G EN ' =SC° 7 Z I 4 - -1711110 1 .0 49W 1 9.g ttn A te4o . the altaraCteri:Orter4 Sc•GH: 4.1 the; core i n t • eisstinitat,heing:,,W vinitnataryiiig, to merit, mani it. a, time .3 / 11 r9-1(..*? 0 -!,..Pit 'i9 ll loittiPl_la a' higher znbtive intluenni* plOy found ' l6 4111 0 11 4...7 61(4 4;4f. 6 'l a•P - j, vines - to; his Leat*ro - c1 1 .4 4 deli**,ta,4ll,f,Year' is3B. si-js 41c : l id the, beneficent; influeriotcor 0.04 To this s dist inguisNed .*.. 47: :,ra re honor of and, tlatitig , ,thelOnt - : 6 6.*liilorei,' -His exploits in - the rftel d,: titin the 'fait tank et off ; :cured by !the' perm potti":lnUtel,Aastini gior i o f pac;ifi:caW l ap tt.l6-04V,114w course Of &oat ' wbothei a hrigheer ~ ` lnfge2 t .an be found l lthan;that,etbiebifireetiOiliii:eon4fi n the r emoval of „the Cb erqteeer x 4ts far as the; ; wrong s done to tkia .b ato ned - f o r, Gen. 'Seott toadikthelexiolOon. T r -bis •• recent' Itt4sisin )61:16filtVeli tora,rs 4letir,:cdfii#4.4llol4-.L0i..,,4:de0- -, riot so much, .by:;policyout try 4-040 •:44. bleness and guneresuy of his ntntracter, by _ moral influence,- .hy the' - '-'etinege eoffite„ tine with, which 'he . Ahas: dir4i - t -ea with whom, ho toz4o,,,3lte:'ollotois. of patriotism, tkintnityr- and gion. It won't' lietbe teifilpy . .4 n d.l a y r ion g . es vim] NAP halt *frY - Pili**Afitie'; tm - a .I would do aotnethl,t,iti, tie, to bastei-tbti ,ta me vettilu:thorspirit -: Christian humanity •shttil•ho accounted,an; essential attribute, and the hrightesvet: ?Eament in a ptiblio'4titn„!!!"- ' • 1. ~ , ~,-t-, , -,,,...,.,--7 \ Th'c project.. of killirig Louis - N `polcon at the-grand ball ;phi iiiilit ar, Fchnel was'-not mere koor . .tilia" qi'lk,en,. • tiara: It it ri - noUr certain, attAiiiiiihisl . ' , ter oi\k'olice had Te / e . givcit ,ivate reports • that a wuinan front the s'OuillOin parts of Franee, Whose - hitsbandliad been hani 'lied to exile at Cayehhl4, hatl ,Lbeen ',chase:l' hi the Socutlistparty. to commit_the mar- (ler. _ The neyv Chutiottq. P . l'.day: had Ile citletl that she...would stahliiaxt „through - the heart Whiltju the :+- ball 1 . 40/rt.,. Ac ge a ing to the repe,i,l,, the liolicennen'were • requested 4) Watcb A-1.16 inovetiiets of all'; :the women, ,arulthe police work *as co $o well done thatirii:iiteiript was linado 1i approach the'rresident. - In the mean: time \it war, untlerstOoil -that -' this ' ivimnan ti - (1 heen m4,6e auralv of tho,diseovery of ' her piojectg„and ttiiiiBll(!..4do. let t ' , •p a ii s and the froatiers Of 1"rancit., , :„...../ .4 . - - ,-,, ',' 1 . . . Lady. - Franklin' Val 'ailayessea a lung loiter to the Preside - a - - ot the State;,tad thanking = the intereSt thi country has talieti in - the, sea.reh ifir I,er Inisluind, and Ist att .- rig-her Fretids \ of iierie flint ilia Unforttisiate_ Arctic naviga tors are not hi l st. The_: letter 'wits writ, ten in SanuarN) last, and is. just puldished. Lat . .—Our Trlc" !id - of titc Journal is a liard - obe - to bead. A pion I:4y sent him - a , irgq i,'complimeptary i)iccc of poetry • the other a 4, calling him leer Fpirit's fa-thet f -Rnd threatening his brow, and I,arneY, or the Democrat, pct6e : reilow, reit: jealous', 'showed it. .Prentice extinauttibed him ns 14.110 m . • “,Our neighbor •of the :Democrat thinks that the fiieca of r•tebtry*we : . li •ed the slay:free). youttgially tuned our bead. :understand: that our.. understand: Ueighbor some' time ago. tuidoitOOk turn a hUly's hetid ,with a piece 91 his try, bat raciely tureen ber,_ sitimadt.” • Blsnors.-7.Nt . the •lalp.G•eneral _Convent...hitt 40d in Emit on, • ng - • Clergymen were elected P.shopi the Metliodiit • gpilf,eninll Church I...—Rev: L.Scotr, D. D. eFTyhlla- ileiphia Conference .;''• Rey'. '.WSimpstin,-. 1). of Cincinnati; yep:' O C. BakGrof Nea• II mlshi re Co_nfererice, .E3,..Athei of rtyliiiiia Oonferenere. A l'itr.soutsor( tit This morning, about.S o'clock, while the workmen were engaged in pulling down the walls, of the old Eagleir fe pt - Theatre, ~.-I.4rtion of the baelc wall came - down, into a pool, or siiiing; atitti - baSer tiberenpon atollitim prwaterbarst forth ti; the l*iglif of from .two to three Inn . {e'd feet. Sd great was the force, that \ ata distance of ninety - feet from the pO6l, Ladd, - who was supetiiitendkprolie ..tcmoval of the dirt, waatihrown d - lance, of fifteen feet, and lodged:in*pile of bri . cks. The Water. crosser}" Eagle st., throwing doivn abotit fo i rty` feet of the fence surrounding Mr.; Att,thur . ii garden, And uprootipg, in its eourseiieveral-trees ' nod ibrubs the - jgardep, besides doing conAlerable"other:', damage 17(artunate /y, the torrent W - as,soinewhat otrested"'hY al2rge pile of briele, on Eaglo street n but, for Ivhich - more seriOus consequences would hay!" ensued. Mr. Ladd,- though not . ierionsly injured,- - is considerably bruiscd. - -Bujralo, June 2(1, 1852. i • a-Mas c m & Dixon's Line s • (limy lino I;etween . Maryland - and P9nn sylvanial Frequent , .disput es had artsen letitr9cri i'enn - - - and Lord Baltimore in!ref erence to the liinits resptaiTe pnwinces.- Years ;`of f is the 6,l iAcquenc.e. In 1760 Wth, :parties : be came tired of the disputee nicht - wit.; made in'eonseipienc.Teef which, Jprerniah Dlxoniditi ebarles.Maion -were appointed to run tlieline;in, 1761, wiiieb Ls since borne their uttinea: = . RP. Nrw Am) \Tug Otijc, ORLD•--- " Tiltlein s re" says the - lf r esietinster fifteen daily papers, published >iII New York, tbeaverage eggregate issue wl;iell is 130;000 copies. Twt)-li_friis of these are eiiculated in "the country, .teav , lug three-tiftbsi for the town,• which is at the rate of littler more than one i'flpyfin' tlery ten inhabitants of New Ye There are ten daily papers pub - 11;1144u Loudon. The average aggregate isiiie fi ftvhicii iSiibtiut 65,000. duly t nie"tbir ' d 'tithes° is.'snyposettto be retained .for circulation •in tbetnetropolis__, being in the: f timportion of•rather less than:two fur et ery hunkeceinbabitents. Tie YeriCEXTurss saYnc.'*e. bale seou many sick Chanitiers, but never 'me more full otmeanihg , 064 hopes_*Le Mr. Clay's. The beautiful ander I)4e- g. - tlltat Rparkidli,veeTy.ilaiPal Quit, fe s ittit!!i frantc:l l.. orembling: hoienk,,llingeriNv • tioi •vt the pant, the-hUsao4.Yog Cesue. fips-nature,uiamo.thx Ana.isimn J an gnisbjalfk : W . I Present a truevieture -ef Air‘Otaes..,g,r,A4fir min dr — and•aurislYia ,lent..iitbe past4Ave - in !Ina i, the** 33 9theAT„Fi, "vow maY Ira : t o ld ;;-anil ihe world 'ill nut be, all the better fpr: knowint.:. I t t. . ' lo4r ',Wilt') TOVgiV 4 4OI.4 : I s ;riptl'lll• fuepe r ral 4 —The, Ow Bedroyd eietry 'give! , au nt of 'mai i'' .- -jai - . east ill ' ' 11W - effect at flii:c '''' Y - to .lactil te the'dttii• Si WWI n 4 .,,,r-Ict.,titicat faktoisorthw-iiiiiiciieMr ormuullit '- • • .?' --.:4 : ::, -, ;• 0,,i,10, : .. 'R, L.,,At ' _, ~..I;9o4is`it i s eAnorrinligOrt+eg 1 014 *Lk, -, ~, -, . • „i , .-,,.. _ se ea-Ar• le tatokikelligliteirsiii .:., ' ere IC':node* *Pittfillowiltsiv Vit - . - Vi.iit l o44Y_ - im Mit , . ) :40.41 , ,Tecurai ii hign4atifeir-tinait43l4l4- '', ' •' • ~,.. .7 , 41111*- ~10944 labotintolittd:inz,lcrtg..* la, ~, - ,WO in( - the 'Whale 4* 4 ofiersoleir4Peei - . ~..- a : . ..,*--lbc ticOnvenienceloridettget ettle - tAviiti I ,„ l .oight . c*.. r becoininifilqwrat4liaterTherihips 7 'aireideik .e or itre i .boata -only would' Ibe _lo#lli • -to be "c„,ettcl; stitstrient, and Ahcieforar 4,164 ;1113 ' ' her both of 7okl i teari and semen': th an heritages c. - -ployedosoild , ibe-. amplerfei. tha , . ititkielses at the $6O Chict-ciiity. iv - CoJeicycalti the body or , the whale err an - eiectro galiltnic better . iletadoinad ta.:the hoat i - byso .-Its101:, ii. thii • t .' (attacked to, the hitipoon, , 'and so ansutiAlk 41' uct, the.electric chrrent front . - the vbehi''thienidt scale the at tiatibe'• Th 4 lale/6iL kilii i p t W 161 i and Compact ile nrconstrucijoa.ttclosee 4,1 .4tlU4 chest iceighiug 360 petrls,Attel occt#is II *we As4 c.idi in the boat ,orabout three:eta* Ulf L ukkg b.? twirin_srichh,.end...iliii saute in licight-4 1 ' iitc,PlP • bla r e threvraw into the body:ot the, :, a. eight - ( rereetchieesetrokeept electneity iir sg'. ' or 960 draws itr a Intionte., partilping..,tatjamilistiall theitusclos.of ,- the.sthal4 - And depetvintit of, : ail p 0 ertef Inotioe,fif not actuntlrpUttfe.i;.-4 , ~ : .. ~ Mon " • nr"yisANii ',Li • twBnicißo IVbent ter 11 5101, 60 Itye . ' .-..; ... d oats .` 44 7 ':fo Itticks*Af 48 • ... : "'; - (stearu 11014) per IN - )tat . 91.11 ... r '" 2 " - "1;1 Jried .ApplC& . 1) f...:... .. : . ' • '..' . Timothy Seed ..':' ... .....'. " : - i , l i OkiverSeiAl ..". ... .. , ... . '.. '. • : N I -..- ;-. • flit; [ CittvAcp 4.. 2.. J r . :..... "• ... '' . .'. . :... 0 - ' • 11,10. - g ' __.: _ . '.• i . ' . - . • 11 ~ . . • • . A OTHER _ .SCILE:ri*TC' Woitotat--74ppavesi. ,Toy DT. 4 iOrtes".•-1)r.:1. S . ; Irottglitiaisi!erityjithe tr* L L Digestiye 'Plait! pi. GaStric 4liicit, - . prop i 4: froili R4nnt or 0414011 stomach orilie . ctic, : ti .ilire s 4: titirtspf itnron - ifiah tg ,. the great" fillystol '1 - Ad .nitt,b, J.sAirou g ht. o 6,-M. I). PhilailtViii.:::3l4 hi icily a;woiulorrol rometly: fit! , Itaiiifesiia,' D ii- persAat.•,Taunclice . ..,tiror"OpiriOlai n4 4.C* Tattoo 1 - mai -Debility, curing itteiNature'a Orafitient, the . t Castrie :trate_ l'atnitli Ottli.poittaiiimr;'Stletititie ex. 1 illeTt&:" ot: its yaliie; f . .'isifeiVhy,,, itg:*l?'.artitis. 7 7- See.notice:antoaettain etlical adv.ertisettiptpfs.- ' • For sale, by . ..A nEL .'rtJ.IIIIELL, .1)014, - , , ist &c. lioatraso, Pa., : - ", :. - . 4' . .,..- ' • :: :Ii 4 • • ': GISTER, ::-....._—_-::::-.-. , TREFSUSIIJERI.NNI- -RE .4. , ~- . .1- _.('A . it r -ia.ZiA'i...:uvriplti V ..: ; .. - . Putt, A.; itiost:EVE'.llY TIMiLSDAY,4I9IiNIISTG; AT . i '.l4oioqtoSE . ,-Stria. co. rh.4,...0kl - ' •' ' • IL IL Y.ILAZI_EIL 1 -i -_ :.• -- . i •• I Ti 3, Oilt. Pellll4l-,i3114'-10 . c.-isli: a ctivilly ill itilf. --• 'Tiro' . INtitargirp - :fly(' Disilars alti I oath afi er tile 'expil:; ...• No vilisc irtion.'/ir maiif unseti ol lon . g.er :.'1 ipsc ti . - 7113 will 1 One stiltaie, 0110 Wee C per a 4 41., Ai • ver i • ' lOcit , . . thd . Ignual .. . Of', Harts) 'Univer;ity A; 4unp- 3o; 1 185?„ • E?cercii .cloCk,-.AI g. ::. :- • . 'Oar In :3pr'"•kg-t-ille,Xisiy. 26 LY I 4- 14 , Esq,suld Gently 'um "mrAs 414 rm *:43:siree~lest drat And e'er Wreshinl _ Vat ter \ otAliekl,ban And 1_ \ in' For Fortke tgjerrith CHARLES -I.lister, eldest HI nishSi ?C: 131.tiiii`s4yeal Om It= ----- 1 lid • -------- rs- veruom • I,Q , Poi t , ,,4,i,..;:r_ 4 for thefirst,a4i:7l, 9 ► gut* inscrth.4l. . It will be mad, 1 411 -fair 471$feariteda. , --. .17.141; 1:'41414:011 U -iitOP . :,, - : : . .. ,- ~ 1: 1 115 AC O_CV,'LEDG CHAN egglE. pia 1 •t t ilithi any other, kb Pnpliin Law.nic. rotiits, Rfady made (Thdbzng. Fa SiAtionf.ry, (squally-cheap large asnortninnt torStoy #(l . l4lsl' Ware, (11•44erj , variety et.oettngf 3 / 4 , 1 ,-;inclut Xettles, .Hera; =Cniticii orx; Poor-s 1 few *of the the st linti - ,15f Ph Flour acid 14:111. cinti tint at , , ;reale 113,111$ , ,• 01.ip if t,;olt1 1' " 'C°l 'iCS ° WOOL- It 1 t!. Nv'wif Strawl :and Rihhons from 4144,,cr 1 , 4 t D TurtlY 6 une !- .11(.. ii .--,,..-: , _..,..!1; ‘-.:10.11,.•.: ';::LOOKED ! A l4- Piia (4:6 " -411i rp1k . 4 7 441111 a).1 . trockerY;' #lllO Taoist isitids s lo ttriksi ec;"-iite: borila** • t-10;4815i Malf_n?i!i; X3l'oo' '0 75 O 50 0,:50 550" O. 871 75 175;' 3 ott 75 .0 ICO • 1 a os'' O Isk 0`13" -- - . .. e MS, , !; ! • • ' 'C'" ib ; ' 1 1 y . tat er annum., .ice. , , I ,i -1 Wittirt llii.4;tr. ifty c , 41t;,ifintli paid t.i O P of the:ye., r; . • : i /4, - pertnitOilto rc aura 111.9pri. 1 - • rtmdlY liiiibrhat9. VItitTiSINC4I: . l a f i'l. t. ..),50 s q uent w -4,:, 0,25 I Urn with !0cr,3,00 nt. mturel tO ypaylik. .: , ~.,, - i: E: 1 , 1 ' -7-I`' iiiMiM 1.6-hoa oii red' to colnuefic r 11 !. op. I' 7 . Smith Rey. r- . fo res kl a thy 1 .T.l be tilt. a4rl;l i" ; • • I !, • H t a{igli t ag4 2 4 year ' ,LizrzA . Webs .1 .1 - 1' oTkerilmor, lis :and on th . of Jos moo '• 2' I", , 0 , 1 1 , fon d rklubse viii 11 !ise jrie:ra ~r,th., • • in Areii 1 f C °XV I it freir . 1 l i . • . ire =al ri ti : oli - 1' ..4 by _ . .=linioltg u ii ties ; , alb` (,) RD . - • •• •'• t Xel un ths . ui • ...Pt • eri, 1 re ts, and •allet ~ A 'qd . tiro, • , in , f l rest d i Ifiv pill. cv,tl,- 1 0c.r4- AO, Old a . .; , . I : ' l' naii,n call 1 . 3 Yellin°. : li e 1# o 0 t • .! warner F .1 ey Art and gr - 1 ~Etore Glass . ipg iltr • )0.6 1.)11 , neeze,. !ugh in on I P .• ii - 104 !n 4x. ). - • rii l ir4u:',- ' Orme I id for F.ll. C ;011:11 ;! I that# I vosmni ittwein, doiked r 3' 1,.::1,-',. ; 11 , : , : -,i .- :• - ! .*:*ttrr.,' ,•• • 4 0 ,1 i wtsis, - : :ate,.., rtivr:•-; To-m fatind 1: ~: _ r _i a ~ r ~ . ~~ 4 BNEd ..ilokiv : • • its. -. ..' ltt jil'il - ..- ... :i 1 ..;,1 .:„... ... P 1144, -.wee - t0,,,,_ A, iilg itts)Oetr AtituAraritterc -...1,.. phip ik t ,ligote.,Jl . lo-aptt:She*t hip li'isin• a9ll* ate._ pre* a lotlfitontitick $ 1 )r?:404li ,rilli 'their line on ttleistuitesfnidicr They flatter Omni-selves that dy, giydit /OW attention antl_lowlitileeN;they will hare a reftsonalge - abarti 'ol publie.,. patronage. ... wir l asitortMent of Stov e s ii1M0,1,100*.:146,10- ' ;liiirm iA s tikyklifko 4 edijoit*Tof - -- 4 11"a ek ° Mich are ,t :iron imapteiiii N'' tianYitlrtore'is - .took the lit , re:alum gi. the :Ste r tsi Fair itt :tyrf,, . euse.its 1tt,014 1 '.;:,; - e . . : --- - 2.‘ - , , , - ;2: - ,:t ' r ;''''i.7 ',..- %," -- . i-' ' 7 ' ._ . ..earterve , .•., Wilds: iniprOrtiii.'.y"'. - -- , .6,741444 Or . Forest- Qkc'en. - ._. • ' `do do . .do __do :- Olaiwed. .•-_ ,Ate _ tote, a:roil ,4. , - ,, _ 1) _ . :;: -. .f i •*6tni;'dTOrk ki . .-- ',.. '.'-..;;,' 1 ' : rail*/ Oa BOE - ,httorei fol ;, I hi. 'twod! 'Ait,,ilifBo7 NV - . .lmel .incpl. are--atone,- In-..,...._ A TU ' ke pt en _band; :illicit will bailout. it, prices I will suit. Al[ kinds of iiroduce,taka pay; 'Mee - ' :..../,,,, ~ 'Main street.. two &ore below Post's' ' ' k. ai t ci Corner.:' ' .. SAYRE A VirEDSTER. 8... n. SAYIL/4- MOSItrOill ? Juno 10 ,1853.: ' , , ~: , - . Auditor's II tice 2 - - 'l l \TOTK.lilis.teraby given that the subscriber as j 111 auditor appointed, by the, Orphans Court of Susquehanna Qoutity.to -distribute the Nods re maining in the bandits& the Administrator of the estate of-Nathaniel Gilklert deed. mining the cred itors of said estate, will attend to ttio duties of Lie appointment at' his 'office in. Maitre, en. FridaY the 9th day nfiJuly next, at I o'clock; P,: M. at tvhkh time and idaceallpersons inti , rested are no tified to present their Claims. - :1 H. 11. FRAZIER ; Auditor. ' Tune 5, 1852' Wanted for California Trade, - . . •- .50,000 'DOI u,OD ALL - , ArcioL SOCKS, largo the., blue Mixed, in exchange for - gtxmlkat cash per'dozett allowed if 11 good I - EATON Barton!,• Pa. June 2, 1852; . Sin -. • - • A.d Referendum! Gallen M. S. WILSON & SON, CASH : p4iip -4:IR- WOOL Jime S i 1852 ' fitit quality blue land • e Soiquy for whicka goad price 1011,1,0.p:4a in kVA4 by" • , • ISAAC 4 - yos7 CO:" - Jinie 3,18.5‘) rye r fi -a 0 l l n l 1. ir.lPl.. i--, , lia .l. 3 L r rilE Substriber•w.ould offer for sale/ a•Farm 1: -aitonted .on the .J3i - gliaintoiti. road, 2 Miles front ltlyntro T •e, ( ( o. ti - onl m y publilied List,) con. sistino. of O 6 acre , 40 io proved, .. framed llou.sv. and fitimed Darn,. So by 9 feet. -'there is A good livino. S.pringtof waterat the .houce. The unlit*. peov r e . d..laral is: ell . tint Ted. mostly Maple and beech,--thero is it.good'S kluab... • - •- - L ir lite4witor is very desirems to:bell:the farm-this season. The pike and tentta- will 'be a gooil in ducement- Ao any rine Whn "Wants to pnrehmea farm of the abut'e description. Prices , and terms am be made known rby milli* on the subscriber. -. • • • : liltantrywe: , Jiine 3: - :1852: -' Inv - - Surlune-T. A 1„ . ‘:Rat . r,;( sun an& ......_ varyin g . I . l'6l4lfiri" ends tip u e ffothirr, ay4kri4. ifileacq by J: LYONS & SON. • . . . . . • . tfingliani • . NSW :illicit! - for Ladies' preme s , and very dicar. fDeLaine.4; 'Bateg* Poplimq - Lairlis, Gingham., nfid. Calicoes; a new Int. just arrived at • • • LYONS 4• SON'S. • r 1 1 RUNKS, atill Palm I..chf 11 Corlfi-h, and Colthe Uatt i , Pietures;Frartimv„T - obik:avqb.,:: - J • And lots of Ather.items a ktogethe:r too - thimerou‘ to meitiori; besklei . a Itriv•- • pile, of all shies, of do* 'sash: • * *1 • Sellhg by , J. LYCINSiti. SON' G. REYNOLDS 111)P ESPECT .U;LLY `an orma hut enslomere 1.16 trot the . public generally that. he_continues the busioas. of - WOOL CARDING at his old- Wan& :Thankfullor.pisffavers,- by living prices, work well*Octm ,ot no pay„ he, . Imp* to merit a share of patrimage tif the public. The . 9tla lb. of Wool will be •taken out tof cad; tacirlit Cardmft, ithcre , Glete :i8 note, especial kargnittm the ozie trar. '- . • P: &--Thete, indebtectby torte or. 'book itioutit plasebettle - !hp,same by the fuat..ofSuptetil-. . bet nest or Brooklyn; Ifiy; 185 i Clinton - .. THE. H etstribeysi, hniing taken the above am• -8- ed,well knoird ll'tel and. refitted and ' [urn i.heffit, call the- atte lion - of their.friands to the , fact; and 'solicit from- tha public a continuance Of the generona piitionag' that this flouve - hav atall , f titnecenjoyed.asvuring.theta that r no effort will be vpar4to render their sojourn ii,t,lecable. The - attention of strangers and otherA 'visiting, the city; - either for bu.sines3or pjcasuris . &trticu-: tail' iiirectert, to the ejigibility of Ilia location.' bit-! !lag situated in •the linsirt or thr.:bugintsia part of the! City, direetittspposite the City Ball 'and public of, fire;and . within a short di4tance - of" h' most pii; int:tent places of. public amusement:. .'. l'''' - •. - - A. n. MILLEIt it CO.' • - New - York;ltine'3, 1852. '3t - I - - : $lOO to $2OO 1)6.. The above 'tut; can easily. be made bY any imlus , trious man of , respectable adaress who pot ; sessei good. bUst9eAs Atualitiel, - and • ' ' wins can coMmaridWiunalleali , Its! (to begin : iiith,) , of - - ~ : Fl 2 031 2.5. ,T 0 'SO:AOLLAIiaI. ..-. . ' Drifene "when' bead Pl ll .lc...ifia .. - Byengaging jet!): the -° a 'boi - th . ' $ ' sln 0, - . ..- . _ .. ~. • . . * BOOK AGENCY B SEVESS,:- bscl i. : • r Wkose publicationi aid roars sitible, And which the People will.bity.. t.7/Funds can be forwarded at! our iific,if mu_ ed in the presence of ibe•rostmaiter and numbers' atuMlaturfir the same fitainili. ; No biaii kept or *old .by ,ii. dui) irrunia*riendency. . A Wboleul e Prii:e lasC,-,*ith fall dhaatiOnsifoy crianisliaos,:arkll liirfOrtvi 'wiled' On applicalinn,l'ast tsa tO;- , id, ;;,- - ~ GEO. IL DERBY:a••Qt. - , , . • - : :.,, 1 t.; ' ze.e " Vooti ,- Pfroloncus, N Buffalo; NiViitt47tiei cr iiiii)l4; ,-- . , _ ., LUX , • i m i t. • —77 '4III.4IGLES , - • a- iind AA- eziect-t4too T :HOE floir' . Ohs! b i st - dartt y •• liin-l: lour- ' .-I- StIiN*LES of. 1.-',"R.. -; 11 4 k 2 - f, ibiitivanintel - , .nuitM t° be 1111 fit to " 1 J : "', 31 , 4i of the be* iiitt* iteiwealt arellminti,- ,-andtoe Plinqi ity - 61% Ti tll beiiiii .4..1, 1 1 ;( *, te exeidl + * ,ii , diiii. countrr-4 ' Mitlll ' lra*rill 'fa iE hs .7 outdoisoilli•-mailufsteionq iki*t• mesa . .. --; -- fid • • , kraiive 146001* ; r oodttitlitie_ :litid lit.,:.,..L=4,tigiae,P-Worder., 'tlAlßlFirmumfTl- -. 0134 44the, twit 'wider Pair' I 'With Emplixritaqr ! 20 , i witin y te imp ers4"4 ""W ila llaet ilod'uoder;'':?4 9 :o l . l b' orlotinot67-'ooli jr - wiljbo imbibed VPA. ~. ono' VAN= '' , mot"; June $, le, ll l'- 41 •. • by I. L l'Oft & CiD 1424tf I/ onto lllooViOi eTOrl" - •Aill*Sciite. - :•,:t" ".' ..,,,4:4- -- .' i' • MEN - W-Atetip - kat -;: TRA - NtLf_ AS ~. ~,, - A osN.3la . -, .., 2,..;, , -1.,,,„ 1 ~.. •-• sr, ,- , -- r 7 - ,''. .N . ,..' . I-I - ~,_ . • ~..... '' - • *trite' Tettnnei: ': ;', 14 . .„- Cl' : i l ;5. 7 a erifa derived it, 'name'. ' ', , :c...L . ,,,"' ; .,".1) , i - ilit'i "" By II Enereasn': _., . 1 7sellii:,, . ' ni, 14 Author of tbn,_*Olitr 'iftlloll, s ' l a nd; VaMi liewe it: NATAILITit or A V : ' : Al.lo# 4 o 4 ' l o—. l '#. l ltOrtei= /*tin bi nuwallittalc , , thel tyre tin dug rutt in- Penney)!enol.. - . -1,, t , Tlii 'Perin* Vlii ' begireteeditlitifinii6n lie l - th itibsaibeti • poet paiJ- The irnik- will be gat i4._ etwiyftty by sutiseripetun,itti feasariebli r i n d m a i i crate.price.:.- .. IH..mANsr9tED:" i ,_, WhOleaste ,llookterletanaPtibliski r . f" 134 Yerk "street; :Noir - , pvcr;:coh n a t i eut tt , • 131LASTLIVO LPOIV.DE. 4.. AI ~•also Si , !tsiv4 , Cull Caps, at - June 3, , 1144. f- '''Stof6iiiid: - Tiii dare.: ..: l'' paviubletibere iliiing eniliftitiiii*lhrtner ' ittiiiiiii - roVE,77Nami:SIOR .4ROAV birtinees, are 'prepared to attend !to all o r d ers ..iii , ''their,:iine ut; tbeksbortelit, no4r4: - , • ;Aytiying. : atriet I attentlijsil4i,_44, tii4 4 4 111 eY !'. 1 1i,,: 4 1 . - - . .i4e(it . - their Aare. of the trade . . ~.. ~ ' ::. -., ..,-,.., ..-- • -----: ;: i - - :-.': I.: 1 : WOlikiffiforaite‘ Chat Ir*lrell;C_Ort u toit,l uk ii, I. Pump: , anew and:valuable 104OttoSi. „---,:. -.. ,- . . '1 ! ; * * Ili : bet - Ones* will be - di oh ' in the 'shop .iiteli=. a:copied by. G. a P.% ), Tre ,1 01/ Win .:: itrd l : l l under the naive and: firm of 0'.., /X.Linlirop it -Co. I . .. ,- , 1 ,.. " -.-..- • * l 3 . l).tAlirntop, -- • .. c - • , :: S. : A-WOODRUFF. f -..-- - ..: -- _ ._ • - ' JPII7i- L;DENNts.: .7 - M ! .roscr; April 7,4842, : •.: .• . • . -: • . , 1 , 1 1 1 1.1t-rnbsillixi! . 1 • sorttnent lot' S lieting o ( '\ ..; .. -. ' <'*- '*.- . - . 7.. bry .. .9;5644,...*Cracert“ \ c . .reive .. kery; -,. .h. I . tard iWare t Patent_Medicin •; '‘ rots ;' 044 N I) ) , liodf ' Stone , Wood aridl ; :l , Ware,.irrit4steel,l4ibk; di* 3404iiet t s P. . king Glass . seg.••Wiindow B.risli-431ritti and Putty, Crirtiel4 irig i • 1.. cloth; j.elittrir, '. Bole` , UpOri' . Clocki .WateheN Hats aritl:oapfi, ~Booti ;40 Shoes, Carpet Brigi,- CcAtiiii Yari!,- Biiits rind Wicks car f pet - Warp,.*e. 4k.e..orke-. .. I . , . • Arid many:. citli.r articles ricotriaentiori4,*hi c h - l• s m. - . di s o o i e di to* - 41. very low for. einfit: Or. reqypay. or - ois. a credit - t y those ;AO: w4 l poi _ me in - n_ reams;. wale tiine'..Al4o a ' gco:l47o!tizi:cat, _of Goods at - ./iniock.' . I - ': •; . • ~..-..' .i.' ** ~ - '"3: .:'.',.. •- ' ' I . •-,• .. i 3. GitOV:fi. : ,• ! Sprio - ,7i11e, May 27, 1644... f s tiki IRS,4 BEI)STEAD . S,:: ANS, - TA. Wes. and t!therikrticle# of _OuinitimesamAtant.l ly on hand . andlneatila by. *44II.OVER. d .TER., SALT and - intli ,sal e byl -IL May 27. • S. S. GROVER. 1 NE TIORSE autriliVG WAGGONi 19r irate by r • • .S. S. GROVER. DINE., H LOGIC LUMBER-dc IN. . ties for sale by , S.. S. tiROVP.K. .1 •ejiiINPSTO.VA'S JUS77?,NR/T151) Dmlosk,WitaSpringiciile.• _•S.Si G. '' • ' - P • OR: SA VS seiminti,bAnd ANO F,OR.T - Fi„ It tire -of IL. A. RIL EY. Mali it 3t,f• - _ * • , • . - WOOL CIRDING. pIIE intbscriber is tiow - prepared . to Cant Wool otrihtithottest:aoticii, and ,ararratitetl woti dotta or attiiitypos cheapos the next. Cash and Cloths or all kinds.aid siutilities to extlang.eftli *pito:mitt of Wool at 7 I ' • •• C. SOUTHWELIM lessup,May '27, 1852: 2ca N9l- ig° l 4r, WateluK . gmcn ~ Lmiters, at VINGtETONS SHERIFFS SALES: • , ;DV' VIRYIA efsendry.writs issued -out • of the' Courf ofOomment 'Pleas of the County "tif Suppe : ha:pa r and :to Inas. di rc ao aw l d e .. l liverek I will 'expose to publie sale Thei :-Viomart. in_the Borough llontrnee, :on Moodily'i the 21r~ day of June. o'clOck- P. X All that certain piece ar [parcel of land tkituata lying and being io , the township of Lenoc,Stoquer itanna County. ben:aided au* describedfolios:4,l to wit:.on-the North by.latnk of John T. Miller-on the: east by land of Sterling *aeon, on the - sir:nth by lands of Orville ,Thlatty .Lulte% Reed,. and on the we at by land of Luke lived.Containingntiont 60 acres, more or less with the apptirtts.,feur framed ho u ses, one Grist: Milli pnaiSaw one' Blachstoithehop_ and 'one framed and abo3,d 35 Lmo - improved.' • • Suit-of. -Reed Vs. lido.?I. Spencer, and W. d. Spencer i . r.. - - All these thieesseeralyiecerandOrcele of land situate, lying; andbehtg ,us thetcrentslute of bleitsg= Itilher-CountY of Bw s nehiumr,•aad - Altste-of Pennsylvania. Botulded situ, described artfolkurs, to wit The first on the .North_by lands of E. EL ltdtB, East - be the,' tutwpilto South by 'Lan of I,..‘lifakely; and.' lieSt ',by landsA. A. Williams, containing of ?ha acre-be thesame mere or leas together with the appurienaneek Qui Neu. ed - *use,(me •framed barn amilaWocrdhonse, and all itnproved, the 2nd- Bo'ut the. North by lands of E. Flit; Eastikylantht if. the liighway,Aind-Weitibrihe tunmiktrgoad, containing twenty:Two hundred feet of land,.be the .vante)nere or _Tetts•!.loipther with the-, tiappertenanc" one framed Store Br,: -71)e a ta ded on:thelferthiby :lands. of , c. Mika Pritchard trogoin', -- EAU. byllie Personage lot, South b i y . theilighwayond. weat by land of E. Fritz,:contauung one tufre of land, same inorO.K . le* _together . *ith: the iti*t*e aiehtrstid iiii_purtetutitees all improved. Taken in Execution at the suit of: Henri prink er,i rim: Thoinas Jackson. • ' • ' ALSO, -1* that certain pieee or parcel of Land,' situate. inin the Township of Iferford, ,Oottidy - of huisque- Mona, and State of Peinely, !sank bounded intde-'," scribed as follows 'to - Beginning at a" beech , tree in the South East 'line of-lot - No. 381, on the' Map of rii•sureedt - ;of Drinktri i unocle lands, which kit was contracted to Orlando Wiiitrons, it being the West corne of thel;t. lieretycimireytiii thence along "aid lincand the &kith east line - of. Land! of Augusta. Sophier,t. 'Mirth:444 degreei, 'kfriii 84 and - 8 - tenth - Perches tp iicigt; ,ille:nee the residue of Said lot, No. 380;•South 454 ' .. ilegreeg east'l22 perches; tea pail tin the North rt. est: lineoft Lands'of Llwin4, %Valiant E. Tinglii—L.theiniebv. said lasi mentioned - Itunts; - Andlitraca r the Estate of Henry Drinker dec'd, South 444' degrees .West, s'teutkpeick to a ;point in the. E14744th Laks,;,inid : thetsce: by the l'lorth east nails of lot, nunibered on 'aid :kap of resurvey Ikea - hundred ; indserenty - twoaliorth fortysfise s a ils half gives West, one hundred and.twenty - two perdu* Willi Place , of beginning. bantainjog_Fsixty 'stew acres, and shrtyMine petthea, -be Ste samit!'neare' or less, together with fratrY4 ed.JToosP, one framed Barn,. outi, , Shoe stout 18 - acne , linproved:,r, w . I Taken in Extkcitiiiirtt . thilt„ tnkle ; I 4014,.vw K.D.Turner.. l ELDII.O,, Elting inrie 3;1882: . . -• . i i- • • . . • oil;:at ille-Start.ofiL , ;LyouuLi, os. _ • 0 1111111141krillIff - 014. rtV.; 18 . 5 2.: •• • . 5. 3 ,/r , `Er2'PriSii! t 44.441„ TURRELL' . •:; no+TeciPitinia-immOlet e *land , Sticonier oouds cctn! \\l • • • - I MEMO =EEO i`- ~'~4~~: - MEE _ i # ~j ' '''. it ' . 1 . 'xi( L:t '' ' I =:=AT-I3NrellArlinits.TiO =ai.3 • = 1,;), . 4A -4 - :),-1-...; - f j -„'-T /11: t 13- r l f r ' S-mli -r s i kn1n 4 41 !: • ,: ' 4...w.-nive aum . *Lgteaorttneut-of . ,! , Ic i . ~. . N , ~ r i 1 /.1 _ ' - - I I+. " . ( .: - . 1 2 1' •0 - • itlcliclinS * grbalr*riety ofpadi4",DneOr ff. , 1 ,11 _ c r • it} Rili'-I'rint4,- Vined mid ilaroiderti La 'n' eitni rict p,,liped,, , I :eltines.t.ueie!tcl POpinii, Grin Ittuns - ai l ii - 6111+Is of n ' a7r 1 1, 0 44 1 3 1 ; : il i ikci': 'c i • - Sik ';, 11 , 1 - ' 1:. ; . t;,, . anq '- ; c • 7 1 `1. -,, - -, I'' , • 1 1, - ' Panto Cricpe, rochP, .it intern , tin y liar se SHAWLS, : 14 1 i 4itillat l'a a4,Plil!il anti ' tired Swiss- 14slinlsi Stiaa : ,t, T Fr4elt• I:4l,Eico - * 11l ~,_ •,• 1 ii .. L . .. . t f i Donuts; '/iti ilks. Ittooomt atol l ow is Gentlent4ttle:l4l_4:llio• 4 l y'n Pr,e . f4 ii,ta l lunnitir . 9 . • = = f ) a large' iymotittnFitii; ilitts, esti*, &its , ' ... - Trot** toll+, 0n6i'110,64; b l ot Pt'irlit dei "g f4r'if f ina ' a n d :t ib i 4 sit'ainled and k v i iiiie 4 * 8 " 1 % 1 §hadear., vrai arttit on poinegtict - tonsAif aid: '.l . 1 I i j ' .1 do eix. iir i ., whichin median!kit* 'I. • ' Unkal4l imximeat t , i ts . , 1- , kl. ,- :. r , .j- 1,61 r in other . ilepttrtmln , orsk9-p- rn. .4 rimmed eittitek tole ASIFIL:wiII es.i.bliik 11 to secure benefits !in' • --: ' F 1 'J . ' f, Ptttie.e i t lit, es an , ~ erz • r not to be''foun4 inin y other estiblislinie!!l N. 8.4PL611.0, Al 2 'and. p;rox ~., , li L I P conmtnntiv on lan4 ' ~, ,' ' ' New 31iltofcl, Drly] 27, 1852. , =Eli The G i l. 4 )11W 1 1 ---- • and l i lipioth - . Nelp, York , tkneriean Instiptte. ' . . , Slicer, Aridal of the iv. Y. • . Stat 4 -fair hare ,lreei ' t i 1 apearded to- f ,-,, -1b For.. toe befit, Sewin g . lll*c • -,_ 4. V IC VOUstY i516e:1:44 n ote,, ~ .. W' he -Or eupeeo. trof - th,...,4fitchod- i pv .TF as c (4, 1:4 1 i 6 1 ,1 . - Si* .6 7 -I '",enk' , s p i g h P.,-1 1 ,.....t1 u. Pekpentikttlar:4ifo .-' ' ' , . - - yvOt,ittltra.oll secureil i l e il letters bah* pf the ed may I tne . l'rffiliirkk Stir& The sUhsiritoerritars ler sale :.the - r 40er sell, wioi rktlight,Use . of this:3fachit County of Sukluehlmait,orle 'sell Tow upon appleatunt rrrs lio Sarno. •: I :* "rfrAllt cnihniuhi*tions nddr,e‘d to I sliflbee at &ENEMA:ARON, Ilioome N meet attent,he4 . l. = GP Y4Y ' 2 7i 1152. v.._l • tf - By. ;Sped: Appointme i L... Tr-, 'Now, Yr. AT.ki*EN, 'Opt we, the u dersi 11. ed. J'arrniPier.re, l o, harles Ditpietre,l teoph las 'SChtuidt and „kltliri Fritz, of 4 the • I : 74 intnn*-' Berne and 'Neuf lChitte.l. 'Watch' ./110110 r. lure DO by, tlie-se `pre4ittj dilly it . tithdri*.in, -11ppol Professor 4: A. .§IISOLETON,i If' ( -- 1.. - aker,. Siohlioge, aitdil - W-1/1: 1 81NOLETON . ," .... , i - afor i, : e said jilaee, to be eilr' pale - Ageo;:tu t e,lie .State Pennsylvatiii,t,indllitt salq apliollittnent 4te, Soutleatt'iclJ weA. i .i - • .- -...-f, - r : We the-partiesT:t tititXtes.a preaejlts. l doa , to .. 411 4‘i , coifs ;hist tid by ; siny infrin Went. ,• this euf-app*areent4suld to this we,set :mini Peetire• Damen nail stntls.,in the „prese ' o f - _ Pierre, M Duval -P. Ileughnue. ,: Dated ; n Sikh ' erlatid this; fir 4 diyAtf - Jannary.in. ihe -ye • ofro. Lord, one tlWittant*eiAtt-hundre . d and fift ;two,. L 1 , ....,,...„,_„2,„.....,.... ~.. ......!.. i .,_ t 1. , IiARTRAVAURI - .1 . 'IIEO.'36OIIMID '. [ . • ..- , 1 I , EbTAIYII4TZ..f )--- h - '-' '- • '•,l -i" - -1. , s 's- . •,- i,, .1, ,:,!- -•-...,.. ..- NlYr tnlielparfientar;JOHN-GittOVES;t4' hij v - ' 4004 inform t 4 publielliat be - . - ttrno v . his,shorktiis4. keeiOr's building, bn hi _- st 'llilletrib:' ,l 4 . ierill be Istrioirlito 46g hitt!old•fr ends ' 1 new -onm, , The.,-; •--- - c-, . _ . , .- - - • :LA rgq TYAIISI7IOII, ' ' •'.' '''' are pasted 'YIP in 1 4 Atli. vitae 013 0 6 me i legit any sty :thetwfsh. fru .that of th If Par„ts,:, I} e,,i/irtrii IA Dub in, or - the, r.. the 4anduich I:1 ode -An; l)"tiein.eo of twenty years af thgbisin s iti - some it shopa. in tlie . ennatii;4ndeis l 'bid'isriri j in .tianeceAsiliy.' ;11e15 , a1.4) prepared - in. fan Ming, antireleo, lied•is.now-manatictur ► ing lrhieb be - will tell it fair pritek. 1 'Cutting done as, usual, for'is4h do Nuotrose;--May 13; 1862. ~ JOHN OW , --.-- --.--- . . 11131PgROill - 'D R ' - - A‘B .' '.. - * oice o(Gt $ gratE4. ,414. Neiri-Yark. l ; epoli entl ititil:s4eliit; Turais*, - ; itt:*it., , otics Alias east of Italtrwi Coa AVe - St:;p lainstautli: cat - Oretages,ili , • rqf.4lP,li :4.144,Y '.• - •• . .- - i i . . 1 - ii - ' "":" - .4 - ritiL•'• ''' .4 fed; - : •.• 4 . : . '•_: 1 ~•• ...0/114 Ur;e11•I • --, : r .:: :, ': - :-;', :,1 1 - Se nit:iv . r..a ; iii•in - .iiikfr'keilo,:c4o*nflx;c* .I.•*largo,,• . d-- 844 . 1o18,.aitiff, - I : ''. • :,.; .f.i • -I, '•o' ', 5... E.,:,. , ;:::• . ‘-.. y-• . . : --• • - ,•. • , Av,hicklvilli:i o : 01. r .. , low fitir aisit;, or roaiir pa} ll,! - istock• iipcompti4eilipri fi litfilfiOtsotnio.ot • Drugs. tlklisiq ''' wip,O,.. , ,Pit9illiia;!,c,--,,,ritio.(tf Oils' :Dye ' gtpllf. . Kti . .'OkMes, ; _'''Gliii'A - :- .M•riiie - .. - •`-''. Spooo, I:l4.Lt4eli - is,- - .ltiti7ci#l!lnitru=. • • .\.. I .. .. . ili6nti., - 1.-IttkOe..litutiiln ~ s:::and',- ...:-_,. I• ,• ~ .- •:' -,., -- s i':'!! L" nods--;-Als6; i'. !,. •....;„.-` , :,:f' . • • -.' , ..ahy ocßts, Ilardwari4 -, 1! , ..,*...?' 1. ..... . 'StA4tidir a olrtlissek 140diaal,i' .. ! . '': , - ..,ltkiiirn4ot4SA#itlider.l.ooo',',Fi4..!,,:l=f7 . I.._.:_fismeryi,_ _ irr , 7 ,:!stationery,.,,TlFtisliesT: , :- I.Shoe, Clitnii)ii (; ,, Ouriling , !Fluiii;.iLitfil '...; I '-'.. - Clocks, . V . L elie#,'j.c . lvelry,: ii - c.' - (te;,...,ii,:i„i All .ppritoms,lWii , tj '' .. 4iitirel*e.DfittO, of iytotlii • I l a any or ttto'itttife' ' i derforftneots, will . fit, theii . .iti'' 'terositt ~ twoliio4 l l ..14 - oiling firfit.iit„ttb: - ''. ' -:titi. Variety - Spite or . I; • ' l i .:. -A . I3F.L Tll4l ).::lA,',' 31untro•at,ISt• .;- • :52i11! . .. 1' A , ",•,- ..•• ;-;: ....• ,---- t ... . . , 1, . ill.dio - 2.1 trittor's Notice 11V9TICEIts,, ,cre...y.ftst O , .g . tt 4 Mc? and vn t t. 0 1,11 . h3B been 111 AdinttoOrtt itatp OA fl .M' o to ;or Al* .Utwoislti , •;tnoily:dtiVd.l Ad. are otiopit . 014 , le:)1 . o grime; i aim:idiot' 'Alf pigrotf hovitig4o - nandstip, inst!said tw 4 present:therit, ddly dt tell, to tho . stdritti --- °'- ''' ' I 110 FRT id . • 1 ' IrozdtOttiiiiiii ''' ' '--.41C:5,11M TIUEECUYH- Nl6llll6teirit . :l7o *P.,!4111'/!'se« C (40 • , i • h wide Wt?ri47l). t7n4w4Jr; 'll )4, Pr 7 rM i" ijicil 1 4:*6 - Sliek;:priitt#lo: .--- i k 1 AIRY SA g 44 V:1 WO • I , E „ ,:.., ~ ,5,...:, , _. _... ~ , . ~., 4 1 ,'''' i ii,i• ',:,- ' - : L I 't.z, .•,- ' ~..-,-----:;:;,-.:, ~ ~- i , - ~,.4 . . .- .„..,,,,i.,,,.-,- lllit tin, -.5.40 • .fa ''' '''.. .1' :^1 .4114 , ~ r4l, :'''. N.: ~ ‘,..,,;:t 41144A 5 : . .y - ..': 1.:;,'..P* -' ,Y , , t Ilk146;111-61.111. + I . l' ' '.; '‘.', ' ....- %' '4 1.1 , :i i, , .. 1 . - 1 ....*."' ' t ': ',., ' ' 2 . L ~' -, r .....: .!.• 1 1 . - - / 1 1., ' : ,• ' I ' ' l ' , • ' Y ~~:. ~~~. : r ii.. ~..., , . .. i „, „t Aiiil2t 4 o.6 . 1,-- , - 7.- ~, •,,--:,,,t;:•.,..,-,.._,,-,4_,,,,;,.:44....::,:, u ma-, ACag y.:::, 118qtt• a -- a g - A 3 ei ..- tanthosil - 00 , -..iakta:bari,,,aitai .: i . . {under e P 10 4 .01#. .14-44ilIPURFj96". airs, 1 ; 4 6 43iiii 111 t, . A AlktiPitf*tial:l4 I ', ''; .• - .. .._ ___ .3rti; RA iitl:OftAwPoßtki*„ ::11:1 JESSUP, 4.'',ltZ r A.Stitittl` h leomlietent-bstrte#ota.k*E.op.,::#l sit_ poartlienti; -:-..,-; :. .' :.:. -,,, '7,..., eiltoccals alittr: o . l lllt dilihkgibel , illiorettilt and etriatent•=iiiiiipPhitl4o Wrest.' progrtss - evinced by thepty i d tin 4 I t arteriji. - exittnifititinttfurni 41 Witieihe 1 41 ! 1 4 1. *t, that ; thie.listituti ,n i 'firm halm; - aptreanitot fain° it s t-..t0 meet tin:t hishoit Nitdte? - and ex ' ri • abgentimisiwi t il .b e triaile for Oleo ononotiation of Ilepils from abroad. of Tsittitmiav,s, • studies of th . Pl'imari i Ltepartman' t, rterm,,. 71-, -, '::.• - - ' 1. 4. , ' -..: 4 --,, ' ,eoinnum i fiche." nf:t4 - 4eavltrile / t eP;iiinteiii, I Wit :' &edify; Vtriitii*:,i .!, a ll PaPieg• 9 ,1. r.aphy.- --, titutt'..artiti=" , ar;_ Elenten i - ilieter4r. - , - C4cmnaki Klusetic( HigherAritikeiietkP4 2 ug , er 'lira es' of theA=4.loe Dee At nent, per ria,.: • --- '..._ fit udie4 of the Vinueical beiartment: eithimg tht4at in; Greek; Ind Freneh ~ gitagen, •with the:whole or.partot to Apttivtitie course per terin, *7 : ic,- with utie,ef the Plapo w ' : - 1.. ~• wing. gad P t hlititikr . \ ':: • ' 1 titan . ',. '• i -',- --' • o pttpil-iiii be admitted , Air lens that e !stt by,epeeit I t s — triangement Made with t .;-_-',, •.. . 1 ' -, ,-- ...-.', ', 1 • -I Cdejitetien,_ ill he. Made. in ease Of .tds I mitt'cir 4icki{etei Of iltio - weet'adtirition I ::- - lititu. JER,SUP, i _, _. _ ... . . . . . L - ND _AGENCY- '-- - I 11.1 F, subselbere.bava;op,eoe4 an * ..tan in • th e Bort:digit of Shiniro:ie fur the sal e ana l transfer' inces in the (Np . ni . fr of Stiquelianlii. 'l' ' ini . ''- lf 'hey haves large number of iirove ' farina ',for sales to - which they invite the- - att ntion-Of , , _ -.5. : .2-.. 2 , - ,:::- . . hey., also offer theireeriticee'in 1,it;,f . a113 of any lk in, the CeiletY 7 -) •• .., _- - .: ; -- 1" 1 . i • ...: heir . ; ellaig4 - are : nintlerate. . _ The 2litleii of all ti . fisaing through their-haoda - Ifiill'r\ mare care) exam= at! . 4 Alf cotiEeysuicinaime it very . .. 00nable 1.. WM. JESSI:PP;.' Jizssuti: PHI, 185 g. C..BISSELL ESPECTFOIIf mill the nitenti*pf-lbe : . penplo to 1 j the fact: that , TaiMri*Wili-le thq,baserneatoc Ani;trips }latch T THE 'LOWESTPRICH.S.4- ' Omen may rely !upon it that all work done at hop _vriil belwarranted io fit Be:. is now per : todo+work . acording hs.,the 'Sumief ..FagiOns - -fot 'Pro .BonfaiPtiblico.-3. an''lsiteniion,an once ttrrappli Forrzyn Tailors and imported net . subecriber I _ik,ahltr: announce id,* the. ''Su r .Sineharsna. - "County; 'that t be. ;hal Lased; at e.ipettse;lha'cilebtatid. tei! and mAtiritrig; t l ad d.: This .tratehina thiliarkot 0%4144 ynien Tailoni pet dny, , wilr settridk da 'Beringer than band! serwir - eve qaate,ini**Aut kinds .910im#* fdd.l4 fact ccgo cuttinglraidirOt _dries htimbeW„lnven vrtn cotapeti\With' it in ``lne Me. 04:Poseita do rev Wiee4t l M4 l !l' , f 4 Tl oth• itnifirt.4'lVo FOC for by :tail art' the sub , . ICI a p mg lasma, bi in t he su T.-w NET; The eiiiz, titiEl Inv' ill o t jaa Sea ' I celeiß Welts, . _ . _ toe*. gspsi4ed-.to the Pirspiies bstlebted estate 101114 OV.xtiake amsrsate 5 ringelision to. pieEent them duly attested O:WI'Tt.S 114: J. Al; PRI TT tN DEN, Ir.. ci7 l 7i ouridaff ' A pril h .1135 2: - t # : • ...t1, 7 . inte r; of BNisoisairettoonyq,..l4 teal letter of Aalklinintnetots of the estate • itu r ,h, late of kranklitt „ir-;slid :iftle'd. to the suk 4 .eritaira;:iNotice ,larati • to'all per-4mq havi , l o to present the saroe•V'thw sah4ibeitilit• lin , without delaie Ali all penama — iihidebtell . egate are requiretrto 'nutkerttrlthahtte - .TARED ARSIT, I A . KERRY MARSH, • lur, 1 21 - ;. tixwart the' • s L , • ga pa tri ng clot .! give east • ' Ili f 01 . d4y 2 „,-' , ~, ii i s.r. 01 18. a°' Le Vt i A ... • ~,.. -7 --. 4 . 4 1. "... . 0-...4 1 Mt 111 4g4t 1 .102 1 ar .'...' ieb . t ;.. l eAubl l i i r ' 44 •.4 .Tawpfity4 winj , and 1 *.. :•‘-k sv..Pezf ''‘ . ; -. 4:- 4 /.,..'-wat f/ 1 440.4. 4P4 1 4...; •--- .. 1 C I~ .. r i . ~ r,-:, ..-..;. • . , 0 . , . 1.- , • I i :: 1.: :; , ..i , 1, ) I ' JI, :.: • .i.-: i, ;... .„...,,,. :., .... ~,-..,,...i • . F. , .......00'0.,.....0.10 ; :...- . .. ; , ~ .......i . .4 ' . - .l.ift.E.Ame4l,4 k vc: f ,„t,ti N ..: v.s.a- 1 16 • 17;7 vi.‘4...: ‘51. - ,.:ief4;;'„frt 'A-lit . • 14 1 4P-Dit 1 0101 ,• . - . " 4 . • phalli Gloiks;iillimisiiiiiiie : diiiiiils. . ' Ilatii„ lapiii:l4iiritiil'lllbaiik .00gatImii tiocoeleeetii .1.1.4.: $4.1.t:4P.1il . ;, , -iii;:i.i . •;•,.' ..il.it.;il4-. 1 ~....t, p . ....r,,.., . ____,-z. ;1,1;,7_,..y;;At..5:1..:• ; 1:1...,,j .-• ~.. .. ' • Reallt - 3011161 . " - ' . ' 4 he Goods,..ltardwarittmeltb.7;Drir,.-Kqii , raintA; Oils :. igidniiht:ii . iiiiii if. alit, "ii: • smtmetitOr iihiell liitri*s . 'irid stdmii . tore in New - Mil fi iifAiitlitiio;iiillfittilfli . di'. • proving, that '*ornit'.'6l7.:'.lhtk:::&olo'. !* • they can get the wit diltielniiney.• ...- b t I trait see fur . yptiriiitv ~Niiiniibisi tosh :•.; ti. • . .11 Eli LITTLE.' ' .mated i li f i y , is, im= 4 .. , ,.-....:::::::- - ;:,..41 : -: , i... J..., icint good 11. 9 Y 10 .bir 'Dfr g • T 1 pemon4 elli, u, Isle otlflutitrose, deed, itikkitiet, ,, ma 4) Inv. ~ k pa} and thoid h ,tv mg . ianne: for stletdetl '•- gttE)AVERI;:c • tibietit 0: 0 9 4852' -• AD, REve ll Eß ' dl TiTUS, ~0 STIR tlitj 4111;14, • ~ - Azip:l4o!****ll3oftty - • NEW - Aron/V. • - 1101tACE SMlTH.tokes ereat plealure in `king 141; , Iriew.la for the continued. ctinfi they hove in - -100)11106k: • t i nge. may .biOttitutd47. - of . Oru4).re:k Grit brancheir of 11G , *l4ole-tietts of -likth:.by: pia& (Ifing„extriseting. tt 4, 4 , 1444. , -;abbiotyi , ao , l , - au. ed 'to daiin este rsiertied ' the - as• pL Hat+ '4 alitato' fy, and ate wilt, Du, doe° patrol I Tuescl the if; gure, ' 1'.31 teik tiltg / ,'. iptteres, u ri ;aid Tere the ttheie ,i mina4e , ctAtions' fortable • it $2 +5O IV i)0 6- 00 7'oo 10.00 5 00 term, he,Prisk !ice pq or moire. Prea't. ' 1852. '0fX4:14414:Ae4 ° S. IL SAYltg* MAtfidett.tireiii*filit kinds • otinSt :"/HI -I V.ig. • lets hi- SCOvek. •• Say uroctor • X a footii amnia tweet; MOntrairiPs. JOHN ,-G ; • %T shop ot.er.talfirops' tore, foot of P#ic Av ttemcetro l / 2 * - Ai.g... Gu % , ...7:34 I N C-BMS.EV, I 'F on' Tirimilikiiiitteiit, look .• CEIITT.NNDEN.; I.4oreciAiiewliii Deal. tll C nr. a p • rtoiliCreet, New Yet ROCKWELL, ; , ROWS, ,SE.IWIII.. numOic.turp.i Wholeadii..ll o 44 I. iica 461tig140 . Umbrellas, iii1404: 4 • et l 7 - .4xtifielid_FlowArs. Clartlmidt atrcat 014! tans) Ne*Tor k. BpfslF R. zoexintri.:• littnunts,w-w-lritermt lAN* QA,BRlPortergs Thu 4 - . - • ~!-,-xtkift ekregitAittEiti's • ;:Trimkltimirlicturt;r• • frisnisce,lolow , Oe plc ALOVILT sit:Lar:•..4~n y d~~ Pu4.'intit BENTLEY- ' !f : gliock lug " r ~.., „..... ,4 74_,m0 . 0041.$: ' j. IMVIDir T .w do do9pl via :cit. hi strO4ibliti V4i e 6 iiii.4l . lllo*ry, /x}54111*11:4. •,.4.-t '.O ~,,,i;. 4,,,i;,..:. ;Y. aiimr:A:lt, „ r ti2.... 11 1r, ,. ...:..---„,.i...•.ti c '"-t;I:PolotA 00 l= • ilfi*Milinief• •• cALLWAD4 411 14. Tv: (Them • r Vittir • AL4 , ,,bl,4*crooko t 114sokat eia.r . .Allo k. 019,4414100.11;, CUARIES Stitr Hotel. . ..,...-. ylF,L;itieffSilile:f 7 ''- •' ' : ---..--iyi fiaa,goottic„ * ~- ,-,- ''' c l r &but the It,. _ i t h e , .. jost;-_• jr • - *aim°. • ' Vetutunn, 'r. i-..,-,,..,,,A4L.n,..e*L -tountY`'orsl tt****t .z.--iffora•wi` — a- - ,44,01-:Jouit4 414: T ;plek:Olett ,V6li.i:gea!'pri %or 14063,ikr_, . cifibilet' Itiolluc.....i.warcl;oti the:.44%-`",_,eiti'thi '' f G`eliig§‘-,',''''. - thitiiticeY gore on d iiia_ rTninCtihy Mkatde,4 4l_ 4,, :'.G00fg4.4 , rir 117,1; - '.--tiary lanai iir:.-41-I.,iticd 'runiii i nif ,' . , (-ratitfie vrest..bkt.ll.6l:"Vtleti*Oioir uti . irejuiii lilims! Mill to antL PilfritifesrUnintl."-_.; t re.... 3 ,V114 ii 7 -: tieteher, containt, .ttic., ,—..wliittifici4b64lM.,,.... ...,'", .-Ifilicl.=-- with the apconttet/t;T;:eirii.in‘t.ftwul 4.444..-ay-1;!!..,,- to tre held upon:tooth 4,L,,,r0t1f*-r!ocssae.,4l.. ou Suturday the - nide. imig irt i on 4),-,- --1;,-. caved,: r - 1 1. - Tern' I.cstts. li!'i *- P'. gilt - -.,.7 - - t',. .'r 1-ril 27, 18'42. .' ', • 0 1430 n: ~ P • -- ---,- -,------" . • . _.- • ' ~.-.,-.°_,:f,,,:•- ' a . T rn IN 'MaLif4--,y Farmer's , Illert.hants;FotwAr. .Ag . - .- - , , ...,, ~: 1. ..; . ..i, „ ..zi: , .. , ,:f...4„.4.,z....„- : - . . ~.....,_-. =Liu - gil aew iorKs; . .--,-,-.- .. - 11-' TROSE , .DEPOT .-,---•-• - .,...„ .~..„ ?: A t' n P . M li'Vtt ii2irk- , been' thrulivitik ':,' A Rll-3.- --.-- ..- ----- 1 ...- (* . u ,-- 7 ''-..^ i 7 - l'A.- Tutti ill, Se.iiikah4944lNl'°` '''-li ti , s ew `,-... COunly,•to "forward4ill lavas , Of" -.: .:r,t- : „ :. ~. 1 .. : York oti thq Irv*. favorable .. t4.it ii ~171-.,-..,., . ...., ,, 1 CAPT .0: L. , ROIT;:.:at.-..: - Zir .;;;..,-_ ' . ' ''' ,4 -- .ositlobilfew---s in old and* experienced 944 -----4,-iw , ::: York, and .will ift,,i& his ': i ngre'r.taSlu.: o ,..4 l -' 2 ,., ~,, . .. is , of all kinds of Proliiic!..''_- - -- ' -,':- - - - -,..:. ` ,;,-,,..?- , v..L . ,. • it ow is extensively . and favorubly.wwn .1.. CARL ° •- - • 1 th e v isest - 1- , its an 'honest. upright Inarj.stal, 45r1. ' ..., tp7 saleornetfinllslew'yorklifaricet.' : :..: ' ••:, ~, ... . \ Itontruse Depot Atelt;lA,lB4, rf ,". •''-,..q . T . --- 4 , Watches (t - 16Wellt3 r1 " NXTEhave' constantly, gn, ll *l., .stnd V V LOVit-* 4 °4 4 il " ° , tmelt ! 1 , Gad and Siltti Tratcliei, s S'ii47.f-§ pon 14 7 . 1 . - AS'pectarlar, Thi:n2l)l4t-i and JE L 17 _OF ALL KIN L o 4' . • BENTLEY-,afv:READ.l' , iV i ur. I_l, '~35~i - 3 3- #01:tjt:04,::::'-,' . :(0,to!:',:i!:!: fL ll.` - .\rItt.ZIEN, Attorney at'l4.lWe .. Office r Rear' Public Av tfe,Muntrwe; ' „ . • M. - _C. TYLE: Groceries . , Crocker :iiar4wgis!.etc4,!!::**4.,or NaVigation," Pulilie, 4 1. - . post . Goods; Gocerieijer66l6l • Flour, etc.,terner Of Turi . •-• • C. I);VIRGIT4 2 , sokttzep ‘ tk.rtc;*is --- • inCts ".' in gad Fellow's, IRA .06fnai 'nr , P6 - tisi: . l'Ornpike done with the litieftnititial,=andintherinosttte- - provettstyle. Chatges ', I Wilt* 11. JS , SL T s Ai'TORNEY AT r Ic2A ii', CO 2II3 IISSIONER Oi REEDS. -•- FoNTaU NrA'rN:AkNNW- - YOUN. WILL . attend- tnal;l,ln2sineisAnirtisted Jo him " with promptness an fidelity::.;, Price on Publio.S4uore, Oce:upiiii by Ilike • A. ,W. Greeitartotic4_ , l‘ . . - CHAIR, - 141C,ITFACTIVRER,J=L-Moit keeta inn tand. bat* Seat %aka, -- tore. .thei north .of Seploues. p Jan. 22 18t 1. G-; Z. DISOCk, IM. 'Owego street—Reß cam_ street, Fooeof Paoli Aieh R. EIit:TAILK , le . few tor reintrur,thii prti#tic . e may bg, PT,44nt1it854141A;:11."; as well as new ; : •, Cpravnit Cliftce..tx Doc:. D • es.4olllw,e-. 7 Baards at. les 11-04 d.. , - iEgsur, • • T_l - AVISCI: mourned the practice of the Law, JLJI. WW attend, to any buiiineee entrc4ted to hint in thecknniniies orStr-quehaiina., Lnzatteclijakciford And Wyornikt: :fkinntioen,,!pee. 14-1804 B. Ri T;1i7 . 0143 '&.: Wimie4iNizß e tail Bal Flour. and F3a rd ' , 3ran6barothi.K-n . 4 P. B. CIiANDL, Ready, made • tioneky, (te.; • , • 13. or 9 ceries, Books.t. Sts Ven*.liiintriip; d - ' a, Jan inDrj, 11 Broad Tay, coitiier • P:44' • ;:tetkerire.y 4- 1 1111819* eerfumenc - litiOuts toes,-Y4we Noticaqi,4o tther, 2172321 eat of Slitteiliotel arnfAa.& first dworiftig ain- I Jl.lt j ~~~G~ st' ~ E3a x~ 4 141deis tit ii i n ixen Div Qlll4':' !watihei;ja Aulupwe zior Piagi wilskieis,Atisc. Oirri i v3 t attee r t, opp . osite wnlaAxu."clok \ t • riaesB shop;,. rid- v 4,3- 00 4 x ii m • tita BOOZ BIND ; ate, ‘litoni.lloo,N ,y 1 ., _ sofelat9f *v.* :