The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, July 28, 1853, Image 3

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•s it.: •:.-.-, •' 4 ' t. - , ' , ii •
-- - Sherif, s rates: :. . 1r
.- y_rirtim - of - irritiot Vesa c ite.,isiniii bd. of
- JICI the Court of Common Pleas Of laiusquehanda
e ou i l ty, and. ttrme'directed, liiill'expose to PubTio
• Tale at the Court Hoese in itiontrose,-on SatundaY,.
• the 18th day - of Angust, 1853','14 : /ine "cli'clock r, at,, :
All those two Ceitainldeties: orparcels of - land,l4-
nate, ling and being to the township of ileiric) 4
- •in the county of So l:gnaw:Me; hocinded tuntdis
. cribed asfolfowcto - witi• The &kis bounded no ;
- •the north by land orciecirge Arnold," on the east bi'
'the public highway; on the.aotith and west biland
.o f Georg e Arnold, Ceriteitiing:one =vibe the sante.
tam orlestr, 60111er:with theiPpurtenancesone=
framed house, and:all irnpnynsi-- The iitherbotind:
ed'on the north,b7 ; lands of GeorgeAinoldirkAt
nold sand ---;—ltiain. On the east by . llard -
James CM tis, on the:eolith by lands' of 'Jatnes §..
• Coleman anderi the west by the public highway,,
.containing,eevett acres be the same more or lest;;`
late the estate of the- said Israel Rounds: •-1
Taken in execution at the suit ii.f Ezra. ',Carpen
ter against lerail-Rcunda. : '
. ,Alio..All•that-eertein pteee or parcel of land
situate. lying end being in the 'township of Clifford ;
Susquehanna ecum . ."tifid.boundill and described
as follows, to wit: - " imr at &post at tlic south •
east corner of a iiiit pr- land in Aliti warrantee
. nacre of Amos Hirt a d - die n a
orthenx corner - of
- tract in the name of Jo Hart ;• . froth thence :dank
the line between -the hi ttio - treettoorlinos and Jo:ib;
Vert south3*degrees west - 304Pere..hes.‘ to wielder
tree; thence north-43 degrees west 49:perches to
a post ; thente north - 415 - tiegreei.eist 306 . perchei
to a post.;, -t hence soutly.,lo degree s east 49 perch
es to the place of liegiuning;.Containing 93 acres:
and 115 perches together with the
.: : appurtenances.two fratneit houses, one barn, shed,
no orchard, and about .90 acres improved; late Ile
estate of the said Reei Hoghs, • ,- • -II •.. -- !,
Taken in execution at the suit Of Henry-E, Jones.
Executor of Wm. Efugho, dWee set!, ogairtst Roes,
, . ‘: - • • -
4 07 411 those ,
certain plecos or pancebt of land,
;situate, Lying and being in die ti3writLtip .I,eadx;,
'county of Susquehanna and ghtteiriPermsylvania,'
'bounded, and desCribe4s follows, to.
ning at the &Maiside' of 't4 • road •leading from'
Franklin Dona's' to what is calledDond's Mills at
, a post and stones the upper std of die road and
• in a line of Ilip'said Franklin Dohd's land; 'thence'
south . 3oa,Wiiiiit - 4 chains and SO links to the road',
leading (Mut the•abore mentioned mill Milton:nut
• Dond's bowie f thence norili,72a west, 7 chains it 10.,
litiks td'a pest in or near said road; thence-south •
' 45 d ,:37 chains and 20 links to a post andstonesi
by' lands, of ' Wm. Dtley ; thence north 4Sc'..west,
thelnock; thenconeirth 54° east 1161
• thdins the. brook to a 'corner\ in'said I brook; ' ; :
thence - south 171a:east, 2 chains and 25 links to a
post by lands Of 8: D. Tompkins.; "thence north' 63 3
east S. chains and 9S links to a post ; -thence SOuthi
, 49a.cast I chain and 50 links to tupost•by:rt'road•;l
'thenee north 37a cast -. SO links along, the road;
• thence north ,35°' west 2' tins and 60 linki to al
ilest;• thence north 65° ea t ehnini along' the
logway ; - thence' north 22 .t
.1 - Chain - and 601
links to the bridge; thence north 65f. e a s t 5 cli a i ns. l
:,nd 40 links to a post:the lower Aide of a road near
• a house ; thence north 81.fe east 3 chains along. the
road; thence south 84a east 4'elialns and 53 links ;.1
• thence south 68 4 east 7 Ichains and - 0
links to, the
-• place of begirming, containing 64 acres- of land '
snore or lew, with the tipptirertacces, one- -framed I
.house, 2 framed barns; 1 *orchard • and abotit •
acres improved. Also, ill-that other certain piece
et parcel of land Sitn.tte in said township of I:Amor,.
hounded and: described as follows, to Wit.:
nin^ at a hemlokk .opposite the saw-mill and ; bon
the west ,bank of- the brook ; thence north
Nt.t one chain and 70 links up the hill to the cen 7
Ire of the toakj?elow Munson's house;
thence south BllWiCest 9 chains and 13 links along •
, the centre tit the road to Dnniel Robinson's land ;
- ,thence along the same south 26' 'east 3Chains intl
:: links to a pact, the corner of the buryingground ;-
thence along the same north 56* east 1 cha in. and
. links to a post; :thence south 2O°. east - 1 chain,
and 80 links •to a post under the bill near the .
brookl thence.ip the brOok storth:ss! east I•chaibs•
and 18 links to.the - place of hognining;'eontaining
• :lams, 3 tinarteraMint2o rods - olfand more of /1...n5,
with the apputienances i a small: framed' dwelling'
Alsa, ill that certain piece car *pared of
- /and situate,.Lying and:being tti,:;,the town. hip - of -
• .tllnford and county
,iferesaid. - binisided and descrite•
ed. Ai: follows; to wit; Oa-the-north lot thepnblic''
on': the east land of -Rem, -Cucide- •
Misty; oti the south by hind of. S:D.Tnmikins, and
on the west,'by la nd of George Brown, containing
• show. 40 mires more or /ass: with the •appertimati- • I
.CtA, 1 framed litmee; 1 Shed, and imroved. -• ';
Taken in execution it the suit of 21bijalt Wells
• rs. Dewitt C. Roberts. 1 • • • • •
- Also—By virtue of writs of Fa Fa. issued and
(Erected as ahcr,Co, Winosd *publicexp Safe at
the same 't ime pince---Alf that certain. piece
parcel of luivi situate, lying and -being-in ttie
fownship of Auburn . . county of Susqnehanna and
'tate of Pennsylvania, bounded alai _described as•
follows. to wit : On the north by'lluid cif -,Ehmja niin
Canfield, on the east by land of, ijolin:Estui, on the
south by the public highway; - and:ort - the west by
land of Yohit M. Irnince, containing 128 acres inure
• or less, together ;frith the appurtenances; one front
, el Arouse,: one birn, ones orchard, and about .50
acres improved, late the estate' of :Benjamin A.
. Taken in aeon, bonT e .Ltfie snit of Smith vs:
Mortals lrancir rep; . iiliaydeta and Benjamin
A. Jones.
!flan—"A,.ll- that certain piece or parcel of land,
situate. lying and - being in the township of Forest:
Lake. Susquehanna county, State of. Pennsylvania ,
awl hounded and detcriheclits-fidlo*s; to wit: Om
the north by landi . of Michael Rearden,.on tre east
he lands - "of.TohnXinei'and our the South, and west
by lands of Daniel Kane,and - Petri& Rime.lst,
ootaining ataint zo acres More ;.or leis, together
/ with the appurtenant*, one log hone; erne log
barn, and about SO omit improved;'/ate the estate
of Patrick 'Rearden;
Taken in .execution' at the Snit :of Bea yie
againkt Patrick Ite,arden; •
..4/soAll that certain piece ,or; parcel of land
r.ituate, lying andlt 'ding in the ,village of
hanna, towns!' ip - of Harmony, County of Snsivielain
tut and State Pennsylvania: bounded and 639-
allied .118 to the tuirthestithy
street leading from the Suttnelianna vitser c to the
Jackson turnpike;. ..the northw4sthy lot owned
by M. She.rman.;•ob the southeast by lanai' lit la's
11. Smith, and on-the.soutlisresithylitniccT , Flub
Bennet, and known as lot N 0.19 in said' village
• .surrey, Oontaining'24, rods , of land more or less , *Lth the apportenttnees r onaleatited house and all
improved.. .Also,mie other lot, situate in,
the township, county and state aforesaid; bounded
and described, as follows, to wit:
the north-'
nest by street letutineirten the Susquehanna sir;
£1 to the. Jaasail tnrnpike,..on the oortbeist by.
bit owned' by Ja's. southeast by it cross
street, and 4 ,e the soptirwest by lot otCharles .
/tryant . and known - Asia village,
"containing 24 rodW of &Sid; iogetheiWith the ap-„
PUTienances, one framed -loafer„ fad All ed,:
k 'te t he - c 4 tate of oiffinuls- auti.Ziba
Taker! in. the \ init , of ; Ferdinand
Whipple ti ArtentaillOsenerinti and: Ziba flu
240- 7 - By virtue nt-awtit„Ol . , Lac. Fii.; iikstmd
- And dirested \ §tis ibiii:e; I will , etpope.l f A public , fale
at the same time and place-1l tintt l ein piece
o r-pareol o( 'land aituate-in the Aownsitipni,New
31 aford; in the cinnitY•if . Suitipeln*t and State
of Pennsylvania; and butted; ticothAod add deactili•
ed as follow, to wit: Beginning it - 'it -iv:nit-and
'itebeß in Ihe Original line of Abe Orinitailauds, be ,
ing Abe south -mat come of *int Ilicve.''therice"kr -
the said original.ainenonth4 . s.7:east 122
Perches ton post: and atones vorpoei- therm_ I?°r_ : _i_b '
4 5 degrees cast - -44:pernhee: IDA Vat' and - . , 411113ael
' Co rnet; thence north -,24-degiiistesat; Wilmette,
t° the *ire of the fwd.- ; thaiiiiiitionitattid , road
'north 68 4,,grees_weit„,4i, potheirAnzarhemioeli
stump; thence north 844 delpeetilireati4 o _• , -*ch' .
eil to mother. Hemlock shnt- 'theism 'north -3 4
degrees west,* Anf l ineelii thence north
64 * det, , rces Ar . Poito the Jod 00446-:Resvisii
1 the 4 eierimtio - 11***Ir4Y;;•1to. . • '
bY th e -nlidtti, ' ' ' -
- - .
backs; kaolin'. its 0. In Sal ', .
SeY;toiiither With ' apporteniaatekonalramed..
dwelling touse Mid improved, late the estate
of Wm: tat:claque frit :- 4 i. 4, -,--: \
Taken ja stead* at..the salt of 411eXune sad
=midi is,tßiii.oohtiyee.Prith. 7 . -- ii, • - - -- 1
-4 ,‘ -:- - •,- CiAl.i
LDRSD, Sh'ff.
• Sheritrp Ofte..; . .lion .. -' Jul i , 20, 1853-:::,
. .
.d.miiiiistra,'or,l,, Sale. t - •_
otl4E.iii hereby , 'giv , • i that itr iursuapci of
1,11 an tirdersof the Orp 'e dimrt of the county
:cif. SusquOinna, there. xi be exproakd to public
sale on Ifonday. The .Ist • ay.of Auost next the
,piec • or • parcels of land, the
estate of FWilliam Baker, jr., bite of the township
of .A.rraisit r f riti , Said - county, 'deceasiedj The 'first
piece ' beginning at a-stake the southi*est corner
of another f lot formerly belonging to.said estate;
thence miirth.4s -east 164/ perches . hill beech ;
tlswe. sonth - 45 east-56} perches to ' stake, and
stones co er; thence south .45 w e st 14/ perches
tali s - Corner; thence north.4s Ives 56 4 / prch
es In tha t )(ice, of beginning, containiag 'As acres,
tix i i
,be the save more or Itis,.*ith the appurtenances,
a -TraMed bouie, • n, 3:e
4. The Secon'd pie* or
tuirci.l bf:i . ifinii,.sit 1 iti :said tOwnslily, bounded
bi ,
di folio* ' to' twit , binning' at; a Ample, the
rforibtresVekorner..h r 'r, and' the northeast corner
of the lan of lln atbaway ;.thettre north 45
.east 95..' d '740 s' , rches to .a post ; thence
South"- 44 mkt 93 n ; -7-10th perelimi to ti toast ;
thence so th 46- 4 ' !, :
,and 5 . 10 th probes' lo' A I
stones ci;. Ale ice north - 4 4 *este, 93 7-foth
perches 'the pl . 'e Of begianing, coittainine 55
- acres, be . , e"sitme- ore or less:mostly improved,
and on * jell the e. is a .framed house, team, or
chard,.tte, ii ''. , ' -' • '''' ', • '.
Sale. t I be. held t 1 o'clock . r. x, nn .the part
: i t:r a te:7:
. aboie de._ 7 ,, , ..., y_ ::::: 11 : .
ilent] - Th lots *ill - sold , separatily, .or togeth
,to ,siti purfchas Titans of pa plat made
known o n, he day a sale,., . ;.-... • ,
3'oy 5, 1 52. ' •', ....'• - - '
" - ' ' 'G inti I jaws. Sale;
.. •.,, .
Yri e i•l'',an' rtler of the Otilu d in's Court in
•find w the co iity - of Snstpiebautia, the suh•
- • ribers,. - ardians! Jur Genrge • IL, Shrub L. and
utiles Ili r ellS;etitsir •clUitiren -of •Chiirles 11.
1 'ells, de. ased; -- will- eipost, to:public sale at the
' i tiblicil . s e of. - .A;;Colertma. in the IlOrough - of
Dundaff, In '-gattirdiiy the 13th day.l•.•f•- Auguit
neit, at.t, O o'clock in the rifternOun, the undirid
ed•three Sh th - part dram tipk,-,tiv . cp certain piec es 4,i. parcels • f lantrand the appurtenance:l,llm first
.of whjch i situate in the tuwaship.'af derrick and
" 1 4 boundt • and ilmtaibeti 'as - follows, to nit; lie
.I.ouning• I e 'Corner - 4 Niril limn' Churchill ' s land,
t fen Port - 4,5 .degreei i east.-102 • perches ; thence
loth 6.1 i, tclaat to ;_*takes and stones ; thence
-t nth .143 : , el, , ree's tie iBO perches to. a stake' and
s : 1.
; tl 'ace west
~.1 perches. o a stake; theoce
- t th - 6 , Imes westilo4 perches to the place of
e l
.heginui •a•contatining'4o acres more or less; - with
•a good : r ter irli:itrer thereon -and -a • dryilig 'and :
peas ho :for a poWiler mill; 14. The *work',
• piece, sit to in the township aforesaid, is bound
ed an 4 de ribod as fo lows, towi : Beginning at
'the north hest korner. of lands fo erly:occupied
i n
by -pluton. - ..,WOodruff: thence so t 32f degrees ay.
_, .t.lie,t i d land 1.'13 perch-• ; thence north .
68 deg --... 'west 7 perches to a stike . ,and L stones ;
theitce, • '23 ' i degribes east•l 5 - perches to a - stake
andisiont , thence nortiti 72-degrees east 12 perch
es • thy:(, ks ,f the 11.!ltd, and thmice'south four
•pe, ss ttthe Iplace oribeginnin; cesitaining one
T he
aci i Or th ' cahoots. aid) the 'appurtenances, one
frame dwalliogi house, iiro,l4kc. -
Ternisiniadefknown on the tlav of sale:,
f , ! . . j. S•AII'AH 0-. AV.I.L.LS, t d ur ii
aAItANT II rHELP§,..I ••
, • i - •
irar.P_eclureil g - a e u.t 'the
I F •yolt,
aye teerds •• p pf re .to b
' T tit.4)ll . krist Ling, 4onn i rl‘; Dtizikeii
1 (led Ilapies orj beahlless _dy . .s, AI)
.... -pat eslany ;tail alliwho regime t 1)
;1' Ilabor . titill Hair-dres
pltvise, beat in mind thr s t / .l . •
• l •criHARLE3 TILLMAI r
• ,
...glands c!..e36,reis e his's' rt at the old stand, in
the 'bait at of Searh's Hotel, Montrose, : - where
be will, be ; ' lwt to xes of old
~ lid new 'ton .. • ,
July 14, 184);
1 1' - '
•- - Al l 1
1 , .
4$ - •
Yrit •is heret?,,, ..en tbat letters of Atli.
minis ration7tipla !lei f'...tate of Gkouei
.x, d a..ed, late i. Ciib-.on,.have been grant
tt, the b. Ikterthf.r , a il all irrsons indebted to
restate e request to nuke inunediatepay,;•
4 and I,{ ose haring claims ivgainst the estate
- esent the same - d y attested for, settlement.
!...• - ' .S. 1.:11A.3113LET, Adair. '
bson, July 9. 135 ' 1 :. 28w.6
ed I
to p
rrß E la . igeit- and
"edwity to be Toun
T. 1 ,
' onc e find . Lot,
Raritcfonl, Esq., d
i .
Tolle). of s.iontros . c.- F
the •sLi iheri . at Owe
zier,. al( -muair*_
Juiy o, 143.1
1 . - - !Ladies 1
ItA LT,. qt yqu who ulq
47. icruland EXI`EDITI
itinie in gatin g . mu" of
i' -* • - ismooTa
i t
ifo.r;ialel. r: . • .
4 1721 RA 11.11i4coit Id
I: -A lut lit received ir
lers )
Ju y-2a.
- u be übfaii
14.3 AL
iQicao and p
. .
1 ' -.-.. .. • Register,
- ,NOTR, Dlii
.. b''ergbAl ,
': 1 • '. in be PlowefL',
fEol;te : ei 13'i Tiitler
, dmiliivtfiioi:--
Bs . '
1 : tate i Ofi:Williani- .
, • ' L lidicir. Ad niinist '
,1 'Estate 'of :E.' .k 11.1 y;
..iis 4nd '4ap3e layer, i
ille, Feritno ri4 Wit ,i'
•Ixridistrator a ti„Eita
i . .. - Estuie Fitit kipl . i. 1i '
ert - 1107.134e. Aii ittistpi :
i Eelete of _ li.' srep
119111ett.' *dm inia tit tOi! i
Tlia - t-the ' . ntintid;
in . .
,t . he inigistei: ftilieb
-BAimifueF,tane4; kt . 1 lini 1
)..9 .t.lke,t7,titiges,-of the.Ori i
.Itrideiiirese;-tiik .4:lnel
Ifrus9aext ; fur detifirmi l e
1 1 1
!ems . .
.4: - ..
. F r eosirtee, Juty;
_ f ~ ; il roce
-To -.11 . , ! *.i the. Judges
' H, ' 'ens. of th4:l l eace
i . ,;fl' Ateholiiia: . • -..:
rillik; limiiion vr Jam
4.1 q villei 134 i tiehatma
fr:intjr,' , l lMt s,ismro .
illeaftV la k&nVATioe-M
imill that. ft is - ;,iiitesi ;
t it.
Omirt of 141Mitin-i3e'tnii . . -
Sid awn .:iits . 4l664isty .
Pex!.. r ' . licepfe to
:Otratie a v 'meilid:' .".
lbaltMt fAtiaoittiyitit :
t v p 4 elids - ..ite,--414,-,26,
huts, tt.c.
led thtm
,or Jews,,
otos or
- servjces
t o]
frlf y fe; - t issiniment in the
i„ at I
NO- •
• ..
. ; Sal e , - ; .
. .. Salk!9 -:. - .• -
, I
- - •
late bere.4idence - of.J.-W.
eea. il, situate iri the 116-
:r tr.' rili•-of s.tle, apply tic
i . N T., or to H. kl.Fra
...g. RaynAfilra. ,--
1 •P. Rq,ynsforel.' .
k e Nbati . 1
tic .
' e. ~.- .
L ddo u she l'oNtsia in a
i re. ant er, idwuld lose no
'.. N "li ONS; - -
' . Lyon. 4- ∈
d * kla Crackcre-- - -a l fresti
at. I
C f
lug and 1341 - ing -Puw-
Lyons 3,
kdcd,• by- .
J. „Lion,
to all persons
, e.4tnie, to Wit;
n,idow , flif•a; D. IV, Giid7
' •• - •
tiSirorth deceased •
,• Mar
.r, tlecease 41, - ; El i b.;lin
Aministrators; aril 'also
liotace.Tlitiyer Cu•Ad-
14c:gune decell b
illett derevech aeub L.
ace settled,their ae. , 3oUnts
:n -and fi n. the flyway f
.le satne wilt be preseut d
intl . 's-Court cif Said c,un y
• y itgi... 24th day of 'Ab
n and-allowance: • • • :.
LIiN43IX.W., Register. - •
it), 1858. •:- • . '-
of the, Conti Icy gm:trier
n an4flaunty
: it: Deitley;4- Ftientisz"
nnty, respectfully rep.
ad Yeitilenitabk. forme- .
t in the v Urge.sfureaeid,
c`-to apply lo tbe next
liwbolden :in and for.
inattlquars: mowing`
tli )852,
3; •
o Ly the
gdwa'rd Lambert d: Co
51 11ROADWAY.1
(Oppasite the United Stntes Beade d Warehouse,)
•nick., Silks, Pa 's Dress Gags, Shawls,
Gloves, .E4r ideries, White Goods.
St hhitis, ike., 1
F i n
Invite, the attention f Merchants fr9m all sections
to their unrivalled tment of:i -
Imported with "special reference ton the wants of
first class Buyers, and in three important partici'•
lars, via : Tade, Variety and Price s iclieved l to be
unequalled. l
I•leirs. E. L it Co. having , been: engaged for
this business for many years in philadelPhia, whire
the taste is not unlike, in tnany , tv!opleto to that of
,the Northern and Eastern States, they would call
particular attention to their style's', Many of which
are contrialleil entirely by them. i
It having been remarked that our huliness is sa
rno4 exclusively southern, we would beg leave to
say that our goods are adapted to every section of
the United States, Northern, Southern, Eastern,
and IVstein, and that in style and price they will
be.found•equal to any. other house.
On and after Derkmbr Ist - next, We will mew.
py our new Marble Warehouse, now being erected,
No. 55 Chambers street, 4 doors froth Broadway,
Jirectly opposite the Park.
. .
. ... . • ..
,_ . . .
lIAN , . -. •• •-; .---
'"- • - 'N' ..- E •• ' . .E - I - -It 1
. . . • • •. .
Tliwsuhlieriber, g- atefut.for the liberal piitmn
' • a", - .N.receilied ditijng the pask Season, respect- -
fully.begsleare.tri present' his.thanks,tirhis friende
. and co s tumers and announce to them
. and the pub.
licteiierallYthat h h as 414 returned from . ..New.'
York 'ma] i i now r ceisirtz a large assortment of
mast hinds
.of :43 s - usually found - :iri A rtnuntry .
store, con s isting ' i n' ' .rtof •a -beautiful assartinent
of Aarege, Decanes, Poplin%
,Printed Lawns,4Sch- - .
net, barred' and S is.s Muslin% Bishop Lawn:,
(lingliarris, Prints, Niontillaics Shawli, Parasols,
f i
' - :glove?, li ietv, bohnots,ribbons, embEnideries, &c..
Cloth, al ' ores, resting% Kentucky jeans. sum- .!
mer,cassi cress tweeds, denins, and an as. 7 :ortnient
of. cotton trii linen goods for.summer wear; Ilea-
dy made lothing,. pegged and siweil boots, palm-
ti om
lbatf, • Cinida straw,: LeghOrn, -wool, fur, and - fine
!moleskin Hats, cloth end:glazed Caps', slietttings, -
'r-hirtingiytual-other kinds 'of 'domestic goods ; gro
..iviesi, luirdware,•-emekery, inialicinev, paints, oils,
las% nails, ikc.itc., all of which Will,be sold with-
jt-teserre; ' The Subscriber does not boast o f
hat he- Will'do, butTespectfully solicits in exam:-
=thin ot.hli goods and prices by all. : Pullin at
any. thile, and we will attend
_to vpu With' the
.. .
giratt 9.4 pleiionre, *sit is nis.tronble'r no to litsys
gliod-4- I • • ' 1.8 LII'TLE.
Mat, 2G; 1853
Register's-. Notice)
Tanyricz is hereby girt ]
crsicrois4 . -in . the.
of Eliaba Mack, deed. ; Mai
le of Archi (ICl:cam:Kt ;
and J e
• Estate'ofJoseph Webster, decease(
'stet, snririringTrustee-- ' • .
- F r statc_•nf Jamas. Oaklev, deceasc
Oakley . and and 'jarnes , A,Oakrv, Ad: -
-Estate of :lamed Benton, eceased; 'Reubm
•Administiater--!- • . • , •
. EstUte.:l4 . ,hlichael J. Sulliran, &ceased *Francis
Quinn and john S. Murphy, Administrato
P . inte of Ira Brister,•deceased; Brister
and Batnuel 'Taggart, Riecutors— • .
Estate of ilatue.4 S. Fierronnetvdeceased; John
s. l'irronnet one of •the•Ezecutors— - -
Estatc.of Rezekiah R. McKune,. deceased ; Rob
eft MrKune, Administrator— ' •
John. Simpson; Rdward W. Rose and
Rob4rt aSinipson, Adners-,-'
• 'l'hat the accotintints linvt - settleil their 'accounts
in the•-11-4ter's (ace in and for thi connty of
Susquehanna, and that the same will be presented
to the Jiulg,es of the Orphan's Court of mid county,'
on wednesclay the 17th day-of Aug t• next,' fur
confirnuttion and allimance. •
• ' • 4 J. T. LANGDON, Registyr.
Registeroftice:MonUwe, July 6. IS3I.
IA" pre'pareil to 'fay the. highest market price
in CANT: for any, quantity of 00l delivered at
my store in New .Milford.
.Farmers of Susquehan
nacounty, bring elunt your wool. '
New Goods at the Head of Navigation.
, - • •
Quick Sales, Small Profits, and Positive
ly lac,. dy Pay ! is thc : Motto.: =
• . George R. Hawley •
IA - 70.1.1Lliheieby_infordi the public that he . has
• V V 'just 'received from New York a handsouie
assortment of
• .111t$CHANDISE, . .
of, all kinds and . etyles, n'hich hating been pur
chased-at very low rates be is enabled to offer to .
the public at
It 'would be almost impo&!.ible to courtier:de the
many articlak cOrnprising the stock of goods, but
all are invited to call and.see for themselves, as
suring theta that:they will get
More Copia for the's : anion:Vey
than at any other - Itotise:in 'Montrose, The often ;
Lion of the public is called to st.fetv of the leading
articles of the stock: • . •
. . .
. Broadcloths, r cassiineres,* satinets, vestings; (he,
silks,. satins,* bereg
_, laws's, gingbania, • lustrmi, al
paicts; detains, nrinti, dx.; White gomhiin large
variety!--ribbons,. bonnets, hats, Caps:* umbrellas,
*and parasols, carpetbags de.- .a . good stock of
sheetinr, shirtings, Striped anri.plain, bloc •drill
logs, derime,lnixt irres, plaids, Kentucky jeans, Cot,
ton and wool and all !Fool
.t.treesKttc.; •A general'.
aksortnient of fresh and '
seasonable -• . . • /
- -.-* -. -' • . ::_. :.. •.GROCE . R.I.ES.: I
Iron, steel , nails , , shuvela, rakes; forks, and
almost every other f T-11
article to be Toned i )(country
store=;-irbicti will be sold cheap-Wr• .or ready.
... o render ihe establishment at the h d . of nay-.
igation-grelksOrth a visit at all times, t kill con--
tinne to receive, as the season'Aidyan ,tieur in - -
. voices of seasonable eoods*foriladimt . „ and•gentle
inen'S Fear, sots to be ablest all tittles to offer
the durice .Of the market- - f.' .• - : - - .1.. •- • • ...
- .Hiving- adopted the motto of." Qensi Sates, . .
*Sstst.i.-Pacimvs wariltgain Pay ,7 a liberal- share
ofeugorn is reipect fully solicited. • .
.--,- Montirst; lily '244'18.68..• ' - ..
WANTE:• , 7. • .. . , . .
D t i rp_ ex mange -fur goodß,.any qunnti
: V V of • litheat. Itye;Datik, Butter: and. Egg.;
fur, Whicit:the,lilighcst . pricc will lie OW. ' .
-May 24. :,./ -I. :: . . . ..-; G. 11.1.1AWLEY: .
.. .
, .
_/ B:Clan'
Ts receiv . ing *eeklyuilditions t(Clas iitock of Dry l/Goods. - Ready-made' Clothing,aod Sta
tion.. - • •
Ano try User lot of those fitter Linen Coats. A few
more Lawns to! be sold at JO per - een t :t..ailiance.—',
A little more' . lift of that 6 - stilling Ta. selling for
50 Mots .. A small lot if that 8 cent Sugar, selling
JO pounds for 81. The most tplendid lot a Prints
eywn;, clkrairetu• 4,l . l c erap I Delahla,,,unsurpsiss•
,Oall.• •
• ~ -
one 28 MO • '
_ .
A _ GOOD meat of 1 **Goons 'at pric e s
-CA:lbuiizio than beret , . „Suitteri Owens
to please all_ t - ea 'kW at lea ices.::eatim Call
a examine: ~,,' .-:-: i--r.,..- 4 L 71011,6 ilk MN..
4 y
A FIT 'g 'qf GERIRS, F
.tl. - Intend to*lliristfuhttriiriiiit
eij vross' A"IsoN-7.-
i'- '' - “ fAsinptiwilic4 is -—6 ' vivibriikfraul
. u .it - p o. 7 . , ,,: rl, :_ s t ed `Oi x.. 7 ,. L izj lheie ul.iv H,l7 - iiiinuisau 7! , , t,... e .010..,,, , aO. - .
iwglPilatk ' - Dr J, EL . . ,f4r ,
ir k ila* - 47 :...,,, .w. ~,• :i wa .tht. oi,
adelpliiii, —• •'; Ole fLuit# 4 -------i-ia": - it11:011-:
the cure - Indi g est. l.7"-T -''' ` ‘ t likkilaf; "'No'
liiiteerOwn km 'fogy: ' tepowera I ••
c ram
art of man can., •
.---1-2- It
"11. 1 '
444: •'• •• : - '• Alli*Prauother`"*lfitiwitrilthWil
-11'f, ' .-• '•
l a u d e
~.. •';•.;- :-11,'A.,e '':
' 1 '
•,..;, ~ ~ .i ..- . --i•---- !. - -
AAS just received & large ad;iiiiOn to his form:
er stool: ' - • ,
.., • .
. ;
which now renders , hisaasortment good. Hisarti
cies. will lie sold: as Lcdv or Lewes than . they :cistri.'
be;purChaiied elsewhere in toWn.„ will :receive
.in payment, . cash,:grala or all
socis, beesarag,'&c. Ile flatters hingfelf that
_ .
, he buys his foods as low as any one c aril, and he
; is confident Tibia he Will' not_ be undersold.
will at all times esteem it. a 'Pleasure stn.receive
calls from his friends and eiistomers. and the -Pah
lie generally, tO whom he feels very gratefullor
past favors in liberal patronage. His stuck is
composed as, nsual,of nearly every thing usually
kept in a general assortment store. - His basing
brancho in ;fade are drug medicines;'ehemnials,
paints, oils, dye-stuffs, groceries, notions ctc.. In
addition to these,,he keeps a variety of Dry Gi4ls,
hanlware i cutlery, stontware, - glass• Ware, liquors,
musical :instrument- jewelry`,} perfuniery, „stirs,
umbiallem, Whips,_mirrori,„ wilt paper, stationery
lamps, brushes, 'window glass , dc. • Aler t
A' splendid' assortment- cf gold lip r ; rings, '4ar
drops and rings, breait pink, watch leys, pencils,
pens, &c. Also, silver thinibles, pencils; spoons.'
spec- taclwt,:lke..; silver plated. German silVer: and.
albata slsx'ssi silver plated -and German sitier
butter lanves and spectacles,' connive spectacles
for dear sighted persons; another splendid'awort,;
meat of those celebrated Waterbury pocket kitiveak
unrivalled in quality rit material and finish; shelrs:
pistols, fire crackers, Ilanisbni and other celehraj,
ted perfumery,, trusses, suliporters. shoulder hra.i
ces, breast pumps, the best I id use; piano - music,
aceordcons, - violin bows, strin g s, bonksi
bridges,,:rosin, pep, hair "and• tail piece's, flufeli
fifei, tunicg forks, and the best asimintent
tire notions town. In 'liort; something few' *-f
ery.itocly. Came and see. I -
A tso; -Broad cloths; cakklaierdS, satinets, htri
tucky Jean=, drilling , .vestifgs, flannels,
lawns; checks, alpaccas, cati;oes. cotton yard, litlt
ting; wadding, suspenders, bid tons, anci4lll article.s.
fir nuXing garments; Br .1n linen, shirt linen,
shirting', sheeting, liandkerr gels, &pies, hose; Adm. I
ruer hats,4c.. • - I -
Ats.o, Shad, mackerel, - fish,nolasses, sugar,
tea, coffee,
.stileratus, pep spice, ginger, citina•
runt), cloves, niace,raisins
.• and bard, soap
powders, putty, burning tlui carnilhene.lanil?
winces oils; candles, &e.; full assortment ' i !of,
groceries, and all fiurts or lilts and .oiliticonstFit
ly on baud, and fur sale the t - f
llonl rose. Junq .2.15.;3.
"• • •
- • -
T. L. POST &
MAYfound . at the lowest figure a L.1.7?6,tE
• .I.V.R. #S7OCK of I.lt4age Udlains, tissue. sil Land
wool berpges, jaconets, muslins, Dehay's,•ldnekpild
colrorCd silks, lawns, gloves and hosiery—in faCt,
the best stock of 'Dress Goods we have - ever Wit.
to this market.
0011. STOCK oF
Broad cloths, caszzitneres, frastifiga, ready-made.
clothing: Summer - goods of every description.
A large addition to' the .11:011ware atts l . ( lrocUrY
depart:Dant. Also, haying taild•in great.variety.
• Teas, cofTees , sugars, alts,
Staple, Drlns-n. • ". " ji
We tender thaolra to, oat frieno and invite the m.
to call and exioniee our last"
Our system. of selling goods at a "taco rarar;
and TIUT at
~the iOIVEST FIGLIM, is the true policy.
and worksi:krtatti -satisfactOrily._
. ._•• .1. L POST 4 CO,!
Montrose, June, 1831. . • 2.•
►. 'to all 'tier
_ Estates, to
.1 • - •
; John Web-,
; Milb.tinTe
• • tLtll k. imr - AvriTE Da
A ;I . .actire.liy, of • .alinnt silventetin or eighteen
.C.l'vears ligt . ,•wantetl.mi ciel.k in a stoFf
tiny. of
,this ilecription,-witli suitable, referenC . es
o r recomnindations,sand difq)Oscid: . to . make. hips=
'self lueful, will find gOOd'encOurageitient by appli
cation to - f ant rr. ,
New Milford, May,l6tli f 1153. • :.
• •
-. New AttractionsM t .1 - _
.• •
AT TI- -•- '
NV. B. - D.E,AiNS;' • •
[ - MITES the attention ofhFs Mriner patron:4 slid,
L the public generally, tai his &miner supply .of
!aguerreotype C: «xis, : Iltai reeentlk put.-
lased. •-
_ ,
Ki of G ln Styles lues. -,
The Philadelphia, Union, Princle Albert: Alboni,
ind Oval Velvet eitses---very tt andvery, dwr
Ine ' •
tble . patterns-besides-;plain.and Sane); styles:of
every size and description. 1 1
Fancv Eryinte.t. ' " I
. Kossuth - Frames, with gold chased Ma ts; rich
and oinamental. • • I ; ,:' 'l'
• Altz,..,nnify:ng C are.-,, .i- )
In which the Dagnerreot,yPe appears nth rly the -
Ire of life! • - ! t. ' ' - 1/
I , • Gold - Lorlfels: : - 1 , /i: -
A beautiful assortment of;Lockets,'PinS,'Neys,
Fob Seals. &c.; at extremely l ow- prires. ii' -,,
Tiaving just refitted and
.arrrangetlitny rooms*,
for the comfort mid convenience Of viAtorts, -I trust
that illy effOrts to please wilt be itp:Orceiated, and
that subs/an/fa/ encouragement will be given inq.],.
Prices from 8100 to t 1508.. A ~
Profemionally yours, .
,I„ , IW. B. Deans.'
June 9, 1853. . . ./: I. ',_
Odd' Fellows Jau SeconAiloor, Mitritrio'se Pa. l ' ,
/ 1 t •• . -- 1
N.B. A' 25 rent Daguerreotype:7,lin exhibition,
for-seeing criiich there will lie no extra clutrge!!!
. ' . LANES i BORO .1 .,
.1 7 S. A. LYONS ; • -:
lAAVNG. jut returned from New Yortimost
respectfully invites 01.1.1 overs of good bar
gains to pill and examine ; , ne of the best ielected
stocks'or goods ever seen tie county of Susquu
hamia nmy assortment of, Silks, 134mrages. De.
lams, La' it, Englili, Fren ;land domestic Prints,
Anti all other Dret4Golxis Iladies of any and all
tastes 'cahnot fail to be su ed. Looking o . l.assas,
Trunks; carpet Bag's he.; , ides the largest - as ;
sortnient lof Boots .aud S :of evety -descri pi nm,
alltrutdelof the bestmateri le' and warranted tole
better and Cheaper than„lever been before of
iu uNnehanna coo ty. An assortment 'of
Il ardwa from 4 oz. Tack to fnfilid Locomotives.
Crocker of
.every descriP ion. A large and fine
assortine of G.rocerieS, of Which .my Teas and
.Sugars s sind'Unrivalled biAlt in excellence of quit
-ity and cheapnms. . „ - • 1 S. A. LYONS: -
, LariestKiro!•/une 1, 1813. 1 ' - 4 —”!
pritEll_, - FIR KINS. Hating. Sltpulders,Ylour,
Pirk..aad Bee(, Dried APides and 136,n5 - will
i r k_
be-const tly kept hri hand at S: A:- LYO,..S .
Cheap C. 41 Sawa. •,: .. -... '. ' .
Lanes (), June 1.: • - I
• - _ __
------:-- i ----; r ------- 7-7.
u siral i ' Califor ni a,
Or an, plate on Ike Giabe, s
cannot present
- 'greater inducements than .•• , -
' . Keeler iit - Siladdartll'a •
AXTII CH is now nerd with - a ne and exieh
- iflr- re xe .assorthient
. of tirtieles.! in their line;
embrael a general varietyi.of new and elegunt
*taleso , Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, among
which ae Ladies FreUch, - Sillt lA4ingiatul l're
nillie Ga term, Kid and Enameleld Polkas;Kidtl'at
ent leath 'and bronzed . Jenni. Linds Buskins and
Ties; g itletnen's French a rid Philadelphia
tanned-nilf -skin and kip - Boots ; COngress filnistin:
Gaiters, 4 onterey,and Washington NOtp, toilet
Slips;' M, ;4 4 , adr, nod -CoWhide . Bliogani?,;d4. l .
Boy* ki . calf and cowhiderikoote; ai d difa.
all thids of ' Mistier. aid Children's' fe es -;'. A )V ;
genend . -
sentiment of Bindings, which mist-'in
part t of: ' „pigs; •scaribles, '.lBitlatian - ttillo,
tacks, - .'t reid; wax. Bristle*. shoe "btoilini,..Wels
rasps; sandstones, Shoe Indeed, tke.r-1 Alan: oak ind
hemlock ' Hoed calf, upper anti soleleatber, Mor
romo,. ; . "suidttoiMpt; ~ 1 3 1_1. . .,- '' . i:: . •'):l:i`.. - :. ''. :
Work .. .. • tO ordsw_aiiti ripairirsg:nuatly dope:
..... : .itontrlreAhtyripl, 1853.1 .
~ • ','.,-
Ti :::.t. w las, Bering:, , DelniPei ) , INTlirri 'alitlKO
' A-A AlOgNell &m &mer Cathay sell iag ,at reduced
Pricer: tai preptuelhe Way lot! the Bow* rof - .114
stock, to toe opted on Batontlay the .4d•-, , ;
:-_ , Jane*ll. -': - '' • •"-' -'''':',.!..1.11:/itlCokBON-.:'
.T TPST yeeeiveo.l4 ofibetrairul populor 314,
41:e.-11Vehiebense; "014,rollotitiv
'ittlue. * peed 4wer,'" kYee, tv‘ittiosliwk,
=MY' the rvollu fang. 'Do they . MICA*
home" 11Caty Datlieg," etc. bte. "
.11170,iattit Ytplin Stlit* kfliagti t ehiAt:
-; . 11 JAYONVAtOrs..%.
S i unitt ie'lro*lat' '.
1 ,
. .
alyi Reittlypay t : • ,Theidleip ' c -
i, -
.. , in stsgtt astna s? , -,- -., , , -,.,
ill kids of todds - hr MO -Mil ' use:
ri_RE T revolution I in' the lefercantile husiheowl.
/..J1 - lil nd judgment,: awake'/nit serer, 014 Your
si l
former • ejuric s 1 V'E',contirny is - titer methec of.
wealth.' -Short'credit Makes king- trivia& - r ;.- ,
The bsc.itbeis would respectfulty:auneugse. to
the Mit bitants of Susquehanna and
counties that :they have j ust received and, 11 . 0 iv , ;
roving. - e lar4,!est amlgreatest variety , of , goods I
,ever introduced into,Northertirennsylvanda. I Our 1
entire st k is -triuked- At. thu ' very lowst,lesiti
FLGVII, and et stial prlce.s that cannot fail to snit:
•41 purebasers who study economy itilujipg. I We.
intend to adhere strictly to th,o43Nr. rant srlVEir;
believing it to be the: only impartial:lll'6de •4:!ldo
ing bush eSs; and hope;byFonductMiffisAMeso,_,i
upon fai , and honorable prutelpkoi, te*tilaril
share of publigoatronige. 114Afou ‘ retilli
ly invit thosi7from a distance to 1 3 tatnineireni-1
summon stock of Gotvls, feeling confident 11hot
-the.pri _ and'qualitiell Will•meet their entir . gry . .,:l
probatiu . AU kinds of produce taken at its cash'.
ratite, 4- quick saleS and .small - 'Profits, is 'the
motto. ' it is evident to 'all that hotnes •dO"nta:
long credit 'business. necessarily 'dignuid hazer
profits froth the, cash pUreltascr m , am:
their.locit at hang: in .poor debts - tmerroi blf
contracted.' All pure .rs who may: faro tug
_With sr 441 :will-be 11' wn through Our ex' sire
assortment with plcsis re.' ' . - - it '.." •' ' -.:
La are you in ! want of any Silks, be *ges
e ft
Bavaria' chithk, musli lawns„messMas„ etn*id:,
1, fraiste
erieS, - Br: ha, i.ilk, mid Ciislunere shaiis: benii;ilS,
rib&lns, irasols, in t: dlesi ' varietyt,r-: YoiriWill
find t he at - . ..:A,TON'S ONE•PaICe STO b T ri , L .
• Ginitiemen. are yu in wait et agi clot g i
Yon trill find the la rg r
,t &c . w.o.tit:mat laf - cloth mid
ready - m: de clothing 'fi ode up afterlhe mos 'a`p
•prored fat-hious at I.l.erON's,Osx-ruice ST - 0 '
Pannert & Alech nica, are you! in wa t. of
41 greienes f Yot will fukrat kiAtowit - . ;:k:
c: ii,,
rafox....rone. ,
.. • '
•10 lb= good Ilaraitn 'Rug,ru: fit 1, - tl, - 4y .
14 lbs - tirbt crudity deans sugar; I . 1, 0
10 lbs ~000 d ItiOcoffi e for. - • 1,1 i -_,
'2O lbs- fipit'qualitrl' ce for - :. = t '
,1. 0 .
, 1 barril Mackeref, 1 I .- , 610
1 torn i llilactlerel, 1 - ' -- - I O ., 0'
Molasses per gallon, - • 1 1...
Codfi.hl per lb., •
._ .
,_ ,
,_, 5.
Best b and cut nails . 'er. keg • ' ' ~. i . ; - 5.
Macke el of all 1113fil ri and -other p ekled sh:
Best q iltties of LaWrene.e lteary,-sheeting_ per
2 1 .
yard 3(1 t - Exrcat's Osu raMe Szo 5..;-
Cash pitid for wool at. Ear t es' s Osit-r a Le ii ! Su m a.
300 'fir t quality
,firkkvi fur sale at_ll , LrOx'S C 64.:
railStigs. ' i ~ - • — l ' l . ' m l '
Ilatio Mar, 1 53.. ' ' • --` I . 1
•(41'ii. '
, _
T re eniag a lar; stock of tiockl . at:
oew,ator the lan* :distriet;74llo have s ]
- 9..eleeted h care, and which they, are - detetto
_roil y ry !Ow, eolieo all. tor ready pay:
and juilgx r for yota . sely : • - .:!
++ :. N
1 - 1. Del
- - .
: - gOilattSs
'as - that. t4y cannot - Ve uncle
1 on i .!onets. They fire . selling . them at
fourth di usual-price.'.;
May 18, 1.83,
7 - 1 :- - D1120: titowlsi:T:1717:;::
mrpnsi•ed,assoitment of Bl:rep".11
.11 1 8. Delve,. ote. S. 11: a 1 1). SAV
t.pi j .
1 A.. General asscOrtineut of al. tie%
liatlicare. Stole anti _ ~,,,,.., I ri ' ' Medi - -
t• cines, Pauds, Oils and Dyestufl3,lJevel y, (01,1 .
and Silver 'IV niches, silver spOuniand, pectaclek
dce..;.(kr..., ' . or sale- by the. anbscribers Ei cheats. as
the cheapeat, forc l i Produce or At pioce . lcr dit
•• - •' 1 . 1 -, IIENTL IIEAD;
MOntrcise. May, iCi,l 053.
. .. ----:--+----,-. / . • ] . I
1) BATT", NY a-
_11E46 are &Ayr:authorized'a
l.) geuts, for moat of the sopproCed 'Patent 4 adi
cities named below and:Natrant
.timmito'fie 12
- 1,-.
Me.' Drtynes exctaraut;...alterattee; balsam,
veniing and skui,ificej'ills ; Dr. Christie's !ag
netic .bra....-elets, Its, !necklaces, andi 'fiiiid4:: 'Pr:
Fitch'S support rs..simidtkr &acrs . ia rather t led- -
icings: p try- bavis*: - pain killer ; : Aier's; -clo rry.
pectoral; silicon ; Clark th Co'S., Cod :Liver it ;
Dr.,. Ilaks vegetable coMpcund for i'Dy - sent . ry;
Dr. Tcitnsetiol's sarsaparilla ; Drints balsatn; Dr.'
Iloollanci si german hitters , ; Hntehingi Dya F,tia
Bays: Ir4efeliberg .'4Yrtißo .-bitlersoolßlll-4, t at
in is ti . ill d ' palmonic ' , rafers; Swaitres Tana est;
Moreheac s plaster; Tanner - 3 Germanbintill ' is ;
, Tntski d ..Dr.Voitighnilittioniriptie; Dr.Th " .p"S
medicine Barry's- Tric4perons and-Lyons Ka Lai.
rim; . Ire ve cure and largling Oil ;. iChere ays
Balsam 1 Orrick dUll Filuiestock'.i Ivermit g e,
lloffat's s , 'right's,. 'Dnindithio, - ,Staile7s,' • Thin airs;
r i
Rob& - 's . . and l3entietra _plaut..and root kills,
Bay wate , etc:, etc. 1 1 ~ ... -I .-'
0 41:4-'
. -
.Ma4in4, Oil .
es and Plate ci Clochs.. Trtu4,-*, and
Banclhoxes, ete., i , etc., a er•
t jest reeeivel; anti for .sale cheap. qr
pet llngA,
'§ AND 8 / 1 0'.:S, Uppgr andJ_*de le,
tall' and Rip F. ing, Hats sitAi ( ).4lsB. -
Firkini etc.. or sale; by -
~I - T - . -
• , - - ji BENTLEY it RHA ,1
, :. 1
T 2 602'
tir, •
and Tuba
Iron nod or nlrnn.
itly on bin .L 13E1U
.N 41
Abel: Turrell ' -
mowr 4 'OSE P-A.- - - 1
;. - 1- - - -• •.:•. I
linty: aut haria agent' for th e me :of nicer-.
]the popular. atent Medicines; ale* of
r here muiteil. - I ;All of Dr. Jayitei.eelebrat
r ruedicinea-- r Algo, Dr.lK._ eeler's, (adrr
,another column,)'' Dmitri ;`Holietisac '8;
fa- '
. Sifermtes
a;; Atw00t,1.4.:;-"..Wixtdeuirsi
• Merchants justly •edebri(ed_ garg ling
'lands of silt-emit andlamenitos JO man or
ticicati mustakr 'lininient,:•fer lateen"O oi..laamessgalls;SmithiShatiaint;
4an•ointtioint ; - MeAlliSt?iltdrhea
• Millels; Tatetey'isit 7 74lltied'e'p9 hi
- 41rew's palUllfillitgf 104 :tbroa-n)
Jamaica ginger ; : Thalia', magn etic 4
-er's. cherry pectoral ;ilViitittasbalsat,
ry • Hooliarid*.s german bitt Ilitors t
ye il on- . Doek4toot.'lB,it 'kid 'at sdrsa;
loud I'ltrifiPt l ;!:llkket-!1,. v * tattle clom•
• Dys.-.entery ; Ai;
,Orrieles;;it' et - 116.1,111de
i uge .-. Pettit's:eye salve ;.. isonslaye
uetian fluid; pearly fifty ,tli ; rent •14114
l ia, rac i i i4r all of the brat tu Imt i
icles in. tiiis depirtment 'toe * tuner° -'
In brief; the "ptatple will fu nearly et•
t rd
in the line of, drev and the kinctisi at, •
• \ ; * '.; - • *; TH ftELL'Id.
idellnistrator"& NotitG, ; -
la'E is Hereby given that, ; film "oft 4.4ta
tary oval of H bbel Wells,
, fate of Jaeksini l ;, township ;have. teen
the subscriber, and all persdns indebted
tale ire -Iterelky requested; to Make!.ira-
Ayment, and those, haying:* 4 lttima .upon;
t 'to present them duly dtte fed fortset :
-• . lioniTio - m, , NE T.S;Exli.
„July: 5,11853. 1 ,:, -' *: f *; . i ' 2fliv6
• i •" - 11 - 77 - 7 -- =.
i ' 200, Boxes -Glassi:
- 8-;10; 101-12,e14-1-1. 10 7 1,1 f.
, 12-1:8, 1 :141 , ;2•1 add: 2o-130 a
which ark
ed familj
tised iii
oil, for al
beast; in
and saddj
ner's ge
tractor ;
. of
!tient ' • A
wild' elle
syrup of
parilla ;.
*atCr ; '' t
other :nit
ery thji,g
grunted t.
to said
'mitres tat
tlini*rit •
• Jacked,
0 1' By_ 9,
- 41
• , n - ut*iirOth§r i sliiffi:itill4
To; June 2-4, 111$11:',-,1;11,1.':-:-':,'
- cite PENTEREP" iirop)
' - 1 t re •
trsT ieceived, a select . o o arpeL
ci i t
j = i) rising ,taxinypirm t impipliox ie ni
ch,e9•:' : aid* Wag 0 ..a'' q.4:t 1 r.. , -f. -.t.r--
'`` ": SI l i tit:STiEtSeltyr i
- 4_ f e w ' fltbeq 644 td . in g4ilieol.l
.aold'l' ii. .' •- . ',-'". ' S..IL at D.
I dmlnisitittir'eNoilte.," - -'
.Ncri Eisliefe bi' I- 41 ' , 111Vthia ietiells:eflAd in:
.., 1 isf., t*titpsl4-014i,etitalw:Of41ohtitth*
.It 4
114 i;st, . ei, townduip of Aitii4l.o. Messed; tit
ben irk, teil i 4o - this . 16.
dbiateil t said eltat o aro heriikylett sot 49 or
**IS., wisAMOtoiulbdixtei,44,l4l Wait lop?
1 4
igastestatikto ,11014. 014 en) 'tut* att ed
tleinent., rA. G. 01it t y
:. , - • = '
by B , RLY .~
7', , '
1 0 - 1 2.043
for isale.,
4,041 - :::::':
!lateral! . ' ta!
',:.' ';ET,.. „..k :
ft, and
I~ ~E~: ,
.t>. , ~ _
, ' :
._..= p , :,,,,,,,,,,,--)..:::;.
.i ' Poala -1
rrHE•lubecribei ttillyi
respl a
A. ito hisold frier* a i
the !TWO- at lam; fort h. .ii n
ee.ike•rOlif .I)6Bto , iea prionli . 1
beek to'callibeir idle:lgoe: tit,
hi hi tiO'Wriceiviiii, which lial . l
end will unti. An.t.ow es stlYli:a
will. 8e oilers antinustially,
dies Dress. °nods. Mantillas; .,
Boots ' and Shoes:Cl - eatery,*
Na Pal* Oili, Fish; tic at IR
ces; ivith w antirtince.that lin 1/
stud: wilMitisfy every re*r, ,
oh/ Sty're. in Buiremersville iit.'t
GOOD peons at Low Twos. 40 I
&ann. cheap; but he will vor , .. ,
4 411tdionets, 'lle, April 1.9th4185*
1 . 00 piII:TER Fisk' 1 Alta
quality nukdsia !Atone
5s thlilir theyikkins. and 4 coAti",
A discount umde to, the traicogji t •
- , - . - - e'
. '. L- NEW'SPRINg'I, i
A t ' Ite iv' , lit II i iitairlq
' 'll".Buittitrt itiiitritAi ioliiii)
friend and 11l thaf *atit - Gbadif;blit.ii
opt '
Stock; ninth: is - Ism :Wino*. ' x 2 cll; L!
peritit aseortnient•of Ladies prss.,
Prints. Delanes, Nate& Law . extr
'Delan6,., Liistentd rfi'plin.S; - -`3laslin
jtat& t "ti,loted.•ltiregeti,-Sitlel-tigi t
' Fllllklrgilkl'i; Mita* Are: , GollarStimt
ies, Crape Broilie and !itlbtsr4 sink . Ole
Sfintillas, Parasols. gtraw, - French ,
13unlets, Bonnet - silks,' ltibbmi - and $1
tlenis and-*Pit LI • "Sunanieresoi.:••• - • ,
- - A all; itstpriment. 'lasi; 04413o0)
Thinkti.ilriliie'cti .t;;llsitti; : - YOlll, '
o t
mid - IW4liiind - CO tu n earl Ilk al
tern 4,; 'Oil thrills :I'' iFlontS ' a dlTti
and:. Prinfed- . Visido - -- Sliades;lyAll
!nestle Cottons of aakinds, 4
,4.1. , .,.-
,Aroo..Crqckery,..gardciAre i r_ol,-
hails, :Stove Fl4i, aints,,
glass and sash ite.,itd; beink - pi rehis '
Cti.shi will enable' purebasers t6'4.eitr,
pric4 style.. ancL. terms Hot ".tiSuany
tither l establaii4pteut, ~. • I
.5 . .J8.-Flttur and Salt Vonit2Mttli, 1
- Ntliv . Milford, April, °slli, 103.
- A!..- ,-, --; L ~-..
' - t --EMPOR
•' , • • • - • SIIILLING.'
I ,': , '• . - B. A..TOS i -TIN—
ESPECTFULLY, info, is ilii cit hens "
of Siiii
quebanna county tlnd , he b s.o ned' a . new
Hat, Cap, and , Fur Stoxe. tni Binghai lorr,-1- W
.doors'Fast . of the Can;,d Bridg.e;'Cour t Street,l4 ie,
lam Mick, where ' lib .is offering 1 the )Jest -ass q*
nient of iis line,feter seen . . ,est of IV W.:
. York;4liieti he' ' , fitiorions.te.,diipo.-es Of ;'. lt a it 'z''
lie abov.,..sciat..: „Tut;.11u5.,...i.:44 r. isi . toer,:eis ! ipti
for business r pleasure;;r ill do We Ito liii4l hi:
.and exams . his.s . tc4: Fel he is can IlePt , he- ee
convince' t etitthat :18 per cent is or 'tilsitTOd by ,
comituVo the --. right ' plat*: rol,utih +e -,
'llls . 1.,
•range) ents ate such-that. heissues's eatiltaa - nil- -
Iy . with the leading houses. la - AN_eur . (Irk - ev ...'
1304, and tasty \ article' in ,the..niaticet,, l• Vail ,i) co.,
. to
_mid he intends to make-you' so.well — leased tit
afterwiedi you will' neeelno orgitig:;''„ - ii't for et
the plaCe: : '-- -,' -.= i. - .' ~-,',. -..,,. -,:•,-,.:, , 1 :, .-- , j-,.'.
OF - Buffalo Robes - and all kinds of tuts twtheit.
season.. .,
~.c . 1 ,
•., . .
13inAamton April'. 18th. 1853.
. _. ,
311111.111MITIMIL4011 1 11:
VATI' D retitorea
• -Vl' afthe tI3OOND FLOOR
Hall—where everything psitinectett,
.7tterreotype,artieceiye priappt i
. .
attention. -
Busines:s.h . oars:: from WA,. ta:44
'" • .
New:ArTan.gattent[ for
N',.1,8. REEIT:E..,:,ar,.CCrSi'3RA
From Great Bead- eyPrylepada3
, • WednesdiY - aidThiirs•,'
r t I,Ii.EIGHT will _ be received by` Co
" 1 - Ithii.lA,oti ilindays abort. metal
store.or die Depot in .4oilersrillit,lal: -
until 1 - 2 o'cloCk at,Montrose Siation,
Milford until lhelrirtival qi.,,thdf l iii;
Scranton, on, thcOairie day., . ~.. '
' - Produce etitrtixte4 to otii;Citi " ; ,xril
, j.
'et! to . New . Tork.:iyith the otin t.'
retnrnapaid in money-atturrent: l lie
timed above. No efforts w ill be spa prices = for ' produce , end ev e
proinPtly, all li3;entrusted;..ineentrusted;s 0 ,
. G EORQE ;L. Cit
. - .. W.M. -- E. - MILLS
-".- Corwin k Mills - gi
. .
Will keep Constantly, fur Sale, a, :11, ,
.:Groceries, Flour, ,_ ;Spit, : is,
its and Ready Shoes, made . id t j
.ii &Findings. , iic.,: - which they, wile
cash or country produce.-
0, 1
r tm
uen tiwhl„ •
. coin' prisingri::nct,i
• •
!tn.": •
:•• Aril )
., .ki.,
Hisou4illlL' 9 ll4. IN.•
OULD meopiecifuily Inform .
' of Montnafo that they ar . .,,p
' at Confornentere—a =Chine . t
ir of the head, and also fittinti ,
.sluipok..,thtex making-a batest. .
on', ::,.'hea4;,and; al!o. -prgven,tittjvq.
'belt - tittowif.aut,:oo ll APP-, g0t 1 0!
thesr ttittasiniZtitt(iol4T . bid'itr- 'keb
willNiAtititte fti r triii 2 :" . :!' -: ''''. ' 1
..'.: Tbi,ftrb o tg *It:AM FlL9gbdi-ii;
time• for introducing 1)* **Ai 1 41.
A full assort:nett of all the. ears
qualities of )fate, paps, Obey } 7 14,
Um. tielliur. iv. Ido„falwayolaaland ;
Iliiiiiluttntio /day 2/5 11/53-'.-i,1•;,
,• „ !
-: • •
.1.1! tin* . nrkifillin
ceitsedAtte des/J*oa•wiistft0 11
lu.vis been' gistitedlorilkiiititiiiiii
semi indebted 14:461..40stieitti . ilit t
to ntake immediate: payment. n 4
elaiins upon said estatestolliturt
tested tor settlement,
• Ju n e'it; 15.53. DIEKRIT
NEW.: ,
.. A: nu, recei‘lieg 2.tkia'Week' . .
.th,k a fittickmt, ~- .., ...
. -- . .-: t7J131.212 i-ifir OOPS
itAtiding the sualynrie3,filenehill
'all of .which t el, i - 3fri . . a„fr. oia,, or
Cash; Wool; Adam orilitiost e•
~ , ,it.,. t.;
• T
eurn4 - 134 i 1 QA;r 10
• • 7. .••
A 3111 4 •
40, 4 11/414
titate o ol l lrPOO:lnkfle
Mokpo, Juni 18,
.200 BA D S;
, .. • 4
4 ,P 1 44.4** 11
5 Pt/PC . .4nd
;41 stock
a ' t ogtit.rie To*,
ere Art oa
rge , 'eTook,of fat::
. 1 7 Doilneti,
re; lionied
aux) ion . of
lie Ind that:the
Li:. - buy;
Cid 1- and see.
, - .00:::',.. ,Ltlll* - 1.1114 A, .. '-e*liiik, -,. it;m ii tiil i t - iiiti fee
,0 1: : ::: 14 : 1', , '
4iely:pr..e.7**Pirlr, P;•!;r1-:,4wiii-414.51t.-:j,
- belii*44ile4}satit'tqlllar . „ ,. . n.t
..t 4. .iiii a7r-rixiiage,_;.l%.,,,
deg* Ai- 4...0440,1,110-L4:i,h•ts.-K.M.7. iiiii-th'filiee,,_,s.:#4.fia-,
hi -,thiidil#4.oo. 4.1!-,,,,,,,,7".7:,_.".'i,7-2riSktt- 5.-ttiVA,;€-"MM-f.M.*.:
'. ' ~.',T-7. + :l';'.-7;-::---Tietti.V.,,__„,_;'.........'.0_';'''g
i4l4iia:-Jliii-.;*ti..1,01,.......,..7.187.P-- -r''::,,lteitr4.o.giiiie44
and 001..4 Yottr*vtl.=---ivaler -- 7:..avew , f , M.:
t*. i_.:' kili' di' Mk--.2!r eg er. e 04,1,-- '...-.. --...-. , Z.,4-k,.
CortiP-+++4.-. '.- - - ... - --.,-.,'-`,..l:!Mbitiitre3lfilti
...SO:o+4i .040i/lei'PrgT...,VA-jraiok-'--#-itt..,-*•l..
• . 11 iti..0i!I POI VA, it. 4., -*lnn, ...,..-,.f*NtT.!,.l'!"._A,--.;l''
litk.1)10 14-.1-1.':PZP7,',,,g.,4:-45‘'.in-.,:.-,!:
. •.- - :.;..,"-- , ff . rA - e*etf, , ._____,,,.g_r-f.764:-.441t.15-.i
t i
. •i. lai.dies‘ 4trii,io-eir',4l,--.,.
~,..,,!...__,_,...-,- . 1 - , -i•iiiisco-'::
•-litaxioak-jai*idlciii'lltiriOtrjOi!., 1".!.!,,,,?!..,74:i5iz, ',7.,
otiiiii-grti,-.1.1.1iity.-044,0.t 44,,,I nTiatiii-,4 - 4 , v.:: . A.6
:'. „Te1tigt0d1i4.4'ftp.ig:.1,1131!1#1:1„;,,,w.,,,,,,,,,i3:4,,,,,.„..,
other.: ,- 64 . n.. bd'llinwh i - nit eji,e_sAkstikA.l-;,,,,°t,..7.T,,1.±....-':-A-!:
-,t,, ~' -..-. - ~-, ~ ' • larigur.tiepre4eptea. rf.-4.: ~,.,
• -..thiii;.ienigfly:;:-:-.4filg .i tl 4. -7 1___-,..- • -- ~' , .' , 144-61'..thii*W"-;,,--.-
`0741*040541:01400e.-o,,r '.47o,4iipliiiii..-r-W,•
and-1fitif0r'•:,4;41,0076.-1 n t i&444i;e4', : 'E . .. ;, - :
L ling e10mp:..!:,,,:'..z4•4-. .::: : {l; 4 . s :''';' , .: • , .4..,!::•---:',.;:.€?;:f'f.'-5,:4,.
- -•-•••"! ,' .1)1; :- ICetteil .
f ;f t t 11,4',1:ei-,:-.:41,1-iliz.c3-..:
_•-:.F.4-_.,...--..,- de - 6 1, J -. Ls. ittneay4s.. , :ukk ,'i4;
--'-thi;'teiN .., n _ AL, -.1:...4w ,ft.".•- hat4l/00P-?• „;..:•.
~,,,•,•,, feAft4 •••03.. , -eve,:•
...-,,,. -.---- -"„-,:4;4--,
vprsatly : : ag,4o o v! .
~.,_ .., ...-4 1 .,:4 , iii -,,._;,e„ . :D b i t tr w , , , ,. f? ,
used - and iiif n - f.t.';:' ..• 'r i ! , P...47 - --,-,--, ::4---;,44l***-1.?..,!.;;;,2
chitin; 'h
-4) i ti k t n , i „ h 1464- -- -tvagli4lW--'
...;0 1 tirsy;i004Yr117 - , .
..! . 7r.ifiikr i -, . -'-- ii.litunnieffi4,N;,
1. and : 1 . 11 07: ',.. .147., - ..,gr., .M., .A4u..-.TA-i4,,,;1-:',,31174.--7-,---41-J.-
7,,fig ''4
fri; - iiati '-. '-' -,--1,--..--:,-, -..:..,:,.----:-,:-..:-..,1-L3-.14g,-,r
it u i , m,. d --- ''4"f; pe44Y - ,.' : *.111‘4,..., . fittl.. ~. .d./Padilitditintar-"Aiwis,',',.:::L'!.;=:,'''
liming ht.' hi.;110-0;e0 '-rt,t-15,„,-------',-- „„,„.,,,„,
~, ~,,'
allilumgA4- '-„_-- • '!: M4.: ' - ioill;:4ait4,4o*,tdeatimt,. '-:'.
re* -I ..p.iirt . :l l :9e}- 4 ??Ti!'s: -, - -.-4--- iiiiteiiiiiiie: 4 4. l• - •.: - ..: i
:ihae-01-I.ihliqn`•*ilt i1e5q.',€.5.:4..•-;”..,,4j.04-patiitatig: 4:.j
iiclali.S .- .. - iiiitE fiirbilioo Te3 1, 341 F 15 ; - 'l_-• :: -,- i i.,,v . ..k ., _-2,.,,..f1:::*:•;'..1
~ inpii4il liiiir'nidilicinaity,dl4ctiV.4„
.. , i... ..
: ,, ;i.. k , , , .. ,
1 _ - -For-;.titsiiinotifits;:iool::tio--VAl,,ii,z.-iktiiii„...:,
1ar5;ar0t40,,,,::00,4:•:-bo4Ni*4l4'rfa:7l7feit-iiiliT+ :
mic - .;.::rt.
.„ lii.,ll7,,:saltfil..„43rfipi:hiril,4)-415res(6-idtiltieevii-,..
1-IDi..eheit'PF:- 0/&"1,:e.4 "=" 7-14,r. 1..vie1..- -4 ki.` , 4-'•;-'f - j - ,4, - ::;:t31. tR - 1.!
, h ... iel
~. •
~, ~,1.,:-.!a it....--\--.P!'•'.riti.,. ::,- .,f.;•ca:4, ~!,„,.:•'`,!•_,,.,.1.1;,.''• :
w.,. !,,...' .-'-' .:'' . :-. , ... - 1-• , '•:,,•,..,.:,- !- ...;._.-,,r„,-:,,,,-. 1 ,...-',,, ,l',lfAiikl. 1.-1':,,,0z-e-i:,.44:::',
'.- -,.11', kedees-:Whe-Nticr-!!!"-:-:-1--,ii_li,
I*. -*1th.9)11.....1:64144.-:141:e:i0:-...t11*.$1,-.....**--!:Itri;:diseow ,,;' Is. : .'''' - 'jr..k'' .
'!erd4,-,an47llkb,k 404' P:ti.i',7-4,stitits-,4-',lii,itilf.'..Otiii,-*J--.:-
' 1 . iiiiitisiii ' `:stiffness ': - 0,19#Lt,. -A„,..,,... , 4,,, , 4,
It It u ,.
~ beck, ii,„-irriereunett.,,,,,,-:, -•,--,7,--4-•:C=i---'
'the head, '0.1.e° 4- X., - ,0%. an ---: ,iiitigiiirticinoit 0,10.-,-:!„4-.,--,:7
e,llll'taluitble-:r0;430-0-e-V ~., 16 j aiiiiiitc;: - Ite i t .,. 4 --. ~., , , ,, I ;
if I. Pai* , :xiilioeidniddies .
.„, .
~ k,„;:.:,::
.v-- . :. and .h0zajukte1p4110,0.1pg!,...,_,,,1;;4-,;_y,
penOniting,lsngthirq - ,77-t.- ,ia-Alk--iliilit,:fooo,:'';A':j
- actidn• - id :• - theit - Wititi?al•- ), efiggitiefiiges'iri.,_,:.7';W:
healthy .saci:-.0604..?.,-0.007,73;L°444Wr7•-:--'::*".ittitio-!..:JI;,:a.shbrt'tin*'-'','- I;iii - .: -- liiiiii , ..ltiblie;:.* - 44‘ . :k . :: .- ' ,
than :01Y !':011.,-,:=',..,-I*11.1Y-t.:..",,ifi,:-' rlf,jtk 104A4#4:-i-6.-f.:-
--willlplr,-.M.9rq*..,Try-z!:11,c A,.. e • • .1.04*',i,45,, - 7:- F ,
ming- OR
..7.1,—,,,----- ,teic.,.....i.,.--
: .na _g •.,itt4i . i-a #Y , - leT, Lc c ,'-..i i : ~ i I ;-- - - aro.. •. . , . ":,- •.'
-.'..''Tp t.'3-1.:'40.14.c*.0' 1,-l. •,•'.,-41.0'11wWirlit,'1,--.2..-,
1 - 0 , 5 - 'lt - -1 4 gi*Ti i te_e'E to ; ` - ' , s h"- ' 4'sr- :',ipel -.• Aiiit& -,, :i , -;=i , ; . ..'4: - -
i,iiir.:efunde(Lt*ri,tikOnly.4:ce, , ,n, _ lll7 ...l. ,, , , , , ,m,l l 4,-, : ::. : I V ' ;: - f --- :
D' ..'ff divi'Lizieia2iii;..mipiwßf::.,,....,:.c.,i.
Aee,,gra-(100110PP1 J- 4-,-- '-iiio:lo4::PNOcr'':'''''''''
, at i on , or the public.::::::1 1 4MIal.:f1.• •,g.,..te r.,tf0i,00.::.f.,
,I . pliiiiti,'Nr,e). ,, ,;. !. iin:lll .l .d . l7 , l ., n4 , , ls iti en n uvntwcon io ,„s l3 ., , r,, *.w te,„7„,„ , ,.l: : -- ---.
:ndigOeithiMalloairio4 .f,e.r ,. -.l 4 ,,, iiiift i i A t : tql . ;;q ; ',_ .4i
ichs;he'adtkoe .. .s:.'bsii,no,• -1, -ect,„.#.:,,:.-..;-•
r - • hiielitoracliatitive:Mgdpm , ..;,..
orders w .
.- •. ' -- • ---• •- . ~..,ni:-...,,-.,.,45.:,-„,.,Avy.
01,C40:ge,0180.. ji_e4.'44!.9.11,...":.::.:...41'44.144(110'i1it'i;i4::-I',
:kefp4Vi;o2otfeol-511)..r91g'.3-r.‘7,Alltet- ii-abTiat.l-_‘;..,
- eiii.% - mrl*l4.tad.''. a
with- cointi*tice.*.i,rid.4o2o---'• 4: -''' f
' .*-ilf.-Eaoll.lioA67} PW th --0 1 - 3t 1, 4 , 1 7"=• -- -.,,. ''.-44.-,,eepo,f;,i;4'•!--.-;;..
aint-of:Otirfi '!_,'•itrov';'#l•••'i''4:l -':.:19 -t. W- -Oi t- -. f.1. -..3:
i n. .l; iii .. ti po l. ): . ,.ql l tli i :OFkt.9. 0...4.1.5Tti1.1,..*#ti. 17:10-#4,1..$4_
:igigatifi,prgafiif,fk.t.l4pt.iqi:-...-rewl. -•.iiitibtithii..,i,Et:
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