The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, September 20, 1849, Image 4

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- _
The Tomato. "
eellent vege table has been very gen
*,'durtn,g the '..present season, and
...not-beard, even in ", these cholera
0f:4,-- instance of detriment to
„indulging in a free use of it.—
'`ago; 'the Tomato was scarcely
- ..ntry, or, at least,it,was riot
J any eitent herec
IC scientific article, of any note,
Subject of " the- Tomato, its uses
matter," was written by Dr. John
;t - t, formerly Professor of Ripely
Ohio,) and published in the Detroit
in 1836. -
article was very extensively copied
,:_papers, all over the United States;
; and, -though very, many persons
tegatable prepared for the table as
led by the Dr., among other
, treatise, it was a long time
• the tomato 'could be eaten
ly scoffed at the idea of its ever
- an article of food—but, within
, ears , it has come into very , gene
' the kitchen garden of the farmer
Ast incomplete, without a corner
tted to this healthy and desirable
mottedy ripe—may be
tom,•at all times ; and we are
believe that no vegetable is more
r or , generally nutrati9.. They and
very easily, and are palatable in al-
manner—raw or cooked—to those
e them at all. The following receipts
acceptable, in connection with these
tro Fms.—Take six pounds of sugar
peck, or sixteen pounds of the fruit.
.111- remove the'ildn'in the usual way.
,?m +wet a slow fire, their own juice
itfleient without the addition of water
ie sugar penetrates, and they are elan--
They are then to be taken out, spread
flattened and dried in the sun.—
quantity of syrup should be _occa
sprinkled over them while drying ;
rich pack them down in boxes, treating
iyer with' powdered sugar. Boil the
ier of the syrup and bottle it for use.
ii keep from year to year, and retain
flavor. The pear-shaped, single
tomatoes, answer the best purpose.
.TO TART,=ROD , out your dough very
On,- and place it on a plate in which you
.itend 'baking your tart, and slice your to
very thin, spread them over the
?ugh Tay thinly, take two table spoons-full
brolvn sugar, and one of ground cinnamon
spread thetwo over the tomatoes, bake
~.atid you have a delightful tart.
ATOM:, WITH BEEF &max.—Cut them
lay the flesh side upon the gridiron,
pretty hot coals, for a few minutes, turn
ell with pepper and, salt, and when
pie; ess them with gravy, as suits you,
'• I I 3 I.IEIXD TOMATOES.—PIace yOUT toma-
As i a pickling jar., with garlic or shred
ai -mustardeed, horse radish, red pep
ices, &c., as wanted, until the jaris
lied, pour over the tomatoes cold cider
an , till all are covered, then close them
ht for use.
;114 them as you would cucumbers ;
with plenty of salt, pepper, and vine
your taste. A few slices of onions,
will improve them very materially.
Co CORN FODDER.—The practice
two and a half bushels of corn
in thick drills, exclusively for fod
idly extending though the coun
us discovering that they can, in
rbtain the richest food for winter
which will be -whooly consumed,
'cared to the best hay, at a cost
ng $1.50 per ton, on good land
►untry'. In planting, the corn is
►m a hand basket rapidly in the
furrows, to be as quickly covered
ton harrow ; no hoeing, and but
►ting, is ever heeded, and weeds
Aually smothered, that the ground
flair' as the floor of a neat house-
thus easily raised, the fodder must
reserved, or the labor will be lost.
in shocks, they should dry several
leaves may -be quite dry, while
will furnish Moisture enough to
fermentation mouldness, or decay:
this kind of f fodder settle very coin-
Id the steam from the beating,
It always take place, will not find
, a chimney is` : made in the middle
Az, by setting' three or four rails
the ground, a foot.apart., to form
of the stack. A further precau
ly essential, as well as useful, is to
the fodder whife the stack is going
of small size should be prefer
so placed, that in case cf much
xey may be thrown with a fork into
hich lftpn ueCessary under
tu.-- s -The
cenerally ;
. As a
te orchard
pick up
cook it for
'te worms
'be hung
rorms Will
1n0...1 bark of
Inner. .
..,. increasin
Great , Britain g
List, the
rune, was
•-by Arpso,-
Ith, ,
tizaqii AND-P 6( ,
dine of the peadh and 'plum tree in our
latitude, and . the inefficiency of almost every
Means adopted invigorating then* again,.
seems to be .a su'ject .worthy of sonie
would very gradlY.,see it'
noticed by some of your scientific correspen-.
dents.' No effectiial.pmedy (if indeed' therd
is inch) for the diseaie aPpears to'be known
in this vicinity. Various devices have , boen
resorted - to, acconipanied with blitindiffeient
auccms. Some believe an application! of
hot ley from wood ashes to be efficacious,—
The first reinoved from{ the trunk
and roots of the tree, and the liquid is then
poured in around it. This experiment has
been tried .here_ in several instances thiQ
sprintr . aud the result, so far , seem favorable
enough ;, whether ; this, remedy may be con
sidered at all'available, I am yet' unprepared
to say. It were certainly very desirable that
the lamentable difficulty in the cultivatiOU of
this kind of fruit, 'should be 'removed by
some treatment More effectual than any !we
are .now aware of. Perhaps some of your
agricultural contributors have given attention,
to the subject.
. 1
is generally good t and promiSes More than
an average yield.' The wet weather in all
the month of July has injured it more! or
less on bottom or low lands, where corni is
usually .planted. ' In Georgia, particularly
in the Cherokee county, and, in portions,' of
South Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama, the
wheat crop is nearly a total failure. c'ution
N very backward, And much depends on he
charactei of the season from this to Dec na
ber, in: determining, the amount of. thiS erp.
e i:.
Since the severe frosts in April, it has doub ed
in its market value, and made fortunes for a
few large holders. A short crop is expected.
Rice is doing well ; . and sweet, potatOes
promise a fair harvest. 'Peaches, grapes and
figs are scarce, owing to untimely frosts: !
• Irish potatoes have been worth in Augusta
over two dollars a bushel for the. last fOur
months; And new. Apples are just reduced, in
price to a dollar a bushel. New cheese] is
selling in' ' the up country at' from • twelve to
fifteen cents a, pound., . .
Prrur ,HrsTs.-. 7 .Snuff on the necks and
backs of calves and young, cattle, will do
more goad than in the nose of any maiden
lady or dandy bachelor ; and brimstone
bought fOr the hogs, will not prove that the
itch has got iato the house. Cards, on the
cattle, make them look as much; better as
children With theiriair combed. A clean
barn is alint to the woman who takes care
of the kitchen. Good milking stools save
much washing in the house. A Scraper'on
the door Step saves brooms an i dust. .
suffer greatly from this disease: In is worst
stages the skin becomes an entire sore, and the
animal isdistressingly irritated by the invete
'rate itching. It constantly rubs itself, be
comes pOor, and if not relieved,
,dies. An
ointment!of lard and sulphur, if thoroughly
applied all over the body and rubbed in, Will
generallyy, cure the 'Complaint. It. is welt to
give sulphur With the food :also.
TO I.I.I4ASURE ..MVI IN 11HE SrAcK.---More
than twenty years since, says a practical far
mer, I copied the following method of meas
uring hay from some publication, awl having
verified,* 'general accuracy, I have both
bought aid-sold by it, and believe, it may be
Useful to!muny farmers where the mean of
weighing are not at hand. "MulOply the
length,'breadth and. heighth intoOch other.
and if the hay is somewhat settle 4 ten solid
yards will make a ton. Clover !will: take
from tetO.o twielve yUrds per ton."!
MARTO VINEGAR.—NearIy every one
knows that in the conversion of cider to vine
gar, ex - Osure to the air is essential. The
more thbroughly this exposure, the More
rapid will be the formation of the vinegar.
The Ohio aultiva tor says, "We have.
seen thi.4 -cffehtually done by causing it to
run slot ly from a - barrel placed' tip stairs,
througli4n aperture in the floor and ceiling,
on a looSe pile, of fine sticks or shavings !be
low, through which the air could pass freely
then draiyinglinto a cask in the cellar."
1 '7'
KEEP OFF THE r are great
trouble ' at this season. ' This evil
A by rubbing upon the in
, a little grease or oil, which
, aced occasionally. Es'er►
has a horse, will be " rndrei
arA prevent this injury.
may be.
side of
ful to hi
VINE , JM BEETS. - -It is stated i 1.4
the juice of oue bushel of sugar ;beets, will
Make frtinkfive to six gallons of vinegar, by
nsii. ' ~ tin(' ' and exposing
lrrel, with a
inrAS just. retained front' the city of New Work,
-CIL with a well selected and desirable assortment
of Gooda, corciprising agreater!variety than is usu
ally kept in a anotry store ! boUght exclusively for
cash dorm at the lowest rates, for the quality of
goods, and will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. -
The hest quality of Sugar at 6d. per - pound to
be found in Susquehanna county.. Fine flavored
Teas, a good variety. Molasses,• good and cheap
Coffeelof the beat kind. Slices of every descrip
tion. Salemtus, Raisins, Rice, Fish, and all other
kinds of Groceries, good and cheap. '
Calicoes from 4 to 12+ at,S. per yard; Ginghzuns,
Mouslin - dO Lanes, Alpaistioi, Plaias, Diaper, zhc.
Sheeting of bst quality and.some very low, Shirt
ing, brown and bleached; Vlestings, Handkerchiefs,
KentuckyJeausz, Mixed Denims, Corduroy, Mole
skin, CaSsimere, Linens, du; &c.; Broadcloths from
f... 2 to e-4 p er yar d .
Ladies and gentlemen's Gloves and Hosiery Um
brellas, Combs, Brushes, Silk, Thread, Twist, But
tons, -Suspensiers, Battin°,
Wadding, Cotton Yarn,
Steel GOods, Combs, and a: general assortment of
Yankee' notions.
. .
Clocks, Watches, Gold, Steel and Brass Watch
Keys, GOld and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens.__Thim
hies, Ladies and . Gentlemen's Gold Bosom Pins,
Ear HOps, Finger Rings, dc. &c., embracing a gen
eral assortment of Jewelry.. Spectacles with sil
ver bows, Silver Plated, German Silver, Az, Silver
and other kinds of Spoons.:
• Violins, Violin Bows and 'Strings, Flutes, Fifes,
Clarinets; Aceordeons, (I:c., Instruction Books, Tu
ning Forks, Base Viol Strings and Bows.
Hardware, Cutlery,-'ails and Tubs, Stone Ware
okc. Good Linseed Oil, and paints of every descrip
tion, Varnish. Sp'ts. Turpentine, and Paint Brush.
es, Nails, Glass, Sash and Putty.
A general andscomplete assortment of
- Drugs and Medicines.:
Medical:nstruments, Trusses, Supporters .he. Phy
sicians supplied with gOod articles on moderate
terms. Choice Liquors for medicinal purposes and
the arts; Dye Stuffs Ike. '
Glass , ware of every description, Lamp Oiis,
Tanners Oil, Candles, Candle Wick, Candle Sticks,
Snuffers, Trays, Lumps &e. •
Haying Tools, Hoes, Shoiels. Axes • and Helves,
Baskets, Clothes Pins, Brooms, Boot Blacking,
Boots,: Shoes, Upper Leather, Mirrors, Tea Bells,
Tobacco of all sorts, Pipes, Snuff, Candy, Sponge,
Glue, Rosin, Salts, Alum, Copems, hidigo, Mace,
Tapioca, Arrow , Roet &c. Essential Oils and Es
sences of all kinds Patent medicines of
every description. Blasting Powder and Safety-
Fuse, Rifle Powder, Bar Lead, Shot, Percussion
Caps, Pistols &a -
The public are invited to call and examine the
quality and prices of goods.
Montrose, Juno 13, 18446
Jewelry, Clock and Watch estab-
HAvE y o u the True tithe, If nok, v.iu can
have it by calling at the first door arose the
'Stage Hotel, where repairing and adjusting Lever,
Cylinder, Escapenient, Old Common Watches and
all kinds of time keepers. Jewelry and Musical In
struments, ike., are done in a style that cannot fail
to suit the most fastidious. All warranted to per
, form according to the quality of the article.
Just received, a good assortment of fashionable
Jewelry and Watches, which will be replenished
every two months, consisting of gold and silver
Lever and Lepine Watches, Quartiers, Se., from T
to 80 dollars, silv,er Table and Tea Spoons, Gold
Rings, Ear Hoops, ,Cluster, Jet and Stone Pins,
Wristlets, Silver and Gold .Pencils, Gold Pens, Pen
Knives, Scissors, ! Silver Thimbles, Gold; Silk and
Steel Chains, do. Keys, Card Cases, Letter-Fold
era, Tooth Picks and Brushes, and many other use
ful and ornamental articles, which will be sold very
cheap for old and new silVei and gold.
Pay down and small profits is my motto.
Montrose, May, iO, IB4o', NAL W. TRUF..
E have received a large addition to our stock
of Crockety and Glass Ware, Which will be
sold at extreme] yi low prices ; many articles same
as New York. wOesale prices, and some even less.
A large lot of Printed cove Dishes at 44 cuts
each-250 setts of Flowing Blue, Light Blue, White
Granite, and common cups and saucers,—much low
er than they are sold generally
_ .
A very superior, lot of Novascotta Grind-stones,
with regard to both shape and grit, very cheap.
Gibson, Juno 29, 1849.
Is now in suecosiful operation. The public, arc
incited to give it a triaL
Constantly on hand, for sale, at the lowest cash
pricei, SuperfinelFlour, Fine do., Corn Meal, Frov
indOr, Shorts andlßrtut. '
Cash paid for irheat,
Montrose, Jun ' 19,1349: , •
JeurOtry—at Turrelts.
LADIES and ;Gentlemen's Gold Bosom Pins,
Finger Rinds, Ear Hoops, Gold Pencils and
Pens, Eils'er Spoons, spectacles of every descrip
tion ; gold and silver cased Watches, Chains and
Keys ; Musical Instruments, Violins, Accordeons,
Flutesi, Fifes, Chn-inets, etc. -Pistols and all sorts
of Yankee Notions, and nearly every _thing usually
kept in a counts)! store—Cheap for Cash.
[See advertisement ih another column.]
Montrose, July 10, 1349.,
Dr. A. Track's Magnetic Ointment.
Folli the cure ,of inflammatory diseases, such as
nflammation of the :lungs, bronchites, sore
throat, inflammation of the bowels, inflamed sore
ryes, cancers, ulperated sores, salt rheum, fever
ores, scald head] piles, spinal irritation, sick head
ache, tooth ache, ear ache, corns, burns, frozen
limbs, dc. in bottles for 2 and 3 shillings, at
June 15. : , TURRELL'S.
Cash paid for Wool.
2000 Pounds of Wool wanted for Cash and
in exthange for goods by
New Milford, ;tine 26, 1849.
Late Arrival
still continues. Goods arriving
daily by tZli Y. dr. E.,11. It. Another splen
did assortment of Prints, Lawns, Ging,luuns, Tarle
ton Llwns, a beautiful style of goods. Bonnets,
13annett Ribbons and Flowers of all descriptions,-
Sheetings, Men's Summer Stuffs,' -Casluneretts,
Casiimeres, Satinctts and Cloths, a good variety.=
ThOargest stock of Men's and Indies Boots &S'hoes
in town.
ie Alabama
'melon of un
uf a friend
pounds and a
- en feet six in
tire feet nine
Faid that a
cultivated in
„which prowl
ion when the
unber color
ripe Gazette
So have we,
ton a thing; to
'the 'pup'
iUd our sped
Arriving constantly, D).y Goods of all desaip
tics* A .good ftock of Carpeting just in. Crock
ery,' Iron, litecli Nails, lilolasset and Sugars--of
the bestqurlity---Larre, st and best lot of Fish in
the hoantrv.
• Moro of that 'shilling Tobacco. •
24 lbs. Codfish. for *I.
Rest New Orleans and POtto Rico Sugars for 61c.
Chmtpest and best Teas town.
More - of that ail. shilling Tea..
More goods earning nex tweek. Call and see. 24
chatir for showing pods.
Montrose,-dune 28, 1844 • •
Plclibus. • •
A FULL assortnient et Ploughs of the most ap
„MI ved patterns of lihmtrose and . Binghamton
. castinigk just received and for
side at redueed . pace s by , BURRITT.
.New 1064 Aprdlo3B49. ' • ' Wilt( • •
• -a/AMP- 0 11 itair 2
qoaci_itaty::of rorierito Sitgar, dry . d i d
1114lz wlolied, 4t, Of epr._, pound,
Jithe 15. - UI 'BURROWS k' N.
re z Es.
the ege;ser
tnenth, to procure
• lfevi 00041 s:
lishment :
Crockery and Glass.
The team Grist Mill
• _
. - Nrillage ; it, gale. ' :.
IT sE inbserther offers lots sale in the town
-1.. ithip p 1 Great Fend in e - village of ',gran
tri/k,/ mkt- directly opiporute 't 411 village of Great
Bend, located on the - Depot o the . New. York and
Erie railroad, and the Great Bend and CoChecton
Turnpike, in the valley of the Susqueban4 river/
The railroad creasing' the .said turnpike, thence run
ning in a curved line nearly ptliallel with the same'
at the distance - of a 'few Minified feet,' with the
grounds gradually rising ribin ra il road aid Iturnpike,1 turn
pike, Oeverlooking the river an the beatitiful val
ley, cum with its 'health climate, renders. it
a most desirable location for unding purPoses.—
The depot: 0641(1-4 the railroad company being
located in the centte of n richt and exte nsive
culturaldistrict!, surrounding it( on -every side with
its many roads centering in, arid all other advanta
ges combined, afford every athantage to a business
population. , •
. f
MA:Plena - ire IVotOr. Power . -
can be brought ;from the Sitskiuelinnna river, ad
joining the depot grounds of the said rail rend, suf
ficient for the erection of all Manufacturing estab
lishments, or any machinery required.
Great Bend, 52y1 . L. GREEN.
N. Y. &E. Railroad Freight: Line.
Stephens and Thompson's leartnarding Line from
Great Bend—Copt...l. I Thompson.
TEPHENS dr THOMF'SONwiII forward freight
from Great Bend to Newt York by Railroad
Tuesday and Tipirsday ,
by the regular freight line which leavea Great
Bend every morning ad 8 o'clorl and 30 minutes.
George W. Stephens will remain it Great Bend
and forward all produce entruited to this Company
and pay the returns' for the name at the railroad
office. Capt. J. W. Thompsoniwill remain-in New
York and give his personal attention to the sales
and make returns as soon as tie produce is dispo
sed of. This company flatten hemselves by hav
ing a saleanian in New York 'who has been in the
frieghting btisiness for a number of years from Or
ange county, that they can give as good satisfiic
tion as any on the railroad. A liberal advance will
be made on freight delivered id, the depot if desi
red. GEO. W. STEPNF.NS, Great Bend,
J. W. THQIIPSON, New York.
Great Bend, a 3
New Hat and cap Store.
,THE citizens - of Montrose -and vicinity are re
spectfully informed that The 'subscribers have
commenced the manufiteture 4 - Bats and Caps, two
doors below the Farmer's Stoie, where they keep
constantly on hand and for &Ile a general assort
ment of Hati and Caps of every variety and price.
All who wish to purchase a first rate article in our
fine, are particularly invited to give us a call before
purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists of Bea
ver, Nutria, Brush, Moleskin, Silk, Muskrat and
Coneyats ; also. California, porting, Wool, Leg
horn, traw and Pal
ituleaf Hats, &c.&c., besides a
great children
of Men and Bois' Cloth and Glazed
Caps, children fitney do, &c. &—in short, a large
tissortnient of almost every article in our line.
By u rairiet attention to business and a desire to
please, we hope to merit and receive a liberal sup
port, and assure those in want of Hats and Caps
that every effort will be made to get up the neat
est and best kind of an article.
May 1, 1840. - ELDRED & NEWCOMB.
Gold this side of cjaliforitia:
Grocery., Confectionary sand Oyster Saloon.
THE railroad being completed, I now have, and
keep a general asssortinent of groceries cheap
—such as sugars, molasses, ride, coffee and teas, of
prices and quality such as wilt please. Also, nuts,
raisins, candy and all kinds of fruit the market can
furnish my buyer to suit. Also, fresh clams and
oysters received in the Shell:, fresh fish ton, this
weather—they keep very well—l shall g t by the
railroad a weekly supply—tb ?please all my costa
meis' tastes I shall try. Gookl oysters on
the keg or the dish--served u a eithor raw or cook
ed, as you wish. All needed refreshments prepa
red at a wink—call in, all TO hungry, and plank
down the chin . WM. F. BRADLEY.
Great Bend, Feh. 13.
Eagle Steam Foundry & Machine
WE would respectfully itivite the attention o
all those who may be In want of Machinery
or Castings of any pattern, Mill Geering,s, Ploughs
of various pattern:, Straw Cuttets, Cooking, Parlor
& shop stoves, Iron & stover Ware, shingle Ma
chines, Wood & Engine Lathes, steam Engines,
Boilers, Iron Fences, &c. &c, 'to give us a call, as
we are confident we can suit rthe most fastidious.
All work done at our Foundry warranted.
Wlt. JESSrP,
Al S. A - ttsos,
Montrose, July 4, 1
le Found
Freight and. Contission Line,
Via. New York and Ei-ie Rail Road.
("I APT. LO. Tiffany and iWalter Follet have
‘.../ formed a partnership foi the transportation of
freight and produce of all kinds, between Great
Bend and New York by the Vtailroad, by the regu
lar Freight line, which leavels Great Bend every
morning at 8+ i
Captain Tiffany, who has been for a number of
years engaged in the purcha4 and sale of produce
m the New York markets, will remain In New
York and give his personal attention to the dispo
sal of all property committed to our care, and make
returns as soon as the proper) y is disposed oL
Mr. Follet will be at Montrose and Great Bend
alternately. Orders for tlae transportation of
Freight, may be sent to Mini at either place, and
will receive prompt attention. Our charges over
the regular freight will be a Small commission.
Montrose, May 9, '49. Ili ALTER FOLLET.
Just led
A T the Mom-rnost BOOK. one, Bian's
train? Companion, Dui toix Forms, Cotuaa
bier Guide. I May 29, 1849.
50, 000 lbs. Wocil Wanted.
THE higliest price will be ipaidin cash and trade
for Wool at r
June 7. '49. LATHROP ilk SALISBURY'S.
Rose & Shispson
A RE now receiving a hire addition to their
1 - 1 stock of Goods, bough - since the great de
cline of prices in New York, land whieh they will
sell for cash or ready,pay at Dower prices than ever.
June 5,184 t.
• New Grocer' Store. ".
0 denoor Son'th of Mids. cE Knapp's in the
(Store formerly occupie&by W. M. Post.)
rr RE subscriber has recelied a large and 'eaten
'. sire stock of
• , Orocerj .
consisting of Teas, Sugars, . .lessee; ceffee, tra m _
co, Rico, Ground Spaces and epper, Starch, dovea,.
Saleratus, Ginger, Nutmegs , 4o, Cigars, Cho
late, Sperm and tallow Can'. its, Codfish, Mackerel
by the barrel, half
. q .barrel and kits,
Herting by the lxm,,ltaians y thO box or pound,
Salt by the sack or, barrel, Clocks, stone:Ware,
Willow Ware, Flour, Pork,' • c. gte. Ike.: Wholesale
dealer in all kinds of '
and ors. " •
Me can suul *fit. sell' goods cheaper 04
the pin be : bonehtiiit store in SlOntrok,
reader; if *don't believai t give us Aall- and
convince . you.:, Duet f • . •
• . I • 8 8.40 : 8 1 8N
• itsistiriTs• - ' , has 28, 1849 I `l;a2lif
Lai Rviraittotty Rain'. antsrAiiimentLY, 4 —Scre to •
Summatelle for sale in kbe: different .towne ed:S. P.,.
ToWnsecid'i &reaped - he, It:, is'advertisedrie the ORICI'
NAL; OR NE, and ell tad. Thiii Triwimend is no doctoi -
andbever. ; but was formerly,e. Wetter on ritilroadsiciat
tie* and I I ke—yet he ;assumes-the title of Doctor for the,.
puose 0 !Prig credit for what ha is'not.: e rays "he- •
bag euende t wo medical school s , and 'practic (Or &leen
yean!! r c(w the truth is, he never practice medicirma
day m his life ! Such wilful, tricked misrepresentation _
Mob' bed t th e cberatterniulverocity of Me man. I wish
most since ly, he bed never made those etatements of him.
@Wpm of 1 Whee"will men learn to be hontat and truth;
fel in all tliiii dealings and intercourse with their fellow
men,l Ile p lied to one Ruel Clapp to Imlay him in man.
uthoturing ht mixture, stating the large sums he Would
make, as a i ducement to embark in the business. ' These
men have be n insulting and libelling me in ell possible.
forms, in o er .to impress the public with the belief that
the Old-Do . tor's Salisaparilla was not the giinuine;grhemal
&creamer a,,made from the Ohi:Doelor's Original Rest.
pie., Tide P. Towniend Says I h.ave sold the use of my
nanie fore a , week. I'vrill give. him 6500 if he will pro.
duq.. one B gle Exiatary proof isf - thie. Ilia statements 'or
Thompson Skillman & Co., ars nothing be; a. tissue of
falsehoods, shindy marll to decisive the public, Ind keep
the truth d wp Irt,regar to his oaring, fermeniincern ,
pound. T Inds to caution the public to purchase none but
Old Dr. J COR Townsend's Sarsaparilla, having on it the..
Old Docto 'a likeness, his family Coal 4e Arms, and hie',
1 1 1
eiglit=ri t sirt • .. _
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years of nee. and has
long been known as the AUTHOR and DISCOVERER
of the G E Zilf7 IN B ORIGINAL " 7'o TV.VSEND
SARSAPARILLA." Reim^ poor, he was compelled to
limit its manufacture, by which means it has been kept out
of market, and the sales .circurnseribed to those only who
hail proved its worth. and knowh its value. It had reached
the ears of 'many, nevertheless, as those persons who had
been heeled of sore diseases. and saved from death, OM
c:aimed its wonderful'
manufactured on the largest scale, and is Called, for through
out the !city?' and breadth of the land. especially as It is
found incapabreof degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young S. P. Triwaiend's„,it Improves with age,
and never tihridges but frit 'he better; because it is prepared
on scientific prtncipes by a scicntrfie man, The highest
knowledge ot,Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the
art, hare all been brought into requi.ition in the manufac.
turn of the Old Dr's Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root,
It Is well known to medical men,;conrains many medicinal
properties,, and some properties which are - inert or udeless,
and others,i which if retained in .preparine it for.use, pro
olueefermentatfon and and, which b.. InjlitidOs to the sys
tem. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla ate so volatile
that they entirely evaporate end ere lost in thepreparation.
. if they are hot preserved by a scientific proceis, known on
ly to rhos experienced in us manufacture. Moreover,
l i
the coral sprtnciples, which thy oil' in vapor, or es an ex
halation, utter heat. aro the very essential medical prop
erties of the root. which give to it all its veue
Any person can boil or stew the root till they get a dark
colored liquid, which i 3 more from the coloring matter in
the root than frren anything else; they can then strain this
insipid or vapil liquid, sweeten with sour molasses, - and
But such is flat the article known as the
This is so prepared that'all the inert properties of the
Sarsaparilla root are first- removed. everything, capable of
becoming acid or fermentation is extracted end rejected ;
then eves particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure
and concentrated form; and tlins it is rendered' incapable
of losing ear of its valitabsle and healing properties.
pat ed in this Ivey% it is made the most powertul agent in/the
Cure of innumerable
/fence the tracon why we hear cominem a every
ride in its furor by men. o omen, and children. We find it
doing wonders in the cure of
COMP LA IN7', and in R 11E17,17.4718.11. SCROF.
end ail affections wising from.
it possesses: a marvellous efficacy tt It complaints ari
sing from indigesticni, from Acidity o f The Stontrtrh. from
unequal circulation, determination olWood to the liead♦
palpitatiocnof the heart. cold feet and hriOds, cold chills and
hot flashes uvler the body. It-has,not iteecndal in Colds and
Coughs: and protnotes,eacy expectoratlAlt and gothic per
imitation. relaxing:strictures of the lungs, thrum and every
other part.
But in ruithltrt is its excellence - mom manifestly seen and
acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of
It works , wonders in eases of Fluor Alhns or Inites,
l'al/ing of iht Iromh, Obstosiclett SllpPl7 , aq. or Painul
Menses,Ttivularity of the menstrual-periods. are! the la ke;
and is affeetuld in curing all the roans of Kidney Diseases.
By reins ring obstructions. and regulating the general
system, it I v es tone and strength to the whole .body, and
thus cum' ll forms of
Nervous Diseases and Debility. •
and thus p.'- isial irritation, events or relieves a great variety of other mal
adies, an ...p
.IVetical3ia, 'Rt Vitus' Dance,
Swooning, Epileptic Pits. (.7onrula,ons. 4-c.
It cleanses the blood. excites the liver in healthy action,
tones thetomach. and gives good digestion, relieves the
bowels of t rpor and constirpation . allays in fl ammation, pu
rifies the s -in, equaliies the simulation of the blood. ti
ducing gentle warmth equally all over the body, anti the
insensible pku-spinition : relaxes Stricture* and tightness. re
moves all dif.truction*, and invigorates the entire nervous
system. It not this then
The netlieine you jire ? eminently need!
lint can arty of these.things he. said of S. P. Towasend'a
inlet ior article 1 This young !Mien liquid is not to be
beeaue-e- of, one ORAN° FACT.:that the one ill INCAPA
while the Other DOES • saucing: fermenting. and blotting
the bottles cnotaining it into fraerrients the sour, acid
liquid exploding., and damaging other - gook - Is! .Must not ibis
horrible compound be poisonous tti t h e p vg tp m
pufactif iota a systsin already diseased with ttcid 1 What
causes Dyspepsia bin acid 1 DoWennt all know that when
food sot& in our stomachs, what mischief it ,producesl—•
heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver cont.
plaint, •ditirrhcaa. dysentery, • cOlic, and corruption of the
blood 1 Vliiint is Scrofula litit• an acid humoran the body 1
What prodneas all the humors which bring on Eruptions
the Skin, Scald Head, Salt I corn. Erysipelas„.White
Swellings, Toyer Sores, and all tileenttions internal and ex
ternal 7 nothing tinder heaen but an acid substance,
Which sou and thus spoils all the Iluitis orals body, more
or law. ‘, 'hal causes IlbeutnatLcm hit a spur and acid
fluid which insinuates itself beiScarn the joints and else
where, imtating and inflaming zhe delicate lassoes upon
Which it actil So of nervous diseases, qt impurity of the
blood, of deranged circulation, and nearly all the ailments
which afflict 'human nature. ' .
'Now is .it :not horrible. to make and. sell, end infinitely
worse tonselthis
S. P rowNis END,
and.yet hel would fain' have it understood that Old Dr. Ja
cob Townsend's Genuine Original Sartrpariala, is aniM.
ITATION of his inferior preparationi ! '
Heaven , forbid that we should deal in an ert'icle which
would bets the .most distant relict:alone° toy S. P. Town!
semi's tirade 1 ;
We wish t i t understood, becaUfFn it is the afiso/tefelruth,
that S.F. Townsend 's article and old.Dr..laenh Townsend's
Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide ayiF,-and infinit e ly dtasim
liar; that they are, unlike in es' particular, having not _
onesingle thing in common. 1 • :.
- , As S. P. Tosinsend is' no doter.; and -eerier was, is no..'
chemist, no pharranceuttst—kriona no more of medicine or ,
diseasellianAny other common, Ymstiont Bic, unprofessional
man, What rimire eon the public have that they are Ire-
Ceiling a g eine scientific mtalicine, containing all therir- .
toes of the nicks used` in preparing it, andlwhich ire tri•
eariable or e angeswhieh'mightlrender them the AGENTS -
et' Inseam instead of healthl - -,, , • • ~..
i But whet else shook! be exisicted front one who. nows ,
nothing com paratively of coed One or disease-1 ;It requires" .
it person Of ,nome experience to:took-and verve up esen , a
common deeent meal.: How much more important brit
that the persons who manufactirte medicine designed for
should knew well the medical Properties of plants, the belt
manner or s'lturing and concentrating their healing "int*, •
also an eat naive knowledge of :the various dimwit which.:
affect the t amen system, and hew ,to adapt remedies to
these dismses I'+
_..' .- . ' ,_[ t,- , '-,
i n
jt is to arrest frauds opon'the tmfortunate, to pourbuher , „
into wo un ded humanity, to kindle 'hope in the p - giritsg ,-
'bosom, restore health, midi:poem, and eigot , tinto the' '
i t irN
crushed broken, Metro banish infirinity_that °LA. DIL
JACOB , SEND. bas sotrurinitTOWlDitio, oie r - ,
portnnity ii means to bring hie': ' V , t - ''"i":- :' -n. : "
Ora. Itialvemsol *Coeintr :Safer tit itt
within th reeph, and to the, k nows " op 4) 841.1010- it , -
that they may learn and knew , b y Jo 1 egr ai rtr,Ml , "
4 1 41 , 1tenisklomt Vowel!, • ~- :r. -' ' '
"RRELU . ' 4'1:4 11313;1 figbiuma Co.
l i
) 4 it)
l , bro
i Is
t i
y y
_ s
ABEL LP . , Ag. ,t Su lit.
. 11
Printed, , !.
A . 4GE lot of ,p
~,, • roc o styles and
4 - 11 "" A ~.• , ,iii - A 23: 00 : . t:thii,,oiers of ~ -
--,_;-;„ , 1 itilVivakixP, -;
, .
g, - 3 ': ._ ._ ~ , • . Z rc /;
, 1 ~ . , . - .digit - 14 .t. !, ~ Aida do: e-Piir
10,' do. ' useist.lsipo,-,.... or' 414 BtOveliroant:
twee-- .tom ; ifava;
,e4' St leg . bye'," prices:- 1 - •
• 111. : ItROWS it 110. •
1 - 1 ' . .
Opie._lfiraft - Clire.
-•!-= .
a in /lid iliderentrowiJ
muted old Dr.lneob ToSitudind'sDermillaFilid• arti,
remised ds the .original. ke. This iii notornms
lalsehood- Dr: To s insend'7 l ent'`exti*" l id' i ov z . i ^r 1101) ,Allei
tim eight:yams. in edrertisintinkg 4ori'Mar , li *181, 4i
Imo Obtarultd 'a eharneter ;Ind ropoinifimi throuthout ihil
United- Stool:mid agreater piwt of the eltorWctlier sale.
This ',united 'the eniddliy of eetialetrinirlaieted inerf ,
and *add pr a n - vrhh.wilasen corned ittireddi fl•clußafit
pabileatietia fora nurnher of Years, Thri. Mires
is ;nob 1 owniend., lie applied to b number :of meatre
"de :'ernpluytneld.'oriefell theme Olds nanectorpntlsp;
Towniemfa glarsliparilla..mtdn; larie eahm and!
sums-wir hint - expended in adrertiidn; ai.aer indiatmenat.
eniharle Abe bailuess• Arlions others:he lipped,:
lorchauriekwatmustamj,,F.ditor thk Farmer
Who scondid Mich a 'trent:mai -0 P- Dr-. 4.4OIDII:EWIL!
formerly one _
or the fro pnetors or. IIeALISTERIIII4,
and Fina*ler;of the trhken Shin i , Phllltarll , 43* .::: m z eu
New Jersey„ JOIN SKILLMAN, and '-Wia
• THOMPSON,: tinder thri!same of TI1031MON; SKILL!
ser eee,
MAN-k have employed thii old man, and
al k
wauderstand.., to-pay hint seven dollars per irepk;' .
for the use of
: his name; These into hibei been. insult{
his and- litielting us in allposailde forms in hopes we *maid
notice therm, 'and- thus toring them ind 4 their decoctini
' into market.: Let the vdecide she cumin
'0631,01116,231r?1ACT Or
$ A-P A 111 L.ll - A
• Thirsdest itztowerdinery
,Medieiwe 94,, World
hit fitiiiet is patistput Quiet Bottles: it lir six
• • efotaitto, idoesientir,l! sod warrinated: exporter to
•',de y Old. It Oxru witiontleowtitior, •
pier/fog, I%fr.4llllinli or stolagt
- lutist ths-Potietif.
The helo!" . Reid superiiirlty, of this Barsapw,
rine over sell `cillthr medlcittes Chit while it•ersil
elites the ;iiiiettee, it iuriprittee the body. It is ens of
.the veri , best'
. „
SPRING AND. eummEn at gotcoirm •
*Vet kliOrn oat' tOy purifies Alte. , whole system
and itreimthens the pereon, hut. it. creates new, pate
and rich Aided ;. n power ppeseiscd by nit other nieC,
cane: Arid :in this lien the !rand secret elite wooden.
fnl suieesi. It has perforniestwithlo the last two yearn
more then. 100,000 cures of severe eases. of di ;, as
least 15.000 were considered ineurahle. It has saVed
the lives at more than tfi,OlM l children the'port two see.
sons inthi City of gel York alone:. •
10,0020. crogitf aor l t Raul
- •
*issafier N. - ' lisierrggy.
Dr. Tow naead's Sarsitionrille invigorates the whole eye.
tent permanently. ..To those 'who Imre : lost their nous
calor eneigy iik. Ilia elTeets of niedieisie or' iniliseretion
committed . lOotidlt tw i lite eseessire.intlnlgetteer of the
pinions, and Monett on by physical ,prnistration.of the
nervoui Cysttis). lassitude, wait ;.o( ambition, fainting
seusation4. premature t deco,
,and deeline.. kinnetting
toward, that lntel disease Conviimption. MI be:entirely
liy this 4,lensaut remedy. ' This Dersaparillii
. resto red. ,
II Cat intioeriiri . to kill 1
lailielatius Coral's")'
. Aa 111 , ,t44e11/1 awl kroehie.aus-ott.r. agoamweltarsa %vitally'
to the' Itintoi...and atimilallt tti the muscular spie l s
in a itiolt:eatteordistery degkee. ,
. . ': _,_
..„..... . .. .m.
1 , .
.. „ ..• -- r_lt-:--=..,..„ .- -. -_= - . ,
. ...... -r... . '...,=
2 - • ~, i . " ei - :-.,. —.-.. Q.,...
totientit potion Cured. . .
Cleanse Snit Strevg then. Censereption gee fis evri4
firone4isis. Coovninjoi' .11. 'Leger Complaint . c.u.,
- Crites:4, Coughs, 4 ! Minn. Spitting Wood, ,So ######
in the 'Chest, figetisi, Flesh, Plight Sweats. Difiesell or
Profile Expecte , alien, 1'44 in the Side, 4c., haie i
!Ikea - and eon le eared -
, .
Spittissig Mood.. '
--- • Nee Irerk,..ipril St% lift ..
Da. Towittecwo.-1 verily believe ) noir barter* -.
Mlle has :peen the means, tlorenglo Providence, of sating
My life. j 1 hare for sereral yeah • had a bad Cough, It
became !afore. ,and !terse. At last 1 raised large
oinnetitiei-of bland, hail night sweat., and Vial finally
,14,ilitytod and reduced; and ilia nut expect to lore. I
hrhe oulio: used 3 our kserseperilla a short am., mid
there Ime • wonderful change been wrought imatteo I •
am loan. able to walk :all over the 4ift. 1 raiae tot
Island noel my meth has left me. Toll can wall Me
urine thrit I ano tloottotorott for then teattlta. Yogi toli ,
dieut ser*ant, t ~ .
. 1511, RUSSItI.I, 65 Catharioe st
l .
This ihnly :tine of ittore than t o ne thousand eases of
Rhonotedion that Dr. l'owymettifs Sarsaparilla lies cm&
The rnostjaevere and chronic ease. are weekly eradicated
bY its extraordinary chitties.
James ;Cottoning.. t: q., one of- the•alaistants in the
loni ily
etic Aititna ittackwelfs Wood, is dm gentleman
einiken of in the following letter.
Slick well's Wand, Sept. It 1817.
Dr ieniteettil—Dears Sir: 1 have suffered terribly
for nine yenta with:the ; considerable ef the
tone 1 rotihl not eat, .1111 or walk. I Find:the mint di"
trenitn itaine, end m r limbs, were terribly swollen. 1
hive ii.ed four bottles of yourSaranparilta r and they hove•
don* me Mori than a thatianuttdollars wortit.of great 1 em
so much jintter—imlemi I ton entirely relieved. Son are
et liberti, to. tine thil. 1# the benefit of the afflicted.
• Tours J.%Mt Cl/81.11ING8
i _ : 0.44' - ..
F 7..V -. 1 1i .. ...,... '
...y„' , i
••• ..--- - ,-1 , 4 , 71111. 1 fil i 4404 .
t- II . .
; • f
t' , Ift.eletn!e illedicisse. •
: .Dr r4wasen.r • Soria parillais i g isorerelgo sod epee
di care,! for .ineipient CatisumpMe,„ Rorrenneit. Pre:
5b. 1 ,... 14nri ..m. rolling of the Womß„:llTostivensist. !Hsi.
1 Isoleorrhituir.. or whiter,. obstructed', or difficuit.-Menstrua•
Minn, !noel:ll4moms of ,!t rine, or iovoluntary discharge
I thereof, mid' fort.lio' g tteral prostration of the .
•no mattes Whether the suit of inherent cause , or causes
proiloccif hy: irregn:ar ey. i ll ness or acnident. Nothing v.
can hombre stirprist than i its lusigoratir effects upon
, o
thn human' - frame,human' - frame, ' Per i.
sons oral! weakness and lassitude'
front taking it nt otteel.eeome rohuid. nod • full of energy
nodes hi .isoffileitett. .It immediately emicdernets tits
, nerve's:nine:go of the- initials , frame, which is the treat
eisiissi of i err:Samoa: ,ji .will, not be expe c ted of us,
Lin eases Otto delicate it usture,to eskillit certificates el
;corns! plrforated. but l i no eau asaitre the afflicted. dna
liitudreils. of coxes, hove _been ,rriported is its. Thaw
yawls ollcinnis where' nontlies hs; ve been ..eithoui chit.
! drew, after -Using , fitbottles °Clint in:alto:Me midi
.:- eine; = hate been lolelilie liiitli iiite;:iiitaltlif alliqtrinit: It
*L, has heettilesnressly . pr 'pored in,refertenco to female cm*
plititi,ts. : iNojeitioles, Ol i n ituliSceasntt in Jilippese she is
approo - chitigi that' cult sal -pertml, '• DAC term "lif lift."
•shout.l ihieldel to take it; uli , it is a- eirtsin - prescottss
for :Soy of - Om uniiiereiiii •liiiil horrible diseases to which
*.fertniitout. hre j a ithjeet al this " time of life, This Paric 4
mav c 1 r ept •r for ere:. V , P474 by %WV thie ME
•:;S:Callf. , -- N6r4r, - it U. .is rarruakih:ror, those' who arcs preads
'....trig.wirdki_inkhod. it l y is 'eliteuiliteir•to insist moors by
ignicksuble the blood iitul : itariguesitiug she 'poem, Ili.
• riteitl, ,li)iiiircdiciate In 10601%0.1s for all, the depot!
'aisitusei I to , w Mil if - woleti'areabblect: , *ir. - •
L '',1...,-;..' , y,':-.-• f,:- .7, .• ' . . -." i. ,'," ~ i
'..1 J OPitilw,l4lliir rhinicissatits . ..
, Qr.. %ow iismoi -is almost. dittlyreceisistosiless fr,
'Physicitiiii fkilllrtireOphitr or the littleiii: • . '.'"' '
.' r" - liiti'lii - lieitettiry . hat - 2.2. - `tim e tiudsisitael; Physl
"-:'.'elan. of
;the -et 'lliiiiiy.AinveTiii;'.iiiiiiterons emes
.. 1 : prelicritiettAlc"',Town'etid'a Barsiitaiii4;:xlidlietiet
di he age dr If! , mu? 221244 liteol22l)ple ja ths mar.
ll,' 1 1 .itlf1.1617 : : .b.;< - 4iiiVil I:Witt , ILD., R. a
Bititi44,iii:u; P. 6:;;Ci.tiltr.iixim U c,R: lk..' +:
f. ', .... .. ..1-:.. , 1. . ~ P , ;... , ..-;•-'7'; ''.;-r.,TAlbaiiy, kiitir.lB47.
. ..&J- . • ~.,'
...... c lit.tieltiONl2 .l ' " ' `''
' • '' , 4.2l2t.ftn.'lll2'' r 224 iiiiiiiis iittilldriddint lire or "!,.
:. - T . i.ii ftiefi.rj:l,4,. 'pit Ita`,, , ,' a lumber . tif. Melt' who 'we , .
Airiutitlf:422i.c Arii2ishi. ,have : etteittleitetul ! iiiiiiioli tirerri
1 . 0 , 1414 P.htroets.....ti.ii ill,. Ritter's, Retracts.. of .Y.iiihifr
11-liiiik;Ae:- .. r 7lttiy)4o - u ralltr.tilitflr up in the'iskuelshiii.
i't*.*4 hfitilitofirded , radion•!*r themluive , eteiiiii 'and . amid!
1 i,,liistiadrhaisenthote. by ore Otilif t wortklossAiiiihalmh,
A:, , ,, - 22;1; - iliirillitliit avoid, .;. , N2aligeou4iii:'l2,2les!:sigt.2tl tit
it . "'S.'l';',lNl:l22l2iiii. -•-:.- - : '; '''''''''''''' I.
" r i ' :irinerpiii:olliee tit ilTi:l"Ore it'llet ' Min ri.4
=i -int , ti.• i? •;*_ xi - idiot; 4 cie,' l t Mit. - 6 i re pt, No•inlit
li ii-t
.:,,,Hy a tt A t Wag:, In N h 15neoott Atosietl-,Plilladolpi;10
, EL 01, Ilium., Donn' Soltiototo 4 i!, 11. c o l let ,. Curl
' 7' -UM: Wright ' it. Co. 151 Csootriso *reek -N. 0.:
f 541 1111 - !Aso! Otioet .4k homy . ; - 4'14 fil -
all the liri"d _t
I 4 ,llr*ritiois. avid notch "oto geloorall# tionuiliosi tlis oo
• j
,;' -"A ** l ! W.0.!' 1 IH 11 " 1 .4 1 . Cibiladle• ' 1
.11, `''f:: - i .;' t' ;,' Irk Villialiell• .- t. ,
,' tic XfOoposoi;t: 1 1/ss 11r--11 lota lite regain ii ..l
,Viorofoosi - -that .ilsres" rtioy 111411.1ropiliavo Leos ' cored o;
doo"Ilet01 1 alit - I! ..11ii *air of yiioi s oalionoiii otoillelool:
If.irSoysoo•moillidlolAr yt;oeroliolc *ll,ll had oudik l l.l
.i,44_ 1 „.P11 ..btebiel.4l4ltl I' task ti°6l,"!l•lf,i which I I "'
,t.,511r0 . I flialTit hotlio;" . x . ~,„
~. ,
~- - ~, Tofinct`totioottfunc
~ - - ..,_,
.;:.<`s' , " t..- T - -;:-. T - . ~ it AC estalsow woo, lb
i ' 'lntrittiffiii ' 'Ag•nbs kamorkens