rsoynpro r.:kt Mupt..+Ahe apsoret to btorn-, wethelN re'Colai9ll that 41ierrit Soott hatteeeivedin%rty-rOur 'yews' hard serviceo9tpetbjekarerA2o,ooo. 'Pierce, for less .thMief(* . 0va4141 .. jii?1,1 Scott Ind-drco - iettie," oultue:propprmqe would lia‘v been the will . tuilt more4eit;;Ezont. gcncassuruoukkriu 1)0 . alitio A ISl*Noiritßicouirwo.-:-Agtueet ing. r ofoemocn4C - I,llcl, Itimuever:;voted a Whig, tiatkAmiewli_illian* for Siott and Ptll!llila g .?•aslkh4t':in*- atlia*_tawa' Ai N l,York • _ ,- - ty,* - 61tufillo , ;* 21st ot. _0n".114-*S)AlidAw,oo7Diipkrats i ttn were"pimeg ? '4 O ii. 4 150 a pol**ter one hundred reekviOviriiitic.ii-lirt ti.itklebed a flag, titriVaelt witimit acre iet3 ia 'lame Totem, I'SC O I-714 fittAflAM", , AND THE coNstrisplioN:o --4 -." 'Col.- .lien o 4 se o-, i r--f Vr anklin'Tierce, saysbe; f`was: • Alot ..Id . cated by, and his notnination-_,wanlifraud,upot ti t4 p :I:Amer ican ml42' ' - ..,. - `,. Off The forioin 11 ft 11. Tliarn / as 11. Ben,ton's, opinion 'Of the demoeniithilpiesideatial -1101311.• nee . , lithe, intelligent -of the -*bola- patty would tint .speak; a they think and - believe, We have no' oubt bis,oppyitt -`' gee= o rallyendersed." -, ...., , „ _ ~ , . • ?n Sgearkay.orrnE, l A vv. -!- A lotter frMu uhington, in theNorforklte.raidian-:: nonnces the return. tultienentinfguveniment of the Seeretaiy df the 'Navy, and says,: • Mr. lienneby is waling ap able_a4 pop: ular Seeretary. -.evinces- . --extrao‘dinary judgment, tact,-and declaim); and his Plimp_ • heusive grail) in the 'general and _the'detail, of the wanti, ne&ssit* - and, pveranient,af the. Navy, surprises ,and pleases every one. No gentleman at the head`of the. Navy *PP' partment, for many years past, has shovin higher or abler .qualities,,and giVen.such. evi4 deuce of a suCeest - ftil.ita nation. . , Mere isvie • , Prehticesi e itist and very best hits : • • _ . 'We feel that We'eate , now; go' forward to otir aestillatioa%%l6 . llot-14;4 to obstruct, car pro , gre& 4.- 7[WaOkinZiQn We,s oppose yott The New York pa pers say that " the obfitructions at . Ildl-Gate t a re ken all renioved.:---.l4isidTille Faller and Wright are Bain C andidates Tor, Optigtesin: in: thiS Luzerne District, he hitter opposed very strongly pj• nie'n of his eivii : pnrtS , ..•., • • • In Columbia and_ - 701ontoor, and ..olsri in ..Nerthainpten::tni' ty,ihe 'Ochlocracy :are. .; • • • \ :• • ' -,• *".• Lottike , Teithien* • . Itcaa. the following. fr9in the Bedford Ga.ietie, a Leeefoeo paper, .and .see why theFtfacts - eNi4:: • ': . . -- ..±- I ueninveteney and.. Misma ha . o;ement . i n the' eau a rliiiiird has filled thb Slate '%ivitli trouble-- . o . iitside - in fl Uencei have been - the bower belAnil7the.- - thrtme—and - discomi . . tent pre'vlis. in - .every county in•the Strati —so moil' :go; indeed, tliatr• it -i:3-, eVidfiii' the p7iil6- are de:eifmined to abolish t 1,4 C.aal IBnard if. reforniatiOn does not. sonit i - take 1;1;:lce," .• .-.• • . ! : '.. ..... . :. ,-, -• .1 - Ntwer,.‘i;fre tvt.rd m-rf truthfully .. .4)n:: ki7ii. I t remains no -- v fur ilte:pcipple—t lie; tn . payet----1114 i ~.. .me 1 . interested. in' econ. toy, reduction of d bt 'and lightened tux iniiiu—.i-,e, say nether-they will continue ta. elect -Lneofoen s to-E"..t he -Canal •Board, - _. or wile . l Vet. they frill iiiirnduce a ,Whig'in:- to'it to act as A ,aeck up . illiftlie,• corrupt ractieg " - 04 ~40.ii- e i 'of? the majority. .:. iisTs anlirriiiiraiit .. stiltieit. It • comes isune-lo - ,„Cvery - tax-liaybr in, ;he 10(1.... Wii 6Trimend.kto .- all : men : of all . partiei .believing hat in this they wiir'be *tilling tqisregaill party . ..obligatiOnste . • for ti‘e interests. of .the. State, and . elect 8 Williconenf the-r;Canal - COmintisicittert of the - State',S: -t : - 1 - . - - - ' -- - ANOTHER'SCIFSTIETC J: S: Rough ton'a Pepsin , thon true Dimtive Fluid or (iti..4iie Juke, prepared from Bennet (vibe - fourths atomic* of the Ox, after diree u tiom of Baron Liebiethe great ykraiiJogicad Che: J,S.lionetton, It D ,iladelphia, us is truly a wonderful-remedy tiirlndigeattow, pepsia, Jaundice, liiierVotaAainti.eattattpattnn and betility, art4f ' flifter - Niture ' coNin agent. the dastrirJalee: = Paaapidele, Coibtinin Stientifie Ileme of -its;_raltie;lfmnirhed by :agents gratis: Sec notice aftrzini, thimedicatatKertire_raenta. For sale TURRMI braggUt Ikatrote, , - Vutirto.- trooli 41 7 '1,4157ED ON SITIISCRIP TIOY AT TSB :14EGISTER OFFMX, . • Rontilt . tf, • he membe a of" : i- ilia Rough-amllteialy_Fire Co. N 0.., will meet fat ezereispaa i!satarday reit at at'44 eclue!:, P. M. "" • 7 MAZIER,-Seery. Sirquell:Tait Association at at rill hold its next: - -Itamtal 'session at Prom Mon, W AYPco. ou'iVadaitaiay and -Thursday,, -the 6th and 7th days'of Oct:siezt. • • •E E. GUILT?, St/and Clark: „. grikidj unLiddress. _ Ill4ve the plea. of: informing theseifizil* of the county that the:llCA - - Lurtnini KinnEs, :of. Lai r*” county, han . kinctV • 4* the penal Addr - ess before: he &xiety;atitn Fair, on, the 7th of Oct. next. The Fermers - tonp expect Act tres't of the societ Sept. 3; ;: 185:_'." • ~-,-,::,,_.... .Aitirnagro. ilt inik9iol4 : ,It' 43:4:1"1 . 9rigi : en the ipini4sortf Apielitip_ mit, by. tier: \ 2111. r. TyinplAynnerly.,fitaisb, ra,,liivti Miss SA- Jpsz - Sicolcis;of the fernier Thtee. In Ituili,*;oylEid4l.44.Gril, Cumwm—indletiftS:4 4 ^C. 1111C -' POCK: • At Great Bend, on'the 18th !tist.,ll - the *4.3. ihrwung, 4.ll"glia -• • - . , In the i itSp of New Milford. (of.lcari4;s 72 Ina" l iPux) 11t 41tV Liafttrtl t'§pP!._;*akt74 it iNlQ:lltOd ii,44lkk` SOC4E te.iipruisppt. . , aged 2 year"rPwanT,4oisa l llaysi— . 4 . 4 :ALB sr-- / an 4: 4 4, 441114 / 1 01.0*A;, 11 0 1 ; t*, sll°ll"sPn'oA:wp‘7,' 44.!4-14010kialikir-0111'` inr aY n 4 ext l 4 2ll oe2Milin; retlts deptiN4 itt au Ivor setViiie tides' a P e 4ActiflfirrAY* 84ch 'ted to elfof,eell*l*i*4-joil atP°4lt. ' )4e Shur ' 4 1 k.c.tion sip thi!sgs . abuie and a9t on ;bin son tike aztli==teint. • - -4: -VOr, Represo-nt - N:J aiiies,[•;. .. : '- - .I.''' . : • -••-- - •• .- .1 :•-- •-• , - (i H.':-. - 'Slir .I***ott. ....:::..13E 4Susqu - phanna tar I i • - - , '-•-• . ' - Ros s, • , , C , . . - . • , ~ or :yowling; County: i . . . . • • • ' 1,-- ::,,,,: •-ii-= . • -..- - • -- •-in.' - • -. - ' ' ' ' , • . • ' 4_ l -. .- C fp, 4 -..,• , ;:. -. .{ - . : . .. . . . 'ITO Me Atje**kite r yr* djekelgovntiesif Si2steizstiiii,:.TVgoinirtg anti sstitiian:- : At the. request of ilarge.nutitherOf my political friends , I am Induced 'j to offer myself as a Ctindidste!for.ligeltSEN TATtvg; and as such linost rtis'pectful, ly politic - ycrlii,i rotes: -.-- - F.. CT ROSS. ' i . .TunOtannotk, Sept. t9,155i.i. 1 ' - -. ' /1 r. CARD. -1 ! • - • To at independent Dentocracyo Saisque lianaai TVijosaine . 4 Suiliigastaluntics. trE ,, \_ 'TLEVE"II,I,' . ' ',...• 1.. , I, tlie rppeated d eaitteitti, aolieita, tions:o I'o4 i lipliti I friends; ant:iu-- \ Auced In ofreel.rriyof, a , Canihdate for \ RE PRES .NT,ATIAtE of - t Itii . IDist net, at.the - ct spin electitm.. -. r- i - • !-A Inn ' life an:long - you I.tru t may, he suflicign . gpatant for a faithfu - and ; hon-. .est . diseh %a oft, ial dutiei, timid you elect Int., . I i N. , ,' . SIIE.RINW I ).: Rush, Sept . , 185.- •.. ' : _ ' . _/. --- - ... I ,lrut • but rtigttr . liik. _., ...,-1,. 1 ,.. . . .. . . . Xr Adaer,tis eats conipicuoullyi inserted . y - 6-1 . • 1 , 7 . 17 11 , Ceuta . , . sintare.(terdre Utica or Jena.) for the fly-RI, anii V - y-Fire cents fili eack 'mime pient insertion. - air . discounl froorift . r'se - pricoi 4 r :rill midi to yearjr advertisers, l .• I , .. • V. B. P ' R, is our Aossr iiaNeut York and i hiladrlpi'a. r . • - - MILFORD ri Shawl Dresslandl Goods E4porjum 111.TRIIITT would call the att4niton of aft .11-1. • cuncenietl *to Isis new anititplenilid Stock of Winter .Long . . and Squarp.Sliawi:•4'Ladies' • Dress tioods. atid . Rie!l Ribandsior 'new ..,tty)es, which in connection ' l %%i i itlt 1:0e ac,:qortiilent of S,tattile DI. UtiO(* ; ERIVA, ._t - • TOV . Fiii ,•ld on terms shpt inust sec' ure purch e:rs th 3nost entire fa:it:fiction and*eist i . benefits. 'Cep . 1852..: - • • \I r I BtA 1171 I MONTROS'E f I3}INSS !DANA.. :will give a concert of Instrume4al_ and Vocal Miisf 4 , at - Bloomer" I fin jay Evening. October, Lit, 185241 Montrs.e i t-Sept. 30;1852: TILTINDO' " ; 1 SAH-.-A . 14, more . 01l putt first Y . V rate witdow faskjost.reeemed god for sate by ' i ' J. LYONS 14;503., N. B.—NVINDQW BLINDS ' . krt tit , ..144 1 1 to order. t . , Sept.2B. . - .. - IOLI:N ;g1 GUITAR STRENO.E6eIish aria y. - I tall i th—the best quality---. 2 new *list' re-, ceived b4l.- •; J. LYONS 14k. SON.. AIR), HEET MU SIC for Piano and tato.: Executer': Notice. ANTOTICE isitereby give that letters itestart;ed tary -upon .the estatej of Elrafitilkint*l; late of New Milford townihip-deeeased, hivetleeigrant-• ed to the sutmaiben, and all perseteailldehted to id-estate are hereby regleated to mal* immedi ate payment, and those hatogilaimit Oiainse the • estate to • preser4 them ,duly.attlested for. settle ment. ' Payamihr can he made nr clam* present-, ed to the widow tipon - the prendseinftlie laie ceigid, or to'R :4:Bentley at, Slontruie. I; 2. Iy • - • . • .11ENJ.3 - . BEN*EI'; . Sept.'3o, 1852. • Elecuto:s. ~ _. • ' - .Eietiter'sillitie.e...l' , XTOTItig hereby given to all Tiersonii 'concern --k1 al, 1 kttgli: ; :ltoctalaentary - ..sititll4 - 4h4s.vidl annexed,,hlre heenlyad„ the sal . . ber upon the estate:4 Ni'illiain 'Bugbee: li!te . a r tulvtl" ship 111 thilord; in the ,Unty. of stelae, aorta, rt. / 1 ceased: All persiavi, I sing- demands, Mut stud estate will present them dui/attested.sid in liki: !sins indebted svillMalie immediate paytiii'ait tot* subscriber:, • - HENRY 11.JOIC 7, Dir., r : Clifftord,sept.:) ,183 4 _...-41t - '. - I :. .. -- -• . ' , 4: ' to TIRE an6eri , - ,;iii .4a96iraptlo ‘ int;l an Au 1. ditor to dt," iiiite . 'fnnds arnsnv fnatt tli;. mile of the - Teat tts 4 wth.. D. D-wowr. afoul( hereby give no - talail persons inteines*-d in th , diiribution of r nit foods, that , hO will -at#tid to I h dune l s cif as id t:•ali , '' iiiiiknt ' llt 1141 binali iq ?JOU irose, on'Tbmiay. thettltat tiiiir ot Oct: ri4xt, at I o o'clock, at... 14: at bidr time !all ptlaottis iliterestod are. desired-to at :- , - - 1 ~ _ l! - atpt. 28.1.85 . 2, • A L diIA3iBEItLIN - ihad - r. . . Facts: - Votw.llll§T II New -10.1. be elt..eted sdys that is tiuieersxlly - 1.1 iiel/ I 'wit( • Cat. esoepi N. 1 would up ('Ti htto 1~~~ ~~.. A. MEM 14itmerip, time, siltf DV% I IVIA Itliiiici • —Aug 41'6 Peopl6l . , .- 1 •i : I . \ - L L 'PI.I*IG,I the preditdilie of tile, .ertlint Fronk P' ce *ill , i. , I)o;2l4;ethe I'mpi Illoiali ' 'irilietbipincer to ti . faiotr, it t id ikatitite iintonrs ' '.eau and i - L-T ..: vs. 4-, 1 ft,.roEs; i ~: si, - in " sr n ll ' even ' ,storiTik?tr:ti turn. ::gip iknOli,,and 1 .hottrel, inifOiteil 'to; 11i114,illit liflil pi, ..,y. 114ERRIMA.N.; - . . 125E13 EMT, Pill 4 i..-...---INEgoarzwas _ ‘.. :st :•....... 1 1 II 14111 tONTS. . 4 . -. -'I 11.50. 1 ~].. . . .. soils .rfo;,l Aelqinnuji• 1 4iilitviipriOiiiL, on M. until which r• ;' f i214141" j ac ILIVITS , .•,,,. lattil*Alt i i ° k - 611 ". it aril r . ' 2i5u1 # P , N 4,1 44f *T ,- _ § 44 4 4 i'il Me , dooms frco Barclifi: ~,:i# It o:e64efa?hgitost tpui 44he inij: ~,, , ,.nsfdlicii i 4 C4t4firAtiaTheritoitVilt er , 1 , Depoti; and ' ~ 5, . .-,„--,AriF,.all4. Harlem Harlem ~ : . ,,,, .'i ! ..i: ; :::lVasltiotran7lllifiket;;•kl W'o64.4l4lneaftentiosi atioametylifertat:‘, , inia 4 ferirtoth Aci:hii*nplete,, i alArpratign - iitur-Zoniaiaie; 1180 ware, 1 ici I, aatastartilable;teraisasiliniv house' in the'triqe't, muds,{ *loh ate 11, - , - . .... .-.'"f AtneeVfidiaveli ej Space'"`' ti k ydand's phaeli anli-Splies,RoiNlitini sMi kdr,-Pross Cut Sans , Field's Tacks and ,Pradf.4 Spars- Lies and X Otsidng' . l,lol,s, 41 refit, hasp Shoe Arfls. and Tacks, Trace and ~ HaltoNindusl 4 VetJairriV - Axes ik • Higalow - ritea- dad al , irtaity*Avliir, Tea Tins. Aar and Sheet leit(l'..o9.lipiiiider and ShOt, Ter sign:. P4I-And : WON ,Sash • At',ooo; .. , ,ii ,14;.14114: Wkis,'Slatei and Neil's'' CI in:Pumps. Sieves and :Seiner's. ° TaLluliind: Naga' C utlery ; -aeliaoiii';',and ShinrS,' Wit n'k Btiteher i filtiiati . 4 , -_ ~ wikkijoit Niusoyipi L', Austre, itiiol)itii!)- 4.4 id xdoci4; 1 - ,cliiist and dllneks,..LanckniEwery, Big-, lisp' and Am... Britannia, Plato' and Lipole Hingis; Hay' and Minoru •Forks;'SeCtlies .43. :Rifles, Brick an; initsterili e ,m'llioSyrels: Braces and DitistCatreelllgls,s4,iiia Tailors Irons, Sesii. Itods",..Butli Brick, • Oven's blaeking, lkushes and Cordage, 'Boonton and FAH fkiv' er Nails at lowest , prices. ' ' . h Sept: 9, 185 4 2. :' - urn - Ncw supi)l . 3 . - of N. Y. Tosi)ected Sole L ca tber just recetveil, and for. *ale by '• • . , •• .; BEArTLEY : Ii READ: • OUEOIFFIS SALES. BY: rr . titus' of ;'sundry writs amed' nut ' -Of flue .auirt of -Ctitinnon of -'Sustinertaniin CUunty.'and to cne..d irected and deliieted,'Y • eiipohe to public sale by public vyntlue . orOntery, at the - Court hotiseimMon trose' on :Saturday _the 2nd .day-..0f• Oct. next, nt I o'Clitit.'l l .ll.;. ell tlinsn .severalpiccesOf land descrilkd as klowislo Grit: 1 that, certal tt pie& of land - sitrutti': in "the township• of Liberty, etiuntyl of Sctiqueltannit and 'state Of -Ptnnisylvattia, botinded , anti' deSeril-kiliii • tti wit otrthe north by land of . E.,ltreti• oy,l_ east by Jainist T. • • Adatnl, south Perry I'. , Butts. E. B. Tenny And . Rithspi'llniley; • ittil by land of -- AUnison - Chalker ,' ~tiittii aidine together with the nppurtetuiticiiithereutitO Jonging;:tone -tannery; seren,dwelling houses; one store ltouie;loutt barn,-iind-ttoe wages' honse.' - • Writ of vend. ex at: the euhi of Jautei L; (Nos, ca. Willintn..CatupbelL\ ALSO, , . • . • . • , • 'All • t hnt. certn - c i f hula F 1: ate *lit the . teerco-iiii) *Or flaririonv, counlv.ital state at7.ircsaiti, Istutnlilt atardesenlieil as on the north by the School heuse lot, on ;the, ciiitity.. the ptihtic bighwaS;nn the.southhy lolfortaerli s pi* ed ?j , •'.GihbOns, and on the ii&ttoy the meeting house Tot; containing ab out perch'pl, lie, the same Marc; or less; 'with , the appoit en - raves; One Trame4 bowie, one I:arn, and all improved:.' • -7' • • Writ of 'rent): ex. at the suit . l ufJacOb R. P. I ;ettie.-11 ' G. B. 'ELDRED Slwriff.. SlTOifrs Mee, 3ronf rav, Sept. 9, 1852. FLOUR W FLOUR 'fur itl •by - • IX 9 N S. dr CO: Y ES JO ORO' „S'rid. 0, 1052. SALT! V. SALT for sale by . . • • 11.. - 11,. LYONS 114.1XESB :Sept. 9,1135 t • . - trr .• ' - iANThor.olay niglit , kit; itiivieri• - t p ,,o t a scer ,," Lin..%-nr the sulAlcribei 3 O.t. NfontiOse'Detiot, - • A. lod x • Sieerso' 31.3. e_ArA pprinir: Any peso _ n' ; knowing of the whereabwitii rioucleatihf will' confer a great flictubX giFiV inform:Oen to 1 411 sliWcribeiat the liontiose, Depot. PATRICK. DANLIAAN. Sept.° 1 : 1332. "-\ I, :1 •"; :1'4 09 .‘-- STILAYED nr nailer' fiern :the iii6r.iher on dip' night of the 29th or BAY 3148L' - - . , . With aklack mahavind'fong,losTal lay, moan raap, *null soli' in f4ihdi4'; small eta* uk of one bind Mot; fedocitit."'eastinif The above revrard - fa, the rattirn'Or atid•horak - and 1' tillable reward . fort he aPpreben-'. siert otibethiet • - j IdICHAEG - HILL/ sipreel4dtp; Sninehinna4o.Ps. , Aug: 30, 185 4. 2."' ' . r oadale . ". THE aularriberiata t notninga dailyline44 Sta gra bpi ween Caiisossilidvituat HE ipbottlan:l4.3.- - . tinn on the- Lackawftnai „anti, Weatern,Railtoatt dietance sniles.,..,l,l4enyecathmulaleja.the mixt]; ing and cot neet With thvCaripii4snrik;; ; letinn.'. h „tg•'leare on 'die arrival oftlie mail train kail,greal • Bentf=harest,' most direct - , ands cbta peat rotlte. from Great • Bend to Carbondale. Pa.twatiteni at-. ways get . Tutu Carhnoda: earlier ; intthe ,eyening than' aiiy Other route...' • j , - Fare reCei , Ptetlii, Carbondale at ,the store the sub4criberA,'3laiii,atieei, a few blikka ;' .61;QVir 1111.0111ERS. . Sept: 2 1.8152. - - 1.1 '• • 1.44 " FURNITURE. OF , LAND, dw,ellinif HOUSE. _._ FURNITURE. SAW. MILL, WADON-3 SHOP, SHEDS, TOOLS. for Wetrott•rozdang And Blaclnnuithing, seasoned LUMBER fui Wagons,: Unfinished - IVA VON-, IVORK, .4f.e. Av. • -• • - . ,The aheve-tiain*..pfopiirki la situated in Sus. tpletiatina d;.• Penti*'. lb miles seuthwoit of. Ding..• luiniptiOi. , , it 111- hetidldetin'reiiiieniaelertile..atid the pqments 'Made easy. '• The . 31 - aeries witlethe ttse,•• mill, t.e.; will . he. sold separotely if required. , The 115 - Ueres'is a timber - hit. - " - '-- - - . For particulars inquire of the suhseriher on - : . .f '•IDA:NIEL'HAMBEittiIf.-• - " • !Chnoonut,'Am.:. 21, 15i52., - ' • OM*" 7- ' , . -,'-' `,•'' ' LOOK' BERET' ''''' S WE. ARE It EILINiiED lei si little fire is - neen4 l l7 itqlleit laithf..ifrogfr): thout these 4 y d. s \ dpn't , t ThigP. "tiler?: it 011iallitElt.kati a re.V4 ill':=='.igfitielresAtiffliot ditioifeit:acileiit- ; terns, wl4eli will be siohi-sfe, ht. 'Please yell and see, at the. teng:Sttsw: - ;AUsicetgreal?vatieti4if .other goods, *nimble lai•theseassm-; . ----, '-• -.-. ' Vert& Ishind;:Aslit'eni• ind'esriseuse 'Salt; A No. 1, Awe/ors° 41:Mug' PoStailke- W mg* ehettp: . ! • Enqure-at '-'.-'-;-`, :.'.: - I ••-!i ,, , : • --.'-'?' (111/OD.LER`S.I; - Sept...s*i 1552; .-- . .- '...t. , ,..i., , i '. :i 4 - ).. ~ f :::'- ;-.'"': NEW:I'M° . . ..,, 1 - lan ikra ti Ck le. It ti* C . 4.4l9ll Fl 44' * ?-4 4.4:- . iiie* 'Priu* itifselting'eliiiip hi' ' 1 YON . 0.. V. ~, Montrose, 5ep1. , n,4852..• - - : \\ '" - ... • - $4. • ci",..! ~ Olipliom.Vaitv,ylAw,te,l* thimtb. - •;:•-••-• - - "• '• 04: 4 "" * 00 00 11, .444. Wadi ikair4s:Dozei,riaakiiiMtbes, orm, M*o4 - 4.e."4- RIIW as "" 1 " 11 / 8 111176 g . SCO: Vi r clig AA* . , DOEM BAXOWCW II 4-tetleiffilltalt , 1 Ay LDS Sugar bit one dollar. it our etforci , - J. LYONS sk, SOL STITOI'ESI VEST , _. ii. 9 THE subscribers; haven; entera info partner 4 sir) , in the StOve,lTin•arnl Sheet .liriwitonsin ess are prepared to attend to anytordeiii in: . their line on tbeshort es` t,itatce._They flatierithenksehits flint-b y giving good attention und`lisw priceObep "will lotvo-a ressousble' l tlinre of ,P-dbliei,troluir• Their assortment of .;St iet4 ii:gcsAlutying the hi test and - - most itopri'al',•il patterns, among which me the Iron Sides or. 1 culaai, a store i libieltooli the Ist preiniuin at thel Stiqc Fairtit Sit:tense in 1850. --`._ 1 -• L I fl': 1 ,- - - • • 4rOn 'll'itrk, imporefl....• '. 't - - • - , \ Eastern. Iron •Tiriick, , i l mj), : firCii' l sleratrd. Orcn lir l irrst Queen. - : • ~ • (1.0- 1 ••••• glo, - . lido -r rIO entelrgeil.: • i Kry Stone, air tiglit. ' '`' l. -- - Thlrt,si:r - • -!' .:17 Priinigm; (7ifirc•rri - linelt.'l'' 'l:.. ~ Piiifor 'Ojill Box 04 ot for , *l l or irood. All kinds of Tin liViaki.—sonie r ; .Ziiie Tubes -kept on bawl; ,wh ich will " tics sold ak Prices that willouit. All hituti of produce taken is ptiy nielit—rCisil ku.).t refimalo . - 4..5. - , . ~.: i .' . - • . ,tfir.X.niu street. - two tl,o below posi's hriek corner. -.-: .. , i-• ,-, , SAYILII.43,,,W.EiIiSTEIt. 23. 11. i . Id(aitrose, 102, • • If „TO- g.,, IIIIEPUBLI ~.:F .t. ' ' '' '- . % Abel Turrell ' - 1 , - ,-. L a ' - 4 • 1 low , receiving and keeps eon:staid y 0n.1i.... lae,pt ; end-'de s irable assortiniiiit Of . ' = - ' GOOD*.. . J: h wink , sold very! low fir .cash or fly p • ay. tuck - is , eomposed i 4 it first r.iteAmortaleht to! IV, : i leinei-, l' t(t111101 4 .' , AM ' Ni 'X '' - C,l '' ' .1' i P • ts, Oils, ye SfutE4, - kiroeeriei,. Glass }Ware, Spoons, Spectae es,- Nlitqcal Instill * inenti; Yank e .I,gotiei4. and . ' • Liilyprs: —:-- AIM), ' • Dry. Good's, Hardware, 2 Stoneware; , l'in'ssei4, - 111edical Instruments sln i mider-lonces, - .:. funion 111irrbrs tationgry lAritshes, sh% - .:!.'W*04.i....., ' -. '11 . 4, Lamps, ~- , Clucks,,,,Watcli i Jew .&.4 1 ,,,,..! tvi l td All ilerpt;ipc,aililfQ iii"Piireliaitittijags 406(18_61 any , u i the'ri%re*aidilophrtibentii*will f ,their,iik •terests prinnoted by calling BSS` . '1.,......4 , ,,,„, Variotystiat of- 1 1 A 1 1411; 444.1 , • Montrose, May; 1853.1. .. . _ The Drt .. ,- DISSOLUTION rri g E, .t•ck, raFtnecsitip fiterof!rare,,sw.inti `ender, th frn3l - dr Deane, ,tatk , •41: Vt, h P - erebY 44; -`'•• -•••••'- • • . 6 1 -•;-• - • • . The the Ba:'. king and Candy tIS1110:4 ander the !flair iunil fir of 4 l/raifa,- - Park & llirk. - • 1 - • - • ; ••••••• 1•; • 1144,1*A*So '•,; .•41 : '`•• - • C -47 Jr - 14'41M vranntro F e, I" - -Vro7,4.130 , MAE- en-partriml.44 - 1 5 -sit4o4 , in,-the . - wogf.carii!ho,mul Digningiblisi .., The - fla9d ing,f)r the iibt;Te Cow ttiiiia' is well known to be otibe eisanda*. iTilt Iwhie entnia nies insure on as n34;iatg-terrns apy.6llfe-comf jimitit..slin'the -taloa: - pitizetis or - County de' :siring to have ;hqir,lri,ciperlylrt ? fp ed, Will have lan !9ronnalititi freely gyeit hythe*r ail, . t- - -'v . ' i.' . ' i : ,F.:: 4i d 124:.ff LER' liontmse; **V isk 18:4; '"-,' • -. "" ' sUOW -- It .11 - 11eS [. Ite.ft:trtieu!aifJOHN GOV' \ would inform the public...that ipe 1 • to S. -F: licelerli rbuildirtq; i»F . where. -he will Cu seiliusoldf newietres. • Vile- • • - - • :,'L'A•77,EST ar0.90144,itp• hts led any atyln illy wi if Pans, the iligant the •S% nal wielilt4ando : tif twilit/4124r shops t erg • 41e4 46 , al IkINPI OI 4 i*Al l O, _IL-W*4 1 44 01) 45• • 1-- orrvi , Artnikk I • -Etletigitittitt4t CI RIO PAir: 2 4 .4 1 ; !* Mat 2 0144MrG" 70 a VYNDSTOA i:f.V11,0011:it ' -- BielkitgA unllea Puy( it 44421 1 - Vice „ oi* J uly • -o_, • wEItSTICR.: ~ ..7._.. 1 . I '' .:.. -Tinic , iiiiiiA;e4, hi=silict,-, ,; ity .„l, LtWis ~... ~ t in t ,..14 : ,,. 14, .._,,,,„,., ..).r:: 8 • 1, y 6ri ; '•:- • • ' • • Yr _Y t ;c ,'' t . z . •;: ~.; •I . , : .r,•, Ir_-:,. Sty - -t! -, : r : ~ ' :-' tt $. ~ - 4.2l 4 eite • 0 'ac - siVieranrilisi'' .. -3.-i' STOVE PPElt,' lit - Altintil - .:„., -• :) .-:....•_„,.- ~ L 1 --,-, . -.., .iSHST. A . B.L ~ SHIREN, Z— . - : ::!!•.- .. Oliiirr SetL;ieri I-riniiieeitii iiiii4r6i.74'-gishlie 4 e IlL'' thief lie i • '`LreeeiveiTa' lariii!'iddiijenjOthi , former atock of puree,. . , iltiag of ik Varatiek the niost - appro .ed hinds, a .., - - freliicliA" . .-.. ... .. .. -CL ' -Y-41 4YGlizt.;:'.'..' ''.-:'•••• . ;1 i . • - Folfkgr.VtrAit Per s '.. - ••--'• ' -;.• ; - - ' 87 41,N 1 6/P , rm [ wkrg - .; , ....:. - - - , i , all .elersted o,eftirar • Of ,tiquir:ar tight Stotini are; ' 1.; •-1-,:,,-‘,.'::F//04177:17,• liIfRAOON:'.P. '''' l '''' :`' ,-. . • ". II'ESTRRIV.,E P,IRA -.; .;`' . -i 6161 N USA lit- TROIT, ;:;: ~' . 1 .'.• i. , .f. , . . ',. •'. :, trArfTELI STA ' -, - ,-. 7 ---',' -g.: FA 314,718; CA d0.A.41iff0.111,. - t.. -sr -it ,;...._ A: variety of:Preodunas aom of new'itylerthe r.. . . . ~‘,.. ...,... -: IVA LZ/17141.' AlitTlO .. , 1 e 4 1 .14"#.4 4 r.,,,ir ;',. .I'4iiend.: . iiim vlq , itinti - a4.;,ri • ,ek - '4"..,iii;r:10.:::444; tiall.'.g . tot6 for FOod.iirid: L:l3oiB,hiras„Rf., `varitnii Ales arnlfeitteiir4:lM O. andire.sol7-freceiP.' ing,. and intemje, O heep,sis * '- . Ca 'y s arieti'd thi;• most p6iiular.st4pres 'its any , 1 ~ ler Jo. the emintij . :: Peinons':`lvishirOO pnrchase itiiviiiiilV62.4lt ie' their interest .taill calk on h'' ... - they*lll 'hid Vs . fi - f I. •-, - ' StoTe TurdtUre - , '''' I ' • end e. of the istrengestiiind t.tnateriala and: ai . cheap Aka can ~ bei bought. in th - orlhornmiecnnity:' . ,and much. betten*an:Offered hy'pedhita.-;,...1 . - • -'. • .. . rirStove, lII*. 4k Tin ; Wa • kept, lus . .jaje - mid Alder. l'fartiera-`iri I*l. with- Patia- madd - ore:tink., Miterhi . -;:tit Whnlesale pri ceS, all eiders foii cork in Ide ingi lilt be th)inkftil-' I,y 'received and[plancteailrat isidediol-s - =,l r. ,,-- ,1-. - : i ~- . - _ I. I N COLSTON:Yr, I Great 'Pend, 4 - t„t 1,-18;52... , ..'.... - .... •-. it ryinE subicrit / geeoilgt k Off, of lands ai the L The,y hare ala) flow" forri - Cale, to purchasers.- . ; erhe,t' alsh offtt their serih Cg in the:coiniiy. 'Their; charges iwre,mndera t farms.pareing through' their hi Med, *lull comieyanciog r chit rates.' . , . rs lidve, on tivev. 'Obi 'of S , . number ihic4 they: ti . . .ti t 1, Wt ti , E ARE .r. (Lhi ,0441 e OW of balutifut kintkol . POPLINS. LAIN:S.I,A IV., PL.-4 I1E:11.4111! AND DbilES4 Mostof whigl e early sprit i; pric ViTasaped • V V ~ w hnk of , '• good piice s ra r i, pug. lsit ti i t . .) strut -i t viz 4 ..,. RIM LVS, 'II47:ItAGR D.k -`,3,),E41 8.771t1P,Le D ..-41 ND /L 4173. If 'OI.IBI4FRO all 0 j.4"111N ; eke. dz . - -• '- • _ y Offer c. • 13. 1832, - 4 * 1 . 4 1 a ., aal wOOl . paid in , if o Jpne4; - 113.3 e: Watt , el - iro ty . ,.... ' , .::,_:. .Istantlir onkhana and for .' to ! cod ossortmentAuf• ,= ' 1 r I.l 7 atches, • Siker SpootiF; . . 4.w,i. Thit lint,, to , -: _ ' - BEI i :.0P LL KIND,': : ; LEY,4 AZAD. es d: ix T E have, Y j.II)W, It Geld gild 4Siir; MZM rirliE Ovni• o f d R111314N • 'PATRICK is dis• I. ~.bolved'hy in . tnal ciat ITlie busincvis will" be carried On of lie old Msu . by 'A- Dleriitniti. Whim. ,thstultful f past lava Will be . pleaved to wait upon all wh I may favor him with. a calL • ' • ' -- • t..ISIERRIMAN. I .- • " • ' It. III...PATRICK. ..r ' llontmc, Aug, 5,1852. . ' - ' ••••tf .. e i VLOIIR 13y th buil:tor ck for vale-by , . 1.-1 1 May 10th. II J..: 4 =' r lIDTIAM it CO.' •''-,' - ' ' 0 - r ild ''St, nib s - TONS of D ' REA GM D`-STONES, of the' a, 4 , 4,42 ii, .. ink •'• • • • ical IthapKandof all , ? 'it4n- , Ott I,b‘ llto 2* Ma. per lb: ae-: c rllli/IT IP size.. Al-- ~, . I- lALS 0, , , , `'-'--- - 1' C) TONS of " res Jr;" kit will gni : ntifiy , agf roger titan Berm •d: are,yert to r t stones, Alt: iinitEllettirit, and watcr...pinve4 p rice 1-1.- to If eta. perlb. ' '' l* Ir iirRITVIS 4: Cc... 1 i ' t Oibion, July 11/.. 1852. 7 : . 6m s; • 4' New --MI6 :Store Trityci' goosAvcc-'.P • fib WOOD oe'C I O m o rtius stock Zvi ,compiete in; ihe Btov Stara Tatiettoie. men for owls yr; Auit.:)2o; 862. - • „ , ; has just - !nen' i " t of kL,OR - 4: ta, *Well rimtelin - popular ted Ovek Stove bias 3.001. ;PI (IF PAPER #lsfil t .N.l,.varftql l*lttiful patt . . l lownr,prsc,.4t..think vit4 ev - tOeie , paFts. • kinntleome .Wall aiuli• 449, la* 19t of. .. 1 : , PILILADhLPHE.• I beauttful pattemfl nod. nee We will. anike, (Or , imper threlting,s; 914 or neiv, t ' • 1.1.; - .loibson, i1uti, 4 .2 , <1 , 142- IXTE ARE .7 1 r Y. NSW e's o complehit*.ae of it, by lainy; , :tuid Gibson `June '14.1 . • way , B F oiski and tele its *klieg riIHE 4 141 - bFeritieO L ply oflitemotist they sre desirous t r . kir Socks; Butter. 't Pre now tie and sailing.• ,! b o tb • And all willii*fol ft . ad It • (tit 4ber' Ratio ia, =EM • = , :i ,:. ,,, = , ••= , 4 - .,,:t.):: ,T.l=-= e'' ~,' ''' . 6VS" '' Met Ode 4 0 , ~... e AT koi*Weritlezesiiviti. -„-..!:.-,--; ~ . r , - ,R. T S 4A b L. POST 24 t3O: take this opportunity 4 to inforns,tkeismitteastetneriktuali friends gen /Wit; *set*. have Il l etilicijiiieriiiiiilie pail week :,ind rift WO Ivitif care st_new . pply 42_, i 44 1 44,..._ __ ..., 4 f, P 4 4 11 ther. win nil 44 a "7 ' wings alvawoo onJule-- , ( .ft / i '''4t . ,^ '- 4,1- , •' ' r I ' ! , ' :'' - ' '' ' Onc Prior itipasitively ' ni Delia/hit systeerk.Thetestuelr in all ihrsoarietiestisnew cent , pkbte.,Aand they trust tf4y are fully. ptePitfed te aulPb 11, FacritOrii 'iliiliAklie 4004 • ti.:24 riitierU k bl e extent: They therefore most co Tally invite all to tivetheraltsinils..'c“";', I '.. , .1-----.f.—_ 4-- S , 2. ' BROALiet. '. TA newt lot of Cloths i iliust 'recAied," . blue, black green ant brown, inc . ve ~ en purse riler,y , tow;and • ignite sold aecordi4ly, by . , • - ". < YL. POST dt CO. eats , Vasil p:4O Vestillnips.' ~..-, knew:lot of t latest styles nor . t opened and timanY liriivi * haludiag e lfe tY,7atiatY,i'llicV cin,be slesit'd; w - ' 41, 4 .* rat e s than 0.4 4 4 11. IrYi .- - Pf , ~, I I. L.IPOST do C 0... ~..-< ,^ Likdiesl Goodsw . Just received, *general assortment for summer . , wear, consist ingot all " the' varieties , usuatly - called, for in a country Storesilling very lew by -, L Z. "POST A CO. . . • ned an once in the the side_and ttatis.r ! Whim* prat: wits - improve4l:. farm i vite the attention o tht , Nile at any 4 1 4 i1 . titles p f 11 1 it& carefull' epitit-• e at very rtmeitile , 3 L-JESSJin ' j4SSUP. . . DS 0 _ • • Ripply Crinety koritinats, UCrliss arid the rot: , :H7r e itptioOtinery•flepartineitt is, Vow complke, and. entliacm!'"oot,:4-•itte :4zsr min!•Y. inalii to: whichlte call- es;•: *ha ottention,:: . Pearl r giderablrlower di URIMVS*OO:I"," blnelamd: ks, forithiat A - I bY L. POST &-.,PCI '4...L...., - Holy? tircio4utsJ4 ...• Just opening, a largpfassortmint af:th4iitiii (1604 .. idiaftietebo,ki. - d- iii:vai_lo‘ .c. ra l, * r*4.yr 40i11 bq*,11,4 at., a stusli,suivunee. ' trim& them will be tiound 13144ehed atulßriturn-§h efmg,s: and ihirtins;Tiekitigs;' l Denhits;- Str* Skiit#lo, - 14011134!16isk*i,Ii4V ‘. 61 7. 1 4.. Diii;i4cgaiik„A4 - oid Ditilies. X.' - in.O 'sh. : . f l•-...hiki Pillow Ciittunbigaelt4,stiglbinwn Linen Damask bi Ole! 'yard,Quilitiosil'euii&ti and Chgtuti*ursoa DainasAefoitthiiiisr.:' 1 ' ' -.7 "":''.; -'.."- :''' ' . . - 1, - . , , ~. ~ --;< .2.- .. .:1 1 -j . t •,r., -, . , f.; ' ' ff 'i 7 . • ' ' .' ....' .. A.L0NU .. „....2 . 1 , 1 1 1 4, , iPbthiluid embroidered, Ours4lit‘lifuOnii;o2ll;;lis seil:AinrsteA and 6,t1061.11;1q `63 - reig44lA . .C4C . ptil!; , ,, fitior. Oil _chubs, t)rugiet, &c. #.k:.- , In,shurt. everything wanted ..t.e commence : bouis ' keeping con-,bejound prides as lo* ' as elsewhere: by' , • , . . "=`\Vltitc Goo ds .14 - posted :up;:inflaLi~ al th Our sold ell6P in iheit line, AQ(I Rill be bOST L co: • ':' .' '''.- - - Shave*: Sintit*li.' ' _ A toeit Witite" , qielx. ;lii:kis,:iigoiin iisdit nlivit.- oflnit! and 'ptiio.Summer . Shawls fiitsate cbcip b • , • t -1:- 1 .1 3f .., - • . I:vti. rosr c 0:,..,. L 'orit',, . Jute: l ,7 ,l P4 • - • :-.' •.. -. ', • • , . ---Ntlit. - OODS: - f piLE -At, toscribee.ts . nowree ~- 4 ., X. sortmentiof Spruipuni:Summer poods , con- I Bigi ng ''''' ' ''' — f ~• `';L ' ':'' ', 4 ir, I Dry Good 4 • , .eiteriPe; 'Cideierk,Ara War, Tateuilieaieln"&. Piiirg,,Oilis D e' WOCKiS t •StAtne, W.:mid:and - :l'ia. Ware, • n, , Steel, Mails, Codfish, lackerel,LookingGl - sc.., Window Easb;"*bill and'Enfiy, Carpit ; ink, Oil 1 'Clotlf, Leather; ' Sole :and 141*r, Cloelig, %Idle - 4;O4*A Caii,i,'.ll6ots - and Shoe, Carpet DO; t'Ott;r:in 'Yarn,. nos and Melts, Carkt - Waio, Zie..4e.'ike: .- -: . And many iothrr , articles - not mehthmed: which I m disposed-to sell rery low fur cash or , readypay, 27, I i ottero Leto thiise who ill "pay Meiliiiitt reati;. - iiii*tintlii EA LSO a i ' ' 'lit Ciiptiß atUnciie f%.,i fi:s N •., : , .'- z ..t.ii„ ...- ~.-= z rt ,4', li aS. GROY.FS., •If • f3prinivilie; iftl sti - r .---, - -,- ------c.:—,4e.1-:-.::--.:1,- Deice 185 i cceivad - • . Si/fit) VES', coangctiaa with his anukaajir land imiforaivedlikalig rge'tiara shi e t Mai ; t. ..Peltit the itge4 I : ...epOliinileing!" a - gr . eat Ortitch' we offer heard et befoielic _rapers.B hob, di. . The Gold Medal laitil','lY:lilaitia:of the Irprk 1 21 - 7 i r teas biktitite; (Ilk , t siiitee qthAlatig;the4,i Y•i,,.;.: .. it i ~,,-, -- St,a te — lealrkao-beets" ..- -11'' ''',...1 ' ''... 1- ` ' 1 ' 4ticiztderrtar '. -',-- .- . .. s . ' %, li t, 1 e l ,-:•.-.... , -AL .;,,, ',. ki r :s d : figit iat: ... ',.. tz, : tot lihe ,- et -Sowing'' , Machine; , - P*PERS, !e:lt'P t ir - iultßows rom. our : ar co. - I CT OO i •.Y -'- wlr thir'Miehi ' n , e e s `4r b e li r sh ' a ei l d ll"i'Of, th eto - of competiturs lOer's i lateet filiiiit'leedle; Perpendicular, etion; • r .-.,;-;--. . ~..- ... T.: -..: ~.. ~..0,.. ..... ...,1, ...„. L 4- '- .-!• HI -4,.; • , •.I,= ::: • l '- :: WEit r i,XP,- i MAC e : RiNE, --., • ~• -. : ,• kL. seenrett by letiektii • tent a the liiited States.l.Vl4, only v hfaibine h . rtk.tia-:tclithe the Sinik . ht , breti: , die. -; The:* 'WI - offers foirlode 'the r ights ctii use or sell with ' torroisrof thii)fielithe in. (lie Coon ty of S .. ItO iioi-oel4-To*RiOts •opurt. appli*itoi 7. 44 soote.-.. ~.. ~,- ,-:....1.,„..-41. .., „ low - A ': liiiiatt 4)04, ad4reSS'ettio.ibeinth•:. scribei.o 13 fliql A II . ON : ;iio oneCO .;N:7P.T..0 W utm(atteetiot. . k.lrO May It;f81 , . lr`if' --4 r'! ,. ,- .., ;,. ()DS. a large sulipry 4 bur itOck; - Inor ttn an einnfinaion .nrchants... ' MOWS CO: 1,:-ODS„ • • 'irtnea fntsh saps rable (.31,;ds whit), gtPPervd crdtlit= e!tpbrui#fillur e 644: {the, will i s ~i Fen 11. _., . j.c i er ,, '`- - =,..:•,,, , „: , ; ,, i nO, uo ni ren ! stoiparniases Kir -• t ' Nelr-Tirk... ' „,...cri epo y a WO' k ” li t i, ' - .ia ~. 'a , ir ,.., e . -slt .... -gariteli rthheg RINI fel filendeaeAie le ,1- 444 '' theled i rt isOke belikrT:(Wie bie'iokeenoli-:'!The iltioef iirl !fill. 1 e.en" Pe. tettrana hive ' 'en . i put ' parfettluderZneetniiie-, li furnished thtirghteit: 0 'llaa fecationiia unexcep-. tmutble, being a sdint pert et the city, and In the ilth9edie!ell'ilintt9;44 l " 4 4!faX.' 2 44e." F.the gteit 1 .0 4110 ,4*V* =; ' ' --. i'` ;:'-' j '‘ ; t!:`' ''.. & It, *4l l .e'o 3 '4'aiiii'l o f 4ktjr4 stitittfaelioAu. oirritiinds.l4 Ali elelthl° l2 -*in inlEAtPlittent ' 1 their comfort. , , „ t - 0. . - Our tabia Of& thifielraff that the , muket ttawile.,• '-. , 4-1 ''''l' T' ' ' ~ E If :I.i'Va- ,, ftl ::.' ''' , ;l::' a' ..1 Kmatring t italineeasalwill-aiipenit,:entieisi . , etierg ti - geatiria - rerefoamo!wtorrnediiilve) • therefore ,thidkingez..4rato-pshonager to, - _,Olatt,eliti, antblartriteet.eraitukint that-ineetitatrilfr.444eate; JOIN itur I- , ties fur tild aigEP'P -0010. !•' -7 : 0114 cry lidicr of wltsbit odic clOthee--fOri ;~~ Ni g ,-,. . . : ..1:.-,..ff..iiezil--4-1tr-r:-..:74i;ijal*;:: ;'.'; .- !i - :4. 5 -',.'•'! ." 3. " MA N: - .'-'7-.:"----,-- A i 4. =-!' n - 1 ,... v27,:tAiri vi e ~_ : trtit - r ,- ~... Ft'f , '.:,•-,' :.. ! 4' . 4"- - c I:t . - 1 - .. ' ;; . - ..PF„,,;;, ,, .i. -.l:i - ,"iC.- .. 11- poo'' - 'l, -of Ptibh - Tett „:4.4 ' - AGM Ut,ilpo3EpM; ilt- '..' ' kCHAULICSAM*9II7,I -;. 'Li tr" 4, ' Y. '-'IVYOROFF'.,I'''A — s - : -A: IV AVVILVEF.''''' . " 4 . y 20.4802....-.. ~ ... -- ' --'74 , 11 -- ,_ e d,, .......--- -1 Ma= 4..;-,..,:,,,,..:.ratr..1: t p 1t:.,„...,:;'.i:c_..ic oor. *il , ~,v 2itos .., zu ,,...,-. 0i , - 4 ...... - „ , ,,,- - 7,,,.. ir ly -7 414. • .-)\;-7-11;70:,_ urt , •,.* .f i t --- -'' ,• . ' ,:,':,,.::-" ' 7 ' 4. 1 . "' , " ...I* ALERATUgrktqt lll " l , l :r. 31* "MU 1.• trirtilivsly9 a no OV il one: it a nd: "Ye ABE L T~I.IiRELL. 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Charles PaPie'*TheirP; .SOmidt, and IlenriFriti, of the Cantons and, Neuf Chian], ,'!ateh panifitetitrers:* pabythesepreienta d i ti oi ttuthonee and 'appoin er t prateasor A. 'SING Olf W - ateinnak,‘ of Montrose, and Wit' S GLETQAY,, of - Vie afore- `• said 'plate: to be' our Sqe Agents for the Ot#te- of Pennsylvania, andthis.sard appointment , to extend Muth and ; West: We the, parties to these presents, tlotigrec te pay • aft . 11* costa instituted by ;tiny infringement ion-, this ourAppointmen4, "and to. this isre set 'our rep &tire names nod:seals - in_ the piestnee of Qat .Yrei, AL:Duval, P. Renglinue.- Dated intEhritz edam! tie first ai r of January, in the:yeatof our Lord'opethousaud eight hundred and fiftctwo. - - • 'JAEN.: PIERItEiI, DLIAIIIXs DErPI , R,' ILS. ] • 'THEO'S SOILVIDT,I..,- I r ' - n&YRIFIArr4 [LS.J Fit /VICK'S - A P9wdera a OMATIC SEIDLITZ agJ SODA -•- - F"WiARItELS oi*ACK,EREL: tor ori o _, 1 13' SEARLE'S. - • - - 114ints.e" •-• r. - . ettLETI Gtocprieg, Putitic Accine Motitiosi: Pa: I. _ L.• POST. 4t, - -MO. Dealers In: Dry; , _ G Ccir mery; ware, Leatifei,' „Vicar, etc. cofifter of tutivike street aod : lP ulilia _. CAL VIRGIL, , firs:•lin:Odd - -Felicne! • and ~ l 'uriipikestre, l 11*k done with, th 11, - 11..TRAZIER;,taw -... Pace i!v,er Bewley , foot Av,el.l4e73l°lltreqe, WM. IL JESSUP, Attorney at . Arid CQ.SIIILiSIeiIiSIV DttfiS'foe: l ' 'State of New York, attend to - bUsinttos. entristed htin with . 'romritnvi. and"ficleliti, ~,Otrie* on Publ u Square r ixtupietl by ilea, Jestiutt: . • 2. , . _ titEiNIVOOD - Chair— -- r 11:*12,--Atsp- teepc 6 Onstan,t,ll . , C Maki, and Cabinet: rnrnstnn3;•• 1 11d illin - *C atie hair fit' ' 'and - ate . Sticip'; • ' Z. 'ifiltliPE-0117.7j).44itiCeltiii:4;-: ‘:tdreet; Font o(Pnblic.Atrcnue. 11' twist , e ii:inocrsoffice.=p;oAnts WILIJAN JESS I , g : resin' the-practice of the 447, litteini . !.42'anjr btu- Mess entrusted ; to' hint in tho Counties 816: quehanna r Luzem6, Bradfoid 'and WriiO 3 P - 7;: • itontrote, Dcc.-2,1851._ •.• • ].;.lintitt Demon in D4 . :•iii.4.3; CFroe¢ A ' Bait: Flour, 4nd Hard wair, - Lanest?oro' - 11. 'CHANDLER Dealer hi - -00c . a., fieidy Made Pl*hing.•• °mules, - "4:Stati6nerv, etc. Public Avenpr'gun GYRE' BENTLEY & PER: NS,. ~ M anifacturetiviantidtialeriin-fancii4e; insystoveN,AgnpultuniLimplemeldic , of flee if Sayre?: §tore, Public .'- Avenue,- ufae tot.), 'at the F eleFounirry,Fclot - of 0 t etreet Montrose, Pa. I • _ =NM ..... ..,....,...,_ JolliveraoyEs;*4o6ob*Ziook - ',::: :.''' - §ii;:.llitQ,4-..1‘..i0ti:, ,- .l4iiii* - .i - iO4 ,. .giii:iii r :: - :. 1.1i...:.::_,-_--,i:,:-,.;:.:_::::..•1...=..._,_.-,_:...f:.,,,:,.,..i:--.., ?tit .BISSEL ) - Fashi9nabli sh9p on T o rnpik q basement of "Seir!ONl "-Hotel, Sioninne.: .4113' also a Sa a kkag: •- • '-? , 6481 !.i e sltocaifl ll :9l',. :r0ou: ' CALEB - WEEKS Saddle -, Barfieas - &-:-: Trunk Monufacturef—shop at los ihcelGaig : p_ few , sotlth ofthe - Tillajim.on:Mairi . t - Footi;.Wiat.:: : 2, - - j ALBERT'CIUMBERLII4.94IOtPerIst Ira; . . anti Jtisti4 ?Fat ces „. BEIVILET4IdRELI4 `Dealers,lll_ iiio BENTLEY : r -r o t a t t i C ii; ;WI I° that,' ‘ = ks,•ilardwaral'''sinnnt-''s !Pgrfutuersr" di:7 =4 Q" jeweiry; Sil*pr - • of rublicAtirepue.% a' , Thin and finmetßag-4attufieeturers, ridlear4 -, r -r A t ti o.Thtnmen, site l• /Net 4 t-Oces: l 74:,,ytiocte - rf4l:4; • Mtkikr 4)23 An Pft„_ t 1 -- : G I L SIIIIIIION$ 54: 11:00,&,,S 9., , ...ftry: ierover - A. Batthirin'ti - gainoilehol!. Tuittpitii - - - ; .—: -streak, - .1 E6 '=;i-r,-, . - Driglit I gewfuumrt':' lialet 1111, IBM .1111168,1."- Groceries , ° 4)* Watchik immu'ett. usikauusiTumetW7. speosol"A , NI - .btaiadsei l i ublii - Acaei *0 A - , ,-- . ...:. :: , , , i;' , ....;',, , ~ _;~.~;~~ ESECIE IZ=l MOE • IrDendst---Of-' , . Own:m..o 'Chi! ts;- Montro se , matexial, *0 . r:14 #47 - Charges I .k s - Pa.. 1 ;1- r 3 ~Y~~r':,~. : 4 '