- - per week, and we all find our own bedding, and sleep on the floor. She is a good kind , hearted woman and keeps a very guest table. She 'left New-York in the Creseent'-'Clity at the same time I did in ..company , %nth-Mrs. Vremont. There are about four. hundred - tents - in and t i boat the City. Some of them are very decently got up, and are ocenpied,as ratan teats, stores ) drinking shops, gambling dens ike., A tent 20 by 30 feet tents for . SIOOO per month,' I sat refused to-{lay 818,000 per year for one room 10 refused' 2d feet The reason !of all this is .ths enormous price Charged for grbund rent and the . high price of real estate. Libor costs from ISO to ,$lO. per day. One hotel lets for *120,000 per T ear.. .Th'e rooms are re-let for gambling end other purposes. A corner lot Bold $-es terday, 30 by 3tlk feet for twenty thOusard !dollars. Soon, After, my arrival I met Com. Jones. Ile says this 'state of things cannot list—that the plat* hassgOt astart and may keep it two Or three years. I think there arcabout four thonannd in habitants' and they_ are builkling 'hint! the arious styles of .itchitecture tending 'anther is selling at *.too. to *OOO p(;r thou sand. I shall start for , the mines and some of tiro most important locations in a (lay or two. The 'news , concerning the niinel I -he here has never been exneyerated. An ounce 'per day can be got by 'hard work and some deprivation. I shall return to San Francisco in about three weeks, and in due time you m ill hear from me again. Till dna adieu ' THOMAS A. \%ARUAsS. jam' Accompanying the a'.,ove letter is a c o py of the " Alta 'fibrilla," a newspaper published at San Francisco which we have placed on our table for the inspection of our fri , q/ds. It is but little more than half as large as the Register yet a price six. amen greater is charged 'for it. It is published weekly at $lll per annum, $7 for six mouths or 25 ets. for a single copy. It is well tilled with ad vertisements although $lO is charged by its publisher where wO• would only charge $l. The paper is edited with much ability and in mechanical execution it" is quite equal to its contemporaries on the Atlantic slope.— .Yußzr.r ReyistiT. New Bedford, Aug. In, 1848. LET \ Oltt lirSTli111:71 S W :-.•=liav • l ug -ern many certificates published in tvlatitin to DR. 117ST.41.ThS 21-4L5.,4.11 OF 1171,1) (VIE):- R}; I take this opportunity of offering a word in u. far,l, which yon are aLso at liberty to puhk-h. A few months since my_wife's Lang* o ae co m y c h a ff..eityl by a sudden cold, that the r.t he, mice', and sOrYrcd r gercreqyfrom pubut iu the brrost. Hex situation caused her friends much alarm.— Haring heard wan. Balsam - strongly reedinmenileil by those who had used it, I purchased a bottle of OW' agent in this place. She, took it riceordinz to directions, and it produced a tcon(i..rpti fore using one bottle she had foinp:elt:y rf r ,:iyrt her ro;ee, the paint Rubs-clad and her health- ems full y re-estab'ixhi•d. Yours truly (Signed) HENRY BRIG I I t.NIA N. I'. ti, Such testimony eau be relied upOn. careful of the article you buy. It tout have the ":nature of I. lII'TTS on the wrapper to be gen.- u:ne, liar none without the written ::ignature. of I 111 - ItE , " nix - the wrapper, if you would i n , bv.AtiEL'TURRELL, Sioutro.e. Notice.—Agricultural Society. An wijourneti meeting of this Society wa , held at tlw Court 11 , u,e, Atti„-11 , 4 2S, tea. lion. in the ehafr. Ott motion the following preamble and resolu tion Wit. ala Di HIOUSIy 1 i,t ttl , after full di4eassion : A- a mean. for the better regulation and prntee- tin of pmperty exhibited at the annual exhiliitiOn., nod ao efiivient means of aiding the fuels of the , K.iety. creating 11 fund for incidental expez-es and iliiit , fing the Society to increase the number of or which premiums any be laid, Ther , :forc--Reitoired, Tbat"the Execntive Coal haring eluirge of the exhibition be directed i.isue tickets of admission v at 1.2+ cents each.— Mruthers of the Society to lace' tickets for them. ..elves and families free. On motion ruljountol. C.lTLlN„Serryidry- MARRIED, r. Great Bend, on the 'lst in.sl, by 'Eller D. Dim -4,k, Mr ASTEVAS HALL of that place to Miss 4.kkAit (lAink of Silver Lake. DIED, u Franklin, on Weanesday, - July .25, Mrs. Larose liaxnarcK, consort of Mr. Sheldon G. Handrick, pad daughter of ,Sylvester and Polly Smith ; aged :is years. From its incipient stage, her disca.e was alarm- 17.- and accomplished its fatal work in n few days. t her funeral obsequies a deep and general sym thy rag shown. But, though the husband mourn.. d the buss of a faithful sharer in the joys and ft•T 'CCS of life—and children, of an affectionate moth -and the church, of one , of her, laig,htest °ma-, ents—and community, of an obliging citizen; yet, " sorrow e d n o t e ven as others which have no pe." for her life and death afforded a entnforta assurance that she slept in Jesus; and, " be ring that Jesus died and rose again," we " corn ed ourselves with these word; that them which pin Jesus, dod will bring with him.", Intelli cc was transmitted to assent friend:), that they _ht come and weep with those that wept. Aug. 31, 164.9. Cox. the . skire a pply- Pf article in bottles from one oz. to su orie cult r sale by the dozen; or single. This is' end the best article of suiting ink noir,in user ' . qv). FICTI,LXIL.., mu*, Sept. 4, 1849 I STGAR, of Iva quality -Tormile itt• • ITTRRF;LI.:Z,G, tiinkeeltOlielligi VOllklbStm..ll4io9ll.S. f. .. rigs.,C'X..9.D.D; 30 Itaireigi, - 4:tr!eit, (Up-F, - •• • i: - 44 . 0) turner V; Agerey*,,,vp4ire , : - -1- '' ":: ~:'-. i •ftil.q•P r f 4 l2fae ,l ' .7 ..:, , • -.. ', •,. 1 L i t Tity,r4ared to' f f - ~Outti*,- 1 46. 3 011kuitin /IL. with .Wiiiiustt,','!?ariegiiitta pokftesilA4o . lll Doane, egnsistia,T, in part .ef,''"•: ' -, ,, - ;t!,?".. - :- - F 4 ': - -,i;i, Cetaba•-4400064-*44- ' ' ' ailvcr t • • Atttto9*- . - 60t, . Brocade, skirt, stood etMetc. • .. Brushes , -'--litthi- Harr, „Paint, etc.:_ ,-,'. ~Y - ~3 ", ' .. 1 Soaps, . Perfttrnermr. Hair Oil . - Threol ,l4 ;-..Mitt'sh'illre:liiii dtit, *ma -Cdttina,..COtion. silk and T.*lst,'' . Cotton T;;t'p' ea,.Curset lairs, era, all, triads ; (Pins, ,Neediu and Eves • 1 ThltulgeA ;' Knit rdcket ?s ouks flilkland,cotte ingts, Curtains - , and Oil s.hadt • critieryt--titaiibrs, Nelicef German silvnr Spnons; Gal , Peneil' Cteim ; Percuss slates, Pencils, etc... 'Rai*: es ; Brass and Wo od Clock Together livitgif full and r all articles bel o ' ingAo this t. wishing to pu . onellgiiilL of obtaining obtaining then ' . .afthe'lntrestprices, as they will always be gortkned by the marki.l. n3ern2 I.7o6,tiiiiCilkuT, No. 214. r;eoi it StVeet+ New-York. OFFERS rot sale Peron IfixtiratS end' Roos Cur. Carins. A late assortment of Ameri can, Freitch,,luill,OertuareParber, - Bringing ,- ;„ with Borders :to a I.IWQ forlare in any, quantity, at time Imr",est market mfrs. 31. st-chants unable,tp, visit the citp, of New York, ran depend upon thele'arders being filled at the lowest prices by sending de scription of style and qualities. Oil door cloth cut to suit the purchaser. -,! .n:;Gui4 New York. 'August 24: ]B4O. Mrs. S. iWoottliortfse tlet , ires to inform her friend.; in Montrose and vicinity. thet she 1. prepared to execute all littuts ttf Amin?, id; the shorte,t notice :main LITe most sult-tantial manner. She respectfully soiciis a share of the public patro- ADNINISTRATOR's NOTICE. LL persons its to the estate of .4 ft:rand:7- ll'rl a 1 r, late of Liberty, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment, and thast: having denumdB against said estate to prgsent (bent duly attested for settlement. it tell A It D Ada r. August 30, 1& Adminiltrator'g Notice. LL persons indebted to the estate of il;e4 m Webster, late of LibOtc, deceased, are re quested to mate inunediate paynient, and those having demands against gala ordoto to present them duly ente,ted for :eettlemeot. 8, W. Tl 3 1. ES I) ELL, Adnir. Augu-4 30, Isto -Washburn IANUFACI'L'REILS and dealeats, wholesale and retail in fiats, Caps, Muffs. Buffalo Robes, Trunk...., Carpet Bags, Ladies Satchels,. flze, (;.lorrt? Sr" BIN1:11kNIF1N, 5 riooas E.1,-FT OF TUE IidNOILINATON have the i)leastire of announcing t., their friend: and the public that their stock of Fall and Winter (lends for 1549 ready for in-peetion, and they reTeetfully invite the atten4i,n of all dealers ni Hats, Cap, Muff, 4 e, and thepublic at large thou% ofAralltry to the filet.; herein set nth. . The vast ittercae of -their Inisiness has compelled them to greatly enlarl.,-e thelr More, and they Lave hum the lar4e-t and best selected assortment of Beaver, Nutria, Brush, lole+kin, Silk, Callf . ornia aud Wool ; Otter. Seal, Nutria, Musk-rat. Silk 'and Plush, Silk 44:. Cottnti vt.t <t Cloth Cups; muff:, Capes, Vktorine-7, and in fact all kinds of Furs ironi, Jluffalo Robes, all kinds and qualities, Tiooks, Valise`; Welton, and livrrain. Carpet Latlit's Satchels h = e.., ever vire: ed - to the inhabi:ants of this part of the country. , , Their lints and Caps are all manufactured by themselves, and their other ginods selected with great care from the largest manufactures and im porters in the United States which erribles them to sell from 1 5 to 20 per cent.: cheaper than any other establishment of the kind. west of New York_ WASHBURN & Co. Birinharnton, Aug. 2Stli, Is 10. N. B. They issued their Falh Fashions for Gent's Hats and Caps, on Saturday, Aug. 25. tf. New-York & Erie email-Road. oN and after the 20th of .„11.i,g,tist, the trains will run as follows, Sunda is excepted : Through Pawn / Ise. Trifing, from New-York to Owego, will leave the Company's Pier, foot of Du ane st. nt i I-'' a. in. and 5 p. in:stopping at all the wad' StatinTr4. • Fern ONl7Cgii tbC, , 0111 , 11g1tra,Aliger trim. will leave for New-York at C, ' , duck and at 7. p. in., stopping also at all tote way sta tams A Special lra . y Train, for Port Jorvi,rittl inter mediate. stao'ons=, except guffern4, will leave New- York every Saturdak at 3 1-2 NIEL, and will leave Port Jervis for New-York every'. Monday Int-m.lin at 5 o'eleek.' .A 2filk Train, with Pac•Kenger ran , attached. will leave Part Jervis fur New-Vork at ten min utes past 5. a. m. and returning will lease New- York fur Port Jervis at p. in. Another milk tram 'with a Passenger car. trill ltave .Piertnout fur Otisville at 6 1-f.' a. m., and returning leave Otis vile at 5. p. in,, connectin ,, with the freight boats to .IS'elv-York. The milk trained not connect with the P. & R. R. It. Freight leaves New-York every' night for all the regular stations on the road. A freight train wail leave Ow ? eve-v Naming, at 6. o'clock. A freight tr 'ill leave fort ~J(lri 1:4 for New-York e ;cry Morning at 6. o'clock and.lnother 'al 8 a. ra with market treight A special trig t for cattle and oth er live stock, Will leave Owego off. Fridays at 4 p. tn., and :tom Per;. Jervis for New-York oh Sundays at Sai m. Fere from NOw-Yorl*o Owego F, , 5..-== The intermediate 5-to:i,;iig in proporton, Commu tation Tickets at lowest rates ;or..the stations be tvreett New-York and Port Jervis pan be patellas- j ed at the New-York and Pienrumt Offices. Excnr- , sion tickets, entitling the traveler to pass orer the road froia.New:Yorit.to Owego, and return, at £45 for the trip, can be purchased at the New-Yerk fice,ltint of Duane at. or on board the Steamboats until the Ist of Beptetnber neat 85 JAMES P. KIRKWOOD, Supt 4 , • Nev Firm & Ilipsv , Croods. " , , • subscribers would inform jthe citizens of-1 Great Bend & vicinity, that they bare par chase JIM . stock of goods. fint.m4rly owned by dk. nnct having tnadb a lary par thase„Of New Poods, are prepared to offer to the, pnblic - the following articles at w4lesale and , re-- t4l1: Pork , Flower, Salt by the bid. or load, 'Fish by the bbl. or half bbl., or paellai;e,;io bbls.SWaa" al 5 Pet' Molasses, - by the bhd.,ibll or smaller' quantity, Aso Tea, Coffee. Allspice; ; Pepper, - Girt-: Fer , di'ldies. Paints, OiLs,hc., 'Om, Which Will be stea;•cheaixt-tlidn at any otherieitablishmerle this side'of Binghamton not tirepted. I .Aleii'fallif•ortmeut of Drugs and Medicines, with melt 9f 'the 'Popular Patent Medicines now/ t • ; 11 _ : F: enußcerr—L. • • TItOWBUID_GE. rcreat,Bead.,Aug:l3, 1849. V. • :- klrirrinuil 'for Its.uts .at the I4ontroie:PooA CA/M, paid for theepFeltsAiribiahop of ; 'ELDRED•et Nit:* COMB. - August I. August 28th, 1840 rtlifel i fthr' Terni f this Instil - idiot' wiltann-. -11 nieni*:ltediegdair; Ati , r, l 2ld; 'continue trgnini. ',• Flo.iiid.:4oe?mplished . 'Tetaters' ari eriiployed in ,this.Setninaiy. Since the ''loin'ottiti Ina tnnil',4actiyminoclition3 Tor ft larger - tincithei 'of Vhfive been Added, ; 'Parentshaving dati34ktera* :to' — edneattid are assured that thn location . had card for tlid'htl: 111 be ciirOstit! placed: ' de. clinige. t for teCted with it, Sts, and 'tuitium_ ding na and with 'Lain ii:dolcl4. Tartnwsdr *4ll part cent 0,00 matith Latin half a quarter. AacfrOss"" IL S:lll6ralk. Fe:mai:Sem inary, Biiigliinia.un, N. 1".. August, 84 -- • • dlrk - iiiiarii,er•Line. {rte'.i,f4WAr t 4•4 m• - t• ' millscrit t ers are now prepared to re( eive Preight of all kindsuat tkie- Owego Deixa, and also at the 1.4y-„hainton, Great-i.t:nd. and Latte-dr• re Depots, eecry Tuesday, Wedoesday and Thi-- day, of each week, and vontinue With rezularit. throughout the season. They will attend to for warding the same to the New-York Market, where they have made arraugyanents with experienced sale:Am:a, who will attcud to the Nulling of the saatv , , and retnni the proceeds 'in Bankable fond, at either of the ahore Depot , . to the followio :4 . per t :----At the t..re of F. ItnyllSfi rit (h\ ; at th ,torehou-e; of C. Nl . N.arne , .. liinghatiettat ; at i!1, ntliee of Jas.. Griffin, ,Oreat iota At the ilotel of E. Bormi, Lanesd4o'. JAMES SlSri; liiiitthataton, JAMES ti FFIN,' Great Dena. F'. ltA YNSFORD, Owego. Owego. July 33, 1849. Agents Binghamton ; Ben n. Lanesborti. • °AMAIN JA*E'S SrSK wilt superintend the bri;i ness throughout the whole Line, and receive anti till all orders for On)ceties, Fruit, Oysters, tte. ; which will be bought at the lowest whole ale prices in New-York, and forwarded to either of the above n uned Depots. 11130:n2 New Milford Stove Depot-1849. T fiCrilurrT has now in store, a new assort" • mein nf Stoves, including the titosl Niro% - ed kinds of Air Tight, and Common Cookint.,_ Anis 13lis vs v. Itiriz.44 - 4 and Gto-rinion 8:ove Pipe, stove. Furniture, sheet Iron old Zinc. stove Je... to which, the attentim of ca.-it pn: - chasers, and Cie puLlio is invited, and which -a ill I 2 sold at very,ilow iiriees, fur ctw, or approve credit. Angus:, • Latp Arrival AT LATfiROP (t SALISBIMns rlf coat nitli continacs. Good , arrivitig daily by N. Y. it- E. IL It, Another Tien= did fisLzorinient of Prints, Lawris, Oingbains.' ;Arlo ton Lawn, a beautiful style of goods. llonnets, flonnett Ribbons and Flofrers of all de Mon's Summer Stuffs, eashmerotts, icatinetts mid Cloths, a good Variety.— The largest stock of Men's. and Ladies Boots in 1111,711. ArP3ctiih"i'htt~t;gtt v, Dts- ai1041,1 of all (14,erip 641'1,1.- A 2.,0qt1 stack of Cu pefinLy, just in. Crock ely Trim Steel, M 01.4..-11,5 and gAlgar=-4 the best criality—Largest anti best lot of the eountrs. Mire t,rtlint *llPling Toltztecn. .25 lb,. Coklti-h for 1. Hest New Orlean- , un.,l Porto Rico Sugars fur tile. Cheapest an.l 14 , 4 l'etc: in town. More of that SIX &hitting Mt- More goods coming next week. Call and see, Yo ch , o /yr for a/wiring goenia. LATHROP h SALISBITY. Montrain..lleie YS , IS-19. STRAYED. IA'SfE into the ineles.ure of the subFeriber on or about ilk? Ist hut., a dark laic Nero, in yriirei. The owner'is rerier4c.i t 4, pro.t piopertc, pay charges and take her avt..v. HICH,AItn FANCHEIL Franklin, Aug. 8, 18-19. N. Y. & Erie Railroad—Western Express ittcr. Lt. PEcr Office foot of Deane street and 7 Wall stree 4 . New York. Leavel, New York 5 o'clA P. M.— 4rrivec it 11L-slatmton 6, A.ll. ;laid Owego I, A. For trail:port:diva of all hinds , of Mt IZO, ilifekilgeS and Money. The proprietors lunge frank ,p.rrangetnents with L Soarle to run an Expre.: , to cOnneet daily between Great Bead and Moritro,7e. 411 money and raerchantlize will be forwarded wlithout , • ...16 1 ENTS. •• L Searle. Montrose, Geo. )V. Stephens Grcal Bend A. -Morgan, lli nghamtnn. . I« Afann;my threyo. Sickles ct Prc.ssita, Elie ira. G. B. II cnailtbn, Corning. 'Ainntro4e, Aug. I,xB-19. . • New , .Arravivisserit St,O:gei4 Bet eren Montrose and Great Bend A FOUR horse stage coach will leave Searl&s, :I,in Montroz3e. for Great ilend twice eve ry day. (stindays excepted) vie : at 3 o'clock A. Id: arriving at Great Bend in, time for the day train of cars going cast and tl'e night train from New- York going west, and at 3 P. .1)L arriving in time for The night train going east and The day train from New-York going nest. Returning. leave Great Bend on the arrival of eat 11 train of cars from' New York. Careful and accommodating drivers and first rate Jeams are employed on this route—and the propri etors pledge themselves to use every exertion to make their line pleasant and expeditious. For seats apply at Searle's Hotel, in Montrose. j 29 • 31{.. TRUESDELL di GO. (OAFISH, B,icr, Su,gars, a fret& supply . jlt lJ reccirpd and for safe by J. ',NOR' S. Jut' 2~tiL _ , - • •NOtitc.-4eed' Wheal. THE •Sitbscriber' oilers for sale a few, bud exissof the SwAle:A. Whea{, probably the,- lint...ever raised hi - 11Tofthern Pa:- Said Wheat ,is warranted to yield ' . ...tan 3 tn,*hushels ramose-.to-the acre•, (by gentlemen . of the. i fir#t respectability in Wagern Drew York, wherc,st hasirecently been:, introduced) than any.ntke.rkind,cu4ivated.nt that section. is remarkably white, with; a square head prodnOng• from 60 to .100 kernels in each, and stanthitthe Winters well. II his Wire* was ,Ql?tFine4 ton . l4te last'falttngia fail trial - not belrig s+SWttr till. the.firAit.of , Octobes, !which rmaiera, it. limos plump than the early sown; filet -it has proineed right* of 86 bushels to , the acre: • tlt is 4 bald whettcpritAu.' sing a verpbright etraw kind -threshes:; racy: I , ADEL e.AREDV" ' Dimerk, Arig 22, 1 Wit. Laib.'es'didCtentlemen, r you uitt to- obtain" ,good Daperreotype, dun c t•fo*Alocallat the- _ , • -4. Bitigraerricau Gallteiri , met the Stota of S. S. Mulford it. SON I•wheie on i ,, rti Calkbe. l 'acconlinoilateti•tiitkpictiiivi ,60 in' p lai n irriancy cai4,s, lockets, pilis;&.:', Ple.ttd rem 1)0 that etoridd day 14 Just as fait:nut& foi• getting a lo#l l Likene4s as a Rkiny I - • '•tt Yu6rs rwpectfullY, - • I s t ‘V.II: DEANS. Tiated - §ttitki,• l 9.7.l.'' desale itici6l-" . i.•• ::•• .. , - Ip` r, marehousel 1 ! 76,witsi . • RANFomait.m..• 2.5'2, it 54, .2.50 tin& - ' *bB.-Prt .tfonurr, :Melted= Falton . at... 1 &SI !R 1 19 d: litt,:itgipt1 itt,:itgip t %YAW AMA; have on !hand tic Utiz . t utsktrt *tent of eLaniNfri in the II nited',Stati....s.. .41ditti.4.itcalt 'tam:lo3l! In the artjclo df shirts ' nut] Drawers, five tar p an einfirs vat ( ietyt. • Alto, ',tliWtnost caftehsivc ittniftritettirers of Oilkelothing ',and Covered flats in the'world. Plain innzt Fash ' lunable Clothing, of all kintl.s.:'. • Catalog-ties of stock setiths mail.' Ortlrr proinlit ly filled. - LEW - 1.-A tft HANROILH; , . : .. No*. 252, 254, :.1.3 . 6, tout ..tfita Pearl it, „11: Y ttetekA•Zi;iri . t _ '... 131?..-IRS' PICTORI4.II, IVOR F. 4. 1 H. FORDIIAI haring procured flit agency I'. • for thesiii,celebrated woks, Will - canviass Bitt quell:mod co. dieting the prevent 'month, toltrocure ,A I 1 .) scriber:. 'lice value ~r IthLe works is too well -known to th e titerm V WOriti to UNA Qofiltllblit. ' 1 ' Montro-e, duly- I .S. 18i t ) . ' . In, per quarter )1' Piano 1,00. ors t!'3,00; oil 9 Gernatiii, eielt Vitantd by the Printer, Pork flank, 114.:tt,' Fli)tir, ButtOr anti Inc him. PSsolllti.oll. rI IFFI Ttnrtnerkliip umlt.r the firm, , ( 1,y01).; ,I 4 L• WT.OI I. ft+ (i3r di.4.,,1veil ': mutual erm , ent. Tlid hook: asrl aremintA are in tlie fmtht , ~.4'. S. P. Lyim , .. S. D. 1. YON' S, Jtll/N /I. 11"001). .n,l. lei, 1819. S. D. cunt:nue the basine.sA I,f Tai: luring in -all its brzinehe.i 'at the old stand, over Wickham Al Stolle's store. Cutting done on the -hottest notle . e, arranted, as usual. The latest FrAiuns alaay.stat hand. S. D. LYONS. LANES:I3ORO( PA. gErErAP CASE STORE; - o*.the Sew York Ern! Roil .I:nynd (734 lino„ inVr. front! Nrn. York, .24 miles from Nu r ,lmmtml: and I to Wiles-from ,iffonfe wre ,— ertrroo , ' iol by, Mon t renal thy litnil road rid., .• T our .tore the ,following tnav he found .:. Eng .l.l Id.)). Fronch nod Alustrigini . 11re lleilti-t, llott nets and li r il , butt,t. l l ttra , ol. n..e.., I.' titiffellns, Carpet ling , , lint : and Ctip.:, hulking (.tst-..e , , litExtti told Sittie..-i Crockery, 94,, mar, 'Lora Ware, lViutlnn (tln:'ts and tin- Is, 1):-Itg••• and „Nie,livit ,-.., (4roteries, I:tek.er...l. CAti-h, )1. , .. , : . Pork, St..i Ttino Flour, Nail 4, Stone Ware, Janpantql - Ware. .P.:ert,, - Oils: [1:,:o —Cre.a4:-,, 73ftrtt r rs'rLitis, Caudle_:, Sand's and Town.:-.entro Airs: ptu - ilia, Books, Paper, Inks and Quills, Cooking, i.arlor anti Shop Stoves, Stove Pipe and S:uve Traninting,, on Intud or wade to crdjr. • Eagle Foundry Flottglis---warranted: Trunks it Tr waling fla g s, sfiiikrie,,, Clover Seed, Carpet and Cotton Yarn, Axes; Handles, Buck 4ws., ShOvels, Ipso.-. Rakes, Scythes, &e., Sc. For the t'ery libitral patronage which we have received thetpast year we tender our sincerethanks, and trust we shall t r recieve a still larger share of public patronage the present season... Having re duced the price of 'e a r goods almnit 2ii, per cent. titan last year's prps, our mi t tto is now l —sinall pfofits and quick terns. .Situated as we are on the ad, we can s4ll lower than any other c 1a1.• lifehhient in the ouutity. LYONS it CHANDLER. Limeshunt. July.lB. ISI6. .... . . -. New tstablishment. 1 l A : iNOreceiYe't t l 1-i'-Ifint j e l iahittrt andtairll-Z4.;:r;cv(qit t 1 below the 31ills, Fotindry anal Machine Shop on the outlet of June's Lai-. about I} Mile , from Mora to e on the Bitl,luu.tion stage mid.) the sul :- ' er ' a,prepared to furnish to order any articles li ifs 1 line, made up in alit must wothmatilike mat er. Ile invites the publiei to call and see. I.OItENZO BEACH. Bridgewater, July,ll, IR' ". _.._.____ Shower Bath. __ tmiiiii.4 .stablii4. 4 :nt. kis is fitted up Itv _EI the subscriber, it the old. place tirades north of Montrose, where citizen:: can be accommodated with that hatter erutl agreeable indulgence for this hot weather. Every de,irab conveniance will he afforded for the aCkatallaQl tint) of those of both sexes who may plea* to c; ;1 and try it. 1 7 July 16. ' LORENZO BEACH.. ~- 1.... , 1 0 00 ( L .: ll . .. i l lg sh e ett. r .d m l t ...a ti ni til lt u s i c lN , : t oi w d a t wzte s t i l lo i p n of :EL DR ED & 1E WCO3fB. A , 1:411-4 I, 1819. = 0 (Ir;2our Sandi of Mills (f: Znapp's in the (Store fuinierly oecup;rd by IV. AL Post.) ri•ltE lia:= received a large and oaten -1 stock of rif Tong, Sllgant, Molagses, Coffee, Tabu co, Rice, (:round S plces and Pepper, Starch, Clorm:, Salcratu. , , Ginger,, Xutlueg., CluxN• late,'Sperm and tallow Qaudles, Mackerel by the barrel, half .and quarter lairreA mid Herring by the box, bs the box or pound, Salt by tfic Fack or barrel, clockg, stone Ware, Tlork, Sc. Se. Wholesale dealer iu all kiwis: of Wines card Liquors. IR , fan -and will sell his goods cheaper titan they can be bought at my other store inliontrose, reader, if you don't believe it give us a call alld we'll convince you, Don't forget tin! place. EitASTL S ROSS. reit;tl. Mgintrose, thane 28. I¢ lo A FULL a-zgortnienti, of Plougle4 of thO most ap: , 1 - 1,. proved pattern , : of Mantra and Binghamton ~ manufacture. and cl.stin., jnid received and for sale at reduced prices by; 11. 11rUltRITT. ' New Milfor,l, April 10' 1810. til itf ~ .f . , • . . • - . Citeapt'Sugar I ' ' i Coritl quality •of Portorico S4' var, dry' and _,E - I. light colored, at fl et.. per poititiL June 15. ' ' V. lILTIItOIC73 4 CO. cITOVES.--(looking kitoves, Air Tight, of the most approtiettkindii. • Common. do do. Par lor di'. ' Itwtsia: Pipe. Optainen do, Stove Forte lure, Sheet Ziticoic., itc_,; et very line prices. , U.' BURROWS it, Co. • • littrvegt Tools BASS • SOYTRES, Sickle*, Crain. Cradles, kif Ila,atfir'prkii : Lase4a *ylla3 ...Stick*, Rakes, Riff t x, (2frilol:rhary Sew! 10 4 Blom's: au,l4 qrind Stun• - x. a full iintitiperiorias•sortinent,ittst riziceired. and Mill be said at the most reduced prices by New mliti,i(t. 19,1rik] . 11 UM? , a r t. _ I(l1 -"AY FORIW, at 2 cts. each. .. • - u‘i GO " " " • June 11DU ItROW , Cheap Good. • are mei:tying .w ) 9rge supply, of goods, V bought at throio it ektrinne!y which are birerod 4t.corre. ttlfratffilV.S A: CO: ON :on, I k o, , • ' • Printed ' ,awns: LA.B.GE lot of Dms Latens,giind ttyleriatal qutility, at 0.4 lrr ttrd, at the more of Jtafe IP. • I. BI rU.ROWfiSCO. tuft 19. 1 19 New -roeery Store. Gvorcrieg, Plfifttr,ll*. .: . k I --,-, '" • ItEINOILIUTION '•'''' . RELAMMEA'Ottin•A.MENDAIRIT,:OFr, ' ' I 'ritl, L• ; -.,, '.±: CONSTIT liVION:. •- • i' - ' -,--';'''.:•.; - ' ilitesolneatittheSeitae toil House if Refikeknia. , hoes ..of 11.14 CononontorOlt of prraez, in: ('enteral ,4,ssevag#l4t „That the Constittitiati of Al*, Coin' , eta:lairCß.lth qi ' e eininierided iu the sees.. Md.. Al*, of the filth eiticle, seihnt it iiiiiill'reitints - 1411v4:, The 'tfudgestaf .the Snywerne - 'etesit'of thel,'seeprtil Courts oil COmoti;Pletts, und of such other Courts ,of Recrir4 aii•aro or shall - be e4tablished. shyctiew, shill be 'ohtted .by the qualified .elitetorS oPi* i ontiainonsieqlth m: the; mariner- folli;wing;Ati i'll:!' The,Jutlges ef the lighten° Court,'by the ilitalified electors of the Conintonwealth at latte. , - 14 Pheisi-: ; dent -Jukti.of this . several Courts of Common . , Pleas auct Sfich-Other Courts of Recoid' as tit* or:. shall 'he 4ist t Oilit:heit by law, nail all otherJil4is,', inquired to be leerned - hi fife hie', by the 4_611114(V -eleetiks: of tlie respectire districts oref':ivieli'llier, ,are to p' wirier riract as Judges: And The Afe!klet-: ate JudgelA the Courts of - Common Heim :147, the; qualified elegture of the Counties - respectiveli. The Judges urfhe Supreme Court shall hold tlfeirt offices for thetterm of fifteeb vestry if theiik; tang . behave uteri sires we-1l: (subjeet t6-the allsitment hereinafter pAavideil. for; subsequent to thet - tfillst eleellen 9 The president Judges of 'the set:deal .Ceurts ttf Cult 'iron Pleas, and o f such other, courts ,of !learnt 'as re or' shalt be established by lair, .,t 'end nil 121t116 . • nitge. required to be learned in the law, shall hull thew (dices far the term of ten years, if 'then shall so len; behave themselves well : The AstiCiate. JuttLF,iiPs:f he Courts of C;t:-3- mon pleas :loth hold , their offices for the termef five years, if_ they shall ssa-long behave theMstilves well: all of wlloin sluillltia eteumisakined by the Goveruor, but er any reasonable - cause whiclishe S , not be sefficien gtoentfrof impeaeliment, the One .or steal remove any of them - on the ethiress of two-thirds of egcb branch of the Itegislaturej, - Th'e first election she take place at ALuigeneral election of this Commotrwealth next after the adoption a this amendment, and the commissions of all tint Judges, Who tnitir by then in (Ake shall expire on the first lionflay of December following, when ilii: terms of the thew judges shell eommeoent The persons whis t she then be "elected %flukes of the Supreme Courtlshall hold their office., as fullews:`, 'one of them for three years, one for six years, one I'4 tend years ofie fur twelve years, and one for fifl teen years : the items of each to be decided by let by the said jutlee4 us seen alter the election as :con: v.mient, and the result, certified by them to the Governor, that the cotunaissionsimay be issued hi accordance therito. The judge who-x. commission I will first extiiriq shall be Chief Justice during : 144 nine, and there:ll'4T each" judge whine content:Sian shall first ekpiPti shalt in tuft!, be the Chief Justice!' 1 and if two or mere-coannissions shall expire on dal same day, the jtidges lieltliirg them dial! decide byt ht Which skill be the Chief Justice. Any vacatti cies happening C.tv death, rt.siti.r,ntitien, or otherWisel in any of the 500 einirtis shall be filled In appoint? merit by the (fir:enter, to continue. till tire first Moudav of December succeeding the next getter:di elution. 'no .itelgea of the Supreme Court, sit' the Pre:Hunts ilf the several Courts of Connuonl Pleas, shall at stitted times,, receive for their eervii t ces an adequate icompeusation, to be fixed by lawl which shall not lie diminished during their anitinu.• ance in office. but they shall receive no fees or per-! quis-ites of offieetior . hold any other office of' profit under this Corminonwealth, or under the govern ment of the United States, or any- other State of 'this Union. Th4ludges of the Supreme Court du ring their contintiance in i ffice shall reside within this Commonwealth, amid the other Judges during their continuaneti in office shall reside within the district ordeounty for which they were respectively elected. , . . WILLIAM. F. rACKER, ' Sj..-oker , ty _thr //woe of Rfpresr-WatireS (41:0: DARSIE 1 1 4 1 1/47, he du? &nale Nit rrli 1, 11319.. litesolrell, That', this resolution Iras:;.-1764 - 21 Nays S. P.xtraet from tite 5A311.... W. I'EAIISON, Clerk. I?, tip:. Jlwt o_4 R,7, ! r<s( n.totieve, Aprit 2, 1849 /,',..,./red, 'Hutt ',7i is re , oluticin has"—Yeas 53 Nays 2(1. s Extract from fl . le Journal. . . I l . ' 11 - 31. JACK, Cirri:. Filed Afiril 5, 14'0 4 L. RUSSELL, ~ Dep. See. of (he Cont., ' : Penit.wiennift, s+s: I PO rtarrwv that the above and foregoing is a tine nod correct etlitfty of the Original, Ite , olutiOn of the General A.S. ,, embry, _entitled " ltticohttion relative to an Amendment cif the Constitution," as the same ye.nainis tsit fil,e.in this office. k " , In ‘ t4tisnonx whereof I have here % unto stit my hand, and caused to be 1 v . atil.i.'edi the seal of the Seeretary's '1 $ Cfficie ataarriliburg, this eleventh day •,, ► of Jim Anne Domini, one thour... Ind eight Awaked andfurty-nine. - ITOWNSEND IcI4INES, , . ,„ , &erg of rile Coin: Hamsburg June 14, igig—gra. # " JOurp.. : al of .Senatd. ' " Resolution,.No. I 88; entitled ' Ito4olntion kilt= tivq to an aniendmit of. the Constitution,' tins road a third time., n 0 the question, sllltbe Senn I . ate agreec to the , asolution I - Thp Yeas and N'ays were taken agripeably to the Cniistitution,and, wire as, follow, vie i - . - .. ''' Teas.—,-31e....01t. IfFaa..kravrley, Crabb. Cortnitir,- . limn,, Forsyth. HATA Johnson, Lawrence, Levis, Ma.ioll, M . :WM:O, r 301111, W 211,• Richard-- Sadler, Shia Sankey, Savory, S ,Smyser, Sterrett Stoic-01. A: `•:Ka•.-s—lless - rs.., Bst, Drum, Frick, fvo, King. ut Itonigncher. Potterer and Darsie, .*aker---8. '• Su the question t. ms determined in theaflirrna - tire." . ...... 1 1 st.loornal _of the't Flo ra of nopreaontativrtes. 4 :41ei11 the re;ohnicin,pass ? The yens rind nays wereltnhen Itgreelilyle 'to the proyision of The tenth &tide of the emstitt4ion. affil ore as follows; via: . ' "' YEA.s---Messes.Ghleort,l , Ball, David J. Bent,. Craig , Riddle, 'Pettit. ID., - Bloom, David M. Bole, Thomas K. Bull, Jaceli.Cort John li Dielal, Na thaniel A. Elliott, Jos4pli Erneiy, Pavia d. Esble- man. 'William Bt'ittr.S, JOIM FansohtSatimel Fegely;' Ja4ePh W. Fisher', "Heire'y M. '-Fuller, Thoma.S: Grover, Robert Hanilvoir, Gettrge It Itial 3 ,ze,Yo Tllraniss J.llervlnk,,4oApb llimbis, Charles Hortz, Joseph B. Honer, llob'crt K.lorz, Hurris.on I'. Laird Abraham tamlierton, iliones J. Lucia, Jan W. ' BooFrJacob 1111.1.1r1nei, JOlM.l l `..lll'Culloch; Hugh 'llltee, John 311 4. :agirlin, Atlitoilhartin; Samuel Marx. john C. Ilivems, kozbrant.Zlieldesori, Stewart l'earco, James Artier:l i.ler7y Q. Pr ti;. Alonzo Robb, George'llupl.q, trheiMore Rynnin, 13eniartl IS: Selibeeover, Samuel ,e.ibrrt, Jelin Sharp. Chris: 1 'thin Snivel :y, Thentakoßred, Jeverniah B. Striblis, Jost JI. Stutzinati. Marsliall Swartz welder; Samuel Tael,rart, (;eorgro 'l'. Thorn, Nichohei Thorn, Arunah : W:'ittles, Sainuel Weirieh, Idolize 1. Wilcox, Daniel . Zerbev and William F , ... l'acker, Speaker.- , 48. - " iC k y s —Nic„iws, AOftis K. ,ClJrnyn,. j)avii N. `c,..t.f.y. - Avvid "Evarti . Henry S, Evans, 'Jain 1 7 enlon, jfilin W. 'Geer* Thumai'Gillgspie„ Jolt B. ,Gordon, William I. eitry;_ l litmestJ: Kirk, Joseph I.aubaall, RAA)ettrkt/ itM7J.:S:Brailmont;! Jan lillice,l \i ti > AO riii-. l la3ilih-,.litillgr; Willant: t • gorrison,.qaliti '4 .01,(6,,,1willituitAr, I Ttobtitirtai John 'W. 1111"ebt1TWO'hilll'Autll9r.ferd; R. Bailie' thitli, John &lair 46413iiti40.ri Georgti`Walfolii ] and Daitill F. ViTtliini*,4.l2,6 - . 1,; !. ..; • •:. 1 "So do que.itionwt.l.setOpirietl iii tlie.-A ` ffirsor.! ice." - - .'4 ~• 1 .i -. . • • • i i . . ...1.. ? li c , ' .;-.: ",.,1;i: ... . ' . : j. ' 11(irt;d0riii ...frin'e .Irc 1! 0, I ; ..:, PENNflTtrAtilt, INSEMEIS • • ...:-' . lej; ICEUTIrt: ••.: s ‘ • , i - t $.-......., Letegotag•tpitit rat coned ea ,!1 . 1 - ;the 1 . e.?, i • , :afq , ttyls, ~takqn :....,,,,, AditOy• atsitiony . atatlyik!o in . it vs 't; , . , otliluyteaashtntit .. as: the tatty 1 FteArs ' 1 1 'title 4toirliiiWottiltt - fro:294e* „o r .....,., ......i,,,,, 5 ,f.„,,,,,,H, ~,wo„,s(.; :„. 'ife..iiiiorOf t 810. -:, . .; ."--' .„: Witee.c. niy - banditti& ifiT6'.i'ee lif 414h1 6fttii• 1 flayed)/ ay of Jpee,=eitis;tlt • iii•eightbeee tv and foireite. ri •-- ...1••--•4 _-- ; • SeCr T9.:Yir4titE. _,HAppx. ; 17p . . •-- " . ilopthe ormirmiweateitv, :MONK` ll} retno*ed to Ft -Litt Rooist.of 1,0 • • titt*Leit‘ i *lO. door of : Ms n forLOil 1. streetpid baltditi,g , untie; oppositp • ' tf, ' ,s! ~-311no,:r1849; .E:111. e'l3psities4 CX:ttni4c; 3)IAN:Irki fh IWbrzu • - •:thott" .; • ,skutd 110: I)loedupi6d:by t itlterizi •*. pit;e. ti • • .•3 ). Wllll4-§a4(11; carp Bag : at , Maptiftkettirer, itud.Pagjago S •op, ou Tyappike ; '.., 4tri04. , ,,41t0, 1)451'0o!s. ' • - • C. M. Slit IIONS-41.iiiions0)‘ innlierlos* A. .1k4.1A14.„1 • 4 ROOll • Sillik'SOlV I Stoic fridimin,O, Tin, Sliest ; Ware, s r Creak Oraperi tLini)tto beiteis *1 7 Hag, p. , amt 'Fars ; opposite • ie"rienroenkijoii Prititinif office, foot of Pubbe Ave ue'4: • ' LINES' BISSELItt--fashi e oable first' docir dbove Etluidges Stofd,-tirheta thee/ fondrimy, ready to execute all 'orders for eul'i, l 2 iii,g anti aking garments in *f.;tett)ry matri2 - Hen • ,1 • 11; rTailor; 04.... j does worklri ;01 , EIRY=-Calalki Aveillie-A4:! JOHN G ' OYES—Fashinilab' Geo, Futl .4 Book Store, where . a style • ;It. 'ether unsurpalsed. . SOTEVIENS4A. inet andrbitir. Makers ; Soul. AC F,'u, AF'..lLYoPirealet tii.y G. 1. • Hardwatikl;', Crockery Tinkvare; Groceriei, _Books,. 44.49iiii ALSO, G fit's on the BOOK tatrDriG Burl nos PciSii' Avenue, "Muntros.e, P. „ R. NrAlf . rollt—Attbrlley at ' ; Office, few . (I**4 sthtli of did Clint Ho i - e:. LiElitrr 1i& REAEI-z-D • 'eia in Drp , aGoods, rrik, ,, , 'Medicine* Paints, , 19„' Groctria• qi i: Ilardwaie, Crockery, Iron, Cloclv; atches,4eiv-t.a.F l elry Silver 4,,,,,,t3,, 1 3 vrfinner?,- ' Aim' - :, ---. .- ABEL l'ElitUELlG— beater 41 Wigs; Med' - ' t o icines,Clientacali, Pitiuts, Oils,' DY' tuffs, aro , . 44 cericA, My Good e, Hard Ware, St ' warg,,Ghtsr; Is ware, (304, Watches, Jewelry, ver Slsokriii„ • Spectacles, .itusical Instruments,. s, Surgi- t e Cal histilithents, Liquors, Perfutigery Mirrors, V 4 ' Statiouaq., trushes, Shoes, Yaiiked-Nolions, rte ~---i. 1. ' ' lli ' 1 DllBB6/lltioll, L.. „ , rirtHE Patinership under the firm 011 Ll' , .11. I_ 4.t. Co., is this day dissolved byiniutrisil. eon` 17" ' 1 • - 11.. 6 4i L.YONSi- L-$4 ;, t J. D A I LYONS, La *!; i .o is ' Lane borfs July 11, 1849- S. LYONS,, 7 : q i a 4 .. . . , Those itufel4ci to the lutefirth oral R. Lyoiiii ,-;,-,;„-, ‘l.l - Co, will Bleae to call at the CaptniA's, otflee and 17, pay their fare. `All the business of the late - firm r : i ;will be settlil 4 ,B. RALYONS. I V`f ari Lanesborn,-J y 11, 1849. a • , ; s ik . r . The, business or the future niill be tiontinudti , uni. i e -i; Idler the firiniof yeas & Chandler. • ., ,t 6 11. R. LYO TS. 4,trt F.. 8. CITA DLERC 4 LaneshonA '.). ly 11, 1849. i i,, !-- - lire - Arrangemetti. ifi 8.1.1 1W N would tender dianles.' to his N.J • frieni r - D for past favors, i and wind& inform theta that lui i has, sold out the Saldon,j tang and Drinking trepartritt, and trusts the b 'ness swill i f be kept up in g d style, and that ho- ' taken the 6ther room oh , t e east side, neit to M . . lord.son's titore, where he has opened a front S p for his Baking and Gandy business r whelesaleimd retail I Montrose; Jul 18- r 1849. • .:0. MOWN., i i . • 13 ' ' tat CandyThudimit. - ..CIARRIEAon by C. Baldwin in DIV* rations 1,..1 branches Proud, Rolls,, Rusk aN Ginger Bread, Cookios, I C, raokers, dc,kept ~': band for Adkolaattle' and retail. Candies got u. , the very Nast slyle, Neiv Fork not exceptM. " L - , d and all other fancy Confectionenes,get npin good style; and kept on handifor wholesale and reta i l , -.Pleas. , call on - • 1 C. BA ' writ . - .. , Montrose, duly 118, 1840. ' s . Sceretary's Cylice. Sccrciarya (*cc (SE ES'S ID RECTO Latell i tt, per fiailroz n e: - • ,i - NEW an a . utiful stock of 'sp .— ! 'pul ur%' liik tier goodp, bou ght entirely tor - cash* th ere' _ ry t r lowest rate , and selling accordingly, at steno di. • - "- i . 3.INONO. • 900 Barrels . 0 SALT for sale at die lowest ..4 cash Ences at • .. is i duly 18. ' 4 I:4THROP J i. ;5Ai.. IITRY. T'LOUR fortsalb by • CICYTHES A ythe Sticks, a large kit, fowl+. 0 by • I " an. 111 by the load, b Istle Ett : tlietsto eof LYONS& tonesboro, Jilly 18, 1849: , SUGAR, tip tire U. 4i-other • ap, LYONS & CHANDLER 8,1849: ...._., irOLAgStOani .wise, Teri ch fiatnesbom,ly OANDLES ~.104.4P, by IL lb,, fir sal4y LYONS , th CHAND) I.Vesboro, July, 8, 184%. and..l l PE, by, the kied,or Sale by L l l - 034Rit C1L015.147, • Ilatiostoto, July l' t 3, 1040. !COD Sheethq by the wee, for caeli'at ,15.1. •-• IJI, e.efit:s per yird, eery Lawrence 'II* 7 do:, •'- summer Cloths dt • and 10 terda, , edllizittlit ear I • 5t4A1,44 = I LYONS ••Jdly . - 7Gentiepierjes Furnishing Wain) : ' i I .oUse-• K - ti. ITIERRIO ,Os DDER, 9t Will inii, stvycir LI; York, knytailiettirnhi, Itriperteis,'lnki RinalOiti- , in Siirtr,jDreniiig Robes Lien' Collar:, "Watt Shoußkrfir,aces, Vr-ataitt;OtityorrieitoScart4ol/0K - 1 eq Bips, „Liven. lk i esnin.t, Hgnaerwhielit, - :ffitsierg , - 1 hrteldv, Suspender!, Biinthazinat, ,fc. ii7e. , . .'li i . -_: Tire" stalt vcli, On etitiiiiiiitiak _. 'PlinO, 1 .net Iflittinetiv c r; 'lttensisi! and Pith, but' qt, t ' 4 1 Qu liing 7 qxperinnei in the business "auilkbo ! - edgc. inguiufactiirin , ure such Out yee a o *r'; ficlenti-ic calf offetti in yeetnentn . ,that.4.lnnot ' limrs pksseil bir any - Bo *in the Of". '..." 1 ,. ,, , f • Par ‘ ticilLsrattention' aid ici oninOtaiiiigip ' A'i'..,..ss, -. 2 if4•o4onds.- • . ERO:lOlCht 'MUDD :''' 4 1 -=! 1 - • t - - i - . 113' ,,, Win*t$6 , e0 1 ,1. , :. , : , 1., . L„ ~ , 1 OPfir4f P4O #t.:*!KX"...KtY -44;, . -: •, vAilnit; 11 9 1 FtcK.r1 6 :,.;;;;; I:s!;!,figlr*,:faf. •; ' .- -, ... - ititigkt fe, : ..., - ;.:-.r. ~;,r-.0 T i r it SillrrrlPPOikkil SUitiliai•Na;filk'l - ~• . - i, 1- f ' V iliti4t PattiOhtiV (if :iiditik '6' :. :nYO ;;;. luein operatiorti*trtil dental 'it - A.11640w*, ;'._:_: 4 7 „, Tire& WV: meatil : asertingrithoielfeti* et sets of.Tgoth-okl 'Atintsp,k,T4,.ret,to:4•llo4'.. eg)te: - . tiire,tit eot Tray be,,wletn: 170164.4 "rat, iPtilla -dikeltriPs;.oso 44 ylittnso.fttf„!itow *fiiii -,. r i pu - ' - 110finciU lii.'.l; tilai be fthAta'atfold4W. , ? , ilittel Ttista ito Siuifiiirrlud liiesdatikiiiiif li.ji bis reA Truce inJe • *), , 4lurintr t-bqtuNkintlepiiiiktk we ,• . i' Mentruse, July I7.,leAtt, i • iltandBb • stx.)l).'X.!l' T 3. in 13641: . and Onto ' 4 ll, 'nblic
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers