, .. • ' . 2 i ... . . . , . . I ' . . • . .. .. _ ~ • : .. . • . I ; • ; • .; . .. . 2 • • t • - f • ... , . . • ' - .2 • -,•'' • - ` , " 4 .; ' , 2 41 - ~..,-; • - - - - - 2-- ---- - .2 ; : :::....:2 - :22-..W.2 , ::: - .-: . ::::*;: -.27 .••.;: - 2- • r 7 ,.. , 2 2 -2.2 2 .7. 2 - 22. ; : -. ~•,:., ~ 2 ;: : ..... 7 - .:-.. ...-.....-. -„,,,... , .1, 2, ..„, • 7 :f .T . ,..7 7" 77,. .......„-.-,;-. ~. ~.' .. "'"" =_, , , , ....t 27 -..,:. 4 , 2 1 2 . ...„ -..., .22- , ' I'. ' . --2 ``i 2 ' _ -•-•.;.,.. 7 ..._ ~.•2 . 2 f 2„ ~; . ,;, 22,.• .2 2 " , - 1 ••2; r• • .'..i 2 42 A. Zr., i.27.',"4: It,- ?lq. -,,' ..., - .1"1 i - ~ • •- _,-.., ' '.." .. , -V. .: : : : '.?t ..-.-' •'7 ,T ',',, •,, ~ c. :T ft: : - .1- !, 1,- .-, - . ...„ .... .._.... _ . , . . , . . ..,,.., .11 •'-' 7. 1 -:,•.. fi'..i. r.. 4 - •4. ? 4.r.: f'12.1,1. ~ i 2.2 : .k t L* 2- . i. - i : if - i ••,:i - r , "-, ii n- • ' .-3 - , . c .. .., 4, „,.,,,,.._.... ~...= ~,, ;.., 'k) , '4"1 7 „f, - ; • '"s•':' f.--, :4. -- e, ,q , ..,1 rp . *:?7' 2 ,7 - ~ - ''''l ' sl r" . . : T ;iri '''': L( , '-1 , 11 1 . .. ?1 : '-1 : 4 : 1 - 1 ...,:.,:. r._ . 1 .. ii... . „r.r.f....;=,7.7.,,.....",....! .„, , ..., ._.,, , • ,4. ,•,• i, •Q, _.,: , -,7.-; .• •,..: -,,,• . - ~ ,„; , ' • . . ~,,...„.„ .„ ••:,•• •, k: ..,.„. ~ ~ ::. ..'.... ...,ii :- ' r' ' ' . ' . -t ..;?!..- , y . , " ; ,,i, 44' . -. ,-, :. . , ... , :l . -;.:' - ..- . 7: ...2.- * 7, , • ..* ~, :"' i .itf , 1 :2 2",ft.2 , , !4.i.,.:5; - ;I - '• :-- "-''' - ;' : 2 - ~i 2"2"; 2L &2 2 7i; • ; tsigne4,2 '•• ..r - i t • C • 4 • ; 2 •.•2 22.2 , •:. 1 . r, ..‘ ~,-, ~1 t, .., 1 ~, ~ , , ..'. , -•' - • - -0. - - •'-' .-' • • " . ' ....;..qq,- ,-, ," rx _ . - .. . -' - - • :.cicTirp., irtaior :.TECE - PEOPLE 4; 10 'GI "..,I_. voLuNtEl-,=v. i rttt'itg 4 .TSTEß. 'EVERY° THURSDAY BY riee ` W Chapman. The wind was northeast ! Every body knows that. the Wind ;can't help be, ing . fiieitfelly . and bitingly coil whet' it eetrigs from dud - quarter, said to he the plate to !which all the. ingenuity of man has never been able to:get him au introductilm.'• Ido not.see the . uSe.of.it,, if he could, Ibr taking a long jonnmei, when ,he knows at sterting.he - will onlvlie received in a.euld anal cut Ling manner, is folly._ l The Wind, then, wits northeast, as near as could beiguessed in the ;dark. If you turftd your- fete to that quarter,. you might almost feel certain is 1 r. 1.3, eta.. the . whistling, sharpne.ss seized upeiri all 'tpmniitignees with stilittmintbiart feel that it made rf I our profile a mattei- of doubt.. : Your face beeline • 7 • ', tort rigid for a smile,landlhe tips -of your fingers . , I„, ~Q „t ungenn walla_' arie.Amp ma cell, Lere . '. l iinftilly obtrusive ;drubbing your lnemds' was , a la cunas no cheerful light, - _ 1 bar in vain; to put them into•:,your pocket is, in • dealer rind 'dearness make my life one long and such cases, most advisable, as it dislodges the cold 1 %.....Z'AI(SAT AOC; '' '''''''' '''' !• -•--- ' 1 air winch creeps in the most insidious manner all Or if a - keinn,il - ont pm dim lamp a little space, 1 1 over Yuit — ay• Mtu Your turf luuts; nottrithstand- ahune; •-- • I I in; your patent straps. I'vt, acep - dejcit the contrast, somas the thick 's r- 4 The wind was pesatirely northeast, and worked rounding ,gloom. , ; away in the most indlistrious manner; to do- credit ! ~,ace,. is hem. save 'when perchance m y ein n ktm g , to the quarter front whence it came, undoing nil Wants ring; . . that a soft southwest, had. been !doing, in a damp I o r ~heft the itern-eyed jailor comes mr daily feed I way, for trays. 1 to brinv. ' , It :antedthe mud iniodiartriztke, acid licked up .t.y 7 when, all fearful, I awake, at midnigheii dreary ! as much of the puddle: as it cOnld, and then finish. bit... • - !ed off by framing and glamun'z; them in the eluterJest ...1.1 the dark wall's drippings on nay face fart in' a ! and mast fanciful manner: "late rcrid4 were as hard i loathsome shower, . l, as the solid reek, eivirer a nounchto every footstep, 'i. ... I ! slimy creatures: o'er me crawl an i 1.11,r4 within 1. erreigh to sisrde itself! Enoch ! i knock.? knock I—.. ; micw ear, , Ita , amor! hammers hammer ! went ;lm 11 - .(1-:-•,- II: amv blood within mo curdles, and my fi, 2 ..1, it:les—nu...a. woolen, imad childree. . , ver litchi child s.- • .shriekstback-.-witla ((me—, : li re:l nod all ! .. . . , . ~.. s cis use family : , ery-1 Lear of raindisunifri; or. I. ; Ali the . undertakers, airing adore they are never .11,1 f.a slung - the iiitage stree.ls-the watelt-deg*::;. liked, could not have come ;up to' it, evea with their Leutanful howl. ' i unaccountable multiplied ktiockingt_.lt was es if the coldhearted northeast was 'making a gii.cantic 1 coffin, at a short notice, to laity ! Abe simmer tomd autumn in. Like an energetic -fitjV4'.lto for the early closing movement, it put trip its sparkling frost-work shutters ever every pane ;..sti that the wooden onci might as 'well have boen 'up, for what you could see of the goods and Wares in the .shop. „keepers windows. ~.. , 1... „ .. Carters 11.-1:1 worldirg-mea ber,- - .4 . 11 tOlit,(.l;ilicr- - ilterim- selves with both heads. in theiaost inszume manner, .artac.the sashion eederoutiliseiplants. ; Everybody seemed to sin alstinasuatreloatty. cm:lying out the delusion that they were " putting on the steam,' by the volumes of .smokedike breath . that rolled palpably arauuid th Yet evei,ybody appes.red pleased, although e . tears did,' come their eyei, and their rebpi t:.c..1 became alternate:4( het ; sal cold. . . It was certainly bracing and in ti-or. - e!ing---sen,i- . in; thi? warm Wed to the heart, Mid giving birth to ple,-...rmt fetdingo ; thought: of 1 holm, an .i con; - fie-tal4e , firesides, met pitiful tht(trlits' for those wlairrlt-then t . : A northeast wlntli appears a cold and boisterous tlsitor, ye; it blow 4 open the doors or cur hearts mid the tit ors of Shelter fur the peer, that ally open ar its biddinz. Elven in its seve rity it brings cliari!; Li its hand, Mil with its dell . . • . , - finger., poults r+u'.. to.;:: our dutio-,':nn r,Ccon ne.;-14:(1 - - (;.-! ai other ti rers-: So the'nortlitta-t wind is riot zeltiiiirtsrziat — = ----• ---__ . :IL - ---- • - --,----: -21 :- The t, - . Ind mu:femora:el in the fore„zoMg tbougiiti 'lraq u: frolicsome visitcr.of a few winters past. Mad havintgairted its point. went the way of all winds; wima - ti -rticular way that is I do, not pretend 'to ku.)w -- '1- for -although 're are pretty certain as to whereßt comes from, if there be any faith in wea ther-00;s, where it goes to is a , a.v.t!e. , Lott coaelt . , v.ere then on, the, read, Ai.tirli ..-,c -.7 I, and a companion Ntitom .I blmall haVe much' Icasurc in iniredueing to You, bad rubbed the frnitiness off the whitlow glitss i, of -cot , . of those convejtow...-.3. which was taking •nto 4 lairri thm.ros 4 EOnle. 'iprty n» lea or so,, mid; seen ell'. gait I havi written•about, ..111yleempantoe—fer it if with Li . i n i title t • o h l i . , , t o di., lint -crl iti'me—Ar:n• a line, hale , old M O, be'!iveea seventy an_! cighly--41 his ram- ' 1 ill hi le said; but It.' .wa :Ag.,- as bore ! eltr.ll;u:-.iii- ' n i led id4cheek into a , perfect cobweb. of, wrinichis, I 'but hail left the rosy} celcr of yeutli almost as bright i ar: e ye;_ Ills well ihrime.l leg waS a. active, and , his e_ t; clear aj at I - hid-lic i t:7o_ ;dare reotued to hare *.ned away tit Ote tough Uhl ra.. - ta i until lie ! form! It labot. • is rain, `and glen given him up in !. despai ~ to take his ( - ,ii - vh time about his journey.— i The th. :va..l, he. cial t 1 net touch pis linear.; wii4l i v that 14 oung, mail ii iever ad. He 4as an indepe.ralent Man in time - village where 1 he wasibarn, to , whitit' ilumlity we 'were boinul.— i The.vaine'roof sileue;ro his gray t hairs that had -; simeltertd him-whem-sgeepiog . in his cradle. Ile, I t' warch* . for the LOpflon roadies,, bent over the game *tie that he had climbed up for that purpose 1 , as a . chid. Iris life, With few exceptions; had hiteti 1 . one of Im and FitnsVne, • nadisturbed in !di- cot- I tage filth the • turMoil. and .vanity of the great: worltl..t - j !. ' I usell_to call hint uncle, front a distant rehiliet ship 'by; marriage; Ildid not- care low distant. There $ always a. pleasure and a pilde in deluding one: a relationship with the , good. .11e, at. the utnlost stretch of his Jocosity, ..o.lled me "my loril,". of Land the lord of the manor were the only two seen about in bl4ek, e*rept indeed, .the pur -1 tleman'svho came over for an hour .. and It 'halt - r.n . 1 SuntlaY/ morningk to - preach, from seine distant. tit( lage. Re being only a Very small Biter, his' con was veer little seen. ...-Isly Mr ie, in the kind:m.4.g 6t ushzirt;,ezetied hini: "-roor fellel s w," said he, he liar t: , :ipinici r e ehurehes to itteml tq. - We irogreized - toio miles on Mr journey, ati4 , lotmd the eold-getting more , severciat eVery:,mile ,- ,_cionset - piienUv, upon the..firist stoppage - to change I bore _ i re/; . tighte4 l 4.lPl.o4Ctkiiab lifil!and feclin- 4 .iirtte etizi* , t,....4t)lmq . cier. : of thejittic inn s , a, wa v ered cart drbw - onlone - aid td,'giiee - -. 0 rikiiiif '. ,' I _Alter , irringypmething vain, viii fpotspeit info ,I the icitchOuiltwitOslbj:fige:TogritistrA.NO: 1 laz i a -4Mminiitetktt44 74.* - P lac e:, rr, 111 0:c ,- i": 9 1 1 4 4 .1 ;1 'Maze,' iii - tiod*owtiihi:iri#4 wzit,;.:4:, - 1 1 ~„.(ierstpod,__,.iiyqe:imprz, v il ?; :t fMtP,.. l lik ue4 .:'.. I me; li tt**EfrtAOlicorire - - seetvolikKtr:mittittice.l A4tooimmtoittieukirly itikopotect ligirotalier.ex , l 'l,re* apliii,ge,.. ,tritickifrattrappesimOcei::tuot.hp#, ~ -4 r o e9a •OliFFAt*, 4 seienii Al 444.0440A - o .l s t vi e zaiikAer- /4 * 4o oT;; ; * . illirlitligY frozen 6 mitijittnni'litifrittertith*Vbj'il . ,•:.t i o bymilback softie Ilk tOthO•pOiir4kl trestiitt. l .o . ' 9 PhO b1ii4 4 40,14•9054:i90.1: ,' 1 - 405t , ..2:0uthl I,?,4l42.,4eiloiii4w#Glistn4ipc.. 401 4 5- 12 4 , '.. '• , iween bp . paling% sip Ike, :rile 044isc„,, ..‘,._.474l'liqviiAl iii, WiritYi*C ' : .1 . . - sui ; e3-!t: 8 ' t . ff fine = l l4947 , 4glitled4. 1 :iii6 . oo(l4W t.7% . 0:wu; • Z. - .:,',t ~, -3n -Fr1i, t 41,., .7, i .".-1..i. • ae tic_ ... ~-.f...114°,it 14 t.Voixt• - tooiPctor-PP.A.r tf.144,4w, pil.pwlovie;,4l.6,4vc.- l ie.w.kotb.h..i, ~ .,, 0 0...A0*00., . !...i..-...-., : , : !!.., . :...,..., , 5i''' ' '''''"..., . .., . ;.:-.:-.1 ~...„,4 4, ,,„„•,,,,w , ,,,i iiiiii. ..,i dniiiiiiiiv, "....-i ii 4,477447i;y4:7- i_ ..!! , ? -. ..g. - 74,1:94-1.:* ? 14- 1 0 . 13:00:•' - ' 'll4 i‘i . .. 3 .o.iistriliii4.l:3. yg4at. - ..'..., - 4-41' 0 0 012 . '' 4411.4 iii ..*liittiretsit 'fft .:.,, „.:::. 4 • - r, ~ t it e vowilyi t iv.„ •,14, .. , - _ ti o uni i 14'01'4' iit .. .. ~., . . .. kdvan'•e payment in Cash per year, • $1 Do If Ixcid fs,thcl ihe+eat, 2 00 If not at the end the year, 2GU "The following piece of poetry handed in for 07. r. paper has wiits l whlch we think will commend to our readers, nowse i tte:whora may reevOizo in signetrvi - or.e , tbiit - 66-11car.iratounclm our before, • The_,ol.)4deitaied. 117 111411;40t 71Fr'SNL' ae immte of .% dangcon! oh, why this fiul di grace '...1: cruel crime, whai deed of death, could merit EVA a place io aceutiotis false a sacrifice am I. for :Inotheis murderous deed it is my . doom - I road them I was ionocea, they laid they proved my guilt, M. name was on the dagger, and bloo wal on the • Lilt. • I know the murderer, I markedldscheek grow palo, even for a moment that devil-eye did quail, • 1 , 4.11 y I coufronted•him, that iecil•reraemberul he stool lyr:ore. the jud_43 nal lied ar life 3; 1 fW as 'eey fate apex irk I s yet would esti else ndcm:led to dies thousand deaths tia." Erz melt as 116.. ;re 7:1:a , a murderer'i guilt, methinks renanne it drive me wild, ;•:.l be night hewever bright, the I.l:r.is hca- Si filed it 1 , 7 ttezir e L aad roice3, with malll evultr r.ts:r; • Lle to die dt,crt, to the ITilainsvor...a. Away avall to wander on earth to seek for rest, rztnorse has kindled a bell within the hioorti—irczecl me, I Eleuid to ries-, rtr,:id.e:•ez look from hes - rc.ria arcb ..f blno, • HEM vc7- . winds in whisprz, she seant,,,dread would hock mad era! ihe. maddening cha r.] ell, Tao' to meets felons death and bear the t-orid's rude tiarn, an , rho know cut 2=l. not all fur:crn : _:r.-!cured sire -and mailer, the r.orel- they didgrieco•. bt who bore the tidings.. rode into our toxin at ere,-- • - ,seaming eyes to hearen upraised, protested that their sem • 7 4*z.: they had love- ind cherished 'so, 'such- deed could neer hare done, , ehen my tilde darling bey beheld their' grief Bo high t ;cars downpeoring fait, be said; " And must r father die I" 11 , !.. 1 -sn,* if mother, when she died, went up in heaven to &mil, h:ther will go and tire there too, and that Will be as well." - I rile. the lost, The' willow boughs abere - bei torab:are wceping,— te uftenftilleth to my side ~then all of earth are hieeping, jus as she lazed to look, Fare that a glimun of Heaven, more Limn they were . a-ont to own, ha 3 to her cym been given ; it . 'cane, nail at her gentle touch mv fettered limbs arefree— "..4.i in car a4tii-e rale we stand beneath our threslib.old tree-- awaleat .ore and all bare met, and joy :Von— la °um, '.- • - 17 , 1 earth • the thorzw.all weeded net, Ima for us but flowers. , . .tumocence such &tams can give, Ana tura bright, . • tilt; ea earth injitstiCe make my day seem as night -.— -; • all the show cit earthly 'joy. to gouz"moi. . 11 0, 11!1P give! id not eultalki: a eangeie , r i es . cies!, and Wes's:ea _ Atontrase,laryl4- 11318. _ • t ursANftozczico,;mh ef Captain o T AI I :eat ashore with Ms bag 0. and • . loallemg creatia 'tan ding on Alie if *O4l cap., h,„ finef i r i ,.. what win zaa Gtl 14 iire veditiket*iiiiizugaiv.eleyead9r: A &mar r ',Y, ''.'"N . If ‘ . ~,,,Y: refiestO ibiaiti* 9lll l#o7o" 4 do': ' - —....•— - 4 , 11 - ; - ij . ~, , ' Wlall now look here:, • said the thask ',ll Ore 7 01 1 "• L"arkt9iirey*Orpult jitceavetf= ,‘l4"%yy: f fit COtaiti eiltraevugh the'teler, .a. '-, t4d ba zgul- 1 44plefeadered oped Illi Rotel and Ii r-silt riAgiart-it wientlaimed ttiertilli*,?-7- 1.4 h r tl most abj . eet A isimkiitabblinefersab?, CI have their poehowilled-Atiiii veliGH - -AIM+, ilea Pt—^•••-..._ ~,t,--,,...4.7.,... _ ... i i , k_4...,1r.M.L- + le 4044e,t4p.,plinowitA 411.1.17:,•1',..t? trYn*lrt & ll4 Zr lA Z chase s jolt - t 0 nes some ley-loarim*PAgt_ c : ~ A- ! mither toile - t il ek t i 'M'EP,? ( : , • t 46 5•Jf 'ettiiittetfir;*-these tize."P.:- , - r , ' 7...)r VO f DtTirelMalM IIF .eLtitEtil. CROW4VII,L. Is TIM LEO rrIBIATE ;SOITRI AIONT,R9S . E, PEN" . . . L ----,,- , -- ..-.7 -,-- . ,- ...r - - - ..- - - •f ii l.:' i• 1 I . ' V 1 r 1 L-1 ... 1 1 If:r . t. t_s_ murder. : L mtilatli." JALthe; turning .0 _au ..nu...- eat , .3" c.aii-4 4 ,e C., - r,o r r og had raint.iveti. au lea,- 'or • 'ffititeont, tho , pa6i - ii hearted women wlio,had brought: in a cup of hnt . i virtu:TP:li. tie that; three'. months 'elaps•ed, friin 1 cold,a 4 "-d a; I L L," Iv . tea for the, poor crcatore, " Blaek at fiat ; Ill" feast week, hpEniiy ho ensail in the- teed of •the''i ont nerdetir'eld. f' comes thatnigh here, in an hour, like amst , o with 1 village, looking out Ihr. Annie's return. -, i. rakretriast iiii;l4:fii him. I'll' pay. Putt her ittitle. I:loll i.ct he; down ; 1 • "She came, she welcomed' hint, with tearviint I titiace....-issLa44 34 ,n; A he is a kld-her•irted fellow.: D o w h t. ,4 yen ca n ihr i there wit. a still :Igo- chili in her manner that (ten-1 I , star.teilt-ttoWti .. ennted to his le;art. Too.stinth the busy colon ] , edr i •ty,i?u . l.4 2 ,,i f q faik e n:, her tlierS 1, good Soul:' 1 • . , As he . 69td all:this, in a hurried tene t he ltepi . gu-,, ruttior_rwhispered the' fatal truth. • The London; rier's oroxSpri . a . 4l it 2113,4 Upoi . l i Ole death-lilte features o€ Idle old avutuand spark Itliu wens staviifg dose in the 'vicinity. cither.l.deitth-likc..; - 11 3 :-Iie e . and ram.ing from . onc pourahirering .object to .a .4 fruind- , - to whom 66; had upon her! lovetr's4 him Ili; old play' other hid tait gLass Of brandy and water, He drew.' illners'lh - td : huert: - cort4tintk seeking her society and r.binidn his vjulentil °a is purge mid pi:L . 6o:lle looney into the hand Of! her rtT,t - t.rd. .' . 1 , • ~..- • r I other' thiklittlfislitio, the lantlis.uir. . c iy e l t e r. ,li at , 3 . 94. ,,: a.; 11) il 0 1:,.f21 . 4 ' 'file noble and uttright heart of,liaystinelo , :elititl- I .B' Th thittkr--tz pt:t.:l," ctillitititted lie; k`an , l I'll,i6eunfter liiirto-innr- : acre d- Idoisoughtditer and folual that the gay I,'irrt,,, - .whosit 1 rein' en row. ~l,liye where ,the. 1 , -, gq l n k ; t u . iy ra p , j - , ,c r up t 1 roan'tvils.andresa,,angin4air of the more polished lor I dtt, snelll , l hare c,i,?: you kno.r.,aiiii-' : . . r- ' -. icr le . ad ristrangettithur ittreetions. Like it. - tnaittyr- ; he ; years, and tnerc, sit "Ready, stir," sayil -1 1 e, r;: t r o f t n- z= • , •' 1 ,1 3 ... t. ,-,,, r k i . ‘.. l ci--,,re. t o 1 hiaisolf furl , ' h . er lit-tp4iht s'sjor. what .she i'; sine a ''' ' ' ,t ;',"„ . ~ ' '..,; ;1 T ''," 3 'I L ! . ~,.. .1 r - on4lered tut4tielt--- 7 1Iti-IX-alt, her liii tree. Ile itilt 1 Ito: Lead4•he...o4, sith!.; arc. r . Ail: We bovili;:,,l AT :4s. F !. ..4; a l iv,tx4ll•qtfte<ti,v,• 4 pid ; tirt.i' - jslic had' hitnett,koln his altered feature:3 with': Mites ne?c,rdo;ty j n . 1 ,1, not utter A:W(4 . 4; at. la6t. the liilorku li ni . :h egan : lit+.l4 lass than 8i- s. it vi-„ta onlyr-liia. former .. tr.- 't'a.'. - s, 40 C'Z'C ' .l, l 6 10 sub his hands,.autl,ex,:itiiiu, tt i .._ ell . ,,,fe ; tiite. out t , elfllx:iti-tlhothatt,sap .. •ed she lorectr„, ,-, ; , - -t .-., ; , 01.-fitir tr - ,6, - t..,.... 40 ;`11:- . " for Fe . .shbrt. a time a 6 that;cirenhlWttlelta tilood.- : "tilicleft tho.srilitige. as everybody know,..le Be. t ' 0 ,-bcrt ier Cl/is - 001 i ceel•lttil.or a glinv l r -as warm it; a fOristr No ! earned to anOthet ;,-9ci.hfessingis folhnvottlfer--.-fix,:tthYSterleaEfitanheh-. I doubt ot.it'lint not a -drop of:the brandy mitt Water . 11l itti.u• too. Tlingit stile had spuraei.at,tette,rtod.l..f,„„b . ,....o,,, z i .-, .4. 04 had pr.- - -ct! his lip:.. I. afthetionatqltitrt...l! letneyer lovettiwontatt.agai,:q. I tem:a anis. WittaiWa * ' * * • * * _, mosTy I ...., h • t , t ttly umte. p i ttet ,,,, the rt , a . ; hi ,,_ ! and •attcr-y=rs "T4ak 4ftllf. sadd o / 1 10y,:thgAiltro.1, 7 ,1i AnilleAs.ttiót -total!, 1 urely had thoughtfully in the: cribbage I...ard, a , • edge that shit placed 'her-- ; furtraesit.titarVitten"Virs- i'tiltrnetttp:me M 4.1. we :it teaStiug our loon; before the sparklitio• lot--. set, !"3 -Id that 11 P: 4- ' 23 ImhaPPY in lior'elloice. '' tretr, dot? Pd;YY.IXtrl illiel f rst/w - . 1:111 , 1fi11 a,ty - m-, i l litCf. - .;:g. 7 :to . r. 'Ch t r i ,o4 - .:4 1.t 4 ., on his hearth after oiir easy istippet - , on thit self ' and Itsi.' had 'net yet.Tigihn . he'r7 ' • .. - t I[l . itl:e'S k•Y;t1Illit `11: stoic better night: , It.; ..,,itamy, my clear boy. is given to us as almoners. Woe betideiy; ir mv...lir,-itlt •our ....," 4 '' ' ''', .".: ' 6 ` : ; :.:. ',' '' ,:'' .' - 4 .;* 11 ' .1- ''' '.' , "7-4- ,[i :..4..trAngeti. with- r to i - trait ! 'ilia~ reward -far 'charity is .. tiMpreslienaoe, : '' r '„ T? ' P e ' ! " i' 9l ; Lltl F eci rd' - rO'ill' a- '- f he'.a•woßlet,lt ' '3t ( ? ° ll °'° l her. evert is immediate; witness the glow that pros-tides the . l ay '',ltt' = •ll ) ea r,„Vi t '! 4 , 4 l'x;•=l-,- 1 11 1 4,,rt1t , %, itt.lit: , S.F9:tjt,t . ,,l'irtroriiitt...; likel"44Rle - . heart when: you givr. -to •those who are hi r-orrow I by th " c i . " 4 r ,i l L, ` . . ° ' -c ), Crtiv .l'4,, c k. l / 1. l." 1 . 5'7 7 7 1 4f 11 1 17 i.A .- , 1 * '.it'd- 11d3 . - betirkol l2 , l 7. , :.nd clis . tre7l, ,On the contrary. 6ce tit.: wait irnnil i e .•.•-e; t ... tst''.'ll. l !Ol r' 11 °Tr° °f' '7""-Ir - D -511111 °''' 41 1c.,0,rr 4. tite. 44.1 I»issery of thc foolish,Cales, who chise their hands ' 7.-= '• ... ': - .''lt ) " i '' I `' ltrin 'tl - ' ... life ' l°.-I ' l ed'it -414 - ff°4 *:s'l 4l '.!'''txt...** . -19r,c Pi .... 214 % ° i ; Fo'' nail 1 imil .,. hir t . , h , iti , ti 4 . the oil „ ti t th ,. ; tte„,7,.. ;,ern„ are err:: tg , r Coine ;tti, tine fr :.. ;Nita:, itir t , rb.o rapid I da•- i 4 I, lk 'wa . i iii!Sl4.ll I ping a- I:lentilaid eFsrtealllt, atiltthey tear ti; w.ttli-I- I " PYi.c°"°'-'"11iet.414'.1.1t..4 i":10'41Y-ft-411.04","MlItifr1=1-xr-til"P'64.4°Adote6 - - r , l) u 1.1 tuurner, bid-not one . I , 7essin;;. They - ifi . ..ag I .el-',1,,r,.:,,e,51g.`1:8,eTirt0rn,..1. •',;,..„o!"."l".,:ou_Li'."tsu,,,n3.,,t,.,tirssa'terc`7.4',;,;_l'7lslila-41.1,-...i'.l.:rAti;44",itiCuiai4.giLll)f,.. the v, -rililitis weitrldkvith 'heat to the verge of the I • r. !)!; 1 1.--••• 2 0 1 /.., herc7s, .ytiqr,hoi•wliterxind-your botits,7 4 -ail; , ' - esl,,ererttprci. tvl unlathamair c in: arc, and it 6itilts theta." at 4 with that, lire' popped•lfiern intottlio room and ba.4.-.,j-ra I tr plttitt ttrtett " if I ever feel indisposed, or ant of lannor, die world calls it (and - We are all Babbe to rric-grin3i.l t ' L. ' ftw ,a,Y. I"-i," 1 ° . rIng rail it tr , t'rn, ' rhirPil4-44,-ti*c4.-. The , ' 4.1tree.77- - be 113 , t I ,3o among imr fellows, and give my Mate where 4 .1- "'" i ° ott- " I ' i111°11 ' - ''' l 444. : 4 4 whivii- t h4e4 ' a4l " . ' 3t4- Pe•lt ' 'P ir4 - - aufl 113 / 4 `'llt/' lill;nc it is a, btessing.. and "rightly bestowed, which 1 . " 41ut ' ~ t . . , .., .4-whiph„walf,..lundiv.. Tt-•.12104134-4ria„ .. . - ~. •_ ; : cced to 'thumb, but.: is very . easyl to find - out in stadia - small community I lt lieu isuunds the horn, • , ....• -, : i fie Kok' Ids ki . i.":4 - ' as Ibis is. nn wrath! be astonished, what ex er t:!' And bucks' arhuriti. - vg,go;,• -. ; ; ! rolitJe•latr 'HY- thet-clith' lent physic 1 find it. • Mind, my Ater bay," cumin . • I." 1 . 1 10 lil.Y , 'III nQS : : • i::: i , „'. .. '. . 1 I.a.illix..i;-- '' 7 .-- , acsa -zed he. " I don't preach, nor wish to give-von lee- .__Da:ai1i.t.......nr........; ; iy;,.. r mr,----- 4 - --•-' `.• -- ; " ,alc ilesr I.6ti"" .tea coO N , for soi l hare. for.6ltilli .motv, thgrt Ir: in ....i• - ' ' p or A m . cam ~.tty ,, ...p A il y 1, 0 1 . , j,,, ‘• 4,, 1 ~i i i 4, .. -1, - 4,, j 'i. 4 ..t..5 " ' t 1 :',.. r.4 .14 ,; 1. nti shrtple wa v.' c re: knew. Pat. these C noughts, after : • „ mar painful itcone of tb night. will find utterance.' We breakfasted, like . prineas, and then 'bustled Ino iipresi-iiiii,`lliaillc'.' os o take, your Duds and let me 6e . e . whether acreati the . rolai4; to the e- Crown" sitiblos,-'avitere we.l t•O'tild'nutr`i'llco.tO4l'd , yon piny dishier than - -ta . o tteed to do." '• t- . t rota; I men, women, raid childienitassernblod, with t_tureitlx.it it hastint4 I did .•t he- directed ire.. bat, .ns had been the •who e ft 't l Wwsi'litSit- , .:llagA,irt . facctrinv-tlig• -that ! triail!in4.l7,C3rS , of o• beaten ; 1 wonld hold , aiythirq, u•nitiqg- for 41:ti- chttriablo-I-• ca ,. e on all n- i ..- visitt, I was most wofully I ikever 'ti`n.3 card-player. .3.1 y brain was gallop- 111egu?, , 4 oteeittilirovielet for: eal b; the richer 'el:w ing and caretrit„„„.” away; upon' a this- I .:and g u hi eet. ..., ries to. that they hot stiller Aring the hi dem calle.l hp 113-111ei last few horn' incidents. Al last ; en: r•eason. " Half a loaf and a whale tire i'; Testier he threw down the cards with a laugh, vowing tarot I thrt , Trr'silaii tlatifirmi-rtri - tirit," raSsetri-.- mein. :I it ,•is no houor to beat me. I hare it lik e a mar .. : He it:l4 a their idled kitid gro ino,,ts !r:,ni them ad. :3 r. and t..)31:' iny candlestick to retire to bel -ort? I c*-01114 ti. , t 1 14.1 - ktnilin , ,r,`-: , ,-; I - pkt.c , I "if,,t7 3 thoti parted or th. 4 broad landing. T - shook hint heartily : namosand tlimili f .ts, at•rlie sci-ere 1. - Aik with wliich• by the hand- and wished him plea.ant dream. f Wiz;) ; h . - mv!ti•it,?recl to 1.:" t: 11.. t. '' v-rt mu •; • 1;‘. vi.-trr 1 - 4 1 - , doubt.% that lie had them I ' - ..; thellar, an 1 het iliac ;titan:lee-more tliarrth•l rotes; Such a b, , -,l' sweet .a-; ab.tl of 11 ilV..:i , , 11/ •te.R.I 1 . 111 *1 17 .4."' 041 We Z.. , the obi mars' her was ,' con ,i• : of feather: N.., rot tee bmirtri in it thin tit:: wit... e- 1 1:I I 3Y PoPPlrtu. I stnne rrintl.enal tllio•sccateli.irly's,l of 111 , --a, like Whieli it rcc.,*ive - ti ate.aa 1 pl uir; , : 4 It, -.Le, over and above ',1 . ,e n.'• --t, ~., ; . -- :i.i ;lie lit- : t 1,,, ne.filertitp irnihint Wore - eittnirinti :ironed lint . in the !lieu; perpleitig; neirimsr. iriterairirtt;( sadly vi ititiii:. diginitt. Cltildri-a are • the best' judges in i tuit ; Tliiiiirnittii ii i - 'hina--aral:w-I'll tfe ., :i's. opposite to his cottage ;Juni t a i; a ror7.lllr. tone. I el- . ..ii slip of an oral.ard, - si Bich hail 'been" ii‘t6in- I (Meal anneyaltrri to him. Boys will rob orchards: :apple', it-hi well known 04 gifo-i with a teenier:- I dons 11 , ;-ver of ...etittetibrt. There is a patitiee *wick- ' ;slue - ;shout the - tree; it 'throws its mans 'over Its i i •Ithiary-wtil ett• f• 214.., ..it_ , .l7t in the twee of passers by, waving , 4 tonal of gOiden temptation to tho' I' pt . ual...tl itawitti= quite irresistable:- That etretterd-t was not to be ' tonic ; ik. • ~.....,.. lb.- cause of more family cquibli!'.es, jimmite - thrashirig,.., and hoai r i. i burnous, taunt ail fly.? *eat of properlywalled-in, I respeei:dlile isreliardsliti I t ilic kinglet:lL''' . The snrli , p: o;rietor„ bowciver, watited-a sad; I angki of ground I belonging to 711*? 17710 , 2. ;0 enlarge his *table. PM' i „ nee n ,y mei?. tin•i - ssr.l-.!l•ol.iiititzb.,:t that s.tretryditr,"'l bit of cmike tad-orchard t l'wonlil lle ta kit in ty to.ifien :sr?, s ;mid he got•il. Happy day far the children : f•r he t, took down the bastil ott•pettaltiet., ticarir'oblitera- tett b-r reretsgetal throfws from Itivettili'i deproda- - 1 for-, am i wirli nmeli hal. - tar, replatiel• letvith nue-of t more atui.rtik. tent 'r. 100 it . Wri - s written--" Den't steal. Ask Osit.V the ,way." t - ~ • -. Fior,l firtsi -Irt;;-, rifiiiinn hail - n - i sr- t iles in-1 thoin. TbsittC:r4lh:rd' P ,, t;”11-11f, t'l rid Walks M . 211 ktr. to I i l ,f a nts ; far . 1, t - 4:tulle ti',....A. care. that all desisr v Wig , „f o iriiren shettiti irsok - fartward, te - it as a poritive re- t ward nc.44). - tti - bithavionri,itt'ail ill-Mart:w i n:Al a gar- ;- den of Ktteralfram which ad delinquencies were ex- ; dialed. It tit -lest was ionIV known as "tin: , chit: 1 I, tiren's orchard: " I i . ' We had 348 lini-heki 'off ou' last chihrimpt; when ; ''a-boy cum's tip to ray iinale,-saying, that - "'Mister I . Driver the' clerk: Of that •eitish. :wisheil:to -speak 1 ` with lam," who. being' very old, 'had sent a fleeter ' Inessenger 'and that be was twa- waiting at my 1 - un-lst's doer." ;• - I •'' -.0 . • -, 4 'We soon reached du. itiorr-enrctreltparch, tubers I s:teglll the oil man, whet was push ale k, beadle 1 . wheal-wriiitt-in fart, ni faeoreini. lie twas.an old, CI ti-n ri;;;PTCY/P-T di repticte4 friend of aryl undo',.. As 't approach; approach; I Sairi. l. 2irudarY; . •Editoi- . 6, ! elf, I saw that the old tie wore a • pitzzied 'hick r • striviag to .gamtutiat•th ,I'and fidgety neinher. tie Illook 1 1 :- I n4 i -tiorttialky I , themito.vote•fur,Crtg.,. Iwith ir, rm.l entered the! hoary. t i :mi%ill'earo, , yridch solo; I . " Well, Jia;ster Dort robot's the wothrs - vreadeil t r' l 'l r l - tlfri,fille , 'refi t . r 'lliil that has I iinasrlit^mon do{: it so earl V thi4litorningir - ` TUvro i'le'O l teelett Itiiint I ,c:cc...llk:led raj, undo, plaiiing'n Cluilr tot{ hitYisitori• a : 1 0 ,10 =gae0; 1 "' ' TU . pr I , i vi ,l opening !1•14 little !three-cornered' etspbeartl,. :good,,'for - tho,Clonerat h where 'he kept lii4 unrivalled hOtutilnaddWioetti,•allitlisiA.f si: it of the officatof.,• . proilucing ti-blrittlUsiii&glit?.;. ' ' ! '''''r'-• ,I I-it - lid . efthat Shite, liter " Why tiny iletak .. .stlit,'l to poled, bat - theyti i‘ntidTesto."--Ptri!?iii -qi• i' bade me chine; abitut that peer - '&11 -teeth vett herer' -- . In - 'so kind to hist'higlif,.; ~ as old ?dwelt?dweltWilli,bronght I A A - at - 4c Pleat:- down. .P 2 i7blilill't kaPt#llilitiVrlVllelle;exttlist.fit 1 watt latontirtalrltl l 4 llll2 ' his cousin's chlitit tie - ThWPlotigle', - w herd 6(ex:if:Ye I on-Spiturtleilatist .v e.te4 i I - she's' brainwell lotiketl4er. " - But We want td nw -1 to thm Pz4....3.4t..01A34.4. [ `what to ilii, Ai ivy look tqi to yon,-tii , know; and=" I .r . f . ,itii:Mi:ted 'the' L-Milithili liere- - the old 4iiiiilruhali.llll4liair dowitirithii- ford- t i 'ltid 4 •l' ' 01 W ..- Ftiliridliitt . ' head; 'and hatitddltitititTe . y*s with" ; an - embarrassed I .. fllovi' . ttthix‘ithrtl :tad:. 'ock bawa/ds hili,!th if.elaiinitlr tkrv.-4:Sins:ea hi l'Plat4, ftr9e, 4- l iY;•t,/ ,144 I :'soma it ,, 4 , ,. ..,. i reit . 0 -*. t uAL, , ,, , .- ;1. ?;: ,-.1 1 1-,.,...r.:. ~.--. ~,:,...-: to trm imineractu, atici,a.,..,! '' . 'Net snit! ipoor i Seiild rl a - Ipliittlinl , rifiere e ifillOt *seti 'to tttk'e Oi?tifer,,_ poured iktitliewinat' ll * i ttingt - 6oe'ithiitlit'lle'r,fatt4'z'tC4„ . ,7"r i tift•9lßCeg. "lied=out i 'ailie6ll"6 l,s; iiirtber figheittitettlythietitilatt ' • ..- tt- f.l .4,i t d ,, ' •t i 4 , : lA. Ai ., .disrortktikc al Ftleiti"hitk. 1111pdp '14 6 *1).'111) - 41f. ',, ,;:tu .. k,. 0 • , ,t ; .-' w . . 8 ; . - t i a : 6 61 ~ .46,4f h Itittheta - A. l ' ; 71 te•PIOuilt. ° V . '"' ; '` l l' - ''' '.::.: ''',,•'7' e I I I: y ' .4 . ts . i l - 4 : ."110'*(i';' . :trill. - ' - •ijititfiY ; tit' '''-itft,i: • • --'4i ,. = t.i l 49).441FLr-r '' ' ahottivt4 , -r - liiiiiiio oriititt , 4s44e)fi_ ttdkikl4 laoalg , bat raCre*-94 at ,chettiie:eoitiiii: . iStiiiintPt ItViitilfititittar,ll'tpittittitf -, .'4,94--4Wtlit.FAlll4RlT:ltintl flied theekr. - C`);;.rtititeh - . 4lThaaitto.a . theotnivt i giv.4 l -. - 1 .1 4 t R1/ 1 -,..t%4'7, ; : t 3 ;419:* : lied 2 .enttfP WI u3O , ' qttlEna.l7.#aimbi•. : , ~ ' - ! l °9'il t9,1)!;•; !. ',tit- z..11, - ._ el as •`'- , 4bi - i - ' 4 tivrw - alt. '% ilgql,..ist , liiraii:., - jut'' , etniiilitiotarnetr i.; - J- Pt/it'. J-,..f.9.45..g .. r , ,:5...,, ,, ,...: ,...- - , ,f , r'u rdiiiattrtdtmithfittli* '`r4l4.fil-F4'o:l--: fir •VI 3 . 4 s' 6' ; 7l :::At4: lOr.1. 1 ,0" , , .atiiplt *. • .. - 4.. h. ; 4. ;het dill' :0141.* ' i . , 1 2.pP:4. lye ph.I.M . tbi 4)41' • .Nyilliji, - ',/i 3 O* . ts.iit'VyiAtt -., 1, 1 I' 4if qv; -'tt,liel i'l ti Vii' 741 „Pt "11 - d i jo 1 13 10L'iTgi . ft,po)trit.)4 ( ! , , ikt 400- '?,ku , . ..z..t0... - : ., ,*fAlt - 44 , -..ipy-.lt4eL . ',,,t)i . -14. , A 4 ,i.trii...mi o n ~ , i,„ te,:lia.liiix:fre,..aiii J ,l.,., ; ii., '....7 'tiii A air'. Vig 44: - giiiii 14A. , ',:** - - I • :11, iti1, , ;1114/•et '• - :..f• - 9 1: ft ' .Y; . 9 --,:: ' ; II iEr'it°Y . s.tith . ;.-: 1 1 1 f ''ilmt4-4"l .B girig:!'' t : - V1 'lll. iy...:4ritel:ll4Kr glt ..4f ;IL >r •f: •. ' .. -. , .:', 4' • t , Ti. 1,; 5 214.1-': I: 1 44' -F:Pitqirr...4- ,1 1 ,,i.c. - '4' dirre-I'.- - rij, 11.-b",--le,--tii,kite., •l :'.r old oar.ti!erpanr-,,•-A eagattle-ftfa.arinill.. nic offong-departed pride ; si...in:-- gveng gowns of aunts and gtandmotlmrs, all pa - -,ed away, pattern's of wailer'. Could it have found tlingpes to -prate of its,pckisessers4 what a :-.,*.range history it would have been t' 'rick—tieh—tick ! went the powerful alit elloolz. t had rae 'at an advr.atage n nr, st l 4. would heard: It. 1-as an unusual sound tnotropro:. .tan ears, ;aril I began! counting, its vihration4. T •Tvlsitirely felt as if I leer'g. bwinging with iL iiide 'llioble.paciiir=l. I hart almorl, not at all eai•lirg. #nich. to my :tat o . tiatiCe, Ole IhrTit of Iry I had proe.:l on a weltpolishel old cotTilr, or clothe4-eltes(, sent one of its little rays open the friiraa of a Piet .:ro the' hall; q t ite to Inv 'hod the trieture Weil i J -a-al a vex"' pAr draw:n..; of a young feuutle with high th - ossehl hair, and a hitch gip ;y' licdrot, with flaunt ing ribly.ts. In Let, s"I the '•-le fhe last '' • ' , citu- , ry,.FOotere in our oy6; at ?ha provit thiy, no doubt: be to the eve; n'fature. day. 'That p:ettire was th-: , 4:l_•tetinl of nty . peare:uL house. Those Lltio eyes:and rosy cheeks had rande 6:Ateln:, eyale, It .tra;,- no secret, everll)2;ly hi the tittle }-illuge :fire:: of "crossed E. 13 I- wit!. fell , More 111: - Zra half a e.ea'oir:f.t4efoN, , llw_gray-hea , l.A , old Milli, V." ha .4 Cpt in th:, nowt ebn eber, was the 1-young athletic hero of the rill.v.e - green. From 11:s independence, a sort of iltiire-Int )pitiess, and the world all promiSe, beftire 'him. Td Jove Wa. - ; part 4 • r.of ms nature—the original of that &tie piet.tirc'wa's. 'the object-sheeraseras atiorphan, thdugh well provi , 1 ded P.m. broo,ght up h} :an old aunt, ant had nex'er"' liquitted the 'villag,e of het. birth. • 11..2 w.' spoiled , mid petted. by everyli , ..idy, who, of eourte, called , her tho vill..Ke hello., Youtj, lut. - tdsome,.a.4:l ricli• for "his Tallinn. he .. seco became the favored - strain, ki, the trisTil IX Of Iniaay who had dared to - 11 . ppe. Btit who Colin ri val hiiri i. i. - vine.. rne old peOple.chtieklp.l . imd ,ald' , , .it 'Was jiii4 as'it L.hottld 'be—both rich, tm , th hanj- ! SO/Ile. WIT bOttl ..I:ifil la:Idly Itentis,l l'T'ba . t. a ratlii" i wedding it vould be.' ' 1 " And_sel it would lia'i - e Ixon:-btit fate deetke.li' 1 , otherwise; wontits rolh t .il nit, and'the le:11161°n i urnt at cifureli aad market, and Ithe old peoPle i i bless.ed them as they pa.ssed on their way ! It tray ' all 'gunshitte t , ;---"-- " The feast or annual r faif .. ctune round, aml with it a host of visitors from far, Fuld I ear,. . The rich fanner and die, pnPr - eectage r,-kept 'openliouse; . all f wai in nottent! i rderrun4.4 qihk-tioyn /IL: lq,lii.rle; L : and his alprieFt bride, - 4.l. l kndii,,4:”lte i :„ . .t was'iler , 1 ehine , although no. 0 0-14 in;if- fei4PrijbffilletOijete rneutiotied,iti,iefdraPm;tlai' :011 - Wit.l(thd b:CA', ail d . 1 1 *ei,t % ..i i !i3:1'44- FW o t#4 - ;11 ''4.:11 * ° ; 101: il: b• P,- , n 4 - yi1t,...-.! . : qiTn ' q,n ,, ... ~., .: _l- r , •: , _, busk Anl 9 : 4 l, lF 4.4;31..,4;;TA1t 47Pi'd°1.Y" ► kul-*"5- ff . Piillftmdctio,;944l,ft,,Ntlit:to,,ViinW- frirtri4r 're; WWI ivliiiiiiiiairi - krii - OVie tiigo'iliii - .110i&d: Mic-c l iP Ftf* . b o 9le ~S, the tje 9r. 1 4.*Y4t41:' e 'P00.03.t,0tivatif.061144,7c19,,,,T : 4 1 : 1. 3 .i „% ,, ,i . c 1 , ii i 1 1 ! , 11)t * , 3* - 466 1 1.i J, ing9,-, l *-4,P. 1 4p,,;; 14`;•illfritiglibt:*_'it'tgielAbi;:igit' AI*.r4 I 4I I NAL .sy - 403.61c4imividivit'iii, smAirßi6Appopov. Ofi ii&a-qct t - :' , 15--4,4'figi.. p . i.14.4r011 - ArAtilliiP-IS- - ,Viktbii.P9ifEirE'' Ai.sqfftt:,,:XTst4Wlicp4itths'e" .l ''T: -t'- , . ,-- , _,.. A .. . 3 tuct:;44.lK44:,,pazott 41.455)-insii9„; ikkorAorag Fon wttviglfilitlip_Qrwa 44TAtINNA:4 -4. : 0 that nth, tin, .:, elf,' IV I I: ~ **ga to. eorAo'near_i?up.:4,,_ll4,...,wous„,o . 7e3.. arid" . inugh:ogaiusktievajaWo.ll,o,9kflgOlks• ~,,W.514;1. *nit - !eittb:.#ppri*ch, ''hi - 4 0 400.1..g. - -i. - it-_!. , J o . 1. i . ?itgObolitsyinaf 01-4,14. TAAlgeailk L ..4 1 (1 0a:41 111-r gieli I p ribit" 411 - 4 ' 11 44 - tirmi ri - - ' l7 ' ' i:...T -. ..5,.. r. ._ ei... . . ~.,,,. ' ..,...4.F9 4 79- ,kbelmiliall, Ciit4l o 3o4lol _, 1 . 4:„,;., ~.,,,C 1431 . 4 hK t AlOti l * ,SfitiAo ißig-44VMt;V Mte..W . ' 4 5041.1411106011.*1* .. 40 kb:1 . 21:: - .,) , ,.: ' - ' - i -4,14 )*10r7t - '/ 1110 11(0 1 ' , .11 1 .i.t. 04 • . , llt* ' , reA aolo i lokihr44loo. - glifaifi ' # 1 3 ,30 1 ,g tlfililAC, V/krittlitatt,4ot # 4 ; 14 0404444.4tkeig s :S t ri,,, W f ,Ifitfniga f . istur..",:',lissrall I .leti <41.. - lite ro.*, F A.141> THE''16.1"11 4 .:7 M,. Of THE PEOP'T.P., JU,LY I • r. . 4 , .. fuq6ir hantisorne ,inontiarx on the seam , correpon.l.-at repectfully-inarrn la iia; Jart3 ;tli4eF led to,thcl, eau say alxiat thext l iti at Aim ci; . rmi; , tithe, They rer oil en sire 'a morning. turd,:in:fliacT can, saw to 6t , r ci,rr ii whati yott raari:bf• 1. - no :car tying •rapny - ln:i•smr „yeizab• aadics, ss iucli 4:::„ 01 . 1.11.: , .r.1 for yo4r a tied, siie d61:bl.1; d e!t. irilleklunfil uarai taiti: • is atravel,,k,ri, },ear, tvc.re :,anking item; t ittb head' to InUl'i; te.e4l , erery effort tizi farmer'a rut v;int coax' lioisuLuce to ciLtpin.' h0r ,, 4 to him atl.l be iostUnt o.Tittleoui; cornifig.up to theui, rep4ed fhe man,. I .clif flac clAirik;•; twonly:mi!es iiiii.tgleiliViltite c ietV4 pigailitbliiildithintWVOlTO !Otos. Pkre:4seinkli'Lbletri„ 4 .iiifli=titat.Nvt his client! l l ill ii-yen1i4•44.4431iit; . 41tipd, g ot tA 4 • 4 lol:l4' '• i. bra Oiif difedil*.. ::: 40 fe'refttethert • 1 • • Ifltillirjkibt tOktipiiiir tleri .-*-: -•-: •'.:- Y . : ;#',i .- Iliz.• -,Tho nistrrut . f Colonel .; ,gg, - pf r , tfooralgittpclif,A.lll ptS.ttOtt" 'yw I -,,-.-_,. 7 14, 19 1 °44AM - . : 4 , ;Vit.....si 1 •: :;°, : f :. Ilat' . c biown / * tt• ' • • • 4foi• •iiis : i •• ( Wit4eN r Aill.C .- . ~.. f .. -.... ..; . 1."... ? .....--;.! -: •' .l :-.'.,•••i. 1 siot.iiitY:r . ;.:.;:: .: .' . ' ''' • ~. • " 4 :0 • 1 . -ki-j,...' : 3 1 1iini0 ,- , ••• • iiiiii : s -"' ..!'••'••••'.....**.! ... - Li `. • :•fisiiii4.llo-7 ' -... ' • • - . i .014410otitit t sif•* r ... 1 . -• • ': - • : • ' 4 . 1.44:• , 1 :. inmiwohltOktk • • • ' : ! . 1 ... ..'• . ..* 1 1. iii*,t.iii..;.i . if:::.:iliiit . • e irhic '4CA It t _ r 'TA Joh 1 0 11.1. 1 111111M1 '•-" i • - 0 jersfi mar from lin .brear;4l ' , k. , flt . t '' , l t , 2 ."41:4111g ftlic.!„thir.o.4.Dit.L . .l , - i 'i' .t•:• , - - i: . .e,(l.! p ,Illa,t ,i t oor. stitg,t,b , n t t,,r 24. , ' TI ere h n.. .ovireatlifte,r-Ate - 4 've a f s t g ail qctisitive-vuu ~roilit* i uncle, t.for I thought:)i' er*. z ,11.4,....,.. , 1 ~ ~,..-c.- ~..:'; t. a Fafnir him -.their moral t:: : ~ksutlt4m , .kf:e,,, ,atu.i.,,f* hiMt, la torop* 1.:M0.1a a bur, 4;41 tlieiir etitioulttiVtly Iftefttre.i.crtAtitt the ex • fellow ilia' - 614ntl -looked. ittoitill..m'onitt4-the V: I r"cklilittrths.', tvatelia<4lsrg 0.24 f 1 o*.;:`.4.itdit, ;. . rei6elc4.= , ---,---,- • ~ .1 liltht.l. - stiteep . :001tt...31.1510r_ Do-sw,- ulltftt slte.JiliglPhriTo r bPri'..vt'ttu.t. ha:Pki, lula wttlt,te , , l ": Ittfi , fmattet ti to :Li:: ,' It ~,, :low gone filly'rter l , ll . Iclo. t:Td.t • ' , 'my tiornd . 4:rent tif.qll , 6ol'4l#4' It.li'.aTs.tontr iti;i7itlifbt , i:nti , ,,'4. ' '..A.'britl .51 - tlititt-Oiti. len-.oie 1 clidite, to 1).41m mot.. 4,„'t.in'a .tra 44.40i . f 1 9.9zAii1il ArAcifif-, .4 4 n 5- / 14 4ik 1 e4.1.1.-Iltteper to o n ixir e h !7-: , „ 1: 1 ,1 T * (17 - 1 4: 11 ' . t. ~...., ...,., , , .z.i.,:,...... : ,....,.. 4.. , ..,.. , :,..4,,, f t*tu tv r " tti tiliy - ittftleln - itlnthi'etltiAll4o,ho4ll 4 :' rlAngortidtienlyAiitllinitlToirt; .tP 4 l `o -,j8;9011 441*.44trt-1"1 , :04. f1 1 li V . a ib n s . .4onz,Leilio-71u”.tut_ T otcu,,„,u ri i i , /di,_rt --rierols or4W-F0 4.1.1' '-ititile -Ititere, , ':ltei.d * iqtr - 4:tirr PPR ~. '''' , t 431 pEtekytilmg •P4- 1 / 4 0 04 "•Allto where ii.F.4li 1y.k.4.,1",..5ti;•.pAy"..141.51111,0:41,4 .n.ollil 6btlpy?*.eie. , flide)dr , : *_!p".,.`ea,r,lS.l.: :e. the .1. rieketiViatititti-li4l4Kl:i7.;Ykarr,w to I nc eisrlr.iraitei.Ovd-.44101 1 ,ikiiitift iiiiitriailW-' willingl pIiKATIOVP Ocitits'ho soii.ntltthelolsillitif l -,11 4q . ,P.l#-Tipl; fort. i a Vt 4. itY.An - {4 3 l3iteFz.Vh4l.iiiriirtgr . 4) .& . hi1 t . Aat ofy :141 - t.." ip,_ll.si, 7- . , ,4 1 .. Itiin'fik .4 liiihAtifSli; t.'‘'iler-j'.i. ;1 alerts It* fil, )44 tiaiektiiibfitti-AFLAilrf-LY-A19014) *platetur..a.i . ,...t o ..,cz.4.14,1"4,,T Jr:pt. : Au.' teqligp,of4hu t. pip :3-4rek.:4,o*Tl 1 . 3 lb;lo.tiliatTlie tvleeteT 4 j st ‘,,,,V:4 , tlK I 'oiielifdli'itogit•i 4 `4Veli6V 4 ' 2 '''''' IL" t ailli - A'llig ..... 4 . n !I. ir; ru, g,; ,}VildiP•Ot ''fiCtint -: " L itetilita4..... AiMispok‘therrikeltanDMiltir:. t,tlr , ,WAlcilfslic 41 1 .1:41ET 02Tt. !I - 1 Aesuitorped • pkth.. iigta 1311AVe ;.tde th7_ol:l' sa !fi - e 6-t tifr :"NttEct:A r iiiiiii:' ' 4 1 - c Tto 0.p,„ 1 41-,trwrii# F yire - oz: 6,l4kim t . : przlit; havd I.:r 'Ad-I • 4f .t-ntilAgritiiiil ."2 - kitiv - itutinbltfMilliictgec: l t .. 14 1. A titkid*i'nEi iptrre= • - ..,that-t. -* " What ' , Co m; O'clock •f bobtr,z-?' Fci tired{" tts in tlll ex:xernity ; Nye don't korr. • You cgr.l are ; not to ; hg, i cvniniett.,3en*p t AU, F. 4,, that thtiv i-4;" lIMC3 -03 f, so 1 'etedArith ill-helalqi irrlitv , I Ofpg gct,imt.to Ofirtiew,4l.l4 : I , QttAhitipqz,Allotir.,, 41k.,1rg ncleiir rs,'&* 1 c - "brit t 4 kticmi .'• Itiyiki:sire'&:itadits bt 1 oscabliat , lite cliarater :0, 1 PFCill : Pare *al, eligag? i s, . f e% .. A i c i - JY` a PPY.JS 9.t. ~ilis r ititeri so on ma y I , i; ititir.§l tdmiii:rt , "thigiis' , ..., I- .. . . • -' : • 1 - I 4-- - Cipc (Lay hut: week t ,'„,.'- POPied...friflut.!ep9rn)ou i C- 7 q v g:nt:9 - 71 1 P,_. j „..ebiniu,t0.0 i :,i to' e., ihtoli: ' EVs "Iteeplle4 1 hifif , oat,' 'hat'in . l'ati2:' tit with:two harie%tho olj'ee ' la, the - be.ae, by Tolcin 1,2 i ems , 4ispiircea, but in. a, roar. A"Wav titl4 fi•- - - '• , a4 k t I '' - I as 'AI tr . ' tal `t• . re. l / 4 - `'' 1 '' env e , Nir,ltr.ketil rf • ho,-..bact .seeze la I I - r i - along with tbem '1 f` I r t.r.',", sect o 119171e5,.1.01C to be « iv the; llie ea!O t rlett!' - is.i 'PirixiJ. •• ' 4 ' , ' '"' ' ixti - rotrins. - r..= . C,‘,1 1 m - 141 the Mid 151Ete , :ntati; whir ='.W.bigaltt/t FEOI, -ta)g b. i'e..7 1111 -B.PTPas kifp. , Wat.4 t lz r.,l_ . pJoy did not.,count„ e. , , • pt'LeitVoea thif qi - .071 -.-tritli on ti/iFiVist. i5 - i•Pi)t iletiett.itiva just -tstlerr weft % , turried the .Coltatel. bite,.: '. 4 , A 11 3.0/4 ig4*.t4Pirt Ily ," the :i•.-brst sor t of ~ 1 ir e • Et i s i n „, : ,,,l ~.-;• ~.., , |I Ilc. cvnteel inoir:ing . lnnfer «krns in , SouthiTraion; ' .!0/0 1* .twIlidi ile; otronized lif vo.r„suy.l.tl,l , 24 pp.,lif:eli. . 2 6` if the . &pi*. orlA'' fahnettco2: triPJ , witclAtis' :own . 1.011 on 0 . 0 : OK- Tilie: num . i.ubniittett ; iAks•ti v Al , -T . ' 4: Il i i.Y,PF.' 1 %:144.! — Ocni • , e satnei ten 0,! 1. : . . - . 4, - n-m, il:-:4:47111. .f' .:',l:,'-zd,.. 'N.,: , 14. , -.,:.. , .-I', ' IC : 4.4 • : 11 •IN I4Lp •if orm*ii -Aix"' _ :# ving man, t ant cra n k: 'WI= NI vand." mlais Ntion n inay $4 1 . 1 4.0 14 4-ThifilliOtitliWiNititi, 4 1 :P.0.50. 0 9 . 34**klitliPIVAi k e ~ 4 WP ,re#4l4lV , 04 " ..r . ._ ,rte . ', ~ "mgivY4#ll2 • - '• . 4 4'4240 - miry, .Eiab,:, * ' , st r and in* Amino - ' \ " - i t ' .. s :y 4 11 .1 0 t r ibi liiifirtlialielilligatir , ? ' rCrarft o&kACC64464o;lo7& - W41,9 veig A 3imit. JthailkiiVak iCtilighilitl, .46411VitiV j i tini4 l l l ,4 214 1' - " ) -' - - Vl rA 44 1,5,-. C 4144 Nvrtikppyr: ...4 0 ,-81 *Fdiniaileti .. .. • . r , 1 :e ' r t , 0 +.:' th ~ . _ 5 ,- ..:efr , 11.1A-uzir74-" (a V*ltil i Fei 42 . hOr4: 4l 44 P Al A ere '4 4 kftgliiiltill'Or. t : Iteihb - Kir Ad pOll3 .•'-.la •-, [ rkpipi g *to, ri --ripiiir-t-tite: T';” 3-, ..n0,.-••7.....i . .• -. 'f'- 7,T4R4C4,7 Y41949Fi1,..WW-'ArAVIti.:!,I tgi.gker :l6. ,;l94' - , : flitch 't iiPlitia td-iftir:t4o'.ifttiltlm,-,::: '7 L ' .tVitiritil iW •llliial** , i", ' " '*% - 3" l'-replie,3Mo • .':.a!ga1i44410103`..,4'1* kis trasgtmstle.] ryst..,:iiY ji`; 3, t&:; , l -- 0 ' 4 law* li e ci i.ell. caitiC4l) %tikliZES2t .440* ,tett IC - itsti Itiett "‘V w-0 uris amtlaY- 1. ' 1.7. ..'` ' ‘'.‘ 4#1 1 !-Mritiktko-PbCtiatii e ) 1. .:' Tf :irs• w;fray fixe;i4: - •'; dilzadlgatuthi - = .. there:, is t4iieiititki.,r& :', win I pf.,mg , ml ). wolii•. ; " I Gril`frarir• et.1.E14.<."11 1 Tor :14- . r:—:' , :e.-'-'e?7' :1 ii•iind4 - :,atke i tiat`thi: vie. t l :?:- 1 -; io .Pfli , ittiltiiilltsisiiii:> --- , , -- - ii. --~-:----...-:.,.'f.----: itterk,micifirthir , lits t ' - '.'::• 4 teiv--; i , c. , : e•---, •0 , 5,7; : : : - !, ft, 0 .7 e ' B . -? - T2V , 1 44 M! 00 , 4 if. ni:x4i.,txv- 440044- . ' Antka , thit hunfir,i4 'at een ƒmma eimogi anoll* 4 17-N,Kiiq can: 1.1 • - 0 1 4Lkillig C if sPlß l 4 6 l•4 2.ll 4;si Ouin iistAiT 4l 2op.. 'glom& 1 wyourtnfter.llo) . *Upft~i.. iciencussiak.****l: t e,wi lake, • 11 . ; gri 741:7 .: - ;T'L '54 ls^orld 'td;:~clv iteniro•o2.ll.be,tairrrHietL '' - i.jz.l;l.T.:' Hlit,l - tt - inuet.d 3 Tilit'o thos.+l V. - , - '._ , 1 5 ~'• -r FS '-, , ' t "" .. ," ' ;Is vt.ifirnilertinat "'" : -. 1 4.- '. , t eitt4b4 heljlidir;Vaßkiihinl 1 , 1:b b re - Idyll =lit;•- -, lire.; r 9tc: ' 7 l . i ''''' 1... 4 4 5. a .* I 4 , ..P O FA I EMr-tFu'ii 7:e.fT.l , nr., c:xcppt a,liea ,esi iviligq* „- '' dragitik'anittifitlontiiiiiii:-.---;1 , hi,,0t...-ctiro....fbezaatioirtatifthl'i t , Atiott i, '. .. , t'.. r: • : . 5 - . t' i '`, 4 ,"-{t - --V ' .. Ar 441 El" -1 1 .?...-4.v Sufi' -,, r ,,,, ; , , ...: ,n i 4 4 ,,,, Cr , . : ,. ,f ' ,„m . vo t, ~,,_. , ` fi e - iatmue,. 0; ail?. ~,_•): , .i i . 'vhettlirte . day rit .ng. thr*Atheeautitri "-- 141' ‘ik•-. • Fated .IA- -- .3 fello . 'iebo' , wol.triniiit theliaT: `'l'' I,tat4N.Ffs.tlie ''' ''elayr-i l irkgisdlc!.l:ine-411:4 , ,'',-;,,, 114 : 4- :___J:1 . .L.,:t- r 4., , 1tt - .7-..41.Y4 - 4 - ..1 X`dO'n tlaib ' ~ said Ati W' iorth4 .,; a te- 1' -2 I - 7% ' , 1 1' ....., , ~. -, - ' Viii-si• toti r e , ____,- --:,...-,,1 , • i.tilon'tj•iurkil w:: : nle 1 1.-9191-1,4-ial-***4ll•4:--',4 _ ». - t - ..., - -,- • --_ tvP7 l 4o4.twito co f tvisrteti Pm. ~ 1' A 4 . -.. ,-..,,,1.5- 1 ft 4 4+"-".'4 , I . l'pek•ari .141 r c' I said X 17, Weal% Pitta,letlPlU*;44l to Eli: I,Osise; "I:: - liia# Oie 'thiht 9 ,,...r50kepfik....,%•,19 "Lofil hati no - alit: to voltio,t ) ilei 5 ' 7 . -- - , 'T. l '.''':;i:-_,' 4:,...., 1 Fri,slanati,,vhb,.**,tl4 . ' ,. poOti:Sia -. ;‘;; 2 i'.) r,t.abo4t, the sudden,dioitittiflc).'fi:' , , •ais ashodlt he ttid'llllo,44.,_, ,--tii-- ''l ty, if& di'r r ei l 4- 7 0tninklikt--I<-1 t .; -:•': 1 1 ._.:- 4 fp.tilii.'l. ?A-We' , ~10- .`-, •,.! .',.., ~..- 0-'4l- '....t. , ;' - . 4 ,- -. . , ?- 4 z ~.; '4.,, I &at like t,ho HnitodSfittl . .4c s** --' * ' ^ = Is. - d i ti- , -.1.7, ~ ,--37... tf.: .11. t,...41ivti:450;; ; , ' ,! CoAtirciiauflialcen, ~rl o l o: 'Sig. -'1 )4 1 4tiria .. ,E14mti- ' -i 11 90 *1 4:-.': erlit says i r r , , Blerey,4ol _ Atritamiroi'q msoess oirrpio- iiiir ,- t:i 'I% Tfirtv4age 4 ('. 11 *. , '. 1 ~.--. rd - a - greEtt-itit ' 2 - I. ..,'" -•-• • ~.- , --104.--, , ,,,.. Hill a,laqaing I itousiratikeric,bd solastiwi:'N • 0-. s p..- -7-„‘-i e•L'''' 1 iP-Tf" -- irt;! l .,, t i-il ir , -;T:crSOTAttI44K-4: '6VottrP lis-"i ' iritaiiiit.,_` , 4llf, -.;!,," ~-.. . r 'fil. ihe' PlaidAk; l *** . . , :f3..i ' 4 ;0P ,,, ;:p -, *F. ,- .4=li., ,,, ' . q•A'§' 111 ,01 1 ::fimotito. - - "-)1.114.1i6+.41; ‘ktAntvi. tell Aile gUsfm. ,!%. gprierai 411 - 50, .dsmi not,lntrtxll4 arp'Rint-01-4101 41;5rpar..0.7264 ligl7 I: 4 " 6 ll .quaYtf Ft . ternel hg, di ' `q744ll,"Ltgeritn, ihe • -A 47-c.1 4 .1-nrigni:ii CA l ParPrd l : ( l9l l l. o l 1 - Xr. - 9d„'wherwri ,c - f acii‘iifhti."-' At asiteir4lktiani(es. ez1.9,111r-m_odlerr I $C , e I2' It Ganes toi;fia ta-eaCielas. ,a Ii: A,Ar -- r t 4ii ac 4 3:." - Ilaili;tiln' 3li rt rAmtbo it; - tag. y f i rs tv i ,* ool l4l :.'etst a tir ll ,ye i ar ' 1 I . 110.4110 - ril= t li‘':‘ I I P Wi t fiL 1 1. , ,r4f,==.4.-.3' I. 4l i mmiz ..tAizr ~,,,-,44*,:ef :„.,,, i , „„, .... 'd~~' ! - -,t , ,1? - Ai.':, , E. -- ofi' - ,', -, '! FMETM ••• •: dk - - iiti,7 - iff#4.l.7 t . 7 11. 4,3 ef-0 14 • a Ptk l a tilt* r_ i n tn; Tnnin,,.` 31' tkd ; , vidojimi xa b, . • `1416044. - • ." tit ~~ K~~~'~~p
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers