The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, July 12, 1849, Image 3
Tur. Fiitifr . Or fiAs,;llq .. ,ll:: : C.o - -. -2 7.- - "he t Niaysille 'Ky. ;Eagle g,ypg,a..3ip4r,tialtlar , ac--a count .of the origin ofT;tkO, 4:e . no . intit i e,r ,. le_ I tween Clay and Turnef,,- wt4h, - ; . loutteci; in the death of the littter.l) , Th4il?,vrti:itlirec - pro -slavery candidates t`Qi„ttinlState COlkal tiun 111 31adisoikeounty,1 and only"one eman cipation candidnte. , ,Ariaong i.lie: former wa==, Maj. Turner,! father . ei; the deceased. Theo had two publie7ineitlniii, on, Thursday rind Friday—The tatter - at afreginotental muster— and the_ prq-iltiery capidates managed to 00c4pY,111.0 *eater part of the time, Maj. Tfir l n6 VOug the most lobitoAious in this:re-' sped: In i',4t;sequenceAfr. Otiy bore dowia. ve . ry' hard u poathe latter,- 4t, the dose of his.speech on the secou day. Mr. Clay Wiwi q uestioned lay ,a_lAlaj. R nyon, and they gbtt, e l l in-a -dispute in referen to the school-fund, , during which Clay cal ed finnyon a tool of; Turner. The amount then proceeds:— . .. i Clay decended from ithe stand in perfect: go°ahun l 9 l :l m 4 without expecting difficulty, withisq one ihen Major. Turner remarked tha‘ittiiayenife . ijoi,Vs tool. - ; 'Cliti ieplienhat whk.ther Turner-knew itl or not, he: evidentitlis 'willing tIN:11.-- 1 Upon -this,_Cyzel - T the son of the - Tan-' dictate, stepped;' 4 ,to glay;,afid pronounced. his stateitient i ndLd lie, and 'struck him in, the face. Clan was soon stabbed Iv some, one behind - him;:leatl, oyez .the . head with. a-stick by Alferd Turner, and perhaps oduas ; and a revolving pistol wits snapped four time_si at his head, hursting 'a cap leach time, by 1 , Thomas Turner.' Ile. did not draw his knife i nor. shake off the hold of these who were 1 clinging to him until he preceivcd the blood! spoutinglerth frpiu his side, and he believed', from the wound that he must die. Witlil superhuman effort he shook off thoSe who held him_, encountered :Cyrus' Turner and I stabbed him. `- The wound look - greet in 111 lower part of his al.domen; reSulting in hi** death in thirty &us hours, . 1 1 the' Skeill...iirirOB Pubiiiihei an article in ek:ply to The abdVe, in which' it,is stated tha on! was as culpable Its the other.- . - , THEltusu S ' :rATg Pi so hies by the ,Canada state that the. Iris Solicitor General wag in. London in consulW lion with English land officers :of the croWnj in regard b, tie ease Cot SMith o . l3rieni u'Donohne and Meagher, :and that as this result, the Government have determined ltcl bring ik o aspecialnet of Parliament givinp2 the Queen a potiperlOdo; - -whaf,Sitaems they are convinced the law does not; flow give 4ri; =that is to alkr Ole sentenCe k as to subati-i tutettunsportation for death.:„. Irish members are very indignant, and are:nlx?itt to petition the Queen to settle the matter, : and prevent the exeitemei. which such a. step would produce by exereisinEr their irnans , diate and . fan pardon. If the idinistty adopt such a step,—it will be the right hf. the prisoners, wham the ex-post facto law Will atioct—to be heard by counael at the bar of the louse a,.. , rainst it. In the meantime, joint Martin and - lieive,n O'Doberty, foimetly editors of the Irish' Feliv- and' Tribur, have, been re moved from Dublin and _tont oii bOard the Trident war 'solemner, in ' OxeCtitio of the ,entence of transportation ten years. State Convitation---Canai C3oniiraissioner. To the following, res4ution troti nil the attention our friends, in the hope dea l efulyltction will be had in the premises :‘ , ilegobed. That the friends ofillieNational And State administrations, in PenusilVania!, be requested to meet in the several eitie3 latid (*males of the . State, and select delegates equhlinUtpuber to their fepreseatati% es in the State Lei . idat6re, who -shall meet in coLveation at the co, hots° in Harris 1-em, at 11 o' A. 31., on Th I . ,y 1) the 16th day , dAugw--t nest, fol. the o' • oilecting a 'min litiate fur Chant , and ba &such oth er busines:sas the interests of: to country =Kt' re quire.. artier 'of Cothtnittee.) . ' GECI. rt4ot pro tem. - Cliar-Azrery, Esq, .at M.ntrosel, on Monday July 9 4..,849 - . 16. MILAN nocor., - . of C.nion, Broome co., N.Y., and Miss • 'zs - -rita G. ADDISOST of Chocanut, Susquehanna In Blum - any, on Sunday the 8; inst.; by.,Benizan Comftwt; WAaa S. rizock Son of Col. Asal?lmcick, and Jrui Ar. , of Joseph McEnne. DIED, tuLit OD tne 18th ult., ILI daughter of Stillman and : eleren. mouths and seven da Happy child, thy days ar ! All fay sorrows now Pain with bliss no longer Bloomingjoys,will eve lOaclison, SuN. Go, Pa, Jul - AVosumr., wife of Rev. J. B. yeas ofher age. Mei' disease was an affection of tlici eart, which! occa4ried rery great distress until - ilear the 'Close of life, when all pain subsided, and be departed tol be with CbAgt, without a strugglh or a groan... ' Her, funeral was attended; July 4; at the .Raptiat , meeting-lc:Rise Jackson,Armilata afkopriate scanl mon preached by the Rev. N. CaVander 'of NeNv 31.4 ford, from '2 Tnn:rii 7,• - 8.-4.7 l fittseh4. Wisurneri go! it 4:4 ;e about Me street =b aime litirs• tRi to hii loiv lfome,:" •, . ' .-.71e mourn not as th -m ,Muo - I*Ye.tuiltOpe ;"; usc "we belieVe th4J •. drdiifidOseagain7l that thoke Who el_ . in J4l.}S, Etod will bring' th him :- ,--.. ' I. •.. • - -I. ~'-•• ' 4 - Sew Eisti , Tliporowrocehtly oat:l.l4W tuniself in, the .T.Kacibinet awl chair ./f , tich 4l h4 3 4 ll s;Youndryanctlttaqiiine'; Shop on the talcifitiCketes 14e, about *ileist - fiatn Mout rose.o6-the: . too stage roadjt.liesnbsaThcr is aced o,to ~o*i _itny ilitie* in Jai n i „ o mikae..) *lotto .:li atom ,voranatok e 'marten ?:01k 11 !and& tm . -.. ! :7 Aleil li yii ~ .C. -" iSEARIV'AreTO , 41,1 ~ , , , R .6-?. ~.. . - Elo ll- PRouliays - teuriow‘e• ar . , age t i!Z. . Itevi,„ ~ --.. -1 .1 .oorymic**, , j a,g th L i f a rtirc, 1 , .... Avilt..:AurAng, 1ue,=..,.. : ~ L . - u `77lii'y4iiiitt - !!! !!! Niacnnt t 4 ei4literttOritoildt4iiviir,*:':-- - :-, M0ntr44.410 . 1441300:3101. 4i45. - ..''.. ._ • ~:. 7 ., tf '':- Z . ..' 2 itAx - ' 1"114 :.,1!:".;,,i....,•,,hi. iath '.>. THE ,41-AT'alti,;laitlitiOVAiisiOd Pitr_-- seW•tioat—c....,l"! ,.- ii.*44 - ",1-td*Ou': - lenks-plaki;itiNticipuri, ...,_l4iiii-it, :--'447 the 4, 1+ " ,',., ",":"- - 'O4l - iit' the 9,4 4APT:?an. t .t:_thi. Rgi l 'iM G ',r ..;' ' ' - 1 I.' www,; inq LOl";Nr - : -- .„.,. ',.: • 1 3 - .; ---4-;,-,--'7'4,,',..•_'::,. i , I - ',.. ' ' ItELAT Resolved lives of t. ist7 General! Assembly met, '4lll . 4. C•401*,, monweillkbe, , ...menden •Sti ....... and , .vection of thefifiYaitOle, o<t M:it:shad read.:g rouowsi: The A u d geg , j of the ~thiipreme:Court,, o f-the several . Courts of :Clithtnon-rleasi,-and.of such other Courth of Record a 5 orb or i;ltall lid' - '6itablishccl: by laW; shall be elected by the .qualified, electeirs of the Cormaonwealthin thee' manner i following, to with The Judgeslof the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth at lanje. The Presi dent Judge of the several COurts of Common Pleas and such - other Courts of Record as are or - shall be established, 'and all.other Jude required to:he learned'_ in the law, by the qualified electors of the respective distriets over mull they are to presh eor act as Judges; And the Associ ate Judges t f the Courts of Common Pleas by the qualified eletors of „the Countle.s respectiveli.--s ,The Judges Of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices for tIM term or fifteen yeMs if they so long behave thethserves-tvell: (snbjeet to the allotment hereinafter provided for, subsequent. to the first election :) The President Judges of the several --Courts of CdnationiPleas,..and of such other courts of ltecord . a.i are or shall be established by lam', Ind all other Jutigt. required to be learned in the ' law, shall held their etth:es' ' for the terni of ten „ year:, if. they shall so long behave themselves well: The Associate Judges of the Courts of Coms mon pleas shall held their 6'f:flees for the term of five years, ill they shall so long behave them elves well: all of Whom 'shall be commissioned by the Governor, bit for air. reasonable causewhich shall not be sufficient grounds of impeachment, the Goys or shall remove any q them on the address or ; two-thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The first electionishall take place at the general election .of this Conaminwealth , next after the adoption of this amentlnatht, and the commissions of all the Judges who May be then in office shall expire on the first Monday of December following,, when the terms of the new judges shall coMmence. The persons who i shall then be elected. ;JiltlgeS of the Supreme Colin shall kOld their °Meek as follows ; one of them 'for three years, one, for xis years, one for nine yearl3 one fOr twelve years, and one for fif teen years ' • the terra of each to be decided by lot by the said jiadges us soon after the election as con venient, and-the result certified by .theni to the Governor, tl„.;lt the Icommi.ssiens may be issued hi accordance thereto. ,' The judge whose commission will first expire shall. lie Chief Justice during his term, and thereafteri each judge wlau=e couinussign, shall first ex ire shall in turn be the thief Justice; and if two oil more trauirdssions shall expire on the same day, the judgel4 holding them Amu dt,ick- by lot which shhll be the Chief Justice. Any varnn cies.happerdeg by death, resigrattion,,or otterwise„ in any of thelsald cdurta shall be filled by appoint ment by the Governer,; to continue till the first Monday of December succeeding:the next general i election. 'The Judges of the Supreme Court, and ) the Presidenis of the several Courts of Common, it Pleas, shall at stated tinte.i, receive for their' serv i,!ce-5 an adequate cc-millet - is:diem to be fixed by law, i.whieli shall net be dinunished during their contium• ranee in Office,; but they shall receive no fees or per quisites of office, not hpld. any other office of profit under this CemmonWealth, or under the govern ment of the 'United iStrtes,, or any other State of i , lllis tTnion. The Jullges of the Supreme Court do: . , rnw: their corainuanie an. office shall reside within It , this Commonismaithl and • the other Judges during their continuance inn friee shall reside within the district or county tor! which they were re:speed rely 1! elected. 1 , • 'II WILLIAM Y. PACKER, Spe*ker of thoWouge o s f liepre.geßta!;:y4. GEO. DARSIE Speaker of the Se- ale, lei the Senate March 1, 1349. iilt:so/val, 'Oat this resolution pas.i.—Yeas 21, Nays 8. f:esset frurn the Jul:l7lA SA*L. :W. PEARSON, Clerk. 'ln the Hoe a of Reprrsentatives, .:4pril 2, 1349. . licsuirrd, 'Plat this resolution paces.—Tina Nays 26. Extract from the icinrinil: W3L JACK, Clerk. Serretary ) 3l OAP. Piled April! 5,184-9. A. L. RUSSELL, • of the Can. Secretary's Offer. Pransy7roitial Fs I no crertsir that the; above and foregoing it: a true and - correct coppy a the Original Resohnion of the General As.2elubly, entitled _Resolution relative to an lAnielaiment of the Constitution," as the same remains on Vet, in this office. o. si. Iln testimoby whereof I have here : __, ... nitto .e s d et t a?' ls ti c a a n i d, o rd i :me eer d et t a o r , : h: ,k. j... A..... :, • . dffice at Ha.tirisburg, this eleventh day It .0 o 1 June Anti) Domini, one thousand e ght hundr andiforty-nine. TO A t.NSEND HALNES, 1 Seo"ry of the Com. , ' ? June 14, 1 9—Sin. 4 •Toiarnal 'Of Senate. I - t- "Resolution; No. 188, entitled" Resolution rela tive to XLII 111001.10000 t 0 tho Con,.-titutiolV was, ;read a third tithe. On ".r.o le question, will the Sen ti rate, agreee td the reutionl The - Yeas and Nags were taken agreeably to The Constitution, and. T - " were as folloW, viz : - - ]3 ran i • " YEAS.- -- IMSM. Ana -Branley, Crubb, Cunning- ham, Forsyth,: Hugus, Jiikuson„ Lawrence, - Levis Mason, .tEtthia.s, M'Cailitt, Biel}, Richards, Satirei,:d Sankuy, SaTery, Small,B mvFer,terrett it 'Stine-21. "fiArs—Metsrs. Best, Prim, ,Friek, Ives, King.. Rai:km:sober, IPotteiger and. :Digsie, Spldeer-8. ".,So the quokipn was determined in,tis a!ErruaL, '".Journal' of !the H 0.3. of Representatives:;' .. "Shall the resolution p 7 ~. ne yeas and nave weretakettagrjeables to pr4viiion pf - the tenth' .. article of the gongitution t and hie as follOws;iii' a:rksts—MeSsri.Oideon J. Rally Dawd I.'lleat„ Craig. Biddle, :Peter.,. D, ißloptu,: Deihl 31. , Thomas-. K. Bull, Jacob ' john If Die4.lsTa ,, thanlel A. Elliott, Joze h Jacob'.' . G. - ',K.W flan. William 4varis,J.;. Vinsold, Saituel reply; Joseph W. ,2 ..V.lgierv. ll ;'. . IA - Puller:, 'NI*: Gromßoberrihunps•lo, aGeoige P. ITC:lszer ? nßumisl•iTirifiag; , rogela lifggitoi;Vha.rkti' . .g 6 r. 4 2E. Joseph D. lloweT.,„ Daher!, , t.4 - Hariiiaii P: ' •Laird, -A-brohOm.-laii;'l9eit9pi. 9-I .J., Lewis, James W: LOni, - Jacob IVCartper, % o ' - F.; 1•I'Culloch; 4ugh MCO% Johil., rLqugh '' 1 - ..Ifaitht,'Siimuel• Mitpra ,Toliap. , • eie; $4l ' " 'F4l.leop; StiviArt" l irlr Pearce.:- Jules 1, niter,: ... ir C.Pratt, , Y Xlinit• Babb, deo r g c. :l4 l p . r4; - • • oriilrlin*;-1166.i1td 1 S. gehoouover s .Sarpnel Be . ; '.. : - 4,4ni'SJtaxPTClititi- I tiara Sniiely,l'hotasi - C:S L.- ; Jeremiah B . Stubbs - ,, 1 •Jostr:3".: Statiarifta r . • • . • z•ysittsufelder; Saiitil ! Tilirnartifa eoeg lti' ~• -,tr i ~, , • 'Thonc.A. Wattle 8 IN:4l*k' ~: • ; 1 1 :: - Vi'OpoxiblOiet 1:' 7 .!17 41101 .,t:- ' . li. - P - - 05*1te648 ".;•,,- r: 70....amtm , '1 . * , , , ,, A ~,.. , • , 'A ' ' • , 141 : ! Coliiiie - jr-i:lNM , :Eyiu*, t -', :';ll.ltvia*•ijohn l i iidalq. - 464 ,. . w,_,. ~ C ieorge,, •i. ~ " -- ,,;(killisrpie.;'lohti, 3 [43;. - ,..6* - daili. - lvOthamli - i 4‘014, -- lurk pr'iwt , 1 40041 ( 0 1 44k R;IX. 1 0 ( 1 -14arciffilOili..4Up I:3Pirge t LWAl)ll4l4o: - 42 , 41cminci,i- Avvon 1 4 0,49 4 1ii*Dtv likasnxi,itowor_ TILTII,. only incd . 43Fuller, aged! s. . enc4etl;; past' 11000- 4, te4il,3lrs, 8. . N.l orderl y lithe Sad PZIZZ John 3':z - Ftosebetry, .10101-ituth.erforti,4l: Sniith, John smyth,',4itin Sat*ir, Gen* 1. "-So the qnestt9n trailleterininet s i in the, Lire." ' , • OF 7111" 4 . Piior,sn.v.tst t 'Ss • . I jo 1 ' "tt, 180 cutitry Iltit"the' r al4e - *3 - ,:, t, t,..' 2 :). foregoing is a true and corr,ect• prof : - ' the "Yeas" and "NaycZtake on the 'l. ••• _ "Re'solution relative to' an crime tdiuent ", of the Constitution," ea the s. file aii 'pears on the Jeurnalt of the 'No gnu .1.6 f the . General assembly of this Commonwealth,lror -the tession of 1519. F Witness my hand and the seal of said office, the lftecnth tray of June, one thousand eight 'Modred FA. forty-nine. Dentistry. PR. H. SMITH, Dental Surgeon,- would the eating Public that in addition to morons -operations in the dental art, he is IX pared with means for niserting whole sets of sets of Teeth on the Agnomplierk Presso 4iple, whereby teeth may be worn without prings or elasptioruid are warranted to =sit purpose designed. Dr. S. may be found at S Hotel, as usual, on :Mondays and Tuesdays, his residence in Jessup, during the rentaindel Week. Montrose, Jul} XORK and 1ti1.,01T4 by the load, lAA: • sale at the store 'of' B. IL LYONS Laneshoro, July 10, 1%9. l. MO l L vi A ,,e SSES ver). 2l: p lT(lAl li ty L r ols bc: , linesbore, Jtily 10, 1549. . . CANDLES and VAR SOAP, by •the lb., fur sale by B. R. L YO-VS - a. 1.40c...5b0r0, July, 10, 'l§4 9.. TO YES and PIPE by the load or: single. fur -1.3 late by . ./3. R. L Y ONS CO. Lanesborn, July 10, 1849. FHE Partnership finder' the firm of Lyons th Wood is this day dik4olyed by muttial consent. The books andractutt's are. in the lints& of 8. 1). Lyolts. LK D. I. FO_ & 'JOHN B. IVO 0 1),. Friendsvilin, July 10, 1819.. S. D. LYONS will co . utinue the business of Tai loring in all its branches at the ohl stand,,over lrickluun Stene's "store. Cutting 'done on the not ice, mid warranted, as usual. The latest Fashions always op hand. S. DAYONS. LANESBORO, FA. CHEAP CASH STORE. On the Areal Yark cf: Eric Rail Road and Sits ? ac kanna River,. 9.00 milts from New York, 21i' : from Binghamton, and 19 milts from Montrose,— surrounded by Mountains and thee -.Railroad Bridges. • T 7.t.t.rc thc Adlowtrqtrary - be "Eir e A li-1, French and American Drrititooo. Bon nets and Ribbons, Parasols eke; Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Hats and Caps, Looking Glasses, Bo' sits and Slaw, .Crockery, Glass Ware, Hard Ware, Window Glass and Sash, Drugs and .Medieines, Oraceries, M:keret Codfish, Mess Pork, SuPerfine Nails, Stone Ware, Jappaned Ware, Paints:, Oils, Aye Stuffs, Butter Firkins, Candles, Sand's and Townsend's Sarsaparilla; Bookg, Paper. Inks and Quills, Cooking, Pail* and Slop Stoves,l Stove Pipe and Stove Trimmings, on band or made to order. ' Eagle Foundry Plohs—avarranted., Tranks Traveling Bags, Shingles„Clover Seed, C'arPet and Cotton Yarn, Axes, Handles, 'Buck Saws, Shovels, •Thx.s, Rakes, Scribes, &c., etc. For the very liberal patronage which We have received the past wear we tender our sincere thanks, and trust we shall recieve a still larger Sham of public patronage the present season. Havihg re duced the price of our goods about 25 per, cent from last year prices, our motto is now-- , -srpall profits and quick turns. Situated as we nreon the Railroad, we can sell lower than any other tstab -lishreent in the county. B. R. LYONS it Cit. - Lanesbore, July 4,-1849. Eagle Stoant Foundry & Alachine Shop Ir FULL BLAST. WE would respectfully invite the attention of all those who may be in want of Machinery or Castings of any' pattern, Mill Geering,s, Ploughs of various patterns., Straw Cutters, Cooking, ;parlor A7' shop stoves, Iron 47, store •Ware, shingle Ma chines, Wood Engine Lathes, steam Engines, Boilers 'rim Fences, ite. ' l ke., to give as a call, as We arc confident we can suit the, moSt fast . criotk.i. All work done at our Foundry • warranted. Proprietors, • Wu. JPSSI - P, B. it. LYONS, «». J. Mrrsonn, F. 13. Cu.t.xat.r.n, M. S. WiLSON; 43. S. •0. G. Blarri.r.*. Engle Foundry, 'Montrose, (Ea.) July 4, .1 Crockery and Glass. - - '; WE have 'received a large addition to our stock' " of Crockery and Glass Ware, whieh will be sold at extremely low, prices ; many articles , same as New York wholesale prices, and Some even leca A l ,large lot 14 Printed- covered Dishes at 4-4, cents each-250 setts.of Flowing Blue, Light Blue, White Gianite, and common cups and saucers,—much low they are sold gmeriilly . . A .4.50, A: very, superior lot of Novascotta Grind's with rqcard to Loth shape and wit, very clie II BIF.RROIVS :::Gibson, JUDO .29,1845. Miss Bla r ekmatei Claim in M rPHE emuing , term will cf;nnence on the 1 July. TERNS. Feir term of O. wedo . or §.4 Icons on Plan Forte, one hour • each, A fixyrough-eattree.insitiging, • . For 24. leisons. .1* hours:eachi on Piano, -with • , #3i3iging in counectiork. • Uve,of , .7••7ixt Books--41urrowes'Riaup-Forie Primer' ruges Snyenikaiistructer, : }lunten's Celebrat structio,ns, Cooke's Singing P.arereises.. I.l4ontrose,, Juno 27,3849. ' Citsh Pilot for 2000 CUlllB.43fy!, haq ..:zz . f0r.90 an d F e ß ol trtT . • . , , Steam erist.llllll.: . TS mow in sue . ceraa.ful operation., ; The pnbli are to.gtve it alrial. • . •,! •, 11104 for. e, at . the lowest cash ppee.ei pperfantYlour,,lljne,d,o, Corn 314, Prow ma_dar, . Cash paid for whettt,!- : . 1 4 1 ; 4011 : 41 e4 4 X 1 * .1.% 1 8 0.4 • ' ' , nia l itieirikOizAtiidatitriii;-.' I , 119 t - la DRAVA 4esiriAtiba/ifitte that he I ~, tai , :4 1 ,, e - trafnitons !ref :The Store of S. &JAI ord ,4 ;SoP, lA*. Ve is prepared edainiai ~ . eO - 61,i-or lanusiiitieft , tin. , I -. • 11 nii'llii.ailia-. l o ll 4elj,:ief Ok,littastikid ; fo. iiiiPakai*jint* iPlake-AlrOlir•t6 that `.lian ~ ihis PettWea; l4 l'4otfeilt4 . o l 6 l Itical —. 0 . ei 'kljcPELVheit ITIBle;' therefore : lE3 : 1 4.y,0j0 . t ' - - est ----":---:, 0 0 V ,,,,, , -; o igh r a li t e *t . i_i ! o ol 0 l i r i e ii i hie , o!`rffi._ecei r O-:-f hC I• :i.. _ 4 , 4 11 40 / 3 #fitit e i r: trAmny's Or 0i) ffarriliburg, June-15, 11841 TOWNSEND HA &ell/ of the Co;nrooliV: Dissolution. i ...t ... - -------, - -- AliiiktiScflfiroOdelOhs vx.ellaXigvd ~- -V irdiq.. ~1 I •". " _„,,..,::::_,, rrEII,BO&,S hhavingVfooL andllviAltigjto,a„ I,' • changOt fin. elothiiti the aliqie'do".-lerijiiiiit; rnaltd t , ale orit, ar4 inftriied .that theY-letmide s at the Facteti - - of . the subsetiher!at•NettrVatitts O n, upon the following Onditinn: I lkien.o.1";U:;61 fro`m 18 to 31 centi, aceraingito ir e litY; it Trice. Broadchiths from fs.l.,fto to 8-4- 2.5 r yard. light Oix.etr,"sheep's grey, and lack gatiaets, eitl:6i Om elr striped at 45 , cents per ya.l4 : The goods 11. he ready at the time of, the ilelkiery.4 the wool, ':. , - lIIRAM 141 : 14/TS 4 00. 5157 - ov - Hampton, June 8, 1847. - 24:1-Bw. • 1 ', " Susquebrainria Academy. T llE Summer ternt of. this' Institution will cons-1' nienee under - the direetiph of 11, F..Fricu; on Uonday, June 25th, 184.11. - ` . Terms of Tuition per . otarter: Orthography, Reading, Wilting, ,Arillimetie s , ,and Geography-, . . English suid Latin Grammar, Latin ~. Greek .Lessow, Chemistri; Philo4o.i4ty-,,l.Botany sand Irkito4,ti, ' .1' , 300 . . ;Latin, Algebra ,. Surveying, Geome t ry and, ' Astrockanyi . , : I By order of the l3oard of Trustem 1 rllontrose, Jane 13, 1842 infortnN his nu ! N't pre ,r parts e pin * spiral cr the and at • of the 849. Dr. A. Tra.4lol Ointnieut. r i Olt dm cure of inflatrunaiOry-disease, Ouch intlainination of •the langt,t,'dionchit44, sore throat, ititianunation of the bowel?, inThuu&l yore e.tN:4,. cancers, ulcerated sorer:,, ,salt: Adorn, . fever i ,rsores, scald head, piles, flpinall irritation, sick head !adlic., tooth ftelte, chr ache, I corns,. burns, frozen dintbs, Sc., in bottles for 21 and 3 at ;Juno 15. - Ul2 IL ELL',S. 1:( 1 ,41;K:4, the:best in the world, also Straw Forkis, Scythe:A,. •Snaths, Takes, Hoes, &et 117.1 \ '.1tEla' L'S. . AUDIT : O*Po- NOTICE. !I. ! IT AV IN° been appointed by the Orphan's Omni !..11-, I_ of Sti,Fluchatml Cquntr,an Audi tor, .to ar portion the a.szete rernaining nt, the lianas of Phtts.l Ayery.•Esq., Adtainimtrator of the estate. of Olive Kendall, deed., among the Mira and legal repre.' 'sentittive§ of maid decedent, 1 will attend to tha duty, at my office, itt Montrose; On 3tontlay the 24d. day of Jnly next, at 10 o'clock . _ _ Jgne 23, ISI9 Exec ettoes 'Notice. % Li..persons interasted in , the estate ot i .Corae- Ibm Rgurarsr.n, late of Lenox township, dee'ci. :Ire requested to all; at the; ,lisecut of E. house in Clitlorit and make immediate ptymment, 'and at those having demands' against said estate, to pre sent them duly atte to t folsettlenuint. I 11ALSTED„ . Ex . r. Clifford, June 27, -1 , - ' 1'OnS3 'NOTICE. LL. ersons in.lehted to t . lieestate of ifircun I , L.l. Mott, lute of Fore4t Lalii.l, decrased,*e __re 4 ,4 t .A.:1—....-.........,", nni•ocritare'r•iinent,. and those having demands against said estate to present them duly att l >ted for beak:mon. .. , 0:110 • jr., 4ditir.' , . . . , _ . , ,• i Tag LLINIFIRAT 1 ' t •• f AyRS. L. M. FisriEß: woohl respeetfally in .1 k natmee to the'Lndies of .Frienthaille' anti vi cinity that she luti epenml a fr.-tioyll;//i:terll Shop eon , i-ttitn.; of 'Bonnets ; Ribboin., I:lowers, Caps am' lliiiiil — DtT , '-ti`. --- Alio, ',144.i..i ail GentleinelY. i Leghorn ItatS done. over at . th e- ~ i thorte, t n6fice, ' ; I,L. M. FISIIER. ~ e Prien 4 -ville ,Ltne 19, 18194 .. . ,-,. ~ • . . New Books . jast, rilceived th 'Hook Stmt.. neaulay's History, of En land, Wob4Or's Die -6,1=7 school and pocket., An lion's' Latin Lessms, Phonographic Readers, etu Poeins, Fituner's l celebrated Instructions for dui' plane forte, :llere - a l Little and Thergit Little, Ill , i tirtng , fr,nn Ditty versus Will or, Daeisiot 4ta.44 the Van, gilt Letter Paper and plain Cap, !white; Letter EirvelL: irpe:, Bible Dictionary,. a niltv. supply 4 1 Cards, painted mottos ; Ste. a 23. GEO, 9 Merry's Museum and P. ley's ,Plavraate, A few, nuMbera of this hig tly popular t . and in- . structivo periodiml for, the,jtanng, just received, and for which Flithicriptious hu, receivtid at the 119ok Store. Prico one dollar per annum in. ad. , ViIIICC. GI: F. • Spring. Go;ods.' Just recei v ed, a large supply if Dress Gebex .1, PINTS; printed lawns, 4e 'nine's ginghams; linen ginglutms, mohair hist res,ittre.' 4tei Also,' - Shawls and BoUnets; bonnet ribbons, And other millinery goods, all of which, with unr entire stock, we offer on the Most favorable terms. Many attic oP our old . stock we MILT at . , . , • G, at Rar,rio'-ii..4! ' . Viz: prints, gitqtunc,'<te.. 4.-4 ninny .of att'llY at than cwt. ; ' V. LAI RRO WS‘ . & COI ' Oilk.citt. in2o - . I: . , JCwelry, Clock andl,Waitch estalp lishment: 11 A l l i ‘ E - e it m l l )l 4 - h e e allin ' Ta t t i'M t l e t). 'can s l t i: df i s 'o v t 'al Y )o ° c u e, tl Strig e ,llotel, where repairing mid adjusting LetVer, Cylinder, Escapement;mid, cominon Watches And ail ikinds of time keepers, JeWelry In- - straments, it-c., are done in a s ie -that mrinutl fail 4uit•the Most; fastidous. warranted- to per: form according to the quality the article.- Just received, a'..good tnesortrimutiof .fitshionable Jewelry and Watche, which ill be replenished every two Months, consisting.of Odd and silver .4 , Yer and Lepinc Watches, t/uartiers, froln 7 to go dollars, silver Table and TeaSpoona• gold Icings, Ear Hoops,' Cluster, Jet and .Stone Dina, Wrisets, Silver and Gold I'etteils, Gold Pens, pen Knives. Scissors, Silter, Thimbles, Gold, silkmid Steel Chains,: do. Xeys, Cardleases, , Letter PlAd eToutir Picks and and many otherl4se fel and ornamental articles, trhj.;ll will be sold Very cheap for old and new. silver', and gold. , Pay down andrainall profitsits.nlyi-mottO. ;,;• ,;11dontrose, Alnyi .80, .1849. W.DL --,..; Hats and Paps, , ! ' ' .• 1: • ..,' . A j..A.RG Eand imperior a...i.;sl , :tirieut of:7),r.ab 'Furl 11.- Fur Napped awl. -qa..b oritia,, 11 op/ Witt, .lirhorn.ritlj'atir.,..4af do, fOa ~ S it,i /iy . Li7.- 1 Caps of 11 - 2 m Styles. AlEd, Coarsti4nd.frilia4ots a 40;8740cf, for Ladle.; Grailena*. Youth'si,ad Cliiiilfee . i in :Aid - rwsortment,..just rccecO l yed An will lie ~014.1',,i,iii., thap. e'ver by. . ..., it BuliVrt.., c e New'ilil ibid., May 14th,,1 S 9., , ., i ~... 5,00' 2,00 lu•. INNING IVIIEEP,Iteets Wheel-lreads fot sale by _ P.P:13.1t-i .N4w,lifilford, May .28, IK% - 430 E imp• `Cill'Eß.PY. V - IsT2 zirs' B.Am, , • . . Nyhat time establishes.; 'rid'a4rierftte-„: , v114,,e*., 'pergence adoes and cc4lfirins; lvhat' 11 .men nii,l/1. plating. unite in saying is good rtad sldua .. 0, .s . , o, aid doubt: - , A ixrpuhuity 'or this I mr ,T 4a q s ,F l ,P ( . / . e . T i t r e its; itigtk,rii stronettiat tim'ett 11'4 tYltiol: it. • . . snio e ss which has ait!LiatO old,LIV:11,:=1 al years past. 1 4 61 "` ..1 ":`":1 -..),' ' i on a stgral, rospectiblb rhea, - and ti}e artie , .." . I • 1 ~..,1 il e .,i n ... I 11260fIglhe fist. 4oo ?Or 4140 erii ‘ 4 ,l auu vi ,;ali; OtThellge f 'and whttn toitclited to in loen 14)0 k - catcotes the - diseasio fok.wltial'it . . , u.?! . „,,,, , ....„ es - Erma' thee \t-' ,. t"' -- ''''-. , i - -:,,. .. -1 :-F s ow — le, 13 . 4 5 -W. " ' tre e4. - h i l li-o to :_,'"'•-• tr tiorjmniith4 M abliVat;''whieh 1 0. VI t r. 0 7 4 ,- I r kileesl o4l l4covekv - ')iq ' IliC O . cor4 f rPara"" •' ' • ir:k siving tested. vmdrother rouunip(of, ~ _, . , _:. ,s` ewe ' -so tor F • 'lnalie,ine,lo "ra1 . . 1 .!T e .,„„,,,„-, -7 1,, `1,41 ,14:- tid, o,hei, ~..othits*idetiiiii Pills_ ). ,,b, ,„ ~_ .. : . ‘1 , : !,,,-, te l , 4 * .10,4 7 en ' iune 1 , J.1 in I u V E 7- :V 6 ,,,, n f a i i rr 4l ., c ir , 1 ii ,:, 4 ; , -: ;;;i: 'Poi- Nue : by- AIIiELT , -.,, . , - - I - , • - :-. '7.:.....,,,:,-.;-- . . coi*cloot- spi at:: . of .:x.r: ~A 4 .• k.c.flcagir-N - i , -I a Irn4Bo.)i-feor.i.*ll-YPecul)#o,..ilK? - 0:744i!.9 - 02.A fr,71 11 .1 . 1 . :`!- - 04,scilbeV-)3**rd'iov4r; , :ibizi l 4l l :4ie.l l 7:, , i slvgAfFkl : -.-.':.:- Z-. : - -,..17:i.,t,:- d'_':- ,:- c ci ns j sii4,4;-Sti g api,llol%;tiscAijoii.C6;er ,bie , , ' - co,..Mck, ground 80.c - e3:04 Peli,teoC4' 6 %• ,, i4' Saleratte,Oiniet,,Potihega;lialigO.' . Cigai,T oco; late,,Si)enrr anti tall* , Caii(Pe,s, Gratazli,:26c zerel hy the barrel, half arid_quar*,bairel , iiiii it.,- 1146'111g by the box. Itaisins by theliox or, ;Ohm& Sal( by the sack or barrel,. - Clocli.4l; stead:are, Will* Ware, Flour; 1'0r1i,.&e..'43:e..dre., Whol 811.1# dealer' . in all kinds of -,. - ._'• - . - - ' I ? •‘. - Za.g . - • - Helean ILO trill lijis ;:g•eocl4„, tkecipe r . Hiatt they eim be benglit anr pther. pteko ilt3*tiose; :rcalleq if yqu don't' believe, it - give'...:*a calll-un4 eutivinee Deliblforget , • • - ERA - VMS, Morirose, June 4 $ ' n26tf' AIL mkt' eitedfttaiirs., .-. MAKE NOTIM That I. httvOi,:pplii4 to theyConti, Common Pleas off susguelgiiniaConntly for the benefit of the InstilventAims Oftilqi1011: wealth ; and the, said Caitiff ilave:arqxdnted.aunr day the IStli'• day- Au z nei -atlhti out Home in Montroie, to hear pie Land Tny credit rk . June 14, 1849. .4114.1150 N , . Harirest. .V .00131.:1.-,;!:i j- -., . 2..--,.. fl AAS -SClTErgS,'Biek.k.t,. jOrOn... qr. dies - ‘...) 1 1- y, Forks, .7,4.itriores ',,s.ifia,c-14'ikkg, vrikes,' lelite,s Q *mtebarr ,Seyilte:strizr ) ,4 2 arid: 4 .Y. 8: Ortriit Stone,ra . and-stiperior i 4 i 4. Jth&tit, just re iced and'Aval be -. d tit the must. rsl.luciih - prices i NeY Milford, uns..l9, 18.0.1 1 .,„"1441:11;11,1.' "r. I • Ch E. are. r • ece.tv4 „timg4t nt.tlic pt. are otTered at COITC, Julie' 15 ; 'l - 8.40.- i• • - 71 AI LARGE 101-of Die,mll.:; 1.24- per i'Ay &Me 15, IS4'3. It. 33. LITTLE Achxxl quality, of, Parp : 7 light. colored-, at 04. et. 4 Mme 3. Foliis*dt - d0 SHOVELS " 44 June U li -11 TOVEEL—Cooking . i't - tver.,' . Air . Tight, - - ; most,a4Trol , e4ll:ll*. .i . dtthimortithi do, r do. / 1tu,......da Vipe,,. Cotuutph . -0,6, , ,-OttlyV ' ture Sheet zinc, &c., &c., at Ter); lttiV,iviee . 3. ~ 'M -- 1311bItii0 WB'4:: The large. Stock of. Ziew-f011)Q , - - Isaac L Past Ok.• • • • - A : TIM Fciirng as 1671 . a..< bah:l)6 `in fliir , : - traiiit-ry, sortiaent as can be. found. . .stock ..., _ Ii ; Lirge: of, elc4l/it,. Czi.A.siniere*,•)*l Co/it,i,-1, Kentucky Jeans , Sununer gloths;r : S piaar shndP:ificy silk . - Detiin&,.ll,ffirige'sl 11 Drill',,c*gan.lies-,, ennibries, lairmi- Itugliris,eit 0 1 Linens, Diapera„ Birds;4: - .0.- TAvilt* T ig, Earl i Plaid nail. Plain Gingham , ancl Silk Orayats„ ed, Plaitl.4, - Prints- a hige as, 1 Gifiglnunk l'lnin Turky,lttkl 'C-ii.licci:lNttn.liii4, et;Riplcin Jean.q, Mixe4.l•attine.ti;., LnCe AV C*llarA, Yin. Chp3„ Linen Edging,„ ColAnnere S 1 belalne and Silk do. ~ • - . , . , 80F2.77,e.i& ittau.. ; nofence ; .l'L l tr),,Luton i .:Olinp ; lloacna, a Itiige and bgantiful - a4Aortninn labbiins, Crape and riisiidlaningl.43i:kcie ituffhes. ' ' - 1• , • --.• !.- .:. ;-.•,, ' We have added to our Stock thisSptitif,t, is sleek:of Hats-, Fur, Sikp..gohoiiiir9r4 Le; ehip. rindl?alrit Leaf, of oy:: -I', , itl.y., ! iii:pr the:spting fashions. ' • '' '' : ' • . Boots o?lit Shdc,i. .; • ' Gent's Fine French Boof t s, Gaitens.-iftc.4,l3re ' Children's and Ariz:FA:a' ; Ladies'. Polka .000,ts. 1 ed and BLlckiGaiter. - 4, add-Faeels-ictri;',in fin' best stock of nice Sitoc.sltlit gan.Wfounit.' ' Parasols--a - beautiful a... , :5-ortreEint; 'tkithe nice. ' - - - , 1 . :lirkitc Good 4 L ot eyeryf ,variety., :4=_ large. of Indies' anti Gent's Xitli Si* a. 4 Lisle ti I Gleyes. .liosi4y of.alfunl.s:', ~,.,...:.;....: ''Biiffalo'harti 1.3.ae1f-an : I:i,il-.l4slitiCietribi; rid, i: ,. Shell' and Horn Side . do. nick:', eu-Had'k's, Cotton. Silk; - 'oinglitiirci,do...•.43 ( lad • as, choice a.stock of. Fun y ooods -. 0.:ca14f0 Ctur stock of Staple-0045 :.i.S'lni . ,ge iilioi.,,:sC ' ery 'arid Glass Nrarc—illin4;a s n'inat..a good. ' equal if net superior to inlaii* ; : . 7 l ' -2 ,- . : , .-. '.6!rkerieq and Fixit—it.inrge.ntOlc,,Tensin fielder ; also, collie:, Ric fri Tapleca.andZy.ory • - needed.' -- : - ~ • ( s'.. ,',.; :!,..; -. i„ y,- ..- ./fro`n,..liaiLs,,Steel,,Fiail'ltod,s i Sprily4 : Stiali '. dtia. 4.90ai"6" Iroi, qra1_.)=,....4aiii,9.. ' fitirdiinrp, ft Large star - ':' t . Stg . el.'alltili 4i 'I t , tc.,.'n.ntialmcist every -articlein the:litik,' -. - ffaddlean-i Harnes4 , liftirr; pit -o'4pet...and. her, Plotb• triunttings in vitrietyi-FlyAeVs,4od,',l ' eilinkbagA..,' . i i . . : " Wood Ware ' Reoler'F hint . ..Qiitnnyc! , llsl-its,- . and-Tin iYare,`.l)ragi, oa s :1 4 (,,,_. - .y,: : -; . : - .•- ~ .. ......1. . , .- - :•:Tliankfttl'for , patfetiaiiliC:feitifer'N'veioeafil ly,hbpe, that ica arc - in al.cOaditibi(loseffer - jii4 input* for an. increased iiiiiiiie:•:s'..;. - - -f...1.1,,,,f.: ,34. y, IS.11). r. „ - : : IA: VOST.4.• ~ •1 - ; '' ,H. - 1 ..,.- z. , ,.,. .. , Laic ti r rival ~ " -1 AY .LATEROP• i f1.2j18804,11Y. rirllE great - rush still coolinhek.o biioad,rn i _1 daily by N. Y.. Kit A. Another s dixt'issortment of i?rints, 4...iwn; OinOhaini, . ton . _ 4wn,' A. beautiful ..S,tyk. of kode.l4o i Boluiett,,Ribbolls and. i' l loWers4t itil'ile.ieniAloi3O,f— Sheetings, *Belt . Sunnneti 'Bl::ulg'' • Calduneietti, Caßsinteres„*tinet.tianifOollui;trdOckl'iliiietiy. The largest stock _ of Iden'S and LadiesifootO ,t-Srpes lit. town. i -: .. . .. - ::..;: .'_ - ,t . - - ., - ,:',, ,,,, ,..t1 .-. 1 s'.; , Apivin,,,, ,, ,2 , atistaotlY,DrY c1 00 4,-,- 0 C ti. l, descOP tiOtts. CA . good 4iiel of Ccarpnling.:.ins4,.-in, ctocii,' 1.0 ay,' tron;- - Steel,' Nail; litOlM: , es • 'atilt Blip - ''‘ 'f, thaUt gurlity:-.4.4kiast 'nud.ebest:lOt 4.1 f F' - ' '..hi the ciautitry. ... . . ;:+,.1 .f i', .I' :VI ,--...=;,.!: , •••• r „Itlore of that.y.,ll4ling,Tobaco, , .A....! ' „ „ . 25, 11;4. - Ctxl fi ah fOr ~,,I: -' - 4 ; ,' ,:', :: : -,• ~ 3d.3t New Orleans' andl'orto Rico_ S . Stars'i'er G . , ("Leaped,. tuul best Tytsin. - 4.-W,... - . , ;.„. ...., IlOk,..Or'or that sit; slinklig_stiii:::,_: -`, - -_ - : 11 - -:, ' '3.goi*,, , : , 6),Weniiiii: - 6- , ..iidgt - iretic:dinitlio ii''l. .li iitawfor'WFotc;ll.lo - iiiitt:' • Vl '. 'i ,-, ft " 'C, ,:.!., •: 1. ' . , %II ~ !:' ' - : 1 lattECltt : & gAI4IM 4 •," ~•,1 , , 1 , ~,Nuntrosn, JillicitA '..114.8:.., .. :' 154k-'ooolbsi:Wriiiii,:AViiiite4,- (--"-.:' AptiV,:hiiiti*Tio4o - , mlitliit'o44l,44ski,u4l* ~,,„, it'iaeip 1 Pr : ---(t., 4 1- L 4 iiii iinhaL qi„Pl aart „t„,odis,t moo.„„4ttEl-t---7-..."- l-,e,%1 ~----1,„,,A---- f' P-- ;MO'. I."' --14111 - -.v..,.____e4-"--'tiiv 1)-KERT,H,,-.4,-,4q:,,,.._,I,": i_uori:_,L-' ..,,,.... ea°S-rili:,n,''.:„,i.T?);.:4- 4 `iii., (4.-,T ia PfoF;n4',,:1izc,', IratOr;t2O-st,,,P-lic`Dill3i,t)t.-*',:t' ':L oK:ft-, - .. , i • tilZiet,*; '''' tit ~_ : TAlt '64. vb -,- ,;•;';`. - feomr, - ~,-..,ak7Tx5 ..ails- ~, ::f,-**l*(r .n• Witi),l7 A 'jititi3tilt Zirtri3:l?-t'1!'4,::!,,rt:',..;t1 lilrei-VO,- ; 44 ;:,;:: - 4 -, .;4.t-,- ::: to + , ':.i.7,t---,7,4,-ift.1 , .. , -.,:. :, ---,-,,::•,,,,,-,----, nitol =' • . a large :suriOly of e'rit , a*F l , ll e l 37./PW-V :\I3iI.TRItOWS-& ood:styleis 244 store of 4Cfli at ytal UltRO. Cheap tau .uA3tragows - * O. t •Gi . 11 glit n :0- ',---_.: ~,„ '', S rgd:•,, . HICIII, table e ri r!.ta; lt: tpent, i i. rug lted \Ns'ls; Dv! MN= 2; 1 '7 MONTE OSFOZ ':.-3.11-,4 L - ' 7 '• • 441 1 )1 4 114 ** 44,- 4 4 1-6 00 g ;t4i,X6 C 16t M. ,i.. 14 /0 3 f / 3 rt • i1001:45 A4Atitt 44 1 1 1 10UttiON: S * ol*, 154 I,lllll* . lrot t l ' : 4 iMer 41, Eidei:dritte .4'kV:4116 41,1k* ::Zri TI I/ VLOGER -666 0 4 : 3- 04 enuitaxixLunifi staitYl44lFoetupecbtxiek - 41 iirrd >kß . 4,; ..8116 1 3 , 'tii6PikKerg#*) Pcq4 make}, 4)0±•: - A. , *(ti6 1 01. 1 4 - es pike.Bl:re4 •=1". Rosim imustiwrit stove; trio iii lyo9,,P6Yo.4oxelmtkitY I'NEWCAP) Printing ofice3loo ll % I tiitES got Acior"..Poh - , o*- - niai.l4:t6o4:l'o4 5i1*W:011.00674„ Gdoi raller?sPookS*4l ttYle'altii'att4-ni*nPuoi'jtft.i'.4l sivrrns,stEvMs.V.! in4a3vi J. , tattiNsr. Cr fiery : Also, _ ; 46 ii*J 4 4WO BENNE:Ere Gdale,,-Dru44 7 Ifir4vaireWri • AREZ ' Minuet*, 10.6A,Harlic rit Pot- it-c o st at t t - frakr 1-5.1 r ilmg,ll4MX? 1, 4,11 rVIChVi3t 171 t aftv - TVST ibeeiv4-11:u ernikacing liyl rind Yrellal ort4ent;'ilia ally. ''Alitikk"tel a'vari - etY,. Shttinla i arLofitia - gmat iv: 611 of:which must t is loweet Gib on, aro,, .; V. BURROW' ' . jtAst.reteytixtt.:nt* . G00,4h gittata* - 1 1 01,K .2: inhei gblxl.B; Spiti?St/g7l(*elkkOt Tl . W)is, Battaiittlifaiois 4 V4l:l4.c - 0%; offer.tt69r, - 41eq591311:140 .: f or ,ca 4 , - - •,. ..., . Goods alsq - ifit:C 41-.11 , 1,rr .0., - ,, A ' Desirable Tandy , of: . on. , 211 4 ' Tu r reir s,- I c At i e - ' 64 ' l o..ccl r te, :_t r , l t` f, C . nitikef'foom:fOr4nilvl — ku4_t c V 4l. find DriGod4Alard ,st i ta44lli.-lt*.; :old Shoos, Boom! 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