The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, June 30, 1853, Image 2

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    o . t:-**quOitiii4 : ''',(
liiiii4arftithigt Jane 30, 18511.
'WM -snit MT:
AFINMEPOWIIIII,I9 of Lancaster county:.
of Fianain tboitty.
Myellly Of clarion county...-
Radii 'NA 'Turkey.
. -- Theltettspapers both of -this country 1
and Europia, eon - tart a great heal of spec:
tlation, 'of late, - on the;
.question of the
,probability ;Of a war betiveen . Russia'aild
Turkey, Irbjeh . is understood as , molting
the question: of a general European war.
'The better opinion appears to be that
Ausaii Will be guided by pacifiecounieli,
•at leait for the present ; and percei-
Ting theindications of oppestuott to any
attemptlo eiforceber claims by a resort
to arms, evinced by most of the : - Europe.
flu jaoWeis, she .will rather ieek --tO gain
bet ends by the exercise, of subtle
~ policyfor Which the.hiplornatic agents of
the Czar have become so celebrated. The
public opinion. of nations is melt the
inn* :influence over the conduct.of na-'
tioini, *attic -- public opinion of communi .
tiss-bas siver that: of an individual ; and
the tiatioes haVe so emphatically and ge.n
&fay - condeitined the Czar's course, and
denied justite of his
. eause that be
would hardly venture:a_ resort to . the
bitraineot - .of - bloody .war, even if.there
- were no Eritishand French Fleets in the
eastern:waters; ready to thunder thei
convincing arguments in his ears.
The latest European news, brought by
did, beetle!. tearner leaves the
Usterwilbestion f as -it is called, in the
tame stateefuticettainty in wthich it has
for'some time vest.tho - leading
jounuds both of London and . Paris, ap
be-quite in the Jerk, oscillating
betwein :hope and Jear in accordance
with;the'varying complexion 'of th e ill
• . ;Dori:that from time to time reach
• •
.. eagerness ~ with which the slight
. itimor is seized and commented upon,
aiiov tedetrr interest with which the
subject s regarheh.:
-4rigiur:rangi t iteati Forces have beep
a art"
lie Turkish Government is,idi - o - trettytc
1y engage& in' raising -and
trefsosochfcb eie4u many instances, under
the command of j3riash and French
officers. • •
Still; the general impression among ,
'Calm observers is that there will he no
war. For whatever the interest of the ,
people.may be, the true policy of the ru
ler/ doubtless ia, to 'prevent that general
itpbeavid of the nations -which would be
vertidnlnfcilloii - ,and whose consequences
CoUld\itirdly fail to be disastrous te-manY
ermined heads...' .Kinirs"=have - already
learned to be,,afntid of their old pastime,
COlitEC - 7101:15 CORSECTED.—SeveraI pi:
'profftsing to correct the report of
late accident st.Susqueliiinni Depot,
:assert that" the personskilleAkind wound=
wed : were laborers on the double track,
L vrith their wives, who had been allowed
,by the' ride on the engine, in
violation of the express' reg,hlptions . of
the road."' Those_ whO make this state
=int . \ - appear to be iguoinnt of the-fact
that Mr. Arnold, the engineer, Was kill:
ed, and Grilbeit Bili;-the fireman, was had
scalded by the explosion:l. they surely
:_were not at . _ their 'frosts 'Sin; violation of
Abe. etpress regulations of the road."
As i many of our exchanges locate the
`.#*te ofqbehittatter in New York State,
We will mention that Susquehanna is a
:pew *d..thriving, village of some two
iabahitants, situatea;an the Sus
. . ,
uettannariver and the New-Xork dr Erie
,14ilrettd, Jn Susquehtunia county, Pa.
ed: 'ilvtikelikaten papers' that -a deep feel-
VlgefieAgnation_peivails sawn& color flab
mum. : caused by the wanton , injuries in
-flitted upon them lut year by the Brit-
Cruder's; and' that some of oar fesh
.4i Testicle will ge out, this year. armed
- siia prepared to 'defend their . rights nu•
okar the-treaty. es they unduatand them.
40ffe:Cievernment -has sent no a 4 :tes
isle td protect the rights of Am " ns in
1 '44) lteithern waters ; but the British'
AdMiral Seymotrr 6 already at fila post,
over he fishing grotinds,'and
lituti_lu , euforas the treaty. LS be under
eiiiidali. As the *isniral speaks in high
_Aanna, of :,":the manner in whiCh the of
-t!*!:ftild ,iMitheil eillP/Prta is the,PrO
l "
l enti On' 4 iel libel* _Perfaraied Lhaii
shatise - last Tear," -we may_ infer that
.measures at least equally atilaient will
Xa-adaPtestthia year, wiliek ease Leo':
chitaa_':avith'parilWl'llPiriteil flalleniata'-is
last:iiefirobabler.- :, •.. -, ~ - ,....4- .
; 0 ._... : _ t t. - ,
.t. Sr Ar s t, wtwellt*ta Pf -Ole `
.whole; '
miee. c , reup vflhe ' , United...4meg is Tie=
m a T-erY ihnited extent of lane siearthe:
,:f9i*gt.t. 4 .4.o,cWi*i ee4PfßrSia-r -The
-'2ol4lllodMititiAi Uniied Sititia itii SO
TAlaamel.;s4 2 *2o lkoturde. ;:sr‘ 'TA' le( a
the li celilt.PO4e 4l 44:7 o gri 4 slarnie - eigath
cetalat`of AI th• vegetable food ;exported:
-- - New Plibllorrs ,
7 . ,7-- , -.- v.- . '.- ~ -- 1:r - r• - ,----,
. - ...t •Pitinaz#,2l.folithiy; f .1)40; , :is tub t
nurntitt,Othe 4.;c.f'nd ktud early) : ,-
ft 4
lale,,ot dittst lo gratifyin tel all o:
desi e r i tha gtoW4 of a iiat!histlitei a. i
in thia:ntiittir lib see iantlitial Qt r
ican Aldine.. aelfileie la -- it s
during the first six months 4l"iis a)cistenc .
- The freshness and , energy -thqe, pervad
its pages, and its cup ilig:47lo.9 l, soiT .01 e
social: attains :.that have tieen imports -
from the - old World; by our would-be ari
_eocracy, stamp it as t he genuine oifspOn,
`of the country and the. tilles. . The :
r_tentB, , okSlAc l -Li-C94e1 3 ,;.10,404r,:M4'iFh_'
varied as -usual, including poeryi - t
"sketches, -.critiques' editorial!')f B .• •
1 Terms :.. s3..per , anpues, • „cr. , : P. Put.
I 'di: Co., 10 Park: 1 ; 14ie; - $4ti Yirk.-
Waverly :111414z itw.--;:t1;i poi
1 , i '-
weekly signalizes . the cotimetieetnei
a new yolume by, dotining,lal,eautiful
;dress. The qiitintity of rriattet Taal ,
'lcteasCa,and the quality°Cita tonteatilias .
:been fur some titnainitiri t ititifin, escel
lenee. 'Rath ,nuinber y is-,completo in
itself, !and contains a' targa - anioa ati, ) if in:
teresting literary. articles. 4 N:iCal two
dollars a year— 1 5 ubliatied by, tioef -.A v :
Dow, No. 1..§,-Water St.•Boston,:Mi43s. ;..•",
' , Popular Edricat4:--Tlie June .I . iitm:
ber of this highly,useful work - Publislieir
'by A. lklutitgutniry;l7‘fityo 4 trn - ei. 4 .7",levie
York, has been receivOd. , - . , Ai a waYk" to I
aid the people iaself educati'ii, it iiper
haps the best that has'everbeeu radish,:
ed in this country;and no on ilailioui
of extending bit knostledee in nnyiir . all•
the sciences, bbouta4e With Out i ii.: 'tit is
furnished at the low -price of ialecuts
number. - - --- . ;:". j' ----I . •'-,
. Pcunagrauia: ScObl ilviiiital.—=
The number for the preannt,iiinntli, Pi;ses
the first volume. The - 4Tosaiial:--14' pub
lished inLancaster;*is - elte4,l4T i o, H.
Buititowaa, andis a worli ntineeit edit
ed with great-tact and Paste :, : an
_.:. - does_
justice to the cause it ndfrpcates.':" very
friend to popular.'eillicakion ihoul .
p: Sup- _
port jt and ihat - aid itit pi't,nnotipe..the
good which it, so ardeilll :desirels 0-do.
• 'i .1
. A STRANoEn.--,--Some 1 sysaince, , arge
bear made his appearaiio atliftlord fig!
t rrs
ei s
this - county t - ...8.0 Was ifeetil_ by -arioua
persons said in
, different .plates. -. wring
the greater part -of twenty-four h
~...." . ' lie
appears to have remaiiied' id, a p . of
woods near. tbe village.; , AS,., the
,eUt '
'generation of men and .dogs
l artl utlt,f Mil,
iar with such kiud of gameihis'reeept l ioit
was not jnst.what. it. Might ha.v - been iU
- other days. Whether . Pruin came tosee,
the 'land Where his foreflithers:dWelCL
or ini the chance freak . ,Of , a , urandeiing
Mood,' is
,not known. -; Not , relishing the
ado made about the ttisiter,hecrietly dis
appeared, , . . 'info r ma t i on
_waving no as to
ors - ruttire ; whei - ealiO - ut‘ l ;:`
that ""1 5 reitlent Pierct'S is . dea 7f Amer.
. .
"Canism.,are„beft3l-e the country inlis .
atigural, By there, he
.. viill `stand or Tu.11. 7 ,-
Those 'who :desire to,,:kriri Whether he
is rripitbi . zeo . iyilb RuSiian,thisPotistu,..hatl
better consult that tlocumerit:' .. -,
, tri Will the Moutmself.%rfster: follpr? be
ree o client] a . tion I.;efulli it Wires itsrepders
the behefit'tif shot her articie on :I.l4ssiap
4 43 :PH alliY ? - 7. 11r a0 16 :'‘. 01 ( 2 ....ii . 11 Vrt • :, :
- Will the iliArdcl, plettaeinforni tz heal
er. the Boston Rbst,, or the Washingtirn
:thrion," 7 —which , has never aisaFolie its
disgraceful RussianikticlU---is .Presidgut.
Pierce'ske . rgau
farAn Act of Congnms, pawed dur}tng
the last session, - auihorisod the *ming by
the United States - Mint and its branches,
of a coin of gold of the' value of three dol-
. ,
. L O. of O. I% - - •
At a meeting of Starticciaodge, T§10:423,
1..0. of 0. F., at SuSguebatina, 'l's:, the un
dersigned, appointed for of off r.
ing _rAolutions upon the detith of our wort 3
Brother Walter 13.; Arnold, lykg leave
submit the followinm -.:. I • -
• 'Whereas,
r ty a sudden. arld unexpected
!amity,, caused - Ly the ex plusimi of am Eng' to.
on t he:
,16th day of jtine,-16.1., by Which our
beloved.., Brother Waller: .1!q . Arnold I,wits to
-deprived Of life. amil vit - hile,We deem
it our duty to-low, with sitlanisidua tot, thia
severe strx,lte . of 'Clia.stening kherefoie -I - -,
.Ileolyed, That it is, with:unfeigned regret
the solemn tidings ',read; - - its.:_of, the death of
our esteemed. Brother Walter ll Arnoldi'in - .
the midst of usefulnees add the Priine of
life. ' .- - ' " 1 .4.: ' ' -
' Resolved, That in the:death of Brother
Arnold -we Lave - lost . one oftlejilehtest or
aliments of Our association, whose,and
character Lave been an esample j -in'emnlate
which 'would Ate of m athonor every
miclaer or Pak' Loclgf•-,
ResOlved.t.i.aoE-e , 4 0 .44 sYrnid4 l,l e. with
the bereayed ;widow 4ind &mitt of . the de;
ceased, and:that we. will - en ea .. .or )o eon sole
. t / ' . t ,:,.. ,' . 14
them in theirkreat ind,)!reKtame snee- 1 . ,
- Iteearedi Tbatiilthonili Our; i :Vette is.
~. ,
~is memory ,1011 bi :0 6'. : ng . h4 . 3 .0 ' b i T Ur to.
, . ' of =life, tyar remeniteri - Nitat 'we
are,titividing to that bourne whence no t at--
'A . '
'Aepolved,,,Thet s as i iclieaafri4 Cr
'otir .11oieelited BlidAer, .fie la! abroad:' 'Dir .
t iy
pair in mourning for'the'siiiice of Or ' 1 ie ,
and'. that " the .Se'cretsirf forvi9rd - ft; cei• of
these resolutions : to it family c;f . "'''d ' '
ea, tasofo 6e itib li ihectio - e4 4f el-cOttn
V.-P,aPB." I ,„ .a" IL-gzOilo, 1- . ' - -1.,
'- - ' viimatif iiWs.u. iexi '
zuoT 5 i 3 .0.,1 4 ;
. . 4 . ,
liatatuaine',Eicartri:-.-4.11 - '0
`era caliAaealiiliiiiiil at Ali tsei
-en in. iiiiinbei-zaido' . their' pit: on
-114 iabeadki#lot. Of limit; iiti*tii , 310
4.12010 Arougi.gbe'irixt fri)in'' "- -,n-. .d•
ateiy.': IlleYhai_eitotitaiiiiii'ri 'eili= ay
iii..Fp' any *Simi beei ..mink - 6hllii
!**4 l : 1 1.4 rd- "io ',ifti - ci *bid its -- .
itfsia - 110,114.'imii F inillififri'le sill& ''
iiiAigt:.‘ti! •ti'll gotßitil;" bid_ .kiiilliei
4 0: n ti z ii i i:40'% -ii iiallfiiiie"` ' It ',llthiii
,tl.; .„ - 1 1 0. 1 0Y 1 **Obsea;iii ir,#W
- P-robtel..W*,kr4 l6 "4 Phg4 . .
- -t" , 5-v- .
~- -' l''''f..'. * ‘. , ';, .
'46llle k ille- e ll:1118t kO 44 ' 21 4 414 0 1 **
biddel by' file Ins9iduin-catilat..-1 , f:,;
_.. arre - , :of the liVister., '
"". • tct , noisow,Wyoming en -- „ll'a.,- t
, i ,!,.
1 11- 1 - I. June ~ 5,.1853. 5 . -t - ) r,.-
Irnsznrai-It has oefut to me
Alf -Might be glad . to :1484 nr tnls :
of d •world4away doh Item . on the
'fulkuukciek °mei — a Phu*:jii 45t pai,k ,
noted for the la lamaimt of lumber that
eked to be sent tot arket,-noted Coe, as .a
ild, desolate regi , wherein dwelt litany
listless and 'da ito '''titizetis: ' ,13ti - th e
times- have changed -.- the; lumber, begi' to
rsi!. The enterprise of .the . dsy 'ifs Put an
iron track Ahrougl ' a part of this valleY,.
thereby atlOrding-Most exeellent markets for
111 - 11iliTM , actions of itleioll: ' ' CO:A . e4e4hi-' ,
13 , '.-tire ' peOple i ino 'beginning` in earnest - to
clear 'up' shit 'enitiba 'their long negle4ted
lands. - Itirs indeed a rough, hilly country,
but, at.:nodistaat dayithertr. will be many as
good farms 1n -tiu L s vicinity s - on bare i
SuSqneherma county.' j The Material .is here:,
it wants only the T wit - pace and the enter:
ppise wliich, the, cheapness, of they,land . ., and:
the eicelienco of the-markets:will be sure to
bring-iutoisetion4 As attention le agritut:
ttre. increases, the habits of the people'
c ange-rzthere. is ekes y /ess of immorality,
dissipation, aluVall thel , vices incident to such
_a country as , this was 2 its early settlement,,
and.therse things ' will htinne to decrease:-.- ,
True, there rs roorn for much - iMprovement :
there ~aro„ many who bow down to strong
drink, and lhoSebbath is not very strictly
regirded. : . In lawiit is said, Sunday is "dies
wrirsr but - here; with Very many there is no
Sunday, and the_ Almanam for this latitude
appear to' be arranged in aceordafiee N% ali
i nlar
t of
that idea..
I. am stopping at It tavern built twenty
fi.e years ago. loght before the house, in
tb4 middle of the street; is a sign Pnil stir'
if i a y 'Lich '
m'unte b a board, on it there is an
unpretending inscription .with the n erarlia
con" at the bottom. This is the name of
4 ulitie host," oneof the earliest pioneer and
arant worthy gentleman, who though las
1 0 1
ks are whitened Stith the frosts of 'three
seism and fifteen minters ; and the infirmities
of f age creep upon him, still mains au un-
I dhudedi intellect, and Moves among his nu
iesm.° roils posterity with patriatcllat dipit).
A few runs: off, the Tunlhannock Creek
1 an follow nat about. ing a a de sili l i t ze lus n tr m a iL it to di t s h t distant.:
11 8 ::
me we, ks Since the rains, raised the Creek
spfticiently to make a tailing fresh, for %%lath
any had been a long time anliowly. wait
i3g. Every man that could lease his buss
rswas called (Tito requisition to run the
1 Huber to the ri i er. / There is a good deal
df excitement about this business, and it is
tl::I aloWrk those e ills ho hard,erg thefree
odowe froll uil tl e ie n danger .rive r m ut as u l a.ll 3 l l l k Pe lre -t'li
urn with their pockets lined with nice look
ng I3ank bills, and sometimes with a slight
Irouch of the maladies peculiar tolthe placiys
her visit.. I went 40 , 44 the cm;ei s ontbg.
ou ever gh ro nl inl a netic a sce tw o re ery l l sa t u v l at tr ite q' d ' to go
own the riterz Lint bad not time.l
in The ity is the principal,
object of
the i l n i t e eres law t ar i e n , t L l i is ck vi
anna & Western Railroad, now, in recess
f construction. It uss commenced about a
dear: ago, and the contractors hope to com
r!eta it at an early day in 1854. It passes
hrough a mountain at a depth of 160 feet
rom its summit, and will, when finish
be 2,200 feet in length, 18 feet high,
rid 18 feet. wide. , At the North end the
ork has already progressed something more
1:000 feet in the hard gray rock. At
e south end a heavy cut was made before
ruing to the solid rock. the earth from
hick was taken to Factoryville to ill up a
tine over which the road passes at that
;lace. I believe they have not gone more
au two or three hundred feet in the rock at
that end, but there has been a shaft sunk,
rom the bottom <of which they are prOgresS
il' both ways There are twoof 'these
hafts from the top of the mountain doan to
e Tunnel, which serve as chimneys to car
off. the
kept-burning sin bu o ru k ing
smoke produced by bluti
at tbe inouth of
ear the north end, for the purpose of secu
on A
iug sufficient draft to remove the smoke,
l 'Y
[ otheraise would be very annoying to
ihe workmen. These shafts will also serve
irk ventilators to the structure when eoinple
4d. The work progresies ni t and day,
4 s . s ithout cessoaion, except on the bbith acrd
.ur.h other days as the Holy Mother Church
3 .1 k
tills upon her children to obser e. The ]a--
x. . ,
u rers are principally songs of the Emerald
sli and dwell with their numerous wiles
nd children in a goodly array of shanties at
tte.vittend of the Tunnel. Friend Winches ;
immobilized these Irish tillages in a
effusion mently uttered, in which, af
apeakieg Of the many shanties therea
?':outs, ae says : '
"fres l en) Vl; Arning' t: •wreasof cin
3 00 pots of rages boiling,
300 squealing pigs and shoats," tke..
1 'helot of e poem ni equally fine, tut
Filbsisetuage i5,3 36 t /Phew iiiiratire•
The TueueE ,whee comPlelved, will be a
great work and will Aare, to the Company
very mueliti! 3 e sad Power thatia 11 °W sPeet
Ain-overouiniax - beavy rules. lain'unable
csstate' ille i- eitimated 'experuie of its con
*i";1'1; built twist , ta
~ .ar.fe. '
v.- es. -comes a man,.a- horseback, po4
ihasie, calling for tare to - gwto the Tanned,
iiilia‘e he issue A man has been mortally
45"dia itF ett Y l e /141 * b Y the - filigraant 'of a
1 1 .. soirm 4 8 1 . it -0r.4. au tee is square, telling
fromt4 =afar dieTuDaidia&kueoking je
the top dint' head. - --Aa I am wanted to go
' . 4 , 43 41 14 1/ 1 . $ 42 . " 116 tht 2 f job,' ,' Paths?) ;I
411 R * Araw,f 7 4a. to c e ciao., Abel/id I
I"lausle,„ to " 746 % 141 0 willaelal You welt
i•,•.1 . ; lc .imaae Indy, -,, ~ 3. 4. 8.--.
i. i‘sr` 1 '•,.. _ •
, tioA, nitres:lf fiuel7perforated-Zine,
4pleetead of glass ao one of the panes
1 o r s • - • is ot SM, ond eieedlent
mode of Tentiktinge a Meta.
*W+~l •~p1" .. a. r•-, `ix~]'=Y=Ytu,N:}>-~'yA:c^4.
41W -11
-411;ck fialis *Lid to hiiiven iotiiid in'
the iiieighbOnd 41 it.,Ome, .Georgia. ,ri .'s:.:
• ''-iithe Meide Lew has teen-Cartied et the
..,., , . ,
....i )
recent :electson t ls*the people of Michigan,
'by 20 bOO fita' joritii: -: ' ---- , -,-: ..,h,::.!-4 t,- , .
unterfeit American quarters. of the
scam lately iseuid - by the . government, - are
in ci ulation. ~. i , • -, • • -..
'--Grant Thorburn,- better inown as'Lau
Tie Todd,' has jus ' been married again at the
.uge of RAF years. ~ , : , -, ,
t ; . • . . 1
' - -7 7 1:1Omeillarn deli; tsq..,rOf &Ole ,minis
been elected Preiident' of the New York . &
Erteltiiire 'Caiiiiiiy. "
X.:4IA. Partitigtort Asia that herAon Ike
is getting so daring that be wilf-be killed ; in'
one of his naryosi escapes r . .
..Col. - Denton :is in -Washington, and in
,s.d .
tenduring thei finish his work.
tobe called - Tliiity.• Years is the Serrate.-
. --Aa eminent i psycholoOst of London Las
decided that the spirit rappmp are produced
be phitntem - piiitmen engaged in the Odic.
ery of dead lettets. . - '
—Common sense is shout sts essential as
air. or water-to,Our daily comfort, but there
are it great many elegant looking houses in
to which it never been .int;roduced.
A late . French paper says: The evening,
tram 'to liavre, en Saturday, carried away
from Park 985 lianoveriansosho - are ahout,
to Mound 11 toirn' in' the State of Illinois, in
America. • n
'— r There are more than twice the number
children Oho attcind . the school S-of the
Stnie of New Yoik than attend t)te 'schools
of all the - fifteen Maya States.. . -
-The,gold .discoveries .in Arkansas, on
the Ouachita river, have created considerable
of ;a stir d in thatregion, but it is- doubtful if
- there , is sufficient of the precious dust to be.
had to pay expenses. • . • ,
—The Aubtirii baily•Advertisersays that
Derby & .Miller 'sold 10,00 copim of Vainly - ,
,Book, the: first week, and that the sale
thus far beats that of Uncle Toai's Cabin.
—The Erie,Canal : enlariement is - now
r te .-
guon until conipleted: This canal luts been'
in:a half-hanged state, for,two years, oping
to the 'machinations of interested pariles. - ••
• —There are seventy-five Roman Catbolic
Convents in ,Etraland andynles, bes s idesone
hu'ndred Anglo-Catholic or Puseye Nunne
ries, which Contain Ifithiti them t ree
sand females. - • •
. . . . _
..... . . ..
-Tire memberA-Of the,Canadian Legieh,-
tiFe .4isinibly • and council fiare gii!'. to
S'erg W eini•4aWspe
, and• - fa ily
Bible. for his stiftil _ defence of FW her
.against . the mob .in - Soutival..
. - —Whilwa party of. twelve" adies were in
bathing at Newport, the other day ; .the home
ramairay.with the .wagon qo n tit ai u g ail their
clothes. - How they reached .hcime *•,ian.' bet
ter be itnagined than deiciibed. :: ' - .. .-..!
=Elizabeth Dunlap, flied one hundred
. , .
and. uitie -years,. - died .- died a. few • days since; at
WinnShorougi,lSOutli . earOlina. She iecol
lt...cted With mach -d4tinctness many - .of !the
excithif , scenes in Mir reo:Olutionary struggle.
, .
_. .. ~. .
—Scatrru . tie vs.BLoosie:—.—"The %co-
InSagiilliNtelie r iSTE'n w t h .tl: l 4 - rftt i le i
elan linatitin• unto the Diortl thy Go."—Deut.
—Th of ,
as .
,e Articles sociation.of the litiea
& Binghamton Raiiioad Coniil26, were tiled
in tile. ,office of the &-cretary of State, at Al
en Wednesday. J une 15th ;the requi
site auicintit of stock , having beenlsaiscribed:
-I-When the' Barkers sung at i Oswego, a
dot, in search of bin matter, got upon the
platform to survey the audience.l The it'd
'dent was slightly laugbahle;'t hutia little boy
among the company brOughtl the riiiise down
by the puri--; 0 1.14 one of the l'arkaw."
"—lfroadway, New. York, is- perhaps the
most densely crowded thoroughfare in Amer
ica. Five hundred and twenty-eight- mai...,
buses pass' through it incessantly. ° It. is pro
posed to afford relief from this annoyance'
by removing the omnibuses, and substituting
a railway with cars. -' I .
' 1
--,•The Bradford Reporter say . : We are.
assured by M r. - Cyrns ' A very, of IWyrilming
township; that he has preserved in spirits a.
s'itgular chicken, batched this siiring. - The
chicken has but one head, but placed in it
are *tows isitd two bills; otherwise; the
chicken is well formed:
1.---- The -Boston Transcript:says; : ",Fanny
F;A:n,! is Mrs: Farrington, formerly Mrs. El-
dridge, of this' city. Thelady is t ftlie-daugh
ter; ofonr venerable fellow citizen Nathaniel
It illis, Esq., Tor many yearn editor and pub
er.of the Boston Recorder. She is, there
fo.,e, sister to. N.l). Willis,ral bilOngs to a
literary Eindly: •' , - , .
,--TheGovernmentof Russia, whose ' , hon.
ekfy of purpose,"-},iron of genius," and "fit
ness for its subject people," tbe orlon of Gen.
I*rce's government holds up for idniiration,
has compelled the forcible exprilsion:from•
: Turkey / of the Italian, Hungariant!and Wal
lachiart refugees, to whom. the liultan bad
generously granted an asylum. I t i
:. -7,-A
of B pplication ban:been made to
i the May
or an& Councils oston forznejaic 4 `on th'e
three ,
Common" times a "reek, fur the betie
-6t of the.: people. • The, proposition' has al
ready.passed one branch of the eity govern 7.
meta, providing
„ter _magic twoevenings a
.week, at. a cest. of about one: t housand dol.:
lam for the summer sikesou._ . i
—Agnes Anderson, at Mribile;t and Maria
Wheeler Eat Idilirsiukie i are the two .lasCea
'See of - yOuitg women tried for the murder of
their seducers and aquitted. the nuffilier
of coast' of this kind of late years :would seem
to prove it to - be a Settled principle, with JuL•
ries; that! seduction justifies assaiisinatieb.—
This is not-yet avowed as sound legal piivici
ple; but; p!Actically,itiseema to be well 'set
tled With pinata? ~-.,•. - . .., - I 1 , ,:-
. -Tlie.rieroe AdmMistiatign is staiwing
'reii , little_ iiik 4 4'.:far flii graill.alis Pr, "TM
:pui,N4.7:,. timi,, whois the Omit Articelent
43 * 3 7.4 Beatee, - hk . 4issCairiAiii beei ap
'porn -to ti. le' fi4 . glee' of .Collect O r. at' Bt.
Lo wo it rit i
fi3 , W ili beii 4i,
ji . o th u Lol o di y ßi eter rese gets ' T fa est. iri n y e to u
eetelii • he' lS 4 4ided to set; ant l P4bei of
" 1 4 1 in; iliai9o• li ' I
t .', "'.ghtt Aib all.,P4t,non i miteo lk tttr a k te g eantost - t h oef
ibe, aversity,4l4. feattins ak-t4e *veuing
was, einami4atisr - of tbe 'papers of George
diutOuisbich rare;tow offered ,Ao the -PeT-
.of, the Age; Among thistqs. *re 'Me
.papfpffoissei At tie r
, boot qf . Alper . ANlirf,
atillii-,:iineet, kieledielt_. , the co big* pau f
, even :tolf!* - 4 , 14*/*;39hn . etscsio. ;
1 be:. npitiega aiti,Alii•Aitla s:ti ota,i,ap
i .proptiatiou Aor this puithas.e. , 1
~ .
1 • Information . Wasted:
%0144pa0 Banelifird,,,A. lki. ,resident . ?
of 1 ezenovia, gear York, mibtAilts.been: l ;, , ,
absent sorne!threkt 'moiths; 04.11aiollecting
tour. His laselettir &led 24. May,.
waT, from Adrianin, Mich gin. lit which - -
he impresses diii intiniio Of returning
iiinPer,:-.oirmigh liovris vi le;:Tomianda,
'Carbondale, and :Honesda c;.'iri:Pcimsyl
vania; His not returning!as soon as. ex , _
petted might lie 'accininte4 for by iinfor- • B
setin delays exigenaicalinliis,bu,in,eqs, ui
ich cnsistati in Maktagicollactions fin;ft")
Town Clocks previously sold, and also in :at
introducing into, Academies . and schools s
liii tie‘4 and-popUlsrlAritliinatic ;. but his vi
taibire to 'write, considering the nature of lii
.114 business .ift_.home, , seems to justify t bis an
tim ! ly'and it is hoped unucessary engni-, s
ri. concerning -him. .- 1 , -- , •
_' In personjheis of meditim height, very Ii
'dark-compieitiett; hair black and straight, a
carries cratchei out of reapect to a . lame 1(
.aUclo—abriipt in his addrass.... - . - -eccentric,, r
in! manners--;but a •man or education, and -k
where.lcifilwo "highly respacted. He is ti
about fort Y-five y,aars ofage.,' ,- -, , . ti
Information alibi present whereabouts, a
or of whatever- I may . have befallen him.. It
• may be addressed , to Jonah Moore, Caa" I
novia, N. "Y. . "'. :- i - i
W'Eichanges please; copy.- .-: - ! v
TRIAL T RI P a rt TH ._ E
u sLa ,
sAK ,
E, T
A wArtivs AND W.EISTEIiN ItAILiPiliD.O lll
Saturday;-the , ifl!hlest., there ' took - place
a trial' of the — 'atrtegth.;Of•sone of. the"
.. •, , ‘• •
seperiOr tied - elegant -locomotive e ng ine s,
with which the, DelaWare, - Lickavienna c
and - Wes" tern ltailroadisfurnisherl:. .Fur
the . followitt . iiaierrieiit of _the ''doingti -of
. 11
the Jay,-by Mr. H. I.:•l‘larine;;Stiiierin'
teudent Of the Machine she a t Scranton, -„
We are indebted to the "6:Scr ton . liercildi:l
Experiments . .oe s the: I")eleware,''Tiacka-
Engines .Pntirico . and ~ Wynlusing; Toi•
teSt ht. the etipncityof'ther'ond4 -- "
Ontario Is a,:10-wheel engine, 6 , drirera.
4 ft. - 6 inches • ity%dianieter, -dopnocted
'cilin4eris 17 inches in . :diatti6ter,.,24-ineb
strnke;_•'inualufactUred.hy Angers . , lietch
tin: 'Sr qrnsienor t :Paterson,:N.J..; - ..
Weight on drivers, 60,500
i- trucks; - .• 17;700
'l',ittelloreiglit: of cogitic, i
Weight of terttler , with :wood '\
ttod vpiteri • 40,401)
WetitloB 6 oa
o engine ett er,
or 54 tottie 600. ' , -
• Wyaltising 10-wheel ,pogine, 6 Attlee.:
4 ft: 6 diameter, connected r - cylit,
dersVo c hes
nt diaineter,'
atateatorea by lia - uforth, Coolie & co.-,
Pat orsted;
Weight: 'On , iirecers,
- _ • •
• Total weight of engine, 65,800
W.lit offender, water,49,400 - ,L
• Weight of engine. Sr, teude ,106,.409 or
tousi.2oo. • .•• ..
First lexperimeat
~ was ma le with train
coinpoSo of 100 441teel ars. of 'coal
whog.o l ltrossrweight was 716 tens, 1100=
.Deduct] weight, ears, • • '3OO ‘ 100
. .
, aLitrws"..s...{. "41..1 . 1•5 •II / VIC/OY %
.eomitretor, attached to .
tt he abe'ive train . at, Tunkhannock. Station
And matte& up a 'grade 0r , 21 feet to- 'the,
m,ilet tit' the rate miles an hour for.
1 Mile; and Caine to• end on a reverse
curve cutoff 9-carg,lleaiin 91 •
g cats,
weig14.125 tons, with Which she Went to
Hopbottom Station;ut; the rateUf 7 . miles
an hotti, the,grade continuing the. saute,
• The!..WyaluSing, f John'.Warren
neer, 4: Hunt conduc,tor,was then attach
ed to‘lie Whole train of 100 at JO
We10ck...115 minutes, and arrived.
lay's station at 10.55, malting the-run up'
.a grade ' . 21. et..,.threagh . eontlneo os :
- curves' of abciut 1000 (I..4adius, at 4 miles'
awhotir: j - • 1 .. '
The ()eft are° again attached to the sam e
train of 100 cars .at Oakley's at die rate ,
of .6 iiiiles . an hour, tinder, circumstances
similar to the " Wiealusiiig, grade - r ind
curves { , continuin g the same.'
At I\ew Milford, anothe
vial wore added to the to
a train of 200 cars, 2,652 1
a mile,
Vital Weight "of train . ; in
cluding engine, tender,
Deaut.t, weight .of engine,
tender .and . cars,
. . .
Total weight of
Ontario. attached to ah 4
ingthe whole train op a" 1i
switeh,'beth''end3 of..traint
curve at the. same . time:'[
made from New. Milford'
30 . mimites,-.1.2 . ad1es an hi))
in the; distance tr:grade ui
rn4,e; rot about / of a' Mit('
'll Darn i ng Philadelphia bulletin
thus refers - the English Press to cert Op
recent riots ; • In
. , . ..,.
...The coAtra * t hetwee - Philadelph
and New:York .'oh, the ono hand, and
Qaebec and Montreal 4. the other, in
their ;behavior during , guVazzi's Igetures;
is Worthy of thought on I e'part. of thoie
Englie!dt editors who ha e been seal's;
toured. to delight in the i lawlemmesi of
the . linitedl ' States : The,l - Padre lief Ore
goingLiiii Canada, ;visited both this and
our sister eity,_ delireritig eiaCtly, the
same lectures which Ite hits attempted to
deliver in the British prdvine4:- . 'l3dt ilek
riots'attended - his appeal in either
_Or New:Yark.' Bilt when
he essays to denounce Roman Catholi
ii-;tu• 'inCainida instentlyithe population
of 'Quebec • atni - !lkflontreill -boil ...oven..—
When next the London piesa haste speak
of • 8441 order ou this side:of the -Atlaii-'
tic, let 'it bear this'fact l i n "mind, and be
just its to the saPeriorityinf the republi
can- • eztiel -of. : A.menca , •-over;ritonarchical
oites:l - -- : - . l• .-;
—4n-1753;1he Duke of Q , manibury, then
Loral March, tilde- a'matektii - convcy a
lettetf a certain number or miles within a
given ; limo.' ' Even- the !moan :knowing
ones Of the day deennicettk t thing imprist
ble. Isis
.lordship, hOweinr, 'Mpolotied his
letter within it cricket= ball; and stationing
fweatY l'Oung. rbci were gnod
hand at eatehingi in a law circle, made
them, throw it -from on to another for ,
'this-appointed: period : o.l36,expiration.
of 'lot* * 'ling thin ground' lne!lnUredc
the distance that the . ball had" made; to: travel was found to etiFeed . , , by,nearty.
cue:-!north th e ' 14 A 1 , 11 1 , 041 -of tturiger.
—[Spirit' Of the 'Times. - . 1 • '
vvannti and Western' Itailroad, viith
—.Allots Po ••
es -
,COTIAIII, ilusecitt:' Ir. 1 ‘3, art iis
..i'liii'sig : "`• • `, el - (4o‘iittiloi greatest
i , - -' -•
*- ' --:'-- ' ' • ' f
la lies.- -.._f , . 411,) scar
~.iip Whole co
if J.' leen er ers,ifo _ ra; will: conspir
e I :in : lertii i iiiei ,nf.liiiSiility. : The
Ai 't; waik er4 4 s ings., li .47iiii down.south
had .
' . ht. * . osse itAi*.o 4 er so many
org - ._ ' mortgages . and .reeds,. on Whi4h .. .
e,.,. kb the restlef his
. ging,raiseil nsovey..
;y this arrest lit ' appeaAbet a society
1; -6 . 'i in - .number 4
,- 1484. , was organized
t3 i.s
it : 1 his OM . ' Of liliintlei att . & now lave
nrganizeitioi(thro eirtirout, An, :. thitted ,
rte o 1 Mr:Bulton, of Cleveland,lWas their
id m to the: aniount ef. abeet sicloq,
.0t lot - l' NV hr tb t r est:'War-
i. i
h i ll
)ng since. Aen As, a i
ialte., a. i ,,c,elrtajtt s ,keotle. an :in in cinnati
idll4rfielt-lbeciti nit '4 el) - g -- 13iii:
Ts! c i
'a/ i , 3 l ll4lltn i l i ttfLo n wi th ,
! !te r zl 1
. a m t,f iri u l tr,
II d , of. bini,l 1 the, engineer.ofte
od triotiversai 1 it."i , necesiary - to ar 7 ...
es : .fit -,man- o f p - the passeng' er 'train, the
tundra tsi4t --unshackled, and put''
hr ugh 55 niees;.overt4ok 'the . - assengee
ran the : the,..rtsgite,,,was iatight,:::x.forged . .
no tgages aud4ver siateenAbo sand dol-.1
ar I redover . e4 The , Pinctnutians atul,
'utile iris -are gettingßurton stip a silver
v ;.! s a tokenluf theiresteent:for-kis,serr
it; ..; -. I , - I - 1-'1-
N ELoQuaslT'i - Erraac . r.—HT Ild R ow,
A. McClung, hy .;uppei t utment, delivered .
bef ;re h branches of the Legislature
ssissippl, an cuing! izinupoh the char
act and services c 4 tf Henry Clay.
It vasichaste forcible andrelociuent. :We
atly i an.mtirac6 - , t
: ,4. . , • ,
7.,4 faded
. away in 'no feeble twilight ;
hesunk dewn to no dim minket, but sprang'
out 'eflif?' in- tile bright blaze ef Meridian'
fulncas. He passed down into the valley,
of the shadow of deatli with ill ,his' glory
unclouded his latirels": all:' greeti-- around
Min:. 'Net a - spot obscures the litstreiof;
hi crest; not iii,sprig has been ,tornsfrdml
hi .cliaplet.": [. - -. j, .:-',., -,-- , ., . _ I, '
:. The dtad,Donglass 'lies: won thet.eltL
His tlying,catltiitig with. the ,applause of
hi I lr',cou tit ry, and - lite , bbsannes‘ of a nit ion's,
gtlatittide. - Death -has 'give r n.tit -him thd
etiwire - in, thee4hearts - -iefltis Country inen,l
nit :fay granted to the -livinglman=imd
although it was out decreed. that ,the , first :
hOnors of the nation:silo - old await him, its
Iti l st blessing litill cluster around" his temC•
Hi's' memory needs no. Monument.ll Ile
W i iints no mansuluuM of stone' or.tnnrble_
to imprison his ,siered dust.. -4et, pint
rest amid the toketis '4.lf the ; freedom he Pas
:69 math lovetl.;-: : Le t lii In- sleep
, on wh , er:e
the whistling iof the' tameless. Windst-the
ceaseless I._ 01l of the .thurmuring water, - -,-,
the iiiirping - uf: wild,,,iiitti'lll which:
speak of lihety. : irlay •citint ids etereel:
lolluby I .Peoce be with, : thy . soul. Henry
ley ! , 111eyit he ° earth lieliglit - -upon You,l
ta th 3 undyiog ~ laurel, of glory grim
men over; thv ,grave:V i .. : , , •.4 '
_ 13,200 lbs
11,000 ,
tmuitErir3.;-1;-In course ,a-speOh
by' Jatob ta BRA=
z, in fa tor of nine attbseriptiotr to
the stock eaheLebanee
Restated yhat Alurini the past /year, there
er as paid by, the Railroad ,Compny, ana
he aiff • Rfor 1.
ettil , nes, d• C d
)oi aloe°, tbe amoukof 6683,600;as fill
' • • . • , . e 083,600
•Jt was further stated, by the same speak
-r, -that ti3e,R6idimg -Itajlroad Compa
•bouks show ;h they have paid. (W
-ing their last Ifive.yefirs, for wages, te their
or l ltineti, -at Reading, the sum .pf 01!Q
one linitidred end fifty tlYMiSaed
t Ilars.
Ifs • 'l3 . L . i t h II ' '
, i PANIIIIIII RAPEILt .-.17.,. •
,e avinp,a, epr 7
reir.pondtuit of the Ne,i,rkl4 . creir'g.
Post relate.‘, the f llowin# story . ;
furnishes a good i lustratton of ~spanish:
hravery :.,:----, -.; , - ".
' ..' • . . . .i
1, ; " 4:in, Suaday lb 're was quit ati scene
in this city.t sire belonging to 4,e,
itmbil,. a mercl ant ,received some cliai
4setneat froT h r, owne and afieriardS;
O i y way :of 1 rev age, attacked bia.master
and the .porier- f the house with a knife.
1 1
ho policetica e,liceoMpanjed by sal
diers ; thea"no police and more!reoPS,
1e ,de fi ed the all, and at.every ; aio've.-
t be, soldiers lan police., fled. Finally, be
- i,itt;. abut and c ptu l red (jet hP:rO9f of the
lionse, i :The. U grit was quite lawyer;
and asked,-if t es...soldiers wl,oy , captured:
liim were a . specifeen ;of the. reee r who
i ere . to eneounter the Aniericans. I :Al- .
though Weak and exhausted from loss' of
ploodrhe tatinted.thern in the hist..., - It
a fact _that:tithe desperate 'negro,* with
. ,
their : - knlveir are .1, he terror of the police.
nd the-.troops,.bo by, the by, ire eel,
luir , Oreekainord , mans iti valor.", .... ',
1. 100. ears of
making'ain,. a
ng,-; or over le_
,653 tons, 400
655 A-1300
1997 tOnsi 1100
tiro trattl, Mart
ibvel, 'out 'or a
-being, 1 : on the
'1 The trip . was
uo. ;the Bend' in
I.: eve reinning
I" 15: ft.- to the
' •
it4rNontinterve tton in .European -
fairs is .to 41* th . -1. policy of tbe Pierce
. . . ..
titdmtutstrs.ton—a . it .:-. was the policy 'of
Mr..'Fillmore'll--= ' -. the. following _from
iSaturday's , 4 train , - 7 2 in an article. about
Awitzerland,i is ant eritative - 1... ,1 •
1 .; " The prfinciple whiCh excludetarnyed
intervention by. Oier: United Statest,in ithe
contests of ;EuroPeil except in a l of
necessity,:Sok steniL. al.' to fall ,wit in t he '
'range of,selftprotettion,Annybere rded
assettled.9. i -:.-,-- ";.,-.i.• , , . . ,:4-: :-. - .
~_ This is a . ilecided blow to Koss this'll.
from goerter-da: we remember ;, pipe
thized, somewhat .1 largely With thittgen.
tlesnin's xi( lion," .when '
it was.,th l Ipedient to
ride that, Presidential
election:' , .., . f I. i -r,„ _, 2.
Judges of
!but bis petit e+
ieS *bay
P maid,
I are the
ter Mel
to furni
large 1.1
mill -• • r .27,000.
6e rt ty estinifited7 21,Q00
futnitirly ,26,000
• - r •In - • 24,000 .
ut . ft r i ed .12,000
,iler-establish*ient : • :12,00
Si earn for !
L. KiiVE4
Notole's bk
Ida Mister
Cotttni: F+
fmnidry • 5,000
& Brothers, 46 . 6,600
_d o 3,000
ttgo 'furnaces - -- 54,000
ctury- ;`t . a ' 52,000
l i
- .
Tire boicrit ot;
its wor . a Ist
and hunianit , r
Y•;!.:. -
and IntliOatioa - ,
ence. g he, !' lin'
caw ; coritnientkon!
' •ii,,Th i wbociiiltaii
the missionary - th
A corresponden t`
luing Post," und er
'bitty Stir,. Writes . : 1- - 1 • . ,
.. I haie Just . fi !shed a penrsal of Un
a, Tom's Cabin. I t I read every word' to
ray , tyjfe. : i will of attempt . to desoribe
to y ou her fgolin , Shir Is an;Af a t arn i:t
an, I a ;ITlrkini i:), 14.7nrth.", Wc 'ar;
slY,q ll 9 l 4St - a,.,,....T.,'",-0391ent the 9tgar4SF
-with `Geor g e =Hi "it anrElizi ins wife
iduphe'd ithir,',Pit : 4.111. sho're,„three shouts
for libertyraiiii :top; of our inicos,. rent • ' t
tbe air. ; , '3:-' .' 1. -_ .1 ".: -'- - -4 .
Every man, vrn
oani and.ehild, vrhite
and black-in. tit, southern states, can hoar• .' 1 1
i f
}l ir
testitniony isi,t hi l t, ruth _of . the portrait .
which' Mrs. Sto 1 ~ -f rod %leis bar; , has r. ,
drawn of slaver i '. = 4:ingicor MA :the leastX.
eicellencies oft .
.O.iioolii; 'ii that . i Chria- -
tian., Ile i . . , 4 liigh i TtAtyle,.standing sidObY:
with NVilberfor 'tind Hannah Triorg,leads
the reader 13.pth hand throughthehabi--
rations ',if cruel t I ,'" that lia : beforn . our eyes.- •
He or, she can , t en' draw_ Arcori4iiiklie- : ,
iveeri the Chr isian and itt 'mistress', land
otlier,;' , 'who: gomel years: since _a -,
neighbor of Mine; ,whoowoed alitilik'ne- . --
gro girl..
~ S het +rtr la beat. the tongs ;and,
pull the flesh - of her 'body with thetit. - , ;..
Of M o n Vern
venerated; - rea
acres ottbplitia'
for the \ ;largeau,
sanddollars.' ].
c.ha ] sers' t
have not heard]
learn hat ] _tlick.
Congress the
Another and
of ihe'sale]is:tl
Washington f a ,
stances, tc: be.
the put cheseri
solute 1. - 1
he would
r ncit
untried, plaCe
yto tuake
Of tte
oot Ortiie
, 110 caue, ani:rienettl•
traoce,;,stil thetr,pla-t
-- "urof the
~.ab us
in :co
ilind an'
'Ol4 an
00 ,
it at loath. _
L.,-- ,, ,,,•-: .. . .
r'7lPta*,l*4 e t i l l ' illin g I
()part' Or, hnitianity ;
ii read" mil the South, - 1
' ly of 'lie OW la') . 1
i ' itli (Get* ii) '•itepllbli- '
*fairui and ye i
it *re, .at 'to ipirit o
kb of ike bolitlonist.." -
kil thiefNevt York Eve, .
'date of
- —= = = Alabitina w
; , I.
, ..
' hitigtoip,ibe :proprietor
ii; has disposed ,Ofithit
ion', with two. huilareal
_estate, to a'company
bedsand southern; jain;
i, 'of ' two 'hundred hundred 'then !
o•What -purPose the pur-
' '1 - - the properl -*
11 PP. Y- . , , °
1 but we are , very g idle.
terms.- of sale reserYe to
tivilege ef taking it 4 ~...
an irrevocable Condition
at 't e reiritiind of .General
v. '
neVer,un any c . „_, --
removed from then- p tf r eietit
;I: We are - ,informed that
Nita offered /largely iii
livid -the ,-- sale..,made lb.;
i:Nfashingtim replieri : lhat
i for any sotti fhat could be
if out. 04`. ,(he po*er of Con--
Motini'Veriiott the poPer
it.',==itetional Intelligence - J..
11' . •-. .[ L. .
W -- '
- , 7 'it ' '
ThnMetnphilJEnipiirev:containti 'n coin.' ,
Intitikation fro m histo
of ,the Atmpstilierx
in . Telkiiipli
ardiutii.. - or - .Si rts yet: 'Riehardsini has
,Procured a• p tent - nrhich goes far to ans..
taut MITI, ' shortof ,tt
tind'Sibert's iction in - ' referenei to the
matter; ,is - s omewhat -pneumatic. r.
-Letidnlstistates that he is i. engaged in
airaninig a' stemattc Theorem' ? and in
arafti'g ii-ek ch lot a line ;of cutiimanic a .
lion; v. whi ''. '''' thn sound of wo r ds m ay .
be de IN-ered
,`n` - reybote cities, in 'feel time
than' l i t wen! . 4 take..: to "write - them . " - .11e
calls 'it .:a Ire bal lelegioph, and says the:
daY is - not fir; 'di . titant--ishen'the :editor -of'
the Enquirer t can tit in his -, saneturn, at'
soun a THered can , e mere& in New
Okleini'in - less,tjtnellian e can ' write a
dozen ' 17r0r(1,. fliii
,Verbal-',t elegraph, ..
gays' the dott'ot , 'Orifi alysvfnr ih'e ends for
which iris designed; beyond-tho'-Oitsihil
ity of'a deulct'::.' r - i-,: :i.,.', -. ';
. - •-
• .Titz_§urt uzinnlti Oiiincish)s.-:--Ilie I
SOcretary -o':„ the Treasniry, after itavim
floundered` - t . tee . months through the in
practiCablo: meshes of a literal ;oust rite
t ion
,of the'S yrieasu ty law, mid received
- the praisest of:the Deoocratic:, party, fpr
his wondert” i flitimess;nl - tthis superior
ity -to his', yhig,pretleetisOs• has aban
doned his _ irtumis iesoliki l i n --64. gq i ie
back to the . plaio, undeniod\tic, commiin.
semie,constriction 'which all ks predecer ,
sots huie buen:Phligna to tiiimo the aq i
ft seems toi us _ * that ila se tthwactica=
ble that "ece` its own friends conts l.t h e le
inability to enforce it,' might as •01 , t6 1 -
repealed.— , rbrifienie Jounua. - \ 1- i
- , - •--- 1 ---- - I f
:An Editibm gh
~ paper
,Says. that p 1
American his' itiyentedta machine wht
is,to- bedriven, by the force of circumsta , ..
'ems: .... -, - . I : ' _ . . t
-- '' , , ourth of July. •,' .-. i
A.iiiiitilt4.blioo4 CELEB,R4iIikiN AT .
- .
- -1., MONTRPSE. ,
...r..- . ...; . rder 041 E • ~xercuct, -
1.. . r:
- Moo:hoots 11 the place.i desig
nated by their Isuperiatfindants, at the nt4ing of
all the bells, ut ,10 'clock A. M, - and much
inuiediatelf t the - iitist - Church, where 'the .
precession wall be fund ed underr•the chaTtOt :
William ICJ ,- 'hal, :and then; pr-d-.,
ed bt the Woo - - Brake Band. will march (0411 3 '
liesyteri to
- The eie ' ' at the . Church will be aa follow::
1.- Prayer . y.Rev;ll. A. Riley.- -c,
2:. Maale—. Oelebration."- - . : -
' 8: Address, Ibt claw* 15.itehhtiOn,_1.:31.; l of
4. IduaieHointiiita." ‘ * . . : i i
9: Address Eld.' 4....-1.. F oa l:._. - - : :
- 6: hltiali,—My Country, stia'or thee." ',- -t k.'
7: 1
kips' tAdd i _ I by., Dori : William 'demo p. '
' 8. bh, poise let us -sing."
9.- Benediction- bi,,Eld. Davis Dimock. -- ,
After the.benediction ii:Prqnoiincid. therm'
Sion' ivillagai ; forth •"andmarch to- the - Baptist'
ChUrch, wile !refreshments will be seried up id
.the Sunday" • oleo:. --. •. • , .- - _ i
- -.All peraonerwho areNailtittg-tuald in larilisbfog
re- frashrototi, w ill please give notice of the amount
and-kind, to ls r. W. Ailey 44 jar as'otion• ,
venient.: : ..
,-,ii 1: ' ... ..., ": -. ' .
'sy , Ottle!•.o the coti d
nittii'4uTaigemeintt .-.
..„ . ... i . . ......„--..---.. . ,
Celebta U.ilet iliu =fourth: Of '- 1
,'; ,-- -:4t, uebauut Dtpot. - - 1
-- f rii: - Istiiii , t'aiiiii f , , iti - iiiii,oinber of- he citic
seers '. 1 .4 - ,.§inbanno." Deppt-:conveneti at- #l6
, --716,,,:.4,1.:, 00 , the eve a 1.. -'
t ' '1
'KIS °I- Ir*r., --,,ii,:be,..;,4-;,i-aied,R,brt
1.4* Wit.' ~..1.:- I ii . . I . :
1 !the 041 1 4 I e •-•- n r e ' ng - - - itenrj
erne - i - L-F-Atexiiiii ivi - selected rreside? t ' Leila- •
and i.Fiettrjitkeiing Ylee, i : jesaents ' ,'
and P. Hinds Seereta7. . - - i s were
. - chi Metien , se, ** 91 AY[' for
cbosikte, 'PeCilif a q•P:ir D r : n
observance 4 ,'!" b V Ifltii .'ll t lejl . , YiietFinit
;t: - :...t-f u ii - 'iv', Pt* in i k teixhme ',...2 e... ha woe* .
‘p viu — tir w ill ~„- .. , at: eleseke L lT: v l 4 7;7 4l. - •
of -Piree.Wolki 41 • ' ° de d airin tr • f week.
--- Amusimile4t* ' 0 1414 4'#: I !'" 1 - -
. 1 ~ ~-
-;----',;`,. ? . - , :it -.-- ( - --
;-":,--' .-- " ' • 2 - s c •
' c - • lb ' A awe Yo' -
--- - . -- ; uithi .
.Tits - lneli*is 71161 .. • - od
'jay Readi flre
Pelt. at
titifellooo E t a tt l
Ne,i4 w!//:' #. '. - 2
I , :i .- ~ ••,,,
:.r .
alii . or. , ijarivd . trarisity., will
fyc oa - .AV,' . , , ' - , -7, Jutyistb. "
-- --,
_ i
' 4•ol(str . ~
,t'e - ivski,-;,
,-, . •• •":7 1 . i . • :f.'!..,:f1, - -', i ) :'-`;
lull ariobok
i=2,s 7, =c*
-f::::::':: -. ,:•-• ';'",,j ' -r 7 i . "• 4 1 ,
P t i
,lIMIT Mr, • ' -''.- :
414 , is , 44 . w ., 4,-',-..e.,.-1.