experience. as to varieties, !it weight, and of the time in ripen 4ii:ittoi, and diseases,' soil and manures ..tiotAgrai.ted to.. . _Oars.—What varieties have you tried - and 4 , „ :l l . !itlistluit - iiistilta, particularly as to the time ripen with their estimated value as .' , ,, , ..90 1 4.ered 'with corn as food; is the cultiva pitioiLtif the:oat becoming mom or less popu linv Will far • what reason Have:you knowledge of any new varietz ; to what use is it appli-- •'; •.:4 1 / 1 e mini diminished of late years, with out any apparently „corresponding diminu 4ioirin'thetertility of the soil, and to - what a in eetice is it supposed to be attributed. 'Ji*ti.-4:tave any new varieties been iiiiiftfula with what Testate ; to what uses is this grain applied in your State ; if not' cul 'a;, 00144'11k - forbidden by your soil and di ?. 1 #2O JAN corcs.)--what vA-bsties most esteemed and for what reasons ; what ince in time of ripening ; is it liable Of character and climate, - and oth ices, and your observations on that the estimated value of the husk t with the blade, and of both as ith good hay, weight for weight ; value of green corn for soiling especially for producing milk ; ince as to feeding grain, whole or ted or raw I 'ariety cultivated ; describe any liable process for ha cultivation .ion for market. • , )—As to all these grains please teMist of production and usual weight, , bable average per acre and actu product, if known of each in whether the average productper ;creased or diminished ; whether per bushel of the various. grains is - in your State ; and what weight for each. ite the comparative value as food clover, timothy and mixed hay; seeds preferred in laying down 'the average yield per acre ;. de- new process in curing ; have been irrigated in your State and 'ffect ;'or what purpose \ cultivated in for food or for improving the timated value as food for stock, com 'th Indian corn : the most esteemed cteld, culture; average product per of haulm or vines compared with ..aer plodder ; average price per bushel in • last year. Roar Caops.--Irish and sweet toes, tarnePs, carrots, beets, inangel-wn , anti. .choke, and other varieties ; com rative val ue ; post of production ; weig. per bushel ; and the average per acre, aggregate pro tour State. .—Average ield per acre and per sir State ;aggregate yield of the Ite for 1849; describe niw varie mocess of cultivation ; manures best • cost per pound or bald , of pro freight, charges, commissions &c., '4B planter. 4.- 7 -Whether of cane or maple ; the per sere ; describe any new process Ition'or manufacture ; variety of cane, ,-its enemies and diseases; cost 'tiger.; freight, charges, Sac., paid by 0.-rOn this head give any • inforrna you may deem valuable and new ieties, process of cultivation and pre jF market ; sail and. manures best '• cost of production. : - 44tuadtk7 made in your State ; inlaid produce per cow ; are cellars ,c!r c apring_houses prefe t - • 'c74:piesticists„ 1 . 74 1190111 - =AND ,likir.s.----Nurither raised in 44'N'O'tnin;aierAce value of eaai compara iitfv.iiidne for tAiiirung purposes ; where is •.i our market foi them S , 'N•unsberOf Horned Cattle in your State ; 40# ) ge - value, of'at three years old ; where ,;46;tit9, 1 market; cost of keeping per lead 4per.year; which of the *proved races is preferred. • rt . Slow Husalmar.—What the orerair- Antraosa ; what the condition. of this:brach .7tifinidirstry,i amount of wool clipped in the ii&i,luid•average weight of fleece of -differ ent-races • cost of keeping sheep per year pe?,4*,• ; where your markets •, whaf your. v*4' o'44hr%. ,haVe you wool depots, and , t aroihey; found advantageots for wool (grow eitinid,niititufactimr what number killed . by dogs in your State • rfl9oir,t•-•kverige_* - wAghti at a- given age ; im4rige'weight-consumed Per head: propor-, Afipnettweight, ai cosl of pro -40%.94*e. R and ;101fe4nowkof theilwin,uil l / 4 /44.4.4 weak itiburm lesr of the Of i t in, wsitor.in e1.1011.1*0 11 2 1 et l 4 - .413M 4 te - fer the psa -;- +2, Jacitrit With - ttei4tip itiOdest' ' ; • =`! /44 4 . -- If toed ee mfiewer In W4r., -Tiffiii4lloll,olo*****Xt 04,jd lrow old s p**) 4 Olifigmun :fruits, thisigispOw If but 111 E. ‘ ';iho the Cotitiniiiioner ot Pat- are directed to the mast and ate so framed ali.to acts relating to.eseh, If tooks :we trust they will nit amass of valuable in to the agricultural re ift sections of our cowl. of PJ►Tzurd, in mew longress, desires to pro• from Planters, Far on the following, and that may occur to you, con bare: &c.—,lnfortaatiati in(tliese and kindred mat ters wilt Nal univeisal L inte4tit. I 'On the cultkVation of the Vtat, ikk Gii4Dis and Amittioltt,Wltias, comitlitrucittions are partieulaily.icitel , t, j ' , P.S. ; 4answer thislas- soon as con.. venient a ' mo o n. procure ihe information, and hetet.' ithe Ist of I,)ecernhet ; and, in' the time p' : name any one 41'6 1 4mi this ,eit t2 tular mayibe sent in the hope of fnller infor mation. ' , If not room on' the oircular please reply on a separate paper, r4ferrine distinct ly to the qluerries. TIOILAi . EIVBANK. 'United States Patoi Office, t Commis- Washington, July, 1819. 1 stoner. Fat Cattle. t` What is the use of an ox weighing a ton or over I Of cputse. you may load his frame with tallOw—thati is not a difficult opemtimi, and indieatesiteither genius or science ; but what does that urine You may make a hogi)f him, but he is none the better to eat, and good for nothing to work. Isthere any evidence.that such monstrosities are: profita ble thati is expedient or econom ic al so to load animajs with fat Ido not remember any ; and i i default of it, I pass by all excess ivelyfitt cattle, as Pf no account.' Thus writes a correspondent of ;the Tri bune, from the State Fair at Syracuse. It is a subjeekin whiels.Avery person has a stake, and therdfbre it should be gravely discussed. Fat beef an abomination ,before most peo ple, unlessithere is a streak of lean, and a streak of fit, to make the sirloin look like a transverse Section of a barber's pole. True, in some amities fat is necessary, for Jack Spprat could eat 40 fat, Itta wife could eat no lean, j and inisuch a.case the wife must be accom modatbd.. Mt, generally, speaking, it is a waste Of good provender to feed a beeve un til it ib unwieldy. Neither too fat nor• too lean 61 the golden mean, and graziers would do better if they were to bear this in mind. BAD! TizATMENT itIF AMERICANS AT Cu.. his been received by re cont arrivals of a gross outrage committed on the 28th August by the crew of the Peruvian war steamier, on three men belonging to the brig Arcadian, whiqh vessel was preparing t o jaaif for Sin Francisco. They were ashore ind were about to return to the brig in a boat, when they were, attacked by the Peru kian crew and a party of boatmen ; were chi lelly beaten, and throivn into the water after !wardsed ashore, their arms pinioned 'again cn dr :ry ')eaten, placed in their stoeki. and Iv th( da- --- Sta Josh FRANKLIN'S Espzomos.—lt will be seen iby our telegraphic dispatch that intelligeneeas been received by an arrival of a whale vessel, at New London, from Da vis's Sti.aits, confOming the accounts received from England, that Sir Jahn Frankpn's Ex pedition from which we have had no intelli gence for .nearly three years, was imbeded id ice in Prince Regents' Inlet. We shall look with anxiety for further account and doubt less late as is the season,,expeditioni will im mediatelYhe fitted out by the British Govern ment to teliere the long absent voyagers: Gonani's TREASON.—The Vient4 cones .pondent. 'of the Paris Natipnal Says that :.among the papers of Count I.4mis taroly, ta ken at COmoron, was - found ! a letter from Eaynau to the Count, dated on the end of July last, - Stating that Gorgey had 'been ne gotiatingfoi• a manthpretrious and that with in ten days he would.surrender. This shows that his treason was long meditated. THE AGE OF IMPROVEMENT . One of the most impudent discoveries of the age, in ameliorating the condition of 'Allis large class of suffering humanity, Consumptives, is Dr. Vristar's Dalsam of Wild Cherry. Wint trine establisheiMul consecrates, what experience adopts and Confirins, what all men in ell places uni(e in saving is good and valuable, is so, no doub4— A popularity of his sort, fixes in society its roots so deep and strong that time canncit destr4v it. The success which has attended this medicinefor several years past has, overcome the prejudices of all !re spectable and sensible men, and the article as taken a; stand among the first-class discoveries and blessings of the age ; and when resorted to, in season, eradicates the diseases for which it is 're commended. Dr. A. TIL htacanair, of Tarboro, North Carolina, writes as underfclate of February 14, 1847, thatjhe luta Aised Dzi. Mister% Balsam 'of Wild ICherry in his incticie the ;last eighteen months, unti eonsi it the heal generation of: fide kind he evEr sate, know' iff . *pm me sleserit o N the p'ublie p_dprouve NO, la &nub* Massa Signed L UITS on • lie wni E irr or snie' by ABEL TUttfrELL, Idojrose. fits q sieePP l .9 I of article , one oz. to one quairt, g4ler tedir,.by the dvsoo, 9i, - sioee. The is ?Aid .to he the *et Wide Qt wOr r ieirktr glove in use. 41k1K). FULLER _ ;-.1! 1 .:414=1,1461.1 "vs WWI .- . A .4 - o,ii. limited iv ;itsfotte:oc4Faiarean itop ou -ti.'Tigligk :late 041 1 ,0 ts! 7p - ofitaistap Z 2 s ekarOiti,i (6 4l,J44: , Miitemit' d thm— eilai/4.40 4 ,4 . •' , S ** to:pi MA thrii*iii - ated fir uwifilat: ' 4.- ' sijx3L- -.----, D : 4, 1-Ir-FROAVAdm' „ -, 1 ,—.; ~., i ; , ::irkiiiiiir '” Ce• '-----' - ' 11 14 4 144 vOlAtigt. ,' voierf)' - ei c • Atm ovis ler thati iit a * th wa* Cr iliabli*VieltiNl 6 --'s : lirik 1 mkt Onit4loie‘tigijitela ' - Vgli'io *if. and ' the Mort liiess lb hit I ' lil. ii MONTiiigE A BIIgiNESS DIRECTORY. J. H. DLNIOCH.—Atio! rney at Law—otTice removed to Front Room of his residence,-two doors east of his formir location.; in Turnpike street, third building frOm corner of. Public Av enue, and nearly opposite AL S. Wilson's Store. June, 1849. A. 1141.10W1N--Saddle, Harries!, Carpet- Bag and Trunk Manufacturer, and Carriage Trim mer, Shop, on Turnpike street, opposite L L Post & Co's. C. 31. SllllMONS—Fashionable Boot and Shoe maker, over A. Baldwin's Harness shop, Turn pike street ROSE & SIIIIPSON-Dealers in Stoves, - Stove trimmings, Tin, Sheet' Iron and Copper Ware, t)ry Goods, Groceries, 6:c., Public Avenue. ELDRED & NEWCOMB---Dealeis in Hata, gaps, and Furs; opposite the " Democrat Printing office, foot Public Avenue. • LINES & BlSSELL—Fashionable Tailors ; firit door above J. Ethridge's Store, where-they may be found ready to execute all orders for cut ting and making garments in a satisfactory man ner. JOHN GEO* ES—Fashionable Tailor; river Geo. Fuller's Book Store, where he does work in a style altogether unsurpassed. SIIIITHS,STEVENS & AV ER V—Cab• inet and Chair Makers ; foot of Public Avenue. J. LTONS—Dealer in Dry Goods, Hardware Crockery and Tinware, Groceries, Books, etc.; ALSO, Carries on the BOOK BINDING Busi ness Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. N. NEWTON—Attorney at Law ; Office a few doors South of the Court House. BENTLEY dc BEAD—Dealers in Dry Goode, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. Iron, clocks, Watches, Jew elrySilyer Spoons, Perfumery, &c. &c. ABEL TERRELL—DeaIer in Drugs, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuf6, Gro ceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Stoneware, Glass ware, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Musical Instruments, Trusses, 5...: ad Instrupents, Liquors, Perfumery, Stationary, Shoes, Yankee Notio., Jewelry, Clock and Wat $ estab lishment: HAVE you the True time! • nit, von can have it by calling at the -t door above the Stage Hotel, where repaint'. and tuljusting Lever, Cylinder, Escapemtmt, an. common Watches and all kinds of time kee . • Jewelry and Musical In struments..kc., are,. o. in a style that cannot fail to suit the most as otis. All warranted to per form according . I. e quality of the article. Just receiv:. a good assortment of fashionable Jewelry , Watches, which will be replenished every t month.% consisting of gold and silver Lever • .d Lepine ;Watches, Quartiers, &c., from 7 to 81 dollars, silver Table and Tea Spoons, Gold • .gs, Ear Hoops, Cluster, Jet and Stone Pins, ristlets, Silver and Gold Pencils, Gold Pens, Pen Knives, Scissors, Silver Thimbles, Gold, Silk and Steel Chains, do. keys, Card Cases, Letter Fold ers, Tooth Picks and Brushes, and many other use ful and ornamentalarticles, which will be sold very cheap for 'old and new silver and gold. Pay down and small profits is my motto. Montrose, May 30, 1849. VITIL W. TRUE. • - Crockery and GlaeO. - x - xTE have received a large addition to our st4ck of Crockery and Glass Ware, which Fill sold at extremely low prices; many articles , • e as New York wholesale prices, and some even l A large lot of Printed covered Dishes at 44 cen each-250 setts of Flowing Blue, Light Blue, Whit - Granite, and common cups and saucers,—much low. er than' they are sold generally ALSO, A very superior lot of Novascona Grind-stones, with regard to both shape and grit, veryi cheap. U.BURROiYSS CO. Gibson, June 29, 1849. Jewelry --at Turrell's. ADlES_and Gentlemen's Gold Bosom Pins, It Finger Rings, Ear Hoops, Gold Pencils and Pens, Silver Spoons, spectacles of everyideserip lion ; gold and silver cased Watches, Chains and Keys; 31asical Instruments, Violins, Acoardeons, Flutes, ; Fifes, Clarinets, etc. Pistols and all sorts of Yankee Notions, and nearly every thing usually kept in a country store—Cheap for Cash. [See advertisement in another column.] Mon ~ o se, July 10, 1849. • Dissolution TPartnership under the firm of B. R. L &Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. B. R. LYONS, J. D. LYONS, Lanesboro, July 11, 1849. S. A. LYONS. , Thos.e indebted to the late firm of 13:R. Lyons & Co., will pletse to call at the Captain's office and pap their fare. .A.ll the business of the late firm gal be settled by B. R. I, YONS. Lane.sboro, July 11, 1849. The husiness fur the future will be continued un der the firm of Lyons 4 Cliandler. B. ILLYONS. FIB. CHANDLER Laim.boro, July 11, 1849. . New Arrangement. BALDWIN would tender thanks to his • friends for past favors, and would inform them that he has sold out the Saloon, Eating and Drinking department, and trusts the business will be kept up in good style, and that he has taken the other room on the east side, next to M. S. Wilson's store, where ho has opened a front Shop for his. Baking and Candy business, 'wholesale and retail Montrose, July 18, 1849. C. BALDWIN. Baking and Candy Business OARRIED on by C. Baldwin in all its various ‘...) branches. Bread, Rolls, Rusk and Ginger Bread, Cookies, Crackers, &c., kept on hand for wholesale and retail. Cadies got up in the very best style, New York not excepted. Pyramid and all other fancy Confectioneries, got up in gooil style, and kept on hand for wholesale and retail:APlease call on C. BALDWIN. Montrose, July 18, 1849. Gentlemen's Furnishing Ware House. _T_TERRICK & RQUDDER, 95 William at, New 1 1 York, Manufacturers, Importers, and Dealers in Skirts, Dressing Robes, Linen Collar*, Stocks, Shoislder Braces, &avats, Opera Ties, Scarfs, Mon eo Belts, Linen Bosoms, Handkerchiefs, Horierg ila.les,Buspendera, Bookbazin.es, &c. (ft. - The 'above stock *fit ei - mauxiimitimi, be found not.only'litraeldir.!-business Extensive and FuR, but 'Cheap ru Chu' long e = fence in -business and knewl edge of man ' are such that we are con fident we can offet inducements cannot be sur passed-by key-House in the City. - • . Particular attention paid tePordem and-filio,pack. iiijorgoixlit, , HERRICK & SCUDDER. . , - 95 Waal Street; --- — •: .----- (OmoritCPlatt ;Street, Yew 1744 - DAVIMAI liiiiiiiiiaMil '4o , litl- - rf-"IY vikiolii iv. ;sctDpEil. -...„ , -4,-..-..-, .....' . •• .-..-- ' -.—.: - : , t e . 1 .t - 1,. Wiutted by the ron 1: ,-- ;POrly,gewfiii !A4*.ett,Flopti BY v. 041 ul!itgroolgacoinuitilue iiim,,, - 1,0.4.z;;1:.' ..A1- .. . I ._ : , _ - ‘ ,,, v 4,4 r r 'ir .*4.4-.* 14 . teyt.l9,Pilyi ; ~.- A I laid for RAO S . the= ilaitimiellook t3kore • gt Village Lots T' subscribero offers 1 ship,of !Great Bend in ti 'rills,' directly oppOsite tl Bend, located on the - Depot of Erie railroad, and the Great'l Turnpike,valley of the Pi The railroad' crossing the said tirr i ring in a curved line nearly pare. at the distanr,e of a few hunilrol grounds gradually rising above rl pile, Overlooking the river and th, ley, Compared with its healthy' chill a most desirable . location for quildil The depot ground of the railroad a 'located in the centre of a rich quid e cultural district, surrounding it bn eve its many roads centering in, and all otli ges combined, afford every advari' tage tc population. An Exterisioe Water Power can be brought from the Susquehanna joining the depot grounds of the said rai ficient fox' the erection of NI njanufactur list merits, or any niachinery required. Great Bend, 52y1 L. G N. V. dc E. Railroad Freight Stephen* and Thompson 's .F7oriarding Li Great Bend—Capt. .1. Thompao QTEPHENS kTHOMPSON will forwa, 1 0 'from Great Bend to New York by every Tuesday and Thimoray by the regular freight line which leav . Great Bend every morning at 8 o'clock and 30 . nutes. George W. Stephens will remain a re. t Bend and forward all produce entrusted . this CI I•any and pay the returns for• the :. • at the • • road office. Capt. J. W. Thompso. ill remain *. New York and give his personal , ttbntion to the ;ales and make returns as somyli t s the produce is ' To sed of. This company/flatter themselves by IV ing a salesman in NO. York Atli° has been in .. e frieghting busines or a numbo of years from I - tinge county, they can give as good satisfa.. tion as any o the railroad. Ailiberal-advance will / be made o freight delivered at the depot if desi red. GEO. W. STEPHENS. Great Bend, J. W. THOMPSON New York. eat Bend,-a8 ' P New Hat and Cap Store. rfIHE citizens of Montrose atid vicinity are . re spectfully informed that the subscribers have commenced the manufacture of Tats and Caps, two doors beico;rithe Farmers Store:, where they keel) constantly .on hand and for sale a general assert ment of Hats and Caps of every variety and price. All who wish to purchase a first rate article in our fine, are particularly invited to gilie us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stoc• g, Wool, ' consists of Bea ver, Nutria, Brush, Moleskin, Si Muskrat and Coney Hats; also, California, Spinl.l,l Leg horn, Straw and Palmleaf Hats, c. cte., besides a great variety of Men .andl3oya,' Cloth and Glazed Caps, childien fancy do., da cta—in short, a large assortment of almost ever'' article in our line. By a sirict attention to business and a desire to please, we hope to merit and receive a liberal sup port, and assure those in want of Hats and raps that every effort will be made to get 9 the neat est and best kind of an article. .May 1, 1849. ELDRED A: NF.WCOMB. .sold this side of CO.Moroi& TO BE SATED BY TILADIYG CHEAP, Grocery, Confectionary and Oyster Saloon. THE railroad'being completed, I now have, and keep a general asssurtment of groceries cheap —such as sugars, molasses, rice', coffee and teas, of prices and quality such as will please. Also, nuts, • candy and all kinds of fruit the market can furnish my buyers to suit. Al." fresh clams and oysters received in the shell, fresh fish too, this ;.er—they keep very well—l shall get by the weekly supply—to please all my custo , • tes I shall try. Good oysters on hand,by the keg or the dish—served up either raw or cook ed, as you wish. All needed refreshments prepa red at a wink—,call in, all ye hungry, and plank doivn the chink. lti ..11, F. BkADLEY. Great Bend, Feb. 13. Eagle Steam Foundry & Machine Shop ' IN FULL 8L..115.T. 'WE would respectfully 'invite the a ttention o all those who may be ittfwant of Machinery or Castings of any pattern, Mill?Geerings, Ploughs of various patterns, Straw Cutteirs„ Cooking, Parlor. d: shop stoves, Iron 11r stove Ware, shingle Ma chines, Wood it Engine Lathes, steam Engines, Boilers, Iron Fences, dc. Sc. , tot give u.s a call, as we are confident we can suit the most fastidious. All work done at our Foundry Warranted. Proprietors, WM. JESSUP, 6 11 It.'LvONS. WM. J. MULFORD, F. 8., CHANDLER, 5- S. WILsoN, B. S. , BuNvi.rv, 0. G.' Ilmart.Err. Eagle Foundry, Montrose, (Pa.) July 4, 1840. NEW ARRANGEMENT. Freight and Comission Line, Via. New York and hint Rail Road. (' APT. L. O. Tiffany and Walter Follet have A.J formed a partnership for the transportation of freight and produce of all kinds, between cefeat Bend and New York by the Railroad, by the regu lar Freight line, which leaves !Great Bend every morning at 8+ o'clock. Captain Tiffany, who has been for a number of years engaged in the purchase and sale of produce in the New York markets, will remain in New York and give his personal attention to the dispo sal of all property committed to our care and make returns as soon as the property is disposed Mr. Follet will be at Montrose • and Great Berid alternately. Orders for they transports on of Freight, may be sent to him either place, and will receive prompt attention. 1 , our charges over the regular freight will be a smill commission. L. O. TIFFANY. _ Montrose, May 9,'49. WAATER FOLLET. Just Itecet*d - A T the Movraosr. BooK STOTLE, Binn's Magic tratei Companion, Dunlop s Forms, Consta blis Guide. . May 29, 1849. New Grocery Store. Onc door South of KnurT's in the (Store formerly occupied.6y- W. A!. Post.) THE subscriber has received a large and exten sive stock of Groceries, ' consisting of Teas, Sugars, Mola4ses, Coffee, Tohac it, cti, Itice,.Ground Spices and Pep r, Starch, Cloves, Saleratus, Ginger, sutmegs„ In o, Cigars, -Choco late, Sperm and tallow Candleil, 4 ' fish, Mackerel by the barrel , half and quarter,, barrel - and kits, Herring by the box, Rais_ns by.the box or pound, Salt by the sack i or barrel, (Nicks, stone Ware, Willow Ware, Flour, Fork, &c. IT. dv.. Wholesale dealer in all kinds of , ; Wines antl Ligftors. He ea* and, will sell I his pods cheaper than thercairbo Wight at any othenstore in Montrose, reader,lf you don't. believe it g i ve us a call and we'll convince you. : Hen't forger, the place. '-'...'' • EROTUR Ross. Montrose,' June 28, . 1849 ' r n2Btf - Plo•glas.tr • FIII,LAsso s Anna of Pio he of the tooddip-, vhd pattetilsol and Bittlibanilon itotirptetihge,. just received and: far_ iisiesteithieed prices by" - "NelrlitilfordOk. :1 10 349; n tf •Ch .of ipAbgipir T 9119111 quality 'of Niitirsi; *io Sugar; tt and AL. light cokirod, It 4 ititt 4 i* pound - Jane 15. U 041(0Wil 4 Co. ! r • ,Ifor Sale. t for sale in the town ite village of Own- Ifie village of Great the New York and nd u tm e d Co , ch r v o.ern upi - e,the co run lel with the same , d feet, with the oad and turtl e beautiful val late, renders it purposes.— mpail being tensive agri side with erndvanta a Itiltainess rider, ad ro4d, suf • '2' estat. IFEN. Line. el d treight tailro . . tougher,' knoWn a the A 1777104nd 1)161_76 VERER f the ,C; FIN UINE OR.IULVAL 7'o lI*NSEND ARSA RAI - ULLA." Beim: r mao ho wits compelled to I nit /U 3 manufacture, by which me4os it has been kept out a arket, and the sales circumscribed to those-only who ha proved ita worth. and know its;tvalue. It had reached the dire of many, nevertheless, aslose persons who had been%:healed of sore c.anued its wonderful .• _ , i ,IIEALING POWER. This GRAD AND UN EQUAI.I.t.D r REPARATIC.N is minufacturecion the largest scale. at lia called for throuch out the length and breadth • of the.; nil. especially as it is found incapable of dncencration or' .;erioratnot. Unlike young. S P. Triwrserefs, t improves with age. and never changes hut fir .:,,,,, better :!because it is prepared on scientific prmtipita loy a srienti r man. Tire highest 1 knowledge en Chemistry, and the la eSt ilimeoverie.i of the art, have all been brought loin requ hien in the menial - an. ture of the Old Dr's Sarsaitadlla. lie Sarsaparilla root, , It is.Weil known to tnediral - men, co' tains many medicinal prnparties, and tome properties whi i arc inert or it.elesti, and others, which it retained in p -.ring it tor are. pro. 1 duceferatentarion iii arid, whirh" A l[i . jurioir' to the eva. tem. Sane of the propernevol Sa . parilla arc on TO/lifile that they entirely evaporate and are rmt in the preparation. if they are not preserved by a screw h e process, known (In dy to those ekpertenced to its 'Ma tt:Oelltre. Moreover. these rehaftle prirtroplea, which fly o'in vapor, tit as an ex• halation, tinder heat. are the very e e. n zi a l medical pro-,. erties of the pße,whirli give to it all in • i tittle Any person ran hot; or stew the r c t till they get a dark enleired liquid. which w more from he _coloring mailer in the root then lit, au ) thing else ; th r can then sirain dim insipid or vapid lopird. rv: it ete , ' w t h sour molas-es, and then call it - SA SSA PA ttII.I.A EXTRACT or SVIIITP." 1 But such is rriyine arurle known 111,, GENULNEOLD 1311 JACO TOWNSEND'S This is so .prepared that all the ifiert properties DC the Sarsaparilla root are first removed, everything capable of 1. becoming acid or fermentation is ex meted and rejected ; ,' then every partirle of medical virtu is secured in a pure and concentrated form; and thus it a rendered incapable of losing any of its valuable and healing. properties. Pre pared in this Why ' it is made the onistlpowerlul ageat in the Cure or innotmerabll Diseases. Hence the reason why we bear cot 'intend:moils nn every side in its favor by men, %mum', and.ichirdren. We find it doing wonders in the cure of 11 CONSWIP 7'/ON, -I) YA'P 13 P StA, and 1.1 VE I? - C:0111P LA LS T, and in II II E UAL A T/S.V. SCROF ULA,_ l' ILES, cOS'PII'E N ESN% air CI, %TA A" FI 4L. OUS ER crpTIO.VS, P 1 if PE I 'S, L:L 07'CLIES end all aifectinns arising from IMPURITY OF TEI BLOOD. It possdsses a marvellous efficacy i i all complaints ad sing from ludirestion. from ArFdityr thi; Sterumeh, from unequal circulation, tleinrrailsoion„ o - bbiod to the head • palpitation of the heart, cool p.et and lands, eot:i chills and but flashes over the body, le has not' Is equal in Cohn and Coughs ; and promotes easy expectoration and gentle per opt:anon. relaSing strictures of the Idngs, throat and every other part. il • i But in nothing i i its excellence mom manifestly seen and acknowledged than in all kinds and daces of FEMALE CONIP.LAINTS.: Ph It works wolulern in cases of Ph 'r• Nhus; or Males, Palling 1 the W.5+,0, Obstructed, S' rpressed, or Painful Menses,_frrriralority of the inenstrua pariahs. and Me like; and is effectual' in curing all the form, of Sidney Discasee., By 'removing obstruction.. and g.ulatltut the general. - system, it gives tone and strength tO the whole body, and thus cures all thrum of ' ' - ' Nervous DI/mattes ant i tieblllt y. - and One preenniaor mitesee a grea variety of caller nztl adiea Spinal irritation. Neuron ia, SI. Vitus' Dance, Swooning, RpilPptie Pas, antsubu.ris,.tr. It cleanse!' the blood. excites die It'er to healthy aetinn, tones the stninach. and mere good . eestion, reli e r,i,a t h e bowels of torpor and eometrpattom al ye inflarninatiOn, pu• rifles the skin.equall tee the circa:at on of the blood. pro ducing gentle e.armili equally all o er the lily. and the pertaration : relaxes , tric . LACr and titiltrieSs. le nroves aFI oliettominn-. and Inst:nra a the entire nervous system. 1.4 not thIS Shen The Medicine y on pre-e inently need!' But can any of these thines be sai of S. P. Townsend's, inferior article 7 This voting man's- quid hmn( to be CONIPARF.D-WITH -111 OLD DR.'S, - berme, of one GRAND FACT. the• the one is INCAPA BLE of DETERIORATION, and I NEVER SPOTI,S, -• while the tither DOES • sornins.. fee-testitists , , dna Weteing !hr bottles enektainins. it into trim mite : the sour. acrd liquid exploding. and damac . ing other.enotist Must not this horrible comptiund he poisonims tn ihe system I—" Tha t! put acid into al ay:vein (drew& dist:sd trith acid 7 What causes Dylux•ptint but sent I ibiwe it all Imo* that when food sours to our stomachs, what mi . chief it producesl— heartburn. palpitation of he heart, liver corn. plaint diarrlitoa. dysentery. colic , nd corruption of the blond I What in Scrofula but an ari humor in the hotly 7 What produces all the humors whichbring, on Eruptions oi the Skin, Scald Head. Salt Rheut . Erysipelhs. White r i Swellings, Fever Sores, and all ulcc lions internal and ex , terint4l , It is nothing, under heaven tut an arid substance, which sour , Ohl tints spoils alt the ti tide of the body, more or leek What camas Rheumatism but a ..tr and acid fluid which intilionites kid( be weo the joints owl else. whew, irritatiug and inilamin, ,the elicate tisinies upon 4 3 which it acts! So of nervous 1 sere 4. of impurity pf the. blood, of dentripd 'circulation, aid , early all the ailments whichatTlict htiman nature. Now is it nOt horrible to make a d sell, and infinitely Worse to tine this SOURING, FCIIMENTING. ACID: , S. P TOWNSEN and set he wa nk! Min have it tinden toll towneenrN Gfituine--Oritrinat , ITATION of hie inferior preparation Heaven forbid that we. abould ilea would beer the must disuutt resemb send's ariicle / We wiill it anderstood, because it, that S. P.TowtbsomPs article and old Samaparilla one heaven-wide aparf, - liar; that they re hnlike s in every . one miracle thine in common. Aa S. V. Tosynsend is no doctor. chemist, no , ,rttnceutlinows n Macau than h other comninn'unsci man. what rem tee mitt the public calving a genuine scientific medicine, toes of the artieles used in preparin capable of changes which might ten of Disease instead of healthl '., , But what eine should be expected nothing comparatively of rnetliedimb 1 a person of s'orne - experienee to' coo common decent meal. How much that the persons who manufacture me , ri c im WEAK STO AlOllB AND EMI'S 'should know w 11 the medical pro pe manner of sec, ring and eoricentratin also an extensi e knowledge of ithe *Stu the her system, and hdar. these diseases!. - 1.- . :; i It is *omit. fraud* upols tholmf , into arotmded humanity to. ltlAdrb. bosom, to restbm health; adCkil.. crushed and ken, anti to itteniehAn JitgQIITOW SEND lute (iii SOMA Ronan* and elute tb belf*liii. - Korani c lieriategiakies • whit the tlachirarsl4o.lbilk_kz e 001 i alai' a alai' icantittod ItliPW; bli. i: 0 L . ., , , l'irilikitiiti:t: 11,11Pilktriiirl • / • A ~, 1/4.1i4 lot opp r e u _ , ..4 - tigilitY, 1 AI lereVat' .4"11/ :rikokitca - 1 tint;.,. . ha, at ' VG 4 . 4 • U. B I ' 11. TRICIICS - OP: .• La? E 17,11111003 Rail/ THIS :A/1141:14.—Tilaii IS Saraaparillit for sale in the di irent towns 'called S. P. TclatrasentSarsapailllit, It .is.adrertieect tis Wei ORIGI- N 41,. GS INS. and ati that. This Townsend 13 no doctor and never as ; hut was fonnerly; ywortier of fnilioads. hats, and the ltket—yet he assunieo,the'titie of Doetnr for the purpose oflgaming credit for what he isnot. lie says •• he has attendeil two medical schoolsjlandliracticed ,thr filleen years! !" Now the truth he nitiv'er p racticed - MOdicine a day in hie life ! Suc h trititd, +ickeri . , +grand yeti, SARSAPARILLA Rea: .t .this 4 ~ tirtricci-:i, Flar c A' ar iac e s. .. 7 .... saiThe ..," a rl i drenPArine ( o ff rain in the disime-a, town led •Id Dr: Jacob Town •*ii's Sarseiniiilla. 'lt is id as ; . tii 01 *(4, ke. 'This is ti nOtoetout , f ' ill • boOd;'•', De.'Tovmsend " as eipanded over)200000 ' isill ellkigenra its ;Wang - lasing hie 181 ."4Pgrinat w hich -hes obtainegk la alugracter 141 repuration thisinghout The Hutted. Atabis ends -being enortutin greateLpart of the llioil d" 4l2 * WS gi. l ' ' • This , eachisA thisiapidny f eertainiseiptincipled men and ea old alga {ighgahasb Si engaged in peddhuil „cheat publications} for,a number f years.. This min's ' flans! is 1261 ?.. ,7° _,W 1 P"e11'1l Ile e idled to gr'number if I. get employmens, or to lielt 111 use s o ei e m aim 10 pies p Dr...Townsedd's ISarsartri manly the Wee .. .sale* rind sums we bid gr.-rill:tided in , dverlirleg as ati indueelnighl to embark lit the Widnes -, 'Among one* IWe igikiied gl to Charles:Tatiana, Esq. Feiner of thasanden:Parmer, who scorneglaush Is PruildatPn• 314 . 11 - !Al ANDR Err formerly , onis ,of the Pro stierors of .SlehuhaTE 1) . VINTHENT, RALPH PlidlKßOY,'forniesiiromeem, Financier and Of the broken Rhin' Plistelllaak; {t INA. __ . . vino, • LL: Tilt) A" MAI' iiieed, en Wir for i lards. rued hrg /runs nosh into :Wale of ll i - • ~ S A II SAP . The most extraordinary pleilicine.in the World f " nit estraet;is pia tip inmart flatiltel-ii kris thaw eheaper,p . teaganter, a n searraatell superior lii any .eold. It purl - veithonteemilinii, purging, eicheitiwg or sisiili-- i . 3 istixa Wit Patient. l • The great beauty' moil sdperiority of this/ Sareaps• rine over - all i other medicines is, tat white it eraill. cites the disease, il invigorates the ody. It U one of the very best!3 - ' - 3 flfkßllN . (il - AND SUMNER lIIIRDICINIEII ever knowri;i , I! not only purifies [the whole system person.; and strengthens the pen.; hut it creates how, pure and rich blood; a power poietssed 1 y uo other meth. tine. And 'ln this flee the Trend teiiret of its - 'soul,- fill success. ' It bee perfonqed within ,tlie lei - it tw .3r , y.„,. more than 100,000 sores of ?Prete eases of dire:ire ; ii, least 15.000 *ere cousiderml incurable. -If has sewed the live. of mime than 10,09(1 chiblrau the past tyro sea. son. An Ilia Ciy - of New Toils alone. 841,009 eee i erie of LI lerenl 1 1 1 4 , billey posill wallies of Mery ess airecrigy. 1,,. Towns.iii.l's Sars'aperil ii invigorates the whale rya. tem permanenily. -Ti. those who hare lust their: wain ,miliir energy by the a ff ects Ol_lllollialSO or ithIiOCWOOU coninuitted in youth or the slacessis it inilulgesseir 4f ilis passions, 1.1.1 In OlOttil O. byJ , ll)liCol prostration a the uer 1 , 11 44 syetelli lassitude, set of ambition, fainting seam tons, premature tlecaS and ileeline hastring towards that irate' disease elnistimptiun.emi ha entirrly ..stored t..;: , 'this ple111•411,1 ..t ineil is. far supy. 'llia tiaraaparills iarl to any V 6 ' " • . I 11 . 4 • iaelgeilreeel ie llordl 1 - - 1. ke It riierie.and harienrates the systems, Ores artirigy 10 the litulni, ! hod airiittel In th e eassetalet 'teem Is • most eaniaor.linar) .leg ee. . , . , •. .....• ' ;•;/..V., •-• ", •,,. ,/' , ~ i 4r . • 1 01111.1. 4P II 4la i: fi r e d. ee Olersee me"! te rug lb M', Constaoreptsua ern 11 , 1 e:ared; it• o • arbilis. IChoisatipiii ~,. I Lamer Ceempl e ,i, i c 0.1,1,. Or Going - Hi, Covhs, r istAictt,, Sprain: Blvd, Serieney in Vet Chami, Hectic b'istsk, Algid Sweats, bijicitil or Pretruse Repealer oein'ee, raiss it the Sid*, iirc.Asor 6,.i, 044 eat& be erred. j X)2 1 i idala Igl . l tad. ; , e. 8,11 , es 4 . ark, Ipr j lt , flirt, 111. ToWlllsltlTll.-1 verity behave yni -Sitrsatia- Ailt. has been ;the tneena, th 3 liatigt Providence, el . ..awe; ni) life. I hare (or Sereial - ,eurs had a had Pane l . It liceauia wlniiel and. *Unit. ,Al last , I raised bugs I...titles id Wood, had Weal ...............-.4 - 4----p,„„, ,. 4 ,l 4llbileitinci rerthicsol, ini.i.ll.l tint elipect to heci ll 11.410 wily ascii, your Brims Italia a s shoe 'tittle , and there has a amide. rol elm, ti bees Wrought iis lad I hi" .. w utoi6 ti. *elk all ii . .r the City. I. raise tie ti hi I and int 4 conch has left me. Tun ilia well inc trine that I ton thankful fo r these resell& Tour MA. ti the tit sery ant, WM.11:836L1.,65 Coahulai It _-..... . . ~..-. -- - : -----' .I - A ---- 2 - 2 ` ' .:::,71. - VlllitP -. likesanin Tilts is only .rtire of our re t R he ii nudism thin Dr. Townee, The inoet severe and chronic el by it• extraordinary virtues. James contn3intis. Req., tin' of the assistardslie the Lee., eft Axylam. Mack uvell'll I.laiol, is the tieutteume apoillen of to the followiti: lett r,„ • " • ( illoehwel lii Wand. Sept. 011,..180. 11, TOW TaMila —near Sir: I hove suffered terribly Go nine ._aura Ni ith the Rheinnthint i enitaidarelde of 064 till.. I esoitd—ta;i ant', .leap or 'elk. I had the. emit dis• tr.p.iiw pains,i and toy 'hull, were' territily swollen. I 100, e it,ittl fortrtleuttles of) one i.'i:iamotritta. and they have .1... toe ttttt re: titaii a thoitaatiii ill:liars it girth orgolod, I ale .e oinah hrttre—holard 1 amtautly relieved. ' hoe are at liberty to . .tiht thiwfor the h nefit of die afflicted:. w — loges respiletful y, JAId Ed cuaniou'a 1, . . t , ',Frommle.. DI silluninies Dr "ow amend!. :Sorsa peril ii a sovereign ned; t irrio 1 .i core 6,1. incipieot Con • option, ilarrenneia, Leo Inp.n. -11rwri r(r IF - rifling rir el Wninli, Comivrinnow, Piles, I .novorrliron. O'r iirbiter, °hely tied. or diflicult-Ilenetrua; lion, Inenistimlnne of :Urine . or involuntary discharge th - Creof' and ftsr the general riistration of the system— no neuter whether the result t f inherent cause. or causes prininc.nl liy irregu/nrity. ill is or-. accident. Nothing can ho mare ofirpriing than i invigorating effects upon . the human l'roate,.. • Persons a - all weakliest' and lasaitude front inking ititt. once itectini roltust utol fall of energy , , troth,. its tailliseuce, It hut eiliatehr counteracts this non eln"tre4w ;,,r: thin female frame, which itthe peat ~ chose or Wrieinnwr. It wII not be . expected of es, in mutes of so- delicate a netts t. to cornfields.. of corn.' Perforiste,h hut we knit 11111111r11 the afflicted, that hundreds of cases. have. 1,e4 .sported K Si. ,Theti• iiiihtto of case! *here (moat s hays been without thll. - dren, nfter iiiiiiew few hods. of 016 - iiiialtialicw iinnli• cm.. harp Irerl i lilew o nl With Ile. herd/lay allnirrilit It has %wen stp4saly prepared' ti reference , th.foinale coo plaints. No (ninnies( - Who, ha t -. reason' o. soppisa, el' ..,sltais approaching titn( Ciitieet pit; tel. " The tarps eflift: should neglect 'th Zak- it;')iii it it a, certain 'preltisitive tot any or-thetmi.e6...:kinl liorritiln ifiwinsesAlliitiiith eu i &moles nxe' i 164 0, 'Kt Alsit jute of life, _Ttatet,ppriott way be del eef far several yealre by isOiiiiiit.afAii• ' eine: Cloy is' I less, vOtest,l,.. r..r tilos., iviiii ahilapiiiiiaels 'mg wou,,,ohoed. ha' it i.colci ideal to tioiK7llliittrir by qinelieniiin the blood ~..,1 in ieotexingAlleAtyat_ete.. hi. dent, tht. medicine is Is k rol !old., for. isilf,lien„ delicate discuses to a liiiift women aro oldect.. • ' "1'7.`.....'''' '"COMPOONIp.' OF food that Old Ur. Ja. " saPargia,*!ut 151- i in nn sittirle which lino to S. P. Town. p the a/volute irith, . Jacob Townnond's nd infinitey dissins. rticular, haying not 4)P10i.4141,11 Cr AP 11r. Toirtimiir i* almost r' Phi rii.iusis in ilfaitiniit tiitit* This is to Certify - that . w.. door of ilig-1.41r 11r.A•rownireotl's 1.13 wie 01.111011 Inuit Palma It P. P 131.003, • 51.11,, • P. it, jP4.IIIK tnd never WM. is no more of ntediane or ntitie:unprofeessional lave the ,they ere re , 'ambling pH the vir• it, and which 'lire in. r them the,AGENTS E mm ono who 'knows i diseasel It requires ' and gerrelip exen a i ore imporlant is it r , mine designed foe.. BLED SYSTEMS,. ;', 'es of !Minix; the teat !their heatingi roues, i offs diseaseelehic h . i o adapt remedtee to onata. s to:iinit!beim ; .ti 'in' the - eepetring Ld vigdr 4 inio- the L, unity:that OLD D. 1 4, 1 1't whip:hoop : ad. Roileldy e t evititii vt, ci aew it i trezneile t 0 - , a* , „:11ittit ir,..!-i . ti 4 6. 4 4. -,:" .-C 4X ". , al. ; - " , •:.d •4rl i , 1 retd 4 0 0 ILIA t: _ ,OoFtiioE.- 41141k11•1' llsrinft die IFiovvoutee rovirtimbilta. furmer,lr. mtr 'i, o l lgitta, hay*: 'MeV.; Sm. Tfitik'sii . i.ertidli,l liwatis,-:iinstiiiini t i„..or , Oro ? .11fiipliot Num v. - ; • i'zlonitta 01114 - MI rilti ipq. N. - Y.; Ite.lijimr-34.- C u :, . Oyott.:B4, 8444 1 :0:North Nd. ~. fi. 8 .-iliilee;`,.thuittislolwltlai 1.i,4; 'l,Vriglir ar,:iit:o4 .1511:1 'RuiiitiViimil:lo,reet%''Alliiiif . l . 11 "..401 ,1 i --1 1 ,4 4a1.41.i. - :140 : , .‘ 1 1 . 09'4;.,11!!.,,, , 14[ ~. -.. , 1;,:.<, : f.; - 4 liittell - , Clq. - , ..-_.Pt, Torfiititp) Oiga.".r..loi.r• " ruao-taii - :111 t AiliYlol4llo , l - -Iki'jfkrefilli .alsiaitt;o l ...i - Timmy, watirtillii4,l i",!sitY, ono' 4 1 4 4 14Stibikulktt it, look iv r s .a,r.: riot; losio,littlitiOu ...,. i _ ~-;,,,,;,.. .:,) .-Veit.t). ~.; 3 til '... , , , ,. - f. , ,..-, Att.... , , l , LigNuci,,,w; ' - `lollTiAt*ROAri A :k em , ..,,....: -1-q. i comity: - :—, .7 , Tigl*: 'the on do da gir Cto s /1, Ikl‘` = = = TA I = E M E M blur Oionaarni ewes pf nr. Sarsaparilla bail cured. I. are weekly eridkated recteiFirg *Oa kw thelhaup; • • - theliiieSiesed; this& isvii ie . iuwuorul -au6l - rakbarillc.ind fullorai ;I...olp,rations in Ike 01,e 11.04 : R. uoltr,to), if DA atikipt Sate' ( !irs; Extii4ta r allow it it. ali Io the smattgliiir 'bud. tattled 'illy Nurshlimr huitisquaN putOue iiehamtiip** ON Street, lee Seihti State *treat, 14filt°P4, el ,- etreet, re U:. IJ. Cukou.,Vl4eot l . mei Streit, N. 0.: - 14 eier-,l:jr .1) the ' relit tivrotobury tlas Uea lag rer4 l ..‘ t: Have- Ott. titikinnOli ' ll * dtini liiVet 1161 corredw stifllokiLowidlita*. Alt *W. klit,sell. 6 'l2 t1;1 11 1 1 10 4 , 411'4, -.104;W0tief54.,,, 01:01C0101111 1 0/ 1 " 4 A - •