The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, June 14, 1849, Image 3
From the Nor For_ Tribune. ••• i The News from. Europe ; is again o f s tartling import. The North err. Autocrat o stentatiously casts': sword 'um the scale where the destinies ; of :nations ' hang trembling, confident of hiS pii?.wer to cps ); the rising hope of Freedom. lie marches ostensibly ; against gungary but againstGeratiV, Italy, and the free spir it is everywhere awake or awakening 11.1f0'- out Europe. DespoPsmdeeree3 that human blood shall now in- rivers that the chains of centuries may be tightened,: the wrongs of the millions be. doubled, the receding dark ness resume her dreary .and dismal No choice is left the Nation but Slavery or Death. • Let it be remembeted, through the years of carnage now commencing by whom and on whose behalf this Aire alternative-is presented. a. • Hungary is the fin t point of attack.— That Nation is one of the oldest and bravest among the PeoPlesof-modet Europe—long the bulwark ..cif Christ:m(4n against the fiery valor of the Moslem hoialsgbefore Rus sia or Austria had an exiitene-when the latter was at best a petty principality, and the former the domain of savage tribes lesS enlightened and gearcely More formidable than our Indians. Defeated ;and her mon arch slain on her last-great battle-field, llma. pry sailed to her throne the house of naps , burg, not as conquerors but as. magistrates, sworn to uphold her independence and ad, minister her laws. She neY,er thought of becoming an appendage, much less a province of Austria, but an ally in flip great work of ' resisting the tide of Ottoman tiggression for which either alone was proqd unequal.— , That end was achieved. From the walls of sorely beleaguered Vienna the Moslem stan dards were hurled back in shameful defeat 1 by the gathered might of Earn Europe— hurled back never to return. • For three cehturies the fortunes of Austria •have . been pr4usely nourished by Hungarian blood.-- A length long obsequious Hungary demands of Austria the fulfillment of the guaranties which induced hcr to yield her crown. to an Austrian prince. She asks the correction of certain glinting abuses, the restoration oC i some portion of the rights .which have one, bv one been filched away - from her people.— The Austrian oligarchy answers with the swora, and with the utter abrogation and I format denial of rights to Hungary as a I separate nation. Beaten by detlorle at the,) har of History and Humanity, Austria is doubly discomfitted in her ready appeal to arms.- The minions for despotism are at all points chased .from Hungarian soil. All : hope of her subjugation by Austrian force alone is dissipated—abandoned. his mimi fest 'Litt Vienna is far more in danger of capture than Debuesin. - Here the Autocrat of all the 'Ru.sSias interposes. his colossal strength. In swelling s , o , „,i s of blasphemy, he reviles the Hung•aro ans. for daring to assert their rigl its and threat- 1 ens to crush them by his..power. his aecusa lions are lies, and of no account, but:his five ,Iluudr,d thousand trained ve.tra=w--*,re tiLrfiting machines without an idea bevond„ their daily exercise or an aspiration beyond a nights debauch—men who would shoot their mothers at the word of command as mechanically as a saw cuts timber-.-these are not to be lightly spoken of. Above all, his uncounted millions of hoarded gold are appalling. Give the Hungarians these, and they will waste away his armies ; but destitute as they are of money or credit, we fear they must tall unless assisted--and their fall drags - down the whole German Democracy. Let lltingsrl- succumb, and the last whisper of resisomee to the thirty-odd 'Royal tyrantis and plunderers will be hushed, and the Fredericks and Ernests will promptly. proceed 1 to imprison and shoot the patriots 1111Q111 in theirwcakneso and terror they cajoled with prvrnises of liberal constitutions which they will now repudiate and scoff at. All eves turn, therefore, to FRANO, as the sheet-anchor of the liberties of the World.— And nobly have her gallant people respon 'dvd to the mute ap i pcar The tauutlthat she is - a Republic without Republican' falls pointless. • In spite of lamentable (popular ignorance and distraction—in spite of all the appliancas of corrupt and unworthy rulers-- her elections:show that the popular pulse beats high witkluve of Liberty. The returns astound all parties and electrify Who i,trug-usl. and hope for a better order of things. Two . returned AND FORTY Deputes have l , errreturned by the Socialist. Dem*acy— by the party whose • Republicanism he man will dispute. They may not be thy. ruling but they will be the leading part in the nw Assembly. They may not fora a a Min istry, but they will seal the dooinlof that which sent Oudinot on his sharnefiit'errand to Rome. They may not command', an im mediate recognition, of the Right td Labor and Education 'for all, but their eleetioia-sets the seal of doom on all - schemes of violent Reaction, either by the restoraticit of the Bourbons or the Constitution of Louiti Napo leon a President for life. The effeet of this victory of the Laborers is already poWeiiully felt in the action of the Assembly,—it is felt in the, inaction . of Oudinot—it ibe felt throughout : Europe. If 'Hungary eau' but stand six rhonths, France will stand fall • with her. Courage, suffering SatiOiisl the gray dawn is before us! • , : THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL gnu -Itch Nolan ANA SOUTH.--The most prominent asues before the convention at Ale*andria, Va, are the plan of separation and pkurel Pr0p(1.4 % The plan of separatioo involves a question of much moment to hoth Chu*lles, which 'is, whether the territorytof t 1 Balti more Conference, Convention, i$ ~nstl~liable, in part or in whole, to the itteMtionfkOf the Church South, or, - if so, issuer liability to be definite as 'to titnej and permanent. as . to boundary, or rolling both!, as theima- . jority in stationslind Societieslndy chit* to be in the ascendant. - Tuesday - evening:the I cite was to be taken iirhether to remain frith the Methodist- EpiscOpal Church Solidi, or adhere to the. Methodist Episcopatelitirch. N. . & Ears_. - K,Art.rioo.-7-Three new and nohle` tidtcomcitis'ea..bave . bought upon the line pf - this road, within afew dayi. We have seen . statement,..of the earnings of this road for the past-moiith, but we understand the amounVis about 02,000. • • The trains are now : running regularly prom Owego,inoithrfaigh from that place to the .; city in about ;the .saine time they occupied in Ong from Binghamton • mcifl, tre have beer informed by Mr. Kirkwood, the Superinten-- dant, that ,when the road. is extended to Elmira,• the time or running betWeeti ,the plhee and: the city will be nearly- the same as that, now: occupied in the • trip. The track wilPhe Well 'settled by that time and the whole machinery of .the road will be got in gOod working order.— Ooshen Dent. f Whig. ;I NOTICE., The " 2t;PIIA EPSILON SOCIETY of Franklin Acad. etriv"-INill hold its annual exhibition at that iirdi tuOgn on Thursday, July StIC 1849. Exercfses to combience :it nine o'clock A. M. The public are frivited to attend. The public are also„ espectfully invited to attend the Exhibition of the Literary Society of Almon- Troys.. to be held at Firmiklin Academy, jay sth. Exercises to cotMnence at 1 o'clock, P. 31. INFLUENZA AND CONS L'a.►IPTION. It is indeed melancholy truth that thousands fall victims to consumption every year from no'oth er cause than neglected colds ;_yet we End hun dreds, nay % thousands, who treat such complaint, with the greatest indifference, and let them run on for weeks, and even months, witbottt thi , :king of the Antigen At. first you have what you consider a slight Cough or Cold ; you allow business, Prea: sure, or carelessness to prevent yol from giving it any attention ; it then settles upon your brea.-4, you become hoarse, have pains in the side or chest, ex pectorate large quantities of matter, perhaps mix ed with blood ; a difficulty of breathing, ensues, and then you find your own foolish neglect has brought on this complaint; If, theq, you. cultic,. your life or health, be warned In tune, and 4on't: -. .trifk with your cold, or trust to any quack nostrum to cure you ; but immediately procure a bottle or two of that fa mous remedy, Di. Wistar'a Baltam of Wild Cher ry, which is well'known to be the moSrspeedy cure ever known, as thousands will testify, whose lives have been saved - by ii.. ; • For.influenza it is th 9 best medicine in the world. None - genuine . signed L BUTTS on the 'wrapper. • • . - . Satinets ifigrartartitreits lexcnauroed gor _Wool. ERSONS hating 7V0i.)1, and wi_4l;ng to ex change it fori cloths of the above description, or make sale of arc informed that they can do so at the Factory of the subscriber at New Hamp ton, upon the following condition : Price _of Wool from 13 to 31 cents, acdording to quality ; Price of Brundcloths froai td,so to .$2,25 per yard, light mixed, sheep's grey, and black Satinets, either plain or striped at .45 cent.; pt r vaad. - The goods will be ready at the time of the delivery of the wooL lIIP.AM PHILLIPS A: CO. New Hampton, JusielB, 1317. 111 -6w. Suisquehaaua Academy. JHE Summer term cif this Institution will corn inenee under ithe aireetion of L F. Fir wt, on ..lunday, June .251 h, 1849. g'ernis of Tu/lion per Quartrr. OrOography, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic 4.:td (3 cog re phy, 1.. 1:7.2 50 English and Latin Graniinar, Latin & Greek tessorm, Chemistry, - Philosophy Botany , - , . and History, • i • 300 Latin, Algebra, San - eying, Geometry and Astronomy, , '• 4 00 By order' - of the Pnareof Tra•stees. Alontrose,•June 13, 1649. • • Administigator's Sale. Will be sold at Publie 'endue on Saturday the IGO' day of June inst., at the house Late of Lamm. A. Smith, dec'd., inf the 'township - of Brooklyn, the following property; tot : One bay florae,'one; umber Wagon, one Lum ber Sleigh, one set; of 1, - hiflletree,..., one Clock and Case, teat Chairs and some other household furni ture, two or three ;Birrels of Cider, a quantity of Flax, d o. dc. i Sale to ccaunende at 'ne o'clock P. 31., • Tenn—All sumsabo e three dollars, 3 months credit on interest with a proved security. , A. .G. B ILEY, LATH! I A. SMITH,} Adafrs. Brooklyn, June 9, 1848. Sii‘tifi'm Sale. -- - DY virtue of a W . ,rit of Ti. fa. issued gut of the Court of Com Mon Pleas in and for the County of Susquehanna, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale at the Court Haase in Montrose, on Monday the 9th day of July next, the following property: viz• ' All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Gibson too - a -hip, in the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania—Begin ning at a post the North corner of Lands. in posses sion of Charles Sennett and Cu]. Wells, thence South 45+ do g ., East 190 perches to a sugar tree, thence-South 30+ deg., West 90 perches to widow Denney's corner, thence by the said widow Den= nev's Land South 1.5-+ deg., East to a corner of land which Amos Taylor ioanveyed by a life lease to Ira Taylor, thence by said Ira Taylor's land to the highway, thence by the said highway to , SOlornon Taylor' s land s , thence -along said Soloinon l'aylo• 's Iliad to Lei Bennetcsline, thence alonil. said Levi Bennett's line to Preserved Pickering 's land, tin lice along said Pickering's hind to a piece of land wn- Wrong B..acres, (which was conveyed by said Amos Taylor to Roswell Gillet, to'a stones corner, thence along: the South sid,aof said 8. acre lot* to stones corner,) thence along the west side of said 8 acre lOt to Wm. Palineter's line, thence along the said Palmetets land to Charles Bennett's line, and thence along the said Bennett's line t 9 the place 'Of begin ning; containing 180 acres more or less, with the a)pertenances, ri small framed house, 2 framed barns, a small orchard, and front 130 to 100 acres inaproved—late the estate of Amos Taylor. Taken in execution at the snit of John Blanding M the use of Silas R Guile, against Amos Tailor. i • I C. M. GERE, Sheriff. ; Sheriff's Office; Montrose, t June:l2, 1849. I ' ' TUTOLASSES SYRUP at only 37,1 cents per gal l!'" . lon foi sale by J. LYONS. !June : T EAS, Black and'Oreen. , --a fresh supply just o pened and for sale tvy I I LYONS. S CYTHES at 412 f cents, Spades, Shovels, RAes ite. for sale by J. LYONS. - Anditoei rrgE undersigned, ~having ;beep llppoin' fed un JL Auditor by the Orphan's Pourt of Suilquehan un county to distribute the proceeds arising from the sale of the. Real K' state of Willkon Holmes, late, rof said county, deceased, will *tend to that dAty ,on Thum a y the 14th day Of Jdune neitt, at 'ten O'clock in the fOrenom tvherelall interested can ate !tend itthey see propel:. ;J. H. kotocK. Itfay.l7; 1849, i! • 3 • ' A Shingle Maielyhie For Side. Par pastiaalara inquire it tta office of oie Sus- Tidally* Register, [May 28,1849 • I • ew Goods - 1 - • ---' A. 8.41 TUPRELL II AS just returruld from the city of New Yo with; a well-selected and desirable asso of Goods, comprising, a greater variety than i• allykept in a. counby store, bought exclusiv,i y cash down at the. lowest rates, i fur the quail y•• goods, and will be sold as Asa)" tLS the chea e s t. The• best quality of. Sugar at 6 tl. per you id be fbund in Susquehanna county. 1. me fin or: ireas, a good iartety. , IdolasseS, good and... `Coffee of the best kind. Spices of everide. ri tion. Saleratus, Raisins, Rice, Fish, and all .th . . kinds of Groceries, good and cheap. . l e. Calicoes from 4. to 12-1 ets. p4r yard; Gingt au Mouslin de Limes, Alpamis, flairls, Diaper, 4 Sheeting of best quality and FotOc very low, She ing brown and.bleachea; Vestiigs, tlandker lief Kentucky Jeans, Mixed Denis s, Corduroy,. lot skin,'Cassimere, Linens, 4.te. - 41:4"Brdadclot14 frog Z:2 to ,'•;%4 per yard. 1 Ladies and gentlemen's Glove; and Iloserie, Liu brellas, Combs, Brushes, Silk, Thread, Twist, Bu tons, Suspenders, Batiing, Wadding, Cotton Tan Steel Goods, onkbs, arel a general assortment I Yankee notions. Clocks, Watches, doh], Steel Ad Brass )1 at Key;, Gold and SilvCr !Gold Pens, 'l ,in blest Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold Bosom Ea* Hoops, Finger Rings, g.te l d c, embracing a .e end assortment of Jewelry. Spectacles ith si ver bows, Silver Plated, Gemmti Silver, Sc„ ti Ir and other kinds oC Spoons. Violins, Violin Bows and Strings, Flutes, Clarinets, Accordions, d-e., Instiluction Books, Ti ning Forks, Bass Viol Strings . and Bows. , . Hardware, Cutlery, Pails andiTubs; Stone War Good Linseed 'Oil, and paints of every desCri tion. Varnish,' Spits. Turpentine; and Paint Bilm es, Nails. Glass, Sash and Path.; A general and complete assortment of 1 hrals and Medic4pr: Medical InstninieuLs, Trusses, Supporters AT. Phy sicians supplied with good articles on modi_rat terms. Choice Liquors for medicinal purposes am the at - is; Dv Stulfs AtC. Mass ware of every description. Lamp Tanners Oil, Candles, Candle Wick, Candle :it elt• Snuffers, Trays, Lamps &c, Haying Tools, Hoe:, Shovel. Axe and He'lvy Baskets, Cluthe3 Pius, 13romn:,loot Blieking ? 14 , &c. &c. • . , Boots, Shoes, Upper Leather, ilirrors., Tea p .11 Tobacco of all l'ipes, snuff, Candy, Slx",'!" Glue, Rosin, Salts, Alum, Coperas,-Indigo, b c, Tapioca, Arrow Root &c. Etsential Oils anil _ . seines of every description, Patent medteitt4 of every.deseription. Bkviting Po'rder and S. ty- Fusc, Rifle.Powcter, Bar Lead,! Shot, Pereusiion Caps, Pi.--tol.s-ite. The public are invited to call: and examine quality and prices of goods. ABEL TERRELL. Montrose, June 13, 1849. • Rose dc Simpiton RE now receiving a lange addition to their I 1 stock of (10. Ads, bought since' the great de -rearcrr irtrt7 - sell .for cash or ready pay at lower prices than c - er. June 5, 1849. Auditor's Notice. rclIE undersigned having been appointed an 1 Auditor by the Court of Common Pleas l of Susquehanna county to distribute the proceed?. arLsing from the sale of the Ilia e..-tate of JO EL PIASE of said Coutay, atteMl to that duty lat his office in Montrose, on Thursday the .19. th 412: of July nex, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at 'ninth time and place all persons are required to mu - kit their claims or be debarred from tolling in on said fund. [,June 7, 1849.] G.'A.GROWt 50, 000 lbs. Wool Wanted. MITE hi/go - a/yr:cc will be paid in caill and t6tle for WoZP at . i . i Junt:7. 'l4 LA TII TIOP dE OA Lii3MY it YIS New Goods afl Low Prices. • T UST received by A. Sons, a new star]; ei of Good 4 cousistina of pax Goonsot full as sortment ;G IyOCERIF:S, eIIOCK ER 'V, El Ail DW4IIE, NA Lt. ,tc., which tliOy ofrer for sale for Cash or Produb at the very lowest prices. New Milford, May fr., 1849, irn a Received A.a . . T the Maxi - Ross BOOK Sroe, Binns New trates' Companion, Dueop's Forimr, Conga! ble's lima, . May .29, 1849. GASH lilt' for RAGS at the Iliontrwe Bo Store. i Ma • 29.' Just Reeived by Rail Road, at i li. S. Wilson's. lti EW stock of Goodsoutchased at the prtis .Cl_ eut reduced prices, and for sale accordingly Dry Goods in tell variety, Crockery, Groceries, Him - ware and Cutle.y, Harness and Ourriage Tr'surtin Shoe Kit an di Fulding ,, Iron, Stu. .Cc., 131 and Shoes, Bonnets, ttc. tkc. Montrose, illay 23, 1849. • S PINNING WHEELS, Reels and Wheel-H4 s for, hale Uy H. BURRITI. New Milfoid, May 2% 1849. Jewelry, jClock and Watch e s ta lishment : TTAVE yon the True time 9 If not, you. _LI have it by calling at the first door move te Stage Hotel, rbere repairing and adjusting Levc-, o:ilinder, Escapement, and common 'Watches and all kinds of qno keepers, JewAry and Musical 14- strummts, clef, are done in a style that cannot f 1 to suit the n4 - ffastitlious. All warranted to pc - form accordintr to the quality s of the article. Just - receivhd, a good assortment of fashionabl Jewelry and (Watches, which will be replenishe evc•-y,!Wo urriths, consisting of gold and Ore Lever find Lipine Watches, Quartiers, &a, from to SO dollars, silver Table and Tea Spoons, Gull Rings... Tar Hoops, Cluster, Jet and Stone Ph , Wristlets, Sifter and Gold Pencils, Gold Pens, Pe Knives,; Scissors, Sayer Thinibles, Gold, Silk and Steel Cliairis,l do. Keys, Card Cases, Letter Fol en, Tooth Picks and finishes, and many other us~ fill and cioa: unentalarticles r which will he sold ve cheap fo:7 old find new silverand gold. Pay down 4nll Small profits is my motto. Montrose, ?flay 30, 1849. W3L W. TRUE. Hats. and Caps. A LARGIland superior ttssorttne.nt of Drab PO Felr illspped and California Wool Hats Leghorn and .eatin Leaf do., and Sumner Caps o New Styles, Also, Coarse and Fine boots and Shoes for LadiesiGeittlemen, ,Youths and Children in ful assortment, jtOt reeeeeived - end twill be sold love than ever by 8 BURRITp. Neu: Milford, 3Lly 14th, 1849. - t -- - - - --', vagitierreau Miniatures. WB. DEANS desires to state that he haele • lien rooms over the Store of S. S. Mulford ,k; Sun, where he is prepared to furnish Daguerreo types to those :who will favor him with a call. Having availed himself or the Latest and most important ; improVements in, the art, he trusts that his Pictures will not kilto please: .He will remain but a shoit time, therefore call: at your earliest convenience. • Dissolution. • T'partnership heretofore' existing 'between the subscribers under the firm of MactihrrOg ers in the Carriage Making business, was dissolved by mutual:consent on the P2th inst. The" bOokkof the firm are in they ham& of E. lißo a rs, and Ml having unsettled won* are requested to eall ;settle the same - without Idelay. " "" A:INAS MACR,i,. Montrose, May PI, 180. E. Jr: ROGERS.' E.- g,ROGERS will continue the , business'nf Carriage Making in all lately, occupied by ,attack & Rogers. - mining the' li*est collection of Wild Beasts, Birds, andißeptiles, ever before ~ ;hi'ed in the 'United States. Will Montrosem Thtirsday, June 14, 1849. (Ten from I to 4 aclock, PASI. ,Admission 25 cts; Children under 10 years ltli.ct.s. er Amen; the most conspicuous- fmturei of this hibition the specitnen of the !A; HI I POTA MISS ! u _ Calhnetl by Calif. John Taber, of the F , hip Good Return,New - Bedford, Mass., after a scv - ere and re deTerat: struggle, the men barely ezcaping, with thew livo, before they. were able to de.patch him with dick. lances, • Tat • marmot NG ELI:PH.INi TIPPOO,. Who lias caused such a great sensation all, over ' Europe, will go through a variety cif Performanee, e _ such as Waltzing, : ltiflancim4, Ringing the 8011, to Creeping en his fore-legs, walking•over his keeper, td picking hiin.up,ArrWing a cork from a bottle, &c. 1111 1 Elie I, The „Einperor of all the Licni, in the Pen, ofWild Beasts ; his performances differ froth all others, not only in the skill and grace which he displays in his exercises With the Terrific Groupe of Lions ; Tigers, Leoparth, Cougars, Panthers, tc:c. ; but in the match- - :l e i s mud almo s t Nuprlitiinan command with which l z he exacts the obedience octliese fiercest and most o, remorseless tenants of the desert, the forest andthe , jungle. MT: Pierce may have many Imitators, 'bet he has no sgual. The usi !embraces all the .finest Living Speci mens of WILD AN MALE. That the girt experience, enterprise, and _resour ces of thti proprietors have eaabled then to bring together in one LARGE AND SPLENDID COL LECTIOY, a full description of the tained in the Exhibition, will be - fotind at the principal Hotels, previous to the arrival of the company. They will exhibit nt Ha s rford. June 13, _ • THE-Partner4tip under the firm of F. 13. Chan dler si Co_ has bee.i dissolved by nit tail con sent. The [books and accounts in the hands of K VV. Ittpe and R. C. Simpson, either of whom will settle all tho business of the late, lira, Those 'in debted will see the prop:iety of settling -their ac counts as soon as possible. . F. B. CHANDLER.. IL 0. SIMPSON. Motaroß(.l, May. 4, 1549. E. W. ROSE. ca A:... - raitgeraexat. A pureb l uzed the interest of 1.11 Chau I let inl the ba4ness lately carried on by F. B. Chandler Cc., (he suhscriCK•rs would invite the attention o purcha.-Icrs to their stock of StUves, Tin c. - are, Dry good.. Groceries; Hard ware, Boots and Shoe' tte., arc a- , ured that they can . and will sell any part of their stuck, at least a•eloik u. tam Konivf ttrwrrqt7 - of (Tr/MIS Call Lhl of New:York- C.:l and. see u before rturehasMg, if you wanl to save money. E. W. PLOSif.. May 4, 149. IL. C. SIMPSON. - . -- -- Latest yet, per "Railroad. — fC.EW and bcartiful stock of spring and P.urn 1 IL mer gotxl=, bou3iit entirely for ea.kli at the ve ry lowest nitco, and selling accordingly; at the store of 3.L-voNs. DRINTS 'at :3+ cents per yard ; French g.,ingiianis 1:4 cents; Li'vn dress pMternsat soon. J. LYO,:s.i.S. . - ---------,=---- COTTON yarn and b.rtt , , grncerie3 and hard ware inst opengd and for sale by . J. LYONS. . , . ---- CS,ROCUIPS—a fresh supply, with the cheap k.A est teas 'in town, for sale hy - J. LYONS. B ONNETS, rible•as, artificial flowers, ruslies,&c. clican at the store of J. LYONS.' • GAItDEN rSEEDS—large stock,- just opened and foi sale' by J. LIONS. rrIMOTHY SEED fur sale by • J. LYONS. ------- . _ New JEttioliwi just received at the Book Store. tArCaulay's Hietory'of England, Web.Ater's Dic tionary sklool and pocket, An:hares Latin Leisons, Phonographic Header -, tinnts' Poems, Hunter's celebrated Instruction 4 for the piano forte ; Here "a Little and Mete a Little, Retiring from Basinws, Duty veczys..l7fill or, Decision makerthe-,Mari, gift Letter Paper and plain Cap, Ac . dite Letter Envel ope.% Bible Dictionary, a. new supp! i y Exeltange Cards, painto:Eniottos, &c, - a 53 3 ierty's*uscurn and Parley's Playmate, A few-nut:alders of this highly popular and in- 42 structive I)etioSlical for the young; Just received, a and for with Subscriptions will be received nt.the Book Store. ne dollar per annum in id- c' vaunt. ' . a. F. c' . Spring Voods. , • t ( 41,.ti large supply fy* Dress Goods. ii 'Trinted lawns, de brine?, ginghams, lu,4hamo, mohair lu itr%ii:e. J.:a. Also, n 'plaids and Bonnets,: bonnot-il ris,;'and other millinery gooil4, all of 41 which, NNi t i our entire stock, we offer on the most favorable era*. Many articles of our old stock h lo we offer at, - i L - e Great Doi g alas I • Viz: priMs, g gluons, &c. FL-e., many of them at a less dour oust. j, U. BURROWS 4,1 co, . air -..06,3, 1 214, - l, Jan/ r&ei pltiNT34 : 1: Bonnets. TUSTteceivied, a large stock of New Bonnets, el embracirigllrus=, China, Pearl, Straw, Eng lish and Frene4 lace, &p. Sc' . ' • •' I q Bonizet Ribbons,,, I 1. ' a beautiful is. itment, and anillinery. goods 0.1,4 genet ally:PAlso,i,agreat variety of styles .of Stinuner - Shaul*, rualr '• goodsn great variety and beau- du ty: all of wll5 aunt be sold, Azad are oqpred a,t ri , i thi lowest la 1 pricel. , ' , 1 lie Ilibsou, 314 !'' U. BURROWS r CO. V i Sutphin & Co. ) ; I 1 received re. rich ibt - iif ihp ring L. Mtn, ginglasms, printed lalvni, - - and il Is. • d - • , 1 ll_ : re. ' piing Style ßonneff i, , . 4 thawl.4,- Kentucky' jeans,' ermine °. 1 Iten stripes, Plaicts•rMd drills,!' ~ Rao& ara Shoes, 4,4. 44 ,, :to their friends /led The telii. . 1 produce, at prices teheop_ m - • , -i . Siim, irivi!lf-i H Fl'AVE!,?ts O w l s I other dream .1 •It 11 rib¢onsi, 1 : 1 0 1 ‘ io clothe, hem* ough - they tiffe latge i fir - cafe. eltaimese. '1 (ILoVE4 • =pp of thol4ige': ~ inOdiuoiliciids IL..{l.and..iroOtbi seed for sate by _i: ,re- Ildfoi.d.{ , t ',. H.I3IJRRI ' i 1 ' -OEb. FULLER. , bivad ,L P 111014/71t0S,E BUSINESS zin, dTrlnikAintittetnier, and niringeTrun-' on - I.'unnpike Street; ,opAit4:lL. • Post'it Co's. - 1- - SlMMOriS—MshionableßootniUlS 4nalce.i, lover A. Baldwin's liarne.: ,sliop,l) 3 l "like s . ,trfeet. , • . ' 1 , , ROSE ,& Sto Stove trimmings; Tin; Sheet sifid cop t 'Ware; Dry Gods, Groceries, Ale; üblik Alen ELDUE~& 'WEISVCOM paps and Furs; opmkte-thb " Denioe Printing Mice, foot of Pu fie Aventi;e.. IN ES as HISSF first dbor above di ridge's Sturp; *here tL may be found y tocxec - ate all byders fur e tir . g. and making garments in a elitisfactUry n Her. H • - I OV ES--Fashiounbli. of G o Chen. Fuller's "took Store, where heo style altogether unsurpassed. ' I 311TNIS,STEV.ENS& inc.. - and Chair Makers; toot of Pubi c Arenas, r. uiroArg—llealer in Dry Goods, ilardwa Croc: , :ery and Tinware, Groceries, Bi l yok.4,_ et ALSO, Carries on the BOOK BINT)ItiG! . 1 ness Pubtic Avenue. lifontrose.,Pa:; • ate,' "4c t ..; J i , NMlFrirON—Attonley at 1.4'.w.;1 (Nice ! a few .dtion; South of the' Coutt lions ' ' lENITI E 1 & 11EAD--De: Goods, )ru! . t-s, Medicines, faints, Oi ilardwitte, Cruckur . y, Iron, Clucks, N elry Spoons, Perfumery, (i.;c.; 4-.e.1 . -----, EEL Tunim.ElLL—;Deitlerlii Drits;li I CI , icines s heraicai I, Paints, Oils, Dare-ya.-Sthlts; G 1 aeries, 1 ry Gum's, Uardware, Stouvivate, GU icnrc, ivarc, C ocliq, Watches Je .velry, Silver:Spool Specie:a e. 4, lii‘ical In;frunient , , I'ruts4.2, Stir; cal Instruments,, Perfainerv,i Mii-io l Station i/, Brushes, Shoes, Tankce.guiiens,' t : - / . 1 NEW MOAN GEMENT. ~ i .Fre*bt and Connission Line, Ite. ,yew York and and Rail!R , o(4l 1 APP iL. O. Tiffa....y and Walter . 1 onet ,lta 1 for a parLierslnp for the - transportation 1 fight and produce of all kinds, between Gre i t hd and New Took by the ItailroadAy the re,,, ilr. Freight line, which leaves • Great l3ehd eve tinting, at 84- o'clock. - _ . Captain Tiffany, who has beenjur It !Manlier f ars engaged. in the pu-chase and sale oil p e.- rodn e theley York markets, will rernaiiii in 'N‘ ork and give his personal attention- to the disi 1 of all;property committed toour care, and inl -e • turn; as!. , soon a: the property is disposed of,. Mr. Fillet will be at Montrose and Great_Be d temately, Orders fifr the . trfutsportation ..: 5 1.c., May' be sent - to him at either place, cu,d ill' receive nriMint attention_.Ctifr_r,ii,..,_.._ . e regular freight will be a :-mall commission. L. O. TIFFANY. Mefitrvise MM . ; 9, '4O. WALTER FOLLET. Great Bargains! Goods selling at Cost at Tarrela . . . '' variety of Goods, now eta hid it Vutrell's, will be sold at cosy„for Oak, • ake rod* for a new stock - -among 'which will be Ind I/O-Goods, Hard Ware, Tin Ware, Boorsd 811o4s, Hoorn Paper, Mirrors, Jewelif,, Yan a NotiOns, &c., &c., nod.ncarly every tliing, 1y kepi in a cOuntry store. Friendsjand iher pgener ally, are invited to call and aviiil them t ves of the opportunity of pm - chasing Clocids ta mole sale prices. ' [Montrose, May 112, 1/349. I_, - _ Lorgejot of Gingham:, Printe,, Bro*lejotl Cat-,sbners, I.l,)otsan,l Shoes, ete„ for saki 1 fof Cti.;:li if offered soon, by Mny 4, 18-19. 410 SE & St.3lP.S ' ON. . . Ile larg•C Stock of New Goods cif haqc L. P4i & Co. - li 1 ill.E selling as usual, as low as ..can bo bought 17, hi this country, and consist of as'frodil an as . 4 e: ~ ; o•tnient as can be found.. I.)rg - Goods. , t large stock of Cloths, Cassimei•es, Ter,ocit; 11 ils, Kenlucky Jeans, Summer Cloths, Sere,44,_ 31 c.k . and . Fancy Silk Delaincs,,Barriges, ; lamina; ) Us, Orri,.. udie.s, Cambrics,Lawns, Maslimi, T:11)11! ".a ens; Wipers, Birds-Eye Twilling, ,CaSlnueretl„ ; Pl Usual iPlain Gingham and Silk Critvat4 Priat-' ed Slolesliimi, Plaids. Prints a Large assortment, Gi glauus, Plain Turku Red Calico, Nailkin..4, Dragl-, 4 ge Ripl6n'Jeans, Mixed Sattinets, Lace Worke Co lars,. Ale.' Caps, Linen Eiging, Cashmere Shad ' , : • Dt • Inc slid Silk do. IBonnets. • ' utland,,Florence, Pearl, Luton, Gimp,, Lace 0 I Ona, a large and beautiful assorttnerie--alsi)l, , bolsi, Crape and Tissue Linings,, FlaU - grs, 40 les. ~ ' Hats. have•added to our stock this spring, 4 huge st4k of Hats, Fur, Silk, Brush, California, Leghorn; Cl 4 grid Palm Lest of ally variety atid.pride, of the spring 'fa.shions.. • • Boots awl Shoes, e ent's Fine French Boots, Gaiters g4‘ . .; Drisprts, Chi tiren's and Misses' ; Ladies' Polka Boots, COIN.- ed id Black Gaiters and.Excelsitirs; in 'final; the bes Stock Of nie3 Shoes that can be fotind. ! arasole--a beautiful assortment, isome• Very nic g !! 1 Ilite C4ods of every - variety. A largejstock ; dies' 'tied Gent's and Lisle thread 110 es 111 siery of all kinds. . 1 . t. dfalo horn Back and Dressing Conga: ; ridli lie li , and Horn Side do., Gimps, and Fritvre , i, s. '.d'k's,:Cotten, - Silk and Gingham do.: in fine, S . O loicc a 'stock of Fancy' , Goods as can heleitud. . O , stock of-Staple Goods is large also.: Crock ry tnd Glass ware—China, as usual a gOod - atbek, qt • I if notrsiiperior to any in Own. weeried, and large'stock, Coffie.s; Rice,l'apiM.a.andoverilhng i ee n, Nails, Steel, Nail Boils,.SPring Steel, Round i uare dron, Crowbars and chains 'r • i(ltrore; a large stock: Steed Shoveligfr.'"Foikst; " d almost eYery-article in the line.; • i , (kilo mull . ..farness Wore, Oil Varpet :anti Bub er I loth trimmings in variety, Ely AtilizulTrav- Ilin bags. i - . *. nod Ware; Heeler's and Caniayo, Mat*. Pails ncl vate, Drugs, Oils do 3 " 1, • 'll imkful for patronage heretofore,'We'Oimfideitt 7 ' pe thi4 we are in a coadition to offer induce-' ten ! .,for nri increased 'business; - k y, 184 p. L L POST co; , A : HYSICIAN'S REHR!) Y ' ' i .„. ; I ectionl i of the Lune, Shortness otiireqh, gee d Sais,ex county. N. J, Nor. 13, 3.13-11. ' ,„ i , D Seth W. 'Powle,:L-Dear Sir :.I havepeen ~, in - ' e . e ,in con y equence brunt benefits received Aun t; "'r , a:Eel -r to..aditmy te3timany in fitvoi of its lit 7 prop .rtio. HavutiOien'etnieted - for izer-" on ths-wi th a severe land dime-got :wkdelt , re d wi , e ho r to e i s o f breath an great lbodi : ft . 'bless, ;I' was recommended by al' gspiatt of k • tstowti l N. A, to, try, .Dr., ;Name ‘ * fa * of 4 awl* . which not _only ;gave in rater 4a , i tvlnfling strMill& owd„abo: itu l pqrfid am& a d gner://- t() my B .Yetettl, I•teut , thereto& li. lylreepuitneed to, On aftrw.ted wiliyAung ilia; . . try 9ile Bateam:Of..Wild Cherry. ,: , 1! - 1 WectfullY Yranv . • 12 -- 1,. ,_ I4e-! , - - that VoriOnkiruituti§ottArti,l*, w/0 0 without ,_ the. written Vtatlwei?f, •tiaLwrittlyer. , ':.P.tico 14 pepb9ttlet,t*: at' ._ e '''' iA . Itifgnature. '' -', I- Burrs , : . r , Abel Tamil Drivgi 4 t,lipintiotie • ' Reim) • Bul 7/191 W es t t •," at th 41141 MEI -7777- 1-- iCt;*4l4l 1 iiiiiiiAli ' r. t 14. 101 1 1 §.: 1 6a yeAta..Vientrita (Oreome 400 T ab •x• lOW 06 ualtied,bt, 41 18 itien 111 , 4 _lt Cale,lk i ate Olrq . earws noyd,..**Oilk r jii4 ') m. nieeiio' t dUi.nri' j- - tif Othil Boo*. s k o n g wll4i , k,l -• ~:i.J.I:- • - • -..,144 d's Itemoins of Itimeyeh, , ,, I 'Hie , omen: of "the Ite.rojution; ; .. . . 1 Th 6. P ]ii i Book, iikAncierson,. - ' ~ , 0 .hife 0 ertnnero, 4 l:iy He4d,1y,1" . , , :r ....:.:,. 1•r,,-:, - 7 , -, i the Ppy Home, by' T! , 4 / I famnbal• - ,' S* P *Um - 7a 44 1.1111 - 14 :'';* -.') targ anuly Bibb, f tit ft iii s6.' ..,;,..., 1 IVAt Drops ;!4 Mr s . ,iin, .:. -;: r uailey •He '' Museum,. '- . ' Th merieniairm Book;' , , - 1 . ," -:, -,- Leibi r"s• Agricultural.° dini....,...7--.•.- ; I.hiist, IFamily i iiitehen, at ~,,. .., "Colt' 'American - Fruit, "' k;-,.- i.-- - 2.., '. 71.4 ". 4 slier Tho 'S' Fruil. ;Culturft - 1 ''. ' ._„1 --. Com etc Gardener ancilflorrp`. • • - z: -.. - “ F - ..... i t SOF 1 to the7stysteries - ithd Maim' i'ot Ittiltati.. Co n School Spenker' I •-•-.." • -i• : .!.--- • ' P`Ann E. FITUgh GIIUTI 1;t and ; RiAdetts • -- :-. i Milli s Greet:Pi:Ant= , 1 ~ 1- , Gum re's Surveying.. " s ' • . -.^ '-- • Ma Dati'ep 1 y's History of ' *id; 2,5-tirki , 1, I' o n's Corivlete..F rie.i hid Mini Doke,' un. non Nbvr Hell' , a?...,' • ... ..,,,,;, :,.. - j ead eekoner, i.. r ___. -. „..-I;_.._ . ,`'' Sears,. ,-- ictorial De.e. ript of thelgiihtinkatim, Vol rWonderS of-the' Weihts,v=l. --, ' 1 l'rel=tyl e# , Kiendedge; _ ,:: ~. History 4 the Alper. !terni i4i9.• Sunda* 30 0 k. 1 .-, ''-- -„ ' lent ofllt,Asitlloniut of.Alinoisti 0 s i sci a,id i d,a0,,, , , , ;„ % ..!, ; :. )ping,, , Po4t , '-,Ofilte,*lla4ol.lll" tin tuid raney-Envit - otooriebiliiti , ALS3,. '- . _ ~ . .',. --` .., ''l •'-• - :., - ',. Tent of Pa4hiaitaili l'unSillaiiir , !at' HATs,lust. fro) f thic4V.-f of a variety s 'l..' r z , ;:71,,,-.-i - 0 profits, oind feadildAf i cCgiort i ' .GEE. It ' "1 ~CTQ Y ~..~-- all throt the coral This I svarmini It ig gives th, same tin outside . 1 The b than in t of hone The o safety, b. ei in wl, work of The thi:s caltil offer for' model seen at will exp make co. THE s.. etwonenc doors bei! comtantl meat of All who in.e, are purchnsii vet, Nair Cori: 11, horn, St . great va Caps, eh" I aseortracz By a :I please, W : Port-and that eve • est and • IVay 1, jSkere elark .Freight it or wiwan Th 1 ge 611 Jaidgineagt, Retail_Vl- - HAV G eStablished , h;nre/f iu,this ;•VAiglei and...lA.llv .emplffed . e34lerieneed, intim", the 9ubscri . .'r would give tiotic? . thathd ii - 0404 to do all ki lb' of house sign painting, lang,inm,', fining, glazin g ' and eturnw t gilding e 'anv ornamental tings,,ttc.i - allof:' wilL be doi •on short nod and in iheloiCatirles • ' Jobs fro the Country proniPtly, *tended - lei— ' Shop twirl. T. Birehard's 1 Curriir Ohotki . .tt; doors end &f Warder's HotOtr 1 eta: s ‘___,. , ,-.,' - 1 Montros• April 2S, 18.4 Dit IM - CLOPUL • JUST of• Dry, Iron, Clover ds T Shock, Hats, tprinl .gh' tn, h from the nuL.,.. . 1514:lean be used /Oi l a sls-spittipli 4:!t'' ti atti 1 , ~I. , ' ...,,. 0 - Hire. , lerfectly simple mli its': eutistruction,'' tint; bees ample - roc, 1 ror idf to , e, so that they. 'i nei er .)ay oat on ;i. i 11 • 4 .__., 14 4 1 :&I , 5 wilt increase one 'third. mwe xt i 1 e other 'I: aids, ate make is tlie' ' ....1;, 7 ,1. ty, d eotrjh Barr be r ive l d' at any time Into. 1 taking-, out the s 0 tlralrerfjpr l4 l, - ill eh it is contained 'grout ilistmTwagWl..i:i lie bees below. or , • ' - ' l l. " , . :.. eito bseribers having arehased shc tight t'qr:-; ble improvement oi- SttsqueLatina euoritYi.: sale individual and township tights:.-;4L this truly ingeniduS- contriT.auee MV,.. - t• le store of J Ethridge in:litaar9l4ol* 'A I t itt its advanta g es; and-is itiltli , Or'i tracts forthe sate) or rights.': '-" "--,: i 1 WM. F.'BRADIkt ilk): - :i I lend, May 9, 1849.1.. :. .r! -- -.I ••r : i '•tar Hat and cap St,* 7 1i itizens of Montrose , findvicmitiy;:lure !j dully' informed hat the 4 ilheitb 6l . d the nianufaclo.o4e. 11, tin- the Partner's ; tine, wnere tee ,T . l • on hand "and 41. sidca ats and Caps oC every`Yartetkiind- WI to purehnsoli first sirtiieledtieet ardenlarly invited io give us n•eidnonforii;.: eLqewhore. _ Our stock coioisto 484' •a, Brush, illoleglari, Silk:, Mtiskrit. tiOd:o is; also, Califorpiii Sporting, Vila, Lefi;li w and Palmleo- troll, de. &di . besides ety of Men and llloys''Cl the and GlantL , is I en fancY do., i.e;._&-e.-4n it4t, tviarge t of ;thirst eveql article. in , our "" iet attention to piAness and to-: hope to merit anikreceiveilibeig -kip. 4,i csnre- those in treilt litats:.;ltilit , .effort will be *de to` env diewkat tind of an iwtziele. • 1-= !‘ 18. M 'lll,PRVEillriNikOOM.,:d t, Notioe • ,}2, given of that Dissolution -43 t. Co's huinership in the 'Atilroitcl. ommission begtess,,toytho - yetiretim' !it Dayton from ,e said Company: ; WIL - ;DAYTO. nd, Apri l 23, 1: 9.' , . ' ew..Goo Atonal ivine Another and splisididstock' Goods, Oruserit Hardware , Saddk ey. ' Crockery, Bon ets,_RibtoonsiFlerni.. mothy seed, C Jfish di Mackerel; Book Leg :Straw tratit,:rui &Silk' and summer 'styles; plass, yrodow• a,on( r_~ tj ~.