Seven Days Later front Europe. • . •••, • Amu' rAL OF THE N1A0.41414. -- • .0. TELEGRAPH OFFICE': .; . ST.( J , (N. B.) May 31-2 P. Isf• The steamship Niagara,Capt.ittrie,arrivedt ,at Wax at 3 o'clock-iv:l Thursday morn-, ing, and will be due at New York on Satur day evening. • he Niagara brings X 2,000,006 in specie and 63 passengers. REVIEW OF THE NEWS. The Flour *id Corn markets have slightly improved.--" The depm , sing, effect of the news brought by the Europa, of large re ceipts of Cotton at American ports, seemed just ro have been neutralizedly conveyed by the same steamer, of severe frosts at the South and West. . The Havre Cotton market has been more animated since the elections, and prices are Well sustained.' The elections in France on the 13th pas sed off without a single violation of good order. No . definite opinion can yet be , form ed of the relative success of parties. No doubt is entertained but there is a large ma jority in favor of peace and order. The French expedition to reinstate the Pope had not effected an entrance into home at the last advices. The Neapolitan army has not been more successful, having been defeated in an attack on the sth inst. The war in Hungary assumed no new feature, the: fig, l 2, l :ing goes on unremitting, and the fortunes of the Hungarians are reported to be in the ascendant. They are said to be within a few days march of Vienna, to which point the Russians are passin g forward fast as possible. It is thought that the strong pro test of France, seconded probably by England may . have the effect to cheek the advance of the Russians. Sicilp is again in a state of insurrection for the hundredth time. It is stated that the Danish question is all but settled; the only positive facts are, that the Danes have suffered another defeat, and that Lord Palmerston has intimated that the attention of the British Government is still directed to that quarter with a view to "effect a restoration of peace. The Daily News asserts that Denmark has accepted the propositions made by Lord Palmerston, - but what these propositions are, dot. not appear. FRANCE. The Constitutionnel states that the elec tion in 52 Departments known on Thursday night, gives the following result-453 rep rese• ntatit es, of which 298 are Moderates, 81 Democrats or Socialists, and 55 friends of the Constitution - , ; The closing meetinoof the National As sembly were taken up by discussions on the Italian Question, in which the Ministry obtained a majority of 88. It would semi from the statements made qi the subject, that 31. OdillonKßarrut did give any instructions to Gen. Oudinot. recommending the occupation of Rome •at ail, and it had been determinettthat the ex ptditiwn should proceed to Cei'ita Veeehia, and there remain as a moral check on the navance of the Neapolitans and Austrians. and only "to march onward in case of ab,o -n-c4c-ctssit r. • The ministry were not, how -ver Unani mous in this and it is feared that General 4 )thlinot was influenced in his conduct by the 1. anc , • of a t.-_rniin faction, of which NL du Vul,un is the h. ad. )n Sat urdar. in reply to an attack by M. flown, it was stated, that as soon as the ::, , veriament heard that the Ilnssiana were to interfere in Germany, they wrote at once London, St Petersburg. Berlin, and They considered it. a circumstance uhich must be deplored. They would en leacor to annul itbv diplomatic means ; and ii they . slicild fail, the government would !I:en apply to the National Assembly for its advice and countentince. • In consequence of a vote of censtire by the Assembly, M. Leon Fouches, Minister -f the Interior, resigned his portfolio into the hands :of the President, and it is said that several others of the present Ministry NN ill resign as bOollas they can do Sowithout tmharrassing the President. to the returns received up to midnight oft Thursday, they show returns of I S Socialist candidates. According to an other statement, it would 'appear that 9. So cialists and 19 Moderates had been 'elected. The candidates are known to - have, ob tained a majority of votes. In Paris we notice the names of Lueien Murat, Ledrn Rollin, Victor e .Odillon Barott, Cav aignac. Pierre, Leroux, Arc. ENGLAND. Notice has been given by Lord Stanley and of amendments to be offt,bred, and it is con , hiered quite possible that Min i4ers may be b, aten . in Committee, and the Lill be 'so mangled as to induce its authors to resign and retire from office. Details of the outbreak in Canada were laid before Parliament on the 15th,_ which iheited some discussion of no importance beyond thefact that the Government evinced a determination to sustain Lord lgin. Earl Grey, in alluding to Lord Elgin's dispatch, said it that he acted throughout with his accustomed jtaigment, moderation and good sense, and that be was fully-pre pared to justify, and tore the - responsibility. of any step of Lord Elgin. N o formal diseulsion of Canadian Stairs, until after" the -receipt. , of later intelligence,. which reached Liverpool prOliat?lt oti the 20th, in the`Camlaia. 4 111 , , BILAiND! -• • ; Ireland continues quiet and miserable as ever. No farther,actien has been had in the House of Lordsinon to the repeal of the Navigation La*. The Loral kVere L 0 go in committee •orii the bill on.MOnday; ITALY. - 1 , The Austrians entered -the Papal State on the North and Marshal Winpain threatens. 'kith fire and sword all those who,retit:hirii.; In the Southtthe Neapolitans were ad vancing for the game purpose, I:et:their van guard was -ttei at Albino, _mail defeated.= The NeaPolitan force consisteAi l eof a body of ten thousod troeps, who, after a short con flict threw' away their arms and fled. The Romans Lavee-liken fifty prisoners and two pieces.of, artillery, with which they entered. Rome on the everunpof the sth inst. Important from The schooner Williams l arrived at - New Ycirk on the 20th inst., bringing dates from St. DoMingo to the Ist instant, • - Three terrible • battles had ',been fought between 'the Dominicans and the,tiarien ;forces, in which the latter were c;mtp etely ;routed and dispersed. At one time the IfaYtiens weie within 'thirty miles of the city, when a desperate ;battle ensued and a lar g e number on both ides were killed. Those taken prisoners ,were also put to death. I The Ilaytiens during their retreat burnt ithe city of Aqua, and also destroyed a large amount of property in the town and vicinity. Captain Warren, of . the. !English ship -Franconia, kindly offered the American con- Sul every assistance for the phrpose of pro tecting the American citizens and their prop erty. All business had been suspended in consequence of these difficulties. The general impression is that this sill be the last effort of -the ilaytiens •to conquer the Spanish. The whole country is in a state of great distress and confusion. i lEr We„have dates from New-Orleans to the 2341. No progress had y& been made toward stopping the greaterevasse, although, the efforts were still vigorously. pursued., The water continued to rise, and the flood had extended to within four Squares of the River on Carondelet. St Charh-st was se riously. menauced. Thu water in l3oyou and John sts. WAS not but three inches loWer than during: the Beat inundation of 183 Great fears were ap= prehended of the levee breaking along the canal. At Saute's crevasse the breach had become so wide thet 85 million cubic feet of water • i passed every hour. The inhabitants suffered great distress. and the planters 'ate beginning to get dis \ .couragea. 00,842., says tint ' $50,000. at least have already been spent by the city ; it will take, at the most moderate calculation, *50,000 i more to stop. the crevasse ; and if the wharves do Got cost, during the summer, $150,000 in addition, we shall be most agreeably deceived.' ; • N. OiII.ENNS, :Wednesday, day 30. 1 tn spite of all the efforts to stop the great crei - ass, the water is still raising, and labor is entirely lost in attempting to sulxlne it. 1 . 11 rea;l g -half of th-, tit y is inundatecl.— Thci, inhabitants are flying from their homes, and; business matters are being wound up. In the rear of the Sixth Ward all the i brie and vehicles 'have been carried. away, and the givatest consternation prevails.. 1 To add to all the rest the cholera liac bro ken; out in the ithnitv 'of the crevasse, and already a child and three negroes have died of the disease. The «hula valley of the Rio Grande is orequa with Camandie Ind:ans. The Pica yune says the readiest sway to clear the own try 6f these savages would be to re-organize the corps of Texan Rangers, disbanded some rnonths ago. The _Matamoros Flag reports numerous butcheries of women and children. The stage at point 'lsabel had been inter cepted and the proprietor and passengers all ' token prisoners. A train of transport wagon?, containing valuable merchandise, had b n captured, there being no force to oppose the plunderers, nor any mounted men at, Fort Brown. The 'destruction of property is immense. Several head of horses owned by on g•lltle man were captured and Lille Women and children we carried off in captivity. Tits :Sr. Loins FmE.—Aceording to the St., Louis Republican, the whole list of buildings burnt comprises about 420, and the total liAs of prnperty, including the steamers, is estimated at three millions— about half the original estimates. The in dividual losses seem to be-I.3.than was at first supposed. Of the whole number of sufferers - those who lost over $lO,OOO each 'do not much exceed 30. The head and part of the body of d. B. Targee, was round on the roof of a four story building, two squares distant from the 'scene of the explosion. Tilt Nil or, rr.—Country printers have suf fered much from an unjust and foolish custom that has almost grown into common law, viz—the practice of publishing every roligons military, benevolent, temperance, or society I notice, gratis. This habit has been indulged I in so long,, that a man tho't no more of go- i ing into a Printing OfSee and throwng down a notice of 1 this. sort (with directions to pub lish it) and. stepping out again without.even saying "thank ye,"than he did of sitting 1 down to his brealst. If the printers found their type 4 paper ink, 1 kc., in the street, or got them fer nothing, this would be all very. W ; ell but as they are obliged' to pay. cash for ever-5-thing they use, we see no earthly reason why. ?those wishing to use its columns, paper and inaterials, should not pay them: The Eastern Printers have got tired of this impo sition, and , iyill stand j irno longer; A de duclion °florae fourth ;from the usual rates will , be made 'Ton religious or benevolent notices, and this is all' that any reasonable man, or, 1 :0•dy of men; can, Or ought to ask. Gan P4ouus er ItoxE.---Coniiderable excitement: was . prodiced, a week or tiro since, in the neigh had by the announce ment, that gold had been discovered on Point Gammon, or - Great Island, in the southern part of the 'town of Yarmouth. .In a d a y or two, About two hundred persons were en gaged in digging the shining particles. But alas, for the golden vissions. The old pro- verb,. ' , that "all - is tr not: 1 gold which glitte proved true.. The glittering 'ore turned o to be *thinghtt3rot pyrites:.. Anothe!golooteds- 411decoyer , in Yoo4- Me. 'for 'which : Ake owner ^ .1 t2,0@0 on a inirclime of $OO. This v. probably turn out like the one atYarmont Hampshite [Mass.] Gazette' MAIM, . On Wednesday the SOth Mt., in ED the Prhyte Church at - Great Bend, - by the-Rev. J. RM. Creary, Mr. bovuENce Russzu. of Wind.. l Broome county, N. Y., to - Miss 3f.kur Guipr of White Pigeon, lifichigan.. I -.d rHYSIC.IANW REMEDY - For affection of the Lungs: Shortnees of Brroth, & Sussex county. N. J, Nov; 8, 1847 Dr. Seth W. Towle,—Dear Sir : I have been i - duced, in consequence of the benefits received frot your medicine, to add my testimony in favor of i healing properties. Having been afflicted for EC eral months with a severe lung disease, under wine I labored With shortness of breath and great! ly weakness, I was reeoeunended by a Pkytirian o Hacketstown, N. J., to try Dr.. Widar's Balsam o Wild Cherry, which not only gave me relief, be restored my jaitiugatrcnglh and also imparted neu Ife and *energy to my system. I can thereforit cheerfully reconuriend to all afflicted with lung (fist eases, to try this Balsam of - Wild Cherry. ' Resdectfully yours, !THEODORE J. ALLEN. Or Remember that spurious imitntions are a broad. Buy none without - the written signature o I. BUTTS on the wrapper. Price $1 per bottle, o. six bottie3 for 5. Look z id the signature, L BUTTS. For Sale by Abel Turrell, Druggist, Montrose. Raymond & Co's 21It!EFE7D411:;;LI"' MEC IILIIIIMI ng Birds, and Reptiles, ever bore Exhibited in the United States. Will exhibit at Montro3e, on Thursday, June 14, 134 9. Open\from Ito 4 o'clock, I'. M. Admission 25 cis ; Children under 10 years 12i ct-A. Amon; the must conspicuous features of this ex hibition is the specimen of the HIPPOPOTAMUS! ' Captured by Capt. John Taber, of the ship Good Return, of New Bedford, Maas, after a serere and desperate ,Itrugg,le, the men barely . - 41mping with their livw, before they were able to despatch him with their lances,. TUE . rERFOR ICING ELFSILLNT TIPPOO, Who LAS cause.l such a great sensation all over Europe, will go through a variety of Performance, such 11.3 Waltzing, Balancing, Ringing the Bell, Croeping on his f.•re-legl, wall6ng over his keel", picking him up, drawing a curl: from a bottle, &c. MR. FIERCE, The. Emperor of all the Lion=, In the Den= of Wild 110ri , t.4: ids lierformancei differ from all others, not only in the tt.kill and grace which he di-..idays lu= exerei.c4 with the Terrific Gr, , upe L i o ns, Tiger:. Le.,pards, Cougar., 'anthers, &c, ; but in the nui tch les, and almost snperlinman command with which he exacts the r.bedience' of these fiercest and roost nnnorsele43 tenant" , of the deiert, the fore ;t and the jungle. Mr. Pierce may have many Imitators, but le hit 710 Opal. The tier embraces all the finest Living Spec: . - men. of WILD ANLILLALS That the great experience, enterpri.v., and resour eci, of the prOprieturi have enabled them to bring togth eer in rate LARGE AND SPLENDID COL LECTION, a full description of the Animals con tained in the Exhibition, will be found in the at the principal Hotels, previous ,to the arrival of the company . ., They will exhibit at Harford, Anne 13. Rose & Siinpson A RE nom- receiving a large addition to ,their .Lt. stock of G00d.4., bought sincethe great de cline of prices in New York, and which they' will sell for ca-11 or ready pay at lower prices than ever. .J4ne 5, 1849. Auditor's Notice. rriFIE" undersigned having been appointed an Auditor by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county to distribute the proceeds arising from the sale of the real estate of Join. CIUSE of said County, will attend to that duty at his office in 151ctutrose, on Thursday the 12th day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which . time and place all persoai are required to Make their claims-or be debarred from COrningin on said fund. .[:June 7, 1849.] G. A. GROW. *.50 7 000 lbs. Wool Wanted. IHE lughat price will be paid in cash and trade for Woo' at June 7. '49. LATEIROP & SA.LISBURY'S. New Goods and Low Prices, UST received by A. Moss tt Sons, a new stock J of Good; consisting of Dar Goons zi full as sortment ;GaOCEILIE2i, CILOCKEILT, atm DWAFIE, 74 . AILS Vic-. which they offer for rale for Cash or Produce, at she very lowest prices. New Milford, May 29, 1849, Just Received tliT the 310-rttair. .1300 x STORM, Bion's .1 - grates' Ompaxiore, Dunlop's Forms, Consta bles Guide. ' • May 29, 18* paid tor RAGB at Ore 31ontror..e . Store. - Ma . 49. Jost Received lrir Mail Road, at • 8. Wilson'a A NEW stock of Goods, paths— mod at the 11 ent reduced prices. and kw sae 3 1 • Dry Goods in an variety, Creamy, Groceries, • ware and Cutlenr, Harness and. Carriage Trimmings, Shoe Kit and Findthga, Irce,Steel, Nails, Boots WA Sean, Botmets, dc. &c. /dontrose., May 23, 1349. Shingle ,Illhaehine For Sale; . Forporticutara-inquitt at the office of the Sas -411/4u/nagi ftister. 1 prismni t G, wlipja.s:iteels and Wheel-Hads 0 for salei b 811R4.117r. Jew MOO, .V.v , 28 ; p 34.9.. MORE POTATOIES wonted imin6ll ateb• by the PRINTFIL Jewelry,' VlEsele 'timid WitiCh ,stab. ' UshiniWmat :' - - • AVE yo ' the Time tithe? l'Af .not , you can I.* have it calling,. at lhe first doos above the State Hotel , w here - repairing and adjusting Lever, Cylinder, Eampeinent, and common Witch 9 'and all kinds of time keepers,' Jewelry and 3fuSical In strument% dx., are done in at style, that cannot fail to wit. the most fastidious, 'All tiprranted to Per fowl according tO,the qualit'y of the ankle. ' last received, it good laiimbneat of fashionable Jewblry and Witches, whieh will be replenished 0 1 1 two months, consisting of gold and iilver Lev r lad Lepine Watches! Quartiers, dm., fko.n, I tol? dollars, s il ver Table hand Tea Spootis, !Gold Rings, Ear Hoops, Cluster,' Jet and Stobe !Pins, WeWlets; Sil Mr and Gold Pencils, Gold Pcin.. Pen Knives, Scissors, silver Thiinbles,Cold, Silk' and Steel Chains, do. Keys, Card Cases, Letter Fold ers,..s Tooth Pick and ttrusht. , and tunny other hse ful and ornamental articles, liicli will be soklvery che a p for old and 'new save and gold. Pay down and small profi is my motto. Montrose, May SO, 1849. W.ll. W. TRUE. Hats -and iCaps. 4 LA RO F. ancl superior azvortment of Drab Fur, ili Fur Napped and California' llrool Hats, Leghorn andj'aint Leaf do., and Summer Caps of 4 New Styles. AL o, Coarse and Fine Bootaand Shoes, for Lies, Gentlemen, Youth and Chikfria in full assortment, just receeeived d will be sold lower than ever by • , H. BURRITT. Net, Milford, May 14th, :1849.,; Dagne,rrean M niatures. 11P B. DEIAO3 desires tt state that he has ta rV ;• ken roost over the tore of S. S. Mulford Stn, where he is prepared . thrnish Da,guerre)- typesto those who will faOrlim with y, utlL Having availed himself the,mtd most important improvements in the art,lbe trusts that his Pictures will nut fail to please.. lie will remain but si short time, therefore alt at your earliest contr.-genre. En2ohf Dlosolulkon. IP= Ortnersl4 hen3,toWee existing between the subsenlera under the firm of Mack Rog ers in! the Carriage Making *loose, was .dissolved by mutual consent pi the Iltb inst. The books of the film are in the hands of 4 H. Rogers, and all having miettled accounts are requested to c 4 and ,-ettlelthe same without delay. JONAS MACK, Montrose, May 16, 1849. E. H. ROGERS- E. kL ROGF.4I. - will continue the business of Carriage Making in all its braaches, at the old stand lately occupied by Mack it nioger.R. -- , -- - - Auditor's 'Notice. • . • rill uncle*Tnnd, baring been appointed an 4nditor by the Orphan' Court of Susquehan na county ta distribute the liradeeds_arising from .the sale of the Rea Estate ofl William Ifolme4, late of said county, deceased, will attend to Atti duty on Thiirsdav the 14th day . f - June next, at ten o'clock in tile furenoon, wher all interested can at tend if they s juilper, ___ , I .. J. 11..113100g '1' - - ' Dim°luttou. : ' TIE Partnership w i lder the firm of F. B. Omn tfier .1: Co., hen b6en disv . lemi by mutual con sent.: The books and acemuits arefin the bands of E. W I Rose an C. Simpsoa, either of whom will • , , settle ; al th . sings of the ate firm. Those in- IIL debteil al see: the propriety of settling their ac count 4 as soon a . : Phssible. F. B. CHANDLER. i It C. SIMPSON. Motnrose; May 4, 1849. .11 W. ROSE. - - - A4lrew ArranOment. H:WINO purchased the interest of F. B. Chand ler in She business lately carried on by F. B. Chandler & Cc., the subscribers 'would invite the attention o 1 purchasers to their stock of Stoves, Tin Ware., Ory Gook' Groceries, Hard ware, Boots and awes e.i.;ike," feeling triontrett that they can and Will sell any tart of theirstock, at - least as low as the same quantity of Goods can be bought out of New York. Cali and see its before pure tying, if voti wautto we money. E. W. ROSE. _ -May 4, 149. It. C: SIMPSON. • —t— Latest yet, perlitailroqid. ,t NEW and beautiful sto* of Fprit4 and sum 14Ck giaxis, bought entirUlv for rash at thexe ry lowest rates and selling acejrdingli, at the store of ; J. LYONS. 1) It NTS ht 33 cents per pa i d ; French ginghams fal rent.; h.wn dreAs pattern , at F.1,25—ca:l soon. J. LYONS. 101' TON ty nrn and butt., groceries and hard mare just opened and for sale by • . J. LYONS. ROCERJES—a..fro , h supply, with the cheap 6.Zt WO in tvrrn„ for sale! by J. LYONS. BONNETS, ribbotK artificial tlaterft. ruFlte4,&c. Ate. ping cheap at the Ktore of 3. LYONS., 1 ARDEN . SEEDS—large stock; opened C tual,for sale by' J.. LIONS. T IgOTHY SEED fur sale by J. LYONS. New Books ins' received at the Book Store. . M*Caulay's history of England, Well Aces Die- , tionary school and pocket, Amhop's Latin LesEons,- Phonographic Readers, Burns' Poems, Hunter's. celebrated Instructions for the piano forte, Here a Little and There a Little, Retiring- from Business, W Duty versus ill or, Decision makes the Man, gilt Letter Paper and plain Cap, White Letter Envel opes, Bible Dictionary, a new supply Prchsaige Cards, painted mottos, a2:l , GEO.'FULLE.g. tferry's tauseum, mil Parley's playmate, A few nuuibeni of this highly popular and in structive periodii6l for the young, pit received, and for which sul .;p3criptidas will be received at e Book Store. ~Price one dollar per =ton in A varice. G. Sprilig Goods.. 1 last maimed, a large supply' of Dress Coat ' PR INTs ', Orinted lawns, de Inine.4, &glum% linen gin:pains, Mohair ltivitres o ke. 4te. - , • - ' Sltairli awl Dannltt, imetribbong, anther millinery good=, alll of ‘.llich,'Arith our en tire stock, we offer on the ost vorable terms. Many articles of our olds k •e offer at Grrkt Bargains! .. riz: prints, ginghamis, he. ke., Many of them; at ess thn cost • I U. BURROWS & CO' t . Gi '.. m2O . 11ST recei r yed, a large stock of New Bonnets, embraci Tuiutol, China, Pend, Straw,lng ' . ond.Frelace, be i 1 ' 'lionicf Ribbons, . 4 o,.beautiful assortment , and millinery pods pirac y. Mso, aj'gr:eitt .kariety of styles of summer • • and, dress gocidi in great variety and Wim p : tinier wit)di FOUSi be sold. and am offered at i. ' Wrest *rime Hoe& _ _ • Ir. Gibson, ;ge l _ , ' i ,U. WALLOWA tt, CO, AVE ' ,11.. ihittriisidlic Co.,' ' ? um, 1Z.41 r r rich lot .of B po l .7 alock - Orinb , ' Printed laime, and her dress goods. , ' , • '' bi,t'i &Ade . Boitizela, 4 . 2 *Pow' flow*, bhn I?, Kentucky - ',leans, canine laths, heavy t on pmt, plaids and drills, , likeets ndShoekiec., hicht they offet.t cir fiends and the Irian Int zge, for cash gro acc,.afpricgs luesheit. ex cake ape'', -il- • • i iitutneraiill 0; A 9 LOp Uta the large tuu aked!tura l land . an timkOty ice foi sale by ' New 11Milford. , it isulotrrr.. F l : MOTrit9g SINES S MEM!. A. ILIALIDAVT4-saddld, nun* Oarpq 114. atidTrini ufacturei; and Cartihr„e:Trim-' . er.l -Shop, ou Tanlnpike Street, - -opliorato -Pot& CO. • , C. BIL SIBINIONSF.-Fashia . DablejlootanclB • aniker,,,over Baldwin's gscne3s shop, pilce street. ROSE & SEIEPSON—Dea ets ;in Stoves, Stove triplaings, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, D 4 Goods, Grockries, Ice, Public Avenue. - , ELDRED & NEWCOMlL—Dettless Hats, Car, and Fora; opposite the. "Democrat" Printing flee, foot ti Public Avenue. ' ' LINES. dic BISSELL-Ffelionable..Tifilors; , first door tbore J Ethridge store, xrhere ‘ they , r may be Mond ready to execute ttli orders for cal tirg and flint - mg garments in a satistactorymmr , ncr. JOting GROYES—Fashionable Tailor over ' Geri.llor's Book Store, where he does a style alt nether =surpassed. 'SMITIIS,STEtENSIk AVERY—Cab- Wet ; and ,Clair Mairersi foot of_Ptiblic•Avenue. J. LIVONS--D4aler in Dry Goods, Haniware Crockery and Tinware, Groceries,Books; etc.; ALSO, 'Carries on the BOOK BIDDIG Busi ness Public. Avenue, Montrose, Pa. . N. NEWTON—Attorney at Law ; Mace a few cloors.Sooth of the Court Rouse. FIT, BENTLEY & BEAD--DenierA in. Dry G oo d s , p r 0....;, Medicines, -Paints, Oils, Groceries, Ilan - hvare i Crockery, iron, Clocks, Watches, Jew ' elvy Silcer, Spoons, Perfumery, Sc tr:c, ABEL TUBRELL--Dealer in Drugs,liletl ieines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stutrs, Gro ceries,. Dry; Good% Earth-are, Stoneware, Glass trait, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry - , Silver Spoons, Spectacles; Musiatl Instrutnents, Trusses, Surgi cal Instruments, Liquors, Perfinnerv, Mirrors, Stationary, Brtisims, ShoeS, Yankee li r otiims, .he. Guardians Sale. ON Tuesday the twelfth day of 'June next, by order .of the Orphan's Court of Susquehanna County, will be sold on the premises in, Harford Village, the following dl,scribeil Reid Estate to•wit: that certain, ot of land situate in said village, containing about one acre,-and a dwelling- house tliers,on and the 'out houses, which said lot is ballad ed on the north by the lot on which the Methodist Meeting house 14 erected, on the east by the Turn pike Road, ou the south by the store lot •belonging to the "a4tate',of.die late Aaron Greenwood &peas.. ed, and on the west by land of Thomas S.ttect, be ia the same house and lot owned and 'OeCupied by i'ay , „son iting4bury late 1`.4 Harford lowitilliP de ; ri.t the time of his death. '-' Sale to commence atone o'clock in the afteknoOn marthe terni4 thereof then to be made known; ntA YIMIUIS, UOittittxt or ; ,May 9, I/3-1 ELLEN KINGSIMItY: , • • :SEW ARRA!: GE.W.NT. • Freighi and Comfy:gnu Ling, 1 Fin. Sew York and Erie Rail Road- CAPT. L. 0. Tiffany and Walter Pallet haVe 74-1 formed a partnership fur the transportitihn 'of freight and produce of all kind 4, between Great Bend and New York by the Railroad, by the regu kw Freight line, which leaves Great Bend every morning at S 4 o'clock. Captain Taimyr, who has been for a number of yd mrs engaged in the purchase and-sale of produce hi the New York markets,- will remain_ in. New York and give his personal attention to the dispo sal of all property comMitted to our care, and make returns as soon a 4 the property is disposed of. Mr. Follet mill be at Montne and 'Great Bend alternately- i Orders for the tran4qtation. of Freight, may be sent to - him at either place, and will receive prompt attention., Our charges over the regular freight will be a small commissioM ' j L 0. TIFFANY. - Montrose, May 9,'49._ WALT - hit FOLLBT. ' Great Bargains! Nods ;setting -al Cost at nrrell 's 4 Desirable variety of Goods, now on hind at Turrelq, will be .sold at ces..r i for Ca' to make room furl a new s-todt—amung Which will be faund Dry-Goods, Hard Ware, Tin Ware, Boots and Shoes, Room 'japer, Mirrors,' Jewelry, Yan kee Notions, 4, 4 ka, and nearly every tliiuo usu ally kepi Mit country stare. Friends and the pub lic generally, /re invited to call and avail theni, selves of tl;6 ;iportanity of purchasing. Goods at x‘iliole sale prices. [Montrose, May 10, 180. A Large lot of Oin4hafai, Prints, Bra:ldclaths, .4 Boot, an'! Slioc3, etc., for sale at coot for Cash it offered soon, by • 4 ,51ity 4, 18494 ROSE & SIMPSON.. ThC largei Stock of Nesir Goods Of , • Isaac L. Pest & Co. I RE selling! as usual ; as low aq can 11. in this country, and consist of as good as sortment as can be Coma . Dry Goods. A large stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Cord* Kentucky Jeans, Suminer Cloths, Serge. 4, Black and Fancy Silk Dektines, Barriges, Linens, Dills, Orgcmclics.i, Cambrics, Lawns; Muslims, Table Lmens, Diapers, 'Birds-Eye Twilling„ gashmerets, Plaid and Plain Gingham and Silk CraxatA,Print: ed Moleskins, 'Plaids, Prints a large assn'tnien, Gingham* Plain Turky Red Calico, Narildra, Drug get Itipkin Jeans, 21.1ixed Sattinets, Lace NiTork - ed Cellars, do. Capg„ Linen Edging, Ca.sbmere Shawls, Delaine and' 84 do. • Rutland, Floi,ence, Pearl, Luton, Gimp, Lace & Mixiena, a - large and beautiful a-zsortmentatio, Ribbon 4, Crape; and Tisiue Linings, Flyers and Rashes. We have added to our stock this spring, a Lugo stock of Hat', Fur, Silk, Brush, Californis,leghorn, Chip and Palm `!Leaf, of any variety and price, of the spring Lishions. French and s. Shoe Gent's Fine French Boots, Gaiters ' (U.; .Bro„..mattl, Children's and plisses'; Ladies' Polka Boots, C4E ed and Black- Gaiters' and Excelsiora ; in fine, best stock of nice Shoes that can be found: Parasols--a:beautiful. assortment; some Ve ry' nice. ' 1 , . White Good- of every variety. A large ehnieli 1 of . Ladies' and Cent's Kitt, Silk, and, rule 'thread Gloves. Hosiery of. all kind,-1. -.. Buffalo horn Bick and Pressing Combs . rrichppaat. Shell and Boni Side do., ~Gimps and Fringes, "Lin en Idad'k's, Cothei., Silk anitGinghain do.: , in . fitie, as ice a stock of Fancy Goods as imn befowsd. Ot r stock of Staple Goods is large a 15 0 ,.. ...• Crook cry nd Glaz ware--Chia, as usual l a good stock,- ; 1 . egos if not superior to any in town. Groceries until Fish--itiUrge stock, Tuns inrr-, ticiilar ; also, C4ea, Rice Tapioca arid miy tbn' needed. Irv., Nails, Stel, uIL Uds,SErl-a 4 Stfela. l !olna! and Square .Iroui Crowbar; and .Lec; , _..,, . Ifitrtitedre, it hirp,e stock - Steel Shdivels dr. - Forlis,, 4te .i and Minuet very arthile in the liie.• * . ~ . ~ - .Seddli 404V/trams lfra're, Oil Carpet and Rib. ,bet Candi tkinunitigs in va,t-Y. Fly to andUAT7. ( VOA ' ba cfare; heeler ' s 04 7 cauRiO,mg,.4, ri k iji an Tie ware. Drugs. Pital!te. , ' ,'1 '"!: .• 1 Ile for patnevelamatofore, we, confident ly k thatlie 4re ,An a cludi* , to,otierindas* , C 4 T. men for an incre ase ,'.. •,, .:. . ,:-,.-, ~ • Aso. -' i . : 1 . I I,:•rosr, ,t'ep,t, , • A EAcKERELiii mac 14 Ism , c . bilif —i t ,f or t , j fair lo do' lbw ...iyi..,, , •tiet.recoivti arkii_r - Y ' -, ,' g a i 15,4040. .;" • ' c• -'-' . . , .17. 1 ; • 1 Bound*. - 1)0 1 triOilik.:.gllAiiii4liiiie , , X' Tng Book Storer ,is lielia*eid to thiilSkitii:‘. merly . nectipied by;MMes i lie in& Cleiliesa Hat Store, one d or above Beetle's Hobelovliere hes instrbeft — receiired n varietrefiiirii,Boooo4ooog Which are ' ; I , ...,-4,, - Layard's Rernains of Ninirrelh , _ The Women of thei Rereleß*, 1 The Fimily Book, by Aridersee, 4 ; -' I Life of Cromwell, by•Heildly. , . ' :: ,-•:' The Happy Home, by Rev, .I,lThaniltoof -•. SIM& Clasp Bibles--a valuab4e article: ..„ Large Parody Bibles, from in•to filk , , • 1 Water Drops, by Mrs. Sipstitimy, iMerry's Museum; t ' •• ‘ The Ameirican . Fann Beak, r ' -.- , _ 1 Leibig's Agrienitural.o .. . ,-, .•,•,, ! Deist's Family Kitchen ti..iber,,i ,) I Colt's Amerman Fruit Bo* - -.I s, _ IThomas' Fiuit Ciiltniist, •' 'Complete Gardener and Florist. • • 'I !I- • - (Sequel to theMyiteries and Miseries of N. X oilo. Common:School, Speaker. I Pinney's French Grammar and Ra der I . .Bullion's Greek durum's, - . II. eatand. iGumraere's SUl'VeyMg. 1 il l ~. !Davies' des " . ` '- )•- ‘llilimatiley's Ilistool of England, Sfi'eent i ilinowlson's Complede Ferrier andlloreeDdeber 4 ,- IDunglisori on New Remod* -. iI _ - Ready' Reckoner, Bear's Pictorial De4ription of the United Metier do W4ulers of the irma. , :.,' 1; do Treisury of Knowledge . , ,;:. do ilistorY o f "t he Attletjavettitif" . - - do Sunda:y . .Book;\ - - IA. large assortthent of-331. mm Boots "of sdinooktni ,triy description as to size and shape.. ' • "Writing, Wrapping, Past 421 lice; and If.ed".Pa par, thetju eor ream: , Mk/Ida tußlFaneY ttivelci '"Airebqkla Papers, • -1 ---tt fit radiated:ole }tit SO :Ur' ALSO, - , good ass:einem, _ LS+ -et horn nisi. Palmleaf jest En= the eitir— Liken-be, CAPS of a vaiiety. TERms--Small profits, and reedy ialLy nr ahmt credits. 0190. MISR: liontiose, May .9,1849. - • Colton's Prem rim Bec flewe ! ; an entirely ltretollan. rVIII Hive is decided to be die beittgrte kook 1 by thogp who have used it, andly thalmalt experienced bee-keepers. , \ • It has three protections against the bee moth the bottom is iron, so that the egg Will net . leaCk under IL it is so:constructed that the' warm cannot crawl above - the bottein , ha, if the tlit should hatch 3d, room ainbainereased mini:led, by removing the drawerti.anungedispen l ' the sides, and turning the bees inwpon:the centrei i sufficient to keep the comb covered with the beei all though' thti season, and the bees - will protect the comb from the miller.. - This Hive can be used for 'a monolog or swarming /live. It -is perfectly simple in its construction, gives the beeS ample room for all to cm& at the' same time, so that they will never lay out oh the outside of the hive. . The bee_s• will increase one third mare is this than in the other kinds, and make twice the athiMat.. of honey. The old comb can be removed at any time tritii safety,. by taking out the separate drawers or boar r';"! es in which it is contained, without 4Wirbing,the work of the bees below: , - The subscribers having purehaned,.tireltipt this valuable iroprovenaeiitfor offer for sale individual and teams/4i rith*'• A model of this truly ingenious contrivance tnak f , seen at:the store of J. 811pri4. is Moutr:l44 7110 : will explain . its adimidagas, and is authnnzellW; maize contracts for the We! of rights: • • 'WM. F. 'BRADLEY olt cue, Great te,a, hiay 9, 184 New Hat and Cato HE 'citizens of Montrose endvicinity, fire'le: L spectfully informed that the.subScnb6s Mitt commenced the manufacture of Ha:tend Capit,;twar , ieloors beitilv the Farmer's. Store, where they keep constantly' on hand and for sale a general axiom inient of Hats and Caps of every variety and price. Ail who wib to purchase a first rate article moor e, are particularly invited givens a callbefore;- ipurchasi ng elsewhere. Our stock mfisists of Sew iverrNutria, !Bra+, Moleskin, Silk, Muskrat itral 'oney Hats;; also, California,Sporting, WoOlaeir born, Straw and Palinleaf Mats, besides grCat variety of Men 'and Boys' Cloth and Olnied ( Caps, ctildren faneigt do, .te. Ike.—in abort, a ,6sgortrnent of almost every article in -our line: v 1 By - a sirict' attention to business. and a desire fp, please, we hope to merit and receive a liberal sup,;. port, and asmre those in want of Hats and -Caps that everpeffbrt will be inade to pet up the neate•= st arid._best kind of an article: - ,• May 1, 1,09. ELDRED it NEWCOMII S hereby given of the Dissolution of - Doe" Cbirk et: 'Co's itartnerbilip in the Itaill;not Keight Commission business, by the reemosit WiPia Daytoolom the said Cant • WM, DAYTON. nn it 3 Great.BenJ, Apra 25, i 849. ~.t' Nose, of Judgment; Bela t " AVThila established himsejf In 'this ., and having employed experienced Worker% e subscriber vrould l ggve notice thathe is prepanid. do all kind; of house and Wu. P ciinti Pg' . ng , gmining , glathq : and ellinnr7t 'WI 1 - Wing and ornamental pamtings, etc., all of iv will be done on short, notice, and Wen berg stylus Jabs from the Gantry promptly attended toes , ' hop Ow J. T. Bitriaurd'stiter shop, 4 for oors east of Warner's Hote l. a& i j ____,, Montrose, April 28,,1849 . D LEL CLAD New Goods dipths I I:TST receiving minherlarvaM I spleadiditock ' • of Dry Goods, Grececies Hardware, Saddlin. ' ' on, Nails, Crockery, 1 Bonnets, Ribbons, lilow4rs A lover '& Timothy seed, Coda* it Mackerei, Boota > Shoes, 'alra, Leghtri / Straw Hats, Fur /Silk. its, spring . and scalper styles,, Glaer. WildOw,, Sash, Lamp, nykai;nd 44 Tanners 04, White kited •Laul /re. &a, chee* thee the chellPilt et s ; mtay ,q, , ick4o k• spribeille. . .7 i 1 I 1 ;‘ ,B :TOOP At SALISBURY.. 1 April "F.),., 1146. ; ;_..„ .- ; .• ~ ; ,•4„. , el'lte;- - j New Stele and New Gerais? - t r j - -*: 1 11l undersigned 110.0,4grett iDiii ellilia*:; - ship in the'*hovelbtkWw.,-" and.leava jai re• 1 . - tai e d from New Yoyk wh i laS eiskire Dew etAcket z _ q • cioza r is Og 119•Oy' l. evettiwetaineesll7: at ' r 14 1 for in a country •• *re. AS Of Whilik-atioCiii fi:rs rate quality,land will he soldfoli - resaly vay orY ', 'aPlirove4 credit; as low as cam be busied- dilifiliach .of lthisrlltorii: t, - '' DAVID larliligliSiV ...'__ 0 011 0 1 .wia1e , a 26 .1 - VRAOYilitogZ'.l-. ,12,. 'CIC: 1 r tiapOiatt kiwi 1 s I' 1 akrelito;3ol:l* ll o. ,- ! 21* / rl4 ore dACki 1074 AstailititLA ~ ' : ' 1 1'':: '• • but/ st tiplea lam Idiel 4 d Induir7;;Z: n i vet . g eo .t hie. vit . * ra' lA. nal* _datAtabl,j;!., 1.1,417 c, on thae , iiiioft-, wood, t Y5r 0 4 41 1..4t. of • WM; .--- T*o,fiari:l4o,l.l l 7A, - .-i , l'i , (ri 9 . ,Ali,ki so Otile dal- !`- mad.- - ,!, r 11 e , ',',i; 141 nig to. 'it ib rocOr4 l at `i il colf , * Ta k, ~., wftv.t. fee 4. !,--...:, taken' the whole flit felt Mist* '-, .Atigialoa l t-,- .. gik unt il I hid _1 0 ,. : ;# 00 ;',.. .. 11 ,1# 63 ."- 41 T lis W coOliaotell: ~ toe-- 1 _,.,102: ..: ,', sN I K01'1.:: too' - . ancOher severe 'Amu -'_'' r ~,,_,, Au „.1,.a . „ to ,it Adoun..and a Ott' °Dv '-' - - : I ' 7 7i'. r`' d • edofrect IX i . -4 01 . daf t; "- ' -0 / 11- . 1. firifteada and 4 10 , 1 1 , 9 - nod- • ~ .i f ,0 „ , , , Ine• ft'their c' - ' ' l " l 4'i i6l4 V 40....theitiathlia. - -ci%-LAI:I4 , , t _,,.'r..r ., 7'..tii - - - : ope eepuin6 Woo 4 1 0Oeil - - 14 . „ 1 ' ' ~, ....:lifiz I 1 ' ' ~,'-. --i..4110 ril 13101r4Y andiTlr s PO , f p -r-l' i° ,, s t lii&::: t - i 1 ,., i• i 410 , - - '7' !,r I.' Notice
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers