' - i lfk: rrtiElL/PitijOatii;—, 4l C : Alderitiktonteloilf`W .- " 1. 0 1 4Ur Turkey to, eat depoit 4 • nndrway A :\ name -dit 4l3o bers in a rowe Ot hi. pePfite: mai firm of all, • r ly" «bid' haft ing r t atenti9o ou' soile 4 ithtm - an•l Books - Brundage ft to either of q Gb s on, Ja - n . u :_,_ y si T i ssr _:g41'5.,44.1.0-? '-. r $ K 4., . i \ .. R, rt. F. PRUDTA.G.E raVectfully iplot leave • tfr to teadeillkil slft4. 7 teft/itHes::‘ o'ths eitizsn . s of sc,,,vebanna, Wa ine.liiimiaad.Nyetifiait. Co'n* ' itT ibeir very.liliera . ..l- payaafti.e;ansi ma i l pronfi ~ffriaal4lip. and w o uld a.:sure thirii he Aesimp a 1 rtaattent rtii.ideo'de m Giliialtiathif-nial. bt.y t i ond •:- 4 t the ell office of Dn.), W. ii. ...D. i .11, v bea ant pr._ ea • 4 •sttlilly et/gaga:4, . • • - • t . il. . ItrilitiMit6E.' - OEM= MME2I . .., _ . ..,•,, . , , :. • Irifosy; per9d6a eptp loied:its - Scboo . . I:Test — there • riii the township:of Bidge trsttpr'for-thirptito ._.. . . (Int 'Ntiliter. w ho ilavenot- been exatituteu;Atit,berit. I, y notified to .fiteetl4o44mpuriiit Wm-S-1104, i f ; tjte licroul,finf..iituti,tr64,lon'Slittirititythi'ltitit . j 3 ), o f • jam f e lt; At -I,ole/adt,'PAC't•Or'ixo.ntititt• tion.. 13y order cif the Bbarsi - - • ''.. s, .- ~-.....:-.. StP'LLAIIII:;'etn.. , -!='• •, - yotrtre9e, Dee.2i... liibt:- .- - - - if" - '-- ' 1 . , •• p - ..-..: - . • . . , .. , . • AuDrn)Irs•XOTICE: . •friliE eMdersigned having' beak- applinteil by 1 the Orphan's' COurt`of: Susltt6bautta County stkflitor to have A. bearing - the exceptions fil.; thistlministrattirts account of Asa Hammond Id annitrator of Giles 11140 to 7 wake 'distrait:6ot) of &sake* this' bititdio'i"Az'Cliam -I,erlia,* administrator of Josiah' LorkAied, attiring the creditors of the said decedent;' and; ;ivies - notice that he will attend !oThei.?dutitn . t Ot.sitid appoint , mean in the silatte-runed, eases mpectively, at d e dice of J. T. Riebanby N '. in; Montrose..ca Saturday the 24th day kit lanuaiy next. at 1 O'clock t. M., at which time anti litlace all'persous interes ted are:required to Present their claitpe , or lie de-„ , lamed from - coming uPositineb' Nide. EL: K: FRAZIEjt, Aqitc7.? . td.' - /.._ Dec 19, ISS1: ) Administrator's Sale. / , . VOTIcE-is hereby giventhat in' infr . saance •of I_ in o.r4einf the OrphtnCoiiiol Saigti,eltaii faCs.a:nty. there will lie' eiposed. to'pnitlie stile on - .. zisti.td.l the. lit hday of .hannat - yritext- at i o ' clock- pi the foliowing: property rate the estate:of - M::iatn Tactor.,ofi; reat Ben t.nernibiO, deeeased, • . kr. iri . AS ft4loWt, it) " lirii :-_ the tilt 'Ohm, begin • - ix/nal; at a =take on tire. kof 'title Sustitiehituna R Ter. thence.n.irth i --a ' ..crest 166 perches tosa: - i 3 0,: tbc.n;,enorth 89 deg. east.lo6 pere.hes :iii it ii g r ,, , , zielic:e. st!tith . .de4V-. east- 160 - perches to A h,erh', , r} the - t a n -of said river, thence deen'said - ri-,er bank to th plac'enef beginning, containing on.e* ihwytretl anti '9 e acres be the sante '•tuore or less 1-:t.h the appurtenances.. The. second pi ece or par _ ,r.:‘ , ' larePheing in the Said ' township of - Great it,ti. 14tidra i on the- north by land.of P. Sto.-- Tni , .. 0 . 4,:. 1 east by land.sf:of Wnt. A.rtiistr - -.,;-,4::: - .•:.1....;,-..];f.r.-1-.;.:::1-.L-,:;i, , PCKE%ELEbTI" herb' i, -- , ' i._ 1 te , --..". , ,13431 g . en that . tRe, , amnuat ciec e ...,.njonvand pgluitiaga'''' - T i ntiko :Ii! ,:it qte lion t e of Thoini' `, Wit tie en. l'it.. on Tir I . um. ' %1. 5 1,11 .s:l:...ivlien 'ft P,l i ‘4 l ,l straY the . r. , •! 1 4 , 41F, 46„,,, vri y : 1 -. l elt! Se ti i9it e r,'iti)d until t)til' il s are ° L ai ' ( 1 ) fa S.' AIEREDni t a •• ' a '):- ) !ic,10851 . I- '—,..: C, ry . „, • . ICE(i;l' 1 ,21 .Y/aairtiTE : Ri olut / re itd fitictii i• l srpmes thpa4e ik Co., le Ist • 7 anti Soeki 1 0 1 13 4 414 r: ' P i l • ' P e n , a y a 3 1111 , , . .CiainlaatS IT 1 : F service iii an3i . t;r P' ( ' e4:l: . at • Raicille s .,:jg w., ad 'th.it "as•furtheriprouf fits ease •i4l7e4Oliett . t Jfirnipie t c,rt . S:4t- erfeet the;claim b f.earil the.ieiritrneqt plf tilt: order to fatilit!ike file . al . autsallu ded .6i lituve,' , • - : l: :, 131Cieli, , i' i;':.'t d and Pension 46 . fit. ..18M: ,• Il i : 'l'l be dd¢f~crei , 4* • i! • ' -• .ll' 1 . S iLE I S:' ' ! 1 •• 1 . .. -..--! - ridiiibili eipcinahl:Wu ' lozwilotiPle-a4 cir. 4:4 . 0 11 . ~.: will expciiie to, 4) . 'oblic. • natigter-on Siii46:iity, I * k, r r- 4L all ihkeer -1 tutuiti; riing,- and be - I in the niiiinti3Ot,:sni - - ii_trinia.•bOuttdotand• on thaitorth hi Wads : !•hunliief 4 Vataons,' I L. ' It. A,i-rest, -14 on• 1 . Btilteslei, contistning orleot ingetherieitis ' W: l' / (1-4r2, ilia 1 - 2 i .- 5 * : •-•-'-•!.. . -... * : 11- , fu 4 of Jelin 4ttrel 1 . - ,;.. : ••• '• :. 'lb ' r ., 1 - _ qI : it the F ame tipif 4, .nii , iiirl;elori rim.: I.6n,._eoupty*idi f tate 1) - eti . its.fuljoiliiiv , .T 1 : n il***4 "•'• '6 7 - Hnd tl-S*e '• - ; '` d'• - -.cbi4inkt? 'ither 10'f/to ii ' ' , P ri ' v eV • W'z'c , ,i4 is:- ~ 11 , it °,..f74:7.: 1 8- i. s e•;,: i ':- ,, ' ... • . fa • nt-ibi'aitiiiii lee • ctorente : ,;* d ox inkiiil* , tiiiiirof l imn ay I vanii, atri Mu.: s•ftikitnri, to. wit i.' .041. I eiou th we4oorn(er" of _ I • nee ' tiler* On nrigi , rth .one degr - ..f.Ak t ee aies, , ' el,. nine'deeee4, 'e'• 'te'ni • percheeit4,• sr li_ Li , * line Of 4 . r t w ee west fbrty k.' thenre:by the '. -•• .t.eirtven . and: #i •••• tones '; - thence pi1t.41 . , ..reo l'cresi sixty :' •-• 1 . ; • rind limn* riiditi entitittl and - eightel , i nit*:' t:ttiditnm€llf . , i sateen. fie' nilier“ . .o • i • ' • _ tonc.,frameti•nit i, 1 ,d - aboutforty . ' • • • -- .. lii - Of•lAibert.%. : I. - 47ief Cher - les'' eudruffi: 7 : - : ~1,1 - ' :I , l)RED.A3kletifri • ~ : , .. ......,A - Iti r - TION. -; 4-••••••••••_ •, i, A. DNI,NISTIOCTOR'S SALF.,.—Agreealily•lay .41- the prevision totele in the let of:Assernbly%b3i. this state for, the Sale of mercantile goods (titter the Oecease of,the - owtier).. tbere - :will -be, suld:at tablie it aerion'arthe house of the‘s'ose r ibj. r. 4 ' n ine s n 4 t h • f Montrose, on Friday D'e226l.W.ilEttiti.fitilttiitti 4 merCantile : goods left of the - titerit - --•Of Iliciti: - & - ,. 'atiti.r.. late of Liteeyyilie, deeinted. There will tie / solft Dry • GOods, - auelitts Alpaeork Litieng, Cal- Lkos.; Vinter 'and s upamer.thOvr,Mufk Ritt;tons.-: aces, Fur *Hats and: Gliifs of iarroes file - alines, hreacj. Ttipe,-Cie ete..-.-jia - rfilware,l, sett -null saw; cry -cite ~.alr.,Fdri,i./kugerk.filinble.ts,'lfiticnteers,- etts'and se re ws, Knives,- flitineiis-trimiiiitig,i,.-11a •ors, treetaeles, shoe-nails, l Coking Stave and va ions other - articles.—Also, Ten. - salterates; Cop. .13 eras ; Whiting, Paints, Looking Glasities, toots and . . , ..) 1 1:0e.s, Tin-ware, rileal . ,deres Cotabi, .p.iwder and .. ot, Needles; Tbi ks, Dregs; etc. etc. -Sale wilt commence at.half-past. 9 o'cleCk it M.' Tiiasts.4---all. bills under $5 eastqown,- above dhit ailment th:f - days credit . .where giNal iieurity.equ ! ift giveh.. .. - ..- .. -, - J. W.: PARKER,' 'Ae n d' Bridgwater, N0v.8•1863.. , •.. „- - - - .. 0 • • TATA.NTED ; by. the . tnitiscrlber, in excininge An " v. y GOods;, all kinds •of merchantable .Grab; Bee3Ewitic, . Geese .Feathers, -Timothy Seed, Rtigs, Blitter Cheese - Lard Bid; ite.,- • • - - - - be- Cris I be - • • . .. NIIIP'F'IMO FORS!' -.• .- • Tirill • pay:Casii fur all 'iroial. pritiie . Fox, Mink, Martin,.Q tier,: Fishrt. :and Ilseti -S k ins,: ar fair pri ces, .ancl although, Gran and. Muskra- skins are ve• ry lots 'fin niarket . this year, "'yet h . e.wilVliny -them. in trade orpartlptsh at what they.are -.Worth; .: 1 • ''. - •' ' - • M. c.:7' YLER. , [ . . . , - 3 , l"un,t . rgse, Dc.c.. 4, 1851 ":. • MIMIC... . • JUST riveivoil, a new lot of ',beet music for Via , Piano, Guitar,4l:C. by •J. Lroxii a sox. I t eew. - .Establishinelitt. 411 . 114 subseriber, .thankfarlifilf" the .patronage . heretofore I..estsiss'esi • on the late• firm of it., Searle S Co. , desires to say to ;the old friends that,, he is Ineate4.lonl'arnpike street. a few rods east of. the Public Avci oe, where is off :rid for sale a good varitstv of , . INE I '../ • e . ' consi-stin i of DRY:. Goon.s; 9RocEßlEs.,thid IlAnnwtte. a, adapted to the - season:;, Which will be wit' at prices . tn . snit the time.. ..tinsong his as , so r tment may be found'man•artieles that are use: ful,and rreeesiarv, nro:l•that theiToisleireed; /411 in, want .of 6 , 1 , x-ttis are re pot•.t incited to give rite .1 hare a s...apill; of , ' ' • ' •'. Bil :116 Aobes Hats,. Caps . , T. Island Salt for .packing Pork Very cheap, GentS •thic% Boots, just the thing for --frind,:- to wear to nibetintr Cloct-s Fiddles,:• •••• Brootns,:k.lailN, gents Under Shirts and .DraWers,..()Vercoats, Travel, Bags,lsaws, Campliine,..l3urn, 4... I . .ifir Fluid; - • Alf of wlia 11 1 111 . be Fold loirf fo r p ea 4l ' • : ft.- SV,A ItLF ; f. • C.,i-ns.r Tom pi4e and ehestrint . streets: • . . . . 10110 .A )".. J. ("if, f.'n. • Orer4ose.,a • I Lv, :Sieves il and ‘Vhipl.o,l,e9. at TCR ELea. 11112 9.! - 11 r: • , ei AM E i nto the. une 4 o,ure of 'the .'-fit4bscrtber - ab , iiit the t;m. of tl!e:Clunt i fY.iir. _a marling STEER - 7 ‘nialt uize[a dark red enlor.-- ? - The ownlir b -, roring'pf6perty. - a4altraying char .e a - .. a T-tilasurei land 'twelve . Antigen fur; said ~ Jtn• .. , . . Pally:. t'' serve the ensuing 'roar. and until othei.4 _ _ . ; ;arerhu"sen. ISAAC . POST, Szery ; Xue. 4 7, 18.31: .. . . . 350 oolirrlcc, Parlor, Chtirch, , Settlx4, Store, Shit Facttirv. Citai 'EnirFlVoitti:Sitties; toust and *link' . $4141 eheaper'than at any other 'shop attire in tilt , county. . - 4 WILSON& CO2 Montro4, - ,Nor. 20; 185 Is" : ". 10, 0 0 0 LBS I . . 110 ES at 3 Fetats kt l e v r 111.711,it,r • ..CARPE'ATERS •JOiAERS • :.11 001.18 asmirtru . talt of .Bench, Match, /doulding, Sash, .Hand-rail and 'Fable Hawes. etc. Fillistcrs, Ita 4 bets, Tiolipw s s and Rounds. Gaiiges;Chisels,Saws.Squares. Fi6l; Aughrs. Brace. and Bit ts. Ha nun era; Ilatettets t Adz r Eftedlesotc_ far sale cheap by I. • • • • B.: R. LYONS * N0v,"25,1851. • NOTICE...! l 3 E 1- late. firm of It. Sealie d Co, is I The n9te.s and accounts are at present in the hands of the.enbrci iber, who may be, found on Turnpike street, nearly. opposite M. S. Wilson`S, where all those having".unsettled accounts or are indebted to the Sim, will , please call and adjust the same without` further notice. Paytuenti may be. made to7iitier . of the late partners, D.Searte, Searle, onto . SEARLE.' TanitioFe nov.l I, 184:. O=S , ON Sunday last si ent.lll Calf Skin Pocket) Book cooStining sornedung oyeefire ; one 62,g0 on South Port 13ank. one :1.00 ou pcests Baok at Berger; one 50 cent piece and the belarre in bpeein. Any peruat limbos the gape wll ..be Ilberallv rewarded,l) !casing it at I. L. Poet (Kee HEAD, BELCHER & TITUS, Wholesale - Grocers COMMISSION MERCILOTS, KO. 55 COMTLANDT erita.a7, iterwxce natetrwtca AX wasiactoKontazra. YOR d: o. • • - w4A4*.-9* . fer ce tow e4iu vireeji would be very-se.c,Aptatie toccnint. • 100 b"s 5 2it ' ("Iv bY n D. R. LYO L a UVACOS I P 2#.31861. : 'f";11111;MING ;IFlLtinti Btygaiiitsiuoktir. scau t t,6 o 4 o -- 0ct.4,185/.,4 . . seri4ri. of Ito. , Batha; - all of ibt ilegirbe: of l i tenipet ate wan tal t Dr Itrareti, (I to tisne are ;av i kaannavro co) ,acE; -end iri thos to _health, relief of 't. r 4/ charaecr trill be 'Of aid; It iy: a ' •'' • ;1 e 4,. .._ tat, t hat 7 ; - ' . like this.-liable'Wt nil rim -10 sol .en changes, under which fee le and d• • .... te, I. ~ - I loon is compelled Ito Pe l i tit its dk - ••a,- ;, i t i r flueives•• the l i sue&sif I !!IppyieittioriOr 'A. , ;li• l it .thriitigh a long and .' 4 Wltikiis ii . J . ' ,:A.. h . self styled " ‘Yater - "" • O - Diicitira• OP • - ''ti.*y;' int ihnse-who - are ski•urif riutiallelni, to I . 1 - - .. _!, to .1: 1 • beconie. iodocti pat !le I te" All arty"' ot .'i • . i ,lit bearding housesrealltil • iST ter - Vorea .'inetti,- - n e e. 4.-if.arily be to say the least a it , 0 . _ A tt , 4 l l and iitts.piCiouwiLai Of. ;".„ -- A ., ! -,: way, ; I tls iit -' ' mar '.of easeit, • knivea the '• '-' Atter' w'' ' than he . .-wasltefore.enterin .it , p?tit • • 411 "i s -:, Ar i us from-a sYstem of C Ail ,!iiriekui,- or q , ' 'et*„ii - g o 6 t ._ ed .bY . those: Whip** t0,,b4 eels* a i..- • ;. we "only glanced it the sh ado w - ; - IWltiist -: ' 'A t t 2,0 f the Practice 4 fir, fa „Ii bey'phii: their ".. ~' " .; intellect*, , Hence • they t•se' Mimi : Bap . , •d . *.. ner, a rery:poWerfal ;a I . cl, hi; bitot i l 1 11 :hands( , a . . 1 tii very. dangerous.agentl ,ittleti., a,y-r . • rd- to .t e , temperature of .Ithai ti n rtcY4 or the] tinperst e, . habits of f ife; del, of th e indrY : idttala I-W o ina . *:,. . .se very unfortnriate,hat falltitto thOhi hands; . - - AA. It not unfreide ily, happens . t it • the . I etiniery - resources wt w hich i.p4ront-Iney ', re und r • i d 'his iuunediate cuittrAl - i[a re of ttl charact solblit • as -to 'render it iMpoasible foil him to ' a v .$lll. 7 ,4' or $lO per week. ifor IBtert!, - -iNe... '-esp, “' lly-ifit lia . required of him to beco me 4 ,'. 40 itnaiti for ' two 'i t i three months. . In. the 'lt "stitU i tion• - miso opened .Dr.- Barrett. Merit thin: t v ! thitida of Is ,h in • %pens() is saved tol the At illOtifrcim • t . '. - fat' th the personal attendance . 1 tha.nick will 'pol'be . i: ouired i even in' the .s-ery' AFtlitt easee,;„ ~. . than three tititft, a weelt•anditheill Only for one hour. - (the majority of eases requiring but 4,W 1 visits Per weidt) enatking reach'.-patien; t . tamielit , rely aft r • thihr treatment:to retirei to their ••. • • ive him -' taking with thetit•pritited tit - cede:Uri for Hu .. -Treatment, until the (ne*t re ,,, elar 'up • .',, • d i - turn: - .': t, 1 : " " . .. 'alms, -. Pirae and, Money. ( tI- y i jetport t iteihs,). are Saved Ito the Pane it i 414 hi * titaili.l4., tile{ systeinaticColTie of treat ent int . opted . •Ot :Da- lisearris establ 4114 cm. "A:I. •,- -, 'whic. exactly the sa m e u thatin u lat the : •-: • n da . in the principal - iloapitals and Priyatot , -titut t i of - tOis country and of Bitiope Wial feu 1 HICCc•S.• ' i l. i 4 i ' t • ' ' be' • - lid' iz.. , Ue;. IV rig -tvi neeses, o a Alga . d hetie ciao l - fights:lces are, around us o lever • h i Ad. .• .- The following are the term on w -. each tient • *ill - ,be - . received for t - „atottattl i and fro which, iti. no case will! here:- Any de i. arture . • t i it . . . , . . (It:Vl:dim.- DAy Patients—OnelDollar 4 ; I tch "slith .- Patients by the',Weekrts- IDOItIrs chides Boartl, - Fire... Light And,,t4Odaiii, . 'Ur No Book "AccoeFt is ' - • ..1 aid! 8.1 tient will pay foil' his itilmi , 44-A ft er' 1. ceiviql it; azAt befOre leaving.. t C Insailiti tient:l,44o Board at the 1n5ti 144%1141 i clone. of ;Melt Week. '.:Theie.. egolit'ir twine tly.earried out. ' -- ; • ' - 'I.-) - . .:patients T irill jlotl,ii";'ik l "- ' -41 - ~- with 4 .:! sheets,- (ens" .1 oOui and ortsible: . ; Crash tett) ' 111 ur s . of treatment from a treat exit on the Sableith.: • . Th Subscriber is a regular eens Priettti;me.i of the it ' u- of the `- American If, Aciatton of Phrsi the - past trine years - has tent of dikeaaes. ',by ' .adthiniste4isi l in • tts C L'EMENT - pathi and I the ( did; (tire, -I .', tr-E7,) 1' of mit:Ohm.] , i ' I maurosis{. if in iits'incipie! :get,' Aplitinia!or lo.ks et voice; ..x.tilina 'when lotliffAtrensl. AbscaSis;Ag,ue sTia chms,.. iiitorl , Nerfoo, consumption, Aton Y of the eat tact AMmenor-', Oxen. BrOnellitis.lllintiniss, if • reestit if lama . T . tion:tor paralysi s of the -Iris; ' •itli conges tion and cooc4t,iuti,; Clierztu4 4`..Dance; Cataract—ifin its incipient et: Aia, Cur- • ratures of the - vine. CramPs alis k , Colic; Coldness of feet and Rands,' *muscle:, Cult: feet. Depression iitsPil , ysznim, norlicna.Pytapep,ia, PrAtiased spMe, T _ot Lira.- • doofStionaa,cli.'do ltidetiya, islapsi, L ever and • Ague,Gout,•llansiplagia,.llea ii e„, therr f liaLreouir of - i.ick, Ilypocondriaci:en. In tineliicy,;•of urine,, Lcochorrbcea, Lumbago, Los4ii inikulatione or 4 poycer, mental depreslion, in ' lii? contraction; in enstruation)difficiilk enspend . ?i,ainflp. Ner- - r vous &stases Of every grade; Liminess ,from in juries Or otherwise; !Neuralgia t knlrfiy, Paolapens, Palsy, Paralysis; Palpitation. lof thodiear4 Uteri, • Rheumatic affetiona, - whether tieti:te or 'Chronic': Restlessness, seiatica.scrofida,:qiinit dim... Sims. ric 'Dolereusr.,Tretnors. Tremens! palititstn, Uterit*--- conraltzions and debility; with or 'decayed limbs; tic.,4ii-, ' . Z . -: . REFERECIES 1 1 • ' Tliii.-Lewis Cass, betrore•ichifran?.HOM ~ , /- - a S. Dieklasbn,.Binghaln 41Olv 'VOA ;E. ' E. Eldridge, M. D., do; J. 11Brodt. dui ,9. WrOre4Ory, do ;,- Rev: NV,.i irTersie, _ch4 ffonig : IV..Seymour,, Ch4l*n, - 8.0; Jo sepli ‘V . , S avage, Esq, Presi ' t. i .Eeagle ,Life .Iniiiiiinee C0.,-New Yotli; .ID.Frene l lr, Es4l New-Yerk-; Aaron Merell . r .i..,.;.J1- - A.-R_eqnrs i -Esii, 40 . : Wall-s do : 1.). P. Ms sell,'Esq, 'ir '," assau-st, do ; 1461 Cadj• AA- listir, President Franklin 4 4suranee,Lo, Saratoga Spiinf, , s, dO;'.lron 1 , -,4ttitr A.' ,lerr d y, do;do * ,NVni. M. Avery, -Es 'f' ', do ; ' Ma mihks,,Bentley, iliontiost• ' • AzarLa :throp,-Es4 do; WW: .11 ' li Fa% df? iSanitklt Ftieneh, Esq ; De,lke; Vt.' -; • • I Bingluiinton Broome Co., - ;, - Nov. d i 1841:1 tirt 4 - ..-* ---Admintstor' ~ "lice. I • .. VlVlCE : ..jiherebSi given t , i iiii, tottleoU,*ll l -L N lilts been appolatej 44 ' titok of the ea- i tate-of - the late Ephraita IV ' th‘e'tOtra-1 Alto' OtligifiKjee'd. -4 0,pe ilti ebted to iFjid . I..lltatitare nnuested to midis 444atne - invoildiats'i.; iy, and 'all persons hayieglietr4dlagli!mt Ca, R 1 es' tate,Nill &went thew' icily at 4 ' v , to thetinneeet bei. -,, •.: J.agts .. •G. • Acluft.'. lfsatip,Ziev. 17,1851 I - til.- . i :.Th e' 'oil er g 11 f : 1 o ype(- 1 W - '-' I , IrB not vet befomthe ipb ley; d wheti it will he 'Lie a ;fatter of*taiikeleeit iiitie. , But; while Mr-Ifillicengsged lo'- ink hie *astoniskin; liliseortr; W.B.- Diane 1 tion to take - DAGURIII )I TIM • - in thymus approved t i p! . retobare., _ . . Ilitiajont returned: Alibi 1 with al large 'areirertidget 4 tt - -tkolal-lniiire ' , '.fail%b . `,Ckitiontrei Hiryila, insebiderta it iiir..ori" t o r *Vara - eftbievait. I ape'twined, i 'aral , receira a liberal- patrenage ill tiosiatorik', 1..-1 - , ' Tamtierawd trondenontilkat . i*lll -I'. .` ~1 Rooin No, 1,4 the ogrin, .1 - _. Coale and antminaisty ' *ISDN 7,, Auatb - 0.6310616•010.1 - ;ili s .nr,purtge6.— mobttoei,, ciA." 23: ia.v. ' 4 ' I 1 • , .. ir Cure: * lrork, motors - fus t v be- efijr Tps tbataliptlias this .441, f `". la lriOi ' 01 2 4 1:1 la cr9ln flie g hluz * - 5 1 \ and 4 - 84 - a l l\ sr ~WsSlt, by ninute ls A u .. . . I i di ea the .- fid,and • sta kouts, Ise afflicted try - and base l" ? , IO 1 uack ilith a , 2 Doucha and Shaer e. Of lieingt gad. to lafiy. lirable -to the hitatedt, !tails i' *.. tt - ' d aac . ere . y e t - ertitoia 0 . franittne to 1 , tin t4tably: red,) 4.. .kk ikitt,tFOw vile e . li yegaratioii 4 igrigie , 4 latiOatc ine4 Iwo," .• a chnaate stiqen wbkh h 4 I dt - r-a4 ay id 'flit; I. will, bel ['kir one lir; It. Icc; • 1 6 * a 0, and a • '• 3.1 lt td 's• .1 , D. _ irymp-1 Dullae • iinine-1 'oak'. 11 ced 4 of 1 bra, -11 F-4 MIL.IIIIIIF 410.01M1LA.1141,, . ' STOVI , On• - P I ‘. ' _ 7 ii . E I LSLO O I. O - E ve :f t t 9 114- t o ight , . - t it''' . Btort Empire 'State ,!- ~ 410. =,/ it.: - _ Prernifim • , - N 1...1:i. -• ! - do. - rlor, Clint ch. I . hit' St 'ads fort Wood or coal Store Ware, Pipe, ' ies, Zinc. l'r Vare;# -- Corn-shellers, Sum tee** Scral l iers, P 1 's; , Points, &c.Ur' P i l ' -', ' . giilt us a -- "'call as. *lli :6- - tend tosell 'cbcaper It .I .liii , thel . cheape i st.. = •''' - " ~.. , l,llc, B.R. LYONS & i rept, 244- Mil, a- ' 1 ' AI ' . • ,I - :10 4 COUNPIT kEitellifi r TS 4 4 4 417 1 la - B. coLlVE4 l lior ', ' 6t ;lA' arooor.4s , • now in Stord,l i ktil 'o+-14 au inintense I stock of : . 1 1 1 1 ? '-'--1 '' • 1 P ANICY . 4• 47 1 11P1p.E_G onsil Bought at l AuCtiiin iiithiS in New .. .i't-rk; which haw will sell as IWholesalei• O SWlow ;if nut loiter than they can be bought in the. CY: ' e clo c k Coll3Pl4-11-s.e4itfi part the following GtiOdtt' i - .: , 1...- ' - f- i .1 - ' Cologn6, I'ornittiMS 4 . r another oils, l c Sharing & Toitat Siiaiis, 11 layin ,, C:irds, Vine itn - t1 1- .Dressing Conik II 'r, ILI; Sh o e' ; ii:)(1 f, Tooth BrushesilloCkei li " ivekftitizors; v ri. low, 'Envelopes, -DOB; #in . 1 (4111645, _ R 66= her Rattles, llublk 1,1.) 11 ileatii, Wallili, Pocket Books, Razor Sfro ~' very . ow, Spritte Gum, do, Snuff nail ',II*, eo Botie, Teething , , Rings,_ Shaving firtieh I very ow; Fancy! Boxes,' French P,erfitni4ry, T)rawin g and Shiite' :Pencils, Dressing" 1164.; - `teell3e4 - dg," Pocket Ink Stands, Tooth Pa4th, 3 i Oilctt i'oulier,V,utr Boxes, [laud G la.rie.4 . port. Mona 'ales, a iery large amortment,..Wth Or' and -Pen liniVes' very low,:arni Chalk :13 `IIA, etc., ett.t - etp..! l.. • The subscriber weilte Ow ma the attention ! of thi;:public,tolis'insin ' —, stock,. cofz .. - , ogs:4lol(li eines Wines, Oilit * .Friti , -.. ' Ode) ; etc. which will ''be sal chespe ,ti I . , :an' ,1 6titItt-at 1 30 4 any - other 4stablishmeht. ''' '' r„Nstw., riti- -.-' - it:„ 4 - -1t - ' 'Sutton. ~ Nov. 20. ,k , .r..4sii? . C .-- . ,,,- - - ._, ~ 1 .:. Vhiikit4 , 4 01A1 ._,.., ~,,I . ) ....I. ', 9 ' .... 1" A STAGE will lea* rlfontnre Depot on,lhe airival of the p44-Ortlgeri trains !rant Great Bend and . S4intint; 4.!illtforit * .tri the Plank . , Stage The leave, 3f ' rose ery - mcnitng at 8. • connecting with d -yepa NO t rain ot the " - Lackit Ttanoistad Western Rid nod, and with. ihentoll, train on tiif B . :Y. i 8.. , : !mail at 14 lit itoiriCk: A.. 11.. Ati Nate York. *Ont.'s' lemma IqR I - I M. eCismciisis with - the L. l , 40V. - ' iiieier iii 0 Sarantliad '-- " - 1 'l4 l- ~ LAYmilalat,*7- Montrose . Nov. sii, I.Bi I . I [ I .- ). I VR,4INO - eFLUTD'44 w *1414 olkkniTir 'Yor: r ia ism t w Pc k o *1 .4 ' - 10419 P. d ti kikla MINIS nadirs, ' Inita 4 -• •surtsatot, ukc,ha - - P ''- 1 4 • . repaired trim 4 theleartk47o .ilC.‘l.Ol? riz' ,r iiirEctions Of .BA/2 ././ .104.--the iiiielegiiial - Cheniiit,' by. S. •OUGVT )! Philtidelittia,•r44 L ' 1: ! .. i, is a trUir:y4w 14eif 1 remedy ler IN 10 I TIQ ...DI P S!' .?.S.Lft !- . 1 .4.,11NP10N. - . Yr) •CO • PLAINT." cili 8 , 1:P. 1 4 TON, awl .4"11A ' 17'1 Curing Atte ?vat re's litt-n- - mithed, by b lure' awn -tiley the. istric jpice. - . .-. , Ilia it, t qpnoi fill of ` P psis, . infused wate , wilt diges "d* , tine, ez;seposiadslV aver 4 I l i aise ft Rey: 'n dbcitft two 'oars; out of 90 alt.+Bnaiiii , 1 11 5efin ii,the C iiil eleme nt, or Great , Printiple of the itpric Juies44tbe 8 't t i -.. reed( theßuttf 4 1),nel vii g, and St/ _ i. ati - 'agent' Of the St anti Intestines . It ' 'est „. I• led (pi th the Diljeetive StemaCh of the x,.'th s , fern - mpg an art /fie 4 (.I . oi , ,stice Aid, iir ' ' ly- li e , 0 :astute! _Stott • oltucit l iti itsi - Chemical powe ; i a r riii.hin'i 4, ANP14.9., an4)*filit e bstitu e for t • I By the ail, •(if• tbis preparation; .'t - 0 piti s and e l ' . s of - Indi; id"P qad'Ais! . 4:1 a •rgline.. i ed t jug • • they • ' •11tt '', by eil ealthy . , tpmac It is lining nude ' 11"ui *ape 't ei;eiiring '' " I'. Deloi/ify, 'Em. *4t ' 411VCOp.,orts litie, and Damp : Id fie CintaTipti. 1 . ! . 0) . 1 t.. kbi,. On` thei verge the giave. • The S entiti I Eridince ppm i which ' is taudid. is in the b •.: hes degiee curious and 1: mairkab/c. ' i 3 ' ' '' " 1 - i - DA RON" 'LIED t 1 hoar Chetnistry',: Fluid, analogous t dily:pritpared frii , 1 stomach of We 0 food';aimeat and .and diiested, just would he in the hu tirOall'on . he rl cular, gfiiiig, glyni., idesce Sithilar to 't .of. rentaikable cur States. . l.l ~" • : ~431 1 a 1 Dr. TleughtontslP vellitus effects, in, c , Ati9p; Xirvous De lion, D; is impossi 1,, 1 ;hithelithits ofthiS ! ted c licritei lair i hand remarkali I 1 York `. Boston .1 ' despei to cases. ati i and Wu ilerfuLbut , It is !krear Nee. " useful k tenth:llor plaint, tiVer and .i., Mt*, m {cars. and Organs' ikfter a lo'iv,' fitting, '' d the'toti also . ' ' Iles Lie:ill Dr. I Oughton's ` - and fluff 11 form—an use of Oqsiciats. i 'Orivitte'Circiila . -, be-obtaitied of Dr.'. 1 bing di :Whole . p ',. J the aut, deities ti U. reipedy , - Sr_bas . bbjecti ;Ican_bo .'' 1 ,trans int rt:petitalii e : - Frit-Q. q.)tE DOLL 1 ~"1 tir u iiAEßvE . p me. PcipstriAltiatst ROL'O.111rON; X' plita-- Fat. C"Ftri4l Or'Srct by all ~ cities:. ;:-. - ' A BE _ , ontro,e, :4, I ii I. C 't'iin h 4 i. iia: "lA, n ~ ;the Gistricna, i llte mucous iti.. in which tri-ii\ - s, wal be ' , Often .. iti Ithel mune 41anner , .itat Sternach,7, L .. ,nt and get,a chic-tn. k?arilarnoun,t of 'itritei p, , abo . e,l'qgrer with s,4ron : all ps. its of thar, I l' i • .. 1 I a t e P.,o.ifi2 'a •.• tr . Cr- er - - • . siA.b Prodac l the indst roar rig • of ability; Enieii i linw„/Ii d Dysieptie'Conpup) !alto'dive the I details o cis , . diell - meta, btit aut "rit',. • liven - vett ~ P . wore t two e•,'Cor, in P,Oludelph' -New 1.3 talk : These . ere nearly' all tile cures we ! not onlylrapid ..,Eirtarsut. i ; ' '4l A trote, d particularly . d ilillinua Alislnid, er, liver cam ' kitin ;the r, effects of qni tiler 41 ugs up4 l n the•Digeatls:e a,l'el:n L isosfor eittess ut . ree of ar eat spirits. ;It h' with Inteuiperance. . : elisitt is preilred . in ' Ceder to. prescripti n slabs' r . the. IS • - 1 ' ..L ' m fat , • . ' ilu i 'lliao . f..r!icia may eitight orhiaragents; st.cri 7 , iti, of prepanktwon, and iving, ,w,ltielif the claims orth' new . , , ... =st te l not a saeret ye3l3 y. no ''l'. against. it'sl[ use by . hy . si, tisilding and regular . ..? act i ve . Igper i biottls., _ sii--tlyti . brit 1 of t =:, to ,writ ten sig tura , ,f,e, sole , propr etor, , 11 listid iTra rk emu' t1i4C0144 tintl,Tiiiiars in "; !'ff ElRSELL‘ll.)iuggist; ~:, C ipt fOr', Susquehanna C h• t'j . l'. 'rift felllow bap frinn, ,the; *hop, *ta 41 ed -on the ... - 1:4-7 had 601, if; i‘ttli it, mp or Fwe:tiare r.picCe , " attach th'it;:t' It h f at fdlow" beast' icy return it. we' will tid. a land 'sit:have-a vire for emit busiu;•-' 1 EZ F INIC -mixttroie.Dee., - ,Biackani REIM 00 CAST RNB, irirate, (8 t ?aw l Cut fru, Wagli Boxes, etO.''Oiss 'for cask - 'Nov .36;::,, ir' • " I T * o. **: Cot - .r tact wor ificial ice. may ,mtua-ne be re oG th -ides e. ci I epi gene J. S.; Wet ed. . team time Poi-. r. 4 1 . .us ard, rlck ,teseit i 11: hid: wi ru • ' N I - I , f , - - ‘ , i (T. 5. „,.. , ~ atik i r 4 voi li , t . ', York-vial* . AV . - ! tzt itiodis au limes a , • . :of - iiilifigi iijiiiita ~ giant to *Dar bilks - 101d in litifee treonihdljr , itislis ' 'body's else) diet. , ei.,4oCsillsw4ittss,ru. .0 aisnitinentl is g6eiid. VDOODSOCT eltarr found 'Frani% nif4ro 4 00 dsANItits;,-Dei dlesi-I.lpweat-T-Olii door YOH",He 1"; ) , Sheiti diratn. tw 4410-- - , , iiiviNsh Teas; thiklik e: t rettkreffilethihd SOL Iren 'and Steel, Otitleit, dsr and shot; ' qir ifirand , litill sitars, Lai Rettei and Lea s einbera, and shal wi re . Wen really his- rier hey 4reeci, and t i IL 11 friendship say,l Thercit ci, to *. • nntrose 'coy 13i1 . . 1 lif 1... ;.. .- . : -• . 1 1 . ; 1.:.- L• .. • , c .. if 'i,,, .-..... ; f . , . ‘• -i't , - ...z.-....- - Li- --; .....,:.-: - • I t S ORE. - -- -: - .,,:i..• ..:-.,.... ,._ „KA:Action-% ilVEjopenid a B.intand Shoe. Store on Main • street,'.4l4 - do# beloW 'the - Brick iorner, in ~ therjollGr for -sate . ' - ' ' -- lirg t . ..asortmext 421 ; - • .Shoel a A rindingic,nt,the Owen prit in BlOntr.ote.. -.. ;-, Th y sell for .• ‘, 41 . . I, . i - [ 1•• , ' , ' '-, ' • - .'' ..:- ',Ready - Ray . tidiSmall.Pelti. '- - , f h e. citizens o ,t e t wn,all are rtnrpeet.- invited hi calll at. 'relit .genuiue Boot dt.Shoe . , where Boot* a Shoes are sold instead of and Oyetcra..i I- " - '.. .1 . - . 1 - , .., - Keepit , bef the People - - - i/ A e . -. vre have a full ' irtinent. - anion ,w - elf *.e.. crate DleikliC, k,SOle - Wate . r. - - 80 . t. . legged .fluitkaria ,linitittior ed Hill': Cal( filalf-sOle. - Ptiniji - - '` ilalf-sorf dos 6 k t if, ,t l6 Calf,Ativ . nit Cii,irhide lli."...:ogiuis-,!OrZr i tti., , =.— Youth ' ii.l4teyt: Goli-leklei Bix4. thick Beets, Sc. - L a Wfrincli Channeli • -, 1 Patent fSzed ' eft' Gai vt.--Arieek.lfigti:l74k e niters,. Enarnellkd Kid, PO likes, Goat Jenny 1 Front Lace' 1 1 14 L - 114 Kid VenhyLinds; NeW '. elVEzeetsiOrk. Jenny Linda' .r tied, 4.1 ( - NPe . elsilirs, & - i-illintlVerinii •'"Liqdfr::; and' Alf Lace. Boot,- EneiliElied ' 4 4 .: J i; limo: •c---iDh litrekiMilftit,einificiShatil, rid enfuni. ell La eßoo ticTielititii,Diserpirigk\ • . , . . ~, 1 .. . aiding. 'Fe. Jr. :- LI. Y iiiinkl Calf. Herald , ' inings. _White: Sheell i .nans, Biiidine,:Viipiir ' '... li Leather....P : ". .... *ng wad 'Peggit 'air.log Amir CEO. KEEL . '',\ ' C..N. STODDA ID. . . w ork. Pima rtutc . mong ogr If, - Moroeco, red, Glue, & outiroon . Oak and ''llen lock panibles;zinc Nails, Se \ Fuel-ball, Vic! - • , Wc•ik made to tiler,- and . ena $ ins, nth troic, 9c1.30, IS DENTAL NIURAERT._ -. 1. viag t i . L, ieli(ing hhipteemikt,ltex'iielts • , the cnazensof Mont rose and - vicinity, de, si_ lj aperrtument :location.; among• thern.4 An it 2. eel ve devotion of • veral ' years to Abe- Study d'r •ctiee of Bemis . eacourage's the hope 0 1 gi mg ontircronthotacti* -in strery" departinened 1 t s hly useful and Pular. 'rt.] Probibly the-, 1 a , • .ut tof individual and '. ~.tggregate sutfericet,aria' I ii . • ' dee : vett, teeth Its much •greater.drom. la+ 1 •, yof .er 5014,P.3.6, and pe sona_ whose fixture be t • • 'canon - 40.1°121d be adnlimishedtohave them lif to - 1 lt sengnn:• ifinnitinas of tte - angPidl i ia l • di'atra tin'. which rends the nerves , amid the3oss r ings o d srrithings of leepless night;taighl bare if en recanted " -by son able preetinthai.. Al-. 1 t ugl a method has n re c ently discovered by ' Ix ich. tooth that, h a been a long time, poinful' m'y • filled and say 4 for' douhtles-s, a number 'o ye , yet it is nom `the .wiser purse to get;it; Ipi ed befOrii it' uti ' id. Dr. V. resliectfully' 1 u es 'attention to th _facts-11nd considerations;) anti for theeoinfOrt of t e afflicted •**Olt further, n i l I sa ;thist lie is in ikiss log of a secret by. which' ITE a AT RATE ACE '•AY BE lILLEDI.ND SAVED . , -al n any pain to 'th tient. If you doubt it. , ke, e trial. Giver e o''' - esli'triericts . and ."be ,a. red neither high ; 'cm nerr any-other con eeisbi 'obstacle shall prevent ai bargain., .• . : ,Z • N. R 'Of fi ce in Odd 'Fellows Hall corner _of Ctdostu t• and Turnpikitltreets,, • : '; - - - ' 1 :I ''. ' .., • - C. D. VIRGIL. - • lon • Och2V,A.S6 ,_ • •-„;• • • nl.olifi f.•;-_,E I : - licielkiir,i Wii :1111): I:' -:. EitP0—...,,.....-, . . ,i k,,,,,, : ußitrit :fs again:in. tinirket*likite*. 1 nxl enlargea st - Oele of ‘iViri!it. - e4;:•l4lnaii and: i : w * 4ll 4:Ziaiii4:344*.- Omi:4;R - ,:mit: haw patterns', 4ncr: -Pike's reil i n44 - atill. Ithe, Viii CASIVPRICW: tkiro 04031*-J . - And - Inelitilint'sitio his; general, s - Mini - ,P:A;I f ,4:..yi) .. wrlyrwr*A. - 4-14:. ~-G rfetrielt, : GWeke4;- h raiititik. .: rti* s, HAW: Witt‘,/iips,-and An! ' 101', 11 II Boots and Shoes :Stobes; dc. i.',::.'.' A , of. will Belt on his . lisnatilifseral - t:iriiktiiia that cannot betwat Tit'. VASE( ' raimaicr.".;, — TlourkSalt . oriiiioircra 11:4i2a.E' , ...., . _. 11, BURRITT. ~, --, 1841;, , t .,, . . , . a ttarg epl lo *r • rt. or Abe Ir. Pi 4 Ac o Rol Inch h t j rice T . B. Qct.*2d. . , . JUST...,-RE EIIIIED • et:ll9ntro#'Textv#rance..,:. * , iise7t:irieli cif Groceries, imitsisi Lit d Sugar , vo - Yea,%ool*,:.B!ar t h, Na , vrebaceo, re per,.salanous, - ulger.,-. 111:pret, - .: Eft* . Washinvrowder, Irk ) cogo4; is a s,'Pri ne Figs; Po:alug4mons,liNta:BamrdCany ins,locorice.l tc.Peepeisauce i cat:. At.. vs i ng R Ld:_ 2- :7 7 ,' 6, i4xi poki - -.liiijik for: call. or may pays lifiu*osia ot,,ii, rjt. k•0010,..411!mit,4)( teities,, Che icak- Tailitik:oll ftrk , -Uroceri ii; ) dlin-z , Wilie,, ,I± , jr * ? V eti !Olii;' tO i c i ll" l o!*,7't a : g.ntl . .siikfti: 6 tignf, .4: 1 14 * ---, ~,,,- .‘• '.- Liiilio - ' r '' .:.-- - -4- !_ 1 0 . ,§.::::000:'-i SEEM ---T: 3' _ Paint - 41tiii,4 '.... --,Ttit:-, 6 t U. ...P,-- .0 - b ,,,, a r:r. l 4 7 "" ---i 17-et4•-‘ Ma&s• - ---4'-i lt A- rreiT4ActiO r tAttlifitzi -- AU.of_the,abe.re*e,73irs MA, fittpl infiltv --': iebOolth#Wr4BoVJ:iXe**- . Ilatlitlit ..,``, ' brikwift aq- 31 4 • .411=-, 113,,C,... stick *.arfiiiiil.o eAdaf2.to 4.l 4 l 4iiiiknerx. ',... - niCiissal7.lm: (I'.the ilittet tailifiir'tei'llitalci"iik a . :1..., 5 gai„ipuliolfaiiilf pakiiiv.e.:thial,,,trut,„ ~.... - mngerieitt diiiiheoTis nuder:thel-sui.,,• instruction Of ii;t4ritulLbi,iiiirof teachers; _ ,„,, .1 treatetie.&4oeotly_ Wei. that im paiMt' ~. , I _ tpa_recrlo promote the pitiat:z.. thorough , , -...,,,. meet of all - the Ptipili. - -- - • . -- " ' -1-.: .:'. necesmary expenses ,at,_this Itistitudon -_, t ire:" `. a moderate ..Tuition tOmlnaive. of the "c/annenig' , branches, frotii43 = tes'fb;so-pir ipsaifee . --, f1,50 - per week: washing 371-2 per.: c2,soperannum: ,' citelp‘ . . .'- , .... 7 ' 2 ; .The discipline ofthe Institntion , :eombimpt it41,11-.2: I -. new with firmnem v. inculatting soun d. - mortaApri- '. religious principles,perseveting iudetry, ettieft#l. - der and correct depertnieni: . ' - ' T. • • 1 . , The present term Of thissehool , thil-contline'dll • the 23d of DeO.:llext,:°Studotlit4"'"?. adi/ittec i 41 - 'any lime,,but the most. snitaltle time , keenkeing,,.T. • , Is the beginning . or middle, of earl twin:Those? ..- who may Wi4i,to attend the;sebetil;-Ihrbnet. the -t; remaintleti of the Rail, nod; thioughotd theArlitter:! - 1 would do.well to enter at(spcmc sts=the 20th beNki-4 inst. There will be a raeation of tweoecieka at the elese+if the'present term. The nest.Tterin tam-% . , Instrathirteettreelt4;,:conkitrft SailsSW: add' etini4 Sprit 1; 185,K, -_ y • Cahlogues of the,gerammr; and any infonstatiott - _ - f relatiye to it, can be obtained ky - addr*RmlT theol' 7 - Prineipil or either of ihe .undeisigtied;',. - ', ' 'lt A.'SIiEPARP, .... President.' • -:,;.1.4 ROIINDS ;'804144y. _ Airmston Oet.4 1133-1: ', ;:-. , :W.; is4t..:l l .P:os..t„4i';' in lift, T it.:116 Liu,- - --. French, Gernaa-and ~Elfillisli lifertan .., _ ~,_,lllth. '- er Cashme resandl,liPuns.,El- *it •,•,,a,tfl,Aflk,-, ,ItAlt--= t e ns, ged #lpaccaa and 'Poplins. -1 " ,;:,--- --,,,, ql , . • - - -.' -A -&icW' -La il' - -;.- r• L i.......-... Laces, Biliiinis am .laiarti4,,,,- Narked calliope.. Cuffs. Balle t Silks ar@r.gatin#, *mink E i hnniln.sy large Ant) splendinot;:fith4o - ,uitsw k i , ... of Calni-ed`§atiigiMM` ;Itt,siettisteealk-it 'bons, ,- wide • Wei nide`eniteilitt - .it,in''',l3ol*- -' c. L'lrelret Fringe and - Vrinini . .. -Sr - ''=-' I; L. Italian, Plititi;' , Btack'alid.raney : -'t " - _'for' W,Seilifa 'and Oratiatti: - I't'ttO . -.;'i I .' '- '-'':',' '' . . sY 'lrfc:i -,_, Sinitsrea;ntiittiiithinceieliii, Gitir ' - liii-f --dieS,ae*l" il!ongSt an& Flagli4ilirMilik -,'"-"i''''' [ Gents apd Ladies gilt - ttio,, , Etirlik - ini ' l • . ' -Geniis ' er#,'Shirbc DilnittriAz; • : w g e n er s d a ia4-44 : • air d r.,..-;....,t c i..5 r i sk i A rek itri fge is, -....-- . Iron. Swede's dail..EniisliAinirktan, English. /Alt Blister ands'i4ststes WrmookiKtecial!ThriarsiaN. itl* 14";',StPattrs.4,44.-Aleflgesditill* awl Elstlto:Oe's(B ruinfk, Ohiiin"iukt•Ori-:: iiii_iirlidii imie_ qiiimr," It', tVtaPs; Pa* * nr114 7);: es, ste:&c: - / - -- • 1 .. . Si - - -.. ___ ,- -,-. • - Also, &large 14 of gnAidnitYkt lk:: , trill& 'WnOl - ii)nl pFisrl '' - -.1- .A I I - s! , - BE, ~, , ~,,,,_- :.' , .:.:3.:)... - ;:: •.. ...-,:---, Bititt.n. kaiii. iind.BollA4l - - r. : - .1 . .---.2::: : - 1 ;" . .. . -lIM .. . 9::;•,, iy , :--- . = -i - - , .. --- - Men's:Bois; and youth's Hats stinVattic4Le. ...- Upper &._ - Solettather ' - ' f' - • . . - - _ -,.-)...,,-„-„„, CALF & lIPISKINSi.';: - - -, - BOOTS — : SHOES - 44- , , - ~.- ~ - „„ A , ; , e -,-. ' - ,,r,• - •t••••,.1i, 1t00 4 4 - " X - W m7163- All'ElltegsinSlF!ior/cnenl-gt PPIPIKISC I4 k OIO ' • .A.,..__, ":;76411 " (kK1 R Skin9 eilliti4Y.Pgatlc. Bo ntk_aidOihriszt* - ---t- in4,1,,,,F., 44119p.-7,f4PHOCAt .. 4.40311 N `,4..47 .c 5 bk-Wi l ni.l-, 4 11nah1 1 6-: tnn,nn,„ tl-P,onrsa,, cant_ %Ta w — ti ro tba le T, w ari orittie etiee coUfml.,__ 6ll.l • itriirfigtheian(ty.--, . s - Misse~t, ahcitittoro-,-„,faSl-1- 1 . ,•,. : - z. - *- te 7 - Atmlitafa ~ 2 k.- 4 t*6v" ~,,,1 4 I!i ,el .;., 7 -,ti; %,..• • ~,gl/414.41; . YY 4. .;•,..r-It .;-4,,, • .. • - ' ' : ' , f 474 ~'- , L .rz. ~, il l . 4414141i13*."11the lie l , L l , I f t 4, . 11 ' ;64.-ed7iiii:iol4lo:7,, : " " e rOt lei Z'Ojitie, WM/lee ,i;IFT,'A P1*,!,.:, ~ . o z — ilkilatiri. - PAi.:l64Seed,l.. 0 4 . 0 0 *.,. -. i, r I. Ttaukfur fur fitst'frtiint,'"*o4l4o'lifiektiri' `., j e ou ' ier' - bfiiiis - in4 F ito meet the np.prtlitkefsit . ~.., _leaii: ' *, iniminatinrimPlic , •• .•„,,,IstAtt, L. - I '9 3 T 41, . 1 . , 1?: -111c . 1 I: „. .. - • - s - ..- . 4 -L7.= 4:',,r--. .T. iroz4A,./ :AiloistdAl4. , 4,1: A 4 9 1 k 1 ; 3141- 1 ' ~., .., - 71- --Afri4 , - , .4. Elihi J r4, Vi l L ilist tOtmlll ' alvaitr• '`- v4 V os.,_ taherflir, -OW haiiirs k i iiii . ;:ge.`.iw ligiOVO ‘. f lieut j a tkOMint i tliit.; ,, -;4 ,, , , ----.-t r mtilut- - - Monroe., N 9 1 414% ' ,4- 1. -,;..# ..- • N'' ' _ , , ' 1