Mf:*--.:"-i -;.c.,...."!„: - W...,,: . ' - ;". • Selsonable - '6oo dst . • }jEOD con-:soi , wrimity „,, tbiq.qel,l,,iitizen* - t , co. tz,_-, atia frit io. 2itit. nil' `• •-(-A-tel44 414 It 4 ~,, .. ..,:' ..,,..--t.. P,...: jI4 eto- i ~,,,sew a ! ~,i ~.Ityknl. 4S li4t;•„it44 it* ir ‘‘4,;7 'll.'en. t!, cite a ht t irreYS t • - 4 '4ltin.CL filti'S 1.114‘ )\•illi grie',,i',- 1%.11-17.11.- -- T ;,-- -1-11 Y• ",a-elect°'' zhipli tth:'- ' '--- = f' n ml'er'Go°dA'ole, ' ' a Deriat 9 •'. --zitsiniTvancegn• citively n - ~„,,n f.,,,,, 10- wIIL, -,, pit: ili __lre-g, - - _Pr ice systelp::Their,.stuel in 411 Varirties js flog tom. pleteiland Oval* : trust they: are intly. `ptypsfed supplt th*igereasing - dbmanif - for Onoilg'tii e a r peseenable ott!ent. ''The,, .th*fote mostliatly iinitcall Wilma them 'f " • . ";.',Asew lot of Cloihs just . revived. blue; Mick green and brown, which have been purcfiased very foie and will tia"Add iiteurchittY:t:r - - 1. L. YO4T ME= A new lot ot the latest style lintv-opettetkand continually attiving..inelqins ev)ary iatiety ; altieb can desired,:which otttc at lonw.rates than ordinary. i 1.. POST-411•CO „ ~• . foods. • :4- Just receive ; to; general tissiirtaienf. for sunnitt# *644 cadithsting'nfall the 'rarigiies utly called countryfor in ~i Store; frillisett ng verb low by • • - LI L. POST ~~ 31iilltuery , ~ooa~: Our millinery , clepnAment is Mira. eon) plete, nritl embraces Most, or ibe new . styles of sms _•. usually found irt• the country, IA %chi' we ' pedal atteidiini! v.-PoStA - Moine Keeping GOOds.- ) iftiat opening.- A . :large assortinatit:of 'the abo4 Gtieds,!whieli have been' put - chi:oo atvery low attteail;iindli ill be siold at a ' adastillie:-ifnautg - • tbeiti4illibitaiitcl Bleached and Brown Sheeting's and Shirtings, Tickings, Denims. Stripea • Linen - Damask table - Covers, - Damask Napkin* and SheafiAget . . - aild Stiittittg,, Pillow Cottone„bleac4iraiiiiiiirown Linen Damask by the .' • lifdAtialk - ViattortiOVocatedititid ibttOri A'orstia Damask for Cott-Ova; • '- • • •- —ALSO:— - • Tashi and-einbroidereit Curtain Drapms, erotical' • • sed,.worsted.and cotton Tableertirera- 7 -415% Car pets; Floor : )ll ClOtha s ,`Drugget; -In shini • —r • evervtiiing •iwinted to 'Commence • house keetting - caaetinnd and'at pn low te elsewhere by -'• , . I. L. POST - . Wilkit4o Goodis , and - tfneils. \ Our sortrnitit4 the - itbove`eoodB iSNOW 'll.. riwted including all the:. y,irieftie:l In their line r arid. ;will be - sold cheap by • - L L POST ' k' CO. Shaw**, Shawls. A lot of White Craix Shawls - , also as nasOrt rnentoUPslain•andl4her Suunner,Shaarls forsale cheaply.. 4h. CO, Montrose, Oct. ,28,15 5 .. Flour ! Flour TUST eived. a fresh lot of SUPERFI(E ' _ • FLOUX.Wriirantedl at; $5,60 per barrel. , • A, few Barrels of choice Fancy, Brtinds7 superior to any :bin.. ever sold in town. BENTLEY & READ ). liili 29: 1852. • : -.....t. , !1 - 1:7 --, :1:,--=':•:-...;. Tautr,'Corr.] • ' • • By Fpecial_..Appointin'ent. NOW YE that me.Ae undersiem: Jl.X.fecOtten Thelplui3 las c.Selersitit and llenri Fritz, pf the Cantla. s..43 ( Heine :Nenf CbateE:Wltioli`l4itnufiteturem - -: DO by: these prest . ..ots.dtily antltoriie and:appoint -I.'irefessor3. A. SING LE - rols.r: Watchrnaker, of Neetrose;.end, W . AI SINc4I,..ETON: of the a fi )re-.. said Plat*.;to be Join. .tiole Agents for the str.te of Pratsytvartia, and this sttiti appointment to -extend SoucfiLatid- 'We=t, • . ' ; We~ the Partje- , to these pret=ent l olo agree to pay cuts riv:tittof f . ?:F onv : infringement on tiiiit::our appointment, and t we _set our ;vs "•re-ltatnes Mid sf.als' Pri the. prgenee of Carl -1% illenghnue. Dated erlaud ;this first day of - January; in the rear . -of our Leid one thousand eight hundred and.fifty , two. - ' - JALE'N TIER - RE.:4LS: • - - _ • THEO'SSOHSiID3'. • . HENRI FRITZ, 1.1..5:.] • STOVES ! STOVES Y :" : laring•entered into . partner i3iipin the St ove, Tin and Meet. Iron htrsin aielorapatediojattetsito any orders in their • line on the shortest notice.- they ,iiatter r themselres attentiotrand low Talces. n ill hare..a reasonable. share of public patronage, . Tlieir,toisOrtment Stoves . is good, baring .thela test. and 'took' iin'prored , patztvne,;. striking . 'which .are,tLe . ,ll•on;, Sides-or' Vukan, a 'store aideli•toOk the , Proutinta ,the S tate. Fair, at 'kyr/tense ie • -1 4 0 : , , .Iron t C ,117zprove . . Eastern : lcan Mick, 41:proved. . fvfiteti.l)pettr:Foreet,Queett.. do . i2ddr - _' irjl- one ant tzgJtt. . Phonix enPraiscri, - ; • 44i r BoxStoveefor &nil o r wood. Allkirids of Tin trart.—lnOne, Zinc • Ttib4 kept ' tin liana, mnll. - be sold id.. prices .that. wills njt. Ail kinds 401 d -rice taken pity.: meet—enslPE-not refnied.. • ; “Var ?I/01110nel. tyn'tocoe W bolow'Ponf'o elt corner. - SA do WEBSTER. • ••-- - wrigazz. • liontroee,...tune 10:1852.. . V • • W'Sikatl—A litore of that feat, Atte WindllNV sash just received ruid for sale by.. , , J. LTONS cl„ SON:. lei: .—.R7I4DOW BLINDS order. . , YEW - 427 ;O. 5.. 0.: .7:)/aY-47/418,5-• Boots di Shops: • It - cLaxas. ais - oitmeritittiar itisiel: ; istanniseturi .and tllelrork-,warranted,Jur, sale:atAu ; JIM the ready : . Ba'orn' . gas. litew - Ailford,-Oc!.. 14, 18152. .:t10;8,-.71%iiiiiiizatowstitiircie or' wanted Sole Leather. -, - A New-6194)1,S -P-7-.l_,Z-;,ed s°le,r7. 4rt tVcemmil %Erdal , & rt 1,00123; Alta* than yon -can — iiiol2.4% ) in - '.'SIIIGLETON7O. the* arit_:;rl - WDS, 1 P”' ,Nr4j; cr j 2000 !":!,r-:', '" r Jan. 22. ' , kW* A•LL." ..sue:: :: - REOOD,struck. ok".Weister t i /thicket:el (lulu& barreii)44ld Aivtnd - *P I : II f4Y4 READ - , • 'FDA IL-6v t blirri este. _,. - - • • ,trkt i y 1(01., . FORDLIA* 4- '~, .~~ ~:;~. L ARE-14W 1.,...j re e.'.-ei'. ving a t 1 11 I:i.'e si ( ' t ,"-*143 -.. : i ot ~ , .14 1, ~I.nang 0644i(fek'ini7 nr 4- ri.ebilq. t i 9J _,,,,--- -ss:4oiiic4o.,2 4 .* Ti 1 ~ t *44.7,z4-lif:,.'= ;---i: - ~ -..-......,.:- ---. ,....; ~ .:._-- k .:;;-:. , .-.-,.,:-.-;:‘,..., •••,,,,-:*.:--,.., 1 M=Ml ': ~~, .:, ;' Dr; C. BC „Stickaou, , At, the Gertrial Medicine Stoyi, 120 Arch , -.--' '-' ' ' rhiltideipiiii,- ' - I, - ' Theli- priiver' over the above .diseases' la' celled; if !equalled, by any other .