cz' AT , THE OLD CORliftlt STOIIVP I sA:A° pcor i :00. take this Wil °ppm-ily to inrovn t!ieiCblavistorilerlAiiti - ft*Telta irn• tielet.t4l .4 with &At ntiw itgiplf o rSitnimet;Gtiodi,",v l 49 ll tlfer el' , ltrfsi *rely siii4ll',llioto thb' .1" Ones Price* positively, noveviotiou Fittiqi:Alip*sitick in its varieties is'ecib chin p te,-nn* tiust: thei Ate' ftilly prepared' le selipty iluiittereaSing letnnnd 'for Gods 'tn'any reasetutble extent. They therefore most:cordially give them' emit . BROADCLOTHS. A new lot cirs green arid brown, which hivd beim porelyiira iery lONV sold ficoordinOr. by " "7 7 7 - 7POST. q t 7.1 Calforitneres & Ves,lngs: A new:. kttlid - Alto Y otiONT.,..4:iygtted f iand continually including 'CVei t y cariel.f,Which can lites i deaired,.wineh-we,otiorlit yo,yier rates than. ordinary.; • •;ji (x), adiest: N iltre*s - Azitocis,i.i Just• received, *general asinttmetit Oar mourner wear, consisting of all the varieties usually Vaned for in a country Store,,4ellitig Selhy • I. 1.0. '4l4l.liiiery Our inillinery-depanment is now ecnnpleti..,-nna embraies most of the - me Wand disiruble , styi Cs of ‘-- Ironni!isc Riband.!, , ancl !. .Linings • Usually found in the countrv, to , aid ire pecial attention. it CO. _ .1 • ; House liCeepiag,Victody. Jus owning, rr;lur , e tv•sortment of 1110 alxide Go&ls, which have beZm pureliased, at very low rates, and will be 401(1 at a small advance. Among them will be f.quitl Bleached atal.Brown Sheeting and Shirting,s, Dectinva, §ll:ihealBhirting4. Linen, pantack table Cover,. Datba , k Nupkird and, Linen Sheetlngs und Sitittings, 'Cottons. bleached umi broAn Linen`DsitiaQk by the yard,QUilts, CottOps Wort;ted. and Cotton \Vor-ted Damask for enduing. . • • • ' . • *L Plain arta etpTifoitieiea enitainbrapery,'embos-- seeivoisteA and cotton Talk Coiers—:4ll;l6 . pets,yloiir , - '.tort evei•O ed' to' Connneik.e . ' can iielpOnd and atprices ;is lo"%iods - „ • -.. L. P 0617 s CO: - Our a.ssortrnent of the above goods how welt. .e. Their l , posted Up, Including albtli varietties in line, and sold clieapty ''.t-ri. - 4 ) OST 4 CO. j ~„- • 4 A la of : White Crape- Shawl*, also nn 'ressort,= anent iif Delain and otherSiiininer tsleviv Is fur iet. 31ontrose,bct. 25,:1:352. • -.„ 7.• • STOVES t. TOTES I -rl;' frliE s , suteeribers lhaying entered ; ihto partner 7 ship. in the Store, Tin dud Sheet iron bnsin-, ess!, are prepared to attend to any o \ nlers in their line on. the flortest notice.. ,They,ilaitCr themL - - . el yes than bit, giYing.good attention And kia Priem,.theg.;, will have,a reasonable -hhare - 6( patreunge. Theknisortment of Bi - ovei is good, having - the la „.test, and most improved- patterns; among _which are the Iron . Sides or Vulcan, a store which look theist premium at the State - Fair at S';yracuse -1659. ' . inumbrer. Eastern -Iron' Witel!, improvi.ll. - Eierated Oren Farrst Q 27 • 410: ; s atin • - do eiddr ,, ed. Eey' Stime, air-t is& - Eh,renix - , Tienzlitm, diferent'kindi.' Paxlar--• 2 - • anti ar-Stores for coal or 11 , 1)&1. All kinds.,of Tin Ware-- 2 -slime, Tin and Zit Tubes kept cm hancr, *hid' will - be. silt 4 st.,lnrices that• ,Aißs\uit.„. All kinds of produce taken - ill's:pm_ _inetit--=6.lsh ant- refused. • - tar Maiiistreet. two <1..., , rr0 belo*. Post's brick SAYRE it WEBSTER: "a• 41 . SAM, 1 liontrme,:dune 10, 1852, TxTINDO* - SASH;--A•lotiit ore or first'. 'rate window'satat just received and-for gale - J. LYONS . it. SON.: N 8.-orucpolv 11121;NDS' furitiL-hed U Or.der., - - GjeNDSTOIticES IrE.n';'. A7' - " S.' t. - 14. -• ' k . . - - I- . -- Boots &, Shoe's. - . ... .-.:. y. A .LAA.llGB.artment clout- own , lairtml • f.tettere .CA--.and the work warranted, for s.ale. at the. Ims' prie .. 41 , ,„, est,4pptlieweatiy. -- - , :-- ~. • 4' ): }Teti Milford; Oct: 14, 1652. ?,--. 71.• .- No" •'''- N. - - B.—Hides and - most kinds of prk: ce wanted - - • 5":0/6 , ..Lea,ther. • • . li...Y:ll4lected Sole ,Leather 7r,,!ctive4:l,44d for pale B EbiTLEY, 4. REALD:,:-., r . l L c schA iA lepper t tt Otinnectietitmt 2t)00 , i n ie ts ary pe ,S r r tit d i . g . . ea • ut oalg - ,o • '4lr. SOIC. 5air;4.471.1.' & ich .• • • A -16 : 00D rt icleof. 'West ern .4opr I. e- t al s o .Z?iri.0•11041; , -1:14,ucki r el (16 'Nil - o*mA) iitid,Swerd Fish, 'for sAife By. . BENTLEY,' di READ.: SAG e „ J. LYONS Jr SON. T . 411,01 3 .11 by the bXyrel or-sack for gale - by • 1 Ma 10:b FORDHAM CO:. • • =••• .NroiW • • • • Wt - .1.11.F., _NOW: . receiving _gupply of ;Y:lr . I‘,: ; EW 900 PS, wore it - OYand W 1 84," to Purchase, • Gik.!pn, June 185,5. 7 1<.4 1.1 f' `..`r LEATErtir - L - 21 oix, ; s frirri-e.44-;•• vtid riieV•l4.3 - ther. rufni .ty for bale at Om lovreiet priceb,t, r Also, a %aid itcsortuicat of . s h„ ma . makeo: J. 34056 5a.#1,14-TifEittl/4. . - I s titi'llkAA,Oct:l4;lBett' 'll vinletis 4tplk„leidam tarp have been granted•iirthe:"subsdritiei.ex- Outer of thelasf utiti and tes,t4ttiOt 1111 904eigAtiOg 4 tWattir tO,i r nehijk ali penpir. thitebted , t# the estate are requested -to ni t ti alitunediate - pitytumt,artAthoie.l4iing . ttiptizeut them -duly attested `to the stibi•eritter. " - • TILER; "tALKIPTAPTIA,....I.O2, rain • ItoifT*•' --; i , • 4f 1 0 - f - • rel) . i44;emt 4047t19 #.ll4gp *kw. ' s ItL .I4*J A EL-‘9".!9" IT I Aii jf.,; I:4.wns ..4e6.ea44live'been qarit tut. aktii****,riliti6btefl 40,4 4.44, t ArAf.:63l.7tidZrli -‘ ' .. 1ii:173p4t;r440" toar i 4.ll - 3 1{;Voi krmet wa k opi,: :4chn enl • • =MM A.:;.. , 3VEDSMV lliebf in -INGILP!1:^011t. iaEM -41 V, MI $lll JavCigg i V w >z'i l ef4 -i0 srs ED alip t , AOl DIR .33 331 .Iglt6g (sues As CI( 3 iliwid'elzWitie .4.104 E./lUD §TOS4O I, s iOX,l F0PD.1 43 4.N45,A SToxpn, bola" 4ativrAilovi Avisusfrre„y:ru .vvi:lllll l 4l . l.!fai,Rtir,._ o..e.ssx„cdtfoxs 911. 11 fNIA 13 Pkill5g rosprunE,Dfus "" SION DOTS Oft - . s.l3 )iFeAker Fever,Aud dull - riahr. lt‘' the Perspifiitiuri, j'Yelloii,r4iss•ef," Panin - Am shie,l l ficknxto flushes of hest; rmituingliVilft inisgs., of:evil, and great- di' be Nfreituslly-eified _-...--cit;titikyk JIY . ; 1tc . ;... \-1 t , ',... -. .... 4 .. f: = • '- Mit , tiCK)FLA• I .I - . *--".• '•!'' , . cy4:44".b'get.TED[ t aptmAN :fti Rs; _ t • .-..,,, . .!rii 4 - kir sir ' ' ;.. ,/ • DV. VI ..' Jacks n \ 5 _ A..,,the German Died' 'tic Store, `1 Stieet, ' - Philadelphia. ' - \ •TheirTiiwcatettetaic abintiy; hi - .is npi'ex celled. if gqiialied t b}: "and other Pr 1, , ,a , Mki1" in I ) 4 i, • United. sfirtixi . , as the curds - attest .in ruiny 'easel ' after iitilhil:phyt!iciaris lidifailed. - 1116.131 , i 7-- .: •,: 11ittrris,gre .. *Orthy41,rt a. t r Oititni or iii k lids- "r o33 e'ssing Ve4t. 'ii - toesX o he ieciiil 6 itivii ofjliFe.,asn'tif,:the 4 layerandJeller iiiaiAi: exercis ing ihe niost 0 -arching. piiiili;rs•in weakness and at fectiotila - n't :ihe dige4tive• organs, they :a , re `lvithal, Eilfe certain and , pleasant._ - -',.....--,,,- i-I .'r .. . ; , ~ 1 . • Read and I,e (vs, r.tmera.t - . ' . , . '• • ' • • ._ ' • FrtaTthellolitatAliea . _ `... 1 ..The `editio' sititrDee.."•2 4 Axtl" ' - t'; ' • , •.', ~,/ lii ; ":" Ih-lfb4o - trs' tc/fbri l ititt- °erten Bitterajeri i the cure Of T7i'vi.+ eenplititt - f; ,Tatffit, , ce; Dyi lisia,.: Chroitieiirlrervtios Debility"; is d • , eiVedl . one of the - infL44 :popular ineilielta of t °. 'Alit; . • These" Bitters have beini'tiseif bi t thinesan *, ,, ;sf64.:st;triettti . at our"-ells a:Si:vibe bislihriSeltri. erieitan effee-: - teal' and . 'periitiment 'etire-or , Ili' '". tiiiilitinCfrotn . ill if theWo this "reriwily:" ' "We :tdi.- tratt . ed that; ,-ilrib - e nice ' theiip: rilitters;•thepit ent constantly gain*" titre gilt ' tend N'•iliti--it 'bet orthYet &neat ! consid,vrati ,n. •Theii. are ple. , ' ;Alit I 'ln' -. .taite' "fiord', 'smell-Mat ean•lse tiiittl" by, tie :rats, with the most 1 ; delicatb•St instil* titOtts ktetkt,, males any' eitcum- Ist .stances: We are '..*' ,itte,,ir 9 :expyriettce. and le the a ffl icted orstit vise thew use.: r. - .. '. - • • . • I ' • , .."..45ctg".5.,.. Lv !: paP of , •,•)41t• lite. - r----1 1 a•i' perilmbliaetlftetiti, Angit2.s' '" '4 -,":""-` ' ;'''' '' -.Dr. lloollitnd's ectonn Bi ters, manufactured livMr. - Jaikstkr ire it iv .. redom Otliedby.eoine4 ' titet'-ince.t•prut - tipent. : etnbin.s.• iliefaoulty' as an artricle.or . mu;l•efft 'y, in 4;41, ,',llt " female weak-, ness: As' *OW& ili 'c*;"`'Arti'Fircsuid' fitiviiit al) ' mothers to" - obtain ii;lftottle; '•'• n601)11'3. save thesii• - selves muchsiiclasesii...;;Persoset - of 'cinhilitoted;oon 7 . stit I) tiOn S will theStsßitters,,Solvantagertui to their health, 'as.*eAttoW!* 'crsina z .'exPerienCts the Sal- ut:tyy e ff ectthei - )iiii . ,fl • oofweaksyMestes." 1 - I •., The Eltiii.r.Wilinelini. ; ,lll44 ofitife•dt ~ M" Camdeii, ?ULF. sisysi ; 1..',.'1i -. --...'...•.-!'•••;"s - - 1 ': ' , .171, 2 . : ~, "•••,.! . .ioen . ..4.t.sikip.-44 i.s. Bt,T,rststs,-.47e have seen. i lnapy.fiatteri,neti4s, of this , nieslicine, and Aheid sOurce,frOm which th'y came', indled us,tst tnii,ke.l inquiry respecting it ruerlt. ! . Friiiu bigamy We i were pemusded to isse, if, and milt say coma! it 1 EpeCifiC 11111 i$ iefiOli t , ilikin trs. ) seasetsrof the lirer and tligftttie dtgaist, and the .pniVerfulintluenie itfex erts opoebefackust..isiiisttalii4i is sissollY...ssirptising. It (-alms and *remittent the•liervett.hvingiog tliet. l i n, Mtn a stateof repmer,--nutkingtOttii,ff?f line'-**.,] If thil . 'ineilicitin Was innie‘geitersil 3'; 7 , iikkl*;ve •• are satis fi ed thore Woisla:be letsste. " ail 'from' • the sto;ilach, liver; andiiitivOisssaysi ' - --the:great majoritrsoltleeat and. ininguiary :diseases emanate. t ;Have limns in a ItiAslgsytentstlitiins;-an y ou can hid defiance tov.pidetnics•g . tlly. ‘Thi eitrafirdin:. -.; try inediciite - we Winitclitlyvse our f • AS :Whit - . are at at -alli•ndisposted;:•tn ''itela - Fur ilia . it will `re commend itself. -It At - Ist t iii : fact, i n' evert • fartiilv.- -No • Othtti nieik *nt can' produce'sucli"evl;' disswes-of merit.. -•• i t I .. .. .- .: • ..-,. Evidence - opias. eviatiniefoiS been received (like t t. • the foregoing) from :all lee (MS of the tlitioni the 'last three years, amltheistr wrest testinamy In its'. favor is, that there ia.naik. . it used in , the prac tice of the l regniar pl44:l&ifei'ifif Philadelphia; than all other siOattatua rombinea,kliict thit eati *llYr w j he established ; t and fully prosing that a seittntific' p peratiois Will meet:with'. their gala "appoval n presented even in thist . forni -r. . • s • --..' • -..: 'fh at 'Shia Medicine.llll. ture•l• Liver , Complaint and WtsP!PS'44'. llo. 4mie !tar clo v ibt after using it as directed. , _lt Aiwa ;•Six.,ti :II , upon . the stomach acid liver;;•it ~3 preferibl 'it - v . ..4;001nel in all yil . il* ilieaces----the effect is ' . 1 1*t . 'wigs:44tv . a sulminittersed-‘t ! ~..: - t 1 t - :-. • • . -au c.ssoti/C octiellt at .an vs e_ .1. ts-Y :, t• :' iI e ... •, Look tall 0.171 '.Fn 44,ef the girleille,--:- • TheytaietkeWritten • lure, of 0.../ . 11..1j44i."-i SON'Alpisit..,.the _w r ap and • his flame : Mown iti. l the bottle; w ithout ahi they are spurious.; : . , - ••, For sale WlsOlesale imd .134:t0, at the' Clermasi Medieinek'S44 - N0..,11. - .Arch! - tittiet-one iitior - be PbP : low Stith,',tadelphia araillsy peiptlittikde *al- . _ ers.gesserally l rot4h,this coantry, :. • •-•:. -7.. .:- 1 i ! :. 41 f . ...Prtces.. - Iteduced..... .„-- ..!,,.. To enable all' clasts . of in va lids , toielloy ~ ..1b a4l-,1 Vantages their 44reiif re I alive PoWers." •-• l •."'''''' •:' Siligk .- Bi itic': 5"'i" . :671:4: ' '. '- "':!-- • ' ' - All for : : sal.- by : 'AB ta . .' lIII,R ~g.l4:lttrutfitkt, heiliiiltrolk . Tia: - • -' '. ,• • July, 29 . 1842.. , il - v -L.. , - 1 _.. ..... 4, , . . ~., , •• - 11;:l..:,. I r • At 'it**- • votavntioirt •A - T H. ',BC MLITT'S' - may:be ' found tin extep-: , I 1 siye and new assortment or'="l ' :' - 2 -, -- -''', „,•`: 1 1 „,, .„.,...., ~,,. t 4.0.• j including a - gr t -- ra yof I Latlfis' DresslOords;” iti.ltitik=Vrilltri;Prini -and ',Embiridetecfreittris,. extra rkh 13.trege Delaties, Lustered Poplin", Ging-, t Ittint* and - ClismbraysL of 'new tyles, Black' and . F.lllry Silks, dic.,&-C. l , - ~._ -.. A= -... CattiOn Crape, ' - fmidi t ; Al 13are...f, ~, • SHAW LIS.•- -SOk Itlantilltui. Psresollt: !thin und 6i' u red -Swirtlititslins ; Straw,„ French- Lace and: Silk Bonnet.; "Bonnet Silks, -, Ribbons - 'and Flowers; _ - ~ i i'Glitlemett'sxand Buy's press aid Stimmei - 96. a large assortment; llnts,,Ca BOots,t ~ Shnetz.,,, / Trunks.,Valketc.tra pet Bag& Carpeting . Oil Ottitlvit for`floors intletabl& t Pain* lid Printed Windt.ityl 'Shades; Wall Pape 1 , pornertic-Cottbiai of alitindi 1 Itc.,tte - . tie., Which in connect con with a ' - . Uparet , lis iintep , - in other oltpartments.of GOODS. Mttr pur l i t , chaied 'entlierv - for L",4511/riill,-eti4lt,pwOhabera-.1 to secure benefitliin„, ”- - - '''." '' '' .1 '.t • --' 1- Priees, - Styles and Terms, ••• , i ' not to be- any .ottlimeittahlishment., I ;l.i I I. N. B.—FLOUR,- SALT . and _ STONE-COAL, . constantly onitan - ... L. :i, , ~,• ; ,1, i,l. 0 , -.t= Nev )Jfiiiird 3fav 27:42:52. - -. -. •• --- -'' `. „ I =zit,. 4 ' 1. 1 i • • .. i :i t ; .. ; --- i , i „-:, 1 . *; ‘?' l '''''' * A fit A' D .l- :', l ..- ' ' - , . .. . .. .... T AVEs' DRESS GOODS, liim ti;:ilhaills, 1 ~1. Jtibloons, Cloths,: Caskitrwreg, - J, P; Tweeds. Vesting& HattkfvsoliNots iti! lnfetfier ith a stbek'df 4 . -- 44 0 -:.: ~A 0 , - - , i . iteadyriliadetkitblitt"' ...., ... .(,. Domestic Go ..Maillware,OrnektipDrik-Ilde& , ieioes,,..Paiot s , Oils, and' all -other , i goods- iii la:nal, a 1 16-nd assortineut of-4nehjiarr aftjr4dat e Ott :ROI- Ya.,,gt* ~,i,041? Milford, and are sell* offrwigi lirsh.s . proving :thit; - some- of ihe . people i know" i'r#C utt. 4 'Can get . the - ,w,,crt, h ,tofthetr.tnon,6y. :. '''.q.o. r 1 - .IN 4 id . ictityOniMyetit: '''lrt; litinaitißA nu: otitga 1 4_:,, - ; .- ' - ~ 1 774111;;1tkx.14.m. ' ` i... . I !.eiillnord; " 1 % i tott : 2 ' ..-;'..,'''' ' ' ' 7" . " ' - `- -14 1.'•Y. 1 " - - , .. 1 " ' -• • '.-- 1 ."0-1 caftsll. l l,.. --',.. : , :'...1:.; - 1-.? . 4114' , 1!r sue "4. 1 1 4 .41 4 3 1: . , r1; ,_, ~,,I.' ,t-yt f t: ,i ' .? 41,1Ciiirci FAKtIeN " ' . .' ' 'Wl4)4l,l4.`Rtberl4Bffa, , Atkiiii/MOWA. ',- .4YII/091, 4:l* 44***Igei - . , itik • - 4 44 • 444 * . -dPw•sui*. z l2 .;'..- - '..-, . 4 - .4 .. '..f ..„ ~,L, s ~-;;,- -elli*Nixfpxv i. 1. •, ~c-: - .444 • ' . art.,4:4,--,-41.:14!, 1,,•,,,,,, -1ic.,... t r i r .-- ,-.-• - • iobinit l iewx..• el ONSZtirr ‘,..,- -.,. •-- - - - . . -, 1 , -.:-,; .B .t IFirACIMAXk ..i•-, 41eititie; 501 e. . #O2. -•-..‘, -1 .. -•- • - ~ • - 1 .1. . . '' . rood .." \ : -', •. - . 1 ,thi- !A i *, , , TT. i. ~,. ,t, f -1 ; I , ) f 'A , • ) 4 ' IME BEIrTLET & Wit .• --..r •. t .1 ' Alairi '' '''' PIORKIL XTAVING purchased nf Wilson k:'00. the n ] 11 OLEVOUNDRY; are now `pre+ r tittied to ° (dere from the Ittide; and the • work in their i rh itkill 'and despatch:::They well keepconst 1 ,66 11{B, (heat kinds,) I I •-. ' ' 1 ASTOES..(aII kinds,) ., . ii i ' el LTIVATORS, ' -., 1i , • TRAIV: CU'ITERSi., 1 . .!.. CORN :811E-1,-iPERS; 4 . e.4 1 e. . jWe initc• particular alteutfon to the Ill;twa Iticli we. nuuttacture.: . • We mattufacture and keep i t , The •celebrated Margo 'Plow. • We have Purchased the :exclusive right to mann picture and sell -in this County, Wayne, Wyoming. "iisid Bradford, • , r 1 , 1 r Biqa Patent Iron Bram Plow. . .. rrbta rk,i,i, made entirely o t io,.:!.exceptin g the Studies. . It is celebrated foe its easy;draught, be= ring one-third etiiier'than an,4ow in use, while its istrength and Aunthility is g ter.- .,„ , „ ' 4 -rr . - :MACIIIIVeRr ' t ' ' ~, • , . fall kin4iinanuf , 4 F o n ' -l iii rePf! r ed '3' . .lei!Pefi';' lencediniieflitiesta „., is , is , ...„„ I _.. •• 1 ....S:team . Enenes; Gearingsfr .2gills, Shin , :I i _f..-- - - srreljkiWies, 4.4 - 4. -A. "cmg - tho Stoves whin) we manufacture, ire N ' RI UYSTONE,.. kesti Slope. [ 2s, .14011GIC 4 -REA Y do". i ii. - 1 , 10.1th'i51,21.4012L1E N, : :do,: 1 tf‘ -1 1t 111 41 1 X,' :: ' : -• do; . , i And ether: "titlttoilt for burning yood or, ' falai- 44 ) : •••••_-,:--..!---, -•.' '...-' \,' 4 ' , 1 / r ;dolor, P War Stove ' -X ' g- - i. / tt ; fie Pa 110r,._.. : ; do i P e SO - ,znley's, twosizi i `do - and a •fseittv of lAA. P or . Stoves both wood 1!•vil • d eoa% berners 2 - - We t '\‘ lase on hand Grind t 44one-irk:tunings. Dtig i Chtint trimming% Umbrella and Sholieland Tongs Stand \ *.g. az.: VA!: done !to order.iini short notice and t,tli t loireat 'Wires."' •, titgrOrders for Stoves, .4 'mint I Imp etnents, , ire. are kolkited from those i the tra u a will 'Bed-at leasotiable. %dudes:a prices. \ - , • ' S. H. SA E, B. S. BENT Y, S. PEllEll r . • .©¥ .- !•.`s T eon' 1 senrA T . = v . iiia t itqf „I ...A.curtgrr 7 or , !,;,- A . ' ,/ 1 41.10 1 P9VE.0 1 1ht i '' a' 'W. 111611 X 1 ,/ 1 44. 1 v" is I . 1:i TG '*, lll - 171 .I.*.T9.Aesi§ipic.l. ~, . ~., i•,-t . 1)1 ,AXAlui-, 'f , ±-,, I M, &M I : 1 Y:: -7-1'.... *I. .st.i so - . MISEM , DeficientYl he • ilitcht • Linias; ANL; suddeti ileeh, ionshug,intig i eeeiewatepitits, auk 11 ontrose, c Il i 852. if - ' 3far it 1 . -1 LP-LOW 1 ' SHOP . NEW ESTABIIIISAINIENT. . . I, ' ,. ,it E. ItIOTT would '; reipectfull3 inform the . 14 , 'a' public that they are manufiteturing Blotch il 'y' Celebrated Plume. They alici keep constant -11 hand; - ..- ,:i . ,tc. Hill, traynccounty, axe{ Men Plows, ',. ill ”Cii o llirato, .Dog .eu ltr:o4, Shigh- L-. ,' , 4. - -Cletter - ' • - Poinii 'I !':' • . , lif c arioca patterny too runner/ma • o mention.' W inti s • e . lOope bratrict attention. to burines to receive our 14iare'vttpublic.p..ttronage! ' 'llitanUfactori D. Poste thlti %Mit& Foiouity,'W.lfott rienreatle'imill.- It ,I,b clune.Onshort: notice. . .- . .. 'Vibia'o" . l. Shp.--: 140:futisaibe • is : now =mufti, ctibißg"•at his ,f, : ~ .sliopnear Jones' Lak e.-1I - miles; from: Mont ,:'. ~ • ill kinds of Cabinet: Furniture. s4ch its . *- • - f r L eaF..*:' Tablcs, - - te - inuli, • ',ofizs, Setie4; 1 1 1.. 1 --' -- 'i"'" -- .:rhairs - 41 . :: . ' 4r", 4c . - ,-... ; .•,-.. ~i-, -• : ~ ,?-. • ..• , ,•..- - - • t-i !. sroykrand.lup:u k swarkraanhke manner lind wayrautett. .•' , ;: . : . ..,.• . . . .. :g i ti.*lllose in want of, Furni t ure w ill do w e ll.-t o= .44 and .examine, .as • for cash : ; or ready . pay I. will itlf - ctiettper.than the cheapest. - • - 1.•- .; .-, • --• . • ,- LORENZO: BEACH. • ' 1 *lgetyatei. Dee:- . 1 l i I sal.:, ... - etito..:- .':: - • 1 . 1 , 601 ce "of the S . li ' • toque .aono Register, iriAviiiroikeistly, added _to . oar assortment` of AJ. JOB TYPE itetieraliieir - sind l.peutiful fonts i t sbsr RULES, BO.R ERS; OIi i N.A.I(ENTS,Ac 'lie 'are no* prepared to eiecide every kind of i i -I. T -.PR . ESS -' f . ! _. ... PRlNTiNG,jstich as . 4. ' .0 . M.#111:E2 1 45",:-..:-_t - , ' •- .--- - : --' ' r i. . . CIRCUL,IIIB,. 1 . -POS'tERS, • - . t•• ; • s !:.! i• .; • _ :.--IRDS, - ....• ..:, ' ~ - il. ":. V . .' ' \- "..-; IBOA:Cs% 74 1 ,;,%,_ , .. :.,, allEcx.s,;;T:, 'if,,,ipm . "''' style, at, fair prices , andwith despatch.-- #aying the ,advantage - of new Materials thronglp • tii4we tan - confidentpromise to give 1 , i- Entire ati . • .• • . : r1 i'- ... .'-- sfgetion . : g . fis Ouse faVoring as with their patronage.. Ii larSpecial Blanks, School Tickets, Bill Reads, fit e;;-will be rioted on short notice. on good paper. i 1 * All kmds of Blaisks usually ca l red for, con , istasitly.on - band for sale: ' • . . - t tirThose utho'have Job Printing to do will find It to their interest total! at like REGISTER OP ,T: OODS ,L,, N•E'We - -- . runicriber is now receiving a complete as otortmeni of Spring and , Suttune.r Goods eon itiisting of ; . • GOods, • Cromiet, Crockery; Hard.: iiVare, Patent Idetricine4-Pkitita, Uye ;iftitakil*lte, Wooti- and-Tin - Ware,, Iron, iBt4el, Nails CodfislOttaikereli Looking Gins- WiadOw.lash,.oasiand Putty; Carpet- Oil Cloth, ',ember, Sole and Upper, 01+* 4; %AAA; Hats'and Caps,- 13onta and' sllOes, Carpet Bkot; tott4n Xarn, Batts and' • Carpet WarP, E.i p` 4iyor atoo mention ed, vbieb o dispoft. to•sell ,Tetylotr fpr..quitt Or ready paY; :Or On aier , edit to those _ who will 'pay me in, a, reas• 4stilbto ALStist,i . Ocal•isturtasent of Goods piookli: • LAO:. .W• , . etv York fAuteriea>a-lhttiitrf ..Ike Silver Meil4l:ef•tigi.4y...'Y'.. I I I ' S.Fairhavell•cet's:' , i tt i t 4 l .Ld e ;r4 ••• - . ` Machine the tact 1:411 . 111lait4 • 111 V1 - ot the superiorityl4: this litiehine lover tkipikita_ ..,s Si 'Straight: „Needle, eutS „ • . . 114 61 0ters.yaiLesitnitheittlitotiStates : . , 4 ***• o *S - .-Privilegeti tg.taeths, Straight. Neal.' Aier:; ,ll 6l' l ,suliseritier;4offer*fetfate...4l4..tigt ! h slo 7 *e,PX:!*o.ll;',,sritit right 44 . use=tottitio Machine inshe; . 10# 1 0Y-4ftulu4littrna;ur/teiril.l Sell Town . Rights; .I, .u,PM*RP494.o3:lolthsitante..7 'oilar.4 l )...eougnuaigatiassi;Niisassisti tot it - ; eio4o#: *nil)* :T4io; • - -.• • • • INIEMPIE MERTUT .MOTT; [ • ELIJAII. MOTT. MUM 'll , ..i'ol'''''',,:',: - 1'1,...,1.8..-11 - 1_ AddiNUMM:piliM! • 44497*R44.4.7 !4 -14,44414, '"kc - : 1 " 441 —b t - • a. ;.- • •.. - • it 1 •:. ..;:- . - MEMEMM • " -**'. 9. ':•• Or S 041 . .70 •Sniquehalt a. Cowtty r,P MUIR 19 046/11/IER.*: ;iiii . o c t s j!„, ifo!fhetirii.rate lade o:litgal, ?OA, HOttses and Xote r ..lpeated li t - systo* P*., Ailji.i./Kt Irts4 to effeii thefr Pro ' • ' can giTek -* , nitte description ot.,,their i Lots es retie at., ~NuMber of pares, Ire , proved, a nd ay, watered ; . •:pliddirtgai grafted or , leqroit; ether fruit trees ;"bew r from ; . Montrose. and the he to * depoton . the New York it .die Rail and terms ofpitymeskt. All who wish to chase ROCUAllltio'iro redfieryi ', priitap by calling on w addressing as. at Mon queNtona ccronilr,-pal, -' - . -,..- ~ -. ~ -:,-,-.-; crOonyeysince friinliontivie,l*l free of &arse; A - "4 - : ' - - -: _L.: • Oilko-ter nap4i street; 4 doors w Brickrorner.- •. ' • l • - --'' ' • .1 ,',- The•followingiranbiand Lots are 'o tousale: ' . • ' 1". • ..: _ ..... : • : No. - I.:: 40 acres ! - ab im. 'true 11 , 011 no e. $o .4res. ';'. io -- '' ' r - _ sii.-,` - ., .: no. 4, 100 ile._ i 1 0 ! ' "do.''' . - no. 4; 1150 . do. - ;: , r, , ~ . -1 : aci.' no. .6. 70' .;ha: ' 1 2' I ' de.= no:6.' 96 " ... do. - ' . ' - 80 ',.' do. I g 420. 7. Stuilic . W:trehoilse, and Lot. . .' - '' ` : no.B. 145 kerds,l - 1 . 5 ha. !yarned boo no. 9. 244' dle''. r,iss -i..?..Riehoth - -, . no. 1(1..2 ,- do _:¢-. gond frame lumre; no.' 1. House and'lo4.• ho. 12.100 &area. .. .110itti. Inuneho: irp..13.. 840 - do.l2ooiint... r do t 00.14 : 56 ' do; 501 an ., -; 'do . n 0.15. 160 do 160 ion. . do.' no. 16..120 . dot, 55i• ~ , • ,- _•: -n0.17 106;15 •• , 4, -, m.. ido - • no. 18. 11l ' ~ SO - ; l in:. do.-.. d 0.19. 200, 150 1 slurred; • - do ,- n 0.20. 1415,, , 100 im. - . .do_, ' no. 2,1.' 190, 1 . 124'-..,, im. '. do no. 22.'911f, 45; . - m. - ' do . '' ' no. 23. 45, 311 , ' • tiro. o no. 24..292, 225 • Jim: - .. do , 'no. 25. 125" acre*, 10(iaii ' . ' 10 ' n 0.26. 196 (10'1 1401 an do .•,. no 27.. 80 acres 145'itrip.* . • , no. 28 'll,,good saw-tal and dwellin no 29, 134 acres; 90 - frame liciiive no. 30 176 -do 100 i •1 .• do. . I no 31'135 •do - 95- .. 'do . i no 32 IEO .do 134 do no 38 =l6O ;do '• 601 . ~. du n 0.34 150 ilo -. . lop . :4O no 15 150, -do Bill - • do' • nolli 300 •do 17t" . dci ' * ' -nir37'l9o do - .14 . do' `: no 38 170., do 10 -, do , c l \it\ 89.175 do. . 90 - - im. n0.'40. 80 • acres' 45 improved. , 'no. . 212 sires, 601 improved :it. - ' • no. 42. 92 do ''. 56, . - •do no. 43. 4 area, all Infreved-. no: 44. 13 o -' 64 • '•. do - no. 45, - 800 d ' 0 0 do • n 0.46. 1 . 20 . -80 itn . - Grist no. 47 . '2OO a s 4.- 160 iniptot no.,4B. 103 ems. , 0 improved. no. 40 . 88 emit, 4 i red I?ituse , - no.: 50 88 mere*, 6 iep red, house no. 51 95. 0014, 6 hiprol do . 40 - 62.: 'l2O acvesi.6somprore i 'Price from f to to 030 per tteil pit t . N. B. Persons detliringlo s -iliac; by giving the lio.. can obtain i tiun. . 11 . ~ 1. thrluhalkitatalls isf, . . ... - and.iti vi.einit"•. TN idditlon't 9 my moatilineere::th I; very Abets! _patronage ret4.ired, nounce that iticonsequenceof the nu potted soticitationa (to commence b the limits Of . this Borough.)' that .1 . tingly coMplied, and ti*e this op . 1 firm - OW Ptilitie that all' and ever y . tat! io me to cUt - or Midte,svill be a warn:Wry ef ;riled fit ef_itnv st. Costume orTashion, and . at the feet much pleasure in giving hal - rite respect to niatritig up any Garment cut by me. '`Triminings. 4c. it c..coustii T o of the lattanti 'Mott approve& ' '' tie : l'ltylOnt taught the most 'apt .In cittting terns liberal. - •-_,''''.-: ' .. . - . :- W. 'T. W.TATT, '; Merchant and Militar •-- Mr. J64l:4i_morirs:. Distrii, Tuinpil Marl rith; OWL _: :,- -.. • ~.141 II! . , UST received a: thigh hit= of •• J FLOUR; tiarranteti; at Ib,oo A fe.a , , Ilarrels of nhoice " Fanny. Il to any thing eter "old in town. I[A Ties '.-Corel] By. Speial Appoin TV' NOW YE LE MEN. thal .44 "eot.taen . Pierre, Charles Dup tar Ssiunidt .and Henri :Fritz, •cif -th, Berne and Serif. Chatel, :Watch': Dahl:these - presents duly ant ' Profs SINGLETON, •"' W . Montrose, and WM. SINGLETON.: said place, to be our Sole Agents, PeonSylvanisii and this sa ii , aPlK 4 P l " Snyth and West. • . • 'We the parties to there presents.' all tarreints .!fistitrited.'ll any in this our nptiohitinint," this ar peetive• mune% and - seall-in the ; • Pierre, M. Dural; Tler4hnire. erland this first day of January;.hi t Lord erielhoosend eight hrindiedn ' • . JAEN'PIE • ' • CHARLES r sl • . • T. THEOWSCH - • • HENRI FRI Amerkan' Life and Health I .0 API TA L 6390' Incorporated hythe Lesislatuie : of , CHARTER, PERI , ] Office 76- 11' Opposite Di;dr, Jihad' Tbis Companj issues Policies of at TUtal •Abstinence Rates, Juint,St at . Mutual Itat which fur flOOO a HEALTH INSURAN 4E 73 : .:1' All monies received for Amnia . deducting expenses will be divl44 Rates under bb y'rs or. age Over 6 it 2 per y'r foil 2 per Wit 62+ perj 6 " 6 , 0 " Ai ' . 6 , " . .11 ",..'! -, .'i ;•-•"' :, CI: - - . _Parietal allowance. Eii) .An iitpenselee Or #1;60.14 additi will be olenged the firstyear, wit% et the t hue or making; .appliestion: `Groat iadneensenta offered to d Sens `or Temperaiace, to insure itieir - . . .. WILH. .1412tf - -.efitent:/:ortlahrieh# B:.a.- GitqVzit. New .Milford Steve De BURN has jest reedy 11. ,large assortment of COOKING,. PARL OR ek . for WOODor , COAL, - which in , make his complete Moat pripuhir,ermii i , of Ator-tight, and Moo 13tiives Stem Tubes, the„wilicla hi will sal pities foe.cish'ieepprovisieredlt.:., 1852. , 1 YEWBARIpLB of AUA IXTATCLI, CLOCK ; and jtVirE v T. SIN fittr: EW BALT - kriNdiki N Lit:VitifeEo, Rept. 9., int, t ALFRED 1 • ' 4 Fas BABI ;Montrone, Pa.. October, 1850. N. ; ' 4 — Those awned thus (*)'4l BENTLEY July 185'1 A rota Ab it i. Joint st 25 • Alo .85 40 $ll 60 1340 16.40 17 90]. 410 20-80 '1 36 70 a = ! E Z rt M E'.„,_ ,r,! r--roFIR I F.41745t, „ tovVin • Qmont 4 1141 4 irest . p4i . 4 °"; ' pre ,fEI or pur tateotion lope, Pus. .r- 1 - i Ipro Oee st MI w red and Bari do.* da.*: i tio:11` e And barn , barn* and barn , doII • o. and do do do do do' do do do do fid and barn. any of the fall - bet* %Id. . . k Ira fcir•.-tlie . L . be to' an: ~ • rout land re- I . hies* within i lo ye am-evil- IC. 'tyto In- I. i t'ntrus /,le • ' - tell wills u • country• f . i • • i .. . time shall. i r onagrutis, la 1 Garnieuta by un hand a and oty le. inethod tit minas:' I .Nuntrase: V - :' • I • PERF;NE blirreL: "I' ,r SEIM A READ. I , e midersizn-- r , Theopbe-. • Cantons of ufactuterk: and appoint tchniiker, 4it f the' the State. - of t to extend :`/11Ver. io pay ~ofuent :on set - our -res .. of Carl 'ed in Switz e .year fiftj-tsro„. 47 PI Lit; tr.] IDT. [ . 1 [L•3 - • arance Co: Z=ZIMI I! • treet. ife . - .lu - Saraiaae . k:Ratps, and, as follo!isf- . • Dintuat 814 70 17 00 19 60 -tl7 'JO '2O 40 28 80 21 50 82 00 RTMENT: • einiums,.after win the era. And under 60 . fur 112 per w)c 3 . 4 ••" tolhe niust bitpaid visions- of the. 'UP; CeiflglP -1852 , a new and - _ t olpus !Proved Premium . • I -1 40 14 % *Mod REI. 4 Yoi Ole z *Aittars;_, RY eLE-ro .1 1,111.*;.1" 1 4 XS' - - 1 ._.-4 1- ; , :7. OP M l .- ~.4 f F.:' ire's own Agetit,ti t s- . nstric., ~-...- I - - -- tir Half .t.-teruitio+4ol - :. gr i iipi, infelied . ra F t , titer, will digest - Or dissolve; ftyii °ands ofl?4,ast . '. iii•ibilitititi.O'hottrotifiiill:lie to . riirich: I ' 'l .- • ~ j? epait&is the - eliiefiletnenqi#rf re,nilliOntiiig irll ; ritieflileof the Gastrie•Jnice . .i, I - Sofstintiof the . 004,44.:Pririfyfig, Proettr . 4o , tentitAinnilf4ftig . iit lathe Stotnacli;oa Into • .4is:• It isrext !e -t d trim the ' bigesiiie'Strinig tit - .ihi' . ..ox,' th is *ming aii? • arfigelarih i geritiiiitjiiiiil,'liiiiiely li e t l lie. natural Oustrie , Jnice-in : B 'Chemical teweis, !I 'd furnishin g r..,. G ca . pipt c o a perfect suhStitu i te i i i or it. By. the aid of thiS pi darntioii.4e pai is , 'nd evils 'Of imilhjeiiiiin Unit 11•640: r p.sio are remov. - i ' ..d c ..j ci ti o s n t a n u S i i ,ip tli ti ey b :::l fi d cw he ed bY: 4 lo:e ilo al ti tli t Y li :S if t4;n r :c efi li. is doing. W alders for , DYsyertirtit's; iuring(enin Sof • itiligy;l:inaciaiion,,lVelitinot Yiregneistritiityspip- - te grniik The S.cieutific EilltUre:up . on which t. belted, is in the higheit ded 0; .elerfoiti w hich i' 1 ''t S . " WY' ' - P4/ ' [''. ' .-- i ' r . arka ,, ltts , .''' . i c . I : - e = - 1 . ...- I - c '' ' ,, ' . q l !:: n . :- l ee. ,:....:( ,:. : I B4BUINT LIEBB.I in his et d, rntiiil Work On, .z. ialiiel:&mistry, says: 4 ,‘ Ali . , rtdicial Digestive in .i uid,..anajogous to,the,G4istric . •ce, May. bet en- Ta l i tirtOred trod. the articott, ‘eiraluarpt of the 'l ll o d. m , ich• of-iliii Oalf, 'in' `Whiehls.'. ?Ina s . articles of / oul tiga. n s t i e ietin at t;i : l 7 , : ii : ut * cit,,,,, . ;: t t : .: l 4 l,,e cti„ .! l :_,.. T, iie e d !: ,... , t. ,., b s i : ii,: fili,, e , ..t ... - call nu the agent and g4qin cleScriptiVi ir rlie lar gratis, giing .a. large anktpit of Ocientifie,ev len . similar to ',.the atiuT k e, t r pier iwith reports a t' re aritahle.cnres; - trona al l . Th rs otthe Untied . Z•tat ~ ' ' 'II' r- -* • i - __Hi • As a D. I I•WIN' ' : m re l- ''' II r.floughton's 1, 3 rpai114mt . , .i441 cled the:most mar engine effects , in cud:* c ases -pebility, Em4iii- I tion, Nervous .I).edirce,rtiiffll ` _elide INmsurnp t on.. It is imptsqible4o" : 64, 1 ' ':ilettfils of. e. I s - . s i 1 the limits of this adiqti ' : t,,,tib,tinutheitt t:' s} t,,ti certi fi cates have beeii - git' ._ *innate ihnii. . ci aut.oo t, ~but undre.d remarkable eureic ? ariTo ll . 6.l l4 l .iar4, ell' yhrk and Boston' alone.' Ili ' IWO*. Iwo* , all desperntecases.tuid'thr enpui: • ire-liot only ra id Ind wondetrtd,biii.pernians‘riti- i •.'-',.. ' , • 1; . , T. 1.-. ill Fi:. 1 1 Ittl- Si . -. ' Ito ' nus 'Aii '. /' z a , • • It' s skgroat , Ft . bill? an particularly 4Peful for.tendenertiiiiilionit il rder, liver mini laint;reir.eir:afidlignic,anillthe vit Ara§ ts of ciui-, 'net; ICl*44,:aid-other drug,4 poi! thnPisesiive ) rghija;aftet*lOng Siiinesii: - 141aft,liir t xvei‘S in L eating.,-liinalbe ti)iy!- free : law 4Taiilitrit Spirits.' It also re&wieileallealth ‘ . ..o.livii4ri'pernace. ' • 1 Dr. HunghtniPiPepsin is . .Ink in. pow, er. and fluid ' to • - rimi;-.1 - 44.1n IpresC iption vials. for the re of physkian.„ ii, ..i: - II ' -' • I -j i PrivatPiritilaraltir the usebl Physicians ay . 1 be obtaineit*lli.''./fatiglitotii}: Ins agent - . deri bin; the whole process of pr e Aviition,,And...giing . 1 the aiithiiiitiisi Ilit, which theNlainia Ottiiis ' ' ~I, i iiellif , iiiiii biissai, .4tileiJA net , 41 , :sekiat litiio 4 • • no objection can be raised agaii4f its' use by pie si- - .4ians in.respectabln 'standing !iiiiif regalarlpriietice• Pnien.ONF 4 DO. LIAR , per bo4e: - li.• •" I ..ii .... rn faf - tinsitive- Inis.:—Riei bottle'lof the g• ii- int Pepsin - beam flee Avrill flai,i;nattio '. Of J I. fiI)LIGIITIOIN,'M.'I3.;:bIe', fOliriet4r,Phila 61- oliia; Pa.,: Cilpy-riitht and Iredit•noirtr 50... - . v ersoid .i.•Ort - Destersln M i- I_by i P. .. A'l3 /11 1 , :l. IU It ft,41 0 1,..-Dnotirioi, .t . II 1inat i,„,,,,,„ 4. 5 ...c0* m i iimuebaniia COU ' y . . R. illeillotaildikilk Or- - . . 1 lIR. T I iR OC r • ' S ' ,i. v , ' iIgEST IC . AMICI34ES; pound 1 r' ¶1 sprnP Oinlood i 'VE Vt I.ittl Pr & ..111 ption,Asibini,l3inneliitA Influppza, Coul?1 vit'hu ? nig Cougli,.and . CrOuP: . l);" • '.- - P• i • r-. Throop'S • ' Infaitt ltserrFtiri -- en, i -- .. • Mother's' Rei?ril: ,-.,-- -, Oures Flatulenee,,Ckilic, Grip4Hiarrboin't,.Dl en taty,-ChoLera - of Infants, orau4 #l' the cowman ' F lt r of infant life. • ::": -. ! -! • 9 iir. -.- - - niti I Pobto?s, ' ; •'- Fatpetto tlmse filth*: int ruder" l's?i . the 'hittriair,'7! _etn,!lrithont exceptiOn;of tiny •} id or ntimbers ' •• .' • • Dr: Throirp'i Bilitkkt Pilti; .- :',, - , urea Indigestiorv,k HillinuirclitilOraAlstiveness riles, Headache, Heartburn, 11,...iiv, Inflammation 'lliarrlitlei4'Dysintaiyiinid rCifores a .he,ilthy ac iiciti of sill the glands , V the.1..)04 . _ . _ ' .: , 1.,,' - •. 1....,. ' 'P .. - 1 .7 141.( 1 21 -7 1 *lie:Itrater I ': is tiniailiassed in curative vii 'cis foi. any in fair atorY affection of the eyei,lniti;4 -,.., I - '•• Dr. ThroWi!3.• gi4re;. , ..- • is unsurpassed - Air a .dresaiiien.r.7llums, Scalds, trlcem, Salt Itlipunt, „ sir any other abrasion of the kin. • •. • _ '.. i •!il, .. ~.: fi • •. : For Sale r • - the,foliowing . t ,r, . , i l t .AGENTS.:-llentley . .it - .Reid,- Montrose --N. ranger • . 4k ,0,, , ,; 11,i , liti Sollyel!,. R ash:. . e .C.- irrig•bt; Ttliddlettiwr GIE 'on„ Frien i dtiVil ; xt. J. S. Montfort, B*16!: ev.v-.S. Blaisdell ; Genertd. - 4.innt, Fores... Lake •••14 4 , .B..Grover j Dimock-r•SenttAsitocit,Hpril e 4-Hr. J. P. Lambert, Aubninjrines TomOrina: .T_€.44Pkinsv.ille--Dr, James 'Br s. Great Bend— Hay den & Little, New . Milforil-44 oi. L. Merriirian troprille, Elisio' :Lerd, lAitbtiips...Dr.4...l3aCti4 iy; ini tie ß lf rim ea l ( i l l o y:2 * &. " -nt „.1113w. INCjii=e4oT4fl. 14. J. C. ()boated, aaff, Joliiison ik Very,•Har ird.-. .-- - • --; -: • .. - mi1:40.5-Iy..- •.-i• .- 14. Pt/1g • '- 1 i r x :.41; le.' Jr. Corp t* 1V0.C9, Rrartai., 1 _ a New .l'ork. importera anliwhoilesale deafer* Green.aud Wadi Teas,of allilosqietionsi-pnited to the COtaitry;Tradeptre itriiiiltecinvineiralai the . , st' manifficturers it Tull aSpo4utett..of .rbRA,C;.,., • a,' tif the Oink tiptrared lour' ! , ,'*atirifiihich tires. 4 onfidently Offered as eiriar talny in market, and , i t the atiitt-:prices,' ` ` ll' ' ' '' • _ " ' -, Meyeluots railing 'the' Ckv ir °ilia ad 'well1;61 Ball and examine' our stock hbf * i l'iniTchasingetie-' *here:, • i -••-• fi rt i.....- ' '''.., f' ' - '.. :'• . sk • 1 . i 1 1 4 Teiv.Yort, Angust,-lisl.- ir,- '• •- ." • - • 1 --- - ii r ikTCll ;REP'. 11 NG D • He Futscribers, haring , •etned the above - named business juriderp .e: tualtrigemettrol Bli,. lfred Say*Xiipeetfull,kitOki from their 'old . nusto . ers in that line,a return of jhefr palronage. leir!S - is' an: niiftei4erieetr 'and , inkiiiiiii:.*orktfut4,, ~ tviti , i learned' his IttSinests-alja -ftifintiny'..yeatrii tirked-ist *care of - the. ben 04 1 in 'Woir-York4 1 t ', is . aitupetent to do any kintOf wok tlitti !inkf 1* entrusted to-hint. • ProtaPtailut, ianderate, ihnr, rt. and the ii-ineraitiy cit altgoodi Watches; ire tukt.- !rill mecum IL Ad; share of patronage.: ;,,-.. '• -;',;..,1. I." Odd ; Rings ntede .t,ta tirthr,,a4 ull kinds Of i elry repaired . ", • • iii • 6.1•.. - , , , s ;---, 1 , •-'.. - - :-• .. , :,,J.,:,l'.;zi .' ;BEN T,T,Er i k itE i t:„ Mon ttose;llo r.. 12. 1851. t ~ - l I I.< c. , ,1.., -.., - - ' 1 . WatOliA S . 'iletli f i' .- dry' f WF rn ha ur ve Co3ataft tt.VO4. l #9d and Fur et ;G01d8 426 , 11 i,.., -, 1 gad Silver', Watchl.4! Silver :ayt SpirdeuVes. Thipalci;iiinfl — " I ‘ s -1 [ JETVE.R LY . OF All., KINDS. JIENTfEY . .- '4E4I. , 1 17014.11 - 2851:1,t 1': , ;,-,,, t i• - • : 74 - 1 I. ° " . ,I st 011, - "E'' 'J TifILK PANS of vaiio - 1,3 la _ and imia ): :k i I t taA J3avamsortskreattrlmi 'ili , uif assiAminievapyiiiiw_ ---1.4 x, Yo ietivt rimi 1 Moate, May 13, 185 i. . .4 11 , 7'10‘,, it-Oil:U[4i. ~,,,,,..,,,,,,,,E,,,,,.,...,,, 4 1 ~,:,....:._..,”,,...,..„, --__ `., ',':f ,f 4,16 iso,r..-ALAGRAvE, 4. - 1..., ..., _ ~ , -_, .: ....,,i :-:, - ~,, .-_ - 2411' theenli k ., 15trertit Wen doors from ' lai, ~-- s ,i; ' , ' ,(l,_ 4, .-.4 , 4.ltr: RIE, • - .'- ~- igyi 114. re#.,'PedePek: 'aiitii . 41,ina , in 4 *0 - . # ...:1 1 :0 (Ii thi'. T*4:'( l 4 in t , 7 .....,;,,,„. i ~.„,....oipots;-and% - _ ' - vet 'lfr hileteore-'-:;11112iket, ,',-' AXTOLIe, Di!Wli tl4 attention of enmity 'Merril -1 v L. ants an& buyers of 0 othls-ttiltis . ornitrirete if assortment 0.-Rpretgn- and D inestie Hardwire, which' lie O ff ers ortio rayonibUi fr*i. as any lwarie in the ' tinde-; ait4nigArbleht law 4-4 ', - '. • , 1 - 4 ; !PW Sitov.l4 alkAir',..4Plg44-,--40iviand' _.,. 1 i0v,04 itki*tpailes, ROwland,s Mill & Cilia U . ut.thiwii,ltield'sr, Mani; and{ Brads- Spoilt= tiles , and p,nisliitiliSaits., l- Piles aiid' Rasiiti; ShOkillit;efid A iiti;' '..tiul: d Tacks, . Mier:. and Halter Chans, Ox and Lok!Chains, Axeß: & kitteiS 4 l4)o l :V4En i ti':lo9lliiiv-Warea li trays, Bar and' Sliegtl44;ll Gunpewder. and 09 4 'Ferti,ton ' C-illi# 2 ol l 4 ~ W adli. .4111 -Wi0611, , froli'titidAirtsa' Wiie;statii -- iiiii Peneils;.Qlo4 - PurPlisi : :°4 s v AP& 8 - it-e- I n!ii• 'rabid iota' . rio kee. entlqry; saisois 7 and SheirmArade ., 44 , Buteltees ;Cavil's; Wroilkhi Nails; Brittalitils . tie, Ritolitirid tread tucks, Chest - and-Till .i..oekti,'Londowilniertiii: . lish.--and Aut.-IBritlinnia, - Plate ,anir "Hook Hiliges,',HaSi ;and M a n u re 'flirts' B . e.stliei ‘i: 400.6 . 1 1 ila4a4IrlitStering Trowels, Braces and:Bias, Coffee Mills'i.gad Mid Tailors Irons,l Stair+ - Rods', Bath Brick; I, OrAn's -. black ing . ;,. -Brindles' and,.:Piadait4;` Bdoiitop' oi f t rati:Ri,; : - 05444'.. - avro'nf4t, prices,. ',t '. -:-, . 'l. f*p.4.i..0-o*-- - - 011- -- s. 1 e, surance. Erni tAiStorleef:Life. !liisiiitine,i'd It nitiiy 'and' T.I - Lit company 4Phi/edeipia.;4=-Gyntiter,,eipoid . , • - 4-4v-i-W0:000.,C , :, -1 ,..* - - --,",. \ s" , i 3 V.,Nt-LIY. ~Ag e ni fur- :laid CMip l a: It . , ii- - -• ' ,ny will receive "app,lteations v for, nsiMMOe'aifArillg . ie - all: - iteceisqry . fnforynotion o anY,persOnkitesinng to mate application: ; l' ' _ 'Montrose; Ott: l6th;11350:: ._ . - - -; ,, .-(BUSINESS r NOTICE. --- • A i r- S. WILSON would respectfully requ e st all .01.; : having unsettled azeotitits with. hint to cull nniCititlausi,tlie.sahie r .. . '-. :: ',. ' : • . ~.„.,... -, ..,. - Jr:lte nieic . Aptile busittea will be continued at his -ma tiand:undi!r 11). - 101 l :61 81:.5..Wi15.0n ct:Suiu Th4' . iiitend;to .litep:oar huitd,,a ,ieneralyariety, and yip be ever . ready and thankful to aeetnueuo:, ,(1 0 ,, those yho fucortlient with a call. They will d eep on hand a large stuck of-. : • • -, • - DrY t3oods' - 'Gto6eries Crockery - Hardware, &t.-.6zte - ' j . 't e iritetifeili:'' . Blackstititlig;' i , Marneas, - t ar Cage, i k .R . ,0 - and:Bll4e Makers Will all find the, tides. nee saryforthOr avocations. . . . .. . is eta Shis,"l.l6'..kins, i Gaiters,„ and Rubber; the_ oeti, kepi on hand; by . , - • . -. . , -." ' '• ' -, .M. SAVILSON.i. SO N.: .. "Jan., l ; 1t51.: "'.. , • .•, , - .. • , . : Buinirelitii 'Mineral •Palni:' ' .. - ,f St'i j Eftlo*ASTl:CLElOr 'painting* Woad .t ..I.,."l.lrjek;'Slistie, Iron or; Tie, proof ngoinii fire irii!er.; . ,aild tripiliei, -- and. ancli,ingeable ~in 48- corm.. lt' (nixes readh:witli" oil ' or - :conitaksition; and - la.' - 'll€'.iiitiful thirlt:linawil . orFrce stone - COlot. s. , , - tif Tbil:Eipiat -received the '.-.liretainin -at : the Nett' York State Fair, in..1850,in rOpe:tion'iiitli the'Obio.lll;e7 . prnuf _Faint; and se rat, Other kinds of mine al taint, is. being snpeiiO to any thing •of the' kind . nolii"iii use. ' For...elide by. -:- -.- •' - --- • / _ ,iIBE TUICRELL: - Montrose; ', May,-48,1851.-i'i '..:,' • -4- . ' _.l • - ? . . LOOK . TO - YOLP).-1- lAN -IVAiIKS! rpllE,subteribei`trill a'„ttend- to, occasional' Calls ..i., at hizvold:busines* of igUlt Ir.EYING in .this': vicinity trlitay.A. (mired. - .141ani of the old Farina lii ,this inunly - :should tie re-surveyed , to lookup and renew the ohkland-tnarks: which sire liable to get lost:r. obliterated by, timeso iiNti occasiOn4e." putei and difficulties for -time to cone.- - Every- inan'who does hot knoir the preci;e location of 'all hislines ';..,. - 4 ........i.,,,,,. tbecero.,-e, should see to it in season, to prevent future.tvoublosnalitigathia:„ . r ' lar. ,CION ITEY4ArdiaO also attended to, by ',..; , •-, -., -".•,* .1s: • J. W. CHAPMAN -. Miran:Ate Oct 2'9 1851 I ; - Arzoracims, .Flutes, Pfccioloi-;-atAri, 'Stria" Powr,. Ix:a t tracting! She!i 411usicoind otbeiffixiurs for- imfriAnJeuf?; iic s , a large A4Prt nietit. receired t . • - 314o.tiose, Nov:l,-183i. ..."•-•'• : FIKYttS igantrTUßS, wit 4 cover*, 100 vi lt . '-',V,,itzl":ofie.rpfuted 6600-re:A.) on hand for Wail y' 1, , L POST ' CA7.-1454*.a. - "? - 64 Salt, at ■ 'Wholesale or Iletaitsatt aec 25, I• Fisliesilliaietall Firie Proof Ptiint.• Bl' ' .the bb'l:9l lb: toil- eale t byl 1. • • - •'' '' ' '''. - - '-' ' -'• nuutttr• N. ]l—All the - colors"may 'be got uti - _ from this, composition,, Triiiii,elsite to blask. at less ihnif hill, be - titial 'expeeSe4' is. iwice as coluable; ARO. is ed.: , able:for - the fieekt, . work:'. 1 : • '.- • - - --- N - e'‘'Siiifoil:Bept. 1,18 - 51` .4" s. . -.'- -- • y-BOOKS talg'stirgily School and Fancy BOAS just, 11 reeenl4. , -Blank .13Nh . s, Afentoranda . -Books, of d: &xliks.,for 'the c. • -•-- • ' • tAny Books - tranteil; not on hand, ariTT. ots tained on short notiegAy Dec:l6 ."7" . • • • • - r4- , :e _ - aIrAM- . t. I I I OAT •-•"1,!•'4•• irr EYSTQNE „,Stiite ":iiir-i!glilCoOking . tore -I • , Dtelble - Ot*.:4:-.,,46, - -',.Nr.". -. 7 , de. ' • - ; Euiprre - Staloi - - 7 1:-#' -.. ''-,1de.:, -- -,- . -' do. .Premium.l ~,: ~....:-..: \„ -- ',-'do. f, l i arleriioooX - liiitt,Shiiii,,St!eie*.fie tWo&ter Coal Star 9, ir-aierfri * VA bo*iir', Zinc, Tiii Aire, Ae.Lr- . :porn 7 sheliers; Straw-,Outters.,:Sera pets. Ploughs, Pointe, 4te.,, far P.tit:Aid give us aveallas .we ie-, tend it, sell ehenp6ftl -'e thu Clie.ipeet; -•- - -, -.,:`,. • ''..,--'• - -'. ', i - )3.II,.I'LYOIiS I tO. ~ .- eept:l4;lBsl. `-,'' --, 4: • :....; .'. , . , . . ~.., ~ • 'NENV G OODS: :11CEU Stmentro abrAtkiß 1.1., great variety nnd style, and a general asiort inebt of • r';' - STAPLE 41 FANCY , GOODS,. uArketv'eaind nneorainonly • "? " DURRII7: 'New Siatitra,A6ll3, 1851 • - - Steam Gist . ..Saw mill ...- potv- , BRAYTHEligliaviii g p !Oiliefatlfiiiixivii , - ""'tabli44o l ,? Vili :e.,ep . tonstsiffily,ouhan Sititeijilie - iiird)ftii tFiii l 4-o,l*' Afeill..=;- , . • ~....1) t -, gif trflerwm, st .9. - Alio -. „ ~.. .-.. A°, ~.,...1. 1...1-cL e , a IlQ,'" lirf* ! - -7 -: : • ~ ' ,:,- ~.= ' , ' - at . t*.lieitat iiskiii - rieeti. ;-. Ciisiimni innte-*M - iii.: done vitiii, dfimpatch. 'and: in:alle'ses .wAlta.Aspin.-.- ,MSKittitge; July, - 14411. - .- -1. e H".,- t-T4ll;Sitf/ ..,:v , i. r. a i Ji.--5,:r ... .. -,.. s ;fit i.,.: —.I ~N. . ..•:; ''.:''l.... ? ei)).: 1 . - - , l' , 41:::',....'" - •- t,..:7717. 4 7, , z, , '- r , = .'.. i ~,, . ~, j , ~, ,- .„...,..7 . * ALT, ...:-....; L. , -...:. -,-,.., , _• „,...;,....,,,- .nA - ttiy•' - s4 , 4.,i,ki....thasck.'-,9l4.l=iiii I: ~...-...„, ... ...-, mity,l462 - F. 8. - VIIATIO !'. ' . 1 .. J-., : "...,.........„--, ~,..",, ~- q ff .:,;:i.;, ;3'!"'''''' loi:ifitiobio.fi4( woi,vitrioi.4?fhao.7-. i..- , ..,11,4.,,0xie10t0..,114! . eyo-,oitervi.,ip#44..!; .14itheet, , lop%Ikrfc9flovetit ;ilo. , Rmtli_low . P;• litift4bit l i. 4r ''' 4 Driiiir -- -I:44dit'- . :'..':!.',‘7: IVatio - :14-til-liiliilop..X.awArt , , *.tbt2t. 4 -;1!...1:A :...,,. .- :..,041.1 , 33vv-r-k . ;: -;- . . iinknu#.4sltto..,- , . ~.. ... . . •;v' , . , zTUZ.724OIiT l'OPULailt , - - - *l 4 lll// eY, - *EDIO/PLE 0/P lelillt AGMS _1 . q ui" igied ti lirrildins' of ro - heati BITTERS zeusove aliwicehid see parity elk Aliocgir Si" g r eat taaa alai a k a r I ° .. " Or7 g alla rl f°l l l 4- t h a _ ° P lat a a i ata lat . al t ., ' futile:, , Ges be tpkow with witor, at ao umwdebuitatiag s i s —.),Ame-ipatif,t4 tote th e a u 'llt d . eliciit• Womb, , ra. mutable for their cheering, tariginating. sp , iri bi .. 44 . 141'1,444*Pa" ,properly, a , s 4 112 10111116111 a" ' . DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST Feline Airs Liver C9lPPblintst-:.h°2l4.ic!. R e skr Olrit' Cfolive', ...., ..' DUIP, ~F1#1141016, i Disorders ; of the kiln.* LbriF. 12 011 1 of..lppetita, i l l'w. , ll P irits ; i4ir rous:/liiiii*:*l4,„:f. - Palpitation of the Heart, Sitiklni; arid Fullness at . t .t. th. ates4el42alal: all :other diriase caused Isj , as' . inn:awe:a .:thia, , blood, Hier; amiostbibli ',teed ,be diti . tate and areelies'the vitals.. -- :- 1 ‘ -, ' s :. -- -:-..- ',. ..:-...-;-....:; . •- f , "..--"-•:;.,-;''' r rENALES /'..- '':''''' - - •117ba intro :from' . .f, soda 'sad _ scat coaditsouir • ..•i*d ihisiMedie# lo 41 ' :- . INEATIMABLEVALUE - ALE: ' CiIiS of 6E:a-Kai DElift. l llll . thilMadiidne • `ACTS LIKE A CM.= t. ,‘ • • . • I ZICOUSANDS . .. • here tested Its - efeePur; erg{ Pluuslugi more arillurl• der treitnent; "not,'one qu il utol us kas been reported . -Volumes "'could be 611.4 . wltlt,Ueoll.- cabs of those who 'hare been permanently 011:116Am1i ;0:410 - a Containing the Certiilcatesallemerkeble Cures. and the high estimation in which thii Medicine" is held by the PublicPrasse4iiin be kid et . ihe AFitits,frea - , , • - Bold hyfi4l - tliaile*titta Medicine Douai' s bithe tailed . Stites end Canticle- •-• r - • Ws • rilmeiiiiV:.eet. - •I29IFULTON Kr, Y. up For..4ale , b_ BENTLEY (I. itE4P.-*Bicutr (*.Cp. 1/1: 13111 e 111 wuutaliatztamtOr. W • i W' , • .• • ." S mi tli TT ATE now Completed theivarra minds for • .I.lmanufiictoring and keeping coos tb , oli band • all and.'every kind of -- • . - . • Hciutehoril Furni ei manufactured-out of thd best lualit, of Mahogany; Black Walnut, Maple;chemy,iind otherlumhet, a.nd the hest - and moi ni t durable armei....Ainnig thewhich theyjntend to. keep,on.hod, or make to Order,arelfahoiitivA Block lira/nue: CArv ry and- Mapfe Bureau/1; Sae Beards,' efleiret4trA is, - Book . .Cases; Gard,. Pier; avid othei'reibles; Stestd a, Of every, variety ; Sofas; Settees, .oUotnani, ac.; Be !steads of all kinds and varieties, made of Mahogany, Black. Walnut: Cherry ain't Maple. - Also, .Mahogany, Black ilfralnut, Cyrt and :Fancy. CAVA IRSof , everyvarietY-artilescription, which !hey - hare now on hand and intend to keep , CoflSiant gupply. •Any article. desired wilt Ivo . ;,supplied own few days' notice. - . , • 1Y.11.1 A Ali \V . Sum,-1 A uixa orii &slut, E..R. -.R. A. &aim on M - tr . -, Muy ,J 452 - • • - Montrose, . ... . . ~. , . _ . New - Establishmen , , . rrillE subscriber;thankful for the. patrowa JL., heretofore bestowed'= on the late 'firra . of R. Searle it Co.;.deiires go say to the old frievida that he is located otaurnpike . street; a...kW:rode salt of the Public .Aiept,ie,:where is offer ? eThalliale a good' variety` - iif: " ' : . .'; ' _ - ' .v d ,un i '',..._ 6i,,,50ng—0t,611-r"Pekj§, dOcEttl :and Haitti‘reap,f, adapted. lii, the season, Which ill)* :sold at pried, to suit . .the .titnes. - ...Atarink Wis. Ka ttattit .re ay, be tau s, I iitany,•sirtieleS that 24'30..1. 7 hil ispd - tweess.ary:and Ithat the people 'need; . ..:lill 1 r in want; of_'6OodS" are esp*fally tarit4 'to, ii+a nie a 'pall.;A:htive a suppl: of: _... ' ' -=. • -: ,f. Buffalo‘- - Robes,' Rats Ca T. Islati'd Salt•for .packing Polk very cheap, 'Gents •thickßOots,juSt . tho 'thiticr fOr'ilaad; . aIO - nice::ones,. to.' 'wear , t&meetino , C ocks Fiddles,: `Brooms, Pails, - ,getit 'Upder Shirti - ' , and : :Prawers,. gverpoats,. .r 4 .e - Tinaato'S Saws,CaniFiliiiie Bari: r.z.l_- ‘ .--...-;,..•? - • -ilia .Fluid . tcleo:&e: - • - . '- - f .- '''• - 1, - .4.111:4 4.4ich . - will bir.sold low, for ready-Pay; -•-• -: ::-- R. SEARLE, Comer Tur9Pikta".C*Putiltsce!"— Ped.'4, 151-.1 . .. , - . . " _,f,_ . 7 • - -- .. g A • teARGE stockof extra•fitie,AllaititTableand Tea Ware -wirelittengfhen• 'ed,Tahle and Tea Spoiina; _Also, adver,stivii pia ! , 'Jed. german-silver splints ; etc. etc. jitit receiv4 : and selling low for , the quality; at - tplutacu.'.a.„ •montiaSe, July, • . ' - • - 111 - 1 EW and pop'uliii. arrang ed . far the an fa rio, . sale • - ..TUII,RELVS• • iFely: 1135 T., ' • .NEW GrOt - )DS. TEE snliscsitierW are, now receiving a Pill 'aid complete assortment'uf -.-• '' ' TALL- &,-- WINTELGOODS, :.. coiriprisig their- usual'variety; VIZ: Drr G 'GiocerieA:thlicl(e'ry,'Llardware, Brigs, 31Trdicines.. Paints; ' ' its,: 'Dye-stffs; Tin; 'Stone and Wieidea . Ware, ly p ;-Steek, Nails, Fish; Leather dell kitids;", Boots :An - Shoes, Looking' - Glasses and - - Plates;!L Saah,ola4 and - Putty, lists. CatKi,"Carpntini. Oil .01004-Wall - AM Windoi Paper; Clocks; WA:Thee, Jewelry; Silver - and'pure 9ennan'h'ilver Sens, liihisical.lnotruffients, -t'erturaery, Patent Med las, - irtuttitia iiiktialviii** . eivic.pags,:sic, *tit •w - hicif Are' ctireind . iii ode . 'eustinnens' and" tbe .Public' , '.at • se LomV.Patiaistiii at iini-cither.eitablish: Inept in-the county. , :Call and see. ..--: -.- . ~. • - -1. •-- - :..; - ' -*X? 4 T4tEV : 4 RK 4I ; - "- Montrose; 00 - .. rtii.E4L , " P . . .. t° ' kii*OgiaTLlT SEM.-iiiiiii,,iiiuiiitit . '. , :itizoiii4o , 4 , bt., , - - :- - - 6 . ~: ..' :..'- -...._ '1 '-,' '-`:,-.... -•:;',- .. ,I -1,. TOSt: i. : ( 4 0; } : icintioie.....ii;rcir ii;:i4i.,.. ~ •:.,,,. ,- ,:,-,.1,--_..',...;;..;: - -! .....,.. . .. :,1B17"5: YEAST : POWDER the best in lum". fgre4 ec., Al#o WASHIP.O4 4 I:IVDPI or Ifnte AV .1, Febnisi - 54 186°' LAS77A 7 O P OII7AsR eS AgE k FUSS S S a. sporting' DM', OP' 42„4 aud,caps; TuRRL Aune,3; 185 V, - TEMPERINCE•SALOON- AND -, --- 'GROCER - • - ' :-, : ':,,-i : 1 . ' '• , -' y ripilE undersigned bayi_na*ei ty duke 01 11 : 7 of eNSCAWS:aie sating ,ftlein (M A* I"' - 1 1 0 flableatioisi& - thof ,'1 41 4a-bougheiria'sio 4 New rive: 4,iteall4ll4,ooo4.oumiveg• • ..DAYARiejtiixibn 9xesks,toillildwut AAA tf44141 "- --. 'Y Y -• 6 i,kiekt , e 4 V 9o l ll * l4- ' ':' offifthitt* rtioii'-' -- P 0, ' } Figs ' .1-.,-.. i ....:.2 '•, . • :,, .1 ' --, ;.1 •.'''.- _.- ' • '', - •,j. , 'atrys,-Auts trag-kiads, 4v.' May to, lei, ; Tr; ii, toujoulaN. • _ . - , _,~s SlOP]