The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, June 28, 1849, Image 1

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'`art'";`-w~~ 1 »~~.~%,~ t:'
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,p,,, , 0.:::',-Li-r.,r, "-;`, : ; •
--1 1 1 iie l ikrifek:tOt - S
.i_' 2 '-:•r'f'' , ..-, , , , . - ,-'- -;',,-.• -lir - •
'1 r:‘,4l:'Stiii*y. of ',Thrilling Interest.
. . ._
-..:, .
'.! • Miippyearzt no I haprieri . _, to be one of-the re
_tierce:it m ateittle- that - excited: 0010 interest in unr
Oniits,tfitiintthe singtAar-ruittfreo:ttlie. Claim, and
!Tt,lte strange story whiChlidisClO,settt,_'Tbe plaintiff,.
Who - Was - the captain tif a iiii*.haittts t hip whiclitra
-44-prinetpa y . with dm, estindie, hadmarried
iitii. - p.atl,,t,•`: with every proipeet of happiness. His
Wife`'Wtaisaid• to hate bee4iiireinely bealttiful,,
t and no less lovely in character.
1 'After Eying with her in ;the most interrupted:
haritiony for five-yeatis, during which two daughs,t
tern were added to thp faintly, he suddenly reselv-!
id to resume his ocinpationdwhich he had relitij
- qnished on his Marriage, awl, when his youngest I
- Child was but three reeks did, sailed once more
for the; West Indies. His-Wife; Who witti deroted
ly attakhed to him, sorrowt deeply at his absence,
' " . di societyr
; mid found her only cOmfort in o o . her
! thildren and the hopes of hi4return. But month
after month passed avtav, anti, he came net, nor did .
'any letters, those instificelent limit welcome subStir l
lutes, arriveto cheer he r solit. ale. Months length- 1
ered into years. yet 'no tidit t• were received from;
the absent husband I. and . ter hoping -against '
~tope, the unhappy wife was Compelled to believe ,
' that he had found a grave Veneath the weltering
ocean. - ~„.
Her Sorrow was de6p and lleartfelt,- but the evils
. of poverty were nonl added to her afflictions, and
I the widow found herself dblied to resort to sonic
I employment in order to supp rt her children. , Her
needle was the„only it‘souree,aual for to) years she
labored eartitand la b for the m i
which is ever' o.oCS:towed on aribumble
seamstress.. ' titt clif .-t,...!
A merchant in N ,
t i7orki
‘itn Moderate bat pros- !
perot s circumstances ; ceidenfally became acquaint
ed with her, and';'pleased with her gentle manners
1 and extreme beauty.tendeavored to improve their
j acquaintance with fritudship.
I After some month? he .ottered his hand, and was
accepted. As the wife of a successful merchant,
she found herself in the enjoyment - of comforts and
l luxuries, such as she had never possessed. Her chit
1 dren beCame his children, and received front him
. every advantage which wealth and affectiou could
4 procure. ... .
Fifteen year pa -'d away : the daughters mar
t -riot, atelliy their snit father were furnished with
every c4rufurt se g oitato in their nem.- avocation of
liouse-kOitpers._ But they had hardly quilted ins
!rool"-whCn their l ntuther : Wag taken ill. She died ,
, after a few . days, and from that time until the pe
riot! of which I 'speak. the widower resided with
' the youngest daughter.
i . l'Cow comes the strangest part of the. story. Ar
ter an absence of thirty years, during which time
- no tidin;* , had been received from hiat. i. the first
iiiishAndrettiriled as suddenly as he had di•parted.,
1 He had ch,ange.l 14- • hip 4dopted into:!.cr rating,
and spent the wholet ta: that long period on the
!;o:ean, with only transient visits on shore while tti . -
'kin"- in or dtscliargi4g cargges; havinz been, earn
- is
furnever to eon:-nearer home titan .New - .Orlean4.
Why i.e had acted'in this unpardonable manner
towards the family, no one could tell, and he ohsti
natelv refused all expliatatior. There were strange
I t rumo r s - of slave trading amp piracy afloat, but they
! were only ef conjecture rather titan truth.
Whatever iii :lit haite beetillis motives for his con
' duet. he was certamly a,.th.;‘,, 3 I , ,,t.i.....titTerent tai
; his family concerns When he returned. ID) raved
I dike a madman Whert informed of. histwife's second
!maitiage and subsequent death, vowing vengeance
j .upon his successor, and terrifying his daughters by
the most awful threats, in case they refused to ae
;knowledge his claimp. He had returned wealth . t,
Vi a nda one of the mean reptiles of the law, who are
ialti - ays found Crawlllig about the halls of justieti„
advised him to bring,. a suit against the, husband,.
,asSuring him -that hit could recover heavy (lama
'l,,et.'.. The absfirilitv of instituting a slats? foe a
II wife whom death hid already released from the
!juilsdiction of ca rd& laws, wai_eo.manitagt that it
lin* at length agreect by to leave the matter to
ilbe!adjudgot by dye referees
Tt was on a bright and beautiful aftentorion in
1 ining, when -we :net, to hear the siii7htr case.—
The sunlight streanind through the dusty windows
i of 'the court room, and shed a hale round the long
1. grey leeks and hroad forehead-of the defendant ;
I while the plaintiff's harsh features were still thrOwn
1 into bolder relief, by the same beam that softened
the placid countenarice of his adversary. .
- Tne plaintigts, laWver made a most eloquZint 'ap
t Peal for his Stknt, and -had we net been mfurmed
1 .both the twitter; oar Licaras would have been melt,-
t.ell Itthe fouching-deseription of the return of the
tlesso t'i
- te husband, turd the agoey with, which he
now beheld his earthly golds regioved' . 6- conse
crate a stranger's! heprth. ,"I'lM;l'e:Clebiatqiil,-,Aaron
Bunt'ivas-counsel for the defendant, and,:Witikitttei
pated nom 'him a splendid display of orstitirtet.
COntrary to our expectatiqns, hoWeVetitit- t tlltiO•
made no attempt to; confute Ids opj
!He merely opened a boo • of ,statnl
with Ins thin, dult , er tone..Ul .th
the referees ttireydlit, vvl 'le he
to bring in the p t,natipcil ' Ulf*.
. We had scarcely rinish tithe so
ly decided' he ruattnr in ur ',Minds,
entered with alai' and gant female .
"his arm. .... She., was attire ina.siMple whits.
with ...a. wreath of iTy le yes tencirelifig her la.,
strai-. .bonrietiand pfa veiled completely con
tefilinit;'lter Cohntenance. Burr Whispered a feit•
I W . Oius' 7 . 'p - parefitly enenu Bing her ;to advance, and
, theb-raeung her Veil dist. - to as a face of proud,
[ isintelesing beatity. iI re lleet as Well as if tt hap
~,,,.„,,d;,i'esterdajr, hew si
. ultanconsly the . murmur
. - it-t-tOitNe t ...olt l . t1:5Y . ...•?- 4) 'i . t 4:- .- 7 7"i t:- t - ,:`.. ' it;tiit - ",at je 66: YDookiiiig.:tso - . , :eielvjti ( ut, WO. tamed
' of adtruration butst from he ' ; lips ref all present.—
tTcAditg, to the pla - Mtilt, urr asked in a cold, quiet
tone— • • ' It ; - . •
t ! " "Bo you know Hats la y it'? . .; .
.Ana.--t" T do:' .. 1 1 1 . t.. . . - • .
:.. .t.Bterr4" Will yotitsW ' th!i , thit e.
-, .---, I -wilt : - o the . . t,,ef my lthowledge anj
belie she .s.i . iy - daugl' •'• . ' l' . -t. - ''. .
t ß.urr. , tie!` Can yOalatireir to het.. identity r
Anse—"lt can. t t.,: r - , I , ; t 1 ..,
;,..:. Beni' - L4-; 1 / 1 . . r. iIP l",
,-• ... 1i ..,
.. , , , , ,
; . ainra..:,,",,Slic . :ivitslthinit ~ ydais7 4 :ll4l. ' Ori.l46,7 f itenli- - 7' "A'seliool - teaCher preparing for an exatalnatit
' Alt day `l4 1." 'l - 1 ---- * ;.;. •' .:. ' - --." ... 12" ch9ol;sel*.cd - nclasirofptipiliand w rote d
c . o _ ri - . - -.-:
.. , -, , ..- . _ .
:li*':--". lie - 12 . -ilid'i4akt see 1": - :- ..-,!•-•-' ;';lielitOtione,,,lnd answers -to:the questions
: ',.:An.i.÷7"Atthq t'vwll . !-"Lse.ft,b9 l it . f.,:a . for.tnigiA wotildpitiq them.on, examination day, ,The
since.. ..,.. ~., . -.. •-1, .7'..- I- -i - ,-• • • ',• .--,./. . • ' - earn?, and so came the.hopefuls all but one. , t !
-__-. B.iir t i,i4, 4 _ l Vh - on't#d ‘s- -- .2.ii . : . .li t ist_Sc . .C. 'til , pupilst i t s* their pates, as had. een: arranged, ; t
thaPlefinr l- '-• . : i - -: - . 'j . l - ' , .-"' --,, :-'• '' 7- - - -•',-,.---';'-; k arwao eibli ou. till the qmistion fikthe able 1
t„;:;111004,0Civ40116 "74 , 4 6 h4,1),...u5e ensued 'When . the tedaei 'Ale& ‘!, lii wheat dayoti belie
' :. ! ',:theJo B o4-0 54006 0. 41, 04 1 000 i gg i t,' iThiiit4a*iiq ,- Sak;-IteXtrith yinegit [sent; - *it
-*Pt":i.•: - 44, ~. - F -i- " ''ff•- ' :-. N .,, ' , . ± : , ; ii, „ - ,` 3.-!.i.,, . , : - . A,, .: :14.- t ;ii4tiemeivfibes . - - wiLii r - iziksiiered;_ A N .
•- - ~...- ';-,..„`. --•-•-- r-, - "litiriterr - the - was . ,liistr tliree wects. -olu - ~ .u.i -....T -4., L , . A ~,, - . L .,.. 1 - ~, . 1 „., „-. _ , t .
\ • , 1 ,,, , ,, ..5.:;' ..7, ;4. „, , ,, -P,.. ,7 7 - - - :7,11! .. -tt.i..4,---,-,i. -,,-, . -... :- ..,-.--- ,-- -, -.`.. , ..,-, -.-1 7 ,- • . -., --,,.., ~,---- - -...-,, _: :-,....„.p . w., ! pixt,:-..a.-.394._utaitive,!,_ ~,riapeteon :. i ,
Tus piotirocr,,,t4...l . o3lA l 4stgit - •flst're.; . .,' , ,,Atlek4o, t' -436 titiOn.4ittttl° , . , 1 8 :t -pilrfc.:Xere'lko,:t.i#o.ll 6 ,4 l igrvi tAir smelt t ie"". !
chwxe44 ,, Cfat- bitifOrf#4o44:fitibkOkr t r 3 A , -` 4 ,_ . ,-' tiaN. llki , qt4l l *!"-thi*k_litij,„l ll 2 l: :* , ,_,,,,,_ . :4ol l/Rig i r t4u3 ,.,.,,, ~,,,,k; . and - 1. in, th4lTnlit(it! . l
Y a uti,o 4 4***4f4o 6 KOSt r - - - 41 40,0 1 k 1 0.* '. • i: -I'6* '- . ." . unsl:' ' .l4'4l-I ' - ' .. !' w- " LrLS ' ': Th ' ' '' 4HIPIIIIIIIiiI f!:. *:***jr?li'''.. 4 o,7•;:Aili4; thil: :44vittnid -.'!
jovnwt4;,. - 4*/006 6 011::**14 4 041'.-4 .- lii*g#44or4ll*g!O*lmilw:9lo 4 t..,imcwitiiiiioilii/Oiglitiiffr-4.riir.....;piat - belive _
pfacekl 464** - 4 , l:itilit Pikividoriiihiviti if*ity: )10x 4 ,4 ; TO*4„..k*Iffiiilk;if!k""t*ilf, 4#114:: '(iNe',,,X44 . ..$ Oise , hasn't , t o :i . - Atiiday.,. i
a dainsetaillitionftiiii ßo i4A - 06 - 0 • - At a t a_ , m o7,..,. ; _ w miimoi t l io s ki . l o, l 4. *** -4 041 , 4 •„,,,; ~: 414 " . 4 44- bi 0z . c,,,,.., ,f , : ~-.,..-,--.: : 5_ft.r: :: : :, ..,-,, , ,,,-1.,, , -!
ana44o;Wittii'ili*titATt.#‘l"*. rt-liIIW. P ::' ~.A. . .,___,T*l4,l : Pic.*: cAlli - yelaio* '' ..,. :ovitilk*c .5 - !f.A;.,-- f q,f - -;;i;:t .- -::.? , '''.--4f - 1, 41 ,- .. , .1.--.;,=tli..' .
i .... 4
Tii..illtriioi.:,- - ", , :iiiibitggegp..4l4l ---. --- ,•'.,.. 'f .-- Fm . .,111- , ,k0ti...i.:Afrif , ...Y0-.S*;*"-P-tlNW.f.4'..#o4iiStihigAtiiiiiitAkikei;iiio';''
the half- offaikillabili4:Vifft#4,kitiiiit* 4 1 #4,th *,-...- ,!!!!: ''.:-. .. -4104&4',:00i - - , l4.*iioeiiitio**oo**gdoogoi,.thakt4*
insuit:* . 43 - 5C,,- . =:,:'.+444-P--.1-.J 3 1-n4O;-1 1, , , :tA1..i1i' 1 ., 4 ,:,Y :: 1 4, - '. -• .- '': '04:4-04,7*--7,IRPAY ;00.6474416r.1*-31iti14.4"1411*.
" Nor Akiiiii t i4.4 l ''.o.4l,,Y;f:,klifelVit49l i i-plidii:* *C2;':-.4, , '. ~ 4, in'*- 1 .4* , --eill - ). ; 7 4 - iL , 3llkl , oog; - —' 3*,.::',4*.a.#.ll**4'..4oe#tiototr
, b
— y.oolo:***!:AirAaikol , t - 67.441‘7 iiiiit ', , ,4 1 !'” 1 4,,____' '.•••'', - ..i'',L.,.--.::, - ',-:./ 1 0 1- ; , ., .., , - , , il i ftzik i #, lii; --- 0k.444* - ;.dot !trigliff - ,1111:4i - i - V.1 -
•,s t ,,, ,ii, may,
1; 41 1 - l e o - . - -4N- , 1..,:- :4 1 „ , :p1...!:F.4.: , x "' .- ' , l44 , lle4qitung'-l'o , . ',tutor"' - 0 , : , 4et i ltilif;,V. 4." . '!, '.-i t ia'if t roil i tiO o pr. - 1,44•CP i`..,Z-.5-7 , --, - -.. , ..';,:•M.-- :
• • --t en, , , inm,,..„:,..,
~,;,- , ,..,;.,:,:•,t, . A-, : z, , ,,- . 7 , ,,,,,,•mt......z,..,„,, ; ;*7,i1.,, •• -, fir- , - , ‘ 4 l_4_-,..;• sr-, s A,. ff..ft!- -,.-t •:.7 , ,„.,,N,••E,,.„ . .. ‘ y,.._ ‘ ,:',..„:1-r-,.. . . ~, ;' , -:S , q-ltnftli*,•;:tr.:
• . s .. I r. ' -t. ' . . - ..': ' 1; s 1- ...40;;;;. -, z , fer:1- 7:1 v, ,1 .4ft , i;',gg.e - : - 'A -s .:'. 7- _`_ - ' , 3 7 :! 4-11 V: ,- •_:='• : -Vls.-.:1 - '' i l:AI,ft,, -- :7;;Z:.A.'<'.,;:,,.,•' , =,it-'l,''rPr„i',P.,,l:lc- 4 ,'114:j' , 5)i.-4'•: - ,.. ':
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- •
; 9 , RsijAV
ruBLisw. . ch ar:lulu
James vv. - 50
.51 - 4 2 oo
AdNianceTiyilient in Cssli to
If pnitrlyAin theTottr. • ;
Irtiofat endpf the :yeai, - .•, • ;
'There's room .enough; for, SIL
• What need of :111.kt/is fuss and Strife;
Each warring his brother? i •
Why should-WU:ln the-crowd . aide,-
Keep 'ittiniitilnB down eiichjooiqj
I. their no' - goalilat - can . be wOn4 t I
Aid/out B:•Sqlteeze to On i qt .
othell way of getting on, ..-t
But' scranablin to obtain it V I
oh. fellow-men, heneWiSdorn then,
In fric•vdlir warnink call - 1 , ,
• Yuur clans chide; the world is 1 - witle ,
There's roorti , tuottgli for alit
What if the fihd '
No fields for I.
lie need not idly'hmlitlind; i
To thrust Inintughbor,iAA- I I ;
a. I,cre'i . s a larafllf.sunhy'skies, ' •
Which gold foi4oil is giving :
Where every braw4 lived that;trios
Its strength can grasp a living,
h. ftdlow-iia-n, remember then,
\Vhatever charice hefall,
'I v-crld is wide ; Where those. abide
'There's room enough for tilL
,l'reto poisoned air ye-breathe-in cotes,
Aral typhus tainted allies,
forth and dwell Where health resorts
In fertile hills and
Where every arm that clears a bough
Finds plenty in attendance,
AIM every furrow 4 the plough
A step to Independence.
ha=ten then, from fe.verea 410.
.thd blazing cramped and small - ;
The world is wide ; in land be side
"Iltere's room enough for all ' ,
fair rez,ion far away, 1 "
‘,‘ itUabor Tina employment. :
.earn en]ov-nlent. - • ;
Vs . hat heed then,- ewthis_daily. ;strife;
Where each u-tirs scith Lis
WIEN- need we through the of lifei
Keep trampline. dawn each other
ani.l crime that il6tant albite
. W:11 free thi , recpee.s thrall; tin it .II ic NV, irll
moth enough fief !
i•I • r0,,10 if ont.
lanh that other t: toil tin
dd be dui of gain be
„ r ( I r t,i, o . Sorg,- anh sf oil on ;
if to h tho rqual chat
TO 111•IliWil and dig, be guivcictl,
competerws2 limy a d l t
'Fbrough 11.111e4 tail rewai C (I,
Thorr's room. and more than ro,JII, 1.,0111
1,7...y0rrt the rn...z. thittfit
tin , lekull fur gold,
Doubt Not.
81,.1. KNo7,lpos
1110 any a ofh..: dira;y,
',41,1 r.lwa gloom thy euuri... c e en±laraids—
W itt.n thy ~ t er, are faint and weary,
itL siptrit dark with (*t cols,
t-.:,.,.14,4 v 5ti1l in thy well dohlg,
' , 411 forpot the
• • 'adia.s4. 1l the right pursing;.. •!
Doubt not joy shall ening at last. ,
, .stillintdorrivard pressing,
7 4 eek s no future Sears to know,
.I;at deserve the wished flit blesgrig.
It ..1).111 cone thoiigh it be slow ;
N - ever tiring—vpward gazing , —
Let thy fears aside be cast, •
And thy trials 44:m1)ring—braving,
Doubt hot joy - sisal' come at 1114
Keep not thou thy soul regretting,
n'Atia--4Orst evil's
•cs thy path hes-letting,
dunt , -,;umph o'er them all
but bribga thee sa '•uss;
,And thy yo be fleeting fast ) ; I
There'll lie. tim6 enough for gladnes.4.— -
Doubt not Ipy . shall come at last.
his fund eye itfwatChing o'er thee—_
His strong :inn shall be
Duty's path ii straight before - thee *
It shall lead-to*thy reward.
By thine ills thy tiiith =de stronger;
Mould the future by the past--
!lope thou on a little longer !
Doubt nof! joy Will come at last
Village Aristocracy'
; •
In el." - cry little village where
Smoke curls around a steeple,
is found' a class who seldom' izaiC!
' To •Aralk with common lieopk.
Exut:sr. von SUM. the reign of Jame
tutztcculating n4torietir,the boys ot a school
acci aired the habit of sinokini 3 Od indulged it night
and day, r,iog the inbst` ingenions:'expd - dierits
conceal the vice front thOtroasteir,' till hie lick-1
less evening ;hen thelintps were huildledtrigether
round the fire of that- doinlitory . ,,iiivhlittig 'each
other in, vapors of their o4cin efetat, to in burst
the master and stood in awfuldig . ditithefere them.
How now," 'Toth' the' lad .;•
.olutivir dare you be smoking
?ticSirr said the ant subject to head-pches
a 11141 40 takes off the Pzi.itt."'.:- •
“Azel ,L loal -and you? . and . yOti-e''iiigutieil - the
rdaii*ueopeoio..ggs-eri boy' n his
o ne hed*? - iltsiging tooth; another the
third it 044 1 hilehott, they all had, something.
" Now;eirritl4t
.*L I , II IO (1;0( . 0. tiVthelaii
j :
,„„Atat..di smoke for 0,
AlO - rilltl‘arracies were , t l thalistel';'4nittlie
interiogita .- TurdiKiittiiiowolll! a ft,ei_ a
f tremell whiff , and looking up in inayfgr a " face, , :
taidi'S a *hin4ig
F '3t~ r~~~~yr",~ ' ' , :v " ~~i~-r, ` ~ h ` , ~nt's~~~Y;;::i~'i~c~x'~'rl~', ;'~`2~ n' ~`~~d- ,~+~~ .,.:3 _ c ;ti.~
' - s..
i l'
4 1
i 1
last hope waS extingumbe and she was cenTe' 11
to believe herself a wide • l Who can depict . I
this without awakening hvyour hearts the vralrrne A
sympathy' for the deserted, wife, and the bitter t
Scorn for themean, pitiful wretch who would th .s
trample on the heart of her whom he had sworn o
loye and cherish f Wenieed not - .en into I q
motives for.ricting so base it part, Whether it. wl -
love. of gale, or licentioupMesit, - or selfish indiffer
enceilt rmitters'not ; hei h is too vile' a thing to
Itulgod-byisuelflaws. as govern men. Let us :
the - -.:Withesshe :Who sitands before us with tl e
.friMiefearle,gbrew„- - dra rue hearted woman—lt
I.iiii-itsk Widabf - -theie toe has been to her a I -
~thett': -- i, - i- ,-.- 1- ,
Ttintiait#l,the l'ady in 4 tone whose, sweetn+
Was in.sttaage -6ontrast with the semitfal acc4t
-that, laid .just.:ammeter' d his wortti,;' he sought
• her to:relatithfielly the ecollectioits cif her ear'y
life. A 'slight flush paSed over her proud :null(
beautiful face as She repl ell:
" My first recollections are of a 'small ill-furnish
ed apartment, which m 'sister and
,myself shar tld
3 1
with my mother. . She tsed to carry out ever..
'Saturday evening the Work which had oectipiii(
her during the week, and bring back employmeil ,
for the following one.. S6ving that weitnsom viii I
to her employer, and her regular, attendance p.
`Church, she never left the[house. She often spot(
•of my father, and of his Imticipated return, but 11,
length she :eased to mention hun; though I obswrlv
ed she used to weep more frequently than ever.'
I then thought she Wept because we were poor, fb ,
it sometimes happened that our only support wit
a bit of dry bread ; and she was accostomed it
sew by the light of the chips which she kindled K.
warm het' famishing children, because she could lin
purchase a candle -without depriving us of iih
morning Meal. Such At* our poverty when rti:
mother contracted her second marriage, and th
change to, us was like a sudden entrance into part,
(Ike. We found a home and a father." Sh
paused. i
- Would vox excite my own child against MO f
cried the ildittitf, as. he impatiently waved 16i
hand for her to be silent.
The.eyes of the witness flashed fire as she spot.
You are not my clithe4," exclaimed she vclie
mealy: " What, call you tny. fitthor! you who is
basely left your wife to toil, and your children b 4,
gar f - Never! never 1 Behold there my father,
pointing. .to the agitated defendant, " there - is tai
man who watch WS
watched over my infancy—who a
my ineAterieneed youth. There is he who elaita,
my affection and shales my home' there is thy
then For yonder elfif-h wretch, know hut
The best !years of hit life have been sp?ut in laht
less: freedom front social ties: let him seek 121/4
where for the companion of his decrepitude, no
dare insult the isheA of my miiiher l v clan+
the duties of kindred froth her deserted ehildr-ur
She drew her veil hastily around her as 411
spoke, and moved a= if to withdraw.
"(;entlernen,”. said Burr, " I have nOmore to sk
The words of the hi* are expr e ss in the book t -
fore you; the words'of . truth you have just hear
frOm woman's pdre lips ; it is for you to decide it
ordiug to the requisition of nature and the 4ecria
ut jitstice
I neett not say that our decision 'trots in s layort
the defendant, and the plaintiff went forth rots*
b 1 the contempt of every h0ntir74144T.9t1,1,.
was preNnt at the trial.
It is said there is policy in taking advantg:4l
circumstances. and turning them to the aiccompliH
merit of those objects one wishes to secure. Polk
is, therefore, necessary,' for those young ladies nfl
wish to , secure good husbands. But the poke
which most of them pursue, is exceedingly errok
ousthey seem to think that it is degrading.
them to be seen in any ordinary dress about the
household affairs. But this is the very comfit - 0
rwhich every young man, who is worth social
would prefer to find them if he were seeking
wife. foolish, grupering, fop, 'who is more
debted to his tailor and barber fur importance, th..-t
to•his brains, may wish to; find young ladies drds
ed in silk and shut up in the parlor, like Aollit in
case. But a sensible man wants a 'Wife tot.
knows something and cammake herself useful.
judiciou+ writer advises all young men to seek Alje
companionsfor life from the class who are-walla
to be found in the kitcheii, - without making ap(111
pies for it. This is sage advice, and if Young la di
were kare that those ybiuig nien who arc wcirt
their seeking generally act upon it, and had rat a
find them at the wash tub than weeping over i
"last nev• noyel," they would not run away fro
their acork and hide when 'pt young man is approac
ing the house, as they often do. They. would 1
•him kilo* they are worth more than mere I /
things—=that ~ ..they.arc not butterflies ; very p t
to look_ Upoti, but if handled, perish with the to
Ni.thingi recommends a your ' i , lady like indinitr . .
understand labor and perform it well,Von
fin: 4 it qualifications. Ladies should never i
um of being caught at`work.-0/ire Bran hi
LOW!TO KEE.r DRY.—Dow jr., is one athe;
!haps we know of. Here is one oftiii:Ark
furnishing a little good qdvice do thiCitri::
Ironbled with . a super-quantity4f,siold •fi 7
of,our,readers may think of it •nwheillra
in W Min'stoina:
• To licep continually dry, alwayEl wear, an
' cloth i h'ess, catty a good umbrella, and practice
drinking.: The first t•Wo articles ate only eSseli
1 in protecting the outside, plot the hitter keeps
inside dry as a stovepipe. : I nert , r blew a (hit
but he 'vas eternally dry in. all kinds of weal
e ie
I He g 4to bed dry and gets up dry, and: k,
i hints IfOry . through the , day: It is not to be v i
der - at; for how can he be otherwise than
1 whe 'he keeps the blue blaze eternally burnin
?his bosom, by pouring distilled destruction (11
. his thidat fereverin fact, my friends, the n,
.he drinkS r , the dryer lic:getS. On his death be
cries 'fo l t more :drink, for the List time rind
gtocs.out'of the, world as thirsty as if ihe had
on' 0-64..5h alLthe- days othis life. ~ _ •
..7 . ._ .. ,„ - ,
..,,chc,lli?•`, , ,' '... 4: - .-_' ' - ,, A , • - . .
'II ' - '' I . - ' , ,i . , ~1 , . •, - , it' .- - , r-- iI r , t' - $ . :
,• , ____. _Aumminim , - 1,2 .... ' ' ''. '- '',''-' - ,- • • , ••4-- , - - 4 , ,1,.-ki;.....- ,, :_.: ~•,, ..- , ~.I•1 .. 4. 1 • ...* ..'.' ',.:•
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SS. '.. OF THE:PEOFLE Tr .. -,...
) . ,
..,,,,„-.:;:.:•:"i , . 11,A:,,,.."5,4;44.-',..
Policy for Young Ladies.
iIUIO.I4V, JUNE '2:8, 1.
Newspaper Subscribers:
The i follolng cluiticatnin of; newti
scribern t. e from the Franc 'afiner
our experience ive can safely say th
turn isidrawn as naturabas fife' itself.
the 1 . . ••
Uramurs-These are meu who take' neWspa- i
l pers, tray fiir them and read them. oerve thel
order in which these things are dune:- The IPayt-l••
comes first—the reading next. These m u ewia-
i er they get the worth of their money it the ibitt i •
gain." I t seeins :0 fair and just to Literal that! the'
newspliper should be paid, as a barrel oft sugar or
a new 'peat. 'they never entertain any elher Oitt-'
ion inert the year runs out, or a little beihre,
they.are on hand with the pay. There. is no,More
difficulty with thein in remembering this pgriod
.than §undav or the &AM' January. If m i le ottheln
wishes to stop his paper, he either' calls or write. 4 a I
, letter by his-postmaster, in due scasou, like a jean.
r ,
f,lfis class is dear to the heart of the edithr. Tlntiri , ;
image is einbahned in his warm atrixti ns. p.1ay4,1
thcy live althhusand years, and see-theirsonlesonsil
to the fnurth generation, The seckind 1 s 14...dtiitil
"mind ks the " '; , 4 , 4 „•,..,./: vii 44-:. -'4,0 ,-,
#:•?,.„ . ,
Do NVia i i.s.—This class is .nearlYmet_ :; the
other+so near. that it is hard to tett* i . -:. one be
gins and tlie'other withi.i,Thes% len al rtys • pay
in atiVrik rlii'llie heg,inningtd.i,
! Intent to ' do EU
t ii
continually :Itit,rnenioilluhricl ttle,,Q snni6inis•
itex t mg,
hap iti!tert if
, t oiti the time [UM b 5,::, .cimO l iples
t htlld-o " es uitealieriot4,-Atiit; heir' recol
lection, di "" I'' f ' ltilectiAliftlkY;- never gets
sound 4t.144ri.. g prdnifuneesllie'ivord in due lime,
- The P6O not paid," and ftirthwith ! their Aril!
to do Weil kindles into activity: Now borne. 4 the ;
payiint, up-h" Meant to do 59 before.' Don't mean
to let 6iich . things pass by." A publisher can live
with such men. They have a warm place in his
memory—nnlV a little back of- the Uprights. 11
such a luau tiles in arrears his wife or sin 1-emezu
hots tat. part.of the benefit - waslthe;irs, land estate
or no estate, see that the printer's bill ' are not
anioni their father's unsettled accouats. Next
towel the ' i ._
Emv Doris.—These men believe in newspapers.
They. have ;rattled it in their own minds that 'a
iit , qt.spaper is a good thing. They take them too.
Sometimes id the firA they pay up fur the first
year—at any, rate* they meant to, pretty soon. If
, they have done so, they sit down with the comfort
-1 ing conviction that their newspaper is row settled
....-.. 4..1 A-L:....L.X. J---:—.,, --,.."—:.... 44reir limas
retuse , obstinately to be dislo3ged, hut keeps its
hold inan year to b
year—a truth once—o illusion,
gray and rhenmatic with years. , The editor ma
t king ,the elongated and elongating space in the
. -
. aceounts current of their dollars, begins to ask if
they4re dead or gone to C.difurttia. --NOw he be- '
. ;in: to poke bill , at them. They suddenly start up
' to the reality that. they are in an-cars; and like
mow a: thoy arri, at the Isittoto, tikey pay up. ' Th. :•;-
n-vi'irdisptite his lt-i•tthey know books tell bet
ter stories than moss-covered memories. If the
*,.. puhli*ltcr has 'faith enotc4h or a lougAu-Se, and can
live a' ',alternating year, he ma: survive men. But
I if Ike,its- a Mortal, only, woe to Mtn. The next Class
is lliat ofllie
' i Dom-N Ilitta.scs. , —llere we Begin to Aide over to
f ' the Miler side. The pi( • tire suddenly gets soinbre..
. • ,
1 I We swill despatch the do :,-n !tillers , mildenly. One
; ,g is k
. 0 4 . 9.;rt
ta . l e., ,h .l itt. i take a paper !....J ‘
i i
ause his w an
ife wants
'ili4Ohbnr persuades' him. 'When' it begins. t> come
' l x
he diSinisses all thoughts about it further. If the
I edittlt sends a man directly to him at the f end of
f tw, t or s tliteciyean, he may get some, pay fur, o his .
- :, but wall growls and surly looks. Ifenever
• pays any :debt, if he can get red of it, and a-news
pap,r, least of all. Still he ha/es law suits and
- con-tableS and all that. A dun has the same effect
- ,I on -hint that 'a bullet does, on si hippopotamus-,
' I ghmelng froth his hide, or sinkin,,o! into the" blubber
r I harmless, He is always elidingilown till he soon
i I merges 'alto another class that of -
Tim :its Ceit Rot--sc.—NQ iniwer hew the man
t began his subscription, he never pays Po •it—not
-1 ho "Be, don't like that - sort of a I paper.. It dolma
1 I give ifo news. He never ,did like' He didn't
-.1 want lit in the first place, and told the !postmaster
t I so. lb., sent back one more than a yeai ago—be
t i sides he never began to take it till a long time after
. i it care, anddie hadn't had onl' twe hr three of
• i them at anyirate, and those he hadn't read. Wipe
• him Off Ilere 6"ames the
• I SC-STE OnAcc.- 7 1t is enough tin Fay of him that
; he never falls to have a newspaper—itWo Or three
i la thqm. When he thinks they I have Gnome about
• s long enough Mr the publisher to !want pay, he sends
',I back with -Stop it?' -Or he takes up his quarters
, I
and leaves fur parts unknnwmcile duce not want
to pay. and he don't mean to. Get it if you can.
Enough fur 1 -'- -
Or, Rai
" OW
• So' per!
ipre:: a Witl
nall.f.,- ' les, '
de ' '''ill t
, '.. ; . '' : : .i t '
4 7 .
,_ i' N .f e r p .E b b i li a t:
!..40 - i - :#6,
' ' Azifl hail l;
of a llritdek !
believe it. , r
a nobleinan.l
hack to their
blemen after
who Stood 'al
who WoM th
" gobodyt
were Win. ,
er fathers o
ern I I Wlia
men follow
of Skulay -
losopf t kee at
Who are E.
11.,-and An 1
and rkl hcist,fli
ators iii, d
I bets- itlio
too e Orli
sueli . „ :tit_
Wnk - t ; Sk.
Geor e it'.: 3)
.baits: to*
-erg, - ,iUsyticar
_why - 010:40
_ric• ' -, iliy4l
n 1 I
rot :'e; l ee; thO,
11111. I
ler !to whiclrfeliss do you belong ? • 1
•'''' - . 4 e' - ' --- •
ig, but a -Printer anyttow !'
ion ..,having - titteied this. sneering ex-..
liimhatiring of the editor of he- i
iiiitidigi, _ iantly replies as Ifollows, in
itilittife,Tsion he follows in pride :• .
latt l d=printer,," forsooth !1 -it makes
a nifoumpapt. through our veins t
ipressions 'kohl the lips of those nur..
ul-soll: ,
abor become disgraceful? is the name
ie. reproach in the laud I Ate can not
(Whoever gains a lirblihood by toil4is.
Let those who scorn the laborer look
t grand fathers; and, they Will see . lid.;
hthe murk of (I°o own hand:--men 1
d sung among the traving,orn-men i
heir liminui nature like a erown 1
I but a Vrinter, aliyhow I" And Who
Alston, the Stephens", maidoe, and oth
modern-literature il Nothing but print: -
have- Earl Shinlicipe.uad - other rich
-d - as the noblest .4P - strum - cements ?-'--
That were Robert' tralker„ the founder
hoots, and Beajamin,Fnuiklin, the Oi
-1 statesmen l ()nee, printer's-devils!,
-Gov. -Armstrong, t 4 3!6-1 5 . - t, 1111.1, of N.
bony, of It. L, but it titers? Samuel
James Otis Enclpiell, N. I. •Willis i -:
if other poets, Were also printers t. Sea
tarneroir,-and Macs, and scorba of 3.tera-,
tiler House of pongyess,CaTi boast they
tars I And th4se pe:rions iwho ;iexert ,
, • fluenm oil
,the nation:- et. Morse,
„ t n
ton, any; Prehehers i ,om !Ilreeley,_
lorris, Edwin Ferreslt„Jilis:_ ier . ,114- - .
r..Francls, antinum riot I si caitspie:::,'
'4 who are they '''''ilircitbi biitinintl , '
.. r •. '.
...i' - ' ' :. 1.
.." : 1:-:'
e. 5.. .
I 'ittiken-soula`okonrLltind ' 46ciril AOSe .7 '
1. witir hut if e' pelal:ciinilition'..prti;•;
10. Civiatoit,-664..if irtic6 - -...4..p0t gone
. : , 76 11 1 ) list 6 i:tliOrt 11 4 1 Nair : 1 94 1 ; 1 4'
_ - inv_ci;iiienr,teitiO even in iniriday../ ,, .... L .
f .-- ';,!. - - 1 -:- , --- - -,. - 4;:+:'i' , l'4l' 7 '- 1- •i`: - -'-'.";:'
';A::' , - fic,- 11_01,14a ,Tilit.t.: 4- -A - 1 011 4: 1 ) 1 4 -1 04 011z ;
tally it in our huh& the - o.thO i 4 ai( 6 oi*ulei'e.
t i
,I don t istfari:( =', I . .:friei-elineklo - ye credifofr- - 10(Alik
' 7 0 6 ): ' i . or'-' . 'tilg.ines} , -lhelOir t ftA 6, foll'Ovh*.V.r e ik -
~‘i. c ri .. J M..' , ;` , .
s .'Yi! - flit' --''. .!
l'l4.oilt4ltiii,ii 'W,s o itrole .4 : , ,
.'i.ilifo . i n - 'l,s3Aiiiii4o7.4-idt: 6,:sixo. : 4' - . :l.,! : +re:,
• 4ritnitt . ' t :: - if4 , ll:T":'o!Obti'4 ttattb' f*P .l O:4 l : - .'
-...r:21-'',; , J!iAiiti.: ; ,l:',":4Z.•'-31-
1.7:90V -P- ,NT'r.''!
_ .1, •
- • • ' A NObi6+Actl,Thc,''.i'i'.
, - -- - • • • , •-, • .!.....P.,...1 , ... .;,...1,, , .-- ..,
tenant; 33e:tit 'll. '..q! - NiAtVlTililietidY,:!itfelt.
P 3 the, eountry,* liavings pa: klletilariTAlStitl7
I himielf, on - Satteral different - cieet s isioi46o4*
f important :despitteheit; tit:;!ata. i : O0 11 i - R.,_4: -.
loth thitaighlhe lieartftif .Ilexiek4Ml44.6'..
n I.lacitiSS the PrairicSituid -T way,l.J**mtkliiii
_. is way; with . equal :•spirit!,: throtikreyilt ! !
i' savage eneinies. , As mgrillantiiiitYal..liW -
dlintrepid - traveller, witk the courage rek.`ltie6l! ;
t energy to in-ereeme every di ffi eitilYitand! '.
wte can well believ6 he has no 5t416410r but -
✓ recently heard an anecdote old. of Ai* *.
t e account of ai circumstan c e Which haPperi:
t o last journey to California; from .11, 7 1titAi he
so lately returned, whieb, While *itAltif". *
tie dangers of the road, Prci i vei iliac:Pt' I
tul- s qutlity in trim higher4L-M niefe.resiglittiel
rattety r a Immune ;and generousf:disPrigtiom *I
• • i, ,- es to thoz , e virtues the eliaraeter of lhero-
? a , , we believe, in the Gila Outitrl4 that '
. ll.:all, having encamped his part ;and primed
it'ety,-went out hunting. H set e out;,ttlime,
c orite :Addle n mare, which Was; - get*ra ll y
i v
or spared for such occasions. About six .
Pont the camp, he had the-good fortune to
t cer ; and he was On the ground dr6.464.the,
..s, when, on looking up; he -suddeolyi.lledield
p of iuounted ApaChes, who, - hatl-;!tilitetiered
4 ) d were dashing furiously tOivardshita r f They
, übtless, heard the report or seen the - reasliti.
•• rifle, and so were 64 hint adore helwas
. ; but he knew very well that to be ciVertiv
- them, a single white man enorigtheS4ills
t Ithey called their' - own, was certain' death ;
.cordingly, leaving his quarry and moth. ting
t taste,lte relied upon the mettle-or .h4otare,
Ile put - to her full , speed, to - car rY*,hini. !back
thel o . : a r n u ‘, ih il eil A t N l N iT y sav l i l tg rt e e s i , l t i l i niri l) l l. eii ti n iig g
• _ rl4t:ehinoughg..
l 'a o tli'ilfi ri tde el oanti were fresher than the Mare,snir4was
certain ling i in 'tL t h li e e tl y clee N yr v tai e N re v;i: ga ea:t h s t it i ii t em ig lf4 srlig eitii h o : t - l e y t : ‘N U e4 : :I . J 1.1 .. 1 1 l PI
r h U ie .
I)lldttigilh' of
f r
1 : 1 severe r i b i li
tc'yo to
o e s sel t be ll : c o:e a .
a s assured of his safety, lint not ri.. j ili .. tx .4 igl I:"
d i f Lieutenant 13. had recovered half h i s ; dis
ifrout the - camp, when dashing over tli,6 crest
_hill. he was horrified at.the sight of one _ of his
men, on foot, chilling the hill, and in,.faet.fol
ig;4.4l:44- /..i4.4-Z44:4244- . •
of the lieutenant flying down the hill at Ju.cli a
• ~ r ate was doubtless; enongh; per lips the
'.• ellow could hear the whoops of . the ; ndi.itis
ne. tnt..the hill from the opposite wale at all
tt,. he understood" his fate, and spreading his
: lbeforti the lion,e'S head, he cried. out; with
14:Tents of 11 , - - -pii!r. "Oh, Mr. Be all, salve me!
1 L husband arid th..t father of sit , : helpiq.As chi!-
ii' Never was prmyer :none quiekly itit4rd, or
e heroically answered. ' '
he lieutenant though riding for his-e vi•-ii lire,
iciliately. - stopped his niece, dismounted, and
ag her to the man, said, ' You. shall 14isaved.
hack to the camp, and send them outit l io - give
ody a decent burial" And so they)?arted,
t footman to escape; the; officer; as hesnppo;ed,
e sl a in ; for.theliill was utterly y bare, - .Fithou
le hiding place, and-thought of nothuig..bu
It t his life as dearly ass possible; .For tins pur
l• he drew his '
revolver, and sitilmv.i6n. the
rid, waited for -the Savalges ; who in tiltonien
e rushing over the brow of :•the..hill;_ i init then
ke unspeakable amazement Of Lienti lleill
tO past him down the descent like itindinen,
m soul of them paying the least r4trd tO. him
;.% shut, in fact, seeing hint. They saw; iii iettli
tothing but theitorse and the larisemen they
1 ;;been pursuing .for three miles..;SithCirliateu
nag of ii. footman ; and perhaps the ] sitting fig
of the Lieutenant appeared, to ?yeii only ben.
attractive object, as a stone Or.huge';aetus
s. abound on thew sterile hilli,.: - • l'. ; ' 1... ;
* -events, Lieutenant-Beall, by, Nillaelllel
---' :If*almest a direct ! Providential: intfrposii .
*** *4 • . is, bebralf,, rentaio cid wholly'; holly' Fiiiiiliidi Vered - 4 •
.*** a; moment mare the A'pacheil . .iVer&„ !eat • o
"still pursuing the horse and' liii'lriderelo!tli
The latter . bArely .succeededlie-q6ititin.,l
i;!his life, the Iniansliaving oVerlialtledi hint S !
ly just as he. eached the camp; its itodtic..abl .
itlict one - or two slight wounds - nPOii:liii`tiJci‘ .
, i
its, or perhaps with arrows. AS:ftifi Itieuten
Beall, he was not Slim to take*llllVituti(g6Of lit
.! fortune ; and selecting a- rountkilieirtleourse;
ticeceiled in - maching the camp just:, about 4116 - -
'the poor fellow whom he had siqed;..4itd - t11,4 ;
.r members of the • arty,p were' abilit-o,o.llYing
ti i obey his last request, andasivehiS "licitly ... de !
,burial. c .
pon such an aiti7aq his it weresuperfluous tq
irftent. 'lt is an act,' however. ,which:le#rves
We in men's recollections like'theStorY46greit,
ale and vietory.—.U. ;.S'-. Gazette. , - i- , ;,7i'''.i.::- ,I.
[ -..i'l
atut from
t thotpic
•st comes
I al
a , 1
VO ,
SW •
I. •
OLDEN TIIITA whent.tbe - bc4 pi" mp: ; :vitt::
. idulge in. convivialities, withoutAliti l / 2 0.
.ng the then mural seuSe of dia.: ' luiikyt:
, 1 / 2 , ; ,,,, . codgers, 'thorn we shall 4n4pui . : 1 . .t4..119..;
.Z . :;*•,, ion names !of *Sinn and' 4r,* . V 4 :. . Eitepir
=:,, i ! abrbatt in ~a V° • happy • nuumerqjjiita
1t,7..„";' ' very lunch "ele •ted" by tha. , :a.l4estrarin4 •
. _ nce—so much so hat; he .tins,:tnestpithiC of
lizq lolition. Smith , thoitgl himself .soineWhit exi:
.... . .
tit :c undertook the g: eeful task of. cOndufeting,hil .
': ier iu joy to his m •.iidente. 'Thix:lva .. m uch:.
di •,Olty, from the eroo,bednesi of the; . fiesta
- op ., d-downuess of the, itiewalks,.llo.ieco
ed. i Jones grasped the . handle of his'oitoor,ii . ,
OR' flatiiig to and fro, with arlook Of'cunucalOwl .
1 .
ty, irccoug,lted out—". iritt,llli..B44l/e;'./..gies.tym;
'ecti goaltoic now: you toitninteel: - AM/ inOrdeif 1
as :..anec." •
1 • t!pplementary•to the itbOve, we iroultl:4lmlo6 l. .
1 thtiwitich we have either heard Or reittL . -i AinithCt
detitee o iltcchus _being absent flinnhottni.rathe ~
lilti 4 i
II in the day than Bilked the soveieign'nFilln . .
p 1 ti
ro Of . his ipare-14.6;* she deyolyed:.the:tits
of tiinotpieing thu arriviii of iliod.litignoticewili •
uFill heieldot. boy. i Very tsooo:•.tlaci-litt4elurcb .. . :: s .
.n,l into . p •
ilia house exclaimmtr, -":llrtinz ha t e can t
d..z.fp . , - I,.6ilrcrr . tomproi v:x." : , 4.ronkce4fnie..... - -
-'.l - ;'''' • •'. '-' _ *•'• :'. '. ..::- . . ...':,...0.1''' :::, ',.
-...% irai r*a ..Ti* 3ll4: ' ingt - on Plllllll ,.bni v en iilt Ta vd 7 ,4ssite . r ' Bl4 794 ls l!;s 4 iuT. c•
a ''liigect tlutatitins:with some-'.op.4o : :rouci
eit 1t0,i..,:i ~ ::i.ii:.. (.... ~....-.,i -,. , :.1.ii. , ...: ,
.}-, - mgt. tiAvp.. 0...,:.6*4. for its ..:good witilti,iiind:
11.0 4141iiiti*O******tii Orkitui4-j.tkrk*in-:
ci l
:-- ' tr*-04aittisiblVV . a ed414 1 10 k it -
. I:.Ll#.9itittiineklisr . tlttainleffi.t. iii, -
iA4SiLqii:44eo4ol,y: • 7
# 4 li i i i :r in u . s*wileCi o : :l . is * 4 '!i t t ( ci#4* 3l- . -- ' ,
*iii'o 6,. = o- ,y014 -0- 1 20- 7.5 . : - . - .. ' l.T. i, .-;,..•. !
. ! .- -. 7.. , - 1---- 7 ---- 7 ~• 4 4 ' '.:', i* - , Aii.:Fri , .. '..
Parma' - . Vp a p er do - '-yrrietilcif .'
, ~, .t ... . , toPtf:,.; ll -e, i -
.!....:.! 195 1 -.7yre EljN;lpp - , ~. ' . I . take- aver Y1,91W-,
tryAgrgbiAi loirtl •'----: , - s .. qw . !
J.:. , ' ItTffitOcefi,*t/IfhPY' - ' 4 * - ti 7000'
4..:- . '. .'•:.-,;11
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lira* ,
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f : : : :
.c l Areigytttr",*kill
'4 Vle . .l ;' ' ;$ 4 $ -
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ig.4.3=4444.4.4 4 ,
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Ca tr' ' ittithir ' ' Igigtilr
en mum ,_, ,1 r
‘-r^t'2.r444rliftk “.1' 4*K
lr: h :;',1 1 ,1
"-est . 3l44 l *ft
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''''c.cfnmill - Vi- ,
1 4 04. 6 0,
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:=4.41 f , - 6
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-461, 640 '
r jiliodill*
,- 3 _,
i , : : ::: f :!,,, , - ai
ahv a t4 d- M ie FF*rs4a..V . r.k,
noise t e chapel, or . co' , -r.1.7
livert he attention of lititearailkirglit
sa • ' 'On - 6o - clecashil,4 -10 .:**- - 43 1 •
death lie was 'put — thint , liii 2 , ~,,0070 : 411
I , dea , ongregations thOerprisecui
_tiok, ii , _-„,
In he intldle batiiikaccalig liCohs'* i'Ait'
„ na ti o , i n thi - daller7.. - ='Pot - reeln, 6 2tytat-lie*l"
to ti ce .f itv,fnitlfitidl4-ie ‘:
.1141r1.41916f,;%4 PO lll
se n. ofi, , and:ll3Okiikhi!the'dirh , —,
cod . on
,prov,aidtthe-exohdinid:: ',' ::: . :11 - ; ,- ;:Aii
w . :.• , ~' ,-. ' "likthfAilltAigiaij ,
Plai eO l - 1 07 !,': 11- ftvi ' , ."=l l o,.`" ,, Atatit...
to: his fOot., anti-': itilaioalrdWil4
~ : cc. si ,it any t ilid:el-d_ots,
' *et'. tainteC-laria:_thes:.
don't ecem likety.fh =IT'
Oh, , Co iti 4 aV: - **erf:i
cross ia
hand , nitin.' u v.
• 2 m a - -i-- - „ - -0 '
--- :-::; r
r . ,:, ,6,
. etuilrevio
cle.r.4kid - ve
• iti(e4eisat
r te ;
r i
1' loni:ititp
•.. kimieil
n 1
'a iii Alt
, t the with' .
. el Pir l - 4 eiC . ,d• k
en...19,,t0 y;.4. . , .
'.. 5 T.,9.f ( th ' Ftiiitiv i i*litctit_it t ,..,
101 4.ingt, ...trioiddiatftit...,
inttY berti' 444).4 4 1 *.f - tiii 4 ! l- 4 ,4:tz•-• ...-, -.
si i
it ,
Oceado 'fikif 4 lvir4tbe;l 4 4ll -0 34‘. ~ .
idea 0,- rik :.iiiiik-40:: *.telkt-:tg v iirifitC,
'nut foul of ri.-.Nictitt: TO ",
, ..7.,lmmelori.
;thoroughly ,the Mid' e . Ilifittir
to who , a li ;put ha l 1 kJ!" 4 .
. tilk
f lu
" Allele N% TO - y0tW011 1 1511E4147 , ... r .i6).
when, billi ‘ - Mtorneyfjt l . Viii , Wl,4iii„„ ~,, : - ..4
nessigie itt 3- low•taltifAl t Ar:, '41; 4- -
'1 - ' kl,l t ; Al f 1;-::fini ,: %
~,,‘,:,,i, it .
thougtAti,:ii: TOetOel'y3el:37Sil*S4 .."
twi izi.
attenii,oti. t 'llib - witeis‘L`litta bite. P..
state Prim :Weir PT - 14 1?"-.!;" i=_4' . ': ii
" Yes; si 7 continueti'thot.T : 44.404.9" 4 ‘
" Anil 11 v long :silrer,'"'Z ';;Sit› . A.- w"
t a
" About Iv, o yei.lrlstilrf : l4 l l t 1 :: 1 Ae?
" 'rw9Y. Oa; AP I T - ' ... ,IVAItv ,
boat' in 'rn3'!thitwitarei** :=Pli ,
coufes4 . ; tithiiitc - ki:4liimpti „Its
memory, I.,:bilf.ti
..OTX.,. 7 - l''...
nPon..Your . : dtt:: 11 0 1 0titi— 4' - 4 40 04 -
anti you :14afie it iiii!ilk : ~,_,.,...,`„,
proper pi man s - - I ttaiiiiikt. -_, .7,
~ , . -, • ;
mate of-- tl "Sttif . - P,riskei:g. : . . - -Waif*:
-there With ' 'VP:: - .. * *ZtiV: .: - 14.- - c - .Mrizi,
• Abed .:' Z',101.• ii4:E44•11*;;;i1,..*-
Eh k. ; IstiSl :: # l l9 . : 0-1 , , -. 1 - -;-?Eti3 ,- ;4..izi.47.4 -
. .lxvio ore,* itbauf;iislow"CAii*lsto,W .
oAity, to e. hie pasg !uoilc-ry l Viteint
ber fleeing korr Of .. a t , this , fie:g
be l
to be o!oo Kt!' - c r .
..,, L' A: i . " fict s a4awA:c;-,
. A . -he you c4ok,Afkigtio 'laii,r*dthe*ii•A
fitted atto 'ey, andkhoogli: IK.:idiOiellicilOool
reply mig t almost i have :iit*tpikiiiitteirji i*
tempt. of 7otut this; *te,4einilli,riitsi
Tne — ltees of Judgelrid- ) ,lusy;::irid the n i
t respeetf . y retiry.4y* : :744l,A', ,- .
„There a dispoegtigettiryrpriy,, ~ v
news, alt ~ ther teo;herthileilithai:ii‘..., legii. ll
fennty, it is ru,Aittine.ll4othis evlisrie.-
abolisheti • The.earkiliastteeVK.: 410-1);
tin, ' .-. !,-. : 1 - 1g:tie:W.c'
; • -
Excessive bliie.4<
/ 1 4:: elAtedl'
'1 (14 Wliew*re3,-
teas alt -
to di
4 . 41441 i
fid tOo kkg:.%
.40 purr ,taYae;,f3Fl3.:.leiii
•, 'ty6tita hie hilio*alinkfAf
ad of then -fell • nit°, The
grirttnil Only Inutlintal
goof. ;B,lll6o*;i'V''' .--
the treat rim ftei,
1 07*44. 1 pg - irSYPII)
will 1 -
!rind - the •
`clie3 faint
Itwo!'hun ,,
Cnll on th
iphtee tn .
, 1. 1 . 111 4F"c?_,
- enpnrd
At bre:
Ikd “i
1 ' ~
A ivps
ac 4
Mk R¥
the triiit
out i hi:
me;tkod 6 t ,
fli:101Y4 1 -
4 -ft -S tiront
of litui
etrt• •
thin. •
“ c i
. al