The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, November 20, 1851, Image 3

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    close of oath 'week. :, Thltslii Mk
.. ,will. *
- out. . . -'' f - 1 - ' • ? ,:-- ~1.. - •
- Ely patients Wilt pvtividailheinselvoit; lot *R I
s i tt i n g, with -S Pbeets,..(toargi lottonyjmOatv
g ot atortable, and 3 prselipertilw
Hours 0 1 tillitniti' I , hi* . 114 Usti:KiNii
re orient on the Sithitili* , .:-:: , 44
Tbe S ~„fr?ie ,_'f - -;
O eceiher i** rer la r-4 0111 104 1104 a Lit
ii Vlls
cease d Prictilionet Of- 'mice - ''' ..-• Loud a
mem b e r of the' Americi . tii 11 - 7 :-.4 0 11 7 1 ir o:
pa* 4 .0.8 " 1 !. °11 4 PhYvi. ~,..luse."
an d foT tier, past, mne years - nas peymer - it o
the treatment of:disease - 10 bliitli t ti:o B o f w i d er, ji;
. ji c to tt elf administered in'tto yaritvii-farrno ,
CLE/d.ENT 11,41,1414,9117J1 D.
It B. Per - sons living at li•=61 461111 t u e
Curet and desiring . prolit . - ii mid' g
Age, i ",-clecueattott, Habits : 4,1 :1 , 14 , 0 - 60fit 11 1 11 3 P
tow of their prreltme- 1 0 1 . **At' Oiiiil- Miler,
curt est funds, poste - ' es itestidtilleititive imam:
dote attentitops-nRa-In ,
i fual... i
• 1 ` A --, ;-- -.:- '''...1 , 2 - -, ..3-'7'.. , :
,Di4ettms.--T t ail' a t th* Cheinalict Witter-Clare--
1- • (Kep i an d BatabliNhed by Da: arD. &mum,'
: BY 'helm of kw . * watt! in ti! various fielarof
a pplication. ' 11 . . 6 ' - - ''.. ''
' ".. -;
' ...
-1- Amaurosis, if in ineipienietige; Alilioniii-- t i
/ lost of yoke'; kkluria when spasmodia; Ameuttou,
Almsg, Ague and Chills, .A.trophia.., or ;.Ferrous
o utunuption, Atoni of the, sttimao, Anunettor-'
them Boxichitts. Blindnetscif from recent .tilatna
tien, or , piantlYeis of the Iris; -11train--seith (singes
ties and,concu%sitsif; •Choratk or St. Vitus' Dance;
c atgu t-41 in its incipient stage; Chlttrottis, dir ,
„ time r of the spine. Cramps or , Spssmg, _COW . ,
• (Woes!' of feet and handtvContraction of muitele..
\calb ket, - Depression of spirit. &erne's., t e;
A i
. ~Ric ELD ,rspe;iis. Doomed Spine, d.. , f ,. Liver,'
doofStoaeb: do . Kidneys. Epilepsy. y e , n 1
itr, Gout. tleiniP.lellia , neatticile• eit 'nervou
er i k k, Hypocontlnaci.m. imiontinency, - of urine,
~:i,e ttc hortbiett, Lunthagw, 1.0414 t it, muvoar tone or
p .„,,, e . r , mental depreretAtin,4uk.ular onsitismtioic
. 1 100 , 4 ",:itionAlifficult, suspended ur. panful. - ;frt.=
rm . (li•eases of i'erY,_ grade; Minbittess,:kom i n . -
;ur i c , n r othertn.e; Neuralgia Pliairisy, Prolaplut.,
Ni l , Paralris, Palpitation -of-the heart, thert,
Rheumatic affetions, whether site sr clirnnie;.
Re ,d e , ne .s, wistiiit.seroful3t, spinal . diseases. Tic'
Nemo:, Tremors, Tremens Delirium., Dterine— :
mmu i s i. i ns and debility; wit or decayed
limbs. tte, &c.
flon:LewisCi6.s, Petro!, Mteldgati Pon.
S. Dickinsonilßinghiniton, New Yorlu; E.
E. Eldridge, du; J. T. Brigit. ,:lic k ; G.
W. , ..Greirory;
_dp ; Eer. W. 1),, rne ,.. do ;
ILA. IL W. SeYmour.' Cintrlestati, S. C.; Jo
se r f W. Sliva‘re. Esq. President &ogle I. 'e'
Ythk; U: I.)..French, Esq - .
Nor lure,.; A irOn .Mereliants, E 44. ;J.
A. 40 Wsil t., 41 ;• A )
_ xetl Esii, 37 Nassau - fit; do; Cindy 1101:.
l'resident Franlilin Fire insurance
"t‘ratoga Si silt: ifs, do; . John A. l'erry,
`4 4 4iii; l%ant. M. Avery. Egg. 410, du
min S. 13entley, Montrose, Pa.; L -
ot- La
.throp, E l , di.); Wirt. Turrell,..o9, -do ;
• &mod Fretiel, Line , vt. •
Binghamton BrootneCt_i j ii..V.,Now.„s 1851.
ZP:Nag-4111.0.74' -
B. COLWELL , Dined ne.4 Ornehr . tine ,•in *stere,and receiving as 'imitative
stock nt.
• iloughiat Amiens:l sales in New Fiat which - he
' . a.'Wholemile as low if not lower tbarn the'y
• leingla in the City. The atoll Compriseitia
lurt the iollowing goods , •
Posnaimas, Bear anli'; . •ther Oila,
I. Sharinz & Toil et Stmtk. Fitter'
Rnd Diessing . einbs, llair,.lit~t, Shoe std
Tooth liruAies,'l s ocket Ktiivea, liaison, very
lot, Envelept , s, Dull m141./1011 aelbii. 11, 1 116.
Ixi .ttattieA,. 'tubber bull • flea*. Wallets,
PA4 K.A.rbt Itizor Strops very luw..Spraee
Gum, du., &ruff and Tobacco . luxe?, Teething
-Shavitig 13ru4hes' , 1'6,1 Raney
Iloi Frenell_Perfumery, Dr•awinir and Slate
Drestsing "V o ilte; Steel tiead4,
fak routhAPaste, Toilttt l'owdee, l'uff
Bote , ;, !fang9,lailfie:, 'l • ort a•very.
large a•lttrateven. t, Reath Or : 4am% Peal IL tiVei
cry row anal Ohnik Mills, etc., etc., etc.:' • • 1
The subscriber would also call ,the attention of.
the public to his iininense stock - of Dito;•i, ••
ri Wine+, Qifs„Fruits,Confecionary, etc wiliclr
a ill b, sold cheaper .than they out be honght at
any outer emabli-hineot watt of New 17;1-h. •
• .B. COLWELL, Binghvnt"-
N0w:20. 1 .- - Sul •
Plank Road Notice.
ATOTICE i. , hereby even to the subserihem' of
.11 stock in the Montrose and .Ifarford • Plank
.Itoul &nip:my : that the last instalment stiffen un_
paicisuiNcriptinturill be requirftl 'to beintid in od.
Saturday the 22nd niv. 'ivi , brint feather notide.
13c eider— . J. 11. SALISBUfrr, Treas'r.
• Mink load Office.,
Montrose, Nov. Ist, 1851,
OR 'gale by r - .
.1....?.;0r. '14,18314 • j.,13. &Lustier.
Malik Reid Stage ...Line.
_4 STAGE wilV leave "Montror-e Depot" cm th e
arrival of the passenger trlinscfrian.Great
Bend and Scranton, tot littnitroPe„Jby -the Plank
- Tin ; Stage leaves Ida:drops every •
twinning at .8.
connecting with tli passenger -train nf the Lacka
wanna and Wogierm Railroad, and with lite rail
ton on the: N. T. 4 R. - Railinad
_at li
k 11.
.for New Turk. itinotibew kivtlt%t M.
'inflecting with the . L. it W. Inimataigar train (nr
;Scranton. • • SEAR E.
