sto - oldi f i 5 11 49r 0 1*"*0 oriOe - 1e414 bY s 0 4234 " f"'11/ our dont any -delay for the. ensuing to pees 60 ( 11 6% an a;l,tvance lomipe..aut the day before in ter the 4th. For rl4 pirpciL!"#l e-14',61iiiitti tyPe themork I en alit‘*t piaci ts4 ate honored of 1004 2ience„ tinit li;ealebrabylha anniversary want''of dem on - I)May have each a hook Though great rimy books and Pa' - `410,4 nci copy . 'pm be • 4,1 o*.aataasibati who' ire sot. in '* this pa ieham to im theii copy of last (Jam 28th,)-we-would be- much isditakelhe niaa number were **And we are licking a fell I.:Aa we pint ea tbi Bd.bat date sli7tiae-4111 will be celebrated tie Suriday 'School Teachers - arid itottliely te - signalized by any — m ibis place. ivetrhot Weather* beak ttniday night and cold enough to render fires Aland and overcoata degree of-beat *as nearly, equal from the Northern to the 4 the Union; ragging - from Boston as tvell as at Bal- ;:,though in Ailed* as .102 acne period. morning at sunrise was , 43 degreesabove freezing of over 60 threes since' ten .osuar the following column . a yotmg Insna+well known vicinity, who, er an unfor ei mind has made one or two to escape foam her husband • and \ become lost, irrecoverably, it bat a few weeks since she escaped and concealed herself for two or nights in a piece oil woods near Bit since her recovery pom that al -1 of her Mends have been flattered ayinptoms of netondng sanity, till -aped. - Ate die Stistineha,nna Regider. • Intanity. wife of Mr. iolliAN Knave of Snetinehanna county, aged about 24 Ibis been deranged for about seven escaped from the residence of Justus on Monday night last (25th inst.) ?clack P.M. She wore ainty a calico a light colored calico sun-bonnet light dippers.' She had been much last two weeks, and, luipes were en - recovery: Up to this time (Mon tridt or trace of her .has been It search has been made.— is embraced to return thanks to w* have generally volunteered satich; tidic keep a watchful eye out, %odd be discovered, wheth tlease, inform by directing to ei wuned, and thereby relieve and ' and relatives I • pre please cok I Military won. the Military Election held in this since, resulted -in the choice -Cod. John Blanding of Har - Ass Elpicer , of Harford. taerileg. 186th)—Maj. C. D. Lucius Smith of Franklin, and ca r Spicer was elected Inspector * is Ir.ktmclatf,notwithstanding the .tissiDr. Park bad outrun him, the time, front rentms so far as overwieluml Whit military Two Brigade.lnspeetore **ober &end. competed Cementer and loaner, we understand „view can s the election held on MOW -I rlxwe AM* attthe Cant! 13 004 111 7.p0rb,i moiv. been wiled Initten to the edit: lyiu,the county- of ids resi- Ito Inky that he !will not beta 41+04,t wit there Ivo& '*Wii,gs to Mr, Fuller id' .*** -1 4 2 #4# . 0 4 Poi*: istroetu, cons .4e/isfri"!aft .1 4 4110 6 4/7 i bow ' many 10 7 ,7eit hears;. .4 1 7# 1 .1001 f: • B!!8 ? - 136th)- 7 3faj. Jacob ...litertarrieldo beariAst ~.Detaw =yell= ir 3 ,o 4 c 6 erli - 0 1 °4 !./ 1 34:g i*a :Pati4,44., T ' ' ' ll ##: ' ,g alladv e /- * ) °,..1i0 3 Vi e , . .., 1 mattes - m ati istiturial..' - ' Ther ate *Memo* Iniiiii:&,. of . ;o l loesti)* 4 *" "l ' iji i 41 . 4 , 1 , 1 ;0 I* e"iibtolinteettPeratitestiOr t aozhstosiefita4-inan Y r r ,T S 4 —k l t .I ',t 0, 1 , i:7l-#44er B ...arq ;9'iting. ti, "' %admirable illustration he fun4shes in-hie own cape. : Yet our own 'part, ‘te'''ltture so ofte4 seen qiietiperiple - berated' with an imputation of ill tem per which was so manifest in the accuser only, that Wordy excites •mar , mirth to_spe r tbe ,iwtgatkia fliFOWn'ii - fieritiks'a 4htt - t's'ort4-knOwing! RS - we dci that the community around 4 'Will judge cor rc+,tly who is out of temper, witbOut -Oils evlen re tasting iih,i, c hi4o to - Where it belongs. . 1 ~„ urourneighborcoriplains of-wir using the ep ithet of,,"Fabricator.". , Really, wOJimuld scarcely think atilt:lore 11ppeopriit8 l ivord to: apply. to -a case a. linottebingAsige:as if from our paper which We netertiseti: If cow' neighbor will hereof ,T..l invitria' bly- quote ourlinguagis or ex : pressions w lett - e wishes - fa controvert, 'toi•reetl.y, without b LiitLaddiiiiissaiddistorticsis of-his own, we I v q!!P . 1 * ;r r e*t./PO- , -?"tha Ofreasitv epithet to w' ld' liwa Ilift4Ar :- ..:. : : : -,31 . . . It 4Citticiieqaire britl; few daShes of the pen fort us tO call him a scoundrel, a villain, a cut-throat ma such offensive epithets; but when we had done it tipbsxly wbuld believe it., and we should 'hare _oulal# for our pains."--Democrat. • 00l ure foundit out, have yout Neither will tho;:y be 'e ' ve it when you .accutaanch a good•na, tared chap as we are blown to bo, of "flying into a iitissicit". at such an opponent as:you. 1 . . t ar Our neighbor who claims the exclusive mer it of mach editorial'" brain" labor as copying off a Jtu'4 , Lick still 'flutters" prodigiously at the kid:- mg of h.s own gun; in shooting at us about "'pilfer ing ''.' soi(einons a prodgedon of the County Clerk's without giving credit to him for :ti ~. And because after di gent inquiry of every bodi about the Fire -Proci''t h couldn'tlindwbether we ;copied from the listin the Commissioners of Prothonotarfc.Ace in i nearly a dozen instances in years past, he cot eludCs his own over-iiiied brain must have been robbed - pf its labor and belies the charge be lwriggiec 7 on to us I'' Nte' do hope our, boys will be careful in fu ture not to add to the overwhelming labor' s of Id i brain hT . copying either nptices, marriages; deaths or e4ve isements from his'paper whca the taanU- . script do just as well. - , . . FATHER MATHEW ASILITXtp.--This!famous. Xpmtte OrTiiiiiiaabikr - arrtred - trrrevr yoi - k front brlairl 6n F i ridtkV last, and has been received with entitil elastic attention. Tus ClirmsaA.—has frightfully in Cin ch:Matti and St. Louis in each of which places front 75 to 150 deaths have been reportiA in a day. It has idso increased some What in Philadelphia du rinithe Llst week, and holds its own in Nclr Yeilt front which reports my IL4 fullow:=. • ' Saturday, 88 eases 2 - 5 deaths. 1 * Sunday, 80 „ 30 . Monday 8 , 19 • tar The Sussex,(N. J.) Register has the follow ing account of the somewhat sudden death man formerly well ,known through this region of country : We lament to hear that Mr. A IMARA3I BRAT Of Mild. Yates county, N. Y., formerly . of Sussex couii q, N. J., who , was on a visit to his friends here abolit a fortnight ago, was -taken sick on his way home, and died before he reached his re.;idence.4.- He was aged 70 years. Re had , been for mare year* extensively engaged in the droving busine..ol, and through his vocation, acquired a very large at , quaiatance. Isfr. roia, mas, a drover of Semervdle, dicta ierisuddenly on the night of the 21st•ult„froM imprudence in diet daring the very hot weather, produced effects so similar.:to cholera as to be reported as such. • ..' • COSDEINSIID ITEMS. , The prevalence of the Cholera is said to have (*tared the omission to a very great extent, of the usual observance of the 4th in all the principal ci ties and towns. . • The Mayor.ot Neu. York has ordered all groce ries ittal liquor shop( in thaf city to be clried Sundays. It would •sell if this sahitary rule itas 'enforeedin all places. AFarmer in NeaF Vernon, Morris county, :C. J.,- hist• 2.7 out of a 'filch of 29 sheep; by dogs, one ni,ght, lately. - The'Easton Seatirtiel, a Locofocolimper, contains a notice of an intended application, for a new Bank to he, chartered in thif . place, signed by' sonic .70— notlall Whigs either} 1 .laines B. Clay, sun of Henry thly, has accepted the*opoiannent iron' Pregident Taylor of Charge d'ldfairs tyPortugal i and will leave Kentucky for tlit4..!estionation in a few weeks. wife of Rev. Tho's. J. Burma's who was tri- 1 ed ltely.for shooting a 'maw in Maryland, has be- I oadiersane in consequence. ' ~ I ;.1 Si eral midden deaths are chron.leled as having ttdnui place' hi our large cities from the effects of thes''' eteine hot 'weather: ' ' 1 0 potatoes are said to be se ll ing at Cincinnati 1 ; for fonr dollars, perhu.sheL Four shillings is a. high - 0 •1• ' l ' •• ', - 1 . • aerate -.lnt . - orerlow at NelOrlesas hat finally been stopped, it ixsaid. •• are.lo 6 Ttunisees . and ' • • ' Finninfintni4'efabliknieii4, ineindiis 14 rolling nofllsj:D liCtirignstichias and 44 angind!thopt. - 'oo,ilit94;47tqrm (4 N i/1 410 4 ,14Y 'F e l '. tithl4o ' l O ll 900 trout, Pigenns 4 ' and onP !POST,. hog is fiSphies theiieltil4 or Itie'r in'tnntiiii and - Ai_ 0 4a 030 . 1443. i1iii4 ,1 71 1 :04 .W . ncons 4 4 : ;4e, man - Mo - 0 80 , and th e w omen. 9 Add, hnve lately, ban •blealika witssofiedtby,m; -i; -PirupGri-trt wiiii ii ii- , ' - nwei - pisuargia, fit * ~-,,--rerrtO:vlt)i sO, jorted it 16 I' 15 itie .;r ‘rec" l4.)4 !"* 4l : =II , ;..- -Ysilie;* 6 o Xi 46,2 !. '-‘ -I.' --'ij --5- 1 ;a16"-' ~ ..,.,-.. -u;'eecit ~ ,_L._,,._,,,- 4;iircidein prn0.,...2‘._, to geisl!ps! At uummunru- 7 .OU:4d !1•15:44, *istk-, 4drto . ~, . the, ii.c !i. Awe - i , "-iniin 14.- - ' iesief brisk baSia as 1411,..-713 fiiiii did : asne- di,,ado .,. ~,. , . —: - i toll , TiTi1i..,1,.i.-.,t.ii b y e. thit 004. .., -).4,0i, iztioJiiiipie4,,,-- -ti-174:-. ~.....6a4,,,,,„*,.„...p.;-.7l—botiiiii::'-. ~±- , 4.- , vro '-- iirxtitetrent . 4410*.,,iaer7 " a • - • . • .., List Dayslof Er-' •-s , dent Polk. - - ', : 4 1 bilkiTholeXlL:l -- ' _. • . , ~ F 4 ...--;.. t , .... - 0 - An interesting' account ". . the closing - , The S!-- : i lNi`l# ter seye,i4 tie • ,fines in the lifet!of Ole latetresidentii giv- niniber ef de, 0,411 y, cholera in NeiiarcirlS iii by a Nashville'. Correspondent of till) Her- from its . -t. ! ! pfteince th'ilLyear ui•Io the aid.t‘ Mr. Polk's fatal'illness, it appears, was 23d inst.,, !! t : - 19.1Feir the corresponding induced by over-exertion while arranging the period of •83 th e amounted ' to 2180, ilia details- of his spacious mansion, and- more of 1836 • 537; 1 ! • -- 4 . . . directly by the labOr of placing the books in In Bode* there Seems to be little of . the his large library'. For ,the first three days disease rernaining, but on Monday in'th4ci his complaint (chronic diarrhea) which was ty there were nine sudden deathafrom expo with him of marry years" standing, excited no sure and Oinking cbld water. alarm--but the disease litifllisig all the skill In Brno lye, the ' deaths are from two to of his medical advisers, other aid was called three dell by cholera, and at Albany and in but to no purpose. 11r. Polk continued Buffido a ut the .4ine amount' of mortality gradually to sink from day to day. The dis- from this a Addy. . 1 . ease• was checked upon him four days before , The -Ne ark puma, 30 far asj received the his death, but his constitution was so weak- - present w ek, say inothing relative, to the cued that there didlnot remain recuperative- prevalence l of cholera' in that city. We pre energy enough in the syStem for healthy re- sume there is very tttle.of the disease there. action. He sanicaway so slowly and insen- Indeed, Newark from the beginning has been sibly that it was eight hrs before he died reinarkabl exempt ! from the ravages of the after the heavy 'death pirations commenc- malady. - ' , ed. He ' died without a struggle, simply . The NeWark Daily learns front Rockaway, re in ceasing to breathe, as when deep and quiet Morris county 'that Daily L. Estile, aged 55_ sleep falls upon a wearyman. years, died there ,ifn 'Saturday - evening of About _half an hour lireceding his 'death cholera. Hewas taken on Wednesday last his venerable mother entered the room, ind with diarrlirea, but neglected to ask medical kneeliug by his bedside offered up a beauti- advice till the next night, when Dr. Jackson ful prayer. The scene ;was strikingly im- was sent folr, and fonnd him in a perilous pmsive. s • Major Polk, the President's broth= condition. Ile belieres that he might -have er, was also by his bedside, with 'other mem. arrested the disease When it first appeared. ben' of the family. ; . Nine cases of cholera and 4 deaths have On the succeeding day the body lay in occurred this season 'at Camden in this State, state, and the mansion was everywhere up to this date, according to the report of shrouded in black. - 'Masonic ceremonies were' the Board of Health; There were 20 cases performed' over the corpse before it was en- and 8 deaths in Philadelphia on Monday.— coffined. ,The coffin bore the simple in- But it is impossible fOr us ! to give details of scription : ‘ 4 J: K. Polk : Born November, I its ravages , in every locality. Scarcely a city 1795. Died June 15, 1849." lor considerable town in the Union, is exempt ; The body was deposited in the Grundy but in the great majority of instances the vault, temporarily ; but it will soon be re- visitation is not seriously malignant_ moved to a vault on the lawn of the ex-Pres- I The disease is making dreadful progress in • idential mansion, where a willow now stands, St. Louis and Cincinnati. In the former city and over it will be erected a stately marble the deaths average 100 per day, and- in the cenotaph : thus the body of the President latter from 70 to 80.• from Tennessee will 'lie entombed in the heart i The boats on the Mississippi all hate more of its capital. Mr. Polk, by will, the evening or less cholera cas e s.' ; The Belvidere arrived before his death,,gave the lawn to the State, I at Louisville from Ndw Orleans on the 18th in perpetuity, for this purpose. i with 40 patients ; there had been 8 deaths ME Polk sent for .Rev. Dr. Edgar, of the on the lassage. The steamer Wyoming Presbyterian Church, seven days before his reached 'Wheeling, ya., on the 22d with 20' death, desiring to be baptized by him. Ilel cases of cholera on board, seven had died said to himimpressively : • within thetlast 24 .Uours. The authorities " Sir, if I had suspected twenty years ago L objected to give per Mission to land the bo suaLLALouldeemetp ray death-bed unpre- dies, but after much Solicitation, finally eon--; i pa in red, it would bare ade - Mtra - W - retenta - 4.4.-ay.andi.thely,werOmin e oatoyi n t er i e d. man; 'I am about to die and bare not.made ! A HAM) CAse.-4 7 A man - na med -Gelb! preparation. rhave mot even been baptized. Tell me, Sir, can there be any ground for a man thus situated to hope!" The corversation fatiguing much, for him to be then baptized, it was postponed, to take place the next evening; but in the interval, the ex-President recollec ted that when he was Governor and lived here, he had held many arguments with Rev. Mr. McFarren, the talented and popular, Methodist minister of ‘the place, his warm personal and.political Mend, and that he had promised •him that when he did embrace ,christianity, that he, Rev. Mr. McFerren, should baptiZe him. He therefore-sent for Rev. Dr. Edgar, made known-this obligation, expressed his intention to be baptized by his friend the Methodist minister, and accord ingly was so. consecrated. Mr. Polk has died worth about $lOO,OOO. the bulk of which isf settled upon his-amiable lady. AW - The Washington Republic publishes official documents from the Collector at San Francisco, showing the number of emigrants arrived there_ between, the Ist of October, 1848, and the 31st of March, 1849, in foreign and American vessels, and the value of gold entered at the custom-house. As yet, the foreign emigration seems to have out-imm bered the Arberican but it must be borne in mind, that this statement only includes Americans, who arrived there by -sea. . 1t doeinot .embrace the nnmerous companies that have crossed the prairies, or gone by the Rio Grande, or others routes through Mex.- The whole number of emigrants arrived by sea between the times specified is 2,433- 1773 of whom eame:in' T loireign vessels, and 660 in American ves'sels: The amount of gold exported during the same periOd, 82,842,040—viz : in foreign vessels, 81,808,712, and in American ressels 8973,328. The amount of goOds entered at the cus tom-h0u5e11,069,4211. DEATH OF THE Hos. CALVIN BIyTHE.- We re g ret to learnt- that the Hon. Calvin Blythe diedon Wednesday last, at Fairfield, Adams county, in the 57th year of his age. He was a lawyer of distinguished abilities, and had filled varicius responsible stations, havifigheen for several tears a member of the State LegiSlature,A afterwards PreSident Judge of the 12th .audicial District, the du-, ties_of which he.discharged, with great im partiality. Under the administration or- President Tyler,,he was appointed Collector Of the Portr'of Philadelphia, and continued in that responsible post until removed' by it change . in the National AdministOtion, pro ving himself a' most efficient officer. :He was a men of great - kindness 'of heart,lanl 'in all the varied-relations of life, both this public and - private . "acts' ivereitliiiiiteterired by the Strictest probity" 'He . bad . latterly resumed the practice of the' law in this city; and it roe Weeks since went to Adams county to spend a portion of the summer with the' 'faniily, of his . brother: How , true' is . it thia si , in the Midst of lite we arein death,"-Daily News CAPITAL -Pl72Clllnits7 NawL. HAIM ,Cap4I Punishment question :I has just been decisively acted" upon in .:the 'Legislature of New Hampshire. On Friday laat s it wasibrought the the repo' rtofthquilic . hwy .- Conumltee- declaring the. mealiedience of legislation the subject:. The, voteianithe. ruselation'to thui etreet stood 140 yeas to 80 rusyB;'u4ogity.agiiniitabol . "4 Otilitall'disiiihment, :63. does not, Itirserei; .prove'Aiit -the majoritY:lia always tothilt way.l • passenger in the steatner Shenaudoa, arrived at Wheeling, on the 2d, sick with the chol era. Hetnade application at every -hotel, but was refused admission. Ile died Mr. Polk ti morning. The Cholera prevails to an alarming ex - - tent on the Upper Mississippi -122 passen gers on board' the steamer Uncle Toby died with Cholera between St. Louis and Oquaka. The cholera is making fearful strides among the Shawnee .and Thilaware tribes of indi. ans. They are deserting andburning their villages. l-; • The Austin; (Texas) Democrat states that the cholera had nearby or quite disappeared frem San Antonio. The mortality exceeds conception: The deaths number seven hun dred in a population .Under fifteen hundred. A correspondent of the Washington Un. ion writing from Nashville, June 16, says : " Our little 'city 14 now being scourged with chole-a. This disease, at the present time, has a larger number of victims daily ,gi ve r b.' - than it ever had during its greatest fatality in 1833 and 1835 't may say that it is far worse than it has been in any city in the Union since its late advent to this continent. We have bad as _many as thirty-three inter , meats during one day -this week, which, in proportion to the population of the two ci= ties, is equivalent to Ive hundred deaths per diem in New-York city. I have been mode rate in this calculation, estimating our popu lation at offer 20,000.1 Business is paralrt zed, and, unless the ,:epidemic abates soon; the " Cityof Robles" ;will be deserted; hun dreds have already 'lied from the fatality which pentacles Nashville. Poon StmoN Dao.--- 7 The hollowheart4 edness of the efforts on the part of the Pennj, sylvanian and the Lo:Cofoco press generally; to create sympathy ii behalf of old Simon Drum, because he was removed from the post of at Greensbiarg, has been striking{ ly exemplified. The Old, man was immense 4 ly flatteredl by the, cry of martyrdoin, that WIIf raised over him, and especially. by the magnificen supper of condolence that was given him, and really believing that he 11 , 0 . .. somebody,. he offered himself to his sympaJ thizing fri nds as a icanditlate for.,County Commissio er. But this was more than had been barg4ned for. They - would sympathise with him, Partake of his popper, denounce the administration, and ail that, "but could not see his merits ;—and ;the " venerated Simon Ifram," was indignmitly rejected even by his friends. Such is lA:miefoco sympathy—par taking largely, to say 'Alie least, of the basest Ity poeracy.}—Da ity News. . _ lissur N. Ftruzati, Eso.--There seems to o k • exist a gen ral disposition among ,the Whig' thronghou the Stateto concede the next ean4• didate for anal Contissioner to the North; and the - W ig journal olthe interior, almost without as exception i „unite• in urging the nominatio . of , the intre c tid ,young( Whig whose . . .. e we haveipla d on.the _head . of this. artich. . -, This uOarallelled tinanimity says the ` hiipensbuttgii 3►Tos, augur i well for the W t ig party, Mr,. fuller, it adds, tis . ii yoqug " . . of brillihitt tidenni,- an eloquent speaker_, : , d should I le he, selected as the Whig S . dud Beartr in the nextAimpaign he will 1 y' it throu h. in triumph.! He is w t i us a wilole • monith stump,. akardent- an . devoted ' big, and mild rally around hi if all . the . iiotie,-en ', inatie, 'active you le Whigs • . - the' at , , yatot* and *ndlici them to - ,- . - rtaiti - vietai ',= - ,l at O' .far, iiiiivenuu:i ,' with the timente;df the. ' ' t " • &this*" . #s'; the o i3 , unanimously in :" vot.Lat t • ,:noinina ix of .10. , F the u ra l 'lFulliimitri;:of feeling 1106, to pier(til t 4 pgriout: tt,t, Stitie. -;.- ;, ~., ••- r I; ~ ~..:~~ ~,.::,~~,...n ,::.~:.;a,,.r ~ ..... 11 . **reigiCT:isrLog.— ' 1 1 :" .. 4 ! rit Y Itrig -I :# l ie, sity . a b' I :- : . ,: -.-:.' WM*l not ap re d r ii-tatiO be.."*Led im oi. 1 -4*rtaised - ioAdrierve 4us' ; bitialMs* with which Oen, ~' 6o* ia.attackedby adver seem capable of i ' viewing i i through the medium o 1 • timo r eAnis .„. __ - - th.P.,qu't et .n tointtend ' liiiict:Ont die &I '4li4elS , ,- wilitild b vindence aild_th Taldor's adminis saris who do no any, thing exce pat . prejudices.. Jefferson einctunter.- 'T. T ministration:! II Granger in 18 . 0 accordingly tura' and all our su ' fresh matter whi 'h humali in fin something t ! e 'Philadel thisliWith truth ' deed against a , i not be able AO ft wonici be very w ea; s t or to end . , It its duties ' and it will be, ju honesty, capacit) its acts, the sco its 'tone and dem force to the impr upon the public i place it is to attaks of the vi querulous, the d 1 —these may be their own reacti ad a . similar oppopition to very:firif ;kis oft the ad= says in a hitter Gideon 1 "the nominations,_ have, lied somethii:ig yefp on, "cent acts furnish them use there is notaing against enuitir not be able to i 8.4/Y Sun remarking upon ;There is nothing, in human ingenuity will - sa l uted:km' g to say, and 'it # for an administration to avor to 'plants every one. `the' Country t& . Orforin, gedihy its own .staiidard of and fidelity. Thii !spirit of and character of its policy, Or, will give alai* and ion it is to leave finally ind, as they will fix the upy, in history. But the ent, the complaints' of the wands of the unreasonable ft•to,perish by the fofce of n, lAL under - - • :Went will leave Washing 1, the North, about the mid , e proceed from Bal nd from thence visit Li:a -! - Chitribersbu . rg, and . the Hollidaysburg and Pitts- I, en pass throtigh' Ohio to he :Will embark for-ButFa the'New l'ork State Agri yracuSe on theTOthi - From ed- east to Boston, and capita's of New Hanipshire turn south via Providence, is - c 4; beim: to about the close of Sep- Neu* Tua PRESIDE stand that the P ton on his tour dle of August. timoie to York, caster, Harrisbur Bedford Springs burg. Ho will Oleaieland, whe 10, and will be a , cultural Fair at Albany he will aver visiting the and Maine; will New York and t reach Washi i LA.,I tember.-=Daily -DARING AND of , the most &A perpetrated in terday in Market extensive watch Messrs. -Watson between 12 and the sky-light, th iron bars, and th Over two hundre one hundred gol mends, and nu ii were ;carried off.' at from $15,00 quirer. — iiiikiiii Itiiiiikitt. l one and , ~ darinrrobberies ever ehiladelphia, occurred yes ; : street, above' Setond: Thi ndjewlery establishment of and Hildeburn, was entered o'clockomort by means of [ rogues . tearing away ‘ the I securing a passage below. xl watches of various .kinds, Id chains, a number of dia erous Other articles of value, The total loss is estimated ) to s 4 2o;ooo.—Phi/a: In -1 ' • SINGULAR CA, nent medical p Va, was recently Chesterfietd, th that she was promptly waiter relieving her p. world a smart case occurred. to relieve a lady cholera, and the, and the rapid r both instances death and, both insane rear whic ease into choler ES OF CHOLERA.-AU eini titoner of Petersburgh, called to attend a lady in messenger informing him tacked by choleia. He upon her, and assisted in ins by bring,ing into the y. ,At Richmond, n worse he f4oulty were called upon marked as a-victim to the exult ;was the birth or twins verYlof the sick lady. In fe wasi produced instead of exemplify the folly of the turn , every ittlack of dis 7 WlE"iii 'AND BORACWED aiTe+d in -this village on I violent assault upon an- Unliergoing examination olkii-young woman made in colt, with a small child represented herself to be 'She cried pitifully :ranee with the babe at her' ted the by-standees:: . her ciuhEticit turn the scales 1- -of. risoner *iis• - sent to jail•td Sept.ber' next. • .; eno4lpient. 'lt has since that•lthiii woman 1 - *• not She is e, anti to effeettheleare. of 'leniency, she - -voliuttecred hnke `described ; -an& to She, -- netually - .•boi;voect• &V?' - • • - N . A. Votes-rata BY.—:-A man w Wednesday for other, and Whi before Justice A her appearance 'in her arms, wh the wife of the, and her sad ap breast, muth - att tears, howeyer, .Ittstiee, and.. the - I await his trial in &victor the been' Ascertain'' ;the dulprit't wife another man's ivi !the .:Magistrate in this character ;highteri the another mutest's I Pi ;NNEWLVAKI burgh KesOtone !ileum running o as far as Millers mouth of the Ju , and thatthe en , be ready for use The bridge nearly complete '1 Hon. Belie in ,New Orleans ! • Rair,R4D.--"-The-Hanis 7 ys' ihatihe cora l., the:Pennsylvania railroad, .wkiiiteen miles abevelhe iata, die 15th:of:July l ire line to. Lewistown willy t te,ma I • - kw e -of August.' em e Susgneharinal)/is ytorii , iminister to OM was. thelBth FA : -The ill° * 8," . o4 Oa *31,0 falls } and an ihore nth' f her ` machinery so the ib,e worked. Left tol We . she drifted " down gre,ttest. Te.!FocitY: thaw on boars d but just, d the. bridge theltoatdii ft ed. the the. got :144ii-ditti.aiid ACCIDENT AT isteamer )I . oiA 9 i Abe, Suspen ion Ittieni3 to the Inst. ; broke _so leiginc c,111,1 . :mercy of stream ,4 - t ;fears • 'felt; ;I:ofo • "811, , reach. inpi an eticly an Irked Irr op Tin:Ai:MT of of• -Ofl of- :the Iforth-:, ' uageiitt, •' ' ' N*lsso to travel WW I , Viirelis***Ove HiVitlYthekftbilst ‘; 1111104;t• tea4o4l44ll4'clikit,ikilaW ,era Liocaeco" 0144 by the, oval* *kite: him , iusy ; theziai for of it irta.iiot4,- - •~; , ~'nvaeik=r=;,!raaiw~*~lt.~rkaw-kr' `l~ss~a . ~, ~r..~ 1 i.. 1 ' •, a Abend& ~, , i . .s. I_._. ~,,_ I. _ ,-•' 3 Y id" = t - I --- E : l i my . ; f,ow— 7 t.e, ,tritom mmttrit. .... ' f• - ' 1 -2, 1 L " wr .l• '- - , ' The Stilt er'Hibeilla arrived at Halifax aY Imprning of last week. The following is inun abarrof-thentwra.t. , vom ECTION IN /IABIN. On Wed esday an i• • • . nellneetl msernetion was:attemp -in Taris , l o , a b out , woo o ir the Noun ' l ti ilartYll-ft&d. bk. i larienne -.maga- ,-.7r.' iiiro-ripprefted.*thiiirtiapr, whose /nun ~ r iP ti . / 0 1 3, 1 1. 40 00% Sev eral attea 3 l were mule tifisittbarriestii. Ili . i ll ' 'v , 7 4'sf , 4 ie:M a as tP1 ) §14 it t-liii self en 'pe arience, ' and a`,& I decree, 'declaring.Fie. to a state or siege . (hi Thui4day, e elaraquidNeelitldelthlrrl:w sided n and u sines/ which was entivelY Ist pended the y previous, , was pmerany re, slimed. _ ,' -I" . _, ~1 At;one ti e -ihelerti t . was eminent, and nothing but the cotirtigeima prtalenceof the Presi 'lentillifiTe4-bi ibe-ti k iii i#kaatilieltyr prevented the an9sesen-46. : Numerous arrests halts tak en Vac% win ding several meniherti of the '4eitelrhltilf , Arago and Ledru IlAYOkehle r tui44 them The last accounts report iitate ottninqui- My, hut there was an' Uneasy 'feeling idloat that a renewed attempt would= be made to upset the Govemm_en, t o 1 and :04_, ,Wheti it comes to the point,theitsTrip,Aofiwove steady. l if = , , r.;= 1 ITAri r . 0- , 1 From Rome we learn that the French army commenced the -lattack on= the 30th inst., and that, after: a, sanguinary'engage ment in which the Romans lea 800 men— sumeededin carrying several important posts. A series of attacks have since taken lace, in which the victory is variously. stated, but in% high theinvading arnaY ha's suffered inos , . The French papers piblish conflicting re ports 'of the operationtof the artily; but from accounts received - thei l ith inst., tt, is clear that Gen. ,Ouilitbt ad not hen gained access to the city, though he. had gamed a position at the north 4: 4 0f, e, which wciuld enable him to command the city. - i The latest despatch &t in Gen. Oudinet is to tbe 6th, inst., at whic timo,lic o eclihis trenches'and had regularly bet tfir t eity. Theie is no appearaft of yielding on' he ' er ten part of the, Romati , _ konj.,*3 , c f itt. everything ;west* eiin '' the 'lle le tat they would make a M deter, Witiett*,l4 - --- tance and fight to the l i t. , - - , i r All the SoCialiSt or d 4 ltet t ililie&l .-j'imr nals at Paris, except the 'Nationatlniiebeen suppressed Since the disturbance on Wednes day. , The city - , of Rlieinislis reportef'l to beln full insurreetion, and td havel'esinblished a government of Bo 44ubliOns:1 CHOLERA IN ENGLAND AND!FRANCE • •• The cholera' has. again appear l ed in En-; gland, and several Ca.SCS - .have occurred in Manchester, and othetparts of th wintry. At Paris this disease is-malting the most frightful havoc---eietinioie - S6thaii - nritat --- -- 14mirds of 11,900,depiths have alreadyoc curred, and in one d'ay.there were about 900 • cases and 600 de aths repurted. .1 - Marshall llngeand and many other persons 9f eminences have fallen beforfs th e scourge. o it has broken out anew in Sibe ri a, Vienna, and Presbarg, and, is: ..?fii - i4_ Xn;„:. ' fearfully l at Alexandria and:cape iri F.gypt KoSsuth has - arrived, in -Perthi. and has been received in the, capitol as t4ol,gr . Otleto of the Hungarian rhP4 ll e: d ,....L ~ - It would seem , .that; hostilities.a still ried on in the South lietort.' - ' ' ans and`the scattered rem; army, supported by thi reports which reach , uSlat, tradictory, it is -net deeined mit them by telegraph n ,l-, ItIISSIA I,ANIY., The Russian 'Generai . ~ I tion to the Hungarians, tl. that if they do net, lai / doN . ..., submit to their fate Witlingeed:gra,ceil.they , will be made tc!! feel tile. eOn!ingeßcfml - -4:0( their presumption. , •- 1 u -- 11,, ; . .z.,..i . ,-- - 4...•„ , ,- Every ' effert - is , beitiemedSr to;`;rtins. ' the people, mid the StaggalGoi-ernitient.hai or dered' ,UM clergyruan; to ,pMack against the Russian. • .1 -' - .-.1., i' 1 , -.. - •. _ , 1 BinkT4-111e WWI - . b . - , c , _,_ , ,_, dary lino betw4olf , 681'1311kt 'Total"' - 4 1 , 11(1 in, rdiam wi ,the Asbhur tLCankatPg ty "ll ' 334l : latii Of,hrie linidred treaty ' '*e° • •niti, 14 PFkirkhrec ; !,iiinidred men 'eighteen t" t t i k t I ' ll ir 9 isir'l ` elli, l'thit4gh' - the `forest timiv nli,ks faeetPa •d'a., 4 7antrelentedllot all trees.— A — tliet ' end wi of,eferk Mile iti - a i*stiron. pillar, :painted white, leouaier i four feet out of t h e ' 'fi ft I - ' the bottom, ground, seven ' i n -,tuar.e.-At l e ftd • onus an d fd at the tini, , l'v ll 2 ll " . °7 . 1 ,-..,; ... n , ; the sid naming the commissioner -war.-f7 line, and the date.l 1 - 'r- ' ill! ' ''' 4 24 l n , ~,,1 mk . . 11. •t i '1 1) :1 1 IV 'N . i n t, • reepApg.,- 4 ue , miotk. i o , ,f,',.. 1 _ his, lad y hada very - jun.olw eseaPebtithii !tt . ll . l „ r. 'inst., sass the Hartford-Vjm,fwbiler::.. the old' West V.artfordoad, mrs... _ ,Thir , inite+. came f' Ounci'4 l3l r.k.:t _ . IllY,, d -- Withont - any previcing Adlrni, - -'2Ol , the_r*i: IliS whistle Ar ~ bell, and I PamAo Akie 1 4 ror s e s tsal" ' -iwtreliadrivalTi g hlelf*44-1/41 , - . 4li4" . 4 ' tilik • he r *:b " lll " 4"l" : j'r. the.) 4 17 i 11 0 . .. aft 1 11,-,0 !: iosvins i t ,- 1 4,0ing , PAW] ` —L i, ' ''' i t ' ' l, COT * ':' , . 1 ••••4 t upon. sun ~ 1.•••••h.V? . 1 - , :•.?c't r • - ` [.. '' CAMP OIII 4. ' e ll'Pr iet °A s c4 . A tai r.. i i..c .ii) -1 - 44.1,Tiikunigilii am fuTigidii_of•9lAlumt% "ammtte:inforituttl' ' .f xl r 4* nifPfeil t OW,T II O ..r hiv..e4tieut , J. , 41 - 4.w T #S l °Tl , 9 :- "echilit, to . son , _,, ' `'. - ;, 1: , '-w.:, y trteii:, he:will AriYTififir. ',:. :o°iAireig airi;otpio, 41 4&iieild , - . .: r , - A, .4,Z' _ • tr• i-r,,p i cations bomb.:'Thu-: _en of ° ~i,:n.m;To ,' _ noi*.'milewhibi , T. Y• 1 0 gi,CW 4 7, 7411 ‘;,:' . -"7- g ..- • .2 .4 . , ~. '•*, _ -t 4, - , 4 --Vtlitit: iit', -;•:.;-14&',Pl iir i i f:V - .. "1 4. t.11' .• 1 .... • A` t.IV - 0 ; l*liti4 - thii titio'Ot t dliet‘ - .0, 4 ,:r to t . 111 • n ti t ?iii thopirusa'±it Iris:ld:4 rilenk a ~ , ~..... paper is a Wit starting for its support : r MINE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers