The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, September 27, 1849, Image 1

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,v01 1 ,17211W. XXIV- 1,•-, •
,;;; ArLik.:4l
,pries IF; Chapinam'it--.
inlyeaChiljash - Or. Year, .• $I '5O
Alan the year, .
tl:e end of Pr year, '56
tor the Sutiiiiie*na' Itegister r ,::?o: •
Without loniblit.
, . .
-1:- DT ,iaLUDILOE ITTNIsHi. • d
,4e blackness, of night on,nll nature, is lying,' L
The moon has gone down, and the stare
AM* , • 15. ) 1 4 . 2 43 *t . *aPitit replying,'
Is heard iin, the concave of heaven
tome ulOhrough the darkness, grim, sable.ri
gia '
Now fast they are forming in battle array;
, garkt aukt , tromppA-14110 sounds a 104 nca4.
And another replies in 'the clistance gwayi,
What Itantghts•wake within th'ee, 0 mortal]
Of fire-winged tempests thro' night's gloorni
310untainIf law reeds, in their Mgres-s (1( the, slip&
.4 their meeting is fearful on high?
When the demons of air,ircllteii. frenzy awal4g,
commetiea, their career over mainland and ti lep ;
When-earth at the fear-rollin,g . thunder is q rq,
• .lindiorkedlightnings r the mad foaming i t vcs
unic l
~ i leap; , . ii
.Then each dark crime committed, by conseict!eel re
. ..
He in horror 'recoils from the soulscathing Sight,
Whoseisinewsrwere strong, and whose soul tieer
' *Med i ,
:E'en Murder to a. 'neath the covert of night
'The from triortid -eye; haply, thidarkness conCeal
' • ed hira, " '
Tho' unpunished brrnan; his requital is sure
For night, ivhich he deemed should from pstg.&
ment shield him„
Brings such tortures as only 'the giultf endure.t•
Ye the calmest of nights, when all nature'is dream
His wearisome vigil the poor wretch. must IF4ep,
Fir aye, to his rapt-mind's delusory dreaming,
Hovers near an avenger to steal hilt in sleep !
Oh, then, all the pomp, and the power and__thi
splendor, -7
All the riches received as the wages of . sin—
All, all bait his life he would gladly surrender,
The peaceful repose of the guiltless'te teio. '
I3ut ,wir, in each voice from the. forest, hreeze-slial
Ills victims last agonized cry meet- hit , car ;
While tha spirits of rengeatiee at lengt4 ;seem Lilf
waken, ',
Ind he trembles the rush of their pinions tat
ktar. •
rotira vI , At vi.ion of horror that evermore hauhteth,
• -tf he had bought,:
eternity daunteh,
the hellshetht
mamatain home,
footsteps strayed,
to map,.
trot ivooilland slunk,
;quiet tale.,,
or-nutple cling,
!miliirbasil, '
the breeze .a‘-. 3 . 1 mY lgitutee fling: ,
arbor, where ',oft I . hiid.. •
-day was finking, 4th Ifeen 'for-night
iiith, in s alter maj tY a pride. 1 ,
thee'; children to. Pease er litichtt
led to the Urickefe, &as IrP,
is of the streaMl4 7, • byi l - 4-
E . - 11a9,
:' r
‘ ,
,„ ~„,„_-„-, i; ..,,,,,,,L L ,,„, it ii iit - ~- - r 41 :
~,..t,,,A-. c,.._, , ,, ;. ,
~;Its r‘-...- .4-.- .-. -t , ,, l i v,p. , i i *
zar 1
fiicka- - *4 - . 7 114t2Dt i, _ ~..._ ,„, 5
- ditre,4fitioriettitgteti , i
itatelin' ginikThi , - • - , i
. 1 . , :-„ •
-;:,:- ;
l:d ,t. .r
r _ :i ;.~
4'h ..,-'r"~
the night wraiths
gash of their steel
artillery rattle
all tremble and
ildest< commotion,
'oyez the shine.
.ie Mutinous ocean,
trolest that call on his
Diast i
iw,ra .
..z :-
i , ~..
, . _
offik ,
t ,
I, .
:: 4 , , •••.:1 — ..7 -- .7 4 , - t" - 't t; . - ''.• 4 . -- 4.. :" - tyt'"l - t"' s.- "1' . .: 4
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peett-of i - .Hettrpt, M. ',Puiler,
- T r osE . • , I
Definei'vtl in<the Ifoirse of liepriesentativcs of Penn
' BVecotTg; Fcti.43d,A 90, 1849.'
bealgi,,F4ruary 3d„lon second reading.
Mr. Fur.= rose and said
Ma. Si eetaea--I desire to Make a few remarks
on this 'bill—and as: I have refralued from taking
any part in the discussion of •thdvarious resolutions
:that havelieen from time to time before us, I will
tbahkthe House to give me their attention on the
present occasion. The gentlenum from Union,(Mr.
Weirick.) says he cannot seethe; policy of comple
' tirrobis work; now :"sir, I propese to. remove the
• blincitess with which he and ethers seem to he
smitten, and to enable him and them to me. and to
:see clearly, that his Out only a hatter of policy to
'finish thiswork, but that it has now hecoinen mat
ter of.positive rweasity. •
It cannot have escaped the attention of the mem-
I'bers of this body, that a large nuinber of petitions
'in favor cifeempletinai the North Branch Extension
of the Pennsylvania Canal, has beim. since the cum-.
mencement of •the 803Sithrl, flooding in upun
Those petitions represhat that nearly two millions
. and a half of dollars have been expended on that
part.of the „North Brant:lie:um' between the month
of the laelife.wanna and the New York State line
tho heavy work is done, and that it
has sustained very little, if any, permanent injury
- -that by an estimate of competent and experinc
ed engineers, eleven hundred thousand dollars will
finish this gteat and important improvement—that
the tonnage•on the North Branch will consist chief
ly.of coal, the line passing through the centre of
the Wysaraing coal field. Te suppose that less than
Vivo hundred thousand tons of this staple would go
o market the first, year, would, they assert, be an
exceedingly moderate estimate. The canal is one
hundred mites long. At a half per cent, per ton a
they estimate the revenue would be one him
deed thOUSUIId dOilarS. The petitioners say they
believe thatlit the end of five 'years front its com
pletion, not hiss than half a million of tens would
be transported upon it. ;This would in a very short
time pay the cost of completh•n, and, as they be
have, produce a „Treat interest to the Ciimmore
wealth. They:therein& earnestly pray that the
necessary Appropriations', may be nude and the
work be munteliately resumech ' -
Now, Mr. Speaker, fluidic infinzeation of gentle
men who have not studied this subject, I would
state thrit;fhe North Branch yanal, commencing at
Northumberland. is finished to the mouth of the
I,ackawanea: distiu.e - . o r gevent -three miles. It
Was commena•ckin 182 S, find finished in I8:14 ; and
the rolls now reeeived ',from this finished work,
chiefly frout tolls going. south' in e'ompetition with
t h e L e hi g h and' Schuylkill regions, yielded during
the present year, according to the report of the Ca
red totnmissioneri. ahem - '145.000, which ter:vs,
allowing also for necessary repairs, an interest of
ten per cent. on its • cost. ' But the canal we pro
pew _torrid be finished, is known as the hearth
Branch Extension," and commencing at the mouth
of the Lackawanna, extends to the N. Y State
line, a distance of ninerksfour miles Upon this
unfinished racial, theSel4ietitions represent, we
Have expended two millioi: and a half of dollars.
The first approprintioa. I think, was made in 1886.
the last in Ist0; ;and the sten expended, in
exact figures, amounts to ii:- - '2,4B4,fere 60. Upee
• that sum the people of this i cernmonwealth and the
constituent of the gentleman • from tlnicin have
been, andare now. paying an interest of r1"12.5.00u
per anntimovithout deriving therefrom one dollar
[ of benefit.
Sir, at the time of the .slispensiori of this work. ;
„the Board Of darial CommtAioners, of which I think
?,-yoti (addressing the Speaker) were at the time a
Member, were siiimpre& - sed with the importance 1
of its completion that they :made in their annual
ii report. in 18-I'_ the following statem l ent : , .
l ilt - The work remaining to be done, when comple- .
lted will open a very important and unquestionably i
!the most profitable line of improvements in Penn- I
lsvlvania. Let those Who doubt this remark cast
1 .141
eh- eyes on the map,. and 'observe the point at
'which it will connect the public works of Pennsyl-
vania with those of New "Volt.; that it opens 'a-di
ect water communication bCtween the great iron
and anthracite coil Sfaiu
_paha RusT7Pligritia....q.
- the Far West ; t at the trade which Would be brat i
1111 vim -canal by the thousands stud tens , of thOu
iamit- tons of coal which would be shfpfaxi to sup-
Aiily, the cities. libiuishing villages and salt works in -I
Ivestern New 'Yi - elt, wOuld altm`e yield cAls{sough,
'to pay the ihteres6 - ini the c . ),ta of the construe
firm—tlutt it effecte the netife't connection bet Ween
the anthracite coal region of Pemisrlvania and the
boundless country bordering )ion the lakes. Who
in his senses can FA limits tottbe:trade below th e
entire capacity of the canal lr'
ifSir, those who observe the map of Northern
. 1 4 —
Pennsylvania must discover that when this work
, completed, it will pass direCtly through the heart
of the Wyoming , alibi .I.,acktWunna coal field.--.
i Their basin, the higesf in Pennsylvania. is sixty
ruhles long by five in width,.. , etabraning atiaren of
00 square miles. or: 1 92,g00 . aeres. This coal field?
has been thoroughly explored ;by Przfessons Sill.
man, Rod,, ,, ers, and Luther eminent- geologists, and,„l
thpy have repined siverrveimi , of coal, with an ag-, ;
grpgate thickncisraitotantim 14 seventy feet yield-
mg 119,000 tonslo the acre, or 22.840000,000 to. ,
th.entire dad amount sufficient to sustain
an annual export of eleven; millions of tons for a l
-,thiOustind yeant. The - -sopp
It ii inexhanstable, and ;
tit , next ., !—otie- s.rnarket r :,,
it li r
ii entletnen-who giainifine 4het:rnap will likewise
-:dif,norbn that this tonal : yr 4os , n.‘ to go to the New
"" k State line. 1 , it , will `they litcmect, with the
.1 ' ction.ermal,-chaftemi Il i thestate-ofliew York,
-iii 1 3 4 ,6 7#409.TiF5... ; 43.- connection -1 6 W:the ON- -
Viei'SenCOlFX. 46 l./ta-.4t ilgaitkbY ite.ontlit;l
.. , omat-.sA: 4 t4rti_ we. -, t 3 „/lere , ,Arin also:be.
.4. l. on . settoti...AsltuNneitaego tans/. at .sittighatuton,
- ±;NOogA.4irAct , *ater coP?lnumnati9n, thro'
IC ~ ' ~ P*3l,434itinist,,D4reett, the tratera of :th e . ,
i is4ii:ind.the chsisapeake, and those of I lce ,
,-' ar.,,e,..Fpiantu,,,4lariiiitii4xp„..-iit.
fiiiil : . l-,. .; . = ';l:tioi , ,;riOnatleSin'ilie"stat'E - , t(.1 1 ::-
Y ., . -,'liiiittili i -"ltOi‘iiitstiotititie l lg. 4'isititSyliatiii,.
r fi ''' ;, -- . nestrefittl,
_their Itattirz communication=
AO niPOtilapAiP , ON**ll‘thtitilxte whicknoiv
n'':- ' _r_g'oes tcl .47iXigititf*I j oattirally.fit4'
,o).„pkii4o . ltibt* liii, the' 4iiit*ttlini4 is . l
'Aft ',.srioii(i 6,6ra ;Nlitdetilak! WIt : : 4 0 31.1
''1 63 1 4 : ' ll4l '. , ' l4 - t 'tit tr the e* *6 l lo l 6 o o :"4''lll 4l4 'l"keo E44l 4 ssirijer eta` icei)4.7l'
;-,,,, ' 1 ~toie(itifili:4 la • ‘, ' _ 40,. 1 441140 1 .
d . ;/#lOLOl$, - . , l ‘i Piepida, - ,
is r skor
' ''' ' - • '"4""i r ' "- 1 "tiiikeirAiansil: is`'
t . . kiiynsilieWtikeraitaniiia 4iiittliiiip
'44llLl-'look --, i'''' - 14iikvktonts3ra
lkirai. --- - - '4v.:Aiit,-7.iiite
- went io the State of :qew Yo . rh, because there is a
1 aierket there,l,and'it seek it. The article of
!lumber - is also another! source from which there will
be a handsome TP.STOLIC. These gentlemen Who
hove 1„leou here in the pring, of the year, must have
witnei.sed the immense quantities of lumber lea.,-,in!;
down the river during the rafting season, on its lc ay
to the Daltinaire and Philadelphia markets. The
counties of Wyoming., Tiont ni I iiradford sent'. a:)-
, rluaity ta).noi t.tptict ft. e: it:0)(T to market by way
of the ricer. hl. a fact that all this lamber that
...... .. , .
take into'conSidera;Ooli the lengthin this ioiintrY. This Mai ' 'WC -41 ' . 4sa .-
PoPdatidn of' 85 ,'9 il. No ,
y see . an a..._ft•
ed•in'Eogiand, abd • It is staf 'tie been, .. and- note i are, di but' it4s nevertheless, h fact. For eiteilitig
__„ , . r ____ . ak. . _ _ k ut the whole 'of vs - vstern New , the Delawitrei and' I,l.ndson.bythis mtio,.you have
his valuable - Work on the
that. the, quantityl , of coal consumed ialuglaud ex, Yorll I 11014 in niy hand a letter from a geatleinam 1 161 miles ik leugth, iltile the .North Brunch is only,
cecds a ,ton_ to eE h inhabitant these counties livin in Syi - acu.'se, in which.he says there is l at the , 118. -., , t . . .
have largely increased in population since 1840.•=- • wilt torl, 'Of that place 'a doily consumption of I We - all Ittltitr ; , sr, that the ett - pensb'ef. airier:-
Within them aro , ,thelarge towns Elmira, Gene. fro 1000' ti? 115000 cords of .wood, much of Iwhich I vision, the ChnStractio of. 16ek-lioctses;';
va,'Rochester ; BYracuse, Cananthign, a, Utica, Medi- is h ughti 4 distance of 40 or 60 miles, at 4 Cost 'Mg of locl4enders, i- a' great burden,,nlxl4,the
rut Aubatti. Binghamton, Lockport and Buffalo.-L of li- n ad. 4o $4 a cord.. sow, at this very out ,' Treasury, tuaLthe delay-, which necess.iily Mises
tautly of trill& wy.l cities full of a, large, eaterpris : (Syr :use, fwhen this mo l d is completed, WO , Can ' from ratssing; liroUgh' the loch, increafea"theTeir
lug - 'and flourisihin population ; and it is a moder- doliv anthracite coal' )?-t . ' per ten. We lean 1 petilsd• Of trio itportation; 'But' i•ega - id'z'iii'Alii.
ate estimate to t..ay that in these counties • aluii delit• coaltthere, from the Wyoming valley as ' canal, the slat l'ic - isiuttv would.. evidently did re , - ,
upwards of 1500,000 tuns chea as they, now purelfaie , wiaa.4..and 'il'et all i leitted of thoso draw deka frean, , sthe ne4leyeline.
there isa market *Pow for
of coal.
,''hat market is increasing, and aever mil know idirabte coal is nmelapreferred, and that a 4 to aigreater ~ teuptia any otlieg.imprOte;t
diminish,..Ar his% cold country, and fire_sides are ton of coal 4 eqyal to two cords ofliirood; bCsides ; nick in the state: 1 1. V ilialltheserpeetiltiir'''ail*.*
multipl \nig, whiq wood is diminishing; triaitufac- 'the tx ible' dad 'expense oVpretnariii '4 the wriod is I tap's, • iliefeforV; it is net 'sin -prising ' dal:Calf:the
terries tfrei springir4 up, steamboats are ploughing Maio; e9nal to tile price of the article 'itablf.,--. Canal ICommblioners in passing alongi...thisli
the lakes: torus and villages are' growing. into j When this claual is completed; 1 ron.warranted iu i . that all obr,asivernoratwholuive.,paased.:tdo4if.-4
large andllourisluag cities ; and so themarke . t must rise ti . du:4, there
t iminetliate dquand i unite in re l tiornmencli ' b .. its
,ontpletion., ,it is, a
of necessity coast:44ly increase, and never can di- fur av ry lute amount Of anthricite coal. ' ; natural etitlet, One wht 11 Natari her4elf liiisfitillit;i:
In tht l . - S' matter, Tani - Speaking from authhritv; i ed out titid'Whith th . . projectors `cif Obi taternal
ininish. ' f ,
. Mr. Spc:ther: it is a reasonable estimate that is '-not .uts oxen 'information adone. - , Even-tnerity i Improvements have wti*ly followed. . s it . ' - .. i.,;".
made in these, petitiont:; - : that ‘200,090.t0ns of coal i ' year* ago; IS, AVitt Ri4tott, ithelclistinguished,prtk. l' I theaid te, itfigkested - theittlibr slay • Oat' this I
would 'pattiinior,tl+ .trial the first yit4i. Now the , Peng of the Preat Weatemyclioal, .declared ire 'taintf - tptisistolliningi -their bitiminetis itticitaof 'a
outran- led portion is 9 1 },miles in length, and but . was then, italttliat time, a inathet; fur over lilt a Bradford county, and, h being,neareutho market,.,
17 miles of that 'which is lion 'finished passes thm' tnillit;4l ottottiz, if they ctizild procure the hitti did
~pro44/y liFytAhl SUSijit t thin
,demand to, winch, I
'the Wyoming- coal 'field. I repeat, then, that it is a fair grad rtiOlers.te price. - If, by; the 'Coifllllololl hive .., referreit-Lan t ithi : the tintlititeite." . ',iCiiiikl
atair and reasnmtbie estimate t o suppose that 200,- of this canal, jive can deliver, the article at-0.. oz. would be'entirely - cut '': kiiiir plain fa & grill: ;
000 tons of coal, ,v,iould pass aloes this work the tremety moderate' price which I
t have ,stated, 'then answer this - rObjectfonfl - The •people 'cif' TOwitns,..;
first vein after it is finished, going north. And there must, ot neces.sity bii an immediate find lin- living within.ten miles I of. this bitominouslegiori,
1 ,
gentlemen. will find t avy the bill that too propose mensb cobsuniptinn. ' ' go clown even - :winter with Pitisten,,apd I
increasing the toll.ria anthracite coal going north - I havoathe ltatement of Mr. Foster, showing the carp back ctt4rai,te al to burn inn their . grtifea. '
to one cent. per too a mile, which, would yield the distauctiffroni 'filen:tines to the various powtsaq qae And I believe that tit people of Willatni ‘ spott,
first year, from the article of iulthracite a/une,e , 2oo,- State of New Tor, where the coal is tam be debt.- where you, Mr:. iSpeak r,•restde, .burn. this cell tha
.COO, supposing tire', coal to pass over on an aver- cred. I'Ve cah deliver it at Elinit, a distance of preference. Although hting.m,tlmt cry hearfrol'Ate
'age 100 miles of.eaital. That this is au estimate 117 milts, fq' 82 77 ;at Seneca hake fore; ht i bituminous region- No is this surprtstag t. for all
justified hi' the farts!, all who have travelled on this L Geneva, Sor ::,•1,45 :at Palmyra, for 84;ht Itocheiter, - who are aoptainted • with these coals, ltnew lhAt,.:
work will readily believe; and there being at this i for t44,3t ; at Oswego, for tt.4..8 : at tidal, for I the 'anthracife;t:s l ,a harder coal; it Wins liniger,'li4
time a market fora large quantity, the necessary 11,16, at Syva t 'cuse, fur ft3, - .1. ;mid at ilittalo, for •-!,, '4,2,ii. i less dirt, and gives greater hiatt i.:md fcir clomeefie
capital is already i4ested, the mines are already 111- a letter placed in my hands Ii; 11r. lieneqiet, I and mositnatinfacturiagi purpo-es, it is superior to:
opened, the , laborersi are on the spot, and every )(lava tnebilar from Lazi. rne coon tyireceived frontl. theotlier. -: .., .. ~ : ;, . _ . , -„,z ,„.t t , ,
ihmg is prepared to lino-ease the quantity to bite , the Sla-tor or - 4unit), I learn that in that city aliline, 1 M'r:Speakei, the quaOtiondias heron itsked,rl",f
ea-tent of the market there b now I market fur 160.000. tons of coal.— I this work; pOsseslea,suclit advantaOs'as l yon : repftt-
In addition to the article 'of anthracite coal, there ila 16.44„100 tons of imilnacite coal4was sol 4 at I Sea. why did not,,-the. company to
..Wh0nt ; .4.,w,49
is the 1;111.11/A,11011S i. 4. of Bradford County, through $lO per ton. ,V e eau deliver h through this canal 1 given e;on-mti completp., it?" , -. sir, I :will . answar
which the cas - ral lutist-be made. That coal Ft id for 5.t5, 1 .25 per lib. Now sir when . 6.1 can he de- . that question." The company - was organized - a4
embraces O°;000 aer4t.and it i, a very low estimate liverol at this? moderate price, at' so many large a the very first '.'alay that Wit, ilts. were opened, the eri-.
to suppose dint., at) otio mos .ott th a t ari irk! won) d and urpoctant (whits, there must be an iminediale ," tire stock was, taken; one hundred and"fifty ,thod-.
pass :M.N.; the clued, vllieli at die prsent rate ~i ni.oket, 1., nieeti the large demand already created. I sand dollars. of It liv the jeitirens of Pennsyleitida,
1,,11 a otil:1 niake in net it,..23,ti0t) derived from b; t :aid- sir, G,;-itileinan 111:1‘, - be surprised at this statement 1 and the' resitlii biethree prionrientlemetfreiddit4
t'o'ss- cont. • . ' that c, 'al ran 1.,, , i djliv'ered'itt. so retiticed'a price.l4 !in the. City of igVitir York.l', l the tirit ittstalitient,Was
Thcre k the ibin n laiz
rColumbia. erne and 1 bat - it is a fact, lieu in the Wyoming and Lacka - , • paid; and when t the sccand was.,lthe liel-
Northuniberl4nd counties, and evia of Union, a 1 Ntqmtio; valley; 'We can mine cheaver than in stair pie of retasyly4ll4pai.4theirs, but the pintletnen
p eat porno,' of whieli Would pass over this improve- 1 other ciial district. It is mined there and del 11 N
iveted t lins• Fork 4-led:to
.twee: .'ttie . ...rlentatd" "ution
is really vallai)le upon the canal iu yo.-,•for
encetO TiVOr. bi.e:ni-e rho n.k n 1 the down riyoz
niriontion and the diuna.ze. F.ttFAstir i el by the lum
ber ia 1ti4 , r41 than excl.:ea, th , .z.
of ;JAL, and frui"4l.i.t. emu. it i a ni...xivrate calcula
tion 21)::•.t.lei.01:4),()00 ~I"reet—two tl.tird. , of Outran
rnarl:,-t b•F way of Me
canal. pa4.4u2., it., , eatli-i3 length.. The ph/F -
ter and sa of .Ncw '.1441t,, large qua.atiiy
which coax, tin in ark.—all (~
woul,l on the ca:.alt---wmfel con,titutealiother
ialpertaut iternlfor rtv'epue.
pun ail these facts . !therefore Flare based an
.e.stunate,whielt 1 1 think oan be sustained,that there
would be the hrst year' after the completion of
this work and its being put into navigable order. a
revenue exceeding*.l3(t4,()oo derived from the ex
tension and that is an amount which not only pays
the interest on the sum proposed to be obtained by
this bill, but also would pay the interest upon that
Yvhich is now a debt, an leave a handsome surplus
Again, Mr. Speaker, the location of this canal is
a strong argument in its Savor. It is located on a
high level: In l ithe.reptirt made in ltt-In MT.
Foster, late a Canal Conlmissioner and one of the
most experienced Engi4ers in the State, he says,
(after travelling': along Oitt entire length of the
canal) that the :biglt,llo4l of 545, whiah almost
swept away the i lyest Branch and Jutaima ditisions.
and by whlch the Dela - a . ..l i re Division was damaged
to the amount of * - n - -0,0001 tvocid not hare injured
theNot-1h Brantli; 11441 i r b 4 -it tort - Timed. to - rot
it - about of fAitAl S
al „ aut vi ,i ) 0 1. 1 At a.) point did ticit tioutl, the
ialown l fordtall ai century, rise above the
pilule of the canal
And. sir. in conbeetion 'frith this fact. in s looldiv•
rarer the Canal Coininiv-ioaers: report, we find Eliat
list year ibettern of extraordinary repairs alone,
exceeds •:.I;3o,tinoy The necessity for repairs and
the dilly at Making, tlicni4l-ery largely diminishes
the airintint of toils, and i'erY - seriously reflects the
revenue. of the (*dummy-61th. •
Mr. speaker, if hye finish this Canal we 'make it
at once pcpdactive.. true, as a matter, of
dollars":uid cents. ,Itut thq gentleman from Union
thinks 'we kire'too •potir. We aro, sir; too poor to
- thmwi away two millions arid a half of dollars- , -too
poor , to throw away, $125,000 annually, and receive
nothing; Nye are itoo poor to, abandon, this im
provement when it .can be made With a small out-
lav, to pa) and pay well. ; If the gentletuan ever
"AviAw to see Pen ;vans rise from benttli the
crushing weight that, prigiSes ber.down, he must,
adopt a ANNlisefijat4 wrist
mine . the public, rapioyements
r prohtatle . . We
'Cannot afford bilbrgtv away' ; ' ills great Piildie *Ork.
Finish it, then, I say,; and you not only promote the
interests' of-thepeoplelivu#4dong its line, but you.
tub/twee. the walkre,of your, state. You double
find treble t i he value of,proferty:: 'You - increase'
will 'in
courage capital to mine in from - Maio:id:MA find'its.
, Iwav . there airtoitg the. illianufactories
lx/ 11 4Fiug 4P, 4;.:t4fztA" ltiliTes -69(4 into
being, You wi4netre•the,4olOt tbelatorei, and
fit the whole Wintry goalshinglaid hippy
As -.Afittatt.iiak intiusure,, Otis the best tiiing,;;rott
caBA I 9. f/44' , it 4. ta-ievfrafe- biUs;f 4 F. thoughof _money out of the,Tieasury,
ittradt 'lo 4 iet .
was berd . la*sipitiliV_Effei_iifriitl•rsat the beer
: On Trulay,tbe ift 1 . 1 140411.-..be4-, again &
6tisidehitiosl4.._.:Fullstx7paitt*t..4lAd 194144.4eW
:- ; l4 .*:Ag g t u4 l l.. .+:ol* - 44 6 44 1 0f;-....--PittoTgo..4 ft
ftE; 414,0 11 ,W4.414414 4*.0'5:74.1.4*
filminyttitv , ie -4 4t 0 9;voctitz-34:eity.thit
xraiNfig RS. .4**,000 - -
,Angxbaustkb,lo-itotip,l.To4-400104-. , §009i3.1.'
Atit , :ik:44o4*o4; -
,pppgrojneavrigios_ , ,
Atlyoe ie
- bo;:fr -,1!1 1 * 11 1" 13 0 -"I
- •
'Abe g
..-. •
y Y
~•= ~ --~.
on the canal at!frein .9;0 cents to a dollar per t n,
and large. gnalltities have been spat to• llama id
! (a di4aace- of sixty tniles).'and sold there dating
the pai:t and prseii, years, on, six months' crcttit i
, at :.5.1.73. In ,t lie Schuylkill worth
:?1,7,5 at the ptti r 'month. Sir the cheapness wall
rich it ran lielnined, give; lasi very great adran
' cage in this . re-pki, end this very low., price must;
give iii,the market. 'Now, I have a statement,,
N% hid' I rt:ard 4s extre - weiy in,.derate—thuujib, no ;
tlemen wal r••Lx...rd. it as ektrava-'
, ( . 411c: „
gam that. in ten,'rear..3 after' nits4i
ha t
been coinfileteilYiliere will ri.isti orer 'it xtumlull4 i 4
Si.u.t.loo tea- - ; of 4niliratite etial S Title may her4i
a large sliii,eciel4, but, those wile will eatunitie thk"
inerea-e coal lupon chi, canal, going south. du
ring the last 'five !vears---eoming in ennipet itiot.
it neeesuarily hat:. done, frith-the coal field. . of
Leitiah and .Selihislkill—cun , come to-no,other cad!. '
elusion, than that this is a. fair antleurreet
In 1x42, 11t re was ,hipped froth
valley to the! south. .17,fie) ton. Tn 1847,
Nra.4 shipped 289,0(a).--an annual inerettr.e of
more Ulan 50,000td.)11..3.
There is nothing more surprising in the lairsincss
history of this coutttry, than the a-tonishing increase,
of the tioni-timptilin cif coal. In 1.8'20, there were
bat 345 tons elkaTiped to market This wits front,
the Lehigh region 4 while List year, there was ship-1.
t .,
ped t170,U 1 09 , . . In he Schuyll,lll region., 1it,...1525, t
there was shipper 11,500, and last year 1,689,000.. 1
Is it not then, a a . estimate, hlerins the mar-1
ket to which this ici)al must -..0, and the increased
consumption which must there be. found, that in.
ten years 800,000 i tons will annually pass over this
. t
canal I
Sir, it is the hist ry of all canalS in This country
as well as in Etirojt, It i , :invariably tliaciuM that
those which pass , eigh, a mining. district to- a
certain market,, ale.-aiways productive.. A canal.
may pa--...s through, (loe richest ag,ricultpral re . ;ion in,
the Torlkl, and it ti - II carry otf iill the' surplus
produce in it tinitifkor or two-, bobs canal pasing
through ii.lniueraliregion i , is burdened , from the
openi4l; to the elo.ifr of.tiavigation, for the harvest
is ae% , -r t xi.t:t u-, ed. I t in. Englund, we find that canals
which pas's throqgh! a tntheralre,pon, 'have very
lar; , :ely advanced: tieyou , l the Orie:inal - price. The
nannouthshire eors , mg .£lOO per share is' worth
.1:20V; Swansea, watt I:100 and is selling ate 30 ;.
Ilochdlle,.V.A . and ii selling for 4280 ; the Shrews
bury; :Arhich Cost tli'2s is woith 5306 ; Trent and,
Mersey. cost 501. itidlA selling -at M , 15 ; - while the
Liverpeol, Which co:sir-L.300; is worth v.. 5676.
Kr. Speaker, the ; secret of the Value, of the-se
improyen i ent.l, is t.h, mineral Which passes over
them. it is the ley tonnage *lii hh they catry.;
We have the 'sante experience in this 'countrY . .---, ,
The Delaware andh,yudson canal which taps, the'
.Lackaivanna tpgiott*t the north, has been paying'
for seal years, a tsemi-aimnal diihlend of ten_
per cent. 'ilfltvl' , nits trout the Cent paksiq iiter
the- canal: . 'Tim DeltiWare'Divisien 111 paying 'ten
•per, , cerd. Why...sir li 1 Itis owing, to.thev coal and'
iron which pkses plek, the.canal.,,... 9tir,uwp• ;fetal
BranchAvision t. , '? pa -14 , nOw , more than ten per
cent. - ilikl hs'eOst. ' lieetisl'of the Vairich . Proper
extending train North ibeilalidloqlle Na ntierike
-dam.: ,was' about :81, , 3,{/00.:. ;The .I)3yonting Di: ,
vision4thout :f5301;1,9091 more.. 4
_,V1 . #494 -11FV1 prsa„
Di vislans excepl 145,190:tiut,ing. the resent '
, yeat.
What Predtie&i it,'io, -- re iSthe: coal. - ''' .'" '
.1 havretalieadfspiik4tiebmetiiitig,'44lo.6thkeime
to the Imam' tofitlai44• bal.: kaailLtba,tit.waslo-.
•C 4 rthil . PPoll a I bigkiev it. bejt ) Dtktke.,Tch.cti *sic
. : periodical_ jto7ds, kvi . xii: Itax. occa*led so Much'
- destitietiori totlia - hthW litiprOieilientUf"the'Slate..
'- , --nrid, baing,jo)l";iiitf ' '" , ivoitltt . iiiit'iati itit t lict to_
.the4T;ltearyZaraftit kkit,"-exingerdiail'3ießir3"
whicli..4ve..f.o Ipri9ly Aknoetoid4.3,ANygnue.
( 1,,:p
, 'fr,ota `11,4 other jnmr itna.nta cif the ktsite..
_Thefe ;
' ire iftlitY-tii , ii inito"ti . 'iTrtlfe untitailtdir iiiirYittrj;,
ready , danaj4dttitt'lti , 4etiebbil, litectionaf , 46,ll ,
„adcarclittg-, , t0- the",ettiiiiates oulitt.4otet zt , :i 1 -
1 091
1 54tec t.10,.,cit410t,41a ,lOasa,.yactip*:.)osP e nol,l4'j'
4 43 A t a Fhr the "of .1 4 ,#,: i - , 4 11 1 1 4c6014
'tbtli v a.4fittitita,.ll:tliet Nita' anal ta4 , 16 - dtiata- . ,,
liteleViliaiiittieltialr , , 'ittitiattiii:aiit tviiiiy , tiiiir r e ,
Aivistins infaitit*: , ;.. . ; : , ofttbe...atatalitaprave- ,
IRte-Iw94 l .4fikViaffl ' , ...iFe41,104.0 .4 1 .:419 , 9 1 '
.4Ati 1 C0t,§5c 1 09,/t4 i ! , SOrifftik. i s f .- '•.- 1
' . ;ilii - ltipieii ; ":` .... - fitltltti YI; ; POTfheT6.93
• Wid!Cliall* , ilittlf 'i1.... -.'
' ' ' ' ''
itiktersaiii'' 4 7 ! . - , ' . ' /OW,
iit - he
al A- '
gi. 3*alCir O
t i
. aPIReiTC
*r tiPe
4vr4 '
;7 1i . *ee( ' '' 1116 :f e eP
' -
849 ..)
thern ; an& butt;fel the stock cotihr.b ' l su&infeKti •
and the books r l et/Peued. he One which
bettre had 6 , i-tinted expired, and lyben application'
wq:s made to extend the. time. it Wa. - -iteinsi4 Had I
the time been Oi.tended the wctk , would inctlelceettH
nnw under contract.
There is sir, l. ii)totherlntlitter connected nith this i
canal of.tonsiciaAle consequence . It cannot live%
e'caped the attention of the members-of this 'Hopei,
that a largi• number of pe itiori4Vave been 'prCsent-i:
'aßking• Ihen this work
conttunplation, tlie:runle li ems alom its lire, rein
i..• deoply,:inipre*- . withl the r 'ativant, they,
woldil derive front it. that they relv,l,ed their land
to the ~t:,te on eettditio th:tt _lewould fitti4i the
camel. They Ottuitte their : ,pads to be i broketi
up, their fenees,to be c rri 41 away, .and.the fairesty ortiotisr or their" fahns to "c destroyed, helidiing
I that the <f tte-"*Otiltlfu li, 'e pkite:sbe ti:ii3 given,
I, :Ind finish the curial. ey hare waited lon, for .
nine long years ; without oltaining redress,
: without'
t eventeifiitig it, believing that the faith of this coca
! trionwealth tm6e ktifen could be depended tiiimi; be
i -- iftl,
lit...‘ln . g that SlieWtittld 'nor r*padlate her owriinniler
takintri but would#o citi in pod faith and. enutplete
; what she .I.4.coingiOped. I After nine long:yenis
.of hope deTered they still trust the veil of i error,
which has so long li"rlaided lthe face of this Legisla-
Ore, will be liftcd(4, and ...l.,etuisylyania. will. see
{tad adopt a e`oun'pli4,pulicy.Which her true iiltierests
require, and
.i'.'hielitOr 'plighted faith dentdidi:--
They have waltedifiir jitstiee 'qnd'uow they disinand,
as they have a Tiglit. tedema tut that the: state shall,
e on and finish.til ,ivork, a.4 . slte• was..pledge t t or
that She would..givpthenkdarnages• 7 —thatsbe Would
'lender th'eni justice: 'Ti Would be hettix that this:
Inenntaent - of her fiiilY, inn'tle O by her Oelit in itt4,
1, teoinpletion,. were obliterated 1. entirely, than: that it:
il l, should t it. is:: :ILIA' cils l 'of being .a bePefi;
i i it is a potitiv tillitiry.., . „Trio. ad, of
,ai canal
..o e -y - ;
r latrel a t.ii4litle:4l dtta`lt - This rtch - Shenk! be filleat.
i .
!! Up tit- the' canal finished`' . tis they have alright
II to' demand. ,* Theyh#virpaid htlitatzestheerfoilY;,„
(they are : twilling t to,,letntinge 1 paying.. Meru.-lAll
Ithey ask 'is that the l Joith of
1 . The question has 4)oe,ti,.asi
wionev to come fro& r , It:,
ortli" ftranch"eanet r.• It is' a si,
01l 'lre , raw on thoertnaL •It•
hos 6 tolts,fhat our. .00/ { :pastiiih
.4tent, passluto the-efffers of,:
rare not askir .- ,g yon' fogii , o
deka!, altholighYott hai.e giq
tnnsion: ' We are not4sking
nunimoth railroad- along -th,
i . prorements.
_yre4ire only
.4 eanal - for'irottioitliene)
't trib liring'erongliaiiie: 1
4 - 4 om the 'State •Twasitr:if; , -Ai s y.
..ivio itake bui4/ 3,000 „OOkilio At•
~ I ti uo, net.take ,atg ; liPmedir
0 t going to 411)41114 th'e rii
4.l6h*the'itst i et - Fel3Ai.t.l77t)
e l
a... 4 e, and 3I5;090 Elie.
Mit; fiy'iintitheiidilietfi L irlich
the, itert4 khal.ObergeE
IA , nfter tinlh completi.* off.
4 Y. ,:flaisl , already,-tn ..4xterept 4
:to..finish this, cannl. ':lrelitve
'Zing) inierestrSitule'leir*fli'aliti4
work. It is time we were h ,
sb ' id financjetsetneth4A4
fo the pre4ene 'll4 lifealyftl
'W.'-ilinorehtiitiZ Mr:Lair/1441:
.re= lintiortreferriot,thiiimatto - r
„of, rs-49 ( 1 44 1 4 1 ., 4,4 1 it.p. dia
the x . .tension . woOld co si :::1,1
liito, 'where'lle . :bbtaineirlie
ittAi not .hasp spoken front
thPatate'PPOsz9t :
*.4 1 10 1 ° AY! §'
itietina haila
itt tho town.tif _
state line, anOhat ,
or 05000 wonld' be
ro.Screll kmairAlLl
•4 1 , 4 14 , friNgtt0at '
le Anto rTp-, aka yi
I ..wpakt 00;1:41
9414 ii,444-c-e
... „'
penditmi; does -:ytit:: i
dead9the Eitt;ekti4eA
ought to be made,: fte
-Spttaker, thecompoldit .
inze this dead„y-k
-make: ii prijanctivo--)
Reibicnoc• Was, ni
of the-tray to ,pr ove:
state seocilsnfteikk
ed, liiit!th!'erovd!lunt
few days'. ThisTia . 9o
air contm4y4cr '
- . :iiifectitkhY . .
sir, I sWartit,.
has muMilued'.l l
that evdq does n
semi = anikullkii#ert
Lau- ruracinibe:- to.
that wo'FidAtfect,
, Di a mu e.h cilicir
['them mide: - ,foOt,
hroker , hiAnaiket:' ,
,4 . !mesticet.onk - haaoi,o
,Y.;:fer-OtiO4:#4-se! 3 !..ifet
would - ' nkibuil4f , f , -
Ilia fiiiii i'.6, ithik r oittiathi
pe' idedi linieh;:tinir iihieh,
ti inea,zueg otfitattekapp44
of the Cointrionwealtlimuire,
4 iiik.
~,,,..:-; , ,n A ti.-v_ 1,;.,,. .: 1:
'” The` 1116' trltibiiltiven'' hi
Myotning.,: (kr. ,T.,.ittle,l-iiiii. ii
ili po_4l l ..ft-If.ikti quatOrtd i 4
to construct n by l o4CitakliP
hig:abittiiiiiits., -- rdr'ilit'liiii''
then hbandmidhe:worklot
.jt. 13e--F,L, %p 011. 1 . 7A10,..gPii
surrounxiing,eoMitty, ger
ilieiWiPrd ~Werra: killing ; ,
'Of tbilsag!..ibilitiltitak'nde
ifine-Would•it tint„ - ;t: ' 1 ";
give it, uplto dekruct •
tie effort,Mid knalltid. itg
s i ,
'l3'd Math , PrAdditi'vel-_li.
,titeert it siate Mid. ail'h4i
•;', •'. I know that:there r
facorabi.Y.-IhnProssea- 3cit
desirous - ofYotingloi„#'7:' , ")
' 'fenr atioultheir cbits - tituehl
to legiSlAN'Air the'oesiiiini,
interests—and when... 4 -,.. :rim*
measure 4 for her inkilesti
her condi4n—he ought „ toiit
. ' etiitidini:eitice hid supkt
`themOtto4" Fret-4
jai - elan: 4 :
should ,fic'; . what is right--ki . tduit
--hi' skould Vo what he, belietes
te rst. of the CQlurcipnw4,l*..:
hoMei if he ', l vote 4 for this' mea
-coustituenti that-he ihand - the
-a large sum!, of money,--whichl
there was an., annual .drain; lipon,
,Si 25.000 t pay th e . interest :caii i
1 for, Nyitich,they are now' ';tleiesi ta
would heNdtter t ' .. relieved. -I ''.iii
constituents; will approve hii dor
.few years hence,they, frid, : the'xi
from toll- s ou this iMprovemenk
'those, wh eat ! lihrepre:.Ads ; i4l4
the accuttcyj o f 'his .views;- anit,
,eviderice of their apptetiatiam ill - -
, 211 . r. SPeaki!r, we.urP.s,ittil to ,'
of the CLOW.. no doubt we we
were developed. y
,say ger
rciee. are., indeed,- too potrr toil
Inioney, and ;bur very-poi - art:l
- resume this irk. ~Vhe. Oul, l
bur necessitie is by . (JUN-elk
Tennsylvania is rish m,,this..-
tn.,her motuniins. She Must,
'Wealth to u ,kc .
t. , This is , the h
iln'will . ‘ever ; ` relieved'; the
_,ever (=Meh r,to stand wi
4-first and fo '
most among
fedemes. 'TTt
is ..the position
iiri'ii in this Ili ti is a4mys't4
Thd - hilli' . ift.Y'u'e - etiii tiSSiiMf
idoptitig, a•m b e wisetuid , lit ,
ilefing those (irks. uptqw l
,s 9 muh,, which when, eiatopk .
vi li
altli aiii in . ,. :44e_liiF re%ink
z -6(pi,ibli - Okilic .. 'Very ni t nt. - 4;
and everylenti eat 'tiVithlit
oYr bands. limn =diate an iii
tl9l4.letion of is eati4.A
inruldfo,stimd eet=her.tiiiitti, , ,
- Shdhis been lied itiViiiir
-win ilstagger.. al , ; i - fdieveti 'i'ii
orating the:air, unless , we Rdopt,
.., . - .
a -_-44' us th ',Actin, 04 %MI
a tin*ure'ivh - will greatly aisist
het resburces, at ;d this give her- .
anti positim' ,t, • .ii,',.fTiion,t7iiiii:
'iiirlierelt:4: -, a i, . carried One
ilystenvitit eon, , , tii& ire
altiw..York'lias_ Um& in i'v
iiiite . ' *Eng, .tit e •• cry poito,- ) 01
Icic ) ii.P.i4Y..idv . . . Agr—ii 6 l . :.*(
T 6 .' ft , a nv -- hei ' t , e gtoeli sit 1
Imiiiidsa:'!'in silt - ,:py,rproipet
cotillition. ,-- -. , Nth la. thiS I -- -- 441
..legle#ive. -Tote.• r whieh,dgeb,
and eaiii&es., 11 , 11 P,TeYe.P 3 M.,
titibli,..poll4:li .eunkiitiiiiik'
alii**4llBl has -
, lii
..tioti z :; Thopo% , to` - Ithel* -- ..
ment% 4 0,11,‘140.. fing4i -1 :1
iOnlitimung in , Aireetilna;,
- TkijeWeicing Ore: the pktit,ie
tattling of =chin ."tini - a'
wait td sMP?,.Wa9 ' - .004:
4w - Ai.: Mt; tinitt* FTOf
With hiiiiy,ind4ff----
*1:;* 0Y Tar ,
day we 44 16 ie,st*?s,
4. Mai Stnith; pin
Ec sta;Z:.*Au 64 re-
4ed, IY . itere„is. the .
sir; frorit Afie,
he Creennonwealth.'.
"is the ;.Wiirtli Brandi ,
nAy th Erie ex
ta loettte
11 1
atilt, Yoi s t9..fini*
as.well; That (le
bta littleakt;
)f,rebrrairy., vext.
ry. grtopcpuil
ust, tundmo
'Otiose(' 1
Onei Tear ott
):410c-• Pl*x.We
a n e h
id' we're t,
Hoist tilt
tort-sighted, and
Inure as well as
•ehtlettnut from
iseusakat of the
to Cottunittee'
913114 0.0 4, 4
xtuth v l
_ it3t.:;‘
teri,gi rig
Ttovet , ,
1U miles
Vii? t °'? of
air, ar, it
At. then
.1 0 ° 4W - $ l4 11 .
rokter, j;
- Os ti).4
tut Oiiiabitral,
of Nrillt :
: 4
)04, 100.
!J .- 4 hei
it., 4