,1..r0fict4* - 40 6 :404 -4 . , ..:: , .. - .i' --
.., - 0.
.:.70(;:up:.i . o...ileppiiir.,,A01,':!iii i iiiyDit iiitu,sit -. !i , j
' e . -upon " thOcgroood;' is,, - e - t.77 . ::r.i.. h e . t; . ii.: - 167 .-,
iii. :hear.dfOilteps it ppriiaebine iitir.treseiii : . - 1
ii ,
-- ISfAkiii i dialogue fell - onliii..eiti . B4-. zi
~ , r1 ~:;:,-..,*, i
-, eeme-.Oader 'the Soughs; rover.i'' . :Ther - 1
ir , man admits LiAat. his -crinpriniinr . .-ii frovi4 -_..i
in : the south . `lf iLshoul .. .-1:13 icte..vra, -
Is lost. i .. •• .
~i . . .
.. :
4 . i .
n , ay ! I hOpo:, Itite,-,pot ; . an . if ,
.....: were--' . _ ,
. 0 ' , -.11e.-woul4.stiy•-uir.6:41);' , .. -- ; -- .:5.,.'1 , ;..:: - '), ) .- \ -
- . ....‘Perhap he i )4aa a)rxrdy, 00100 : 1110 f 4 ' 7 ,
it ....- , The, aged arie: : ,liaty,,a , ...4.4y,sLt . *‘#*qt r i,"..r
. 0 - tlietibink,! - ,'l: - - - ;:.* . .-:'. • - f:ri.-.'. -- -,A` , • - 7,
.-- ~.. 4 Butsoikciiiettes - thei kiii b efore tE4:
•strike.' -- . -'-, .-- - .•,z•li - 7 --,.' ..,. .....ny...•o{itl:r%-.,-...
, . • . .. a . 1' .. •
!. Gu ila, , 'alitill 4.e : ret return to iterbilt4 4 Wt-
- ' .. `: T aY . t ~,K44..:16.4i4A14...,Eket.4itin1ett." thelk 4-
Let us fly, *Seill.ooi i. .':'l'7._.• ; .- , •, - ..Xt.: . :,..,...-::1-..,'.......,: . • _, - ? 1 ;1 - -i '
. I . tiq 61,1:014ui,._stitae4i1600 - I:oi7j' , . " t . - : ." - =.
k m.
lio - iiiii4ii.4o44 , Yi d .c . iiiikiii r fea .4 iiiii i i! - t. ..1' .
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