The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, June 10, 1852, Image 2

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    W,,,..,...,..... mere-. • - ,-
..The,tx•mateltant. AS ore reselute, and was
b - aund tolace the music,. Ftir; the, bimple
reason that'it 'l,vayno -tory . dark -,:a casq:- din
eoneloslon }Fait-. go*- - : . 4; ' ,- 7 24 i , ..L': 474
The time ea t tlke.:: IVA pitin'O*lvn,, i -
ix i';4,.,-biti -- 4,,,Ne.:,.tya ,- ..,#,„o„111 1 ; 4ne". 010
h4tdlY , inm'E' - ManY tvOoldlitivelA4n
tband Wellint Ari . „, idittki'muTottn
,ling hills,
AO ilitldea nii.P4.,'4vci ban e,r,tsily..enl4t7
' ti trath hilis'elf r''' i die . '
limit e spectator':, iras u
"clairvoyant state to behold the multitnde.—
'Nhohouse'-was fail \a itili hour befo - e thetime,
for the lecture
—m l- to nmenceand still' they
- came:-- Wien and be
,sts, in sleigbload3---sio
gly, and in . ( 1° 8 ( 13 ;?! 'footmen. ' Even , - 1-4-- -.
die'yctung"atal aft' fitfrand ugly, withand
u'itb‘A't .ival-t* wet' in i ,at.,Wndence, and ~' tke ,
array ilatint,*,* iibtbnly ' tirtifielilslAii4
ettlicoiAras - quite-;im ,ositvr—so it must have
ti0,4).4. 1 *;, -, s- .A0.4.405.r.,kn0wiug , , , ,,as -.,theiti,
.that - it iiiui; that themselves might istonish
-: itesatiVitaves; thattho. bitter had come but..
*ores of the sterner ilici;'as 11:11 as most,
1 1
•atili e riaies; tad.i 'not 7attended fbe:aelia.tos
~:44yretriereitiiiti6ss - the iholiriagiipbf the
• Sitiding+ritit a xfecting •• hoiierer the: fool's
liiindouifiiieli 4 theY he ' d come. During a
cessation of the. inflowinff. tide, - the — lecture
, - '
..'„ *ran. _: • ,
,1: - ,...t. ' 2 - ' . .
, birtiig'itsi! l : ol tllloo l,l l:lieeapii
iteisary,tOlittltaeloi the'fierr -oomeisliort . ,
s4atid;:and 'yelapie into silenei. -- . 111,6 ...IfoUse
l'ecaill 6 4 66 M 4 1 4 °t 6 iitnf.fif wedged,Wadiub
lella44 ellio)Ne4r Inunan'biings. - 'At Olt
concliiihia;tte: teeturar . "stated' Pat there
Vero' sonic . peculiar. features in ire: Clerv4-
Atie-e Of tir"....8.1d0", 7ivhich he wonld ° explain
after'Makingan eiperiment. .. ... , .
* ' ..All thin;rs•being nearly ready - ',* r.'Alder
,leared.3. spate for e er ormers, AV et.e
they,might . bperate" free froni ..interruptiob,
•liiiid . **dehittiself quite *fficious if/getting
`,all; 'un*urierly.ft)4lA - to sit down and lie
come giferit.`Nyll s eathis was dOne, Mr.• Ali.
de n made speech to;the . effiet, that :the bet
• Whiclihtd:been 'Made on
:' / the - experiment,
vas got„nivrithotA 'his edusent, and contra.
1 11 6 1i,g'Itlih -.---
esthat he hoPed .whoever
, Iran-the inciney, - woUld - flive it up, as money
'63l4 . aelluircid'was uot l'''toneitly come by,---
fifiiiewai uncertainly attending the experi
ment, and, if be shc uld fail in specifying the
articlearilele in his dady's pocket, he Hoped ties
one would, be offended, and whatever might
- _ Coble of itOte Roped all would take it ingood
:part. 'Mt then sat'down, and was plat tloo'
in uSualamony.' - His Father he'll , * put in
communication began : i
'',• Well !. ibis is a pretty smart bid man.
lie likes.' to f icige ,
money though! (sUbject,
bored.) I want to knOw,..if he thinks I can't,
tell what That ii. in hia'Pocket. Iles „not up
„.to - chalk tldi time.” . - ,
' S: pose Yon tell tis . i.De article,' said ,john
i . attar!: • , '
. reeP cool' readercas, at. Oat stage or the
- proceedingA, Our heroes ought to Coke been:
The humb - m -, of six weeki duration was near
.: .
its end. , The crisiS bad comet , # . was .n
b o ld plish- 7 a pie'.ce of, daring affrontery, to
sliow np, ib - ,a large aticliene - .., :a "set of gaping'
'fools in 'their- Own "'precious persons. ''Ftw
indeed wool',: dare the attempt, '
But there.
Ifas jist so mit& hardihood in- .our henties;
farther than- this iris'not probable that:bven
• - Mcy would liar - 6 - da red to go. pit, tjte re
der must be r i: k ttin g impatient, -,.. , '
llr.-Alden - began to comeout of the State,
4 . lltimbug in ,s.o4a- ed,rnest No enteh=n6-
- 4(mible meaning
,now., . lie arose slowly,
,opened,his eyes gradmillY, turneilleisurely
fe the-duaionee; and puttinir the rig - t thumb
to the extremity of the nasal prominence, he.
`iiiined the left thumb to the Itttle'fiter of tl.e
right hand, the Mesmerizer .phic d . kir left
„thirili 'in ebniacrwitli the siihject.' 'l e f t
,l i ttl e
'finger, and annexed, bi 4 right thumb to_ his
own left little finger '
d b.i
anth f spreading
• teen fingets, like the taill Oftwo'Pairs of Pea-
cocks. in the shape ofla 'c ompound drag,. ..or.
- I
spread eagle, eagle, - pi„rformed he _s,emi:myrations.
Silence- 7 --deep and profound—rsted*on •
the audience. '
~N e,ver befo're has such a de
gree of stillness pervaded any public assent
- lAy in that disorderly community 'There
..stood the sclf-expos,hl--ttlie cynosure: of all
~-; eyes .- . ......Jeh e olscrv6d of , all ohservers: Did 1
„you ever `s , ee an owl realer ? if you have
you may, imagine . , how the itustytouners I
''stared at the tell-tale deceivers. Then; Own
- wisdom bad expose'het
dtii, it . ..flashed by 1
~ ,
reflection trom the only eyes`of their. l dupes:
lir. Alderman dropped his head. Mr., Shy-
I 'lock felt in his pocket jvhich ° , being minds' the
twenty dollars, had somehow OT, other be
- came a sore Place. '. '• ,
~, . '
piti. and'; young—Ladies and - gents—the'
sparkling eyes . of just' urstinfr maidenhood, luttd rheumy eyes of, palsied e 'old wtionen---
Togiiish eyes of boys, and wise looking ' optics
of old min—ay : were mot - withbrazen . g,lan-_.
ces from the double centre. At the expira-,
' "'Lion of an Instant -the - performers, ha& m
' ted sufficiently, and turning about - into the'
`ls that all V inquired'the late communi
aut. I •
.Net !e5441 , 143 inetignerPl l 4sed 5 49e4L
mre explaiathe_particular 'features. of
thisparticular p, ise„ of-Auirvoyance,' •
„said the
•',l7late Operator. ',gel:elle gave.* hrief account
'of the experimente' herein related,alid"eF.-
- rlaiued the :mans opuctticii of Signolo7.
Gentlemen,' k fontirmed the
_Loctiiier ;;' When individuals, are willing to
,impoove themselves andyou . , through the
~,.Foedinnl it:Lyceum, endeavor to acquire!
.I?uhlip spirit, enough -tO.encourage
.hy y . our ,
Treseriee; if you do nut assist.:: -As - religious
peeplo lend their influence tothe., Worship,of
the Stir:eine Being, - by attendieg , church on
the :Sabbath; though they take no actual part
is the servicks,,:ao: lend your _influence to
'what is, publicly -uSeful; - owe the public:
duties, which con,s-liot always be:petformed
. unless - dooe„ . Do not, like the boar
in his hollA trek the woedahuck in his hur
-row, Orlin; Nkg at the bottoin of the 41 nitsh,
`doze away the long ';winter: evenings at your
-- Airesides comfortable though they when
~..there is .
_cilium, of benefittiog,,a , oot,too
siise"OnlznunitY 1 ;9 aliPearing thei meet' .
ings , :pf4;.yillage lyceum. YOU rilW quick
„on:or:ghat 'the.b . eck of humbug, liut to truth
' t t . l yotoro,o.ll - of ; ,iir. 'Not one in len of you
„•l a as been pi** meeting; whose Obje4t
was . usefilnOss,:nod:yherei had jinl tvi ;On
,piesent, lici....haiinets „of humbug. would
17-en 44.110 . come to-night
Sur-truthelsake,* thaty row y r! ,
- : seri-hut - Yew AqvC aauq4lliaeochiOilimsreci
'NO* good people Oe'lloa)ei of - i-9 0 0 ai ? d,
g 1 : 01 '1, wiser in 1 1 44 re -
The 1 : ,nrajprAy.l were
imiglily 4 elightett -at the : ter*Digkon.:STPl
course some of iii_shalloW. pates were airetlA
4 1 4e.m0 3413 4jeAPiP41 1 0 417 . - ifiwarddie
400 r t-bohltint4 iik - 44 1 15 -1 :10r,A; AS 4 1 W0Siti
el*d Y410;`411/11
f,./14/engtli 14;i4olinsitliffsAR41461161-4i
- 4 4 °Qrs4 *id -Vulva - Joie.: i gaiihOuiessfitWO
1 4.:; - $J4,014Ap.4i:
-.00 ,1 1;5t4, gat stvi#4y,T.4o l huu..
weighed heivily his
3 44 4 AP 3 49ritt . ietlitCuiiiiity
only, partioulat- leis*/ aim vie et
*it -the
- ;, - -TpAr
" 44 4 4:- 9 rk.• .11 9fit:Li • diAlie4• 4 WA,o; l loo,o44s .
eituoy .11 k I 1 61 tee
ED . #01t..1
thursday::Mondegtittne 1, 11302.
.. : WilllGl,NOMilflik r
it 10. .S. , - '
',-• ; ,"._ ' -.', ~". ,•-,! _ -": ~- , 1, 1 ... -', , 1 1 , , :
•:: ". .- :
FAIR ; `PRE EDEN'r• '0 i. -,- •
-__- ..CfF 'NEW •JYRSEY: , i : ,-
Subject to - fhb - ratification of the People.]
:: , . , t '-'-'',', ,• 1 • •
JACOI-11OFF[1114N -
of Beth § County. , .
. . .
_. . ..
sErixr(ogpfit.. . i . -,
A: - E. 110‘ci, I 1125 POI I LIZICE.
: J ' 'ltittitia4TA*Vit. , c ;
.I. WILLI - Alt P. EfixnEs, 'l4. JAMESILIVA3trrotir.,
2. Jratais MuQuAti, . - Li.' JAMES D. I PA'xro2'f.
3. Jonx W. Sto - m*,, " 16. lore s. g 4 , DATID3O:;,
4. Jouv P. Arinta.F.r., 17. Dr..1.N0; hlco,taxocti,
6. SI•ENCEEL IiCILVAIN - R,. 18. 11m.rn I)4AKE,
6. Zonas _AV., 12: - JorrN Li7kou . , '
7, .JAmoi-Piicaosv., • .:20. ARalfii Rospersox,
b. JouNSwitorsieß.: , ' 21, Taosaii 4. IhclitAx,
'6,, dArou.Allitimszt4,4. -, An:la-it-Ls L.ll,natt. ~, ,
10: Gitaitz.Es P. WALLER ..
,' ',..14: Ciillini4l: l 4*E7ol, -
4 LTON, , 24. 130itat.ei iir.r.j , s, .
1 4 2. c 1
31. . 1 51Elcust i 9.3.'.gAgii. 41. itetOiANce,
- - "an Atrtniuoicrimrni ^ , I ,1 . c,
W-1 1 0 Si-office. >1•
^ has beeii
.usq., 1,1.m05•
. :
neiv .
In, Heirick:,:.
W. Arnold, P. All . 1 . I
Vile E d oflite tegina! 25 5
- %Vil,,illel tig-an•nny.'is 'inter.; Atter a
weelli's- profou A:ActibpnAtiQ,n, t ento
eratic• Nation 1 Couveatio l'iltel brought
'their labor of love to a close bylnomtria - 7 -
tins peitj' , p.- "kilo -• liierc of l'i' : H.fur
ci l
'President, ' a
'N_Yill4ni itigi4 - -.11!a-,Imma,-fer:Yi
,Imma, - fer : Yi _r resident, r , ,I, '' ..; .
--" 'Who - is Y rOei • .K.;...P01k 0- lwas the
tfuegtion asked ,hy , the ireopl ,rittlB-4-1,
when afewi'iiiguii - ' - eliticut present
edi7 ..,..,g,P
his • name.,befiqe._, the,. üblip as " the
party's'..' Candidate fortle:' ri* euty.--
Still mor e Cat/BC' : haver we vote 'sk ,
"'who is ranklin Pierce " t l i,wl
he ever done; ' vhat ; talent s - 14 -
aisp4ye(l, ir) 01 - ....,:# neil o l if•-tli 6 field, to.
.enti le - him to this iiiitinction 1:'.4 - ie was in
Congiess several y L i'B,6lt. during all that
time; while i es ()file greatest _itn
portance - were dis aimed and ti'cell upon
by Oni,leitikfater while, thi.
1 : ialls .ef
Congress ra 4 g wit # words :ofi i filloquence -
and wisdom that. wakened a. 'responsive
thrilrthfoughtitt e land=hoW , '-happens
it that Il r e,`like a in idoSt womin; Sneceed
ed .ac, well in - kec ing his name from be
fore thp public , 1 - >- - .,,-, - 1 • 1 1• r - -
• e,
He was iO the liciut. *iv tiller Gen.
Scott;`( but Ivillai'a .14;..4ia b.% the7.altie
'la '''` Or i" , 11 - "t,.d -t 'of v,rintid)dhe•there
perfonth ~Mere, t !an, - ; thou,
_who . -Withhini assi ted in carrlng out the
admirably devisedi and . wwonder f ully sac
cogsfulldains Of their great CoMmnnder 1_
Let' these. ~Whe il,-ill now reel - hound to
support' n
him, , heart AnA. land., search with'
tbe closei.scrutiny; and they 401 find no
evideneettliat • - -be his-ever glienlof •supe-•
rior abilities, toentitle•him TO be thus el
evated over _ a ; beads oolder men..
;What .. then is he, reasonthatil/miS, and:
Buchanan, an 15onglaint; a 4 Ine host of
other TiNin i "and able :: 4 of the
rarti , 1/3114; thrown aside flii favt.r, a
this cmphatic llynco , roan? - ii: eeinha
tiltp with wh h - his; bominatioia itabeen
received' th . gholit the south 4 indicates
1 - ~,_l. - . „.,....1., ,•
ill il3 . stion ' elm anot I
tpe ' itiswer' t - f . .,-. 19re • 1 -Ir t i
-.''. I - " 4 11 . 'N ' h '• "` with
er many eo ; ft e . ort ern man
Soptili9ll - pringpleti..." Ile is liclaimed as.
the. candidate 'of ;lie South; an his being
coirttled•-witli , -Wes,‘ IL King,' Well' lentrivn
as an ultra pro-slaVery "triati,-.iiind,'a bitter
enernylor the Free ; Soihirs ef l ike Nertli;
together ' w ith the fact- that thiz Conven-:
tion Aleoimuced - P all attemptiliit agitation
i)frint , slpvety questien, Undei whatever
44i41ii,e : or 1 c019;
.. Vanity point
. out the
course thoparty will - take
.in tli ensuing
caliwaign. , : ... •
_ -- '.; - 2 : , -*/ iI : :• ,
And . nfw; Free Soil PenieSts of the'
'Forth Wheel into line!" The' fiat!has gone.
cortli:1 : The ( Stniqern . ._Cliiyalry,4are to,
ule,- spi-A .iiSiiiciy, is a blessica instil ti
' :- -t,..:.", -, - J:.-• _ , . 1 . .
,§. -; , - ._ •
''..`• Latc'hdolipatisiti. -.- --, • *-- •
* . A.i• - •:*a44 , ‘,iiliiir,iiiiltilli=4l l
es ! n t ''`e"TA'4 4, -C- 0 PY9 31 -"n , 7.1 71 : 5 .T-aPai'''
.. - , Z 3 E14 1 11013. .-,•`,` lktgrAxot*ltt,l•ll_ll4olls,
. , .• , , ,
! '''.. 4 2and ,- -11.efOinr;!,'Ll'heside44,- 1 - -ii:iitriety - Z•of
t ra
-e Viff: .......5?, , , .. -, .--,;,..1. , ,7,,,-., , ,-.,
LrenanP o Oß matter, - --.."11.ec011 ' iMis,,Of
S ;Voi - g a reale cotaalnittite ' lll.!ittler=
.r it #, -1 :F 1,11 1P;5 43 4 4` Wcir - aAr.ort .: and' : a.; .4.4..
aenny4,4#7::,!. . 1 ,:i!.. ,,,,, •,0. --,,-, - ,.,,,,i--,1! I, , ~....., t.
; - 'l - oii i iit...fe - MiiG:iiPi.*:=: f9r l. %iiiii . 11
iix4 1 .;1 1 ;4 1 1415.. 7 - 0 114 - 0 4 4.1;_ . 1
. W. ; i r,i e VAI s
' , OS t a, 1 :( -It 7 -, --1,1,--^ ; --- ~•••.,-.1 . •,-.•••
with itteri*tt i tail:.. ;iIAVA,4 I I-' - %4
gl-l ' E° }T ile .'
•S ri/Ye,. 1 olOr 4
"-.TITks ..." -
.hi ' - ; 1 "r• ~oadioA: 4: , -1* 7.*
'V opitr3 .4 l . 4 . :rii •
4 , 5 - . : r... , - r• : -, ,
.. „.w ;
...- -- ../f:4Xf ‘t.j.": ;;I , il.t . ' i-lift-'.. 7 . 17:7112 !,; ... , f 11. , :,L P4l-, ''? -- - •f
!''''' - ' - '• - :_•3_l-y , , , :efii'...-4 - - 'f. - {',... - -IFi;;j.:,--. , ,r P., , "-:E - -" , -- i' f ',.'.'v" , ., '',
, '74r . I,Ctis*Pg.kkefEEß .4i , i' la-colt;
i I . • I :
tnins the 'u s ual sopply f good . things,
winch the telented editor knoWe so well
120 01,,,40ii,up, to snit - the -.t 464. . of--1n ..-.
t .,
reeinis.4: Zvi: new , apiey -- 'n 'di-icli'arifi , ,
tbnrOts ofo . oltl Kiiick.'t , .: t. - - • ii,-
"t• '4.. • 'N • e
Void t)1 routtit of iljt Amto.-'
•The wheat crop_ throughout he
western St aces is sPnken of as lnnkitig tht
tremely promising, the present:season.
—There Is a- dangerous counterfeit
afloat on the Firmer's - anti , - -lechanic's
Bank of E;tston. Look out,f(:w them.
heatitifulCalifOinialionesi was
reccotlpsold Sur: ,
She- IS.
lion at :San Francisco. -1
,----Over one thousand .neW-buildiugs,
it is thtifight,'-will be eiteted
present • .
Census of Franco Vas' been
lately published:showing the whole imp
ulatiOnf to - rbe3&,881,628.'
The Oectora of 4oston haFe rais
ed their chutes.' Sickness seen be
come-one of thelnkuries.of life which a
peor?tnan cann'Ot afferd.
- • =Hon:Ovid F. Johnson late Atter
neY Gimeral,of Pennsylvania, , was in-Car
avajel'a-nrrey, ante was wounded in the
late light - at Caniargo. • • ' • -
A party of twent 1 - bingariaps,. un
der. h Gratzey,lie gone to. Mis:
solidi- With - ineans to urrchese .
.icreS of land,"Which the intend- to stock
andcultifate. - •
The Syracuse journatiays the salt
manufaCturers Ha i le 'agreed to establish
the price of fine'salt at slper barrekand
to:.adMit of no cli_ange. It - has.generally
vittied from cents to $1 tr+o. ~
ROME The population - of the ho
ly 'city is stated to be utterly _ disaffected ;
and the ; general. tranquility -of the city
ad state is.maintained solely by French
bayonets an d-Ro ma n police.
• .
the . population of the Austrian
empire ntunbers 36,514,446 sotils, which
gives, on an, 3.;154 to an _Austri
an square_le.- a. . . - '-- •
--- ' -Erlilkillp IN , Ilmsz.--The effe t
of tli`e Maine Law . upon the public health
is noticed by the:l3elfttat (Me.) .Tointql,
wlfich computes` . from the' books of - the
agent appointedte,s,ellfihulorfor thdieil
purposes iit:that :town, that the re are
twentyfour sarnaand per in the flame
diiikeifik who uregiseascd:-
Xlate letterfrOM‘Sin FiatiCliCo'
says that the,'extensive firm of - Husby ?
;Solid &_Hall;ire ',eonsthicting,a•large
fire-proof .store;'and; what . is - a 'rema leti
ble feet; - they are: - importing stone' -am .'
China for the.erection of the buildi4
.• • -=----• -There was a' bull-and bear fig!
'I4W - dilekins on - Sunday the - 23a ult
the arnizaement of the pious b hays of
efezweakekr--,.ilcie six.Pr-ses_VDll
sand persoosetiembled, add the.tighi
ter astingtwo hours, was:declared a d)
. ga' .
e.. Both animals were &extra°
n l
ary'siT - and power.
-4-4 - .?utrages by the Mexicans cob
ue to or. - siong the Rio, Grande.. ~ = =A
party of ity 'Mexicans recently ere iieW,
the river . a ' killed fiVe Americans; who;
were encamp „ , o n ; the American - de;
two others. - esca . The ..Steamer Ca
',Malian has again n fired into by 11 ei
icarri,.and Mr. Britshe\r,the:pustem H o use
Qfacc4, was dan g eiousiy, woutiiia -Mr.
,Rogers, a merchant iq Rio rande City,'
has been assassinated in his o store lw3r'
a Mexican:'. ; These outs-ages=, hay creat ,
a ' intense ` excitement all along t e"A-,
erican side or theriver; ' •
. 7 ,--The Cominiitee appointed 'by the
big City Convention of Baltimore,ave.
issued an addressio the Whigs'of
.. • •
Ann, inv i t in g tnem to se nd large and nu
merpus delegations to the National , Con,,
, ventien on the 16th insi.l and Pledged the .
hinspitality,of the city, to 11 coming..
• —The National Division of the Sons
it Temperance will : assemble at -Rich
-il:lend, Ire.. - early this month - for the nice
.x ion or OfrlCers and ; .he transaction 9-rotli
et busineas.-. Thirty. Grand Divisioneivill
be,repiesented, including one in 'England,
I re
one in . Canada, and one in' Cali - rata:,
---. A lersoyman giresthe °Hewing
_advicni.tck gardeners : " To• . :
from scratelsing among-your garden beds,
cut their dainty . scratche - ra oil just below.
their beads. .. ' - -- - ' -
luMps of- goldlhare-been
-discovered in a 'ravine the village .of
Mineral Fort, Wis., Wortb froM Ito $4:
On Monday half the , town turned out to
. foi the, treasure, and •in ..short
time found a bed containing gold; siNer i
and • diamonds, -and - before noon'. $2OO
worth of these precious metals 'were ta
ken frem`the , eartli. -
—,Considerable excitement exists in
California, in . reffard Chinede immigra
tion,and labor in the.mines. (inv. Ogler;
in his message recohnnepai that measures
be, takezi id the Statelo-- -- Nispretn cheat.
iCIP; 4 I.
this Asiatic -immigration, an4 - ::that.aid
from CtMgrese be elm; invoke& Ho pro
tiOses for 'the State 'sueli'anyitaM'Or taxa.'
Hon as 4411 prevent tbe Chinese- from re
theAams winch, they. im
toiienjnye -.1
When D 6 r l'eaPliles as
jcpacja -, i;Opuiatcd oil- 1
14 - B " 433,ol9 .itiblibitoottrii the
PraSaaajmilitier-or the humatrace. At
WiiUsesit 611 job
clO Sam s id-wistuviiiek
' ter: Voottt two
4 1 4 W•*g414;0 3 a . 4 21 4!ii:far 141
.I \ 6 i 1.4.!":5.7-ti
1 6. ft- .
. •
t - •
Inn% will notninate candidate - I'4'A°
Pn„ 33 4 l enty. the lady-Should- be yOun
-. tom ; irre, would lief give trip&
for the old fogy-'tt to a t iteii:-, j l•
hosubjeo of
olsictutg PUttiqllB.. ,
-4ets - )?y IktiOpl 4 i lifts _lien 641 , 1 94 4:: inn
- 1 1 louse if Rtirezentetiv'eltand ttires.
olutine intindnea.direciing. the Cculnin it I
too on the Judiciary:to "report,. if: theyi
think it -:-Constitntional• te: do tio, aT WO
havingfot its nitre' et the proliosed ching4
and If they' think the: COnstit dOO4
not nut horiioit, tai ilepot t amendment
thoretowhich - •
' • 1
learti',from the Morris jth-leb
?On that the BOonton Iron Works were
sold" liat vieek fsir sl6o,soo, not Ono l i tionr. l. -1
'ter their - firit.cOit While therolwas Sufi,
_ficiont duty on , foreign Iron, an. iintnense
business ; was : done at those worltse.;lttrp f t
'quantitiei-ot railroad iron ofsif, • excellesi
.quality being turned out, !
Rev Hosei : Ballou, tho,oldest and
best known preacher of the- Universalist
faith. in , the I.lnited'l3tlites,-died Bo hots; in the. "1318 t 'yetir 0
been a proaeher,:furi inar" ,
than=siNty -yeara. „
1 --On the Qthi inst..a ileotructivo con
flagtatiOti' ! Oicurr s ed:at "DX6llreill;* ;whic
laid in tiehes - a. cOnsideruble niimher o
bulhhnga ink the bu4inetis part or, the!ctt
The leaxis roughly:estimated 'at '6.14600,
.----,An'association has been formed
New York City, called -.the° )Weste
Homestead Association, for the ,purpo
- heco s ni - et Ai
"of placing all who may become "member.
of the .9iime, on 'Free NomeS in the VMS
..—Kossittli has arrived . in Ncw York
whence:be - will soon embirk
.- —The Irish patriot Meagher has r
ceived pressibg invitations, to accept di 11 l
11 - esprit:ll4h* of sereral•- of our t,princip
TheNcw: Man.
• -
..Gen. Franklin juStnominate
"for.Ptesident at Baltimore,; is son
Benjam Pierce ,
in Piercen unlearn e d b ut honest,
kilt of- hearted . map, who, aervCd :Ida coun
try in the Revolution,i Was_ for raany years
Sheriff:of HillSborough CC•unt y, I, and final
li. elected G9vert!or.: Hi :inCial Worth
and personal popularity_ la d :the foundt —.
'jou of his-son s 'fortunes. .•i ' ; 1 -
'.- . • Franklin,Piecce is-a wan , of fair person-.
al character,- moderate-, a' ilitiea. and the,
'bitterest partisan feelings. He l evidently
iconkiders that. this. cptint • , was • created
Eon, purpose to be-ruleil by he Orty styl
ing itself.Dentocratie.,' an never harl4-
ed a susPiciott that that . :, • arty ever , was'
or could be in grror. If a-kml :What was
-I.he-°CCaSign of Adana's:Fa L'he-wdUld. ia
stinctively ; answer IvFed -m1141'11= 1 ! 1 1 .0
never had one ,k,rngressivie idea, but is in
':all,, thins a 't,w)4ol. UnnhOr ,
~_ .. 1,.
- -Gen. l'ierceirus(rePea ..' I Y.'cholon o
the 'lsleveUittnritive,l4::-.. tore alouse,)
. 4 ..,f ; e4,1 - Ch..l4.irick,finte4yi grilde Speaker.
lie. wail first elected. • •• • -.- .. in ;18313,
(M 10 !0r i 1r.4611 Seat j ibe, allowing De
:cer r,-audTsecviA -throu ; h two .. terms,
Jo, 1 .he i. was- .Cbt18 . 4313 ! int ~. tbe-Senate,
~w y c 0 • - he served front 1837 to 1842, *ben
•he resigned. He - won bo position in ;either;
!louse, and wad not qualified to win , anY.•
lieis essentially an ordinary man in eV
orything but part izrn-Itip, but Ida Loci,-
Focoisni is ofit. vindictive anintalignant
typepec . ,nliar t tb New,Hampshire. , Ohio
, ; alone v,ainly,: attempting to, equal-it;- - -N: ;
Y.,. Tsibleste. ,' • ~- , . _ .. - 1 - -
• .._ • -
Hon Ed i Iliniegan C
_ .
- the Olin*. of h* tii th'n
The .fae;s mto is o r- 1
in-law, Capt..Dnnean, by 'Mt. liatfne ti-ain
Widely known. -..Mt. - -lidnnegan ha& been l ,!1,
Member of the , ,Lesielature,.both - IfOusei of
Congress, Ambassador to Prussia, and might
have he n thotioned 'aid 'useful in `every rela
lion ofe' but fors Lis fearful . devotion to it
mpr, which his long rencimd - him a terror
diagince to his - frienWs; find bas'at 161.'01
;bly led bind topic: felines , dotim. .- John
'lrth, wliq' faired with -his in'Cod-
, •-commeiuti-on hiecese in his- Chi- ,
' 4 lei.." --I' - - -.-- -.- •'I-- i
a -. .
pro . 1
Went .t
tag° on , - '-• •4,
tieri_ o
man • liss seen Mr, gantin
When under the ... flienim .. et' - liiin4 Itt '117)
have, tan believitheabOve. - Ilit4 every one
who has - seen Idm and 'lived it' the same
house house with hitnvind his familY; is we have,'
when he has hien a tot:A \ abst)nenee 'retie
for months together, will iideed+ity him.'.+.--
'When sober, he is as pFe, as upt,tultind;
'and as generous '. a man 'anthe rs Inillis
country . With larnAtterenan be no middle '-
state. lie is -a . hrute vFhen dittAlt; " Wlrn
sober, he 'Will compare iti all the! elements o' t . l
goo ness with any Man-living:: :But he:can-
not drink without getting drunk i
- Mr. Ilantiegies entered thelower !louse of
'Congress Mini years ago, --S Perfectly 'teal . -
perste man ; and, in point of talents,' intur-
ty and popularity, -his prospects were as flat- ,
s t re
tering as those of any young mai in ' the Uni-- , 1
L e d , -.- t:ra4 - 1 1 Vaibingt61 2 *.hicitie aud.
habits' '''' tee,- Wfach...tiv" lain: -- Aiii4patieU '-, 1
drove' to private life:: :Ili - refor med,
cant e 'a efenTeratice leaftriti- . 1014 itii. eiteinpial
-7 waif* of. the chureb. Ells exhorti-""
noes in 4hrieli 6f . 'great' revivals
_ire rsttki .100.
have equslled those.of the most eloquent di
,vmes living. c .. Atlength his 'ell; habits weiie
forgottes4wWit•bw was senttogo *mate. Ilk
took is at* se ex,lptirjrig*l of Tenveir,
ante ad - a °kraals:li- Ott:tali-the ". temp- I
'talcs i.
,were top Oat. fi n. biro. Efis srOggloo,'
with him.elfwatic, and the esiistii4e'
iOr ono it nateroiCoo test `offirateei, his wife, ;
SeealtAi'for him the Prequitbieinfeverybtidy.'
But lie -Tioiai • d 1111.14ga spriet en 4 beloseh4 ;
re•-election: - ' Like most poll lift 4
fieehtni , entbly; - ...,, ,. ..-<.A.t thecloseentleAerin... ;
=and of Als,Vol • * s'adminignitiot.iklolt4letr its.",:.
popular 1 4i ‘''. •:, ileod:i Man frOM;deviteraitti
luin, al ', , it istinoinit'of 434netel' 1 Wi
AcietierfcAitipettitne‘Ainanimottsly,l Whigs'
Pelk • r,
,:and` I ' -L -: **l :ig 44 for Me 1 -1 0 :,
send li :,,,, :Idii:ititt4.7W feti*rtikeintilt,
to.that i .-. i':Arair. l l l o* 6l o4 4l .'ettSiir
*Stein, ell%kosiniitA tiiiar T ,ilifa:Ass Ili'
.- have WSW itothinget hitailiatstlthisliielt‘f
. Ohot, stfiti4t -:-',.--, ;- ,, _•:.:'7l'iu -. 7 , 4.T .- -.";, ,,- . - - - -tri , 1
14 ' 41 . 4 0 446Bedi "litilillit "illkiv'e*(4l 4 :
Opagroirilierreedy te moon* . sokt l ootei 1
. * * . uk ) elptstit*Ailvainefilio*- - ii '
bid soli‘n_r_ effortiito sestir,filirk'oeliketTet4t-:i
•Oy sillia*miiii* -';i : Wo , Ili:Willi - v(0 id iiiiij:
am E
~, -6 triildiOltin4ew* . ,
*efac.. , *:_ji' iwiliiittiodzilit.:4l4:oW ,
- 1 1 4 4 4 t 41M,...? to " livesinsikilt:l4'7,- s::
iiita*l ,be
11sit Ma d sit ilfi 14 siTii64 iii ',
in;tio r ostk-,..-i f_Thit he 1
iiihotille: tree:" ' 1,
-- ' ~,-,- 1 ' l -• - • F. - ' - --i - ',1, ---
tee! manean'sitiAs 04 . 4 - wit - liar I no - di
-What au awful - Cent tnt3at this ut Upon
OffectsSOf - itittini*e4! '''F't - 1 - '
.„Ft, , ,i
' ' - ' v 4 -'nn . 11. .T. : i - Pi''' .
drofthit'tnin I i - . -
.bout the mtdd i = mr..?l, -
i t
lire to lye a mint' i an --bnt Ft ei
IV 0 bitbilkk tilliEj he willlo* 0
tai *),u
~- This tragedy
Liquor.ktar - I n tr . '
lie caniditibif - 14bdkricwali: iftv,,,
the next sessieni 'of. the Legibli,e.., ,
- - -'• ‘7 4 FI ), . ...e . - •,..
Memorl4lot the Onondaga, ; NO
' ' tator; if., Ike . Dialii;l,4ir
T. A -e N enal el, n 4 rt ow e`/ 1 IE 7
tines itc A/4 y:c' - -1 [ 1
4),lsAtt 11.1'`A.T.11 ' Iln,'A tin
011tlaiitillIA f.'t.i i • 'are all at t4-greit
'Cil house at bony, and that;th
-oin - frit 7iiiiil:ticiWiftitlibii3inl't
~White brother , all „ over :;the l St ,
'sending Vii 1)94; , o put op tiliargoni
but .we,ffraid to,Council ,I 'irei j ,
: burn bright I clear.withi) t /Or
e 43 we send tl i' to = make : , t bu , ..':
Brothers wh I we' - wanP is I tire':- i;
' - about our Bret hertin (heist:lnc, ID
7 .we bear thit.4theYrtlii- 1 4 IEAT il
this Itoguo, lit
eel t folkst l b money!
:time he burn 4 uses--some 'time .. I
1 eople--somt ime bc • make a fain]
.1 ,.
koot--rsolne lt,tne he take '.. III IVIY - 54
pme,time he Mike 'otrt.,try, c
mto death:lP -I; ~, i z .-. 1 - • ,
7N g :w d a w n e il 1 :d ) e l t t::o P il a: :,P d r s- o 4 t m he o r: ln tli e e b r . .•
try,to stop it,' " .i t.
1114, try talk abou it,-,
if can stopitl title---but: he:;wen't t,op,
We hear at I'' our Brothers ;_wry, t' b
it nolo n ger : o they Make law t
.... i t
him on bead n' y where thel. find him
barrel, or jugi kir bottle, -irt; tave n,,:g
cery; or barn,liosy .where, knock him.,,
head.' Nowilie,want_to ill you, l .lir
ors, that this Attg Rogue juig heel'. ber .
=Onondaga; 14[1ars made, Us great trau
`Some of our people would be.. very, g ,
if thi d b a d felfow would keep away
try—oar pee ' :le.try, some too, bu
not. Now ' W, at ,we ask yen is it
1 .1
laws; such as o i tt r brothers tu :the:
Maine have -blade. We have 'tie
Minim. he wotet he coax;; 'we tr
lie•Aion't scarp much, •he 'still me I
deal trouble4lwe think better ni
to knock binilert head, the he 1
po more tritllde., We ,C tristta
ask it,' and se ne Pagan too ..most
it; you mai, . 4 ;1113 - law. ,
\-- Now; 13 hers, our pc Ple : a
lami to whit people,
make treaty',
.e say lie-be: good t
But. Itelet thi 'Eog . he trouble . es - ,:ei
1 9" g- • l'‘,'`,. rOthers, we la. as, cn
people, und,we . hare • gone t, war
white Brothe, ; but now% e are
our white. others . are . strop
want you It " us.;;"we.:"} PL , Y . ,...
ibis , law,.soi* ten., we, find his,.
kilihitn. ,W ~ see hiel gre ,r ni
bUt.,**Mpen . 0, be good and p
:and-so he getiltwaY; but iflon
law t hen plii .t#li,hint,.Fand.l;thee
-haPPY nnd fO l endly, 'no , mOre.i.
more reggvabtAntet'efig*l'Lbeti'
wheat',..va_tsittheausly Cat!ls'. , - 1 9
some childrettltota ; no mere get d
more freezji lib. death, work.and;
things like :bite mon;__ ',.
'''-• 1
. 1)A*10 144, 4 ., .ki ..
.inie - (i iu
tiiig,d .t i ti, ,i 7 : 7 :: pp 1 e D;;:::::,... 1. 1: ,,,,
. .. A11 . :141X. E :i 4.4 .141'1 7i 0 more ; of: I I:le :D O ; n
_ F.-.
. -1.=.---
reins it, shfisl4iy . ,..e new loaf. was turr
A gentlenia;tllWho had been
~" al O'st
shaded" to'hiiliOe in thedeetriiii 'Ors,
itaal thanifil titious, bufilhis wit' hlso
what ittcred tphs; took . is 'lntel is,"h
iii2 / I :s g tt i 4 Fi;:Eij n t : 4 i e .- ? 1 ; 1 :t: )1:1
l it
. iti
astonishmenrl t lie ghost of the edo '
responded, ;gfirigimiolligent .ap Aver
the queSthifil'Ppt-t
oended; jand t t the
greater astOtiii meet of the ". b i e . ievc
, the doubter !hen explained that hey
been camm i iihjet l iting withhe 41 tit
defunct (log 14 i This is in a ctual, act;'
if it fails To' OMfort. tho , a pis b air
y spread
. hardhug,' it will , T. - leas .- ha .^
tendehey tritiCreape Chet test)et .
n ewly, gliacht4 red .race- o• nn rtal
' Who after 'tS will treat I is ti i.l as i
'tier to hitne) ,f or turn up is Po
Mgma :satikag !!' Theae - act' . e'sp
It s
links it israr*4em° ll sirlit ' r'ai l but
mortalooil of canine spirit ; cii '"
the Weary Cli se - iiehiw, to-thi,e a, f,
pose - of elysi- ltennelsl !' What 'lei
'.-In'' ri, Cal. BentOn id
opening the - Ong , resSienal can ,
dared him elf in Invor. of protec
by - specifi„ ; sties!.; `said' that 't
Dallas, and tilker . TariiE l l'of 18'
hembug, I
.': iirrirsist ih it wet
the counti 1 (+ail 'lOO6 l t ir ens ' o
r i l
Railroad 2 i" 4 .was 'airlift' at • S
which ought tbi have - been made'
Font of the ti ly. pure frO,n: ere
state; that ini ienangoland -Mon
eil vt.
ties, Pa:, ther 'weed thirty two
naces, now b . Tone, in operation
Clarion Co l , pi., the Sheriffhat • .
- ofPurnac',6iitlei eiectitien';F„ .
\throughout ea- ithitt-Stateihreetetir
iron ostahliithittents Were 'closed
tbotip ‘ stri,gn'Tif.ilic'tarifflaii of i.
ICottSt cl4tbiilasalto%,o4k:'
timentis'a ili,
of SEntue - whilst oth
hersti .-.: 11 1 :i. 4 i' vie' 'xi
doctrine eise , fally and ' ' Ise
postto I Y ,-. ate:Lobe tn . ooe.,
-for therartyi not ttdeedUuntl`;
moo proict it ,;'but a\oornMou fa
lere - of the. ..40.i1e! of vjathipu4., 4
: hesive pow ribr publicprto)44:'
. - •.''.: .1 , 1,, I -- F - 70-7,..-r....4
TM' vall pf the l'itittisit4ppi 4it
4 i
according tio.?hecompiAtf!9gt,,•-,0 i f 4y . :
g e( ire,OCTO Tier en!!ontpt", i
N uare wilds: , that of t
he I 'A.ti:4
ltetOniitietk With• the chi r opce aeon
them,.l3nalnia. that-, Jtrelx cV O
The greit - zoOlan ill, '' 1 ,(l'
i l le AltPti'e:lithuiiti. to- cuter_ atti at*
upwards :ea O :millienti l 'of a - al '
in ; extent.; IF ” - - %. , 1 I' ' - I q . -:-.•
• on. thx• • • I.l''' - • .. - :' 1 . ' iii r. , _. .
, - ex.. ; el n,l l:rPc:l l , l ll , C 4 e4Pttt,e;
, afrak4 A:l4i ..,,inciv)loipii, a 0 1 940,,
44 tptiou:- of#? Pat: i'-.4 , 9 l l;AfttPi
striae .. ...,
,pay,iiii,, 4 :. - , ....13 - cb.: aii ,. .lp teqc :iti .
' ,-, ,---- ~ -- -, % I .ReAr:l 0.,
4!te4 1 3 0 .9.11! 4)0 1
iLAPAys.r,, , tAk
.: i 1...9),A.: , , ..: .., lo
Ai il Am4ilo4 . :' ": - .491(4414 -ti il , i'' '
thlii,:for., -.- . t 11 - Akklar. , t• ic. : •:`'-#
lb et font 7 t i t .. A t a ----..-- it ~.. "-
~., . AI, J„ ‘ i ,l # L.- I'
1 ,
0 1 / 3 - ' ll kilt"
„ ,- , i . - -, ~
~, „--- , .. kii ._
r7 r 4l : l *.' 1 0 10 14 n.iii.# ~ . i" -- O t k '%ln
rs.'atust `t*itiit - 'Tatehrf' -i *titli - ' W'
' 7 i, l -# 41. : 1 * i ' dineflP:sooWl44 -4 '
....‘ i
";nikiii#ll4o'' ' * ".. l taitaera?,o4pit - ,0 1 4,iti. -
t I-v ithiliii — *lloiiii
c i titl 1 411634 *li4igat6lit
tellite ; . 4,
~e willing ,eeiltiiiiiiali
iti*- -9 6 PO - - 'illt:ditie,o 4 '' l 44F ''''F'FP.
1 ' 11/- - • l' .. -' ' 1-..
a:f-t4Y 0 4 1 4 0f4 '
4 ° " )1 .0 .so io'. ac-1 ii,,p! Pea, _jf*ipe , t , yAlling:ln = some
: :or ( 4 - Yrift*.ri. ,' : Ili Alla tie far! ,
! k r:ii4i,iCs 144' tieen i' — ofCinY;C:o- i' X'l. lee,
..lin thi4eit ti, Ti ' aisB': VPOor
t o
them i d' . - atral. 'n'', any : still suf-' ,
il fro nt: th`e: 'revs -,..itietil. eoiiWl
1,-.,, t .' . ~, •,.., i y: • -„.. - -;..,. -,.
iiPt Im,- ~Wagn" aunt '-'''' ['Pell N isiteg
disease 4fa trAne. l The pla es:itliti--
.to .th .let ter are 'Aili.tritmiVeig:in
va' ri ' Gittinl - I) t 11Y - f B At.n 'Nal
a, - ue Q.' a ' f` -: ...
iy ‘ .. 4 ti ii - ti'm tifirtly,east part t r of the
faiY'6l . ileAte, Of 1 whicicitiel wilier :
'ln thes inelilities hole yill, Os are
'lig, 4eserted ror.van, ortpod;‘; en* titt.f
t itnate it' babitantsli*liff: le , irnee'iot i
0 inirat k 'prosperity Ilce _nu ' but a I
, trail l ‘„Thitvelibigit*Cdfaillifi*: '
tr waiqig,thcir. 81.0, -hitoo4-.-otatees:f
ether pails trade is, ,stantling,c,Mill.; of
OPQ - 4non , gi - b?, a- fiiP 0 lijoyitic , i11;3 ,, a: -
lat, , ';'Etititclti:..44TiNely:f...l4hiiletteA' ,, ht
sersineti,,full ow,e+: : ; :lifie;
;nPle 'At* 49privetl , alikeAPC,theiirfidlii-:
. naefrnatn, re-and tile'r . finikaefj.kid!LitrY,;
id:: AO; consummate 'WrcicliCangsa{„itt!d::
„Itair anti an• excreta!? 4ettrfh::nt prdyits:
' aiNtlole:ilierfis .of. calla- an* * op are= `
lekliy, ft rapidly. aprea4ing-44cag
ttselings;9lhutna a .naulrg:
0 ro..and , more. perverea-ati4 enniillseil.-
ie-most. loathsome loud; tneetlitifested:
nArram, ts eogerly --,aatight,,,after:; 1 •
l i i !nae , j 4 lstanceK : angs ligYe'heen alangliter-1
1 . -nn4 yetrenebsly: tles , ouretibyfa tatnialt-',
OPnlae l um . :In -one cage, ju-.N.Yilite,l4 - -
rg; a;di b:Mir ieator same; da,ys4tai - lieen,
i g .op, an dsAbot... Will -iseiticeli appear.
Idibte, tit, flesh 'in its. aciyaneeci stare of
, Qiipposit on has , beeti::tactually:.‘ made
le 'of as:fixid.”: , -_ ,- - , - -I: _-: t• ~.-'.
This, ,th writer says, stkplaini thttiea
,n,...,vi by 1 ermsof,„ in }et. _APlleaTatAaf.
mbers,-- , _. are,: literally:- :14d.siegintfeirery ,
r t, ;: otr.Olalble. tor entgratiuu.: .Hunger •
owa nepatriotiiirt, ; and saut4 gig - 4 pet tf,
the anxious: cry r e pe a t e4, , frem , "village
0 , Iviliage _by'lluntlretb, and thousandi r and ,
driving wen:v. : to-sear& for' 7 2a, lieine in
reign and • distant eountriesi. , „ \
I l ° l
a: a
I -
e ert
Ice;-; I
Intli E
tile 2t.ttli.
tirtly; .liy
l us
1 - Proin-_.a
( . )nrier`
Ild f a jl
ITO it Of
ost -
11: e
'There iN
eik arro •
e -
g -for,
1 1 ,4ifii,eiiiii
1 - -§toli-, - 1. ,
- erho:6
1 6-w-00e
l' lir:4 T il.° l
; - ofciferfic
I , .*o7ioiti l
!4"; . 'butili
-1 iirlt:iit 1
I rs
''' 'Ovate
kiide4l .
11* 61i . :,
i • •
( 4.l)thel' l ,
411z, : Pii,
Topiptca 1
4 pa
I .e
fift3 ,
6 4 4 00 13 Tri . c . t •tlie . : . ii4ft stip-
Ws : ed &bt Wee - n(1(11: Ail
iltiii4loarett *lib theexCeraiori . of
twoinon chilt i l ren why ere
i)ris dee rs: 1. 4 :1 4 .1 4 -
' 'The
acea` w;iiiincrp and
wit ain't' sl,7*- - the ,
ltiels4' bf
. .4 . 441 itf,, "7;
1. Pil l
l'•it..:* . P.iii)M,s: ,- 3 1 0tirn i.. “ . ' it.ii;:ii:' - tli.liffig`-'
i..ifiqeiid, ieeliiiiy: s iii - 4.14 mel : s7i4iii
1 'lll` t iTlid; 4 . *i r tir. '01: j. l ,:,.:dOirr, csfilisiii4tAr; - ,.,
v:00 1 .401 .0.1517r4v :14741 3 iii,.ti01.ti0 - Ase, 7
i..k0;4.50 .60 70f ) 0 4 Y1i4-Y ( *4tc , k#44 ,
II -,ammAiiit , ',o,l , :iyottAr,ii4*..'nrre,.thttlf 3 tite:
iti;ltc."..itt - .generiliiiiiit, - . , -,4l,sehjeet, upon
I•iiiejt.ihe ;puhlic degfec-.•or need.4.itifoi4
;4 1 Stfl:7- . .:.q1900". ailfptitilOf ortipokiAieti . ,
.0.,/,,. r tiergice,-,.-1.4,914,3t • tqlpre4.- to
our jugtleti-..a! 1 4 tq , 4or"#oo6:oY -6 0tfi.iliizo;
4rtli . 4
_ooff Re! toii#*litdirSiti:;'.#k44,, , ,,
' 44- :Pc!liti°l on 4. liir.***4 . :3**ClC l oo.::: l *:
1 ,.'' . ..., i 'fit:..41t0N ‘..0? - pa,...k, f. 3 1)ji:41,4iii.ii.. your ; .l ). o' . ,
' ":- . ?ign.*- , lcOgt i . a.s.....'lt,ls;:.:uril.our! pow. e r,tp. i
' , .,'•0 1 , 4 ;FY 6 '9t . •;-4 4 4 9 '4 1 t; it. '-'-.• Lpst, of.all,- c 0 0. 7 .:
•.4ker;:9qua*lrO s ti...des.ptitch . 2 ji,.‘yho
1 4(tikfok, t ho:fitil k t.ho. the- f) .;'_ite - d-itii.
.. , ai. prp-Fomie,loo .tt t o .t tp-.liost r o e t
t tifOstl!.. lute: the steve.” ... L.....,:.‘ .:..'.- -.
'f ; •••: ; ..- :--, ' ' ;.- ~ .-...,,,:;;:,...-.:-• -. .7.17 --...";•: ', . .
: -.::;''. , ;P: - 2'.'' '.'i , ' • --: '• •• ; 1.e.,:....,.' . • -- ! -';:.. :- - • ....
; •M r ?...rh,O.V.ro4etiffs-:•i•Atlip,:4oo....Ajitri-;
i 11,1t6141, t' 01,ie,;‘,.. - O . P:114 .
.. iiiiii: . ...te . l! ..,
,tt#,, - - . ..1k!a-j .,'ll 0 -‘ (irk,' Ohici;-"tineJltr!, , Aola l
41 , * ''.4l-..#47inOtit; . " Rgiittea4o 0,11 . ; and
. ..*iiiol l .ll;.. , ,*444olllhnuif**l -4 i tii)ifiik,iit
- cillifeittr i 440.1intrz.T . Iiir: ' del9gariiiii;Ot' tith
tart n atirliliales )ikoitto* F Airicu• total 1-.-4:ii-
• • Inaltill44ll&4* . yakinebn : 6ry, on- th q .
1. .1:410.7 . tirie; *:::1 . 00".0411i . ,' , A .. , 4: , ,ft - Ari.';ll6: i
....o(.lloo:igZkvsj*ips:s . iii 7 .l7:ititi is .Agri
i Itct*ttl .... ft*Ottiiiiti *. ,t t - - :1 . .oi,.uv;
if ft)iiipOliii**o4!tieirt:•oeviii .g..,lnet t timc
!':ireityx.'ii,itipiii . ;..a4iijiif..4,o4,= ; * ofeik-.:Cx-:
'o4o:l•ltit .. iillii4eTtitiliitiiiractiltifti,it..
2-thitC 1
and ollitt :4 fitocititriec -, .i.•'.:.zt • --' 1-:: . •- , ;. :' !
- :::j...r . ;:i.J.i15::'..;1,,-..... ..:t...'..; - ;i*•!'',,iL...: l- ?ii . .i-;.1- - ...f.i;v: : ,.i..4!: . : : :
'" :l . l.o3 %. lo . l N l ACOf 62 4:: : i l .tieWiliefliiii : oo',
i 11 0#1 i f .ii€tfe,4o.**34o . o Ot . riiiii';
0 ti04ii:5 . ..... rOnrk#lo4.l4o - 1,;?: W 4 blaii;.-:
. er.f.e tredlii: - Atii:VEirliAll:!...!:'
1 1 ,V ., 40.,5 11 .--..14.7x7;1:.,: , : , '..:v. u . .-- , ?-".i ii.. .4, 1 ' l -.k-'. ll - 1 ,..-:. r i
...It ' 4.4, 01 i i. -t i1" ..i .,.*: . *,.irt4"..i.. 1 .„-vi--.:,,! . .1. :
jn i
i2yv.......:: , 7. fIfP ..4,„..,..... -.Ott ••;.:,...1 .. . , 1i1l
7 •44”
1 tirt.fteti j. r..
e• . . 4:;.. ''.... r.fims:Pont 11 , Ifil ~ 4
. 0 .,
't- c ' , ;e3.5 . ~;_c•N-4-1,, ,,, -_-, . 4 , 3 - 4- - Al-- --- , • : ~•:;..-A-a ••••P
;-' ',.• ....-. ''..• T' , 1110 ,4 1*,.. .... At =Ric.:
, ~..,, . • . Z 4, 4 , t,,,zr 1 , ,..- - :., .. 4 , 4,0 .0::* ..<3l - .. , s
'-..e1.:i. . VI,
lig. faii:,-; •-,-• thiAluiL ., 1
i ii reK,„ •,.. --.l_, • ... t :„..:.-„,, rl,; ‘ ,-.,.,
!i '4lr l iL'C *34 M - A A,.„.., 1 , citt)7l
t „ .k111V.00, .....4- O. i? . r.
i . ,4 41 , 1 9 w ir iir. . ~ " ..*. 4 , 1 flircik:::ol l 7 , .
-i ll
L ,.., z ... ! ....
.v . 7 ,. -4.• ~ :•, . .-.,5 :- ....;*..i ii, ,,,..,
t a
""6..t . 1i',..72i,, • .iii: •L , ' R . - , _ ____-,.;
r j r
; 5'5r'...1:";:..01-0 Alrely:it.,,•3.;l g*4--'
,• ; iiiitrfw.. ofriiiiO4 ,. z. - , : 41:. i
; 3 , 0 4,.. 11.
~,. .,..:;':S_,A . ..i , : , .:1. - ' ..r : • , :t.*,ZZ',O4 , 7.L. 1. .! .0 ••
1. 1144111 F-. _QT I9III ! S S - ..1 , W 101 .-P- 16 1, A. • 1 ' ' '' ..l . -= .,
1 ~..Yz' 4 ' 4 h eir: . , ig**4 l # l l*4ll*- ....... .14: *4
i's... : 'o4i.,:4tbliteliakti . :**X: ' '.,. ' ~.Jos 1
..... *.Avii3Eliii**46 -. t.' •"":- ;• : Zit*
'.'-• V)Vi4'i ,, iiteciiiii-o .r. '4oaiiiilitial:
: .'Ciiitiftie*ejected,' .!
:f• "
I #4,
:04 4 4!
T hai
iitio"" Arai
6. i;;;;:t
” ,
r at :
134 1
i :.
7y ..
tj l r lll
f 4
6 Slanalittr of Indiana': T_
Vve' Invie an account .
' -
Obrrespantlent of. tile , \ SiQ46
le n drat of 35Imen,.
711ellfr, D nk¥ CAS_ in' the
bias? , Of
-.. -;.,, , _ -7,- ;4i--_ -,,, .- - ,-- - , ,,- . ,:7 7
ims tciun4Lpptx.rely:strApro.4-n - cl
aiifrit : 6it:',l: , 7, '.',.!i; : - . 7.'''_ ., :: l' : 1 -.-. : - •i'.' - .' . =-',': - .-
r6'..iijil.(o::o . o.Nit-bOO :* - :eidli - : ;':
fi7i.oiiii - :(1:4 .t,he.''.fi,:i.l.,*4'''-*.ilrfo-
the liody sbvefill Wii utlds on
parently nifitetedwpi
h. elob*-
.ini liii`throar was ant.
ripany wild . ' :went in- '
it - jnst one -week: Th;ex lad'
-in trailing the Itidiatis" . : -- -
to ilvoiti 1 0m-thing:the 'saVar:gds:
o`sliould he - witiliiii.itrkin - g- iris-,
1 - s were koitt 'ahead :ef the - Main,
party, who IaYITY nrst 6 fthe,
rued timir ',knit - 124 't . ' - night
ater. diliiencei,.
clieria was diScni-ered.',*l the,
(the 22(1' ult., 'on '' tim 'Soul b
d-Trin . l67 river." To rnirsit-
I until teitilni,glit, where blie T,
it-, forces ilia • - darelicelt9n
"vinty-I&‘etrii ,way tits to arm
band it, and - atz'day breit;lhe
being int the cltistreikp6sirichl,
lir:attic/cis-as er-seii.t ~; .- • -
lig-1.1;10 of the cairliqinident,'
.'marked:its victim With iii err
t 1 1- i veile t
10h, .the:ins o a_ c rife
lthe work -ordesrrhctifpn-iindi-e
-in a fi:W brief Morneti all Wi
" •'' -'• . tr., — . - er 1 is. -- '77: 17 7 - L. - • - iria.i_ _ . , ... - .7- 7
: ',.:-`,:' ' • 1 -- ASA; lama!! , H ll l ,ll llOll A - , '",'
A.. , -,-- -.-- ='' ' - ',14,1 , " ' • r _,. --.";" :,......, ;.,...-,
~148.1,0Pc"r.111; ilr , ‘-.. , : p.r.ii__peculia r ,
tjE*4 tho -In ,11. 6 iiirt.,,Ml:e4l*-0-ii, ;
f°ri n,fq*Li- .4
IF P# l ° 0/...:*t 46i.
o , 4ok*tfn:#o749g : T:l:4 - :Z e :._ WE -in‘
isitiS,._ ylAht,,jr:
r , Otek..-14cinnitthi -The lea.
4e* ",111- ~.*f_t*.liis.-.-constiitients
.tioro - l'46 !'-••YrAaii3ollaorsyitholitstiot
, 4 _ : .*Lk a- W t i vi'_`. ant
shape ot. a . C PrP9s, a46 nt' athlete -preserve
thettcpnaii t t Yr , Y , Y iel at? l i 4 arteredri g h tif ;
sttit'e'tihliguirio_ea; and 1 , 4 4i014i1 'proper-
ly. hey hate: reentl ioyoritipea their
"of iiM t ,4hi ll i ariu:t / P.:-..thia liae:- *int ., :
faitehOm_Paa 1110 Paoli? a sYstaln ‘ftlit-'",
atiiilf'"ii4'!Y c'rfie 4ki l ias.. iviiapit'al, .
*atiOcaeiesp'entenbanees •
iigtyidnal -.l4*ateal.---th4-last.'ll4 tojei-'
comiianied 14 an Odlonsireaort i 4 s'' • -
r'itge E!M1:404/ 1 0/ii7 : Tlite i'' ' '' , l lo measure
will, of '
&Maga: -th e:'Parti - r4l -
40,4.heit 'PilanoPtal..; l 4aalt , telltei
pt eithk
le alie, instea4divOini'sAlliyiliti,
and * 1.4 % 141 8 I trn 9 o g'..:thellueiveit eklese
.. . . ... ._. i', It
important Issues. Here a epeettnett ti
the Onlee_itja larc44.-tbe":- ,a w.lawl'ate-re. •
eeii-d . by ilmq: :;_ttli.e, ae eieigusi. 7 1
-- -••.344:,:itAT.9xA - a , ii.i, llfoit 46 ~
9;uiktnriit!er ,, w,teiti o=4 ip*,.llo. r i N , 4 .
I torn, te . toiynahip aeaessera: -
1 ; Z:!, 8ti54 1 9 11 . 6 . - -tsrticles. ellen) ,eratell 411
the atii,ye,i3ibeibile,• I birr"..e(dieridechket-,
in s2,oo;*Ortb)Abeilawiag, anklet:Of
fOorsonal:,propertY,-,foliii*ta .** ek , •
-viz :- One rornhroc*,..;•s4oiser: ....fil.-•,
. band hickory, do., le.;..'two 1.64 eteee;fii a •
11 - i, an4,.nioe chickensoiierate'valise4e.
- 6v4c; . " :
cord old tai fl : fel - f re 'wth ) d, .; 94 a.
one gun stork, 63 1 ei: three •eaktitr panels, ;
‘45c4 end &ism Ate time forth} will nein.
%tote for al Democrat' of the nesr.eebee k i.
.tiaTiog cursed the i \nip' for-Six. years "
past ,oatraicentat-4if their. tax.,law 0f!46,- I
shalt, ot 13 1 essibtkDeabicraey Toy. a *aiiii.
-one,: but-lid them' a: long Ittalitat fare*:
. ..,
.: . 1 • ,:::Jefferson oiSlavert
- .71,2615 firlienis, of Jefferstm - faie °het
qu4#o; verY prdPerkTr.ea. law led an
t hurt ty; o questions of national interest t
especially those wine .;meet
the Ific..*s.of his pretended follaWerti: We
4104 the felldsVeg fteke flip `
pat 1111, v•br-.
-thy:of thesin - 00 etteetim 6 ,f I ..thbie whn
holdltat alaverriS :iight, - in •
the th'e - sight cif
,00a;.and;l hat Negro is.a nteivbruta, \
-with son!, or tite znoial ittribnies and
resitniihilities-of the white .snaa. '• Iti s ',
take from -the 2d yid aril eOf ii Three
. ii i i n .
=in liTar 6America; . : BY ' - AlilEa TEWART
E. , ).v! i- --page 76. •, 1 - - I
-', :-:-
Mrhat. an incomprehensible machine
is':iitauff . ..who-: eztw-Ondare- foih'lantinsc
-3 tOiles . iimPriseeteetiri-entrdeathitself, in
iindtcAtunt o •-. is own . , tv,•an4- I
ne , 0 theat L- Aeaft all t Oae motives t i ,vl 3o o . power supported ' -hint dip: nigh hilt
trialk And inflict :on hisrfellbyr n men A hond-
Agelone hour-or which ,is..fianght with
• tnOre misery thaa..agost - of..tbat .' Ny bi c if h e
i , ,, 01, in :- rebellion ..•t,c;:i-ippiiias., e.. - Bit - Ws
si est await with patietee-the worf.ings'ef -
- li P 'll nte;' 'ilia tope th#
la i criterrn , ag• run e . , _
t at is-p - r!rittg the - -'acfivet'etl„iexttr*"ie
-0 tt, , sulfering- hrethreP=l* When the- n.
'r•-tt , 'tif . -111 0!riteers' Sinai/ :'" lio 'Ol l - --41 . hea;
t 84iietaia:abailllatilliielveil ifeirei.
- it .eltin •filat •
linessithdesti ' - as- God of
J. - **.irifit,ittviiiien:to:theirilistrime,*,
b - diffusin g libe r ality tin°!ig
t C ii:"° P,Pre/i B UE I 4 .4 ir 11 ! .1 e n elis 1 1 - ' - ex
.t rtninating ;liiinderi'inatofest:, his attar
, ti )n i
to - 4140- thiitesiQc4lAiiminid,lkitt thei
' - Ot leg to, gut : net_
a 1)161 iii.
2t , i t ?:, ..‘„:-, , :;,,...i , .-..:," . 1 , l'`i--) ".. '.. - t;, -. % .- I
. Al MODEf. NVl.a ii t-lhere i 6 a woman
1 ~.r f lial)a,. ow; " - ;i4 abash river, who
t ic..'!it. into her j head, and. sometimes
P OceelWhile he. r.old man has gosltt,
t wit. ) tiiiiigiking tiutsin g , arid fishing ill t o t
o cci. , ,Ektte - _ rOiyok.e4pn ox and her cow
l a
r die pliiug t.: . ii!ei, iptikket. two twin
4bies- iO9 t ,16.. ; iblificetrantteusperds
it. on a tiree,;;.thiii: kiiis';:iii . e'ke ll .off the
al l
cow attil.•atts(Oeilt ititolficierid of her fish
lig..l :". 16, svi . iii,b. - . 4 siuckiiiiike ground at
the:witerle.;ildiOlv!itke.:. thee: commences
her pliiitOtitigiarcitsiiitAiCfield ;'at every
itlyctlittignishe..;:-giietti*4l.49 cradle a
!tcn4,l34tichliitt4is unislieWizoti!l around
7,g4n;at-:the. imaii4iiiiiii: keeps 'mews.
l ) 0 0 , , 5 ? -thaV r4 vilii-;:ini taab me*tilf :
:(hie finny'. tribe, asialfewed the itai! ... ...:00 i
:might bear of it, for tinder her a
- merits thi•crilarnity is announced AI ~.ti le::
. 311Wpg p c th be 1. ... ,. -:..,.: -.. , ..
.F . 4 ..o,p iirtitirsitapi!,tilysi tiatlAila .2 - , . -.
re . ro.4fPierki ti , i
d.theiiiim:i:**': ':
--, • ' -,..
. ,GErtysitAL . Scot7.-=Thq Ypailanti,..
tiiiqvie . iiiistile following anecdote of
milltnit. 4,.,lttildier, - 'which was recr
cpulplittaliJiiid - tcv the editorof that'',
)) 3 r a soliiiti 4 / I :vhci served in the Nor.
war i
...• _ , _ .
The troops had made a weary march
through and selected a place for
their hirona.n..duriog the n i ght. A party
iv as4ittitiliitlio.elear tlittitionad and erect
pfmptiritg.'sbelter. fa .. .t l* Ommander
in-clnof, Who .had not yet: reached the
rptt.l i ..i§hiotly.after t e w - : : .-1413 com
'cOn499Akeid, be - anivedt.iiiiiiiding up to
t lid #o4liti:. part y , ' itatatind'-:iihat they
wore*diityk ;i i: He, was informed' by the
leade'e itird'littinedia IA); replied • -
"Well, ! .. i ctlts.
~e ',Otor*,
_and return toyOor
company: ~., tcan participate in the pri•
. :atious of my tono.i :1, will not have ;a
iveiryminppyrorin a mornent'a tummy*
otiriliiiiOi.tocipy,ConTenience.",.. :' - I
4. - I an; a ' Deniorat -said our inforniant.
but I want to irote_tuG4neral Scott ft?!
President .'!-. .. . ::: -, . -.. L.
A °H 6 9 d ap i sod orili *mintie r un.
vi t the o pt": :
.* 3 .. - Jo * , • •
... tat old chief
slut witfOirifilithfurao .. re, and their
;warm hearted gri4ituan id. the rich ro•
wiird -of bin. kiwi consideration.`' --•- .
• - ' • Litt
..,..vitii c, .......
-.. i ..i ) iitt . t, •.. . l i-r.-
- -•,-, • INT a the :
.- . • tt,t• 'Pc'r9.-..- ..ueet 9 -foe
Tv - , ' d ii,inq,- trier , (1N ,B in . -
~,c,4',?.iiilit;4, l4 Centro. • ~,,:detc4;:iiiiiiii,
~y4iig--.I -4iiiii,_0:„,...;'..,4#1,-
•.06ii.,-. fii,
6444'.,:i;.'ibie ..-1'....970*ef.. A'—:bilfor the
lig !_..-
ii .•`,llt4i--- • atn40,•64 th at a
ex.. :. --.-
and ha
~41e!°' -'; • r *ere. ...11sPck14- •
~ it, .
.- eigi.-.-1,..0u1F
, • JitrY..- ~h...... -!'..'-'.. 17- 4,10cr-
1 filitit Mr..."#fic,i'llit 6,..9.t,h..titskiliiai.iad ith".01"..:-Taine
'''tiai nt S' • - rta -w -r an - r A' , c
./1- '...arriPt!P the du r
a-ok9l. . ii)iteu:c'tc- •:"..tbo.:, .sefierings.ecasj:
4,0.- w#,l.!'-tliiiiiii.k:.'",‘:2-'iiti;l( .HP• t , irtle di a l -4..,.t.'
i 54.11 . litii•ll tP foittio .. -/- . uulClio . ..,..
Av4._P,-...,..b0rz. P,.., ......:..„-•-' ' l4 • 1ht....q.' ion - - -..-..--/:-',.
....E? ~, ••'-ifilmo--.•.-'!'. •• h4..4.P.-: .
isi4 4 -..1,-, •- - .; to --! -4... - • , r / 0.•
!..-,'•:•7-ctiig)..- - : •,.(! -. • ' -LI -4.
:..t 1 95` , -- ,
,- r M anama
.d of 5 •
:134*49---.- 4'oin
,- istbul
~.±itr•, -
~._-ii40,v,13;•:1T7`-'-:13 ' ' neeligi-!-- ' *hi
sortal.i, • ' WI ( , ...lii. • - o t
-'B7lllo'-t u--' '''''''""• • • '••••%;Atilrit; 'll4°'' ' s
4 .1.
-,...m.,,th0ri,... , r00 1Ti„.,1 _, he4._-!::,- .....!oess- ng !nibs
ink ...;,,,trog-,.?.. %,00 ' ' emus- •ng '
.''ilvirt will
i'.llilBlo' Tii°
.., it ,g•-:.',..4?; 1- _,3, , ,,..: aid. .._____4:...-1:, .',..iLari
iii,..,:a_iit Vgit?'° o _n t7 :ll4iitfiti;. limpet
. 6iiiii . 5..iii...,,..
irri,_4, -, .....i.1ii.1"iii....... , .......--.o iiiii ,
.:10" . , t , - hi
cbels' .-•qtt,e• bilir.4ll.
•-• .' ' - '
ilia- 'ay'•