The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, January 31, 1850, Image 1
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Dirge-like music! thrilling numbers f r Waling every latent string, Deep ; }within my heart that sluraber— While these templed arches ring. Sing on, though the' strain be wildly, Deeply fraught with notesof woe, Souls their sympathies should mingle— Let our tears together flow. From oppression's dark dominions, _ ' When the ,tyznnt Slavery reign's, YOU'veeScaped, but down trod millions, Still must near his galling chains. _Glad we hail your riven -1 Years be Freedom's richest boon,— , - Here beneath a smiling bearer; May you find a 'happy horne. Bnt, though tyrants cannot harm you— Th ough your fetters are laid low— Can the joys of freedom charm'you While your brelit'ren's gongs yon•knoav "Nor they snorer, " 'cries from . bondage, Coale on every southern breeze; Never! while their groans can reatit Will your heaven-born blessings please." By your love of home, and kindred— By tberblcxxl of freemen slain, We beseech Yxm—lleaven enjoins it— BreKk the Monster's cursed chain" Brooklyn, Jan, 1850. liazs For the Saiquettanna Register. • I With well-earned glory, from the battle field The Hero came, and like a valiant knight Ile sought the bower where trusting Ellen wept, And laid his laurels at the shrine of Love. I saw them at the altar—proudly gleamed The loyer's eye, as he beheld his bride In all her loveliness-like blushing rose ' [away. When morn's- glad beams have kissed its tears #t triumphant 'on tier peerless brow— • Her dark eyes, only mirrored happy thoughts; And as she turned on him. those soul-lit orbs, Ile read in that fond glance,love welling up From its full fountain—deep and pure-- Awd when befurt 4 High Heaven, in accents firm They vowed uniiraun,,oiug truth, and constancy,' Ifetticioglit I ne'er - Beheld a nobler pair; Or one that haftpicr seemed in mutnal lore. A gentle, half-bra:lobed murmur flcialmg 'round, Like zephyrs calm at eve, fell Ou ray ear— . How beautiful ! too beantiful for earth 'rears glided by—and 'neath the vine-clad cot, Pi4tired from cares and din of city life, They dwelt 'mid nature's lux . ries—Chae bright boy With his fair sister, shared their parent's lave— Their infant charms, new pleasures guve:tollife Lear badness 'wings—a constant, deep'ningicw. : , Of happiness was theirs-pure, I. 2 naURY If aught be pare, on this sin-blighted CM* ' Music from harp and /ate, rang through the ai Of that fair temple, blent with sweeter strains I Of vocal praise. . , - Time passed-agaidisought That bright ElySion-dear abode of peace. [cluand4l, But now "sad sickliing thong t" the some On a low couch, soft loaned by breeze, The lovely Ellen lay, but deathly pale. The rose had left her Cheelc, yet beauty still Glowing in light unearthly, lingered there, A well-known form bent o'er her-teats. fell fast-4 He gazed upon the wreck-aids fond hopes. The rider of the pale horse passed that way, And markett her for his elm-cupless foel 4 His arrow flew, aimed at liar - heart; and now She's dying-soon her spirit tmconfuted, Will join her children's' ingelein the'sl?y; [Throne' Fur there they've found a lodginent-near, the Life ceased-what pangs rent. anguished 'Edwin's soul ! No balm could soothe his ndfing, bleeding heart: Widowed and childless-left alone on F'ait]3,. _ A rayle-Is gloom - Ave-loped future years- He felt that life had lost all powers to chaym, - Day had departe&--iilld - abcl desolate„, t the bank of a deeplalv4ii,o4:*. Whose moon-lit wateis4nirrinuredrintd cl 191 r , :. He stood -a wretcheditlknOts • Flit through his fevered broinriiiiiiiCt4ir Was brooding o'er his - soul;-1 heard' .a phingO:- : Down the dirk depths, lie found a. • i;afry Bnlialtra, Jan, Isso. , .r.... - typoN lug; atharra.--4-Same I:orty pan : , BTA,111)--- maps' tabßit - deyeendOC: of rig,o, 'tri , eo ai r _ e V e r- Y Add is oi , , x , hiir :, -- a . „.,.., ~'lmi4aPer, a certall - -. if _, fellow was lane =mug el iting i t c e nt rf der le e, nisin g his c r Pe ' ! "l i s . - 9 ' llg oor knowing .: n single letter great disti , .r:d 1 ,.., ~' _- - - knowing neighbor 'of of the' alpriaper g27 ' ':am0re7,....1,-„1 row hisp a - m , - __ t . his ba ß ene6 L ,* .;,rfaZiirort,i7f.r°4—e-Ild'i observing to 'muLA a y, ii- - • - 'r mmett up- niall un v The old pia,' -4 ' ~.. , ~_,,,,,,. toned s' „ I tte The of" :,.. 4" ' ',Piz 14,741,,&e,,p(... wool 4 - hare yon 'Y 't.,.1.4.!',- vi Nl ait,-Wpcal,o, and pity for it4, l hr i tl, !Yet"'/...---..f --:". ='..7.7,. 7 ; iii , I.l7,lle,t,u_fe- -1 i . ' •::, '4 --I ='-' ' - ` - ' - '4 , , ''.1::::',- T i: . ; 4 -",' 2 11 - - - iii.,jiiiii• Eitaiar*.Mo r r i—Th e i-'. l'fer4W►- VisitOr tella:kritor i i i-tw #.P thu l -4 " : jol j t el a onopialat:tilk Imllighbfq 'for: suw stream Ave li:iiardsidsam-Abl , - , , od irrooloit when nefredrilia 1 4441 """gr 1..-37,-,-V4r, distanpe,•iePliek . . 4- '-Mr# ra-7' ,1 (4.1 Y (.. , N , There vat. Det*lbunia Ilr-deelog' ilboakik4 "h° would ils•purili, ii - lumP:juillo bu1 , ...''. , I ;,.; ': 11 1 , - ' ' t` . . Thq 4/1/ielteat-Irilj*iiat*.k..-."4"f° pit (loin ta t I l e tne trt, net t 1- - ~,;-, rtr, -, ,LI 1 - 5 dia 4overs. Or kthe bi a mfix." - - • • AT F./JILT-11w. One of the. prettiest in4es That ever graced a country daisee4„'or turned the ' , head of a lover, was Lydia Little, the-sultect of the following sketch. Nebody,ccinki deny; it ; she was very pretty.— Even her iiltowed that she was quite fascina ting; and her bitterest enemies . aleelareireuit after allshe wain beauti. • • I • • Although.LYdia was really handsome, its was a Ter:. ,unformaqte cireumstatice, that .she was .con- - somas of the facL It is no' injury to be a pretty girl, if it; hat Lydilitad Oho as perfect tiltholkledge - of lien ,chanrigr as ! even. her wattnest,adrairers, - and the jeonsequenee was, she became one,of ,the most vain; shr,ew,d, mid , heart less - eciquettes that ever inlide. 1;7 litri fire et:true hearts in ordei to laugh at the flame. Lydia had i&dent admirers., far and near, for her beauty was fatuous in all the villages twen ty mites of thejewn_ in which, her father, a rich old farmer-resided: Although Lydia smiled en all, there roe only two who were known to possess very great impor tance to her eyes, and who seemed to cast all uth the'shode. One of these!7,oung men Was named White. and the other Bra Wit These it Was said, were Lydia,'s favorite sours, and it Only remained _ for het to choose between therm, Indeed it was a -matter' of debate in the village, whether it virouldbe.hetter to become a lltihlohite or a little brotar- Mesars. White and Brown both lived 'at a (Its lance from their mistress, but White had the , ad vantage oveithe rival, for he lived the nearest.— These two . ritni,g gentlemen had beard of eackoth er, although they bad not the pleasure . Or a 'per sonal acquaintance. White ;Was afraid of Brb‘via and Brown :was, afraid of White, so that Lydia, out of pure kindneo,. \l'aS very careful that they should never meet at her house. If the rivals feared each tathei, they feared Lyd ia's fatherttill More. He had tried to put a stop to her innocent flirtations, and had repeatedly threatened to.shoot her suitors if they didn't keep aloo 13esides'that his wand was'Lrrrtc, and he was a little man; but little' as be was, he was a little fierce ant the beaux was not a litho afraid of his resentment: One day whell...l t ycha's father was _one from home and was nth. expected back until late at night, .She determined* :Mad for one 'of her suitors to came and -lieep.lter company during the evening. But which should she choose I liere was adilem ma, indeed. Sae reflected, that Brawn was with her last, and feeling ihat it would'be unjust not to allow White to Come in his turn, she resolved that White should b the IMP, So she dropped a line to White. and had everything prepared for his re ception in the ..ei,•ening. Lydia felt „..4:s confident that her dear White would fly to meet her, that he would have been willing to stakeler life that he would be there at the appointed hour. White was very punctual, and she felt that, he loved her too well to allow anything. whatever to interfere with the interview. However, as lie s time passed, and he did not 'ar rive at the moti*mt; she began to change her mind, and to - wonder bow she ever permitted, White to occupy her heart with such a noble fellow as “Brown woulthit have failed—= would not, I kamr—” 'Such thought 4, were runnin g in her mind, when theite Nras a rap at the door. She knew Wilde was thit6, and forgetting her resentment, flew to admit ltitn4 What wa.4lxer surpriseonfinding thatlit was not'te but Bror. - n ! • I on 't be surprised," panted the delighted lover i " I c ouldn't have dared to cope—Traid of the old li min--but Isa* Irina—middle Of the afternoiin—he told! me—(l'm iski'ont of breath - I can't If -Artily speak)—be wasn't 'owning borne till midroght." 1 So yon - tool* Opportunit7 of visiting re dn ringl his ttlenee,l.'elir ".- Lydia smiled iin 'him at firs 4 but then sl4 look ed thoughtfol and finally appasred quite perplexed. She was conqidering *b . :lt a FIX she would be' in if White should beicomingfiloaeabojat that tittle. ' '", Yoninusn't s'top," said Ate, n6rvortsly. ii " Pa they'll be biome-Hl"expeet 'him' every 'rainnteand if he should find ,' on—"• ' • ' -- 1 4 ' Psbaw therti's oe tlatig,er,"!said Brown. i "He wcin't be home yet awhile And if he reomei,l can slip into the kitchim and get out at the back 'Actor. .." Finding she could not send her lover awayiLyd la rezalred to make the most of him *bile Wstaid. Oh," said Brown, 'rre a rich joke to tell . , 'I D° let me - it." , ' As I was coming this way. tot:tight, who do you than' It I met i ' • Iwhor Your partiridar friend—ldr: White." "Xy particukri friend!" Sneered - pretty •Lydia. IYes--but never mind that—l amt afraid I "Bat how did you blow lam ?" ' -: -- • : 1 "Olt, rhad caught - .a glimpse of him before.— '/ut he didn'tknott , me, and that the cream-of die nice. . " iloa- - -so r t I r " Why, pm see' ive fell in with each other, and ai he was eel:fling this way,*; got . talking; about the Wks.* thisse - dtggias' i" s. -84:614-.,tild'squire Lit-: ile:UireskitmewbereTbere,:ikart he ,r - Yee' says lig, grisinktforthe moon-shone, and I eonld - 'see bi t n" de you littaw bito,:danghter r 0 '' 44 1 1 4 of lier, said 3 - i' ;Mei. liretty-, : ihef eat. "It ell, she anything ,eliiie.,7- sctift."White-,, and: by looked at me just as if ite was !MIL* the wool nfetr: my eyes' coiiiplgtely. , ', , lt "She bass, plenty f Nola; Ilatarr oars I, - !''7o, l , l eityk be, Wiping, Itli‘e'ittleltow f the name of Brown t6itir to o[4 lit ilieiz" . .1i5011600.0..71i* leiicitir;': . 'Oit re," iitissi;bl2(liti:eirt'Ll 7 4.'-'.' , • - 1 • ':. • ,•-' -:•','., • .., • `''ti" i looked Itilifeleself, it MO, iiid saw he , didn't ' . 4strinttikiati - it* Ilitotrti;td; could' fiardlt- keep aitiilliett?tog)tsdil :ink. --- '-'llOl l- 4ii'Vtiolin lir, gar TiV:•!?Therers*l6llciely the lediii.-af,Whife; detee to ifitlifli; r 4iiatl - Aiiii.t.,?.' - ' ,- :"lrts - " : : issy*fie;- M 4404 • ietly kiii'idTehance,"l-giless.::. 'I itiotill r liite 4. :; l ." yoillo6.otr*yik -- -L''.`" co lititiftikioxi'o -, - -;,,, : tits v• l iii* v iiin;':•11 1. 4 0 - :.yofpuffsiiete. ; , . wiiiiii** - Aini,i .4%061'1. aill latiiiiiiterf •- •I ' LL ll'. K - Sfittir 4 1 3- OWl . it , . ‘ litettri nice kW . oftoe vr" AlthOiliecChe iiiaj: ke 'etircirtu- Ate la 1614 itEi* 1 - P-Ire'S:_ll._****#thikitcl fellow; ttnd riniiirithe if 1 • ''-viOn lir, 'ntf :liinee - : .- rkiti,jii4 ili':ol 3 lretwAirbiti' , ; *.;: -0.,: lietl' elicisei'rkike7 . viol 7Of itati qiiiinil *IN' : O.Ce,P , ' - ' o lSiitralist dilii&t. '!:nitliybitir ilays - W-skjfe*Ordirtlitiatititi' i. 1 *:itti4toi ~,,e , ...,,,,,,,,t „ ~,,,,,..,,,,,.,....,,,: : ±,-0 :, : ~ an 1 7. , .,..-Itanuid 'wi th , the fellow m thi s . - 0411:.Itieilitie i I.4te; ie4 Vita iny fkiiitinio,7iiiitt*iiiiJiiiik 14:4 1 . .. i_reckon, vuttAii.:l44,4rai'.-nini, , 1 '2 -1 '24o4l**Wiet liea'lle. g li k**l4 iiii relt -...l 49 3 fit.thati : " .l- ,' ,- " - ''': 4 "± - :: , , ;i 4 lll'eifewfitititis - ....- -, .. - ,,, 1•1 . f4,-, - , - ,:•? , .•. , . (litigi ~. .' - iii•:,•,, - ,.!!'!! .., • „ ~74 -1 6 t 1,:ivivbii: -4 ' 75-.11 “ /2 6 41 1 4t = .Atosemonx:lizit- , :diwui, ~., wibraiiikos.Jß.r.l , 6o*.nivail:.:_: iaisw.*.utogiiri i ...--libickiiiiiiedia , ,,:it -'4l)lljiiitifietirsWgii." ROSE, PENN'A., THURST4Y, J A NUARY 1854. c u riosity to knowif it was indeed Mr. Little that I " Nklma • soPsiqe fe1144-,yOu are I"..ertelainiedi nrytiate.kno' it, will- yer 11-, ),,, yer , lii__ n ___ . " ' . ' . C . ny , ,,- hadjust tomes _';i .' .. _ Ll3rowe, `fi nd what a pity it is I never m4p .ypur t. people de, , sanultelmoue,fer nutiun‘l ! wil ~ 1--.4lMa, 1 eacnid He crept softly int -- to the door •• by which- he aciptairita p iee before." 1 • ' '..* from . the' p peratinns mak i n g o, the i outsideohd i ing, .le The ri% is Shooklinds and became sworn friends (prospect •w - - that -7 •the 'in ,i 4 re 1 615' . 3- - zit* - I . l er° . had 'made his exit; peed on .his knees and ap plied his ear to the k y-hole.. . • on the, st.-•,i,. j • . ) . ' . . pr ik one ", r 7,...., -,....,,-,-. „ : .-.:- --. -.1 ? :,:;.:2.y . ..q.,,,V ",.., f difelf At:that mordent h heard a noise that sounded Hearitti, , Lydia's, father talkiug very loud to her [_A though struck the attendenh- He4disentmeso. ":intition so much like a - heart kiss that qt, made his heart_ in the parlor, tlieethought it a good time to Mike edthe wiret, ridplacingit,trEeentectwithihe IM* out all corneal) into.hisnio has large-as a p um pkin. . th eir eseaPe, and glided rej,kbf the house, tuibeard ,of the.door opou l the,tifside,-his,comPeniOn;let,OM ';:', - Ip o rit He looked—end the - , faithlessness and fickle- lii either , the old gentleinan or:thiughter.;=loli- the the hafterY. ' '- ". ...,-: 'l . tili mp - ,, z i o e s s iof woman !,---th .was. . .Lydat,,blushing and following Otiy, as LYdia was , __ , langliing hearlili at The door flew open instantatieonsly; tuilliffir'i,ii.4 s - ,,tT ug ;,:i smiling in the arms f his riral---m' his new ac- her advrittire on i the preceding: . night,;Ji small . 1 tient strangr ~ - w ith.:the seal ! strir' i cap, lial ,2 dilecivi Ile no , f i vat i nt i nce _whi te , ~, , neatly ,folded billet *as In - ought her by the post- ered ia the act ef:ao atiti-angnhir desteet z ,down; .- tE r i,t , li o Browre .'rst impu ewnsillibreak through the man. -, ',." ,1. 1. • sherS, the si ell hum head semping the paint_treint . .p r i l i c i . , dooriand eat uphis_ri ; but he soon thouhgt bet- , "It's _ 414 d-writing," she said to ihemelf„ , the edge s of the r,* pO; andliis.legs,reeentiMeprl *.404;.: i for of it, and determiried. to g i ve hi m - a few min. its she 'bra -e cthen'the letter with a Knife of Skis- 1 fornting are Oluttoniul.pireutte which Would tare; .i v i i iiiu lawn ~ _ , ~.. ute.slreprieve before he i,lemolished him entirely. fled vanit . ".Leta see what he says." I, den? in erit to a French daneieg,:raaster;,*:' .l 1 'souk " There, stop," cried Lydia.. " You shan't kiss' She reacts as folleirs: - ~ , . 1 , ~ t . r i,.,„, - ). a i - . .. -i t kw, z „:6: o - I , 3 ; r 4 i i-Ail o ‘: o , t ~.te l wi., me wain to night." "To ore LtrAit.L`rrira,: • , .1 1. , of Welter Nies the night' efere„,whith„..he' , had 1 , :ent,:an " Why not t" . askedr, White. As yo 'aro non in all probability, lairaring ue- ' depcisited in Oat. pocket. _ln his.pioxt_m-sisiltitypi,,clijnery "Because you didult.come to see inc at the time der the rreneensirepre.ssmatliat,yrie have playedi stairs them . cues twatille ignited,,and bY-ilie,,titritii Gan-1.. Y m i mainted. .P - Iftiall of-tWerity minUtes later•—':' rriiioSt, !hirable l triciCelf iii - le:., arc have tramed .he had react d .ihe bofiefn of the first itilbt. 'hieirtliediib 'Mats why." . - - ourselvei into a joint chit - unit-tee of two, n order I had partiall reCbvered fiord fire just efieets'ef thel thileoti " You don't imagiee what a good excuse Eva• to deviSsi rnerinsl to ~..., ,, et your mind at rest on the ' shock; but • e fliiii tingled 'through his teiiii,lisl didates got," I said White, langling . subject` , The "truth is, (leas Lydia, we the under- coat-tails wee on fire, and he was ; not Set forwardj pretty :What is it 17 signed, Unilerstand ' ourselves and• each other per- le his Una& tion may by tifis-last effort of; o?,,ter-; school, • -."I met a chap wh o bothered me." . redly andlsee th r ough your entire course of' con- R mentors. ditcpvered the fire,, and, presuming 4;irt . t " That was me," thought Brown, still lookira chid bette than you imagine, , However, we have it was' part .OT,Parcel of the " firi- cis profe.s through the' key-hole.. "I did . bother him, , 4 ,-..a formed wisel, resolution -to allow. you to retain tion." he spring to his feet,' and with both . -rltindsll- lament. bluffed him-off nicely I too. I wish -I had wrung our man . - colors through life. before we pi farf,er- briskly at lark' behind bim, for the purpose of are thl ti his neck for him." 4 _-' , get Ours les iri ;this respect as to. think of inducing smothering t e flame which - was roasting,the seat i candid " You can't g,ness,who it was, Lyclia,"said White yon to bme either White or Brown. ' of his ineXp issibles lie , put for the street door at - and 3,-1 laughing. . " Tons iikg that this official :docunient contains full gallop! .: . si I 1 • ?Thai "Do you. know I" , ' _ such an ex -planation of our views iteyot will readi. Fire! fire! Ilelp! ?terermurcl—fire !help! shout-; interest .-... . . .. - "To be sure I do--t - ~_-[ . hough he didn't igb ne -,.ustrust Inew hint. It was. my redoubtable rival,' Mr. Brown." . _ Thi plague I" muttered-the listener, biting his lips in perplexity. Did you see that fellow !" said Lydia. . "0. _ . I wish yim knew howlnuch fun..rve had with hits ! Why, the great fool flatters himself that I am nin n2,-, enough to love him . ," " Highly complimentary," thought BroWn, grind ing his teeth and looking harmless daggers thro the key-hole. • ' ' "You'd been amuseillo have beard me talk with him; bind lay 'on the soft solder. 'I got the wool i over his eyes nicely. He did not know me, and I I chatted with him, and myself and him, and it went rdown like a pill taken in apple sauce." Lydia laughed heartily to think bow the rivals had fooled each other, each believing all the time, that e game was all on his own side, and White laugh a too at the thought of having i plated such jroivn ices as a 4'.onßr6"i thi onl; ene,that made The thought of haring been* welt a fool of, didn't,"by any means, inspire him into .a merry mood. "I can't stand this," thought he, scowling at the key-hole: " I•natist have my turn now. White may tole my'phice here in the dark if he lilc,and I will site into the sitting room." lie - stole eitatiOusly out of - The bask 'door, and proceeded round the house, A moment After, Lydia and her dear White, who were kaiing a fine time of it, heard . the sound of footsteps a:ppm:etching towards the door. " It's fattier!" cried Lydia; believing the old gen tletrian'had really come. "You musn't be seen, White.' Run in there-and get out of the house as soon as possible!" . . She pushed White into the kitchen, and d hasten ed to the front door. , Having - made up her mouth to give her dear fa ther a sYweet kiss as soon as he entered, she stood ready to throw her aims around his neck—when, to her astonishment who should appear but, Brown. I need scarcely inform the reader that White impelled by the same laudable curiosity which led Brown to make the discoYery we. have seen al ready, had his eve at the key-bole. • " What! you again r said - .Lydia,be.stowing upon Brown the kiss ebb had reserved for her venerable parent H'ow glad Lam you mime hack. - But it is rash in you—" "Love makes the heart hold," said Brown giving Lydia tut extra hug, fir the express benefit of White, who, he expezted Was at the key-hole., "I began 'th think the old . man hadn't come after ail; so I come back to bid you good bj'e more deliber' stely:' . . C AL ryou are a good fellow," said Lydia, "but I can't let y4u stop 'now. I really - expect father every minute." "Well, 11l go pretty 'soon, but r must finish tell ing you how I bluffed off your \ dear friend— White—,—." I "My dear friend!' echoed Lydia: ctiltempteus ly; "I Wish Yon to brow how I detest that fellow 1 "I thought so; and for that reason when I had the talk 'with him on the road, us I was telling you. nut of consideration for you". feermg,s, I determined he shouldn't visit on to-night So I followed him 'until lie-didn't dak to come any farther; for "kir I would mistrust he was coming to see you. Didn't I bluff him off, and wouldn't I laugh to see him en ter now r. " What a fixil I have been making of myself," thought White, glaring, through the key-tole.— " Brown is it man Lydia loves after. all ;ayd in stead of fooling him-so completely as I tho4fit I vras cloing, when we met . ; he,was ail the , time play ing off a eontemptihle trick on -mel I'll rush in and demolish him, and tell that laughing. saucy jade- just what I think,of her" White was on the point of. carrying this savage _resolution into effect, When an unusual bustle in the parlor caosed him to delay.. lle heard Lydia whis _pgr father is coming" he heard the- parting hiss, the front door opening—and the ;; next moment MI:MU was thrust unceremoniowly, into the kitch en, where he, himself war concealed. If the reader imagineftthat the rivals, on being shirt- up in the, dark -room together, flew at each other- likeltwe wild beasts, I would .heg- to. inform himitthat he is.very.muctain error. The rivals did nothing of the sort, as *.zaludt see.. - : Itrown.lieard a t light focitstep;, anti:knew White .was in the room. • -; ' " " Aty-41ear fellow", he whispered. • ; - • - ' "VhitJthe -deuce lio you Naar: growled the irritated:White:l- ti:, : : ~, , • .7,-; • :..- - • • 4 •Whit a'riehjokellia.lbar - aanirlied.Bnywn.—.. " Lvdiiioinlaihe has leen .Ml4tiflft fools of us, pot 4-• bane* e hothzgaerstand ler; perfectly.' , .• , - "Little - -dmilit , abmitilatt,",wad•:White bitterly, " There is Use feeling sorry about the matter," , p be eme a the,:pbaolophietki lirowri: l'Ouiacqaain tame his liommitmossAinxi4rfebbliaieiroarosbm*, anti I itiirdilt isoariltity,:to•etdtbritte•it•;;•l•ll3ver heard --plour, conversuoiliirith.Lydia.lordring throigh theloripholee-ina SS iyoit- whx, tensed . - Any : interview :with her OW now, we are oven on'Abut. - ..seere..-;- Ghw - nui.yooranwidAnd,let us be' rie r ur Min& in f l it zte :,,l , tr f It ~ ."-f.f. • . J . ?,;,t ; :. -.-:::. : s .,_. . ....= .. - 4-._ ~•'.. .• - - ~.:4, l , o tid: towia*fani.ii*inisitineii,f,.l4: 'WU* I O 4 . II P/Onsek'cOnsolethi hie Tires plulos ,iipbteialhOesifitie.- -14 WW - wreoquitw ; ini:ler as the jolWi.s.Oineittt*,_ 4 -3 licraiforAhatlß thkizu- hiaft , .. I L esireii i . -,''•g f e•-1 ''.'-----,- --z-J i • ' ,-, !. 4- i,, 0 - '? ' f -2 ":,./ _." We 4eedia.fither,".obserred Brown, '' 401r;shbUktoPiryithil . thringh. ,, iliiontietn,;,erum Fon. felyeiri" ' '..iirrerJensr whik-ibirjram. - bi3: - ` , ;''''t '''' ''. '''''UL::):`..4:i.J.-.• ..; , ~.1.:- ,s1 I . ; 1 1 riff) lt, .: '7'l i) , it a **di" *MI" - daetfistestr le ifiad- " i*,•iiibat.iiiisiWeirp**l4orimitl- . fleCirifo . Aliew-kosillitter3 niLiVlifitiiiiatin Whistle herioff without 1 ring." . 1 { " 4 1 1 ; ~ ly imderitind, e hereby bid you an affeetiohate : adieu, 114iug .you May have -better success in your .attempt utters, T1319111Y BiiOW3N, Sig' ell , Ourvrt. Wil#7, -4-4 . " P. NO officiut.)— .• Bro Messrswn apd White gileav4niiidly to suggest to the' i t I .svei- niftily to suggest inir dear Lydia thati in figure r when she is in want of vie tim.s, she I stand a better chance ormeetiog With, success if, 'instead of attempting such sterling col ors as success; and Brown, she should try something more nearlfr apprFlafliing Green." LydieoNsind gat important document twice, be fore she fully nOderstood its-import; then in a fit: of ve.xatihn and ritg,e, she threw it on the floor'and. stamped von itl with her pretty little feet. When first burst of rage had passed she re fleeted that she was uo more than justly " puniihed . for her foolish, heartless flirtations. . The eVerit proed,a salutary lesson to the pretty Lydid,lo • from teat time she tmse' over practising ; itn ything li4e coquet:l:y, and "I:Z=rie a very , sensi-i ible sort of a tOrti I A ye,ti n after, married a r,espee.tabm.,YOung. ;firmer, d sea to her old friends, Brown and; White, a r i ptilite and' pressing invitation to ;attend` ;the wedding. . .Applying the Principle. A l / 2 1 . p . legraphic sketch. , A br'cli of fr.tgsi thrust' considerably too "far through a pair or mottled - pants, and attached 'to a couple or the largese sized -feet, which were. enea se4 in tadnicowhide brognns, formed the underpin ning to along, slab sided body, of otherwise gdner -0123 pmpartions---4.lte whole being summunted' by a head whiali was covered with - a grek *fire year old (at lea,s4) sealsitib cap. This sum total—legs, pants, feet, +hoes.'body and chapeau, was the pro perty of Zehns Homespun. Zenns had been on a bat the night paerions,lind bad squandered fill! half a dollar on hiniself In white-eve .rd sWeething,. But his sen ses bun feel philosophical; and on theinoin ing we speak of lum, be stood nt an early hoar in —street,;gaziaf mechanically- at the telegraphic solilkpiizing thus wise: Ic!—Thnce the' telerurrtg: don't poorceive utithin' per—'leL=culier 'bout them strings, only one's bigger !en tether—ic. • • ; • that's thqi'7htnin'./ine,the big 'nn—said an ur chin in the doorway near by. - - When tio4s she rad) . start? • You had toetter!is irrthar. Whar - In the office upihar. The loafei was:shoitt to-the door of the build ing, and by hook or Creek found his Avav up three flights of stirs into the telegraphic office. The attendants Ingtired what the gentleman' had to forward. t • I, Pored? (hi!) What wilt, YOu #• • Send tchapq This is the telegraph office, sir. I ' (ic whoin thunder said it,irent I I suppose 4 you )tacrbusine."ss, sir. • .11'othing of the!, snit fie.!)—quite the re-(lo!)- verse, to theicontridry. • Wlmt !lave! • Want to make,sOnie :) -The hour being - e.srly, and little doing r the clerki very charitably determined - upon some funlkith'the fellow, - with a vied' to' sobering him. • - The oppor tunity for anything gratnitims escaped thern,-how ever, for as' they .ctornmented -a , consultation Upon the best means to benefit intruder, he stepped up to one of •Ithe' batteries, which 'happened;forth nately, to belbet lightly charged; nnd, concluding that the "'choirs were; portable, he 'pulled his leap over his forelMa&and attempted' to remove -one of this balls; itIM nextinstOnt Zebu lay stretched'up -1 on the floor! ! • 'He pros, ;ts beat be could, and turned to 'the • ! clerk Uitli t-; • • -! • • • it onk bore, mister (icliviat's'yer name I • Ilia lick as many sich• fike-akunks as yolt could be druv into a forty :tire lcit I • Wot in thunder did yer (iel) •knoek a ihnercent man Out that:'ileiy; for, eh t '- Nobody - touched you,' , said the clerk. The devil (lel) they didn't? ' • ~_ Nitsir. 1 You took. the— - , Tpilli scot? I Yere's yore contemptible Alper; and proceeding to dat,ii a loose penny totratds tho attendant, - whr e h lay upon the machine, his 'fingers , came , in cont t- with the Littery, anti away he I went again; heels over• bend,ocroits the finer I - i - i Look gere /-:-continued the sn*rer i ivhn , l3Y;this time was well nigksobered— yore' infernal pictuf,-trot in ;thunder nriTyou at i l t - -' ' • ' Yon rati!m't lanais thel.oola.',4 'ed Ake cletk, n e ar ly, •barap t) i, lrit# laughter. ;1 1 .- -- - '*-- l'+' Look -you! ° ltlr.-.Nvot i tpyitre-ita i, I eint, to the fooled 'this* r -way forlnuthini t anat. -13y-':thuti 'der I .11a a-in ependunt kidividnoal, ‘l, ank; . and this-yere. , ka people'dowtv*ithout notice Ctrf I 'no this_ wet- the thing: Et: y(41111 Ern that yore A100r,.111 go- 00tiiir this; and , e 0 4 1 )eikt*Isted. , ..17 ~TA door, Or. ','• rl.- :I : • , ~. , s'• , ',‘,t , • -- .- ' - 14 • : Thtm*palel-, ) ' .:4 1 , -i ' Yes. , .- ,:-: r;: :1 ,, 1 , -- - , 1 :-. 1` rtnlinwed et*on knthougbl mi.thad4on't meddle-with norxmors , hardware} in this , 67.44-20. -hcrOl -.:::.,•••._., i-,••• • _ , ; ., •-•11„, , ", it.['' ' 'f'"' ~..,- I tint- d nori.:Noia °peso& ai the Oorkusiii tie; 44-: 10.wAidled.pnt.i.;„&suppSesseiLlanghperysitleiLthe gentenille*lci *lnv attandanc.aa zmw dolaotoir._ , ; orbich; no .#4o, :dosed,: lyeiHdad.;itmel(in iiL.DlCia' so, ;* 4RWAtaillr...: , r•-. -, =i , : , *;' ~-•• ' ' ,,: •: 1, .. -4 1 : i . . - _,. :3;illre :Ok ' . 1 . raang itell • .0 . 2v11 ttYlirk att.the loisthir ) . raligkr„tha , ket ,lia bekheAd,* : 4100r; fait-ewitb!-b;4ll4lsifigt.-4 - !re 4 1, 074 0 1 11 0: r0P141)444 *, ixoisAllto told sift Of 1,04'W to YiNarefkinotdoisaillY lB # k - ADIVst 'Or do git ; no2 , o4b Ai* noon, jeaslat a feller4l'loo ' 1 P aslie:darted into the. street. - • 1.514 ed tocrards Baltimore, a(a.,5pe44.4 ghthid line" itself might lave hefin Als• a.squtifS off, lie . eov( , .i.'ecl ith st9i4se eitached tonne Of tlid hydrent=, J. , • s i. ed the victit • Away h 2 which the 1 '1) firma o.£ servant ...Atli eril ip Washing off the paremelit z Ile,; rush&l Jo . A or, mid , turtling. short before liiin,i a 1 posteriori, bi t legged hint, at the top of : his voiee,,i for Bbd's sib, to pit him out f Perhaps its sable friend's eye dial glisten; andii i „ T., ni maybe his i .., 4(llft...shine, as he charitably tutb-1 •ed the eurre t ofi . .that stream upon the unention able portio of the poor fellow's netharrnenti. 7 -1 The fire was stiftnished without serieth darnsee, as the paps gay, the loafer 'wits thorougbly iatil-i rated, nail 11, Ting flanged Ids heavy inside Wet fer! a skill °drenching, he departed, perfectlysubOr,l l amidst the „liens' of the crowd • who had 'witiliests4df thefinule, me v.oelferously,.cosing' all.linttO menu in magnetisni and•tonibtu3tiVierl''''r "--'''t .'' ut the Nevi Yori tribune aylor's letters7—No. XXIII. F Bayard Progress of. BMA Orandsco, ift.o.l SAN Fre-v:ictsco,i.November 1., i Messrs: Gm j 4....ll:cElratlt: ' ' .; -, , --. . ; I This hi a 'ng time for California.. Since ihel, last steame r= lied, the population of the critMtry ,h a s been in eased by about 14,000 ernigrani,! 4,000 of- who <• arrived at this port by sea. ,'- The excitement s politics has been mildest to that f ',.fi, gold-digging td land:speculation.] .Ban Frandis p -was somethi : Of a whirlpool befbre, but nowt 1 has widened is sweeps and seemS:te be ciraWhigi l I everything in ,• its vortex. • ' • : - -',: ' : The martial after .1 reached-here,l event :abort the town ten , to the changes and iraproyernents.4-1 I cool,' seam y believe my eyes. The northenal 1 T"'• . . ' ;ot ' where he Bay potirs its waters into the , , 1 Golden Gate, - as covered. with house nearly to the; summit—man -of them large three story ware-; 'houses. The ntral and highest hill On which the! town is built;- vas shorn of its ehapparel and stud ' tied with. ten and houses.; while to tbe eastward I the streets If • passed over the last of the . , three I hills, and we -beg,inning 'to encroach ' upOn' the 1 Hippy Valle, ' :The beautiful crescent of the liar- ii bor, stretching fro cn the Rincon'to. Fort Mohtg,oin II ry, a distance,: • f ,iiore th an. ft.lpap, was. lined,2witti ' boats, tents. . d Itiarelicaniesiand_near : the lattei point several err I jutted' into' the we t ter. 'sprit{ tromery street, . renting -thellay; hatruntleigonii=la `inarvelleas . 'se.' AU the open spaces-were titulf, - up, the canv• houses .replaced .by, ample, three story buildings • an exchange with lofty ikylliglit• fronted the wa e 4 and fik, the space Of hall a Mile, ' the "thirst; of ni4i - Of till ' dn.. ; efirintoteek Mid nations, with, . land animali, equaled , litall'it before 4 o'cloc ~- ~ t - , . . , : In other par of ;the. town• the _change wasequal-1 ly great. Ten Ova came hones bad giveripliee to large •and• , , nd4orrieenifiCes,• - thbinksAnd been': filled up, tie - .telinperiedonarkethouses •in' , *", eration mid al the; characteristics of a great.sxna 7 mercial city fits . y established.. : Ppitztumath Squani.. was filled with! umber and ho u se reburies, aritilnear ! l ly every stied inloWer traff•tif - the '`eiiiis blocked up wi .gt. this ds. The chatig,e whiellitid ' been wrought i elf; parts of, dufin g ,,,the I ' past six weeks seemecLlittle short of Magic. -AV Sastibacl, ,' h . lip in, believing that -what•ll(Pk...! lea upon was -r 180 iitte,riyin.adequgte. seemed I, the Visible urea :Mr the a ' impliihment 4 - such ' Wonilerful endi • 1 • ' •4 - '-- '''``'-''''-';',• I' t io '. On my-way: - --ealt-ii ' -CoL-Prenimit; iirheml : founti localedw thins fatnilyin the-Happy-Talley,. '1 saw a compap • or-Chinese carpenters, putting no the frame of a dinti:ni-iande hbuse: „In Pacific st.: an o ther Celestia ieetaniantluid been o . peneil;"aii4. every vessel ilie Chineseirea beriga-a-fresli. importation. - A ._ o rTniiiic circusi , ott. a verrlianfti some scale; -it' 1i,.1.1 , eperlticnOtadc 1 1 , gill:elan, J,..Y.,:0f Ethiopian • .e . • - anitne the pu b lic riz,l4tiv..-,.-- , r i "pelnionico? is be' "slrionablet ating:hoint,iihnhi you get boiled ;_ - Ics tt, .7,4 colts: each, and,ditiner at :51;601 6 45; • - •'clint:to yanen - ppetite.. ---- A' little , muslin , abed - rej 7ceit i. , :iii•thd title.'ot-tlie;l 44 ig, I Haase • - - A . , ber..oh , yfine• billiard ,rooms: and- Astonlibin:l IpOwling alleys Ye;lron opened, and, all Okel . lW . vices of swulin..46one3i . brought into successful orierntion, ' The - ~ biers - cOreplaiir 'rid ionier laf dull preesneetivf ' . .re.are. hundred's/3f mtintu:roti : lo la , an d f a r o , .I.ei t ,which ate. erevr.decr sgestY ;until a late hour, aptyii?erty. Ake. most inveterate eine . s4i . , 3 or,gnmi , gpluz_t4'. l rireeeled:- - The ;rettCe . :.sehiinties'lava" erilasetr rath&rtbiii fzilleii,linest- I lu,st wrote.:.:"l iglit - giveAtndredior instances; but it would be - . lyi 'aTepetition - of hundreds of othersislrendt i entioned.>: ittisinl-- brings' it per ce nP u rPt 4l Y- igaii, -11.!,14.03 , 6 er Xelfler.rW'r who eama.:out m , iluirlviiimnits,,lviii:solaa .liteaml -" . enkin e Which costint '8'1,060 - 10r - 81P.60e . ''Sente5 drawing - 00er* ' , . iodt tan in'XinoArerk,lstelVt - J 64 lore:, I find, littli3.oabge:4 ti*tiFicilmiStpW visions and: m • i ~c lise,_ lheeklf klk s elf4*k..Aer.. labor has diiniuis .' ed...1..' Town JeCe-• ere . eee Vilma ilyli lin the'xise - 4:' Aft/ yarso.)lol.B-141,:the - - - /TV'PiiN)lie,t - • half e iiiile - trerk ) .. :-Vbrinl;MAKii - ,Ora"je , 4-kee with ii•tiniiiNrOf , - „i - fOlfert *ee ., -, Orrefieilli r 4W ly all :ot-whOlii.' ' e - done*nll:***Piii thiiinilist - ;• - lee alreaditr ii i l " ' ' 140,006.and::5*,90k E. f•-,_.,,-4:„.. . I eitleleleqt , • - ,:jPeieleikerrer gen iille''.. thee; at,IISM:Hif:; - '-: 1 -.1tisglitf* . ,..tis_abientfi(X); . leer*&.4 l 4lo o . - t , W--titee.4,ol6jOrlimakikibik, lace:s the - lop. . - : 4l 4 4 :l4o4pw*dkwilic l 3, , labored Oriii#l,tiTiliir oatt . i hI;jO,.OW Venill'eliiiitir. . . ' .tiiittif - Pot 1100'.40.t t . wiwft: '' ~ ~. • :: ~, ,i iipoireet,tiito , .e . p .t iimaitie*- - : - -- 14 4- 4 .5;fT 4 4.... 1;- 44 - 1 - 000,..'X1g....404:1004.11 4erpf2e; :sr Thi, ... ,. . - -1.:••••• .;40044 - 4thr* -00 0ti co r *nut - I rias: ' ,• e ' '''`. Vitt titliAla iftelfihfilk: iiiiniCilibibitititig':- IMMO "' 'Wbifirtir 'a '44111,' $3OO to 4 40 9 :Pe ' M..:= t . ellirliglieliti.. =II eleng; - fiitu ' the Mine li ' ;1411ilt!„.. iil.y. - All„the wallik .01 :: 0 ~ Titre* i f.beri .e.vtiatetelittp , -,109- .. no.tud-M - 404 . pnimAil. , liii - 4met - 'elFgititten to e ' '' C alif ornia iioetitilfonllieliaiiiik"'" , 41... , ?olynesia add Austr al .-:'....4 iitl'iticiteintiikitylmicli' - , ctii , :,-Otherf pay* '4A4 aci vi e ~..;." wilLbe pm ; :tlie'candidao' 'of AeCtio , 111;"1:$0: tiiininigli'Og * niitiatintr: Om% H candidatei for Goverderl Odlte,- 1 3 1 gbett, - ;4 l 4ACia.,* te.,l4 o oofoitig.. -16; Skier, - hitiok =bi.4l:. erealvf fia,;.. - ,;Triry;' - 'lslf - iiiklatimr . , I no,e'butiimileioindde of/Xlectiods. VAudiliq'Atui rd. , litt t1.16 . ;:bi3k - glittOts id.`Stedift,4& , ,iiiis'oii) Jones, iVillproliality tnifil , r-t'on, , nosti.,Tiliinlv - litYL - 1 lire. „ z P He' 4 d , lincelbcofst , • d dame hit mll4'lo'4ol' e A!la Califreittani t . .rfili 'iietitralitirP '-',l,6::Price; If ~ and .10, pentl-or Monti most' prominent ~ :of Ai' i for rmut",l3o-tertio . -.1 HePPu,ia".7 4 *! . .04,../l (4 Od dittolce.of Senators,. -14 0004: I • ” The candidates aredr 'IIM public, 'California'c t-pikorninent °filial; i - , , t.- &the ebancew,oNtiteci* '-' - 'll , • and `: o l ll lAirkwYrerq.: ' -,, lg r-,, •=.- •:.• , ' din s , juit i,eitol'eittif.l '.'i r .:4.1.09g.: ' . rimiek3. - -IN fileinlsMia ' .:44. 4 m 1 . the influence ldliiilav — titi `'vein lOi . .- en porticid - of "-thele4tri . j .: -, A. - mill' i eting .by bilafrierida , oli • e/lisP' oil. Gen.'Nralle wns - 4. 1) and Dept: &Ater - 11/fat ' 1 : -. favoring his Winkillell P. Meeting pa.sse.d - off,.viitlllit • rad orlotnauFin-was,...tiM, ifii - Britair erfoCatekYldr:a Sidi a zeal. in conneetieic':',Wi I GI- principal, Editor is rmery 'connected - -44% , . appiinketl. , ...los - Mr, '.oo"thign. - andwieb,,lislonda. ,- - ,:The ii - reita 3`,.: estlibiled'.its; diiiMeLliii,l KC Itini sa.viiring..liftle , - Or (I , alita ' rui dinii .•ever, Idereliht fair aft ' rernont s elect on is ackd , IliiM(1--, 0 ibe nearly eertaid.:' Ha -. 1 1- iviiimerAit it re - tirtrelentineeeeinies'tr - ent*lttri 'a. Bid the service - s heti) -; ten' iiini46 , try . :eatnot be. overlookell,'Od theses; 3 volentagOnet hill! seeidoggetily_to lie deserves _ some ref.' - ir Ma *ilii 'la nil clearly inidustcitiii; ;10/1 - 1 - net care to be.olected eyer; only make - khis el/ fleck, Secretary. of .stik4. . didate,la a gelltiemi4kti l t • ledge el* the history;civi l. oniditiMi of California; is' her ; parkin_ is :the-Stater o accept the itotuiention l ,;. , 44,3,Y,ftt,, dieted, and would &Stet+ serriee, f tr ; ~ er position. He neklii .." - aelifeiiin ~ scarcely`a partrinan; wlii -will weak • f olction as Senator. ‘- j . , .f. Y 14 ., ~ i o r candidates, Mr,,Sempl dmi-Di,filw,k out. of theNdestion, tl a *re, ie , P. at complexion the Negis ple_Willftniii:` , , Dr. &win, who Wei- i6it'iiiilt.i.iddi , • _ President Jackson's-lialr+dige - was.. 6 =•gataP id - the firAtr-p4e4 Iblit,r 14 ; 11511 1 0 ,1 .. it in the.9ll, - Ilia. ' , - diFiNtll,., '•4; . L i.i '!ptil e tli4tli e —Foi 're,t,etrt;F.:ifstill SefatoY, lidWed - seilidi '',.iiits,i oresenaildeportitsot( /zOl-4 4...w.41 oppottq bitn.r,-10 , 4 .oninitol' haler,. as ; he ia.. - AlitOld., 44,, 1)4 4 r ; `ebolee "ilf" . .faitell 11$1i, lOilei r . . 610 t. ' ZiDilTlTiele - elliin' iplaiii iiiro), ,-. now. Will very-nesil' '-'llituel* '4 ! eral4pinion is.tmate Tor of liiio.; . ~ .It, will be:' ' vaie. Mi. 41;,, r from Sataatnit in the 150 - Vie r . n with the. tii6' , =xcieitibenr;- iin `lttaiteribe t r bgx*.:CithfeTT4 , , 11 9'• '9 4 Ptjaini Sr, 'rlo4 .I flier' ng, - showed *le riial amount;, lbem. acter; a Dow 0 is:: , 'T . :. _Oniirenad 'of a PP,E,II I I ,to, oov. J iif 314iTitei is i !ttlis ` eibit worth `an' 1I:lici. 1,,. Then liheril 6+ Am ' !Arste.:iar-, AOthe...B Ibigicimat lts.e,m4 '-P7! , 17,fr *stream ,Ittely' 14 ' iky %§ -q raiitiio , litteacts'ill ltivei*ve ligl d, irenk :¥tuel,lfa , 1 lOtlitli'V 'aTiintlt lcii e i ,dimwr _ _ __ o A>ccairtiO itaNi i 7 1 lv , The,iiicti - tiopsnayisi 4 -in. r - MOre or _,l g 4rge thim m. of : i,60 Ekki e '..iTe2 -fflulmoimbl l thinlitilt ,ol.figia wedt - o - sle, , E 4.07 _, . li , is 0, .i, , likell o 4 4,P0i tim:' , :_rfil i , -1034c,i ME=E . - of % the-inio ,i 1 ""te• The Teittbiiir tiim for,their-4., .torighAt:l4 l- Adiltsoll4 '.. Al . iltilwlni Min ' hat! &iv& into' ' i m .r . 03", InlYing fix, t, desnlate, [it •iinairjiktle r oreinentii, --- no turned anti l e t . P !Wooly hal Se ornl,cpo a pnik M or ilnOs - Or in ttiiir it T i - ..gginginb or4wel#Y. ‘ mi. *xi . _ ?: .- 1.,f , fl , v • til aSt, - i_x . 1$ suffered_ s tiay . e.di4 , ', ki i i%rti, , tite,'.. n l f "4 1 bo ilitnic,t k I iniiii(r, 4 , halt onto& taelff, h r' . ' . 4-, ma 'Ol . :,..‘... /1... 1 1 UWE- ' 10:* — Sti 49 0 0./ettiri* i t r t.lriattek.PPelk inviittrittp - ta thernkailliill*