The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, November 20, 1851, Image 2

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    Tice Erie Railroad tits Disappea
. ' neefrom _Wfli-eireett.—.
Although:people lut* told rarVed
ly that C hia Cempany tiert:eiectitig snitahle
buildings flow its - exte4e:nn4 rapldl;
tniffie, eibr-welthitoop' :br l -**ed
frdm Wan alTOrthevel-ineyesi who **
WareAliat the *nil tow 1)(4 effe4 Q ,and
the affairs
ken ft:om that pnimineuce in, the . publie .es
Though removed 'from the notorie ty of Wall
street, be is a careless observer =off p a ssing
events who &its to sec in this change the
- Muitteftetnett 'of new - er* in - the" - history
ot *teasa'COmpTy,tit? AfWhicil.las
come - .l4l l s44 ll6 thititintittit of our
the Tidal:Ml Of out
aAia4iTAtpol road
"`ea y end' fur C'e
sale efdivioduce but for the Orate* of " all
Oft - Wets inteiztbel subsistence *nation,
4' . The Erie Uailresul lusrteasol to be an et
tinurnt: It ::ha been-completed Upon ihe'
contemplit4 bY the Board OfDirataßi,
8. - Loder, is the head.. It bas
' - 'peefortneiftO each and,everystockholder, la
clibret.,•-hitlthe- public, all they ever:were
tom iced ; and having raised in the l4foey
''''llirktWorthe'Vestern' Continent the Intl
'lrons heieasavy to comrlete this truly nation=
wOrt bus retwedio West street, treed= to
": tiupervise . tiew workings of road that eselt
'Recessive year of its existence Will continue
to deVelope its immolate resonre., and prove
to its - otiners a snit e l wealth ussurpaued
in trntlerstery of railroads. '
This' road has Wert 14Iescpibed so fully in
our. Columns, that Aight. *ketch of - the
pretietit'official residence only is reiptired, to
snake the description comilete-10 , .a1l wh o
harenot the facility for , personal examine-
Ile Company has erected open the
square at thp foot of Wane street,* block of
buildingsovhich though outwardly„beariaz
'the mark'i of good architectural - taste, have
still the greater - , recommendatcon of
construction in the thorough manner requic
ite for ,basittess rittriesies, too Oten forgutten
'by those entrusted with ,the expenditure of
the funds of a cot-potation, - ' After haying , a
groutii rent of $l2OO peesintium, so rein u=.l
'lterating are the rents of the block, that the
Company is enabled not only to :hare ample
jamoliimixistiona for itself rent free, but lo
receive revenue be.ides, • as is also the car
with their 64 :Premises Wall street.
Thernximii occupied by Mit company are
as follows':-e-The Directors' room, on the
second floor frontings - 59 Wig.titieet : from this
I through an ante=room, the. Presidents room
is roteheii, and (pm thente the room ,of the
Secretary ; next adjoining on Erie Place is
the Treasurer'4 rooma large apastmeht, cap
. able of
the -crowd that will
one day asisimble and receive dividends up
'#'n the Slockie be kirmed out of ilia convert
ible bonds, and which have already been
putehased ti,.some extefit by parties who are.
shrevid -orlimid enough - to' feel that tin
stock may:exceed in it short time the -,re ent
value' of the &mile- 'Connecting with the
treasurer's office ;eilhe auditor's room, where '
the extendea fiziancial accounts of the corn=
piny are scrutinized. ite.the &editor's riroin,
and throughout the building, where valuable
papers are kept, lfitve been construlited fi b.
efous fire proof vaults. On the elelt side of
the came floor, the-rooms of Ithe Superinten
dent are found, a department m,oSt ably filled
by Mr. ~Minot, and one upon which the site
vets 9f a road much depends. In the rriir of
this room, toWardzi Wieihington :erect, is lo
cated the freight;department, that source o)
revenue which' were pagsenzers swept front
the,account, would leave the Erie road the
--misful rival of the -Erie C • al. '4, isr in
success ui
dispensible to New York: Here a large
force otFierks is ft Work ; hat we: leave
Awn to exanline lein the thild ilo - or, the
pritiiingelfiee of the Erie Itisilroad, the - first
ever appended to a railroak yet state to be,
'in all future time, - the means of raving to the
- company.* sum of money ecOal to building
annually a small rand: _:: Like ;the Bank ot
England, the road means to adopt the whole
sale principle, and save to herself the employ :
er's profit upon the large - tMtss of 'stationary
nseclin her e x tended bueineSs. A large of
fice is kept steadily at, work, and the fonn
dation hats been -made made for a bindery . , Lilly:
completing - the. means for supplying - the
bboks and stationery. tickets, bille t , etc., of
the road. In the third story is also a large
,room for thf -engineers, where models; :maps. :
. etc:, will be ler, Upon this floor: • is -the
, ticket room, a detusitufent managed, with' at
care known tOfeir roads. ' A !system has been
devised_by which e'rery passenger gets a tici
et, eve r y ticket . ; a corr es ponding 'check, and
•the check made:invariably to obtain: froni the
.officer who receives the paisenger's money;
the same in full :` no leaka are allo , ;ed theri
and none can be made Withoilt detection..
The.south-west comer of the groxind
is used as an emigrant ticket office, whore
those iiho'pay their little fare are .treati.4
-with thUsaire courtesy, have the Saint ittfor
mation given them, that is . - extes'ided
• man of millions.- The einigrant - can go
there' with, confidence and is treated with
honor, a thing as rare as it is commendable,
• and as it must be profitable, to tbose who
thusconduct their BuSitias. 13eisides . , a gen
oral store room - -for choice parka es; .there
also another viinurtant, department of the
road, whick like the printing:office, will, save
t4e company a large ruin annually. and this
is'whatwe designate ass " the Supply Boom.".
In this 'room the Company:has placed
stock of the triuteriAls'whiCh are - daily needed
upon the road, an idle cats, at stations,
from a paper of pins lionised to wires pep.
_.typaroel, through ajl r ilio. large variety, of
'mateiials Tailregul co nsumes; No sulxirdi
iatals allowed to filtdmrse a penriy,hut is re- :
quired Wmahe demand upon the. Store
';,,theepow, who cannot &nosier, their. requisitions;
bY. Secretary.,tof the 'rond
- *y_department is made responsihle
and,that in turn to the beads: of the.
~ load a nd pri ate profit upon
.ppfebases, and
gl_mi lk te r iais ; . alike .MadelinpOsAiLle'
Notbintkleft; to aocident, - tut ail reduced
to a system a- 'le at it i , . eftiPl.nt, %d- a
, 1
c , 1
t id
t''.ll nit' i life Ins no
• . b for , -h..., co___tr!!? -- . • t or
thp A i , ti.,.u.'
nii,. if,eitilb4ltie6, .
i t ,
_tient, iitk
.. -____.-,,r, iia - the kee--- ..tihii. protectiou'
ikt, -41ial,PL-- fil compass. 7;1 3 - <- - life has.- l'el sate threshold
„ti l t e d - 67
to- iiiie-thefir.tuinna4l °of th e official rem :" 11 '- a i ; , j...te. Ar,-/,ht , t ri ju j,.. eet 'i ' ed. iindili; •
~-. .. -''l_4l4..iii*k-,--
Erie Read,— Ti e r- . 4 ihwcrowa4 "f...1'.7.47-..u.-.;iite the,
-: Biiiiii 4 , 1 -, '' - O f the ,-., nreetical too. eg '',-, - ha _ siitlittivelY
....=-!fif- -Nfot._
of wf
_,4,l;.edat "loy-,T.ue -4 .
.. ' s in iviii l :
.„10V :: -.. 0 beAtatin g
id ace l b.
,0e5,04 Apooirr-r_....----...`,0en, -Tilt'
claim : " -.. iridizqrsiv- .- .- ,'„,a,.for ;be
',..?'16" lied iii th 'ilkla""T-?(-juni:.eititic4 of ii i i' 'he - , oc - .corner; ; d o io, e
, - iiiii eat !"` : carried -ji* Jirif,- E., (codicil', stoP' ~ •
._ nhis as :tIcY . . Bich'
yorit-iiiiiamonk : b intr.-+t-re king . ,-. , •esvieps- bps.,e!/A
iir.. . --- --- er a t e ` ilk -t - • h evl - --
~,,,,,„,„,i)f ire,
...„. -.-.. ego
„pres: - ' • ..e.....neit t er
, .-, ',..-__L ukt ... .tr al ccui
Aii4erWment. ' ;64 -,?anr,wyelit,i,e.,"4'-k'11711„-Wer4a 16' 4. "A"./eennti-Jii.tht"'
.:4,1, at „ e ".• " ''-y4" iss-ruill:k4s3blie -:;tiiiiia. 9 r ' ;13!- ' f v., isoptigioalfP,
,--,--,-.Ti-iti:_seiiiiYe!::'. l . =tit 4intii,f' 4 alt, its 'f '' ea l o r t-12?_01: - nes of i: a i
.., .... or ,rbe , r , u. 0 . 1 0.....
:-e?e,', ia,.4._. tii-ittalbi:'",,, ixi.-:fitill c.! -- - - . 't, , ..- -..- 1 - th e , wb ,
.`".lor'S'.-, pet '‘,- 1-411.?4,1,P71
,I;liiii sies., i,/Mikeelr-1..-4,W1ien,,09..e.e's m°,/"-''' '—'4
Her I
W. d'infiritilio!oie4r#4'.,,e7:tiiri:,,i4c4.- %kW*, - -415.L.4-.4al4ogelic*elal:Lh,o
quallt4,ivniul,P-- - ":111#1.1..!ir ''" P 14;ii * feisi-......1-'4,11 44iiite:-IMP.n.i.,,l*Plitlalfgr-w-;
Amykt fic ____,.'''. - 77 -' ' iOi1;1"„r 'At- iterh-;LiAkP.; ercii"o'•l,l ' A* ./I Pi re 'l - - - -7r7.- ittisoi'..-•-...
.., ii::„ttli.4,,,-4.1k4,5,k7414tiv , avid 'tie r ' irr til L -214
._g': iiiteigi9sk.
..'lSilft YO)._#3
. a ' - 4 , ,, K 1
...._.„,„---.liide. _ :AM * i!f —7 A - a 4 P.. ~ 4-•' t ". ":"llligespA ocke
piNif' .'l4-• .4419-0--!!..-,ini; ef , ~ ~,... : 4;c1...,g05,
.OZ/I-1.,.- g0iv:,,,1
roj*;!---,. -.' 4.',="): :' - ef.,1144„.--- ' tvw,Tr,-.PI.- - ff,..,,,,frE7s _:..
, t_ , taltisha.... , ~..-., vrt - ~,t -- "''"4-1,0 inctila-,, ,- -. ~ ' /
,-,. ....-, t
-1-• The, - 5 ' "..a ;-'-pit,
. I '.. .•., -. - -._ ,-,-i...,,,,..,.„--,..-,.
its `Awl : --- - .., ~,,, lIAM3 dm eizertol7t-
-..`l' • • ----pon the ..XO O,-- 2,.-..,-:" -,ipply-Ak. - -t• lett v0t.,..1000.- ~,-,
.. -- -- :444._ ; itaiiir"'
sinch,:li - , ._-__ A -_,.: -' 5 ' ' ' t0U1t:"04,,..-
4: *ole")el...
1.r.-za.Siri-;-V,. 1 : .: ;----
- -, - -, af',......„,... , :er''---', _ ‘-' • 1 . 7 '.' ' - • ' _ ,
.. ,-;.•'. - , . ..,- t 4 .
11 ,
,f.--- 4,.._„ii...--:,......-c..,.- , •:.,,_... : .. „..„......,,,,.
pusqutpitunt.- tffirer-
- :"4 .1011 ' N,l;,•"'''MltVtii-r'spriofti
moNntost, PENN A.
TkurOarillendigOlov. l 2o, 1851.
.- •
-, - •' r , folallia aill.ShletiBi;
' The trial : of CorkoriOnwitilth vs. Arvine
week for 'Perjury, octupted , tbe most of
the .day. 4 1 1 ,Tue4aY• The jeri feeefi the
i o
defendan , guilty ; and the Court sentenced
him=to + I I House - of Refuge:Calla:cunt
of his yottlr. . ~ - j , _
The trial of the counterfeiiers came on
Wednesday iAptaing, - pefezidants 81111): 1
peered except 13enj. Aylesw:ertb, wi; lies
..taken sick in aim 'York St4e on Frid i ei
last. His recognizance %ins fUrfelled with
respite until 'next,terrn. i , . •
the forfeit Ore of the
After . ' lßecognisance
of ftenjiAyleswiirth the District Aitor."
r utty moved for the' continunticer of !he
joint iudietntents` to , next "ter7s U,, - ' The np
plica tioit was made , on the I:grou`nd .hat
the intereits l itil ecenhtnnnyeaith would
be betterfsubserved hy h tt:ial when all of
the Pefertdenis enuld be arraigned. Tbe
motion was granted • The l ease of the
__ 1 _ • 4 n . _,, _ _. t .
commonwealth vs i,l 04 111paumid Jr.,
toi indict metikfor,Making ^ and pasting a
icputerieit I three /oiler vigil of the Bank
ofiNewburg, was next .akeh Up. A verdict
of note guilty was fitnnd by the jury with
out• a bearing of the defen4eg... Last even
ing William Blake was a l ,fined upon a
1 cbargtl of arson, Ibe plead not guilty to 'all
the counts, the jury was emr:turt elled and
:ley and F.
.Stteeter, •
luring gentlemen %ssere adrniffed•l"
tiie in the differentCott rts c 1
.1 . S usqueh an
pttunlY .. . •
• I
Edith 111, y's
E Butter Cf 'of ..) 141ladelphia
• ..;
, ~...i i pi.
have lately , Published a voluineof the po
ems, of this beautiful•yoeteis. We have
within' aew daya'seen a copy of the l work:
It iia rit
I gnificent iei)lutxre,illnstrated with
ten beautiful 'engfavings, and a luie por-,
trait of •Oe tiuthoressJyy- .: . C heney.l The
volume i every respect is neat and ele
gant.' . T i e publiShers have , aone l therns ;
selves:'cti' I dit in the . work, and the , iiuthor-
e.i .. and l er friends, May -1 ‘..'0 11 felicitate
themselv e s i • that this first oirering ,i, to, the
public 6 F a young and promising Writer,
is made - th all . tbe grace with
-which the,
publishe r s have surrounded it: --
• ..Milit - May7 is the tto+,,me (I.e rittmo
of aieuhg lady, the daughte- ofi- citizen I
oft is plaee, which gives the volume i iin
i l
adebtional interest. t'o our readers , and for
this.reason, at some futUre 'time we pnr-,
pose togil.e our
.readers some • extra ots
~froth the vOlutne, which wilt at least g,ve
thein't'taste of: the pleasur e we -.exp4ri--
eiiced in a fhitiried• per sal f • it. - Th e'
e iorttiinewhieb we bad th r e work in ur
, sessiun l :is ou aPologi for not doing so•
aphis time. . 1 its pages We iecogni ed
poenis - . hiclr w had read before 7 - , old fa-_
niiiihr beautiey that ` had -, shone in be
toltims - of the rime Journal.' . Fault it
has, like allAlu i twOrks of men, - which will
he detect#l by those whose . , avocation it•
is to critieise: But its many excellencies,
welia*no - hesitation in say ng,,will spee
dily elf !I•lishthe chiiracter: of , the gifted.
writer ."with the first itt a Republic yet
yOung in liF pOetry. WesUbjoiti the Pre-
I .
face by N. .Willis. :. - 1 - -
, • Mitch, ,and . -often'.as th 4 threshold'of
. fillip e " ii B po4a4ed 4y:wii jiir mistaken in- -
trOers, there is-sbmeth niin' ' . pressiblY
sared.aip,l couching in t e first timid fon .-.
4tepsi,t ward its ; , alien by a
young stkiiatst, wis pliq sc
t ,c
in,l*l d'Abt va i st the odd caiMot• see. The
feeling ot,,,dfetenoleaDdhliapr, with which
one r Ini,;es ihe mien_apd ptierance of
true• ups, is mingled 41i:sisal:Ay with
the*, igluof its koputeFl4lautiug i 1.15--
cognition and ' ; . - welcome at the7;threabokl
of fatne'eterniile - are chince-iiien, , if at •
Xlrrired tbtfcrCplace of - 11. 114411)41:0 •
r*Ospeaktfoliardenet this gif , .., . . ": '
... .
iirs li# ib. rid sh la ''
ont o ',wAlott
,: . • e . on
cit there • - -1 . li tO be fort • i' . .ii A *
II ciow 41 unierers and . , titittooh
lit, hlnn e - :. -: Id knock , of, : .
•, v.
NI ,
00tme isNotilljis a crime. '• f,_ •is
chance vicinity to the'place_whereshon
stand a higher and better autfcirlie.d dbl.
charger-of thielficei that . the editor. Of 'a
public)ournal miiraornetheal•ho the fiOt•
to'see.:lhite hue •spli7 . 4 e(iiiide .iiiiiiting.
without;end for thelack Of betteresher,.-
he lily - edviiiiee'to clititnentrithee - far the
stranger. The lotrodaceref f the present
'work '.o. the pgliliclieiti that 'positinin :-:, If
it seem that k, might' be - done•with
‘betterignW 3 4-4nek.belrAlig-inereiesidlei
it y;his apidogy hiabeektbgein what he
has -i, - .'s• .1 '. • '
Of the poeinkiti-this volume,nend of
lair poet eg.-the writer `hesAxpreised his
0111'0000 : very fully in the journal of which
he IS eilites, and to which some of them
were eliginally . contributed. `.:Beautiful :
as these early produitimis are. however
be looks upon them mainly as prOtrileee:
They, have-been Written upon the leaf, of
life first turned over after girltrd—in
the lap o == ; luxury, andeechunon, z with no
inspirations snit* what ; Comesfmta the iti
stincti of the heart.and consirvance With
the romantic scenery around . her.home.
They-ate litetally. the fore-reuchinge of
'genius which' anticipate the teachings of
experieuce. - • -
Hew. Edith May .
would sing of the re
alities'of life:. having thus hymned hel•
chant fro_ the far •s/ieuleies. it - -throws op
en her ipagimition, those •who have
watched the tuning - - of inspiiatkm by tier
row and struggle will easily conc,eive.—
I - The single poem.of "- Te Dom Laiulam
its ". which will be found on a succeeding
pap, shows the port and mien of otie
whose welkin the highest fields of 'poetry
iv.,suld be that_ of ; inborn 'stateliness end
fitness. The ribm lies - in. instinctiv-.•
s and dignity,_ showing, the key
. to
which the mind is. habitually. tuned, and
.the coliptiop
.Bnd:impingement Of the.
subject. are full of originalit y.and beady.
Those who read: this and the other poems
will hare bade etar flatbed to - thein, for
whose future place end shining they will
look ; and in /this • first announcing of a
light that s ,is to he recognized apd' bright : .
.en hereafter,'is to bn fob d the-main er
rand - which - the' introdu r , would claim
i ,
for the. volume. :. . .
. . .N. , . WILLIS.
: :T E MSS;
—The Goi-ernorS of:twenty-eight
out of the thirty-orie Stews of the Union
have' appointed the 27th •int. as_Thanks
giving Day.. -, - This nnaniutitYof action, it
is undertood, has been the - result of an
understanding among , the' Governors of
the different states, t beiniative suggest ion
eminat ing from ten GoVernor'Of Ohio.—
There is something grand and touching
iii the, iden - of a wholn .. publi extended.
offer wide a space of the eirth that
God's. providence providpnce has; during • the past
year so' signally. blessed, join ng in a Uni
ted 84 . 4 praise and thanksgiving to Him
in;zcbrinithe) live, na moye, and - have
their. geing.",
.--4 n a - letter in the - New .York
Tinies - from en officer of the Mississi
repelling the slanders against Kossittb,
the following . oceurs - :
Never has an American vessel in the.
Mediu erimean. been
,greeted With more
.enthusiasm. • The Attache was ilisgtuded
and mortified; Poor sensitive fellow !. I
for one was pfoud that I was attached to.
a, ship dispatched , upon' such a glorious
mission, and 'receiving the cheeris and
blessings of tho,usandswherever we went.
rbelieve, candidly, that. thennly tvvomen
in Marseilles who were. - afraid of us were
the ,Prefet and the American Consul.--the
Prefet for • fear, of offending his noble,
high-minded Government, and the Amer
ican Consul for fear of offending the Pre-
. ,
.. The above, it is-thought, puts us on the
track of theattaehei and the N. Y. Tri
bune asks is he not the American Consul
at Marseille's Johu L. Hodge I . la
ponse the 'Washington Telegnyh says,
that it Licredibly informed that Mr. W.
M. Hodge, :.assistant Secretary- of, the
Treasur3t, bus been : lbee written to by his bro
ther, the Consul at Marseilles, relative to
Kossuth, much after'the famous letter pf
the attache referred to. But it he beak
Mr. flodge, h - is to be hoped, in justi4e
to • him,' that the knowing ones will ex
plain. The American representative -at
sa 'important a post . abroad, should not
rest under suh l• discreditable susPicion.—
Daily Ntisis. , •
—qbe Washington correspondent of
the. Journal of Commerce .mtat ea,•that the.
negotiation with Sriu, is about to come
'to :a faverable con lusion, the Preside 4
having concurred with Mr. Webster as to
the proper mode; and extent of the're
_due to Spain,and overtures, . which
will be 'consistent With the .sioWil off - the I
public, have -been made to tbe-S - pahish
- , -
,Minister. ! The immediate ' cons equence
- of a restoration of friendly relations, it is
said, will , bekhe re torOoil a theAinei
lean prisoikos, , and the ,abandcaummi of
procefidings ageinst-Mr; Thrasher, and all
tmericantrltliA , hirte' 104 . who have .
been.suspected or having:ab ;connection
with tte late atteinit at.lnsu - 'l4:eCiiiiii in
Cuba: .. .-- --.- .-- . L ...:7: l•-......-
.. . . ..
alia nfilils K- oretifi' l 7 4dgs a' the'
SlilrePli Pari --.o fPetata,!avania, ./ 21 il at:
ii,a 6.6- baii .l . l 4i4iY , hii'..C r az 4 4 4 4 46 ta
fur. their term of= j oifwei . The : followmg
`are the4e 6 i ) eaiie: fen*: : : . ' rs - i ~
- -,gon: Jereinigh;B: B , thSe.y.ears; .
c hi ac laiit t ol ~.f, ...::::: :::: fl -.„- ..:., ~',.. -
,- 4 65 13:5w1lfera.lzioufrie4:104114M-.,
.r. IltiteStOlaftir Ittnnite,
'Aliteloiiriiiit, iciltsitai o jiiiiiiiialib e
.seat. of c4inf„Tui t ie l:.. .fitoisp e a : ' , i a
_kIFIT -11 4 1 7W:4,,*
ytirlemok.hor-ittWai w°!..r.grit
fin.. Tfetriliiififeelset I =.- - r=t7 l , *1
, • -
polka theifi.lT!Oiteisity orNiiititern , , ... Penn,
exljeilitil4 . biliEgc ntly, , ,beeis - . 4lhdiet,
'llkklifm)r, Initne:inuaiY , : At .' IMIO i
E r iro Ah? " Ilr :' tO i r l ir''
4 . ; ; 4, ll 4 re i s it ;,.. , f ig i ala
-,.. 7111 !
ap tot:ran
auspices - uoia ..... iota .
' ',
coimtepinee of. enure of, the
lin men of -thatvegion. I - ~ , -..::--: - , -
. ? - -t .oll i'Ailuli # l . 4-' : -WPOMFT".
in the , tbi4iittifi '-`. ' "iiiiitiiiiiitfilltit::
meats of we•tic , to Cont. etort on the, new
rwte of thp - Port age : lit. N4•71 - 4VPith'
..4iieiierze.• ', . 'L. : .. .;• ' :i. ',,t -: -
—The Vote Of Mattiachusetts,el the
iiiii Again O . s'fiiltie4jetthaii . iiirili;
last y_eqr, •tyi '#l . ,, :4 - iii.l4iii bi.:the Iolltiiv
• .
ing couipartion : l.
• .
1861. , .• 1850.
Bout~iiell. ' 43,BB2 =Boutviell, - 36,023 •
Winthyniii64sso 56,8713 -
Palfiejr, 414103 • Phillips; 27,A338'
Atitegittel'.l37:o2s . . '120433, ~
• ' '---- The U. S.
_T ouse :of, BePresenta.!
tiyes for the - approacbing , session. will'
.stand 143"Dernocralts to 90 Whigs; shoir
inee 'Thitnocratic 'majority ,of 53: 'Of
these parties „th e are 22 Southern Rights
Men, of .sibOzn : only one,is a Whig, and
there are 13 Free &tilers. 20 States haye
a D, mocratie'representation, 7 a 'Whig
j e
rip nititien, and 4 are:divided. .
-- 1 -TNI O INNF*TY MovOit".7 2-e rhP-
Evening Post referring ,to , the •eflactl. of
the -.oomintitime•'of the 'Union Safety
Ticket, says f - u We should not be . stir
prised, if it should turn out that the Union
Safety,party the.great_part.'of which'are
Whigs.did us'an 'essential service, brin
clueing the Whig voters in the' interior
cotinties to siiitte from 'their _ticket the
candidates whom the Union Safety party
specially recontmended." .. - . • '
_ __...,„...... .----‘-: . . .
Idir- Dewitt* Davenport, the exten
sive pblieheil of Cliev‘ }looks ,in• New
York; in theirrnonthly Literary Gazette.
mace s be followings to Be.ok
sellers, Which we conimend tii \ tit m
If It ioksellOtra in , the' principill towns
-will please'order our books direCt\ frOm
. oe.through other hOuses; \ they
will , receive them sooner, and likewise ob
tain cOpiei 'or 'the Press, Which, owing
to the , peration of.; the New _Postage
Law, cannot - be sent in any other Way-
The new"editiOns of Itanlett's Architect,
and 131yrite's.Pecket Companion, which .
' slot trqoe, we will forniskon betttr .
terms than they caul* obtained thnmit
.any other source.. '' • . .
The Union Artetaln.
... .
The American Art-Union, in its prom
ises antii - performances for 1851, Seems to
be reaping the - harvest (Xi's previous sac
easier, in enlarged i resonrces, aid cone-
Anent eartniv*,_ Ito subscribers. Its
works 01 - aril:or aiStribution' twit De
cember; as oppeara t by the .Bulletia shoW
a steady i td:voince ut number in the collie--
tions of revinus +rs, and in merit, also
_if we may judge film the New , York pa--
pers. The kesiertistssrerepresented in
,it,..and in some of tbeir, hest irrks. _The
list of 27d iverkis already -announced, in
-eludes new-.'nnd favorite pradnctions of
Durand, Leutze;" . llinckly,,,Mrs. Spencer,
Mount, 'Chapinau,' Wooaville, Churcb.
Rossiter, Gignowt, Kensett, nicks, Ran
- A a
R ey, e ulx!ii, ,Peele, and others. well
known to the countryiand identified with
its reputation in the arts. 'Other vicirks .
th , be
_added. Ato the list: will doubtless;
make it at least equal in number, and sun.
pass in interest, the colleetion of the 'most
prosperous 'ytirs of the institution. l -.
Thecertaia return to:venal member will
to: each . .
be a series of sixioteEngraringr, in the of the art 7 , 7 -all the -subjects
of which it will be Seen,'lTs characteris
• tic American subjects, varibus, and ap
parently of, .great . .
~ interest. qte: . are
—l. =A large, line engraving by lopes,. of
ter. Woodville's celebrated painting of f
MexiCan ;News, repre,Senting a grOuPiii
teuing to!nn account of., one of the bat
-1 ties of the late -Mexican lwar • 2." Marion
crossing the Peil l eel4 Bentley ; 3. Mount
Washington - front the valley Of Conway;
by Kennsetti 4. Anierican harvesting , .
scenery, "by CroPsey ; .5 :Old '..r and
Young.lB, by Woodville ;,6.Bargaining
I for a horse% by .14inint. ;' - -,
BaCh member after Ilsnbacribing; . re-.
ceivr's . the society ' s .Billetis fine': ; a e Art-
Journal of original Critieism. Biography,
Ifurtery,'News,' &C., arcii• relating to the
Arts, illustrated by engtavings pa steel,
- wand and stene;elch ngS; &c. The Bal
letitt baa always 'taken aibigh rank With
tins-public among periodicals on the Fine
:arts. 'We'hail it , monthly as One .of our
;'.most interesting periodicali..„, No other
Institutien the - kind Pbbßsbei a jouitna
of equal i l esotircea and Claims. •,•• '• , "
• ~
"'These: valualile -returns to Ifeinbere
Can be - ensured only by ., t he combination
of number of s u bsc r ibers. l e -
end f
*lent bush** orwurAetion: .- Indeed, if
-we ,did niie*nowivoiiObeltsititntioirla .
done--whatpreiniseC, .
it has made-and
-keit.-6.:►We ti&no.thin*.,;k:"iteredikle 'thin
io snorßin Invest - mini COild be.'itinde in
reld-fickePon!oiainiri: liAtirror.::Tin7te
is ibe!iii*l;:f 8 0 ) ic'n - Tl l ts .i!ti :Ole:, end
'4O, Ye ir o 4l !" ) , l li 3 litit 4,'li4.iplleh
111 4CgriL ; - :. ,- ;. 7.,- . s• .- - ,_,,1i , .... ," ;.:::/!.,, -,.
Time secretary for ibiiiiiiiiiiii.' , •Driv ! ;-
m..:lEmig i alt epolt.lo4;joalohatig , sub..
,-.. boigoi4:-.l,lll**,;*.riiiinsor,tuatiot
:.,....-7 lit#7to ' 4 1 4- 4.41.12 - "flittori.''it I :0 1 • :
. ":I W iriILOI S P 4, Ie-L t 1 4, 46 * . ..'1*";
'*- 441 **,.iiri,... 1 l ; itli(
.. ~ , iiiir.viumi*' t';,... ~,
" . '' • .-- . P.ll . , ... ii ' I . 1.,..100thi.
Z .
.1` ," ''. . , : .3.lfiff.-'l4t*Notho
.: 11 ~ 41144Pinirass'
'''' * . PesitillritOttiWi"- tyke
'Aline* in
ind; ii isll
~.., , ! il l — ~..
',- The - 1 'sad ..tios flit ••
. • . . 1 .. -t. ,„-ii.„,'.... .
4 The 6.ll...aleittomr et* Ito* In' .r,
have resulted in the Apparent _de ea!
the„ ' Whii l Orii, IN 4 rl hen. i4,„' a? . ' 1)i
'iiniiiand - eiiisaa ',irhich'Operall'
'duce t his resul t re ' , fully .exposed. it 1 .
be Seen thtit our Opponents htiy -s
their . ..panuil i drith pre mature PlYl di l l , a
the victoria ; which they, claim,:a ' . vei
which they 1 , uli, w 0 so mush T' ed
-enthusiasm (are !Comparatively . :- .
It is notorious , (Or example, l t guu
the iv.holeiSiiiitli: the ithe Whigs - ' - li
coluthasupPOrtel&th Union ca +-. • '. l ,- and
i il
'although in itlmitist 1'0,,,0ry -itistttp.:., ont:
ocrats wereieheden l as candidata o !- 1 ep
resent if, he influence an' 1 mint + rd , m,
our side declined 'their Sucre . T is.view
_will her& the qbestiOned is the fa eof
undonbto !facts! viltilh attest and. sit rain:
it. - But itiSucli iiid l !Fixite i won
1. eve
been' beaten !by .thousands in . - Mi, iss ppi,
mid Cobb would have been entire y -
traced in georgii. N l In but case th ,o) -
and regular!Derriberatic pa y nft i . t '
li t
' candidatedinf their • lbilith: -W o did d isavowedl
'the ultrainial,wch bad - N 'n asc bed- t
them. In point of fact, the , the Snut . .
ern. electi , as demonstrate t it,Pot poten c y of t
Whi g inino,o3#' and . ma . 1.1 ! t b` ../1 ”
garded: as s o : namiltrium, . gio ecl-, hi
Is}the Admittidtrii4on-vilii measures have .
been thuslapprived. li So f'r as the §?uth 1
is concerded, the Democra t s have gameil
'nothing b.:*thahokir of e jqing Aifriet" ,
r i i
procured Ihy the vittas of heir polcal
upponentd4 nd ivirbich we ' su - a ged
by them to p ' :_rorotethe peace a+ d we -
fare oftbelUnion. .' 1 ; ,- ' -
- And tirlien*ve 1 look over, th . : great
N or th: , I",°- i s' se r ctionalif _den, : i4ted;
,4 ,.. . el beheld,' 'j . Tbo organ of the
Democratielpariy claim to have . chieved
au extraordinary triumph. iu -Oh o:;!:and ..
1- they rejoiee over. itl as - as_c+idenc of the
..growing:llopr of what is calledst eir-11r!c
-tinned .policy. ,4The !Southern p. pers . tp
this interests echo the shout's,. of victory,
and the welkin* Otakieto rin g . - . if_ the
Union bait : been' just "tesctied fro +. ita-la t
and most '-,terrilile peril. Bur let usi as ,
'who has been, elected ' there 1 ;ILovernor ,
_Wood is the aolwei r .. a man Avh, .reconi
mend. hit nselt o the favor of th . 4boii
tionistsAlyip ' alining unqualifi oat ''-
UT to, t !Fugitive- Slave Law, and_:.y . ' :
open opp - ition to Ithe Conwrinc se m et -
lie li ll i
sures; . u n_ the faithful -obit , . nee- uf
which', tvel l areiold bY these jubi an - d
claimari,the'safetY - ilat the Rep bi c d
pendk SO much for Ohio. If et o
to MalsaOktinelks,ii t'niiiion bet - ie.
DemOcrattrandFit4Soitere'ts t o d
which brands'avith 1 lasting \ iis . re e II
the partie4 to the 'ila ,i ipact. : Th - y o i
sally depaistedi tin ,1 .me . quarte -it s
true,. but 't at iris lA Scheme ,t' : colle t
more iadi iduat Strength, and to defeat 1 r
election by ithetpeotole,de • that-th y iltisir . t :
unite atterwa rits at re-elect Gti . '.l3ciut,
e f e i
well by the: sant° s ji l t :of bargai
(li 1
some proffii;atill politicians cons mutate
before.' To effect this purpose, lietY
4 1 . . i
mported J. R. 9iddtngs from , : .icd, :and,
.the FreOiSoilerS isnied Circular entreat ;
ing vat e riii where they could not elect a
member t4t_thelLogiSlature of
~ ._te itri ri l i a wn
faith; to COncentrallfpOß the D m - rat
io' noznin* :Vet t is • will be:el 'As
a victory l i nt 114Nronal Dem ejr.lii
-New' York', tie . opposing , wing . ..7 , dr-flie
party, led lon 14-+Maircyand Ts Burei,
1 coalesc for the sPeils, and rej ecte d l4 *es
el 01
olution. i ,theni - vontrantioOstistai i n the.
Compro Ise.' - 1 - 'lf they had sue Pailig
now seem probable; the organ ill' ha - '
att. withqustylunels that the Nit kir.
. llemocrakir have. achieved ano ho' t; i
umph. i 4 thui state where Wilmo :tad
his • folio, in ,''s,...he 1 prime leaders, and
managers' the At moVisment;-. 7 -
were publicly bought,. by regul r ii iza.
nations f r locid offices, to combine dri h
the lied': atihnal Democ tit; and
rherts ~ t 1 -didate.
.stood,;'. ', still
stands, o , .he ' cord as a supporter ft O
-Wine! Pr . wSich-vOte he as in. o
fo l rm, and stir it' manner retina! ted, -t a
success: ofiColi Bigler, which, w
plished bY! thin influnnce, by _ a sectarian
issue, andby a despicable defection iu t e
Whig parity, - id , also heralded as, thif t:-
4162 P 1 , of the National . Demo4ra :r A d
the same! ireniarks i would also - pply: t o
other States. 1 1
Itthus iji that theelectl ns nt e
North, wine ' I are' resulted in: av r f
our opponents 'haVe been occas . a , y
tlirs 1 I‘.
corrupt Cdalitiims in -every -instatic wi -
the avowed . enetnia ofthe,very me' tires
which their 'aiding resses now proclaim
as having- the;issues in the . c vas.
Frain beginning to'end it was a syi ern f
cuttninglyldtv*ed f and. and 'out lof hi -
a terrible rear ion 1 tltt grow... I t ;
cities they! shouted, or the. corn mi. .
:Here Col.! Bigler Id elaitned, in s feeble
wiiy,for niaintainiti it; whilain o . 13 a'
speaki trona - l i the' iind.t , %h _vi W I.'
1: $
mot. ha hired • ill to 'be a-0 11 to . 1
isine,'!:ni iniiiilved directly ori i 'y_
nri tic
-in the eate i vase i l and justified lb' if -te
its suppart, '?' anal it would 41 t t e:.
further i bead of slavery. Byr d :s -deVi
* and : 4. 01 !) deilliqi bet+ - - - 1r le 'of
Pentleit - yeti betrayed ii i i , ei, - -
-ql jubecOr tiu);-* - '
1 . ; 7 t
will li
a nbi
f , i
ull, wpiron
,his tan tipsily
h. '
it ;"1 °
Irabibite its fen etialeh se. ' - Payrer ea*
eePt.Pe. elen , e x tree ndee e eeesiene = '-
/XL'airaing ids=,` :4
• ,'4:eg i ee' l the
rt 7 r .
* F lpitriatisibrt d oteallipacii of the
nnify, it nitiy iisMuitri lii . fi4l( whist* the
Ir" ti r arint a kgi h e teemed.
WI 1 1 --Xo`e 4 111 /*2 l , " . : are largely
in, this f l isioadallt -A#lir ' ; 1 7 1 "" 1 been
id4taNtreat Wilketes at:"' .4a 4 inst7 e
lections. Ilwe go back te years it will
be found that:ihe Whigs ere quitej
badly dote ited in the fall go -
1839 al they
nOw are, and , yet in the fol toils .r year in
an electoral leollege of 4 rote 4 ,6. was
elected President by a majority of 17.1!
Let this .miaection insPire the Party
now. Let u$ cherish more i ferventlytha
ever those great principles Which have 8°
bmg been ear . ?filing erY , and /which
this day, stand before the world as the
PrineiPlell of enlightened- republicanism
and proems," .. -Leit its*ba4cliip Or cau3ei
Of &ammo*, and unite ' ,aa viii'luiveliirei
tofore dope-for . the:, gOOd 'o :A
be Count ryi,
tie as cast "liOde. all ii.errnal feeling
Wel May ins .any way prejudice to
Whig 'ciu- 42 Havi'lli:d"ile'thiA let 1 ;
meet our; brethi en . from all fork- Of the
ion in :a Natimial" Cokivention,' and
with'a catho lic .sp i rit accep t asacan i
- date.whoever i..
is-beat fitted' to administer
theirigli troiiy of, governMent, ~ a nd _
able to. call out e 'cotdial-i4xpre3sioti of
popular partiality.`..Acting _with_ these
motiveit, and governed ., by this
policy, the. ClOnds. which nOw hangi t i l ve
Our political.horizon will soon` disnppei ,
and be followed :by a etinhipe-,i of hop ,
which Will .Upsherin- nnothe'r, tictery, - eve 1-
ore brilliant than that which, 1 ailed if
, ._
him who Might well be_ styled ihe Her -
fAumanitv firm_ tine chapparel of Me -
ic,o to the-chief magistracy of the Unit.) .
Nora 'Ameri c a*. -, \ .: - i
ale SOW and: his -Irish - Prisoners.
• -;•.Wiefieltl. l 9 --- dott:_e:.ail.aultitig'..:4,llo; pi*nir , i- -
. .
iiikOit ekthei ba.ttle of . 14ueen.4toieti ••'. The
linseiswere 5ep.41.4 Qpetwe . ,::yriker., colt ..a! i,l . .
14 fellow 's pri.s.6oer4, isfi.' : Attteiti6iti:ibirth 'ire re
ex hanged; but e11..41 - o, : *ere:, : :tiiiil,• - o .
lmye beeti.:b4ruiU. alleghtiteeT- . ..tothe :iiritillt.
&kiwi' :were.'exeltitio &oh), the'*eertet - ,./ttul orr - -
llt recl on. board a flik, etiil4..6e' . .ii,q,:.„.:!4: . ) : Y.. 1 1,...,'L.":
is 14 to be - thi're trie..d-ftpt.---, high .treas on.: :liii
, J,ilci** an': account ; ..of - titiel:trttttattetiOu, .t lie :
0 1414 EiitkOit.4.BityA._:. - ..-.: ' ..,....-.-:,:--.-.:::.- _::,:.:-. -;-- - 11 .
.!. The Intjuiry : ititif , fliii;etiiti44 . ty,pf. t 'e
ri.ionertr . pri - keeiett: oe.. , the . -14.0. - -iif,thi•r:
tu tehich.they, had: heeo:•rizoofieeil.. - jtc: •p
uee iof-..:1
tl a great cotitmotiort•••••Lithe• - • - •Of-the'lki.4li:
Uiseuirsiwite%:hed . ,;.beekeet . ...l4lloiit ! . -A1:14 W
:iiiki±.leathlti.a triiil - :'for•-higli;t6ta.tit,
..' t Ile, i(le.. - of •the.,!lllii.. , Till4a;••
.••.thq. were- oni.ited•ehOard - T the rrivit4; -. 5c , 0 , ,.
I whu .vrai leltni, - ,lieiritig , the.tioise;i.rolted - 4k
- •!ek 7 -inquired
r - .
.' : terethi.lriitt4lo'lite fattlte4 : t4 : r i ,,a.
intiediMelf.oinpiileA lt4•pe ;h tl6;abL
4*er..anOther,.Tqu*o . w!,.-:44:rioletit quarrel
ensiteWbetweet:6im - ati4_tiigfigii4:Orglik
:iuWhich ho , eeii4l4"l:l44*„tttitiieuteo !
0 . ivitikirioleeek; - ...:-,130, t r :tsi: : rejiOlittely citili g lo
his..itofo,rpanat,,e*ii4;,:-:.)iii..-41!*e4! theni 4'
-itti4'ettgril;:interrulitiOU:4:frotit•, Out officer .
• i*vlioneil the illegality of.
414' ioletimliesAuretl -- •thent. that' the 'Aolem..;
r'Govern meta itroul'A:aieno•-eiv . • fiLlin off.;
...t.lietn •iyli).4toithl, be' exi.iittetiirt,i_lifih fre,.. ,
n.: - --11 - eireu - ,•eerOreiti • li* : zeal . that -' hr.:-.. 1
cime‘'ilf;ii.:ieery,r. lie. - wOokl:ltirtiselktiveligiOS 1
uttie . tu..tipOit - bi.' . .Irish' , -;brethren jn:arn*, ) 1 6r, !
..-: - fus ing to iO4.i. quirter -to • - ilui ' F.liglish• t ut.
• . • - tile',- or. by - . shooting *lien . r taken i i :!t :..'
item ; ) 1. ' • . -:._ -.
' - ' -, •_ •:- :-7.''.: . •••'''. .'-i ':;: . j (.. ' '
lie''• - 1..' '
; i• T, . Irish.- trere - ' • eeot ". to• - :' , .. - .Etiii'laild,- 7 ,b01:;
I v= it followed . this matter;
i fft;4o .: the, passage of an 'het:: titrotitrjh'el.,4•=••
I rieievestitie the l'resideht . ieithibelxiweriol:
.: 'telhitiOu4 Uhderrthie'stteti. he '' r itiek - .. - prigialti :
ii:ertil: kept ' '''le.ittage,.. -I,lietliy;three: .-Ettg-_;
lislutten4d it: :iret , . for thetwutr:.
hiree - Irish*: rt•-'! 96 ':-linjui4ly . ,- . - .*ipiiil44l.' from.
• it* at'llne -- - '.-..:.04 .- th - 45-*C4iiitiOn'tit . peit
.• .c" : -.4lii*,i i ,,# i.4' . .diw, .'fii:ini:;!.*iiity,:4llr,eo/ . iii
inpbetclittlitikti:'iiii4e:-Vti . i.lo:..StatOi;•C -, 4
_.,,!... t • tt;;.stili.Nic, : h6l4.;Zi t lit4.. t ipOllie `•.tl air: :4:•';i
'" 1 1 , ittneni t&ii atiiiaks'ltit• biifility' `', lands ~. alisf
ars of Oil.-
-yr itOd ict them'atei'e
owed. .' - .' -
: r ii Oiler riaderi . - - jil -read .' e;itli'.:.. - .'itetite . .'ititeref4
fie list of the names vf...:theee. -- Aiteii - :. , ••• • ',,Sonti .
j* thein . -•ife , yet - ...iiiive, -, •ifiid ~ .ihOiiitii.Ott;:'l,:lt- '
float of iheiti - ArC' s now ii• - ..the- hind-•hiit-t ; ''n';;liii
lil'ely reeolleetiiiii tlie'gr . ,at'eottitnandees.fde: - ;
4tioit tO._Oieir fathers, anti - -. ititiffstkitt, - Ofltte
:1,.•':, .v
o :. rtutlti :to •tii‘ tify, to h•i-t-th:e-ir.*titeJe;.-,;
14 of tietitkthree Aiericei . :iehliers:*
longtie to the-:)*t;Gtl, and :Iptt - jUnjW:
: : States . ierte,ciitut*ifat4o6lo4.:
!/.Uppt %ni4t,: • ;th:4iior,cotr.
18i:t,tt itilt:i7.lglei4-'for tiiii,'un
perteiif!oii;s.i : iii i. : 4
- , itOck'Oelinitieq
'l - iiipi*,GilliP ,-. , :- ..,•
&,tattheaiNueiey,! ~ 'TOhit'ftil4U, ••4: '.
Fletry7..Kelle7,:• ,!: .f.'Petrei: - Kiiii, l L : . I -'-'
Henti:lilittri...'-''. : ' - • . .-,JOliti - Fi . ithl, d ."
George - 211fcCatriatot t ~ .I'4l)ii.Willei;, :. t '.: \ - I'''..;
Wl'S': IN4t6, 0:: : -;,:; •••' • - • : . 'l4' Intl )_.9 - ri! .. 101,1.i, ' - :::- . \ . 1: :
Mithei.l'llohdin•'• - ::: - ; - ;taut' Citivit• ''••(.•:;--' '• - '1
obit Clerk, • :•'''' -- '..:.N. - ittlieui Shelle -; , ',' ,[.
. _ -
Peter ''Bitrr.,•_•' :.•- ::::•. . '.: Eiril.';, , MeGerriitu, I'°
Andrew . 13.41e i ' •:. -',:':. : '..401in I)iiiline,•' r'-'.---1-- . .
ohlt:Meqoirn- -;::.:' • :4bliiir::WillieW; ' : 1
. -••••• -'_': ':: ''.:- •.•• - ..'..,:1eti1e 2 1-olitiiti:ti.. , :;,:i . : i•'). 2 -,:• -• •••1- - :
.Sine D • f-- '
•In a neighboring .4o nty, the DeTiio
erais hill fir over twenty years- L ionel' ',,ii
the habieof htilding their county Womitoli. ,
ling 'conventions at the,..6use of tt!stalinoth
old. mo
DeciatZt Mr. 0:- , -.--7--. .. .
Ise haPPenea on'tl' e ii , calif °cP'
tfinfint time. tube ill W4 ll thel
,diea tbeir-Inoiness, and , heard .,
deleggTe *inn 11.7----; more -;thy
convention:An now adjo - utrs . o situ',_ _
i' Sinc die;" i ... 3 said. 111 i: G . toll a
person-etandingroear, ii whet e is - tpit 1"
- " Why :-41 inal l'YaY up ,in in th -. f n ' ir l h .
ere pen of this c9ully* * ,latid h . , 'beigh - :
I '`' r • . ' -,' :-. 1 ,r , ....J
0 Hold .
if_ yip , &Age. -Mr. - C#eer
*mg," Said---o G=--- with_vt e, ,eartieSt
ness_aed emrilue4; :i.liold,: i po. Or:: '': - I'd
like to he hearot;nis that tiu4*stiotY I have
''kePt - a P4) 1 14-4( l t4q l t9w. forptatirlik,tive!i
ty years. ; Ent - -4 imormatt. - 1 rie . alli . iaYa-
I?eee a olvernoe4io - and nnveriplit :T!ly tick
et. in my life. Thiai 4, ,thi , mast -'cantrat.
Jocatioo jo:thadcOo4it aa4 • it's ,`Where.
.Iwe'reallorsheld our eauctarti. : !l'littliimor
.had, liCakits.d , fin'offigeo ttel=llev,e u'rigked?
' , ilea Ana ; tilt) ; -fin: ttio
,Poi 4 ,Ye._ari (l -SO! - -I
lit9 l kvsirelik:'* ,l 4e.aa; jt , .0 0 ,i,etlitiftlekt - !°
go toa4i o Orainglhia`Pimav*lniOn' IT
to sine die.".-="nrit ft.ii"i Times. - - s. '
,': 1411111/111111111, lI , IFP
.0, ~,I ,
~ ,,7`.1,' . ; :?..... , -, -' ::^ .'• 1 ''''17.,41,1,134iday-'ilmi'•
; -
.W.i Thiriiir4
-4 ,1118010ruktann il id, lr l m 1 l io, iiiii i
•..fuldiVo.„_,ar . I— flimiSPlL'-', --
i 1 2 -r
I/41*We 4--fr.`,.. -, ill - aivieens* t
;:iniaw A Nik m___,__ l,ll, 7-1 1 2-x.7-- ---, ..'.'"'7-' ';7•
1101111i' 41141514:4,, 7- ia.4.- 1..:t0i, .i - IS -.-
vtti'_.i,'Wl,,f ~:.%'4"41-.;-7.itiii-
~ 4.0c,..,.. 1 _,_,
____.- --,-,,,..,1:' -,..'3'.;.,,1vi,-:-_-,Noy,'ATtftf-
'.2,a 1- 4 .lkirll -4 .:- - ' • ' h
- - t
- - -
T • 'NO' OF ;41 Y. at -11;')C
Qom) , ilakk 41140 *Namilli.D s
_ - Ltit wit
cm; m.. P. IL •
A - 1144;g04.1-- `AteilallodAt., k i k INC
. 0 1 kot•*. L
4044`g e r s ini,k4 •L = ,F
VAL It• 1-4 -.., • • 1 0 „ D r .
G gea s
„gi ft !, 11 PAL tit* G.
o Mitnne dlx4. 7 .1/ 1 1 PAL &Mum; 10 P.M.
- t` ' '• "
re* 4 1 f 0 01nVAI foi Amtro pelmet
lapsi r
rEeisitt ascisTE i t,
( 1 1 eeldY Newordm)'i
MONTROggE v St 513.C0. Lr y 1
J. C. lkil.L.Eit.
...TM'S& -
Dillar andFlitY Cents per Vim ; - '
cash actually in a dvance.
Two Dollars if paid . within the yea r .
-T+o Dollars aThrrillY gems if riot pau
untilkfier the expiration of tbe year. -
No rubicriPtioa will 4 eftvitittea to re
main unsettled Linger then Iwo Yes?* :
These teTin3 will be rigidliadi lierellia ,
1 itxres OP sorearrarno. .
One soup*, one week,' ',- - 11050
each •i l uh;equent weck , ' ,
Busine‘s Cords Per ane arelikritb P 00
aI ) M 3 ,
* *A liberal disciountc made to yea r i
~ rN
'1 tat liturrtirtmtut
0 ICE! •
T'" hale firm of IL: "Strarle &Co.'" diiittliat-Z
-.T e onies amlawontite are ati-prelleat tha
Atantlii . of the rubscliber, ait
'Turnpike. I k 111%4. riearly„opii/tstre:
where all - those haring uo - ettleitatanainta ari l , • _
intlebteitto the fitnr, will please, 'call and adjust,
the onntti inithdut furtlirr 'nOtice...Paytnittita Way . :
lie-miule to rither.of thltite 'Partneri, D:Searle,
;L. Searle. or to-- -SEARLE.
montrioe. tatv..2l; - - •
. •
N()Ttoo. is lieieby givetiihalithe,aadtriiiptef
ha t - + - 1'! - appolitte i l A h ini4iator of. the toR
tale of the-late EphraimWallia , r, late of the aria;
stiip of 4•loop,..iler.'il. perltia*lntlebted tumid
estate. are re s que.,iteil to_fet.tle.thOtatoe halted late
ij and all 1a.r..*44 havio*ilettando. .
tii!e will*.duly,atteated lt) . the 'Pular&
tier.. ' J.l-11F4 YOUNG; 'itdia'r..
Jamul). btoi. 17; i851.' ' ' -
T HE upd.ersistned, state
„Ep hilki -: -Nifallier. Aka will. ,
eel on thi- preini.e4 in Jessup tovribhip. on Satin; '
any the 29th day of Noir:naxt at.. 10 oeliieki•A:ll
the 'following pnitiarty; to wit: • '
2 two year old Cfilti=l - yearling }lei.:
fer-2 - Calvett w`p-borse Lumber Wi
gon---tlight Car r iage--I'sett: of „double
fi[arue:42..!, - velva - gifantity Itay ia the
,barn ; 50 bushel. 4 of Oatd, and other arti
,eles ton numerous to mention.
Kane moott)fL-re ht 'Fitki approved vicinity ea
all :itua,:oiier 4t-under tkt amgatit.ctoirdown.
t, _ •
- . •1. •1 - - • -• J - _ • -
Put ~ufb Petaer iugt.grued
lint fur z!,4le by .
If" - 2 , ( ki -- • . -
- Broadwen -Neißunt S arch Lustre
- Eva . itiai4rkeLii.beti4.o-williOire A ;giant tiois
j: • iir Linetmplija,ll.;kirbt;..ithirtkeasbricii,
etc.,ntie - 4rni! tlitvii4 . ed to'Sfiirt COirfac:,
furies. For
Blpiltrwe',.NUv F 20, ISAIi A. TURRELL'
ienan o.
. g_
.. HR. C. U. HARRIETT, - -- '-
.., ; . ,
VOitMER,,4Ir, Of the city ofNew iTA 'ears.
12- c4this opportUnity-, Of MA:tit:deg .ha nisei
frieittis.itel patrats,,,and.thoselavtifable hi aitili- ,
titita mtfile of 11-vdropithc trate:set, thit lie-hsi
with:free., n liiii-elf entirely ,_feet: 'llOl. :that
Ptvatiet Water Cnie,",(Of which hawas ktoeil ,
part:. Pr4rietor, and its. residtat ,fkikisur,) silt
opened an establish - meet forlfie reliefof Itisesiii
of an - Infteitatoryand 'nitwit - 4 .chanieter;i.
- 'lle institutes:. is; located 2} -miles hoe*
beautifuland-flourishingtowu 0 Biagiaintei, en
the East ...l e of the elit t eartg:?, River, a nd is st all
'tidies a • *ble.taihe.,cant going,Eottr West,hy
a Ole:tate und iticiaresque ride of 15 mates 4 .
tattimi t i n will her.lfter be knurl as_ the -" • .
. ft i go . aftr..,eurt, ._
~D a. a B. Rau:arr. would ;melody: ilirett th ,
attentioti of the sick and 'afflicted t l a. cited Mt
-considerate.-perusal of the,fiillirirstaiiialists;
`which" if properly heeded !RlP:Tavel sersted, •
',tram becommg tlfh,ittites-of qua " and aa:
.1 -, 174. 1t , li Th nt e lnStitatitet-Avil l .be•repplied.lnt - it .
- renew: eu. pawerful lyitpour; Doucliaaisi ,Svyvt
Baths, all a thoe'catetke, of being ael ta Seri
desreinf temperatita aPplimble 'to the im i tate- -1
.ate , sants . of the platient's•cm, ' ' 1 - -•' )
. - 2nd, The use of i her abethi is i'ihniniot , y, -,
rpr; Bratett,(prmictedaritlireeticougivearnadiaa
to time are' strictly , .and unalterably foloavi) ea
GihtlikiTEED.o mite ALI:, Diftlitlia WU i AU (Tic i
BLK ; - audit: Moseheyond the 'reach V"; manila _
to health, Veiief. ethe 'met grate fa I asktaitisfiek
ry*raetriffill be obtained; •• • - , .
1 • siti; his it is well knottif foculitt in. a iamb.
' like_ thi..4: liable at all timi - titio roam'esiltit- .
sitiktiga-t; under .which a feeble arid dehesiectiMi ,
lunge i-t compelled to.vielti to it. _dtthilitehlf.t-
thience., the successful of
.... Cold . , W v ettri
through, a Ina: and tigid wetter as apphal_b, tie
Care Dactore tot ins dal. a -
self styled," Water, I be
.. ,..... 4 .i. .
tho se who are stvuitfortutititi4to . ,"'"ir - .._
beeome - iti , stir pf tient wr ..
boarding !mates called ". Watet.cotrt"' mtt4 ner_
etsarily be to say the, leass,4 it. of very .iii, ,. I
si a *lt X WV -
~ .ina eutpicitaut ail:Meter; -.l_, I
1 _
\of er. leaves the pt•or
.:.utterer wom . bte . lo.
'. P icei,Notkie etiterbig its p . a.:slit. - t o ll this ,ro ni.. .
• front ail tem of CharlatantAa 9"1 .
40 7 1- ve .
'Ed by dome. who eager to tolealleda , . _
only glanced at the shadint:ahils ..
. t . I r bil: : comniu,
of.tharractiect I.4far. fair beY . ondthM ,_., i 'llunk,
intillacto. ' Briiaatlie_ user ii_nArra d o, a
ner.a very power(ui and, . l .in unskillful
~t 4 tic ,
very oat - erns *Ren- iviu "" 4 _,_ l "L l Mieratin
taro tore of that ur...-iti uidi i th e l e etb.:
habits:Of ldb; Am , : .of t!. )e ',.. 1 1 1 : ,4,, t h e i r Ueda I
: unfortunate !"“*l,"t he . "
. ft that 4 44
: 4th.- It hot unfteq, -. e have
cuttiary resource 'lrlt oh a 11 1 4 4 te . tii i ii i bi.
his itemediate:ctintra lue_if is. '-
- • - 1 1,0;
as to retalarii - iiivible Inr bun - l a - i it it ii ‘
; :or : $10 - p -4- week. ror Stant, ail .-„.ikrrsli g. . itrot „
required Of hipi: i9' become An ,nrn l ,4 l : L e ! id: . hy i
three Otoistki. - , Ikthos'intin =w o k& lx... - 1
pea: meitua;intirii thitiEM: 4 l *m a,' die *CAA.
se - i i " v4l4 ! th e ' Pitt . i 'l - e ickarilt
.not •aii-.;.
‘;ta peroiatil *simian** ofjh a mot, la._
4 u i r sd.simar ro thu.eer - I I • ..;,3., - or= eillbni t t,
tree'titecjii !kirk a nd . - 1 4 11...77 but two ,,, t u t z
'o*-1 61 4thiti 61 - 4 :_ _,..-''' " 4 f le e medigekt
1 4,
~,ele,),inoviisie...c.,_l4 .r_irom...,,,
ibeit,-treitairat,Sts kird ih t‘ ct i ons 16 ( 40 ,
~( ak ir kti:- with :OM I'lln A l a vl i ppill . Oiled ft -
tiiiCl* until the;, •,.. .••- I • \ -• •
- . ' `'sior• (both '''el to o by-
.: ',lll *Mine' . Mon ey-, , i . and kit i
ii* - no r are oared to thi.. 'A mn - st
thO 0 , aoitatiorittisse oft , .7 A iis,
Ea.,. *as eoAbli-buient - , -. r its ii
- • - eltii kii,:i h -d" 'Milli aiihati it4 %., a ci te - riistitiid"
-iii . : . principal; jinipitals 6 `"•i i i'id Air itikuesw- '
~ .o r i' -rounirt igid‘orlikit o o:- t i n i s iaftbea
•,'fil .-uklivaiirlitisiigi,."-
,1U ' p t
:ad jtsflAtTFIA are around _ i 'f'••`!"l ill at e l l 'aiall it
s . -.. 114,. folikrilivja!,*the'. l "q T. hate
' Oetiii taitt'i;lici•lPOLis#:,i'lk-,,_.4l7.;;;Td e pess se
irWillWaSse s l, l 4 ! 15 '' , , , ,''''..••....-.k - . - z , ' -.':-
*iiiitet9a...'-•: - •i•••'. , ;.1 '::71 4- ' 'l '
'::. li ittilliV - Z '
"- Patientil n i l o l Ir '' DilleiC10 1 : 111.
:- -'il'lsSeistebr stuAlresir'•!-F i r it i o ado4; : •: -
iiiissti:7o4.W.4 .. : ll , 4 * .- - tikeblit.P.
. il ls - i=arle fi'4 l ! ea ar***st
'ut t
tr po i t y*- - ~1,',•. .-,
cirl l o- I *. , ` 'lt - fr. ',-•••:',.. ' --..„,". _ .
a lkOe
i Vendue!
Water Cure.