The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, September 06, 1849, Image 4

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interst in eceit — thiniAhat
to the feeding and fattenmeet" Cattle
puhlished a .munberof articles
subject,j we would now request a
of the following‘correspondence, ex
. from an exchange.
Berton :
Sir hava read with much in
, discussion'of the North gtockbridge
9lub,`On the subject of feeding cat
-your ',two last Cultursits. ',Perhaps - I
' understand biz. licidall's calculations"
icblie arrives at' - the' conclusion that
ina be made to increase in fat, by
on, - ,h4 alone. Ire says, "if one
ret-poimds of hay value increase the
aight of an ox, (which, as I apprehend increasing his beef,) six pounk
thousand pounds will increase it to olle
Id and-eighty pounds which-will add
indred and twenty poan6 to the as
- dead weight,. viz: six hundred and
}y -seven pounds ; meaning, asl suppose,
the bay, or as he has it, the hay value,
lake one hundred and twenty pounds
if. Now I think were he to kill his
after feeding three thousand pounds of
alone, he would find that he had not
a pound of beef, for it is a fact well
those who have been in the habit
Mug cattle, that the nourishment.derived
haralone, may indeed have kept up
4utside appearance of the cattle or in
:t words, kept the cattle where they were,
appearance, when they left the pasture,
the inside of the animal would show that
animal had used up its tallow; and the
would be loose or spongy. Ido not
ieve•that there was a pound of beef made
hay alone. •
"Now - as to feeding .cattle—first to
kind most prOfitable for our farmers to
LI 1 . -would say that must depend upon
market for which they are designed. If
\e New York market ! where they weigh
the beef, (or as the butchers there would
four quarters,) four - or. five years old
!era would be the most frofitable,- for the
esaton that yciu gain some in growth, and
tli r eit'' quarters will weigh heavier ! and the
,bide and tallow lighter, consequently the
!feeder will be better paid than by feeding
older cattle. _ _
. -- :‘:iiiii€; cattle toe designed for the Boston
'market, - where all is weighed, '(or as the
butchers say, five quarters,) then by all
means feed full grown oxen, for They give a
greater. per cent. of tallow, and a greater
quantity of good pieces, than younger cattle.
" If our farmers desire to obtain the largest
returns for their feed let them be careful in
theielection of their cattle, Never feed ox
en kr profit that are over even years old,
andi always reject such as have been broken
down by hard work, however will they may
appear m the pasture: kr,..w.n they are fed
somie old lameness appear, and ten to
onel when your cattle :ire ready for market,
such willhave to be le ft in the yard to seek
the bestmarket they may find at home.—
Be careful, also, that the ox is what the Con
4eune ' t river feeders call fine • that is, of small
'' , straight'and well formed , '
and light in
the fore quarter, with a tight clean head
and neck, and if you wish to make an extra
fat'ox, be careful that he have A thin hide. ,
I-have often observed that an ox with a
• coarse hide, will not take on fatlike
with a_thin, even' hide, nor will a thick
coarse limbed ox } ever command the
price in the .market, even if his ap
eindicates equal fatness. This may
strange to the 'inexperienced, but the
will always-inake a dollar per hun
tifferenez in the price, -which on an ox
7elundred weight, will-at once take
:elve doll* on a bullock, {no small
in the profit of feeding,) and besides the
• of mating 'the beef of the coarse ox
•eat as that of tire fine one.
we travelled many miles, when I was
lit of feeding cattle,
and since with
' cattle-buyeis fr om Conneneut
examine cattle, that were recom
as just right , for feeding when
my friends nor myself -would have
them to Conneticut with a view to,
Lave'thud into a sta ll for feeding coul
te been purchased for half price.
id now
,a few more words in regard to.
' The best feed without question, is
Jebrn and one part oil-meal : but as
cannot now-be obtained without gi::.-
few York or Boston for it, and paying
?me,' corn and oats in the above pro
is:next best, but as oats now demand
a high 'price compared in value to
..i. would probably be more profitable to
them, and feed entirely with corn ground
le ear. The Conneticut river feeders use
nd brciOm-seed, bit as we have not the
- corn in the ear is the most pro
J r us.
lam :persons think There value in
be that as it miy, feeders know that
'will bear heavier feed, by using corn
in.the_ear; than if the corn is shelled.,
to the quantity and time olfeeding,
Atity &mild be as great Bathe ox will
clean and not sour. Fight quails of
E l lathe usual quantity for an ox. of-_ ,
-;nd pounds dead weight, but if an
beartnoro meal, give it to him for- it
mistaken idea that if you teed heavy,
Alibi a lobier, for itis an old but true
itatif yon cheat an ox iv his feed he
either cbeat you or the
_ also - when there is a
Changoin the'iveaher to lesien his
rr s low or he will get clogged,
* week's feed before he
I t tS'ajoitteagaia. - Feed our hay
,thrice a fter -lus
1.:.414,15t*ey little:hay if it is at
uti lear cattle into your.
waten,hetweinnine and ten.o'ea,•
3( ~muchaaeck . possible - disturbing
tlki.rnk theni "into the twin; say
Y clock; .cattle de:
Jand-iii - the.iniddle et Ahe- day,
enjoying the benefit of the sun
,homing , ,feed. .
4 ' My practice diat'!alivirys been, (and - I
think I lave made some'aslat oxen-Eel:were,
ever driVen _front . this Country tb Itrightort
.market,)i to be. careful thate.sen, have: their
meals regular time never varying!**
than half an hour.' I al,fais'yisit4ins,'eatr;.
t,le at nice Or'Acketi in the'ice glut
all was tight in the stables nird togivnthem
a littlehay. • i.Atier all, onelirreat item in.the
profits of stall feeding cattle is:in . theiipran,
tity andlvaluC of the manure, it being,Wotth
in my
. estrinatiOn, niorothan double that of
other manure. I haver .often beard Connec
ticut river feeders , remark when they have
met with. a poor ;market for . their &ittle, that
the-feed given to the cattle, worild bav'n sold
for morntlian the advance on dick; gattle, but
they could not raise their crops Without the
minute, .and that it was better t(1 lower the
profits. op their feed . thafi not to have the
manure on their land.
AlthoUgh -the fibove -communication has
reference to the northern Stides particularly,
the suggestions turd-directions of, the war
are qude sound,. and be found correct
r and applicable for any part of the United
,;States.--Editor Fortner.
Fruit Convention which it was announced
would beheld hr Cincinnati during the days
of the State Fair; in September, Will perhaps
be herald a somewhat later period. There
has been -no time for correspondence on this
point sinee the State Fair Was postponed; and
owing to the uncertainty as to The prospect
ive condition of the health:of the country, it
is difficult' to decide at present as to what
time be most expedient,
i eff The Missouri Bepublican, (dated at
St LOuis, Aug. 12) remarkably corroborates
the ,infarmation which we 'have heretofore
recelled through other channels, showing
howl necessary it was for the Executive t o -
interpose as it did by means of. the late
Proclamation, - to protect the public peace,
the Mstionid honor and good faith :—[Nat.
„ ilvir
LE A:p.—The papers .of New Orleans are
silent about a movement that is going on in
that city, whicehas, it' we are correctly in-'
formed; the Appearance - of a Military
meat against a neighboring country, and is
for this reason, contrary to our laws. It is
stated to us that a company of fifteen -hun
dred imen, is being enrolled in that city, who
are tO serve twelve months, and W. be paid
0,060 caeim for the year. They are told
that they are to fight, but have not been in
formed against whom their, warfare is to be
.dirceted. It is-said that half a million dol
lars are , on deposit in time Canal Bank to use
in the enterprise. Nearly the full comple
ment of men has been obtained, and it. is
protoble. that developments , will soon be
made as to the design of ,the expedition.”
Itr-NGAirLAN .STATESMAX.-11l consequence
of tic remoteness of Hungary. and the small
knowledge of its language possessed by our
1 • P
people, very little is known of the men who
figure in its present contest, save the glorious
names of Kos..'sittli, Bern. Georgey, and Dem
binski. These are undoubtedly the leaders
in t
e struggle, and are worthy of all the
prail they have received ; and yet there are
otb r gallant spirits who should not be ir
gottn. - Foremost among these is l'atil
Nyary, who has figured solely in the civic
field. He is described by a native Hunga
rian; now residing in the 'United States, as a
splendid orator, a thorough revolutionist, and
a blld, resolute, far-seeing statesman. In the
National Assembly, he is the leader of the
most resolute party. A German says of him.
It was he who opposed the first 'Hungarian
tilinlsfers, (tinder the presidency of the Count
eany,) making new : treaties with the
Au.l triiin court, and. entering into fruitless
and dangerous agreements with it. It was
he I and iris party who made head, even
against Kossuth, iirthe proposals to :give to
the Austrian Emperor assistance in the war
with Italy. It was he and his ' , arty , who
refused to imitate the Austrian rule in the
organization .of 'the Hungarian army., „
Without Nyary the lltingarian revolution
of March would have turned out as disas
trously for the holy cause of liberty as else- - :1
wherein Europe. He alone defended and
,kept alive n policy of so great consequence,
-that even Ktissuth found it too daring, be
cause the national existence Was at stake ;
but-at, the discussion in the National Assem
bly, he was :triumphant in his principles. •
A. CCRIOUS CASE 01" gUßGEllY.—Sone
time Ago a little child of Mr, Lathrop, at
the foot of Sudbury street, was playiniiiith
a pair of bivalve shells, round In form, and
each fully as large as the eights, of a dollar
when one of them disappeared and natiliiin•
could be found of it. After several weeks
*ere appearance of something grow-,
inigin the roof of tbiebild's TI e e'dl , l
was carried to ,Dr. Oark; the city physician,
who pronouneedit uric of the enlargement
of riotne bone the anatomical name of which - .
•- top hard for, us, but we will call it one of
the rafters of the month.. •Subsiequeatly D.
Warren !As consulted; who • confirmed Dr.
opinion, and 'proposed to operate to
icAuee. the size of the enlarged Im . ne.• On
'cutting, around the protuberance; the' before;-,
Mentioned-'shell fell 'Put: It Seems to, have
adhen4;:the pone* :side up, to the roof of
thCitiontbi...until i it*lia become completely
etnhedded : under, the ' , shin.—Boston
A t?' Hrupnitrar i)f - Anausr.t, the Tele
graph now says is ex+iiiistl , y elected to Con
-Itrews. from the ,i4nrimilla District Ky, in
gitiste of the Slavery .diviSion in favor of his
I)x° opponent, pi; Newton Lane---
F f etlie:, Kentucky Deltiitien . wtill be'tWhig
iii - ;,:hefOr to 4,
~truiteadjof, at least Ble. 2
asit ought to havokileeni. and would- 14Ve
liesen'huVfoi the aid. affoided by Shivery to
its - natural ;alley,' So the Rouse may Or lie
utterbi:l9et;_ aftor all. thir bad news seems
to get thestrut'thi.i year, oentrary to ning,e.--
Trait - rte. '
Netves;GOods.:- r
'ETAS ,jitSt rettrinedfrOwilthOr . city Nisi. York,
.1.1. with a wellialectedandar'r'shriblaiiiii 4 bacot:
of Gor*Milindliff it greater variety than is usw
,ally)sepkur aeittntry.stiwa4 bought exclusively for"-
,task.doisiOtt.2,the.lostertrales,:for-Alre ,qtallity
ciurip as the dreerpest.
The 'brat quality, of Si&x .at,fi put' pound to.
be 'forma iu Stroineltanna County... Ilse flarove&
Teas, a good.vanetti. . I .. Molasses, good and Cheap.
Coffee of the best Limit Spices of every deseiip
-lion. , Bice, lis44.irrsl all other
kinds Of Grote,* goad aril Plif§o. '' •
Calicoes frista4 to I 2
•Irlouslin de Lanes &c, do
Sheeting • quality and rimier
lug, brown and bleached; Veiling& Hindkerchiefs,
Kentucky . Jeans, Mixed Denims, Corduray;;Mole
skin, Cassunerp, Linens, dui dc.;'Broadelotlis from
to ,134 per }art. •
Ladies and gentlemen's Gloves and Hosiery
lrellgs, Combs, Brushes, Silk, Thread, Twist, But
tons, Suspenders„Batting, Wadding, Cotton Yarn,
Steel Goods, Corniks_and a general assortment of
Yankee notions. ' '
Clocks, Watches, Gold, Steel and Biwa Watch
ICept,Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens. Thim
bles, Ladies and Gentremen's Gold Bosom Pins,
Ear Hoops, Finger Rings, &m ac., embracing a geri
eral assortment of Jewelry. Spectacles with sil
ver bows, Silver Plated, German Silver, de, Silver
and other kinds of Spoons..
Violin Violin Bows and Strings, Flutes, Fifes,
Clarinet& Accordeons, de, Instruction Books, Tu
ning Forks, Base Viol Strings and Bows.
Hardware, Cutlery, Pails and Tubs, Stone Ware
de. Good Linseed Oil, and paints of every.tlescrip
tier, Varnish. Sp'ts. Turpentine, and Paint Brush:
es, Nails, Glass, Sash and Putty.
A general-and complete assortment of
J)ru7a and Medicines:
Medical Instruinents, TrusSes, Sirpporters de. Phy
sicians supplied with goOd articles on moderate
terms. Choice Liquors for, medicinal purposes and
the arts; Ilye Stuffs do
Glass ware of every description. Lamp Oils,
Tanners Oil, Candle Candle Wick, Candle Sticks,
Snuffers, Trays, Lamps de
' Haying-Tools, Hoes, Shovels.. Axes and Helves.
Baskets, Clothes Pins, Br4uns, Boot Blacking, Etc.
dc. de. -
Books Shoes, Upper Leather, Mirrors, Tea Bells,
Tobacco of all sorts, Pipes; Snuff, Candy, Sponge,
Glue, Ro4n, Salts, Alum.; Operas, Indigo, Mace,
Tapioca, Arrow Root eke Essential Oils and Es
sences of all kinds 4 Patent medicines of
every description. Blasting Powder and Safety-
Fuse, Rifle Powder, Bar Lead, Shot, Percussion
Caßq, Pistols lie.
The public are invited to call and examine the
quality and prices of goods.
Montro,v, June j 3, 1849.
Jewelry, Clock altd Writela estab
HAVE you the True time'? If not, you can
have It t)% ft., first door above the-
Stage Hotet-irhere repairing and adjusting, Lever,.
Cylinder, .htspement, and common Watches and
all kinds of title keepers, Jewelry and Musical In
struments, de., are done h a style that cannot fail
to suit the most fastidious,. Alt irairanted to per
form according to the quality of the article.
Just received, a good assortment of fashionable
Jewelry and Watches, whicli will be replenished
every two months, consisting of gold and silver
Lever and Lepine Watches, Quartiers, &c., from 7
to SO dollars, silver Table and Tea Spoons, Gold
Rings, Far Hoops, Cluster, Jet and Stone Pins,
Wristlets, Silver aril Gold Pencils, Gold Pens, Pen
Knives. Scissors, Silver Thimbles, Gold, Silk and
Steel Chains, do. Keys, Card Cases, Letter Fold
'ers,Tooth Picks mid Brush, and many other use
ful and ornamental articles, which will be sold very
cheap for old and new silver and gold.
Pay down and small profits is my motto.
Montrose, May 30, 1849. WM. W. TlitTg.
Crockery and aloes.
wE have received a large addition to our stock
of Crockery and Glass. Ware, which will be
Bold at extremely low prices ; many articles same
as New Turk wholesale prices, and some even less.
A large lot of Printed covered Dishes at 44 cents
each-250 setts of Flowing Blue, Light Blue, White
Granite, turd common cups and Kaucers,—much low
er than they are sold generally
A very superior lot ot Norageoha Grind-stones,
with regard to both shape and grit, very cheap.
U. BURRO IT'S if: Co:
Gibitcori, June ?_l9,
The Steam Grist PIM
S now in successful operation. The public -are
invited to give it a ttial.
Constantly on hand, fur sale, at the loa est ,zel
uric Superfifie L Flour, Fine do., Corn Meal, Prov-
Inder, Shorts and.Bnut
Cash paid for' wheat.
Montrose, June 19:1849.
Tev. - elry—itt TurrielrN.
ADIES and Gentlemen's Gold Bosom Pins,
Finger Rings, Ear lioorks, Gold Pencils and
Pens, Silver. Spoons, spectacles of every descrip
tion ; gold and silver cased Watches,' Chains and
Keys ; I.lusical InStrunients, Violins, AccordeonS,
Flutcs, Fifes, Clarinets, etc. Pistols and all sorts
of Yankee Notions, and nearly every thing usually
kept in a country store.—Cheop for Cask
[See advertisement in another column.]
Montrose, July 10, 1049.
New Books Just received at the
Book Slone
31'Caulaf.4 :History of England, Webster's Die
tionary school and pocket, Authon's Latin 1..L-secons,
Phonographic !Wailers, Burns Poems, limner's
Celebrated lii.structiotts for the piano forte, Here a
Little and There a Little, Retiring Irian Business,
Duty versus Will or, Decision make4s the Man, gilt
Letter Paper and plain Cap, white Letter -Envid
opiis,. Bible Dictionary, a new supply Exchange
Cards, printed mottos, ite.
Merry's Museum And Parley'S Playmate,
A few numbers of this highly popular and in
structive periodical fur the young, just received,
And for which subscriptions will be received at the
Book Blare. Price ens dollar 'per, annum in ad
vance.. • 0.1.
Trask'il. Magnetic, Ointment.
- Ma the cure of inflammatory ,diseases, such as
I. hillatmiattion of the bronehites, sore
throat; inflaimeation of -the bowels, inflamed sore
eyes careers, ulcerated sores, salt rheum, fever
sores scald eld, piles, spinal irritation, sick head
ache, tooth ache, ear take, corns, burns, frozen
lizabs,:ikc. in "Kitties fin. 2 and 3 shillings, at
June I& • TU RRELL'S.
XISXATPORD'S HAYFORKS, the best in the
• world, aLso: Straw Forks, l itic3rttses, Snaths,
Rakes, Hoes, ShorelS, 4-, 4., at:TURRELL'S.
Cash paid for Wool.
2000 xxsuuls of Wool mint e d for Cash and
- in exchange for goods by
Kerrlkrd,,dtine 26, 1849. -- rtitri7
ClitAlll.S.--Cettag,e'afid fancy nag -seat chairs
3...) for sale by MIAS. IL FESSUDEN.
Over A. 14 iirebstaeo tia shop, two doors above
La's Hotel.. •- ' -6-4 m
j' -1J
;tl.' FISHER would "respectfully an
:IY.L pounce to the Isklies of Frientlsville and jri
(inky that , pbehasopened a Paerißillimers
emoting of Bounds, Iliblisst,' , Floweii, Caps . and
H e ad Dressys: =Ladies and' -Gentlemen's
Leghorn Hits done over at the shortest notice. '
. . L. AL MUM' •
FrisSmilsville,lJuie 19,,1846.
, -: „...ir_ ,
rPHE subacriTherdreis.)aii. ,„. in the 'town.
: 1 - ship . of Gres4;7s"&iii' ‘:-TlVill'a of Green
.iiilte,land - trweetlY _tott - fr the inidstie' Of Great
,BmClocated on the ot, or the New Xorli and
Erie tenread,, -and the... Great Bend aid Cocheetew
Ter e„rk e, i n t h e jitney; of the' Susquehanna :river.
The -r — roi d e r44.o,the.taiid turnpark, thence' turi: ,
p i ng in e e emd iinu,iiesuly . fondle! wit) lheAante'
at ,the distance of a feW huAdreit,feet, with the
gtonaii ErsduallY..‘ risi Pg: ab° , a s railri'ad war turn- ,
Dike; overlooking tmo - mveri -the betintifidirid.
l e y, c ompared with He, health climate, 'resident it .
A most Segrable"*Ciihn - : ft i r • P l Pl Meil r . ;"
The depot ground - ofithe - : nii -eampany i heing. ,
located in the centre of a -and'OteMtiVe tri--'-
-e u it eri d district, 811 . mm:tale . iavevery,;pide_trith?
hi many roads centering in, - illiith er .edieete. , ,
ges conibitnA afford erciy ad - -10,?ii-,,hiiiiiii!d
population. , ~ :•-: ' ~ - --
,; -. 411';•1:5,th-.'T- -4
A *-Ert enst re .W . _Po le 'O`;lj'.'z.-;P:, - „,Z - . :
can be brought from the S Uellillnilii:4l*, ;10.1
Joining the' depot ground% of Wikl i nAieinlistif-:
fi e i e nt for the erection of all --p3tab:
lishments, or any madtiner-y . _ _ uilid.','J -, - 1. , :'
Great Bentl l s`4l - '1... GREW.
N Ir ---- . &lg.llW frond,
Stephen' and Thompaon's BariiiiiPagLinefrout
Great Bend—Capt./ IV.- Thowni*"
QTEPHENS dr TH.O3IPSO'SwiII foriard freight
17 from Great Bend to se* York by Railroad
T neadv' and nuraday
by the regular freight line which leaves Great
Bend every_ morning at 8 o'clock and 30 minutes.
1. George W. Stephens will *main at Great Bend
and forward all produce entr*stnd to this Company
and pay the returns for the ;same at the railroad
office. Capt. J-. W. Thompuoii will remain in New
York and give his personal attention to the miles
and make returns a t s soon as produce is dispo
sed of : This company flattcfr themselves by hav
ing a salesman in New Yorkl who has been 'in the
frieghting business for a number of years . from Or
ange county, that they can give as good satisfac
tion' as any on the ralinceoL IA liberal advancv‘Vill
be made on freight delivered at the depot if desi
red. GEO. W. STEPHENS, Great Bend,
J. W. THOMPS()N , New York. .
Great Bend, a 3
New Hat and ap Store.
T HE citizen's of Montrose, and vicinity are, re-'
spectfully informed . 464 the subsribers have
commenced the numufacture Of Hats and Capii,two,
doors beiow the Farmer's Store, where they keep
constantly on hand and for Sale a general assort .
meat of Hats and Caps of every variety and price.
All - who wish to purc'h'ase a first rate article m our
fine, are particularly invited to give us a call before
Purchasing elsewhere. Our 'stock consists of Bea
ver, Nutria, Brush, Moleskin, Silk, Muskrat and
Coney Hats; also, California, Sporting, - WooL Leg
horn, Straw and l'almleuf I ts. ital. it.c., be.ides a
great variety of Men and Is Cloth'mul Glazed
Caps, children fancy-AO.. & dc.--L - -in shod. a large •
assortment of almost every Article in our line.
By a sirict attention to laisinetai and a desire to
please, we hope to merit and receive a liberal sup
and assure those In went of nets ood ears
that every effort will be made to get up the neat
0, and best kind of an article., :
v 1, 1849.. ELDRED d-. NEWCOMB.
void this side oi California!
Grorrri/. Colitretionary and Oyster Saloon.
MILE tailmad tieing completed . I now Wive, and
1. keep a general asssortment of groceri e s cheap
—such as sugars, inplasses, rice, coffee and tens, of
prices and quality such as-Will please. Also, nuts,
raisins, candy area all kinds Of fruit the market am
furnish my buyers to suit. : Also, fresh clams and
oysters received in the shill, fresh fish too, this
weather—they keep very Well—l shall get by the
railroad a weekly supply—to please all my canto-'
mere - tasks I shall try.,
,Geod oysters on hand,bv
the keg or the dish — serv ed up either raw or cool:-
ed, as you wish. All needed refreshments prepa
red at a wink—call in, -allive hungry, and plank
down - the dank. • , :(V.IL F. lIIIADLLY.
Great Bend, Feb. 1:1. :• . ..
Eagle Steam Foundry & Machine
WE would respectfullyf invite the attention o
all those who may he 6t want-of Machinery
or Cagtings.rof any pattern, till Oeerings, Ploughs
of various pattern, Straw' Cutters, Cooking, Parlor ;
t shop stoves, Iron it shire Ware, shingle Ma
ehin & Engine I..tithes, steam Engines,
Boilers, Iron Fences, lc. k to 'give -us a call, as
we arc confident we can snit the most fastidious.
All work done at our Foundry warranted;
Proprietors, •
Wm. Jrast-c, ci
t. R. ',TONS,
at. J. 51m.Fonti,
Id. S. Witsox,
O. G. BAttn.rrr.
Eagle Foundry, Montri*e, (Pa.) July 4, 3849.
Natinets&Broadeloths exchanged
for Wool. _
PERSONS having Waol, and wishing to ex
change it fur cloths tif the above description,
or make tale of it, are informed that they can do ;
so at the Factory of the snlocriber at New Hamp
ton, upon the Olowing copdition : Price of Wool
from 18 to 31 cysts, according to quality ; Price of
Broadcloths from $1,50 to $.2.25 per yard, light
mixed, sheep's ; grey, and black Satinets, either plain
c l k
or striped at 45 cepts per. lud. The goods will be
ready at the time' f the elivery of the wooL
New Hampton; Ortut,gleo. June 14; 49. —6w.
Freight and ColllllMilen Line,
Via .iVrts' York and Erie - Roll Road.
{APT. -L. 0. Tafany and Walter Follet have
1.../ formed a pattnenhiP for the transportation of
freight and produce of all kinds, between Grind
Bend and New York by tie Railroad, by titeiegu
' lar Freight line, which leaves Great Bend every
morning at ftf o'clock.
Captain Tiffany, alio has been for wnumber of
years inigaged in the pmvhase and sale of produce
in the New York inarkets, will remain m New
York and give hi. personal attention to, the dispe.
sal of all property.committed to our care, and make
returns as soon as the prOperty is disposed of.
Mr. Met will be at Montrose- arid Great'llend
alternately, Orders f the transportation of
Freight, may be sent to him at either place, and
will receive prompt attention. Our charges over
the regular freight will by a small commission.
Montrose, May -9.'49. ' WALTER FOLLET,
- I
13 ;
CANDLES at 14 . e
a 9 , • *
Just R ef
tT the Maxi:acme i
Oaks' Companion,
Ides Gni&
0 0 , 000 IP"
T HE h e st Flee
for ad at
Jura 7.1.1103
. '49. LA ,
Atone' dk Ighosioiteia -! ' ' .....
mr ixft
RE Now mein' , large' addition 'to . their
Astoelt of,.thsads, t shwa. the irrelit.d4;
cline of prieLK in New And addell . they 'trill
sell for gusher ready pa atloweepriFas than: 1.6. t!
'• June 6;1849, - • - ' '- • ' •
' 'I
1 4 s.
. ~
:. Saii - 6•445: a' iin L 4. Pricer..',
, , ..
UST receive d - -131,-A. pee & Sons, aptly' ISM* ''''
fr , ot•Gocodo 'satossting ot.Der Goon* . a full at.` '
priee 7
i ni tm en t. ;91Lacquitii; Y. KL.DWARII4IIOI'
/kg, which they o&r foe for Cask 4W-Produw
It thet.ivsy lowest - •
New Militant Illty sci,f, Itit
„ .
.. tf; 8111.10101 PIPV B - 101 4 1 1-V . -
,_ _LIN - Ignillnlitost anan.iriete , snesetaty.'r:Thstit ia e' - •:.
Onespentlia - *tr. ale is the dilreletat,' tartner.isibid 8. P. 1
TowisemPe Inteeperilli:.:.lCia nikedie lite ORM&
Ndr%t OENV4BB, mid Ill:umi.. zivnicsoa to tie smile ,
, and meet Wm • but weetaneeNv warteronisillesele,m. ,
; adetenttilel ite-....ent honieemee titinttr Moor (*OW
zepteenol oteredit Ow:what** latot t fHe seri !! lee.;,
is mei P.! ' N tbe liwil jnath -al le. erilimi he ne lli le nd rpraillea le"l inetit 6 einit a''
- -W NO I'• lgtocti,wirfig. Aqaba' mineptlentatiost
1 0
” Wet character and verekity ottbe mem:: TINA
emetibmanil t he bed never made those Matentanut Of him.
self Ocarina. 'When' will norm leant to be limns and truth. •
tel imit ell Mei destiny. and intelemmarwrith 'their' fellow
most: Ile: led,tti wee Iteelpepp mamba', him in moo- ,
Mbeenring ih , mixture, silting thlt laiva sew be
,'world "
s ma mm l o ae an i imminent to embattle the bueinies. - • The., t'
men he .. ' inaultinceed ! libdling Ww , in ell peenible
in to. impress the -,pntilleoeith thettelief that
t . ;illetettrii Banwpatilla wee ilift ie Velsortre;sritsfuet
mode Inmt the OH," a' Origin& Nem •
Fe• -.7 filoiTlP. ,N. Totineend says lif
etre told the:nee army
• mumoroWdff MeteelL 1 ywill• give {tarn, if' he wilt pm
doa NI sidi tontarylproof ot` this. illite•Watentente of '
Thoilitoucti Rheum 11r, (..b.:are i!tiMitlit; hit a 40'0014
' klobtsolik, W ply ' made in &eel Act: publfr i and ; keep
. "..BMittmelt doWn in reliant to hie Mg t fermeetist sow
gen_ SHL I -liiii is to cantiowthe pelt ie.: (CP pumas:our none bat
Millie« JAColl,Towneeterit Se villa. hailing on It she .
Alltllleessen likeimm. hit Amity. Coat V *ma, and his
italfolieFiallhe P 0 .0 . ..2t 1 in011t ': ' ' • ' '
4 - •
per poilmtfor sale by
311 C STORE, Bins's ..140,
Dunlop'a Forma, Covit# 7 l
oel•Waisted: •
paid 'ia'aishlu3d trade
GOlll.llllO Toarnsena Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Tliwnsetid is now ahnur.years of ale. end hag
long been known 111. the A CITI1( Rand DISCOrsRmi
of the GENUINE OR/GANA L "TO Ir.vsEArn
SARSAPARILLA." Heine ppm, lie was ctimpelled to
limit its manufacture, by whichlMO it h a s been kept out
or market, and the Pales circus rihol in !him- only who
had preyed its worth. and known Is value. It bed reached
the ears of many, Bederthelese, air those person who had
been healed of vont and sand beim *elk we
caused its wondieful 1
Inahnfacturied on the largest pealiq and is Called for through
out the length and breadth of the land. especialle as it is
toned - incapable of degeneration or deterioration. •
Unlike young S. P. Towneemrs, it , improver with age,
and never change s but for Ile better; twenties it le pormatil
on sciennyic principle* by a widintific man. The highest
knowledge tit Chemistry, and thki latest disteweries of the
art, have all been brought into requiriticon in the manatee
ture of the Old Dr'S Sarsaparille. The - Satespari=
it is well kimwit to medical men; contains Many
properdes,,-md some Properties !Mich are inert or melees,
, aratothene,Midele if retained inkpreparing it for rue, pro.
dadoforrocishoodoo Ooltooidi o olikois -Winkttioss to tlbe i i i r io,
tern. Some of the prove ,FlSarailiari4l.loll,:mr
that they entirely evaporat -a 4trilrest in the preparttion.
if they are not preserved - a Sefentifie process, known on
'ly to time experienced n . its nuumfacture. - Moreoier,
thee. entorfre principles. Mich By tuf in vapor, or as an ex
halation, muter beat, are the very essreitiat - oisOfeat prop.
orties of the root, which give -to it all its cable.
Any perenn can boil or mew the root till they Let a d ar k
colored lionid, which is more from the coloring matter in
the runt Mon fmm anything elsel they can then strain tide
insipid Or vapid liquid. sweeten with pout molasses, and
then call it * SA RSAPA nimay EXTRACT or SYRUP."
But such ie not the tinkle ktiown-iatint
This is PO prepared that all the inert properties of pie
Sarsaparilla root are first remoi n ed. everything capable of
becoming ac ,or fermentation extracted anti rejected
then ever particle of medical ginue i t secured in a pure
and erwmenteated form ; and the it is rendered 'incapable
of losing any of ha valuable a no healing properties. - Pre
pa, ed in this way, it is made the Mee powerful agent in the
Cure of prance bile Dieeaseas
Hence the reason why !e heat . commeishojous nn every
ride hi its favor by men, ...emn; and children. Wend it
doing wonders in by
cure of
CO.VNUMPTfON, DrFSP ..P.WA. and Ltrnn
0031PLAINTrand in 'RII 2u.srAi rtgai; NCIZOF.
()us Enuprio.v.q,' PIM PLES, aLorcuEs
and all erections arising from ,
-...11 pOSPOPIPsP !I marvellous etfi4acy in all inniplainte: ail.
sing from Indriestiun. froth Ac ity If the Stomach: from
=equal' circulation. determiner on of blood to the head,
palpitation of the heart. cold fee and hands, cold chills and
hot flashes over the body., • It hap not its equal in Tobin anti,
Coughs:: and promotes easy eriectoratiret and tonal. per
epiration:relaxing strictures of lye lungs, throat and every
other part, -
But in Mulling is in eget Itenc.! more maitifeetly seen and
acknowledged than in all kinds i nil stages itf
Ii work* wonders in cases o Finer Atha' or lilites,
Paning et Ike Wumh, Otaiontetil, Suprre.tted, at Painfu l
Moues. irre A rshinv ofhw meti-trual peri ids. and the lie;
and ineffectual in curlil theyorms 'of Kidney Diseases.
By removing obstru oils. and, regulating the grueral
system it wines tone an strenlith,to the whole body, and
thus cures all forms of ,•. - 1 •
Nertona Mato mei! anti tlight!ltyr.
and thee Presents or re t Yee i cleat variety of other mal
adies, as Spinal iriltratt ok, N itrishrio, N. Vitus' Donee,
Swooning: h'pileOtie:Fliftt, ptslYisitierts, ite, . . • •
It cleanses the blood: usages Who liver•tri healthy action,
tones Abe sumach, and „ t ives igtutti digestion . - relieves- the-.
bowels of' torpor and cos irpatidn.; allays inflamm at ion. pu..,
rifles the skin, equalleei the eitentation of the ['Mild. pro.
doting :gentle warmth , ually all over the body, and the
osensibie perspiration.; relax strictures and tights/ems.
meow ill obstructions. , nd inv .Mrates the entire nervous
system. Is not this thefi •, • #
The Illedielne yin prlesanalstently nasal
But can any of thesei r ings ; ,said of E 5. P. Townsead's -
i t
inferior article 1 This °nog n's_l4tilil is not to be
because Of one GRAND FA.. that the one Is LICAPA
ii ii
. .
while the other DOES . , 'semi Iferniegthig. and Newt*, •
the *clap curtaining lit into Inarmentel; the sour, acid
liquid exploding, and danuarinig other goods! lion not tide
horrible rompiimil be Winoin tollie arstim.l-111Oatt
Ina and info a aYsfiel It/ready /seated IRA aeid 7 What
causes Dyspepsia but Seidl . - I We not all IatIOW that when
food sours in our stomachs, wile!. mischief it producral
-flatulence, heartimm,sapitation of the heart, liver conf
ident, diarrhrea. dy entery; !folic, and corrupti o n of the
blond? What is Scot la but pp firid hnmor in the body 1
What produces all the ninon Orhich bring ottEruptioto of'
the in, Scald Ides Salt:eum, • Erysipelas. White,
Swellings, Fever So ; andal Manakins internal and ex
ternal,. ,It is nothing t rier, venhot In acid substance,.
Which' Won, and thus flag the fluidstif-the bode. more
or less. I What eau Rheutriallom but a sour and kid; -
fluid which insi 11l nit . itself fititvieen II 'joints and elk. ' .
where, irritating anilyarniqW the deli ' to tissues up,*
which it ictsl So of . riling iIIPAPtIMPS; l'impurhir nf the
Wood,of deranged a' ulatiod, kid niarl all the ailments
which afflit humanminim.- ! , e ;.! ...
Nov is it not .horrittle At,
_Make . and 11, and lialheiteiy ?
• worse 61 inerthis ' 1 if I! -
. . 8,..e rovitsEbini ' • • •
and yet he would fain t itifunderstond that Old Dr. he ,
cob Townsend's aeonsfne• Oeititial Gareapen2h, Is an IN.
WATIC.N - oflibi inferior preparation ! t 1 .. - -
Heaven forbid Munn. IWO] deal Mims sni ck
• which
would bear the most distant ! minotiblance to S. P. 'Town,
sewn tilde t - II . 'ii! 4: .. -
We Wish ft anderattol.hicit 'se it - Oberst/wend, truth,
that s TownitentEsiattiele ; :told . Jacob Townsend?' .
Sena rilla are.heirrers-wide t, aniflittituitelyiteiden.'
i wo
Gar; title they are - tinNke, in . err, particular, having NC --
one gingko thing in .nimmort. iltl ~ - % ; ,--. .:_-.; L ,•,
As sr P. Tomoiemy is ' 0:41oefoi. and neier.wee. la M.
ehemitt, no pitamtactratio-Llahners nee meireof medkine at
dimness than any otbeglennitnolti luarientilaciyatinilheidge*-:
man. what gtooranteatantkelyinblic here Mat they etritts., , , -
calving , ' a genuine wittlitille *Heins, enntaininkill *vie. .'
tuns of the anichreminllo-Preparing iti.kurd width NV ht;. 0-: .'
. ranabliof changes wideb Mi t render Stem the A GENTS '
of Dn* inatead of health',
.• - - -
But what .else shoe ?a. : ed,..fir! tuitilihnilusirri
'Oohing cant) , "---''- 1 ,' ' -- -
that the person
shank! know:*
mansiggp ar f ,
• It 4 . 4i -- i460 1
. 1.17
JACO .10 1
. Storl/Of Or
within she
that Ibifir
A I -t.h.•
ent ,
ware and 0-
. .
' ' 7 - - 'e6reflillif :. 1
• ' Thiiiii• ii-, iiini-oirin4iaioiliv ii.i=liird - 4iiiii,•;.. l;
ailtea .4 aseidentrid'a_Arw! , l l ....l koso I!
~..1...1 Ike mini .ae. bt. l a Nowelous 4;
- latiiiimiatD r; Towa;erid lionle**dad - ovariblebub 1:
- dm' l'iii emit Amy insdre Wag I. OaeleAamille. WOO'
Ima obtained a abalaetar ad repeo Abbriegbaticebe A t
Chia lbaaand !Lim r part of , brilbe Ws if
beint figeOleam .. j . ~ i , '.. • it
.., lUD tatitak th e ivpiaN - -Pr eeri e u: r . ii iimil a* 1
s sail ap! r.' Whet= 'it p * :a e/ II it
.1P• "'"..# 1 0_14 ,of yaaira t :' - aim's: Moe 1 1
ii t
"ra .isim 4 . " Tr..4 ll. ll l the ' 16i onstr a "1"1419‘11 I II I 01"11 11 2 P il II
- 111 TOW ' iiirl ' 118 4 1 2 1 " , "11:. stating - • Jimilik.sealted ;.,•-
r . 10 1" 0 - 14 iiiih'cia•bag as 'aar, diabai if
A. ImOla -lOW be" - — "Amin - ens mbar* be al**
Lto c ' waritsktai. iint of i haiiiiitslyaelear. 4'
Nirile • NO -At AMORKWO; li
• ap n o e as- of 'IBC Mil"*. l ' IikabLISTZIVIS 11
loornir, i 111ALPHAPOMIKKO fire,...„4.;inasiiiii T
,: i i„ 4 1,,
...f,,dkbrabei Akin ligamqv "a*: la Ilea ,1
': Alba - Pie ' - lereq, 'KAM' SUL NAM: Ill* s int
I 111110311410 K andaribiliami ist 1111011103014:111LILL 11
' MAbrdr. m tri ebPl 4 O" O 4 * 1 * " 6 1+4 sia Mr* it.
1 1
I ' l
1 .
• I
__...1•1 4 0 -... 4 • icb "
emus 14 iiiiseniOtli• nada; 0 7 ?1,s•Jy,
. . .
drawn. AND , uatmeit,inkaicasiz. ,
star hinewn; h lie ' t r.... riaritim .du hate onno‘A
WWI qintkansheonviinc :but 4eirtiiiies now, pot t .
awl riehloinedj.n pow . pouseninnl . bykr ..inhitt 5i0•.".1
'thin. ,"Vid 'hi this 111.104 inrand i sperat or Its wenitti.
(11;isneensni l•st
i e gotakil id in ibi ps
last Lao ocitf
'mere th n 161.000 Int •0( *Mit A** la disarm: u:'.
1•114 -I 000 , 'were 'livid' Ines•nhl• - It 'hie at
lb. . orrnono ,thin 0,01)20114ein! uss,,peo stir 1 ,1
a l
mini he city 41: Nu If ... ' 1 1
14,090, 'trail • 010•114111 111101111111 • T
•: 1 virisolt:of , N Wilms .111,0frit 16_ ' .P
.Irow Nim..u.r., Ss milli inabrarittne the,* kyle staf;
tan , taibleatimily. - T,W , liatii: iibai 144' laitribatt lima?
etilar . .arialty ht . that non al -ionlistratiiittl
ionniolun4 holnialt - it lie ,esesalltn tintolienes at MI
' inaasubtola by? pbyaiail penetration .1 At! ,
"stunts! - .ikos. hue 4 . .11a; ..w,aat ,af satbitiant. (fiat'. (;
iminlati" a. I ptasamitera Video'," 'mod 40aliant' , Isamaut,f,
- 1 •FlOg, lit4, - . fitter dini(sion . cninnn•phiinuannhe annuall
i.i.o.r lif this plait ant tentinly.. , Tide ilasaapluitliti
la far , rating to any r,
. .:- soda. anima tatiiiisr 1 1
,_ ,
bait. ' *seta taw alas ,t.
Aaat:.ttran,,, , ,,,aas ,, ,. naotti-tostTala . Tatmatmet apt,"
in a *oat satt"ln4imi 4#11". • -. .-.- I- -7 , ,
• Sri—.o4.'
• I% / / /17 ', - `'.-ii . - - ' '
• 1 IrissirsaLpitss liiitiesli, • i I: ,
OhmsOt eta- Mt raga .• , -Cresotesja toe gee lif 111/4
/11,04teliiiill, ' COPS/. ii' Ay- Liras i crimaimat, c -
Cat rrk: flergrAs. tame, Symartili 1/ 1 /mai S'sr
ei It Mist, Jigrtic,ehash, Irkeits Narrows. DiJIIII/1
P'" "ie lICIPPr/ 1 " "P.a. Vaiw - ie 14. Side, er.,
elm end tea et * sir. - , 4
, i ' k , l ' Sipe sista Itiatosirs - -, .
' t or...r.nik, April Se, let.l
DILI owes arto.-4 verily believe poor 8. e . 1 4 ,
• till& are ' 1•11.11 • OM inutine through Proridelive, of nosy
My li .., I leave 1.1 - r savant! yawn. kid a had Cough. . ie ;
4 1
were.- mad sem: Ai last I raised iiiii
.inaat, es' uf Mena, h ol ei4loi sweat, and was reel
4.hil4teol m 11
ei tedne , and did' oat 0311.01,1 is hrs.
' have slaty, mad y ou4 laarsaynotlla , • shelf Mae, iMe . ,
• _ genre luso . wonoJetfoll ehaueir hem!, mrmasiel is .r. 1
on, 101. Oda to aalki ali nor the rite. ii, mire ,i,
. 4 hi ..... 11 arid say eausti has len me. ,Tea IN ...di hot
aria. ;that I on, thavillifisl fei Meosiresides. ..,, i toi
dimit. 1 4 1 rTaligt ,
{ 1 WM: R Uellriliii . , LS ~,ii i ,,,
'1 • _ ~....,„_ ,_ ••••"".
1.2 - WIM2:7-r.'''' '.
"' V 1
-_r,-_ - --- -; : : --' ' ''_: .
i _et .......i...
, i
Th I. "sly ere iir ‘ iiiiarre Mast fer thonsassl OM '
Rim.. mime that 1/r. •iiimiemoVii ansparillii has nisi
The tIIMiIiPMAIStI mak eamiare weekly medicaid
kr it sstraiwilisiary . v **H.& , , ,
-•Ja . ii Cioutaimrs. *ilk; rine of the assistants is t
Imam Asylum. It halal". llama , is tlais gese 1
i iii
spoke of 'ia the full hre Muer.' ", 1 , • ' ' 1
- ; ' Isekwairiitilead,,Sept.•li, lettii .?.
r...... 4-1). r' Elii: i ISIS somortA letnilf
ir \II ram vrith th Rlieturiatimi i' inimilaiitiade lath' ',..
freak, ant eat, teilet. or walk. - . I boii'llisToom I ~
,hr pains. and: y- limbs were • treirehittreallet 0
iii;il four
M Matti your tart ta pa ri ll 's. arafilt"Y bin
e t .
Iwo Mare au at ' Mond dollars worth aired is
, I '
;mit liettar—liail lam adrift tablosid: i Too 0
wt.) te use tilt._ ylushimeiter-tha Wilk ad. . 4
_Toon f remoluily,, ,44011 ES (MINIM
. ..
r ' =
I '. - '"' • , r .fiiiiJ k i, . sf
• - .e .ri : -t.,
P.-Yttaff if
.4011 ii
- r rum leXediellay. '
I li
. Ig rooroorolro parilliollooi9Poomehri rod *
do it rte. tot .ioripirof t reassimymeis Itarismasse.
apper Ilion! ay Valli of thia.Waseli,Comimmiers. rl*
I.suriamltera, ;sew . . ribstmartsel or di Nese*
r" thos, locomitionuie - Illrieis,' ur hiireletttairy dhehal!
- thereof 'MO lbw Use gonna prootratiou of, the syslou. '
Pa"I‘UDIF whethh.r th . malt ecioitermat,easse, or a ,
priokimidl hi irrropti ity. Maros or widest, Nel ,
can be maim siirtnma Alum its invigaidiv4 _dikes
the ketueft Pater. crieee ~f all wrtatnestimal laraitik
Calm 'taking It Maoric m brea robot mad fhll" of watt
, unit" I ill. 111101tatICId Ii isiimrdbdelY emirate ,
..itoiloyl•o.:iwe‘ et -lb fetna.s - frame. which . the
ramie .1 :t - airrintie :- It -Win nuit-bi expeoied of "
iii reres.llll . l.o 1117iielt .A. in tore, ..to_sahOrii. certificate
i 1
em - itie ph} toned. I) VlTe'cio smut die - Alietel t
.ho mate it eaMNII vro-liwadk til.octill ti1',40... T .*:
- Nth 4it cotta V, f , frosoilile- hive }seer it ;thine es/
aril , oftei:n.isot o 'or ho/,'iii livideattia 'A
_Mu heir:Ktoteet hie ~'; w ith Ana:. breath, 01 11 0 " 1 " 8 . , 2i
1... ......14.•••iy 1 pogo,' is rernoiree ta' small ,
' plai is. i No; female wife- lies rimeiew-wi mi Peso 111 ";',
t i
sill, 1, 40 1 4 il l° • e a7isl !walla., "';,The ors of
jsilo la wi iler‘t 'or titua la al. it a metals vowel pi
I" 1,3 of /he riiimorensaMisil:hersildeiliseises m *
Sin ler are silder,t; at this ties* wf ~ lip. I This ~,'
is ;' - da.,..t Jur , isereat'VoriMi et ifi.e.l 1 4 4 '1
Mirk, Nor hi it taal i ratu A blo, gi r iAo o.4o # l .?" a ;0
'Jig 141/11 1 1 . 111tfiftit'6111 rill 'eileitlateir `a 'rtineis "" 1 " 1 1/4
ergl o /i/M;Illit , biPit'll'/a - /lir a ' - -a •'
erg , oboe etedietni is lurid.
di o' to obkli ' 'a itrilr' I
. , .
r. l i r omit almost' Aiiki
b olj.ioloo la aiif 1 poorto.of,eio
Itilio ;ft
. 10 coat ' titt"l4:l`
Sir:4 l 4 "- te r fo ' N alimi l l e6,.. ~...._,
• liftlit OW ..: 01, ,Noilf,, 1
! i i ?li i iiiii l ii': iiirlZ l . , ;
I Aliioll,, i -K)P; '`NefllP*l
~:-• ? i ::111t7... - 11 „..., , 2 , 1,:t P. r..."
', i iT .,; • - ,liat. -,; ;i 3. ••1 -it,..42)
Milii I ' M - 410 - 4 1.14e•1111
.10 . ..11411 germ lla, ii iiiiii
r-' 4ll O ll !ilia*" afirl•
. ..W/Fti, :. r
mink- itooleis;:
,ji, ,Tiirratly poi--111
lie. Wf likbosot 11,
' J "itsiiii".4 ,,,. ' r l ily 4 i r
„..„., vienv
' pi: - 1'
sisq _fifit .!Mk
14 4 . 4 .,,4aa ril Cu,.. it
tAli lieter, 1111 - . imith 'II .
411111ek , 'WM :A.lO iimmAki
WrliArt g a l ,o*4ll 3 l'Cilliari
111 PAWS .iltresof Alliooi".; ;a*
r op mul Illor lama Mini,
A libioiloC..Wesil - iss3
- , 0 PLA: I '4' I -gliiiii)
._, .Ifiiediwi l t! • .. - ..1
_ .11ditittomil .liksi s r,:„.
~.., It lititOt wi suln ".`,:o;iiiil
411r,AISt li Z,r past rarke ru ki g if A
V rtri r wo7, _,. li ..,.• I. , i
!-: , ;Ikarks2 ,041 1 5 0 0 *A t e. - 100 ,. • I
, ..., _, ~, - ,-, 4- ti -' ' will
Y1*: 11, Ar . . 4 0 /4110
-;%;:---. : . ......'::: ,,:: ~ :: - .1-: ‘ - *I C , ~3 1111' W ~.: , •
, .
4 , I
Pr .
. -i ,