04:57$ ite -- streq curre cy • theto-` lie folio iu ; on strengt of) a corres ondent;)!lnii says' that a courier ,W ti Orn Ga leti brought the news. ..;•.• The. Austrian and Russian amyl, 50,060 4troig, 'after oceupying Hernial:lB4.dt, and, Cionstadt, and other small [place's fidvanced 'to Sarteani. ' Bern ,colleeted, 4,000 men, and clargord against:theM.• The battle; ided in a complete defeat of the Imperialisti, They fled precipitately, leaving 0,000 4 i tid- and wounded, nearly all their artillery, at 8,000 prisoners, among whom is G en. IlaieMberg. Beni took possession of Hermanstidt and , _ Cronstaidt. • - - in Flag Alliiiitrihiltagi . 'o thw, . , erica. - . ' ':ABI ' ••••, , ,,,Iltxlmiike ; .:. - - — . i • • It is itatedirtiiie;: - Vaihitigton :iiablic, in referiOeelfici,:tlit‘,'„:::Alcied outrag Owthe, Amerientiliiig4ill4nis,tinitildr. l i t Wigi - ,ille. American .-6.**;:i4.0 . in I .r s .on at cfni,fide a represeritntiOtt7.oohelacti Of, the base to General Otaiiiittit: - gthe General- in -Ultief re ceived -:.;:g-Tr",,-4.T.--: hiin Withtotirtesy; and listene,:lohis statement witlidng - attention, acco mpanied with all proper expressions cJ regret„land,itt , conclusion, directed the chietiof the t.aff to,' retain' With Mr. Brown to the conslate, t o collect from witnesses of the Scene full infor 7 'nation in regard to it.• Te next I day: a' military court was called, which sat for nine hours eliciting the facts of 'the . case,,..*ith all the minuteness- Which ' distniOiSh , the , French. tribunals. - In the eenrse-nl * = .lie Pix:. is amination it appeared that two lof Mr.` ,roWtiV servants (Italians) had: repeatedly,' during the day insulted the French solditrs in i)assing. At the time in questions an I.l(lividtial b`e- longing to a large 'crowd of Italians, which ' in defiance of a general orddr of the. day previous,-was assembled to the nunibtir of a hundred or a hundred and fiftYkat the Onsul's house had drawn a poinard upon the guard. A patrol, passing at the time, entered the house, not being-apprized of its .ebapacter, and made prisoner of the individual iii (itie , ;- tion:•and of another who was recogt4ed as a deserter . from the French army. j'They then withdrew with the prisoners. .:It-' MIS in evidence upon oath that the patrol depor ted themselves ' without merianc,-, and were uninformed of the character of the premise. until they were on the point of retiring. Mr Brown left the City with his tinnily while : this examination iris in pro#res4, leaving Mr. Freeman (our consul at Aneena) in- the temporary discharge of the duties of .the Roman, consulate. in conseauonee /of • Mr. Broaluls absence, and under ,thejiritiyes sion that the consulate was left witlionf. - * agent we understand that Pen. OudinOt . }a&-1 dressed a commuuiattiori - to Mr. Cass' Cur charge d'affairs in which-he recapitulated the 1 , result of the examination; substantially as .1 we have given, it above, and .expre s sed the 1 profound regret _which he had 'experienced' at the error that had been• committed, whiehk . had been previously expressed -in person to the American consul and vie' consul.— Ire also renewed to Mr. Cass ilk assurance that no one in tile French army had harbored the design of disregarding- the.rights of his country Or - questioning' the inviolability of dotnocil of diplomatic funetionaries. : General Out/not further stated ; we under, :stand, that the tiro - prisoners bad .been released. and expr es sed * the_ hope that the ikninnimiCation 'which -had been Wade would be a sufficient satisfactiou to.Hie.eiior which had been .coniiiiitted; and which :Shonid not occur . .again. .: . . , . niversAlist Dieeting*; HERE be meeting-at :;the school house, T near :tam s ; next Sunday at ti - Vellyk.— Also in Broc#l second ,Sunday in - September, (Sept. Notice,Agrionitnral Society An adjourned meeting of this Society as held at the Court licluse, August 24 '49. Hon. / Jessup in the chain Oa motion the following and resolu tion was unanimously after full clicensition : As a means kur the tter regulation and protec tion of property exhibited at the annual exhibitions, cad an - etrtekrti means of aiding - the funds of - the Society, creating a fund for incidental expemes waiilug the Society to locteaxe The number of nr tidies upon which pr . e/inures may be paid, nerlfm-41aqiyixkllat, the Executive Com mittee baving-chaige of the - exhibition be ''' d irected to issue tickets of admitieion "at . 124 Mite Membersof the Societfto have tickets - :f4' them selves sial*aliea - . M. L. A11)21, ,, Berretary.i The followkig,letter fronifiev:Ttenry Wood Concord, editotiof the: Congregational Joar- - a 4 a ralikiatat.:‘ - lot:' a -high chariot*, voitnnea in favor of the, good ; q of Wistar's Oahu= : . Concord, .March 2, :18:4;T: Ur. S. W, Fowlo—Dear Sir: Two ream - pi** past winter, a sudden - and violent attack upoq.nsjr . %Flip . try exposure to coldiOnfined . nire to inritsiiiti NO tea for flevral weeks; and when .1 recovered i.iais-Se muck - oppressed 17- difficulty in. reatbini thit_.l.was incapable of rialad walking - and e, sad often "as tundire to sleep orrest;:uPi.' *iite4;by nighte Tbe. Sufferhig vas and' from from thc metrleaCi tbq :supposed the disease;incurable.' Be. fi ;,,... (41,00eutb - ..„. .„, ~„....,„ . 4,,,,....:.,-......„...,,,,..., on* 7iffit:Jailte;l4-lialiil".-1461,41C-Koiiiiii:ia: I':- 71 ;4 1 / 9 1*#!..*: 4 0i Pc4.* ll Siio.4!;•4 o .*liilk:" ) . t. -:-...t , -- t • in st ., ~..'o''' • 1413e11P - 01Ithir . 41st - ., of consu m ption, Min IlL'esierrillii. erife-af Mr. Stilluiaai Fuller, aged 20-yeiiiik- . -.',.--.-•!.. - . , l , in, ,Lib 6 -4, :oer. ' -14th - inst.;_ , Mr: *tilt Wsnsimt, . 1 ., ' iii . lll6 St)th..",iniif tifldengn:;: '''' --; ' . The deceased ; Was ti'liinit husband and father, and sustained the reputation of iiiiipright and per severing4tizen ill he conununitY in Which he five 1 In Forest iike, Aug. 26, Mrs. HULDAII G., wife of i DanielF,-Lineoln, aged fifty years. Its New iitiaaj_ p t# 4 , on - Thursday, Aug. 16th, of i efiolera,tNatinu BALDWIN, _aged 49 jaars,..7 months, and • 11) days. . Trusting in Jesus, he - peacefully fell deep after an illness of seven ;dap. .h. Baldivin was formerly a ,resident' of this vicinity. where he has left many telatives it, 'lfriends, and-srhete he was highly esteemed as a • : i neigh i bor i and citit ‘ e' n. ; f Dearest fa ther, thou - hest left us, . Here thy loss we deeply, feel : • :', But 'tis Gisfithat bath bereft us,— Ile can aG our sorrows heal. f Yet again it-e hope to meet thee, Wrhen the ` ' lay of life tied,— Tha, in he:4-en, with joy to greet thee, Where no (farewell tear is shed." - Mrs:. S. Woodhouge desires to inform her friends in MentroFe and rieintty, that she is prepared to execute all kkni of Sewing e t th e shoriest notice and in the most subqtantiarkoanner. ..She respgctfully solieits a share of the public patro nage: APIIINISTRATOR's 'NOTICE. ,t LL persons indebted to the estate of ...thcrander I~'Mister. late of Liberty, deceased. are Fe l-nested to make it-bine:bate payment s and those having demands against said nstate to present them duly attested fur setOement. RIOIIA111.1! BAILEY, Adair. August. :30; lalg. , 35-67. Adosinlitratoes Notice. LL per. one indebted to the estate of. Hiram t IVe4ster, late 41 Liberty, deeeme.t.i, are re quested to make ,irnMe.diate payment,- and those hating demands agait)..o said , Ntuf&Opre...,ent them duly attested fur settlement. ... . S. ~.TRUESDELL, August] 30, 1319. 35-6 u% - - , ~ . ; -y k rfi si-khlrn & . Co. • ' I I,I.A.!TtIF*TI.7IZERS and dealears, wholesale /1/.1. and ' retail - in ' Rats,' -Caps. Muffs, Buffalo' Robes. Trim;;, Carpet Bags, Ladies, Satchels, (tc.. Corm . ST, L'::•t . ortAmTifs. 5 DOM:LS; 'EAST OF VIE , Ratants3„trot: 'lora,— Have thq pleacure of!aunouncing to their friends and the pablie that their stock of Fall anti Winter Goods for 7,549 is 'ready Sir inspection_ and they respectfully invi ' the' attention of all dealers in Hats:- CaCapsMui , - &c. and the public at large flint': out-this :tion JJf country to the facts herein Fet forth. ` ' • The rastinereage of; then'.)wine:Fs ha:enrapollod them to greatly en!ate their store, and they have new the large s it nmi at selected tt:•lortinern, (if Beaver. Nutria, Brii-h;' I,lole-skin. Silk, California and Wool Hats ; Ot Mt _Seal, N.utria, ixsk rat.. Siti and 3lnliair, vet & Cloth Caps; Mun-Tioas, Capt.'os,. Vietbrines; and in fact all 4 kilicls of,4ldis" worn, Buffalo Rabe.;; kinds anttlitt.?litie:.iTriink...Taliseg ; R'ctti n, BruSsels ana Ingr, Satchels ever Uttered to theihthabit . is of, ibis pan of the .ountt'v. Their Hats and Caps ire . all manufactured Yiy theraselves, and their ;her 'goods selected with great care from the husost manufactures and Mi -1 porters in the United State: which enable; then/ 't:tn sell from Ei.to .`?0 pcir cent. cheaper than any ':other establishment of the kind, West of New York. • WASHBUR-N & Co. 4, Binghamton, Ang.2Blh, 1849. • H. They is:ued their Fall Fa , hions for Gent's 1 Ha - 4 and baps, on Satirday. Aug. 25. tf. New-York ezTErie andafter the 20th of August, the trains will ‘../ rim Its follows, Suitdays excepted : Through Pauengrr :Trains, from. New-York to OWego. will leave the Company's Pier, trot of Du ane st. at 7 1-2 a.m. and 5 p. m, stopping at all the way stations. From Oirego the through passenger trains Will leave. for' New-York .at 6 o'clock a. in. and at 7. rt. m., stopplit also at all the way Sta tions. A Special Way Tra;ii, for Port Jervis and inter mediate strafing, except:,Sufferna, wiikfeare New- York every Saturday Mt 3 J-2 p.m., and will leave Port Jervis for New-Yoi'k every ;4londay morning at 5 o'clock. • ' A Train, with iPasenger Cars attached, will leave Port Jervis for NewlYork at fen ,min ntes past 5 a. m. and ittnming: Will leave New- York 'for Port Jervis at t i in. Another milk train irith a passenger car, will leave Piermont for 6 1-2 a. m., And returning 11.4ve Otis ville p.'m., connecting with the freightlsiats to Is.'eir;York. ' The milk trains do not connect with the P..& R.. R. It. i• freight - leaves Nelv-Yiark c 5 ery night for all the regular stations on the rcial A freight train will leave On every morning at 6. o'clock. A freight train "'will leave Port'Jervis far ;New-rork every inOming at 6. o'clock and another at - 8 a. m. market freight A sliecui train forottgle and oth erilivel stock, will leave Olvego on Fridaysat 4 from Port Jervis for Ne . 1 1. -Yerk on Sundays . 7 • • 6118 am. _Fare from „New-Toile tii.Osrego The interm e diat e atatiotti in proportion. Co mmu tationlicke. at lowest 'rates - fOr: the stations Jid trees Neu lorlt ihd`PtrtJervis'.-can be parches 'ed at the liext : Thiii.and . rieritteat Offices: F.scui , ' aim tiOets, tit l ing thelravelei to 'psi over the ixad from Ne*-Ttiric.toFOwegii*d return, at 86 'fortite trip, avfflie Nocr-York Of. flee, foot of Dainie-Wor Steamboats "Unt4 the. ist of SePtetribittr • . '.fi;:II:•KIRKWOOD, - e - Supt. • - ' Weinate, Seinin.atr• Biaig yr ilailit°n '" • Institution - mill corn, TAB lit Term c'f'ti" 2 2d , and -matinee 4 I' InelCe;' "lesdaY e4 u tsfied Teachers are ee ia.- tereral .31 P . the 22 i. , %. - - ._ em . n ,, mr . v s ince - close of Om' ',On loYed ilitiliB=2- 4 ' tans fur a ' darger.npmber of t e Pti le eda nl4llB Ca el=li ted are arded t!ssnred' P : ire e tha n n ? ; ha tike vule loca da . d u on 6 Bo 44e - u arnj r : 516141°14 th4Setrunar re Y L and ex 4 b s e kr iled e for in t& ad- 1 ti t s aii. , „ * .NewlrOrk4 Fove - e •,1„ iii be exercised d welfare of , PuP--.1 IF , 'cement no p lac e d. I:an n.... inwhose chair Th e i al ' - • - by .---:-, -• :, 7 , Rof ,- , I the- *hale cha,2"ge for 1 i n 410 bearding .sniwn.L. •ecepthiecte4.‘ F ith. it, 'I board, Incl ' d/4 al L i r l a , and lights , and tuition i as room rent , E lag u s h lrittel7iaseig, entnititar**.t.:,,'T....4l m ig n . c, , . no,' d A d_ 1,...._._ . 4.,h ee r. in ertenowe ' -wurt3 l' ~'..'-' ofi-l.weekgf.., aiyfFrencit'addedi.B3'mim -, - . win Day'etholarti in 'Ili"; _ u,...,dZik, '' ' ucoo: e eharged42,4o4- in We sl'u, .i g ith Liitair ~...4L,in the q ua rt er;inicheittsßojs .• • ~: _., Z - 5 - aild Prentikuudrsd.-w-wRn, ~' ' '... e,......- alonste-r- F i, iGlia' charo".:;.-iddssenn.,- -i,'"r'',' Pe t 1 00. - .._ t 0,09 V-00 t he y OuitnrS/ 0 " ) ; u P e ,„ J "."` -. sin: , . brinviiviiio P a i nting in ,, lyster T lo 7 - et ti l; 1 ; 1 9. 10 !; ltalian, 44 ... _ - 11, - •,-- 4 :-- ~ -. ..,4_.....; I. 40, 1-:::::4-1 t - ''' ' ----• ',;:t.tMM 04IY) t?:,,1,, 4.;,5„;,,, .',PY". V - . 4, .... . ~..„-8 - .f ,..1 ~.'.•::•.:"....-•,... .. ~.',..3g 44..',...,. ..r.... Elaguerreau Gallery. ewer the. Store of S. S. .11Xnlford & Son, where you Gin be nee° nuodated with pictures put up in plain lar fancy' e. `A, locitet, Ow, kc. Please. remember that ael dy day is jii 4as favorable fur getting a gectl Likeness as a $ billy one. o e Yours respect fully, .• W. D. DEANS. , . August i'',Btll, 1849 T"Efubscribers Nrould • inform the citizens of Great Bend v•cpinitr, that they hare pnr chased. the itock of gocti:l4, formerly owned 4 by Young d Gilman, and' having made. a large par 'Ouse of ltew GoOds; are prepared to offer to the public the following *ides at whole iale and re tail: Pork Flower, S It by the bbl. or load,- Fi , ll by the th W.. r . or half bbl', or package, 20 Ibis. Sugar , „,„ at 5 per cent, Motassel, ue met_ bid. or smaller qtuurtity. .A. 143 Tea, quffe'a. Allspice. Pepper, Gin ger, Soap, Candles, Panit.s, Oils, 4:c., Arc., whirl% will be sold cheaper than 'at nay other establi-lauent this 'side N: Y, Bin inanition not excepted. - Also a' ull assortment of Drug. and Melicines, with most of the Popitlar Patent Medicines no* in use, F. CHERCIIELL. L. F. TROWBRIDGE. Great Benzi, Aug. 11, 1819. Is.kw Milford Stow Depot,-18 1 .19. _T RRITT has Inow in store, a new et. , -.4fr:.- • Ipent of S - ove , , Wein:ling the inort v.pprov ed kind.: it Air Tight, rind Continuo Cooking. Par ka., and shop Stoves, Russia. and Cuitniti n ::;:tIWC NIX!, atone Furniture, sheet Iron and Zinc. glove Tubes, &c., to which, the attention of cash pur chasers, and the public Is invited, and which will be sold at very low prices, furca-h, or approved credit. Algust,ilB4 .- 9. - Later Arrival AT I.4THRO.P!et SALISBURY'S. grpat rash stfi l leantinues. Goods arriving .Another i;sicsis. Boa n e ts, i!Bottnett Ribbons- and Fli;nvets of ail deseripions.— Sheetings; ;Men's -Summer: Stuffs, - Cashateretts, 'Cassimeresi Satinetts and Cloths, a good variety.— The litr , est stock of Meals and Ladies Boots 4: Sltcicc , "constantly, Ilryf Goods of all &scrip lion:. A ; OW stock of carpeting just in. Crock ery. Iron, SiCel, Nail., ililnkasses and Sugar S--of the best qiirlity—LargeSt and best lot of Fish in the countrv, More of that shilling 'Tobacco. 23 lb , . qudiish fur :::1; Best New Orleans and Porto Rico Sugars fur - Cheapest and best Tr lc in town. Mere of that.six shillfrj Tca. More gooids corning ne.t:t Week. Call and see. - - Vo charge Ar :wring goat.' LATITROP & SALISBURY.. Montrose,; June 28. 1811+. STRAYED. CAME into the inclosure of the subscriber on or About the Ist inst., a dark bay Mare, some in .years. The owner is regnestml to prove property, pay charges. and take her away. RICHARD FANOH.EIL Franklin: Aug,. S. 184 r.); N. 7. & Erie Railre4d—Western Express. RICE & PEcK. Oftee_ 1..:7_;w. York. Leaves New York 5 o'clock I'. Arrives at Binghamton 6,: A. M. and Oaego 7. A. M. For tranTortatiun (dial! kinds of tneregandize, Packages and Mottos . . Ttle - proprietor.; have made arrangements with L Searle to run an Expre, , s to connect daily between Great Bend and Montrwe. AD !honey and merchanlize will be forwarded Without delay. AGENTS. • L. Searle, „liontrose. • Geo. IP; Stephens, Great Bend. A. .../forgaa, Binghamton. L. Nanning cf; Son, Owego. „ - : Skid-4 el: l'ressuck, Elmira. >" 0. B. Ilamilton, Corning. MoUtrose, Aug 4, ISO. AHotel iii Montrose for Great Bend twice eve 51a.Y: (Sundays excepted) viz : at t o'cloCk A.M. aniviniat Gieat Bend in ;time fir the day train orearz Ong east mid. the -, m..;yit train. f rom Neu York going west,luid at:ll P. M. arriving in time foi the nig h train going east; and; he day train from New-York,going west Returning. 14xive Great Rend on the arrival of ear-li train and cars from' New York- - Careful and accommodating drivers and first ratk. ti' unc are - emploYed otithis . route—iLand the pmpri. etOra -pled& themcielves use' every exertion to . Make their line Pleasant and.e.tpeclitous. Permits apply at Searles Motel, in. Montrose. j 29 TRITESDEI;L & CO. „ N•tice.....4seit Wheat, • rr eldnerber offers for sale few latish& of the &Wes Wheat, probably the . first _ever ramped' e Northern Pa.-Said Wheat is• warrantecl tZ, , yiel4;frein top) Umbels - nilekto the Acre; (by r ases orthefird mitoeetataiily in western ow: T oe,-*liive it has reeently.bien introduced) thasf anfothethindeuitirated In that' seeijett'L. liretk*-7:Ptite) wit7s n•e4nite heed Producing from in''encl4 and nimbi Ahl 1,,A00„1*-, lik:AErle -114tilroad rr. ,eutmlbe .-are nuwiprvi to receive - freight of all 1.-"ndiatithe Owego 'Depot, and lso at-the Binglianitoti, Great -Bend, and Lanesbo. To' Decotsosvery Tuesday, Wednesday_and , Thurs. day, of each Week,k and continue - with regularity throughout the season. They, will attend to for warding the same to the New-York Market, where they: , haVe 2 matle arrangements with experienced salesmen, who will attend to- the. selling of the =rte, and.return the proceeds in Bankable funds at eitlMr.orthe aboi-e Depots, to the following per sons :—Atthe store of Y. Ilarmlord, Owego ; at the storehouse of C.lNKinney,Binghamton ; at the Otßee'CifJaa: Great Bend ; and at the Hotel • E. getu“* ' Pulestoorc:.• ' "..:4AMES SISK, Binghamton, • JAMES GRIFFIN, Great Bend s F. RAYNSFORD, Owego. Owego, July 23, 1849. Agents :—C. iliiiinnev Binghamton ; E. Benson, Lanesboro'.' . . - - - - CAPTAIN JAMES SiSN will superintend the bvii ness thioughout the 1 - hole Line, and receive mid fill„all orders for Crocerie3, Fruit, Fi.,11, Oysteri, &c. 4741 Nihich 'will Ge licr,..tht at the lowest whoire ale price; in Netw•l orki and forwarded to either i;)1' the akure turned eriots. 11%01112 Cs Gentlernen, IF yoU to of,itain a good Daguerreotype, don't forget to call at'the New Firui & New Good 4. ODFISIV Rice. Sugurs , 1 #" , 46511 suP t us retic„iiet s and for a . lo by , J. LYO N 24tti..1 ' Admission '25 Cents only. Tin characteristic features of this great establishmrst which appear to have absorbed the most of the novel! mid rechmhe entertainment extant, can be only brit.* 'numerated in the limits of as advertisement T by thr the most stupendous mutat project of the age, comprised ,of over 1000 distinct mug sal instruments, more power{al than a band of 50 tang lisps, and drawn by 40 Moses in procession, v-U coot sue the Orchestra daring the entertainment iirection ar H. F. Nechtis, rzoprietior the 4fdass, Theatre, Washington, D. G,, it attached la? the Tll•esa U. fOr the parpoas of getting up tray night the CTSW US , roic and Patriotic Spectacles of ON. WASHINGTON, ..OLD et Num ANTHONY AIME :" reviving reminiscences of that g" . •trnas Aar trio!: rats, ans," commemorating some ce the mod- stirring tints hsteraning Hevolntionary incidents, the gallant de the Heroes kf 'id, and conclud!ng with a grand Nitlar Tableaux of Gea Witslgton mount".l on j a Rob-,c tint ger, Lorne oti the Shoulders of his &rare eontmentate l 'The accession or the - CARCO tr TRPINPE, , aside lJiti charge of the rpm! Italica Ts* k Clock 13ignar Plittr fi r CARLO, known throughout Europe t sl the tam ilielOtt Tricks, and : more -enalnati: „v..tanly- y, t . sal, Ms. that has ever perambutator ita . 4 1 1 sinrulatty talented Trams ^sr &west+a it airt t department or the itimate, - Cr ' I. !We W. e>, W Motors, 1 7 - Pens.„ 7 tn. ■ N:cnops, 0.0. littsrv, Vrotes,.lll*M. IGICCLIMO COLO ' 'PERRY ' CLARYI.II, be. • Malials•-• iI , FiIVArP, PERRI? nog DosAlltilkah Asa ke„, altogether rendering this d.kgs trittPirr 31 advance of all other cotslatattarns the cinsaseveat "lams of thr 3%c‘t.,,-ocu INe *tea evil ,vrtskaa • he ea St , • : will , exhibit i nt Alotitres.e en Thursc:ay. Atig 301.11; &lots, open itt 2 mid VI- I'. M. ; also at Binghamton, Aug_ 2t11; Talikatamek, Aug. :114. UL:mod I,'Stats VihelE.F.;2q Cloth ,-. Lug . NPOIM, 254, 2.tai and '5B PF:Ant. STaLET, (BeaKetlt fed:Cll. and Burling Slip) NEW YOJ?.k, bare on haad the largest asortinent of Chorttixo hi the Iriited4.4tites, adapted to all ma; kets !! the article of Shirts and ;Drawers:, we keep an:endless rarici:r. Also, the Most exteii,sive manuatcturers of ail Clothitt and Coverei the trorld Plun and .17-aili ienac.ilo Clothing, of all ..Ciitillogue. Auek sent by Order FTIO:IIPtr. ly fi tted. -t-- - - N.A. 254, 2:36, ants ear Pearl Y r Book' Ageter• . 5E...4 RS' PIOTO1?I1I L WORKS. 1 ; H. FORDHAII having procured the agency for. tbee celebrated works, will ctinvask eil..aluring the present inontligt.glnioeure sub ;Uribere. ,The value otthese works u toy well known to the. literary world to need connueut. Montrose, July 1849. • Wanted by the Printer, Pork. I liATF., Floor, Butter' nnd CASEY, on actounts due hill]. • July IP. 4n' DiSSOlUtiOll. ' partr4ershiri under the 6ni of. Corn 1 Wood is i thi= clay dissolved by nimbi conient. The hooks anti accounts are in the !muds of S. PD. ‘‘i..l).'LYO4) 7 S. . . 'OHS B. W 0011) Fili•nd.zllll4, July 10, 1549. • S. D. LYOS . S will enutinn flte bait(t: , Q r Tql -moan: Lt. -tat 1 ,rF - 171 - 4 - at toy (.J string, torer Wiellgtni 47 Stone's store. Cutting. 'done on the sltortek notie.4 and warranted, as ii , ual. '. 'Jlie latest Fashinng alwar.s on hand. .S. D. LI'ONS. LANESEIO4O, PA. CErEAPOAS H --- 61 1 0iLir, On the Nor .Perk if.: Erie Rail Road fin 4 &vire kanita Rirrt, 200 )nilr , tfront Nnt. , roil:, 2.ti :tiles froth Bingh4intan,and It) mile'sfron? .1714,•ntra.tt.,— snriataided iliy ~.3foxtfains anl tAc. Railroad Rrilyrt. t. • ,t T', ourstorlp the f 'Bowing mar be found: Eng -1 lisp. French and .A.menean . Dry Goods, Bon• nets and Itibtiott., Parasols Sc.. Ututtrelltet Carpet Bags,ilats am" Caps, Looking Glasses, Boots andl lilateg, , Crockery, Gla-is Ware, Hard Way, Window Glass and Sasl,' Drugs and Medieinas, Goeeries. MarkeFel, Cot felt,. Masi Pprk. Superfine . Flonr, Nail., Stone 'Yam, Jappaned Ware, Painttt, Oils, Dye ttuff...,utter Firkins; Candles, Sand's and Townsencl's & -tparilla, Books, Paper, Inks and quills,.i Cunkin ,- Parlor and Shop fire. es, Stove Pipe and Sao: Trimmings, On hand . or made. to 1 r.,,,. order. • • I . i ; Eagle Foundry Ploughs—warranted; 'trunks t i-, Traveling Bag-4. Shingles, Clover Seed, Carpet and Cotton It am, Ases,,Liandles, :Buck Saws, ettorris, Hoesitakes, 80,ythOs,Ae:, t.t.4. i , : For ; ibe teryllil.- ' , patronage which '.re f linvie reeeived th- we tear er oursineere thankk Ailr4 4f and tins ireSent t season. tidying ire goods. about• 35.. per, cut,, e i our ingtto is -now,-sinall ;Situated its ,Nre are.on thie lower'Oian any oibCr estab ! . 'LYON -16 public duceil tj. from 14-st profits and lisbnzcrif Lanes ;4bliSbrnent.;-Ir':: - .- trA.._ r este lishl4 hintself ;UAL I:1, ("",abiliet t.,..,„ zir ...11 - ing Busifterl (ORO bolo* the Mills,lFmindrfand Machine Shop on ill outlet of Joue; Lake, abont I+ miles from Mont rose oit'rthe . hanSon sine road ,) the subserih t ei / ash iiiireintred to, ' '..to:. °Mei any articlaafn r Line, made up" i the OoitiilrOrkmanlike Mune . Ile insitm the: uldieto eill'iind see. - l'i ii ; • . •:i - - I I *IgItENZO B.E.iiqw: .; Bridgewater g taill, l op? . _.. ,:. -:: I. i Ovtr Bath, Inehtbas bv - eil fades e old na 4 tr , bc• Pm* '00 0 4.e indulge 0 P ccpvenunic AP13:410% . AdarAik • RELATES/T.. TO Tat' AMENDiIifENT.'OPTI . -s - - 1 • ' CONSTITUTiONi. . s . . Res4rectbyfiti Senate cza Rouse. ot ,04Presania Hues . ok the' _ConisizonwealtAtt,Piiiti'4.iii•Veiterat Assent* Inet, , : That the Cotistituthrn Cof tjud . Corri l , mouweidth be .ammended in - the...;SeCond : eetitiom Of the pith article, so that it shall read isi follows The Jiitlg,e,3 of the Supreme. Court, iif thir - several' Courts kf . Conlin - cs - Pleas,and of suth othrr Courfs of rd as are or Shall be established tbi law,' R shall elected by th e qualified' electors ordlie.eed t. Corrunerwealth in the manner followitigi to wit : The JOges of the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors,' f the Commonweal th at large, 'The Presi dent J dges of the- several Courts of (loinniOu ' Pleas aid such other .Courts of Record 44 are or shall establish * established by la, and all oilier. Judges required to be learned in the law, bY the qualified electors i of the respective districts over 'Pitch they are to pi elide or act as Judges: And the Associ ate Judges-of the Courts a Common Plead by the qualified electors of 'the Counties reipectiveLy„— i he Judges•of the Supreme Court shall hqld their offices ter. the. term of fifteen years if . theqso Jong i behave themselves well : (subject to the allotment liereinaf(er prokided for, subsequent fe :Vac . first election i) The President Judges of thelseveral Courts of Common Pleas, and of- such other courts of Record as are or shall be established ti l , law; and all 'sillier Judges required to be learned to the I Law, shaß hold their offices- for the terim of ten yesr.:, iflthey shall ,so long behave the selves wall: The Associate Judges of he Courts of Cour: num ple4s_thall hold their offices for the form of five veari, if they shall R.O long bells% e theMs.elves: well': alliof whom. shall be comtniioned ihy.llle.. GovernoCbet f,:r any reasonable cause whiih shall ma be sUrticient grounds of impeachment, the GO tlr shall itniove any of them on the address of two-thirdt of each Brandt of the Legislaturti. ~ The. first election shall take place at the general cfidetion of this Ct'„immensvealtli next after the adoption of this amendment, and the commissions Of ;all the Judges who nia, be-then in office shall e.-pird on Rios first Meritlay of December following, wlien.-the terms of4the nett/ judges shall cornereucti The . persons . stilio "shall then be elected Jedgesof the Supreme 'Coiirt shall hold their dikes as f,41/OWa; one of thipu for three years, one•for six ye4s, one fur tiinetyfeirs one for twelve tears, and - onqer-fif teen yearl; the. term of each - to be decided iby lot by the irtidiatlgeS as soon after the election hs eon . c mient; itml.the' result. certified by them - irk.'.. th e Governors. that the commissions may. belsieed in ' newrdaneclhereto. -- The judge. whose catinisisideri: will first Osrpire . shall be Chief Justiee.Authlgitis term, aridPthereafier each judge whose:eouttinssion shall first kspire shall in-turn be the. Chit( slitsilee, mid if tt or more eenunissions shall expireerr.the same day4the judges holding-them shall ileoldehy lot which,hall be thd Chief Justice. Ani - kaeisie cies happti dug bit,death, resignation; or o th ernise, in any of 1 m said'ieourts; shall - be fi lled by alipiziat 7 f- k meat 1,3-4 b Governor, to coniinae.tilf : ithet Monday iiii December Succeeding - thesnext.OneMl, eleetionte Judges..of the Supremes 7- .Coukritrid the Presidlints,. Ofj the several Courts: tif:Corourion Pleas, shalt 4Shited - tinies; receive for theirlserA ces an adze` mate, c,onipeusation, tor:* fixed, br i y km which Shi i i l l not b-climioished,during, their contutu, anee in o ce', but-they shall receive no fees Or per quisites'Ofruffure„ nor hold rifirMher office ofiprefit under thi4'lCiinnonwealth, or under the glvern mentsof the .United Statei, or any other State of this Union t l; The Judges of the Supreme Point du= ring their' o» in (lace shall resideliithin this Comnirmwedith, and the other Judges stmincs their coatirrnance in office shall reside within tit; district or elpturty for which they weierespecfively elected. 1 4. ' WILLIAM F. PACIcEP4 Sficaker at. Ilottee of Apresmtd,tire3., • GEO. DAPSIFI Speaker of tier fie7tifte. is ~ ~/24..tha.Samado .../. 1 . ke;ii.fis4 Tha i ithis - resoltition pass:Yeals 21,: Nava S. ... _ : j • 1 xtmetlitom the iiiurztal. • 1 "5..01L. W. PEARSON, C l e r k. l,l i 0 In the IliiitAT ofjilepresentatives, April% 1840. Retolisq,tiThat - this resuluticin pass.—Yeai ,58, Nays 26, • - ; 1 ! Extract fricetnAe Journal..; -- 5 • GYM. JACK, eleik. i . Seciretarytt Oice±: • Filed A p;)"11 -4. AL L: IWSSELL, ii ~1 . of thecozn -. .! • • —.- • •••• . Penwsgran4r, es: ! , i , . I Do. citripy - th 4 the nlxTve; and foreg o ing 'is . a true and corteet copy of the Original Resole:tide IA the Gen' -Assembly, entitled *titesolution relative to all Ameddment of the Constitutionil as the same re cies on file in thii offten..4 . Z. , -"-. • ii- In t&thnonv 1-hereof 1 hare hem , !, 'i• ... - cora - 4r fit," , fi b:Nl i the seal .of the Secretaty's ce at litirrisburi, this eleventh 4,ay , f Jun Anon ponfini, ' one :ih9Olmid i, leg h undred' and forty-nide.: - - ..! II - ,TOWNSEIiD HAINES, 1 ii I- ,- Seery of the Com.. I Ilarrtsbut•June 14, 1 80. — S4L: i ' 1 i"louie.al of Senate. - . - --i '• ( I . OS, entitled 'Resolution z. ,. tt- 1 tive to an atjtendnient of the Oonstitution,';',Wai tread a thirdme. .On " the question , will the Si;ll,-c ate agrece p the ,resoletion l', The lreai,intd Na7s were 1 keen agreeably to the Constitution, and " were as col Me, vii: ' - s- . 1 '. " Tess. ews. Pant.s:BrawleY, Crabb, Cunnulik-- I ham, Forsyth; •Iluo', T lohnscm, i - Lawrente,`-Le4is, Aftton, llattlifai; 3Fpn4in, Rich, IRichariK Sadler;, Sau key, Saran-, Strill,Snkyser,"S(erretfd: Stine-IL - "NA rs--31Wssrs. ii..t, Drutn, Frick, Ives, gitlig: Konignmeher Potteiger and . -Dirsie, Speaker4oK "So the qt(estion was determin ed in the:atruilli. tive." . ri . 'I- , • ' , -s '' - A "Jo - 1 tzal 011', 41e_ _House' of - o presen:tatkvqs.-', i l " Shall therAolutlen pasel The yeas , ,andliairs were takewaireeablti to the provision of the tenth article. of the- Constitution. and' are as followi, viz_: " 1 - 1:4 , 44.11e55r5. Cliaeonl: Ball, David J. -Bo it,' Craig Biddle ti Peter ' . D.• Bloom, 'David M Bole; Thomas K. Ii . 111- Jleob Cort Jelin H :Eller:1;11p th "Illh aniel A. ott,• .1 seph . Emery p avid G. _Ude:: n> an. William; ians„,John Pause! , Samuel Fq;els-; Joseph W: Fisher, [ Heitry M. rate:, _ 'llloratts .. Grover, Robert• ElMnpson, George P. Kensiep,= Thomas J./lei-ling; Jseplt High n. Charles* -Heitz; Joseph D. ••Ro er,,Robert li.lotr, aar.ison Pil.;idrri; Abraham. La> borto ei 'James .J. Lewis., Jimes'it 1, 0 4 -- JaroVll 'Carte*, John F , : soullnein - ROW Wllee,- John , Laughlin, - AdaM .31artha, - &mita. WAIT. John!o, IldvAr4rEdNiard Nieklegon, Stewart Pea*,l.-JaM" . _Porter; Henry C. Pratt, Ale* . 'Robb, Gotta aPlab Thdad°r°. - Kru 4 n , Beijuir l t, 12 S. Schoonover Samuel Seibert, John Sharp, Chrii ,- tian Snivelf,.... , a-01:-•Steel. derMniah_l3iStubbi, j os t, •j, ; Stut.,Mnraitall SWarti,welder,- Salmi& Taggart; Geo T.-. Tkorn, Niebolis Thorn;Artirai Wattles, SAM ' .Weirichi Alaimo 11 Wilao34:Liiiniii ze•ibey in t rWilliapi r.'Paelrer, Sileaker.-44. - -_--t -"Mtvs--4feroi:= Agnates K. Cornyn, David M. Courtney, Datil& EiOns,.. Beefy jth. Kvani, k 7 'llitlie Fenian, 4ohn- . r- .Peiatc4--Tharalla Gilleipay.Tehrk B. thinion,W' i .. ".Kenry,,Jamei J. Kirk, Jost,' Laubarb.' - Ro , • ' R. tiitle, - •X: 5, PCCabliOnt,'-' - ii * Argai,- •Nr! . ....:-, - :lolbiqriy, •Joeialtr4ttillei,:•••Williat ;WilliOr Y. lubber ti Litutherferd; K. /lima 30 adell',9 0 PrOXidtili 6:-... ,'..-:,1 --_-, '- --- " ttaiiabilid iiiiiii --d - • ...,_ :*. e tst 7 - up I ,-no J• B. - - siks-'-i , fii,;• .: ::1. 1 . 4 - ) --:al li , r, , , .figegotnar se-a.A. -. .' 0 - t "'• the , "17433.1 - ant : fi • vb. 4 ' - i'llegolutloo ! -.! • .. ~: . .:.of ilifk'COi*titit 0 . p;- rs cn the Jaiiriulls'of:AY I 1 Oilnerftl imitito4Y! -618. -. C , s4sicin of 18.10. ' — "i,, • & !"d 'Witness n:iy hind - awl tlid,t, fifteenth' day of Jiiito, - ci:lie !V tutO•forty-uine. = MONTROSE BUSIN'E:;SS J. rout goers ntreet, enue, anu June, 134 E. lit litOritA Cwanzeoz MARL stand lately own) pike street. ." A.;.ll4iLDWlft- r --.514 13.*.g find Trunk 3UrnaW et. Siop, on. 'Tutiniillei INst & Co's. ;. t=11470113144)X :3 • nihker o over A . T414-7,W street:,.., Iic , APIPSO3 Sioveltriminings; • \tam IV/111004 EttIFICLIYAIe` MOW/ itat% Cagy find Furs Piintidg ofice,ioot `pf fit* d r abofe VEL anti found ,reidy toox till and TO 1) agovcs--Fasi GO. Fonee4 Ptoie.-No a atyle!altaOtliii-un in 4 at owmilailt 'rot ILY Ciodke' ALSO - tre,s3 _Tviewrolv=-: ,- Attoilieyj i • re* ;dciots- Sotth BEIVTILIET 4116 GOoll,VPing3;•Medigiiies; Xrarair*.re, Crockeiyjetbd; 010. elisySil i ver Sp**, -Pertuin* - . AII.FLVVIRUELIJ .cctles, - Pfry Goods, 'are; Otockt% Wdtete..o4; Spectacles, Musical. last . cal: Inatnaticht4-:,Liquors; Stationary, 1 DisSohl 0. rpErE ; Partnership under e. _ J. ~,t Co., is this day_ disc o i: :t ., ,Eli seat.. „ , l .-, :t h,,,,, 1... f. 1 , J. . . LattesbOna, July it ; 18.41h..2.4,8:;..4 ,IliOse.indebtqll io the-late , frm 01 1 . C0.,,rti1l please to tall at lhe'OtPti pay. their Tare. Alt the baSiheaa:of will be settlediay -4.=, , .,,..'r. -.., , ,i , v-I , 4*aboto,..Tvasy 10-09.: . .. der-the 'firin 'of Lyoriiit.'.oiiiiil4.l' . , . . Laoesboro, Joly 11, isik . --' i 1 i Ne*ige) C• - friends Ifof past: them that be h4.,soldi:Out Drinking departtnent,Und:l.,,_ be kept Um' p gesulistjle;itild4l4 other - teem enAlte east: eitre,'nnat i store, where he! has; opened , f oust; - :Baking and Cat* buOefie,'.*l) , Moritrese, July 18;18-10:' 77T — Ilaid4 a>ta as ciAßßign or, branche3. Dreed-,-14.11*740.,MF-1 Bread,- Cookie.. Craeliete; - ;# l,6 t r it PF, w hol&,ale and retail: . beA.Style,NeW I all.ether fancy Oonfeetiorieites;gat'r and kept eu hardfiir*holOaTei!* van , on! SceiTtcrrits - tatesi yet, per i NEW 'aria ibeirotifilVika nieilgoods;l ry lowa* rates andiel4aikioee' • 21 - 11 - I , Barre/g ofF , AI R P?r , f A lll 4 VA', cash -pric4B•llltL.- , \July . VLOVR. for!:,.10" . . , PYPIPS dzi SPAO:S*4k , :alj bY:r .:','--:._:::.- 1.:;,' ...' --.' ' -:'•-:•-•'' '.''','.-.' 1 p9RK iltikxkcit LYONA4 3 ;allefl l3o ro , ' JOY -/8, , 11TOTIASSP4 tticl SUGAR; Lo iIATO,N I Liiiesbore...Juty,sl.B, CilleP 0 . LES and < ;)4R ,*;-!:14-Y9NS*1 LanesboroJulr.l.lcl449:44., , atitl!Plß.gliyttAa o` . eile,by `Aa r OliV • Lariesboni,"Julipk-IBo4=' G 6013 ) centi p er ifhlt La' ibmther Cloths stored L' July-",e49i. 6e54 101111 1,-, , .TTERRIQIC&SCUW Terk:Man4f in,.5974.144. Prefting Shotekterßeigek;io ey BelaY.Lifoest 1 1 0110 1 Buele*,-_,Su**kriatoMb - The atiove ettbelt*Vihtf not ouly - )lttseetlit4-Exte* Our. lung expep "411 edge of,Tanutute `- , ',Edleg*can dtlrh; ippele4bY RAY Put eclat anent*. ing ofgoadm (OPP , * PAite:/4102613C1L D'. ,_:.ltii' TONmt & , e'ry o/ 011**- - rtiodeiM V idienfiniio rCarricion44. rublic;Acegte ; Moat