~`~~- -' ;k •7 5 ,... ' Tie Hessian " Fit- i , sge ss iarilir "ii a small two-winged or Midge, nearly black," and was supped l!'1* been brought to America by 'the ,w 4 , 14,41, tfOOS during \the Revolution,— phtineii have been written concerning this rind its -natural history is well under -oJ._ni" discovery has been made • by which CilUk-beefitirely arrested 0 its ravago.— Aberfall of-:the:year, and again in the • ." .. ‘ - ii.Axiii&iitia its eggs on the blades of i,t'lteat, -- which hatch in the course of a ::.days—when •tht) mag,tots crawl to the 2tt4m: of„. the blades and find their nourish ein the juice of 'the plant. The circu • . , i in the plant beeornes thereby impeded,; Oiades - - , trst assume a dark green color, 2 :tautly they turn yellow, and finally ,-,.. , ,le'pla c nt, perishes or lives, out a sickly • , 'i :, The prevalence' of the fly has -, gthe.. ' means of bringing a great re- 1 Ttitiati -. itethe culture of 'wheat. Before it 12•iknZiWnsit was-customary to sow from ""to two months earlier than can now be I i ''4°eivith safety. By early seeding the ~, actiuired such strength as to enable eialietill in the spring, and the consequence liiAivest secured the crop from another 1 e' no • less formidable than the fly, _ e yrust. Since the introduction of the I ,• :llama been found unsafe to sow wheat I i or'than about the period 'of the first : Ot.k-^. - -4ven then, or in cases of still litter iariay:there is no certain exemption from 1 riavages, while fhe change of seed time riders .it.unprofitable to put any land to , eat; - which. is not in a good state of im- t .oVekteni. The only compensation there= , ne to-ihe farmer for the injury to his crops % ;the tly, and the necessity he is under of i • 'fag late, is to plate - his wheat land`m a 1 , , tUtion to render it productive. He must I ve 4 his - wheat pot only, nourishment enough I ItAlie fly, but enough: also to stimulate its I ewth` beyond the abstraction of sits juices hide is caused by the fly. In favorable i • :`ins he may then calculate on reachine 1 - ialtritiin degree of productiveness. But` i pbaiordinary or poor lands, especially- after rn, without the benefit •of manure, the I -imer is hardly ever reimbursed for his ex ense in seed and labor. Counting every xpe t ieseless than a crop of ten bushels to ly) acre" will not yield a sufficient profit to ustify the cultivation of wheat. And \ y et 1 tow many farmers there are is hose crops tall tly below that average, and who still i i • •vim in the culture from year to year. 1 au e presence of the Hessian fly should then • eli the farmer an important lesson. In ilea imne pelsons have gone so tar as to say thei considered it a blessingAstead of a mrie, from the absolut• ~:i. ity to its existence of rising sin every Hearts S ' increase e . the productiveness of the soil. Without fully receiving this opinion it is net yet without force, and he who adopts the plan of improvement for the parpeke_of&uhiiating these difficulties which nature interposes to bie - ..eueeess, is the only intelligent farmer— the' Only, one who deserees success even When he does not cairn - land it. .. 2 liover—Naking Hay. --, tlover, when intended for hay, should be 'cut;earlY. Nothing is gained by permitting ~.it to stand. •When cut in its green state and properly cured, it makes an excellent feed forihOrsys,-sheep and young stock generally ; lint - it is greatly , lessened in the value by liiiig- -`standing. „ It should be cut when iii 'Bloom; or at least, before the seed has ripened. _:ln :England, from which country we may fAkerive many valuable lessens in practical -r agriculture, clover is seldom if • ever spread -,'as with ns, the more: judicious farmers, of ;, - -,that country believing it far better and more ,' -economical, on the whOle to cure it in the t,ohil cock than to expose it, by spreading, in the wasting influences of the sun and winds. Most peisons are aware that heibs, intended for• `niktetd purposes, are - comparatively of little ' lellife' unless cured in the shade. That the ;: , .suU: ahStracts much of-the goodness from ehr e :4feeeies „cif hay, when exposed for any - - -atisiderable length of time, is beyond a I i , '-. 4 3,a&,. By d t) iug, much of , the foliage, a:,l ,11. a s -the hi °swum becomes detached and and as. thisikeit utes where the growth I pt, :Is...rink,' much of 'tannest v aluable part of : . the crop, its loss is a matter of considerable i • ' •importance, and should lie guarded against ,Nr all means possible to be devised. c '-- We prefer mowing our clover when the - ; --;,! - ::alria clear—say from eight to Ole\ en o'clock i ~ ieeter the dew has disappeared, and the . ...gt4o' rma becomes warm.' We then leave it , .;,-. * the wertli till the approach of night ; t`tovhen it is :carefully turned, by which a fresh. -;..- . .4indtied. surface is presented to the night -?0 ,- , and the wilted and com paratively dried 1, :, -portions•secured by being turned under. In this condition it remains the afternoon'of the i - - r , -• -4,,, eiiext day when if, the weather be fair, it is t l :pitched into 'grass e" and left to in 'al:e. e A, ','-'IC ere, -- , however, is ties in constructing 1 e coclis, as when ,toetbulky, the grass NS ill 11 `43at and become musty • which greatly de rtAt4els from the value of hay. A " grass ti .e,ek ought s never to contain more than j'Agli. ...tY cr a hundred pounds of unmade qr fi*VOrhally 1141ted grass, and must not be forine4 i lt ) conpaetly or be too much cans6lidatd rif. 'n,........-...,..as t4:;oause a liability to fermat -.Eiv - f , ' , .f., :A careful and practical workman .ii.::p!-- 7 latch the grass into cock much better . 1 '-': witlffar greater despatch, if the crop be t;,:viiiip.aTerage one, than it can be raked and . eii .. -- iiked - 5131. - the (usual waY• As song las the 4 - 7:s4,fikthoroughkr:biadet it sh6tild bolgotin -,,,,, *ibittut %II rendia a and: In dry weath•er. In • --'.. U . - ' e ' 7 ' 4 4" t 4 PAlie" . *nr , It should be chrely. packed.-r-Ger "A.:*lifotenill = . i - ' •- . ).P -', - Mii 4-- =:• , • 5 1 vo te s tTne n FoMs 'iii na:-- line ints-K, - 'l.•4l':ibii•'• `via 7 4 0-ihe• eomin;ola sunflower; in ' 1: :.` ,. ;:-,4 1. u - iiirrajeqd - as soctnaVott diseOvei poi 14.'P'tg ttleunaiii - Attalvit win g!se berneai 'W,.., , ,„ i , _.,_, , irdiev This , Iti e , 1 41 0 --een..v, ~. - -'s i i b * .:-,--- ... :-- - s_„. --, : ; !- , * - 0 - ittr• 7A - 41ar . ,. -- a spoonful eflibeiblio , liiiailAl4l44lteatiiir ilia iletWeetr '-' -- - , ,w•P4 Il i gitkiiioillti; ii!lllllefrea 14 7 speedy sill:' radi• FZ , , ..'l 7 lll- cure. 114 ; ...- ii A MEE illittabLiroaCiHorset nothing 4itention' be toiveOnpon !the ,breeding" ol good farm andtad horses : that there should be, medn th, horse of all work, and that posesses regtisite 4treng,tN combined with endurance and- yloeilitb with 'a walk of four miles an hour, and an easy trot over a good r-leVel road of sevet mile's; an hour. I have Occasionally seen Inatelt herses, with .Which One could plow 4Voiacres easily in a day, and do . any kind of firm work in prOportion, Such as hauling mature, wood, transporting Ptoduce, 451:c.,* the same time making alhandsowe appearance in a buggy or car. riage, performing their nine or ten miles an hour without mud)] fatigue or fifty miles in one day, and,Wereids.o easy under the saddle. Such hetvever, tare rare ; yet they should net be, lOt with proper attention he-stown uPon the breeding of horses, farmers might generally a.s easily produce thos have described asi the miserable animals that now pervad the 'country, and are Hardly worth the 'cost of rearing. Ifune- Jialf the attention that has been given to the rearing of the race-horse, had been devo ted to the roadster; all this might have been accomplished. , Fur stock, in place of the little piney wood studs now. prevalent, and ...which, are not much better than billy goats, we ml substitute the good bloodcd trot ting ,e that is made f wservice. (1,1.) not want a horse with a head as large as la flour barrel legs as large as mill posts ; a back as long as a fence rail, and 'thin as a shad.• We w ant a horse about fonrtcn or fifteen I:aii,L high, liith a head and short back rump :110 - o. rmi;,l if it is (trooping, 'nor if his rib touch' his hip bone, with a small km leg, that when Ihe lifts it !you Can s'c the frog of the foot, land whenFhe puts the foot , b)wn, it will be past•the track of the fore Not short steps that you can tray el in the shade of au oak tree all clay. . • • 'Many . art. opposed to working corn (Itirin: , : periods of drought, under the impression - that, when thu3 wdrked it •eauses it tofirr.— Now, - if corn be wdrked in dry weal/err with 'the °plough, which necessarily cut , i n , tho prob ability is that the blades will wither and burn 'Up, not because the earth has been stirred. but because the plants have been unnaturally deprived of their 'Deans of supprving"thein ; selves with.feod and moisture fr o m the ear th, and• because. by t6e absence of rain, their power of reaction 31as been suspended, and they cannot re-supply themselves with a new series of feedin-s. Thu , believin:r, we hesitate -not In udiancing the opinion, that stirring the earth with the r , ,lttrator i- de eidedlv beneficial, In even the dryest periods, as- all such loosefiinp of the soil serve to prepare it to abOrh and 'condense the dews, and dispense theli refreshing influenc. , s to the roots of thelgrowing plants. If the dews fell upon a :airfac?, tho sun ex hales them befure; , they can possibly do any benefit; whereas, if the .4urface be open and in .fine tillh, as a necessary conseluence, much will sink into the earth before the eyaporating power of the sun's rays can disadvantageously, operate, and thus will a . moderate degree of moisture be preerved in the earth when it is most needed. CIIOLIC IN HOIISES.-DiSOIVC in a quart of pure water as much salt as will thoroughly saturate the liquid, ,and . drench the animal thoroughly until you discover symptoms of relief. is simple and effectual remedy, and has been successfully' applied in cases of bolts. • • ltj is indeed a melatich.,ly truth that thousand. , titll t - iefinus to consumption every 1 car from no 4411- er cause than neglected colds : vet we finl hun dreds, my ; thou•ands. who treat such mu plaints with the g,reatt indiX6ren6e, and let them run on for Weeks. and even months, without thinking of the danger. At first you .have . t% hat you consider a slight esgh or cold yen allow business ; plea sureitirCarelegsness to prevent you from giving it any attention ; it then settles upon your brea-t, you become hoarse, have pains in the side or chest, ex pectorate large quantities of matter, perhaps mix ed with blood a difficulty of breathing .6n sues, and then you fln'l \ our own foolish neglect has brought on this comphiint. If, then. you value your life or health, be warned in,tmie, hod don't trifle withyour cold, or trust to any quad': m- , .trunv to crirejou ; but immediately procure bottle or two of that fa mous remedy, Dr. 11 - hquit.6 of Wild.Che r _ rg, which is well known tO be the most speedy cure ever known, as thous:lll,ll4i will testify, whok lives have been saved by For influenza it is the best medicine in the world. Nnue genuine nnle-s signed I. BUTTS on. the . , wrayper. Fur Sale by Abel Terrell, DruggiNt, llontrosd. New Goods and New Prices. i TT BIT MITT inks just received his general sup • plies of Spring Sommer Goods, compri sing a large and rich, assortment of prints, prit4od lawns, ginghams, changeable linen lustres, and _Oth er ladies dress goods. llich printed Cacheniere and other summer shawls, Men's summer wear, broad cloths, fancy atssimeres, Kentucky jenny, tweeds. ligem•+, tic., and alk‘o, his usual large variety of:goods fOr almost every branch of trade in Ithe country, to which he would invite the attention► of cash purchasers in partichhir. and will be soh! as Cheap or- less than the cheapest for cash, produce oriapprored Credit_ New Milford, 1112 1.-pEtE citizep's of Montrwe and iicinity are m i..'Alec tfully" informed 'pat the subscribers have coruniebced the-uuninfactnre of Hats and Caps, i two doors beloW.t.lie Firiner'i Store, inhere, they Beep wastuitly On -hand and for sale a general assort rue* of Hals.inid Caps of every variety 4rid pike. All who •crishito pirehase a first rate•artiiile in oar in e, ;are particularly itivittel to give elll!)4,re purdiimiuf, cliewhere- i iNii.t;,cOnsists Of -• Bea- 13rith, ock and o°l2olEl4st sti;o,.palifornia, Sporting, Wool, Leg horn, Stra* - andiPtdrnleaf Hats, si c. dc., besidOs A groat variety of . Men and Boys' Cloth: . and Gbkv•Pd .Llaiii,fehildrenfaney_do.,*e. -Short; a laige siasowtOOt•ilt:itlrao.4 every article in our.line korict I gltentioit44.blisinand-iTitkatiAte t(t pleagei ieiliqpeto ineritlitnareeolve a liberal isup port;nnd-inkare these in Want "iirjfats'and •• Caps _that e,sery_effort -will beitoade.to'.get up thane/A7 : esCiaid,beat - kin& of an'tifiele.- ErtoltED-ti:INtIWO9,IOIB.- rrllfotin SEED fii . .sale 1)* t • J. LYONS Working in Drought. INTLI7E.N7.I .OO3\RUMPTION. rirew'pat. slid Cap Store. -- Those of. Judgment, Read s. i\ITAVING established himself in this Village; 11 - 1.4 and having , employed experienced workmen, the subicriber would give notice thathe is prepared to do all kinds of house and slip painting, .paper hanging, graining,- glazing and • carriage painting, gilding and ornamental &ntings; etc.„, all of which will be done on short notice, and in the bdst styles Jobs from the Country promptly attended to Shop over J. T. Itireitar . ci's Carpenter shop, a few doors east of Warner's Hotel. Trs us. - -• . _ . Montrose, 4p; °:4 i,k • New Goods Again . : JUST receiving another Large and splendid stock of try Goods,. Groceries, Hardware, Saddlery. Iron, nils, Crockery, Bonnets, Ribbons, Mowers, Clover Timothy seed, Codfish (4: Mackerel, Boots Shoe}, Palm, Leghorn t Straw Hats, Fur & Silk Hats, spring mulz summer styles, Glass, Window .Sash, Lamp, Lituieed & Tanners Oil, 'White & 11Cd Lead &c. chCaper than the cheapest at Mont rose ik LATHROP & SALISBURY. April .25, 18-111. nl7tf New Store and New Goods. THE undersigned have entered into copartner ship in the above business, and have just re turned from New York With an entire new stock of goods, comprising nearly every article usually call ed for in a country store. All of width are of a first rate quality, awl will be sold for ready pay or approved credit, as low as can be bought this side of New York. • DAVID SUMMERS, Summersyslle, a 241. TRACY HAY DEN.. Gold this side of California! TO BE SAVED BY TRADING OBEAD. - C 1 riierry, Confectionary and Opßer Sal txm. rr HE railroad being completed, twin' have, and I. keep a general asssortment of groceries cheap — , tich as sugars, molasses, rice, coffee and teas, of prices awl uality such as will please. Also, nuts, rai.-ins, candy :ma all. kinds of fruit the Market can fund-h my buy e rs to suit. AlsO, fresh,clams and sters rereiv...il iii. the shell, fresh 'fish too, tlis weather—they - keep very well—l shall get by I !I` (1 rtur,m a w, , , I,,iy Li-apply—to please all. Inv 1 cus u nwr; tast.•; 1 dud' try. GoOd oysters on hand the keg or the di,h—si.-rveil up either raw or coy ti ed. as you wish. All needed refreshments pre a red at a wink--eall in, all ve .hungry, and 1)1:1 ik . il - 31. F. IthADLE.V i down the chink. . Groat Delia- Fob I 3 ifLedroad Freight and C,ominissi LI NEI .. .kII:I , 7)PLR . C. II A NITO N. r IE srdp3oriboiYhilVintimtipleted their arrai ments are' now read3' to receive ttll kind pr..hti-e at the railroad depot in Ilinghatot.nt t rward it to New York an make tale of Capt. William Clark (who l had a nuinbrai of yeari experience in the sale of produce in thi_*-ew York market will attend to the sale of all p 0 1' - orts_eatrikJtal to our alre, which will enable per son.; forwaragrtrirorer, the highest market price for their produce. thr charge: civ.er th' regular freight will 4.! a small commi..,sion f‘ti The return.: will paid .iit the store of u... 1 M. st,Aver-, hi Binghamton, of fork if riai r...d.; U. M. STOWER„, CLA II K.. 1 11. J 1. 1 1)60.N. Binghamton, Jan. 1. 1849.' 2-661 . _ _. _ Flit rival. Ara Spriop nr, - 1 gron»lrr Coals for 1819. t LL who are desirous of purchaking new g ds .., V. arc imited to call and examine the large and splendid lot of plain, camelion and stripe silks_ ain alpaceas. and plain and figured de laines, a 1., rge variety of gini , „thants awl lawns of all descriptlon_ , , a large stock of latiery, linens, handkerchiefs !and ,hoes, diapers, connterpains, 111CC4 'and edgings, white g.xxls, blue and green fuze veils, barieges, tine mudins and Irish linens, 11. large variety beal e_ 1 ico.: and furnittire prints, battings, cotton y irris. carpet warps and table. spreads, some bealtiful goods for ladies' sacks, cambric, white, colored and black kid gloves, gent's kid gloves, linen mull silk pocket handk'fs and cravats, summer, clothsi ink, steel pens, holders and wafers, 75 p.. cloths, cas-si meres, tweeds and satinetts, satin, silk, worgea and velvet vesting, cord, stkpender , , and t.lkoes, brown lluen, , ,eheek,:, flanneLA and blt ed tnu , lins. A large supply of sunnner. F. 2; bonnet and -tatfata ribbon', a beautiful ladies and misse3 bonnets, spring and rammer! ionssof every style, unusually low, good mol for 3s per gallon, sugars 15 pounds for * 4 1, 1 River nails for 5 cents, - clover and timothy .1 good heavy sheeting: for 61- cents Scree.ls iron, nail roli, spring steel, band iron, tire iron, rinind and square bans,. the cheapest and best teats in town. more of that cheap tobacco, wheat and titick wlwat dour, codfish and coffees, white sugars, s wrm and tallow candles, window sash and gla,:s, txes., ,steel shovel,: and dung forks„ etc. etc. i ' All of which, will be sold at a small advan e for ca-h, produce or approved credit., Springvi le or Mont r"-e. LATHROP a: SALISI3L7 V. Fire! Fire! u-AsimarroN CO. MITL'AI. COUP kN I T AT Gr..vsviLLE, N. Y Over 7i: 4 -t, 31W i t.tto ''' It" ': . anda larvO'acelqwelati M ng i E E untleraigne t .s ~, g been -.#14 t y ., -- ,: appqintekl an Agent of ii ' ttve Conipiny, would re spectfully call Ntleattention of the public to the autnerous advantages this Company have over all other innitutions of the kind. They insure none but the safest kinds of property, (being a Farmer's Company,) and take no risks over * l 2OOO. Their polices are made on fair and equi!able principles, giving the insured au equal chance with the Com pany, being entitled'to the. full amount of darnag 'not exceeding the 'amount insured, without deduCt- Mg out thiid, it , is customary with some other cam 'panics. They are prohibited by their Ily-Laws in surim; m blocks, or exposed parts of villa: 4 -es, or from taking risks upon any kind of Ifilia, Shops., or . Machinery, that are considered hazardous; are responsible for the correctness of all surveys made by their Agents —agree to arbitrate all matters of difference in the county where the 10 , ..s happens and give the insu red the privilege of withdrawing at any, tinirr-by . having his proportion of the loss while bis policy Is in force. Every loss sustained by its members. i has been settled to the satisfaction of thelelaimant and paid before it was due ; and the rapiincrease , ot business is the strongest evidence to wove that 1 the Directors in waking this a mutual benefit, have • been fully appreciated. , . ;All haziness entrusted to mu will be m-omptly attended to. ~ , E. PATE CE, , Agent for, Susquehanna - county. AdAdnistrator's Notice. LL persons interested in the estate bt Joseph 3/attewit, late of Jack - 43n; deceived, are re quested to make immediate payment, and all those having' • demnds against -Sind estate to present them duly attested for settlement. • PELATIAHAdin'r. Jackson, al I !, • :Farm for air, Situated the. tbrip:v Of Snake Creek containing qi-laeres, 30.0 f 'wfdeli is improved land, together tic ilia, &aimed hou. e, framed Ixml and excellent. water power. . For further Partieu- Jars apply , to • WILLT! A WINN. • liotatrose t , al 2 , - I - - Plori lid. .1 FULLsi,:atmentof :Plotiglr, or the. 4 % prpved patterns uf•Montr6sea id, Binghamton isialinfactire,;alid castings, just rice:Ned and Or sat-at reducvl_ prices by; _ '-}f. BYRREIV,.'' 1 :(1001KWayne Coitiliqe:„ W.Slfairawily $4 .5, 1 " vanELL F.q '`TIMOTHY,aniI Ckiver Seek Rol sate by al'' l B. SANRE. - T -)1 W :::-.:-.-- , •-, ~ .\. , :if' ... .. f:- • - AH: 2v. ~; .1 1,1 ---,. . _ „ , . •..„ _ . . . , ..-, ... ... -_ ~ : . ..,.... 1 , . ;,..? ,11., -: ,ir • ~S 1 'tit A h. A , • -., Y . CHEER PECTO --. For the Care of ; ootrolis, COLDS . ; PROAR4ENESSi BROW .OROUP . , 'MTH , Bt*, wHOOPINV-COUGH AND 00tYpIIRIPTION. . THE tftost distiognished Ph:,*mians in this and other countries before whom this preparation has been laid have, bestowed upon it unqualified praise as•anarticle of rare excellence and one better calculated to cure all forms of l'nlinonary disease than any other remedy known.. ' - Reath the following testimony .and judge care fully from it—it is from 'men of known respecta bility, not from persons of whom Yon have never before heard. Smith, Surgeon of the Port of Bostoas, Says-- 4 •lt gt Ls., me pleasure two:peak with appro bation of such a medicine as is here 'offered to the public. If any preparation can Vklue tliseasi of t h e bang', Cherry I ectoral can do it." .' .77je'„LVitor of the .4011,10 n Icn ct Fays; We can spealk with confidence of its intr sic merit 1)1.. Perkins, the ernerable Pitstdent of Oi.stlrton i(edr al (Adlege cori..kitleri it a composition iif rare excellence' for the most fonnidable type of disease in Or climate—ConAumption. - ; Cierrlaml, 'of Roirdoi,Ceoll Tr. wititog : I haft; witnessed' the effects of your• Cherry Perm rill iti ntfown family. and that ot my friends, and it hat; given great sutistAkt ion in caisesof both adults and lihildren. rhlentine Mott. :211. D.. Prli of Sfirgerty, New ro r p ty, says gives me pleasure to certify iu falvot of this beautiful and truly invaluable rem (• ly of the Lungsi. • „,litkirete Combr, JL 11., F. R. S. Phgsir;ari, Extra ordirg to %the (pfro:Ln of Sc6iland, writes':—This new ; Medico Chenlitlil adds another proof that the sciences and arts. ar4 rapidly advancing in 4,nuerieit .7lb,i..lit. Rcr. Lord Bishop of .N42in Fotandland unities in a let:er to his friend, who was fast sink iitg ilw atielq ion of-the Lungs :---tyry the 0170„rry Pectoral and if any melkMe can pre .you relict' with the blei'shig of Coil that • "file, 011)124;0i journal of JA,:ierd Beitnce," states that "the prevailing Asthma ;hi-' inelent ctit:clinrte has yielded with surprising rapidity to I,yk's Cherry and we cannot too; trongly recommend this skillful preparation to the Proles and public generally?' The disthquished Prof. 'Hare, of the ..tnerican 1C91 1 1,...c%c of Medicine, says, in the lecture before his ms•. au-;, ' t elan-Hist of New England affordi; you an inva nable reniedy in treating the various diseases of the lungs. Byj its skillful use you car rely upon curing, and oftpn frith surprisiT rapidity, the most violent and diuligerous attacks of pulmonary disease." If there is any value in the judgment ofthe wise, here is a remedy on whisk the public can depend. Prepared by J. iC. AYER, Lowell, Muss., and sold by ABEL TITRIIELL, Druggist &C.., Mont rose, April, 2.it, ISd9, nl New Daily Line of Stagcbs Befrecn lipatrosr andlireat Bend. A L FOUR 1i0r5t..,,.. v stage w ilficave MOIIITOSC evt6ry morning:, (Sundays excepted) for Great Bend' arriving in time to: take the railroad cars, and ena bling passengers tO reach New York the same eve ning, Retuning, leare Great Beud on the arrival of the ear, from New York. Careful and accommodating skivers and first rate teams are employed on.this rotite--and the propri etors pledge themselves to use every exertion to make their line pleasant and expeditious. For seats apply at Se.arle's Hotel, in Montrose. j 29 A. MORGAN ik CO. baton - Clark ilk Co., told: fah-, I rail Railroad Freightiand Commission Line from Great THE sub,:cribers having, completed their ar rangement , are 110u ^ ready to• receive all kinds of produce at the railroad depot in Great Ilend, and forwatti it to New York and make sale of the same. Capt. Win. ClArk (who has had a number of year, experionce iu tie sale of produce in the New York marketl will attend to the - .sale of all prop erty entrit:ted to'our care, which will enable per 5..11'4 forwarding Iry this company alWays to receive the higheit marl 't price for their probee. qur charges fiver the regular freight will be a connui ,, ion for -ale. The retui-rr:ill be paid at the 'store of Wm. Dayton in Great Bend or in New York if required.. WM. DAYTON, WM. R K, IL F. J UDSON. • • Great Bend, j• 29 Village Lots for Sale. - • rHE subscriber offers lots for sale in the town. ship of Great Bend in the village of Citei: and directly opposite the village of Gfoiii, Bend, located on the Depot of the New York and Erie railr,oad, and the Great Bend and Cochectou Turnpike, in the valley of tin - Susquehanna river. The railroad cresting the said turnpike, thence run-, ning in a, curved line nearly parallel with the sam att h e distance ; of a few`lamdred feet, 'with the grounds gradually- rising above railroad and turn pike, ovOrlooking the river:and : the' beautiful val ley, compared utth ito healthy climate, renders It. a most desirablO location for building parposes.--, The depot . !.., , routi3l of the railroad company being located in the centre of a *eli OM extensive agri cultural district,[ surrounding it on every iiide with ib many .roads Centering in, and all other advanta ges combined, aford every advantat,e - tO k business . Jt ii lexioLsik ,l lVatei Power . , caribe brought; from the Susquehanna .I river. ad joining the depo grounds'of the . said raitroad, suf . - fie cut for the erection of all nainufaetutinr , o estab li meats, or any machinery refittirect.. Great 8end,:0". , 2y1. L. GREEN. Notlcei... • . .. . HE underqigned, would respectfully: i n form their friends and the public that they . have ied a pattnershipi in the Tunniiig, Currying and oe-raaknig busin .. They flatter themselves_ /.. . t by strict attenti n to'husiimss ta• 'Merit a shareOna public patrge. 1%1111. - O,,IIANDRICK.„ 1 _ MINRWIN T. .11ANI)R-ICK. _ l' , IMMEEII Springville yillagti, 4. , • J avail myself of this opportunity to say to my dtv4tothersiPsit I shall revive an hoax lift atlenient ursto, •the time of. partnership. I hc r Inc vill delalr beyond the first' of . 3Jity. • ' - W.M. 11-..RANDRICK., bonne tr,avri lett. ftilf la +Cotta ,, e'lutil fancy ' r.Ode ..1011Aa F r gf4E/CARI OiTOr' A. 1, 11 3Vcbstor'e tin Ellop, two,tioors a sye ecler's - 2 'O-fint ~...7,:, 4 , : '.; -.-',.., .- 4 A new, assortment of ffpring,stYles includitig stockpf plain 4%0 French ,lace, lawn tte.; ,Ki4t ivett_o3 . lc. &c . a 'rich': and coiiufiou_psn old, ' wl ich veililtivr !Mite ,br i, `.7i. trap 1 • , t ERN AIEW , • E- HEALTH COLLE ! ! u-Stroot,; Buffalo, N. Ir. .G. C. VAUGHN'S F. 2417 Itl ; Lithontriptie• - 111biture. remedy is yonstantly ininnising its trimly cures it is making . OVER TRE WORLD. Vegetable nr ui IS celebra fame by ti 'ALL 1 It hoinotv becoi le particularly 1 -itue the only medirine for family 'use, and , commendtd*.r , DROPSY: . . . complaint immediately relieved..no mat:: tandin.,l, See Pampa :,elfor testimony ' (rightful, as. CIiOLEFLA, and-the stow arid . ' br the ntalady, bloating the syetem tot niters the Patient utleri'y linable:to mae. nost distrmdtm features. nll atage9 Of 'Ott MT of now long This disease is dreadful pro.rel, degree which re forms one of its lUT, It now ytelds•tof licly and private has ever had keep this artici natural • LERTO INCURABLE, !this reniedy-i-und Physicians use it pub-, ty with penbct gticcess. Lrt any one who symptom of Dropsy, of any character, by then and if they would avoid the un; ATION OF TUE KNIFE, APPLI( to perforate the away, only to I death, let them covery is w . and a cure n. ctl sgatens and let the areanzulaled marerilow fit up again, and finally end in n dreadful just use this remedy in season. and a re. Let them trytt many stage of this ditautst!, rtain, if they will give it a : fair trial. GRAVEL, i of tim urinary orzino ; fur these and all diisea. log complaints you ; nod the skeptical; • stands alone; Ito other article can relieve ures testified to will convince the most , pampa/rt. . !Ter frotu this painful complaint. and fin. ire. You. may think yon have gravel wheu futnatioti—there . fuay lie ealets: yet y formed—it may eveu be stone' f;ri the it are sure of a cure in all hut the. last How many cy there is no c there is only in it may be hart bladder, yet • y named diseds: by the aid,of t will subside, tug, the calcul particles. All wire: Otu New York lea - Pamphht. and if stone In the bladder does exist, is medicine nil initammation causett by it aniess . the formation is or years:rtnnd- .. . .. . . . . i 4 dissolved, and brought away in tine :taE, , tarnes of this disease has cured-by this of the fleet Medical men an the State ql cured of graced bY illiS medicine. SW . , . 1 VER COMPLA.iiiiTO, ur, Bilious Di-nodes-40 the Great Wes Fec,r and A! sspi_rially,•an ructlicititi is at wherever these coTnplaitit pri v ail rids red. IeMINEEAL AGENT, - . . oppoundis a part of this s miztore. it cures 1. . with certainty and celerity, and does not in torpid. See Pamphlet. y does this mixture act in thhilisein(e. that ure is made. AU other reniedieo are now ' is great vegetable preparation, safe, (cur it 00tt011.4 limier:lL which is the basis of all ate and .re:tre(lies.) no deleteranas these ditwn.sr leave So thorough on immediate etct vide, ae t routain9 no p other Fever A' 'DY AND EFFECTUAL, • healing medicine, and is daily curing itw lie secret of its re-building the entire con t it is compounded of tr. 2 distinct vegetable It root a rented y* distinct by it-cif. PILES, a most painful cliarnele - r, is • SPE it is the gran, thousands. sritution is. th 'properties. ea ,!IP9m,Plal%t . • and a cure fo far before an other discrete Oda. - This di ea, this rnedirin. nat or extent Hundreds, lee tiy cured 4 cure, and as • panacea trot than any-en .• DEB weak pack. tion of mute this intdicht stands as Burst&ok irtimia *iv - MIN by a few delys it,e of thi. arnele: it other peamgra 1 son far ihi4 disca.tr. or for any riginntine from inspareAfood. Ste Pam- . • : is, purely one of the, blood . the ticlion ol . is sospeedy that the files, NViil.i . ner inter I. will be cured - by its me iii a few Nveekg.— haps we'ean.ray thottsands hive tteeti per t the use of two,or thret bola, of this miv. .11,s cure is produced from thin actior of lb-is the blood, it is more likely Vl).ll4(!lientiatiebt produced frotnexternal remedies. : I LITY OF THE SYS'FEE, eaknesa of 'the Keuutys, &c.. or litilatunia is immediately fell., ed'by.4/I:cfc days use of and a cure is always, a ret.oi" atl use. It CERTAIN 'RE D Y taints, anti nllo for derangements of tlieWc for such coo male frame, 'IRREG I painful met except this w ts timiho rn did we feel I , LARITIES, SOPPRESSIONS, P trtions. No arta* has est,. bard offered ' ch would touch this kind of deras,wcauads. i.ad 0w.... ......... :Lud etrocaive relliedy, and H pnitted to do so could give ' TIIOUSAND WAXES .:' - tus in this distressin,„4 class of eon/plaints-- L .411 broken down, debilitated-constitutions I: or mercury, will tind the .braciug power of ;act immediately, and the poisonotis mineral urn the system. t;inet properties which compose this' article, tiselves particularly in the application of the dr the distressing class of complaints which agraph. For amturies there leas beef used in turope, a AIN BOTANICAL AGENT, as proof of •! See patuplil from the elle this article t . eradicated 1, The t 2 manifest th compound, I head this p. - the north of CER which in at obstruction effected a ci found 'in 1., stands with in the prep, ever given ,! tell. will be diseases Gr derangements of the feinale diffica/lies, patsies/ in ettstru &c. has re. Tliis root is indigenous to our soil, and quantities, and as a medicinal propert,t .Itt an equal; it forms one of the dotispotinds 'ration, which as a whole is the best remedy • a debilitated female; it is sure, and the sys restored,to healtkby its use. RUPTIVE DISEASES • alterative properties of this'artiele , • - URIFY THE BLOOD, • 1 ' diseases frOtIA the SyStelii. See panielel ,of cures in all diseases, which the limits of n ill limi t ti) and drive for testimos an aglvercis -Agent!! gie caws of lii rdient will not permit to be named here.— !hem away.; they' contain lit .andcertiti ii and a stronger ARRA.Y OF PROOF es pf r medicine, never appeared. ill is one Lir features of this - article Oat it never faits r any case, and if bone and muscle are left to let theemariated and lingerag incalid . I.IOPR ON, king the medicine as long as therC is an lin- The proprietor tion1:1 AUTION TEIE PUBLIC, of the viru of the peco to benefit build igloo and keep provemen amber of articles which come out uOder, the \against a I head of ItkAit as cures ro in; an 'c ' .APARILLAS, SYRUPS, - ;4C. Dropsy, Crave% &c. They are gabs for teeth micoeted to gtal the unwary ; TOUCH THEIR-NOT.- Mins never Moulin crowing suet tlifteases till bath one it. , A - par:len/or- stitdy of the past- ' featly fondled.. it all tr o sell the artiFte are GLAD ' 0 CIRCULATE t t Put up in II oz. libttles, at 62; 12 oz, do. ; the larger ho ing 6 .7.. more than tiro Small ,osk out and not t int need rrpon: ' Vaughn's Vegetal, • itliontriptie Mixture,7 46 the glass, the ser• en signature-of "0- . . C.: • a the directions, end • .. C. Vaughn, RUfalo," ithe esrk. Noue othe a • -genuine.. Prepared . Vaughn, and;sold at the rincipal 016ce,1.1".6 . • Butralo, wholesa • and tail.' No mien- Ito letters unless post p id. 0 era from regg-, Rated Agents rzcepte . Lost p: hi letters, or numnieations solicitir g advice, omptly nt•-; , gratis. For sale by al respectable IlgOlt3ir • I States and Canada. .sale and Retail) 014 Ci ,Their im,l nrticl phiet is ea . Agents gratuitous. at et cad bottles. tie has ' blown is Vaughn" _ stamped by Dr, G. Main sire tion given tarty can verbal e. tended to, the Unite Alamo b. (who. r 27 D Age. *den Itine,,New Y is in this vicinity . atley 4: Read, Mon ißurritt, NO" Mil in. P. Bradley, Gr. C. Pride & Co. ; • E. Ritiiropt. and Thompson's eta Bend :r -Capt. J. ENS d 7110511'Si Great:; Pond to hre, Stephe • • S T" -fr°- I eery Tuesday and, hursday - regular freight riri which leaves preat y morning ~at 8 o'clock and 80 minutes,l ‘ W. Stephens will ttan& at Great`Bend_ • . all produce entrusted to this COmpiriy he returns for_ the' k saute at the_radVoid, 1 ap5,..1. w. mom , Imiii pgna:ul .inlieti i,g l ye 111.3,prspna , tteotien ~ to , the ides ,Yeturne tis.eoen the fit,?dut!. 4; &Ix" his warillatt v thelOselves -by. hav ....„ , in eif Xor -,Nyjrz• hatfheerilinlhe, hinsings-fer o,P . , .4, YerirtCfrPmCfr -1 l '3% t i l i, i t' -t l .: - 'IV ais god. AN 4 0 140-, i Olt PAO •Will 4liberaladvancevilll ellreiZittAitihe - .1 at the depot if*ii 4:IECL`WiST-ER • NNW , lll*Bt*ift i rV ' ,;'.l. ilt=4, : i r a AlfetisTortc. L.. 4 ' ' g „ fleack'ag by ; the . Bend es , Georg and fora and pay office. I York an /and re , settef. ing frieght" . '; viol] 4s+ , ; be mad . ' red, ; , LES ftp4 - MERE . p. iu t Dtt, NicKson rk city. rtd Bend fotd. Freight Lire: rwardingtine irons I TV:Thmnpsan ! 2f will forwordkeighl York by Railroa4 , J. LYOY9i• ; Re .otica 0 fete • • --7:4 • 7 ear ti • • 'TA= -Y_2411.12i4e.311:140 7-1 ,It: is ad ffstrtitotiiiiitd, a SarstiPToff4e4l,',-, 114VtaXiXIti - vs, athieb qua.l Whirl* J., geTav! fiertislagA /tett paints' a' . - tfaerlast piss obt curt! , urithext sopiil eicksoiffel pr dceiti. !ham P.tfinr na supfriorilk. of, t edicilte; thii " vigootts any said. Ii r ar , , tall reit .beauty .r ~ d i ,other It ii hest I BD - 11111111.MEDIC 0 1 471, purifies.ilic ., i leirstou, bet, it et•ent t er porieseed by )1 . erthitlrtintVireieeit: erthyttletl. witiths,oo. es of seieie-ineeit: Isitierett lueurable - ,: i 10,000 chlbleptis . th w Yolk atott. t 1.-Viesetrut 1) erroes IN lierA enplane las viginhtee those rtbei'hieve 'I ' Nieto or:medicine: r the 011C911sks bid . , on by . phylica, pig I tudet - 'vriut .111 .- itteb e deeat - and ,slecl I sease-gottequipthist, - 1 asaut retuedy., VII !SPRING i AN 1 nown; it tint engthenej.the, 1. blood; is Ivo' 1 Antl.l44liie - 11. eess. It ,Otts.. Nseu-100,000 pas 5,000 were eo c t , sor ore tla.' the "tyf or i 0 e mien .• wane of iswll3ollll . llBa . rtnanently. '1 intro , by the ttetl in youth I' is and bough ` s system, lase 1 41111. prenistv , Is that fatal .1 .1 by this ill stweriot to oil nr. tear p Commenlnt posit netts 'stun ' towns resin r is far furls ratiug Caitlin .F .- . t. I reivrrre MP' inyigoratei the systern....ilres'ae.tirity, limbs . , end litretigtit,to. ills istifV#o4.,,Arm..... l Reit i4itacisaC : I"Afoiiiiiihr.fx . ,l._ -, c - ..2,_"-.,- , 7 ._____ • . . eum. ”re Mid rartStanidiaa e„n'be cured; .aehitie. Cane, 'veil, 4. /.iver Ctaklaial. Cold*, tart,-12,.Caa g he ; deatim, •Spit filgtift, Serneu Me : - Chest. Heefie **lash, Aida Steeali; -IJilfkilit or fare Erpeloi Vain in the Side, - 4c., hats a anal can be a!red• . . , iiiiiii 11211•4011..1 ' ' , I - /New rank, 4pritee, ISi7. —I verily believe 3lneir Sarempa• mann,- ihvoisgh Providence,. of sating once, al yea rs had a Lad Cough. It I. c urari. -- Al hilt 1; raised large load night arveala,„'lnci ' was greatly 1 Led, and ilia not feglpect L lute. I I nc Sarmnitniilla . a elftitt ling.., sitfi l 'MT change. been wiunglit au toe.- I r 'lk all' user the eity.lc.,llsvagi-g; 'ph "Tree left mg. Teti can ..477;1( I. Mutant Cot xutau reasqui.F.4-,rou.--.u. TOWNR6ND has :beau thei le. I have In me worse an Odom al blond, it attal sad red ally used 3 lan% a Vl - 010 now a pit, to as and col that : I ant ser% uut, VV 11. - RUSSEt.t 65 Cuiliiirlue st. MM. of snore than m four-thometml eases St r. TutritiernlS - Ser%sapirilla has cos.'. , eitionie'caSer-itrit weekly ermlieute , l leirtilyzie.. , ij,.. , , Esq., retie of' the: nisi's - touts in' tb. linekrrelfs Wind; lel the gentlemen too tux letter.s. . •. , i , .. •,.. .. , Illeeksietfsitsland, Sept,"4 1817. r Townsend—) ear -"dirt I't have auffered terribly , due years with !the Ithettimaisiu ; rotteiderible orate I could lint ea ',deep or.trnlk. . I Itattthe *on dig. sills !mitts; MO ' toy !hubs *ere terribly aprollisti. I used four but les of your StOrsaperilla,lintitherhere e use more than thousand dollartioortli pflloo4, lan l'ili better—ii deed I not entire!' relieved.' ,Von its 'berry to !me CI is far the 1.341.4 ilie'sdllietett, • 1 , . . i lour 1 respeetfullyk, J. ME.S CU aISIINGS -- - .".., ,':::i.., s' '' '' • rki • - 4 .-' . • - - -. 2 "..?' .'4: ' ", • 'S. j.- 4I! . !otl , r ~..„,,,,. ..,,,,-,, ..,,.,..,.:,.., , ...,.... _...„..„......„.., Pr lite'.l4"eriLiiiii '' .srAP.. i " r Varreseint' Sttrispesille:: ,:tyce r e ' 4.:1 1 s di coo . for Ind lieut . :Connie - ' ' ' '' 'lei exit , Mirk' Or 1 , Hill of die , titan, ..,;)' . - ii: - fh / 1 - I.e leorrhrea, on w iter:c . .:ohst,ronetE4re - , 4 s. ~,,. - trey „tin '.. Incentinene iotUrjoit, tin,:- - ,litValnuts r ';'? . I,lll ' -th. reef, and' for t e - general' ts:eta/it of 'lie system— no inetter'tvliethe - the iesult:oginheront,entlen. nr caw' . or, ditet:tl Ity irre' elerity,' IWO* iii,,!...•aceident. Not. ; roil he more tarpsitittkarritiiniqorating -Hest' Hilo "The human, frame. 1 Perin 1 i's. of plksriakness and lessitole from lakiii,g,it at nce:iteconbilribust ea full of e nergy oilifer. its . iiiilMMett. • It itilftiettiately eouliterate ck, nervelnsebeie: of the , female: .!•fratrie, which - is On cent F. h‘n of . arrenaess. - , :It ~ *illitiot: b e,',,e4Pectna °I . n ' in rises of vi • del este a itiiitireto eihiliii eertifiestei 01 et rex' performed 'ibut wales* assure the • etillietea..the t li , mired* of enact. ...Mira :Iteenireported AC, OS. ris"' II ads of etesta'- here funtilies . hare' bruin AC; chi!• al en. after itisitre a re* !Agile, of this rslinahle me& ei , e, here been. Ill i esseti . stith . lient, hi healthy esprit's. it b I been alipreett preperisil ih'-refereitee'to female ems.... P sink'. :NO. (eel to . vho'll!itirriessmi. to suppose slim ts.l a Pflutilling:tlitiC critlial!'piit,!; .' -Ps Rte's ./ .. 1 44, 1 a mild orgleit 194''.taker - fv, al;iit ii.d.,.cortp;3l prevog,7•l f( i toy of the n inatims and t borrilits thlitiaser to n'h!dt t males are, aidil A;t: at this iiii6i. - of. )ifo. :11115 PSTIN,, ay be .atetilyertfer *034140 V111 . 14 - iyioiytt this Slieu fte: -- -;Nl;if is -it letss-valltulde for thotir'lssito are apptnlOY g wountahnotl, sit is esilitdateil "-tri?rtitiit 'oaten IY , q l,e, e lini:loclboo iioid is itt i iO i ii n ii vg t h l ta ta rgfi;gt4-.4ef.ieatitit I. dello I senses , to 'iR hi. i trOteuin Oiiiiiiitiraltit.3.i.',.,?..,,.. .... • '. . Op ill iti*llf ISlRP . lsykileisoili -; :;: . • Or. ioi.; ((sem ! , It'allinciii 'Jiiiii , iriskilfv:iiir44lan fiat. Ity.eicionSlit di }retie parts tif . t ie'Uoictif. - ..; ,, t. : 4;t_. •I nit, is .in es: lify::that:ovit,.'.thit', , llitliler f 8101 - ,, ,,t0* $ - to; is only ma., outitism that most severe all eitnaltainar I um* Outlining I i ntic Axyinin. en of its the ro, . , WAS_._,. ow., Ibrililfoi , ..iisviiiiii‘ti om. illlifirNsiYout l:4l ki lla i i i .,aostalelo lu , imity--vividriltiebiarotat, ko • *-40.1rtioukvoitc,:tpx,whigt 1 pi 's'lltiliftli,"i --:-xtif,,J=::;-71 !r.•-•:.:•::',.ll'inirCfri.P44lollll - ttE.A:Dif-Agellifl iouSusqueba' Vrw 4itrutentit 'why *04E014 iNTMVAspiCI i J, Ural?' ge twin Earanpo. kilo al .!.rtok• to bile of I NES: I We.; spot°. ":10 isOf f :pure (ether toadi• 4tmiler• mok;Oiro peo n aripase ; at ituttiA 'Het trto the eqsele - 01111. or the 'trittrou of the !Op)), 'Aititaing ;ski:4l4l4min; wire -entirely.. -r.~ ~'°` .f~, MWM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers