The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, September 26, 1850, Image 4

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    . s.
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.. s o ur Prospects ,sut• zillitilnts
Fir,. W4ll Inflaters of ahke Co unty - . semen** , ra- - _. i ,
thidAratkisisAft 34 - whei,ona of the tac o'' i'l The Whip of thiiiSkountytanu..ip
a ' ''• Apied a more trhant nosAen i . t
n ,car Ammerbly. vOTED PuPt-V E-10 #7,. ; sent time. W ti ered 10 4 na).
ERat LE ,S,ltifiL - ATTE ',,t4 W, fair thelN- 'adherence to principle must ultimately
' - ' "1
Al E I RIXS ' indications fulls , catifinn as iis th is belief t
C SED P 47 of the NeiNgbers of the; LegKa- I giurious success of our causes' Itb. e
ture, stflo RAPLNItT , OF ' 11E- $' - , ..._ . . -
cheering news that Whigs -are- buckli
of ly all the officers of the State. , parts of the county end district , wehai
W ?alley also reniember that Isaac - A'sekkii: , : armor, and pre p aring fur a maul defe i
of Great Bend, the other rioreinee, if also" in factor i pr s s apsis i • That they ma y es chew d '
o,‘ these acts of the lastlegislamre mad WILL NOT I come in Whatever guise it may—whe no ,
VOTE for adv REPEAL Re left the County
or - in the more open and arrogant cuts
. honeyed prefessitnet of radical locof , _oc
soorrafter his nomination and is still absent. He tnent, - by political panderers , who omt :
.DAR E NOTstartd a - guertionlirg on there - in - ens- pied for years in denouncing and . umin,
uress IVs eve an extract frost .a letter just re Whig party, its principles and it all
Whigs love diet rprinciples 4 1
ed from that past of the county . :
t e lefenc:3; wc of t th i e no tule da ng wo n'i ng l*h inA:, , cantharis
"Some of the locos aboont here are threettening
to cot Reckhow from the tiaket. believing he. we:
oil on , purpose. to shirft,- a questioning about th
ed from the minds of dr5.....- a l l orofo ____ .
a r reTow sundered; the derne' cayenne;
" small note . law ;" and one lees told me if the swoki „ s to a ;list se
, I. sta,
whigs ever wanted a ;Representative , now was the '.'. •- -6 • t '' is r' ter' spi r its of ' tare
mew own tu tares ether, sprits of Lay
time to sectire one." • lir,•antimonial wine, oil cs
der., brimstone 'sulphur, putts
Will thei voters remember that the last legisla- res tim a l n cc l g fo ni r ce le r d ai fb
empty seanQifiem ijore bottleaud vial
tuns asOt. tlie l ' State a //UNSHED 2710115.A.ND - ' corks
DOLLAREroore than the Whig legislature of '47. fi rst testes°, • .
agerandiat s .. e newspaper might be filled in
Will the) voters remember that if they want the the butyl! to enumerate the one half of the
small note law repealed-the fray of the members aisothfor sale at Tuatunes. This is the
increased : by the last legislature, reduced—the pay la r st r o buy Goods, find to buy them cheap.—
of Canal' Commissioners and the salary of officer,' s inlind of Drugs are kept h ere, and from
; variety and quality °Mem, great inducements
eia down - to the amount they're‘ived previontak,
-7, offered physicians to make it their place of reg.
act et the last legislature—if you want therfillar purchase. The public generally are invited to
done then VOTE for ELHANA N ...441i - I call and examine , the quality and prices of goods.
_siind Dec. 1849. ABEL TURRET, T .
Senate, 31mm( • Mors and Eassate leets,
Assembly: Wha say you, tsii9o,. curry- ,
..$) re, cu
1 Pe p-
--- done.: s . ..„„.•
•!____s is e'oms, Shovels,
; I . The Coalition. •
The rote in liteldies;stiel•yards l
We have just received intelligence that ties Old . . ....sea Be ll s, cork Screws
he ad
Bunkers and Free Sellers have united. Free Soil " t _ s MMVnnion. , .
is adead letter in the Twelfth Congressional '''' s '
s Pocket Knives, Table Knii'es A Forks,
ss -
and shoe Keives, Raizons Handsaws, Aug
trick so far as it effects the Dens
.. s' ens Gimlets, Sim Mon's Axes, Shears and Scissors
This has been brought asisTrOtl erne-s, Paints. . Pure White Lead. ground in Oil, and
--ss- es, Jew- I dry, Red Lead; , Yen. Red, Spanish briavn, Lamp
triguessetniery, die. ike.
Wileittia ' Black, Yellow Ochre, Paris Green, chrome Green,
;:. 7 , .. -.- EILL---sDealer in Drugs, Med- Imperial Green, ; chrome Yellow, ground Verdigris,
?ea s elsemit:Ai, - Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Gro- Prussian Bine, \fermi/ion, Bronze, Umber, Terra so
si*Dripixiiks, - -Flardwitree, stoneware , Glass- Sienna, Ivory Black, Black Drop, Pat. Yellow R6.4e
'*;..efeelfs * ,'Witte l tieti;''JewelrY, Silver's poons, Phik, Black Smelt.' eurcunait, Red Saunders, ' '
Radler, Musical Instruments, Trusses, Surge- of Lead, Litharge.i ete- •
; :s- Pserusuents,s Liquors, Perfumery, Mirrors oi/s. LinseAdil, a variety of Lamp Oils, Lard
ititonsry,ltruithess Shoes, Yankee Notions, 4.e, Oil, Olive Oil. - uer's Oil s caster Oil, and all the
--- essential Oils. i . •
Varnish.—Furniture, coach, Leather and Mare
ticb Varnish, etc. , -
Sm& Turpentine; caniphhie, Rosin. Spanish Wl•i
-ting, Putty Glue, SIMI shellac, copal Gum, Emery,
Red and White. chidk, Bath Bricks, Pomise stone;
Sal. soda, Burgundy Pitch, etc.
Brushes.—Paint, !Varnish, counter, clothes, hair,
Flesh, Tooth, Nail, striping, Graining, marking, Ar
tist, sash, Tool, Horse, If hite- wash, scrub and shoe -
Brushes, etc. ; . .
Bye Stuffs. 10, Madder, Logwood, Niewood,
Riper Nic , camwo ndig od,,F'ustick, coperas, Alum, Blue
Vitriol, Annette _eochineal. Muriate of Tin, Red
Tarter, ;Extract ofiLogwood, etc.
.Acids.—Nitric, 'sulphuric, Muriatic, &c.
Glass Ware.--ties And Vials of every size
and de4cription. ii:Nvholemle and rettul. A variety
of specie Jars, andffineture Bottles, Glass syringes,'
Peseras, Nipples shells, -Nursing Bottles ; 'Tunnels,
Tumblers, Lamps, candle-tateks, preserve Dishes,
salt-cellers, Lamp chimneys, Pepper Beams, car s
boys, Mirrors and Mirror-plates, ikmijelins, win
dow Glass, Breast Pipes, etc. ,
Stone Ware.--. Tugs of all sizes, IButter Pots,
cream Pots, preserve Jars, pitchers, sieve Tubas'
spittoons, &c. ,
Clocks and - Watches of nearlycvery de-eription. 1
good and cheap. Clock Fares, Verges and Keys, '
;Vetch Guard chains. cords and Keys °f ill sorts.
Jestie/ry. "Lialiest. and Gentlemen s Child Bosom-
Pins, Finger Rings, : r Hoops, gild and silver Pen- ;
cils and pen studs, slides, gold Beads, cie. '
too numerous tom non. '
Silver Ware. ' Over Table, Tea and Desert
spoons, sugar alto els and Tonge, salt: spoons,
Butter Knives, bleak,, etc. Also, silver-plated
and German salve spoons, Witt/mule Ware, etc.
Spectacles.—Lid cis and gentlemen's silver Ira-,
med Spectacles, all er plated, Merman silver, steel;
etc., and cises long; and short. ..
Steel Goode—Steel Beads, bag and purse clasps,
purse Rings, Tassel, Slides, etc. .
Yankee Notions.-,A great variety of 'small but
useful and tenets Articles too• tedious to mention,
ouch as combs of every kind, ear spoons and twe
zers, purses, pocket mirrors, youth's Telescopes,
jewsharps, pocket books, pins, needles,- shaving
tools, chemical powder for miser-strops, key rings,
etc etc. ,
Pistols, powder, shot, lead, pcnider flasks, gun•
wormers, gun caps, pills; and flints, safety fuse. etc' A_ s'o Dairy-men and Farmers.
Musical ',lnstruments.+Nlolins and Aecordeons Valuaide I Property ' for Sale.
(the best assortment eve introduced into the coon- •
)ailrTia - iiportation line. 1 ty) at wholesale and ,tail; also, Violin Bows T H. f° ll ‘ivinte, Real and
~ Personal Estate, as
, P. .. - CARPENTER, Rail ROW! Freight Line I, strings , brid g es ' M . g s ' taftt pieces and rosin ; Bus herein4fter described, situate in New Milford,
s s ~
I 'nettirtin Great Bend asid New York. viol strings and bo ws, , fed, Flutes, Picelos, - clari Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, will be sold at
nets, Reeds, Tuning fele% Instruction Booksfor, a great issrgain 14 aey one who may choose to pour
irEßYday in the week, Sunday excepted, for
the Niolici Accord Fait clari net,l
ee. The real 'estate consists of seven hundred
;1,106:: . 'itains 3 - iptEs Wiectias. N. V. ,„ sssses 2 ...Ahdnunani
e-91' ' sippeCuterstm=ecrtsc- acres,sfive hundred of which are under improve
-1 ter *Till Commence to receive and forward 1 ".."-- /
fren - Great - Bend, -on the first mst, and I tea in ens and on which are four dwellinghouse
great variety and of most approved patterns. , m
21edical Instrtnnents-I-All the varieties usual.), seven barna Ile farm is well designed for a Dai
ue to receive and forward produce da il y to I ~, . , ! ry, and is capable of feeding we hundred Cows du
P . '. „Ils - i'ekham thriughout the • seisms Cpat.l 'lc" for °F Pliraelana. I
Li :wrs.—Choice Liquors for medical purpires. •
I. ring summer and !winter, and every part of it well
alairl'itifil Veneta fa New York, to receive 1
__, q - ;
ssmndv Rum fitn, Wine, etc. (a variety .watered with springs and streams. The buildings
p e ,ferwarti s tlio - shini; and front the torts ex- 1 such
each,) Atka : !_ ,• ,. . and land are in good condition. and on the pr i
m Ifiiinsinlteis, they:flatter th emselves 1 ° ea '') • °L) Whisk y,
etc- etc- '
rthit e os e y „ th s pomm i tt i the mood mars Perfroser,v..-r-Erracts, tairlagne, Rase Water - and , sea are-about five, faecal good Stone Wall, and
iiser,;:r:•Vii'is retartis will be paid by N. V. meta Bags, snaellina saltS, Toilet Amides, Fancy
• the other fences are also good, and on the wood
*eat:Great Pend. soaps, Ox Ilarrovi Bear'sl Oil, Tricopherous, Hair': buulore large quantities of Chestnut Timber, which
1.650. 'N.k' V. CARPENTER. Tome, Flair Dye, Zte. 1 . I will supply-the fiirin fur utany years to come, and
Stationer,y.--FOols-cap ; awl Letter Paper, Quills, i which will also be valuable for building the Rad-
Black sand, Ink, :EnvelOpes, Wafers and stamps, road which is scion to be bbilt up Martin's Creek.--
sealing Wax indaeals, Gold and steel Pens. Pen I Said farm btis a very pleasant and desirable toes-
Holders, Pocket and Table Ink-stands, • Bw i nass i t, i Gun about ieven miles from Great Bend, through
coos.: Fend* slates, Water colors &. , r. I which the Nen- York & Erie Railroad passes, and
Boots, .ahneii.avbips Candle Wick, Twine, A m i about eneiiiile from the probable Depot on din
Thread, Bahia. spool stands, Whale Bone, _ mu e 1 libirtirisCrelek Railroad, which will lead from the
fere, Travis, ' ullestickis, laupps, Oil Blackie s ,
Blacking, ; Lackawanni Coal and iron Mines to intersect the
sponge, f'rin Po li sh fur scouring, Rotten slum,' 1 New York .4i Erie Railroad at the Great Bend. It
and Bath 136 same, Black Lead, Patent Palb s . ! can be very advantageously divided into five fasters
Tubs, clothes fii I,,RaIS - Bushels, A x .het ess sra . lon four of which would be the necessary Dwellings
eibles, candy, I emlock Gum,. window tads Oil and Outshoeses, Fruit Trees, Ice.
cloth, earpetiri sand, paper, Baskets, 'Tin Ware, With the alx)re will be sold a very large stock
Ploughs, etc. et . . •
il i a
of C a ttle. flosses, (tr.., including Durham Coble, ,
Drugs and , ieines.—Turkey gum opium, rad. Working Oaen and young Cattle, and also all ue
and pule. genic , e turkey theubarb, east Mat also. comma , istplementssof husbandry for carrying o n .
morphiie sulp as and whits veratria, strychnia, said f4ll° , e t i s 4erwes,
petals hydriod, creosote, red and white precipitate,. T he Je1"241 of Sa le will. I '9, as 1 01 10' 6 3 : --One;
sulfate de qu' ine t calcined massisesiasressian cas-.1 four th of 'thepechase money far the Real estate
tor, red oxid e I iron , ! . nux voauca, licorice, cart , will
. be leg ",..,iired- at the time of -purchase , and for
iron, "lun e bege, turkey run myrrh, sulphate potais- swext•Frarurg Utensil else a , half chnitiond the
sa, cobalt, ce r, ba, tvloeynth,' snail mastich,'eal: residue to bq Paid in equal aunbal instalments, with
l a
omel, tartar e ie, rad and pule; Orris, oxalic id interest isimtlally on the whale sum unpaid, to be
raft and pu/v. umbciYulphate of zinc, saffron blots computed Nanalie full. delivery of psis/session, the
soins, prepare ' hials.,:eauslaninni seed, coriander di first instalment peptide in th ree years from the
caraway do. ' ,E , puly. gentian, tones beans, steel . dii ve9 - • °I Pl:.'Oessieti , and the whole; mount to be
dust, gum kind e, Beatinnonium, floe, zinc; 'ems peld'svitliki lei jeans, (NM ' thC.-410,,t0 be secured
seise sublime . 'safiltnine lept o ns flog lilakial4 b .l - . * 444 -4• ll4 N°r!liage- Ina PPW4iC; I3 to be giv
freuch chalk, b . ' nth enbant, eatiiia ; sulphuratirat,- e n . on ttie;',gri:day..9T Asiril;fofil s with the , privi
dove* - 'dews A -be -' " - se a t e r 011;1 Mi c - '° f:llt i A l .ts', l .9-ciro.P!.e4Vii4"4:, desired. A
TIM BtosTmk:-5,7,-,7,
trar.a.meN Acting Edito r.
[During the absence of the fruyielet in tie duties
of his a .poi+4te &put,
Whig Nominations:
./013,1117A- DUNGAN, of Bucks county.
..,,-401iL AUDITOR 46-101glitALi
BERBY. W. SNIPER, of Union county.
/I.I4I33PIitHENDERSON, of Washington.
-C. ADAMS', of Bradford
elm Bros,
'FLHANAN. SMITH, of Wyoming.
MYRON M. MOTT, of Siisq'a. Co.
HAIWING, of Wyoming Co.
>IRA SUMMERS, of New Milford
HOMER 11. FRAZIER, of Montrose.
;GEORGE WALKER, of Dimoele.
' . - ' • Amnon;
JOHN S. BIRCHARD, of Middletown.
For Repeal of Small Note Law.
AEkdion., October Bth.)
Mow Goods.
('COTS dr.CIL4TDLER, having purchased the
[4ere formerly occupied by J. Lyons, have re
t and enlarged the same ; and are now,rec.eiv
*Prruis New Stock of Pry Goods, Groceries,
mire, Crockery, Glass- ware, Jap'd ,Ware,
lying purchwed our goods for . cask we feel
leatook ma offer,lo our friends and patrons a
better bargains than can be had of our neigh-
,'vets clo s ice lot of Prints, Broadcloths, Cassi-
Vestiags,,Ciinghruns, Linens, Ciunbrics, Hand-
Pefs . ,;*.e... lase Satinets,Jeans,Tweeds, Tick-
Niukk,.sheetin g Wand Shirting% Diaper and
Kilid and White Flannel, and all the small
lke Needlei and. Fins, Silk and twist and
ke'a sewing cotton, warranted to be just what.
nwsents,,the , 'very best thread in use.
isui - • Sugars, Teas,- Coffee, Saleratus, Tapioca,
Coco, Paste, an excellent article for sick-
Turk, - cod fish, mackerel, tobacco, and En aft
ter with old Dr. Jacob Townsend Sarsaparil-
jao, as *genii -for Wrtsom & Co., -we have Tio
Stoves, Pipe,' Pump and Lead Pipe, and Oast
frevery desciption, cm land or made to or
, Maeticing,Machines, Mill Cranks, Sledges,
, f rig of various kinds, Settles, Door Squeeze,
y Not baying time to enumerate but a small
*3:3 of 'our stock, we cordially invite all to call
,* us. • *
, •
A Pew days Later!
?,y lyafraffenet and Itsterestistyr Neste I—Areec
r- , Dal Mine rho:veered near home II
'J. I f yons az Son
now receiving a large and fashionable as
rktaisrtment of Sommer Goode which they will
=wr readr pas at very low prices.
'! . t drop an, Ladies and Gentlemen, and exam
gilreost mthing to see and but little to buy
hat you want
• irill-find us feta few days longer at the old
where we'irtl. 'be happy' to wait upon all
tfaibi us with a call and where we • are
t. " some* yet, but after a week
.' s ltfociltrfcf 10 a little further up-town.
Pe 4114flu'd oftfreadg pay," even small bill*
~ ,! arose, May 18, 1850.
AtiftlitAtfAi r.- .
.00 0 *** 144 k **SO s tore.
`v; su bseinibeibiened anew Store at Great
east-ftglargty opposite the Mansion SAM,
he-is-isowssoetving a large and entire new
;ofT6frindi;*lfith he-oilers for sale en the-
Iplefota•sf. , ,.. :- .; . - -
L Pim:arra-41miB!croa.. , ms-=-Coss Panutetn.Y.
iVtack.iiibileis if extensie - rtmcnt of
' - Groceries, Crockery, dware, Boots
~,, ; Ifiti and Cazps, cly- made Clo
4 iiiiicliliaibleen ou d in New York at
rt . cashinices; 'maim respectfully invites
Ile fir"Basqueluinna county and vitinity to
Jliast else
, Weitperfencein the business eniibles•him
Sas - its it The best
suiYastogei and having
r anisivangement With an agent in New York,
ill be constantlyring•Additional supplies
l'aireete4rxiis. v.- - ,
filons; 7 =Proilo%,:Thik te Fish, wholeiale remit
i'4 7 " alOck"will be kept coustantiv
,at Ihnjorplt,i - 4i
nicee. Being determine
any dealer west of New
- "stiectlAt direof the public
sage. 4 A' 12 - Si LENELEI
; 44 044471 4 1 OW
jxnet, ... nos _moist - arsenic; castor' iiit,
temerie, sem feniiireek,istibett &irk; rocitell, ep; ,
som and gianber salts; senna,innir root, mats of nil
tri, (salt petre) vitirrnseed, 'pule. gaNialleirpo,:yefi
lied,Ou. caw Phor,l tad 'ginger, dram and ameriar '
eaj'enne, putv. - cubebpnic cantharis,goldeP se l 44
cream of tartar, tirt, alic acid.-sup titittisodir;iiidziot
i sle, jidape, ipecactiatarifie seed, 14'410* Pel
Itivirw" , Tir , rdti- ° i2 n4'el', o f l , 'whrW,gligEnn
'antbisaqiloll ellid 4 . llllo . l nitiwiliiiitl.-rildsl,4l
fir, iitiektfrpent irie,**.i taito*,...,ttoo6oitalii
root, Sal arnmani4.4 .04't Irak, 7stor,'
titioti flit ood ,
W iki c: 4,1111a .: 444-15144 1.---.. 1 4 - 3 1 *.
a : 40 1 ;1 14 9 21 cFM/1 1 / 0 1rifl;funr °lei
lora, airies: ' Vperivikito 'aimatense; if.*
sop, sesseco ` Make: ' Aad ralertan„eng, and dutch i 1
covraiiis pods and ifo ititaielbt 'alba, refined borax,
' - 'New Orin!
riIHE subscribers have commenced business un
der the firm of S. R. Sayre it Co., and are now
opening a new assortment of Goods, consisting of
almost every article called for. We intend selling
mostly for ready pay, shortcredit will be given to
those (that may wiaL) that .Lave been prompt in
meeting their payments. Goods, wilt be sold as
low as at any other store in the county—by good
attention, and low prices, we hope to get our share
S. In addition to the above we have in con
nection a Tin and Sheet Iron establishment, where
will be kept a general assortment of Stoves, Tin
Ware, Sheet Iron, Castings, Hollow Wares &c.—
All orders in this line will be attended to imrame
diately. Merchants that wish to buy, to sell, will
be supplied with Tin Ware,Stove Pipe, and Stoves,
on liberal terms. S. H. SAYRE ik Co.
Banneu.--Spting styles, for 1850. A great va
riety of all kinds and qualities, for sale cheap at
S. H. SAYRE & Co.
Hats and Cap& —Gentlemen and Boys' Leghorn,
Wool, and - Palm Leaf flats, by
J. Jenninfe new patent preridum - and safety gas
lamps, consisting of church, parlor, -store and shop
lainp‘and-the patent Phosgene, for burning in
the same, for sale by • S. IL SAYRE & Co.
Sole and Lipper Leather, Boots and Shoes, of
all kinds and caalitiwl, by S. H. SAYRE d• Co.
Window Sash and Glass, codfish and Mackerel,
Salt, Lime and Plaster, in large or small quantities
by S. H. SAYRE & co.
P/oughs.—Binghamton, Montrose, Skinners Ed
dy. and Mott it Fuller's Ploughs and castings, con
stantly on hand.
from—English, and Sweedes' square bars, suit
able for drag teeth, by ; S. H. SAYRE dca
April 10, 1850.
Ready Made Clothing.l
AGOOD assortment of ,, Ready Made Clothing
for sale cheap at the store of L. S. LIINECEI3I.
Now is the time to buy.
Great Bend, June 31`, 100.
Stoves. Tinware ike.. -
WE have now on hand a great variety o cook
!' ing, Porlor 'Una shop stoot, which the will
sell for cash of ready pay cheaper than ever among
onr Cooling stores are the-following kinds :
The Plumnix Air 'riga, the very best stove in use.
Improved-Rotary. " " " '
" Extra Large Oven. " " "
" Irving. n U .
• " Iron King,.
" Whiteside's flduble Oven. " "
" Rough and Ready.. " " "
" Elevated Oven, Premium and other stoves o
almost all kinds, Parlor stoves for wood and coal.
Also an assortment of stove trimmings, Tin, Cop
per, sheet Iron and Zinc Ware. Any article not
on hand made to order on short notice_and the most
reasonable terms.! Purchasers will save money by
(giving lass call before buying, as we are determin
ed to sell ah pricer, which must suit any one.
ii2B • _ ROSE dt SIMPSON.
gtod and in iv t i#atile title ;wen. . .
The above•descriheil pmperty : belongs to the es
tate of -8..14-rmarr, late , ,of siaid.eounty, demised,
wad as pore, desirMile property.has. not at anytime,
inAhlecountry, been offered - Praele,
no Ettentoil3oo.theritstekrerd'aptirchasen3: - pe r g
sons 444644 fe- eilistinoneys in Real ,Estati and'
in good Stock, cannot do better than to iiilfatid
angnfArtret . F*YALTP.Cheirr - Wa
iplita `llLikeYleil
tio,._rd` 46l/ tonrnatAlgplf
itaMy,r4er tettNelets3hektosy bCrettnfr
rekirAbeztvag— :CI
-RE SriII3NTLEY, Meylert,
S. FL SAYRE dr. Co.
Dr. RitreTt3r's Celebrated, Family
MEDICINES--Ahead ojall other*, and unani
mouldy oPpiorcd t—"Phe Pcoduetions of d-li
oensed6rryeoh and Physician of ‘, 0 .0 years prac
tied eaperiesicit.
RarrEarr ' s BALI[ or OttEAD,—Among all the
remedies befbre,the public: this stands pre-eminent
in the early stages of Coniuneptirm, Bronchitis,
Catarrah, ani9ihs,Boarsseess, AdhnineSpitting of
Btpod, and for all affections of the pulmonary o r
gans occasioned by cold. Too much pulse cannot
be bestowed upon this remedy, and the proprietor
urges any one affected with any of the
,above corn
plaints, to secure it' t once.
Physic now in the Country tor sick head-ache,eos
tiveness, cleansing the stomach of bile, purifying
the blood, carrying off diseased humoriand restor
ing health.
RAJEERTTS Fax-fax lklowrir PILLS.—For remo-'
ring female. obstructions, peculiar to the sex ar
ming from Cold ' , or general weakness of the system.
Also for females of costive habits of body, dyspep
tic or nervous, weakeess,debilitifed females.
RA/WATTS EYx Wsrxr.--Forivreak or inflamed
eyes, warranted i tmperio any 'n
general use.
or weakness in the breast, side or bee -.
RAFFItRTY'S WORII On,—Tbe Great Worm Kill
er, warranted to remove worms Where they exist.
RAFFERTY'S EmsaocArios—dor bruises, sprains,
rheumatic pains;; cramps; numbhets, stiffness or
weakness of . the joints, Swellings. quinsy or sore
throat. The greatest remedy of the age.
The above celebrated Medicines for sale by the
following AGENTS; J. Lyons +k, Son, Montrose
Rollin T. Ashley, Brooklyn ; Thos. Jackson,S pring
vitt; C. E. Lathrop and John +Bogart, Tunkhan
raxlt ; Capwell, Bally & Co, Factoryvilli; Stone,
Patterson A.. Co., Abington Center.
July 18,1850,
Faxhionable Cloth fng Empor i um !
NVIIOLESALE A. RETAIL, 27 Pourilandt-ii Wan York
(a few doors below the Western Hotel.) I
PHIS HOUSE, by reason of its Great Popularri
_IL. , ity and extensive Reputation, both fur ha. •
Superior Qualities and Cheapness of .its Good. • a
ecently been extending its business, until it now
presents an assortment at once unrivalled by any
in the city. One of the Firm. being 4me of the
Pioneers m the Clothing Business, eevoites all his
time to purchasing Goods for the Establishment,
Which, his long Experience, acknowledged slcill
and with the aid of abundant capital, he is enabled i
to do with the mostpredominant success.
Another of the Firm Superintends, lin person,
their extfinsive Manufacturing Department; and
the Stock thus - produced, and withit view to 11eat 7
ness , Elegance and Uti/i/3, and amounting to near.
I n.
ly 1100,000 in value, comprises an assn ment now
unequalled, and they'" — defk all compete They
desire particularly to call the,attentioriO, 1
Country Moir-hunts'
to their Stock, whom, by their extensive arrange
ments they are enabled to supply with an asisirt-
Emit at mite thohest, the most Varied, and the
cheapest of any other on this Continent. I Nor does
the extent of their business prevent them from sup
ptiying the individual wants. Gentlemen visiting
this city Will at all- times find them in readiness. to
furnish from the smallest article to the!, Complete
Outfit, of such as cannot fail Ls Seer TIM MOST RE
FINED rAsrr, or meet the approbation oP the most
Fastidious- -
Their Manufactured Department, is replete with
every description of Dress and Frock, Business and
Traceling, Back and Albert' Coats. All Ole style=
of Drap De Ete, Alpaca and Bro. Linen COATS.
Pantaloons of all the various style,: and quali
ies. .
l'isfa of the latest and richest pattern.
Dressing Goleta, dc.
The Fancy Department embraces everything
nets or desirable in the line of Shirts, Drawers,
B06:0111.9, Collars, Cravats, Stocks, Scarfs, Gloves,
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Suspenders, Shoulder
Braces, Money Belts, &c.
• To verify Ibe above statements, they ask gentle-.
men, when visiting the.eity, to rail. and Examine
for themselves, where they will receive the most
polite attention, the proprietors relying on the ex
cessive cheapness which their Unrivalled Facilities
enable them to afford their Goods, to ensure a Sale.
FULL SUITS furnished to Order at the Short
est. Notice, and sent to any -pert of the United
Rfs?les. J. C. BOOTH,
17-6 m H. L. FOSTER.
• N. B. Open from 6 o'clock A. M. to 10 P. N.
Wool Carding -and Clothdroning.
THE having purchased th e Wool
Carding and Clothdress ing establishment, situ
sled in Jessup Township, on the Wyalusing Creek,
about six miles from 3lontrose, lately occupied by
Smith Tiffany, takes this method to inform the
public that the works linvina. undergone a thorough
reparing thrOughout, the Machinery is being fitted
Vp Wil { th new Cards &c., and be . pledges h i mself
t hat no pains shall be spares to '
give entire satis
faction to all, those who may favor him with their
eastern. Qlotharessing done- up with despatch.
Steam finishing, done up in the best style and on
the most reasonable terms.
Also a good assortment of Woolen Cloilei
best quality—'Flannels and Woolen shawls keplt
ennitatitly"cinitamt - whicb will be exclutngml at
air rates for woollorproduce., • Ai/ work entrusted
to his care shall be done upon the *shortest notice
and wa'Fanted'right or , no .Pay / ,
Tbase.bringing loads of, Wool from a distance,
can Italie it carded to take back.
Prodi:tce taken in payment for work.
• .
Jessup, April 10, 1850.
Chair ratitaer.
r rng Subscriber • has:llv
'ned a hair; Factory
nearly op" to M. S. Wilson's Store, where
be inteilds keevoiL band all kinds bf Fancy.
Cane seat, common Windsor, and almost any kind
of Chairs, called for, also Settees of every destrip-'
tion, which he will sell -as• low as- cart be bought
iu this country, • '•• •- • • - - • !
Goode cherry Lumber talren , in iexeliatig for
Chairc i
Pr- iced to tall and oramine be
Amps are igvit.
PAW-431MA' Asgyhere.
• r l 4 l #!q , AP 01-24-
fOr W_. 0
LTs,HVERKI2IT :Paq. the,highest._riced
4.1 0110 A: or .doodslor:Wool.:
Neitt plilfordainte 4;1854.
DAPEII--B 411GING,T-iii4Vioaw.duitsdos.;-
Wood Pails,A4ter_ i lAidloo sod Otouips, Olothes
siedff *MA I '4Ol .
Adel 4. . CEO. FULLER:
4 ' 'FRIIOIIC di OF Itlitt' ,Offeilt. ' ' ''" 4 •:
re t old
Lae Evaaratant-lbun "Ms CI ' utak..--, There le a
Swap/trill& fore' in the diffe t town& called! S. P.
:TOwnseisd'e Sahaspirilla. It is ads as the ORIOI.
NALcOSNVINS, end all that. This owneend /ano wool
and navefersa; 'lmiersa fortnerly.a' liter on railroad*, ea;
Wilt 100d1h0,,, like—yet he awatunee title of Doctor for the
PIITP OBB - 01 OWN,' credit for whet - itinoc Ile stye." he
has attended two medical echodiii an practiced . for' Attain
Futrell" Now the truth ta , hevever practiced medicine a
day in hie We I. Such rein,. tricked misrepreeentatitm
!deka bad to the character and veracity of the man. I-wish
moat sincerely, he bad never made thciewittementrof him:
self Or of me. When willmen.leam be honestand truth..
NI in.all their dealings and intcrcou ' with their know:
nasn't Lie applied to one Rust Clapp bassist him intriorl- -
ufacturing his mixture, 'taunt the large-some los would'
make, as an indecement to embark in the business. These
men have been insulting and libellingme in all possible
forms, in order to Impress the publi with the belief that
the Old Doctor', Sarsaparilla was not be genuise,,origirud ,
fferrenpariga, made from the Old Doe or's Origimal Reci
pie. This& P. Townsend say, Ilia e sold the mere thy
name for 17 a we,ek. I will give him IMO if he
duce one slhgle solitary proof of this Ills statetnenue of
Thompson,Stillman & CO., , but a tissue of
falsehoods are no ring
simply made to deceits the public, and 'keep
the truth down to mini to his stolarth*, fermenting mop
letund. This is to caution the public to purchase none but
Obi Dr. jACOB Towniend's Sarsaparilla, having On it the
014 Doctor's likeness, his family i 4.411 of Arms, and his
aignatureacrass the Coat of arms. ,
.Princspai ,Office, 102 Narrawatnest, N. Y. Cily, ,
Genb.ine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. - Townsendia now about 70 years of age. and Mut
lone been known as the AUTHOI2 and DISCOVERER
NARGAPARII.I4.". Being poor, lie
. ios compelled to
limit Its manufacture, by which means it been kept nut
of market, and the sales circumscribed to those only who
bad proved its worth. and known its value. It had reached
die ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who had
been healed of gore discs/ea, and saved troto death. mu
c.armed its wonderful
manufactured on the largest scale. and is called for through
out the length and breadth of the laud. especially wit is
found Incapable of degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young S. P. Townsend'a, it improves with age,
end never changes but for 'he better i becau s e it is prepared
on scientific princepies by a scientific man.. The highest
knowledge of Chemistrv, and the latest discoveries of the
art, hare all been brouiln Into requisition in the manufac
tufe cif th Old - Or's Sarsaparilla:, The Sarsaparilla root,
It is wel' - known to medical men, cilatains many medicinal
prope 'ea; and eonse properties which are inert or useless . ,
and o • era, which if retained in preparing. it for use, pro
du fernientation and acid, which is injurious to the spi
ts, • porn of the properties of Sarsaparilla are re/utile
at they entirely evapors:r and are lost in the preparation.
rtley are not preserved try a setratific priiress, known on.
ly to those experienced in to. manufacture; Moreover,
these vole:Jae pr frciples,whicii Ilv off in vapor, m as an ex
halation, under heal, are Ihn rcv.7lll(r/ rrii,dicrd prop
ertissof the root, winchgtve to it all its value.
Anypertion can hoi , or teen- the roil till they, got a dark
colored liquid, which is more Irmo, the coloring. Macre( in
the root thenTrorn anything else; tiler - can thenstrain this
insipid or rapt iniol. sweeten wile moor molasses. and
then call it • " SARSAPARILLA ExTr4eT or SYRUP."
But such moot - the ankle known as the
This ia so prepared Mat all. the inert, properties of the
Sarsaparilla root are that remmied, everythinz capable of
becoming acid or fermentation lit extracted and miceted ;
then every party le of me-lieal virtue is seettr.d in-a pure
and concentrated form ; and lima it in rendered incapable
of losing any of its valuable and healing properties. Pre
paled in this vitas, it is made the moat powerful agent in the
Hence the MIII•011 why we hear comenetelations on every
aide in its favor bf men. vk.mien, and children. We find it
doing wonders, in the cure of
and all affections arising from
It poncinlen a marvellous efficacy in ail. cromplaints art.
sing from Indigestion, from Acidify 9/" the Stomach, from
unequal circulation ,
determination or bland, to the head,
palpitation of the heart. cold feet and hanis. Cold chills and
hot dashes over the body. It his not ire equal in Golds and
Corwha : and promotes easy expectoration and gentle per.
apicatiou, relaxius strictures of . the lungs.' throat and every
other part. ,
But in te.thimr It its excellence more manifestly seen and
acknowledged than in all kinds and states,of
It works svondera in cases of Fluor Aibus or Whites,
Pall*: of the Womb, Obstrueted, Supprriesed, or Painful
Menses:Pre,. ntarity ofthe menstrual pert. , is, an I the like:
and iti efre.rtual in curing all the forms of Kidney Diseases
By removing , ohsu urtims, and regulating the general
system, it air,' ions and strength to the w hoicr Maly, a and
thus cures all 1. nns of
'.Here us Diseases naafi Debility,
and than rweveti , r. or rri•evev a _r-at v tricty of other mal
adies, as S u
pinal irritation, Nsrnfeirt, NO 'Vilna' Dance.
Swooning. EpUeptie Futs,L'onetesions,te.
1: cleanses the blood. exciter due Its er .0 healthy action,
tones the stomach, and“. %prod diers,i.6, relieves the
bowels of torpor and folislirpnlloll. allays infltiommtion, pu•
rifies the skin, equalizes the circulation of the Wood. pro
ducing gentle Warmth et:wally all over the body, and the
a:Penton - it. periptrat ..... : ilehtlee stnctures and tightness. is
t r,,,y,i. all ote 'ry..f inns. nod invigorates the entire 11107 1, 041!
System, Is DO / ail. then
The 3.tedleine yule pre...eroipasestly-need li
But cm any of these ;lungs he ieild 01 $. P.'Townsend'a
Intel ior article 1 This young man's liquid is not to be
beeetrx of on GRAND FACT, that the, one 'is INGAPA
while the nthe nons- sourie..7„ . fermentim. encl./4mm
tim i, 11;e. co salmis; it into finzmerae : ilia sour. acid
hillsides plod) e, anti dumazilla other 'roods! Mast not this
horrible coin tund he potroitmis to die evatem 7.. Ina: ~
put acrd into . Ity.etipi a!rPatfyflisenand with acid? What
came. Dyspewia but acid I Ito we not all know that when
food emirs in t car stomachs. what mierld 'P
ef it prti.TOces
'flatulence. lie. thorn, palpitation of the heart, liver coot
plaint. dtarrl st i dysentery, colic, and corruption of the
blood I What le Scrofula but an acid humor in the body,
What 'amblers all +be humors which bring•on Ilruptionsot
the, Skin. F e ld , Heed, Salt Rheum. T.iyitipchie, White
Swellings. feier i Sores. and all ulceration§ internal anti et.
Pintail It is nothing under heaven but an acid subeta.nee,
which sours. arid Ithusirpoils all the fluids of the body, more
or less. What enures Rheumatism but a sour and acid
Gard which initttnatert knell between the joints and elan.
where, irritatirig land inflaming the delicate tissues upon
which• it acts 7 :, So of nervous diseases, or impurity or the
blood, of deran i ell circulation, and nearly all the Milne-Me
which-afflict hu . nature. . " ,
Now Is it no `militia to make and sell, and infinite/y
toorirelo cma th4l
,F rotr.sliwn. ACID "COMPOUND" or
and sci htis'r it lindens-food that Old Dr. re.
cob Tawnwinna Genuine Original Sarsaparfna, is im IM
ITATION of hie inferior preparadoo
;Mayen forbid That we should deal in an article which
would' bear the .most distant rwerntatince to S. P. Town.
Sen , l'ar article l '
. . .
W e wish it urr eratood, beeatrie it is the phsotute truth,
that S. T. Vonoreid's article and old; Dr. Jacob TownsemPs
Sarearvirillware aren-tride a/simian(' fsfinftetsrcitssfas:
liar; that they are unlike in every particular, having not
one single thing' , ln CAMTnnil.
Ae S. P. Towtwenti is nodoctor. anti never wait, is no
chemist, no pbattbacentist—aalo9iff no morn of medicine or
disease than tiny either common, unscientific. unprofessional
man. what guarltirifre can ,hg public hrve that they era re
ceiving a genitittel scientific. medicine,containing all the sir•
moss of the articles used in preparing, it, and which are in
-.capable old:lenges which might rentkrthem the AGENTS
of Diseaseinstend of health 1 -
But what else, should be expected , from tine who knows
• nothing comps tively of medicine or diteasel Itrequires
a person of so e experience to cook and serve up even a
. common
de meal. flow much ' more -Important is it
that the persons wbo manufacture met - liana deafened for
should know well the medical propertietfof plants. the best
manner of securing and concentrating their healing-virtues.
Also an extensive 'knowledge of the various diseases which
affect the human system, antl - how to adapt remedies to .
lhese diseases! .
It it to tercet frauds upon the unfortunate, to ponihalm
into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in tha3Wpairing
boom, to Amore health, And bloom. and vigor Into-the
crushed an broken, and to banish inftrmity_thit OLD DR: '
poet - unity meats to twin le .
Grand- Ipfetwereal • weintrattatiliiimioilly
within the teach, and to the knowledge of all who need it
that they Tray learn and tnitw:trijoyfal ttspetteitte, its . -•-
. ,Tretineeoneditut Poewww•tiollisitle
* apt". 7!URRELL, Agent for Susquehanna- '
SON bare - removed Ova ..
41 Melt. old
.frtantli,,wheriftlmy hAvv4
a bandsotteiaasortdielit. pt •'. '`• •
vrbich 4119 y eviii belutiy to dearotik
tumors ig-lbe,y 'nay ' - '•
Moutroae, July 20.
Cure ;o . f.luntimrierallte 'Di SCASiS•
1N EACH iltkrlitilt—Cites-Tabklpeoefa e,
TRW, Pasa!,!r ditY4o/ap .!".4 0 ,5 011 taiOnir. —
* 'Days.
• 154Wtiltei r iii AbOir;*, air Bonafor SW:
111111 - 31811 L— "311ErISSI
i. sett lend v: t iQiIAST .110TTLICS r ltd-18. of the
wane wedded #21110.1.6 anctigiimey au th!it the swan borteig.
' 1 The give:: IttperiCtio`ii ofilhats Ptrairtra over eattsAPAßtt.t.
Ind ell other ratify atedielmea, may Se &omen:mem he - ttodu t !
good from the' following-facts: Tilwrectiatte a ttorusie
possesses, as portialti Oran wedieatiaa,tba Pifaß ESSERUZ or
Sara YeUow.Do
Pasilla;:' chi,
Cherry Rod : iiiittesetfran •• Miam i
wore gfron9lY. more 'powerfully easembrited end-faro, fra nc`
tes of cock of these purititerit onehboute of then elm 4.9 a et d
any bottle of Medicine,' called Extract et Sarsapaitk z;
But, SitcesoLte—,_ because Vile lo be * *bp 'visage
dicaew arWil ileatieir "blow Y . serval other
Mitt. IBeio.l, Tweetwalee,
t h e peetrenter44uptiee„ of Aurtsch Age malty SUPERIOR 10
Ser/Opleina, and when Mae are compounded with Sarturu.
rata, Yellow pot*. Cherry and saarafras, they make au . e di.
inoit *plea mild maim Purifier sr tpe Blood to the
krvtid. So. true let t% have weelpfloored assakal vita,
; Oily Oale*Ablespoonfol, thew Maw a res.
'Sot if is not so with Extract of Sazniirparilla, for inconsequence
of its large Eigtiesj being so tanclailirenkened
'and reduced - the Dose of Sarsaparilla Nu to be Two,
Three, or Mere .Itiblespooatals—Tueze, irons, or Moat
awes a Day, to have any medical effect; and as a bottle of
Sarsaparilla only boldssixtrfoire sywortfirls, therefore, so many
spoonfuls at a does, and so wry doses it day, will use up a
bottle of It in • ' -
Peer, Fire, or Six Dap.,
which show that albsiderif Brines Purifier, *ll last from
Twelve to fribtleie* DAYS -longer than a bottle of Sans.
panto, and if- itsjAaily medical efficacy (in mail dam) he to
rcerryiNc and .bussimso as the daily (tarps dace) of San*
tisrilta,aliert ft PalaVltta that Qat bottle of this Arairtes.
%rutin 17uw, Foy; orlejos tiiiesiiiore than a bottle of Saris..
puritla. •
The above compOrfson;doea mai yet show theinvor difen
tact In nartie between the mediae{ efracy of BSA NT Puln riga
and Ss:ea:lSAß:l.4.i. This will appear by the certificates of
cure. in Brants Parr/Ales, 'busying that
nu MOM ellictic4 and cures wore impure blood dissass„ this
T87..i Illattles of Sarsaparilla. ,
If, then, ONZl2cq4.f Puairtss sell* for Ose'Dta.Lu,
ems Male of rilla.oliould sell for Cents.
• , . ,_ ,
Mr. J. B. Roma of Rase, Oneida Co'., N. T., yrboiras eared
of Scrofula in 1.846.45w0re . t0 the fact, as related helciw, in as •
action in the ,Stiestwit• Comm in the City of New York, on the
2W. of Deese.' ber.Aitia,' trader the following circumstances
A person in thellegy of hem York Mid manufactured and
vended a spurious article of medicine. calling it BRANT'S
tenths fitemote 'i in imitation of tde genuine medicine. He
war prosecuted 2CI Mth
ain damages, In e Supreme Court of
the t;ixy of New rk; and the case IWO rsferred by me Court
to .1. S. BosivoTn, 4
it„ 51 Liberty --- -' -- tine*" '. '
as Iteferce to take .tte testimony.
wskorrian of dasurgU this the Prom
had in ...senates pub:tailed 'auk
thus had committert• brand iin the
not entitled to danives.. Thercue t.
as bemsfirtse, and Haskins, was rams
the PACTS as pablialied:enci hit testier
Ike publication. 1.
Ntr. 11A5li1ti aaA, I am well angnail
V,. I,— have
badly aftlien....l by it p Inrag.attended by
not Its,—,thatMn•
h ttift.rurntirrra, rif iita .010.1. 1 / 4 1 oek.n.
me -int. Whom
v. in) bnJ ionc time p; 'I nnnhl nnt nur
T r.
enr./ .. Istrer le7flOtst. trilver fery•icr ,;
that it:could be lilted o mit of
top: alsole was wow t ligh ..3, r , +.4.
awl .mt st OM bolf j a y ., ulliki em..'no my.
awn)e wee nodes my lanievallyiu !err.,
ride, no that ic> body eUuld &Wolk) into
(nen my rionuldir to try elbow which).
ere) other Olsen e1.n..,t 4,.4,1 Bcdoes!so
paths lasted Mt,. .142..... Iwo. in snookl only toot taw' dards of II
1190013fi1, at n done; 034 brVe MI Sir .1301101.114 meonsto enable me in roc
out of bed: theamee4oule I toy* the full tlmie fa spoonful), whkb no
' strenc.thened one awl benlid !my sores lo that 1 rat able to milk em
Md. to the druotose cff Wesel* . mud. et Korot. Centre, where I Car
theMw.lbottle; tlels bOttle - HEALED ALL IIY LILCEILS bat /Rm.
mall now about es hekesiot(lnc•wrof my thumb, an s rl Own meted some
at ei.apping wood. 1 deal Sit- 8.411.1 in *me, who), mete a PERIECT
C i.. .xt. , ? .,...,,,,,, v4 , 1 . : , ;:;14 ,,, irt , 14 . BUR •F C:L. L. P ARTICLI
Mr. Z. S. Teeiyetehanti Brim, Genesee County, M. Y.,
wrote.. Aug. 24. -GM': Rrn. rs Medicine is doing wonders
hrset.irhas eusedla man W /..'esennapifine, that all hie physi
'clans had saui ,nasal When he commenced taking
Brant's Medicine, Xs Meta an raise kis hand to his heed ; he
Well* , the 4as. - 414 every; symptom seemed to indicate
thaehe mutt doe; -bus astonishing to all, he is now able to
labor and rides allover the county. He used slily five LOP
ars: I will also gum you, when I visit the city of Now
York in the, sprinewhitt street Wags Amu has done for nu
It has also and rid; young . tsdref coannaptioa. in Orleans
county, which her father says no doctor could erre.
lie Agra. Pratt & easter, merchants of West Cornwall,
Conn., called on, in'at! New York, Ape 214 1847, and said Braars batt elected curia of such. hapatiss caws et
c o „,,,,,, p ti ea in thar town, that, now no other. ectigh. we&
eine could be sold (there; that ti had taiga ~PO Jana
Sh e ruse—some that physicians and the - friend.sue..
mO4 die. One ge*letnan. in particular, nta acell'gone'
that hie physician tad, him it wet unless to take - sey more
naedicine. Ile then: ;whew as' hops etas. left, began to tato
Brost's Baba* —goti well.,—luad is now as well so he ever
'DoctOrsoould give , noflip
Mr. Wm. D..Jennhigs, a merchant et Pieepene Celibec
Ashtabula eO., 0144' wrote to us, Octobt i ld, lfl4B, and law
ed cure of Consumption which the of Baanr's Ie
Draw ,PIILONARY 7141.5ie , had infected in Mr. Milian
Croeket of an inijoininglowit. • Mr. Crochet had Sought owl
lief from the but pldinciatia anti numerous' medicines; thil,
found none, forthe final hand o f that unrelenting monster.'
Coanenptiaa. had taken feet on his rinds, and was so:
destroying and dehilitating, his body that he was a rine
skelaon. Ile was given ap by his physician, sod all friend'
as sine who would 'seas inhabit a grave. But even in Mitt
last extremity, snake sad totellellolo% as it may seem, yet
it is true, that the nee of only his, botilesOf Beano's lens
PuLmoNAltY Bataan has unclinched the hand of lb.
destroyer, and re*Sed Mr. Crochet la health; and he LI
I •
Mr. W. ChaprniN Merchant, tlithifebiry. state of :Ver•
merit, stated taus that his sun was afflictedwith blietiag
the lungs. and afterlall other remedies failed, sad his pitys.i.
ciani said wouldVdis,he made use of Brasile/ hale* .Put.
moeiry Boisews, Virhel! 4100 D restored kiss. to health. „
SHE CO(7141. , 10:0T SLEEP IN BED
Mr. Jannts.liinsot merchant and miller of Kirkland, Lake
Co., Ohio, arnste,ti3ePt3Bth, 18A that . littawr'srlstnatotetwo
BiLLS4III was eireetA a loMe astonish ing that skit
ictyy ; one cue hi so,ints the
of his head mill er.
She had bean &Seated. for fourteen plankand her husband
had spent almost all earnings in pitying
,dOctore. and In
trying all Muds - of inekeines "but Maio purpose. She had
not Mid er" slepgra for several yawn in consesplence
of her disease Cill e tow after Wail; lEfeil kottift of Brass's
Pubeavary Belsais; could. lie and ogle" they in her bed
es well as ever ahe
. . ' • _
No remedy offeraOrt the public hie everliseehleff
cer t a i n and iffaitsia/41itisatetisgiALL the incidental west.
saw and irreiticoof those!, ea
Bataan. It .7 - m Ind diffeiencti whether the in
be esqpressiew; eeeeti, or other siesineat;4lLßO. ATE 9
ALL, by strengthcansg, the systeni,ernatissingthe
and SOOTHING and ALLAYIN G lipt.VolGll3
"ITY. See Palepidets..t . 'l, - • I
' 0 11 4010E - OF.--1-1:FE ! :, =-
Frain 'dm .Cirl- It i OW U . "
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supprmed, U t.) any of thelMa/44/in . iaaillit ffi
q 4e l ltl Y alis6 l llCc TrO le n c ” t , s rl i -A!!*! - .
'Atatitiel:42d Jleingements
Cured witiont tali , -.DT aiutignogsit CP*
PLAINT, in chilth*Oka-B;!=a4
intitbei by
Cholera hatiatsueoPrhil• see;ihsg:if, 8 1 / 4 ,111','S -AUL
MON AL VA* be h *ft, Li by.
axial& ibussplea'hyhtlyik Vas the anlbiryilhuh: -
~ 411B1i!rtritRELL, - 44Ontiosi 1r
OUrritti IrgW, Milt* ; :Stagy dighrtilkfe.9ibigh ;'
T.Y. Badger. lailabotc? ; Ic AR.Dgt Ofeal,
Bendi Eicrwiiintoy , ;nitokihti‘aolniago,V4ri
Gibson ;,:liat4tiplati 130141!WPSPringviac'''
okra•Aidts ,. .
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OTIWORINIVEM 4I3 3 As* aiiritiperiai lot
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New )iilfopt,Tply ipth 1-806.
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