higsTkingtheißtonan ameez-Norember an rnmigion- shall have ~onduet of each man,. factory, - will enable him irate of Cardinnis has for the purpose of p , and accemphoes - of the, Airing the revoiutionar Agion, its ministers, the rr y igu, and_publie,security: , 1 Botolan has assumed the'cbrudund oc t -.Or army occupation. l to detrww mdered il Russia, in. °nor of si peror was at Warsaw on the L'Oth in Connetticut against selling sp ir : imposes ft-fine of 010 for the first of ' the second. and so double for every ich a man shall be convicted. five cases pending agains him:Cho found guilty ; subjects h' to a pen -480g244,360. Ann at Fair. Annual' Cattle Show and FAirof the promotion. of Agriculture" and the ,in Susquehanna County, will be held e 16th day If October next, at Mint- lection with the fair The Society has determined to hare this year a Plowing Match, Which will take place on Monday the I stk of Oc tober, the day preceding the u.\ual exhibitipn. COMMITTEES FOR AWARDING PREMIUMS. Committee on Horsea.—CoL A. Carywinter, L. Seirle, Da* Justin - area area Steers.—lra Carpenter, David *a)celee, Latham Gardner. OWE th Heifers.—Abija Wells, John Hatrington, Thos. Nicholson. .814/14.—Dalton Tiffany. N. ' l B‘. Warner, Isaiah Swine.—Jonas Carter, Milton Sheldon, Nelson Tiffany. Sheep.—E. W. Rose, Elisha Tiffany, Elishp, IV - heat—E. DL Blanding, M. C. Tyler, Land Lyman. Corn d: Rua—Mason Tingky, S. S. 3lulford, Orli] Follet. Oats tf: iiied,:q4cat----Daniel Searle, Gee. Walk er. Anon Tiffany.. Potatoes d koots.—Ansel Hill, Stephen Bar num. Joshua W. Curti.. Chem.—C. F. Read, Benj. Say .- re. 13. 11. 31i11s. .Butler.—J. B. Salisbury, D. D. Wdrtier, Poultry.—J. W. Chapnian, 0. C. Hempstead, Henry Drinker. Domestic jtamit'actutes.—Mrs. Wm: C. Ward, Mrs. M. C. Tyler, Misk Sarah Walker. Neerile Work.—Mrs. Wm. Jessup, Mrs. r, en, Sirs. Wm. L Post. - ' . Plowing Match. The undersigned, a Commit tett appointed l.c a meeting of the members of the Society fors' the peo motion of Agriculture in :.itisqw-ltanna couLt v. held at the Court house on the 29th of August 1a .t, to make the necessary preliminary arrangements for the Plowing .Match, detertnined upon 'by the - socic.: ty, hereby give notice that they have selected a piece of ground on the farm of. i.),tvid Post, Eq., and have appointed the following nantel ,zontle men. Judges for the occasion, iz: Co`,. Fti.derick James Oak ley Thomas Nichol-411;11nd John Blowers. The lands will he staked out aliont )5 to 18 rods long, by two rods.wide, and numbored. ('or-' Tcsiontling numbers marked on :dip, i,f p.ipi r will: be l' in a hat and drawn by the several corn- Petit° - that perfect fairness may be secured.— The gr° is an old meadow. The plowing to commence ''' two o'clock in the afternoon of Mon day the 1. tx_. thit, the j '',, t .a. .. t .r ... t y of _October next. the day-prece ' Horses 431 . OX S may either be entered or ohe of each by the 54 : ' -ran. Any person i.tt-e! g to enter his team must give n ntlee to thil c° ll ittee of such intim - jun at least five day ; P re icius the 3latch. The pre miums to be e*ardi to who e do the work in the best mann 6 F arkkortet.tin Ist Premi - & --- 2, 1 ; do Ee.ty emaPt his ticket from Ilk ground - with his tea N.B. It is bope4 backward about bs ink the field. Di at '43-4, Sept 251 1 would hereby glv. cur Agriculturatsociet‘ have kept a friary of ver me with any stalk -14 experiment, of their have luxiwledge, the sant. at rt4r, residence, Or be kit Ethridge, any time bettk ej ei October next. T . Sept. 18th, 1849. Reliable Vit-Fortx—Den Sir certificate is given. b ek v, ,ote and honest fannei good health. V t tit'm, Beaufort county. Nok tity, near WoOlognst, The undersigned, feeling' grat Jorded by the use of DR. W/8.7. of WILD CJIERRY, deems tha. of justice to say, that but.* the* bie nomedy, l / 4 11is wife, long afflicted and all others considered consumpti • been, ere this, in her grave.- But • rad =pleasant symptoms hare of a few bottles, and the y avocations as moat Pri s * et, 4 1 wanne... .teFpl , Pr la% 0tt,„,4 2 z: 1 44 1444 - ireekkile-hrien& 74 1 r leilioNe 44(4 1210ailintallt' 40--4,44.6_?lrseath, go troop 0,11110144 Fqo r . t q d which if wryiiit tistitiktet eating putriyo PePo ,a,rsty of all= :the cows in e'5.00 1,00 ' be required to procure toJure etmoriug the LI farmers will not be li)eir teams a4i eTitCr- ELLER. 1 F11.71.ki", Com. the members of that All who or who will fa , or the result of which they may banded into me Ire of Jerettliah the tenth of Se. Carolina. 'fill whose most re now en- 1841. - .lief ,i f act to the signature. Bei on the wrapper. ABEL TITERELL, =ES HMO HE itfeteentli', witnes;ed'a A. discovery of the.direet:if** *lll be so universally 6pprec.ia' teil; or so prodnaive or convert- knee and ciinfort as llatet's L'elelmited 'Chemical Powder, Which is wanarded - to give p keepir and smoother edgetoAtazvrs, surgical Instruments, and all £M6 'Cutlory i in one intents, *Ms kir' other Po' deri Paste,. or Strop, now in existence. --Mists rid humbug; It only wants to be . tried to be ap preciatedbY every one, For sle - by . • . AB TURRELL, , Montrose. A Ilwr4 CS for the year 1850, one for every Family in Susqualmima'Oounty, 7 may be ob tained grati,V, by offing at the:Drug and'Variety store of ' /434 TURREIL,' Montrose. Ur Plante call and get one. Stoves, [aware WE have now on hind a greatvariety of cook ing, Perim' and shop stoves, winch we wilt sell for cash l er ready pay elteaper . thauever,among our Cooking Stoves are the followinr, kinds: The Plicenuti Air Tight,! thd very best Stove in use. " Improved Rotary. 1 " " a " Extra tyatge " " " " Irving. u " Iron King. • " Whiteside's Doubled Oven. a a " Rough and Ready. „„. " " " F3evated Oven, Premium and other stoves of almost all kitids, Parlor stoves for wood and coal: Also an assortment of stove trharnings; Tin, Cop- - per, sheet Ircin and Zinc; Ware. Any' article not on hand made to order on short notice and the most reasonable terms. Purchasers will savt money' by giving us a cap before hiiying. as we are determin ed to sell at prices which must suit any, one. n3B ROSE AT SIMPSON. Le4aysvilic Academy. This. institution, pleasantly loaded in the'. village of LeßaysVille, Bradford cutittiy, Penn., is in 'suc cessful operation under the supervision of the Rev. H. J. NewelV,A. N., Principal, and Miss Maria Q. Shepard, Preeeptress. •• TUITIOS. . . Primary studi,es per Quarter, c52.00 Common'English Branches, class commenced, 2,60 " ": • " " advanced, 3,00 Higher English Branches, 3,50 Languages, and higher Mathematics, • 4,00 Drawing and painting--ea - tm, each 1,50 Incidental expenses per Quarter, . 25 TERMS. Fall Term corarnenpes September sth 1849. Winter " " Nov. 21, 849. Spring "•-' " Feb. 13, '5O. Summer " 1 " May , • 1, 850. i t rr' All Bilks must be paid at th . close of the Term. J. E. BULL ck, seey. JAMES rroDGE, Pres't of Trustees. • et.. 1.51/ paid for live Geese Feathers--Alm, cash paid fur Sheep Pelts by Mine 2 P. M. BARBER. Jessup September, 18th, IS-19. — lsit -- rp onr Ipursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court in and for Bnsquehanna county, there will be sold at public Yendue, -at the Court HOLM!, in Mom trus:-e, on Saturday the sixth (Inv of October next ensuing, all - the, right. title and interest of James C. Biddle. Esq., late of Montrose aforesaid, deceased, tau- time of his death. of. in and to a certain piece or parcel of land in the. warrantee name of 1,1;111 , rt *,tdig,Tlittelt r—patunted to the reverend Ewin7 D. D.—and deteribed in said patent as follows-. to wit : " A certain tract of land called As ; raoyouy. sifuate on the "waters of the Lackwanna, t in Northumberland comity - -(now Susquelmna) -11c4intling at a sugar tre; thence, by land :of J. tlai Cadwallader and William Forbes, north-east. three hundred- and ei,„tdit , perches to a maple; thence be land of Andrew ;Ic*Connell, north-west. one hundred and sixty perches to a post ; tlac be vacant land, south-west, three hundred , '"and eight perches to a stigar tree ; and soutli-#ast, one hundre I and sixty perches to the places of begin ning—containing, two hundred and ninety acres and aPowance of six per cent for roads, We." It being the,same lot which George Fuller, treasurer of ' , lnd comity, conveyed to the said James C. Bid dle I,v deed bearimg_ilate 54tember„ A. D. 1836. SALLY D. RIDDLE, guardian of the minor 1 children of J. C. Biddle. deceased. 1 lhatrose, Sept. 1349. A,dministrater's Sale. IN pursuance of an order Of the Orphan's Court, will be ',exposed to Public Sale or outcry on Wednesday the 17th day of Oct. next, at 1 o'clock P.11,1..at the late residence of ',Josiah Lord deceased, in Lathrop township. Susquehanna county, !the fol lowing described pieces or parcels of 14nd. The first. bounded not the North by }ands .of Franklin -Tewksbury and John Lord. on the East by David ' G. Smith, Gilbert tmitlt and Reuben Tewksbury, on the south by lands of janC Rose and John Loi:d r and on the west by lands of John Lord ',jr, be =ing the farm on which the decedent resided at the time of his death, containing about one hundred and twenty ,aixes.„nulisl . - y..izat.,LCAVlaa. with a', triune dwellinm boon and barn. One other piece•or par :co rifilliont eighty acres, known as the Whitford lot : boimiled on the north by land formerly of the Catlin estate, on the cast by .lands of Albert Lti thani,on the. south by the mad leading from the Abington and W,aterfiell Tui'ppike • Road, to the :Pierpont Road ; on the,west by the Drinker lands, and about forty acres improVed. with it framed barn. Also a saw Mill, nearly new, and the ap 'purtenancesAnd about four acres of hind connected therewith, with .tlie dam and !the water privilege therewith; situate on the outlet of-the Lord pond, late the estate of Josiah 'Lord deceased. Terms made known at the tithe of sale. • A. CEIAMBERLIN.N, Adm'r. Sept .11. 1549. • p , ow_ • 1 , ..71. ibtl A LARGE WHITE 110 UND DOG, WITII red ears, red on the haunches, red spot on the side, and bob tailed. A suitable re- Ward will be paid for his reeco'ery or information ;of his where-abouts, either-to the subscriber at Sil 'vet Lake or to E. W. Rose at Montrose. Sept. 12. " ' A. IL ROSE. • _ Exetintoir Notice. A LL persons indebtsfd: to the estate of Amy 41.."13abeock of Dimock dfteaSed, by note °real eiwise, are hereby ,revested tb make immediate :Payment to the subscriber, as rt different disposi tion of said4state must, according to the will- of .136 d deceast-41, be speedilyAnacie:--and all having claims upon said estate, will present them duly at- Wilted to -B. A. ' WTON, :37_ L. 11: WI ID:um ' idiesides improved Double Oren Ilot' qPoLing Stove. T. sire .stove was patented in the fall of 1847, i and was got. Out the last year. It is edi in q many , respeits to be a-derlaell '..9# l * kind tf CoDiginf Stoves• reqrsres lest* fad for . ; 000kirig and Inuit rf not all otrr MOM DO* in xbreriber ha); obtained the, exclusive right genre*/ the'eounty• 'of finsquehan and hiving a late rannber of thena the' a 'gagie yotmart , in. this Vil a "47 1 e, 14 1 i * diem for sae. -They 4111 Vetuidry,at the idatiiirlfeieFilitwe 14.t.et' the Anbeeribir,- , .1 13 * /.04 9, • , t • W. teil,brthe Printer, Poly,'_. : "5, wheat, flour, Butter :and OAS); on iticitunta` due biro. July 19 49. ' Now-York trio-Rail-Road. l 4 o and after,,the 20th of-August, the trains will aa follows, Sundays , excepted: raven:A! Passenger : Trains, from New-York to Owego, wiU leave the Company's Pier, foot of Du ;Meet 0'7:1=2 a. trt and 5 p. 61. stopping at all the Way statione. '. From Owego the through passenger trams will leave for New-York at 6 o'clock a, M., and at '7. p. im., - stopping also at all the way 'sta tions. . , Speaat Way Train, fOr Port Jervis and intr.= mediate stations, except ! Stifferns, will leave New- York .every Saturday at 3 1-2 p. m., and will leave Port Jervis. for New-York bvery Monday mormlig at 5 o'clock. " A Milk With 'Passenger , tars attached, will .leave Prt, Jervis for New-York at' tell Olin- Wes past 5 i. in. and returning will hate New- York for Pott Jervis at .3 1-2 p. in. Another milk train with a passenger car, Fill leave Piermont for Otisville at 5 1-2 a. in., and returning leave Otis vile at 5. p. M., connecting with the freight boats to New-York. The milk trains do not connect with the P. dr R. R. R. Freight leaves New-York - every night for all the regular stations on the road. A. freight train will leave Owego every morning; at 6. o'clock. A freight train will leave Port Jervis for New-York every morning at 6 o'clock and another at 8 a. m. with market freight, A-special train for cattle and oth er live stock, will leave Owego on Fridays at 4 p. and from Port Jervis for New-York on Sundays at Ba. m. Fare from New-York to Owego 5. - The intermediate stations in proportion. Cuintnu tation Ticket& at lowest rates for the stations be tween New-York and Port Jervis can be purchas ed at the New-York and. Piermont Offices. Excur sion tickets, entitling, the traveler tAi pass over the road front New-York to Owego, and returtCat for the trip, can be purchased at the New-York Of fice, foot of Duane st. or on board the Steamboats until the let of September next, JAMES P. KIREWOOD, Supt. Auditor's Notice. THE subscriber having been app* inted an Ae ditor, in the settlement of the accounts of Jud son Mullenix, administrator of the estate of Chloe \Terry, deceased, would hereby give notice that he will attend to the duties of the. said appointment, at his office hi Montrose, on Monday the 224 day of October next, at one o'clock P. 31. A. CLIASII3ERLD7 . , Auditor.` Sept. 11, 1849. AdOtimbitratriNN Notice. VLL persons indebted to the estate of Benjamin i Froat, late of the township of Jesup. deceas ed, are requested to make immediate payment, and those haviEg demands against said estate to pre sent them duly' attested for settlement. Sept. K. DENCY FROAT, Ada % Washburn & Co lANUFACTURERS and dealears, 11 - holeitale 111 and retail in Hats, Caps, Muffs, Buffalo Robes. Trunks, .Carpet Bags, Ladies Satchels, &c., Cur ST., BENOOAMTON, 5 Dooas EAST OF TOE G .11.1.11T0N HOTEL, Have the pleasure of announcing to their friends and the public that their stock of Fall and Winter Goods fur 1849 ready for inspection, and they respectfully iovi t te the attention of all dealers in Hats. Caps. Muffs. &c., and the public at large thro - - out thit_seetion of count?y to the facts herein set forth. • The vast increase of their business has compelled them to greatly !enlarge their store, and they have now, the largest. and best selected assortinent of Beaver, Nutria, Brush, Mole-skin, Silk, California and Wool Hub" ; Otter, Seal, Nutria. Musk-rat. Silksand Mohair; Pluth, Silk & Cotton Glaze, Vel vet & Cloth Cap's; Muffs, Boas, Capes, Victorines and in fact ail kifirls or Fars worn, ttulTalo Robes. all kinds and qualities, Trunks, Valises ; Welton. Brussels and Ingtain. Carpet Bags, Ladle's Satchels &c., ever, offered io the irdiabitants of this part of the country. . Their Hats and Caps are all manufactured by themselves, and their other g‘kfds selected with great care frown the largest manufactures and im porters in the tinted States Which enables them to sell from I's to 21) per cent. cheaper than. any other establishment of the kind, west of New York. WASHBU RN J Co. Binghamton, Aug_ &lit. N. B. They issued their Fall Fashions for Gent's Hats and Carr., of Saturday. Aug: 25. if. 4 - Ready Made Clothing! JUST RECEIVED a new sqpply of Broadcloth Fro . ck and Dress Coats; Black and Fancy Cas semere Pants, of 't-arious qualities ; Satin. Valencia and Fancy Silk Vests; Cloth and ,Satinet Pants; Shirts, Booms anti Collars; Jean, Catthineret and Cloth Coats. . . • HATS & CAPS !—A gen&ral 11-qsortment of Fur, Silk, Brrisb and Wool Hats—Also, Cloth and Glazed Caps. BOOKS ti PA - PER—Writing. Wall & Cabiin Paper, just received. Cap and Letter Paper by the Wrapping, do. of various sizes and quali ties ; School Books by the dozen or single. Shop keepers in the country wanting Writing Paper, or Wrapping, or Book's, will do well to give me a call. Everything in my line to be sold cheap. GEO. FULLER. jlontrckse, Sept 4, 1849. J. G..GILBERT, No. 915 Pearl Street, New-I - pork. t - IFTERS for sale Parte litivomos and FLooa On. Clam's. A large assortment of •Ameri atti, French. and German Paper rianginv; with Borders to match, fin' sale in any quantity, at the lowest market rates. Merchants unable to visit the city of New York can depend upon their orders being filled at the lowest prices by sending de scription of style and qualities. Oil floor clot h cut to suit the purchaser. n36m4 New York, August (.14 1849. Yankee Notional,' COll/11)S PINE & LADD, 30 Neuman Street, (up stairs,) corner of LiberlySt.,"opposite the Post °fife New-York, •ARE - prepared to 'furnish Country literthanta with Esousn, FRENCH, AND GERMAN FANCY Goons, consisting in part of Combs--Tortoise 'Aihell, Horn, Ivory, ,German silver, ete. lin:made, Lasting, Bone, Pearl, shirt, steel, etc. etc.' Brushes—Cloth, Hair, Tooth, Shaving, Shoe, Paint, etc.. Soaps, Perfumery. Heir Oils, Violins and Strings. Threads—Marshall's Linen, Gintitlson'fs do, Spool Cotton, otton, Thread, etc: Sewing silk and Twtst., • • Cotton , Tapes Coreet laces, etc. ete„ Suspend- I era, all kinds; Pinkflieedles; Hait Pins • Honks and Eyes:: Thimbles; ACnitti*Pins Iladkinsl PocketHOoks; silk"ancotton Pu rses ; PaPerhang lap, Curtains; and Oliades.,' Cutlery—Razors, c ,picket:Cuilet - Sclienis; eta. German silver Sperms “Ititatin da Silver and Gold Pencil Cases; 'Peictrisitsi`Olipe ; -Fish Hooks; gat es , Teneilii,' citaiCEMMeetrqos; , Looking ,r,Tass" es; Blasi and, W0e4V1664 • Together with i awl eotetlieto - setorteee;f. of belonliiigtto tie bade Ana merchants whhinc to purchase such isisidii - esitr feel Oonfitlent of obtaming them at4o,l*s4,piieea , ae they will always be 11 4 TretnedtPithe . • ...Zll.lll.iiilifiNlice - 1 4o,Alke_ - Of r -11:*k TlgkjSgl 'o*§4,4* tio*_*We'' II : umillin.llll.llllllllllllll tr * t , ' S . teillirt. olOkile r Clot i - ing Waist:Muse!! 1 ' i 'vim e ANFORD;' Nos: 252, 2/14, 256 . tf i l ll 258 Pei Smarr ,. (Jkineert Adlan at .13 'ay- EIipt I yNEW:YO.RII; have on band the l ar f imortm ' tofeurruixiainthe CnitedSte,h4 a. tool to all '' ketsti In the article of Sh rbs an . , , Wer4,l e keep an endless variety. .Al so, th. ' ost aide ive 'manufacturers of Oil ' Cloth ng an overaillata in the world. Plain and P - i. s .le - ,Clothkir, of all kinds. talcigues ef stock sent by mail. Orders roilnit iy a• ..: 1 . LEM}, & HANFp RA ' ..- , Nos. 25: 254, 256, and e 56 Pearl at., N. Y. • ' Pissolution. . 1 HlE;patntettrizyultderl theved bfiyrmnwotufaiLyonse!nt hooks arirmounts are in the hands of 2.,p, L s. 1 JOHN B. WOOD. endsville, July 10, 18492..1).' LYONS D. LYONS will continue the business of 'Tai l° g In a)1 its branches at the old stand, or/et Wi Aim it Stone's store, Cutting done on the, sho eit, notide,` d warranted, aii usual. The itinicst Fa. ons alway on hand.. . j S. D. LYONS. SI3O ,PA. &WM? CASH STORE , On e New ; Pit 4. d: Neje Reif ,Road and Susyne-: 4 . h ma River, ;00 milesfrons New York, 25 raiival Birwhansten, and 19 miteafrom Montrose,-r -en u ntied bil Mountains *ad the Raitroad B kin. 4 , I A our store following may be fountll: Plug .a. ..11, French and Amencan Dry Goods, Bun nets , icl.ltibborts, Parasols the., Umbrellas , Carpet, Bags, ata - tual Caps, Looking glasses, Boots and On Shoes, Crockery,,, Glass Ware, Herd Ware, Window' Gluts and Sasho Drugs and Medicines,Droceries, I.tcl,:erel, Codffili, Mess Pork. Superfine Flour,, Nails, Stone Ware, J.aPpaned Ware, Paints, Oils, , Dye Stuffs, Butter Firkins, Candles, Sand's and Townsend's , Stuiaparilla, Book% Paper, Inks. mid Quills, Cooking, j Parlor and Shop Stoves, Stove Pipe and Stove Trimmings, on hand or made to circler. - • Eagle. Foundry Ploughs—warranted; Tninks ik Travelitcr Bags, Shingles, Clover, Seed, Carpet and Cotton Yarn Axes, Handles, Buck Saws, Shovels, Hoes, hakesl, Serbe-s, the, AT. For the very lihenal patronage Which we hare received the past year we tender our sincere thanks, and trist we shall recieve a still larger share' df public.Tratronage!the present season. Having re duced the price qf our .goods about 25 per cent. from last rears prices, our motto is now--small profits and - quick turns. Situated as we are on the Railroad, we can sell lower than any other 4esiatp lisleuent in the ceutttY: . I LYONS & CHANDLER. Laneshoro, JOY 18, 1849. , . . . A OMINISTItATOIL 9 6 NOTICE. 4 LL persons iddebtecl to the estate of .A/Grander 111. Webste late of LibertSr, deceased, ate re- quested to rnahlo immediate payment, and thcrie having damarids against said estate to present them duly atte,:ted fur kittlement. IRICHARD BAILEY, Adm'r. August SO 1840. ° 36-6 w. Binglanai n.Female Seminary. MILE Winter Term of this Institution will com l. .mence, Wedbes&y, Aug. 22d, and continue Nvvvls. Several accomplished Teachers are employed in this Seminary. Since-the close of the' Last term,, accommodations for a larger number, of, pupil- have been added. Palents having daughters to be educated aro assured that the location and. facilities of this St jninary are not excelled in.south arn New York. Every effort and care for the ad vancement and welfare of pupils, will be exercised by those in whose barge they are placed. , TERM:. In the boarding: . school, the whole charge fur board, including all necessciries connected with it. as room rent, was, fuel and lights, and tuition in all the English lranches. constituting, as a day school an extensive course, 830; and with Latin and French iulded,lB33 per quarter of 11 weeks. Day scholars in;the Primary Department, will be charged 82,50; in the Middle Department *4,00 —in the Higher M,OO per quarter; and with Latin and• French incluclOd 87,00, Extra Musie on Piano, per quarter 810,00 ; on the Guitar 8 , 10,00; use of Piano 1,00._ Drawing and Painiiing in water colors *3,00; oil painting 88,00, ?,;3,00. No pupils received for less than half a qUarter. No deduction for oeca.sional absence. Addrees " 1%.% IL S. Ingalls. Female Sem inarv, Binglramton e , N. Y. A - tamst, 449. N. V. a: Erie 'Railroad! Everybo dy's illarliet Line. - Fgalitig-TIA ,4 4WiI rp subsertherspre now prepared — to receive 1 Freight of all kinds at the Owego Depot ( and also at the Binghaniton, Great-Bend, and Lanitsbo ro' Depots, every Teesday, Wednesday and Thurs• day, of each week, and continue !with regularlity throughout the season. They will attend to for , warding the same to the New Marketothere they have made arrangements with experienced salesmen, who wilt; attend to the selling of the same, and return the proceeds in Bankable funds at either of the above Depots, to the following per sons :—At the store lof F. RavnsOtrd, Owego ; , at the storehouse.of C. M . Kinney:Bingluunton ; at the office of Jas.Vriffin, great Bend ; and at the Hotel of E. Benson, Lanbero'. JAMES SLSK, Binghamton, JAMEiS GRIFFIN,, Great Bend, • P. RAN NSFORD, Owego. Owego, July 23, 449, Ageitts :—C. Mairtney, Bingham ton ; E. Benson, Laneshoro'. Csprktx JArEs Sr4K- will superitdend the busi ness throughout thb r hole Line. and receive and fill all orders for Graceries, Fruit,, Fish, Oysters, 4t.e. &c. ; which, will be bought at the lowest whole sale. prices - :" of the New 11.. , 4 ed kinds of Air Tightituid Commoln oolong; P at. tor, and rhup'Sfoves, gnarls and Crimmort Stov Pipe, stove Furnitum; sheet hod and, Zinc, rtoira Tuber, ate., &C., to whithe attention of cash chaser* and the publi is invited , I'l'lo put which will „ t lio be cold at very low p co, for ciir4 or approved credit .ingurt, 1849. - ' . • I i I • ,• I , N. 'tit Erie mairifi—vreston Expressi .110 it , 9 Pacx. I i , Office foot o f. Duane street and II Wall street; New York. tottves.li i ew, York li o'clock Pi ?1.--I Arrites.at I:_thOmmtcin IT, .A.,31. and lie lt ° 74 . A l l 11. For - tida, 'of all Xdrdsiofi rehatichinN Pads - gen and oney. ,, ' The proptie have madol tid i ,e arrangements with L.' F de to man F.i.vresit iiil connect daily.betweet it Bend Aid' Vontrose..l All Pultley gpi r • • ; will :lie; fonval4edl without delay. ,A - -• , ',. , , -, ~..,,,,. lirigie,;-'470.0.,04. - - --- 1 - lalesolArrioit:.."; r . imErr ~ . fiEtAm* -/ - irpl - Tireeazzaor tirg Resolvedly tliegenate ondllotsse of . Berndt/a: tives of the 0* itonwedltit of Peivreci.tin Geratiiil, Assembly niet„.lllat the Ponatitution of this Votni .monwealth be 'amended in the Second :section of the fifth article, so that it'shalt'read as ftilloWl'i The Judges of th; Supreme . Court, of theilaveral Courts Of ComoroPie* and Of 811'6 ofliek Cinirii, of Record as are or . 441 be established by: lalt,. shall be elbettstly the I qualified electors of the Commonwealth an the - er folloiviiig;,tovit The JudgeS of the Sup e' by the qualified) r Cot/ arge electors of the Cetimiontv with at . 'The Pi* dent' : Judgta • (di the setiend 4teift Ok114100: Pleas and ,such' they Coirts of Retord as are or', shall be established by . law-; and'all other 4 . 4. required to ;be learned m the law, by.thettualifial , &eters of -the rispeetivei distriCts ove'r wreh they, are to reside or; act as Judges: And theAssesas ate Ju dg es of th i elCourts of Conimoit Peas hythe . qualift electors eit'` the Counties "lrelY4.,.' `lhe Judges: of the Supre OCtitat s held ... theirs' offices for the term of fift years if . ey sti long behave themselves well : (subject talk' allOisient: hereinafter proAded for, subsevent te the • filik, T . election : ) The president Judge of . the seiettit l ez Courts of Commen.Pleas, and of each other courtsil of Record as Are Pr shall he established - by - ialr, and all other Judges required to be leurnectieithe' law, shall hpid .th it °theft for the term .bf ten, years, if they sae ill so Wig . behave theniselirt4.', well : The Associate Judg,4s of he Courts of Ctiats mon pleas shall lhold 'their. offices'for the term of ; five years, if they shall so long behaveeniselves 1 well: all of whona t shall be commission d by. the Governor, butler! any-'reasonable Cause hich shill not be sufficient grounds of impeachinen the oily— , or sluill remove any of them on the dress , of two-third of each branch Of the ' ' ure. ;The ' first election shall take, place at the ge .ralelection 'of this Conitlioniviallli n kt utter th adoption of this amendment', end' the tmumissici sr of all the Judges who may be then i Office shall exPire On the . ' first Monday bfl December following, l echer:v:llW ' terms of the new judges[ shall commence. The persons who shelf then tio electeeJudges of the Supreme Court shall hail their offices as rai,:iti,,,, i one of them for three yeant, one for. six wears, Girt- for nine years one for twelve years, andne forlf teen years ; the term of each to be deist ed by-lot by the-said judges pa soon [after the eli.vt ones wa il venient, and the Ire -nit _certified by then" to the Governor, that the comnussions may be issued In accordance thereto. The` judge whose. coinmiAtia - will first expire shall be Ehief JOstice-during his term,..and thereafter each jiidge whose mission shall first expire Shall in turn be the Chi f Justice, Chi and if two yr more,commissions shall e ire on the "same day, the judges holding them shell ecide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice. Any iy vacan cies happening by death, resignation, or therwise, in any of the loild'icaurts, shall be filled by appoints ment by the Governor, to continue dill the first ' Monday of Decerb berSucceeding the nett general election. The Jtfidges of- the Supreme Court,.and the Presidents of the several Courts of Comidort Pleas, shall at stated times , receive for their servi , . ces an adequate compensation, to be fixed by law which shall not be diminished during their confine, once in office. but [ they. shall receive no fees or per quisites of office, par bold any other office' of profit under this ComnionWealth, or , under the govern ment of the tinitd States, or any other State of this Cnion.. • The twlges of the Stipreme Court du nng their continuance in office shall reside within 'this Conutionweahli, arid the Other Judges during their, continuance In office shall reside within the district or 'county for which, hey sere respectively elected. WILLIAM P.,' PACiER, Speaker f the Nouse of Reprel)eniatives. 1 ' GEO, DASSIE Speaker of the Senate.. In the &nate March 1, 1841 • Resolved That !this resolution 'pass.-•lYeas 01, Nays 8. L.-tract from th Jountall O.A In the Itolate lleprese*Otatives; ~ Aprei 2, 1849. .fiesoleed, That this iwolution pass.