Monitnee.Xov. rah: Jul. ' •
• - l • -
atches Jewery: ;
UTE have- . 4;rnstantly on hand • and fie' pale
LOW, a od asportmenti of
Gol4 and Silrer Watcket; Barer SprO..
S'peetaelei, Thimbles', and .
Nov. 11, 185,17' -
flu. Head of Ralik Road Nari 64
THE suiscriher bas just returned frorn _New
-I- rude. where. he:found, the people aeilrtne.
arl *fluid inform his friend? and the. PuNia a t
L 'lrge. that his rdockof Groirda not nrriving Fat ,
/ought at the !wrest prices and' mostly, forCgs*.
!trio an mental of what he intend* to doan the
tray of selling. would , arry that ,lre grit Ms
Gairh trip s WA° per cent cheaper limit they
toe been scald iih thew ditffina cafili, , he
"IQ cordialiy invite-all her old cuaurtider; (and
4t oYlsitly'a else) alter lasi* fealtad.through !he
'ljk mitt, to call aud buy of hini)fire. ean suit them:"
ambertment geriemi. as Ina* of
Da 'GOODS, El' CETERA. anon which maY
.e„ fluid French aut..iattier Iknadckafs., UAW,
(loan] ; r Delsin s , lwantiful. Fah
Mpacese. ;Glove; Mitt; FA, heti and
eller Heavy Sli f ',Okr a airkanlid astir, ` la Tom. Tani, arc
„Mai. Freith Try . bisia: w ia,: C love,. &S
Ast;trablevesciodCWids 4afexatusaid robnc 2 `,,
co._ itnn Si4l4 Irk . Salt. flows .1 41 11 :
.4v `e ontl shot.!/koota and rdirrea.hinta i.
. 4ird
J teh red Mill:raira. ramp Oil aral 1G4 11110494 .
M s Lace. and Liith er , And would add.. he - j
fte ' L . Okra. and shall with gratitude. ,thnav - who
• 4741 lieeti really 14846014 try buying and' pavlng
1 3 they agreed, awl to dame , Nhu Bever Ps, him 1
ill all friendship my. • -
There is gladtime: awaissti '
X., ;
• .•.,
/Nor m, N "
4 10 C1MIT
." I 'd
have I tript.d._ripesuntet-:00: Jut
tn. Wittistilieriu. 4.4b0
14 2 1 ! 4, 4 1 puWmilkaimmeklugAlipmmill
sp tod to mid Awita4 ph1144 4114.0,t.
m i a ll4Wh ilide l 7; and altporsonsilisiag •=glianst y-
pv_aut them Zu _
44.4 W0k41116t. -• SW
!roam --.'; '' . 7 ' •
i' I
,;."- !
''''!!*-7,-, ~-,•.•,--0,••••-'4.-:•,..,
- , •' !!, : - '['..- ••i
0 .. , I 1 1 1 ;'- •,,. •• . '
*' • ' 1- • . : ~t l• : .
:• - -- 1 11 e-ABlialllitAbr .DDA11111),. ' .
' Inr tpr i iipa* 10 kit nd Shoe Stt _ ' nn .ta m
:•&-11. *trate 'Brit'tko be v thelklik ,•iti
lid• i: •*4 44-i f !' l l imill L.:_ . ,
~' :'*-' ''' 1. • •-
1 ''ll'Ai• ' imst . airorimeit eft - ' .
ilimptiti, .
_., wed , floidimipp; itt the'
•"! .. ilav - - cAei, iit - Bialapros4;. -
... r . •- L : -.. I T hey Dell for • •• ( • ....
•-• • • y • Pay . mid . &WI PonfrAt.
ulna* ollthe town and county are;torpect,
fully vitt:4l.watt( it a tint . genuiste Boot &Shoe
'!ot ..where Boottrand . Shoes are "old inatead of
Beer Olaf* : . , - -,, •• •
• - , , • .
I Keep it ` the. hopl4 - - '
'ThatEwe tyive4"Eullaimittinent, amoni*hich lie
enuii*tatqlreileit,OorilSole Waxer rro4f 800 ti.,.
1 ; 0 ' !legged nongarian.ljnitation niched kip "Hun- •
gar Old( LialWeioll•P,anin Boot., 'ltalttiole
Ipp.linote, Calf•KiKantfOorrhide Braga* Over•
• ahne‘j-I r eallitles. Kiiiiiid Ocni-hide BOote.
Roe's ithicktota, dte..—ltiatiltintoCrenich Mono!
Gaiteiti. -Pat X faxed welt. Gaiterit, . Black tai!tritig
well Oaken., .EnatnelktliKid'Polkaa. - Gnat Jenny
Lindsj Front Lace - .Pnllnift. Kid 'Jenn'p Lind.; New.
:York Tim Eacels.Joinny Linde rekuitteA, En:
moaned knocel.into, c.-4 1 111'ianes .Jetnty • Lindit
'Oeat land- Calf Latai\BOcitit' Enamelled 'Polkas:
utcht Boots. &e....-Clbrep's . Buttonkl Shoe*,
:Oust tind enamelled Luise Gaiterr.Dnwning3, •
. • • ..ilmong -our' Pititliag*.-toe :if ei. ,-
Frenelicatt Phila. :Oak-timed ball. Ilentleck-tin
nest : Calf. Morocco Pitikil Linings\ White;;Stheep• • ••
skint, 'red."l,ilue, & inarreilii Itilana,Bindine4lleF
Leathei, 'O.ik and lientllo Sole Leattler..q.,,.
Kailt, i' ptrables: i itinc Nails. Sewing. and 0 1 'lig
- Avila; tleel-holl • ff..
• -art Work matte 'to otie4 and repairing dene
"el* : ' ••• ;4 ••• . - :.. '4 . - 1i '
I,_ - : .
.! -F
• ' •I_
.• , 1., • c. li. STODDARD.,
• 2 eforixrose,Oct.Ao,lllBsl, . • - . -' • ,
. - r • •
~.. . • ' ,
"ORE undentigied-woull c• reveetfujly sitgkest to
• .1.. : those per-urns who no in any Manner indebt
ed •to hint tor. fees: in the pahlie fames - or . , ithi•rwis r ,
that he.deligns eksiitar . up his mittirs-verysisitt,nc
ter the expimtion of . 'his Official terin, rndi)esirei
thiiiimiy be i.ed as a snfSeient caution, and k
sure. speedy and inapt payments. - : .i . .
- - . CHAR :031. 111101 C F; Reenrderk.c. :.
recel r
. 'Montrme; Oct. ;11.. tabl. at, ' • .- -.i ; -
d I:
• al , traterN Notit'ii. [ .
T ETTERS of dtninkrition of the estate it
.14 titan•Stedd tl, late of- Great Bend township,-
Ile:teased, havingi 'granted
i t e ;e under:4prd,
notice is barfly given w all eta indebted to
:said estate; tomill red Pettis the same itrithcatt "de-•
la i r i 14 4 an Omit!) , hCvft - Wriiiiids - titteant said
estate'will please present. thetn..duly attested for
Settlement ! ' •
• . !
/feature; Op
4,185 - -11 -
.. . .
• i - To' ' g PUISLIC .-.• ':::
: 1 - 1 !
. ... -,,- A . - i Turtell . .. -
... . . _ .
AS ilsot pet . • from the city et New ~ York
• - with a - I. ~ s ad &Straits, assortment Of
I• - ' -Ni - - - ' --- - .I. -
I •
I• 1 ' 4 7 0()DS . II
I ''
stuck is will lie , -very taw ferrach or reads), pay.
Th 4 ct i mphsed of /I fiilt rate iilfintinent 41f
. 1 . . . .
rigA. ' . 1144 . *tics, Ci t e mleals. Paints Oils,
live Stralts, - ;'Giocteries, Glass Waie,
I - Spoons r'Spfttackts - , llittAical Instru-;
. ' - ' ' •
' , , ancitta, liankee -Notions.- and . !
I „ .. . 1 I.:q"--•:
uors Also,
• .1. -, I Dry ', - 90ds. Bird wa
• ' 1 • c,..•TrusscS, Mettles!. .. g
instritit4tits,:liottli.ieti.4braces; Pitt : 1 1 1
• II enniZry„ Mirror.. StatititiCryf ikuilitis, ,
l,• Cain 1 titbit, l;urnitig I Fluid: I.nitips,
, ClocArs, -WA es, .I.l‘elry. de, 41:7.. ! -
. richt regular rea !by:46in will heitivinstant
attendance to' assist i witting dpon cnotonit+s.---
All imNiani wi.thiscr to itpurchape brugs;ol goodK . in
any of the sfureiw id deparituents, will find their M.. -
tercets promoted y_ luig first at the lira g and
Yursoty Store - of . ABEL TUfidtEl.4:L. -
31nutrose, Now: : , 1 'I. i ,'• • -... •II II
V l°l4ll4*
' uett.4. .Flut
other !Ixtures.4t
meatjust receirA
Ma.tmse, Ntivi
dirdwas. pa a, s 1 Banjo i,;Glar i-
II Fife Piocislattoo: Violin
itroetanefinoirs.t Music; and
iinitnuments, dac:, a Large goaitort
dfat - ' • I.Vaaraea,
1,186 E . • "!
TitE. subscriber spill atterid to occasion:l! tails
'at his old basin sir of SURVEYING iyOltis
vicinity when desi ?daily of tlw old Fartrus in.
tlaicounty droidd, to look **arid
retie* the. old land-n La. which - ire/1441e to get
ter obliterated by him 'se as to OCatiOn4i i -VutPs
and difficuities for tir eto come. - - Every 1 . ri Who
does not know the 'se ; location of hiOinvs
and corners theiefor ihuuld see to it he sernicin, to
prevent failure trouble and litigation.
CONVETANCI,NG also attended hy
; • - • W. CliA111.0:.•
All'ontro§e,koct. 28, 1851. - • • ••• •
• - • - I"2
- •rn- m7 -- w . ‘
• A r.div I_, • •• • ; -
llE ., aubmeriber 'pelt at publieTventhie at
• hid how* is Silver . Lake ttnrwhip; .stui
4av th.'• i2ati -day o f Nov. next, the folloring pr!1!
. .• •
erty. to . • • ,
- One- van-11,31am, together tir srilarote,
both . wide fi;al---;Owe pair of t tro4ear
Sterro--;Three n Cotes; and • other" yoking
Stoek.. • • • ~F .
A credit of not more .thansine nvetibo, witb no :
Obved i.e4urity, 'will be given. I
?inv. 4, 11141• As - • -
• - 2- 9
80 eg:rg.'-.'" f it INEIDO
C . °. INPROVN . IVE.VEIEr: i 1 ' t
.otrwr *EELS- cuiptig will affukd thael.'vtill
indebted to me for. the Ateit4ter .. Adstll4 , init
eke- fweritithi to July last,lont. mare'tiantett*tle.
up withuut)extm ten.- Will , yiii.inqirmse itl;
WAKED ON Oil/ Accotrsrs.! t ' r ,
Itatier; Cheese, ' P.ork, Lard. P 7 f, Wheat, ( rot,
• gat; Potatoes ; liay;':Fire- ik CAS*:
•, -- ; 'ur If
,t,r . roughr • fely a 'i•
1 4
ICov. 5,18§1. . '.. 5 -.- CHAP,MOf.
. ,
: -,
rr HE arasseribers arts tog* ivreiring 'a- goae l tts,
-1 twortelent id fall and. Winter Getds. , it
•;--DRY - 90pDS—, .
,- -
l i t ; n:‘, . ;
. . .
-consiskitig ii part cif i good stork of Ladies' _ . :.
Geode Low and iiiquitte=ehellrbk Vireltbths,pis=
sheen. Sittioets. Yeistins Ate. . .
' --Gi t iOCRADIC— .
.Baterfs, Tesi Coffee. Ittolssse% -3
Hats.awl- .Caps--Cesciter* 4. I fisrisiitr — e
d , glad . assortment of ToOls and Findings ie. &Awe.'
flukey& - • ' •Zi =
upper. sed Hove* l estborY Calf eadltiP
..-- 7 1300714 SHOES"•• - • •Yi
e iale s talllPlONSttllk,littirP 4004 ihrtialdi'
in One - rountlcand of tor own makoillitecoikliWi
will sill kit sash' Monts sAltirso Boots it Fi1145404
LllPP,Boote`t ft,
3 Ii
iisraiditair A4l by„
-1, `Orphan's Mart of Sitaitiquirnuit&ntiliii'
mho dutribution .of „the meta remahunk-iti the
hands of IL Riahanhan, adndunotrator of -thartmate
ofJohn &trim* darnima wilf attain& wan-do.'
Woof that II tilt hh l 44lkajlir Yaitroee
fin Saturday t *ad da y: ,-ou r ri tAosvgert____ „P:
M. arlliett prom*:
may praseut theirilahaor haliettatred
high, for tt share ofinich.atiseta.
8:' DA Ataritne.'
The Waido,ifur Rillitype
. ..
... ..... ~.. .
1 s net vet herons ti p l a :4l , i;i4l.' .. itati;ietsiti-itipiti be
Aur a Mattlr of ,
tety.. - 'llitt;:firbilir
Mr. RM . is engapd :*a_ . ,. fistfeetmg his —astemsbing
discisser7, W. 8. - Destase4ll continue to_ take -
•:•,- -
_ ' DAG ERREOTYPES • ' - ..-,°
in the mune at , id* as heretofore. I ,''''.:
1 lutcejust returned from the city-with i I
asset:tuned -of' field Lockets ; plain, fancy.
CatAatine Hayes; and Bridal canes. Grateful. ,r
-rovers of the pant, I hope to merit -and' rgeceitre a
liberal patronage in the future. - ...
- Ladles-and gentlemcit t Pico me* call! '
Room No. l i at the Odd - Fellow's Hall.
Come and examine my pictures.and casea. ".,..
And then, if you, please, it mitt copy yoOr faces.
4ontresp, Oct. 23.." 18511 . , " I
- D. l l l IRGlLtende.r.4 his prof tonal I seiviees
" • to the - citiseitsof Illokrose and vicinity, de
•-*ignin; a permanent locatiOn among them. - An
- exelusive !devotion for year• to. the study
anti practice at Dentistry, -rcourages• the Hope
giritq - entire sithcfaction . itti, every deputment a'
.this - highly ugeful and-popular art.•• 'Probably the
amount of jndividual and aggregate anffeOng aria
lag front deaty.ed teeth is much greater than from
any other cause; and.personS whose teeth are be- .
comim (strew", Should . he-aomonished tithe** them -
atiended to in season: Nine" tenths of tie anguist
distract biz . whirl**nerves amid the totes
jigs and writhing* tif.a sleepless taight,t‘ght have.
.prevented by vetooliaibler preeautkon.. Al
though a method ha* been "recently discovered by
which a teat!' that • had beets A longtime painful
. may be filled. sad isaved,•fieti; doubtless, a number
of years,. yet , it is inuch the iwiser enuree•to get it
plugged .before it hunt ached i Dr. Ir.. respectfully
. Urges •attktiors to, these filets and'. consi d erations,-
and for the onlifurt of: the' milicted wonhl further.
iny, that he iii' inpntssessionof. - et by which
Without any.pain to the petit, ff you , doubt it,
Make - the trod. Give me a ll friends, and be
a*sured neither high prices, nor any..other con
ceivable obstacle shall prevent a totrgain. •
B.—Office in 'Odd Fellows Hill carper of
Chestnut and 'turnpike Strt..ets,
Montrose, Oct. 21, 1851
1 I yoming i Seminary,-
It INGSTON LiuzEnnre CO. PA.
ill IHIS Ingtitution has one of the tnpst de.imble
A. locations in Northern. Pennsylvania. King
stnn is a quiet, pleasant and sadubriatot village, one
Iniie West of Vilsetharre, and accessible by drily
Stoges from all P of the eountry. The school'
his now been in operation seven years. during
which it. pattona has been liberal and constant-
VI increasing. ,
'Through the munificence of Win. Swetland, Eq.
an additional Sernin.try building 40 by 49 feet. and
thine stone. high, hart just been completed, and to
dile liberality of Hon. Ziba Bennett, the schnot is
la* furnished with a valuable and extensive libra•
A iteronontirneilYteanleAwitTpahrae tCnisleinoficathiePhlnisittuthrnicailsarned-
It, led, by all who have khowledge of it, as of a
hi li order and ample for fulLexpertments in Nat
111 &le: Me.
te Board of instruction for the ' ensuing year is
as (ows viz :
EV. REUBEN NEI...+ON. A. M Principal.
1 Teacher of Ancient Languages.
Putur T. Mvout, A. 8., Teacher of Matheinat
v. C. IL HAtiver, Teacher of Na oral Science
AM It* W. WEsTLAKE. Assistant Pupil.
pt. MART Diem, Preceptrebs and Teal
Alt fern. Language., •
M., ern Lan .
Mts. JANE 1. Nusov, Teacher of Drawm
Pant t mg.
4t as. S. A. Gewalt v. Teacher of Music.
e1..11 of.the above teachers arttemployed in 'that
se a s the whole of each day. except the Teed er of
Dratting, and Mr. Westlake. The former tie otes
stall a portion of each d ty to her Oa.. a. may be
nece.sary, and the latter teaches on ballot each
dayi. — Hie public will perceive that by this ar
rangement the school is under the-supervision. and
anstiructitin of a very `full board of teacher,:, and the
tru- teem confidently believe that no pain. will be
spa ed to roamed the Most , thorough improve
mett of all the pupils.
1 clemency expenses at this Institution are
mat Tate Tuition admire of, the ornamental
branches, from IR3 to 15.50 per qtprter. Board
i e
t 1,30 per week, washisig 37 13 per dozen, and fu
el 42,30 per annum.
The docipline of the Inetittaion combines mild •
with firrnnesr .di ' •a.
inculcating POUtli.' noral and
religious ptinctple*, fe.rAiveritio• Milli try, strictor-.
der and torrect_
• Thepre.iwut term - of :I is v• A chool wily continue till
'the 23d of Dec.. beat. Stmicnts ate' !vdniittett at
any tiine, but the nit*.7t suitable time 'for entering
if: the leg inning ot the - middle of titiat term. Thole
Who inny Ivi-h to atteliti the school. _thr,ungh the
remainder of the Fall, and. throughout-the winter,
would rio well to enter as soon . as the :oth or 12341
in*t. There will • beta vacation of• two week* at
th - 4 close of the. preAmt term.. 'The next term col.-
risa..4oftbirteen WPC comtnencing January 7th.
and - Citigif Ie • April 7. 1852. • . •
f•-4.7a.i;d44 . icitif the Seminary. 'still any . information Adative t. it, caii . be • obtained- hy addreabing the
Principal or either of the. umlerrOzned.
'IL A. 811 EPA RD. President .
• • N: ItOUNDS Secretary.*
Minoan, Octl4,ABsle • . 1395 -
'• *- •
, .
81.14116.. AND . =DRESS . 600DS -. .
EMPORlttit' - -.
. - ii. BIIitiiITT is basin in market • 'with is new
- 11. e• !Old_ eularge4l sun* Of Winter Lin and
*wire &sils. end 'Ladies Dreps Hoodivof 'neer
and *!..plendid patterns : and. prices reduced still
lower as the-City CASH PRICES tellswpoi the
tintiket. -And-including 2441:i his. #eneral suliplies
fie. :the: FALL.. All7ll .WLVTAR 2.714.1) .8 in
Pr% (Tooth,. Grotries.- Cirou . tory , Hard-ware. Iron
and Wails, Mos. Wilder Cog and Bonnets, Bea:.
.Itp Robit, Iftrots asq . Shoes; Stotes;ikC: tEC.I All of
which be *inset! ort bin oars! ' iiiietal lenns;and.
at, prices that: cannot be* oars!*
for CASH,Tanntica,.
or approved -CREDIT. . *
• ,
N. - 11.—Flgiur& Salt constantly on hand. -• • '
- • •. • -•-• - ,• .11..Buitarrt .
• New-lifil find , Oc t. 22d. 1 861. , ' . ' '-• .
-..- Auditort Notice
Tfi ktindersighed.' , an "minter appointed by the
jL.'Cwrt of Su'Vehatum :aunty to
midte b anked oft* assets remaining in, the
-handset 11.1.tosphene, Almitlistrator of the es
tate of Sitmes,Sherman thmeiteett, Still, attend to
the dutio of that appointment it-his o&e in
Montrose On Fridsiy theth-day of Novem
ber 1861,1 . 412 o'clock P. - 11. at which timed fUtIZI
place, all interested mar at .. -
the Montrose T emperan ce
ALOON. a goat variety of. Groceries * moist=
_lO ing of Sugar, liolismos, Tin, dorm Vltava).
Soap, Rim . Tebaceak. Pepper; sohniuk Ginifet
bode.b. fdackaret, &mug. Wading,
Ignitard. rut. Coral, Raisins. Pruner.. gardilleN
Pkklaa. INgai toutoriuut, =Learns. liatphoo.
- dlea. atm*. Locorioe, Indigo. .Primettaustm, eat,
sn clorer, NUIS•ToIs "fall degotiptioas.
iii` ,
. 1!!it bi damp Ter, dish
07. - F. If: FORDHAN 411
reatetrusi. oat. 0, tr
ft Itargair pmincselbona ts of:s11 lead* as,
...-_,........ „..
S' . I"T' LE- : :-iii.P. - ' ,.
to ,
.1 e&l Waked totbo subscribe r , oittiorby
Not* * 19dt MOM* rotiodoitof So eon
and 1111d* tb, NW/ Oa at bike tia ant di," it
December lottl;* lA* 'bet ainct=lift
is* bilooki - ttlartfailititi* 4
ilkistraititiv;o4. 4i4
14 . at
ILINEL Auditor,
JUST laze
ILI -a '
W ' ta '
ludo .an •
. andir:Alitintiliediate chaise
-;}`, GIBERX:t4th all tbee': -
. 1141 7;:" : 1-'',
.:Aittiterwillatiwa( ads. moo. wrikregaal /
teleedity and moral:opuenemei l k k h. 4
ow etThifriliat.diiirikhvtidaztvier-Aiie la
mad thilithilMiaabraid_for• " kai, ;-,
Ikaai fisfliqtylll, be
,b, theixtahibi•
tanatirarAViseicathia f il'stridaata fi l ial' a
diatom* /it rapid to .=.',
,` 4
Th e ac o Nek. -. 74 ". j it ' ' into four geartars
of eleavintilitioltattolio4:: of 111 , 0 weskit'
laasediatidilialgoadkot . *maim
- ' ... ; ,- - letis of T u ition. i .
- 11teratadik at tioa-Pgiouiri, Dspartment, 4 - ft
_•per quarter,— -, • •
.- ''. ill 80
Uttonnun Aeadeinie, per quarter,
'-M Higher Academic, do °
' ' • ' .4 00
. - 16
Franck with any other brand., ' -- a
Virdiood board moy be brainy at $1 00, tii
Fl 26 per week. Fur &Malin the Atimbiny,ri.
ply hi . the Principal. - ~ UMW 1
, .
• 'A. - FILES= Lair .; _or
• . . •
NE W.. G - 49 D .
tisa ntiier Trade
Or a • .
Lyons & Sin ere neirlrecoiringe Lure
assortment of New G o ods which they Wet'
to their co.tnenera and the public in gram! aipri.!
eel which cannot fail to suit- QM and see aer
large Iot'ofIGOIIIG SHAWL*. etifreadr re
duced prices and alai: those bestaikl esubroidered.
ellawl;, which are . decidedly the richest things la
market. ••' • • • . - •
Popiens and bet:tine; • Philp end rivirent- a;
ow variety. • ~ rs' I
Alpacas's and Th ebet - Cloths, many
Calicoeg. ec. tuu numerous to mention. A imolai
arrival ,of G roc :ries.
Oct. 14, 1851. d BoAlie sox.
riluE,co i xtrinerAlp beretotone existing betw een .
.41. N. C. and lt.y. Jamison Is die day
disselved by mutual consent. •
R. - P. Tamen,. x i
- - 1=
Montrose, Oct. 18181$1 C. Vitra, . _
C:BlSSELL,liaiingpnwthased the interest
.1.1. •of R, Jameson in the lamp formerly *co
pied by J111114%1011 & liysell is,prepared to execute
all kinds rf work in the
TailOring Shininess. • •
Having recessed instructions of C. Seott'of
New Xork..his feels confident be can suit' all who
may ['vim him with their Custom. •
Fall and Winter FashiMrs 54 1851-2 receive&
N. C. Bissell;
lfontM•e, Oct: le, 1851. ' • ‘.
C: D. ymot
rritE .IgtkEncriber bas just Weaved ii 'new and
tarsi sissurtnient 61_ . •
Ileadpinade - Clothing, Bdots & Shoes, Fall
- Fle4hion lints d; Let-:
ter and Wralping
by the Ream or less- quanti t y-etravelling atld
common Trunks , a fest Sine! ind . . Double Shot.
Guns, Fancy Stationery, BOOki t • 0411phip, ]Bruslies,
lint re*, mid • ancy articles ton ltuanerotw tu. rnen,
thin. All of which he designs to sell for ready pat,
and cowequently 'as -" cheap tia,the cheapest," If ,
nut cheaper. A few chozen peitttbf i . iaeillenSocks
wanted • - ORO. FULLER.
Montrose,, Oct. 8, 1851. •• ' I • ,
Auditor's - Niplice.
The, undersigned having beentiappointed bv . the'
Orphans Court of SusquehannaC audit,
to an idit.
to make distribUtion of the. assets h this hands of
the Miner of 0/means Rynearsom deed, among,
the legal. heirs of said decedent, will attend' to the
dutiewof his appointment at the 'see Qt./. T. Rich
hi Motorise; on.Sloaday the 10th day of
Nov. ult. st Oeluilc, P. Id. Au, pereoui! . baying
claims 4 . 0 6 altiti fund will piikent:iliem that
time sir bi'debarrml theieaftikir -
-.H. IL FH 1 1 21;1E11, Auditor.
- Montrose, Oct. 2,, 1851. 4w.
- R
. C _
-TBAAO L. POST . COsi,respectffilh tender
I. their thanks to their Irierdeoand.the for
their lung and libtmil patronage,and beg leave to
Rice notice, that on the I st
. of October next they
de.tgn to abolish their present creditsystem of,do,
ing husinftet„ and sell for- Aunt par—helieying
their customers will he much better pleated.with
coops at the mean PolBllllLll!AucEsolivmussix,
than to continue paying the prieei necessarily de
=tided by the credit sYstem. - r.'
We make thi change con£l44ly belimitag that
our customers wil l be
.better satisfied wi th goods .
nt the reduced prima we are Otertnined to offer them.
Montrose. August' 20, 1851. 1.. • .
14.)D Q •
. _
end. '
rrlIE snliicriber LI receiving Addition. to hits
-former f stock, quite an eat of FALL'
GlJOBS,contd<ling of Dry GoOdit. Groceries, Third,
ware, India. Rubber Boots tk bonght for
cAsa, anti will sell ihemuis lon , lait any concern a
bout this pert.tif the'loald, elsewhere, fur the
'ready John, or the right kindlot cams, Thanks
to all for favors as is Livors--everybody is invited
to. and, buy." M. C. TYLER.
..sept. 25:1851. ' •
. - ; sew Arritaigement.
At the. Yellow - Store i;s • Springrilk. , .
. ,
Scott A Anion A. Root l aving entered' into . Partnenttip in. the Mercanti le business, would in
vite die attention of the puhlk to their stock of
tigkelit, which comprise almost every article in
common use. We are:now recleiting a lot'of
- NEW GOO DS, ~';
• - -
adapted to the Season. It is imnr-htterition to sell
Goods as tow as the ureter Ind net to be. uxiieri
told by any one. . - ' • -, )
We will take in sichilinge ' ipieds.tiost kit
of produce. goods of dentestie feature, Cattlei
.pork. itc.. •te, also a I tle Cash if We , airy
get it. Please give us a 011, itcyon want voilka .
and have not the mesnctof paint*. down, we wilt
give the usual creditsi to those that are worthy of it
•• • - , .. • :•,- Eicorr dfr Win-
. Springville, rept. 20, 1851.. I, • • .
Notice of RethovaL. •
Tothe haattgoottii fSusiissehaa.ameemetg4
A. SING N. (late pupil of Ullterlenth!
Patentee of the rack lever &repentant.) and
detached Leierevcapentent maker . to Robert Ras e
kell id Lord-iireet, Liverpool, iecently with fileia.'„
ri Bewley and Read of this pittiv•and until thin',
announcement cowpying pii4er i , Abel Tory
rell's store, (grateful An r the tin c9nfiAmefl i
repoied) I tioft hereby give *ice that its mew;
Itutoce of the said Abet Turrell'a conduct; lute left;
his old Stand. (as bete adveitised.) and! at'lltn:
i -- timo legs to announce tallis very twaininti
eustinnetn that be Ms no-connection withainfikvei ;
will-ho• bad himself revonsilkfat any- liraidn*;
Jewelry, or other property *aim d at Itt. Abell
! Tamar, store for repairs or prise.
Matit:etritet. Ifentrose, bisOenit;
I .'
K2l/1 T ,; •
a4Y .E
Tests..Zustir conent4,, - 406ihfroas a rate hatt'
• =
17.111r "1 \ 7
,Rgercobi rbfrlar sati
AVOiltso, 3
(Vag, into,o4 •''
~kktiss,loth of Ostia
eform•-iit a usOtle • '
"mks* - •
(.100D, wanimitsd 4 4 T • ,044514
,V it..,. .4041.1Lar10t0r *sr ;
. •
New York . lope - hers aid Jebbe I
.Freemani zp.ougeill.dr.Co.; .
ss Liberty !anti,' Eietireex
.ilrotithe y tits
• . Nassau. strciti afear'tbe oitojfee,
WB are receiving,- by • daily a ials &an .co I
rope, our Fall and , Wintet i assoitinent
rich fashionable Fancy 'Silk and iilinare G
We respectfully invite pUrcluiserii thur
oughly tv examine cim iitockland prices, and as in
tereef sorer*, we feel cepfideht our Goods and , Pri•
ces,will iaduCe "fhein
~toseleet from our establish
ment.' Particular 4tealtion is de, ac ted
,to ItEilliu
•fely (lOWA, and Many! of the' , artic le rnanufac
tared expressly to our #rder, and cannot itur
passed iu beauty), sty 4 ,le , :iind cheapness.
,Beautiful Paris Ribliebs. for Hat; Cap, Neck and
Belt.: Satin end Tafctaißibhons, of all widthe and
colors. • Silks; Satins., !#,elvets, and Uuncut ye)
,vets,ifiw Hats. Perily A merican 'r and •Prench
Artificial Flowers. • Pidange and Cap Trimmings.
Dress Trimmings, larger asenrtnienr. EmbrOider
ies, flipes, Collars, Lludiersleeveil and Cuff Fine
trabruidered Revie , a rand.! Heunktich - Cambric,
Handkerchiefs. Crape s, Tailetumi.
and Cap Laces. Valeafrieek, Thre ad: Silk. and Lisle Thread Laces :, - Hid Silk. Sewing
Pak, •Lisle• Thread. Heti+) Gloves and Hits.
ured and plain Swiss, Budic. TBishop l; lawn, and Ja
conet Muslins. Engliihi- French. merican, and
Italian. Straw Goods: ••• i [Aug. 2s. 1 ,186,L-4mip..--. •
, -
American-We4 1 Ilea' 'insuranci•
, • - ~_. 1.. , - -,., : - , . 1 . •
._• -- • cgs y• - 1' - ' 1
l an
r rnE undertigned hisibeenappo nted Agent for
• .2. above - Company, Oil is pre 1 red to insure
cheaper than, any ?tiler clomping . m ileworld. i 'Te
Temperance men. eziraorilinary , i ueements tare ,
offered: . A per s on agedl2l may i 're the minx of
1110 W-on his life. fur y thef email an ual outlay of
$ll,OO, and so on. 4 "persint undoi 40 year, in
the habit.ofdrinking W i t one glass per day._ ex
peed, within the.:ye+ian amount of money - more
than sidEcient to inns; Ilia life for tbe sum'of pen,
Tnovaa.vo DOLLARS. 11 ` • - ' 1 '
Men Filr *114% their yea ean make
alamdinarovixion fuii t it faniili if. they are
auddealytaken awavj i ',Po! further ! 4 itieulani is;
quirt? Of .''' . • iVitill.4ESS ' .
- -
1881 tf 1 Anent for S ti Comely..:.
itit:VO NG.
- i t COURSE of leis* iu bdutifil oemooFt
.Cl. lisbutent on 'Monday - Oct. 2,
at 2 o'clock, 1 1 1 :11. onitcOotitmetheiesfutoo Mon , '
days, Tuodayo, Thuntiteriaticl FOOL
hoooosiOlione loar ta Th. brit& 00-
Smi*ms'cati be moo: 04in $ of Lyons it .
ChataVer• sad at 1110 k-Wink7--
. AcadOlo'.(kt..ltst.: ASS). '
...„, • , y, ....
NEW ,I ! , rf . ' ..,..,
4. t
r r imioseriboigiri,lnow pcsivOig. a foil and
-A. euenplate , or
"• FALL & ivertniTEß GooDs. '_.
ampricing their usualestia4r, .. - Di d Goode.
1 1 .
In + - -
iiii Z eting
Grualwies. Crockery. listriwant. ' kin's.'
Paint..! Ode. Dyweritei.;!f ia. , . tissue land Wooden
Wfro. Innt, etsel,24ll•,lFieklast °fall Wade.
lonte_;sl4_ Shoes. topking ;.01 ; aqd . 11 k4sik
Sash. Glass and : Put u t 3 gitsta, Ceps. i , Oil
i l er
Cloths, Wen end W . ' ;Paper, ' Its'atches.
.Ja=. Silver and ' ' GO 7 / 1 1111 ' Spollg.
N - - bit
.1 0 . 4041147 . - ' : XlidlCa*
ITlOndisse. Indus Rya f is, Carpet et all a
srlueb air eama to ' ituttoilim and ti, public
ja r
at ' - ailLeur • ' - 80 any - *OM*
unurkut mate assinty.` , and roan - ' = 1 i
. 4 [ ‘l ai r # I4A- 9' .
liontrocOet. LI li; - 1'- ' ' ,; - - •
at thaw zooleitgaol
it~, •
• -
118141 • jar 1 1 1 10411". 1r11410)14r
lot `l‘yi -B. L. licige *tot
isinsiAborte ofpg.ll4.'lsin,
- , , •
1 i•
.39.1ridek l " \
thee, ..,1 Id w#l aa
that lat ana
*I lite Pr: L -
It is afferent at such 'Pricas 'Wilt , ow
intetnion, briaglav,the" 1 inal! , 1
.. ,
r varree'Dtvtaktort ay 1 .
1.61 1
Their i..eds are'ilittri at ottail Rained ,
en , b einti.Thiegid ' at , Pr . r l 4 lO
-,- “CAsit o A DY . PAY."' -
The Mowing ate .et.the iteding art ti
be found indite goal: •1' IL •
' Boy and Ernpuin.,s te, an Plaid WO,
L s
Gering°, Frene4, iglisit4 Aineristur
. .
, k CLO liS
~ 2 .
From Fine to $ u Ile Piltin_: l 4ll* '
'Facie) , cukuvd 49111.1133911 '
Plain Black - Satin, iln Silk, S's
. -
!Rik, Sada a d Car , letneril I '
, ,144iTiNiiii
saline& Tweet & sastuaky, Snea k Riceril. lr .
ad Bikosup Curl i 1. 1. t. I'„
~. ~„
*ALSO—a general issoktamr dweller' . ,
tains, Osnvass. PadilingLiniewm .
Twist, coat, vest At papt.- thaw: Uarg NI 1
I.inen Th read. . I I i .1
Preach. German and English- lierino,.. t
tents, Oteduutwat and Pel4tris. plain ..Illatk F .
eyeelored Alpae,s, add P 4 vlinai .
Largs,Editingt and ,
~rertntipt, 1 orked , _ a
Pea% Bonnet ankle and &Mink i lhonnet fri a
large and splendid lot, with an antenna • t
of plain adored Satin and Taffitia,, and, caP R
bons, wide black Midi entered Prnn Silks, a
Velvet Precise and • Late .'tint for dreskv, - . .
Italian, Plain, Black and F y Silk end Sa
m j g.
SeArfs and entrate. , 1 1
Linen Canticle lasnl - Nriefs' fur Ciente and -
dies ; Large Pongee end s Silk /Ultra. :, .. • .
Gents and Ladle:llkt Lisldßerlin. tend $ k.
Olovse.-- , Oeuts Suspender", Shi rt,, Deaner., 414
A general and large ?no 'eirtinenti of '-
pit 0 .Ellit • 6 4 \ 1
, i .; • •
-...' . .-/
li 7 .
Iron, Swede's ated ' Bngq. , h, . Id ericart,', Eng '
Blister and atatsteal, Wrought cowman N .
Iron airil. Stone ilanguerp and 'Oted . gei,i, Mani
- arid Flat ßope, Bed-e4ds.z.Punap plututand -'
te 'Grindstone G earing , Ilkt•Tr*P4 P ali'.l •
eso.&e. _ 1 1 ,
_Alsit, a large 10 ., t ..of Fashionable Silk, 11l
- Wool and Pearl 1 - I I I
. . _
- • •1' • • -;- i ,
, .
--, . ---- ilArrsi - i -
Broil:kJ - Panty. and Silt plush (Beebe style) I
• 41C li t , i '
Men's, Boy's, and Youtliii Hats and Oaps; ate,
1 ' ,:i , -
tpt)er it Sle LeatOer
1 :.
GA !1F &till SKI \IS;--. .
BOOTS - m '; TOES -
I *, ,
An extensive stilsoilndent (Al lipperisind gag Le af •
ei, Calf'and Kip Slains,•ll l alen's Bikes, arid • Youth'
'Boots and Shoes and progikns; 1 Alro; 'omen ,
Missei lout Childien's Shaw' of variousiituditi
6ne and course, cornprising all thel.vartetiits call
'-for in- the country. Men'ik : Boa Woznin's ant
Misses. India Rubber Shy c . I t
• WAN.TED i [.--.
... I. ;
In exchange for. goods rshi4 : thet highest. 1 marks
prices will be' paittisex quan tity ''of Wheat, Bya.
Corp, Oais: BuckMeot.•
„pov 4 , . 1 Butte
Clieetak; Fritherio,i I,lFlati. • iWooten Soaks.
. eeditve
Thankful fur
_palt fairors, we by a. future
course of ba.iiess to ni4t the apOubatiomof a dis
criminating public. i i .11SAAC 41 rosr a, CD:
-• Montruie, Oct. 8,! 31 . 1. ! . !!! ' • ! -
~~^.., ',
1 : I .
Itlir t
. 1. 4-
J: fa ,
' ,lb l v lopplEp!,,e_f , 2 -
, a ssot ,_
Le011 1 u 1 4.: litiOtiokre
st*BeastathbiliaArSirc ft 434106,
* t oga. sauit olialeabis
"4411 P al g e P tial , 14111 0• 0 11,101,
teFif• :;"
/We* Oet:S, Un— -- •
Eties Saki. - -
. - • '
- -,-
01161kie Welty given - that the i salsr aiest
- : bane been - appointed.: Essaiture 4. ike *IA
* i.. and, " tvellikiii telitaillen ! °f Ple"ek.
- all P" Il lia llae7911-" abde b!ad!
'to . 'lllagte - Will 4441 H» tall and settle itannea .
y. and all pmeonsjiarkirany elaiawiliani.Mat
mid estate will Pteiest them dui* • --. '
'•I • . ' I$A AO IWI;;•
XX% ',:,--, - - • ... " . '
I,' .11 . hooltiya R ect. 3.1861 - -' ' '' tamentnet!
friend aim '
begs to
.• ' -• s Alwais, ammo - IN him*
(which of cost bi indite, - ereeib o .
. . n •
dy,) *te le IS Stili. - 14cht . 011
- e;tea band,
. ..;. aNdy. and • willing. to attend
• i to his costomma,, Los ce short, 1
, - : ' erOnked :otter ' t , old or y..
[hi l l . - knodt•k
1 A be
miable tit ' . , indeed.
• • •-, • •
hid and isdarat lumnoey, •
erd! be fitted,
vity new suits 'which stwimeranted.fri Pal -t4
isiraction. Jobolatelase recamd the- - . -
- fatifigo4ls; ..
Is ready to take the meeMis Ones '.!abt;
in want of a Omit., Pant, . Vint, tite. ‘ ' \
. done on sheet notice; warrani=
tltitproperly niad . up •
I *l over the Store of ill . If
fn r
a t Public' kvenne..
It. 24 it 'fib!. ' ‘ 3m
r .
STOVE-0 4 4t00t :r.:'
T 4 EYSTIONE State air-tight t :
1 Doub S le Oren, do •
Etnyite,tate , -
Prennpto ' ' '
Chtush, end ShOpStoves fat W
Stirns %rare, Pipe;Pelbows; - Zinc, Tin A'
VOnirlielinni, Strait-Cutters, Scrape
Points, are. Pleate give us. it
tend to sell' cheaper than the cheapest.'
t. 24,181 k. •
4u - iqu seliania . :Afad' - my.
. . _ , ,
r rT.thlE first. terra.Of the Second * est this -Insti
l'. I.. mution „Will ent.nmenee. on .W lay thi
'loi day of September inst. under - immediate
tu boon of , .-- • k c • '-'
11r.ISA AC GRAY, A. li,,Pri irtl, ' ~:
Wes MARY j. CRAWFORD, • . ptress, .
etorape,tent Aisietant In - - • - ,
e 'reputation of -NA Gray i'as i sm efruifent and
.ssful Teacher and Disciplinirism furnish the
ees with the iassurance thitlthe Inititutioq
A fail in its management to meet_the highest
etations and wishes of it* pittnias. -;•
yangements wilt be-Made tier the comfortible
odation-of Ilupils,frora abroad. , :.- ' ' -•.-
Tenois of Tuition.: : - . - - -!.
Ladies of the Primary., DePartment, ' " ..'. -
- term; • ' I * ' -: '. ' 1 . •t 2 ,60
mama btanches of the Academic'; - '--
; , ,a
,pati merit, per-term, .. -
lugher [mine/lea of the AvsulernicDe'..l
tmeat, Per. wrist, ' - ' I ' • - '- 2
The ` tudies of the Classical Department, - in utlaig.tlie'Lai.i,n,Oreehontd Freneh •
Laktivsz t pc with*the whOleor part of
tli Academic.course Per term, ..-. • '1 ,OD
uSi with use 'ad'Ae.Piano, , ,--- 10 00.
ra ing and Pointing;. . ;.
.__ 6 00
N apa will be admitted for less that one - term,
unl ' by special arrangement made with,the Fria
, L' A . ledea !tioe„ sial , be wadi in ottse of absence abesence on
is o t ofeickresa;of line week's.duratioriar more.
' - - ' 1 . Wm..IF , S,SUP;Pres'i:
J. - NIVEN, S e c ' rv. i7 '
.- '•: , .". .1 I,
Atm", Sept. 1)71851. . .', tf .. -
- : .1.,
, Hover's 'ilk - . Manfactorr ,
. . .
.14140 Fed to No. 144. R i ce Street,, (ltetwien
..Fottia: awl Pifih t vpinite crown s,t.) \
•-- '' • . Philisdelpidii. r -
•' I I .
iksix_ RE the, Prnprietor is: enabled , by incresta•
- ed faCilitioi, tit supply the growing tlen4ntl
for ter's:lnk, ilia its - wide-spreed reputation
- I This Ink is now Tel/ attablislacktit*geod o;
'piniart and conyence of the:Amerkitik rultlic; that
it is .„rcelyitetesstry to'say anything in its faior,'
:and tt manufacturer takes this opportunity. Misty •
that t Confidence thussicured shall not be abused..
hit ttlition to the .tarinus Hindi of Writing' Ink, bit .a
.' manufitctures - Adamantine Cement for
Mendlng. Glass end :,. China, as well;' ' a *superior
Heir ye ; , atrial only is necessa '. to iniuntlts
-Into nee, and
.a Bealing,Watt. well adapted fur
' 1
r es
.-._ i lirug ' is and .13Ottlers, at a'rery Ito!: . priCe;in
r i 4
'large itir.small quantities. - - `\- - '
.tel 'JOSEPH' B. HOYE% ' 1
',..' • -- -- anufacturer, - ..
- . - • . , . - :', No: 44 Ricestreet, ,
• . Between 4th and sth, ppotute Crown st..
139! 3.. • - PIII DELPHIA. . 1
. ,
l'hliatest News_ by-Exptess.
H stilmtribers would infot in their friends and
t e public in general,. that:hey have. just i•e
.tu from New
'embracing ork wall a . rge ' tnitive
stock f GO O D S, eiery article in the
. , 1
2 0 07'4 -
- I tis called, fur in this market and having audit
a - ' its
_with the may cu rers to forward
,'supplie*; whenever nted„and at 'such
kices Will. enable us tupell nth tower than a
bet `sold Montmse.l Be practical shoe
-4 . , .
thanis th th t se t - w w e ,
- hl the othi wa r nti bus o . f .
' Wt would therefore'dt4 it only necessary
to say; instead of giving ` it list' work'ind prices,
~• - •
, Competition is de .. , --, ._
I -i. Inspection solicit ed, . ~ .
1 _ ; And satisfaction' aittied I .'. :
4r. intortant to Shoemak,ers. - :.
We le
,alsiii-on hand heml ' tanned
.sole lea
t ; 'ret4Ch and American Ca f Skins, imed;
inl,- - Blndings; Shoe-nails, egs,L.Sand-ston'es,
.Shoe• , jinni, Pewilusts„llamme .. Piticlirs, tispa.
Mick .it and F rench Shoe Toil opeverir descrip•
• t Crimps , Wan, Shan-t read. - Anat•webh.
Hnel. 11, laclopg, Ate.
..,_ - z• , .- --
- z'; . - ant are raaitentrnlk• aOrnitted to:Gitlin
init our atdat hefiwe . parehasi ~,its our'tnola avid
ilndir aris: all selected. Lk* use Ntho'indengtiniii
the. b *wok Store directly oppesiti - Seark7s AO%
tat. llurket the, pltic:is: -
i:1- 1. ~ 1. _.,. -G,
-The Nil ivooldeleo 11
for Age& &Clio' Memel nN
die:Ler lyearp,l ht po,ri pilt
merit isheo of thei r petrels*
P lids &OHS gala, tad -01
JlackereVerads. Coirek-8.
- 'tit *delve
' 13.414.1 4 T0pt 00.-.1
WATCH up ik.G
! I mml
,i r tu a t ,
, 'Ploughs,
I as w• in-
IL .
•1001 1 CLIOIr & `READ7=,-P4,leit' #:f
Goods; Drug., Paint s , OM; etriveai lei
elry Silver: Spitons; 'Perfumenc—le.:44.
3.11. L;'.lleo
- 'removed*? .Front raiddiestAiris
doors: eastof his fanner loCation.---itt;'Zinipikf
building from:ammio(Tadikior
enokand nearly-opposite-M
-1k 11iiliati*Ettere.
June; -
• •
lik.COX—sika ',nareasa:
and TrankAtin
211434*,1 hop- arenallaV4aiske
4" °11 4 14 4 1 4 4 ' 4
, 4 -
• -
mit Stiratunemus
b"ii* norice ,
11 .1 1 4
" . nig ilereuitais
glaaniAN, -
scum; and Juathiald -4;4«.
• - Pall and'
3t" in t ax Del* tu. 4:kirk
N s vi g stkir "oboe -
mampirni' Wirt
`=fir la 00 id*
4416010 1 :
,dg thits ii y
maw* Aw-
m Akaok ., ,
„,`"”' 7 •
_ .';~. ..,~ti,
:4:TiTIAT ,fa ; Siain 1
‘ eZ.,
- Axia,. dwi;Sefirssrlir
ky sr.r.sosibr*tioras
Apia Ind nitecemio -INew4co#* my. ,
atuzitiolitCribi*Ktl4l)6loA, 17 -
- Inftlior dna' . '-a414/14,00,11.,-15.. 41 !",„ ,
Mai uniselia-' . - Itatthe**4l riiE# c r
atieitiat ind , ' paTinuo.fieirister4 e
*waif' ti . Id - ativrifrAtifte*ilitlifixt
yin* vairi veirldalia*.
tai ' - ogalttThAr'tho lo4 : 4 :erimbl.
r ;Bait :'— .i . tiiiiitgormit ind#,_
aferi it- . ' ' bileiitimcw, out:l4= •
of nevalatital for du' iiaTanie re
'pocketiiinl9l,l4 -
aami t ien
Watit-tir tint okapi - 4* -pm* aecknank eaTi . ! . r.
feat ' Manor ' froal - Alf.'tintElitt"'; -
(= l. 4 42-
, , . b.t r , PAN for Wofil., . l,
WE * am Visint s ter “ialia; we„
l ' ai
a vj A ,PAgt h tot i larket pie% in - auk
Mart, 161, --11 -•- AeiSlNltsaMe
\ -- t 7 ca2 ---- ts t i .
ME trr Airk; Ill i Le
a inalt o .
, iry n 1 _
Q s e rKers -1 •
No. 15.5 ccußnAurr tram, mire= tifterrwics
AND WASEUSOM nlttaill. I '
Nsw yoßic ,
_ .
.: - LAST - NOTICE:'. I '
fir m. notes . en d *moulds or Mille cl":4410.` 4 01,
1 and Mills* Knapp are .101 the
hiiiikof Wilt .
ham 1. - Turrell, Esq. ; with instrtietke* itii . ailk#
them roftlitmnt:t',..' • ' ,
Mootros.e. September 4,18 M '.`
, - .. ~.
nODP I 4II,- - A:tra* supp ly at 4ieitts *ii6l
• ' • • „ LYONS
TOHN VENOiDEit, hid yea:sot
a/ left the' employ and homey! the.'sabsodbet en
the 14tWinst. Ila bad on-when beiefttli4-pitetli.
light : loth vest. cotton shirt, and red:plash esp. but .
no.coat. I therefore istbid Petio9a harbothig
or trusting ; him on. nifaicoum kpay poI -
debts ofhli tontntating; Ah - yinforizisitioa relating
to said:: Boy will be thankftilll- - ireihrikt aritt
• y expenses paid by fhes sidiseribetr,Sablir
belie id to have -left gluing an aberrational:ra f .
estAnbuiti. mut-IL6:18:51; lirVitsr:-
. ___................
Inn bbls, ~qot,, rdr*e . ' bi . .;:;..':":2:: r::- : 7 7 —:
IriZiio; siiii r ' 'll3 i 4-447 ' ? ' 144* ..'
'''' ' - ---- •- -. - 1 - ) - .!..-- ,- ",-.: ~ -:,. 4-,;.:-.o.r::kc,:if.,--.,..,::::,
.. , _. , . • :. „.. _. i,...,,,,,.., -',,..., : :
• .
. •. ---,., ji , z- --
AVanti!d. at .the Register;.--
° Office: - 4.4?ifevt ,
-Loads of seosotmd - miplolvoi4 ould'liti ,
very acceptable on ai000nt::::: - 1 .'1•!...--'''"'''"-"'
Insintas Cabo.
R R. LYONS ti . CO- Wholes*A
mo le
tail Dealers in Dry Goo& 0
.sps i Salt
: F rmir.-intl'ilardwaft! - : jtAil,iii?llittl i ii• A I,'t,-
, __
LYONS ; & tiIANDLE.RAi t t i in
Dry . G9ode. drowiek-BaoVi ArSta- -
Public.''.Air,triC, gp,utroce;'pa.
X "ILSOS' CO; ManufactturarsW all'
;kinds Casting* and -Tin -WiittkeeletAs
• ;Stoves.. Akgrieldtural Implementic &e.+olfici. in
- Lynne &Chandler's long builditfg'- , 4litneracliny
-I at the &an!' Cherry : , street; " •
•• . -
Si : FTishiarittbie
stor e,ftk fof -P4ll4llo7arr'
pn • Turninice-eb
. Nontrpse s Pa.'
, Yashiottibler T
• t blisentittivot" tikse
I .. .
C TTENDEII, ,BLISS &`' C 0 .i. Int
' rterk otand tt.eaters' ill Pry. il:i**jindTigeiltie
• . or Lowell Carpets. 78 flicstdtiayi &Pra t er:of Ree
- ior. Street, Felt. Yolk. - • ' - ' '4
: - 1 .. ..'' :.;4 - 1 - - , :-.
, ton, mannfoctstees.;'and .zWttotesale Deiters
Oats, Cats: Ftinc'lluffal& Rebels, strali - Goad 4,
Vntbrellas, Ribbsns:i and Atti4eird-171Oirrori;10
Cortlsandt street, On staiN) Ne*Tnrk..
• ker.e. socKwza.. inwirr Etia *irk W. **aro,*
& CASE, Importers rind Jobixs'
V' : o' Dry Goadp- lin. - 68 Brciadraykrind 17-yiw
treet;New York. •
:Sid - die; Etaiizeiii
'• - •Trurik bianufaettwer-4bop bi'theifirstidwelliog
- house below the plow` shop on litaiu street::;
• • •
4ARLES TlLGlttriN—lkirberand
Hair Etreer.,, *letrieviirSeerlee.
Hotel, nen
• •
D...DatiNtos ze co. Li,otry B,tatAi,aoot
street, lipatmsig: . •
I, l Vl‘lO . liT. . TRUE, Watphinakei d Jeer=
eiler; Fancy:Goods. Perfumery. and
turnpike- street. neit,duar-to Ji,f4 Ss; •
. NEWTON A. n-nyAt Vice on-
Tunipikr itre9f,l one . do.orEast,i)(l3,-7Te, *.-
- 1-1,
'414 : 11 '"9, 3 , 1 4f
r- t
of /Shop
e's , Hotel,
1- ' ; rf:l-1