•Tfiiited -- States. - ti die en:vet attest, iii - miin after skilful physitiana had fajta - .. - These Bitt4•ll3 are worthy ' the:attention lids. Posseqsing great virtuesin the reef •o(disease of the Liver and lesser ,glands, I ing the most searching . pkiwOrs in weakness] Tetlnwis,of the digiitive orins,lhey are , ...„ - - . safe certain and pleasant, • • ~_ . , ' - Etat/ anil be co . nijoke ] - - •.: Froiwthe lksstoipels. .. -- I f The edito, said; 22nd.. '...- .... -' • I . • -..Pr. Rol itantrs _celebrateii C' - Bit the cuieof Liver Complaint., Jamidi , by,. Chronic ar Nervous D.Mility, is desayretif the film& popular' Medicines'of ithe, day., Ditto!, hive been uivit-by thnusands, amt. at our, elbow-says fie has' himseftrecei'ved'a 'iiiiil and permanent cure of Liver Cornplai the use of : remedy. : I We:.are enovii in the= nieOtheie 'Brae?* the , Patient gains strength and vipr---a , fact wiirthy consideratien. • • They , sire: ple asant in tail striell, - and-sati be , used bYlpersims withal i delicate.storiachs with siftitv.unde..l ,ani, stances.. We are •'epealtin t ."' - trom iz.P°rieXt torthe-aftlieted We. adi;ise,their use... ' i "Swi's li'VEttlx,"ionb of the best Lite pers published,said, Aug. '25 --,: , ' .- . - . Dr. Htiotlaturs' 0 rtnanyritters, -ma Xlr. by...hiekson are.i - recomdiended by I t the moat` prominent. ' itat4ts.-of the faoult article yr. much 'ettau ii - estseie of -fetus ries& As such is the easti, „we Would, ad inothe'rslto - "obtain 'a ittle, -.and thus !say selvesMtich sickness. -.. Pe ',pms• - of. tieWitot stitut tons: will find these Bit tens . / advints their health, islre'krioar'' from experieniSe t utsry `effect tbefhave rmon Weak systems." ' • .' =-' • Ilfore Ethic...l4i. :-• 1 : . • '.The Hon. C.:D. Hineline, Mayor of the ,Camden,'N. J. says,: • •," • ' i • • " Hoormssn's Ointitsx.l;trercas.---'Welil ? a. i many flatterin g notices of tis!) medicin e ' - dth source from which thee can ' • indeced us t „ make inquiry, respecting its , nieri• T!tini Ingo . glee were persuaded to use it, : F nil must:s4 f • nil. ii" specific in its action upon thiease.s of the r and . organs, and the pow erful influ l ••• it ex erts - upon therVOUS ,:pre,tratuii iireallk ur •, ing.. It calms and strengilleus the nerves, brin,. it ~ them, into a state of iepozie, making sleep ref '4 hit; ,- If this' medicine was snore general! • It: ir'e are satisfied thorc would •be !ms sickn ,I . , a.• &Om . the stomach, liver; . laid -nervous system th .. great majority of real anirimagumit Absent ,,, nate, blase them in ale-althy condiimu, and y ; '.' bid defiance:to epid emics .- 1 t . .editi . - ai7 medicine i-eetvonl)l adviso our f icrs s v.; ' arc at at all indisposed, to giVe n 'lair t I 1 1 1 ill nr.)--. commend itself . It s fllhould, in fact, _be in '.very T 1 family. No other t 4icine. ean pt. u sti '. , evt , deuce.) of merit. - I• 1 • - • • .Evidence upon evidence has ()nen r - • ive (like the foregoilig) from'all seetkais.of the 'ld , the . last three.yeitrs, and the strivikest testi . 1 411.0 in, its favor is, that there is more nf!3t used in the ;prat : tine of the regular, physicians o fPhilader i. , than. all other nostrums •eombined,.ii faCi that oily be established:snit fully p,roVirv, that - iliac* n preparation will meet NEith their quiet approval iVhen,presented even in this form. , 1 That this medicine will ture Liver ) . plaint and Dyspepsia,„-nopne ,can doubt „after i•git as directed. it acts . i speci fi calltipni _n il. . s and liver; it is r .4'....." A , ....., As iiinnediate. Th metered to female :or' infWut4ith eliable benefit at any time. '. • t Look veil to ; Me nzakk,i 0714 e g s ine.. They have the written. signature of C. . J 4t;FC SON upoin . the • %Cropper. ; and his nanit blown in 1 the bottle, frithout•plAieh•th y ire' 'spirit Fear sale. Whillale and Itetail• at the derman Meclicine - Stiore, - 1,To;120 A_ Street : - nne 'door be: le* Sixth, Philaderph ia -, . II tiftApecioble deal ersgenertilly• through the couotscy r i • - Priceslteduced,: - - - To etutble all of !invalids Itr enjoy, the ad vantages of their great •re torn 4” Powers , .; I• *" .-, - - - . ' Single. 4;ttle 7,5 - :celiti. . i. 1 '- All for . sale by A . IIEL TURILE;AL, Druggist, July - 20,18,52; _... ly : , -.' - i ' . ''. - A : BUItp.I.TT'S. may , iou n an exten .L-1. sire and new. assortment of i • . • 1 13 inCluding a - . great , "etY'of - tnAlMs' in - Rich Prints, P nte - d and En troid red .Lawns extra rich Brune , BOOMS, Ging; hams, and •Cham Is of 'new - 'ylea, Black and- Fancy Silks, 4te. c: - .• • Clanton . 'Crape, BrSche," nigh and.Balege 'SHAWLS. Silk antillas. and fig= ured Swiss Milling ; Straw, F lAMB and, Silk Bonnets;.' Bonnet Silks, - ..Ri . • autt -, 2Flaitery;• Gentlemen's and Boy's Dress . Summer Goodi; a large snort:tient ; Hats,Cati e kt, its Shimt; Trunks. Valises, CarpetLßaga, ting Oil Cloth' fur floors and tables, l'iunted andil rinted,Window Shades, Wall Paper., Domestic Otttons rl kinds ift:itc. Ice:. which in con nu a • • . • 'Universal . As rtment, in 'other ' 'defiartnMnts Of 13 • aidtt: per , chased - entirely - for - DA .'h - DA chasers to secure•berats in • . 11' . . „ Pli es Styl sineS as to be found inll4 , otheneate N. Jl.---FLOITR, sm.? ant i , constantly Unbind. ." , 14* . Milford May 0 7 'lB5-2: fthtUTA .. , . .. , k ,-- - AHEAD 1 .! liAttrEi• DRESS 124{)06$ - lir.inne ill S FI I " ' - 11 l'alts' Ribbons; - ci hs,- Catonneres,..J..r,Tweed s, Vestings. Hats; 0' , Boots . and. bhom, together With a sto ck el.' , '-1.. -, -:-.- - I r . Heady Ma de ' haling •-• . i ....... ~......- oTnettie d(ocidi, w are•erdekey:Pnir. Med'. net..Paints4lik:and*Lotturr , -as usual, a good st s sortraeillistailichluesa-arri ed• - at the Hail: w a Y . s 4 * oo3l. -N.eildatOrdeand - ara selling kie with t* a ra4t*fying . that ' ',nonnt - :*f 1 1 :-Oevle know iihera - 001.4.E4get _the voids o f' Inatteir . .., ; i: _ -.. Call and it ea , inr , ,xnuividvea.; - ;: -: innitde. our. eon& •• . -2. -..",...,' 1- H - 7 , ' Iteal) : ik'LITTI. - ' ,341° ./4 11 .- 1- 4linft ,•-:,. ~ • . ..- . ,_ , ; .-_- • -,.--, --..- - .i.i.'0 . :.-- -.- -,-- Is .•:•' '-• -. '. '-, - 4 - : , ..:,c , "i.'i....;:,.-4---1 4 * - .•cogrhai: 1 mid .corai T06ke6, , 01 .63141110,440:if other 41eine,s1 a" irqe . • -- . - ;:.:: ilt:iiii SfT r irt .7it,Tl • 1 C9NST4FIIIY- te44e.knt(b itlirearibolc. :.., ~4 -,,ni, . 