•••=1 ... . . . . ; • v,r.,,, :.0 . ; :: .; - '' : I • ' ' 1 1-- ' , ''' ' l ' s ' '-'' "' A .. -,:' -' 4 , I ' '• . ' ''-' sv i",'. , C . . , i".: s ` - : - , Lr l 4A, -, .1! :41. s t 1::.- .:', -- „ + il ‘ .l '. ' T. -•: -• A IL ~.- ...:-. .:,:i -4 yo.. :r. 110 -- v. - f-, 1 if ' • - 1 i , : , '.8 - i . ' 0 - • -, •. . - -,:. i: i l , - .7.. It: '.. 1, , •-, i. 4 ..:.;• i; 4:.,. ' ':' '' 1. , 2' .. iii ' ' , . ' ' i :I :' ;,.. • (11. i. : . ..: i'... 4 .' •-' - ' , . ..; 1 ' L 4..,- - 6' :....11 .. ~.l r ' ~...!.. ~.4 , -.,%; ci / ' .• i . .7. :i-.6 , - - . , 3 , ;---- - , ~..... , . . .. • VOLUME- XXIV. TAT REGIME. PUBLISI4ED EWERS' 'FIB ESDAY BY James W. Chapt an. Advance_payinent in7Cai:b per yeai i , If paid within the Ve,e, It not at the end the year, Comfort- for the Girls. . There's n. good time coroMg.igirls, A goo.l lime coming: - Then cce all !-hall, married be, And ended single nii,ery, In the 1..1...41 time coming. Pouting; lip, may gain our cut% But co ring w(.r.14 me stton.ttm; Well win o-tr conqne,t, by their aid— Oh !, wait t little longer.p Ther's a good time coming. A good time cowing; nuAranda,-t-hali no longer rulo, And treat their wives like gitll.3 at school, In I he.goo(Ltinie comitigl Bat weltassert a woman's right, • • And make our influence gironger, Avid rt volution quire--~ Ohl wait a hi tie lom,rer. ...,, ; „There'.: agood time coming 7 iirls, e;-1;:ft gool titne. comitiF ; itibtect: then we'll give an! 1 114, And have delighted opera sta;ls, In the t z ,, od Wile coining. , With love, of konnet., , g-twls 0 shan't we e,.itio out ,totngei, And fear a Int-h.m.1 ., frutrrtm (Jh wan a lane lunger. i t There's a • I time coming, girlß, A g.. 0 1 time Then NI e n pack our Ltnily Up into the tr..serx, In the good tune c miry*. The little hrat, may learn to tialte, And re'..d. when they get stronger : Meantithe they may romp and 4tight, And n.ut a little louder. I=l The Test of Ntreetiol4 i'l,ll3,l,..phlaliot, No :S. Jr. Annitibalti St:to:toe-2.--a 7:l4ity nral (• let i 3 ick;ey :tree:—.l.,:ioeWei the har• thlr miff cra - t 1 .4 p tn 1 ht.ti tt-; a I.t If of g ttagte ,should u. ;al I pl.th • at 1:1 . .1. to a fur trijtl. ha hit TM little •Lr'itare.:ll tr;1.,•11 he p it Ft pr.tt.ticc y,ster wall the re,ti.ts heroaftor to Le de. ta;:e • it ; a • el; a .e,lrt of h . :. cio he , e an 1 eilawn , e.l c"fp . v -0:f /... fleet the garnweet wi h a (011 e - kVs/1- • il II I I knelt - h;•-1 - .e.11..e.le tc4.- ea 1... 1 an ee;.l h.. I. the , fiezur, rac.eraa the 47.1 - r...1 lar neaente aell a peen's of cia:he , lea% he en .e t c ire I inut-eif behind a pile of r, e b'el l e en Cee eat rte e a . ..rreet to w.ttcle the Accra while, „lietzlifer exile up after r0i1 . .., au I CAI: :t 41110 p :el l .l the 2' , Lei eerie's. S:1.! tie dowae stairs ; sere:veiling. U . at ether : her I 1 .• - 1`;:• - x I,r it. - tleolizid. Art:lntuid in ariebuQc.ade; 1.1 , e- a t. , /te.eletni;i4trtie pre...aa) (lee heard Mr+. Stanhope re • e-he walked it-i -I;re:y up stairs;) he bagel g e-ptenk tai.u_h for steele a elain,g. or he would it Wt;.l. I do believe be Las •74,11:.i..„1,:0y e yi-i r (.0:11.1n a oal.n. male with •,s of Art l :vr:.:l . -transrep' e-etetainre. •3101- Ir. _ 1 ele:nk• he nnealet to he cue .hewn. I feet s ee : teito the kneleen an•l get :e keine:ray de IV: lea' ti en t g.t dowel toe fast. or V, 1 11,1:,11: t. ti a:, i irtrt -elf, Stay, —1 forlrot ; ga.le to 1 ki:kaken sharp eneed..4ll. You ✓ I,; sheer taker, in he's ordy two square_ , and ask r.L, ;arise_ knife :--tell blot to whet is.fore he -cask it. And 31:111v, while :he 1101011 A Iriteß RI. you can call at sour r‘ , lsad a--.2it how the baby is. And . 3101- '. Stop at the grocery store at you c o nic :e . eat talc n pierniel of =even cent sugar.— 'Mrs. S. willtit liter dattigh'er i depuirted,) I hope we'll get hint cattle - ewes he ,ere the- viral -p erk's d'af•itict—for the- e mg.. is , ':re' irtittte , .e.eneue, and costs motley. wanta to nee: ten end to himself, too: and I think 1 oug - lit. to eta hien have his own way for once hi Lis life;- 1 -he useil ,to QIN' I was always a crossing of him.jl 1 1 - 1-1/ he hadn't a spoiled that new clothes-line : any 01 I ripe might have ansivered his Pzlrl" e lire e a voice. which sounded like tha Of the suicide. broke_ in on Air.. Vt. with 1 - (iu confounded jezabel, .1111 e vie.:ll of ...pi. rt V i 111114. of course, iJe a git uttered a wild e.cretun,l and .! +rape clown the narrow *tan easel— ,tartm; front hi+ place of coorealinent. stumbled midway cite [the : and Mr. S.. having just reached her and toads a grap at her disheveled hair a+ it treatited backwards, the Etulabir ',antlers were pructpitatled to :Ile ifipttioul Beech Acre raeler badly lartd.ed, and the ties rae,e,l the neighborhood, Arehillald,rwits arre..ted fir molting a:disturb.mett, and practicing on clue tender .entibilitieee of his Wife. 114 was in the :rune e.,f '2UO, and-jocularly, propp sed hi...isu+peri•le.l effigy ttShis surety ; but straw loan I to his Farrow. is nut acceptable tinder the administration,of Major Jenee.;--PenW aytecnian. The late,t aohieveo:rot .d the New HaitapshiFe boys at Dartmouth College, is the following brace of bit• : Erealtmen..—Why IA the coplinmore ing trig, ri imetry, 'scribes and -pbatii-eeli old &Tata it Lirit %ricked generatiou :seaing' Otter thle. Jo lior~orct.—Rip •ig the Ire -Innen retitation fnntl4 like that re/nark:lWe tree vainke lerive4 quiv er 131 the eliglite*t _breeze ? Because it is in aaa- liw antltnr§ of the above are to iiave liezreel conferred epAi_thv.,ali..iiiusesliatuly—deseenciing be gets. • - urn e e d , u ntiy ID*Aii, - itt the prevnt-day. is. the great pinneer 4irgehreittion...•'Wherever yob. trod an i norant, illifetre'etitininntity. , )•on may re liiirxtri it, but few pipierti•arti , trikett in flint neitth hhrbeoil. Remember thi4;reitder,-iinitif you would. have your children • intelligent iiiid.we4;informed, st . lpply, theta well with newiiciiiterti.- A ecite.mporary says thi4 warldirciald very benevolent Ivcritt, it bettercatnevwerei more pnr6 fair . " lilt if! '..+3 6 /d. for eleven pr . . ceilt. *lOl4. Ini s estment; : ' • ' eLli DoLba rurr the triiist rigid PliilKri' ihropigt, rdiesilYtee interest on inal4Vldeti4o comelia • nrile'Loues• - ilhi-iiiiiinitl as "A entreoponcid ttli has rent 113 Keyeria otnintriruntit--thicatnong': the red. *Why Le the witoetor theDemingritlike Lin 'seer The alltiffel: *lllO - be, becarlie4Milaft••, l a te any thing eke - ' • Vita , 'VP . I' l l 7. PEOPLE IS THE LEOtiIiTATE SCitriie4 'D TIIE EtliirPOr A Thrilling' Story. • THE SONG AND THE SINGER. -1:-. I Dl' rERCY .R. 8T; JOHN. It Was in the year 1792: thrlintr, <the early days of the great French Revolotioti, when a young offi cer in delleate health took up Itis quarters - in the city of Marseilles for six months of his leave of ab sence. It seemed a strange iremen t for arong Matt, forln'the•town`lle laiewlno one. and in the depth of winter 'Marseilles was no tempting resi dence. The officer lived in :i garret looking out ufxtn thu street:which Kul foriits sole furniture a harp;ichord, a WI, a table, and a chair. Little but paper ever entered that apartMent, where food nod fuel bah scarce ; and yet the young man generally reniained in doors all day, assiduously writing, or rather dotting(soniething upon paper, an occupation he *termite,' with music.. Thus passed many mullets. ' The young man grew thinner an 1 'weer, and his leave of lib-ittitce seemed likely to bring no Convalescence. But 'he Waa handsome anti de pi • e his sallow hne. Lim; hair, full beaming eye: that spoke of intelli , senceand even genius, filibikness of inatmer. all prepossed iu his favor, !rind !many a smile and look of kindness canie to him from beautiful eves that he noticed not nor cared to notice. In fact he rarely went out at niz,lit„ and then to walk out by the booming, sea, which made i kind of music die seemed to love. Sometimes, itl is true, he would hang about the theatre doers tither' operas were about to be blared, :ma look_ tvi,h -lunging eyes within : he never eit:erel; either his par-e or in clination htiled hits. 13 it he always examined with care i the name of the piece and it: author. and then walked away 'to the sleire to muse and meditate. Shortly after his arrival in Marseilles, he visite I one after another, all the mitsic sellers and publish ers the town with .a tm.n t-crip: in Ins hail; but his recep ion was nor apparenly very vii ,alile, for he left them all wish a In owning and still with his bmki:e of main-cripts. Some, had detained him along thne, as if e-tianaing the value of the zoods he offered for sale; but the -c were no more tempted than the others tit. try the saleable character of the commodity, The louse he lodged iii had attached to it a huge By the landlord, the four; man oft en it for his evening walks. and despi . e the cold, w,M1,1 sonietimi, : m ad mu ein a rod e and faded hewer :alder a wall at one of the Here he v.-ould occasionally even sinz., in a low tone, some of his istVIICOI/IFlo once or twice. that when he' did so. a female lea ~l ):7- u ried from -a win low :Us.ve' hint, 'ecatiog to li; ; ; e n, Th e your; WI at a: lettpli mewed thi:. Pardon. la tail li tau evening. •• perhaps I diThldi Vutil till. - she repliea. Rill lona of inu.k. very 1..n.1; :Li) the a.r. )ou lta..it are tiew to me. Pr.iy. if not a milt q to aiun. u - hri e are they r eat• . yea»c:' he iatt,wered'il.fli_leatly, ..they are in) own.' • eriel the laly wilt animation, von liAte never :Lent t" s• I -ltall*rer :rv—again, - he murmured, utter ing the 44 worth in a low and de:Tau-mg tone., which, however, reached the'e4rs of the young WO- man. , : .... , . , - tloctsi night, Citoycti." said site, and site closed her NtinattW. The compo:er sighed. rise anti went suit to take his usual walk by the sea beach; these, milt ire the grandeur and sublimity of the ocean. avid amid the murmur of the belli.swisig, waves, to luiget the care, of the warld.'his Ooverty, a n d Ph, era-1144g ri-sun of giery stud retiuwa --the clay dreata of all ~..yei i,a- s 4111.1. - 7 --il Al .: 7 :ini r.d- or.esser a pussi•lillal/1 $.:61.11 a reward ; fs or ,pf tilth 4. who sigh - for:f.une, iew - indeed are successfu. , .Scarcely had-he left the listtee, than a lady. bab heti in cloak and hood, entered it, nod ufier a some whet lea ;thesied coutereoce with his roacieus, as cended to Ins rcanit. said rein,tinedi [here a'L.o.tt an boor. At the end of that tints slie va ii -lied. It was midnight wli n the c,,.iips,..e returned. li e eilteie4 wish difficulty, the ..Cerbetl , of /14.: :oki c , ,-e . u beiisg aieep, said ascended a, hi= t wretelic•l r..aii. He had ler: it littered and dirit%, littimit light. tire lor woo.L To in, snrpri-e a they'dil blaze ,enf. its nulls beneali 15i..5 . door. He open o it, not without alarm, and 11.1111 1 Ili,. ilpilft,/IVIL II •atiy ordered, a fire, burning 'a Lamp, ausl oil the to l 1 e a supper.— 11 young unit: sled, and look d sternly ' rnly at de e r ) ) pct.! e..- ~ -•:Who claret thus insult my povevy ! Is irnot etusligh that I am starving alt.ti cold and bun:ter, ti.t. I aiu reitx.ed b . / the world a - g o, useless situ wrelched thin. , in capable of Wieltlin7, either iswerd ~ . or ffen, but_ I must be insulted by elistrity i Fire, light and wood, all sett bj slue wit a knows my pe ce,,,..ty.t And, yet who know.? l'rh..t.ps my mo ther may .Lave discovered my ,retre it. Who e . W . CAW ' have uctedy thus I My moth r, I bless thee both for Your ;semen and for re pectt 1 , my c• Inuit!. men 7 And tl,e invalid officer ss t'down to the fir-t hearty semi ',he had eaten' for 'weeks. :lie hash left home because his friends :whol y disapproved of Isi4 making, music a pr01e,....i0n, lo ci w i..l ie l hiss to employ hit leave of , absoicel iti learning smother occupation. lies i mother so . presssets him, that he saw tie u.her re hurt but a soldier's last chat:et:— a;retreal. For tWo Intirults no trara of the fugi tive had beCrs• seen,- two month, siptilit in vain ef forts to make his 'chosen carreer sup'aurt hint, arilt tans., iltalbtlestg, his lumber 1AlEfl)1111.. Will OUt,W bad take:, this delicate way of exposin;, , , :his secre cy stud punishin4 his pride. Nat mowing. the y oung wan awoke with an tip- , petitet unknown to; him of ate. The igetserous foud . of theipreviouS aught had re , tor,ed its system, and brought him to a natural state. :. Luc - ily,, shlfiaent wine land bread remained to satisfyi his e :raving, and t .:u be sat &Oyu to think.. Ail his eggloslrtss • EP get to sic . sui4', played, or puhlisliedhati'lieen in villal.ll . Singers knew him not, publishers declareil high to known a ingical consequence-ery ittlurititis to„ystu g Ite,,hutersi„ in literature, poesty,tutt 7 -tc, and alkthe Liberal iuti: But • lie was determined to hake ule Moro Irial.'„llaking_eitten, p.- went out in 4be likclion pc he hop olthe Cithyreit pupout, a Wort iv asii .exce lent man. who, in his 3 fdy i ! ;, - 4 publisbed.uisire or sic, bad an,' good, than A mu.; 1 i clan could li i are, plaiyi I in .13 lire time., , '" - 1 : 1 y t tn, hat vv ,,a4thinit ei . tiit . .,4l)o, gpl . r:Fai4 . l, i Ou:Punts 'aftliir , th'e,,. vital! firpliaptiatet. :A n il' 4fipt ~ opulegiiit4ll?) a liitl':y,w4l,4itt.his.Mfie.• fair 140(4 her:a While. ; 3 "As quay Mae i, , ikrcelt, ray Thy ~j at iince, ai,kiy4.,i t o ( p,..,ini. ~.. i I): • i'pElEl4 maul ' Mt hhielf: ji. .011)41.1:04Crr44,Ai114h ' Ipriwil ,11i4', shop, and began at ?,tince the "buni - 4if the *ilitly,..ie I t, the, itbii..- •The liqultsics:. pt;thli -her 'l A -tiiiia with, . th 4, knowing air Of Wie Who tiiitit :ti) 1:4 1 cleiltivetti ant; shook his head th,cuiiipt l iige i',:4iii.l4il2 -: ' "': " i ' 4 11.4fru - li, .- 1 -g g. cyst e, but :i1.1 7 01#5,-, , P2244.0E1 s wil;,i ;Aluaht siot,.illf rsal4lli94 .iitoA 2.1.4-.14*":/ 441041 1 0„Preft* 1 asst Burry . is , Yottieliurisd waiatAlhOsh, polish r--The sander ruse, Atatiiiiiigiiiii i ,A left,. the 4447Llevikg at hi* 41#art...,: liiii hi*" -,*l , so43..jiazth. world; tat resit .wa.l4 - r;:kikit, i irtil4lo.w.iß`44ine tisat' . "o444: Owitr. illEhikj,'.. PI i ,:10 1. 44,FAuelt,Agaiugui. hif,tiii4-,ao ai he. Iriii.iiii.;.', tulrffitneivni,..4- 4 .5‘11-.! .. : f ri oi .l 4; : iiii.:, ,110.1:4031; i silts her - in 00g04 , 7 isisiditr#iii ' sviilyiii.pookiaWlisdoi.ol •4sityp F , :, -• TO bi l iii i c • gitlinge - lhik. . .4 kik , * : ,•.n,ipAtne,iiiitt *a' thing i. Ithn - nintid , *TV. ti! - 1 ,01 1 in doeidi if ' 1 - - MONTROSE, PENN'A.,ii:III. I, RSDAY, pECENIIIER. 27,1849. he had or had not,merit ; and this was the bitter est grief of nil. That day was spent 411 moody thought. The evening came, and no sign his secret friend, whether mother, or some unknown sympitlwer.— Towards night hung tr became intolenthle. and af ter numerous parleys with himself, the young Man ascended to-his room with a heavy parcel. eye was wild, his cheek pale. his whole mien un earthly. As he passe) the door of his lodge the concierge gave him a ticket .for the Opera. signed Dupont, who was eirmanager td - the theatre. "Go yourself," said the composer in a low hus ky voice, and he went ap stairs. Having gained the room, the unhappy and lids guided young man sat silent and motionless for some hours, until at length hunger and despair. and his dreamy visions had driven every calm and good thought from his head. anti th - en he dared izinie.lv proceed to carry out his dreadful and despe-, r.re i dent. He c'osed starefully the window, stuff-1 ed his matrass up the chimney, and wit) ri4pei ,;(44). ped every aperture where air could cd4r,:-- Their h.) drew forth from his parcel eharcoal•tnid a bunt-:j er, and lit it. Thus !mil this wretched lam, iletet-' mined to earl his suilerin„,..s. He Lad ittlititt• one last effort, and now in that solitary. dismatgarretS Ire laid him down'to die; and puree aml demli were huddle:l Meanwhile, amid a•blaze of hulk' ammiement had begun at thei.theati*, rt from• Parts was to he playeCiti fila AVA the young, lovely mil woni, me. the Jenny LiuU of that's-tinva an hott.4e wa. crowded:awl the first :let yond all expect:4ooa ; the an lieneelx; She itA a .jt.A4 el !' Der4.l4 private bux, 14,1:44;red the great sai theatre. roar of applata-e nn tl ed at this in4tattt the 14.,m1t1 man's called lyelore the cartam, WA* 1) , IW411; to the audi ence. But what is this I fivaca,l 'of gltitug nit ,ibe ha, so,llei.l to the orchestra to play. She is about 'to.liow, her gratitude to the audience to ver•e. M. Diipiiiit rah- his.hatitl-i, and repeats twice betWtl . ll uis teeth, “ She us a jewel t" But wail ease and rapidity the band has commenced p:aj Oa: *ll un known air, and the next instant M. Dupont 1 , x 1.014• ing up with a strange and wild look. - hashed and still was every brea la; the awiteitee look. at catch other . ..no: a word of C.lll!litillk.ttl.<4 takes place: men shudder. iirtather tremble with en u atiun. B it the fir‘t stawm is etale I; eat dam the fr.Mtie •hont, a starting of all to their feet, a wild irk of delight, a cry of a th-oriand voice; thundering the chorus, shows how the clectriied them. • M. Dapont frowned. for the air and tint isiet_i; were not new to him: • was the Song of the Ar 'mv.of the Rhine" h ha I refuse I th tt morning ! bit proceed • : again the audience i• ill ilea:l4 like vili-nce ; Mule the musicians. mus ed t,l an titio.aal degree of etaliii•ittsm, played ad mirable; mid clmi line, still iOn.4iti; with all the poritj, fuelirg and etierzy of her admirable voice, plunge! her eve tom every corner of the Ifni-I,c— -in vain. At each ctiap'.et thu eta ha.tiasm of the people litleitate greater, the anxiety of the singer more ioten-e. At leii4lll she concluded. and never did appiaikm more hearty, more tre nuti bias, more uproarious. greet the voiee of a pubiie sa n g-try-s. The eici;ali:e populatiijn of Illarscalh seemed - Wherrsilent* 'was restored. Claudine staike:-:- . *Ciloyens and citovennes!" , he exclaimed. this song is both written and composed by a voung and unknown man, who has sought in vain to put compisations before the public. • Everybody Iris relasestl them. For myself. I thought this the great est untiliCal effort of modern time ; and as such I practised it to-thiv.; mo d Aunknown to manager or tbor. I nod the Irani prepared the surpri-e. But the auth o r is not here. Poor and .detpairingt lie I. at home lamenting his unappreciated efforts ! Let us awa k e him ; let him learn that the generous people of Marseilles can understand and feel great music. Come, let all who have hearts follow me, ,and chama the mighty ionig as we gm" And l Claudine, steeping across the invite:am landed in the pit. and, bearheade I. light dressed as she was, rushed . towards the door, followed by every spec tator, and by nmacians, who, hovever. put on their h a ts, mid:even thieve a cloak and cap on the exci ted and generous younz song tress. Meanwhile, the conipaer s dreadful resolve was being curried out. The horrid Minim of the ch.tr coal tilled the room; soma they began to consume and - exhaust the pare air, and the wretched youth Telt all the lungs of coming death. lisin„cer, haustitm, and de-pair. kindled a kind of inalite.s in his brain; wild shapes dewed around Mtn; his .nany songs seemed sung altogether by co,tr-e, husky voices, th.tt made their wpm's punishment; and then the blasted alinosphere appressing Ills chest. darkenino• his visien. his roman seemed ten anted by myriads of infernal and deformed being:. 'risen again he chised his eyes, and soft memory stealing h upini hiiu, showed him happy visions of lave ytinth, of his 1110 her, of love, an d hop e , an d jot ; of grei.tti tielth, and the murmuring brooks which itad first 'evenly(' melody to hi, s o ul ; mid then the young man thought that death must be come, and he was on the thrediold of a better • world. But an awful shunt, a tremendous clamor. burst on his ear—a thoueuttl voices roared beneath Ins window. The yuritq man starts from his dream: what is thii he hears! --- " Aux arms l eitoyens. • • - Forincz ens battaillinni," 4k.e. • " Whit is this rhe exatimi. BfY*ltof - the' Rhine!' • I -- He li4tent: A beautiful mid clear Fox* is gfng ing: it is Aill Li*son4r; and theiC'tbi terrible cho rus is taken up by the pe&ip_ht and the pier coin poser's tirt ivisb is Kainedt h fet.s that he is fa tuous. - - But he iA dying, choked, stiffed-with - charcoal— lie' lie 4 sensele=s, tainting on lig bed : but hope and joy give him strength. Ile rises. (itlis rather than darts across the room, his sword in hand. One blow iiiivers the: panes o( his window to atoms; and titie brilken glass lets Of the cool sea breeze and the Splen lid song:' 'Both give life to the yiraus man; and when eltufdine imtered the room, the cA)o , 4)" ,s rrika i ablOe stand. 141 ten 'minutes lie had supPedin the porter's lodge. dressed and come out; to at borne in irjuinph to the' theatre, Where that. night he lieard, - nitud'i•enewed uppluuse, his Onions Ftwg sung i betWeen every act, and each time g,tiiiing,ienwetthinrels. ditys inter,; - Biantede'L'lsle was married •to priiiiie.thelintoi'Marsellle •Ito vnung ., l*eisPe i ter, hi c grxti#hilt tci her -Mill bier Comm irynten t the'surne cif Tiia *64 410 called it by 'the ttathe — if is still' laicitin'hy , The fieillei.se I" ' lair amusing xpanunen 'of- nftiividvanlity" in'lw' w.l I 'twit icmol m me b a r a!, err' ,Le,thit-eitAterif nitfitAt# aparrnr e and hitiniebOtt'perotadeti to on - iheffigliith; and '-sit i 13tit, long aftor retiring after the' inritite thinitKpf A k rengolie tt#s_pr,t44 it: batter vi rmi!aii,n4 1 ,-ItCo',#4,',Can . ! l i,i .lll ,l: ht", -- , - From Abe New York Tribune. Bayard Tztylox's Leiters—No. XL • Law and Soziety in California. i ISA 4 PnAxasoO, Sept. 10, 18.19.1:- ifessra Greek!' cE Jfkkra : I reached thi4 'plaCe yesterday, after an absence of nearly- three weekik When 1 had climbed 'the; last tqln:l-Ind, coliiingl in from the 31i4sion, and the town and h.trbor tandithe crowded chipping again ouetted to the 1 'could scarcely realize the; change that had taken piace in so shunt a period The town hall not only greatly extended its lint- I its, but seemed i'6ctu.4,141 to have doubler: its nnin her of dwelling: Since, !deft. up on the hills, where I had seen only sand and chapparel. stood 'cltiiters of Lou 4v.4; streets whirls hid been merely laid on'', were Holy built'up Attld *ringed with pew p a st; new warelatu,es hittl,Spri*,.:ttp on the water Ittle"...nutl-tterw pitir4..stterr' f _trApliSzorrJr.tovrartir. site- .., ....„ :--r., , rstepping ; the t;aie... , ts Of! mait , ..:011.1.11. 1 "ti . "IV fillic % te•i , propiAtto . l'erssinally, inn safely in; thlit Is s-, -- . •-,. • 1"....5- , - itii fere. c- twangfit,",intt :.4''.l'.:::.'4 Witml,tlT. poi 4. aF o4.44 'm ftaT:l* . ffe 4 1 fll'inj 8 neVer tnet with such Unvarying kindness firkin:titan- '" :The - piiiiii Wine Lei i it** , 4loktill , '0.4 . - vr. iii4:o4ut , \' , ..1 11 Y, 0 . I.,tive s ...ger... 1 - )1 I - 4. to seven'dilireituthilibtit, kliiii -, i•v - ql'lrtiell it inarVO. Tic sal that it 16 chit` The tre: talent of the Sonorians by the As' neri‘ii 1 iipt - , 9 1 1.4 6 .1e.AP 07 , 8- 4 4 .4104:19'. Aaloge lom t . ,3% vat% tO thtrty bousw, niay not to digger has been o ne of the exciting sub erica 1 b --- rentar);.:ll.)le to von at huale. af.er an a t h e p . 1 .,„ Sunimer , t Th e ,, e . peop l e mole k ig o .t h e - 1 . „....., 6 ~.. ..: you Winit,'lnis__ „ *UM . 1 ' 1 ri4—l don't - went - any Isofllitise- - IReitilt . that have hero told ; y e t ths.,( m • a court- ettin r 7 itci 6 .l lzukt, to the number of .20.bt"td . I ' 4 ° 4 . - • • • ' • ota ry a ) at pre eta imports both lumber and hoe- (`cote sac' o,ooorin all, and took posse;iion of the.. ,ere tuber i. ti••,' 10 a day, is au extraordina- he. a p roint , lint, ell the Tovialunte. Soutisliths - and Misk: ' ,thenr." ' i :, :-...• .... , , , , f- ~.,..,,, r . The rapidity with which a ready .nuele. ; Mame Itir .r.s. At the Sundrien cuttp on the Stan sit up apt' inhabited, strikes the strani , er.i; i,,,ti„4 the were , The pedler was fairlY,,,‘"-1101. .d.„"a t t f eel rp' - - anten -4 ' . t . : , . 1 ,1 during the / Summer, ..several twisoo Jos little short of tnagie • He walks, 1 thousands f theta , and the ariniunt of gromulthey- tickled bhp an? ho CMrl in ,e! . .., ,„. .. „..c..5 .. ~,,:, _.. . ► sea lot ia 1111 bt-fore-hreakfast stroll—the ,dug 0 p 0 0 turnedover , . h a efe e!'l lt Y . ° li u l st e ' if getting : toga -1 4 1 17:: : . iv tsfmost incredible. For t" ll '° - .r and ' a lv rod it h" 2 ,i t if i vatiata gtenti r a ..; B w°l l. lBo ,. - ungr ne t Ingb., I sing a ,use pitoplete. with a family in- ita • long too they were s,ut(ered go work qu i et ly, • nstninret . '-' ed at. the house eance. • • • -„,,,, • : 3 ., 0,. s i . ..7i'l t tk,...s , ttAtii/ way: lie goes down to the hay j: bid the sip citron finally became so 01%aq:that • -- t - • -- ' ..,-- - - •-ei ''iibt• "" die 411 01 9 im' ---- tw" "r three da y 1, they' were ' lered to leave. They made. no' re'-' 1 : --- . • --•- - e ,____ . '` s---tii 4 , s;i:c - - , s , t - t t - '4 tat a row of sturelsou..sea, ~t ari n g hi m ii s the . sistasiee, in t qUietly hicked out and took reing . e - 31•vium ' lO . SPECP IA T it "P - 7.SVARaillgc4 Jrcepts a* fibs. .. i . been told. the Americans; finding, -there was no cook of a fiddle aged-gentleman, drew, hit', its Other di Tinge- - 1n ode or two places, :I have wheit all t e world *ere mad npurt .. ilk* teriest„: . the! ..lTH , Bat I must l eas te all the . peculiar an d piFtur 'esque features of the place for a, ' separate A:inside. , The state of society t lirs iitg-lsi all tilt• Coull try presents however, they were' riots to k w : . --- ettl•Far,r44 ll .3lit"th# W - 'il l- : , : , .. , 31 chattee of I tieing a light, coolly invited them back hands the -avinge,‘of sumeiyeetWti. - Bef.ineeter..en-, ; i g I agaiii ! At the time of my vist, l e aving th country in large numbers, and there pqated l 4 . r . ealled-t.hskt,a ‘. 4 , 0 14.1 ,11 1. ~s ...its,l"T!' '"•li mons - point,: of ill,ere4, torte of which are not, fill lv appreciated ore. In fact, it isddlicult to pre ' --• .. - fold liir he pains: , and-' neterocatted'al) .. -, .1 serve - a "tam! l> lilt of obp.es va; ion . unshaken' by the 1 6 ,....,,t r e ;e d a ,fir g the rations rivers . - , are pliability not inure than 5.000 in all at present great p , an . hanianglit . tt: - ~.nept„ , .tim. . .... , „.,.,_. , ~,. -; ommouti excite.iientis ? which p re v a sd 00 all;14104. i As to th •ir repass on our'soil. - there scoots. to to tea-e her open the subject. One. thiy;terwrifienitt • l• on. 5...1 ..-.«.t.gh of .. ' 10k;),,..5r. pip r'... to p •eti nil to this, vet liaenig so farawiziser si,v• e• , ell noir "pecu- 1 which won d debar American citizen , or biota fide :Wtually a „prize.ef 119.000. ...!,.4.,1*.,,....„1-111171Nkfi ,be Ito ire: ion. lam aware of no e ii,stin g law the,untstey saw to tl!ie newspam . dustiortn tea ba.„s,-w#- „.,. lateii in town lot I ,h a v e b een aide to look 41 0 ,'„.,& ;zr ,,, i t s , s o , ,whatever 4outitry, fruka•working paltiver ematehatt knowil ellen ( 14 °W 1 0 11 "Y Vr.k..i,. the centre of the tshilituiti 'without feeling more its the pine Lri ; or if there be Seek it is a dea&let than the ruqvilt 1 . 1!01:g 11i VOrZ42. ter id the ire-lent cunditioncf things.. But - thenti , ' . mid :is- accepted-I They :were conniii<hesnett.ist .1 'morning, cud is tlie„,..atiotiags ,renk, thqn -, ,fr, , *,,r,i .. . i i , =lotto to Out, itc.;-. in short., be-propOseentafting, There probably:never 'occurred, in all history, a 1 . are armed eludes confine by thousands tong,* for inore woolerliil cdrabination o f eive t on-t al iee s than onntr -., with the manifest design of . plunilee- 'Cliuich. diO'lliltowing.dialiiveretudied( , , l,„ . . „. ,;it a l t h a t nut of which Ilitt prompt cunlition of Califor- the .prio :rtv el. the United States, and f,f0.., 1" W..e11, lidlilly; two imppy 'evenolit ' Ortrdiy.—.i'oli i th, OA, grown. 14 i i , 0 01 - ,,,,,,„, e• ,,, 0 the'' L lik e of i , L 0(.6.00U w ',..:11, if it had nut otherwise . enriched. 1 YOU have inarried I -trust 11- PO .htestenith yuisil l C wil: c h Can never liao6l ta„-ain -, si:we there . 14 no - the Goren meat Tresomr3". would at least have -• have sontettlfing else. But - firat.-let !tue - )eslt-yonfl" ' . 7 , where yet# lot cry ticket is r ,. Ti.. :,. , ,, part of the world V i tt which it is po,,ib!e. l - tezi"" i been isle:lst ithin the Inuits of the country and for its rich in the precayis sire may be ilistiivereil else- its improve nerd. are taken home to Mexico by. ;Wily. Who thought he was b egi n ning n 'ltanter .. ; .. iti o here, but never its ...,ittnectit.ii with ~.ucli ' , oil, -cli- them. TI. unanimous sentiment of the country. ...tin the old Isultject, replied-=: - -. • '- 1 - --'-"'-':' -Aji , . , mite an] scenery. and itielsor the inipith , e of a situ - h,,,„ f e y or f their expulsion , since it can be effect- I “Dotet - say dry more about lhat.l • -I- thridglits , ol,!,,- darly cou-titutel .cOmmunity. The rentark-able e,l without iiilent means, tutd.untny of the Soso - :hots it:U .o 4ld Eit —I never should,hearkbeepdrviik4o state of socie:y atteliiiiO4- the sh,covery of the' p l a - . i riatm therm • Ives tickuowledge its juAneg. Seine '—sal soil it to the hiker fOr a guinipk,mst, -•§ o 4 f ; vet's and the ittopreil.eileitts.•d rush ,it - e migr a ti o n from of them. ut twidistanding, accordiug to l a t e . news "; kou nsseditt make any „mere tusk . nbeitt*, klial' r itiii .t• i all parts of the wield into a country almost 1111- from the th, have committed numerons ultim o , o es :1 3 / a ckTxn6 Jlagrizine. ' - • - r ,_:, ~., ' ll ~,, 1:110% rt. and but Ititlt reclaimed from its. original 011 (heir wa home, stripping entail parties of the , ~.. 1, , ~.- i..-; , ; -- . „7„ .f - "ti:-.. - 1 tt orb iristn, art familiar if tets The first con ,--.‘,9lsetice. emigrants I k the Gila route of all they pusges...sed. ANECTIOtiE OF Da. Paatrotaai.DiS Pariartatt,Was- 11 '.' sets iii vei l her all 11IW virtually null, an 1 b elog , the It Is 11,11 lik. ty- that-the• country will be -. troubled ' 'very pt i nictiliou,s and close in his' busiiiii'hihita, ..•fit,i e 4.0/h:he-I authorP,t;e: In depen I entirely on the with them test Summer. - , ,but nevertleless bestowed much , -.,. - : N 'oltaritkin'iiitAnt ';tik c l liutoor of the populatioo far the obzervance of their Thd ernig .lUt. 4 who arrive here. very soon . di-- . , °sterna - flint way. The Ilostualdedieal - stiainild-M. '1). order: - - vide into to , disfavor:ten:4*v' - About t:wikltirds, - • late.v.ilie - folliiwingatieeskiti - erbititt-o:1:: -:--- - - :• - • ,- J,t4 I t or den coast —lsisici ) 4 Peru. Chili ef Mei and :he Saud- or pOs6ibly, hree-feurths of them are active ; Julie- • A' politic'sui:ottco-stailPed - hiut eir On - etreet3ntrotr,..4l -rel- l uri:i 4 - 7 --, •Cera'itell'i 'their deetelmls-0 1 4 , 7 14 ' NI ailif illj nriou...,WinsckeAl**intar•lattaii 7 ,: auks .' biro to sub s cribe to it fintil'for tiring ateilitte. Ilry rant ail venturcri, Oso s p ee dily outnumber e d • the , cation iof _ s ety,here,aielgo ttiwor.k id stniwthios, itildimir tit Voine.perty victeels ' " Auk : Map vildt„.* American populsttein. . Another fact. which Mlle 1 101111.1 titer tat, by which tiny hope to thrive.— tue . inutil - thicomer,"talifthe - Vacter,tiaihi i t " . - N the less,thriuttened -erititti coti , equencei, w ;t i the: Tae rtimaini ig portion see everything .•• thruagli...a up,:o. dirtyk lley,through a t darltdoeirernyiiitiii: 7 dipt i il readiness with whit-it the worthle-s and depraved '' glass, darki : - Their first bright anticipations dm_ threedight 4 rickety atairs, the Doctsfat„ , 1 - tatipedlitter f h' l q classes of our I,W II (.4,4111 try came to the i'citic 1 inirealizeil ; he horrid climate, of Sin Fsancisce h. died, wlii - It was opened kV,* wretcOcd-Plte'd:s43'''• ena.t. FnEn the It:oitatiii g a staturof thiing's little Chills and•ut ner v es than :or; if they,go to t he p1a... , .. Child., - . - A pose' Woman, appeirentlY . inthe list Attila i l 41,4 of anarchi tni sill has' d beets reasonably await- cers, the sev reirLbor and the ill-success of ineffig- of eiminmp(ton,Wlii sittineiropped apla bait Of 1.1.1 . , •.. _ . ei„ I rienced, hint s, contpletes their disgust. They emu- - feebly attseirring to sew upon a chit ' s mtre:riaq , Ast not a multi& de. qf -ins in the . shape of curses,upoo_ mi s fire in ti t . stove. although it-: sae it , eidsts - atrehitl/4 every sme w mhos written or spoken favorably--of; day..., '," Xis. -,•' .aid the Dikbor,,,tilenitqA4l-14st 4 1 :::!. 4, ..,...;:ti1k eAlifurnia. . Sonia of them, reitirn borne wishout tiksiatt,L" her is t.n dollars ;Iyokiintiv either : Are it .41.: Navin;; seen he country at ill, and .others. even. if, aciity linpo . er or give itto this ' - pone:tiontitti: * 4 -4 i t.: they -4:7`otain ifitab!e situations, labor withou t is won't . attest' titsobins vou." - - 4116 D4cce- darted 17 , will. No tll wito . _, is. not, willing to Work, and out of, the it and As . nrn - inakitai'ileambit , Ahn•a4k 4 c4i ,, !.4 work hard, s ould come here. This is', less than' . plesseti-poli 'e'en Standing; by ; thef - bnil#lo.. 4 , th r tyiii any country ithe -world, a . placa for an.idier..„ , , -invalid: did not hesitate_ bitilliti teithi'ilts . - po-,, t . ,17 Another_ use of disappuntment is the eattralk-.. onion of the money. •`lle. &Posited - it Initeeliest - Tril, gam hopes With which many, have undertatata the of thasutfer r, anldepartitala wiser tnika. - - 0 " journey. / 'have heard .mechanics in this town : complaining if their pour chance fur making filor- - tutte, " Wk." iti - was ; ashed; them, "do you' not get steady w hat $lO a. dayt" " Yes" "'And . you can live lerably well en 41,h0, or at knots 4 -$2 a day, r, To this they also essitented. liere, ' were: . Meiclearing $4B per week; er abOu t twelve thnea, as much as tl Of would have made at hume,,-,itt a, place where ones . can he brans.vl, on good ' seed- lily, ist from oto i _o per cent. a Month!. One of the, moscatn - ig; instances •of dissapfa4ntnient,„l, have settn, "v that of a traveler who met Lis, ens: : the first day if our, journey ; t o o the diggiuss. 11e: complained b tterly of the rough fare, and tells - lids' toe m e ,ht not .believe, but we would. absoltifeli2: be compelled o sleep on the, ground.. We fitat'd his words tru i, of course. ~ , . . In what I h ve . Said concerning the condition : of California, me , and social, T.have,' endeavored tt I VII as fair and impartial a pietoo; l Dimaco . lo „ .2Kwl y usi w i, Asityr,m4o,, re t - 4 . • 7•,.....,i, , ,, tei po,isible, ti f i t , my ; first :arrival,- ( beat so many. corstradieFory pecubnis of ,thlt country. that I. ter : solved-to watt , "putil Thad sun part of It;Aiegpie expresing-anyiopittion. , Theieivvill , no, ! ititg.. be- -many confliciing. statements serit..-hotne this year ; Mid the pre . setl, Lain convinced, will differ frotaat .: • least haltiof m. i , . tun the beginning; lio,,yrever, a dipizition to mriintain order and!secure the rights of al!, 'um% shown.thrhooghout , the mining distilet. , . 1n the ab-ence of 3111 aw oir available protee ion, the peo ple met awl adopted rules for their mutual security —rules adapted to ibex -.heat - too, where they htt neither guards nor pri-ons, and where the slightest license given to critoe or tre- pass of any kind must inevitably have to ten-ib!e disorders. Small theft were plod 11(.11 by banishments from the pla mr:, white fiir orlarge amount or more eas crimes, there Was Pa. single alternative Of 11-tit..);. These regnloiiins, with slight change,;. ha, e been con:Mired up to the preen: - proetrtion n , the eMigralion from our own State;" has merea-ed, an .1 the ilirgging community Pt more orderly ito,l ilttelltg, ht aspect, - , their •teveri tv kis been relaxeti. though peuf-litticnt is still s:rictly udinini-terei for all o few. e, There have b..en,a4 nearly as flcati learn, not • turps thlut I'2 nr la, , executions in all, about hale of which were M amie.' for the crime! of Murder. - This awful te sporiAbility ha; not been azsurritld lightly, but only after a fair trial. .m 4 a' fell anti clear conviction, 'to which was added, I relieve in every instance, the confes.iiiii of the eriMioat. _. .. ...... ...... In. all the large digging districts, which ,mire been worked fir sonic aline...there are now estab Ii lied regulations, 11111,41 Are flialtfully obwre(l.•:-- - - Alealiles are erected; who decide in all dispittes of right or coimplaintq df ire .Ip.t• -, s, Awl who have pow er to sarntuoa juries f..t. criminal 'i rinds. %Viten a new placer or gulch ;is tliseitve.re.l.• the first thing dune is to elect 0111..5er4 nii I extend the area of or• der. The results is.ltliat,in a diatriet fine hundred tulle= luny, marl inhallited Iby 100.000 people, who have neitWr vverta tent, ;regular Inws; . tille.i. mill tiiry or civil protect! n. nor even locks'or bolts,stml A great part of whom I.)nA'sess wealth `einitigh to teillat.t.le_v v:ciaus tor ,'. depraved. therd is iti 'much hecurity to life' and p operity as .ii i l im y 'p a rt o f th e ., I.;nion and as small A proportion -of crime. The capal.f,tfakpeoplersOf go)rionent was nev:, er se.t ''lMaphinttly, .i tetratecL , Never, perha6A,•'' watsilierehuore' to'Prbvt,l;•e• lic - ene; yr a (11/111111unity 1 forined id" nit tre. ' un prtpitioni yleinetiilt; - yet from.; _ . .. ._ . all thlk_teeroing chay, ..ltaS, grown a liarminly bes'l toad what thirmo :t.' :Sanguine - aplia,2lek of -Progress could I aVe .ewecteit i • • - ' ' . ' '. - ' • ... . • . . The riglits of the •tligger3 era tin less, tiefinitdly marked and ktrletiv 4th - -ervett.. Among the, hon- i . , dreils.t' Saw . on the' Mokalume - and nrione'r the ~ .gulcheN I'diil'atot .see a single depute. or hear a word, ti,f,tinsiple in t. A 'cam patts , of men may 'trqtrk ,, oul'ltaliit, :0:0' any length and turn the cerrent of the I "riveitkgit o t At' the .41, ‘ possei.litig. the' exchiswo•' right tit iTtrt of It!, k"o 'lett; as theiruhdtirtaking la.t-071 Mitt may 11eie-liole ii the dry'llivita. , and itolting aealte leitle.. n shovel, piek.(o•erieivSu , to ,i•lony,',.,thatlie, still '4om:l'i we/king:Mid :4 l,i sire froMfrtiv asiz.' - AA . tools "may familia 'there:- fhr, pitiiit s li4 titliniitivingrsterhek f' kayo ferry iiiaL::; lii - eycli . iplagti:::, iiiifti - : . tra•y i from Any 'comp noshes Which the dignirivtdjeft in . P'erfitet:ceitilidend.thet'l he • shititld Marallcrit• t' ms lits. rCtitna.. •• '..hter P" , ,iiirel of critirkP exceptieivs • i4serulei4thlit - woto4 be n ITtppfiC if it mere not btilthe3ritrete4ift‘tlttetiV, The 4lealadivemetii e',i'm alto awhWarilaftpegiork!;' , frpotdnexperience. • ' Itaviillettid ofyime InititrtesC in whth tasettv.it of ter- ass, - Illte#lttle4; 4 "' Ow ' O O,ll kr:101'00.4 Eiiith*itti • liii:l the Slii11!„ bidetell'to - , pay mini titi?t!l or (NMI' , ' itbnut 6,40. i: The evi‘ltonisbs , ell •o'll6-tree'iry•tenioniliitn•l;' liiif the pt ‘Ver pf _thi ' 41 04 ti, w.a-_‘'safil*ix)eirk,i he "iteifered." -: •."' r . -1; i t -lAFPra I Vnift • lit iiieli a iniitiqftnititneon il y. in , ivii.:uig. - - EFAiiihllnittibleitt • '' • ••iiitsit'lted lll ,tl sTiPPitfiNiwis litictul . 'oly- slew' . ._. sinfOilitotniiiii i itsi; 40 ' popithith*frilitrekit:thit* • . ; •' ... , Pa l 4 9Ftiftei . vkLE =n t EIND repyldrilinnatii ;,:i,f-7.1t I - 77-7.7777 - 71.1 Wage and ardent spirits :is: apparen.ly. ettormoas; and. all o her 'species of diwapatinn prevail to ti greater,‘ , lest:extent,. Tet with the exceptional gambling the passion for which Li lewpilv; subs*. ding:A:Me:Nes far leis oftbe evil results of.Tiuchilti dulgetiee.lhanheanticipatek. With a - great deat:l of drinking, there is very little drittikennass%, and.. 4 theitwO or three:examples :I have seen excited: , general commiseratitm. The native Indians. it , ist t rue, are filthy and degraded race, and spend the , while of heir earnings in drink. ...,,, ..„ Abundance of gold dueenet beget, as mornlists ' tell . -us, a grasping and avaricious spirit. , : .-Titeprizt- - : 1 ciples , of Itthspaality are- tie faithfully, oW.erveil tui : the rude tent., of the diggers as they: couklllte bit, the thrifty farmers,of the Borah end „Wwi,..:,..The.E cosmopolitan cast;of society here, resching filtMi l the commingling of so many races r and the priciti-i tive, mil& lif life,. give.s a character of good felitiW- 1 ship to all its members Oklid Lino partotthe world:0 have. I evt. r ,seen. help more : freely,, given., tii,,the. - 6 needy. or 11:4! ready Li) 4 peristion in .any humane • Ha. CLAT.—•• • 'llitaelangtonletteriallarlit4to_tbe • great men of e *hate, say 4: • . , . ,t But first,' d finentoit among all, towers - . the theat -- West of Kentucky. Henry Clay. He drops into. the • paws to Wm what 90,,bak there,.soon.gatl ere mound hint a group, which pie veOts him: I *eeing auch beyond the group, abbot him. •e- is; watched and .note;l,• by el!er , CalgentlY with'him. •healtii Sn.l spirit§ are good, his, step. firm And he, like Laving along lOse_of. life even: now," • • • at via in . th tnothi iri tiu4t ily • th tegl Wood,' of TOkltg,lft' Teti"telvr- - Of the /AA*, rv, .`a l,tniniog I! . .f r tlie 411610'1*V dole and will lifolxibly 1: IMllll=lll Esia.l 7 -. tau' a tiaait:#aabie uNta 04, di*l: ;mas'Ort9;f l Peo l l : 4611 1 4' apliiitiOn` 030 1,;;: , , isid:*)** ll : , ft 41 , ea , olulC:sti ~ =~ .. . .."z' :' 's 'IIitiMBEIVIW' •=livgk' ll 1 - , , , ,:i -;.= --_-..,1:• r ttit:r.;,r. Y :!{.tom t. , :4: jj!-1;, - 7 1 --- 1 ':' lituttng I - . lieddlerit , 6 , ... , 4 , ?i.il: t. Ig.tn. j L•ns a a•rtain tinware R6111141) 4 i lia ; Jdi.poeeartintiuris teiiinaili . *tisn i g., - it, lieleasil pergeempt we,' Itinistlitto be 14 401 17 .1r 1 1 2 4 -V li One leave in ,riartionliir be a lie of awninged :titibt6la: ee l 'Fig i 7104. wanted—ltheii ne leVilitiek • ty.. Nevertbelow he • bcsailhatark, , • • "ii ; ;tar anted. Ifig Atr-lemc'esi!,s•' reptlo / .."- intwniiatkalEit, i iii•i#Oaltnirlirii;liii r ii atritsiphoitqatzi Outi- ( A . AitAltitlinkiteolsl4, 4 1 • ; to *rawer tlaiLatkatitha , , iiiii the diiii.. -- : - : - - "j • .1 A t ~,,ro ntr •t: 41 k.F.:,• - j. ,-",::,.° a - 4 . 41. ' ; kitchens r:.;-•.'i , - !.•!•il ni t••=11; away ! he-want-6i" bnitt saark i4e1 1 t.41444.A. 1 *M1 11 , • 5----.;''.,...2:;::',.',Z4-zjti 1.! 1 t.,,,, - gofilltetiple fruits of the, labiiid a lii pit 4i-ti.4 . itis and hie nine five huticke .duration pa titgraoreTartice;4ull the latfeiice i)r“ t timitatigritt t I' id. i I.llgg,pod mi s weft d diem ngaip kiy,oo Pfefic4it,s?s u t .„( be 3 tra pa te y of .the i lit airm ilm ni iii pmorulgr , ,,tt g e t istr.z . 1 , 1 1 rib, iii.qtend,of .cask,., tin ,nt:terb, ..„ h a iied, pious aldliiiiiie, - "Ail. . pal - • 1 my hop Of *l„iiiiitiniee'foe- '" isialP * Il k ! little children:..ili. nosh ea eirlP l fig Ikhels,ol rieltS 'a=ssiary, in one t, yreztnt:6 One tininekr. 02 1 ) 6 be - '; uated than nstial,l4oo,6l,lU F 41*- iii raked ii little WO !Tier* ,c 4 W 4 ;•...i..., They„......„0til ilieito F' e even ig; sodltiablutite-Mi'AldgerP atirely; Or his litiarYlliroultik Witho A .w wan calkitto_take )ii!, pplpilt-',-- 4! ,ister in mat: crieins.y.: itiotati t in l- - r` -iiiii re.itorixteietirthealetiiiiiii " I ' 4 ' 4 ng, - " CleittenOstitietiellii lie Nieliglettcl L W_ beltoi -Uoteleit4 as twist bevel/nit rye r., , ~ .. . I 'Nor ezal •• niistitkes t tti ditle I trit tal-VP9 rihu' ucttifr . AlAtl~pll I ; d; The serviliagirlo it 4 ia'Wrisi :'!-Yeik,, , w.t-• 4 gr,gg l og *t io l" forpi,„, linti .._untrs — r inie e tin4hv '" --... * . e tementlf-SPO*l4=== 'y'ol.3‘ DIFUIS the a '. ' - '''' ' iei. ' II •: ' i • . 4 17 0elatar g e s l - ~ liet h tl-04 L Ike - i i ingi rgi wk ____ 1 1, •' s iowk epelts - -- .„, .$ ), E ' t ' e ni2' Iseted:lnfit - -I . :f. inmans Iruans timarr. 71 , ' '--" t. ,--, o• - ---\ -- - g ltypq • ' ," i• .t ... . I W r I°ll ',l4**44C - ‘.- 'I - ..- 4:l', : 1f..... .." f ..0 ~t . ay in I"' ....2-. p. . - 1 1 agaSINI ,i". ' ' ' • .4IZ ' ,',... e.: - ..,,.... 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers