Arrival of the Niagara: Two Weeks Later trona Euro j. The steamship Niagara airivedi at Hohtix, on Friday, whence the Telegraph hronght gke following to our city papers. 1 ENGLAND. • Accounts from the manufacturing distriets are not satisfactory. Many of the mills in Manchester and other places are workingshbrt time, and some hare stopped altogether; but it is not believed that this is more than a tem porary amingemerit Advices from Calcutta to the 12th of January, and from Bombay to 4th of February, are on hand. Politically the news from the continent possesses no interest. Her majesty has authorized a publicati, of tho following liberal rewards, for the di - celery of Sir John Franklin, viz twenty thousand pounds to any one who will effee - ively relieve the crews of the ships—ten thoi sand pounds for relieving or for such inform - tion as may lead to the relief of any" of the crew ' and ten -thousand pounds to any one' who shall first succeed in ascertaining their fate. - The news possess no interest commercially,. It,was less encouraging than was anticipated from the continent. The political affairs - of England possess but little special . interest. Nothing :event ful in a political sense has occurred in Par liament, and nothing is anticipated before the Chaniellor produces his budget. Lord John Russel has given notice, that it is in contemplation by the o.ternment to abolish the office of Lord Lieutenant of Ire land, together with the vice-regal court at Dublin. • The intention being to- have Irish affairs managed by the home department;by a Secretary for Irekuid. - Mr. James Floyd the eminent banker, is about to be raised to the peerage. Mr. Disraeli being ill, Sir James Graham is now the recognise reader of the opposi tion in Parliament—his chief aim Icing a change in the monetary syitem. The Canadian annexation movement ex cites but little attention. Public opinion ap pears to be favorable to acceding -to any deci ded expression of the wishes-of the Catutdi, Lord Dedham Las retired from the 'wool sack, and Lord Campbell bas been appointed Lord Chief Justice. Collins' new lino of American stearneri command a large share of attentiotrand good will. The Herald says that it will take'. something in the shape of a steamship that was never yet produced to beat any of them. Lord Palmerston, in contmuing the Greek blockade, is severely censured by all the English Journals, and were it not for a belief, which exists that his lordship has made a demonstration against Russia, his conduct would meet with meiteral reprobation. Tice Russian Govcrnmeuths l ' presented an energetic remonstrance against the proceed ings of the English government, and public opinion is general. that the Czar will give the creeks efficient support. - The Russian note to the minister at Lou d, di says " You will demand of Lord Palmer ton to what extent he intends to employ 1, are in support of his claims, in order that the allies- of. King Otho may be in a position to consider what means may be necessary for them to adopt to guarantee the independence .Ithat monarch and his people, The London Gazette says that a queen's mosslige passed through Malta on the 25th with orders to Sir' Wm. Parker to cease towards .Grecce. • • • FRANCE. The anniversary of the republic passed off without disturbance. The _Minister of Finance states that the rev enues will be adequate rot the public set \ ice this year without a new loan or increase lases. The post Laster general . opens all -letters passing to and front suspected persons. This ormluct has giren rise to warm debates in the Assembly.. It is said that France and Russia are com pletely united upon the Greet• guts:lot% Letters from London state that the Erench fleet in the Levant had sailed for the , Greek cast. We learn from the French Budget just rat4hed that the army is to be reduced• to 408,600, and that the expenses of the nation are to be reduced 84,000,000 francs. HOSIESDALE Pa, March 22. MORE Mrs-minor's - )l:mem:cos.—Night be ?re last the inmates of a boarding house in tis town were kept awake all night by a 'locking quite as mysterious as the Roches ' knockings. Menus were taken- to discos. muse, but withontsts. The noise lways eluded pursuit, and seemed to keq) ite same distance from die pursuers. The tatter has created quite a sensation. PT HE • A few htmdred feet of seasoned pine linnEer; ei - panel or common stuff, win:lid - be received on iflanught immediately:,Also, Lath. 20. . W. Camas. • LOST : N Friday afternoon last, aostarthere between. Montrone awl Lathrop, on the Abiagton Tarn , Law fik*Keentaining several articles clothing. Ajar paean Staling it la confer's mr an tbe owsfrltrar, 4 at the &gist' er Kanth 27, 1U GAMMINCVOILL, . berebz certify - that I parael•olAled Tur- I ' tte. Montrose, tailiettla celebrated Girguaioil;ki=bieb I Pal dollar. I applied it so-sapaia - * tbe)aff, 01 raY luatta, that wiill4. ittitiktefeil yhave blame scoallnisid 4at ' aced blow= ,a7as ► greavt*-1, 1 01" twee And veek, to aq , , , atterambeireameCtl t i Jail %rat • -cae Wok assrl imam larsea er, to which Itiallitb" l j emma, are Ind** be cured I* thir Irefrineerier may of ' - should le valtuble-reo47 • I Go tkaat: AILLAMMALSEX. 111141dbk %MO,riOltirch The above ttarglin 00 Silas. It it paWitlt, at - 1,27 1 / 4 TIiLI p - itotibew, March 28 , Lou, ' ' Polatoin for HE subscribers have Potatoea to sell (instead JL of wanting to bu) at their storelii this place. LAI}IROP k SAlJapt Y. Montrose, March 28, 1850. Poblic Sale Albandlonea. MLLE subscriber ;having disposed or a good part of his Stock at ptivate Sale, which was adver tised last week to be sold on the Ist of April, said sale is abandoned. life still has a few cowto, two or three ,yoke of oxen; and several horses, however, that be wishes to sell at private sale. March 26,1850. ' B. SAYRE. • Talke Notice, ThateßAT. applied to the Court of Commori Pleas of Susquelumna county for the benefit of .the 'Mitt-rent Law.; of this Commonwealth, and .that the Court hare appointed Monday the T 11th day of April-next to hear me and tn'y creditors at the Court'Rouse in Montrose, at le o'clock A. M. March 27. GEO. S. HICKS. ITT 77 T t tr11:71-1,1 By virtue of a writ of Vex. Ex issued out of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the cOuntytif Susquehanna, and to me directed, I will - !*posh to public sale, at the Court House in Mont eiss, en Monday the 15th day of April next, at one °Mock P. that certain piece or parcel of hind situate lying and being in the township of Omit Head, in the county of Susquehanna, known a...the Great Bend Steam property, and more par lituLvly described by deed of Edwin Eldredge, and Wife to George W. Gregory, recorded in the Re- Order's office in and for, the county of Susquehan na., in deed book No. 18, page 175 cke., - containing about 1500 acres, with the appurtenances. about SQO acres improved, 5 dwelling houses, 8 barns, one Steam Saw-11H11, and - other out buildinga,fkc., We the estate of Edward F. Houghton. - !Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Al fod Disbrow against Edward F. Houghton. C. M. G Ell E, Sheriff Sheriff's office, Montrose, } I March 27, 1850. rUest arrival of Jewelry at .Trues: ST received from New York a now lot. of :. Jewelry, consistin,,, ,, of Silver and Gold' Watch esi Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Gold Rings ail 4..! in Pins, Chains, Ear Hoops, Lockets, ;c.Dif fer t kinds of Gold Pens and Silver Holders, "the bes assortment ever brought to this market.— Brass Clocks, warranted to keep good time, for $2,4 , 0, do. for :F.3 .es, and ef),oo. Lubin's bes 4 Per fumery of all kinds, Music Boxes, Accordions, Toys, d:e. I For sale a new 2 barreled Fowling Piece, - Eng lisb Twist, and a small Rifle, at TRUES. Pacific Nock Sahreompany. STEAM IlavaxED , - • Pure Ground Rock Salt ) VIM Dairy and Family use, of superior quality, .1' put up in Canisters, Boxes, and various sized Bags. For Sale at the Milk in- Furman street, Brooklyn, and at the dfficc of the company, No. 100 Wall street, New York. • • R R..4.1C50M, Agent. New York, March, 1850. Post Office Restos - al. -- 71HE Pcist-office.has been removed from its loca tion across vibe avenue to the corner basement room of Searles HoteL March 6 1850. Orphan's Court Sate: :pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court in and Sir •Susquehanniceounty, there will be sold at the store of Asa Howard kt GibLson.townshipun Saturday the Ittth day of April nest at one o'clock 1'.31. the following described property, viz: A certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Gibson iu_said county, butted, bounded. and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a birch tree in a line of laud owned by George Wondtrard and Corner of land survered for Martial K. Walker, thence by the same south fire degrees west, 74 and Six-tenths perches to post and stones ; thence by laud of Aaron Russegme, north. 85 degrees west 644 perches to post and stones in a line of land of 'William Resseo„ ; thence 5 degrees east 74 and di-tenths perches to post and stones; thence by land of the said Walker south 85 degrees east 644 perches to the place of beginning, containing thirty acres. be the same more or less, and being parts of ti larger tract of land formerly owned by the heirs sAI S. Meredith, deceased. JOHN WILLI ANIS, Gibson, March G. 1850. Look HiCM GOOD Journeyman Blacksmith 'wanted nuxliately by the subsenbcr. A young man that can come well recommended can hare steady l'imployment either by the month or rear to whom liberal Nra , es will be olren. • : W3[ lI:BEDELL. Dintock Corners, March 13, 1850. AKOLASSES-a superior article—also, Sugar, -I_VI. Candles!, fl:c, a flesh lOt just opened and for , irate Toy . • - S.-LIONS. . 