411 - Noiltrime, t , 9 , teiri- , - : ',- , - --• :-: . . _ -, - 'i l''' . ''' ' t -•- ',. -. _t - : .1 7 ~,,, , ,,z, , i ,, , , , , - -::, , , , ,, , ;: r 1 ..t,, , , ~,, , 1 , ,, - --;-...• ; al .,- ,_,:...,, -,-.,.---.4.1.4 -,-;„,„,,t..-,...r. :1 ; :•.., ---- - - .w':• . t.tileXi.:,.f .- i'''';' ,4 "4 4 : ? ... 4 " 1 :i1 1 ' 1 '4 ,: e 7 .41 ' - LA:FEU- VO!All-lf:Aller Jaw n- dC - ~ Icy -,, Te , r . P i. ktai , n ,-, rO -- ete or l _: Debility ietuil'lf the , .Kfs t ' 1 • :- : ' --=-. .- . Diatom Atif:- . 1 -- .' - -- ' • -,nixo 14I0Ilt t iC000IV" . " - :'_ - OEitE.D layin ni . 6'l'o- ......---.-' iokii. iron . t avnii- -, Tioi IbtsvAitirrit POLL:tags OF 131.000110r0C - 1160, , ACIDOItY 'or ' ' 'itttstiliicq, timistA. Illittliitit* o sun. you Foot), Fot.tron WrOHZ I. STintici,, SOIJIti. Fia7CT.I (INK - SINKING ' 0 TERING:AT ,11.IIIC kir or., lint SrookAcu. * - sttxo or sae' lir.ltn, Ilintsuien 'Aim Thr CVVEBRZAT MG, F:J.0710113:1/ Arinn ItrAnT,C nits° tntSuivcArL44 61170//q1 10$,WLIZIt IN 4L,Tiiith 1 3 rotirrutie,iniettitsorp... . : siON , Om* oa*os _ nErvittilitt ~,_': •:_ -, . ~ '_ Sic , F'i ' .. . ryitid, dull Sip' in .the Head, : beid Ntsplttition; Tellowne of 'the 'Sidi' an 'San in the side, lxick,'C'Nigt, iLtinb.s;if:e„' fitithes pr bent. , burtihig in itife NA, corsiim iiiiiv - 91 evil. and great depression tit spiri be effectuaily cures' by 0", . 'f.--. ' - DR... HOOPLAND'S . CELEBRATED GER.MA V BITTE ~ . ,i , , 7 •:-__.:,•.• e.: -:; , \ r':::' — -. t.°:•",',l, '~IY pRY' GO 'AT ,OZW, IVLt).FO nt Furr I3a I I ne Y 9 I 3es, @den imag - can t in•the tases cation ercia nd at ithal, ;ane of 4friend ems ii from Ahat, *nay amt and moat rcum• , and !tared me of 49 an estk ge all can na to tan" y. .c4rfbe • t 3 istnent.- ErroNE-eoAA ~~ 6. . ‘• . " tti of idLiiiitskt kitOrgi4l3l-grf--- 6 rk,--- r . ' .- . -, t ' . _ • . . , . IR BilIBENT,11:01r - sill: PERllinillts hiIING pureliated of Vi6on";t to..the•tt- G LE . FO UN DRY ; are how pirpitred t (Ail from thitrade,' and do' work in theielitie tillstod degpitch. They will keeptonstant tend ~ • - ~ . . •. . :a j u l: C:.E ' T ( S i b !l ert ,..4 al 7, l fi k o ds i n stl d .s, :r. ,.. ) : ; ... - ' -., :::...- ' ' STRA IV pUTT.ERS, - ''• A --..-. :001i1V - SII.LeLTJERS;: 4-c. 4*... c . . .. W* _invite pttrtietilar attention to the Plows . Whieli We ttuiphtcture.; ". We Miutufacture ittillete . o furze: ',...<• . .- • -. :_ .': 4*,Cdebratid Eliz,kielry #60, ! ..:'. We 1 . va'.:porciiaied 'thit Mccltivie, rigift to mum (actin' ,a nd sell in, this County, Wayne,. Wyoming,. and. dford, - ' • . - .- • .•- ~ - - ,i ,1 'eh 1 ,Patent. Iron Beam Plow. Thii.o to w is made int;rii.o of :iron, excepting : ilia handl . - Itis celebrated fur at F easy Afraught,l*- ing on .third easier than any:now in tiseoibile; its streug h and durability is, greater. - -. ..- . MAOHINER . Y sr - 'Os mannfaettired and repaired by experi-- lichinests. , - ' - - . ' .:- , • with ly on PL of alil cooed Sica t Etiginett, - .Cearing . sfor Skim • gli.ll.l:acincs, 4r. 4v. - r) . . . . the Stores which 'lre man ufacture; Are VE 1.7..T0NE;•,' Cobl•in4 Store.::': ri3OUGH4- READ Y .., - tlo ,': ...- ..., ' . OlitST QUEEN, - do'. z - Akaatiol,- - • . And o her • : kirals;'all arranged for' bunting . iv . or Coal._ i i '' • • : : - thi , .::. .- . ,Also • 1 -- : ••: •• . ...: - ‘••• - '•:.., -. 1 j:4Pelf;.l?esrFlatiti Parlor Stot'e. - 11cotta'ffe . Parlor,r -.-: --, ' . do -..,.. •-• • ' tan . fey*, ire . O — ii.--e'4,- . .. do - •. - ..- variety - Of_ ipthee l'arlor SitiVes, Both NroOd 1 'bunters: - We .keep . also nn hand .Grind 'filmic:4s. ,Dog Churn trimmingi, ,Unibrella reland Tour Stauds o ke. 4..- Wmk done ,op short Mitiee and at the lowest 'prices; -- rders for Stores, Agricultural Implements, Solittiled.from those in the "trade, and trillbe. ieison.shle NVlndesale 'prices, • .• • - ) - • •.. •''• .• • • 1 . ' 4.. H. stTtEy li.._..„: 1 , B. S.BE . , .. , • - • • ; S. PEI2IIINS. 1 .. e.,• March: 4, 1852. ' • • ' 15 . . and and atone: and § to onk etc. ors filled a NEW ESTAEL;II 4 .11NIENT., E. MOTT wol4 respeetfulll inform the 4 üblic that they are raanufaeiuiing•Blatch ebrated Ph)ws.l They also keep constant- levN Ik ll , Side ' iii, Wayne ‘,lnty, and Men Plows, ltiratorz; Dog ( 4stras, Shish: 4.- Cutter Shane, Pion).; 1 • . - , •. i s - -..• •... P oints .. ' - , q Bitterns ti o numerous • to mention.!, Ws . strict buigness to ' rectgr'e our i.;ublie patrooage. "Itlattutactory D. nnt'a ; f • - ; .1!Ootit14:111 31ot t neat Searle'liiitill. - itkairing dune •ortAtort notice. ' '..- .I' ° • I• '•- '. - DIE BRIT MOTT, • F,LIIAIi .MOTT. • in , 1852.. , If . • • of varia hope% flare old stain . Ur Feb. Cabinet Shop.' Subscriber is now manufacturing at hit! near Jones' "Lake.'],} miles from Maw Inds of Cabinet. _Furniture; such as • I Tablc*, Stan d•t, " &aces,' .Chers, .rk made , p M a wnikthanlike manner- . rose,lal Burea All ir'' and rar' *fir! in ‘Oh• t. o - f Furnitive will do Well to eiptinine, fir-cash reatly pny I will p4r than t ache:ripest, • - - . • LORENZO BEACH. • 6nio. • call and sell Lta water, DE .MLEIIiINtt! Office ne-w weste 1 a . , . . of the Susqueanna Register. 111.41 G Recently suidet, to our assortment of R I ! B •TYPE'sevend - ' Is And beautitulionts• ; r.v,sl; .09RDR - ORYAMENTS,II-c 'ow prepirect,to ex . . to eyeri idea of - LETTER TRESS - • • I . .. pßth,,Thsii.,l,lo," . .: , I - . . h .- FILETS, ' 1- - - -- • .. ,---'• • - I' ACULAAS,_ --_:.- -..- • -•" I - POSTERS,',:_4. -.- i 1 . , • , .;" - C.411,D ,:i.." • ' , - c - : • 'PLAA'KS; - • CHECKS; 4r-, yle, -at fair. mires, and with ditspatch.-4 - . he advantage of new Materials throughl n confidently promise -to give I atire- Satisfaction.. , n gOod Having out we to those uteirpafronage.; • lilaoks, scboolTiekete, Bill Head% be printed ort,.eiterf notice, on good papeii lliitods of Blittiks uscutiky called fur, eon- . n lituid for Pile. • I Ur pose tcb r interes "have . Job do will find to can at the RAGISTE.R OF - *'the L rit i t 'Per cisti PrY ittll e; woo f lp, ses, ftV ing,l Cocks, Shoes, di tVit, or 'ort onabi at Di Sri atririlici• is iow.receiving a co mplete n~.ent of • Spring-aad Summer Goods Co- I 9 d IA,. Croecries, Crockery, Turd ' ate t Medicines, Paints, (Ali, lly9- ISt° e, Wood and :Tin Wire, Iron, i t `ails Codfish., . idae.kerel, 'Looking Glas [do Sash,.Clas aild Putty, Carpet ' C ' tii, Luther; - Sole and :Upper, iW , chef; Hats and Caps, Boots and a et' Ba gs, Cotton Yarn, Baits and I C - , t W arp, &c . ..dr4. - &c.. ;an lother articles not meationexl, which I to selr ver'Y low for cash or ready pay, to thise - who will pay.: me in a rens ! ALSO a Wm' as.ortoeot Of .q 00d3 , May 1,7,, 1852. , - 1 1 3GAJIT TigIIIN:PHAArZ I . 771.; ulci . Medea and -Diploma -of at Ne - .York Aotericaslnatitute, the I . Silver :111idai If the N.1..Y.' , • I , 1 . 1 Suite -Fa ir Aare 4ecis -- ,;..- L.-. •I-, . • ~•:. a iiii r d e d to .r! _.ll.lli f er I,E It ,-. . • . ,!!!:iii , , .. the 't! it' iiiiving itichiiit. if,: i - ' Li, "_ - - _, - - . ___ _.... • ‘7l.o3lpßiou 0 , - is the-feet now established v 10: theA . • 0rd7,10 ' this ..Marline over all *unlit. . _ .-,;" : ingftr's i Patesi(l,Stnilehei'liesdle, tir Lar Actual, , 1 : .... .. _ ut i ;i H`: 1 II- SOWING MACHINE, . • prix T,.. wtor.W , y letters patent of the United - Suites. The only it* . Friedegell . to need* Stniight Nee al n i subserlei: Were - ter tide 'the rights to or - 1.-withlightifttse,of 41iik Mu:bine ot the 1,7' rsii t uphann.*.heylli 5e , 1,1 Tetra Rieke up ... L . lii*ceatr.the same. - . 7 t. 1 Balitamili cat tja r tiiillitiallii -1 • , ,:t.. -4154. , ,,- : 1-. sdliteillied,". to the - . tt 4,11.r.8.R- 840 2 - s. ,c4;101146.1.- 1;1 - ;::] ., :: , :: - :' . .•::,,, , ',ii,., .. , R: , : . *:'g' , .: l .1.,:' , :1:'.' . i' , _:.i_ . :-.:4, - ..,. k..,:,,,:,.,:,:p:t.&-.oz-2,zt,z,., SHOP. GOOD S.. a GROWER.' arma r --44 : Stu ,Costety la.- - ryinnz= Oil:I/SCRIBERS .itilVoct at'A, 'for the private aide of Meal- Eitate--Parta Howie* and,Loti--laenterl in Suiguelumna ectuntj- PII. All 'witti wish-to offer their prow* forsali clu'give *minute descrintionthei - r, Foil Or . - Lots as follows: :Number of aeres,hoir im proved;"and how watered ; Builtlitige; grafted tifeommois fruit; Other fruit freo,`atidshaile trees;' how Tar from Idontrose.and the beareat point to a depot On the Neiv York dr, Erie Railroad; price 'and terms of payment.: All who wish to sell or pur chase 'Real Estate, wilt receive prompt, attention - by calling on Or addristsinglii at, Montrose, Sus quehanna county. Pa. . • . • • rirConveyance from Montrose to tho - ptionialso frge - of cliarge. . • - 't " - Office on Turnpike street, 4 doers west •Ol ; the Brick coiner. - • - ' The following Earms and Lots are now offered for teak: ; :No. 1. 40 acres, 30 im. rame House andlierit • . • n0.2..80 acres, ,• 50 , do. - du* 00 do. 60 . - no. 4. 1511 do. • 60 do., - do.": no. 5..70 _ •do: , 40 : • clo. 4#o *4 no.1) - ;36 4. - •35 - do." ' . ' • - 46.* nit. 7. Store: l , i'treliouse. and Lot. : • ' *;`, no. 8.. 44516 , a, - 75 int. &lurked house and bare no.. 9.: 2i do 35 • log bouie bare* no, 10. 2 do . good frame house and barb; no.ll. house - , •-• n 0.1- 100 acres. 70im. frame house and barn n 0.13. 840 do. 200 int.. do ~ do ,n 0.14. 56' •do 50 im; ,do , do* no. 15. 160 do '6O kn.- do. do no. 16. 120 do 55 im.* • ' 4 . , _ u 0.17 10t), do now n 0.15. -112. 80 im. do do n 0.19. 200, 150 improved, do - . do no. _0._.145,' 100 irim. . _do - do ' 7 no. 21. 190, .120. . int; 'do • *do no. 33:.90*, , by. do do* • 'no. 23.` 45,-; 40 im. "do do Iv' no. 24:28 2 2,425 fm. do d 0 n 0.115- 125 ac Iooim ' •-• do - (la • n 0.26. 1961" dd _ 140 im - do, do* 'no .27.. 80steres 45 imp.* • no. 28,41, good twin-mill and ' , no 29 13'4atres, : 00 (rani.) house and barn. ,• no. 30 176 =do. , 100 • do do no 31 ,135 do 195 do do ' •- no 32 •IFO do 185 do;'•.` no 33 . 160 - do -60 :4111 'do • no 34 150'; TtTif 7- 100 lie do ,• - - no 35 150r,.f doBol . _do do - no 86 SOO '• 171) . ilo" do no 37':196 do 140 do do .no 38 170. ; do 100 ido do • .. no. 39.115 do,' 96' ! - do; • no., 40, 80" acres 45 improved. .• . no. Al. 212 acres, 160 improved.* no. 42. 42' de 50.. I do 'do ,n0.'43, 4 acres, iniproved.* no.; '44. 133 do 65 - 'de •• , 45.400 ilo • 209 . do - no. 46. 120 80 im - Grist Mill no, 47 • 200 acres 160 improved. ' • no. 48. 103 acres. 80 improved., .' • " • n 0.49 .88 acres,. 45 improved !Mute suld.brirn. no. 50 „-83 acresr 63 improved, boose and barn. 1. • no. 51 95 'acre; GO, improved. do. -• do. . no , 52. 120 acr e s, 65 improved. Price from 819 to $3O per acre. - • N. B. Persons de:4ring tp purchase any of the nbove, by. giving the No. can obtain , a full tescrip thin. ALFRED 13A LD,W IN. - - E. G. 'BABCOCK., , Montrrise, Pit...oetabeit, 1850 = N. B.—Those Marked thus (*) have been sold. . • .. . TO - the' lithitlyttnatts of IllontroSO . . • . ... - and its riciilityj .- - . 1 1: "IN addition to my must sincere thanks for 'ihe;; , .1. very liberal .patronage received, I . beg-to an-, nounce that in omsequence of the numerous and re." , pealed solicitations. (tui commence business.wi thin' the limits cif this",Bororikb.) that I have most -nib , : lifigly complied, and take this opportunity to ini" form the Public that all and every garment intrus-. ted to " eto "' cut or mike, will be accompanied with: a stair n ary of iwifewl. fit of anv style :-contitry.; Cost= or Fashion, and at. the" same time blutli. feel m h pleasure in giving kiptructions gratis ini respect t o nniking.up an, Gannept or Gannentsf nit by. e. Trimmings de. rtc.Constantly on handl . of tliel test and most appnived patterns and 6tv le.!. T! r ryl rs t a ught : the . most approved methokot, critturg ca ns liberal. - --. . .---"," .j . , . • . W. P.*YATT.. - .• • I, - Merchluit and Military Taylor' . r:doliri Dimee." k's District Attorn , . • late residence, Triniiiiknst...4t; Marc 17th, isa - 2.: ...;—. 1,4 1* - I 'fr t '''' c • [. (.4 17_1. ......... ... rte Saturday Evening . 1 0 0 . ' ,] TAe • Leadiosi 'Litera ry • . We : 1!).:-.' 1 . •,! rt VER'thirty-one years have now ela . since k." - thi-,POST began its weekly round" of fended =instruction and annisementlana never, in. II that penod; was its suet rs sOnlarkcil as at the present Moment. Possessing undeniably the Ls r"."': eirest- . -, latiner 1 27 many theequa% deny paperer itsclastO In the Union, its sutecribersi bare the her oil-0114 . sons for believing-that it stands upon a "anent', bails, and that they will receive the full vat eofev-'; ety dollar. entrusted =to its publishers,: In rtnnoun • crag some of our : preparations foe "the nothing year,. wemay beim by I .itating etat continued Connection 1 with Mrs. Southivorth, a writer who. in -vigor and? : - fertility of genius. is not surp4ssed by any, male or, female., in - the Haien. -Mrs.. Oarorme Lee Bent& lady - Whom it would be almnst superiluous to. praise, m view of the general' 'popularity of such i. tales"as the . - MOb Clap,7 "Reline" Linda," " Re-: rm." eta., also is ennillcd ittnen;;Our contributors. . We are now engaged in the publication Of aster:l ry entitled Clara Moreland, by Emerson- Bennett, author of " Yiola," '"Prairie Plover," " Bandits "of '-, 1 the CFSAger etc. and at the_cipenin of the ensuing'' , year- we desinn fOrnenencin the publiMtinn of. the' "followitv Iloielet : 31;isus Thwta's Spinning . Wiled:l by' Mrrs4 Lee. -Rentz. ; of Florida.enthor of " Eoline,'' il • ...Linda," 4 . Rena," rte. This novelet- we 'designfol , ..l luWing by" it story entitled: - A Stiay "Patch from-; ! Mint Hannah's Quilt. by Mrs.FranCes D. Gage, Of,' 011io„widely known as the author of some. admira': bly -- Writt en - and seri effective bousehould 'poems; ,: sketches. etc. - After "this we expect to commence, The - Lost Heiress; A story of Howlet Hall, by ' Mrs. FD. R . N. Southwortly.autho r of .t The Curse of plifton,":•srriginii and- Magdaler*7 . " Shalmee- dale,' "Tire Deseited Wifr.," etc. '!--- " - , ,', el - achOtitin tot he - wind other original tales, in.- :solving:it largerpiphaliturei of money, we shall ley hehlre aue~)iliadersr,all"' 1 teretofore, choice - talc* ' slretcges;'eariays,-itarrative s , etc. from the,Englikb Magazines--sneh - ias ha* _ .e given the Poit :a name , for the excellencenf its seieefic ~ ' -.. 1.. ' - Estatisvisulin the way ofeingrtivings we pre sent sat least 41in 4Pree_ . _kly-;-ana - rif an inatinctrte, and the other oftlntra urouatchar r.... • - 1 Agtieelf.444 miseelhuteatermeHOV.gen- • eral news, witty surd hint - impel, skitibesiuul anec -dotes, letters front Europe, - Rifilotialf.'yiew of the produce and stock market. batik unteliat, etc. shall , also be - duly . given. " .' ' ,-; • ~ •' - garOf course, we shall Maintain farl the Post? this it-has acquired, of .being 'a - ' s trictly; , moral pa 'r—not ridiculously wpirounialr -and straight-4,1R. but rcally and truly moral----sUch As may be taken , inte the family circle without fear. Atlverbsernenti of an improper charac ter shall be, as-heretofore, rtgoottely excluded. .- - , Citiar, -Ponsue.---The postage on . the Post to ant , part .of the ;United States, When - pard.qUarter f ly in odvanee, is only 26 cents a y:ear.- And we trust- that the Plohli,c generally will - show their ap preciatirei of this conimenilable reductieni4 post age, by largely increasing the numbs rof papers tar ken at the'various of f ices—that thus there May. be no.falling off in the revenue of the Post Office De, pertinent. Illis will insure a -continuance of the presest rednced•rates.. - - --; - _ . , Tivams.—The terms of the Post are (t 2 if paid in adtranc: if. DO: paid in sivance. For #6 in advance. one copy. IS Sea, .. : L years. We cow Linde tie followag low term; . clobit; to be sent. - in the -.Mty to one addresa, ~ , in the country to . o the'Plat:Pgige• 440 Piek $ 5 ' - a 9 9 99 4.--8 evisteli (and one to, the agent') slo_.-4. coristit (and rare to the agentr):l sl 4-20 *Vie*. (a ' ' me to thiagePto 320 s The itioneklor clubs" .. . t ba sent in-ad vance. ' SttbacriSsaMMO , he t - .., at .04 riSli.L: Wheri . the aunt naafi% Sidnift ';`, , ~ .b e_4l if pailaibta=the ton a iptidt ' ..' i . be • deducted from the amount; • Addrpott; .. . -pattl,• . • . ' w. 4,4 - • . Pe ' fic 4 ) aterrott. . - • • 66 Staab Stl it:Thila. &shims of raPP4Filiffiv ple, mut be accommeali: hers bvietter, post-paid: cos arlio give ' the jitllol,4l Ai' iisterll - oatition of vileft;4ad our ter:llo..6s ual i be'ssitliidto sik,ek- Aultiiii tf the paper ... ier carN. 0 44 4 the. Aoki's".pa : te4 1 27._ the ioehl urrieDirCues.-,Fdil one- 10 Or per ' it:tthenofices," newertheireditoiial change. brocading nee containing the *de SAGE,' - .. '7, :' r'..4::::.y..!--..'„-•,,- -,.,':;',..;„;.;:::-::-;:j.: '4 ..*4, ta''' ' '''' ''' 4,4.11,-',:- - ..,.., M!N=Z!MM3 J1 . .:,.,.,...:-,. ,, ,:i -ros,-,*soit..:- . Prepare,. ~ .. : _. _ 0 - . F ACH .771 - E OX - afte dinctio .121V310,ille'givro 1 4ttia / *iclit' 8.1 P" — TO' - 7 II- .10 VG II - N, - ii:is. Philitilelidi a, Pi.. This a' truly wonderful. reinetlyifi, .4117D10.1 2 :44- TRW.' Di'srErs4A,' sr.;4liltr.k ..E, LIVER COMPLATN2',VO.IIIS77PArro. and D.pft- ITY, Curing after Niturels• own . iii, !bed; hy Na - - t - nree own Agent, the Gastiic dinerly ,1 3e ' farll Half a teaspoonful' pf Pepi tr, hire d in '.crater; will digest or dissolve; liicei: !inliolßOCrt Beef in about two hours, out of the st mid i.'.' : • _ Peirisin is the chief elinnent, or G 'L t Digesting Principle of the Gastric didets-4bin frient i of the Pbod, the Purifying, Proel, ,6"t'rn rati ng agent of the Stomach labd Intestines.' It is Ttrae ted from . the . Digestive Stoinach clthe' 0* i . forming an artificial dige:stet!e fluid; precise l y like the natural 'Oustrieleice in its Che ical ' ewers. ivt p and furnishing .n coin lete• and* .rA au titute for it.. Ty . the' aid of this prefinraii , u, the'Tishri avid evils of Anligestion. and Pysprp# ii are 'luny • 0 1 just as they would:be hy_ a ilea by •Sti Mach. 'lt is doing wrinderkfOr Dyspeptica, ' rang c se sot Debility. Efitaciatiow„prrorta Peclirs , and . *pep tic' . Consittption,'Sup nied to be on the v the grave. l The Scientific 7 Evideneq'txm.w itch t is: based, is - ;in the hi&liest; degree . 4iiiriouir -. ad 7..4 otarkiibk. 1 , . . - 1. . -1. SctetzlOtc Eel pit:, ~ . . BARON LIE.BIG.iii - ,ltiselehratial work. tr,mil imal Chemistry; say i aitn _Artifib . -'Dil Fluid, analegous to the Or the I nic . maY. 1 dil,f jireparedfrom the•mueues ire ne stomach of the lin ilfhieli vnri s '-arti jood,•as meat rind- eggs, will he,soff t d, eh and dige s ted, , jast in I the [same 'in' r as JJ .woeld be in the human sonriach.” 1 . • r'Call on the agent and get a cular,gratiS, giving a.large4 amount,. idence similar to the abov -togethne) of retnirkable culls all isiu States. •l t , • • • • ,‘ . r • n j • • 'As. a ys,pe sea. Curs . , 1 Dr. Houghton's Pepsiti has pmdneed. t e reoSt'per retinue effects. in curing ci se.s oflliiiih lity, Ernacir= ation,'Nernua 'Decline, ft id .11yrpe ~,"c Consurnp-: 'lion. It is impossible to're the de o ils of . 61S' in the limits of this adverti ment, hu tinthentioa ted certificates have been . iiveir of;in . re than two hundred ' r emarkable Cure .in Philild Iphia; New . le York and Huston atone . : These "wfir - nearly all 'ilespe . ratecases,Jand the cures weie. ni . Lolly raind and wu i eleful, but permailPnt, :7 l', ./ r.. 1 - ' - It"is a gre at Nervous - Antidote ',artil , articplarly iry usefill.for t udeney to' bilious' Aliscit4., liVer apfa-!` plaint, fevc And• - agne, and the evil' e • ects of itei nine, inereu , and other chugs iniriet teDigerAvek Organs, eftir a long sickness. Alen :or beel - a' .eating, and the too free use otarden - :spiri t' lt also reconciles Health with , Interne* ee. l' , . ' '.• Dr. Hon liton . 's Pe in .prepar ;- in - po:ller atid fluid ft rna 7 -and in . prescriptinn 'al* fur the" I - use of jihysicians. ~ '• ' 7 4 . ' •-! '''.. I' -• Privite*Circulars for tbeusecd . ', •Isieiansnany. be .obtra ine.l of Dr.- iluitglion or 414 ai, rigs, • drcri. bins the 'whole proeefit of prtparatr. ~ arid giving the nu . thoriiies upon 'Olic i the ankh. ofthis I ne% remedy arbasea. As it s nut a seer retnedv;niP 1 1 „... objection can be raised • Airist iti t ` tee hy ..pfrys'i r k clans in reiwtoble stand ng and reg larl practice Piice,ON . DOLLAR'piir boirld. '. i . I •I. rirol4 LEVE TlllS.EVety : b4ttlp Int Pepsin bears the written signatj TIOUGHTON, 11 . D, sole proimotij •.phia, Pa. Coni.riad.t . iod Tradet t tn i g glirP ol o4Y, '` ii 11 " 4 1 4 : 14 " and i . '.."1..e.. '', . ApEt..l b RIIEL ~•to r ' - Montiose, .Agent for Suscinel Memorandum oC run. TEIROOP'S DO.; AItDI6INE - r . . , , Compound Sy r up of Rl* , soft Tit z I mac " cut t t; Consoosption,Astlima, lit onchiti.s, Jell i Whooping Cough.and Croup. ' I , j Dr • Throol:(8 Infant Premte 3lother'4 Relict, 1..1, Cures Plaftifenne. -Culle r 'ripe:A, GiarTit tary. Cholirra of lofitots, o any 4 4 the ,.l of tefallt life: ' . ' I i G li. -. ' *. Tilionfs Warnaific iil 'Expells.tliosaßlthy intruders-of th'o tent, with tit dxcqtil• 4 any- kind',g . -. r. Th ropp's Bilitnat - . 5 i Is, -,1 ~, Cures Int igestion, , B Meats disoraeni tistiveness, VildS, Headache, Eleartbt, Fever,i In ruination. Diarrhoea, Dysentery:lin remotes a thealthi itc tier' of all the gls rids of th body. 2, i , i Dr; Thr o ol 3 -4 . !1e Tatr 1 1 e i i is 'unsurpassed in eurl,Ntiv virtue for any initun aiory Atli-Mimi of. the 'eye-4 a nd 1 I ; ' - - ' ' . Dr. Theo° i s Scrlre,,' I is unsurpoised for a .dr :rig for Bo es. Scalds., Hlcers, Salt Rheum, or a v other ah 'on of the skin. - r il-I -- '"' , For &de r by the following iI i '-.. i AGENTS.--ißentlev Itea4.• I itt lat".••.ici•-- N. G Milker tk. Co., .If. - M. outliw,W, I ush—c. dr. Virr4l4, - Niddletowel-B. Glidden, lEr ' dsvillas-4 % t Daniel Hoff, Jessup---Brackney ckk.Sion ort, BraCk -ney—J.S. Blaisdell, General . Agent,J rest Lake ••-•=55.8. 1 3 rover Dimock-cOtt ili Roth, SPriniville --Dr...J. F. Lambert, Au4ern—jat4 Tomplcins, Tompkinsville—Dr-Jam Brookii, 1 9 t Bend -I. S. Little, Ni w- Milfcirtl—Joii. Marrifflaa. Upsonville, Elislta Lord - , Llthrop, • r J. (13suiley . j i Little. Ileaclows; Jasper Stanley, 4ripti E.;,Tcf (any. Brooklyn Centre, H. A. Wills, Clifford, I & Dr. C. Olmsted, eclair, Jehnsioll: ;cry, liar ford. `. , : 1.- ra,i4o6-ijr,.., i rrEi - - - T N:41; IS; W.• COI CP • al elit rorkimporten in - i3reeu intritlack Testi,l tri the Country Trade; are best , sianufactunirs• a full CO, of the'tnost 'approved confidently offeredvee (Ain at the lowest cte•lt,prices, lffp~cliitnte.i.b.itin g the call and examine our st where. • -;' . • New -Yo!ir,Augtist, iatohes w E h o : 'LT=LO W, ft gixid im a i r t m , Gold and silrff , s orair' 4pittacks, - .T.E.w.gLgY o Nov.-1;118bl., . 1 _ IN: .., v ' A : , 1 -iiAr A L .pANgs. , t-, iiiposlats,,l itiv,l,i4tionentofs 4 oitsiw are , i , Saiielli*ieryloir;,- •,..,- 1; : J. - viip,.7 1 moutroto,lllo% it,-isiz . ', -- I .1:, t,' - t ill: .- I ,_ -•- I'l- , , . - . . • i'of BARON "ti!t,'bY et An estive • rea the ie of ged th•-y ripti setae ith r the O 1 - r- Os'ev ports liked .f !he genu ire • of J. S ...A•azdiLoci socur:4.,,,. .ri in Medi - - 7\ 6 ' . 1, itte,. I i ii oounty - - '.. I ; ' .- d' n4Ol, Coughs 'and. Derr mmon ills m •- I T i -- r ---- I — _, )$ , •-i - is I 1. lieli o 'l2viN Pea r!yet:, 1.1 and AihMti le denim i . f all iicrfp, 'ow takiti r Kl slack - reat %Ink from thii itspotinlea ;or Ton Ac. •brands W I tif a')4i4i' Ara" to any in, niarket4antl " • , 1.. i li. , i.;.; City ritnuld l !do • well to 4se. pekna, Y*o. 64 ' 49]rl. Talat - curaity nikialtrarAbt , - , t..1,--, ?1 I, Apia]OD ir. , LAGmeilw . ' ,.. , - :-4 - g2k Greenwich Strea4 thrice d 9t- o . frain alicia—T • L - '`"Lr" 7 ' l 4' - '- L. 3 Z L- r, li e r.EW YY4Z/F;t4: . .-;:•[ e iin Si o}, Great 'Padlock: and in mlf ed7ate viiinitv ihe Thalsos rel.,. i . ' ''Brie atid Hartini Depots, "an / 6. R; Waiteilliarket, - - - 019rotrLD call' the atretitiorrof Country ante and buyers of ()cods 'to his cl asiortmesst of Foreign ,and Domestic Ila which he offeriob as favorabJe terms as an in thetritde; tubong"which are 1: Ames! Shcivpla and. Spades, ' R 6 ~.liadi Shovels, and Spades, Rowland's Mill Crosa, Cut Saws,Field's Tacks,and , Brads, pant, I bles and Fihrihiner Nails Files and Rays,l l e Shoe Tfiread,` 'Awls and ' MIAs, Tra an+.ll Halter ,chains, Ox and 'Log Chains, Vic es &I. riate,li - et*, 'M i d and En'd tioiicw-iv'ar - ", - T en I Trays,tßar and Shectlead, OnnPowder and ; Shot, ' Percaision' Caps • and' Wad 4, Sash , Weights, Trfn 'and Brass -Wire,' Slates and. Pencils,-'Chain Pumps; Sieves'ant Scrcens.l Table and 'Pocket Cutler:lN 'Scissors = : midi Sheari ; )Vnde & Butcher's 'Razors, Wrought? Nail4;ll;itish K Lustre, nob and . Dead Locks, Chest alnd Till Lockl.,o s, ndon EMery; Eno lid* and Am: Britannia, I'litie and _ Kook Hines„ Hay- and Manure Forks, Seyttes & i j ' ' Ritle4, Brick and Plastering. Tr o Nee Is , B race 1 and Bitts, Coffee Mills, Sad and Tailors Irons," Stqii `RodS,' Bath. Brick`,Orep's' blitekingii Brusrel and Cytdage,'Boontonand Fall Riv-I lowest `prices,, er Nails:atpri . d Sept. v, 1852.,- -......—_, 7 , 77 _,.........- - . - - e , lnsurance. 1- i -- • Unitn f glides Life;inaurance, A sinni4 cnid . r . o • Conprnko PktindolAis;—.ol4arteV.firpenia l B - Eittli,Aieli foiaid tonpli• 5 . 5. .t fly will'receive^ itppticatimis .for inctiance and:will give.all nee:mart / infoimao, onny peracins desiring to make applicatiun. . - -:-. 1 11 t trose Oct lath,lBso -. -- 1- ' ' - .., . . ‘ 7. - - .BUSINESS U "NOTICE- - `- ' ; 1 itf:_ S:;WILSON would respectfullir request a /M. having unsettled accounts:wit); hint to,cal 'and.sullust...llte Mine. ...-:., - ' --- --.: -,- ; • • : The inereintile will be contiaima at I n bil old stand ctdcr.,ihe'firm if . M. S. KOson4E'Soul 'fliuy intend-to , "'keep;Oa haul a general variety; will [be 'ever reedy antithankful to accoramol date those who.faror.,them-wi:h a - call; ' They will keep on hand it large stiiklof '. -." -, . ,_ ' - - - C ' 9 Dt7 kioods,: - Grocctries i 'rockery; ..,i.Har iirare,.; 'c. &c.- 4 - . Carpenters, --- . Carpenters, !Blacksmiths, , Barfiess, Carriage! B r ad ail ltil :i hoe Makers, will , all find: the articles' neceftittrefOr 2 t heir avocations. ' , :- • . . lkiots - Mtd•Blioes, Butkins, :Gaiters, and Rubber_ Overidtoe.„ . kest on hand by '-`1"3"-•. - :. - - i :. - 11:: a :W.ll...Sftik • pm Jan. 1,.1852. . •• • ' . :. - 1',..: _ i-',..., BlegurielPi. Mineral Pities suRERIOR,ARTICLE for painting - - Wood' Li 4 : Brk, , Sto •c--;:Iron gr. proof:again bt: 4 .4..,a di; it ;; awl :Ititannigealile 'in its cold, , . 'frith Aill "!Or.cotripoo ition, and to Ino*n ?or: ken Stunt ciiitir. .i it .‘irectiir Al liie* premiumlALT the, Faire in: 650: in competition with t:if:Na f in. andiever.ii tither kitiiis as bent •operior ttt. any titii4-nf ilfp.: •,by - - ' ABEL TURK • 'YOUR: lAND.3IAR - a. will attend lo tier:oleo 1!eti11. ) - of;SVRVET/rArG in tlti' ltlany or the old F runs td be re-surieyed, ,to 104 id-trtsy-ks,wl,tett ltrezllithl to get' I,by time so:is tdotegioti isiiutes .Mr time to come. Every. man who . pre ! ;6e tecatitm of all bislines= l refore, stiotdd lege to r to 1 ouble and Ittigtitionl- . .. - Tri r oVai.NO abaci attended to. bye J: W . .CHAPMAN : - :J tf3, ' • ' I M 29,18.51. . , V•IC)b NS .. Amer:dear:la, Onitare;lianjoa;ClarP net : '-'Fltites, Fiftla, -- Piceolos—alan-:'.Violin StrinKyea, Itistroetainalookt.,Sheet Mu9ie, and other - 4a free fiii:instrurnents, & c., a -large agsort.-. mentlo's !received:at. * I . . • • Tvaatri„!a: . , llontr ;e, Nov. 1,1831 - - * --,,, - - : ' to .111".TTTEIt. TUlls, - ..willr corers. =IOU FIR ;INS, (*arra id• not to leak.- on-hand for. aale ,, fir : ;;- , .-- "*- •• : 51. 1,... POST - CO: 1 ' --...,,''• -C`OAL, , Y . T ,LAcA lt 1.4 :1V:41.4 - ,...1 ; COA. Flourniol:"Solt. ni: IV:lngeliale or, Retail% at Net _fMilford 'Depot by. 1 : : , 4.. :, ~ . -, - -- - ~,- :BURIIII7. , . 1 Dee.'2s, 1881. . ' -I - ' I i , ~ ristaesatiszeral -F ire Prpof . Pakint. _ I tbi - bb'l or lb: for 'sale by . ..- ifaitTRLITT . -. . .. ' .-[ . , •N. 8.--All' the'colors' may. lig g9t up from this: composit4ai, from slate to:4)1ne1; at. less. than bat be ustmlAixpenSe k ia twice n's NlLliukt?le, and is sui 7 able 'for thelifieit. viirk: I=, N'ew, Scitford, Sept:3,lBsl •.: ' • s-' BOOKS A n*-,,;'u - p - ply.. - oiSebool - and' Fanci . l4 . oo — ksj isi E3i.' Teil.. - .! ,lll anirPook%slieitorata4 Itotikti, of allicind.. . Pocket Registers , ,Faueplionki for Jibe Iloliilqi, &e.4pj ~- -, . ,-. rece tvrAijv Banks-wanted,. not *band, will '4*- tablet: nn iliOr4ctice;by F. B. eIIANDI;E . Dec,iiiLlSslf ..,..:. -- - ..- _ % ,--T -,:- • - '...' . . .. • S VE1)7007-4- Tr - tY4,TeiT - St at . i: air-tight cooking S:. ta r tIV ,Ntibl‘ prsi, . do' ' ' .. '-' Eolpini Sla t e;; .do. do , -.,' S , Pr ' .. • ^--; Am - - - -; ,-" • d o ., 1 4 1 Parlor; ClA:mgll;4.ra Shop Stores:loa bl o nd Or :a. Stove,. %V re, Pli)e, ElbOws,.Zinc; Tip `:Wir4,- ---- COrty.A-hel ar,o, , tieraw.-Outters, Scrip Cm ., lito" hp, Pointliv -." Vir.... Plfause giite . tia a ;call as 1 vre,iw , toad teselil cheaper than the cheapest.- ,-- ); ;' I -4 e - ,:. ', • -,. 4. 4..- LYONS- • i al co. . - eePt. 244 1851: --- ,' , - ' - -.. •\. .: 1 . , . great biapity. etyle,,and a ganeralt : meet of -1 'I j • STAPLE & FANCY GOOD* • 6.1' Mfg r 1 • ll' ust recear Y a IP3, abco MOO y . 014 .2- , H.:BURIONT. New fqrdiXiy. /3, 1852. ; - Steam Grist it Salerni T3ili k i. h ()VIERS ittiiingr - utibtise tit , ..i._ „.. -tatiiiapment g , will keix,eoristantli Sw ;PV:fi- d e Si allafiite:Fi r our'-r-cdrx - A , . ~ - -t. se Ni2vrior,Qualit.p. ... ; ~..' op and Brein i ' -at the l eir ii;:lat 4 l'PtietK l. - -Itstem ieciiir" `Slone wit,b.itt patch.. and'in Air - . ',wAltit: Abu trog l e, July, 4861: =. - ...: - - 38Itf ' .----: ~ ‘• - .. , ....i.„ e mi l • - •_ ' ' •if T. - ..-. .. . .TIAI.II4.,SALT O . kiAl43Seckpr bushel :LIR-Ito: 46, ► '' 'l-1?:. 11..9110,NR1 li *-- i_,- , --:1 ,1 Tv f•-' ' 1 I , • ''' ' . 1 7 11n1$ 4--- Trilli&l' -` 1 • - _.,, • i t ..- '- I j' - - , • , Fr lEt, biireilitifeit it ' freetelit - = - ~ i.ririetY of band .l. ' fl eetite tit )tgli fkikl_., !CPI eYArlfffe.ted I In , ,is Inarketi.,..Whi teirtiffe - ;al it i ' 3l rlPr i qql , ' initielitig ' *l4O ildildille;:P!ititi ttlf:drail; pet i g "Ilt 4 i i *ll J .,1 17,410R,0WS ' 'Oki' Gibson. i11*t4141351V--• : 1 4, - . -..r.:' , ''-t- ,-,--. - i-t -..--,..*:= d Goo RA4 lolo .:Pelames,„ . 9: . weicaezlifilide , B.orrrxr*,4,4r. , - ' I =ammtwo aware, Nate Stn ;ibove ha►id Will be NlteD.: ..:, : .-.,,.; -1..•1r_ .....,:::::;',--,t•-::.:-.!',.-.:;=7 •'. 7 ;.: , i•-: , ,-- :'...:--q•e4.0,:<..q5A..f0,,14*:,,Wt1:'.: ''-x~'~~3?s`- • .0.-- ~ ; ~,_r. ~,.,.,~~y. - AlEt:Lit, DYSPEPSIVBITTERSi . ‘. .. ..,,, ~.. ~_ .., : 1„. ..,.111E BIOBT - , Y* 1 1„, .f(ii . 7 1 r : ' 1 —. _:L? FAMILY IKEA= INE . -.., oi Tliz A a its J : ,_ _ • ' • . • , i '4-.' _ ' ' • — ant - ir Phydruns of secitilhi g . ,Tliffie 1117 4 11,111 remove Skil toorbisrsee ,41,:, panty the blood, diva' Vest ten!' ea& ; siger,ta Use ' digestbrk Organs, fortify the system against all futon' eel betaken with safety, at no thae'debllltafini the *kis , .sttiti,g . • grateful 'to the most delleat• stoniasi, and re,- Marisibli foi their ,cheering; Invigorating, ,streog, i tag, and restorative propartim, azi az invaluable and ' aim remedy for' - ' •••• - - -'- 1 - -,'" • - pTspErgq, IN .Ifs, wogst,Eititits. - - ' Mink/ 41 4a eomPtalnts, "tatifsdiee, Hearth' l ism - Centivo. iris. ,Fikaii !* ; Pirrae" of ..ate a k in alid ';4 4 m- e_ of 44,44e;--kii..4!riti;riiriois Ileadaelli, Giddinase; Palliation. arum neaa, stalai r and Yldlnea, oflValgit at the dietanch, and all other•diseases, eloped brain lia. per. e btle . nt tk• bloodr Pvers et*" which tied ,tadabsil., tote and weaken - titi erne= - '. ~, '. : - kiiiA,lsS. ; Inn intr#:lrcen.* morbid'and nnnetnnt condit i on_ mat - • and:this Iletteine et .. .",< i „ ifilliitlMAliLE - VALUE: , '- la +, Morns . :of GENERAL DEBILITY, #iiik tbdiosi "TS .:Pilt:i -6 #4i.P l ! ' : - - it ; • . , _• ' s '..; -Tr it OW it 41 N 21 - 11 - Rave tested he eflciiiiiisod Ilioniamis seri f us new as. * der treaties:di dad not one solitary' l i ku , e t gffi tm , b ee Yet been ysoostsd, Volhmes c o uld be Mali !Fab "eta' sates - of ',those - wife hire heen permanently amid: ,Call Am tie 'gait, and get all.lllllll4gg l containing dm Certificated of ' la Cans. end a. hi a b n el l=' l3l ,.. - w. ....idch this .bt ISI held: bribe ' Ital ie rib "Medicine is:4th in theT.l;;Uol Sold by_ all the Genntne dials:a and Canada:. - • ' t - - -Pe - Priee 50 Pen* per Large *tie. - el( ,ruvrim ST., X: y, Okatain.• - 2, - ,tuy,sal,il- by BENTLF,Y. ikp,EA6. Atim.irose.P • • --------• :- f .., ---:' . , • . _ c „.. .... ~,-.:,f.-l‘Liir 'ARRANGEMEN'r. • _ I • - ' ''''"..: - William W. Stith & Co. • ' - .' 'llAv.n.O.i4Ptioiritilefed. theirarrangements for . and l n a n ufaCturpgatu*keepigcoistantlytitil ill e4: . ..ii kind ot , - • • liat.sehold Furniture,- manufactitteil out 'of the-best quality of3hdiltaiii, Blaekt - Walput,',Aapl,6; Cketry; and ()quit - Nether, and io' the hest and most durablentanney: _Among the aittiles..3rhicli they intend to keep On hand, cc npiki• to order; areJtahogitny, Black .Wa/tult. Cher. ry and IfdiLe Bureaust, , Side Boards, Beeretaiiip, Book` Catil,Tgetit,re,_Card.Pjei . .. and ofher,.Tablee; Staridejor 4 every tariet2,,- ; •Sofiii, S'ettees,Diia*, Oltdmina, ' 44 i Be 4teads.olarl lands and •varieties, made of 31. olqiny, Black Walnut, Cherry and' staple.: .A I. .-.Makoga!4, Black Varttut, Ow/ - iitid Fancy - CHAIRS_ of overy variety and:description, .tvhich 'hey letve . .noW‘oti hand,-aretintentt to keep . iue r inßittfit 4 1.4i,Wi.. , Any article .' deoired . will be ofpfil iiiild' on a few days' notice. • -.. ' - - ;•WI 1..L1A311W: SUITII t tE. R. 6'..elfra - • : ' •"R. A. Sabel. - ' Motitrase:Mity-, 1852. -•- • - - - 2- - : ~. I 1 _ • - New.' Estlbislintelit 'l5, so4setiber; _thankful for the: *'pat:Magi _...".- her e to 'ore bestoired 'on theiate fi rm of R Sea le, d: to., desir e s to sky to the o ld friends that he a Ineatedion Turnpike street. a few; rol e a st ef the Public Aye r me, where 11 4 offered fur sal a g ood mar etjt of t =-- fll .•- •..;' -- - , • _::.-.._ cone :•-ti ng gf , - . J.PRY.'GOOLtb,‘,OIIOtERIES,:and HAIIDW4IIE, il,d4teil t o the.Settso n , which will to •solikatr4t . rices, to s n it'. the - . times. - Ailing his art 1 2C4:14 trncnt nu t )r-bWfotnd many articles that are ful and neee r niry, and that the-people6ced. " wki - isrlyitot 14 ,, Ilsoods -a r e licked . tii - er m e.a. call -I:lilrwit a upplv of --.. 1 • • -. Buffalo, Robes Hats Caps , Ti -- Islandf Salt for packing Pork v '7 cheap, - -,Gents thick. Boots; just 0 -thing for- trind,-. also nice ones to t . .w'ear to - 'meeting, :Clocks,..Fiddi s, . ~ BrooinS'Pairs - -: (rents Undei . Bhiits and..-DiiiwerS;.;OvercOats; 'travel-::: - hno• Bt..s. Saws -Cainphine Burn 4- i ingTlijkl;: &C. &c, ,, •-: . -, -, •-i , - - "::: I ' :All of Which. will-be *sold to for reaili t 'iwY , ,'.' -':-' - ' • 1..t , -- - : - . - ':R. ,_SA ELI:, . - ,'; - , CnrritiTiropiki'and I n istnu , streets:-- - Dcc. 4; 15t:- - • - , -.. -- : - ',n •-; -jam Ts' i • wire-• I: .!, any it, _ . . . , . LAROWstoek Of eitra: - fin Alalaf Table - and, ill_ Tea 4ponnte, Britania IVa witi-itrengtbei-, 'ed T. ble and Tea Simms. `AI' , , silver, silver pla; te& kerman - silvei, :warns, etd. ate. just ,received,S and tellini low fix-tbnquality, at , -- =menet: _- • tnentiose, July' $ ' 1, • Sheet - music • ' d for tit& iisno, for ATM and pop,n,lar at:range RELL.s. . " • , • leeb. 184%, = . - • - :''''NEW G00D5.::.., -, ,k -ripaEsitbicitibri are now receiving ath4l-sad , r ioMptete ssnrtment of ' j . -' :" ," t- . ,-- ' ' il TAIL - 4, WIN FR GOODS, . - i coMPrismO'theit - -.ii ,at - variety, f`vis:- G ods, 1 , „- ( 4 n 3 ceri+; Crockery. ardlisre; Drags . , hfCriicinee. ,. -Paiti,tS; 'it)th - i,':'Dystite, ilk - Stone- sthi l4,,.cioim _Ware,i - von,`Steol . .'N'ailts I' , nac;l4'ti 1 aid - Shoes;:'-Looking .111Mileir ` and, patio, ! - Sarli, , ,,T3thSe and F Putty. itats:'esPok, CiiPeutt °il- -' C loths Wail end WinTiovr, Paper, Ciotti, Wmel,k, • :iii” . .lry,, , t'dier iinli' ' pure German , Silier - §tirm _. • MustiltlinStrOtrien* P e rfu m ery; Patent Medi • Unirolliti,'.'lidirritubliere; Carpet livs,d-c4el of cur ) 4hiCh are OfferOd to our ;eustomers and the public tie 'as Liiti. PriceittS 4t any other establith: tknt.lll the" county: - Call and - see. • - • ..9 - - ~-; • '-' : . 4- . . - , "i - 'BENTLEY. itAttip _. - Mentfae, Oct °,1851:' -- ' '"'" ' ':-- . i Er- also a quan tity 1 I THY gEED.I b r ,- • i .wrint,- IM° leg, fur ea e 1 , , 4 .:43 C;" rigid AP? ; ,1e14.-PQP - . , t5i,,, : , - , .1 -13 1831 ~ %--- . I 'Alt- - - ihirelo , Must —.. o.4l3lo,T;s:rsAsT POWDER - INi Nit foitrea_d; 4144 - , Also WASHING 'POWNIII fir saii* ' 011AND4L Wintiose;;Felmittry - I. _ , - - 1":0 laktitST at ; WDEIt ' • :7 rFUSZ Lead. , and 610Catilbit: - - V.URRELLI4. 74110 ....- ~,, 'AND . womp- ERA - Nct ISALVt!iI r - - --..- 1 .11::7.01710111:77:60hATI.. lUiv*. 'O* ' .- . ,;i4; _L‘.:i 74" irw* ' ': iecelYed 11. iii rot' . ' - '''''';:gisiditi.iiga-14 ,IfVaUhit thim "Ade otl ~ tifouporatgb /! : -..- boned tkl!" . bs. oifoiiiimit.r.4lea to Cos'. 1.4000... V ii 'Ai**. t-, r., ~,,,,..,,,, . Ipgif*--E-.__4l .- t,t..f..,....-- -I.4iii**-11,%. -- -1 -- :'-' ' ''' iritif ...„,, a i,,.. f I wo * elf,sl, -,,-- el-li. U. , " r, a r 'MOM ' '•-• 2 -!, , -•-, -. '_ _- , _ --:- ,_ , , .. - - .~':}'.