vA s AIUMMS' - DEPMMKM --.- ' ~,..:,„ --, ....i r r .2'-.7 . ...: ', `'f'• '- Xf'4t,,i - Ifimilisrai ii;_iiiiiatiiai . a tent-maker. ~*Oialiiivas- 4 tinjoeiliaiO; a carpenter. , - - - I . .k,e;;ltir4i Architect of the universe, lathe ,lltfolffthiSiii iirtlini'llitiViltiVarid• the mirth , Intli l ta tons,torilsdn' iiiiiiiiite . aintinnuiiitat'e, f4oa TV.lpoiterinti • *kill which human . •biWandatumait'• , Wisdom may attempt to • _. ,. `1 i , ?: . c r -;,-• 4 i 's) I ,thlaurnere r7eltnalmr ii;, - - , 4 ; ''' ;.. , 14,-.:::Wr.i,-.21--e:.:3 ~' c-:f.f. .-. .i'a ': , ...r r , . , r•Rr.E. ...d. -••••-: , " • cAtl43 falinkii;.•Meicivanies AM' tlO most i rtliSnans — luld - ilifi:.'ln,ita..,.. -- ip4)itiint Class of eTxttifi thtitimtf ''" White : vet ` promotes= the' . •,_ - ~..-: :',Oe'enitrinpkiitotes the interests of ,i#'iitiAilien'lltey, like tanners; Viva- treat t .:*.li4it'lf,ea . (,.-inducements to. become 1 men ~ of fe nce, ,IMCiound- knoWledge.— IW - fiCM'Aanie in_every_ operation, brings '1 I Pto its4 - 1014 1 - 'prikiiites -of science which ~ iok - is ; of cot ~ his intemtandjtis 1 ~30.4:.,*404- g - w " #or i yaryz,appireAtio c !, 4.1:10,;:iio.-nrriq.or ,Loh;as ' sillious of, lOvr.:rigotona :his •empleynaent, if i4llo***kif,MlikAt.7*.AailY•iPiuktfc.A -1. irliVinti (otheeimodett otiMprorement, is ." .' • lolmin man of future influence and • - - itisliTitibi“ -' ' That -.-' .' ' seeks • , i yi -_apprentice who . 1• “ . 4 ,o4Lnp y . ,he'interests of his' • teaOm tlioyor4rottio iik4elre.o4.4llY Ilii - .91P• ill- . AssetiktAia::Character-- is the best capital a younglnasirxisirtatve..for, Lilo ipomnlencement 'ffrittess:i ~- -2.C•i•i , i • .!!;, ..•,.. , • .• __.,,, ", • ,": 1 " ' 'hintitz; - , - :Blie 7 l . i'rnferic,' 'Make Safe -and end` , ii4- , ahteiffien: . They It're' well cdtit et ,eated -- - ligislators,•and for other oces be cause— 'l , l ' 'I . li' u - r --. ' ",- educated in se op ~,o ..experretree.—s itattlbo.-Ixstt6r qualified t o make laws - for aiding — tri - operations. of busjness , . than 00 . 44 - n01;0 in these operations.-- , Scien- Vifte*cric 'an. ' ` i ,' .i ' 4 ^ T •l'r , ~ R earingand *alb& Stock. 3-1- Aiii''7lstiOiiitieg . :4 summary of remarks -made -by',- Ifr. Lyon, in a leeture before the by -,t 'al,,inefli`',. Club " The principles ;lald '. itoiirt - are` w orthy of AU:anti - OIL. ••- '' ' • .. . . ..„ ;; ; Xf4. l l4,4nimakkiacM quickly fora givco amount:of .i 6041 thait,older. By high feed ing,_ a Lamy) of Sontbdown: breed, (not a - lingsksort) Marble _ll5 Or 16 'pounds a quo,r- . teiliiii ;Tel - tit:old ; - at the same age, a yoUnr• 1 ,ox may be from fire to six score a varterd lids li#:),diic;' froniqhf'sinfilterqiiiitity of ! ... l ike' *hi& animals consume while young, 1 - 15:eq 'atilt°. what they will yield in any sub- sequent year from ,a large quantity. If youn, p er,ani,malsl3;.reared well or kept fat from thohegimaing, they acquire a con eltitutiOn; iv,hiCh • enstires their growing more :id - #lTitiittOit, ye4rs from a less proportion ::.#16441. _The prOgeny of well reared stock improvek front generation to generation. When an animal:is in good condition it - yields a . greater, -produce fur its food than 'Aiklitii itis poor itit;lean. • . It therefore, Zan ',. animal be first fed on „g - 44 past - are • till'il is fresh and fat,and then .. , , _, -,realovt,. to poori keeping so . as to lase -its tlliinditiOn, -- not only is the food whooly lost `''ilit'''Whicli it. declined in flesh, but all the 441'fOolf:*itich :it may consume for some I,l4MA•liifterWard, has very much Jess &fleet. •Alielee_ding of animals therefore should be gaits continnitirs, • : Ili well as liberal, In ordo : troi be fully profitable. 1 • 77.4sideliiihroif i ghi, always to - be plowed With fOii*Ontal.fniroc.inttEad of Tuuninfr it up „itnd or Sl,antingitiowantis the bottom . - , ot.the-,,hi1l with too great an -inclination.— sometimes ,require considerable kill to'p.reaerre nearly horizontal' position, `'fikio 'the bills are thrown together in all *Aims and aro short. But with care, it :.can at times be accomplished, with the use of a spirit level, or a plumb and square._ The furrows are made to circle around the lilit'and'follow them in any direetion, how ever short or, cricioked, it may be necessary tot iagke . them: 'ln . , : many portioth of .the Southern States,' the heavy rains falling Upon inclined to. wash, ltave worn staway nearly all the , soil; and left barreniess and -dosoiation .Where. fertility once existed. intlinatiOn-of one foot in ten or twelve, to lead off *Ater; This inch -1.404 is essential,- and if made entirely lei - - et , thee.water would break over and force its -- owtrAvw.lown - the hiii , gullyin t ,fr equally bad; as indiveeti. (cillevi'.dath Of the furrows in thin;*64o4-,T.;.,*-,-: an.—A.farmer shoi4)**elflififrueted in chemistry gen erally?lmirtictilaily,as,aPplied to agri culture ; should be well versed in mineralogy, "gfeaklgy, -_ , :botlny, , '-and in the physiology of Aceedi;o - il i ants; trees-and animals, including 0 Of biMina i* should learnsie 1444gt**raqqik; &c., hq . ;4 llo o l e . iti4Y qporitical:econom,y :so faras to have a ;clear ileonceyitiori: Of :the , sourms , of wealth and • a ,ms,peFity. 'ln ou r republican government lieShonldhistiucted - in his; constitutional aadjaigAJ l to, them ; to' a -Meese and iondentierVelocatiOn. ; ,It hem .Fluippy-.event even - for -nni-country When our fameri, 4ii'edu - cated, Andl have the itscen -44u4 in:40;414.a there -hi-put arstn)tothi) fallacious have 41ings,of'ffen!i!goffiles,' ..Who. hive Arcady -n4 B orir i iiiiviiilipks pre-eminent 44ree,10'' .4inebt*lmiable condnion,, :by their-.miserable 4 0.. k • 4 • has ii - Aapik,, , 4o44lothat the flesh' of - nnimati *lncliiiollll6l4itiqlq 44 41 e qf •ttiq - qidi. it if Mien 915 4 )1, 1 0 6 4 1° . :t iYA! 1 #fl 41 4.!t• ; 11 1, p ' c iV0). 044E43, _ _ . cire - unistluipas . sip - • flesh :Vac* ' l oltiligt" ,#* - 40weli iviiteArOnttar*OkAilelibialakkiitest;.k ,4riveo;wllll*. ke9,44,A, AtteiirbS bo4:Atitta*:ll . 6:_o no t Id 9 ,E 7 risl4ritifq fens the 4tetnierAttirc I =rnir frtar, -Ettruaa=-44 Evatusrerr.—Alew _ -days ago; our...friend and-townsman, Qeo. A. ,Rick, tile 'FcIAY, II . I s - cluite Pe- 7 ? - • nt for 'agricultural pursuits and:-Sexpen ,mi-nts; ;presented .11Siiritir , seivtal , v ery fine riMitluseiotti phinus ,t4kett' from a, , Oartittlar PO "a k:titii*. VAr. l l4o;,:fri4n 04)und:x 1 i0i' 1411) 11 c.i imit , f.eo44o trio : - ; rind, 14t „apting; .uhuaticMat,thirtl of ea , Anch the 'fie fpit, 'onli this , is •at Iletlst ' the ii o),fieetther'lir4itelies 41110. tree; liO4r f „ilaycre4; 40.Eittogali'er stiperior, iitteetigni-:koolls flour ishing and be,althy; althottghlts slfoots,,of thiS year's . growth, tuxt 'much 'smaller, 'the atiii4tioco of trit(Aoiriislitacat appearing , ' i to lat} aiteA' .01104 7 the frio . it.---Danv Democrat; • • ...i : iA- FAcf .-, 2 1:41 - a t , neWSpaper is, not -worth toting .ai l / 2 .l4:cejlin7foi,,,it is , not worth rend :fo. ~ISTC;ktict,W- , siinii. O lfireiri who begy_Steal o',..lyerreiv all We VIVI - 414 m6t: . andr'ihev -o,:nc:Foily, keen . Alvin, all that is ,going,on, .ititi , : alittkiLifnore,4 ryes, .men -who watch r iromitt for loa istiliwto , f„re... t the first glance I'a*.ikpaper . and'',''beri* it - if; possible .- before Elie ; enier ilii. , react it; men. who - ses hitOts 41)0ft-owing are SO, cenffried :that if, tiller ' thl'not-die in te.ogteat i harry,. they will c er- Mitly borrow ycOtlinisiti'be !berried in l-litet Otne of, thew SartiViiien Who Cara affiAdleo , pay for,their hottie,paper can utter circus caravans, liunse-racest-.:and 1 taveriv, -Nit tithersiinake tt- great' show of charity 'i Afiltilatittiqi+HietiegeAsYthis:: Canltp • , {t i le tii, „141E1t,::t:,i_1.),/,mggep ',Oford:. h Titutil6 *, igkstlip hoick -**ttr... - I. A. good' deal of excitement was ca --thiciirgh . the!'47,ity 'lliy the report ' tlrat , ,_ ':FOusSirt; the 'irvey . from . F.i:arrea to iiitil•G i •erMuerit,,had Keceived his passports: - With it having..-asked.l for !therm, and stocks ..fell it. Consequence.., -•,. , - 1.. • '.. '•' • • IThe f a cts; ;iswe have trul'on good . It ..tliority; are a fou,, , .is • s me" Weeks si .ce .•:- , roussin. Made. , : upon . the - PrOii4rTiEgent. at 'Vashington 41 demand • oil inennityi: faro a French .ship , damaged-or captured .atliVera Cruz in the - Mexicart: l NYar.P 'Several 'letters •Vitie eichaeged hetWe,en the Envoy and Mr. Clayton on ,the subject, in the coarse iof Which the fonder indulged in remarkes which --Were-teemedirostnrvetriustating-to - Our v-- e - rnment. 1W: consequence of this the cr reSpondenee - With him. was suspended,ant - a eoppy of the offensive letter was transmitted directly to Paris ' 'with the expressed • wish Ili'at he should be , recalled Without delay - Nre arc informed that Mr; De 'Tecqtreyille, - the French Minister of Foreign Affairs 1 . 0-- plied, maintaining the seine ground as had Mien taken by Mr. Poussin, and declining threcall him. It is; however, reported, ion e ! other hand, thatue. answer has been c re itived from Faris, but that, having miter a Isufficient time in vain, the dismissal of the . Invoy has taken place ; but we have reasons j for sup - Cm - sing the version I%*e have given 1 aboVe to be more authent. It was, Ino I iroubt, this Very matter winch carried the [President so suddenly back to Washington from his 'Northern tour. - We arc told that the question of Mr.. ; Rives',reeeption at Paris jives not involved in the affair. I : It has been said that Mr. Pous.sin recei+cd his dismissal some days since, but we under stand that such was not the case. U s e has ,'been staying in this City recently, and left ' for Washington yesterday. .. . 1. 'The frigate Portsmouth, under orders fir :the Mediterranean, was yesterday counter ! !mended by telegraph , despatch from W4l:- ingtou.—This is,supposed to have some con , mection with . the dillieultv. At a recent meeting of the Cabinet it was ;decider' .thati the 'position taken in reference Tao the -question out .of which.this affair has ' igrown couldl not: be receded from. We pre, !sume this is as it should- be,'and though it inlay scent to render the issue more grave, it is not too much to say ,that there :isl:_no danger of aSerieus rupture betweett!thelWo Countsip.... At this time of day flin:fgritted States and i France are not -going to war i about such a matter. We have no fear for the national -honor in the hands. of Gen. Taylor, and! his ,c.. 4 -abinet, nor is our -cOnfi dence,in-thri.respeet, pity ; 11s-hecause we be lieve thii que.stion , will be settled by peaceful uegotia.tion„Without serious harm to anybody except the frightened sellers of stocks, and for losses of that sortive 'cannot 'feel any Very deep sYmpathy. There will be peace, and an honorable peace ; of that let everybody be assured.: , ,-Tii/ntne Seit, 19. 1 `'' tar lAl4le4rßp* - destiiitch from Wiph ....ington;lateri than, the. above, Says that . the following .Is, a tree. state 'of the affair I be tween our Government and the French-Min ister,:?:,r -During a-correspondence which-vas not in. feistier' to my. ,11;ives' reception. in Trance-.apane highly :offenttiVe 'remarks were made by PeuSsin't63lr.. Clayton, which the 'Latter inelZiSca in a 'l4tei• - to, LOiiis Xa r` . ,polenn, ; (lema niiing therecail of M. Poussin. 'The necessary Jime ;having . transpired, ;and no-answer, t)eing-iecieiCed free t 'France, M. tssin was notified Ort . :Monday:iluit his ..p*Piirta. ~ Were: ;athiS, - ,sef Oce,.. and , th:4; , ,t4e 'resident-*lnlct 7 iwlpiigeP receive hitn..--, .1 1 .. A Tirashihkfin I.6tidriiltd•res;that-',J-- ' ' ' , iii :-1 4 `,Fral*, two tk 'I Rep.ablicr. Juan, , trqiii:4tile finti-evineCd'UedislifiC-ollth - 6. United States. ~ T he'feeling has=rneChatt jute. flimiy , '"t‘tiF . iif 1401X1.44 . 0 If)9rl4.l4l3lPfs' i n'OVOA,, 4:l4s_. 1 - 4.0094. 1 4040 -lialPitaY; 4 6 4 1 j4 . -,... ' . - -tfde?"l l. iiiiiat -occielintesineOratiol Juts had al,Preai i'd'ent-bas-,Cliar-Unit64l4Stat4been•incnticon&l' as "'tiaras right to-o-petl f -t,h-VaAlit i, 030,. - .l'residel6lAil_di . 6s•.,.*Alol'6[liCiaiiiiitig A i* , :ilatio.4slNN* , -I.).4ft,fefir;goizea-:i40: 41' deixpldeneeiionif e6ntitrir•the first, tiiiiietobwi. 4d4e; heifvievnett even filinded`toilt ~-, ;.;1 t.g ICY •-••• 11U !l i g I MP L It 'll= .f . .! I 14 • • • 5 !" 3, . C . " • • ~.: 4 3 % e l 1 +moils; •4 t 9ittr ,47111.** are - ou. -• 54, 1 lune - d - NoDmiT;lnice, B gsiP, 442 a frad " u lP l 4/* uticived Ott , T. . ' July Uttt. p :.4u~ ~r t. , : - .:,' . .irejec ra kklikivi • ' (ABA& TAtqtr,t'retart*il fibril tin - fey of tie*. Yokk, .I.l' , with it:well-selected and &snub.% asgortniiint of Goix,s, , Acompriaingiigieitietk- - Vitriety than is min-, ally iMpt thuntry , sikire;•-bought esti ttstvely• for etha cfouit ht• the foiccst rafts, fon. The :qtiality goods, and will•be'sotd _ ns ehrap as the cheapest: • '"Th'e VeSt qnality of •SuTar: at. 6 d.• -per rxitintl , ito 'he CUM in Susquielumnat county. Vino flavored Teas, a , rocal variety : . Molasses, good and cheap. 1 •t'ofke e s t the lest kind: Spices of eVery•d&.crip- RaValasi Rice, Fi,ll. and all 'ether ititids:a Gro`eertez; good and Chap. • • Calicoes from •A1'* . q.;3 . .1 )errvard; Gine/ants. 31ousliii de .14me 3 t Alpacca.s; Plaitls,piaper, Sheeting of hest . q'llah4.' tilid shale Very low; Shirt brOttii Mid tleddi'ed ; llartdker,chiefs, R.entuckY Jeans Mixed Denims, Cordhroy; ile skin, oa4slineto,:.Linens, &c. Broadelofhs from ti pet yeti]: •• I , ,„ • al - Ladiemid.gentletnens ore:, and Linsiery Um- OnAts, Ith&s, Silk, thread, Twist, But= tons, tons Sufpentier's;, rating, Wadding, V•ottbir-Yarri, :Steel Goods,ltrenlysc•and a general a.ssorlment of l'ankee.:lnotili6,' • iGold, - Steel and IlrasS Watch krOeldhahlltSitker Pencil:4'i. Gold :Pew, 'Phial hles;4.4ies and Gentlemen's _Gold! Bosom Pins, -Ear Hoops, Finger kings, Aa du.; embracing a gen eral .vssortmentidAewelry. Spectacles with sil ver boWs, Silver•Pkited, - Gertaan Silver, Ate., SilVer and other kinds of Sp(x)ns. . Violindiows and - Strings, Flutes,;Fifes, Olnrinets;:Accuideomt; 'lnstructions Books,lTu ning Forkg; Base Vial String' nod Bows. , s ,, ,ff'xirthitare; etitlt.ry--PaiLs and Tubs, Stone Ware ate • Good , LinseedlOil, and paints of every descrip ition, Varnislu Sp 7 tS'i Turpentine, and • Paint Brush • • .a.s, , Nails,•l3-lass•-,'Sath rind Putty.. 'A general audtkomfiloto assortment of S . Dingo and Medicines! 'Ahedicalrlustrunienta. Trit.s.sea,Suciporters &c. • sielans•-anpplied.iwith good -articles ou moderate • rernist. ,, Choice .Liquors for.tnedichull purposes and the arts; Dye Sinffske. • Glass: ware of -every description. Lamp Oils, 7anners• Oil, ()mattes, dandle Wick; Candle Sticks, Stiffers,Trays,Lailips Ate. • . Haying Took-Hoe-3, Shovels. Axes and Helves, Baskets;, Clothes Pins, Brooms, Boot Blacking, • tic. Boots, Shoot, Upper Leather; Mirrors. Tell&lls, TobacemOf all sorts, Pipes,- Snuff, Candy, Sponge, Olue,;ltbsin, Salts, Alum, Coperas, Indigo, Mace, 'lltpioca[; , Krrow Rcwirt. &c E isential , oilS7 and Es settees of All , kinds Patent medicines ,of every deseriptitm.• Blasting iPowder and Safety- Fuse, Rifle Powder, Bar neld, Shot s . Percustion Caps, PkOis Le. r The public are invited, to Ball and ez•tmnet the gludity s Amlly ices grds. • - ABEL TURYtELL. MontepFc, Jnoe 13, 1 Clock wind , Watch cstah -'l',-•---'..-rlighoient-s . , trAVE you the-True tine 'lf not, you can -SAL 'have tt by vTimii- A • of -dui: first door above the Stage Hotel, where repairing and iiiljusthig Lever, Cylinder .Escapement; and common Watches_ and riirkindif fof time keepers, Jewelry and: Mnsleal In krtuni.nts, &a, are Bono in style that cannot ftil to suit the most fastidious. All warranted to per form hecbrding, to' the quality of the article. Just receir‘ed, n good assortment of fashionable Jewelry and Watches, which will he replenished every two consii-ting of geld and silver Lever and Lepine Watche:, Quartiers, &a. from 7 to 80 dollars, sitVer gable. and Tea SpohnS, Gehl Rings, Ear Hoops. Clnster, Jet and Stone Pins, Wristlets, Sliver and Gold Pencils, Gold Pens, Pen Knives. Scissors . ; Sil . Ver Thimbles, Gold, Silk and Steel Chains, ilf; Key's, Card Cat , c , A, Letter Fold ers, Tooth- PickS and trashes, and many other use ful 'and ornamental articles, which will be :sold ver'y cheap fir old and new Aver and gold. . Pay down and small profits is my motto. • Monitose, May $O, 1549. 1,13/. W. TRITE.- Crockery and Glass. I . have received n large addition to our stock 1' of Crockery and Glass Ware, which will be .sold at extremely low prices; many.artieles same as Now York wholesale prices, end sonic even less. large lot of Printed eovered Di=hes nt -14 cents each-250 setts of Flowing Blue, I..ight Blue, White Granite, and common pups and saucers,—touch low er than they are sold gonerally A LSO, A rery superior lot of Nov:l.:rota Grind-stones, with regard ter both shape and grit, very cheap. • C. B UR R 0 IV'S A? Gibson, June 29, 1849. . ..... . - —' ' • Sfewal it-rai Turrelrg. T ADZES aiicl :Gentleinen's Gold P.0.-,:orn Pin;, 1 1_1 FingerAtings, Ear hoops, Gold Pencils rin4 (Pena, Silver Spoons, spectacles of every descriji ttion; gold and silver cased Watches, Chains and `Keys.; !Musical Instruments, Violins, Accorthums, Fluter Fifes, Clarinets, etc. Pistols and all sorts ,of Yankee Xotions, an 4 nearly every thing usually kept ill a country store—('heap-for Cosh. ! [See advertisement in another column.] ! Montrose, July 10, 1849. - Dissolution rriTE Paitnetship under the firm of B.R. -L, -L. is this !tiny dissolved by Mutual con I sent. • 11. R. LYONS, • J. D. LYONS, Lanesboro, Jutyl 1, 184 A. S. A. LYONS. Thaeltideliteil to the, Ihic firm of R. R. Lyons I! & Co.. will pleu.Se tO dill At the - Captain.'s office and. pay their fare. the business of the late firm will be settled by. - . B. It. I, Yon. Lanesborii, .r 11, 1849. • - - C, The business for.the future will be continued un der the firm• of Lyons S. chandler. B: R. _LYO.,.VS'., • F. B. C'HAND LER. Limeslxiro,..,l2lly;- I 1.;"1.8,4Q. New Arta jgpn . i e nt_ 1 14N'' iLALEar* rtit.fila =, ten cler : thinks: I& :Ills I.J- • • ,friends • for past favor.s,:'and would inform them that he has sold'out the Saloon, Eating and Drinking, department,And.trusts' the businesA will be!kept.up in good, style,atl that he 14s takenthe other tuna on the'east side, next•to 31. - S.Vilson's r fitord, 'where,he •has. opened. a front Shop for his t Baking and Cond3flnismess, , wholesale .and retail Montrose, Jfily 18, 1849: C. BALDWIN. , s Baking and Candy Easiness , AgILIED ,by C. Baldwin in All its vrious A:ll;iiinchei.' Bread, acid Ginger Bread, Ceohles, Crackers, kept on 1)410 for ichole.Oalqend . qtr.lit' got op* the i cry bet', le dionerie ;ltdiV - Voile :excePted. Pyramid and ydrotci.p -sty rlilinek Ponfetsgot, tip in good style, rethil. Please E mirciir? •' '" • c. BALDwx•N liflatf 8 'lBO. ' `• ,''''- faehtlenten 9 or Iltinislitagßraire' i . .11ouse ' - ,' ' 1 'r' IVRRICIC cts sOLIDDER, 96 Willizunst„ XeN York Maniasiturnrklinliorars,tuid Dealers I in'Altkeit; rhieSSiafx,Rolhe*; _PhOw Collars, Stock: 1 Shoalderffri f . eesperorials, Opera Ties, &ofs, Moll it.,i, BeliNtOliser's: 1 4'osonis, ,, Wanasrehili, Nailer' Bucleslitailiazhies, ite. (te. . . 1 The Apiaireitoek 4111,-iin-exaininatian, be. faunt I not Only kiffiractive, Exiensliqindd Full, bat oAettp Ouilong:cik I rAilcl!-infgri,.husiness and kiiowl I . edge of, #lao*tanng, ~:p1 flocl;414: tore At e. For 4 Ademov i.4,it0ii04,w.v4cptii.,03:4,4.;4,ab 1 ..4, 1000. rylito*iliztity,,,,,,,..,,i,„:„. L .:.0 lr attatioji, Pitialio or4pro and ihelmac Pr i 1 4 4 4 : - . ' . ..i ),,,,,Hvi.utla A; sp tlrsb :- . ,- , ,ij ~{.:o`;Vvin4ln stioet,, ; , . imp - 040:04ft Ored 2 -Viiv-r oro .-... .. . ..,.,: , . ... Dern) A. MOE. " =Am. w. $4•41,DE1 1 1 : -1- ——- - - . -.: .:111111gre_Lot. 4 3 tolrSiille:' THE sulktriberliffeis lots fer sale; in the town . slip of Groat -Bend in the village, of ak areepi io y, anti op site the .village or Great pima;4.di locritelifenthe pot -of the. New York and Erie ; railroad; and tbe. Great Benkind.C,ochecton •r t iii i pike., in tie 5 411 e, Of the Bitigtiehaiuut, riv.e¢ m e f ullroatte sewing t 1 o:said tufhpike, thence ran ning in a curt; ,i 1 Imo n airy parallel with the slime a,t the di e =tan "of ,rt envhundred !feet; With the grounds gad idly- ri..44t,itbove railroad andluitt : , pike, - otcrloti)fti the iiver and the lbeinitifulild ray, e ampared r ivilkitSlhealthy elinintc, renders it 6„ most desifahlelocht itTfat - laiilditSg purpeses:— The*deptt . grOtuul of' e - railroad &rap:My - being lOcated to the, centrd a rich and extensive tigri. cultural Aistriet, stirro ding it on every side with its many r i oluit ceatelg in, and all ether advanta .e.4 cornbinekatibrd e cry advantage to a business popultitien, An Extenstre Water Power . . can lie brou,,,nht .from Om ..BtElueharina'. river, ad joining the depot grotinds of the said rail road..suf ficient for ,the crectiontof all manufacturing estab lishments, or any machinery required. Greatßcntl, 52y1 1 - T.,..GREEN. N. V - - 4 K if - ii . - if t N. d- .-. . aid ea Freight Inc. Stridie?ot a q 'thon g ) v d i s leo rwagzu g Line from. Great Bpra—C, pl. .1. rr: Th9niptson. ~ LI TEPREN§ ti mot I'SQN will forward freight /..7 from Great, liencl[to . New York. by Railroad every I . Xreesday and Thutsclaa by ,the :regular freig It line • which leaves Great Bend every I.l;i6ritiii,,, ,, tt, 8 o'clock and 30 minutes. . George W.o.tiarephoni will remain at Great. Bend and forward all prodUce entrusted: to this Cdmpanv and pay the 4nurns for the. same at the railroa d office., Capt.. J. W. Thompson will remain in Nett; York and gibe his per nal attention to the sales and make retiwas as s )0a ni „the produce is ilispe , scd of. • Thksicompan , flatter themselves by Imv -1 ing ti salesman in Ne. Yorla who has been in the fneghting buputess fn aitumber s of years from Or ange county, :that their can give as geod satisfac tion a.s any on the railrLad. A liberal itdvancewill i be made on Height dqivered at the depot if desi , ' red, GEO. W. §TEPIIENS, Great Bend, J. W. TH() .N PSON, New York. ' . Great Rend, a 3 1 . . New Hat lid Cal) Store. HE citizens of M ntro.qe and vicinity are 'Te -1 ' spectfifilv info ed tiat . the subscribers hai`e commenced the ;mum acture of Hats had Caps; tcro r d(Xin s i below the Fernier's Store,.tyliere they' keep •constaihlY on hand :mid for mile n general assort meat of :Ilatp and Ciri3 of every variety and price: All tVlio Wish to pare - lin...s e a first rate article in our rine, are particularly invited to give us a call before purchasiug,elsewhe're} Our stock consists of Bea-' Ver, Nutria, ' Brush, Moleskin, Silk, Muskrat rind Coney Hats; also, Oa,Lifonlia, Sporting, Wool, Leg horn, Straw and Paluileaf Hats, .ic. Sze., lx!sides a great variety: of Men and Boys' Clbth and Oliu-ed Caps, children fancy do., &c. ec.e.—in short, a large mi...ortraent or almost ,every article in our liti.e. By a 'siricil attend°to business and a desire' o please, we. hope to mint and receive a liberal sup , - port; and asStire those 'in want of flats .and Caps that eli:cry effort will {be made to get up the beat est and best kind of Vl article. • - May 1; 18-19. ' ;ELDRED d: •NEWCGMB. alAold this Kl4e of California! TO 131: SATED!IIT V.:AMC; MEM% Oroerrp, Confrrtifinary Oyin'er &hon. THE raalroadleini 'completed. I now have, and keep a general tiissortment of grocerieschmp —such as sugars, mola4ses, rice, coffee and tea.-, Of prices and quality su4 as will plea , e.• nuts; raisins, candy and allikinfis of fruit the market can furnish my buyers toirult. Also, fresh chins and oysters received in the shell, fresh fish too, this weather—they keep i!ery well—l shall get by the 'railroad a weekly 514 ply—to please all my custo mers' tastes T shall try. Good outer. on lullaby the keg or the dioi—..Wrved up either raw or c,oli •ed, as you wish. Ali needed refreAtments prepa red at a wink—call &, all vAhungry, anal plank down the chink. F. Rit,ADLt'y, Gteat Bend, Feb. •1-11, Eagle Steam foundry & Machine Sh a p • .LV 111._ sr WE would respOtfully invite the attention o all those whoolay be in want of Machinery. or Castings pf any p4ttern, Milldeerings, Ploughs of 'various,patterns, §traw Cutters, Cookio , ?,1?-arlor & shop stoves, Iron Tcf: stove Ware, sbing:e Ma chines &l , Wood E , •-iite Lathes,lsterun Engines, Boilers, iti oilers, Iron Fences, -c. &e,, to givo . us a call, as we are confident we han suit the kunst fa , ,t,Llious. All work done at oust Foundr:y warranted. ° rroprictiws, Wat. Jp-ist - r, B. It. IA - O:cs, i Wm. J. All-Lrorto, i •F. B. OtANDLEIC, AL S. Wrt.sor,. It. S. 13t.wrLET, " 0. G. B . litar.r.rr. lontrose, (Pa..) . July 4, 1 E•usie Foundry, ' NEW , 11.1LANGEMENT. "Freight an Conaission Line, Via. -Yew Yo k and Erie Rail Road. , .., 0 A yr. - L. o. Tiffapy and Walter Pellet ha& V formed a partnership fur the transportation of freight andiproduce 'of all kinds, between Great Bend and New York' by the Railroad, by the regu lar Freight line, whicl; leaves Great Bind every morning at 8 o'clock, Captain Tiffany, miho has been for a number of years engaged in thdPurchase and tilde of prodnee! in the New York fOark-ets, will remain in New York and give Lis pArsonal attention to the dispo sal of all property cc`tbrilitted to our 6arc, and make returns as soon as tho property is di'posed of. Mr. Follett will beat Montrose and Great Bend alternately. -Ordeti for the transportation of Freight, may b RAI e to him at either place, and, ti . will receive prompt, ettention. Our charges over the regular freight m'till be a small thnunission. Ne! L. 0. TIFFANY. - Montrose, May 9,49.•• WALTER . FOLLET. ----..... __, . ' Sti‘tilteeeired ' A T the Mo..srmos Boor Sroun, Bind's Matlis lA, tratee Comps ion., ...I)Nnlop's Forms, Cowtta- WI Cuide.l .1; - May 29, 1840. - New •Giveery Store'. • • Ont dom . ' sSouifi IV Mills (6' Knapp's hi Me f.(Sture formerly dr..cupied by W.M. Post.) THE subscriber lies received a large and (mien sive' stock of 11 . , Oroceries, _ consisting of Teas, l i tars, , Molass, Coffee,Tobac-, co, Rice, G~ . Spl and Pepper, Starch, Cloves; 1, , rid &iterates, inger, Nntineg,s, Indigo, Cigars;ehnixi, late, Spen and tall 1v Candles, Codfish; Mtickerel by the-bsi I,' half And quart& barrel 'aittl kits, Merring by the box: Itaisins by - the:6cm -or poiihd; 1 Salt by th . sack. , 4lbarrel; Clcvlifi, stone Wane Willow_W A . -6, FlOntLiPork cke.:' dm. &e, Wholesale -EvsnitlOOr 1 111 1 11111111111 1 111111 11 11111111 1 111111 l is 4 Ip:trills' for sale in the — diffetes t t4r.m9 called S. 10. S - ' Snrsaperillg it is , ailv ttittedrur/lia °MGT . , GENIIINE,nruI ill it:cu. - This *mend ishodoeter , ever Tut ;,,,but. vrakforrnerty a.n rker en railnAt r Y, ca. I. and the like-a-yei he r tutanmeti th title of . Doctortor the I ose of gilt - deg credit fOr:"..vhat ' isnot. Ile saya,“ he i ttentk4l two nunlinal,:sehoole„an .propiceo for:Calash -. !!" ..Nour the treat is, he' tell practibid Medicine a,, re his 'life ! Suck [wilful, rx. ed,thlsrefitiPientatiOn '. bad to the Character - Wel veteritY be the man::. twist* 4 sincerely, he hadmiver made thn.ieltaternents of rich '..[ rof me. \Then will men learnin he honest and truth:. [ M all their dealings R intercOurse , whit their:fellow ;.' Ile -applied,. to one Reel Clair to assist him keratin. t tiring his mixt ure,' L luating the al :Ai sums ho - would -; as an italuteMentito embark 11 the business- These ; 1 1 pre been insulting and...Obi:lir inn in alt possible.: lbin order to impross th e peld c *hit the bbilif thit -,-. ltd toi)etor't Sarietparilla was not thrit[gelmfue; ori,ertrai wink; made front thet,qii-Doelerfs 06004,140 e l. P,s ItistS. P., Tbernsertil nays I lave - 1,40M the use of_triy '. whit &t am week. 2 I wilt glen bin stko if ho will.:Prcl . ' doe one single solitalyipront of thin -Dia statethents of T° Pson , Skillloan ik: C 0... ire n.....0.hitt; hut a tisane of fags toodsisinitily-Inadellti ileceive4norpuhlic, and keep p u regard In his seertinc,,fernan n riug•oe. if: This is to gamine the'publie.i to ITlrchePo-notteibut pfd n pr. J B so ACO TorutetoPetSantatulrilltt., haw in on S i t tits :* Old'Doctor'st likeness, his family eon: of Arms, and his " ei atureacrow the Costef hrtn.4. [ i finetpal Office. let? Nuaraic-areet N. Y. City. Sa To NAT lual Vr nals,, . _ _ _ _ . • .. denuine Townsend .arsa:pkinta.. • , Old D r . Townsend I,: pow ahatri ti years of aim. and has, lenebeen known as the 1.4 trrivir: n i tiPtsctoVEßEa• of ,ho GEN Li /N, LI OR./00! L i dd..i.fl'OWNSEXD, SAAS'APARL4,,LA."', 11,if13 podr hil: Was conipeited id IMilt us manufacture, by which meat li it has been kept out of market, and the sales, en - courted .. t, to those: only'whhr hadl proved its worth.alM known, its i idtle.. It*lo4 the 'ears of =by, neverthelesS, asUtolle Peritm**fico : bit;[ been - healed of sore tiLierNiieu mad awed- trtiarrleatlONEo claimed its wonderful ,/ • ..i i ~1 ii. ::- '-- . .••• •:- id i IIEA.tiNG .- PO VEIL Thus GRiki:ifll, Ali oIiNE,QuAILLED PREPARA.TitrMIS ' • Matitiftiodured on the t. gel :scats; add hi called for thinitati; ouethe lensth- and breadth 'itrzthe Laid. wiltecially - ail( is found incap able of deceneratioo or daterioraficm..+: , : - .• : Finlike young S. p. Irnvnsond's, it improve , with• air! . t and neverchang . es bet l'itrim heater; begim h e it 'il'ePaittr 'tiri ircienttfie princiryi by awdentifie Mink. The highest. limisvledge or.Chembnry, and; the tined discoveries of lb", art; hare all been hro_ ~,teht. into•remOsit on in the mani - tic. turn of the Ohl Dr's lTi Sarsaparilla. Th Sarsaparilla root, :tit IX well known to medical T a en t tns many, medicinal Pei , p Prirpertas, and tOe ritripertree - Wh eh arc inert o;,usetemti Anti other , . which if retained in - ii •tt int it ter ore, prat guerferr:Crdpilion anderruf, which lis Injurious to the eye. " ent. Sonic of the properties eil . S.tro.iparilla are so tiotatile ' ` r I . 2a,'t they eirrivetrovoriteato-nodore mad in the preparation„ . if they are not pri..wrred by a sciOn ip process, known on ly to those 'experienced in Its mantifiictfire. Moreover, theise volatile prineiplar, which tly-oli in vapor, or as an ex- • halknion. limier hem, ara the Pert' Ageatia? medical propl ', drifts of the 'root, whieb give to it all ilea:vim i itny person eau twit Or stew , the t i ti an till they get a dart : colored liquid, which is more from, the colartim matter in' the root than from anythinit else.; dies Can then •iarron ads insipid or vapid liquid. sweeten w`th . !sattr innlasses. eat! then cell it s' SARSA PARILLA E. TitacT or SYRUP." Out . ptid) is not the arnelo known as thil I OLIVITINE OLD DR JACOt TOW NsEND*B SAIISAPATULLA Tits is so twepared iliat all the Inert ..proliertieg of the Sarsaparilla root arc fib-4. removed, evvr., thittz capable 9f • becoming acid or rerun:tan:rim is estracted an I r, jecteil ; . then every particle of medical virme Is s-riireil inn pure and concentrated form i•nit•l tins it , to wintered incapable I losing any of its va Itaatfin. and hoalinx properties. Pro -I.l#d in this wav e it is fin It• the` melt :wear •rt oi anent in the Cure of [nut interoblie Di.wn.s.e.9. Hence the reason n hi , we hear cronmeo on even! doingin its favor by men, :amen, and chit ' eh. We find it donist %vol. len in the ante of CO Vsti.if prio,v,l n rgPr:ps , r4. :ma LI7DII--i 1 00 Al P LAVI T, and in 1:///11i 1-rA riX- 1 1. •`:' ( : 120 P- '. !ILA, PILES..COS'T.I rli NE SS. sill L'7 'T,I .V1 7 .:- OUS ERUPTIONS. PIMPLES, 111.6 7'CIIES tad all atfections.ari tins; Irmo , L\IPURITY OFT E BLOOD. ti possesses a tr..irvelticias ctlicac in'all complaints ari sing thou hotigrxtionann m n idi id ef,the Stomach. from .. unequal circulation, deterniinattun lof blood in the head, palpitation of the heart: cold feet rthd ban IY, cold chi•lla andt ho' flashes user the body. It has ntit 115,e911.1.1 in Cadefeand Cong•hs; and promoted easy espeetonitton awl gentle per irOatiori. relaxing strictures of the Itingtt. throat and every.. ' Oil*r part. , I . But in nothintt is It . reliance, mere manifesay seen and &anon lodged than in ilbkinels and Images of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. U works wonders in cases of Fbror Ahhue or 'White; , s'd!lin nseof the Womb, Obstrieethl. 7,9,, ,,, t:' , Zir L f l il3 +, f - L f ` r eMl a n ri ll Y rilt r l l f / n [ l l:l.. n :fn i r: to pe' Adi-ley bis ' ease; it ..., '.l y re em.,t : veston : rasuen,iatotl l yh:leb:dy,and 4seue,allrmse lervotsD : tsesaliloebiti . ' an t hin preyents or relieves a are^ Variety of other mat ad es, as Spinal irrinsteem, -Year WO, St. Vitus; Dance, N S' coning, ,Epileptie rile, Cans zorfepte. ilt cleanses th e bland:. excites the bter t o healthy notion; bowels the stomach, IMO , gives g tilkWnion. relieves-the of torpor and eqnstirpation, rill s inflammation, pu. ufies the skin, equalizts"the circulowin of the blood, pm.' 110n.1 gentle warmth equally all ver the body, and the .iintensible perspiration: relaxes strictures and ughtneeed• imoves ail obstrucalints, end uirigoirates the entire nervove ,system, 1.-oot-this then 'Who Illetilellte you pro-eminently need II , But can any of s ththints be said of S. P. Townseare lelior article '1 Thi young m'uid is not to be el CONIPARED; VITH TOLD DR'S, :ause of nee DrIAN'H FACT_ that the One is INCAPA.' .E of DETERIORATION, and ' - NEYER SPOILS, , while the Other DOES. smiting. fermenting. and Noinne the battles containing', it into fra entente , ; die, sour, , acid liquid exploding, and ilarnagintt nthitr goniLY! Must net this -•„ ili rrible cotnpdund bd :poisonous to the system I—Wartil acid taloa cycled - re already diseaced tr:th acid, • What F t uses Dyspepsia but imidl Ito we not all know that When If deours in our stomachs. what thilchief it produeerl—' flrtulence. heartburn,4l,llpitation o f the heart, liver . coat", - iplaint, di:lul:ea. dysentery, 6 . '1 and- coirtption of The bloodl What is E(entrula but an 11'h-emelt' in the bride - t Illithat produces all tbU humors wilt h brimt.on Eruptiontiot ithe Skin, Scald [lead,. Salt Rho un. Erysipelas ,While! SWellsnes. Fever Sciret; and'all uleeratiOns internal and ex ternal 'I It is nothing Maier heave) btu an acid suhstance, vrhiett sours, and thtts:spoils ail the fluids of the body, more or lecs. What causes Hitcumatin. Inn a sour and acid • Thrill which insineatee itself liettrien 'the joints and else. where, irritating anel4nflatnins 'delicate tissues upon which it acts l ' So of rierrons'ili. et , of impurity of the I bleed, of deranged CI rlintloll, an nearly ail the aliments which afflict human natant. I , ' . • • , Now is it not horrible to tuck , Find sell, and infintlell. worse to use title - 1 • I 1 'SOURING, FERMENTING. it,r D ' , COMPOUND" cell tl l. I S• Pi r 0 %. N:4 1 9,, . . e 'it .... y he would faint have it , un rstood that Old Pr... 4. l e it Tn t wnsend's Ganging - Orig . / S'Airsciporifhi; Is eullt. : II ANION otitis inferior preparnt ,n 1! ~ ...4 , 'learnt forbid • thatiwe shernid deal in an artieletwhith would beer the lutist Idletent. ineeMblence to S. 'l l . Thint , equit's article! 1 , IWe wish it understiMa. bemuse iris the, aisolutetrartii, - pt,. that S. P. 'Townsend's article and din:Jacob Tomusend , s . Streaparilia-are heeen-teide a t; and, inawiletirassiet. 1 i! ' ar• that.they are unlike. in eve it o.rneular, haring, not - •.„ oresingle thing in coretrion. ' r , • .1. - iAsS. P. ToWnsenti 'hi tro ti r. Went never was, 15.,n0 ehemisa, no pharmaceutist—J. - no* no, more of medicine or disease titan any otheil tortunon,, scientific tinprofeesional, r:fr titan, what gidarrielearrthepOb it - here that they are To?, Miring a genuineselentifte utediei e,enntaininuAlt theYist, Wes of theartielmused in, preps Mu it, and,whieliars In, eXpabie of ehanges which Might rider therrytheAGENTS • 0 ,.1 of Disease instead of heartht ~.' But, what ries should be extket d front one taita-Inuntal nathing camparatkgely,of tnedieia ettditeattel lc zelltdros *person of some experience ta ir and air & utieveh ti elnman decent moat.. liew.wsin hi *writ amfionant le:it t at-the persons Naha, rannuracture ditieinetteratraed for _ - VEAN , STOMACHS"![ID EN EEILED SYSTEMS, ' ' ehouid knor well the . rrndesti' aka at plaudit, *abase manse otter-curing and coneentratinktheic healing *ass, also an extensive krittadedge of Inemtriotts diseases whklt alien the human'apitem, and h ainthipt' remedies-xi these Asinine!' ' ,4 .ti I 'ltis to anent farads upon the drnanate.lo aollin -'-'' into wounded humanity. to itall bdite in'the' bosowto nootiro,Midtk. sod- ~.atol.vigortuoL t lto : eidsled and broken, inn ° tianisWin nality that OLD DIL , e corrowrissNs imilsoVefirtao - FolMidOW nullity and - means lohrin; hie , .., , , n Grand ItialhreratioPpowentrateillllteamiaft" thin the reach and WA. t kriowledee of ell who need it . i infe iB .r . - J , . Fersirtlelleilictei , fosrritieu l a ariotparilla is si serereles :.Ire - tor .incipinsit, - ,Consiimrtfos, gsrroor. IA I.)ill],or ' ralliiii of the Wolioh, Cosarrin :torlm33;l l or *filter, obstructed on ditractar? Ititotllillollter ci Urine, or iernluntary , I mg, ork4i for, the: &kenol prostrrotiork of An cater whather the result of inhfr , tot csofe, %We ' d b.- Irregularity. illness qr arridisi pki irroreurprishig thaw its invigerunet of Istiuintl - „qi . Suse:›kblikids of all ttestirst set a takinclie_ort§o4recome rotiostasa Tall r • its gi iottace.' -,11 immediso3- cOssiti eleOsuelf, 'of , the . Amok Intim, whiehir I of . - oririanoso.; ;'it will not ha espectes . t , • '' j, arbil , :jlll l C(liir . a aature, to 0:14141 ecrlifie ..‘.e. pArfli,iiiivill. but we esti (store the sillie' T4reas oaims . . - s itltte been rationed , SC. W Is of tales where (amain' 'hare htoF: wi , o, 'after t il M itir, if , row will., of thin Murat Barns li "Oessed with fine. healthy . liiiiisaiiiiiiiiiSik,Ooparett is referotoee 4, [tll4:' NO &tinge Itthp 'has Vots , in 1. 1 int, inachiat tlint , ethical-period. i..,„ Tie I. thi ricileet.. , stijalte . it, as It Isla certain 12115 ' of qi4 wasisillttossi r la kaiseasT ales areisultjert 'at this, dale' IIIrlifer 11 ! C be driayirtilr sreerAl 'fearsby .I I by 1 ,: Nor I. it less rishishls for disisa Who We VLIagiIIII I XXI, • as it 11 ,,• tilastite.1, - :, to paint D eklioof Om blood, ; spa '. ' ilisciptti4g 'hop 4, tins soiaiciite is idSikhrt:Stiiii ' .Pis all the iiimei , to lit hielsirotnei".iiirirsibieeci .6. ..:' , •41 plisPl!l,etirrist•iii!i,irse. ;-•::, k: rotilitseaur iieliniiisCaiii'itieftivini or i NI l 'Ai etnits in tlifferailt parteptiliti,'l.44on. . This .is iii::eeitifj - Volioft,,lenltti ethlat 2 .4 ol sisOr ", (44 _4 tlifp . .hfAlliatiyi'Vatrait ' , la invest ' 1,r." .011. 0 -1 . 1 - Tormbciiir- 4 .. Saniapsrilla, "' to . tie one a - Milk', won Istitititly.Olpits i i• u A '1 4;1 -:' P. , rip.retivilowi -1 4.11 1 17 I.IIOK . r .n 111t12,14 "U.; P.X.„t114/13,t1,0,11 r, ;31. DA , -1 i , ' ". , ~., 1, , Albsioxi. l l ... . 1 11 - .1: ' .. 1 -1 ' , , , .....-..ic4.. 1 . 3 : 1 1 1 1r 1 , * - • ' ..ttalAkilr;lslPA•A'AAcAkkAnd-41,ALIPe Nai • 1 1,, 1 issitlit ' is- itr ' soloirillt:. a 1.01 , 1 , 0, qr .0r M" .7 ' -71.4.i114WCW-liik..."L.'..igeatiVAlHM,...e.uttut eiteE.l 14sa., 1.. Tit i-E.1.t„„..11 ; qmira...,4qtvp . 4, - 't.'4 l .fac!k,' L,J.114 1";'i4Itio):;,00.eraltt irt.,; ,t 1! in th! I i ''s .. 1 Witteall ,l' Fil ?m0b...0f :Abetti . hale Nook t: -.- oi :aiiiittitivihotkentiiadv librita• i.•: tits : , 11, !tooth* tisvidodf N.AfA ' I• III, AAA A ° F l-4 • % ;I.o l l i c l i4'- ' -l i 41 :' 4 "2 : ' I - s . , ::-'r ''"-- ''- • ',,. -Lr ' .. ,..r .. ' ',.," .., -..': ::t, .., • • . ..C; ~.0',:1- 't 4..V...V',..WQ..1.,ti ' '' '. l (1 4 ) .0) 1 Qi i 6 V . A*l;l ll .3: o N—Sig it, rt !: 1,4 ,- N. - .l , ,,A,tpotaitlai.G44,sftwt! 2 ,1 r ro f iv 4v5.,..11t. 0rwir......r.„,..,,.... ~..11, ..„0.44:04-4 4),404- .- 40.,:i,..11,:t„.6 C' r ' a m , „ t ow‘44l.,‘ Eitr .4.r..„:ii 1 , .r- ci to ' Ir,tiloyffirtireil - itY:111-rook _ •"'",'Re.+Oitlitg'ibieiliiiiiiiiiiwiitieiiint, 404q11! - ', lsolll ! l T 44ooll " .. .***k il .t" "il e: '4 - . 1 't'4!g - A'A't'itilbiiiti4L : ' yi . ..?: . 471.#1110 1 444 11 ,4iit1ik5 - makh"itt" ,l9 4 :2 , , i f 4 r ' - X - 4,-00 7 4 , qr-14#14Pic. i•llie 4 4 --- ”: . • '- ...t ' r kW,. as* - i f .4•O‘W exto , , . le: , ,01^1•Tifii:sMAY'llib lad 'i , orgimit tlelii•lb,LemeliAlogi4Olit , i)Ci li titio, , • • • • 4i' TClVlgtif•Pleking iStOtes;::,i4Crilelti . " oPti* il;Sf -;;:-.1011gril t:°, : l i P - ,i p i ket rar, 4Tinatiqtlqfprovil ki n d,. . .04Akiiio l i'eti . 0,.itio.-:,'..aNu.; . ii . :-;!.',. : , - .:2i-rii.W,W:',iVikjbkrW otAIN;iOI3 d o : ':"Rus* * ripp;":;_o o i l 4 l l9 l l-:4 0 4 A! . -7 P 7 P1 4.- - tu:t. s' ' ' ti . ''' - VittralrjeteAtO bl". ;c 7 3 PF . t' 04* Zil . je;itte.i•t l .Kiit litty . 161 V ' ' ' -I , :f ~-.1, 7 . ~, 1 ~,.;,,- ~.4- i ^! ~..:.:. -r - 5 5 ,- ; U. BURRO & ift.;: . - - 'i• 1— .. ..., :7 - , ~ . - _:,. • - OM in MontrOe: _ US a ' Can i/li 4 nOlotce. ' . 'B.,ROSS .4 lacy niiiipixitoinktrlini;.* Tralasool!alaia. Pin .4.11 EL, TURitE4I4/.11,ge0 v r ehattit -114 4th tee+'cit ; aunt rub BintRITT: a - ;,Iltriff; _ LARGE lot - of Drisi., nt .LinelB,,l-849. lary lan4 mud: I iNVS & CO. 1....1 r .vkt3tixt:oo44:_tr oldA ..1P0 4 4 1 4 SlNTiehantia Tn*FTP. , ; ' - P?4 :4 3rktiiil 4l '- IntitQWB*CO3,, .1 tirric,l4 . * oir.itivA. 4- 4 , !ofec; ,• x Re id Viols co/WWI. Oars, flally old .Di. fey. sale la. Osi , ditreskti o ,s t s s -Di;„iii,4ob , , rettitiai jai' thaVar . ioulsh. :7 1 4weboolt.- De. TOV(i/SeUlt thl4,g.ttle ailed ..eses.iwi7 thiitikseekht.Yeireiii*Seesisiaggibed , iccknrsOiir. 004 roPi ilo6o *;thri o thhek IrolitteCiltate• .anti a irr!tratin: p4t.1# 1 40::,901 , 11t0 bebrenorreons.,i --1g441,1 gie eilkokettl :Mut jette teen sagasealst peaoll4 4440fIcatseiss:rort Aluailie 'Hoc I.laceit,-Townsikt. Ilegiplaeill'uta_tiumber at Mt% te 1011- Wen% eK 401 Oa wheat:hit norm !c. it . Thee- Ipeolol'otAbcriiirkinrilS.-ititeini:4loiiirtin'aikiew ;p iw Lail Peteo.nded likidanttisingo4o.6loo to. - ombi k tko allow he enhn '? ir ko,oo4±V4 s* - kni4f.tkellignaka.feo.-, Agric"ri*"4,/ria; AND•kk'Q —OA. ' t o ut bf - 0- PlrietetskOf ,r.) 3 15TajeN:1V.544 1 4.'44 1.0 / 11 Z 1 19V,F4k0/00%4F0110 *Ad Finpiper qcfflif_inv..s"(.FVerrillak *E' `; -, .111143; ,, 4 4 intip PAt,h,.4.. •imoursoroondetoe Ramo filpilMotopti gitentenyed "thii ottrinktOnni, t " -:ins pay bins' 'ern* for the; . t 1440 . -.-: , . - I. , , ,rieti , Fiy. - tkie+ tr .. , r J ~ . .. sz - 'gist A.,,r A ,11t11;A: A , i -. 1 4'. ii,s' ipiprdiu.ry,,te# s i..;,i; the - tifa r kit. sieset-iipet ep-ix dieertieitie.: it hair ti Japer; plameeetir,. eel wir4eo4 spiurier iii aser iliti l lutukaaiitkeithimermi, Piirex<f‘ e ilegrithortr dikili• ;:)34 , 0 1 0, 'On! gi i Vi .) The flea lieeety,,end iiefleyierijx.,e( ~ thi . ,I smi , ' 't s'istpr, 4111- pater itielliethes , is., that .I,iii hero o' thei dbesee;lehteigeritee the Vedy: h'erem li.of .the' , heit'i:, , .l<q;!.i.,l, ,, ... - <-:.: ~.- .!..<i=.:. •:- .P1:-..; rattfinriaretifinialtiltli: fiKOICINES .:,. mi l . 2 eeee, < Poem ;,111: : tei)t...<oktriiiiitiriP4t. dill II hOl4, fp, _ • stiaa :etieeetheiii the primed, ,hst it „i.e:tea iieir, pt ehut rich breedViOrnieute peteest lir no eo n < " I ethic litind , thle , .lietilhit'Weelloileeret of it. low, "e< OA et meees.,!•: theelfeekieeltedMikt i th., l " l teo PI ''% mire.Ounk•l ..tPo.trls 'or-:eelem- .Or Alsetilli sltilt ~ 15.004 'frees' eolisitteee4 likaiehle. 'lt ism ... the lives of more tNastlo,oooehiWitm the peewee ! 2 .Aciftelthe'CiOLO no 9 f• l / 4 , - < ,:' • 11 0,,0 0 etiiite,< 'or illitipirtibli•Pabilley Ili *otter ervibmillitierity. • 2,' .iir::. :Zieitillidlar i Eriititlis Jetteleratiitheireek. '' ierit p tliestreiitiy. TO itsbiiii sheLbeee Me theit it I q',<, enter, nett! ty, Ai tamer ettinedielp• or.iedeme , h ,etritn tte4 mYnallt al„,thie- . .esees.iv,e hitt ulgesee gf i pititiorts, NO ibientla Otc iti phibiefit'ptbilUNg6ll 4 < imieo<tir - syshitic hteelMili; -*eel , or ...bids., ,„b„ _.: ietheatillits,...< premature &kip *tat- pleilins itio N o tower to Omit fatal diseate Sown tittittlue. eau b .. , ,„ 1 „ r e_pi nf N 'i hp n his, pirsot_ rinahty.l Thil Smelt Fe - (sr alq«.rio) to Bur - '.: lair Imernsinx C•rdint ..... rit I (1 , 116Wil mud ihrigontot then-stint, ;MN Ittil , :t0 du births, and attempts - - Su'lln,untseuhu r ..... •.)u st Mutt esitinisdiunr: liegtee.v..< - I --- 1 . ' • 1 . ~ - 1 --- t i v s 1: • kW e , /,/.• iit onats:taptioia Catrir.l. ife and Itge [Aglkea, X. 41 S eint . ol4ll /MI 4 ... ,atAitti,i - ileticinupti. 4 , -I.46l='Cimtpiiiiii r , iirr,S„ Gough., Asikmai,-.., , Sriting -tif.o.t, ~,,, Ai Mein. Malt Fins& 1 , ‘%4! &club .' . Dss4hnat A...1e ertatation,yaia in , Ms Sidi, 4r; n end On sf,e • erred • " ' k ... . 1 Splitiiein . lritoridi ~ ~., .... ,•• Nero Nrk. Iprittlt till, tTomtits igNip.....ii verity belie r u lour :',. ins I.e.tts the nilmaa, elstatipl, eforid.Mre, „p,, re. I IMae fut sating! yenta arid a bu.l Cat:a m. arcrt ! e and noree. At t:ytit 1 rai...l '- trice - or:Week , heal asifht.- sin pets ; sod .-nre. term' iini reduced, aqd _did riot experit,ii rt only ailed yoar:r3ittaittpiyllla • a shore ta., lion a Itttm.lattut .eimega bedli arraagat mat 'ma Ode'. in talk 111 'evar - ttta eq. - I 'row ( era riq.enn.o heir lertAne.rirea eau Pad that l'i am titatiliful tut theaa resulta few 1 toreaut,,_ ' t I• '' , L - -- . --- - Avainrun. oti, -- es - Wirer' - -. . -. , . . ~.„ , • • '..f_.- • ,= - •-__ -'- --,; -----..._': - ' :' ' '' --_"-- .._-___....;.---.:_.„;;; ;; , i tn.f, ..• -- 4 ' ' 'L.F - - - -r--- --- -,.-_-..:- 3 ----- - ---, ft h es la la o, afi . ono of more thoo foitr thmasmol matiftui,tloa Dr. Tolsozosturs uosises+re and eltnanie eases ire weekly !o* • eatrßDrdittary , lie The by i . Jn tpok - tel thintroiags hstt., one of ;the shistanttit tin Aejlion. fthicktretrs loten.l, h theS4 •.• •n of in ; the cultiri.init letter. I. • . - ."4" - •••- Blackwell's Island, SereS. It Towntin.l—Dear. Sir: I hilre, slanted ne yen with, tit,. Itheutnatient• .cantiJetehle d I conla nut oat, slicitTor I 'had the eel lir e paint: and.. my. littilts were terribly/VANS. need roar lootles,of your Se rsaitarills. inn innrs tlian a thiiitsanil dollars worth of gool.l nrh better—indeed Linn entirely refiereil. tot errs. tojate this for thr henellt of theinnlittel • . 1 Titers reetectfulty. kisiEs COME the fro': nod' uer tnn i' dill t FYI Kire t Cia", %oil Pla t i &pi aft i !en • 11114 cis `:Ot f 111110 ji
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers