The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, July 19, 1849, Image 4

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    . iind Fattening Doniestic
Aiihnatti.. - f
- briAihg, -keeping and fat
animals is too nitieh:ileglec
4"'Stateiti: Ilevi"- pi aetieitl
,e, tmige to take hold cf.:the
ii ng subjects of comparative
, in l 37 , ,PlYsi° l gY 4 1 4,9%4N0,9 Chgglistr,Y,
ad f
4tcikolitte .. typos°. 'to tindeMand the
_ ~orßutism y..whicii . giass, .hay, grain
oots are tranaformed into beef;-mutton,
Autter,,,cheetelnadmeo,L , .1114. natural
finery- for :effecting ? these important
Tes of vegetable into animal substanc
'es to lbe \ stndied,c with ,great, earn
to make the:Most Of the food•consumed
'r'ery: animal kept on the farm. There is
;Pat has itOached yield- .
lel:welt prv.4nct in flesh, milk or wool,
ie aliment consumed - in. the Course of
1 title. i . All are fed ttnequally-totne
-too much and 'sometimes., too little ;
tith,iithey suffer from food more defec
quality Omit deficient in quantity.-
4WD sees store pigs
~ 1., the dung nf
'd.' fatting llog . ; and Ili thiC:eityi'haif
d cows voraciously devour the solid
iouts:of, corn-fed carriage, horses. ~,„ In
iiiiiiii4l4 ace * commonly . undeicled
three-fourths of their lives, and over-.
outlier. - , ,to r it! •so that in the aggregate
ore - than..; one-half as much met i s
.4 to from the food-taken into the atom --1
1: pigs as might have been'forrned. .-.
anituals l demando . .certain quantity of
matter tepref t e pie thew in iik 401113n1
on, or to prevent their losing weight
cluing poor and poorer. In all eases
the object is to form meat, it is bad
y !to keep anirmils-:; for weeks sand
i:;'as thousands of farmers do, without
_ - apound offfeah, althOugh they neces
-- .
consume a'large amount of food.—
. 1
i.rMS. the manure ; i. e. 100 11.. v.. of
atter taken into the stomach yield 40
dung , yard and urine, and no
If - we :feed 4 nincli above . the point
i al_nutrition a portion of the alinint
enter the lacteal vessels which sur
the alimentary canal, and througl -
ligestyd matter passes into the l•lood
to nourish the system. This excess
, whether partially digested or not.
n through the-bowels and Appears - 6s 1
if dung. There is always an immense
seeking, to make animals excessively
If course,.when two or flue prices-are
for such beef, mutton or .pork, the
! I,
he waste of food, is paid by the. con
' Our object is to develope the. true
of making, ;meat, of the
tiler it is sold or consumed by - the
r. This consists in providing a relia
ly of suitable food, so that the arti
m its_ hirth to the day of its beinr .
red, should sfrulily gain in weight.
as it is adding to the length and
is bones and intiscles- ,--gowing—its
will be little 4yylined to take on fat,
ver-fed. Excessive stuffing and no
bring the developement of bone
le to a prernature ripeness. They
• ,expand„ and you have a fat
ket china pig Habitual starving
bring the carcass to maturity before,
to its proper size. Skilful 'feeding
hat one never gives too much nor too
id has the food well adapted to th
'on amihribits of the animal, whether
sheep. cow or swine.
system of feedin g is not as - Pa 4 , a.:
ay imagine; forllie quwitity of ;*ram
I grow on a given number of acres
ii . e and meadow in a dry or wet season
lilacqual. Hence, in the one case the
+ill have more feed than stock :- and
'then more stock than feed. If
. t 'err in the matter, it is usually
liaise an -excess, -rather, than a de
f ftirßge. Grass left to rot on the
' ii a pasture or meadow is far frOni
:t. It improves the suit
aving taken all due pains to make
es,oegrass and corn grow where
: of either grew lx;fore, the stet+
ould study Closely the business of
; domestic animals. The leading
.-- \ art and science is, to select - tlic
--- and females from which_to propa
*trprove the race. This rule applies
t' i'eqiiinc, boVine, ovine and -swine
.In each genus there are several
ere.. .are numerous breeds; avid,, in
-breeds not a feW varieties. 'lds
otir duty to
. attompt to Write' Up
or. breed of anitinds. , , whether of
f ion
f to
, I
ss in
i Inter.
`, ct
roctu. , :
le sup
tal f .
, augh
o lo g
ze of
*ll ma!
...ase to
a pt
ill also
t Lae: al
ma m
at fii
river ii
le 'mu
ly on .
'slyer 8
•,._ an
to and
ko to
e, h.
_ rses, hogs, or sheep, and to write
~ , , er. Practical farmers know beat
hattin. of stock will suit their land and,
• _ ets. Our advice,, if offered, would be
to as I kely to miss as to hit the wants of
o raid . , There is more difference iu the
ntrof eeds than many are willlng, to ad
t,,alid 1 -.than some hreeders of improved
els' ..- - A yearling of the short horn
. 4:, et : n Lf,t mouths old, was weighed
ihis,rti • ~ .la few days since, and -brought
675 pkiunds. This heifer which .' , -,tas
i" &Os the oipri ng• of Mr' Cars irtiPor
- nii. :'•,. nOther 'heifer of the smile Allay
Tibia 'lB lhc-•• ,whea 15 months : old.--
e. Mot . erfof 'the ,calfifusst named belongs •
the lad With 'who m tho scrit, q , h o yd s ;.
. , , .. ' tale on* t prets some 20 queit s
41:et, ' a: d'ay- 'Them are. Devons near
re from the herd of Li. :Fr ALLEM, Fig.,
iidritie nekatimiredlor then beauty:
fr lhe 'Nies i relegrapit'or May : 2, , l';'ilublished
...-,44:140 ~,, Say#. that t. grown grown ji that
4.4,44 seat 0 ,New :York ' mirket. has
Might * 25 a fleece this season. Men are
=i , 1 -I 'floclisiti *es:lean ',Eltates, Vi -
::: C littd - filrloe . to 'once" (Atli
' l ,ri-liiits ti extv , Sheep 41/26-
)epaping to ( , exeite, cousidom9
the ebuth. arid eolith-m.4s -.rl
0 Nve:do; atat this It,pliblie, ,is
tjoy great krosperity' during the
t. - s, and`receire large accessions to
'pn_and , ', wealth from "Euro, the
good ;breeding aninials '-crill . be
t` quite remunerating prices.--'
a7 O .
t ten le
rand 'for
y and
!w-i"*ll:take Llue„p ajas„to tin 4( 4.
, pro is
cows, Sheep ,homes and , swink,•eannot fail to
be welPpiiid4b'r his i'ronble.—Genesee Far.
, I
' • _
PgedlitiladrhianagunpOrhlOh Cows.
Ttit 4 ;rtig,s6rrparlienfarly' . ilii 'Clcivirs,:xre„..),
the beet . sufanier. food.: -Al9l6.ll:tihek,'„lAgl, n
to faii,4lm . defiCiency . may bestipplied by '
green k ,Corp,,!..4loll' iii:NrylWeet, and gro
duces' a large : iiiiiii . titS,7, of gt:, .4,,' Of ! 'e'xce,lkat
quality. , oTheto s ps. of beets, carrots,..parsnips
and cabbage and. turukpj..9ar,,, ate, gcotl,, T .
Pumpkins, apples,. and ro4s,-11* he kivila
as , the 4130d:fails:. Give only a ' few.4:first
.opecially , appleS, anst.gtadnally..ilamo64,
'Roots ttro:of,,great impratanoctOyheakegr,
are ikept-oaltirrinddttr. , st , Potat, ct*roti,
beetsl itit#i) . Orkitlis,-itrtiehokis stria" V6 . gii-:
talilei Oisters, 10 good. !The last three and
cabbage, and tupidpailteliplgood in the ground
throngletbki.wintet, , and are nail - fine in
the. spritt,g,!::before the grassiitarts! '
.•. -,
Potatbe.l produce a great tknt of milk,
but itAhltits gi-ifttrit , l',i." ffittlectiditiu meal
is gOod Witll
th;m, to ke'p up thci flesh ajld
give.' 0400 !t 9 ..t4 13 4,; and ihis is the
case with beets and rao4 kinds ig turnips,
as. they teilf 111#415• tii fm - *.' 4. little pit
meal or: la ;cxeell nt,, , ,in additiolV to
I t
.the Indian, meal, to keep .find healthy eon
dition,, and .imparta - rich , itality to 'I tile. milk,
and gives a lively gloss t tholhair of cattle,
and softness 414itliattcy; .tlLs skin, ,‘;'
in .all , cases.nfthigh feeding in winter Tier
tienlarlywhen cows have but few-tobts, short
or .tran itro - eicellent - to uptuote I digestion
affil ''keep) 'the, ' lioWAs . O en. Thee pints
each of oil aad !Indian I#C:AI, or *4vo quarts
of one and one snarl, of tbe.Other, is as Midi
feed . iu thesb”iikieles.,' *!bOtrsf shOuld ever
have.' 1 Qu . shOrts, heap avid. rOots,.. they tu)iy
be fed .tbcyally. Four quarts of Indiatitneal,
in a lonsf , _rim, will dry up and spoil Ile, best
cows, so that4hey will never recover. . •
Carrots nrilimiinir the very 'ho
the for
Willettcows, 'irodueing A good but not very
great iness , Zif 'rick: milk,: :and ° 1,..0 ping the
-ow irk.. god health. Parsnips ai.e ne,o
- sadie. lluta-bagas are rather r-:.c . i.i, a: id
keep up the . condition. To prevent any un
pleasantAtiste„,in the milk from fe_etling tur
nips, use Salt freely on them, and milk nivbt
and mornini2; rbefore. feeding %‘ itli I u nil ps.—
Calsbire turnip, (or turnip-rooted-cal:I q.,,,.e
-bellow-grOund,) , has. no such ,efi1.t....-.l4.r*L
-mertbie7.-..rt(rret-qa,'-'is-r-i.,i , exi in the sa. tne -why
and melds a; Innen inure.
, Some keep
,cows in the barn, by . night, in
the warm' season. They are s.t.ed - from
storms,4 and more manure is saved: There
should be good ventilatlon in hot wdather.—
Cow_. arc much lktter for being kept in the
barn, nearly all the time hi cold wtlather.-- -
To - drink i freely of •c.,:ld water,- and then
stand half 'chilled to death, is highly injuri
ous. Pitt they. should go out a litt".le, while
daily, in favoraLle weather, and be 7li' . .v , fi
around gently, for exercise. luactioa ii deatli
to all the mutual race . - . ,
Cows and °tiler cattle arc badly managed.
Thcy tare not thatrred, in short days, until
ten o'clock in tho morning awl 111 it lii,t
chance for drinking is -about four in the
evening. Thus they go sixteen hyurs ith
out drink, hndixlatring that time they take
nearly all their food, which i iv 4, dry a
husk. They sitlYer to l a n•reat degree from,
thirs4an4l then think w excess. Asa remode
file qattk a pars of thfCir breakfast. and then
watelithem, and neater" them again...after
ishing their inot'ning Inca! ; raid if lfept np.
wfater at noon, and at night. If it be to,.
ue trouble to take- good care of 440ek,.
keep l s and they b.;, , 3'3 plCAlletiVt•
al more profitable; if well Inntriged.•We
f 4.:11 ; (.. , .ep that had c.)rig.airt at.e.e . .s..s- to
v.lll . lin Corlit or rod-, :tad after
c: Leer thirty or forty 1Li11111.1tr!S in the nturu
iu r, the would all go ainl drink.
; Mitch eu‘v~ are inureil by 1.)...•ing driven
fst to pasture, cpeeially in hot weather, and
stpll more if, liurri , , , d I , v• tli•l,7l'.fhtleAS
SMOkilt# ROI111.0e;3 , 11R,111e - itOt.
informi i ...d by a (4autl.inian of
iff,'„ acquaintance, that li„' had, stiipiicdillis
1, >:atoes.front rottin4f, m y smoking 4,l l ex ti ._
After tli2 pozatue , .• wire du, and iplae..A in
the cellar; tan .nut . eellar;)
smote "and. chntinuod, it eig,ht or' . .,+.c.n days,
when th,e,alfec,ed [At t: up, ow nit
of the pi,tntA)e. reinained :sound. *th.l got.Nl
through thif winter, n•Tite-remeilt-i was clis
-ebl-o'red-'1,51-platin iireg-iti
i4g-:7414m44.-ater.l,y,letrr..whic4 l'*ts!
that the potatoes had stuppod.rdttliq.
says 110 hai , ,tricd the e;*-rerinieut f4r two or
tliree vears''Vast,. and . has, tibre,t r tl f ftit l n ,to
tin :nrr t .t*ting inigleaiticcl r y O.
P. 1.("--Grfen Bay. 184`•14 •
- . Tut Irwo'; SliSfg,NIS OF F xusti No .i.---1: nder
a low , standardi bfka:y,rieulture, tht4hjoet ofj
f ' the *net ritkO . 'collect the' tiatiir i ;dliroduce
I of the soil Wit 4 4.1.1,3 eNpenqitiiiii of as littl,..
1 looney or litx) ;.as _pwiga., 'lut, uNler a
i i ,
high standard licies iu.ti , gradge.expease of
thbof'tior .or v:ri artiii4 •• itr 'th‘dflrilto .obtain a i
1 . •.- , , ? , r— ‘ l . 4 • ..
~ p rpp9.r. t PiiO4
,iilCANlll.qp . 'Air
. 4.krit0if.,...y414, he
studies to oVt . aia this by eulti.iatury crops
Atorytenial to the. .soil:hy ~ growing iliein in 1
P ,
lisuek-ordei that its natural powe- shall be I
tamed to the best *l4;i4a,, , te c - • ''''t.''' I • ' '
7-,r - ti !:-. ~..-,1_;., ' , ;:r.:e-. - , , t , ' ...-.
, r7-1,.i , Alut - , ',4 1 •!
P. 11 9,4gre"A.-- 1 4r04 , 4 6i 1it? '
44-i l4, 64! ai
ree,tly or-Indirekay i l to the puttritimi,and
tenrence `aninfal life; the larnik 'And the
kid feed upon'lttifh . ifte - ,Alle'qii.e . te:gcr;ytti of
thol-soil • aliet re o q: l t4iwNpr.l
fe:9cl upon the latht and the kid—tlms i g.hey
detivo their icood-lidird(.tt."3 , from
- ";"1"tig Itiotititaii4of gegari' in Altti,ia ilwo
dPke, fraill*O4P
toilk4 pi: gee*. r • . 11 -‘ 1 4 0 4 111 .Yr . 4, oMilf4m,
which iia the earl ages sold for, its,
go ld . 4 ••A
To NA*P. HOD MATER StA-r,l=Mhile
the Wateris.he.i/fing;:*. :brasllthrtgOriviteht
bran put this iuto iht.plate into.ithe 4ter
and when hot enough to use it will be soft.
i FrEAS.,,rilinntl'itireeio-:a; - ,fresla slit
I.l:Ailied ail for stile hi' ':"'d' I.
, VisOLASSE T S SYRUP at only-1374 ci414 ,. 01:'4711-
-1 lonSad side by . ,-- ~ ,, .1 1;z; ', J. Ll.,Olse b. •
V INEGATLI--good Yilip4ltrjor,&il`c
I)ARASOLS at only cents tix sale .by
' • L 1"021-S.
, - -
RAGS at the Montro,e Book
11 1 / 4 44!StreiVr • t •€.slt.rsill j ..i&lnis,%l6 .o _
ZeTTIIP...S at Mitieflis, .s.ladveU,..BAe
-&-Inv iarqby ~*. * J. Lllllat.pi cents per yard; -Freueh ginglanas
I i:entsq lawn tirv..i4i pat ternsat I,2s—ram:l
tenon. J. LYONS.. ,
and cießries, and har4-
NW,* fast 4)pened atyl'fik sale by
191 •rl.•" - • • a l
rIROCERIF I S.--is fresh supply, with:'the cheap ,
‘.14 est-WU:LE sate by J. 'LYONS.
ETS, ns3, artthat ' avers, rnQhe:Ac.
_tV:I4I4 I4 M ) " t 49 ittar`;; 4 4)14: 1 0IONs•
SEEDS--large - Stock,
• Tiled (Or sale by • J. lif-ONA,
CLOVER agED of, the Buie andrriedium kinds
and tillllogiy SPOSI ityr Fulpt4y
New Milford.
Alf AOICEREL. !lila feu titilln;s
+IL just received vatfor :sale by J. LYONS.
May 15. 1849.
A Lnrge lot of 'Gina:hams, Printi, Broadcloths,
/ V CassimerB, Boots wad ; Shoes, etc., for rile at
cost for Cash if offered soon; by . .
May 4, 1849. , ROSES SIMPSON.
ys in
1 765.,at , 117 li . t, l is - i' - IAiT IP.PL, 01,iS, ror 0n1y.,*475, -R,B.ELL 'S°
rip moray and Clover Seed, for Mlle by - -
4 _ILI itlii . ~ II SAYRK
fl'llTol i fl - t'§tEbf;i7sateby------------ ---
J. LYON'S. .
. ,_,.....,..ii
XXTIXITE and - Vile,ic Beet Seed, for alife - by Are
TT pound ur 2 tlierwise, at the
_ .„.... ,.ARCAD8...
A:SOL - ES at 1.-4 - . es.ot l yer ponli,l'uisal,l tV
—a 9 j..LVoNB—
4):11.1„,:5,9„91,4NT„ •
ria."..tru. Fork and Erie Rail Raul
APT. L. 0. Tithuly and' Walter ~'ollet lines
fornied'a partnership Tor the tranwortatioh of
frbiglit and tirodure of all kinds:, between Great
POO and New York by the Itailroad,bv the regu
lar Freight line: . which . leave 3 Great fiend every
morning. at Si o'clock. • .
Cap:ain Tiirany, n fin Ka: been for a number of
Setal , l•r)grlZeil it the iThrehn-e and sdle u 1 proquee
m the New ork markets, mill 'remain m New
~,ix.l44,lierstaiwyjgicatiptiato dir
N.l; of all property eaninatt.teg.t l ootatcare t anft T li *e
retwm, an soon ainA pro arty i.4,4l.tipoliefl or. ./
bar. F. 4
14A win at..lfont.rose aral O t pat Delia
alternately.. Oraurs, ;trumportati(T Lif
TrOght, may `be sent t(4 . hint tti either plm•c I:tuti
receive prquipt attention. Our ultargir4 over
the rogalarileight will be a snnill cumuli-mon.
htontru , c, M v','4J. WALTttt FOLLET
FH Partnership tinder the firm of P. D.`(711 in
cller & Co., has been 'by . ninfual
serlt. The books mid amounts are iuthe In'nds or
R. W. Itose and R. C.Simpsod, tither of whom will
settle all the buiness of the late firm. 'Those in
debted will see the propriety of settling their ac
counts ason es poszible. F. it. CIP.I.VDLEE..
E. W. ROSE.' ..
outro , e, .llay 4 1349
TT AV INa purchased the niteregt of F.B. Mend
ilk ler in the business lately carried on by F. B.
• Chauriler Cc.. the subscribers Ayoub} invite the
attention of purchasers to their stock of Stoves,
Tin ware, Dr 2. Goods, tirocerie.4, third wafe„ Boot,
and Slues &C., feeling assortsLthat they cart
ruid . will sell any part of theirstock, at least as low
as the same quantity of (foods can be boutzlit out
New York. Call raid see us- before purchasinr. , ,.
if von ward to save rya,:..',. E. W. ItoShl.
May 4, 1:,19. K. C. SIIIPSON.
rPFIE Book ~tore rian.,vud to the StOre for
merly oecupie 4 l by Nie.:,:r•bllerrill Case as a
fiat Store, one ;17.1r als;ve Searle's Hotel, where has
just been 'received a variety of new Boolts, among
which are
itcp.raali of Nitievelt, ,
The Wuaitar of .. the
The-Fainily 13ook, by Anderson,
Life of Cromwell,, by Headly, • _
The Happy- Home, by Rey. J,
6112 all asp valnabt article_
Large Family Bibles, from )3 ; 1. to G.
Water Drops, by Mrs. Sirrourney,
7sl. , rry's llasen•n,
The Alrtr , ...aii Farai
Leibig's Agricultural cheints . try,
Family lidtelkyn (: ; ;rAner,"
American Fru!? 804.,
Thomas Fruit Crilturi.t,
Colitp4neOettlerimand • k •
Sequ.,l to the ..)lysteries strildNi , eries of N. York.
common :School Speaker,
ruiney's French Grammar tuul Reader, ••
Baiiion 7 a , Greelt Grammar, - •
;nunnure's Survevnig.,
• Davies' , • ,
' llactuleye History:. of England. 25. cent edition.
. kir,tvliouit Culapiete. Furrier. and •Horse Doctor,
'llung•t tf un I SI- NE7 Rilinig I id% •
.14eady - Ref . kOng • • •
of-tli.eUnited States,
do • • Wonders, of the.-Worhl.
• ; do T,riast.triy. of Knowledge.,
. do ilistorycif the Amen Bevoltttion.
do Sunday , Bonk,
A large aii•iortraent ofilt,,sxx Boma of almost ev
cry description as•to• size and shape--
Writing: Vi rapping. I'oct Office, and Letter Pa
per. [if the quire or ream,- • -•• .
- Quills. Ink,Plain and Fancy Buvelopes;Fireboard
Papers, A:c., : ,
A good aosortment of tFashionablrfFtwriSilk Ireeg
horn mei l'ulroleaf -HATS, just from the eity—
Likewile, CAPS:of% ilerlayrrrAß
- 137ofits, and . trigol?
" • ' (TRW IitILLA.-
MOiltrOgP, 'May' 4849.' • • '•*'; •
. . . . . . .
• x • . Notice •, - . , •-,
- - ' ' '. ''Utl CDs.
irs:lpirO. s ig iv w ;of. the : Disso im
.9, . Dayton.
I.4liti'k4.i's Partneribip In the , liadroaa,
Frei 1 Pmuidislit? bf}fifle4 3 ,lt)Y, , ,t4q Xvtarement
o,ord f Nriiliktm Dayton from thg s4±(l , co:linxii_ly.
, i'itt-teirt , Aprii ; :inC" 'Ai6t.T . A.WON,O
Or. tku g t.mEnav PAc - rqalu., . fox, 164;es of
the Lungs, is an arfiele of gre:at inthlit; 'anti w'high
ly recomnsoittectitanorofteminenen 'in th medi
ea) profeTioar There.* , no tmaekery-a)x)utit - . See
advertisement iii anotiterirebann 4 t - 4 ~! 1 , -P .C:
,1,--,,-. !,-, , -i ,:' A:. TtillitELl 4 Agent.i Montrose.
r ' I 7' !: 7, - ' 7777 ' 717-7 1 . tiiiiitiiii 7 ' 7 .7 ' . ' ; '' I .
4 FULL assortment of l Plhtigfii , of the'v.icitf fit
illi_pr,uo ved patterns of Mintrti:lb Willi Bitigitittriton
m an
f. ture. and eastliOci:j4 ' , feiieivOviiiiA' for
saltvit , ,ity.!trrifrieity . tt , s v As, &WT.
T 1 ,4,9, 4 %.-APEht
4- -- AOH)I4,?_" 411...4.Twed-• it‘ ( iiiii - e - g
AIL rmwidcbtstlitoAlif etilmie)f Hiram F.
I ifate;Jatti.. of. Forert. Lake r Attoca are. „re
q nes to make inimediate li:tying:i pedit; Act 1 those
haying omann.p
ds*t said estate to prelient them
tel e
duly- a sted fur settlement ..' - .' '
0. MOTT, jr., Aduir,
Ay ilst-o
11 -0 CollloloilP#llllll . *UM entirely Nqw Rlan. '•
FTIFT.'S 3I 47P 4 dgeideo t°J)e be 4 -gwe manse,
• 41-,,,14....)1402Nci1di1iv:.tz04.i, and, by most
"e4ieriene.V4 l kelOrs•
',.l.t . f o islkre,iirole.etions against the beC npfpth'Hlst,
eticltt°4 l s2;m 3 i l, o '4 1 4 zloty hatch
under tt i r kis, go coliginete.4 thit
. .kulopt crawl . abovinie . hottoiii
3tl; t 14 rOgin 440 6;
• Mihist4, by'renitlyi g nriglitT
the Fiats, anti tura* . piebco in upon e6fitre,
t;iiffteieut to keei), }h& 'cijimb e k iv'Orca With•the 'bees
airtito the , the heel int rote'et
'. comb frol.u.ile
•thi.i Hive, e'l.n be uwd c..r, rirvarnah4 of a min
perilletlY; igrn'Oe construction, and
fly cs the bees :uhp - i . e . 'rOm for all tfm marl;, 'at the
tiMe, so thAt they never IskY out.on the
onl.gde of the hive. , •
The, tee n s inero* Our& in.d4in this
then in thd other I:ll49,tuicinmkeiwiee'tbe.a.Moutit
ot hoilAy•
The old etimh, , tit :toe romovesl At any time with
1 t y l f e ty,l.witafthy, 9,1 046 separate (liawers box- .
ICs in txmtitinetk: witliOut "dtsturhttig the
' Work of the be e s beh w.
. ,
The stibienllers bisvin littreltyLled the ?VA for
thi,valuableiMpiovement•Tor §,‘.49 . nebaunaldunty,
Offer for. Silk 10dlyia010',110a. tofilat' A
model of, this tryly etmtrivanee may lie
seen at the s,t9i'e 44 . 4, Monticve.., who
will exillain 'lts'adyntit4e4 Inktt is authdrize& to
make contra4ts, :4110 84t1-;ar L . Fights-
W.V.,'BRADLtY (1... CO.
Great Bend, May 1t449.
Those , Ot Jithnnesd, , lllead;'
LTA - VINO established hiniself in this Village;
11 and haring employed experienced workmen,
the subscriber wciuld give. notice that he is prvared
to do all of house and Sign paintiqc,lpapor
hanging, graining, Oozing (Jarrow° .fnuntuig,
.gildingand ormenental pamtmgs; etc.; all-of which
will be done on shbrt notice.; Mkt in-thelot& styles
John tram the Country promptly attimded—
Shop over J.T.- BircharWs:lkirpenter shop, •tt few
doors east of Warnertk 'Toter Try vs.
Montrose.-April 28,1144. DANIEL CLARK.
New Goods Aga.LOC! •
IrtYST receiving iutidlitrr large and splendastOck
ItY of Dry Ouoik, procerim Ilardware, Saddleiy:
Iron, Oro(*ers, potluck, Ribbons, ElOwere.
Plover 4 Tiniiithy seed, 'Codfish (1.; Xacker°l; dhlot ,
SiMes, Patin,. Leglioto tt.Straw Hats, Fur
Ilafs, spring 'alma sianaier styles, Glass WiMlow
Siv.h, Lamp, Linsedd Tanners Oil, White 4 Re.l
Lead &v. thau4l.le cheapest at Mont
rose it Springville. ,
April 25, 1844. • 'OW
New Store and New Goods.- -
THE tinilerifitfued 'bare enteral 'into copartner
ship in the above 'tneaine.4, and har e juiet re
': 'turnoff from New, York With ftri onfire - itew "stnek of
Inproffittiki*Miurinitsiz-tidstrisi ovatik articlo finuallkoftit
eft form 'a leountry •ntiult: witieb nro of n
first rite quality, 'add Wilt b FiuM fir toady pity or
npproved tort Vrt , baklqiit thi4 Fide
' of .Now York. DAVIDS ttlll NI F,RS,
SuthinernvAle, 10ft TRACY HAYDEN. i
Gold this side of California:
Gfoecry, o:m . 6.66:guru mid O y strr Saloom
THE railread being completed. I now have, and
keep ageneral as..isortinent of groceries cheap
--such us sugars, 111.011.1:35(...S. rice, coffee and teas, of
price.' and quality such as will Ova's. Also, nuts,
raisins, candy and all ldinlS of fruit Llarlivt can
furnish my buyers to snit. Also, fresh clam. znsl.
ousters received in the' shell fn--h fish too. this
weather—they keep very well-1 shall gc. by the
railroad a weekly supply—to please all iny,custo
iners'-tasteg I shall try. (;mod oy4ter. on hand.lty
the keg or the. lisp—served up either raw ur cook-.
you wish All .Iv-1 r,U - e-luneatA pt.:Ta
red at a wink—call in, all ye hungry. and plank
down the chink. VIM.
ree. t Bent!, Feb. 13.
Railroad Freight audCotaluitisioz2
r r lIE sul)-eril,m 4 having complete& their arrange
." nients are now ready to receive all kind,. of
pr.xluee at the railroad depot in Binghamton and
forward it to New York and 'make ,tale of the
Capt.lhun Clark (who has liad a number. of
ve t ics e xperi e nce in the wale ofproduce in the New
York market) will attend to the .tale of nil prop
erty eatrusted to our care, which 'will enable per
sn,: forwarding by this company always to recover
the highest market price for their prthluce.
Our charg . cs over the regular i . eight twill be a
small comnosAion for sale.
The returns will be paid at the; store of r., M.
Stowers in Binghamton, ur in Nexti York if requi
red. M. sTowERs,
'Will. CLANK,'
liinghnminn, Jan. 1. 1.549
:it, T. dr. E. Railroad Freiwlitloilie.
Stephens and Thompson's Ifrorwardin ! , He , from
reat Bend—C.lo..l. Ir. T
QTEPHENSItt THOMi'6()N will f..rward fry t tit
from (3reat. Bend to New York b 7 Railroad
by the regular, friagla , line which fcaves Great
.Bend every tuoruitig at 8 o'clock and 30' minutds.
George IV. Stephens will remain at Great Bend
aud foriviad all produce entrusted to this Gompany
and pay the realm, for the E. at n e at the railroad
office. Capt. J. W. Thonarman 'trill remain iu New
York and give personal atbaititiu tit the sales
aßilmake rams us soon as the produce is dispo
sed,of.. Thi. company
. thitter themselves kly hay
ing a salesman in New: York - who has Lm:fin the
friaghttrig bu s itiess for a isumber of years from Or
auge,cotiiity, that they cao give as good satisfac
tion as any on the railroad. A liberal advance. will
.hivrpoidevo..freightAleliyeireA at the•depot if .desti.
, Gt(/' W. STSPHENS, Great Bend,
. J. W. THOMPSON, New York.
Great Bend, ai
•., . • New -Hat and . Cniv Ste re ,
TUE citizen; of Mentrcf-e ;nal vicinity are re
' X ,spettfrilfy infertile.] that the'subseribcrs have
counneheed 'the nliitinOctiire'of atits Mid Caps; t - Wo
dace:4loo* the'`Variner'ssfor6; - Aliere' , o4 1:04
' evitietznitiv„ on band and' fel. :silo ' ii:gyneral a-sort
Went Orifirtt Mid`rapii 'Off eVeiy reinety, andpitCe.
1 All';WhiliVish to, lyinvao;o! '.- Arstliii ii:driii.i. In Mir
''Oe,`are 4 ii.rifiiiltirtv'rniited . ti) g iti.,, ii , i IL 64 be n.°
i oti
ilurcliiising 4 - :Stockconsiiits blf ilea
veit,'Atritt, ?ti}krhire:', r' rush,Miile.. " c . ilt, Muskrat 'ln9d
'Mutt" Hitg" ‘aWi; 00411 iti;SPorthig; Wo° l Leg
bi;f6,BtraW'oadi,latideaf iint % at. &e . .,, .1:64E4,..,a
o. , :it vaiiefy oeldiii' ti& i i(Beys:'clothcand fuzed
' ClilA,'cliddrietilagf ilcg 4.ll&e.—in sh . ort, a tufere
- "tortot ' ivit et'ibi 4'd ' ' , flirt ' b ur'`
, a5_........ 10.. yer) le e..‘n riv e. ,
.- l!fic itirid,"atiehtibiXi,huAlpe..iw 4ml a desiie t.. 0
f in
I leav, is 4 • I'3' s
. iii 'ricer it r iirel:teebive a liberal inp-
I . it; :an tr` ''' ro' - 'flinse in yvtint , a•• Mali_ and - 041 s
' f l iit c reit '.! art' ii , 'W
,bePlde to ilcf 4 , tite ,, ' Oat
-44. allot lkiiiiciiiii, oriu6frOcle.'' . . _ ' ' . '
,'" Idlif 11 - 69: - -,rtIYIVE,D h li,ksvpMtb.
I „ L .,, i _ , ~.,.__, ,___ :;111 „, „ 1 ,;. , v_k_.
_.... j j r____,.._
i l'' ', " l Nevettietrilbilind 1101+ Piie,es. - 1
I : TT I 101:1111ITT iriLi , pub tgdittiii iii 4 generaVstti•
szkigiiplies,orktrifig eillaSumbiiir , tiwdd*, coirtp&,
;sir* El4?*ki;khdsith caMbreirerd cif , titbits,. prinQ
lawns; !guigharris;;efitrgiiibbilinerflustrektuld oth
livlndies! dtrektiikkidg.,/ '..Rietr 'printed taaienieie
ndfetlierlearriarei.lsliswiellett's ‘Suwerier weir',
broad cloths, fancy .I%.virneres, - kentlieky jean ,
tweeds, laiensi &mould iilso, - hismsuatiarge variety.
of goods for almost every , branch of trade iti the
country, to which•be ~w ould invite the attention o ,
cash purchasers in-particular, itnd will be sold as
1 cheap or less than the cheapeA fur cash, produce
or approved credit. Now Milford, m 2
- `N?: t e i t R I '
praise;as an articTe co rare e
calin ' ted to ' cure it. foln'
dm ivrizi ' other rinneitylitixil
- R ,a bib 'foTiciivitie fG,iti
full NIA lt-:--li ,I=rfroiii", iri
to ' ~iwit. Ping ilie.iu-iiis'a' la
befirie ifearil: ' " ' "
hr. J. V Smilhogo7oll9l ,
Sayitr- , "lt gives tiie.plitistur
batiOn of onigrualotheioelas
pq4e., If soy prepuratioit
the. i lungs, Chgrry.
The..aitor of the
speak: WWI «Ali:donee ;of its
Meofice , Cakp con Aiders-it.
excaence. Tor tlie!inost.fotin
in ws elitatitslimptiot
Rrof. dicuriand, of tso
I have, witnessed the effects
rid ut nay own failtil344iiiiia
it luts Oven gte . o.t satisfiktiin
luid+childrdn. "-•
York Oi'o. heaft
;si Tt ers:— gives ,e re to certify
in fitroi. of thustiful and truly allable rem
edy hi diseases of the Thnitr: j 4•
aloulreta.Conibe. 31.14;F 8: Phriciatt Extra
•wid; 'tar! , to lb* Queen of Aland, writes :—This
atew Mettler) Clunnital adds- ittherproof that.. the
sciene.eit,and arts are rapidly dvauctugin America.
This of - 7.,11 - cto •Fouridlanal
writto.' •
.41 . t a i lytteT .tp )4.
'fifideelliVlo'etititi - tif• 41 nitiet—"tr/Ifie
('herby 'Peet - and-and' ifany i eint: Too
reliefiWithilie blessing of G I Vint
741/. -Can erahan Jarrnal of 31e(1 cal, Srienre,"
etateC that "the pref.:tiling' •thma of this inclem
ent climate has 'yielded with liaising rapidity, to
Ayer l? fluqrre Peeoral, and •'e•caniiM °ugly
recommend skillfutprep. • mien to the Priites
sion rfid public genernily."- •
Thlf di.tinguished Petit EL
Collee of llddieirie, says, in t
This eiegani - cot
retnely - m lreatitig ilietitif tm
fly its skillful itso yon':cii"t i rk
often fei‘tli Mtrplising,rapitEtt;
dangerous altaCks of
If there I', air, value iWthc
her%• a remedy on whisk the
PreiNirol, J. C. AVER
snit! bly ABET. TlTR`liEtr;
ro=e. Pa.
Aptiil, 26, 184'9
New Daily Line
Retiree), irontrc..7e and
Ftouß I
_t_ (tizindays exce .
tune t9,,t4,11 the
bling-ifimt; 4 ligers ity'f 61411 X
toare firent
the card from New York. •
Cartiful and accommodating
teannytre employed ou
etora edge themsolve , : to tn.
make eir line pleasant and e
For seats apply in Searle's
Dayton Clark
i 1 rood Prf4ght and emane /.7s
- Bend..
THE Pulhvriben* lacing
niagoinent§, fire ItolV r
knals of predtice at Ow rnilr.
Pend, and fortsani it to New
(If the s ame, .
*Capp . , Win,. Clark (Who ha
years ekperienee in the: tale of
York twirl:et) will attend to t .i
erty entratetltio.tair care,
ferwlififfni - hy'thiseennilin .
the highrtt iniericet prier: for thl
Oar charge.. over rhi . , regu
small caounis*.iem:fi,r Gale.
'llu returns - wilt at
Dayton in Grea . peail or in Ne
V itifigo:.Los; fo,
THE st - ilheriber offers lots f
~hip of Groat Bend. in the
lYle. and directly oppo,ite tl:
Ben: himut atethik - be r ti,rtp:
kris railroad,, ,soul, the. (Ito:ma;
Turnpike, in •the A - alio , : of tln o •
Tho railroad cro,..ilis the said t o
t!illg4/ It. curvcillille t•Tarkf' , l l4l r
at the distance of a few ;; lituu
gromals gradually rii ? itig A tiboYo
jaace,)werloo4biag,fbcf, river eig
ley / compared with its healthy.,
A most desirable location for "hi:
The depotwouad „of ; the. ratilro4
located th - the.co44e :of it , rich , '
cultural dishict;•,sox.roundlig it o
its many roads centerhqiu, mitt
get; ombined, afford every . cid
populatiottl. iff E.
• • Ati'•griitit*lnt liffiree
•caii be brought frriiirihe...sit,*
jitiaing - the- deptit oAffith‘lifi the'
!jam- 1 4e s , ( 4 1 4 any. , machilietkyl,rettii
•••I GreaHletul. 6241;';' • •';
TunkiAl i Va troul, r9i
thi” fiiiiiiii: atirl pl!
e , ptryi i
formed a partnersiiito in `thb num
Shoe - makingtmllin_tr• 9
that by FltFiet ;Oteiipfyil sz 1. _
'M i ! ilbii`P.A4.o4Wtu.Y.i t Th t
l TN
A ti
'spi" iin '' Ilil'Viliag, 4
~, ,
. r, .-- t it.6,....,( z pprti
~ aN ~. , .. 1., ' mill
old cusib - or - drat .1..!11, ,
' ii,ii . tlisplan'le of part
settleillan PR ~ „
.7 - ,
holie'ivilf o,yitextpd t.9O_l,l•JA_P_
1 zWifte
WcoNfsf — E'ren6f44.44Oddiell
I" of VnidtsiirrelfilibWirtulrs
imer i atrdise,Tiorilhiiichl
bonnetltir 1164vatViViliels'
1011 be a't Ipeb'r~tee ti
_ - 41
NJ for !
Over A. 7
Keeler's i
an47f,ane.f .
'bv C)345.1.
L. Vebster'i; tip shop
. r" _. .. c
:., qr... _aquattned
41tfrithriiifaV l disetse
[ qi)il3 .- iilA• fcraire-',64-
„ 9f ' .11°*.n."reP4ii
cori ti?tilu!'ye iiiptr
phe Port of Boston,
is.heroffareil, to the
subdue4isease.s : of
Lnricet, says: , We can
atriasiolnerit... .... •
,reid#4ol:i etWeion
cinnixisiubn-of- rue
[ datati.type , of disease
in C'ollege, writes.:—
f. ..i?ur Cherry Peeto-
Ifiik my friends, and
j ittitiseskif both'iiailis
re, 'Of file AnleriCan
I•lecturc before lus
1 14 yo,n an initallinbx
-4 1: 4 e1eg:(Iftfle Tunis.
nriun 61ring, and
the `hi - )st vi:olentaha
- .
inignient - I
if the crisp,
.publie can depend.
24:14N.. and
'3lolit -
IGrart 'Rend.
are every
Ited) for foreat -13 end
lroatL cays aucl
'York tlics:l3rlc , eve-
(1 on the :trrival of
rivers nail firsi fate
k, .every exertion to
()tel, in Illontrose_
on Lille from Great
ttaplettql their at--
I ldv to receive all
depot' in Great
fork and make Fate
had a number of
votbace in the, New
e Pale of all prop
nable per :
riVrtivs tore f t4ve
oil.- produce.;
ft trt , Lrla v‘ili 1k a
' Ffor(; "of ' Ent.
if ftqulrc.':l.
, M. ia:Avir,
LF: El nsoll`.
r sale in tbe-t6wn
-11 g
yi C Nf..
,vilhige t of ( I ,lleat
',lle* ;Irth(l
tpike, thence run
tile 'with .the sum e
•eti, feet, witb the
railroad , ttutlAiirn
the ,beatttiftthiflll
iiniate,..rendm it
--aitupluv being
td .extenEiye
1 'other ardvkita
VT3 el.
rikter; 1 1-
in 4 6§falt
-‘ 'l' "4'l
,t i/SYJf ave
[tie: . Obliging anti
otter themselves
etop94rit sire
lupk ,
vty t9rf ,4 _ l3' axi ,9WaeAte
1044, A s Atopc
l i t may.
itag-sog ; chairs,
Airo doois shave
.; r,. ~t• r.. 4,14100 , 4).-MiItuANIFF,,. ,
, . , r. .
Read this C ltipn, f carefully.
-.) - Th.. h o i, Is - ati ittJ4r•wilw hi! titti4ifirigiil lawn
„icalleia,ol.llo . -hell! T n o poti•.l . ,Saifruyar .. .illii, ii ,is ta
.- raatitieir titt". •ittil , ' ••ailtil,' -4-e. ' iThte , w l a.l osintti •
litit:e . 94 1 icipr. Tor ! ac 4,lina lap...tuned Oren .., I. ) ° 0
eight years and , eitWeg• his Saiaaportna watch
:l infoNihlal t attl a chat* hand-reputalion-Abreigh tit not
~tl N twil.ll!ataa, awl EL gr ate: V4O of ;!!!'tt1.147.4' to ""
111 1011
ng anotahria:- '' ' - - 4 ' ' • '• ' • ' ' 1
iiiia iszeitati the eopi ity-ot'Ortaii usprineipp p men
4% 0 1 ,saan,wito Ilia otiose ugageil in peddling ohes i!
fliblielijohilfar a tiara ..i. or +rite: Thlo 'nem* 'naive
IA tift_Nb:Tow.Mtad, r II applital,tpta unutlier.oteteo to
et et2o6yapeet,ot)... i the uee,Orriie . iiintailo 'pet tip
- ;Del'olititikuld's! S ki: %ie , suiting the l'artelosie! and
H 1 11n$ W I /I " • C APO n l ad franatotiotu. ag tut, intipeopoont
to emblirlif iii' kite- heti . •AteOnt;'.'bthellite4pplie•l
%-.ochaelowatrours, ' •Ylskei Of the j a i rm i es ,F artns , T .
who acoattplauch a pro tu ition . Mr. U 41,..ANDREINS,
ormaily lone ''',Ort thar tailiNtinro at . genLISTERIS
. 1NT1114F4114 IRALT•II,,RPNIVAPYv,rwtWeI.4.-Casator
i ,T.
.., hd rieaneier pi' the Ii• 'Om: 'Nit itt Melte ltaatt4. at - v., AA .
~•tomaat NeW3.44traiyi J OW SNILXIVAN.. wee - wax.
, TH(MPSON„atteer the teuito of: TilOgl'ON. SKILL.
FAN ',e.t . d. hive ehiPloyati thla ''blilArinnr antPatr oe d ,
' ~witoete4eitatadti; to; pay him; seven,tiollarai per
i tr i coa,
,o g r,..t h e ty . e . • 5! .. f I!!._i_ . name
_ i t ,. .!:l:47l: re t i t r t i eL 1 . 1:71 4. 1.11 0 : „.. i 0 Ita.
• 1
. . . prriutiy; st'hisrityr iii:ielli tr.
iii i
', -r. ' ' . ' ' tine '.
'lie 'Petite ( . : '`'
1411.10.1'hiCifiiiiiilsitiati-ii:ti Superiority of this fiersaprr•
' 'over 011;;t1ther• tie , - oldei , ii, Mot .'while it emit.-
Atettiot the diteeie, it inetioretes • the body. -It hi one of
044i74f7. 1 1° . ..1 ,-. . , , . .'.., ', ,
1 i 4l,k# :It f..t z itiil),..l LiNpii.;ii ' 31!:14C 1 11 , 1F.S .
h/ g ritrtZteurir t i.atfi P l:; l l s t Vg.t * cl 'a i l i e m: Y ;: - :::
olidttliih Mood r e Owe, poss6csed. 1.14 - ati other laG ij.
cime. ~ LA6II f ist -tisk ,Itoo, tiT,gatiod .o...cret of it, a ai,,t,..
Nil 'success. It hes verfiermed Vf libill'Llie Ina MI? )..,•.
fiAiir, tit'in 'iiiii,iiiiiY4ures'ipf seirere enure of eib.0...: . 1
leissl, 15.000 were eousi4ored incurable: It nos sat,,„
the lives of-rrint?l,..tlisit 111,00111chil.itett the pact tau ~ ~
soak its the. City, or tie. iYot It iluue. - . `
..... . . „ ..
11 0 ,1U 0 0 tumid! of
I,, Grner.t. 1 ID *4,1 ILty and
- '" - -''' lirssiitt •( rie tome IS nergy , ~.
, .
Or: Triarasisuilearipipirillta istrienrateetlivrhol , ~«
'ante. perotaieutly; ,To .th Om fr oho bore bat., thou. I,:e,
colseesserry by, the Offers of pualieioe or', ,
eattittiitted it Villitti at . tt e exeesAire iedulgtnee of , ~
tissiewh'entlAdeoght.oo y physical prostration of t 1,..
. sorroiss: systeni! lassitude, wast of; ambisiou, biome
sensations, ..prentature decay alai decline • baste,i.,:
to4oras that •fatal disease Comoomptioo einclis eittirOr
restored by this pleas:tit remedy. This Sarsaparilla
ig fir superior to soy . • ,
flaairliagortaaisag Verdi:ll
/Lclt fillfrita tar ignirt sysiens.•ales.
,111‘ %Wu;
in a aroaCaa,uar,is4iaiiry egret
eviiii.smartiim . Carr!.
Ottiikit ...if - Stetnigthin. I Ciusaeskip lion ran be turn!.
Hroachitia, , . Cirnitomptai,i. toyer -Complaint. (.:./.1.,
Oatarr4,•47tilight, .Isth !1
11, -Spitting Blesod, Sol c.,. ~,,
ia_tbe Chest, Neale PI ish, , Night Striate, I.ll . lficult or .
Pinfuse Rzpeefurrition 'i•din ra MC . Sid., 4e., hurl'
ears aid CAM 5t •tin'tli • •
• .
till. has liven the menus,.
not life. I bare fur serer:
lie chtlae worse. illll.l war
a at , Wood, isain ti
doliilits tell nd reditreJ.‘ n i
'bite only used 'our Sal
there hay a - 'iroirles Cul ci s '
ant How ;dile -to w+dk all
blood tied my _cot:eh - B.
brine that I sitt thankful
diem -servant,
• • ---- erA
This is nut, nnr, of iwvr.
:.tij‘. l 4. 9 taiSh% that Dr. Tows
he most @sive nuJ eluou i
hr eitruniaiiihry *virtur.E
JO MC. C{{.6 i I. Lie AR .
spoh t,o or ib 11'0 ribirotr t",.
HI rkd
Dr l'irromia . aif' ! --Dfoorl . Sir :
fn tt ill tfin lioei
Lco ont,
tri•asisig pains: and toy lint
Imre tiled four bottles of y 111
- 6 °
u I Ibis fat ske
I • o
coOrs reripeeil
n 5 . ~....,
....„...,...,:. ,
1....—_,,,:,„. 7 ,,
-, ..e".. - - , 7treiiih. ,291 , • 1
-: i . .
- 'Frannie 211tediclue. • '
ht Ilr—r,o n scod:sr:F3sessi t o.rta is.a ..loseref...7 and ,sp- ,. :
:1; ~:rf:' r!..r — itiNlFiekt , COI: titse):lieii 'Fisrr:lialiesr. Pro.
1::: , :zio Iti:.ri 'ai 'Ph Ilini: Or /10 VI titot , h .ro.tite tt os s , rib...
I .enciolhoga,Switilitos,' , :obtotkleteil or ilitlleolt,Menstroa
i iAl t , losooli a qacg at yri Jpe. or involcostory disch,‘l . ip
thereof, nod liiiilil iqini - al IsrOstrution of tloi sy:.totO--
no Inhtter'oginthei the tes . rtlf f init . :tr.:kit cettse, or etio,:a
pc:lanced-Ili irVeztilarity: ill 'esti .or. anehlenl.. lViato•tg
coo It® snore sttivii*lttttatiltl, to itttligorotionf. f Meets urn
the litannio trail:a.. 'PeKso . o4 . ;ill and in...itad.:
'filito taltitt.tilt APtina.. - bi , c.niii I rotiOsti;litr fti‘t of everev
uittlor its: inthannen. It in: netliately cotottorttets tht.
nervelet.ttees of the retool. t tract.,, whin!: in i the et....t
entbot Of . tarreutess. It will not tie estotetett :7 :‘,.
$0 c0'''.. , , , pr1?;.1i1t , c,ate, , ,,t0.1 .. ,11 e, An lex la ihit - nertipn4e!:. of
r,frem . ity » l.-,a,t, hot n a Ca k„,, , ar . 111C
,tin Ildri4tiiii. Iri - Jt
111111.4 rib( ,:1.410....). Intro ;hr, it' rorlorhid'ik t /,
lis. I. '''
cit.!, ', 4V 0.14 % - .)im-etra.iiii ' ,i, g v. t.n. ,iiii...t . cho.
:Ir., alter n , :int: a f:::v hotti :a of this iostasiohin too 4,
chi.% liS,,sn linen hlesttell with tin. likeittiit o otritittiOrl'. ,It
has imott enwrdmaly prepared ti reit:rata:a to fetoala Coal-
P1P , 1 ,, . , No retools whit lin. rosson fa sOprato, tl,e as
•improinillingliiiitt! erifiehrl - pc i'od, .--.• Tha. tail's if lip;
Illatti.l Je2laet, to lake it, its It is n nortnin pros.,:ittivo
for soy of the,:ptitioorOos aut.l hart-H.4, tliemotes Ito 'ta hid,
&tn3iiiflitiltliOblfkrili..o44' tOPP).!6%:P•niita'PP.O . ''''
way be detailed forevicre! 'years by itioir, lib! ecitedi•
:int. Nut .i; /t, kgginale. eitttli use vii arAiiii.ronr
~L 'itg.4tniiiiilsind; ofsf4l.-ii:k.k liifint , fa Winiiiiit-i'vatill. lily tkubleorli..iiii t t.-, in riCnvittinglillagloAhant; 4u, demi. , th irniniliclik is insaainiiiiikiF.. iilb 1119,„ 1 .10ate
'clitinuaii" iii n.laiiVVOliienni•et,tibinnit: ' '''
. . = v01..!,!,!.. 14 .1ker L'llvokrion.e;: ~ , , , --A
Dr. t.Atuyo.iii4, ii ninino, hail s] reeeivjur tte„lpfel,--001
1 1 1)yki,000i '4olRn:read 104rie4rt thiAlhiatt. - .. . - ..:
' - This' fi'in'eiiiiiy . thiii: Wej.._the ehtferifittief ~..I} l yel..
-i clime 2 talt t litatitirtlat Ailmejr: little' ; ithilleedlet• ' irt - kiisa..
,foreeeti4l ,nr,l..xfitqui.,lll,ll'o,;Sigiinpfri!tik,, inlinL geve it
° Li'
!" I f. ° ° PI= 1 1 -9 ° ,l"c"! V.. 4 . 10;t kA •vilvdelttittot MO.lte awn
-1!.,= ii. TlTTDej.ei - C , 7111.0.1, s':J.,_'.WO ..itri1 , ,% , 1!:D".," It..J a
Bit ttit.M;lf. ti, rr,A; EIAVEVID9/1,1%. 114,0.), , .1._; -, --,
! • . •••:) ';',”:. -1-I=';' , 3, 0 , •171,-,) i...,(1 . 4.4;113.1"434cti1...""-r
-''3i`P'.i "rr :441441;V0rv.
Owitil l '- 7 1(Fibefitlee4heeese, emiteusesee sate of Dr.
eroernhemotre"..teireelihrille:;'s :100eher.oit tube ,trho -were
, ,ftiemerly , ,our.,-Agents. hate 'niiiiiiinso.,ontli t iisit. Siereie
5,1 1 , ,, ,, ...terriese.v..ktieire. Ki tt en .. glirlieli ;44,.14a4 or
^ -e lke...l•lo.l4'4l,4y3rilfijirysill, it Ilititihietieeme
''" 4111itOri.00. itiiiie . at i r gaq:444telitip.. 'mire
our B, l , VriliCitiOraitiiyr:iiiii: lor ifiniiree a hiritatiano
t, .4 1 5.1',14 21) 4).4.0 r v0i4g0 , ,, , '..i11,2e femilik ,. tnielliii9p. , ,vd by
' - viiiijootr- • . .-
1. " " iviliii:idtl" fiaib i . '3lll64ilt.'ll4i'' itreek'S‘ l iti'4
"niiii:'le.'"-riz4Diiiati_e'r&l.i.eitT , : , tlf..iieretite444..rA l **,
1 . i.:Dyott. • Je.iiime4 LW Ntirth sent iiifrstinVfilltili4iitt Mir:
~r4.8.' gi 3 ,ATANT I P.:III I ' II 4I 9 ' i l lie l efi s ; l 4.l l .lt - '0:: ti ll ;
i s
1 ..: • Sfeith l'ehil • intrehr:tiitheei , f , ...e.fikii , lit , ftheliiiskehi I
1 rilh'elieiht.iiiitUSLOVllehl gene . iir oitauihaet:,tlie Vet'
%nil Stato?..Wina Imilitif,anil t tit ainnins., -- i .-El. =.- ,
-:, - kiii , -- , r , - - i , .,ilrii..t.7reaveult*li romp 1_ • ,r ,, 1 , L.,, , :p!1 -
'1 Pcir,ftwolismd.:4l lirie.--11 save" the iiteserth*,th.
hill "youlitf. Wit tit ittechi tree ( lave hele-'etreJ of
I•ehii- OfettUW)fifkii. IvitetOol , , l'it:e ii*Oailthu ,, a•Oldae•
They mtaiZtellitethi'Vetr,;:eeq ,
,Ix t eith, 400* here
havall'r‘artiglie - Ateeeek 'IX ailiti.-40101116611 4 411
lormslV , liiiii' 410.0 - 4ii41 . 4[ 0 g 1 :: , f,.'-„,3i "- I' i
'tore,` r • opecuttur, ' 1
134A , AC W. , 11Alte;_tee Witte!er. et
B oun glTTL tv. :Ei11: . „4, BREAD, Ag •• to for S.4",...—Luelmoi6...iymi,
,ily New , : Eft
Witt:Ft. riforitlrote, of
t - )4. 4 ars lost a !toff Cof,:lt
ts. At lost I talstol If., gs
•Iti 1.111.1 wru gtos:ls.
,;1 ,tjA not I,x'pect to foto
I.pusitlti a short tints, fol•I
rouge 1.11114 IV T. , 110111 in toe. t
near um, rite. I lotto
10 Ito? To:i coo *elf lot.
Co I thaw trotttlx. Vaal' %lin:-
65 Cullom
ihNlv fintr thotetnail , cases of
r:,oer ore tr,egkly et/ :1•11e8t,i
1;1.. 1 ....a:f*toro
is the .gritth:tada
: 1 61.,(1 saffertitl, terrllily
,tali-w; consider:lMo of th.
walk. I had the etto.t di..
to „ere -t et, eteetllee. I
rStaronitorillu.And they hay,.
likall'itro . tirtirtleiif gotta, I .".
I entirely, relit...4 ettt. Vow at e
11.ttetii of trii!`"infieti•a.
lily. 14614:8 COI