The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, June 14, 1849, Image 2
TIM onassital, THIMSDAY, JUNE 7, 1849. 4t 6 o tleavanticul--atual Commiaajoiter. Whig State Central Committee , its last held in Harrisburg, passed the following -- citron tnyhich we'desue to call the attention otf ool triad ! , in the hope that early action.will be -in the premise . s: Mk That the friends of the Rational' and S , e in + i in Pennsylvania, be requested tolneet in tie several cities and counties of the 1 1 3 1 r ind select delegates equal in number to thelr re ' - tatives in the State Lvidature, who shall m convention at ,the court house in litsuris '. balm; at 11 o'clock A. 31. on Thursday the 16th day OCill.ugust nexk for the pu rpose . of selecting a OW- Alidife fix. Canal.Commtssomer, and to do suck oth er hterhoass as the interests of the copntry may To= finite.' • (By order of the Cotamittee.] I' GM. EItETY, Chairinan pm tem. . .113rThis day (Thursday) being the day of ex: . /44ta . is of Raymond do Co's-Menagerie, we expect -ever3r body and bis wife and numerous &nay beret to " seethe Eleplumtn—stare at the stnged LUPO. , Petamms skin—look at the Lions, stirred up by Masseur Piave, and. see the Mookift. dance. In talkr that all hands may witness these animal shoWs and sights of folks .here'to see them, we one this slit a little ahead of its date. The tut thinaltlenunkaiener. • Whfte many of both parties seem to concede the next canal CarupiLioner to the North, we perceive , 1 that quite a large nem of the Locofoco meetings, end their organs seem t int to Mr. John A. Gatu-! hie of Lyeorning, as the p nlinent candidate of the, •p arty. Why -Lyearning dbe considered the= woe North, or this Mr. ble to possess so ex clusive a vice 1 no m ; but there are some iiirM•dosen more urged th considerable seal by their respective friends, anrong whom are: MI Got% don F. Mason, late Senator fromßradfoicl,toL Are L. Bowman of i itc. \ I hi? r not e, Northern yes of many in other parts of the State tow IM. The Som. crset Herald in the South-ii Part of the State is out for him aznonroth ers •• 4 Indeed he seems at present to be Me es,—ate of the :Whig& By the way, is it not high time that the :Whigs of this county should take some measures for being represented in'the annhig State Convention , pursu• ant to the call of the State Committee published in our paper! • The Cholera: dreadful scourge is stir pengrpain g in The citibe east,:italth And west, especially in. impure and exposed iodations. The timber of deaths in ;•:•- NearYiak up to our latest dates, is from 10 to 20 '• 4any, out of 'about 3 times i that number of casea--. It I attacked some in high life as well as in low; . :?! - 4 and beSides i3keri. Worth, and 'Gen. Gaines whose .f<:?: death' is mentioned in this paper, our latest news says that Hen. Augustus Porter, late IT. S. Senator froni Itlichigiin fell kvictim to it on Sunday night! at \ Magma Fall% and telegraphic news from Nash-• • up to Monday says Ex President Polk was se rk)tisiy. Cholera. Sixty-two cases were re ported at aminnati from Sattirday to Monday. i 9 - . flnmors have been afloat here that sCvefal I • cases Hof the Cholera have occtared even at Ring lutitr and Owego. Is it so: neighbors of the Presst "iMoans OF Tinentmccom--A - few weeks amen 1. the proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of Tuddisumock were published in the papers of that P l ace;travelY ccnaldaini7g uf the demoralizing ten dency, of a Ten-pin or Ball All y e established there, especially upon the habits oftbe youtli of the 7 place and earnestly calling, upon the Burgess and Townie:mm*l to prohibit it. We believe the cur poratibn authorities accordingly proceeded to' do so. We t4tild not help thinking on seeing tliese pro . ceediitgis of dir '^unlduunmek- and Marto ier was spo tting, mucus dissipation, Slutioni'RMlZOAD Accromm—We learn from ure Wskigiunatoir Democrat that a man named Smith with his wife and a girl of ?A years of age under took to cross the railroad thick between Union and Nan 'taksoitistaheall of the passenger train going West % 'fin Saturday evening last.,%but were overta ken by the train and before they could get out of the* :e they were eight by' the Engine and-car ried Soon rods. The ghl was. thrown out, imder4be:avitie and killed insi l untly—the woman badly,wed with a c broken 14 &r- and the man • severely butt, while the horse was also, killed MI the„wsguir completely demolished, Thia, should be Sty** against attempting to ants a tracii when the cars are lo sight or itiar-; r ilinczannent—AinAher victim to the IS * imatrounood An" the death oft& veteran Gripes of the. Army; .new of Major t ' which ; intim I inst, and e death at Jut Jima received ET Telegvalth at With' He died al *sr Orlesos r ea the 6th . Jai *cis of tendayn Generak Worth itleems," miter numerous escapes from Alsiniud,, in the field et-beetle, have both victims to Ais deStructiie - pestilince.- _ Egmit I he 00 X 3 T Mat 90111111 ,• kittek . anIMIDCeIf that : ROS•II.M. jaololf elitOT ar that psi , as age thetlieire ei tbeildo , * LY A ; -alde 4 *4 dai i l d - Re Ot We welcome kesdier Pick nathx. 'l , • :Tuft RattattOStaixir.-4, Weitiklenamai dual*: iliikeet l ll OsP and Mextin'igre4 routitien RailroadAiachti G0:414W 7ith their:SuiviYi Aiding Ix) Oca 't as i w e sinned, in lo4ting a - most &male route *there= Nothing rfenuthatd, eve be - I6e, to Compleii . their Survey, hot to view and determine upon the best place few crossing the river to form a junction with the New Yoik it Erie Railroad, and petbaps to look after some slight impiovements in that part o(.the (route located between the valleyi of the Nor& atml South branches Of the .Tuukhiamock— Meanwhile we shall await their report With con akkamble interest. RENIIY CLAY' -has excited the prejudices of the ultra Slavery advocates by his course in {favor of pros peciive emancipation so far that a meeting — has been h.ld in Trimble county, Kentucky, Ivithout ,b -niction of party, at whitili resolutions were pass . ed, reeeipmending the Legislature of that State to invite h Ito resign the office of U. S. Senator. • 14611' FOAL MIYE.7 -We learn from fix; Muncy Lumina'!" that a mine of Coal has liven li.scovered at or nalr Laporte, the County Seat of- the new county Of Sullivan. Our old friend, Mr.-Meylert, we hopil, may find its iiclaws to be an important acquis' iton to his new county town. Gi)DA''S LADY'S BOOK.—This splendid periodical is still first in the amount and merit of its Original productions—first hi the qumber and names of its embellishments, and- first in making its appearance; the number for July for the first of the last half year) having alread4been received at this Office.— It has not only distanced all its competitors in these respects, but it has actually' gone lx.yond itself in not only exceeding all its previous promises, but excelling in the variety and beauty of its attrac tions, alLits former efforts. This number contains 84 pages, or near one third more than ever promis ed, and it may well boast of its numerous Iniperb .engravings and other embellishments, as ; efie: 11 . ing any and all the magazines in the country.. orient 'name we 'the 'Whip, is Luzern, the late ae. Legislature from popularity his and wbieh was toget i scr with the eratly. jaurs. B. CLar'(son of Mon. Henry Clay,) of Kequel-y, has been appointed by the President, Charge de'Affaires to the Kingdom of PortugaL . Two different reports designate Generals Jessu p and' Twiggs as being appoinkid to succeed General G ' ha the coMmand at the South-west tx 4 es Inir l virm i tri the crevase of the river 4- ------s, andalmost beyond hog° of being stopped, at 1 , overflow or the city sun Incrieteung I Two cows were run over and killed by the cars on the Railroad, a little west of Binghamton the other clay. A man named Robert Yourt of Delaware co. N. ;Y. in a state of melancholy and ill h e alth com [milled suicide by cutting bis throat u ith a pocket kuite, near Deposit List week The !''clot of the Steamer Empire has been indict ed hir man-ilaughfer by the Grand Jury in New York. One night two weeks ago, three boat horses fell .off the slope. 11 into the river near lrotiesdale their ' Ammo tomirikatk 16.3+.., wt.o lame. all drowned.. t ' A fall of• alx4dt of earth, coal and reek at the ,Mauch Chung mines, rat Wednesday of last week, rwed one miner and severely injured another.— enty more, *bile recovering their bodies, nar ipwly esaiped *titer caving in.. I On Friday night, the Ist • inst, a daring burglar tO.tempted to rob - the house 'of Hamilton Lamont : Oweg,o, by entering a window 7 -was \ beard by }firs. L. and 'Seized by the head by Mr. L., Wir got bis hat in the struggle and marked him with sear knife lying ittithin his reach, before the villain &' .paped. . t • A!Rochester paper reports that a tint lately oe-, cuffed at a place called Vergennes, Where Sands & 1,41E4343in-us was exhibiting.. Teti men having been Termed admittance on tickets they supposed enti tled their to the evenings entertainment, a row, was raised which resulted in the death of two per son' and wounding several others. • Sulphur is all the go in New York as a sovereign remedy for the Cholera just now. Dr. Bird ofChi- Cago, is -said to hare discovered its salutary effects, and a long letter is given in the Tritoue concern ing it., Patrick Makaw and his N% if* (the lattei carrying a little child on beinkebaek) gut lost in dui woods of Elk .county on the IGth of May, and la+g, a bot-, the of liquor with them, it . i.4 l suppaged from the manner in,which th eir bodies were fouinli that they perii.hed victims to intemperance. Henry Peck.(Whig) has been elected' Mayor of New Haven by 119 majority over Nathan Bmitli,i' an independent candidate. 1 • as a pattern possible that f us in strict a place of in Mantroske ' William A. Buckingham (Whig) 'was' deeted Mayor of Norwich, Conn, by! a majorify of 210 'over his highest competitor. Among the notable productions of the season, it its stilted that Doha C. WAllister, a little above nartisburg, hai.a cow which lOW recently brought 4 firth a calf with oidy - twti legs, and with i ts tad on the top of its hack. We ,have some two-lived rakes in the4eoigs. A new sect reported to bi; started in bladimm, N. Y., who believe in a onnininnity of wives and husliards, and tbat they arc exempt .finukain, ii A gale of witt s il ' ' gaiWrAlciablo damage - to ags, chimoeya,; 4., at Cirborshdo on the 4th !inst., and one liou e was nearly rnined. , • 11 A duet wanted it Rio Grande city] on the sth hetween CoLlfalter Hickey and a Mr. Mows, in *ilk* the firaiiir.was shot dead the first fire. , I.Greersrd of Boren county, Icy, held to bail in. . tI6 rum of '6OOO on a damp of se..! '4 l tringla nunii4*.f. • A Man has been filial 11i000,4u a a W Y' There is some Agfit , padier mentlinent at; the west. , . I 1 iTheudet rutixr' is that Dr. seeks ke; who eete taitted suiciide in pima, is still afire--his -friends haring subitituted al teepee nmetabllog hint la the *woo whip he icasitsloil out. 1 , ' 'i ! View- e nthenthisktiew lustier the seaters* Cosi *death for the;lreanier of Ilre.' in Da_lti- W*re; reqnnetWthe itlitislin . °rigs ' Me own litlefitawiwy Wiliat :lteJoenetrittnetr - the iseen si‘rtethis imam so the gadiows. 1 dr I • , MIMI c:ionnEuten ITIIIUS. • ve- The Sunni' Register' sari :that Setiatoi Ben te) is making "sedans in blissiniii :in favor :of tbe Wilmot Proviso, oonlending that it embodies thin Jefferscinian Dania:racy. Thi's is .s bold and man ly course in a Bentham statesman and we heartil y 'trial' that his wineiples may triuttyli in the ap moth* political struggle in that state. - This Steamboat Expeiiment. ()Wing to some unforem, n difficulties in the work ing - of the Stem* built at Tunkhannock,. which started on bier first up-river trip on Wednesday the 3011 h ult., she did not get up to ToWainla until Sat .nrday noon. Oa Monday afternoon she returned to Tatiltinunkkek in a few hours. The Bradford Ar gos gives the following account of the expedition : The new. Steamer Wycoting, of Tunkhannock, Capt. CoNvensr, Arrived at this place on Saturday Lust. This boat has recently been built at Tunk hannock, and from our limited knowledge of this species of craft, we should judge it a beautifaimod el. It is 128 feet long, 16' feet wide on the floor, &awe 12 Mabes water, is about 100 tons burden, and Is driven by two engines of 40 horse power each. The engines; together with the rest of the machinery, all of ivliich is of the most approved pattern, were built by Mews. Rcaney: Mafie & Co. of Philadelphia.' 'The wood work was constructed under the immeeittte supervision of Capt. Converse. The citizens of Tunkhannock are certainly enti tled to much credit for their enterprise in building so fine a boat, after some two or three attemps' to navigate the Susquehanna had failed. This trip, and an examination of the boat, seem 4 to have sat isfied every one at all acquainted n ith the business. that all former 'errors in machinery, di., have been avoided, and they no longer look upon• . the matter of navigating this river with steam an experiment, but consider the question fairly settled in favor of its entire practicability. Some few de fects, consequent upon a first trial - of niachinery just frinn the hands of the manufacturer, Were expect ed, and of course are not considered as in any way affecting the success of the experiment. The Wyoming le ft here on Monday. afternoon, at half past . two, and arrived at Tunithannock the 'same evening, after having made several stoppa ges„including one of over . an flour at Meshoppin.— The distance, by . water , is over fifty 'miles. c From the N. Y. Tribune • Opening of the Erie Railroad to Owego. -Something more than, a year since the directors of the New-York and Erie Railroad fixed upon June 1, 18-19, as•the day on which the road should be opened to Owego Accordingly on the Ist of June. (Friday) it was opened. We had been favored with an ins itation for the occasion through the politeness of the citizens of Owego, and left on Thursday morning in order to have fin opportunity of viewing the country through which the road has been built, and arrived at Biug lariettilleitilPth*.n*„Paz,.Svoiffsar.,-LYFrk morning in a state of remarkable freshness, consia! ering that they had been whirling all night around the precipitous hill-sides and along thesleep gorges in Sullivan and Delaware. But on looting nt the cars in which their journey knit been accomplished all surprhie vanished. The high and yi&ding easy chain whirl' in the night - cars of this line fill the places-of the ordinary low-backed seats are certain , ly the moat perfect of inventions for favoring sleep on railways, and even with the day and surabine to reveal the wild beauty of the scenery through. which the, road passes, wouldwould be sure to beguile the traveler into napping just where he ought to he most wide awake ; with due regard for lovers of the picturbsque, however, the Company do not son rounil! them witliauch temptations, except at their appropriate season. no train for Ow he first onerthe r m wgl . artliCri#d=ligt m heft &um° tune On Friday morning. A great crowd had assembled at the station to see its off; the weather was most propitious--the woods and fields, fresh from the recent rains, wore their brightest greera'—and, With the screaming whistle of the engine pitched 'on its highest and loudest ? key, we set off. The distance is 22 miles, and the nyol runs in the beautiful val ley of the Susquehanna, through the towns of Che nango, Union and Owego. The land is not per ' fectly cleared— that is to say, the 'aids contain too : manic stumps to please the unfamiliar eye—but the rich `grass that covers the greater part of the region traversed by the road, and the large herds of cat tle industriously enjoying it, gore evidence that the labor of the farmer is there nit spent in vain. Irtn. brazing districts may be found, indeed, but - • they are of ol4er cultivation—and a few years mast, putt fame of Broome and Tiog,a on a level with that of nge. It wasa\ k holiday all along the line. At Union we were greed by loud and repeated cheers from Weassembled population, whose enthusiastic satis faction.wis also expressed by discharges of cannon and the waving goings . Having stopped there long-enough to take in some additions to our com pany, the train continued its course. The approach to Owego was quite exciting. The whole country was gathered there waiting the ar rival of the train—and for a mile or more this fitie the village, companies of men, women and children here stationed along the road to greet the xi - elecme event. A large hill in front of the depot 'and par tially covered by trees, was occupied by mans picturesque groups who sent to us by the. waning handkenthiefis a salutation which their voices could not comes* so far; the same signal waved from etery window in the vicinity, while the vast crowd assembled in the area about the depot cheered,. andthe cannon was fired off, all hi the most appropriate manner. As soon as the cars were- vanated‘and the neces sary arnmgements made, the multitude was called to order and the ceremonies of the day begin. Hai. Thomas Farringthn, on behalf of theauthorities and citizens of the village, addressed the officers of the Road in a neat and appropriate speech congratola tin" on the successful prosecution of the gnat ' public work placed reader their stipcSrvision, raying a just tribute to the energy and judgment with ! which their arduous and responsible duties have been discharged, and expressing! the grntifintLim which the' citizens, of Owego—Abe originators al most, of the enterprisc4--ood • the midents of lie Suiquehanna..valley generally must feel at its ' gress. Mr. Farrinrt; in conclusion, tendered to the officers and gentlenien from abroad the hetetv hosp i talities of the people of Owego. To this address Mr. William E. bodge respornted in behalf of the Directors, the 'President, Beni. der, Eeq, not being, presenL ! In so doing he lin -tiered the acknowledgments of the Company for thin hospitality andlxffiteness of which Mr. F. lad been the organ. To the Directors as well as to-the citizens of Owego the occasion was one of great in terest They were l 22. 'miles nearer their great ob ject, and with their . eyes set on the' prize before them they could not but be stimulated bythe Lid that after having toiled through a region so difficult as almost to batik their hopes and courage, they had - conie out into the beautiful valley of the Sta. quehanini. The expectations and labors of many years had.ffindly been crowned with success Lind en avenue was taiVi-tqlened bitween Owego and New-York. - Uwe* a proud day -fai them nit— 'hey could allWiliee in a consummation Tong de sired. Owegoirlano haver a sequestered villag e , - it waSs part of the neighborhood of New-York.— Iniathihuttapf the village could leave hoffie after tea and be. in New -; York tohreakftst the next ma ning ; or they could take an early brenkfait at home and ge . t it 'tai ID NetetYork. - Twenty Tears ago he left If 43rd, COWL . .uxI mine to Owego by stage. and was ao lased up by the king and +tedious jour ney tilt reatitvedhewOuld never venture over those-hills ogain.• But -now things were changed ,pretty eti'ptentiodly, the Cheraw Mil Susquehanna were simply the outskirts of New-York. It was almost impossible to real= the position in which stood; Th iFere l doubtless:men - among he 11l is ad easing NAM Could romeMber when hill] and kfr' 8 _en in :thO andiotorbed • -sion of the ndmns: And froni the.. pnsition day,lret,thelo look f nil fiftyyears'l„ The svAigered IN't 01 0, co teM t o Mil n suf i .' min was the _ staggered lit t teiriplaticii,"; But ;yet it Cot the great prpeet o this distant result Vliich nerved the I uds an sustained the-hearts of rieudr of th Erie iltaid: Consider, too, T t would be tle immediate effect of the eaten, of the road tO the lake and its opening to the I erce of the t ut Wit which was to pass over i ;Dodge tlicit spoke (if the improvement in the of produce, which t e Road - would at once [ ace in the Stisquehan a valley, illustrating, his ks by figrixes which. 'well delighted 'the far among the audience] e also urged them tot use the Road ; it Was s,-built fur thetn and 'they , should improve it. 4 =laded by expressing Ohe wit;fi That an im: s would that day be given to the enterprise h would ensure its spbedy completion. fter Mr. Dodge had (hided and the applause over, the meeting ivai adjourned, till dinner.— , f(o n the hour hid arriverl a proees.sion was form the main street at die head of which marched uthorities of the VIII*, , followed by the offi cif the ,Road and 014 guests of the .day,' the ) e being preteded by r .... of music. The hi were spread in 'the la ~e saloon and along the of the depot. 'The ;dinner was' abundant in I tity, and its quality 3tas such a i must forever, to the turkeys ands roasters of Owego iv the I st reputation in the ;Te-Yerlr markets..' / a a, soon as the More material part; of the enter al rent, was disposed of, pr. Farrington corm:ami d is intellectual treat li.y a few Jar s and a sentiment, i severalgentlemen suc vet! d him with speeches and toasts.; among them was Hon. James Brooks of the A'xpress, who dwelt iri e oquent terms on thel glorious Future which awaits this Country, and s'Are of the Erie Railroad as orbs link of the chain w ich is to connect the At lanti and Pacific Oeyans. id form the groat high- E way r. the commerce awl interceurse of the:world. Mr. .'s speech 'was recei ed with loud applause. W. E, ROBINSON, Esq. Mr. SwErr of Owego, Mr. Cll.* and some other gentlemen also addressed the Meeting. ,' , Time speeches being over, the Throng betookitself to the cars, which Were lin writing to convey the gu ts of the day on their. ar homeward. Alarge part . of Oirrarras accompahled them as fur as Bing ham n. Twoof the tars Were filled mainly by tile l i fair righters of Ower—lflowers fit to liloony'oi so It vely a valley h Those whose good fortnee al low. d them to ocCupy pla4es in those favored car s I (eve though theie were ho seats except for the ladi's) will count the boar Mid a half of the ride to Bin iamtrin as anion , * the most delightful of the ex cuirs on. It would be a safe wager that the Air at ii the members of the charming -coMpany then graced the traln were to preside in the Mg, was one et wltichthe wares offered had at 'ons entirely 1;111.1a:two; at ordinary marts—ma , Inert urchase in itpitelof themselyes, and !with to ricds. .-.1 1 lett Binghainteiu art in 134 hours wo were rn I on Saturday nioi .. g at the foot of Duane , tern delightful trip. . 4:i The next' extension oil the road will be'Elmira iilos, on the Ist of Noveinber next; and the next he .Ist of January, Isso to Corning, 21 Miles ler. From there it will doubtl es s advance with !crated rapidity toward its westward terminus lake Erie. Success to this great enterprise ! P r/ Pr ( { ( l Ten me the' He pets whi 36 in on t+ furtit aece on A Runaway Match. ,- , e Sussex Register giVes the follinviig inter estin_ account of a romantic affair in that region: e noticed in our last act elopement of it Dr. Ns, of piassachusett a Miss Shutter, tughter of a very we thy farmer, of Lower Dclllef rcOn. • ~.....L.,.... 1.. b aL............i...4 e wandering in the mck-environed township -, uarry, whither tbiiy went in consequence lung a mistake as to he proper road to reach rie Railway ;, but, wehave been since inforin at they managed to emerge from that region onday, the 28th nit, and found their way to 's Valley, in this county. tile in Pahaquarry, Dr. A. made a c nfidant i an named Ribble, and wiAted the latter to uce him to some Justice of the Peace, or cith rs•la duly qualified, hi put an cud to the ag f suspense which " Oiling . (hearts" are sup to feel when obstruc4ed in their Elsitres. But e was.a matter-of-fact man, and wished rioth- I do with so romantic (in affair ; and hence, M- I of seeking to further ithe business in hand, he t for Belvidere to report the unusual inci which Palunputiry hall become thetheatre. tor took the hint, and deixtrted likewise ; ; , every reason to .believe that „the friends of i:himer were in pursu t, and that Belvidere e he had hired the ho4se and carriage he was would be the first piiint at which the ptu-sit ; rty Would be apt. to use to obtain definite ation of his whereals4its. - I _ . A. formed the ac9uaiittance of Miss Shinier I a•year ago. He is sahl to be about 35 years ; .—she is about 17', but love can leap a chasm 'ears, and very easily ii.tirvire the feat. The ; 1 wits engaged by her father to attend One I outs who -was afilietell with a white swel- ; and all went' smooth enough until• it was 1 ; .red that he was not Iso absorbed with his I the son, bet he found time to devote a full; ,f attention to the datighter. Upon this de ment, he was ordered to quit - the premises ; he did-, but. found means Otortly after to get •-hter in his svaip-,011,! and n•as making 1 off -I- to consummate a ;clandestine manicge, e was overhauled liv Mr.-Shimer's head -mit who being dulf empowered to stop 'aways, succeeded, by dint of presentidg a y horse pistol, in ; re.sodinf , the young lady, ' • Doctor went Ids waY :trope, " aGadder; if 'iser man." • ; . 1 tor nine moittliS Tolled round; and in the_. no the lovers were not idle. The girl was .ly watched, and she ,gas tanglit by compui :sons that the first of feminine duties was to and the art of "keeping within doors.".— a fortnight since, however; a young Lily ladies are eviesstvely Fond of lending a hand affairs and can " keep St secret" on such oc, better than any •of 'their male traducers] • upon Miss Shittiei, ands succeeded in getting . , ake a walk ; bat as al precautionary was-, he " old folks," 1 4 third female was sent . t prevent accidents. tight merrily did the nisels threadßui pleitsant paths . " up hill •-n dale," until a man Ora neat wagon drove in an instant, .Ifi•i's Starner, though indithir • yed in a stilt bonnet and other " &silts" h, was whirled- ipto the vehicle, and SOU 't to the gaze of; he l, astonished compan ions.. , . ; ; I , • The larm - tvas quickl sounded, and our trusty farm • i again eniployild tiy•ecover the fair fugi tive. aut the Doctor hail sequred a good sfart.4=-. Ilelvids e was reached and left behind ere the pulr suers 1 d got fairly en -the triil ; I . 4nd a journey Of one an a half days fotind . thti lovers, as above sit': tell, at Peter's -Valet'. . 1 The • unty of Sus.4ex ! i ii retikdwned in allits putts:: for its • &coque) , of marriage ;1 to Wed is here . --, teemed an nuescapeable duty and to do so -at t e: • first opt • itnnity, withou'regtrl to eircut es J or .• • Lion, is enjoined V es' y connubialdial-. titian•• • t was ever lino ' . ta t hold forth upon el subject or the edificati • Of oin• unifeil tyros. 444 . on t cording ~ no sooner did 0 *octet' sirify a deture to be •-.i o of "one tlesht withhis tur compari' '.. , than . 3 • - 'ea Hush was Wong t to the spot, and t „ interes . 4 pair were Iduli ti . ! omerated in mat *tj Menial, !, y. I. II ' . .l :Next morning, the bride es ied from the wi .. of her •• i bet the a• • • f her fitther's I ;I , 'mid, , tag that the• Ott e Doctor had f . threatet ~. , she persuad ~, thy` latter to slip out f' the. eti (1 on Pete of a mt or .1) ens mg ti' Nstendl put dent The Navin! M6s ! (Iv he using nig p; infer Dr. about , t ( f f f m a l 14 :: .11 1 bOetti (1 t ,CON duty share t-(101) which the d: n ith when farm tlw rt a heal and th, Rory 1 Una( r 4 About iyoun in love aFarond her to fire of along t three and do up, an • ently to mat soon .. thel4dooraiid lihr'iy % to some ' . of .therieighboring:Tarni houses for,brief period,end in tie tniantinke Sin riveuld.meetlier pursuers, and xnaintain the vantage micound;Winch a certifieata of marriage gave -, her --s Docipr obeyed his wife's orders, just es . every : katirried man ought to do ; and the agent, neempsnied,by an efficer, had an inte r view with the lady. 1 Finding that the fugitives bad been legally - linked: ;together, (the agent teld - ber," that in case.he found her maimed, as appeared. to be the tact, he was instructed Simply to invite her to return - home, pack up her clothing, and depart discarded and disinherited Sbe declined theoffer '—as she could well afford to do, being the undis puted heir es s of about 142,000 en the estate ef-avi grandmother—turd the agent, biddingher s adiep;set QUt on his return, to give an account of his 'absurd, end of course; abortive attempt to " head off" a woman who was determined upon having her own tray ! _ That afternoon the Doctor and his happy 'bride, left the quiet piecincts -of Peter's Valley, to pasi the honey-inoem it is said, - in Afitst4ichusetts. . • . Thus we have ano th er instance of folly ofat 7 tempting to keep asunder these whom Fate, or Cu pid, or some other 'gentleman', has decreed shall come together. "'Where there is a will, there is a way?' Yount 1adie..4.3 innumerable stand ready to lid, as confederates in promoting elopements, and horses are notorious for having: , so per cent, more speed h their limbs,kvhen *pair of lovers aseeosi ly seated 'behind theirs, than : upon any other occa sion. True love, whether Wisely or unwisely cher ished, is a sort of self acting locomotive in the march of ii(e, and is sure id reach its destination, no mat ter how. often it runs off the track. PnooaEBs OF THE 0110LERA.— . 111 the city of New ark, on Thursday, of-last week; two cases of Chol era occurred ; and since then we note 8 or ,9 more. • About half of the number attaekennre died; but such has been the care taken to remove all impgui.- - ties, as well by the citizens as the authorities, that a general spread of tile disease throughout &icily is not apprehended. Two or three cases' have occurred at Jersey City; about the same number at Hoboken, and an isola ted case at Millville ';, also one at Orange, at New- Brunswick, at Princeton, dc. In New York, there were 29 deaths by cholera; during the week ending on Saturday morning last ; • on ,Saturday there Were 13 uses reported, and 7 deaths; Monday 23 cases and 11 deaths ; Tuesday 39 cases and 11 deaths ; and Wednesday 60 cases and 10 leaths. .Thi4 is certainly not an alarming fatality in a city containing nearly half a million inhabitants. Besides; the best physicians in tholnity state, in a.published 'card, that the disease has man ifested itself•in a far less virulent shape, than at • pierions visitations, and yields in a majority of in i stances to medical treatment If attended to in time, a cure is almost certain. In Boston, Albany, Troy, Williamsburgh, Brook -Ipi; Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Richmond, de &c. more or less eases have been reported ;in • a word, the scourge teems destined to over-run the whole Anion, and there is no use m repining at the ' lirospes, Tliware•jsiihrisse.spattint• feays_a ' con beuig circumspect m diet, regulfirin hours of rest, abstinent from - stimulants, • moderate in exercise, and regular in ablutions,-but no reason at all for getting into a panic or a fidget.—Susscw Register. • ' Ayrrairr ar Soicinx—Yesterday afternoon a -young woman named Anne -Murphy, about twentir five years of age, of much respectability and intel • ligence of manner, attempted suicide at No. 11 Pine street under most painful and distressing circum stances. She jtimpad from the ad-story front win ! don of the house into the street, falling upon her • right shoulder, which she/dislocated. She was oth erwiSe badly injureT; but as the House surgeon had not examined her when the Reporter left, what the extent of the injuriesiwere cannot here be told.— The evening before last the unfortunate young wo man was so wrought upon by- feelings of intense omi-to-orstittyro 0t.4 th.o.*. wit 4 .shoemaker's knife. In that rash attempt she failed. The skin covering the windpipe was divided but the cutWas'only skin-deep. - It appears Mrs. Murphy's husband, who was very Much attached to her, bad become jealous some time since of tiyoung Scotcliman, a porter in the Chambers-st Savingsf Bank. This jealousy iireyed so' much on Murphy's•mind - that be gave up a lu crative employment and went. off to Ireland, • leav ing his wife forlorn and penniless. Conscious of her innocenoc—sorrowing for her husband's absence cilia driven to madness by unjust suspicion—life became intolerable and she made the first attempt with the knife on Wednesday night. When the young Seatchman came hamlet° his dinner yester day, a crowd had - issembled at- the door of 11 Pine st.:uid Mrs. Murphy imagining that it had reference to 'herself, became frantic and jumped into the street to kill herself. The .tdxive statement was taken dqwn from Mrs. Murphy's awn lips in the Hospital, torwhich she had•been removed.—N., Tribu.c. DEATH OF CoLoxri KINNEF.—The New Orleans papers of the 20th ult. bring us news of the death of CoL H. L Kinney, of Corpus Christi, Texas, (for merly or Bradford county.) It appears that the the Indians had commenced-committing depreda tions between Nneces and the Rio Grande, andlitid entered the town - of San Patric() on the 13th and stolen a number of horses and large quantities of goods. ' Colonel Kinney with another man, and a number of • Mexicans, were killed. The Indians then crossed the river into the town of Camargo, and killed several - person.s.—Bradjord Argus.. • Goonus Lierann.—The Locofoco . paperS are pub lishia; an article signed George Lippard, who pro {cores to have voted f i t Gen. Taylor, grossly abu *sing: the old hero. • is Lippard has published more bombast than: anY other man in America, but he was never,guilty writing an intelligible para graph. He 'received : a confidential letter from Oen. Taylor, pending the Presidential election, and abused the old soldier's confidence by puUtle4ing it; and now the simpleton seems to think - l$ ovu annihi!ate the General by denouncing him. Poor fooll he ‘ , knaves a filqr—Owego Advertiser.. ...CALIFORNIA Gotn.—The N. Y. Journal of Com merce of yesterday hasi the following paragraph . : 1. Tue • REAL S• ess..-4 mercantile - firm in this city; yesterday received a him of gold from •Cali fornia, in 'payment for goods - sent oul there at an early stage of the nnic. •It is thought to be the first remlfiance of California gold received in payincnt forgoods.. • Iti consists in, part of grains and,sctles, and partly of small ltunp.% the largest weighing about an ounce. • Cotrxr nm.—Three men and a -woman wer4 arrested at incinnati cm Wednesday last, and on searching Ole house in which they lived, a quantli ty of bank note ; bank cote paper, galvanic batte 2 nes,die% Crucibles, and other- materials for *min i terfaitiugeoin and paper currency, ' were found.-4 The finished bills were 'principally spurious notei of the Northern Bank of Kentucky, State Bank of Ohio,Laf4ette Bank of Cincinnati; and Virgi nia ßans. The evidence seems very strong .against the persons arrested. • „,. , , ;LOCOFOOOIBII Ix A TIGUT rtmis-----The Easton : Algns recently published a statement that the Iva. ges of lmuds employedlby the Grine Iron Compa,l., ny had been reduced to Sixty cents per day. 4 _ -_ paper pigood by forty -two of the workmen has been ti ) ii p bliibed, contradicting the Ads, andsinting that th ir, !nett hive been -`raised ten per cent. since th recene l election. . 1 - , • 1 4 ” . • , li t ; ) tizsmr.r--! bat't your, ht . sleepy r inquired a at ! ch e n tf , tisfentletuan with 'a.simcking badman. onr i' No, 1 hy il . qub*l the ,Ontleman:_ ;Why: because I I‘ink t'*a long tune' ice it haka.nas .., . was the r , 1 ligr ep ti pi. ; , um , - .. i . IY. '. .. . v • I ter'ollanks to 110:1C. of Autos* of mil, for some nice Tomato . o4 , araTti: :. ~. , -rc--. ... :. Dot' is pr ties , the .'! patrio' effo - ties, all w to fo Tu opera had , Want was acteri; hours! was lINGS a few mouths si t our fri edito of the tor tA i- elv e years 0 ..- ouy..AnoilieCl;atirtorotigh asoli onist, cam co' near hai - vinYhis Office dcstr yed by a . foci) mob on micOMit 'or sOme remarks 1 efhad published '. deemed disrespectful Ito the volunteers fro . that city and ueighborh d . izist returne from the Mexican warj or several days ere was an even chance dm disem bowelled. A ,t 6 moons have Waked and lo ! l3urleigh ii "- 'tate Printer" •foi. Connecti cut, 59 f ar . as the House can m4ei the vote' of ev ry Locofoco in I itll vtueer ilia oMve would be' woruis. If a man can only I Sipa his 1 growin it luck I may likely col round to f i lm-4 1 0M knowsrf 7 —.N. Y. Tr : it Ae.' 4 --- i • I ,SI6ItED HIM ItionT.—At a late !taut of the Di triet Coal of Monroe countk l , Judge ' c f Eldie presiding, Charles B. She*, convicted. of a s timeless libel upon , some - of the most respec able citizens of Stroudsburk, was sen tenced to undergo ! an imprisonment of three month. in the county _jail, top ay a line of $5O a costs of prosecution: He is; - . rightly served. Could we have sentenced Hi m a 'punish ent more in keeping with . • das tardly nd • unpro-olted attack uPort- female reputa ion, woul avait him ; for! the being who in liciously a d wilftily a'ssaili nUoffend ing w man, tlese ves no commiseration or mercy at the lean of offended justice. This day ni interest Vietoril defeat army. have s 30,000 .three , Sherd , 1 19th,* returnh! down 111 nee,.a jacket, nihclaan; *thin tlic hill -,,'- - ..i , ~. l iiii e 4 1 1 . . them c mvss.tu thts I progresseng .wi ~ l e atihreqi o n itivtioth sides, andifrant the iit. • • - th is * terj.•,:•littlit doubt of the' trim. .electkin of Oti.7'N. S. Brown, who thallr, , nt tette of litii-haii exhibit" high'quall. a Pt3ident and t3ilmct:olirl, statesninn,.'and in ' ''• tefora Witiiiiiiiiiiifatited a lic devotion to the ition,ln the feta -of the : ofd enlaglii to excite seetionat:-iinitaina: t renders is isuesess'an eked4liter*, to o wont& frown, thedifira - se insidious 103146 enscord 'and ~, r the r -of or?mime s ,eis a thir I#' #-, #• t, with r•' ozerbon, . ~ I, e tili,g•s! • succeed in e l ect*lnember District now rcpresented by rat %w i th in. a source A gratifstation to us and to all'vrltO bseriedlhistbrilliant and' held: career in eat s know; tluit the Hon', , Iferedith P. Gentry nquished his purpose ofreturningto lent s % and, consented. to obey what_ may be rh ea the:tnaitiMou3„wisb, of the Constitisents h e h as so Ling - and ably represented, %Per- hi mse lf to! he returned againto the Mahon.' 1., cils; - I' I - ` • I he commencement of the last , session of Coo. i‘ . Gentry , k*fied. his intention to Mire at r a seasen,;rem - public life. ThiS &ellen , - renewed When be; declined • the office of , ter Gene t tat which liras ten ered;tO him, t -solieitatio by-General Pray .• _ . district in •Whictiliti res id es -be WE by majority, several meritorious - pronscent • en were brought forward,: it was nn , . that Mr. entry would not i ow his name d for the canvass. This competition among ' Was not , re garded as conthiciiii to the inter the party, and in order to obviate all di n . • rits,.the various candidates and their respec. pporters. agreed in soliciting Mr. 'Gentry to rward, pledging hint their MAW support .peration. I His patriotism and i, ,utd not if-ithStancl such an appeal,. and be again re-elcted by such iimajority as has . never be witnessed ht. Tennessee. A complimenthan this has hardly I ever been to a public man, and few, if any have better d it, than eredith P. Genti7:l-IT. S. Gar. lc • . . . . FLOOD AT NEW OELEAES.--:=The ions at thiCrevasse above ew Orleans o n the 30t 1, ult., been s ! ended for if materia s; and the 'wat in the city sing with wore -rapidity t n had.chai •ed its enroachnierita for t he last 36 The water hi: the, ay uISL !John %-e inches [higher t th _high' tide oned by the great h. ' . et. in 1831, h i e • dancer was; daily . co ' fug more sent, although very effort Was being to strengthen the levees' along': the delet' canal., au , ~.t140.4.441 The nts onVamp ri d 'other streets below elpomene cana y were also greittly.alsr -At ' the time of the stOperision of •ons, the pilling at the crevasse had ompleted, with the exception of About •t. The water was 28 feet ;in depth ,me 400 ples of 30 feet tnleigth, an d could no readily be obtained were ii , ed to corn Mete the . pillink. I. y; , • t' . spents rariifardly he a year lid 11.12 Burleigir, :altford,i 4 'CkarteeF - Oak," and fiom Europe. IVAL IF THE EUROPA. Steamer ay' ht of, last 1 I are, the at ineatiOne! .f the ,R Six thons' rrendered are said to after 4 MPT TO. A. i after 6 o'e er . 311:14gest +op borin i i;!rn and bOarin, c, leveled : 1 e • 'red. at Boston on-Wednes cek. The chief items of mpt to assassinate:Qiecn 'helow,.and-the reported .3,., , • ians by , the upgarian 1 ud 'Russians - a . said to I .on the 7th' of Mhy, _and ado followed th r example - ' SASELNATE TIfE ITETIC-- a9k on the evening of the and Prilleo Albe4 while ._dlapdeptron . Ifyd i e Park hill tolßuckinghitnTal a, wearing a 74ft:fill/line' g all tko appeakti iie - of a f - pistol at - tho: gneen, ( mil of thelfireen„ park while ',sing I.the cuiTe. ' of.' the ItOhat Aarcb. , - :- - Prince did nilt hppear le carriage, on ,the order ,coeded to the .: Palace.-. . is an Irishman;Maned immediately *lipid by )pers 'and by a - soldier • ievdd; was loxidaiith ;diat4ly , - the ~vbere at th's,tiTrie,cu wridiek-was undeP eitam, . priiyag!in' iiinat),Ol thi(d!ab o ibout:44rt `` 'orfire fl mieant *Mimi in • . I =