The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, August 16, 1849, Image 3

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    NewlMilford Stove •9) e , 5t4.41349.
TT . BURRITT has now in. store, new "sea l rt-:
I I • ment of Stoves, including the rov
kinds of Air Tight, and Common- - kin ~ Po_
j oo
lor, and shop Stoves, Russia and moron, Stove
Pit s, stove Furniture, sheet Iron a Zing stove
T u „L T _ AT, to which, the attentioii of cash pur=
chasers, and the public is invited,. and: which, will
be sold at very low prices, for cash, or approved
Aug,wit, 1840. . - ,
W.I. & Erie Railroad; Everybo•
drs - Market Line.
THE subscriber are now prepared to receive
Freight of all .Mnds at the Owego Depot, and
also at the Binghirnton, Great-Bend, and Lanesbo
ro' Depots, every 'Tuesday, WednesdaAnd Thurs
day,lst of ea c h we ek, and continue wi i regularity
• throughout the season They will a tend to for
warding the same to the New-York rket, where
they have .made arrangements with experienced,
salesmen, who will attend to the selling of the
same, and return the proceeds in Bankable funds
at either of the above Depots, to the following per
sons :—At the store of F. ltavnsford, OW ego ; at
the storehouse of o.llfliinney,tinglianiton ; at the
office of Jas. Griffin ; Great 'Bend ; and at the _Hotel
of E. Benson, Lanestenk.: -: . ,
JAM 01011: SISK, — Biel : Than - don; .
. JAMES GRIFFI34:Great Bend,
Owego, July 23,'11849. - . , ;:" ;',.
Agents :—C. 3fKinney, Binghamton ; E, Benson,
Lanesboro'. J
&., i
CAPTAIN JAMES OISE will superintend the busi
ness throughout the whole Line, and receive and
fill all orders for Groceri e s, Fruit, Fish, Oysters.
arc. Q-c. ; which will be bofight at the lowest whole- 1
sale prices in New-York, and forwarded to either,
of the above named Depots. ii3Ona
SheriWs Sales.
BT virtue of writs of FL Fa. issued out of the
Court of ; Common Pleas and to me directed,
I will expme to public sale at the Court Mouse in
Montrose, on Monday; the 20th xkty of Aupst
next, at 1 oclock p m, all that certain tract or par
cel of land-situate in the township of Rarford, in; the
county of Susquehanna, bounded as follows to Wit :
on the north be land bf B. Guile, on the east! by
land of IL Sibley, on the south by lands of Geller
Sibley, and on the west by land of J. Tyler, con.
taining one quarter of an acre with the appurtenan
eeo; a framed house &c., late the estate of B. B. Ball
'Taken in execution at the suit of G. G. Pride
against B. B. BalL.
All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in
the township of Harkin' in the county of Susque
hanna, bounded and described as follows to wit:—
On the north east by -lands of widow Tiffane, on
the south east by filo. Philadelphia and Great tend
TunipOceiOad, on the south west by lands of .N.
IV. Waldron, and on the north west by lands of N.
wdtdrow, containing 17 acres or thereabouts
he same more or le:4t with the appurtenanees a
framed house and hattn, a saw-mill, shingle-mill
late the estate of Natlian
Taken in erecution at the s tit of G. G: Pi-hte vs.
Nathan Hawley. GIME, Slim/.
Montmen, August 9,d, 1849
Fur the effectual Cure of
Indigestion, Ilypo, Mete berilei and ;Choicest
TER public generally, scho are our q,' sorts, may safety
neilmetu q
embrace this eatisena as
i -awed remedy, with the
Iturnobe that it . an antidote to c
are, menages
gnef, alleviates pain, not interfere with duties of AM
day,,srysee.:lly tr oves bil e, and :has been I frequently
known to reds- Ise mist choleric to humour upon its
int application: 'esidas, it reinvigorates thel patient in
next day's bruise .4 Alt Kees, sexes end conditions have
been known to emperimeilesiaille relief. Instances ars
nfe of ten 'sets being linienlously added to the life di
an lummustriaa, to say nothing of the well-Intown MK
of a truly in seareh of health having here numbled an al
m s
IrD.l h ribasivi. No P has been secured, at the ia..l
grediems, although f in Europa and Alpena', mid
Km published to the w ld, are in the tote possession of
!kik College of Pharmacy, and imposition is precluded by
aw, fact that if the ert e m of the conga:sem parts be
ideas or inferior, the pound is invariably found re
be seismose and imam
Itse nurredwirs are (harinlese and yet bode agreeable!)
Ban of the (rens, a melange of the exquisite
Iterseutan of llteship Ross • the startling backward Sr
snows and perilous feats ai l Young Oxman 11.,0t on his
eaddlekss horse; the greet - Beamed Dicks ,on horse.
beck, eed - Senseraars end Askowieg upon the right Raps •
by Mauer lame; the /Memo& Seems of Maks Mast. .
east and Busxne ; the Bah= styles of Rgviitatiox by
N Signor Lyrist G paiii; ;; i4 Equitanon, Gymnastic and
Herculean Pems„ andSliemetelea by Mesas
Hannter, Dar, Wit. TIIOILItri Joan Thunman, 1
Rearrim, Nexus, Ilsetuirn, and Mesdames Riess
Renew , I SA LM; in equal puts, end a 1
TWO 'GREAT ;. " i 0/4
irnaTlM IN ONE!
ju,NE,; & CO.W
" ..tteddwith an EWES.
t ANI . I 01 - PE superior to lan other ever elan
.: I. Am ng the animals hi this Atzhibitios is a
piendel I '
lie only mien of this species in the United
Lie` A o the
ri P most gaclous and thoroughly trained Elephant
n the orld, together with specimens of nearly,er
eiv speciep of wild animals existing. The Equee-
Irian dep irtment comprises all the principal talent
of Europe and America. Among its prominent mem
beta will be the ,
Front Amity's Franco Amphitheatres, Lon
don and Pans, universally acknowledged as the hest
gymnasts acid acrobats in the world. Also
Together with MIL LEONARD, the great Two and
Four Horse Rider; Master LUKE MM, the Infant
EquestnaM; MR. STONE,ti; Unequalled Scene ,
Rider, MewirS. Crawford, De L ast, limber, Bellamy,
Holloway, and nuinerous other, Artists of the highest
order of merit. I
The Rest :Old Moat Popular CLOWN in America is a
member othis company. Wdth these unequalled
resources t e proprietors will be enabled to present
a class of estrian Entertainments eclipsing every
thing of tile kind ever before , produced, while the
Magnifieen Cara Van of Living Animals may be ex
amined wi hour additional charge—the whole form
ing a com inanon of Attractions such as the world
`hag never fare witnessed. Each Performance will
be tamelin with the thrilling (eats of MIL BEES
Ties Emab ishment, asst makes its public entree into
town, will preceded by the
l e
Under the direction of MR. C, POOR, who wit,- en
liven the ntertamments with choice selections of
Popular Mt 4sic. Equestrian Director, MR. C. RIVERS.
Riding Master. .MIL 11. IX/NTINGTON
For full particulars, s large and small bills at the
Hotels, etc,
Pnce of 'Admtssion tri the United Eidulaitlorus i 25
tees;nt Children under ; '9 half-price. Doors open ) at
I ant. 7. rerformauicet 'Will commence at 21 andi 7i
,r. If. .
The atoqe celeeralecl establiihment mu exhibit
in Montrose ion 31ondav Aug ' 20, .1E49, • Tunklian
neck, Tuesday, 21 it ; ginglatutton, Saturday, i Bth.
Ar. **ire rind effective Drainatiel Vitqare, ands IN
anemia* of FL F. Z I,ichols,, Proprietor
,of, the AIWA
maw; Fashoiguss, D. C., is attached to the Zoete,
for the ! of getting up every m gla the wad
roie and. Patriotic Spectacles of
- /11731021 Y WAY NE!"
arriving rentiniseences..a Atom 4. ifivess that trial qui(
motes " eornmemorating: some of the mat stirring
. hilareitine Iteroletionary incidents; the gallant dear,
the. Hover of '76, and concluding With a grand ffereAlt
Tableaux of Gen. Washiegton mounted out a Ambit sit..
" r . 'e se e
' l"' et
rtfI2 47 ,AnO bra T N ROTTIV II 7
charge of. the pros /Leis Trick nook Aiwa Ito.
CA.m, known throulfbonf DIM* kg aft imaar
Tricks, and more reposieil gcaltatay latr. ail Amp
&atlas ever petatehetood the sesztrz
A iingularly Waited Taws sd itetteieley,
department of the hulanelit Itssara
W Nicene, fltatt_ l 7 - i4/eat
a.:otoi s G. O. Ream, T. Tem; as.
Onus= CAsto, Paw, CLattarra, ie.;
P.lficaout, jr,KtrAPP, Pasant,. Mrs Diciossia,4
&c.. altogether reader* this awes
stbineeetailitebee sielliihume is ths "Om
edema mei' the 1840 ItfterM1 j
w/.l.l l exhlbit at iiiontritse an y, Aug. ;
dgors Qpeikat g and P. 3t; at Bingham
Aw.2.9th; Ml:Maim* Aug. Ist. t •,-
iasti at,
irar 9( L
ale 2ip,
ex ,reee l l_
has Wks
• • ' /Pinar/ Elet i a t _ MU •
, XTOTICE is s - hereby given to the members of
'AA - Susquehanna' Voliniteers of the Ant .
Tentli.Division of Penniylianisitmulduk:44.
will be an Election held by Convinieson . y
.tiin 20th flay of Aignst, 1849, at' the- load places
iof parade, between the hours .of
.I 0 o'cloiji •A 4•314.
and 6 P. 31., for the of • - *lading:One -00 t,
eiWtirinit" li e ut., • one.' Second lieut;• for amid
jporitmooloo, Old make returns - iiii:ordimi rto law„.l
- :I ' z ' ''';ii. SPICEN. Brigade b r uivi t
0....4,.. iolyie,-441:44 • '
'.• ; • '.A. .4;1849. I% •-': , 4 1 •-
, , ..
••' - ' l L'- i "1 1 / 821 .041 ' 16 * .thet . "1.!rinter;f "-` '' .
' Itollry Alli*:, w4eitt'.- ,'"_Flo u r :13 ,?4,te1' . '.0, , A.
0.,,5ii, on amounts due' blii.i .. - - '
- lhtly.l9; 1 49. .;
, ot Writs of R. Fa. Issued Oat either
Penni of gammon - Pleas MAI* directed,
I will expoie tol - Publiciale at the Courellonse in
Month* on 'Sitnidaf, the - 18th day: o 4 August
nex4 atl p. tit.; all that piece orler.;
cel of land' and ln'tile town
ship Of Libertyi' in the' &linty
bounded and described as .wit.'-Bcgin
ning at aetake and7stuoes near the Abington and
Waterford Turnisle road--thence along;id road,
north '3B degrees east 2 1 chains 20 links, a stake
and stones—thence along the line of EL P.iSalmon,
north= 881.1 degrees west 13 chains 20 links to a
stake and stone in the line of Russell SoutawOrth's
land—thence along said Sotithworth's land South
1.1-2 degrees west 17 chains to a stake and stones
near,the aforesaid road, the place of begMnit4,—
containing 11 acres 35 perches he the Ake more
or less, with the appurtenances, &Ismail house, barn,
and Blacksmith's shop, late the estate of David
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Asa
C. Luce against David Reckeffeller.
'All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in
the township of Auburn, in the county of Susque
hanna, bounded as follows, to wit :—north by lands
of Waren Jackson, cast by lands of Albert Ster
ling, south by lands of Isaac Clink, and!west by
lands of Williant Clink—containing 80 !titres, 4
acres improved, h framed house and a small or
chard, late the estate of James Clink.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Mills
it Sherman, to the use of Phineas Wartier against
James Clink.
All‘ the intermit of John Van Volkenburein and
of all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in
the township of New Milford, in the county of Sus
finehtinna, bounded and described as followii, to wit :
beginning at a pOst in a swamp on the Warrantee
line of Mathew Brooks jr., thence along said war
rantee line south 46 degrees west 227perehes, to
stones- - thence by unsold land of Jacoli Taylor
south 13 deg. east 120 perches to stones , thence by
the same south 49+ deg. east 99 perches to stones
—thence by lands of said Taylor, north 8 degrees
east 310 perches to the place of beginning—con
taining 106 acreS.and 88 perches, strict nimisure,
be the same more or less, it, being . part °Ca larger
tract of land, surveyed in the warrantee iname of
Mathew Brooks.jr_together with the appertenances,
two dwelling houses, two barns, a saw-m,11•&c., a
portion of it cleated ; hats the estate of John Vau
Volkenburg,h. • •
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Div
yid Taylor against John Vari Volkenburgh.
All that certain tract or parcel of buid in the
township of Burford, in the county of Susquehan
na, bounded as follows, to wit :—On the north by
lands of Abel itiee—on the East By lands of Silas
13. Guile--on the Smith by lands of Saxa Seymour,
and on the West by the Philadelphia ma Great
Bend Turnpike Road—containing about half an
•IY , t• -••••••so-.., twasy tt Mitten
house, wood house, Sc, late the estate of Hiram C.
Taken in execution at the suit of Bennet Hotch
kiss against Hiranni C. Baker.
By virtue of a writ of Alias FL Fa. issued and di
rected as allure, I will expose to public sale at the
same place and time of dav;all that certain tract or
parcel of land situate in the township ofJessup, in
the county of Susquehanna, bounded
as follows to wit-i—on the north by lands of 'Seth
Any and Clarke Mills--on the east by land of John
Gerrvon the south by land of John Bntith, and
on the West by land of Caleb Cook--coptaining
59+ acres with the appurtenances, about 40 acres
improved, late the estate of Jesse Fdes .
Taken in execution at the suit of Bentley ik Rich
ards against Jess&EclselL
Bv4-irtue of a Writ a3'a3' V LS
en. Ex. issued and direct
ed as above, I willt o public sale at the
same time and place, all certain tract.or par
cel of land situate in the township of Harford, in the
county of Susquehanna, bounded as follows, to
wit: on the north-east and south-east by lands of
Gurdon Barnard--on the south-west by lands of
Daniel G. Piperoind on the north-west b y the state
road-containing 7 acres or thereabouts be;the same
more or less, together witlfthe appertenaitOns, two
dwelling houses arid tWo barns, all improved, late
the estate of the said George Shannon.
Taken in execution at the, suitof i ltorgao Morgan
against G&Orge Slionuon.
All that certain piece or parcel (if land situate,
king and being in, the township of !lEddletown, in
the' county of Susgitehanna, boundd on the north
by lands of Russell Pratt—on the east by bunts of
Enoch Billings--on the south by lands of Jeremiah
Gage and on the west by lands of Jeremiah Gage
and Sheppard Pratt, containing about fifteen
acres, with the itnprovementi, a frame hotye and
about five acres improved, late• the estate of the
said Paul Riley.
Takeii in execution at the suit of J. E. ilullock
against Paul Riley.
By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fa issued and di
reeted as above, will be exposed to public ale tit
the same time and place, all those too' severial
tracts or parcels of land situate in the said town
ship of La wsville, in the said county of Luzerne,
(now being in the said township of Franklin and
county of Susquehanna - aforesaid.) One of th4i n
being a lot numbered ninety-eight on a map or re
survey made in the year one thousand seven hun
dred and ninety-sit by John Bum, is bounded on
the north by lot numbered ninety on the said map,
conveyed by the said Henry Drinker,
the elder, to
Ephriam Kerby ; on the east by a lot numbered
ninety-nine on the said map, conveyed by the said
Henry Drinker the elder, to • John Clark ; ;on the
west by a lot numbered ninety-seven on the said
map, conveyod by the said Henry Drinker the el
der, _to DaviitTialman • and on the south by a lot
numbered one humlred, and six on the said map,
part ‘y hereof is twit hereafter described and here
by granted, contathing one hundred acreS---The
other being pat t of a lot numbered one hundred and
six on said map, beginning at the north-west cor
ner of • lot number .ninety-eight; thence by the
same east, about one hundred and "thirty one and
a half perches to the north-east corner of saidlot
number ninety - eight; - thence by lot numbered one
hundred and seven nu sail map, south eighty-three
perches to a stake thence,. crossing said lot num
ber . one hundred and six and parallel with the
northern boundary thereof t west about one hundred
and twenty
. perche4 to a. post in the Middle ofa
road that passes through said but number one hun
dred and six in a north east direction; thence by
the middle of said mad, south forty-seven_ degrees
west, eighteen and three fourths perches to a
stake in the line q a lot numbered one hundred'
and five on the said map conveyed by the said
Henry Drinker thel elder to the said David Tall
man ; and thence by the lot last nientioned north;
about ninety-haw perches to the beghiniog, con
taining fierenty acres„ tqgetheir with the heredit y
meats and istiparten ' .
Taken in exeentitin at the snit of Samuel 81164-
man and . Henry 8. Spearman, against Anew
Leighton Mortgagoe, with notice to Joints 'Leigh- I
ton, et. al. T.
,' "-• ' ' '• ALSO, ,- • -
_At the same time find: • All that * . eertikr
do E rm
tract or parcel of *d situate in ,': timai of
Rexford,' couna kr a w l:B64 . • lig
defier — ibed as - ' - Vir afilf" - '''' .at stones
ill aline: brlandtcon im . to J 0 itlentek, Wig
the south corner of iiot numbered 800.. cat a map
or reletiriTrofibe - iiiid ;Henry Drinker =thnlidefa
'land imade: brlitio4 - Torr'xobence /'the asidlot
mirth 44 deg. :east! 18 lfq ' perches' to a - poet 'mid
stones the _ Wriet>poeder of land 'faint* 'ilerliiod
tAkjpeeplißiseding4 :thence* the -', mentaied
Land um:6l4ff dew, east 1044. 1 1**Inirtis;
a owner of aid ponTeyed-_to, reef'Thilebar;et
Auto Greenwood ; 'thence by the last lmt;o
' ' -
lind. aita'lfUlid :.... 10 - Stephen - IL' , tiheiand
Thomas her That south 44/1 degs. west 178/ per
dies to y sugar tree, the west corner of
thelast - menti land in a line of land conveyed
to Thos. Sweet ;. t by the last mentioned land
north 45/ dep. w t3O perchCs to stone, the north
corner of the last Mentioned land, in a line of land
-axiveYed as alorettaid to John Carpenter; thence
by the said Carpentees land north 44+ degs. east
10 perches to a pcist and stones ; • north, 45/ degs.
west 30 perches tO a sugar tree; and north 24+
degs. w-csst 0/ perches to the beginning—Contain
mg 109 acres and /63 perches, be the. same more
or less, it being a lot numbered 7;01 on the map
aforesaid, together ' with the hereditaments and ap.
purtenance& ! ,
Taken at the snit of Sainuel Spackman and Hen
ry S. Spackman against K. Blanding adrift. of Jos.
Blanding dec'd.
ii i
ALSO: th same time and place ; All that
certain tractor eel of land situate in the town
ship of New /di ord. county anll state aforesaid—
Bounded and desctibed as follows to wit : Begin
ning at stones the Korth corner of , lands conveyed
to the trustees or Ann Skyron ; thence by the
same south 45/ degs, west 109 perches to stones,
the mist corner of n lot numbered 90 on a map or
re-survey of the said Henry Drinker the elder's land
made by Jason 'furry ; thence by the said lot, north
45 degs. west 1621.percluvo a "beech sapling, the
cast comer of a lot, numbered 86 on the said map,
and the south corner of land sold to John Martin ;
thence by the huitimentioned land north 44+ degs.
east, 109 perches to a post and stones in a line of
land sold to Kzekihl Davis, and thence by the last
mentioned land and by land sold to 'William -A.
liglittney south 45+ . degs. east 162 perches to the
beginning—Containing 110 acres and 48 perches,
be the same more or less, together with the here
tlitments and appurtenances.
Taken at the suit pf ,Thomas Williamson d; Na
than Kite, Trustees of Mary Rhoads assignees of
Drinker's adnfr Ike. against:James Cook, T. T.
i C. AL CFERE, Sheriff.
Shere's Office, ,41fontrose, t
July 24/11, 1949.
Gentlemen's Furnishing
MRRICK. d: SCUDDER, 96 Willinmst, NeW
ork, Mandfacturers, Importers,and Dealers
in Shirts, Dressing Robes, Linen Collars, Stocks,
Shoulder Brave's, Cravats, Opera Ties, Scarfs, Mon
ey Belts, Linen Bosoms. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery,
Beseles, Suspenders; Bambazines, ete. d•e:
The above stockwill, on examination, be found
not only Attractive, Extensive and FulLbut Cheap.
Our tow experiOnce in the business and knowl
edge of manufactUring, are such that we are con
fident we can offer inducements that cannot be cur
paseed by any Hottse in the city.
Particular attention paid to orders and the pack
ing of goods', i HERRICK tk, SCUDDKR.
95 William Street,
(Opposite Platt Street, Nem York.)
. _
iTnit•gt sta.toe-WhOesaio Cloth
•ling Warehouse !!
.T EWIS HANFQRD, Nos. 252,254,256 and
1..1 258 PEARL graErr, (Between l'idtan. it and
:Riveting Slie,) NNW YORIi, have on hatid the
largest assortment t)f CurrniNo in the United States,
adapted to 4 markets !! In the article of Shirts
and Drawer. ; ire koep an endless variety. Also,
the most vs, - tensiv.4 numufacturert, of Oil Clothing
and Covered Hats' , in the world. Plain and Fash
ionable Clothing, of all kinds.
Catalogues of stock sent by mail. Order F prompt
ly' filled. • LEWI:3 lIA.NFORD,-
, Nos. 252, 254. 256, alga Pratt st., 41:
. BoOk Agenei
II IL FORDHAII haring procured the agency
• fur these cehibrated works, will canvass Sus
quehanna cd. during the iire.:;ent month, to procure
sulL;ciiber::. The galue of these works is too well
kaoWn to.the'literarY world to need comment.
Montrose, July 1 1 4, 1840.
TAR. SMITH,:Dental Surgeon, would inform
the eating Public that in addition to his nu-
merous operations in the dental art, he is tow pre
pared with means fir inserting whole sets or parts
of sets of Teeth on the Atmospheric Pressure prin
ciple, whereby teeth may be worn 'without spiral
springs or clasps, and ate warranted to answer the
purpwe dcigned. ;Dr. S. may be found at Searle's
sHotel, as usual, on Mondays and Tuesdays, and at
his residence in Jessup, during the remainder of the
week. Montrose, July 12, 1849.
rrHE partnershiji under the firm of Lyons S Wood is this ay dissolved by mutual consent.
The books and accounts are in the hands of S. D.
Lyons. I e AS D. LYONS.
Frio:dm-ilk, July' 10, 1840.
S. D. LYONS will continue the business of Tai
loring in all its briinches at the old stand, over
Wickham Stone's store. Cutting done on'the
shortest notice, and Warranted, as usual The Latest
Fashions always on hand. S. D. LYONS.
__ _
On the New . York d•' Erie Rail Road and *as ine
henna Ricer, 200[milesfrona New York, 25 miles
from Binglnunton, , and 19 miles from Afontrase ; —,
surrenuckd . ky Afounlains and the Railroad
Bridges. , ,
iT our store the following may be found : Egg
./ fish. k'reoch - mid American Drvi. Goods. Bon
nets and Ribbons, l'trasols die., Umbrellas, Carpet
Bags, Hats and Caps, Looking Glasses, Boots and
Sheen Crockery, Gss Ware, Hard Ware, Windom
Glans and Sash, Drugs and Me dieim..-n ;Groceries,
Mackerel, Codfish, Olen./ Pork. Superfine Flour,
Nails, Stone Ware, iJappaned Ware,. Paints, Oils,
Dve Stuffs, .Butter G Firkins, Cindles, Sand's and
TOwlisezzd' s Sarsap/4rilLA, Books, Paper, Inks and
Quills, Ceoking, Parlor and Shop Stoves, - Stoi-e
Pipe and Stove Trizrimings, ozil hand or made to
order. ' . i
Eagle Fonedry Plughs—warranted : Trunks' it
Traveling Bags, Shhigles, Clover Semi, Carpet and
Cotton Yarn, Axe,A, Handles; Buck :Stews, Shovels,
Hoes, Rakes;lthi:tily&c., ike. ! . , - i
For the ver ibentl patronage which we have
received the st yeat we tender our sincere thanks,
and trust we hall redeye a still larger share of
op t
public pat/enacting present season. Having re
dared the price of war goods about 25 per cent.
from last vear's priebn.our motto ; is now÷-small
profits - and'quick turns. Situated its we are on the
Railroad, we can sell lower than any other - estab
lishthent in the county. • .
Lanesbero, - July lik .180- ' . • is; . - 1 .
rti'i f' ! Est —t
ablithrnerit. ' .i i •
ITAYING 'recently, established himself in he
-VI Cahinel nd Ct i ti Making Businesi (a little
belt)* the Fo.O 'and gachine Shirl on the
outlet of Honed La* .about 11 - tniles . frein Milk.'
rut* on the Bi hair6ti stage road) the se scriber
iptvared tO urn' to order
.any article hi hit
lise,'made',Airk in' moat 'WOrkirumlike 'lrkaiinir.
lithivitattht pt • to it'll tintote.: - ''' 'r " ... :
• - - 1 'IORLICZO lIRACiIj 2
tt 1149.- 4..•;.-. 1 1 ::: 1
I Q.
.. . Bath: i
Aath', ," • . meuthat been- fittatur
The `, : - ler, ' tibe,old Ow Undies aort '
h t
of lifontitai3, w ' li# s zbe' 'Mogi r'antaitit6l3:
with thM. • • fialulgetate for Ode
liot.traither..l: vary desirabl e . conVietimme•trilthe
aSiniad• kir,. : atbolarotbdth
sexes who ma to eall and try iti n i -, H•j•
July ie. , 1 4- ' 1,98W0 - BgAVII 4 f
, _
.ae y • 1•80 ALE:.," I
Co. have "
iankitt,s; - • orkkos• itbei • I it't•
• *tibia, WlWOrayr 413 t,
ell* we i g h e d, ~iaa Crt
a ,
'NV 1% 849. Tju Fhprscall. at
th 4
urrunox.- =
• Resolved by the
tires of the •
I.4esenthly met, .T 6
toonwealth be ,'
of the fifth article,'
The Judge's of _the;
Courtecif Coalmen
of Record; as are
shall be elected 1)
Commonwealth in!
The; Judges of the
electors 0f4e.00,,..
dent Judges of
Fleas and such oth
shall be estitblia
required to be 1
electors of the mt.!.
• • and How of Reprefoga
'wealth of Pean7a. en - General
the Constitinikstof • thti'.
ended in the 'seco nd Seifikiti•
'that it shall read:its.fiilltnn'i-,'
.apreme Couri.;:of the several
leas, and of sitehother Cohita.-
shall be established: by;
• the
.4tatlified; eleCtots tit the
• e 'manner folltiwitig, to'ait
nprerae Court, by the qualified . ,
onwealthat huge. The Pres.i;i.,
• several Courts.of Crimmou r l
Courts of accord as are,*
b • last,' and 11 ether Judges
• in the law; by the qualified
• ;ve &strict' a over with ther,
as Judges: And the Assoc-
.44 3 of Coalmen Pleas bythe i
the Counties • respeetivelly
• uprenni Court shall hold their
• f fifteen years; if they so long
well : (subject to the allotment I
for., subsequent to the first,
sident Judges of the several ,
leas, and of such other courts
shall be established by law,
required to be learned in the
r Offices for the • term of ten
10 lung behave themselves
Judges of lie Courts of Cola ,
'tL their offices for the term
• all oolong behave themselves 1 1
:hall be commissioned by the
y reasonable cause which shall
- nds iif impeachment, the Gov:
le cif them. on the address of_
eh of the Legislature. The
eldice at the general election',
UI next after the adoption of
d the commissions of all the.
ten in office shall expire on the
ecember fidloWiag, when_ the
*udges shall commence. The
-hen be elected Judges of the
• hold their offices as follows ;
e years, one for Six years, one
r twelve years, and one fur -fit
,s of each to be decided by lot
s seen after the election as on- -
Certified by thorn to the
can missions may be - 4ssued in
The judge. whose commission
11 he Chief Justice during.hLs
each judge Whose coninision
11 hi turn be the Chief Justice,
eotatitihtns shall expire on the
s holding them shall decide by
he Chief Justice. Any vacate
oath, resignation, or otherwise,
ants, shall be filled by appoint
or, to continue - till the fitSt
r succeeding- the next reneral
Cs' of the Supreme Court, and
e several Courts. of Common
times, receive fur their servi
.tpensation, to be fixed by law'
munisheil during their contort,
ey shall receive
f ig fees or per
hold atirother office of profit
!wealth, or under the govern-
States of any other State of
dges d'the Supretne Court du
ce in office shall reside within
, and the other Judges during
office shall reside within the
• which they were respectively
are to preside or at
ate Judges. pf the C
qualified electors o
Judge,:iof the .
offices for the term
behave theinselves
hereinafter 4 ,4siovidt.
elixtion :) The Pr
Courts of Common
of Record its are ;
and all other Judg• -
laW, shall hold th•
years,. if they
Well : The Assocht
mon pleas shall b
five years, if they;
well: all of whom!
Governor, but fur iu
not be sufficient gee
or remove an
S.wet-thirds of each
first election shall
of this Commoner•
this, .amendment,
'Judges who may be
first Monday of
terns of the nett
persons who shalt 1
Supreme Court sl'
one of them for thr
fur nine years one
teen years; the ter,
I by the said judges •
venient, and the
Governor, that the
will first expire sh
term, and tht.4-eafte
,shall first expire sl
and s ti two or more
_same day, the •ju
lid which shall be
cies happening byl
in any of the said c
went by The Ctak
3londay of Decent*
:election. The Jut
the Presidents of
Pleas, shall at state
cos an adequate co
which shall not be
once in office, but tl
quisites of office,
under this Commo
went of the Unite
this Union. The Jh
ring their contin
this Coninuinwealt
their continuance i
district or countyfo
r ILLLAiI F. PACKER, - - 1 ,
the Haase of
Speaker of the Senate.
Spedicr .
nage...Smote Nardi 1, 1849.
li resolution pass.—Yeas 21
Reso/eed, That t
Nays 8.
Extract from the
In the House of
Resolved, That
Nays 26. '
Extract from
.f.resentalires, April 2, 1849
l ts resolution pass,—Teas 58
' JACK; Gerd.
Secretatga Office.
Filed April 5, 181
Dep. Sec. of the Com
Pt-nage/074a, R$
the above and foregoing is a
py of the Original, Ititilution
, entitled ," Resolution
inent of the ConStitutionr na
1 file in this office.
• IDO cF.aviry thtit
true and correct cul
of the General .A;5.1
relative to an Amen(
the same remains at
In t •
• • OfEce a•
•as •of aunt.
eight hi
tinfonv whereof I have here
in . ); hand and caused to be
ho MA of the ; Seeretiry's
Harrisburg, this eleviatth*y
Aiino' Domini, one thousand
ndred and fortrnine. • 7 - •''
Scc'ry of the Coin.
t ;1£341---3m.
Ilarr6burg June 1
of Senate. •
88,.entitled Resolution relit.
tt of the Constitution, *as
a a the luestiod„will the Sen.
eselutioa t The Yeas taxi
=lily to the Censtitutton, and
"Resolution, No. .
tire to an ameadm
read a third time.
ate regreee to the ,
Nays were taken ag
"*ereas follow, vi*
" Yrus.—.Mews.
ham, Forsyth, Hug
,* ; 1
*ukey, Savery,Sma
liOniglmtcher, Futtp
"So the question
„nth. Drawley, dual, Cunning
s, Johnsen, Lawrence, Levis,
Rich, Richards,. &Mir,
I,Smyser, Sterrett Jr. Stitie:aL
tba3t, Drum. Frick, Ives; Kitt,
ger and Darsie,', 4peaker-8.
, as deterinined in the allirma-
“Journal of tile
owe of ltepiesent2 , #vec
• n pass I The yeas and nays
-to the prov:iSion of the tenth
tion. and ire as follows, viz:
deon J. Ball, David J. Bent,
D. Bloom, David, M. Bole,
b eart• John 11
ph.Emery, David Eshle
ohn Fungoid, 'uel Fyffe,. ly,
Henry M. 'Fuller, Thonias
Galicia Pi- Heiataciy,
rt Elota, Mermen .
Bea is,
•y, John F.'WOulloch; High:
hlirt;'./idam Martin, Samuel .
,Edward Niekleson, Stewart:
r,'! Henry;O. Pratt,- Akan*
, Theodons Brans Ballard:
• Seibert; Jcihrr Sharii;Ohrig,'
C,Sasel,larentialt 8. - 13tubbs,1
ino -Ty Wiled; NOM ,
tyn, David 14
EY.,arry, , 4 l o l i
4 mcVfilet
Vabootc -- ,
rr Miller, wil*
"Shall the resollq
"Were taken agreeablt
article of the Ciitisti
• " YEAs—Messig. ,
Vraig fiddle, Peter .
Thomas Bull, It
thaniel A. Elliott, J,
J,oseph If. • 'Fidier',l
Gtover i Robert • •
'pl*aas J . :Herring,
bralwm '`finiberto ,
Jacob JPGartn •
4e4n . MILAO
Mini. Mir C. •Mye
8. IStlicier;' Sam
'Sort - - .7:l4tutimaii, •
8 41
r - • ;
1.10 48 en 0;3 1 ,
:neabionef 184'
ffitteinth dap
land fsilYllon•
Lis EU
doors -
110.;'114 _
t VARstrun
• stand lat
_pike straw
r. , Baga
Cr. SI
Post it
cer es, Dry
ware, CI.
Spedtacles i
„cal, II
• §littiouary,
'J., . friends
them that he h
Drinking dew
Tie -kept up ut i
Other room im 1
store, where h
Baking and Ca
_; Montrose, x
Secretary's Office. ;
*ead, Cooki
lwleaale and•
4mt: style, Neli
all iither fancy
Ota 4 kciptoudll` •
on -
Ni :Estate of Ste
• *t the acw
'aCe4 Itits in. the
Of -Sisq , I
seated borw.
t!..titf countrat
of ugust next I
t , La
Itsw ind
ry 141mA-rates .
9NI Barn*
. '
. i„
Ni•J **At
****lt: ... .
- -,Vtit . l-7E.4ih;: - .%,':'.-'
...I# , .-:,,,... f'.:,,,,=.-:-.7.,'....'-..-
I'no= ,,
_ •-•
, Istkon, ram
bly of this
taihinha ax; Kud
' S "' l7 0,4 ,44! t!os=
...•=iitiomair -
Rooni:of bit ;II
forme!, ; 19a4imy
Irom awn
catitlimel ,
pied in A* brim&
iitMWiteti MWl*9ll
' pike etree
_ ar,
Tin, Glick
Furs; e
- Arai do
may be ,
- tirg and
.ady to ere=
tido. Fi
a style
ES=-Fab doable.
)k Store, whereite
nagurPgssel,l, •
filet am
ere;. foot of:POJ
Jr in_ Dry; k.
Anware, Groceiit
on the BOOK 11l
enue, Montrose,
.h of-the otirt Ho'
OEN. _
_Goods, tot
• IlaOcrtifii,
' • elry Silver
do READ—)
Medicines, Paints, --.
'rockery; Iwo; Melo; NI
poons, Perfumery", dc.
'cab, Piduts,
r oodri, Hardware.
ents,. Li
rushee, rushes, Shoes,
w,,,s'io" .- ',Lution ~ . pr
k ' i l s d il lin y titt rly.° tit Ti.
, _!.,,,.itilt
uly.ll, 1849. Il -EL Ailtir
ed to the late tam of - Ri:
- to call at the 6tpbtitt%
All the business or the A,
by ' 1 44'./41:7;17
uli 1.1,1848. .! - f , • - I
the future iiirill he i
Lyons &Chandler •I-
B. 2?..:LY0Z.4. • .
• I : :B. CHAND.t.Eit.
ply 11, 1849, , .1
, „.
THE Partn!
411 Co., is
Those indeb i
AI Co, will pl. I
their fare,
be settled
The btu',
Viler the find o
IN valid tender t'
for pest favor and sold out the Saloon,
tment, and frusta the
:ood stale, mid that he 114
east' side, next in' Hi El;
has opened a • front 141 lop
uly business, whideside
Lk 18, „ c. BA:
A . quiliY Buthilll
b and y.,C.'l3aldwirt 'Jilin
' Br e adrßolls,'Rualr 'r
Crackem, 1e42 kept
etail ,P* 1 4. 19 ,40kr
:York not excepted,
Id for Ni_holesale tisid it
T-- -
I,MontrosA July 18,1848: , •
„-Peter's Nistieet Li •
?TICE ,is hereby givs to all
ncerned in the following
deed. I c`
dons st Arm lisarine,Addra,
k Newton, dec'd. 1 ,
[oar Swum-, one of the 4.llm'ot
is Hollister, dee'd. -,, r. .
dec'cL- - , •
Jaw Coore. Adak a
Ilum Xint;7Ailin't
flee& , I,', • , .
- P. F. ittail'Aiblft•
s;deed. ' - li n
Hoge lArruis3WAlLdner. ,
is, deed, --7.- L • ~1 .far
M. 40241; Est
, - 4 ,
.1' 1'.., iloii4 - 11*.
In tants hare settled' tbeil r
' ter's drumlin soak
aa, and that theinsi * e
eJo . of tbcchVist . 4
roar. --' Pa. mond,or thilt,
for 4 , . , ~ tiisit' and alliwaniis.
• b. L. - Ihows;' - .ll4ister.
Mistress,” 1 z i 41r , ,'•
9.! i i „.. . 'F. it
,„-, t 1 1. 1. ,5
Estate of
tsioto of ,Ch
Vm. E. Scot
Richmond G
vett, deed.
ill •
Iletoert H. It
iJuly 25,1:
till - sioeleßtiondie;so .
libAghtSM6l3riaectigh ,
B .4kTlAtialkkEllkinft
1 , 0 tbr
by ,:-: -.. - :- 1',4.17
.1 :-,.....,.
-... , i . ''. - ..-,:.''. 4 !?•l'lkefi
, *ii4k . -74,T0,101 , 41E,0
`, ,--,lBi-4..
.';',Lipo • -
t#: , ,..q.14017.1kAc7
: ; ,Lwllfg.4lJ
,g ' 4