The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, November 20, 1851, Image 4

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- )tgq.iitaktsEir4faial(4 , thisibri
now Offers inafixi-LxiPi ifillAtig4kr;
*od Profi9i.Y -I **: tkit..- 11 4 1 xti 84114 14 111811 a
Py.kail_ty PlTP;(„ol,gitifli',l
IW- 31 V*Pt-AndMit-au-kilent* -"P.M I .64Weokti
-- amee - *s-gtijbe4fecWtJk'i o .tte*ln'Aurf
41Mie llV41 4 -T ee : 4 4 1114 4 41 '
04: :41,14043°111,41*..AUW"d'
" . 14 T 41 4 1 iteakiriiiit4:48.
.04 11 44 4 Ctik - 9 1 1#4iOPOTIO*2
re" of the'roatit,fif
. hiauri-iill'Buip t te; AlVfkedaje
sn oriko&t.Yl 01( . 1.
riortiatuste: rate tot= w**l os2os
happiisu eisy manpt . is use Is wssurg in
mutual ampoules .that, charge.littre:.,l3r.inithing. for
their . meal with a loss the ,
pity to of tbe,!‘ityi, .1A O
usitirsNrisarect gets
for hit *Mips -I hr.the Sarm of as.
018 " 0 4,tirral - thL: exPetworTf the
tIEL - 7,17,'e• walt , ..latw,OPliarctoor,.. 4)l %-rs".°
and 'hasi*lliitt'WhWisruot..,dase by
~- 0 9 4 comPskroaL'
- .
malatitits,4**`-l-ceee at s'earle'P
Hotel, Votariisejuid'airnefiii,,CoitrOa*Wash
' imtt?"lo,oNiad_. lll4 ori
xotteri ) 4; : - 2
L. LITTLE will:attood to all 1 4oPticalioa
f Ws; county with promptness and: despatelt.
„kitty may' be found at the office:of
• ripar n submrilieri'haVin, g entered into .partner,- : ,
ship in the Stove,•Tin aid Sheet lion. bcein ,
etskire PlePitYear tO:
. attend to . tin - y:"..iiiderti' in their
. line on the slibrtt They
_Batter thenaselres .
that by giving good :attention and lo* prieee.o*Y
will bath a reasonable shire ofpublir patronage.
Their assortm ent . of
„Shires is good, hiring he - Is;
test • and m ost linpmied psitterns;latnong which
- are the Iran
- the lit fuenduniat:tha 'State` Fair atSiritertce in
=.1850. ~ ,
Witch; ‘.
Easters. lion'
I:kvated .ovese Forest Queen .
(to' Jo. enlart , ed.'
Key, Siintc;:46:;ll:44. -
• Prentitiri ?
rloi amtA# Spro,,csfor.cad 07 •
All kinds Tin . Wari4 7 -stone,- . _Tic:ibantr -rice
Tubes, kept on . - - be sold at.-prieee
that'will . suit. ; All kinds of psi educii taken-in pay
. nientLessh not refused. - '
ar two
• •
doOrs4elow, Postx.bririt
. corner. ' : et' NE.B . STRIL
c: swigs, , wrestaa..
' .
- yr BURRTIT has store's large ZISPCirt•
- 1.1.1. went of Cooking, Parlor and Shop.
for Mood or Coal;inelndingthe new and most inv
proved kinds of Air Tight, Large Oren, Ocirainon
And Elerateil Oven, with SiOiri Pipe; Sheet Iron,
- Zbw, 810,6 !rob* cle.-whieh he will - sell .very low
‘,. for raih or.if,pproved credit. ' -• . .
. 'New Milford; Sept.lB3 1 . '
- .. - lantiarellhs Mineral Palma.. '
A 811PERICIWA.RT1CLE fox painting on Wood,
Brick; cc:T-in, fire,
aniffiedtheh'iliCitie 4nfetilkln its calor.
It- mixes -readitir*itif ekerAnnVos*m, and is a
beautiful dark brolin - or,Trie. Stone i lia.,
- t arrhis paint received . the,picittiugi at the
New York State Fair, 850, in competitipn -with
\ -the Ohio Firerproar Paint . itid..seve4,ll other kind. ot'•mineral paint, as being superior to'any . ,tyttig_ot
. the ichia nowiki me.
.. Pot' ride ' . •
li(entrkri,"May'tg. 1851. • - • . -
Good:lNews 41ew Goods
LYONS it SON are now 'receiving u fresh
• lot4if Sew GOO4l, and fa we say ..• ••
' Goottpeorde all, come laiy things cheap
All lands of Goodi and Wares we- keep;
Good scythe-sticks, bonnets, rakes and soap,
, Fine linen, fish-hoot* coils of rope, •
'Oottan‘and coffee,xlais and ink-stands, •
Nice:Fatlish goods for all demands,
Salti! - Siackels. Pepper. Can4leo.i rice,
And:sugani too at any price-.
Heine hoes, ahoes,. gaiters, true and sire,
1261-i4;IIA of. kiliv-ea'for 'rich and
pill poor;
.11 - ere's candy, nails, unfl spwls of thread,
45-' l 4'New'boois,,and, s,and bars ef l ead..--
;tr . Is:mks, carpeti; toewlsatid WoOden
Tmparis, rattraps, eta 'lasses j ugs. .
New calicoes, that , will not fade, ,
Wall paper!, cloths ,ofrery Shade,
White maslins, figUred striped of ban'd,
eombs,:hoOks'and eye,,all by the card.
These.fie new g.oods,und.many more;
' All cheap for Cash, we have its store.
Of goods though daily we're bereft,
' Yet still We have a few more • left;
2 '• So those who buy , ' Must 'qr..ichly come
• July 1851:
N. Sr. E. W. Co=des! Y0.69- Peas . 1 st.,
0 • NeW York, *Totters. and wholesale dealers •
ia. Green and Black Teas: if all descriptions, Sui4di
-to the Country Trade, are also receiving from - Me.
best - Thenufactlvers 'a;fuil assort:nen Of :TUBA C••
• CO. of the-most 'approved brands, all of which ate.
confulently' as'equal to anymarket; `and ,
e at, the lowest cash prices. '.; w. ":••
Alevehrults visiting the City would T•do to
call and examine our snick before•purcluu chic
`loler!.. •• ••; • • • - •
. Ner York, Auktist;lBsi.. -••
O. LBS •
Tot tt.iery extensift- lot
Upper Leither,:C4lf stiiptCatid of the best
inspeoteii Solo Leather, at lbe very
. Lovrest prices,
I st . -L L.137.05T 4t CO.
July 11; Ara: •
. . . .
Grist &-Saw:liiii .
_ ..
lipa q rsitotHEßs * .b i p.atima4fiei.
Al. , estiblidun en t. • will keep ecaistiudly 'on hand
801 .teilinf
eidfini, . Floxi 7 tCo74, -_ Mal ,
,„; ~.
' - ~ of
.Superior :Qvality... Al s o, . T,;
. ' - - ' ch, ol i e r a -gi ve i ,:.- 4 , _, 5;4: ~
at the loWest cash price. 'OniOni l't'r!r rp. r .4 1 ‘ _
done with deatch. and iii'a4l'calies' Was _
Mamie** dalx,"lss . l. 1 ~, . .. '.,..1,3A11 .., ); . •
.10It ABBITTS Sh.f.,ERATCTS, - a fitur article , tn .
4-?__lkPund Par.ers: •
...iffereezeing •Contiiporid fot lkena anti
.takes without yeaatt ..Al4lO, - - "
13pap• Poindcr, by the tii,e of Whit* wittelf-of t!ie
labw-of - washing itFeavetiouuri Ho
- injury Oirif to!
'Oa diabak -444 " 11141 04 AstrA r esmaii •
LARGE stock of extra - ti
oo*J3fitanigi_.:W Are
od.Table Apg-74 fi1”6-gatho,l4TervOlver.44*
tea: ipernwi fit* s :\ etc:just
sesig low 1 4 : tu'44TAY , ;
18T rictikurr:lotjw~eireet and
*eishr ISON. •
i tatiaween ion
xviiiti v
-. ii,.,...-,6,6„,,,t1t*,5•.- - -- -- - .• ',rah
. - , the ibyli
.--- --
feelinrefiligLind'"l""t ' ' ' tile
`,..-111111* --,-... ~n..... 4,,,,, hir o di v iii s ip % in
'irillibt vei."4 '''''• - 77 4- the tile iiititg:itad:
4 ' 'iiiiEtiiteAlafflivie,
_, .
•- =Ali #iluatileita - .. e iztnt / 42 /11 4 .T-- 1 , --,-• ~.
. , •
. • '
• ' • - 40 . 4 .....Wj0r041418
!,. .1114914- t . • '7144'
''"' - , r •
A ui
x-, ..,:,' -'.,- ''' ''' 'A , `"''.'.J::-P .^c is" 4.,...a.,4"--
kiimarptcp44 ,-.44rAgpo,
__ ,ain•
• , ~,,,,,,„ evelv
'l , '7 4 4 - 4 4"w,: - . , , - - - ' --;--;,' ,_, 4 7, . i .....- •- z t ry A ift
-- --- , - • ..-;&__ : . , , • ,
'T'AT OAS ion - - . tam tbetr-arrti ogemetite- r
ttltrinakeiet - 411 , , lif l / 4 ,10-.P. Y. ,;:..,17 , ..-4.-- - ...,.*•;1z . , ; , ,_ y: .v.±
'..F': ; -2 .w - Itottmielitilt - Tiiinittife; - •"'-''''-';
manufitctareillout offlo.4lan*,
Black Walla - lilapleMkerry.,tithei iitto 4 betv,
a" `its 0", , i f.ltliTilifil44l4 . #o ti,i4itiii: - -KtiiiinK,,
the .arttchie kit ibity4iitenalo - Wp.oti head, or
fottke..AP,',ll,o - fillit_fit*VOnlivAdo_Cn i nitsiti;t*ei - .
iitYklAWft _ tEttatt4.- Ada: -Am:* Eircretnike, , .
) 1
gook .Cosero 3 :7 : ey#sotrd, 'lei., am( oqio r,24les;'
Simi& of. r ev M variety 3 ,4l/4 SlVO re lk -044 ".
6 `tionasif , 'w4•DePsOiwkociii kindsooknrities,,
mode:, ,, t-liiii; , y, 1 ,Thick-Waltioo .P 1
. 1 0 1 7 :end
Maple..'.• 4144,5c0nx Blit4 :Falat. o4 o; 411141
b rill
Fattest. e A 1 1Wof ",aTin.y - trarjety and de.icrption:
which`thi . Inow:trow on, and 'iOiend to keep.,
a > molten su l eply. - Aoy articlo dolma will be
stipplied 4!it-tt few :lava' nothw.. - _1 - ' -::::'' ‘
- Atilheistibecribersaiive often. be iii potieltel to
enlerppllielti=onti uremia itpleatablielniient:-
of the 4Slrilch Ouhl, suPIAY e i erY
intriety o iiiinseholtl•ireinittnix.inicl*ve tWtrou.
_hie. of a di to the Cities forr . titichltrticliai they
Im.Pe 40. t wiih liberal Otionaire:4o( . l„
,*_l°" l.
i ge m en t i .I : .• • -,, ~ 4 ' - ' , :";!..-., : rn-- 2 -7
: WILL A x, W. SRA, A ~..A.,....„ ....sior., ~
- .E. R. Sx fi t , ~. ,' - --R. A. -n. 1,1
vi l la,
Moot ' one ZiOSSI. : 1 '.. • ' -:.; I .
.. . ,
• 1 --
Ameri i Repertory of - Inventions
_se .
0 ~ 25W4, .ni,vntors, .l anulac-
T I.fcp. . I ' ' dad , ir
nirer , ranth Volume, of the ; :i
dieptifto AmerigaiL
R.: Ilitlt &CI
iN O. Anterictinand For 54n
1e1: : !ent Agents,•and-,:publtsherts of the Sewn
qific Am •ri4n, respectfullyieninouncb to the public
that the rst number of Volume VII. of this-wide
ly circu lated mid vuluable journal will issue ota, the
20th of SeAtetiitrer. The new volume will,nom
. 4-1
metier with new type. printed 'upon paper of heav
ier texture than that toed in the preceding. *ad:
tunes.•is the - intentionof the peblishers - t4 it
'lgs,lSSelit.. flot:elfully, §y introducing,repreeqata
tient; of prominent events connected with the ad
vancemeht of klence; besides furni+ing the anal
amount of etu4nrings anew -Inventions. It is (alb
lisheal weekly irl form fore binding, end affords at
the end - Of the year a splendid - Voiotia of over four
hundred ; pages , with ,a copiotis iruleii and fromfive
to ix huhdred 6ngraviana, together with. a vast
... . ,
amount pf pra4tical mformatmtt concerning - the
pkogresslof inven tion afid discovery throughoutlhe
world. %ere ino subject of unfrtance io the
m echani ~inver t or, manufacturer end general rea
aer whi
is- not tre.atgd iu the wettable manner;
the edito , own 'ibutors and correspondents being
men' 0f.4 iii Ligliase attainments. It is in fact the
leading . .seietititirjournal *tate COuntry. -
-"The inventor ; will find tn- it a weekly li-t of A
merican-Patent Claims, reported from the Patent .
Offiee„tui original 'feature not finnts in any other
weekly publication:- - • . i
i , -
- 1 ' TERMS. -
'Two Rollers a sear—One,Dollar icr six months.
All' Let met ' be "post•paid anti directed to
...,IfiLV e COI Publishorsof the. cientific Amer
, 1
actut, 128 Fulton street, New York. ;, • ,
' d-Meemeete for 'Clubbing •
t i n
- -
, Any ,I•son , . Who will seal us four. 80m:ethers
for six. anltha, alt out regular rates, ; " shall be enti
tled to a eopyrfur the same lengtli 3 Of time, or we
will fiim
, f h• Terre* 'es for 6 months; - - - - 8 8
Ten 'a ies,for 12 months. -' h- - 15
Fifteen cepies for ;12 months, -;i - .22,
Twenty copies for ::2 months, .IF - 28
rff-squtgeyn and Western money taken at par
for subsciiptions, or - Post Office stampi at their
full valiant • -
yea . loiliairbiiffaio - n lie . vived I •
.1 , .. • • • ..1 -
... -
New. Goods A gain ! . - • -
OW 'to New York twice in tietilmonararfew
G• yea ago• would have - . been thought 'a very
remarks e oecurr,enfe,: -,-- ese:days.of Rail
mad4, £lk roa ..-• - , ...... tis nothing ver,y utiettm- •
mon, and 4 have -
. ly to 'say. that I tare been ena
bled to d :so, frr,!. thii liberal patronage bestowed
upon me . , y trt
„If rietid.t'atirlthe - publlc, for which I
feel grai • ul: ' hare added very nytlch to my fur:
.mer stoc •of oods, among .which ipay be ftitual
the Itillo • ";.- --:• •• - -- "r - -
Sren, 1 r.' thf, ' ...atinet4, . KeizSay 'leans,
;_Stirin ter Strffs of rarions-kiirdr,prin-
te i LduAs; 4 1l dins, '.Bonnets, •.
in style of ribkmr, 0. - 4^pet-
' :.ingle):, Ala . rgs ,, ' 0, Y7
01411.1,, Fr . . Teat/i •
_. ' . , ~...
• .
~ Fmk Rice; : . attniirlied
. . ' Phellicre : , ain;AfY" and
- - qna ter&triett,,Sis . :boots awful shoes ; ,
, • ,:.
Tiion . h a ii i . a n d - palni leafiffdis, more':
l i r
. -- 0 AWE CO s. TIN:4"ANS, ..• .
Crock Iron, Oranges ti Lemons . Steel, Nailit;
Soap ertt o daily Salt, whole and ground Cof-.
fee, etc..% Ali - of - which will 'be solo. down to tie
soar* for eash.'wnal, ragtiears, butter, lard, bees
M. C. TYLER . ;
Mon July 3; 1851
Harp 9 1
r s hew, ,
111 •
. •
T_TALE PEWS New Menthly *paint-hi issued
I I • invariably on'
- the first tial'ofc the month in
winch it isdated. Each number:Will contain 144
.octavo lieges, in double Columns; :each y oar thus
coMpristg nearly two th , imsand .paties of the choi
cest Miscellaneous Literature of the day.. Every
Number will -contain ntincrous• Pilitorial Illustra
tions, stem:irate Plat& of lie F.a.si4ns, It -Cripious
Chronicle- of-Current Events, and im hart ial Notices .
of thel*
tnOiatt Books - of tliM Motjth. :The Vol
tunes i mence with the Nurobereor . 'June and
Te a —The •Magezine ' mad .be - obtained
from lk. 'ksellers, 'Petiodio . ll igenii, or from the
. Publii •, at nacre Dcii..t.zes a :oiir, or Twrstrr-
Eivz C .. a Ntuber., The semi-annual Volumes,
as &imp eted, neatly butind in Cloth,.at Two Dol.
lam :or. the iltisliu Covivis at,. twenty five • Centi
each : - furniiiteir bv th'e 11,genta or Publishers. -
i ll
' • The üblishers will shhply Speehnen Numbers'
gratuit 'ly to AgentiTh - nd Pishnasteir, and will
Makelli ral aiyangemehtsivith‘thim- for Circula
ting the Magazine. - TUT will 'else Supply. Clubs
o r
en- li ' Ito ',,' and Miiil and . Gas subscribers,
When - payine tis ma k cje to them in 4ivance. Nitin
tiers. front 'Commencement can :'be .supplied - at
ny. time. . . -1, , il • - -• • t .• . .
The ilagazine- weight-over sevenriand not over
eight minces i The - postiige• on each dumber to any
postoffice in the county musebe paid quer
tarti-ikailso•9e, is ,4 , 6. k i - ..: !I ,:. . -...7. ' ,
r. - ~, M'',A.E. PER 4 BROTILERS, , .... '-.. .
. 1 '131;7- I I' ' :8i Cliff stree; NOW,TOrk.
I • - 1 -4 0 ,- , II- -
"Lyon a Eng
Illib . .fhtpil ix Store
S. ry 'Qk AYRE it CO:lin-tog moved th eir
t-74 A-IAI LI old stock kinitlfd it as wa not
bored) idfe The store futinnit ily D: it:
liiotruP dreb, 41 . 6.15; Public 'keetiue; ' and made
puttliiite (4'4 large and Aplendidiatient,:of
I,feik Otionds;;r4Fiectfalli invilittieiefriends to all
1 l tient - •
...An t°9 44 1 6.4 1tee ; i 4 irnt tie -erhich 'ile
tit ed'iliknoetihe *hale pf our oldfieoodi,kobr store
ii• ed 'with an' almost ;entirety II . -
4 1 ' • -11* . : Asso7thie - At of Ooods. .„:
i i
: -: '4' . l'ii#isityly.iikci'..viiibiheloia iii-oftilinkm
lcksthjbd4* to s pOichii.e.,": - Jiarid " ilia' -M2l iedt
~j'-'`l n ii:ilatroksit' **eV we'llivi ithislwyal
`iniblPits,# , 1411'6066 .teem! tint ''-the lii,i.# 4 ;
, Ili i tied*pi len I, ky . , depend i4iiin'• #;iiigit ': , -:-..: --- .
1 - ectiViartuf,Goodflf 'iii 04].'04g 44 ,
-- - - ': . : -. iA:lious..cote
1 an 4" la iii4ibi Biliter will Aicri4 4 ;elst i ' / -3 .i4: at
IletiMela 4 tgire4 - , - :l oKiiraz *PI'
~. -- :: - "4-_- ''
'"r -
- -
#unir"ez "-tzi •
• r' l '
, o - ODs
.474,.„. ;At-WM -bacfjust-lottulgid,ficim
j1164.7040iit1k4 &est.& afirgllGocidsovigai
# 1 4 1 1r1604 6
Ag k* ~ thook*llak. -WriaLL. PAVAN
► beivaiOnlily r ll4lWlL •
4441 , 114itunkaixtbarato to suckoculadma.
P. 4 W -7 ''kW 7l !
auras just
ArgEkaial*ir4 4 o l 4 : Paritealraffm
• ossitimax;_,.
•o, iiVATA9C * MU" LT . •
t a i o ,
111).4torrA t
ZVlittniWerly :l ri $l ieltwdad'
na;torwhii#ol/. bore .
- tomeir Isubltesiiesi of ii,vidti7ible4glicultu ,
*sicirkz.Called'thirtAgnadtio nt'Sfie
aid IhrsterietitAgrictiliori74llltdlssia - zESTiliallThifit,
FeIVS. - int,Z4littbargh; truthneot lq
Farm," Ate., assisted b&a lit P 3 kFtyazot~
New- . = ;>i't af dot Agriculture in
higblYZ4l4l*geti ,4 * lo lrilk "400 - - 11 F 0-
iergdroy4l octavo volume' . 1, -Cota nita g_or.c44l(to
pagr„ . 7ffithll3 ; co94le4lid,stnel engravingkinal
more:. thinltoo engravings ,oaleoOd;
atyli . Of :the arty mos , ever,y
meat of bOtst in ki,thibest fanners,
"..thafics4mo44 l ..-ef - k i tY in F;
'harvesting, etc., etC., - the various ammistic Amami
in:their highest perfection; in shOrt,
_the pictorial
feature of the book is uniniii,and gill tender- it
of incalculable ratie to tb atuileht.uf agriculture.
I The :work' isAiehik "publiskedia ..semi:mont
Numbers 0f,;64 pages each, explisivo of the Steel
entrisliriP;Fuld,iallotd.ict.2s Cents each, 0i45 for
the, entire work fit nun which 'there will be
at least trenty-iiii:' - • ' ' " . '
Thei t 3#tiatiTerii3dic4B Ho -published, are as fol•
he -ncliot eihtarterly )ieviete (Con:servative), ,
. The tiri~ +rte • ,
270, North Church)..
The IVestotinstereßeviele (Liberal), •
' Blackiroocre EdiliburghAfagaiine ( ror2r)., _
, .
Although the ,
. by the
politicaLshades aboie indicafeit;vet but: a sniall
mrtionortheir contelits is ilevotect politiCid
fecta It is their literary character .which: gives
'them their chief valub, and in than they stand-con
-lewdly:far ,above all other jourrisls of .their
Bhack;ood. stilt und4r the misterly . -quidettie
Chilitopher North; Maintain_ itir . ancient celebrity,
and is• at thia time unusually attractive,. front "the"
serial . worlispf BulWirtind ottier literary niftables.
.written for that and first appearing' in
chlumni toth in. rma" itritlin and in 'the Uni
fed.Stat - Such iv rks as The:. raztOO47 :" and
ily:New-NOvel7 ( by Sulvrer), MiiPenia-
Pular " . The reen . Hand.7" and other
• ids, Of which numerous ival ettitiMui are issued by.
the leading pulliihera in - this"coUntry, In be
reprinted by thine, RubliAters froM . the; Pr of
otterhar " issued by errs,.
.Scott d:- Co., et; that SubscribersJo the . reprint of
that Magazine iriay always rely on haiing'theear.
fiist reading Of thesi fascinating talea.
- 'Terms:
For any one.of the - four. Reviews, $8 . ;00j
For any two ; 400
For any three . ' 7. '7CO
Fur sillAinr of the Afvielyis„. : : ' 800
For , Blackw's Maga ~
iifie. • 3 00
For BlaelcwOoil and three Revigws, . _ 'll- 00
For Blaeliwoo,i' arid the four RAvieWs, ' 10 00
For' Fanner's Guide (in 22 Nos.) 00
Cryearno.—A discount - of taient.tere Or cent.
froiw the above prices:Will-be allowed to C ub Or
deriog, four , or more \ copies *of
,finy one or it ore of
the aboie .Thus: eisples - of Blateksresid or
a one Review will be . sent to one enitfrisslnil 9 -
4 cdpies.of the I've , ;Rividw,s)int:i Blackweod for
SU ; and so on, . : •
Money, current in the Eitateil, where issued, will
be reZeiveti acor. I
tirßernittatietiitnd - Conmunieitions sh4obl be
always addressed, postpaid or frankee, to the pub.
lithers,:' LEONARD ,scpw. & co.: ;71 r
• 79 Fuuliv .
• Entrance 54 Golitat.
• New Weekly Magazines ' -
, weeltly•mtlegantstyle;4ll large octav pages,
eris i
or 496 fitikesit year; with* airtagii. iii h al:
termite number. . -
• ..Taus - Three D'qllara aye h o r 4 cen a No.
• --
. CONTENTSChoice miscel neous asleetiptut.
from the current leterature•of tine country and of
Europe—comprising histo ri cal and other ta eii and
romancm.of, high literary.. Character; bingrliphies, ,
emays, anecdotes, reviews; poetry, aitintstnN etc..
By issuing weekly; we;shall.rimsetit ourl'eaders
with the trtostintirsatin'g . ielectintis from' Foreign
litirature: - earlier tluiti we could do in a Monthly
form. - • - ' - - " t •
The .11 7 )rt4 .' --
.ue ..Verth.Americon Ifirrellasig Fill eitnal in
tasteful ippeatitrice; any 'Magazine published. and
the, four numbers a no•mtli, coSting but 25 cite for'
the fours:will contain a considerable larger'ilnanti
ty of reading matter than any monthly in AMericia.
The beet articles; will be selected Pow sill the pub
iicatiros,-.which sustain the :bigl(eet character fur
literature, huto)wind wit among the periotficalsof
Europe:_`B—.• , • - • • - •
Our Obji.ciln issuing, weekly is , that bur :leaders
may -receive The- .ebohiterselaitiona friiiii4urrent
literati reaeshort intervals, in a"form elegant and ,
ttetter adapted' to preservation than - that •of..i.
newspaper... A. PALMER. & CO., Publishers. .•
`l2 Broomfield street, Bolton; 111 Chestnut st.
Philadelphia ; arid -h Barclay ~street, New York;-
, Tbis • work is also published. in monthly
each amtaining four weelrly
. ntainber'fi; done
up in sPlen'dial Tinted cover. '
June 27 1651." • - • •
N . . a .
New na Palley -Dr . T Goo4s, '
BURRITT has now. in.sitore 1a new, and
choice selection of . Dry - Gowls, Mantling_ a
great variety of , Ladtee .Dress Goods. Crape and
(Aber Summer • Shawls. pilk. Mantillas, -Pam*
Rrench Lace Fancy Straw and Leghorn Bocutets, a
beautiful arsbrtment-bf Bonnet Ribbons, Flowetil
and Trhumings of new styles, Black*,.Silk and La
ces for-Mantilla% Bonnet Silks; Black . Lace Veils;
Broadcloths, Fancy Cassimers, Vesting& anil Sum
met Cloths, Carpet Reis, Trunks., Vans I)coottik;
Shoes, Paper Hangings, Painted Window . Shades,
Carpeting. Hats, Calk% etc. "etc.; with a. birge and
general assortment "A - Hardware:- Crockery, Lim.
Groceries; Psunte,'Oils, Medicines, Stoves, etc eta.;
all which will be sold at the lowest-prices and on
the'mostlarorable terms. • ' , • .
N. 8.--Nearly . all kinds of, Piodace . Wantid,
Socks in partlicullu andlbe highest price paid in
Cash for IVool.,Flinar. and Silt constantly on hand
. New Milford; May 47,1851.
- • _ •
mISS,N. McKENZlEi:harkg just- retunaded
/IR from New YOriiwith an asiortmentof Fash
ionableMillineryand Fancy Gooda; coiwiatint
readi'inade - Bmnets, Csips and Trimmings.' would
're:per:dully invite the Ladies of Miodrose and yi
cinity to call and examine her stock at' her' shop,
ver the store of 8. S. htulford dr Sen.*heic theyt
may - And a &lice - variety of article's of the first
411,114, and *hie will be . Offered on the fficist tea-,
scalable terms: She will coatinue the .businessof
- dressiiolonnets to the latest failuons:.
Montrose, April 24; - 1851. "; ' • -
1851 , LUSK HOUSE, 185 I•
QTA:GES:hnive tliis Rouse daily for difierent
t. 7 inte; `on" the arrirsd dr- the several different
Trair►s ; otCe n : Also 14i - try Tea ms funiehad
Mr. X. Tr u esde ll , at short notice, and terma width
canna; t fail :.-
j -fih - '
11.=-4 eniered - ear:rntge will 'um*
fgt . :et* toitid frnni the ears.
"Figlie'w/Whieratrr'gr, ?Feel !Paint*
I:llti*Os,iiiriti. fir!
s N: 7 4llqii colors smartie got isp"Aisigthii
ootoPfoltmo, from liars to Waal: at ten lbaciatr
the sylirml - Aoross,.l l l4loCe,llll . valuable, and is sui•
table 4 Aittie
Na rq]Giford; 'Sept. 4. 18i1.
itinerid , igeimiquimf at: &Weil Bonlik - lwbOle.
Ade 9rretail IS, LYONS & Clithifpqat.
1104 embilt 21 1 0 50 ;':' f
. , ~ . • .
._ : , , ,,,- 1 .,,, AG t „,,roi., l f, •,_ —..
5:-. :74 „,•,;—.._.4,...,..,..,.., t_...,........, ~,„,....,„c„
7 t e,' ' t Wi v i 4 ; iii
~. --- . 44?" , .` eM l iks la i g
11111- °.".7 all'l
'•' 4 -.9-1= : - ,-4 •—area tv €l ll4 4 l
""1:4-41-fifilt;;;4.- -- '''' L tiCtia l i g eS6'
~,,,,,- ... , ,,-":4•4*L.--e-.:.. .
VC-WM* Setropeierd I. k r . G.,
Aiwa 24, 1221.4.44,„.
40 44 4 %
. . . .
"'P , 4 1 . 4 ‘ • ''., ' ' - IV 7Ar t gl
. .- -
.12 acnutt.
. -
SON' BRYANT, P. ispriletapr.
r-;•,..4..., - 01 ,, g , .;' , ,,:i
. . .
m oN ,
lilt^ .'2' , ".'. 4 ' Z.•••• , n . .
kill :-.1-P.::•!:
• - ' , ,,f..ti
.., --;.'''. -; !,.:
..4'... , ... - ".... • ' - 1,:. 4,-,
. •
~ . ~ 411 1 . . •
,--,.- ::. -A Th . - - . ;,-1
- • - .
:SLEIi: WI" EVI . t)%%V% St WV .
Whichwill be • • - ' l 4 -
. •At tow ekt kuql price 4, sn ors,
WARE,' ZINO' PlRE;.citilstantlb On If ell at' . ljen: ,
itARFOAD, sEPT - , • - ' • • * I
- -.Life Insurance r•
unitedshita Life iitsuratier, Annuity and.Trnßi
i i
ColarsPY 0 Philadelphia ; 77 - Charier .prrpet: uai'
CArtsat;—; 250,CKN1. - ... ' ' . ;
_B. S. - 1 4t Isl yliti t-A iir en i i •st fi p 'r p7l c i ltli C otlT;
Minima and will giV.e all •tiecemary information
o any pertions desiri . g to troika 'application._ l
.Masatnne. 0ct..16 ~ 1859,'• ._ • . . , , : 'i. •
. . _
-To Dairymen.. Farmers..
A FARM; 200 acres,. oikuate in Bridgewater
.111-townshipi - Susqueltanna county, rand state of
. •
Pennsylvania, 160 acres . of which are under good
improvement. . . • .•.
Th e tarn is well t isigner.i for a dairy, and is ea :
gable offeeding ; 4o.cows during. summer , and ' ,in
ter, itatiVerj.imirt - of it Well The r hod-
Zinis and:land ore - in good condition, and - ,the
Oa which are 'bf:sione and s mill, are also.
There are two large barns upon 'the 'Rretaises:-be, ,
granary sur i convenient shed.' fur cattle,—
Three orchards jar cipally of grafted.fruif uth
erlruit,treis:-- - ' - I
.Said•.farnthas. `very:l . deasant and denialde lo
cation about two miles from litootroie, the Comity
seat- of Susquehanna county . ,• and:About nine Miles
from the Leggett's Gap:Railroad, to which ther e is
it Plank Itoad in process of completion , and is 'yery .
convenient to "meetings. achooki ;and mecluinki..
ALIA, another valuable'Form adjoining thei above
continuing too.* * f ; _rif which . 150, are tinder, Whigh
state„of culOvatkia 11ponit than is.,'Wlirge, frame
dwelling house with ,outbuilding 4 to corrispond,
and Wlarge rind fenced
and admirably:adapted to dairl pikrposes.
Sind property. will boaold al te.asonableitenns,
and a portion of •the purChaseteensy . may reFunn
on. bond and mortgage to . euit.t e purchaser,.
• Application may be inade piirsonally or ',by let
ter to rforviNn. Jessup or R. 4. ,Nivog at ittford
me, in Sind county,, and, any further •purticidars
that uuiy,be required will be giken. 127tf
'al) , 8, '5l. .• . . I . ' • •
. ,
* . , Notice to the" - Public.".,
Nati . . Seaionatit..tall:oiof itiwer Geode, tat the
.. - '. • • great one Price Store.: •c ,
'POWS leave to. take' this' opp ortunity of i le i nder- .
'.1.3 ing his sincere thanks to his Friends ; Cos,-
Comers., far the generouipatnxiage' they hive ei
tended.tobini, and at the same time inferii - them
that'he haii just returned from New York With a•
large and choice' selection of . - \ - 1 .
c i
a frest and extensive - assortment of ,Droccricts,, Pro-
Vidor* Booki &Skits, Hall th. Caps. liar Ware,
Crockery, Dregs 41i Medicine., &c., Ace., which rill be
sold for eaah or - reduce at a very, small ado oce,at
prices which. defi&rall competition. Flour Pork.
Fish &.Salt, at wholesale & retail. lie wtl ti also
remark that be ailheat.s'strietly to the. sys •em of
Always naming the ioirest price at first thereby
giving the some " advantage to all 'Whit tria favor
him.with 'their pitronAgie . , _ , : t.
The lea est;:fiest and iieopest
.of.tortritent of - lE:tor
Mmit cLotiinio hr the Village Of' Great B :
' Cloths , Cassidieri•and Vimtings, of all lit litiiisi,
Suitable'. for the hill and winter trade, which t`e - oc•
few at such priewiwi to satisfy any, one that his is
the place for deal. • 4 1 ••- - I.;
in carequenCe of the great increase of hill !hose
nisi he has been '"obliged to •goad i- 'er.larke l ii'
stock Which' he now- coffers to his friends aid • the
public foi examination; confident that in -so doing
they will find something to _their advantag#: lie
has also made arringements to. mtumfactocloth
ing in , ill its various branches and know. pi. pared'
to sell theiiiine, warranted to
~,.. --
biai, inspe ion.
Costoni_ wark• and cutting' "done ;iii the tint style-
andshort,notice,:All.kinds ot Tailor tr ip ming:.
es i
furnished and fogiale. - . .
. garNn•t.fori v e ! the ' place... 3 Store ,
opposite the Mansion House. L. S: LENH
Great Bend,'Sept. 4 2s, 1850.
--. . . ~.: •
Stove Ware and :
liEbY'SifT°l44w-Eo2lllAatarritetbe.tC7. i kln~ St r„fgoiri
and Reidy uonble oven Coo' yng btove • vaied
double oven ditto; Premium do. do.; ViCt 'ia do.
do.;. Empire State do.; .Clinton Air-light do. to-.ln
tv sizes•aotlikirsds of Parlor. Stoves for aood.or
al ; tett sizes 41 6 plate,do.; t'oal4 wood Stove"
for shops, and Reboot houses ; , the best in use ;' Cop
per; Brass, Tin and ItOil Ware; 'Ensßia, EtitkliFh &
`lron Stove Pipe; Stone, Tin and. Zine Totie's. &e.,
for sale . by the 100 dozen or single at t . 6 Eagle
FUinidry - depot. - WILSON & CO.
Montrose, Nov. 26; 11150. •'
- At. Ne* Milford- -Yet!
moss . e.SONS would inform their Minds
111.4. -and the public that they i*eiring;
anew Supply- of- Sprinvand ;Summer- Goode---n
good assorts:Des . of tielaines. Onighams,
Chambray% . Lawns, Shawls, Cloths,-Cassimeres,
Jeanklaummer•Clothi,l3kosin and Bleachtod alas=
lily Ticking. Brawn Linein or. •
-,-:, OftOCERIES. -. •
'Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Teak Spices ac.; ' Also,
a good assortment of Llai.dliare. Crockery, Wogs,
Shoe findings ae. They, ' iie on hand of their own
manufacture A bogs eatof'., and Shoes,
Sole Leather - , entails* ' - ' • :
- 'Ail iwararit ofeonds trill tioa it to their interest
to call, as we are .determined to eell at the trwest
price?, if we have to, Will it less than caist.. :
F . A.MOSS a §0.14. •
,• , New Millord;•141. 1 . 3,1851. . ' . 1 •
Qaiscaz - mach;pie, bit aile'by ' . 1 • C o . •
' ''' s' 1 ' • - WILSON did
‘ II ).
, ~ . xi ! 1.,::,':1:
- -,:
L - I' '
I i
GIIT • S7 l ol,'E' NOTV AN
GE - o
• . •
ihe -1 4 .0:-,„aortn,w41-0,11.3,iFtp,eh.„'pa Coutiig. fuil
. rvi i l
1..-E;;; ,.. .. , •, , ,...•;-,..- ?....::',.. ' ... ~ .i,.-, ; ..; •
. - . i - i-....*:..., ..
• 7• • '• • ••- -1; -'• l 2 -- '
~....., . . ..
: . 4 • Ai.
1 i . IligrMS• ,
1 . A :Sultehtehaora
1 ii RR s . i ' 7 , l
. s6,hrii
I .11. for Mei rivate.ssu •
' 114 u es and Lu te -••l4cit
) • i• .
Pa. , 411 wlifi liviele fat 4
can give a aiiitute desc •
1 Lon) its folluifs:• : , Num 1
• prov ' anfl'POw . water
' graft dor , cointhon fruit;
j d
fret,. ; how , fit - from Non 4
to ; a. depot (Jolt n New Y
i nml fermi, olio:pm - MM. ‘
chase Real Rs Ate, will r 4
f l y calling 041. or addroB4
Tiel anna cointly, Pa.
1 IrirCruefveAtuce from
il l
1 free of charge. t t. •
1- -Adffice- on T rag* sf ,c
(Brick cornerl; ) 1 . -
• 1 ' 1 : • • •
The . fulloviiag ParmB'l4
114, sale: • rt I.:* ; ' '
i s NO.I. 40 aciri . .„..,_3o irn.
•447. C. 89 "acri ; •fr;ifl
. •
I nu. 3. 100 :4141i.i , .60. -
144 - ). 4. 150 do.i KO:. •
n 4.4.3. '7O •cli i .?.l 49
1 n0.•6. 0,6 0.1 ; ' 35
no. 7. Stm'O N lN,N4ro4.) 2 i'v•i:
i no. 8. '145 ooeic' : 1. 75 irn
• mi. ,
~.9. 2+ -dqr. 3 s ;'
no. 10..2 . 00, I gond fl
no. 11. hons4l and lat'.* '
n0.'12 .100 tiC46.' I ;700
n 0,13. 1340:! p. 200 -.
n 0.14. 56 1'444 50, im.
1n0.115. 160 1,410 'sq . kn..
nu. 16. 120 . ijdri , 55 -inEO
L •n0.17 106, lit I -Inii
1 nO.18.• 112. !i 40 - .1. im.!
n 0.19. 200. - leo i nipr . ove!
no. 20. 145.'1100. ! int
no ! 21: 190; 'l2O 1 itn . .,
,no. 22. 901.,:!' 5 1 im,',
Do. 23. *45,4! 0 .t on.
no. 24. 292,! '' ;. iml
' . ne:2s,' 125 a'e , los ita
na. 26. 196 !id0a . ...1.0)f fint
no. 27. 80 ac tes 1.45
no. 28 11, gond sawmill
no. _9. 134 acct)?, '9O
I ni..30••176 it''.. 100
no. 31; 135 141 . • .95
no. 32
4 eO., ,tiry - 15
n0.'33 46011d0 di} '
, i
1 mi. 34 450 44t0 1 -100
no: 33 150 I illo • 80
1 no. 36 300 I 1 170
I . no. 37 j190.' Mc • 140
I no. 38 170: •.. It - 100
t. 6. n. 175 ao. i - .90 1 ,_, 4
1 no. 40. so . 4 es - • j improver
45 impver
c ia
1 no. .41. - 2124 c eti, 100 i 4 iproved.i
I 'no. 42. 192 4.)1 ' 50 ' 'l . " A l. /
no. 43. 4 atfp.i ill iMpr.ved. - * .. '
! no. 44.'13840t .. - -,65 - ' : d
i no. 45. 300410 r 4290 • drB - . 4 „,
1 no; 4a. 12,01,i 1. -•so i ">. Grist :Mill )
i no. 47 - ~ 20
' acrep - .160 improved
1 Ito. 48. 103:4028.. .1 8 iinpivci4 .:
Price ii - orli 410 ta.,s3l-' euncre. ;
I N:11-. -P(mbnA 4.lesinh • 'to.puMhase
1 ak)ove, hy giiiiiig:the Net ' a obtiiin'a
i tkin.. .- , :i. i . ', , .LF,ltill), It
.4• • . , , . .
,1 .1 . -1, . t.i.. B 4 .
Mookrose.: ;IL. October,'llBso.- .1 1 -,
I f
N. A.-Tlio e marked •illus•(.) 1111. -
i' •- , - . 'iL t . , i 11l . : ~.
4i.VWI r
1 k i,.1 t, *E S.
1 ---.
e:... -- --. ‘ ..: T UNKS,
1 ill R
--, - -
r- H. sltt i,, has taken the Shop to
trY 'io eupieif to -A. "Mal.. , • Sims,' in , Ne . : ,
where lie 4ill "ntintie t ai' 'aboit bliel
branches.. liria';,qng, 'l 4 , mks and rnli' .
, and all nthei hinds of Cu ; illni made tic
•• , !•equal to ariy•fi i the coini v. Alluork th
" 411r - i •Y i suit-rill:per si tiarranted:r ~all and nx
4 111: . I ' 1 li '' • JOHN H. •
r i yourse VCIA. ;5, i • , , ,
' '.
1 , l'exv '3lllfoil, Feb. 12, fis t. . ..
=___. I -
Tixt Booksi
'l%ll Aqitleo ; tour ulso
opeue • t . -
r Sept.. 4; j! •
. ..,... , i . , cA H'. —-• .
l ib ! r:lap‘ter I !tles,Sireepp
1. . . I • '. '
, . . , .
IVasite4 ..A.l s(? 50 I mite's of "Dr
oil White 144ns well &led. for whiell .
be pair]. '' 1 ..2;] . di iS. if?, _.
10 7. 9 2 T - ; r ,g+ l . §. 111 ,,.. ..C . 1 1 ,: 411) ..
- , clukfigei ; "r- goodsibrjougOantlPW
Jessup, Jaill:!--;,-: 1 0.0i: -.s ~ .1 1 - M:.13
ki . .6lsmiltoirthen, Pet
ihs best thibitfor.tirat u
thi s lifticlvisAtencleil as s
withoutinjovi i . to Woks.
F'br byi• •1H
'.Moritrose• llay 29, I
Thci Amen 'can awyert ~
A ND, e.Very . than's , 'ortn Book:-.cOutalnieg n
,/,‘„. Aketch et the Lifwill Of each State, with a s tlelp
of the came,-itery Taiulhle, anscifor eale cheep by
• i I I rJ. LYONS lit ..(IN
IeLBS. S,PkaifOr. One Dollar. ca4l •t)j,El.ll
- , ing tbt if r ,J. - LYONS tt ON.::
T'A'ILS if tatir ilellsr.' perkeg, 6 down, for
'l.ll sold h 7;
. „..,t 1 . J. LYONS ,ikl'SON
May 20, 01,, , ~,,- „ „.;„-: , r; . I. --,
' . Rllll'tits .act Nora,illtql? .1 1
' - ' F7to f fe " 4 1 1Deateri 'l' 1 '''''
. .
Seri*_,- , . 0.4, 1 lititiitkt, ' -, ,Ca 0.,
- MLR . LLA - S, i'll:11:AgOLay:-4,14
tlO.. /5 1 4` palpis S.Ter.itr, --• .'
___ _
Vt. - Purunsi
se pt. 181'
•LO :AN r
„ • Aimit 9 -IS 1 .c.
001Cilte; to drip tor.iwili; cor,4lsll,
< . r 1 : r •
11Atti ` orl ,
'Asit: t
• gs,„L ,
• 1 4' f' - !s - rtfrp *lt
• - •
r ;L Fkri a df
pt0w04 , 4130,
Allrtico e • nest 131111151%
' "
I- CO - EON 4 11 , AC.' 01
on orbeforeitholli, i i Bept+Tober ,
- *1 1 44.11..,Xii, 4 4 484), :44e
- .
, ,c4C. W.
'-'. , th,
44,: - .1 ~, ~, , i s!pt.,
. ,_ ,1,4•04.,„.
~,,.!.:, ~,,i.,•44..14,
i t e ligu ll t. 'AIL . • .7
WO .
.-,,,,.-.. v.t..., .!.. ~ „,,,,,,,, J , 4. 4:; ,. .-•
~.: ... 4 ds A 1. ,. ; -......-;
i...:511: ! L;1` ..? '' ' 4.- 1 4 :., :kl 'i
1:k9r4441 ''.
' ' • 1,4 **1 4_,
t ,
Ir._ia Tir ,
~,. ~,.. , • J ' , ' : - '.'
:.-;. -
.14011 tr oll 4 l. .fttingk s r rjr - ; o ; l : 4 ' 4'
, •". • ;1 il I • ' 1..-- . .
I 7.
. ,
4 1,
• •
trerent r
. • I.
four d
n(I Co
, Pt,
F4taA •
!sa., LOW!
1 .
t trews,'
the n • •
e Railr •
t Mon
A. 921
14f 'Ron
4 1 their
t ion U
r uf
a: Er
E fur .
'1 .artußi t
, u itiv l i If
. - Or(.44ir
H ist . i
1„ j , . ii ,
!.II Ur
lat6l I.
-... • . u
1 •
1 a
- frame'
hj g '
!l ime 6 I
Is . do ,
1 1 do
ling ;
ouse a
- do
, r; a Li
1 3 Y:
lid used . '_•,i
t ► variety or I
'6l 10WeF.t
1 1 J. LYONS I
for. ivel
Cif , 4'
its c.
out as befoye....
;.Price; 25 tents
• TU
e i 4
AAPERk - blorfale bY
An' Al
- --- iko*
•,i .-litiug t., Ipe",i.
._;the..., . - — 4 l l tgat .- -- 4* *AO
tmataaa 't 6 iti r . b; l , iiiotolipicillOit 1M1T.,110.10‘.
'and oropeiform for.use. - , -1 . ' .
kji l mh-iaairAieeiiiiielrifdi libs ttended thei
[IA' lure ntinttlittitOttlAksnlattm4 -
I Pill* ia-mnt,,abtm r
slant. tifll,<49llol*l r they;
e a
akti 4 itily , . :: ...- -. „
nlttre f own eme4t , ,
and thif.Wey wllVitirentictindire diii`iisersluieken
4 °4. luum_Phur ins br _than PiPttatr'u f iediaini-ever,
Iticitin. lite " itlti nre"princtin4 , •trti.ilt - eaktiye.
1 1 ,
iiiidiebio",i (tliei:ginti*:beliti l , tee . •
• • 44tial of
tl t
• Siirsaparilitt, -- pleiniiid in" alga - 00i; iitiner44iat
outfit-4)0 cathartic to; gently
,cissiit lyetnii; wlitt.:,,
out Puttutr-ntiliLleita" ttitkiatiti* ta*lbearPe• - ,.
culiarly adapted t 9 weak Aim*. -eorotil'ed-eopvi
-inviilorattal afidNt r engtlie.° l , ll gAtt*tiOr.,Purkfing
th .P. , s cr''.." t i t" Mdtteill,- nram01,610,4 and a
healthy action of OM stcoutch,ap4ll%' 4,-, , f , i '
They are- aCknoivredited:b2t nor ; .I t rysimpts
to be notionly, unexclptionatica t Ant , . caclomt in
the 4i4heAt,ide : g t op iA no l v .i .g r , n, l ay i :. i
17 :
- Famity, -41a,:cittagnqUagedesC` 1 f
r. Thi ,Ciatipilnind. Sarispatilla Pil 1 ate used bir
the peratatienicure 9f Owe' tlixesse i., which raise
,from au iiiiiiiiie *sate of the blood. A mirbid se
_croon,* 4of 1144,stositoli at men In . a rape as.
" 4l • • ' ' ry •• I
scrofittn.or kings evil, ulecrs:scald b 'id, obstinate
cutaneous eruptioo*,,J.4lMcbes,-botle, pimples, ince
tweak n*114141111041 eyek.glandttlar. a ellinses.-rheu
%ma tis Affect i„ p „, , \plum h i the hon e s a d jo; fi t- Arno
sy, ilyspfplia, ttoltre. _Maeda:ea in d dysentery,
cough., colds,:conminption when ca Sad hy e i . pr l .
hay, ulettractitllt.* 4 . nm' tinig . s a:kr iiii4 of actiofit
lobs ctin:,titutoio;')iiilaitiniation_kir the lmig , *, Mau - -
I enza. ittilige:tton / liendocho..jaaiii
d. revi and it- -
gue. chill_fevers,,a4d feversio, giniei4,, genernl and '
I nervous ilLtility; and disen . ses arising fewdaii in.
! viikin 4
tla ' - e,,o` IlletFurYl und ,tiiie ! t i .ver:'lnetrldue
is required to, invigniate the sviiiitri. '• - : '' 1
Then : ,-ere : it lonely, vegetiible :compound land
may be oqed • by ttergOns of all ages. They , { are _
1 - plemtaitt to the palate.imq produce no'nausead. up•
i en‘iiii-Q* or griping in their !ilteraticint thindretls
oreert Mentes. could ho given of , th l '4 4 °wbututv°
used thb - nt With great becefit.` .- i-, 1 , ' .' ;:t. •
W , e isle rui 'tenant to take , our' word as to the
l_riterits of the medicine, lint to call on Ihe agent
and purchase-a
-box, and if on trialit does not, give,
the rioist perfect satiNfaetiott, the's' Fan -return Abe'
I bug and receive the inoney paid for the same. 'Or..
I Ihe partictilareno at. for,.`~ Di. BLOM:C.
Compound Samtparilla rim."...apitizplaivrve that
trig green eachlboxims a foe similo of
ti.- -i , erei of Jas. 11,9111015. 'AIM and •t° Put 4l2 °Ye
17 14.11 CQ - a , f 1 X,... ,
All tipli!ications for agencim and lettees Mt the
1 to.ilect oil the medicine, must lie addressed, Ipolt
pate, to I'. Fay. 0n.i.w.. / Tioga c0,... jA ,Y. _ ' t
For; ktle by BEIITtIIY4
i - PTAVsole agent
Nootrutte i I'm.. t- , .. • 7.
Of& ..,,v-3usqueil"...._ gister
-11TATING feeently - addcd to._ony i . tksirtnient tit,
1.1. jog.tYPt'siveral nett , add loCautifyl . 'foots
' . new , RULES,7,,BORPE-W; ORN-.14E- 47 .-TE..Ec
. are .' . . ~ . , . ~•• •
'- - N%- non- pienftrOti-to exeCide ever y kind of
• \ • ••..,. - - 7 --4 1- - ‘ u . '-' ! .
. LET - Ttit -PflEzS ~.
.. 1 , . P.R1.117.11V.G,, such as , ' - •
' pAMP-11 . LETS;•-•• :- I .1• - • ,
i' • -' .( 1111,CAR,
ULS;, -'' .--. • - ,
--..- • :.. pOSTERS, ,• - -• •: 1- •
- ''s • •• t CA RDS -- -:, • • --- • , ,
,:, ',,, , ',....• i z .. 1 .B-LAWKS,...- 7 --..,• •
',--- •H-- i-- -.-- -- - -,• •CHECIrS, 4r- - -
n givd-.4414,'it: rant, tinees, 'and with deepato.--,
, Hiriitti:gie• itilvinfiike" Or n'ett'' - ' l Statifiali :throiigh r '
I ' ' ' ' -I " - fill nil err; ' - t. - O -1. '''. - : I .Y' - --
'on t ; W e ! g lin cm) eJ • Y T ' 6 , gt .- ..,, l
Eiftif6 n Sattsfaotiort .,. - ' ,F.- •••
to tititw:n`favnring osVfaith ileir:patronairo,l ',"..1 r .... -,
,Sileciarßbints,SehnoliFkkita. Dill Heads.
etc.; .will be plintiid l ftin phort , notitleintik,_oncliiityier.
' '''.4 *- All , ktnthOPt.Vankr.' ll
w l 6lll k 4 4 1101 :fc 41 4on
stantiv on hand for sale. , i .l
,„--1 -s- -; :,-
tvi - Iltoi.e Who I'
ve.Joh.Printink to do will find
it. to theik inte.
gait at...tha REG/STEI4; Ob re.t.t lc
./. , 70.A.1,' , . IL - ~-
~'_ j.::,.,
..4,`:' , -=
.-•-- .1.• ; '
~k •-, ~..„: , •_, i , ,- ,
i,......'„ - j-.4,,!--:•._ -,'-' - ~:'''r : ..,-....'"
~..4cig. 0 4-,- - ---L- • -- t -4- '' ' •
1 - " - 7'ile*lct anwinaw Deptit;:',l" -..
~ No. 44 C - oeirrtigyr STititsi.lizir - -riitix;
• _-_,,,_ •. - • -Otlyjiritelt, he -.Blettilirint:s llot4.: - ..1 1 - --•
I.` :•17.1E C'ROTONIMAN(T.FAVITTRINd;6o . . •
1- firgttnizid urn/cr . /4e iitekai Merititiadteriki La - i
1.- ;.••,t - o -
, - -,..„..4-ior tke - slate V A - rip . York,) ';3_/ ." ; ...
Offri *. lir wiitg c ~ 4 iiit.. in •tinantitiei Itiniuit:fittichas
e,;./...r*AfirkinifacturCrs lowest pylons; friii_citsl) tir itp
prnvCil - credit.' , • :1-- -•-, '~.- i
- : i -
1 ' ['Arica, It.a.nnikats,or - - eivry "
varlet of 4yli. and
.. , pr i&.., . I‘
. i .‘: ~,,. -. : J.l-
~ .
-.llorunfa.i to intitc4. ' - . ,. ,i
Fiat: f i hiAan lltttnr:. in g reat`'variefi::--
l'itruismitExy Irtinow SnAnts. 'I-
On. l'lnstin IV NboW titAni.i. ' '?''.-
'WIDE W moos-, et - Armx . : . Parw, and
_ . Wisndw StiAnit k'tx"ruttra .-,- '" w , : _- ; •--,
.9f the ittiest'styk. , ,,,,ind supofor,G7 , „ all of their
. own niannilictur'And-iiittitirtaiiiiii. -, s their stuck„
:'is larg and : 'entirely new, theth” inviteXerehatits,
,*sik. Item. and dealers
„in, th'ese niiticles i - tic call \ i
and - xandne titeit• styles and priCea a-het:ever they .'
vin tlie , ei l ty. - , ' - .- • .•'''....L
1- •LlT'Pnuntry Merclia - ntS. , :eati examine- this stack
~i / O rom ii,elnek in the 'morning till , 16t.o'cliock . in .the
ereuiir ''
t h , Nitw'i - oini;-lkfarol2'o. 1851.'
ilobenthail, Brothet
_ ~. --
.i , -- 41: . -Co.! Patentßlick .lidele
. . ii -,- ; Ode: t:4 , t g .-. q ',: t ., , :: •
4 •A - iiitidiv'blict: and trui fl
. , .
, article, with I . tia oorniav,e
. .
.... 'propettios, and ; without:liability
to-thithriiby aim; i i eciaanteed,hy*
.. ' : 1: 1 1.5t c,.. 11- "* - Pr,Viirioillblic!Ot
f-, r :tica hi, Willis 'llie iiipUnk on' all
Z t
mactints liow , in , ns.e i , i put
, i- ,' .. , Ili el aii- ti , es . achi - -and .natz inbred
i ' pith .- -'ink -IntiFor ; '
Bali , ' lir
*alit, pitit; andludfliint bottles
. , I&- ;,-". '.. , . 4 . I :TE.LERIEG . E,
, 14 - 9 10 rime; ?Nov. 27, 1850•
t , te Arrangement at Great
Bend: • , 1
SE'wo Daily Linda of Stageaftoni 'Great Ber",
Ifontrwd hereafter ; -leett‘Oo 4 -Radrcoad
Snitti . in ',the hlnstedinie vicinity of
the Depot, 4A., St 'arid P. M.,
no the. arrlvalof :114 Italituol, trains ,front.lieer,
'York pisiiin =thro New Milford " o. fonrroee.
whence line rune' colitietilen'iheriwith,
l ip
to Spritwile,yotihKanntitik444:3lArilkeabarretAna.
aPother,Tit'gN lilc ' t u ond k so t l,i W tP -:* atry l: x • i ° lle 9 . i 4 P b ii i intfi,t!a fte Ci e a n
I? o, POvi n j4lA l rultqi . 014 p 0
ces ` tt Retunon;:the*tage leares*tiiiorn ,
at 4. A. ?tf;;*sinktlirtitiglt - the ,placett to.
MontroaCtree to'reeih:
the:Priiikßrind,Dtipot - 1 , 40414 - irrtval'flifttbe , ,
.A-so, •
a oilylineirleare Stnil4ltailereakifoter
an tin/arrival ilfjltteOnonitrain.f the ,Weilt for
-- I : :' ,;, Titr ;"'iitoio* POPULAR:': .
FAMILY *it:it'd/NE
•.. _ ,
'-.,.,,' * .t2.t•-• , .el l iiiir; •; kalti . '! - : .- -i -
- ..
‘Uigi 'llliiitilichili,,OUtigii lindti s k
, sea I (tir#itetireintive en.lisorbid setimi",tkili n r;
ek e idol give-great-tone-'nod virror,.loi the. digeitity
-organs; artif, y the system eat ilt. Altars
.. dite emk et , 1
•,' betaken -3witk time dcbilitating the- N * lw ,
~..being- •
ilyrsiefol - to di
.moet delicate attUntri, le ,
mirkible for their cheering; invigaratiolg, strength", •
' jilt 1 4 d - '.
rsti r'.. Pt "P citl ,k ilzi . I:l 4 Talia h
're: ~_l'. f o! . '.: - •,,- -'['. ' :.- ,' ' .::'1 a
. .
- Dirsr - - IN ,'tts.. WORST Foaki :
~ I .Alsoj.Lirier Complaints, handles,. Heartburn, CeNii e ."
neat? Faiginm,. Disorders eir de 4Dtin and. Liver, Lee
of -Apple Low Spirits,. Nerved, ileadaelte,
,Giddihea, ,
:pelpitesen of the Deart r . Sinking i and Falluesed W.
at , the ii4omaeh, and all other diliOntilitfaid by. slie r '
pure stein of timillood,'llvar, ato.orhich tend; tOdShm: -
tete and erttakeb tit , system ''''' - " :, i i . ,
I-' , . ' -1
- :' • rtrit A rits.': ,, .-i - • .
WA°sat ! treat." morbid and imrsdurai ~iatdkiet i ' te a .
' 'j' 'file Pais te.o4ip•of . .?. -.. • .
.. • .
* '
:..;.4..17.... 4 ,__ .
_onzitm. PENlPTirs*siwkiu.
1 ACTS MR 4 PliA 3l ' '' - . .
' '''
'-.4 'irstOxrsatitair- • •
itesn taelailts egicae7, laithentinde ,olto, are meas. •
dir ;treader:at ; ant - riot one soDtarp °metal fedora hie
& can
fat been reported . Veinng,* could be ' .
..'eateitif . min who hive been pentane:4ly .e,Med. 1_ - .f._,
.iin: the:/teutt sat. get ek "P
I Candid* , the Cart fiestas of Itsanadable Cares end th e ._.
I higi.oi 'it. in 'which this Medicine a hill by tie .
f- Public '' ' be had!ot the . Agent. , pie-. • 1 ..
l ottie.
1 ' sad 141 all the Ginn* Medkine fi tM - Vaited :
`Statedand - Canade...: . -: - -, • :' - ' i.- .
- .lisef.Price 50: . Cents - perlarge ii
... Prineieal.44l44-* 1 1J4P 1 ` 711 %lf- ' ••• Iti9dgra ... '
.F r sateby BENTttY'ik RtiD k o . • -
role.l a
--- - -
. ~- , , ' - r- ,Talaab cl - ,11.0k5,
. . Am.rupimuzD A. 10). POI iit, By - ,
JP/LN: S. TAYLOR: Nokleller;.e4d-AbliAr;
..- I', . 14,3 Itraesfru - If.reef; gee Yofk -.'- - -.. .1f
firtHE following books will be - sent ay mail, free .
AL of piiiitage, to any - pert of the. I:inked - Stater
' - the ... 'of t he- r _th r' - 1.4. - '
on_ recetpt money or- esaine,- w-.
may be (0, - ra/tied ... by mail at thlnst of the Pair:
The Sacreglifountaini, by. lietr'.l. T:illeadley.--1
vol. i2ntei., Illustrated, ftillieloth. ti3Ocf; ilk eii..
. gee. extra, tkl 50_ ..- . 1 -- : - .
-The Sacred ".Mtmtniait!e. by ‘Rei; - . T. IleAulley.-1
vol. lEi* 'without the tee. . Y *fel
edition, 50 cents.:-. l `, _ . ~ . :
storygiof the Wildel4es; by Rev. L .11e0ly.- , -1
18rno. ' Sunday icliixA edition.; 31 ty: I
Hittory of theperiectititme and of - the Il'et.
densea,Lby-Ref.T' liestdley,--1•vol. 18tact - -
• lostrated, fuWcloth, 50 coot*. • t --.,. -,- -
.A7apdeon antEßia dial:fitful:het( Ifurfhals,by Kir:-
. J. T. Treadtey;--1 vol. 12po: illitttnite . d, - . tut! '
Luther and Cromwell,- by air.. .L:11
• Col- Itmo".-illuitested;.fall. : eksh:
Rantbfes and Sketchri.,4 -Retr.J: y
- 1 YOUlttii.. illustrated. full rlOth.,
,Therin*.of Bfaifty; by Her; J:11
• vrl I . 2tho., , illtistrateil, fulr cloth 50
, eitra.,7ls ets.2' . ..r-
Letters frpnt-the iiilkie,;ocbt, and the.
-, Itev. - J., T; Iteadley:—a. 'vol. limo
;cents. . . ;•,- ' :...: ";
. " "'l..
p.ii , grip!9pf, (i.e Soncios and hisAilsstlei, With a
portrait of each; eni;rieyedinisieei. with an es
sac_ on the,. chara . eter Of-the A pm' . -Rer:J.
I T.'ffeadleY..-4 ri1."":1 , 2in0.; 16 en '
gilt edges,
.extra. 76 eta. - - - • . ~ "
7 "'he BeOties:l . .Peii.f.f. .27 Headley, ' 'di "his Lik '
1 vol Aftrios.;lllusthttio:i 50et.s.; jilt edges ex
'brerofne`a of Secret tifitOrk, - ,hikrsisteele.•.[illuto
tratei . l with '
splendid eligniSings. ll' iiii.lbna..,".
, new, enlarged and reiissil etlition,pl" gilt edr. •,
en, ettri:sl,so.':., ,• ' "- -'• - '::...,. , . '1
7'heripiteust,a. 'or "ihe,'l,linar:lnsit 6s et Ai :
. `.Holy Scriptures. by l'risifewww on, -O' Of Gene. \'
' en.'. _Translated • by. Res; EA: . .It;if..A _new'
and 'enlarged edition: 1, vol:fget; 410414$1:. •
`Sh.‘"ititar. the Blacksanith :,.. A Tele,..iif titer Taw : .
' by- Mys. SlietWood..: A. yol: Iftscio., ustrate*So
centre .. • I ', ! ... --, ,- .•••,- --., ,„.
...iiir ef the'Vallei. tky • Mys,..she . I. 1 eui le .
_ ma, illustrated, ISO efs. ' ' ':''' ‘"
_•' . 1
The SAOriee Catechism
.. eilihißes,4oinqy of I,li
. - vine 4 ':l4' kit "Peohfithere r tif nut )ii senptunii.
~ in words at length: , 'ger lilt $3. •. , - .-•-; -.
SACREI) SCENEW awn Vriaiticiaas 1:y the let I
d": T. Headley., This woylt nig -re , propefly. be . ;
consitieled n - cornpahion' tie the "Saa Mimosas .
• M
by liie'Soine - authtir. [ 14 iitijenti:kto illustrate and
render roore.l I fe-like "the secii r wrie gam. •. It gas -
the 'author's ile...i rn to -niterc e the . Rile' bethis ,
object le to excite a i"4.lliCi‘gd to obi inied to bi.'
cmne intiinatels;'aerpieinted with ii' I perfectly fs-'..
frillier with its historY,doettines and wsitoknou 'I
eta truth. tit imbibe. its ;liirit.; feel _ t_? porter, eel
Ptulains -- or its ialrietiolt ;, in a win ,:to risen
sinew , measure •as it dtWeyves, this' t asure whidi•
is indeed, beyond price.. We' Noire kit a &err .
Intim. fai,beyond any of the author's twiner mike .
—The News:.- '-' - . :-., - -%, .-: ~ • ~.•,•
S.tkitin ScOni A 4.; Cuanaer : I B the tie:
-J. T.• ileatlley, inifthoy of,- the.`••,Sacied likundnire. /
iic:l This work *ill add o giesitly to r i fle repeat*
of ti e-aoth•tr.' Inliteraf‘i perk it nuirethea Kolb 1
his ..Seeted Mikuntains:"'llis. works are-a' nett'',
treasuri:of. all the Sublimity of thought... Moving
t e i t d e a k iii. o y. piseiiiin. and vigorous 5 ' i21341 . 4.6%
..pretwion. which• ere thebe found instil the ling*"
bs , Which mortals ' declare their tnutes:+-Adif
Globe: ' - T. , ' -. :i .." .' - ' .:..
'Rant=ND Sel i *er.s 7 ltly,llei...l.TX.eul c .r .
• Wer hive het Avis lingtin*seit thrift tea honk .
;with. ftioris_pi es singantieittations. or found the.
- - irtieipetiens more fully realized , thin in tie; pert
- sal of thework belice,us,; end we know. it wilibe:
'heited - .With gratifieetkin r bi, the Miny etituirtera
ihetittented atittlii.:-Iltis "Vapntinn and hislig
sluati" Waii,perhains,WwTiopiller;inidlound"nr lead
ilirinnitt etitNsmistitireedeM an iini book *list a!
'be tientron4 liVn ilittk tleitambles and Sint
ei6tre es popular it iii #sci °/
bra' pi e vicitisi, `published-Works. 1 1 0 1 i n i *lt ! .
atitrellatifer iii tU bendy; it hi-With
"finite , ' ninety."'
..Thi - 0014"hassatlide roe*.srpo;
Nem* enenigh -for the'emtddyinent- 01.14 One n
:wits' to wint-sidiantigt. and two.., i sirers i ? fil l.;
be'incOnplished the. a lit {:: : The ciogrsf a
of ifiti,ituttiew is ' int restini- . at 4wel
- and'itdds titan- . t o t value _ of , wink
'.gift op ; hi* 'lett -NO Jirirciiirir7. lS
`publisbef'Pertht .Thiltnrri r Ptf - :. ''-
-... '_ldifhiledlety:-.-is of. die :Moor
t.ensol this co unt ry., and lignvr
"tioinii on Well :liii-i4'`‘
It'posi*eint_the unla •
'Sick''' nrgi :truth. "I''
Zpesignii*Eg" the *lf
ternskof Oki rtnpif
iiti m eg, e,,„lii,,-- -
41atr'eihibit i
:Of '
iist IT .
, one# l ..o
4 got big fgr. 6-
Ina of perk ( ' gigP
• gnicifir Mob!.
Ktioiliwhieb arr. gbf.._ gt :
/In Ilse flow os - wed., o , l l._'"
ibtels.atioti ` Rome, Pi* ar AP" -
uoitid lit. r . traitt_if so ureD:
i fs
lif iali
XOPwwfiieft - it 6 (X60' 4164° .
..-IWirrirettiot for ' laalitqig t° I st
of. titp ant 'o, .4rett rotkifel i t te
ASsolggigiogi•ii. • - C.l ItiilentistOor ,
.-anttd. , :lt 'iionsio* i i t, - of twine. - 01. 01 /
nmft britliset &NO tv': iobeit-40 9 1 04tw n i t ffl
t.... 6 1 ") vite,amene of ;11.41 ilia ly yilork be nisf
uultiOgertkfitst 1:04.1 to Itio,ite q,
!i-siorilial lit itiiir itiki' 4-Yttur*4 Trli°2 ~
totc o7
,1:. - 1 Itik 4 ;-11wt - itiovO : " ", 'lt be forio."V .
6i-hAtiwifOr cot ' frei•or-Plot t° ,
.11417ZigiVitribilitijittid El atatC'on=do lecer k:
'olvarCii:ittt. tlisti*ii - - - . ' .*lftt-rri
'amnia ts!y 'efolti,...:F.4t , .5 , 4 II -o.l4 l4 sow" — _,_
` ll tHhnl' , - 4 Pabteibri, 14$11sist stalFrlTs
Aft fc , . 110-
61 ' 6 4- 1
toil do. so
11,--,:- ..
eief l .. . ,„2 1 --
4 : tro xs . rg yp .....
'-: ...•::".,.... '''...---'-- .: -,' ..... --.