4, 'March 1,3. i---- MARDEN SEED—A-- fresh supply of Garden ~ e ttavineluding, the Aakere, for sale by March 13. S. LYONS. r.l ' Caution-. thereby caution the public against harboring, or tristmg Wm. J. Allen on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contrActing after this date: 1 . A. ALLEN. i , Ikhlgewater, March 12, 1850. stray Heise, QTI ATED front the siffiacriber, on February' 23th, one dark toy Mare about ten years old, fiffeewhanda high, and has a 'white spot on the off Unit fettered _ joint: Whoever 101 give the owner Ifformation where, amid Mare can be found, will oink: slava! on The subscriber find will be amply rct, r'srded. PATRICK CASE]. ~C 'hoctonut, Susq,co, Pa. itexisterls Notiev. DUBUC Notice - is floret)) , given to nll.persms ' concerned in the follow= estates, to wit: Eibite zi`e6k, Trattridge; deed,, nintnct; Adler de hods' non testa ment annex &kit - eo(:Lcborca 7Trorrifriage, deed. - ' - .1 - 'l3cttsr. Tacnitounak, Adler. Erfriake of frasi.iiiptroi - Botcy, deed, A. G. 134n.yr, Adair. 'state of Cathariwe Rincarson, deed, - - - • - 4ialtox,lierassaßoadminiFi tainfi-nrikiip*air4y, deed, • iltsvux, *top. Eitite of Lela, a Siwitia. died. • _ A. G. Rutz* 4t_L.A.Sxtrn, Adm'rs. Thatilkeiteniontaits *Pre settled their accounts in the Regiterlrodiee In and ftei the - county. of, Butspiehanns, Ind that theirasontnil beresentedi before the Judges of the `Ongisn'w Co .. art; at lehart-i tose,On Wendy - the is* "s oy: cdlArl= next fur, 1 contioriatio sodallowence - BROWN,I IfltseleisellSee,'Montl we , -Cl/WO 14, 1830. aim' rah:ism bisaumc'e.llo=b), . u -war 1i t pods_zuemi'6o- and woll • Vuo lend :14 - *,:-74;74.4,Pra the . . ,- 1 .- c • - aka' - OEO. FULLER I. , SktritrkiSales. . • - nryirtue of writs of Ira sued out of the .11.1 Court of CoMmon and for the conn typf Susquehanur4 and to me ected, I will ; ex pose to public sale; at the Court use in Mont rose, on Saturday the 13th day, of . ,ril next, at o'clock P. 31.—A1 that certain pi or parcel of land, lying and being in the townahi of Her rick,.Susquehanna county, bounded and de. 'bed as follows, to wit : • On, the n6rth-east by land of Ira .Niebols, south-east by land of James Curtis, south-west by land ofW. S. Diumk, and on t north-west by land of Jitmes.Curtis, containing 17 acres wild land, it being a pail of a lot formerly 'deeded to Sally Black, wife of Pbineas Clark, Fran ces B. Florinda, Sally G. and Betsey Clark, it be ing N 0.4 according to division, together with the appurtenances, late the estate Of Charles Avery. Taken in execution at the suit of David N. Lew is against Charles Avery, Administrator of the 'es tate of John S. Nile, deed., with notice to heirs & Terre Tenants. Also—All of that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the township of Harmony, coun ty of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Begin ning at a post the south corner of a half-acre lot of Witn. Ward's land ; thence south 54 degrees east 6 perches to a post ;thence north 321 degrees east 6 perches and 7-10ths of a perch to a post, a corn er of E. Z. Seeley, Joel Chase and. Tyler Brush's land; thence-north V+ degrees west 6 perches to a post in the line of a lot of Wm. Ward's land as aforesaid; thence by the south 321 degrees west 6 perches and '7-10ths tothe place of beginning. con taining 412 perches of land, together with the ap purtenances, a framed house, late the estate of John Harris. Taken in execution at the suit of Win. Foster vs.. John Harris. Also—AU that certain piece or parcel of lead. lying and being in the township of (treat Bend, in the county .of Susquehanna, bounded and described as follows; to wit : On the north by lands of Rob ert Colwell, on the east by hinds of William Day ton, on the south by the highwai, and on the west by lands of Robert Colwell, containing nearly one quarter of an acre, together with the appurtenan ces, a framed house and a Blacksmith's shop, late the estate of Josiah Skinner. Taken in execution at the suit of Barney 11. Phil ips against Squire H. Munson dr Josiah Skinner. A/so—By virtue of writ of Fi. Fe. I will expose to public sale at the same time and place—All that certain piece orpareel of land lying and being in the township of New Milford in the county of Susquehanna, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Wm. C.' Ward, on the mst by laud of Davis Warner, on the south by . land of David Conklin, and on the west by land of E. 13. Doolittle, containing 16 acres and 27 perches, all improved, late the estate of Lyman Doolittle. • Taken in execution at the suit of C. S. Bennett against Lyman Doolittle. Also--All of that certain piece or parcel of laud lying and being in the township of Silver Lake in (he county, of Susquehanna, bounded and descri bed as follows, to wit : Beginning at the Bridge water and Wilkesbarre turnpike road 9 perches west of an.oriOnal hemlock corner ; thence along the said turnpike road north 32 degrees west 2 perches, north 23 degrees, west 16 peiches. north 5 degrees, east 12 perches, north:lB degrees. east 51 perches to a post & stones ; thence east 12 per ches to a post A: stones an original corner; thence by hinds of Robert IL Rose, Dee'd. north 30 min utes vt est 97 6.loths perches to Iv post ; thence by the same north 894 degrees, east 24 perches to a a post ; thence by land of lacharitili Parks south 30 inamtes ea-t 100 perches to a post 'lnd stones ; thence by lands of R. H. Rose Deed. s nth 891 de grees, west 141 2-10ths perche§ to the glace of be ginning, containing 166 6-10ths acres be the same more or less, together with theappurtances, I fra med House, 2 Barns, Spring house, Woodshed &c... 2 orchards and-about 6i) acres improved late the estate of John Sizno6n Deed. Taken in execution at the suit of John Greig. against Robert Simpson & Edward W. Rose adiers of John Simpson decd. • -4/so—All that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the township of Forest Lake in the County of Susquelumna, bounded and descri bed as follows, to wit : On. the north, by land of Allen Dewell, on the east by land of Azur Warn er, on the south and west by land late of Robert IL hose, deCcl., containing 301 arms, be. the same more or less, to g ether with the appurtenances, a log house and aout 15 acres improved, late the estate of Daniel Clark. Taken in executive at the suit of Rose A: Simp son against Daniel Clark. Also—By virtue of writ of alias refl. Er. 1 will expose to public sale at the same time and place— All that.cutain tract or parcel of land situate in the township of Harford . in the county of Susque hanna, bounded as follows, to wit : On the north east and south-east by lands of Gurdon Barnard, on the south-west by Curds of Daniel G. Piper, and on the north=west by the. State Road, containing acres or thereabouts, be the same more or 1....-s,to gether with the appurtenances, two dwelling hous es and two barns, all improved, Ihte the estate of George Shannon. Taken in execution at the suit of Morgan Mor gan against George Shannon. Also—By virtue of a writ of Ler. Fa rwill ex pose to public sale at the same time and place— All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in the township of Jackson in the county of Susque hanna and State of Pennsylvania, butted, hounded and described as follows, to wit . Beginning at a beech tree in the line of an old survey to Christo llrwin, being the south corner, of a lot num beredl92 on a map or resurvev of the late Henry Drink& the elder's land, made . by Jason Torrey ; thence by the said lot north 451 degrees west 1561 perches to stones, the west corner of the said lot, the south corner of land sold to Herekiali Bushnell, and a corner of land sold to David Hine ; thence br the last mentioned land south 441 degrees west 50 perches to a post another corner of the said David Hines' land ; thence by the land last mentioned and crossing a lot numbered 187 on tbe.aforesaid map, and thereby dividingtbe said lot ?fo:187 in to two equal parts, south 451 degrees east 157 perches to a 'pest * , another corner of the said David Hines', land and in the line of the above mentioned survey to Christopher Irwin •1 and thence by the survey last mentioned, north 43+ degrees east 5b perches to the beginning; containing 46 acres and 49 perches, and allowance of 6 acres perct. for roads &c., be the same more or less ; it being the north eastern moiety of the aforesaid lot No. 187 Act, to gether with the. appurtenances, one framed house, one log barn and a number of ;iippletrees, late the, eirtato of Shubael A.' Baldwin. , t • Taken in: execution at tlim suit of ;Joseph Drinker. ok Israel P. Pleasanta4 Administrators de bonhi non. e.c. of Henry Drinker. dec'd:. vs. Simbael A. Baldwin, with notice to T. Tenant. C. M. GESS, Sheriff. Sheriff's office„Mootrose, March 2% 1854 j .. ' New ,Illerk Adiver,Usesemt. , ____,_' ''' laisiii , zand SA-Oea , ( - 101INTY MeiihMits and pthers bik want of• V/ Bona and Shoes, willple4se call and extuninc i a large assortment, - receiyea direct fnnin the East- 1 'infoind'Jefinfitanttfattiirent, t Whidi will ha Void at loweaerates for cash Or shol'eredit '63e '-ace'ept . , _ . N:l7l . .—We snanufactare our lad' s arcs and Chjlirren 'a Sink iNCes aid ere sick Will war. ':ttant,oo.l - ai n4givalnith"rises. may be',llrantna. .....Aust to the and? iistoth; nn save fipin 19 to: ' l5 _pktrts fivattredit Pow- . . . 22/I,Pearl St., COT. Platt St , New York. -; : ..: 1 ; -I`l' , -'I S, _ - . - 1 - f t :,..7 . - A JlTainable --Ito . =and - . 4. * xy TAREE - rtervoldiaft_. _ and we lt b t i dE n r '-telturataa;for sakt by '.: Si , . FTSLIAER.: Montrose, Feb.' 21, 1 1 f0./. , ' - . l ;' - ':- - ''' '', ' ' . —.TRIE4IJIIMEIVS-SALE .I _ — Wit .' UnseateellLandi;luk limie 'it Cs. NOTICE is hereby "given, thsit•agyt o the -LI nets of the Elenentl Ansetibly of the' Cm monwealth of Pennsylvania: directing the'mode of selling unseated hinds for taxes,the following tracts and parts of tracts of unseated lands will be sold. at public vendue , "on the second Monday of 'June next, at the Court4ouse in Montrose, for arreara ges due, and the costs accrued on each tract' ,r , - spectively, unless the saute be paid pefore the day of sale—sale to commence - at 10 o'clock, in the rOll. f‘ res. lrerratitee KantiT awl Nor. Taxes. • ' GREAT BEND. 828.. Sainuel Bowman, part '1.2 200 : \ Pan= 08 Catlin, part • 1 26 '3OO. 140 \ rater *Grubb pt. I'Bo 400. 140' lies Morgan pt. 254 148 _ ph Wright pt. - 094 350. 140 Pe 1 Torrington 2 30 109. 91 Fratiklin Lusk 1 38 267 , &mother' Butler . 170 50 . Mathias ks 0 64 " HA RD. 352 • Andosw Bal in pt . ,6 04 HARM. .‘ 204 James Davis pt. , 3 78 142. Samuel Wallace pt. 4 24 1110 Tiinothy Faxon pt. 3 20 440 John Thomas ' 5'42 379 Peter Norcross . • 935 333 Paul Norcross . . . 822 400 Frederick Barthold " 40 155 • Joseph Mason pt. 1\ 92 360 George Perot 8 FR 150 John Comfort . 3 70 100 '• Samuel Emlin Jr. 2 46 412 Daniel Rees 10 20 • 409 ' John Morell ' 749 220 ' Samuel McGaltey pt. 542 93 2 30 50 • J. B. Waters (owner) 1 22 100 Moses 4. °twin 2 46 HERRICK. 313 . Jonathan Sergeant 12 72 218 .J obit Cadwallader 8:44 202 Robert V ilson 8 22 221 ... Isaac Wharton ' 8 98 .50 Samtte Meredith pt. ' 204 109 No. 23 4 44 64 Sarum Meredith pt. 2 58 JACKSON • 84 Mathias Coplin pt. :3 58 100 Sedate Griliwold (owner) 4 26 LATHROP. 101 • Andrew 't bout pt. 834 20U George Kepler 11 90 60 Mathew Brooks 3 00 123 M. N. Wallace (owner) . ''T 51 LENOX. 479 Hurry Ja%ten ,- 608 401- .. Peter Jordan 6 22 479 henry Jordan 0 08 491 Jrun&.. 13aldan - 0 22 . 483 Peter Baldan 6 12 479 Peter Gumley 6,08 491 Harmon Gumley ' 6 22 479 Paul Jasten t 6 08 113 Robert Parsley pt. -... .1 , 44 400 'John Dorsey 5 06 222 George Eddy pt 2 02 230 Andrew Tybout pt 8 16 22 ' George Kepler pt. 28 203 Mathew. Brooks pt 2 58 LIBERTY. . 100 No, 40 ; 7 84 100 No. 41 • 7.84 100 Na 53 - 3 99 50 John (owiler)- 2 96 50 Thomas Delaney (owner) 2 96 50 Elias Vanhouten (owner) 2 96 100 Joseph Patterson {owner) 3 .92 100 Ben .Johnson (owner) 2 90 100 'So. 20 39. NE W MILFORD. .James Chapman pt. .lolin Baron pt. . John Saltier pt. " Soltuon Findley pt. George Kepler pt. Lot sold to Roach pt. Samuel Rink. Joshua Rink t Solomon Findley pt. $ 316 pt.,• lot No. IGO 96 65 60 124 80 M 00 123 50 46 650 2uo 149 100 pt. lot No. 49 . .1 16 Jacob Taylor (owner) 16 46 Elijah Barnum " 380 John Vanvolkenburg (owner) 2 82 Seth Mitchel (owner)'. . 1 Oil Thomas Norris " 38 THOMSON . Thomas Harrison pt. 3 9.2 Jesse Evans • 37 27 George Stow , 37 73, Martha Shaw pt. • 13 29 Isaac Miller pt: 22 19 3. Le Ray de Chaumont 24 33 75 Samuel Hodgdon ' I's 50 207 Joseph Bradley 18 28 92 Peter Bradley . 8 13 88 Patrick Johnson 10, 39 100 . .. William Salisbury (owner) 8! 87 118 Veranus Latrobe° a - 10' 45 19 C. P. Tallman . 2' 36 0.0. lIEMPSTEAD, Treasur4. Treasurer's office, March 12, 1850. 37 420 414 150 no Yankee Notions. English, French, and German Fancy Goods. Dila LADD, at their old stand, No. 39 NM. sam street, NEW TORS, corner of Liberty street, opposite the Post-Office, hare received; a full and complete assortment of.goods in their litse, which they will be happy to sell or show to Mer chants purchasing their Spring supply of Policy Goods; consisting in part of Comas—Tortoise Shell, Horn, Ivory, Getman Sil ver, etc. Burro Gilt, Brocade, Lasting, Bone, Pearl, Shirt, Steel, etc. etc. Bazsass----Chith, Hair, Tooth, Shaving, Shoe, Palm, etc-, Soaps, PerfctmeryMiir Oils, Violins t Strings, Accordions, ,Guitans,• Flu teivetc. Tuazuss---lhirshalre,Linen, Grant &Wilsow's do, Spool Cotton, Cotton Thread, eta., Sewing Silk and '1 wist, Cotton and Linen Tapes, Linen Tapes, Linen Flosses, Corset Laces, ete.,•ete.. Suspenders, all kinds, Pins, Needles, Hair Pins, Hooks ik Eye's, Thimbles. Knitting Pins, Bodkins, Packet Rooks, Silk and Cotton Purses, Port Monnaies, Steel goods. a complete assortment, Paper-hangings, etc. • • Ctruzar—Razors, Pocket cutlery, Scissors, eta, German Silver Spoon::, •do. do. plated, Britannia do., Silver and Gold Pencil Cases, Gold Pens, Per cussion Caps, Fish Hooks, Slates, Pencils, etc:, Ra zor Strops. Looking Glasses, Brass-Clocks, etc.. All All goods warranted equal to sample, - and pri ces always at the lowest market point. ' • Feb. 12, 1850. • ' • Oene+~ee flour.: 200 157;1'..lag,tsss,uP!'n-e!ese:7, Having made arrangements:with one og ~e 4 exec Milk, we dull keep comtw . itly . milked *esh ground Genesee Hour of a supenor quality, ferule 'by the load or otherliEe--.41e0, /34ie1c1 wheat Mar, in sacks. LirOATS - d CHAPPLER., nesboro ; Jan. 2:1, ISSO. - , • , sack -of Saicit 87.} per bar.' salt., 2po ' age . :, 'LYONS 46 .011.4117) . 141114' Vuleißm ll . - 41h. 2S, • 44- t tUlxin4 l ; • - ' .YoNA:# c ar e s I .. ''v:+lds of r ar k* DIMOCk fraiwowed.hook,..-accoviliatotbi4fts. Joice &Sit be 3 . 11 ' G. Z. PP 4 OC!.- thr coUediSla• 10-" - lroniresi, Feb. it, Brew.Ciag4s.„ • • ABED 11111.11ELt Is now receiving Penland White's...44oyr I. Goods fetidirmang nearly 'ivety Thing-wasted in this market,fwbicli will be soh] extratteo .40,1 V lot cash tw ready pag• siMerlitelit mar b e classed in'part as follows: r" I Drugs, Medicines, ChctnicaL, Pada. Oils,Dye Stuffs,' Groceries, Dry- Goods, Hardware, Stone. Ware, Glass Ware, Clucks. Watches, Jewelry,. Sil ver Spoons. Spectacles, Instruments,lhr uors, Perfumery, Mirrors,Stationery,B,Shees,. Yankee Notions, dre. - I Thankful for the liberal patronage. and 'substan tial encouragement hitherto it.ceivesd,l hope to inCr it and receive a continuance of the same. A few of the articles kept for sale are mined below Groccrie&—A good variety of Sugars &IC Sa vored Teaegood and cheap Molasses, Coffee; PeP per, Spice, Ginger, Salenttus,, Raisins, Rice, Mick-- erel, Codfish, Zantee:Cumtuts, Tapioca, Arrow Rent, I3Lice, Manna, Sage, Nutnqrs, Cloves,Ground Jibs third ; also, Mustard Seed, white Mid black, Ext. of Lemon, Cassia, Soda, Soda Crackers, Starch, Bair and Casteel &AP, Candles, all sorts of Tobacco and Snuff, Vinegar, ifte. etc. • J.lry Good&—Broad Cloths, Cassmieres Sattinctit, Mole Skin,Cordnin,Sheep's Gray, Kentucky Jeans, flannels, Silk, Thread, Twist,,Buttisnsoke.„and 'ev ery fling necessary to make up garments; Calicoes, Gingbiuns, Mousbn de Lanes, A Ipaocas, Plaids; Be!, age, Vestings, Apron Check, Bud Tick, Drill ng, `IA tile and Towel Diaper, Sheeting, Shirting,bmwil Bleached, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Silk Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Comforters, Shawls, Gloves, 'linens, Hose, Cotton Yarn, Batting, Wadding: dot: Cambrick, Cloak Fringe, Giirip, Edging, Put-se ,and all sorts of notions. Ware.---Nails, Door and Window-Blind - Butts, Screws, L4cks, Bults„ Faucets', Screw-Driven% Curry 4rds, Skates, Caitors, Nippers, Curt - zs, Balls for Ox Horns, 'Shoves, ,-ks, Patent Balances, Steel-yards; \ails, Tea Bells, Cork Screws, neat ion. 'Des, Table Knives 4 Forks, `aims, Hand-sittrs,'Aug, Shears and Scissom.l; • • 1 / 4 Tic lie • Fasteni ides, Its " , combs and • board Faste'n • Spades, Hoes, I. Hones, Forks, Sh . a, Sc. too Munetous to .e Cutlery.—Pockk Kn bread and shoe Xnives, ers, Gimlets,Simmon's As • . !. ' Th .j„„ ..... L. Urn •r, •Y f'r le :, Paints.—Pure ;White Leak fund iu iOili aid dry, Red Lead, Oren. Red. - Sp. i h broom!, Lunt) . Black; Yellow Ochre, Paris' Gum - ChromeOreen,` Imperial Green, Chrome Yellovir, "nd Verdigris; Prussian Blue, Vermillion Bronze, Um •r, Terra Sienna, Ivory Black, Black Drop, Fatal?' ow, ItoSef Pink, Black Small, Curcuma, iced Saunde Sugar of is SKI Litharo. etc. Oils.—Linseed Oil, a variety of Lampst.)ils, Laid Oil, Olive Oil, Tanner's Oil, Caster Oil, and all-the' essential Oils. ' Varnish.—Furniture, Coach, Leather . and MO.:: tick Varni,l, etc. 1 : Sida. Turpek 1 inr, Camphine, Ilf,win, Spin -1 Wi l-; ling, Putty, Glue, Gum Shellac, Copallaum, Pantry. Red and - White Chalk, 'Bath Bricks, Po ' Stone . , 1 ' SaL Soila,l3urendy Pitch, etc. i , j . Brashos.—Paint, Varnish.Cotuiter. Clutlr.s.4lalr;' Flesh, Tooth, liail„Stripinkt,Graining, Marking, A. tist, Sash, Toul,-Morse, Wlute-witsh,Cticruh and Slam Brushes, etc. ...Pf._ - _Dye Stuffs.—lndigo, Madder, Logw ood, Nicwookl, ‘l":per Ca.nrwood, Fustick, Coperas, Alim, Bhie 'Vitriol, Annetta, Cochineal, Monate of Tin. Red Tarter, Extract of Lorw, owl, etc. Acids—Nitric, Sulphuric, Mtma - tie, itc. Gloss Wore.—Battles and Vials of every 'she and de.:cription. at wholesale and retail. A)variety of specie Jars, and tincture Bottles, Glass Syrimm, Peseras, Nipple Shells, Nursing Bottles, Tunnel .$ Tumblers, Lamps, Candle-sticks, preserve pislieS, Salt-tellers, Lamp Chimneys, Pepper Boxes, Car. boys, Mirrors and Mirror-plates;• Demijohni,'Winf dow Glass, etc. • Stone Warr.—Jugs .of all sizes, Butter; .Pots„ Creani Pots, preserve Jars,' pitchers Stove Tubs Spittoons, (e. • .4 Clocks and IVatches Or nearly every description;, good and cheap. Clock Faces, Verges and . Keysl Watch Guard Clufins, Cords and. lieys of all sorts. Toreiry.—Ladieg.and Gentlemen's Gold Besina) Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Hoops, gold and Silver Pen cils and pen Cases, Studs, Slides, gold Beads, etc. too numerous to mention. 1 26 1 26 1 90 1 00 1 90 1 Z 6 Silver Ware.—Silver Table, Tea and ,Desert Spoons, Sugar Shovels and Dings, Salt Spoons, Butter Knives, Thimbles, etc. Also, Silver-plated and German Silver, Spoons, Brittannia Ware, etc. Spectacle—Lndies and gentlemen's silver .fra med Spectacles, silver plated, German silver, steel, etc., and Cases long - and short. Sleet Goat —Steel Beads, bag and purse Clasps, purse Rings, Tassels, Slides, etc. l'ankce 41 7 '01°142.—A: grear variety of small but useful and fancy Articles too tedious to mention, such as Combs of every - kind, ear spoons and tyre.: zees, purse-4, pocket mirrors, youtks Telescopes, jewilarps, pocket books, pinkneedles, allaying tools, chemical powder for ridzor-strop, key rings, etc etc. Pistols, powder, shot, lead, poWiler flasks; gun wormers, gun caps, pills and flints,'safety fuse. etc. Musical Instrummts.—Violinx and Accordeons' (the best nitsortrnent ever introduced into the Coun ty) at wholesale and; retail ; also, Violin Bows, strings, bridges, pegs, tail pimps and rosin; Him viol strings and bows, ,Fifm‘Mrlumi, Picelos, Clad netts, Reeds, Tuning foiks,, Initructiiiii Books for the Violin, Accordeon, Flute;Clarinett,Fhigilett Trances--Abdcmdatitsupporters and shoulder lira-, ces in great variety and of mast approved patterm . dlediral in-strion = All • the varieties usually called for by Physicians. - -‘ Liquort.--Choice Liquors 'for medical purp oses ; such as Brandy, Rum„ Gin, Wine, etc., (a variety of each,) Alcohol, Whiskey;etc. etc. Perfumerg--Extmtv, Cologne, Rose Water and scent Bags, smelling. silts, Toilet Article_ Fancy, soaps, Ox Marroir, Bear's Oil, Tricopherqui, Hair . Tonic, Hair Oyc,.etc.: , Blationerg.-.—F9oliiztp and Dotter Paper, gnats; sandi_ Ink, Enireippes, Wafers and stanips, sealing Nat and icals, Mold :and steel Pens, Pen I Holders, Pocket and : able Ink-staisds; ansinesiA Friendship Cards, slates, Water Colors 'kr. Boots, shoe;, Whips, Candle Wick,: Twine, Thread, Bellows, spool itands,,•Whale Bone, *nut' (ern, Trays, ~ C andlesticks, Lamps, Oil 'Blacking, sponge, AlrinCes Polish for scouring, Rotten Stand aiidHath Brick for same, Black Lead„Paient Paibk Tubs, Clothes Pins„ Half Bushels, it,:xlielves„ , cibles„ Candy, Hemlock Pam, Window srigti, Oil, Cloth,' Carpeting, stunk paper, Baskets, Tin Ware, I Ploughs, etc, etc. ' • - " Drugs, Medicine*, Chemicals, (Fe, a complete sortment, tun numerous to minis. i Driigs antLifeilicinesTurkeY guin npium, rid. and Pr: genuine turkey: rheuitub, dtt-mdis also, morphia: sulphis and wet* tiOstria, patos hydreid.- - CrectiOte,i4itud while precfpitat . 4 544 e uMgpeiik!rtltiau o( vonuc,a; ti.ll);' t i.. l : *4l* , tuikiiloo iiiir*, lll 4Phto e P 6 t.m'', ' II " , N Exth4t, cera alba, colimyrith, gam mel, tartar emetic, rid - aint puhl'Orris;eialie • rid and pOlv.. oulumbo e sulpha , of ssm 4 ,,inffroo Vas.; some. ,0 1 e 4 4);;;"f.e3 1 " &it, gum kimOrue,• seliMmOniwa, IWO. eer.i tesive, 1 11 Plai nft. ,:trach 64;41r $ 4 *4 4.1 -0 6 ,! , .04000g1ik ' ' • amine; ciiitniv%ll; 0 6 1rert,p 0 70 03 7A; ,16,3, . . senlfrelliitreck -!4 1 -r r X 11 **41 ,06 .0 0 ;* 4 0 u 1 and 01 -I *thlts. Are, 04 pCOOPTili*setkPlali *4l gtqp,al2l) say le, poly : ,Ur;-440041,iifni*Andsin*iiiiii 4.l atharie* g olden sisal, l Mo r "Ftai;4otane**l. cut ens _ lwn4 cyst ao 40; Nir. iPecacua,bo l **dils4lieffig**tii iumn. wrlc:.pultvwig t arabie..Kinilisklliar4.44ll4 , ollPritual. want 41 ficf.venaceliFeltt***l"--t4 O --rillI1 1 : 1 1It' 0.1 404t;`,WPO - Bario;'ririO4 triad** ;,y,Otioki 03(00 tblogkATF*.Chirrict* I tiii; Ofieic Umnlfc - - e r ii 4 oi;t°2#,:: ol ! Sop, Seneca smite root, ridvtlerapietig:o4,o4ta gu rt z t, Cfrr. sS .. 90 8- !kaid . 'atiallaltibi i iefisd,* uva orst'nattslW. `„iii‘tragiteiritl*tad.oool . gnin guisc: - gern * unkindlit cockle:4** salve, )emp, canthariii:dikiritiftifti, crude_ 4 ' •antimony;olre lxuk,Orrialadand ungrotnia ' .ash bark, fsl. digitalLtbookbenruk. whit* b 'nub.. !itiagn6ia.; lyitha, - iem . cholcliletim, mess, rad aconite, gold ,threid, crocus r lett veSolkendunta , sarAtpaffilbt;..nocd,l:lll 'adhesive piasti. ciinii moil,,ti. - de.` ~ Eriritel a of gen '. 4 : - coma -bolltiao, 'datuleboti, - ileadly . • t 'idilOe,'' tin iti * eilith,'comp., dkc. ~, - i . _e, ;• - - T ''.',- .F..'..... . Xamential Ot. ... r .tielot peperniiios . iim mon,,Tansay, afinteogpatuit i lt ender, hemlock - OlOvos„. beigar - atatt,,. spearnout t pennfroit i aVedrikindklimm wood; Juniper, yosentarr:anther; "eitral sawn, osjiput. aprotOtaricubebs,,ec essences trout the abbfe tiels. --, i n, ,Ti Rd arcs.—tinct. j ieulxib.' ' 1411*.: cardiumm, . guiaC, dl ' talis, • tolu,sc+se, miiriatC tincture of t '=&c -", -.---, ~ ,Laudettra,parego c five's-syrur collefdein or lquidlt , 've•plastew .dulc, aqiut muunistoi l r. . ' ether, apiritio . coder, camp., salts,o . _. A 16611 ) 0 04*. spike, balsam cop& briniateneisnlplinr: Ohara:al, quicksilvei, . . ijon, liogolig 4.-- etc: etc.' ' - -.. 4 , - -..-• "'„; , 'i ; , '::::i - In short. whole: spimmie#:' the rain attempt to otasaterateffie"! -articles.'kept krr. sale ~itt Ttraittet,' right Place " to bay viwoo fill* The . hest-kind of./.:*' - ire *S.. the variety atiil ft i . of.them,4o% - art offered physic** . . niakniktbeivi ularfurebase. 'The. Fstai.C:gebenigi are call anal' - examine the tOttib:tyltnd:nciiii . ' - it -- AB ,TUi. .. ..-• . Montrose, Diecemtlett 1t347,.. , ..4 - t , ,..i._ -',?, To Dairrm -' l 2 Valuable PtDettk ,- ;ilOtTh FIVE- following - Real rniCiPersatett.:', 11. hereinafter descri il t .iiiiiii4,itt.:Ct, Susquehanna Couitty, • riosiiii**4o a.great baron)* to iviy we whoinay:choie `Chase. The real - estatei corielsta'Ut - *Via; 1106314, fire hundred-of ittlticlift4e . undet' moot, and. on *hiCli Atejf four, dwellir - iloA seven barns. Thelalrelldeli _r.';ilnd'ja capable 4r. • iiiii,:iisilii. Ting summer and white ,'"'and invert watered with springs a ' - Mtiesiiiii.: • et t and land are in good etliudit*, intr. • see are_about fire inilet4f,gdoir StOtie.. t h e other fences area..i' good, and on hind are large gum ttit* • will supply the firm f m an years to which will also be vat '., 0:- fOrlittildin road which is Rion to .beg Wilt - pp XllO cl v Said families a very, Plf l Mol- 4 04:- 4 AlOll about meson tutles frani 7 Oreatri which the Nevi York & Prielptiliniad' _ . about. one mile from the.f.;ite , l4!Pot -lidsirtin's Creek Radii*. :irriiidi - 4111 f - iiiiti -Lackawanna Coal - and, ~..:A r inetila: i fiti I .New _York i t, Erie ': • , Att•Ole,. Greet ). ' can he Very' Raven ilia, -- ' _ : .yAvidedintefli citi four of which would the necessary and Out-houses, Fruit ilea, f&e- - •I' -- n, - ;,- With the above willthe:oo.l4! a i'ett:l.afec.. of Cattle ; Horses; 4kc.,llincluding. Durham ,C 4. 'Workinm Oxen and - youtligreatile, and' iti* al . q, __,..._:_. .. cessary implements* of Iftshantli7 Hz' coaryatglx , .... ...._ , maid farm br farms.. - i ; ' • • ' The Terms of Rale:will be:na falowilit 1 fourth of the purchase loner for the Eeaketittges will be required at .thee tneof pinthaec,:anitiort, ;:t Stock, Panning Htensi - itc:, half ''dOirkttiiil the residue to be paid in -eq ' anfintitiiiirillt' 4- L 4l interest annually on the; whole auto - tititittittr be' il computed from the full dkiiierrol-postlekit*_ .the first:instalment payahle $u three,years,finta4hiv t* 1 : delivers- of pos.. - 7„;14en,-and,the whole:o**Ciii : lo, - ' 7 .' I : aid - within ten years frOin - the iale-, tOlbe'is'ee.# liby Bond and Mortgage. 'p'ull-poisessiint h . :the:4 li * -•.' l'i en on the first day of April, 1851, with: the7prni •A'. . ,'lege of putting in crops iext Fell if ,desired._ _AA" , igood and indisputable tit" given._ _ „' ~, . .,1- . ., :,...: ,:. k -. ,- 1 , The above described p pertr belnage - ;10 the es:,. i itnte of S. Mirt.txr, late f said Bounty, :land a 'More desirable property" has' nor at atiy time, ,::, ;in. this section of country, been offered for dale ; and -. I ':'no- greater inducements offkivol to . purchasers. !Ter-4.41; I 'issis„wisiiing to invest nipipeYS- in Real - Entiite itis -V in good Stock, cannot do Wetter Ili:tn to. call and ex-: # ! • intone for themselves. • Other tracts or tote of land .. it' lying in said county, area offered for sale. ,Ap. f t . plications can be made to p[. Meylert at New Mb ! : ford, ur to 13. S. Bentley Atlttontratte, in, Maid cet;,l,l IV ,_.tY, and any : further particulars that *E.* :,i,"4 . ! 1 -• . r ll4 - red will' berg:Oen. - . •-• r ; ' .'":',;-:-:,-',' —,-- -.!..-: - • i'- •ICITAEL ME : o.7,llZiettattne - , of_fit • • ,p, ni. •. BENJ. 8.-EENTI. j ,-..,, 4, .: Jialleet; deed.. ii , t - , • Sett Wiliest persons baring : ' iceoaiteplir . Oa,erwase. indebted to- aubsailiers, cult :44 adjust the, swine - without. furtbet notice: litro IG it 3 -0 • /' To Wood Moppets. , Cl i " 11 will be paid be tr - Tmin ibie• - t , 1 1 six hundred cords of iFehcippodbi_th? fitst day of Octobvr next , pply to tWaubeat b'er, 3 wiles north.east of tram , „______r_ 7 ° Mairch 4. t850.' aft MITUTIELL. .. '1- - • ti? 'lar'''.,,,,'2- ~ ' Atbrzuustra 8: ei- ---„.• 'TN puraturnee of stii ordeeps - the Orphinif coon' I.!cof Susquehanna county -frill -be .4exposed .to public gale on _Thursday. d*,28614ar , Of, Mardi', 14 40,,,, at :4 eeiock P - ..,3,c..; thil4iTsq , ditsnriredl - -- pomiles;situate,lying and beliillectheltrwitshipv' ordeekson, in the count . ); of ' esaid , the ' finifirares, thereof bounded and &al -as follows :. , ifigni. ' I f nieg are an original warrant corner,,_ theses .4. deg Tees east 12:2,and STetentlar peTehea, dimwit ..-. south 45 itigreca.'scet 4 80 'Pelichei; t , -oe,iairtli 45 - :: , ./-' degrees west ,76 arid STe4encps Prweberi - to 'iii - ,:ii ' `thenTdictith 445 4egrect * seeasii 26 Pisithekidiatautt -niid,:thenee north 45 *eat 45 perches' tit a keech sapling,-thence north 1' . pepabel ' ,fik e !g" 1 0 1 4 mtnin 4 %'"l o acres .P 5 =I., ',L,-- more, or ' lea?--the .s econd tee.: - neig stogie heap the northe ast '' '4' Lind ef,:pee -Perry. thence north . 45 de ' eist: l 7o, Al Orst,:' thence south , 451 d fria(1,111 1 1, tentbs Per-Oes 'to a be ech Stu thence . P, 5 ,' degrees ------ '6B and forif-t0 v en thtt o I :hi u th ence north '4s'd_e , '.ertre'“irriebt.l4:7 :!th e . -- • t rg, containing lir 141iN. triter. - 'of vireo . kV; emit 40'; . -- 50 ripide tivwsn,...frarne4., :, tY ____ ....,.. 'edi t ie of Joseph Ilattescin;? . . ima c iva salOartelnewr. 'ow tle:itai ' *- 1 'saki, , „'' ilairb*-* take, place an the pieniis‘Nr. - ' "- ' ' , • _. _.- :"..,,';.. 7 ' ..PELETIA,Ite 184 . 111; : 410•:': l i ar '''''FAW 2 % ' l - 44 19-.'l , - '- - '7: , ;!..'1.- -'• *-- ....:'?Z::s , ..',',e - ,f ,5-.-7.4= , . :I,q. c'_ 'ZIOCiitimiNVIVIN., . - 70 1 YrreguterebY gig tOhnlagoo 1-ledier4beiNettletnent of tbitaitattof b. 1811 04 1 0 , 1 g Om towil#P 4ll 4 l po; 0 1 14 letierart 4 447 . )utti SlVgetlighe 'autiiiis,`,stkithiiti -d- - leof lith*itersf lolip*)befilino* illizeoni*etediriih IrstatkliVilhe diateireideisce atheliiid:OC : ..,,-41111ftle• lankiiiiit it , „-8 - . PAlPtlftl, %Ilk d,„ ..,111,0 A. ~W, 4 L,41,21,' isilltqat.mso.-= -0 ' : , !‘" l ut or r .****li 8 44114 ' irfir tecie!it Aulti" `elit4for iifiretitO 6 4 1 . 1 : 117 4t*tlei' 'arg"POl!.o 4 ."*Pill°'3"P" 1 1 " . vsiakcciiaspoluttivAl!kplke4l7irKY i- -- - - .4 1 , - . 7k;.'jhull!titEL l47 i , ~-,'e„, ~.4. _ ),_:BENlF4ior -,..,,,,, FT -44 amptumiegmr jartiv. "F r . • , r ww,443-F, -- • • M°7 # l - 11 . 41 :CWW, , "d 'Farlite.ri - z - [tit; ~.; ~k:;; k; Jain 1 giffig