--Yeas 58, ;lays 26. , Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerks , • 4 Secretary's Oiflee. Filed April 5,1849. .A.l L RUSSELL, •.. &i, Dep. .qcc. of the C ;A. .. $ . Beeretairys 0 e Pentutylerrinia, es: i i 1 , I DO CEILTIIIr duit the aboVe ..., foregni , true and correct coypy ofllie. Origi. Re of the General Are:ably, entities . relative to an Ammidmeniof the Ciinstit ß 4 ,the, same remains 4f:file in this ogee. ' 1 , • ", In'tcistimonv *hereof Iha /, e urto set-my hand, andi muse •`-- fi• ik l. Axed !Alio seal, of the S . e,„ • .'4' Office rit llarrish ', thiA eleve ;' ow ofl3une Ann° D mini, l one , , eight hurdled d fortvi-nine. , • • 'TCIWNS 'ND IAIN I • .., ' ,Sre'ry the narrisburg, Jime 14,.1849--m. 1 , 1_ i- t ' ''. i - I “Joißtial . 45...1' Sato - " Resolution, No. 188, entitled `Resoliitl. tire to an amendment of the Oclnstituti. , read a third tiiii, -On k ,, the question, willth kte agrees to -the *olutioul i l i The Ye • 21.11 1 )1 were taken apte*bly to eCcif r is .- tituti. "were as . fothAvc vie.; , , , , 1 " YeAs.-Mes..'ire. Boals,Brawley, dialib,C ham, Forsyth, BugtO, , Johnson, LaWrence, aeon, t n, Matthias, M'.ilin,,Rieli, .114ards, S ak-ey, Savery, Small,Sinkser,. Sterrett cif.; ;, ' 4 ,Nlive—.l.lest!rs. Bmti Drun:, Friel{, Ivm, nigmacher, Totteiger and Dtiftie,l. "So the question veo determined by the .. ti e" _ iL1: 1 . i i ' ' "sDurnel .of the. Eroisse cif,Stiziposleati • wee. la Shall"the vesolutiop pass t They c,as and nays were - taken agreeable ;to l t,lte: provision.itif the .th Wel() of the Canstittit d i; add ire - as" )Iblli. •• - vit: „ . '' YEAs--Messrs, Gi J. 11,41Dafid J. I3ent, Gieit , - Biddle ; Peter ` - lot David 3L *e, Thoinks IC. Bull,, Jaciibi Cort John 11 . Dili , 'llNis thaniel A., Elliott, Jot p,h Ein*Diolil G. Nie man; William Evans,,John Fa Sitratiel4 ly, J • P er W. Pis*, 1164:It f,itaufr, .1 G' ve r, Robert`' Main it . .., , / 11 / 1 ;9 T '; es - J. Ifeiring, Ji.e. , ie tMO 4; ellgiles Jo eh B. lioNyer,l Rohm Kletz; rrisiinP, At l am Lainhe4, 4l ,l4,unes J. Lowish Lo , JacOh M'Caitnel( i , JONI F.l SPCul!o• i lir -cc, John hPl,i,mig Ihi,,, Main Militto, Mai 4. John 0. - 11; 1 wt 1 1 1 61 ( 10 411, Si P I 43, James : rtek4tenirG„ , P4t. Irs, fto ,' , George Ru y.,11 . ootlorelEyre - S. ... waver/ uPl'.° Ira. • 3. 1115... „inik; , :: ~ .**o- l i9it - 40 01,3% 11111 E S.O.NIL. W. PEA4SON, Clerk tom ; ,. sitoonth ant - 0( amii"" fiad JOHN o'sof ` „ Gee. Fellieelleek ct si style's Vise, 01111101 . AT:IMA '-' inef and . . ?MAO- jr. 'tit* 'crockery 4 ALSIP, :P4 tigteitl34 Snith of N. RE• , few d. uzirm#lg7ac:iiim, • Iggi adediaintlif" Hairdwi ' Croami y 'lo_s: Ory SO SP9OnIc r- Olk*l4 vers .: "t e e : , l it ' ware; Cr" .. , Spixtack bait. Jr '3lusiad ' • *wak AitEW' tOoilast", iety— betiyaitak 11)11 01‘ 4 04Pet and P 200 e JOY 18. • of SALT lbr PricOs at • LOUR wile; by' - Qc by • •t. Scythe *Miii% Jade lit- I 'Lanes F oun, July, 18;484ii IVIAOLA , lailetsboio 4:14 ery VW' July 18,1849: . et : .14 : 71)1, ~.1 ‘....J ib., for Laiiesboro S and B 41? a bys LY,QM Sully, 18,1849. *.vEs Band 'PIPE* side by l• LllO7 ' . Lanes boro July 48 1849. - _ • Ge 3 °' cents. summer CM Store of July 24fli. , by ry.e etingW; H.`ea:sy hs at -8 andF9.i Book Asesiru. _ hid d ad 's, 'NCTO,.._/4L41,•'-.IM *heist ar • 'HAM having ' • .•, •• Lbw* :ecelebrited liver 447, 1 nt" 43-e • ou t ing The value oflthes . 'terafry worlii ue*,l o ' Itt SEA lEN IL FO • for th, qoehanna co. subscriber. linowi to th Montrosse, TIR. H. 8311111, the eafivPul merous operations i pared with nicans of sets of Teeth of ciple, Where`by tees sprhigs or purpose de ed. Hotel, as usu his esidence Jessi week. - DFIS • eccired 24th. New P - BILE so , Great. Be chased the st, - Vow, (1* chase of New : Publklhe folliwing tail:' Pork cower, tr , the bb - L7b at .5 per mat t . oltu3 quantity.; Teg ger, beSolecheap this side of - N. Also 't-fullla with mast of in ust•• ( here to be etary:s th day usand :Great Bend; AVM Sew z ind , pis' diet; aoue. iduch offei ,Gi ' Jun ' NO* 1 AP" - rY 41 #Y. (hiumftiil arriving Gmat of cars rikg , east Yet*. going west for the night - tit frotalieVria ' tem each' train or rim Pa'refulind inn? •'r r. 4 _.y~p i - ' -'.. . ... !!#,lft, 'IVO iii . re_ 1 *ii , : . l ._ - 4 :-.:: i . kiiiiik:i t iot . 1 4 4 - y -3',..A. 7 0 .1 = ~7 44. T i ' .'* . ''. l .- ....-....d ..',1._:..11 pi t corresi T. 'e'-, _ , ij .~ ti•' r a ~,"r L,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers